Must Watch!! Muslims turn their supposed third most holy site into a garbage dump. I’m sorry to tell you this, putting a garbage dump on a holy site is not appropriate behavior in any conceivable scenario.
The lesson learned here is what the Muslims say about how sacred this Temple Mount is, and how they treat it (under their control) not Israels, should be contemplated and internalized by all.
Filmed April 6th, 2015 on location at The Temple Mount by J. Mark Campbell and Alan Kornman from The United West. Kornman Kornman2015-04-08 08:25:222015-04-13 07:06:57Muslims Desecrate Temple Mount — Use it as a garbage dump!
Freedom of speech, you say? Increasingly not, in the United States: those who dare notice jihad violence and Islamic supremacism are vilified, marginalized, and defamed. When Scott Lees was fired, was truth a criterion? Apparently not. “Facebook post on Muslims costs Fryeburg coach his job,” by Daymond Steer, Conway Daily Sun, March 24, 2015 (thanks to all who sent this in):
FRYEBURG – After four years at the helm of Fryeburg Academy’s boys lacrosse team, Scott Lees of Conway said he was forced by academy officials to resign as head coach after sharing on Facebook an open letter to President Barack Obama that was unflattering to Muslims.
The letter, written by “An American Citizen,” was about Obama’s speech given in Cairo in 2009. In that speech and in another made last month, the president said Islam has long been a part of American history.
In the first part of the letter, it wonders whether anyone has have ever seen a Muslim hospital or heard a Muslim orchestra. The writer goes on to charge that Muslims “are still the largest traffickers in human slavery,” that they were allied with Adolf Hitler in World War II and that they were either pleased with or silent on the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The writer adds that the Barbary pirates were Muslims.
“I just thought it was an interesting article,” said Lees, who added he’s a politically minded independent conservative. “I thought it was an interesting letter to President Obama and his current administration who are not paying attention to Israel and focusing on Iran.”
Lees, 48, shared the letter on his personal Facebook page on March 17. Two days later, he was handing in his resignation as Fryeburg Academy’s lacrosse coach. He said that although he was supposed to meet with Head of Schools Erin Mayo and Dean Charlie Tryder on March 19, Athletic Director Sue Thurston told him a decision to fire him had already been made.
According to Lees, a property manager who is married and has two children, said he did not want a firing to go on his record. He asked Thurston if they would consider a letter of resignation.
“I’ve never been fired in my life,” said Lees, who also coaches hockey locally. “I’ve been coaching kids since 1992.”
Mayo said the season will start on time. She said Thurston is looking for coaches and Thurston will provide updates as they become available.
“We’ve got a great team,” said Mayo.
The decision on an interim coach could be made as soon as today, Thurston said.
Regarding the letter that led to his departure as coach, Lees said a friend had emailed it to him, and he posted it to see what people would say. Lees — who has since removed it from his Facebook page — said he did not comment on the letter online and that he meant no disrespect to anyone.
Lees said the post didn’t get much response. No students “liked” the post though it was liked by four adults, one of whom commented on it. “It’s not like it went viral,” said Lees. “It’s not like everyone and their brother saw it.”
But according to Mayo Fryeburg Academy has “a number” of Muslim students as well as students of numerous other faiths.
“We prize each young person we enroll as an individual, and we prize the diversity that they bring,” said Mayo, who pointed to the school’s mission statement, which says that “the Academy believes that a strong school community provides the best conditions for learning and growth. Therefore, we strive to create a supportive school environment that promotes respect, tolerance, and cooperation, and prepares students for responsible citizenship.”
Mayo said the school’s teachers, coaches and other staff need to live up to the mission statement.
Lees said he is not a bigot. In fact, he said that two years ago he invited a former Fryeburg student from New York City named Mohammed Islam to stay at his house for nine days. At the time, Islam had a court date in the area for a minor offense.
“If I had a problem with people who are Muslim, then why would I have allowed a Muslim to stay in my home?” asked Lees.
In a phone interview, Islam, who now attends Drexel University in Pennsylvania, confirmed that his former coach had opened his home to him.
“I never saw him as a bigot,” said Islam, who played under Lees for three years.
When asked of the posting, Islam said he spoke to Lees about it. He didn’t think it should have cost Lees his coaching job. Islam said Lees seems to take issue with Obama’s handling of the Middle East.
“I don’t agree with Scott’s opinion, but that doesn’t make him a bigot,” said Islam….
The way things are going, given the denial and self-deception of our leaders and the mainstream media, and the complacency and ignorance they’ve fostered among the people, the youth of America and Europe will be introduced to the Islam of jihad soon enough. “Iran’s Ayatollah: Introduce Youth of America, Europe to ‘the Islam of Jihad,’” by Terence P. Jeffrey, CNS News, March 20, 2015 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):
( – In a speech translated into English and posted on his official website, Iran’s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, told Iran’s “Assembly of Experts” last week that “our goal and main guideline should be to pursue Islam in its entirety.”
“What we understand from all Quranic teachings is that Islam commands Muslims to create a perfect and complete Islamic government,” said the Supreme Leader. “Islam wants the complete implementation of Islam.”
The ayatollah also said Iran should use what he called “Islamophobia” and the “targeting of Islam” to reach out to youth throughout the world and “provide them with real Islam.”
“We should make efforts. In the Islamic Republic, the great and important feat is that all of us–anyone at any level and with any capability in this regard–should make efforts to introduce original Islam, one that supports the oppressed and that opposes the oppressor,” said the ayatollah. “The youth who live in Europe, America and distant countries become excited about this kind of Islam.”
Two paragraphs later, in explaining the “kind of Islam” he was talking about introducing to people, the ayatollah said: “We should introduce the Islam of mercy to the weak and the Islam of jihad and fighting against arrogant powers.”
Khamenei delivered this speech on March 12. It is currently the top item posted on the homepage of his English-language website. (It can be read in its entirety here.)
The ayatollah told the assembly that the promotion of Islamaphobia by Iran’s enemies had provided an opportunity to spread Iran’s vision to the West.
“Now, under such circumstances, our goal and main guideline should be to pursue Islam in its entirety,” said the ayatollah. “We should really do our best–Allah the Exalted does not expect us to act beyond our power and capability–to pursue this. Our effort and goal should be to establish Islam–in its entirety and with all its parts and constituents–in society. When this becomes our goal, they immediately bring up a certain issue, namely Islamophobia which is common in today’s world. In my opinion, we should not at all adopt a passive outlook towards the phenomenon of Islamophobia. Islamophobia exists.
“Some individuals are frightening peoples, societies, youth and minds of Islam,” said the ayatollah. “Who are these individuals? When we delve deeply into this matter and when we think carefully about it, we see that they are the same minority of bullies and greedy individuals who are afraid of the rule of Islam. They are afraid of political Islam. They are afraid of Islam’s presence in the heart of societies. The reason for their fear is that Islam harms their interests. As a matter of fact, Islamophobia is a translation of powers’ fear and anxiety in the face of Islam. This is the truth of the matter.”
The ayatollah argued for giving the “masses” of the world a “little nudge” in the direction of the Iranian vision.
“Of course, despite what are they doing, their movement against Islam and their effort to create Islamophobia will produce the opposite result,” he said. “That is to say, their actions will make youth curious about Islam. If the masses of the people in the world are given a little nudge and if we attract their attention, they will begin to understand why the Zionist press and television networks–those which are dependent on powerful and well-to-do cliques–launch so many attacks on Islam. This will pose a question in their minds and we believe that this question has certain blessings and that it can turn this threat into an opportunity.
“We should make efforts. In the Islamic Republic, the great and important feat is that all of us–anyone at any level and with any capability in this regard–should make efforts to introduce original Islam, one that supports the oppressed and that opposes the oppressor,” said the ayatollah.
“The youth who live in Europe, America and distant countries become excited about this kind of Islam,” he said. “They become excited and it becomes clear to them that Islam means a force, motive and thought which moves against oppressors and transgressors and in favor of the oppressed. It becomes clear to them that Islam has plans to pursue this and that it considers it its responsibility to do so.”
A moment later, the ayatollah contrasted the kind of Islam he was talking about to what he called “secular Islam” and “secular Christianity.”
“We should introduce the kind of Islam that is present in people’s lives as opposed to secular Islam,” said the ayatollah. “Secular Islam is similar to secular Christianity which imprisons itself in a corner of church and which has no presence in real life. Secular Islam acts in the same way,” he said. “Today, there are some people who invite people to isolated Islam, one that has nothing do with people’s lives. This kind of Islam calls on people to perform some religious acts in a corner of mosques or houses. We should introduce the kind of Islam that is present in people’s lives. We should introduce the Islam of mercy to the weak and the Islam of jihad and fighting against arrogant powers.
“In my opinion, this is a responsibility that falls on everyone’s shoulders,” said the ayatollah. “Our promotional and scholarly organizations and our Islamic seminaries should pursue this goal.”
The Iranian supreme leader described those “targeting Islam” as “Zionists.”… Watch Watch2015-03-21 04:58:502015-03-21 04:58:50Iran’s Supremo: Introduce youth of U.S., Europe to “Islam of jihad”
A Brookings Institution examination of a complete data set of 20,000 ISIS Twitter accounts ranked Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Syria and US as the top four locations of twitter users, The ISIS Twitter Census: Defining and Describing the population of ISIS supporters on Twitter.The authors of the ISIS Twitter census are J.M. Berger and Jonathan Morgan. Berger “is a non-resident fellow with the Project on U.S. Relations with the Islamic World at Brookings and the author of Jihad Joe: Americans Who Go to War in the Name of Islam (Potomac Books, 2011) and ISIS: The State of Terror (Ecco, 2015).” Morgan “is a technologist, data scientist, and startup veteran. He runs technology and product development at CrisisNET, Ushahidi’s streaming crisis data platform, and consults on machine learning and network analysis. Morgan is also co-host of Partially Derivative, a popular data science podcast.” The Brookings ISIS Twitter project was “commissioned by Google Ideas and published by Brookings”.
The Brookings Saban Middle East Center think tank has had a close relationship with the Obama National Security Council. Use of social media by Islamic extremist groups like ISIS figured prominently in President Obama’s recent, Summit to Counter Violent Extremism. See our March 2015 NER article, ‘Did President Obama’s Violent Extremism Conference Fail?‘
Notwithstanding the provenance of the Brookings Twitter Census report, the data and methodology are credible and revealing of how ISIS and supporters use social media. The authors noted three classes of Twitter users as a precaution interpreting the study results:
Covert supporters of ISIS:
Users who took medium to strong steps to conceal their support due to fear of prosecution or suspension by Twitter. Users who took only casual steps to disguise their support were generally detectable.
Pro-ISIS intelligence operatives:
Some users who follow accounts related to the enemies of ISIS, such as rival jihadists, would be coded as non-supporters under the conservative criteria we employed.
Anti-ISIS intelligence operatives:
These are accounts created to appear as ISIS supporters in order to allow ISIS’s enemies to monitor its activities, which would be coded as supporters (if done effectively).
Locations of ISIS Twitter Accounts. Source: The ISIS Twitter Census, Brookings Institution, 2015.
Here is the Twitter Census Data Snapshot drawn from the Brookings study:
Best estimate of total number of overt ISIS supporter accounts on Twitter: 46,000
Maximum estimate of ISIS supporter accounts on Twitter: 90,000
Number of accounts analyzed for demographics information: 20,000
Estimated percentage of overt ISIS supporters in demographics data set: 93.2 percent (+/- 2.54 percent)
Period over which data was collected: October 4 through November 27, 2014, with some seed data collected in late September 2014
Top Locations of Accounts: “Islamic State,” Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, U.S.
Most common year accounts were created: 2014
Most common month accounts were created: September 2014
Number of accounts detected using bots and deceptive spam tactics: 6,216 using bot or spam technology for some tweets; 3,301 accounts were excluded from the Demographics Dataset for primarily sending bot or spam content
Average number of tweets per day per user: 7.3 over lifetime of account, 15.5 over last 200 tweets by user
Average number of tweets per user (Over lifetime of the Account): 2,219
Among the principal findings from the Brookings Twitter Census were:
From September through December 2014, the authors estimate that at least 46,000 Twitter accounts were used by ISIS supporters, although not all of them were active at the same time.
Typical ISIS supporters were located within the organization’s territories in Syria and Iraq, as well as in regions contested by ISIS. Hundreds of ISIS-supporting accounts sent tweets with location metadata embedded.
Almost one in five ISIS supporters selected English as their primary language when using Twitter. Three quarters selected Arabic.
ISIS-supporting accounts had an average of about 1,000 followers each, considerably higher than an ordinary Twitter user. ISIS-supporting accounts were also considerably more active than non-supporting users.
A minimum of 1,000 ISIS-supporting accounts were suspended by Twitter between September and December 2014. Accounts that tweeted most often and had the most followers were most likely to be suspended.
Much of ISIS’s social media success can be attributed to a relatively small group of hyperactive users, numbering between 500 and 2,000 accounts, which tweet in concentrated bursts of high volume.
Based on their analysis, the authors concluded:
Recommend social media companies and the U.S government work together to devise appropriate responses to extremism on social media. Approaches to the problem of extremist use of social media, Berger and Morgan contend, are most likely to succeed when they are mainstreamed into wider dialogues among the broad range of community, private, and public stakeholders.
Our assessment is that given the close Brookings Middle East Center liaison with the Obama National Security Council and Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy, Richard Stengel, the latter tasked with social media counter messaging, that little follow will occur. That is reflected in Google sponsorship of this Brookings Twitter Census report and overarching concerns of social media like Facebook, Google YouTube, Twitter and Instagram about maintaining Constitutional guarantees of free speech. These social media would prefer to establish their own criteria for suspending terrorists and supporters accounts. Monitoring and development of metadata from ISIS Twitter supporters in the West, especially in the US and the UK, should be left to counter terrorism intelligence echelons or private groups like SITE Intelligence Group and effective individuals like our colleague Joseph Shahda. Congressional Homeland Security and Select Intelligence Committees should hold hearings and investigations into current terrorist social media surveillance, especially for those US ISIS accounts identified in the Brookings ISIS Twitter Census. Shahda commented after reading:
The only way to stop the terrorists propaganda and recruitment is to keep shutting down all their means of communications which means all their social media (Facebook, Twitter) accounts as well as their websites.
EDITORS NOTE: This column with graphics originally appeared in the New English Review. Gordon Gordon2015-03-10 11:54:252015-03-10 13:55:50Brookings Study of ISIS Twitter Accounts Reveals U.S. among Top Targets
This is not surprising, since absolutely nothing was done at Guantanamo to disabuse these men of the beliefs that led them to wage jihad in the first place. Any such action would have been “Islamophobic.” And so the Qur’an, the book that inspired the actions that landed them in Guantanamo in the first place, is treated with elaborate care and respect — only reinforcing the jihadists’ beliefs and assumptions. This policy is, of course, predicated on the assumption that Islam is a Religion of Peace, and so if the jihadis just read the Qur’an, they will become peaceful and tolerant. Reality doesn’t work that way.
“Released Gitmo prisoners return to evil ways: report,” by Geoff Earle, New York Post, March 6, 2015 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):
WASHINGTON — More than 100 prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay went right back to being terrorists when they got out, according to a new report.
Out of 647 detainees who were released, 116 — or 18 percent — have been confirmed as “re-engaging” in terrorism, according to the report by the Director of National Intelligence.
Of those, 25 are dead and 23 are back behind bars.
Another 11 percent of those released are “suspected” of re-engaging in their jihadi ways, according to the annual summary that is required by Congress.
The trend is likely to continue, even as President Obama works to clear out the prison he has vowed to close.
The report predicts that prisoners still in custody will follow a similar path when they get out.
“Based on trends identified during the past eleven years, we assess that some detainees currently at GTMO will seek to reengage in terrorist or insurgent activities after they are transferred,” said the report.
Modal TriggerTransfers to countries with ongoing conflicts and internal instability as well as active recruitment by insurgent and terrorist organizations pose particular problems.”
The government also expects the Gitmo goons to keep in touch with each other after they’re freed.
“Former GTMO detainees routinely communicate with each other, families of other former detainees, and previous associates who are members of terrorist organizations,” the report found.
“The reasons for communication span from the mundane (reminiscing about shared experiences) to the nefarious (planning terrorist operations).”
Last month, US forces in Afghanistan killed a jihadi who had been released from Gitmo in 2007 and pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.
The recidivism rate has actually improved over time.
During the administration of President George W. Bush, who opened the facility in 2002, the rate was 21 percent.
The rate during the Obama administration has been 5 percent.
Obama in his State of the Union Address vowed to keep pushing prisoners out the door, citing incarceration costs of $3 million a year per prisoner.
“Since I’ve been president, we’ve worked responsibly to cut the population of Gitmo in half. Now it is time to finish the job,” he said in January.
Last month, the administration dispatched prisoners to Oman and Estonia.
An estimated 122 remain.
Last year, the administration identified 12 former detainees — six released under Bush and six under Obama — who were back fighting against the US and Western interests.
Those determined to be involved in terror activities were found to be “planning terrorist operations, conducting a terrorist or insurgent attack…conducting suicide bombing, financing terrorist operations, recruiting” and other activities.
Filed under Barack Obama , Congress , Guantanamo Bay , Watch Watch2015-03-08 07:09:532015-03-08 07:09:53Over 100 freed Gitmo detainees have returned to jihad
It was a solution right up there with “Let them eat cake.” Addressing the issue of Jews fleeing Europe due to increasing Islamic terrorism and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s call for them to seek safety in Israel, Bill Nye “the Science Guy” had an interesting solution: “Get to know your neighbors.” The comment, made on Bill Maher’s show Real Time Feb. 20, was then followed by Nye’s interrogative, “What, does it take a century, something like that?”
This prompted some commentators, such as Fox News’ Greg Gutfeld, to say that Nye was blaming Jews for the Muslim threat. Get to know your neighbors? Yes, to pick up on a point Gutfeld made and run with it, perhaps a few dinner parties and other assorted soirees would inspire epiphanies such as, “You know, I was going to chop your head off, but you make a killer matzo ball soup.” The problem here, as Gutfeld said in so many words, is not Jews shooting up halal grocery stores. Nor are Muslims being taunted and spat upon while walking Paris streets as the Jewish man in this video was.
But perhaps Nye is like those school administrators who punish a victimized child who tried physically defending himself just as harshly as his attacker in the thinking, “Hey, he was repeatedly punching the kid on top of him in the fist with his face, right?”
This commentary by Nye — who has invoked Holocaust terminology in branding climate-change realists “deniers” — caused Gutfeld to label him, “Bill Nye ‘the Denial Guy.’” It may be a more fitting moniker than one relating to science, too, as a real scientist is actually out there, you know, inventing stuff. Instead, Nye took his B.S. in mechanical engineering, cut his entertainment teeth on a Seattle sketch-comedy TV show, and then parlayed his credentials into his well-known children’s science program. Now he’s supposedly qualified to dismiss climate-change realism and pontificate as an Expert in the Area of Everything. But Nye has always been a left-wing guy; take Barney the dinosaur, put a bowtie around his neck, a beaker in his hand, starve him for two months and make him a quasi-Marxist — and you have Bill Nye.
In fairness to the Denial Guy, perhaps he would say that he’d counsel both Jews and Muslims, and everyone else, to get to know each other better. And maybe he meant that what takes a century is assimilation. Regardless, his commentary betrays a fundamental misunderstanding about man’s nature.
Nye reflects a common belief today: Just get people to know each other, and silly prejudices are dissolved by the solvent of reality. It’s easy for Americans to believe this not only because of Kumbaya-multiculturalism conditioning, but also because of the common impression that this has been our experience. After all, anti-Irish bigotry was once rife, but how much exists now?
And assimilation had worked to a great degree in America, but our relatively short, 239-year history is a mere snapshot of man’s story. In places such as Ruanda and the Balkans, there have been genocide and ethnic cleansing. Countless times in history peoples have been subsumed, as has largely happened to the Ainus in the Japanese islands. And in ancient Greece, the Spartans got to know their neighbors quite well — well enough to turn them into helots, a captive slave class. So, yes, sometimes it takes a century for assimilation.
And sometimes it takes a century to effect conquest.
There’s a funny joke that illustrates a common difficulty living up to the injunction “Love thy neighbor.” It goes: “You know, I basically love everyone in the whole world — everyone. I just have a problem with the 16 or 17 people who happen to be around me.” Sure, Abraham Lincoln once said, “I don’t like that man. I must get to know him better,” but another saying to ponder is “Familiarity breeds contempt.” To know people is to love them? Sometimes it’s to hate them.
Of course, some interaction-induced irritation is inevitable. Being around people oftentimes means “bumping into them,” with their occupying the bathroom when you want it or slowing you down on the road; this is where tolerance, properly defined as abiding something you perceive as a negative, actually is a virtue. But then there’s the fact that getting to know people does dispel illusions — and that this includes illusions of goodness.
A family close to me once acquired a DVD of vintage cartoons, the kind they don’t show on TV anymore because, as the politically correct disclaimer stated at the disc’s opening (I’m paraphrasing), “WARNING: These cartoons contain stereotypes that may be offensive to some viewers.” They were referring to things such as depictions of turban-bedecked Arabs in traditional garb and Japanese speaking stereotypical pidgin English. They were the kinds of cartoons I watched Saturday mornings as a boy — and the politically correct critics have it all wrong. Far from inducing in me and my friends negative attitudes toward the groups in question, they instead were intriguing portrayals that might have piqued our interest in learning more about their cultures. What tends to happen, however, when a person from an “intriguing culture” moves in next door? Then you often find that in many ways he’s “just like us.”
“It’s the differences that kill you, though,” as least in certain cases, to quote Colonel Ralph Peters. It’s as when a man and woman marry and really get to know each other. While you usually have that normal bumping into each other, their deepening knowledge of one another can enrich their love. Then again, sometimes there are what many call irreconcilable differences. The husband may learn that his wife harbors a deep-seated hatred of men that sabotages their relationship, or the woman may find out that the man is a lecherous lout. And then there’s that occasional person who was unfailingly charming during courtship, and maintains a sterling public persona, but has a collection of shrunken heads in the attic.
A romantic may now say that love conquers all — and it does have transformative power — but sometimes being too softly loving can lead to being conquered. And, as someone I once knew put it, some people have to be loved from afar.
Speaking of which, why do liberals such as Nye judge situations and people (e.g., Muslim terrorism vis-à-vis the Jews) so wrongly? It’s because they deny the existence of Truth — the only thing that can reveal your emotions as wrong — and thus have deified their emotions, making them the ultimate arbiters of reality. And anyone governed by emotion, that irrational judge, will always fall sway to prejudice.
It takes a century? Sometimes the melting pot boileth over. For not everything melts. Some things just burn.
EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Bill Nye on the left, President Obama, and astrophysicist/author Neil deGrasse Tyson on the right. Selfie courtesy of Bill Nye. Duke Duke2015-03-04 05:32:382015-03-04 05:37:07Bill Nye on Muslim Terrorism: Jews Need to Get to Know Their Neighbors Better
Al-Shabaab has published its first magazine in English AMKA: East Africa’s Baya’ah. Baya’ah (Arabic: بَيْعَة) in Islamic terminology, is an oath of allegiance to a leader. It is known to have been practiced by the Islamic prophet Muhammad.
To properly understand what motives those joining groups such as al-Shabaab, al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, and the Islamic state it would be useful to study this magazine. Following are the AMKA “Notes From The Editor”:
From Syria to Nigeria, and closer to home here in East Africa, the Kuffar [non-Muslim] continue to parrot their old, tired slogan that: “Jihad is over.” For anyone with an ounce of honesty, it’s obvious that Jihad is growing globally with lightening speed. In East Africa, the lions of Harakat-al-Shabaab-al-Mujahideen, bolstered by the noble forces of the Ansar al-Mujahideen, stand firm to defend Islam against the evil designs of the Crusaders and their puppets, the United Nations and AMISOM.
Just months ago, on September 1, 2014, the beloved Amir Sheikh Mukthar Abu Zubeyr (may Allah accept him), was elevated to the ranks of venerable martyrs. In their folly, the Kuffar celebrated, mistaken in their belief that “removing from the battlefield” the Amir would weaken the resolve of the Mujahideen in Somalia. On the contrary, the martyrdom of the Amir serves as an example to which the brothers around the world aspire: in Australia, Canada, France and Kenya, courageous brothers have proven their desire to sacrifice themselves with open hearts in defense of Islam and the righteous path of Allah.
Oh Brothers and Sisters, followers of Tawheed, the time has now come for East Africa to arise with vengeance in defense of Islam. Our first step towards this glorious obligation must be the pledge of allegiance to the beloved Amir Sheikh Ahmad Umar Abu Ubaidah (may Allah guide him with wisdom).
Thus we in Al-Muhajiroun – Emigrants of East Africa swear our solemn and irrevocable Baya’ah to Amir Abu Ubaidah and Amir Ayman Zawahiri (may Allah preserve him).
We dedicate the first issue of Amka to our pledge of allegiance in order that it inspires others to follow suit, and that the pathfinders of Jihad in East Africa will be borne upward by a mighty tide of believers who will sweep the Kuffar from these Muslim lands once and forever.
The threat doctrine of the free world’s enemies is Islam. Kornman Kornman2015-03-01 07:26:402015-03-01 10:46:19New Al-Shabaab English Magazine: ‘Jihad is growing globally with lightening speed’
Nihad Rosic is “originally from Bosnia, and moved to the United States where he’s worked as a truck driver.” Oh dear, this in inconvenient for the mainstream analysts, who have been telling us for years that all (all!) the Muslims in Bosnia are America-loving Western-oriented moderates. What’s more, it appears that Nihad Rosic had…a job.
An update on this story. “UPDATE: Suspect identified in Indiana’s ISIS-related terror arrest,” by Matt McCutcheon and Bob Segall, WTHR, February 26, 2015:
The Federal Bureau of Investigation confirms it arrested a man in central Indiana on Feb. 6, 2015, for allegedly helping ISIS terrorists.
13 Investigates first broke the story. We now have new details explaining how FBI agents caught their man.
His name is Nihad Rosic. He’s originally from Bosnia, and moved to the United States where he’s worked as a truck driver. But federal agents say he lives a double life and that he’s part of a group that’s been directly supporting ISIS terrorists in the Middle East.
As bloody battles rage on in Syria, the FBI and federal prosecutors have been working behind the scenes here in the United States.
Three weeks ago in St. Louis, prosecutors announced the indictment of six Bosnian nationals for conspiring to help ISIS terrorists. But what prosecutors did not announce is that one of the suspects was arrested in central Indiana.
13 Investigates has learned federal agents have been tracking Nihad Rosic for years. The FBI tells Eyewitness News that the truck driver was making a routine delivery off of Ronald Reagan Parkway in Plainfield when they made their arrest. It happened about an hour before Air Force One and President Barak [sic] Obama landed nearby.
The timing appears to be a coincidence. What is not coincidence, according to the indictment, is the relationship between Rosic and a brutal terrorist group.
The indictment says Rosic and other defendants provided ISIS fighters with US military uniforms, combat boots, tactical gear, and firearms accessories such as range finders and rifle scopes. They also wired thousands of dollars in cash, all in an elaborate conspiracy to commit “murder and maiming” in Syria and Iraq.
Investigators obtained records from Western Union and Paypal, and prosecutors say they show the transfer of money from the suspects in the Midwest to known terrorists in the Middle East. Federal agents also monitored phone calls, emails and Facebook to infiltrate their communication.
According to the indictment, members of the conspiracy used coded language, referring to each other as “lions.” They called Syria “the beach.” And weapons were known as “actions.”
Prosecutors say Rosic planned to fly to Syria to join ISIS on the battlefield…. Watch Watch2015-02-28 07:18:312015-02-28 07:20:00U.S. Muslim gave Islamic State U.S. military uniforms, combat boots, tactical gear, firearms and thousands in cash
“I am in USA now … But is it possible to commit ourselves as dedicated martyrs anyway while here? What I’m saying is, to shoot Obama and then get shot ourselves, will it do? That will strike fear in the hearts of infidels.”
Where did they get the idea to “strike fear in the hearts of infidels”? Everyone knows that this has nothing to do with Islam and all, but could it be from the Qur’an? “Against them make ready your strength to the utmost of your power, including steeds of war, to strike terror into the enemies of Allah and your enemies” (Qur’an 8:60).
“3 Brooklyn residents charged with plotting to help ISIS,” WABC, February 24, 2015:
BROOKLYN (WABC) — The FBI has taken 3 Brooklyn men into custody for allegedly plotting to join ISIS and help the terror group in the U.S. if they could not get overseas.
The suspects will appear in federal court in Downtown Brooklyn this afternoon. The 3 men are charged with providing material support to ISIS.
The men have been identified as Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev, 24, a resident of Brooklyn and a citizen of Uzbekistan; Akhror Saidakhmetov, 19, a resident of Brooklyn and a citizen of Kazakhstan; and Abror Habibov, 30, a resident of Brooklyn and a citizen of Uzbekistan.
Officials say Juraboev and Saidakhmetov first came to the attention of law enforcement during the summer of 2014 after they expressed their online support for the establishment by force of an Islamic caliphate in Iraq and Syria.
Saidakhmetov intended to commit acts of terrorism on American soil if they were unable to travel abroad to join ISIS, according to authorities. In an August 2014 posting on an Uzbek-language website that propagates ISIS’s ideology, Juraboev allegedly offered to kill the President of the United States if ordered to do so by ISIS:
“I am in USA now … But is it possible to commit ourselves as dedicated martyrs anyway while here? What I’m saying is, to shoot Obama and then get shot ourselves, will it do? That will strike fear in the hearts of infidels.”
A week later, FBI met with Juraboev twice. He allegedly told them that he believes in ISIS’ terrorist agenda, and that he would like to go to Syria to fight with ISIS “if Allah wills.” He also told them he would harm POTUS if he could, based on president’s role in killing Muslims, his support for Israel, and recent bombings of ISIS. Juraboev allegedly said he didn’t have an imminent plan to harm Obama, but that if anyone within ISIS told him to, he would.
More recently, authorities say Saidakhmetov expressed his intent to buy a machine gun and shoot police officers and FBI agents if thwarted in his plan to join ISIS in Syria.
One of the suspects was arrested at JFK Airport and another was arrested out of state just after midnight. If convicted, each defendant faces a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison.
EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Akhror Saidakhmetov, left, 19, and Abdurasul Hasanovich Juraboev, right, 24, appear with court interpreter Akhror Saidakmetov, center, in Brooklyn federal court in New York.The two men were charged together with a third man, Abror Habibov with conspiring to support Islamic State.PHOTO: JANE ROSENBERG/REUTERS Watch Watch2015-02-26 05:27:482015-02-26 05:27:48Brooklyn: Three Muslims charged with plotting to join Islamic State, shoot Obama
An attempt to explain the mystery, over at FrontPage:
Barack Obama aroused controversy over his affinity with Islam yet again in February 2015, when a photo surfaced from the U.S.-African Leaders’ Summit in August 2014, showing Obama passing by a group of African delegates with his right index finger raised in a gesture strongly reminiscent of the Islamic State’s now notorious one-finger salute.
For the Islamic State and other Muslims, this gesture signifies allegiance to Islam’s absolute monotheism. Whatever Obama may have meant by it, the revelation that he had made the gesture — coming so soon after his renewed refusal at his “Countering Violent Extremism” summit to identify Islamic jihadists as Islamic — raised new questions about Obama’s relationship with Islam. Why won’t Obama identify Islam as having anything to do with the jihadis, when they themselves consistently explain and justify their actions solely in Islamic terms? Why won’t he do anything about mosques in the U.S. with ties to jihad terror? Why does he coddle the Muslim Brotherhood? Why, in sum, does he seem to love Islam so much, even if he isn’t a practicing Muslim?
And it does seem most likely that Obama is indeed not a practicing Muslim, despite the remarkable persistence of rumors and suspicions to the contrary. It is extremely unlikely that a Muslim would publicly proclaim himself a Christian over and over, as Obama has. While it is possible that this would be justified under Islam’s doctrines of deception, there is no evidence that Muslims have ever behaved this way. Ground Zero Mosque imam Faisal Abdul Rauf did say several years ago, “I am a Jew,” but he only said it once, in the context of ecumenical generosity; he didn’t try to pass himself off as one. There is a way in which a Muslim could say he is a true Jew or true Christian because he follows the true teachings of the Torah and the Gospel, but there is no known case of a Muslim behaving this way in a sustained manner. If Obama were a secret Muslim, he would be the first Muslim to carry out such a sustained deception of claiming not to be a Muslim.
There is little doubt, however, given his consistent policies throughout his presidency, that Obama holds Islam in high regard, for whatever mix of personal affection (his father and stepfather were both Muslims) and political calculation (he may believe that calling the jihadis Islamic will alienate Muslim allies of the U.S., such as Saudi Arabia, Turkey and Pakistan, however unreliable those alliances have been). His Administration backed the Muslim Brotherhood regime in Egypt with such loyalty that Egyptian protesters held signs accusing Obama of supporting terrorism. He aided Islamic jihadis to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and continues to aid those trying to overthrow Assad in Syria. (He insists that those he is backing in Syria are “vetted moderates,” but they have ransacked churches, terrorized Christians, and collaborated with the Islamic State too often for that to ring true.) He has repeatedly called for self-censorship to conform with Islamic blasphemy laws, most memorably declaring at the United Nations, “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”
And while his Justice Department aggressively pursues businesses and educational institutions to compel them to grant special privileges and accommodations to Muslims, it has shown no similar energy regarding terror-tied mosques in the U.S. Not only do these mosques remain open and their leaders uninvestigated and unprosecuted, but all too often the only contact law enforcement officials have with them is for “outreach.”
Only Obama knows what he may be thinking in all this, but a few conclusions seem obvious: he is afraid that speaking honestly about the jihadis’ motives and goals will alienate actual and potential Muslim allies. Since he believes Islam to be a peaceful religion, he doesn’t accept the idea that Muslims become jihadis because the Qur’an and Sunnah exhort them to do so. That leaves only the grievances that Islamic advocacy groups (and jihad groups) endlessly retail as the fundamental engine of the “radicalization” of Muslims – so Obama apparently sees redressing those grievances as the primary means of preventing Muslims from becoming terrorists.
This has led to foreign and domestic policies of accommodation and appeasement, along with an ominously cavalier stance at best toward the First Amendment’s protection of the freedom of speech. Coupled with a dogmatic refusal to identify properly those who have vowed to destroy the United States and address their belief system and ideology, Obama’s stance toward Islam is a recipe for catastrophe. The United States is weaker and more vulnerable for it.
The boy band craze has come and gone, like new wave, disco, and the Second British Invasion led by Duran Duran. It’s time for the Muslim Invasion, with bands like Quran-Quran and a slew of other acts that came over to the States with their polished Sharia-driven performance, charisma and stylish fashion sensibilities. For a young person somewhere in the West, it must have been both shocking and fascinating to see these audacious-looking groups invade their television screens.
“I don’t know why that was,” says Aludra, one of the three teenage girls from Colorado caught leaving the U.S. in order to become Quran-Quran’s groupies. “It was kind of an explosion that came out after Obama swung through America – a whole new generation that was interested in a flamboyant act over content.”
It would not be an exaggeration to describe these acts as a “Muslim Invasion” reminiscent of the “British Invasion” back in the 1960s led by the Beatles.
“I must say that I had no sense of being part of any invasion,” said Mahmud, Quran-Quran’s front man, featured in the group’s latest beheading video. “We were just extremely style-conscious while killing, raping, and beheading infidels, but had no real sense of how important the U.S. news market was and how central to our story it has become.”
Their origins can be traced to the 7th century AD – a hybrid of retro, glam and gore, pioneered by such acts as Mohammed and the Assassins.
“I remember sitting in McDonalds with my friends and we would talk about Mohammed, Charles Manson, Jack the Ripper, Vlad the Impaler, Mordor… Our idea was to blend all these different styles into one band. Our videos contain all these acts, but it’s unmistakably our style.”
“We felt that slaughtering infidels the old way had becoming stagnant and boring,” said Mahmud. “There were some great gangs around, but there wasn’t a lot happening. We started to use video in a different way, stumbled onto a new style, and boom! Young kids from all over the West were rushing to Syria, wanting to become our groupies. I guess we were just in the right place at the right time.”
Besides the mass killings, a huge factor to these Islamic bands’ appeal is their appearance with the big hairstyles and sleek outfits. “I remember watching them and thinking, what do they put in the water over there? These guys are so beautiful!” said Medea Benjamin of Code Pink. “And they all know how to apply make-up better than most women I know.”
However, their act might have been ignored in America had it not been for YouTube. “YouTube gave us a foot in the door,” said Mahmud. “We weren’t touring and YouTube got us into everybody’s living room. Americans invented all the technology we needed – iPhones, computers, the Internet, YouTube… So we got lucky there.”
“But there’s also a danger in it,” Mahmud added. “Oftentimes the style of the video overwhelms the actual act of killing. As a mass murder enthusiast, I prefer to spend more time and resources beheading infidels and less on promotional stuff like videos, but it’s becoming the other way around. For most Islamic groups we know it’s now less about the killing and more about those really pompous intros, with floating animated logos and other Hollywood-style nonsense.”
“Success went to their heads; they got bloated egos and no sense of perspective,” says Mahmud about some of his fellow band leaders. “They’ve burnt out and are on their way to become one-hit wonders. That’s our biggest fear and it forces us to work harder. We have serious competition, too. No other video personality has enjoyed more attention than Barack Obama, but we can also stake a claim of dominance on the American news cycle. Breaking America is what everyone wants to do. Not just for the money, though that’s most of it, but also because if you made it in America then you made it.” Peoples Cube Peoples Cube2015-02-23 12:22:132021-10-08 01:47:30Quran-Quran: Glam Band puts a Face to the Muslim Invasion
We begin with the reality that the United States and many other nations are at war with militant Islamists. They are a growing army of religious zealots murdering Christians, Jews, others who are not Muslim, and even other Muslims.
In my youth America knew how to win wars. In Europe it bombed Germany into submission, leading its allies in an invasion that left Germany divided for decades until the Soviet Union collapsed. In Asia Truman dropped two atomic bombs on Japan because they didn’t get the message when Hiroshima was destroyed on August 6, 1945. It took a second bomb on Nagasaki on August 9 to bring about Japan’s surrender.
Millions died in World War II but the alternative would have been the loss of freedom for millions worldwide.
If one spends any time learning history, the primary lesson is that war has been a constant factor from the beginning of what we call civilization about five thousand years ago.
The Bronze Age introduced new weapons that gave the residents of the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East a distinct advantage over invading nomadic people, but the invaders introduced chariots and it took the Egyptians and Babylonians a while to catch up. War has always been about new, more lethal weaponry.
Why would we be surprised to learn that the Assyrians who originated in what is now northern Iraq or the Islamic State (ISIS) were the most violent and bloodthirsty of the ancient world’s peoples? Known to all their neighbors by 1300 B.C.E., their army become a source of terror for the Middle East during the ninth century. They destroyed the Kingdom of Israel around 732 B.C.E., but the southern part of the Kingdom of Judah survived. In time the Babylonians would defeat the Assyrians.
Not all wars involved religion. The Greeks fought each other and then fought the Persians. Alexander the Great, a Macedonian, loved waging war and was very successful. The constant factor, however, was war and, of course, Rome would become the greatest empire of its time, beginning around 509 B.C.E., fighting three Punic wars with Carthage, but losing an estimated 400,000 in the first war and 150,000 in the second.
Eventually, Rome was so powerful it imposed a “Pax Romana” on the entire Mediterranean area it controlled. In time, Rome would be destroyed by the “barbarians”, Visigoths, Vandals, Ostrogoth’s, and Burgundians. By 476 C.E., the Roman Empire was history.
After establishing a group of followers in the Arabian Peninsula as the “last prophet”, proclaiming Islam as the one, true faith, Muhammad died in 632 C.E. Within ten years, the Arabs had conquered Jerusalem and were taking aim at Damascus and Cairo. Baghdad and the Libyan Desert were the next to be conquered. They moved on to Spain and Central Asia.
During his lifetime, Ali, Mohammad’s son-in-law, was the leader of the Arab forces. As noted in Samuel Willard Crompton’s ‘The Handy Military History Answer Book’, by the time the Arabs fought the Byzantines and the Persians they had also initiated the great split that remains today between the Sunnis and the Shiites.” Shiite means “follower of Ali.” The Sunnis wanted to elect their own caliph.
After taking the southern half of Spain, the Muslim army was poised to take all of Europe, but their 732 C.E. defeat in the Battle of Tours put an end to further expansion. Their momentum in Asia was stopped in 751 C.E. with a defeat in the Battle of Talas. As Crompton notes, “in the century that followed the Prophet’s death, the Arabs took over ninety percent of all the urban centers in the Western world, and their conquests equaled those of ancient Rome.”
The Crusades
Which brings us to the first Crusade; it began when Pope Urban II in 1095 told a gathering of 10,000, mostly French and German knights, that a “new accursed group”, the Muslims, had taken control of the holy land were preventing pilgrims from visiting holy sites. The knights responded to his call to liberate Jerusalem by chanting “Deus Volt! Deus Volt!”—God wills it.
They were joined by a “Peasants Crusade” between 1095 and 1096. By June 1099 the knights arrived outside Jerusalem and what followed was a wholesale murder of everyone there. In 1185, Saladin, the emir of Cairo and Lord of Damascus, proclaimed a jihad—a holy war—against the Christians in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. The knights defending it were defeated.
A Second Crusade followed in 1147 C.E. but accomplished little and the Third Crusade had the same result. A Fourth Crusade resulted in the Europeans taking control of Constantinople in August 1204 C.E. They would rule it for the next fifty years. Years later, in 1489, a war drove the Muslims from Spain.
For a larger view click on the image.
The spokeswoman from our Department of State who said that the present generation of Muslim holy warriors can’t all be killed doesn’t know that this is the way wars are won. You kill the enemy until the enemy decides that dying for their cause is not worth it.
If ISIS is insane enough to bring the war to our homeland (and even if it doesn’t), a war of total destruction will be the only way to end the present conflict. Currently, the Jordanians and the Egyptians are doing what they can to resist ISIS, but recent polls confirm that Americans are beginning to conclude that our active boots-on-the-ground participation is the only way this will end.
Obama is merely going through the motions of conducting a war against ISIS, but retired generals and diplomats have told Congress that only full-scale war will end the threat they represent.
Meanwhile, ISIS is committing genocide against the Christians of the Middle East while Boko Haram is doing the same in Africa. Hezbollah would do the same against Israel if it could. Given nuclear arms, Iran will assert control over all of the Muslim warriors, threatening both Israel and the U.S.
Our next President will have to commit to destroying ISIS. There is no alternative. That is history’s primary lesson. Caruba Caruba2015-02-22 08:58:072015-02-22 09:02:02There Will Always Be War
There is no nice or politically correct way to write this article without offending Muslims, the media, liberals, Allah’s Muslim Terrorist, people who skim the article instead of reading it completely line by line, or our Sunni Muslim President Obama.
To put it as polite as humanly possible there are no innocent Muslims. Continue reading before you judge. Many readers are saying to themselves that they know good Muslims they work with, have as neighbors, or have met
at school. If they are indeed good people then they are not Pure Muslims.
Islam does not allow anyone to be a good person. Meaning, if you follow Islam as the Prophet Mohammed intended, you must have in your heart everything he demanded and represented. You must adhere to ALL aspects of Sharia law, good or bad. If a Muslim decides he/she does not want war with non believers, or does not want to educate his/her children that a Muslim must endorse physical Jihad against oppressors, Christians, or Jews, then this person is doing a good deed, but has become an apostate of Islam as mandated by the Islamic ideology. These are some of the good people Obama and the media (including FOX) falsely describe as innocent Muslims. Again they may be good people but they have turned their backs on the Islamic faith.
The people who are practicing Islam and are the type people Mohammed wanted describes as a good Muslim are the members of Allah’s Muslim terrorists such as, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Boko Haram, and other acronyms. They are following Islam and Sharia exactly as Mohammed and the Quran demands.
Many people are led to believe the people who attend one of the 2300 mosques in America are for the most part innocent Muslims. This is false. I have been to hundreds of mosques. The people in the mosque are being taught from the same material as ISIS. Year after year they continue to attend the mosque that advocates violence and the hatred of non believers. These people are not innocent Muslims. These are people who desire to live their lives as the violent child rapist Mohammed. No easier way to put it. Just as Obama attended Jerimiah Wright’s church for 20 years, that on a regular basis preached the hatred for America, Obama is no more innocent than Wright is. The people who attend Wright’s church on a regular basis are not innocent Christians or Americans. These people are supporters of hate.
People need to compare Nazi’s to Pure Muslims. If a German citizen or others who followed to the letter Hitler’s ideology, they are not innocent Nazi’s. They are 100% Nazi. No in between. they are followers of a violent and dangerous ideology. The same is for people who practice Islam or are supporters of the Islamic ideology.
The son (Franklin) of Billy Graham tells it straight to the liberal conservatives of Fox News. There is no such thing as radical Islam. It is Islam pure and simple and should be referred to as Islamic terrorism and not radical terrorism.
The ONLY way to defeat Islamic terrorism is to defeat and demonize the ideology of Islam itself. Ponder that,my friends. Gaubatz Gaubatz2015-02-20 08:05:342015-02-20 08:05:47The Fallacy of the Innocent Muslim
In a move reminiscent of “ancient history,” Saudi Arabia is building a 600-mile-long “Great Wall”—a combined fence and ditch—to separate itself from the Islamic State to the north in Iraq:
Plans for the 600-mile wall and ditch Saudi Arabia will build with Iraq in an effort to insulate itself from the chaos engulfing its neighbors.
Much of the area on the Iraqi side is now controlled by Isil [the Islamic State], which regards the ultimate capture of Saudi Arabia, home to the “Two Holy Mosques” of Mecca and Medina, as a key goal….
The irony here is that those Muslims that Saudi Arabia is trying to keep out are the very same Muslims most nurtured and influenced by a Saudi — or “Wahabbi,” or “Salafi” — worldview.
Put differently, Saudi Arabia is again appreciating how jihad is a volatile instrument of war that can easily backfire on those who support it. “Holy war” is hardly limited to fighting and subjugating “infidels” — whether the West in general, Israel in particular, or the millions of non-Muslim minorities under Islam — but also justifies fighting “apostates,” that is, Muslims accused of not being Islamic enough.
Indeed, the first grand jihad was against Muslim “apostates” — the Ridda [“apostasy”] Wars. After Muhammad died in 632, many Arab tribes were willing to remain Muslim but without paying zakat (“charity” or extortion) money to the first caliph, Abu Bakr. That was enough to declare jihad on them as apostates; tens of thousands of Arabs were burned, beheaded, dismembered, or crucified, according to Islamic history.
This is the problem all Muslim nations and rulers risk: no one — not even Sharia-advocating Islamist leaders — are immune to the all-accusing sword tip of the jihad. If non-Muslims are, as “infidels,” de facto enemies, any Muslim can be accused of “apostasy,” instantly becoming an enemy of Allah and his prophet.
A saying attributed to the Muslim prophet Muhammad validates this perspective: “This umma [Islamic nation] of mine will split into seventy-three sects; one will be in paradise and seventy-two will be in hell.” When asked which sect was the true one, the prophet replied, “al–jama‘a,” that is, the group which most literally follows the example or “sunna” of Muhammad.
This saying perfectly sums up the history of Islam: to be deemed legitimate, authorities must uphold the teachings of Islam — including jihad; but it is never long before another claimant accuses existing leadership of not being “Islamic enough.” Watch Watch2015-02-20 06:20:592015-02-20 06:23:58Living and Dying by the Sword of Jihad by Raymond Ibrahim
Today we take you directly to Tel Aviv for an Israel Update from Michael Ganoe, founder of Hershey’s for Heroes and Insight for Israel. Michael gets us up to speed on the Israel election and fight against Islamic jihad. Don’t miss this report from a guy who tells it like it is!
For your “edutainment” we have a short bizarre report about of the the director’s of the terrorist group, CAIR, along with another bizarre report about Joe Biden sticking his ear in some important guy’s wife and yet another bizarre report about the Attorney General, Eric Holder, teaching Americans that the meaning of words is unimportant!
Yep, we basically have a very bizarre show for you today that is essentially an Obama “downdate!” Sit back and enjoy. United West/ Defend The Border United West/ Defend The Border2015-02-20 06:15:192015-03-11 09:23:37Israel Update – Obama Downdate