Tag Archive for: jihad

Russia Declares ‘Holy War’ against Islamic State by Raymond Ibrahim

The Orthodox Christian Church, which is reclaiming its traditional role in post-Soviet Russia, has just described its government’s fight against the Islamic State and other jihadi groups in Syria as a “holy war.”

According to Vsevolod Chaplin, head of the Church’s Public Affairs Department,

The fight with terrorism is a holy battle and today our country is perhaps the most active force in the world fighting it.  The Russian Federation has made a responsible decision on the use of armed forces to defend the People of Syria from the sorrows caused by the arbitrariness of terrorists. Christians are suffering in the region with the kidnapping of clerics and the destruction of churches. Muslims are suffering no less.

This is not a pretext to justify intervention in Syria.  For years, Russia’s Orthodox leaders have been voicing their concern for persecuted Christians.  Back in February 2012, the Russian church described to Vladimir Putin the horrific treatment Christians are experiencing around the world, especially under Islam:

The head of External Church Relations, Metropolitan Illarion, said that every five minutes one Christian was dying for his or her faith in some part of the world, specifying that he was talking about such countries as Iraq, Egypt, Pakistan and India. The cleric asked Putin to make the protection of Christians one of the foreign policy directions in future.

“This is how it will be, have no doubt,” Putin answered.

Compare and contrast Putin’s terse response with U.S. President Obama, who denies the connection between Islamic teachings and violence; whose policies habitually empower Christian-persecuting Islamists; who prevents Christian representatives from testifying against their tormentors; and who even throws escaped Christian refugees back to the lions, while accepting tens of thousands of Muslim migrants.

Russian Patriarch Kirill once even wrote an impassioned letter to Obama, imploring him to stop empowering the murderers of Christians.  That the patriarch said “I am deeply convinced that the countries which belong to the Christian civilization bear a special responsibility for the fate of Christians in the Middle East” must have only ensured that the letter ended up in the Oval Office’s trash can.  After all, didn’t Obama make clear that America is “no longer a Christian nation“?

Of course, Russian concerns for Christian minorities will be cynically dismissed by the usual brood of talking heads on both sides.  While such dismissals once resonated with Americans, they are becoming less persuasive to those paying attention, as explained in “Putin’s Crusade—Is Russia the Last Defender of the Christian Faith?”

For those of us who grew up in America being told that the godless communist atheists in Russia were our enemies, the idea that America might give up on God and Christianity while Russia embraces religion might once have been difficult to accept.  But by 2015, the everyday signs in America show a growing contempt for Christianity, under the first president whose very claims of being a Christian are questionable.  The exact opposite trend is happening for Russia and its leaders—a return to Christian roots.

Indeed, growing numbers of Americans who have no special love for Russia or Orthodoxy—from billionaire capitalist Donald Trump to evangelical Christians—are being won over by Putin’s frank talk and actions.

How can they not?  After one of his speeches praising the West’s Christian heritage—a thing few American politicians dare do—Putin concluded with something that must surely resonate with millions of traditional Americans: “We must protect Russia from that which has destroyed American society”—a reference to the anti-Christian liberalism and licentiousness that has run amok in the West.

Even the Rev. Franklin Graham’s response to Russia’s military intervention in Syria seems uncharacteristically positive, coming as it is from the head of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, which for decades spoke against the godless Soviets:  “What Russia is doing may save the lives of Christians in the Middle East…

Keep reading


Video: Raymond Ibrahim talks Islam and Christianity at North American Lutheran Church

U.S. officials question Toyota over how Islamic State obtained SUVs, pick-up trucks spotted in videos

Could Americans Face Nuclear Attack Because of Syria?

TUCSON, Ariz. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — U.S. and Russian aircraft could literally be on a collision course in Syria, as the two countries have not agreed on flight safety rules in Syrian airspace. U.S. pilots are under orders to change their flight path if a Russian plane is within 20 nautical miles, according to a CNN report.

Americans who lived through the Cold War may recall the novel Alas, Babylon, in which a worldwide nuclear conflagration resulted from an accident caused by a low-level military officer. At that time, people were knowledgeable about nuclear weapons effects, and the U.S. had a civil defense program, notes Physicians for Civil Defense president Jane M. Orient, M.D. Today, there would be millions of avoidable casualties.

What will happen if there is an accident in Syria? During the decades of Mutual Assured Destruction, nuclear-armed states were cautious about provocations, confining their interference and bombing to nonnuclear states. But now, the U.S. and Russia are at odds in Syria. Both claim to be fighting ISIS; however, aggressive Russian air attacks, plus missile attacks from warships in the Caspian Sea, are also claimed to be directed against U.S. supported “moderates” who are trying to oust Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Russia supports Assad.

Russia is apparently seeking to replace the U.S. as the dominant force in the Middle East. And tensions are also growing outside Syria. Russian president Putin states that Moscow may boost its western forces in response to NATO’s moving troops and storing heavy equipment along the Russian border. He announced thatRussia will be deploying more than 40 new intercontinental ballistic missiles in 2015.

These are very dangerous times, Orient states. Yet the presidential candidates are mostly ignoring the strategic circumstances.

GOP candidate Ben Carson emphasized the importance of understanding the geopolitical situation. That is complex and obscure to most Americans. However, the state of the vulnerability of American civilians, Orient emphasizes, is simple and undeniable. As threats grow and proliferate, the only civil defense in today’s America is self-help.

Probably the most important measure is to drop to the ground and take the best available cover if you see a bright flash. This and other information on a 60-second training card could save millions.

Physicians for Civil Defense distributes information to help to save lives in the event of war or other disaster.

What Really Drives Obama’s Destructive Mideast Policy?

It’s not a stretch to say that what ex-president Jimmy Carter did for Iran, Barack Obama is doing for the whole Middle East and beyond. Islamic State is on the move; jihadism in general is raging and all the rage; and with the Iran deal, the man who helped enable the “Arab Spring” may give us a nuclear winter.

A Mideast policy with such results has befuddled many. Why did Obama help overthrow Muammar Gaddafi and hurl Libya into turmoil? Why did he throw Egypt’s Hosni Mubarak under the bus? And why, as radio host Michael Savage asked late last week, does he have such a “vendetta” against Syria’s Bashar al-Assad?

It’s not enough to say that the Gaddafis and Assads of the world are bad men; the devil you know is often better than the devil you don’t know, and this certainly appears the case when turmoil and jihadists are the apparent alternatives to these strongmen’s rule. And Iran is governed by bad men, but Obama showed no interest in supporting dissidents there.

When analyzing the above, credulous liberals might say the president is merely interested in supporting “democracy,” some conservatives might explain it by way of incompetence, while yet others may aver that Muslim sympathies impel him to support jihadist causes. But the truth is perhaps a bit more nuanced, so let me suggest a different theory.

When discerning a person’s motivations, you must first consider what he is. Obama is a hardcore leftist, marinated in Marxism from his youth, raised by a leftist mother and grandparents and mentored by card-carrying Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis. He also belonged to the socialist New Party in 1990s Chicago and, according to a 2007 study, owned the Senate’s most left-wing voting record; this means he was ahead of even that body’s only avowed socialist, Bernie Sanders (who was number two).

Now, one thing we know about hardcore leftists is that they generally consider religion the “opiate of the masses.” This brings us to the idea, embraced by 29 percent of Americans and 43 percent of Republicans, that Obama is a Muslim. Question: is it realistic to think that Obama truly believes in God and that God’s name is Allah? Does his support for the homosexual agenda (including faux marriage), women in combat and “transgenders” in the military reflect Sharia?

The reality? Obama is a de facto atheist. He deifies himself more than anyone else. But there’s an important distinction here almost universally missed by liberals and conservatives: Obama isn’t religiously Muslim.

But there’s every indication he’s culturally Muslim.

Having lived in the Islamic country of Indonesia between the ages of 6 and 10 with a Muslim stepfather, it’s likely that Obama’s earliest memories are of life in a Muslim culture. He also has characterized the Muslim call to prayer as “one of the prettiest sounds on Earth at sunset” (and recites it with an authentic accent) and has avoided Christian events while trumpeting his Muslim heritage. Yet however much this influences his thinking, it pales in comparison to something else that characterizes him and virtually all leftists.

Hatred for the West.

In Obama’s narrow universe, the West is the cause of most evil in the world. The West is oppressive, destructive and poisons everything it touches. And for justice to prevail, Western institutions and influence must be quashed.

Now consider the Middle East’s modern history. Syria’s current borders were created by the West after the fall of the Ottomans, and the CIA covertly backed the Arab world’s first military coup in that nation in 1949. Italy seized Libya from the Ottoman Empire in the Italo-Turkish War in 1911-12; in fact, the name “Libya” itself was adopted by Italy in 1934 during its colonization of the region and originated with the ancient Greeks (the birthplace of Western civilization), who used it to describe all of North Africa apart from Egypt. As for Egypt, it was part of the Cold War geopolitical tussle, first allied with the Soviet Union and then switching allegiance to the U.S. under President Anwar Sadat. Also note that the Assad dynasty has long been supported by — and Gaddafi was a longtime ally of — the Soviet Union/Russia.

But wouldn’t a leftist such as Obama welcome Soviet influence? First, the leftist line was that the Soviets’ Cold War activities were designed mainly to counterbalance Western imperialism — the Soviets wouldn’t have been in the Middle East if we weren’t. More significantly with Obama, however, I believe that in one sense he doesn’t distinguish between the West and Russia, in that he views them both as the oppressive “white world” (especially since the U.S.S.R. is no more).

You no doubt see the point. The modern Middle East is largely a Western construct, with Western-drawn borders and Western-facilitated strongmen. Obama sees Western influence and creations as the bane of humanity.

Ergo, not only is the enemy of my ideological enemy my friend, but, whatever the “Arab Street” may be, it can’t be worse than the world’s most evil force: the West.

This also helps shed light on Obama’s apparent antipathy for Israel, which he would also view as a Western invention, and his refusal to support dissidents in Iran. Remember that the Iranian theocracy, born in the Islamic Revolution of 1979, already represents the overthrow of the Western Mideast order.

This theory certainly explains Obama’s actions. No, it would not be a rational motivation, but much of what animates man is irrational. This is especially true of leftists, who, disbelieving in and disconnected from Truth, are driven by emotional attachment to misbegotten ideas.

Nor would Obama likely heed cooler-heads’ counsel. He lives in the echo chamber of his own mind, considering others’ opinions superfluous; he’s the very antithesis of the saying “Every man is my superior in that I may learn from him.” Note that he arrogantly stated in 2007 not only that he’d be a better political director than his political director, but also “I think that I’m a better speechwriter than my speechwriters. [And] I know more about policies on any particular issue than my policy directors.” Even more telling is a story related by economist and gun-rights advocate Dr. John Lott on Mark Levin’s radio show last Friday about the time when he and Obama were both in the University of Chicago’s employ. Obama didn’t attend the gatherings at which the staff exchanged ideas, except once, when he asked a fairly unintelligible question. Lott then saw Obama after the event and, trying to make friends and conversation, said (I’m paraphrasing), “You know, your question was interesting, but I think more people would have understood it if….” Lott never got to finish.

Because Obama, cold as ice, just turned his back.

And Obama long ago turned his back on reality and on the civilization that has given him everything. He hates the world’s Western-imposed order so much that he’s propelling the world toward disorder. And that’s the tragic result when you don’t realize that hatred is not a strategy.

EDITORS NOTE: You may contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com,

Minneapolis: Muslim refugee accused of raping 10-year old

Ahmed Hersi Abdi has a long criminal record. So, why wasn’t he deported?

So typical of the mainstream media, nothing in the title that would tell you anything, just some random man.  This is exactly what Ann Coulter tells us in exquisite detail in her latest book—immigrants accused of crimes are not identified as such, they are simply men (or women). One has to look closely to learn more.

In this case it is pretty easy to figure out he is an immigrant because this man is Somali and as such is a refugee (the vast majority of Somalis in the US came in through the UN/US State Department refugee admissions program, or he is here illegally).

Here is the new news at KSTP ABC 5 (hat tip: Mark):

So where is Omar Jamal (the Somali community mouthpiece, huge archive on him here) rushing to his defense.  We first heard about Jamal in 2008 when another rape happened in a St. Paul apartment complex hallway and he immediately went to the defense of the Somali rapist. (Unfortunately the Minneapolis Star Tribune has taken down its story about Jamal and the 2008 hallway rapist.)

A Minneapolis man has been charged after police say he raped a 10-year-old girl in the hallway of an apartment complex in the Cedar-Riverside Neighborhood.

The assault happened Sunday, Oct. 4, on the 1600 block of South Fourth Street in Minneapolis, which is Riverside Plaza.

The child said a man followed her onto the elevator and that they got off on the third floor. The man extended his hand, and when the girl shook it he refused to let go, according to the complaint. He then raped the girl in the hallway, police say.

Witnesses said they heard screaming in the hall and saw a young girl crying, so they flagged down an off-duty police officer.

The girl was sent to Hennepin County Medical Center for treatment.

Based on the girl’s description and surveillance video from Riverside Plaza, the suspect was identified as 34-year-old Ahmed Hersi Abdi of Minneapolis. He was later arrested in St. Paul.

Read the whole thing.  There is no mention of him being deported at any time in his lengthy criminal career (heck the police knew him well!).  Lucky taxpayers, we paid for his resettlement, surely his welfare and now we will get to pay for his long imprisonment.

Why are we bringing in more Somalis?

As the UNHCR is sending Somalis back to Somalia from its Kenyan camps we admitted 8,858 Somalis to the US in FY2015, here (many from the Kenyan camps!).  Somalis are the third largest ethnic group admitted to the US this past year.

No matter what the feds promise, they can’t screen the Somalis any better than the Syrians!

How do I find out if my town is targeted for Muslim refugees?

Because it is just me here (no staff, no interns), I’m going a bit crazy trying to keep up with your e-mail and phone requests.  So, I decided to put a little time into listing the usual questions I get and put answers here (in one place).

(There is no particular order to the following frequently asked questions):

How do I find out if my town is targeted?

You won’t get much of a warning.  If you hear a rumor (like the Idaho one we posted here), follow it up (and let us know!). Also be sure to see this map, click here, and this handy list, click here.  If you are within a hundred miles of  any of those resettlement offices, your town is fair game.  The legend on the map lists abbreviations of the nine major federal resettlement agencies.  BTW, they are running out of ‘welcoming’ places to resettle refugees so they are out scouting for fresh territory.

Who are the nine federal resettlement agencies choosing sites for refugee resettlement?

The nine VOLAGs are listed here.  VOLAG stands for Voluntary Agencies which is a joke because they are largely paid by the US taxpayer to do the resettlement.

What do I need to know if I do learn that refugees are planned for my town?

See this post we wrote some months ago, ‘Ten things your town needs to know.’

Where do I start to learn how the Refugee Admissions Program works?

Start with our fact sheet (sorry it is two years old, we need to work on updating it, but it is still useful).  I find the Annual Reports to Congress very very useful.  We also have a category with hundreds of posts in it entitled, ‘where to find information.’  Serious students of refugee resettlement should periodically scroll through it.

Also, I urge you to just follow my blog postings for awhile and you will learn as you go.  I try hard to link back to previous information every day.

You are always talking about doing data base research, where do I do that?

Go to the Refugee Processing Center, here and/or here and just play around with the data bases available.  I can’t explain exactly how to pull up all the information, but you will figure it out if you spend a little time exploring them.

I need information on ______, what do you know about it?

We have a very good search function here at this word-press blog.  Please type a few key words into our search window in the upper left hand corner.  Since we are now over 7,000 posts, I use it all the time to see what I know about a certain subject or resettlement location.  Please search here at RRW.  LOL! You probably will find plenty of information faster than e-mailing me with your question!

How do I find a ‘Pocket of Resistance’ near me? 

Contact Jim Simpson, resettlementresister@gmail.com.  Learn more about Jim here.

How do I get your book?

You can purchase it on Amazon, or go here to the Center for Security Policy where there is a free version to download.

Would you sign me up to get your post notifications?

WordPress doesn’t allow me to sign you up.  You need to follow directions to subscribe.  Or, if you want to see everything I post on your twitter feed, follow me on Twitter.  I also have a Facebook page but with the help of Kelly we post some other things there, and not all of my RRW posts.  If you don’t want your inbox filled with notifications, just visit RRW daily and scroll back through what I’ve posted during the day.

Do you take donations?

No, this is my charitable work. I do not make money writing this blog.  I may explore putting some advertisements on RRW in the future, but I’m usually too busy to research what I need to do to make that happen.

Can I interview you on my radio show?

I do some radio interviews, but honestly I think I am missing requests (and do apologize), but it is because my e-mail inbox is so full I miss them.   Please put very clearly in the subject line something like:  ‘MEDIA REQUEST’.  That goes for reporters too wanting interviews or questions answered.

If you have sent me a media request and have not heard back, please resend with ‘MEDIA REQUEST’ clearly in the subject line.

Will you speak to my group in _____?

I have been to lots of places this year to speak and have met some very wonderful people (South Carolina, Missouri, Texas, Minnesota, Iowa, and Tennessee), but honestly I am not a speaker and it is very stressful to travel and speak.  And, when I travel I don’t get much blogging done, which I think is more important for the overall cause.  So I am not planning on taking any more trips (other than those I previously committed to that are fairly close to home).

If you contact me, I will be giving you the names of a couple of people knowledgeable about the Refugee Admissions Program that might be willing to travel (but be prepared to pay expenses and an honorarium, we don’t have the money in our movement as the other side has!).

Oh, and I am doing a couple of skype meetings coming up soon.

That is all for now.  Again, sorry I can’t get to all of your e-mails (at least a hundred a day).  I hope this helps.  I’ll be re-posting it from time to time, or adding new information as needed.

RELATED ARTICLE: World Relief confirms that they will NOT be resettling refugees in Northern Idaho

Islamic Indoctrination in Georgia Public Schools

Yes, in “Jimmy Carter Georgia.”

Georgia Public Schools are teaching key components of Islamic dawah: “schools are reportedly forcing students to learn the Five Pillars of Islam—the creed one must learn to convert—and teaching students that Allah is the same God worshipped by Christians.” So far, unlike in Tennessee, they haven’t [yet] forced the students to actually recite the Shahada, the Muslim confession of faith.

Further, homework assignments are designed to indoctrinate students into accepting this assertion as fact, when it is a strongly contested point which many traditional Christians flatly reject, and with compelling reason.  In addition, the volume of Georgia school materials on Islam outnumber those on Christianity by up to 10 to 1, further highlighting the preferential treatment accorded Islam “in a way that could violate the U.S. Constitution.”

The “Same God” assertion is indeed a primary plank of Islamic dawah (proselytizing), and together with Islam’s claim to be an “Abrahamic Faith” is one of the main tools used by Muslim apologists to advance their agenda within unsuspecting Christian and Jewish communities.

Besides the theological issues with the “Same God” claim itself, Mark Durie explains some of the many dangers this and the “Abrahamic Faith” assertion conceals:

The many “Abrahamic Faith” conferences throughout the world is but one expression of the Islamicisation (sic) of Christian understandings of interfaith dialogue…

This historical negationism—appearing to affirm Christianity and Judaism whilst in fact rejecting and supplanting them—is a lynchpin of Muslim apologetics.

What is being affirmed is in fact neither Christianity nor Judaism, but Jesus as a prophet of Islam, Abraham as a Muslim, Moses as a Muslim, etc. This is intended to lead to ‘reversion’ of Christians and Jews to Islam, which is what [Shamim A.] Siddiqi  [author of the Muslim proselytizing guide, ‘Methodology of Dawah‘, which explicitly teaches Muslim preachers to withhold from potential converts the full truth about Islam’s violent and supremacist aspects until after they have professed the faith] refers to when he speaks of “the joint responsibility” of Jews and Christians to establish “the Kingdom of God”. By this he is asserting that American Christians and Jews should embrace Islam and work together to establish Sharia law and the dominance of Islam in the United States.

The traditional Islamic view is that if you want to know what the God of the Bible is like, then read the Koran. Not only must Muslims believe that “we worship the same God”, but this message is always a central component of the presentation of Islam to Christians and Jews.

[This message] provides the lynchpin of Muslims’ efforts to convert the “People of the Book” to the faith of Muhammad. In addition, this belief, once accepted, can lead Christians to support Islamic perspectives in ways other than conversion. For example, embracing this Islamic doctrine wins a measure of respect and even support for Islam from Christians.

—Dr. Mark Durie, Revelation: Do We Worship The Same God?, pp 50-51, 75-76 (emphasis added). (Dr. Durie’s highly recommended book has since been updated and expanded, and published in a new edition entitled Same God? Jesus, Holy Spirit, God in Christianity and Islam.)

See also: Tennessee openly promotes Islam: 7th-graders made to recite Islamic statement of faith

“Reports of Islamic Indoctrination Spread to Georgia Public Schools,” by Allison Fick, ACLJ (American Center for Law and Justice), October 2, 2015:

“There will be a test, so repeat after me, ‘Allah is ___’” (Photo: Wikimedia).

Islamic indoctrination in public school is occurring right here in our backyard. As we previously reported, the core tenets of Islam are being taught in public schools in a way that could violate the U.S. Constitution. Other religions, such as Christianity, are barely covered. Recently, reports out of Georgia paralleled what has happened in Florida, Wisconsin, and Tennessee.

Georgia schools are required by the Georgia Department of Education to teach about Islam. For example, the Georgia Performance Standards mandate that students be able to “Compare and contrast the prominent religions in Southwest Asia (Middle East): Judaism, Islam, and Christianity.” Much like other states, the Georgia Department of Education sets state-wide education standards and the local schools decide the curriculum. Local schools in Georgia, however, are reportedly adopting curriculums that appear aimed at indoctrinating—rather than educating—students.

The Atlanta Journal Constitution reported on one local middle school that is taking their curriculum too far. The AJC reports:

“It is important that students understand the differences between each of these religions to help them understand the tensions that exist in the region,” the state standards, known as the Georgia Performance Standards, say.

In Walton County, that manifested itself in a homework assignment one parent found objectionable: “Allah is the [blank] worshiped by Jews & Christians,” the document said. The child filled in the blank with “same God.”

This is outrageous. State education standards require education on Islam, not indoctrinationinto the religion. Rather than explain the history of world religions, schools are reportedly forcing students to learn the Five Pillars of Islam—the creed one must learn to convert—and teaching students that Allah is the same God worshipped by Christians.

Unfortunately, this practice has been happening in schools for years. A spokeswoman for Walton County Public Schools stated that:

“We are teaching the same stuff that everyone else is teaching,” she said, adding that the district hasn’t changed its curriculum on the topic in nine years. Her son, a senior in high school, told her he remembers doing a quiz along the lines of the Allah is the “same God” back when he was in seventh grade.

“The same stuff that everyone else is teaching…”  That could work as the epitaph on the tombstone of American Education, and epitomizes the sheer ignorance of many of those trusted with public education, and their complicity in the accelerating Islamization of generations of American students, not to mention the progressive crippling of the intellectual vibrancy of the United States.

Parents are understandably outraged. As one frustrated parent told the local news, “We are seeing one page, five statements of Christian faith and 5 or 10 pages of Islamic faith, so there is no accountability to make sure it is equal.”

Something needs to be done. We at the ACLJ are working hard to investigate, expose, and end these unconstitutional practices, and are committed to fighting for the constitutionally protected rights of all public school students. We continue to receive contact from concerned parents and citizens.  We are working directly with our clients—parents of students in local schools—and preparing to send out demand letters to these schools if necessary. Moreover, we recently sent open records requests to every school district in Tennessee to find out exactly what is being taught in our schools.

The ACLJ will not stop until our students’ constitutionally protected rights have been restored.

To learn more about Shari’ah law’s threat to our constitutional freedoms, please see our booklet Shari’ah Law: Radical Islam’s Threat to the U.S. Constitution.

Sign the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) petition, Establishment Clause: Stop Islamic Indoctrination in School.


Germany: Muslim gang rape victim stabbed in honor killing ordered by her own mother because she was “unclean”

Australia: Jihad murderer got his gun at mosque

Cub of the Caliphate: The Dog of Rome Obama Must Pay Tribute or be Beheaded

“Fight against those who do not obey Allah and his messenger, and do not forbid what he has forbidden, even if they are of the People of the Book, until they pay the jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” (Qur’an 9:29)

An Islamic State message to the Dog of Rome Obama:

Ibn Juzayy says that this verse is “a command to fight the People of the Book” and, in a reference to v. 30, “denying their belief in Allah because of the words of the Jews, “‘Uzayr [Ezra] is the son of Allah” and the words of the Christians, “‘The Messiah is the son of Allah.’” Muslims must also fight them “because they consider as lawful carrion, blood, pork, etc.” and because “they do not enter Islam.” He says that “scholars agree about accepting jizya [a religious-based poll tax] from the Jews and Christians,” and adds that “the Magians/Zoroasterians have been added to them going by the words of the Prophet, “‘Treat them as People of the Book,’” although “there is disagreement about accepting it from idolaters and Sabians.” He specifies that “it is not collected from women, children or the insane,” and that it signifies “submission and obedience.”

While Islamic law does stipulate that the jizya is not to be collected from women and children, reality in many cases has been different. According to the pioneering historian of dhimmitude, Bat Ye’or:

The poll tax was extorted by torture. The tax inspectors demanded gifts for themselves; widows and orphans were pillaged and despoiled. In theory, women, paupers, the sick, and the infirm were exempt from the poll tax; nevertheless, Armenian, Syriac, and Jewish sources provide abundant proof that the jizya was exacted from children, widows, orphans, and even the dead. A considerable number of extant documents, preserved over the centuries, testify to the persistence and endurance of these measures. In Aleppo in 1683, French Consul Chevalier Laurent d’Arvieux noted that ten-year-old Christian children paid the jizya. Here again, one finds the disparity and contradiction between the ideal in the theory and the reality of the facts. (The Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam, pp. 78-9).

The Tafsir al-Jalalayn says that this when v. 29 specifies that Muslims must fight against those who “follow not the Religion of Truth,” it means those who do not follow Islam, “which is firm and abrogates other deens [religions].” Ibn Kathir gives a hint as to why this is so when he explains that the People of the Book were in bad faith when they rejected Muhammad, and that they are not true believers even in their own religions:

Therefore, when People of the Scriptures disbelieved in Muhammad, they had no beneficial faith in any Messenger or what the Messengers brought. Rather, they followed their religions because this conformed with their ideas, lusts and the ways of their forefathers, not because they are Allah’s Law and religion. Had they been true believers in their religions, that faith would have directed them to believe in Muhammad, because all Prophets gave the good news of Muhammad’s advent and commanded them to obey and follow him. Yet when he was sent, they disbelieved in him, even though he is the mightiest of all Messengers. Therefore, they do not follow the religion of earlier Prophets because these religions came from Allah, but because these suit their desires and lusts. Therefore, their claimed faith in an earlier Prophet will not benefit them because they disbelieved in the master, the mightiest, the last and most perfect of all Prophets.

As-Sawi specifies that the payment of the jizya signifies that the non-Muslims are “humble and obedient to the judgements of Islam.” As-Suyuti notes that the jizya is “not taken from someone in a state of hardship,” although that was a stipulation at times honored in the breach. For example, a contemporary account of the Muslims” conquest of Nikiou, an Egyptian town, in the 640’s, says that “it is impossible to describe the lamentable position of the inhabitants of this town, who came to the point of offering their children in exchange for the enormous sums that they had to pay each month.”

This was a manifestation of the “state of abasement” specified by this verse and spelled out by the Bedouin commander al-Mughira bin Sa’d when he met the Persian Rustam. Said al-Mughira: “I call you to Islam or else you must pay the jizya while you are in a state of abasement.”

Rustam replied, “I know what jizya means, but what does “‘a state of abasement’ mean?”

Al-Mughira explained: “You pay it while you are standing and I am sitting and the whip hanging is over your head.”

Similarly, Ibn Kathir says that the dhimmis must be “disgraced, humiliated and belittled. Therefore, Muslims are not allowed to honor the people of Dhimmah or elevate them above Muslims, for they are miserable, disgraced and humiliated.” The seventh-century jurist Sa’id ibn al-Musayyab stated: “I prefer that the people of the dhimma become tired by paying the jizya since He says, “‘until they pay the jizya with their own hands in a state of complete abasement.’” As-Suyuti elaborates that this verse “is used as a proof by those who say that it is taken in a humiliating way, and so the taker sits and the dhimmi stands with his head bowed and his back bent. The jizya is placed in the balance and the taker seizes his beard and hits his chin.” He adds, however, that “this is rejected according to an-Nawawi who said, “‘This manner is invalid.’” Zamakhshari, however, agreed that the jizya should be collected “with belittlement and humiliation.”

A child jihadi armed with a rocket-propelled grenade has threatened to behead ‘Dog of Rome Obama’ in a chilling new video released by ISIS.

The boy, who is only about ten-years-old, tells US President Barack Obama he is ‘dreaming’ if he thinks American soldiers will enter the large swathes of land the terror group controls.

With one finger pointed to the sky – a hand signal which has become synonymous with ISIS – he warns: ‘Wake up from your sleep and pay the jiz’ yah (religious tax) in submission before the swords of the khalifah (caliphate) reach you and cut your filthy head.’

The child, dressed in army fatigues, calls Obama the ‘Dog of Rome’, which means servant of the Vatican, and references the US’ military intervention in Syria and Iraq.

‘If you think your soldiers will enter the land of the khilafah and pollute it with their filth, then you’re dreaming,’ the boy, one of the so-called ‘cubs of the caliphate’, says.

The video ends with an image of a motorboat travelling through an expanse of water – possibly referencing a journey across the Atlantic or the threat of terrorists slipping into Europe hidden among the hundreds of thousands of migrants….


Nuclear arms smugglers seeking Islamic State buyers

Germany: Muslim gang rape victim stabbed in honor killing ordered by her own mother because she was “unclean”

U.S. Department of Homeland Security: No way to vet Muslim Syrian refugees

And since the Obama Administration continues in its resolute denial of the motivating and guiding ideology behind the global jihad, there is no possible way that DHS could effectively subject these refugees to “robust screening.” Any attempt by them to do so is foredoomed.

DHS Confesses: No Databases Exist To Vet Syrian Refugees,” Investor’s Business Daily, October 6, 2015:

Immigration: As the White House prepares to dump another 10,000 Syrian refugees on U.S. cities, it assures us these mostly Muslim men undergo a “robust screening” process. Not so, admits the agency responsible for such vetting.

Under grilling from GOP Sen. Jeff Sessions, head of the Senate subcommittee on immigration, the Homeland Security official in charge of vetting Syrian and other foreign Muslim refugees confessed that no police or intelligence databases exist to check the backgrounds of incoming refugees against criminal and terrorist records.

“Does Syria have any?” Sessions asked. “The government does not, no sir,” answered Matthew Emrich, associate director for fraud detection and national security at DHS’ U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

Sessions further inquired: “You don’t have their criminal records, you don’t have the computer database that you can check?” Confessed Emrich: “In many countries the U.S. accepts refugees from, the country did not have extensive data holdings.”

While a startling admission, it confirms previous reporting. Senior FBI officials recently testified that they have no idea who these people are, and they can’t find out what type of backgrounds they have — criminal, terrorist or otherwise — because there are no vetting opportunities in those war-torn countries.

Syria and Iraq, along with Somalia and Sudan, are failed states where police records aren’t even kept. Agents can’t vet somebody if they don’t have documentation and don’t even have the criminal databases to screen applicants.

So the truth is, we are not vetting these Muslim refugees at all. And as GOP presidential front-runners duly note, it’s a huge gamble to let people from hostile nations enter the U.S. without any meaningful background check. It’s a safer bet just to limit, if not stop, their immigration.

“If I win, they’re going back,” Donald Trump vowed. “They could be ISIS. This (mass Syrian immigration) could be one of the great tactical ploys of all time.”

Ben Carson, for his part, said that he would bar refugees from Syria because they are “infiltrated” with terrorists seeking to harm America. “To bring into this country groups infiltrated with jihadists makes no sense,” Carson asserted. “Why would you do something like that?”

The Obama regime claims to have no evidence of terrorist or even extremist infiltration. But Sessions made public a list of 72 recent Muslim immigrants arrested just over the past year who were charged with terrorist activity.

The list doesn’t include the Boston Marathon bombers, who emigrated from Chechnya as asylum seekers. Or the several dozen suspected terrorist bomb-makers brought into the U.S. as Iraq war refugees.

They included two al-Qaida in Iraq terrorists mistakenly resettled as refugees in Bowling Green, Ky. Waad Ramadan Alwan and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi were sent to Bowling Green even though they had been detained by authorities in Iraq for killing U.S. soldiers.

Alwan had crossed the border into Syria. Still, both passed background checks and were declared “clean.” They were then placed in U.S. public housing and afforded other welfare benefits.

While here, the two refugees plotted to obtain Stinger missiles and attack homeland targets. The FBI caught up to them before they could carry out their plans. They are now serving 40 years in federal prison….


US officials question Toyota over how Islamic State obtained SUVs, pick-up trucks spotted in videos

UN Human Rights Council member Saudi Arabia rejects international “interference” over Shia activist’s crucifixion

Japan wants to preserve its distinctive culture by limiting Muslim refugees

They give generously to humanitarian causes around the world, but do not want to dilute their culture by admitting refugees.  We have written many times on Japan, but once again as the Syrians are invading Europe, the Japanese are being called unwelcoming.

From USA Today:

TOKYO — It came as no surprise when Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announced a major increase in financial support last week for migrants flooding into Western Europe — but no change in his country’s restrictive policy toward those seeking refuge in Japan.

For decades, Japan has been one of biggest contributors to international relief organizations, spending billions of dollars to help people fleeing wars, poverty and natural disasters worldwide.

Yet Japan also has been one of the least welcoming nations to refugees. Of 5,000 foreigners who requested political asylum in Japan last year, only 11 were granted safe haven, an acceptance rate that is 1/100th of the world average.

By comparison, the United States granted asylum to nearly 70% of 63,000 people who applied last year.

Refugee advocates say Japan’s reluctance to accept asylum seekers stems from a combination of factors: geographic isolation, language and cultural barriers, and a historical wariness of foreigners and a lack of interest in foreign affairs.

Somali rejected!

In one case cited by Watanabe, a Somali man’s asylum application was rejected after immigration officials concluded that while the man’s father and brother were murdered by al-Shabab terrorists, the rest of his family was not murdered and the asylum seeker remained in Somalia for several months before fleeing. The reviewing officer concluded: “We do not find that you have fear of being persecuted required by the refugee convention.”  [I’ll bet a buck that the Somali asylum seeker couldn’t even prove that his father and brother were killed by al-Shabab!—ed]

There is more, continue reading here.

For American readers, just so you know, as the UNHCR is sending Somalis back to Somalia from its Kenyan camps we admitted 8,858 Somalis to the U.S. in FY 2015, here (many from the Kenyan camps!).


Welcoming Communities Campaign announced by White House, government goodies for your “welcoming” town

Is your church doing a “Crop Walk,” if so you are funding Church World Service, a federal refugee resettlement contractor

A Muslim organization’s influence operation on Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)

Yesterday we told you that Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) is leading the charge to lessen the security screening for Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees and he wants to expand the so-called P-3 (fraud ridden!) family reunification program.

See yesterday’s post by clicking here.

(When I mentioned to a friend that I had updated my post with that information (thanks to Kyle), she suggested I write a second post because as a subscriber, who received the earlier one, she would not see the update.)Now we know the answer to the question I asked all of you to help answer.  Looming over Blumenthal’s shoulder is none other than Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)- Connecticut director Mongi Dhaouadi.

But it is worth mentioning again because this is now the second time we have seen CAIR involving itself directly in the Syrian (mostly Muslim) resettlement issue (and you can bet they are not advocating for the persecuted Syrian Christians).

Clearly their interest is in boosting the Muslim population in the US.

CAIR was here in the St. Louis ‘Bring them here march’ last month.

Here is Mr. Dhaouadi’s bio at CAIR’s website:

Mongi Dhaouadi
Executive Director

Mongi S. Dhaouadi was born and raised in Tunisia. He moved to the US when he was 19 years old and studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As The Executive director of CAIR-CT, he conducts civil rights workshops throughout the state of Connecticut under the title “Know Your Rights.” Also, he leads several workshops and discussions on Islamophobia and the Muslim experience before and after 9/11. He has participated in and led several media campaigns and press conferences on issues concerning the Muslim community ranging from discrimination cases to advocating for the change of racial profiling laws in the state of Connecticut. Dhaouadi was featured in countless local, national, and international media outlets including NPR, FOX News, and Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. During the summer, he runs a youth internship program during which high school and college students work on several projects ranging from preparing a toolkit on Islamic cultural competency for schools, to writing and publishing articles from a Muslim youth perspective in the local papers and publications. Dhaouadi leads a Connecticut delegation at the Capitol Hill visits; an event that is organized every year by CAIR National, where members of the Muslim community visit their representatives in Wasington, DC and advocate for issues of concern domestic and foreign. Prior to joining CAIR-CT on a full time bases Dhaouadi was the Head Administrator at SKF Academy in Hamden Connecticut. Dhaouadi is married with three children: ages 11, 14 and 18. He lives with his family in New London, Connecticut. His favorite past time is playing or coaching soccer.

So far Connecticut doesn’t get very many refugees compared to other states.  I guess Blumenthal and Dhaouadi would like to change that.  Go to this map and have a look!

Is CAIR getting into the refugee resettlement program where you live?  Let me know.  And, while you are at it, see if you notice the involvement of Islamic Relief (USA) as well.

Go here to find the regional offices of Islamic Relief (USA) thanks to reader Cathy.

RELATED ARTICLE: A great honor has come my way! Called out AGAIN by Right Wing Watch

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of CAIR-Connecticut’s Executive Director Mongi Dhaouadi behind Senator Blumenthal.

Another Muslim Murders Police Official: Authorities Rush to Defend Islam

In FrontPage today, I chronicle just another day in the suicidal West.

Last week a fifteen-year-old Muslim, Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad, went to a police station in New South Wales and shot dead a civilian police employee, Curtis Cheng. After the murder, the young murderer was, according to an eyewitness, “dancing joyously.” Outside the station, he waved his gun at police and screamed “Allahu akbar” at them before he was killed in the ensuing gunfight.

In the wake of this jihad murder, Australian officials have behaved in an utterly predictable manner – one that we have seen many, many times before in Western countries, and that we will doubtless see many more times as well: they rushed to profess ignorance of the killer’s motives and above all, to defend Islam.

None of these officials are Muslims. They have all just been thoroughly indoctrinated with the idea that to look too closely at the motivating ideology behind murders like that of Curtis Cheng would be “hateful” and “bigoted.”

And so Pat Gooley from the New South Wales Police Association said: “We are used to being under threat. What’s really concerning police is there’s no rhyme or reason to these current terror threats.”

No rhyme or reason? Have you ever heard of jihad, Mr. Gooley? Evidently not.

Other police officials, meanwhile, made themselves busy ensuring that Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad’s jihad murder doesn’t lead anyone to think there is anything amiss with the Muslim community. The murder “was doubly shocking because it was perpetrated by a 15-year-old boy and it underlines the importance of families, communities, leaders being very aware of whether young people are becoming radicalised,” said Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, complacently assuming that Muslim “families, communities, leaders” in Australia are against this “radicalization” — but where is the evidence of that?

Turnbull also said: “We must not vilify or blame the entire Muslim community with the actions of what is, in truth, a very, very small percentage of violent extremist individuals. The Muslim community are our absolutely necessary partners in combating this type of violent extremism.”

When has the Muslim community in Australia or elsewhere in the West genuinely acted like partners in combating this type of violent extremism? And we must indeed not vilify or blame the entire Muslim community, but can we not call upon them to institute honest, transparent and inspectable programs in mosques and Islamic schools that teach against this understanding of Islam that they ostensibly reject and oppose?

Meanwhile, opposition leader Bill Shorten said: “Our thoughts are also with the family of the alleged young perpetrator. Like all Australians, they will be struggling to comprehend how someone so young could be part of such a terrible crime.” How does he know his family wasn’t involved? Has he carried out an investigation? He assumes that the family taught young Farhad Jabar Khalil Mohammad the true, peaceful Islam, but that he was then “radicalized on the Internet” — but why was his family’s true, peaceful Islam not able to withstand the challenge from the twisted, hijacked Internet Islam?

New South Wales Premier Mike Baird said that he and others were trying to understand “how someone so young could commit such a hideous crime.” He might wish to look into Islam’s teachings about jihad, but he won’t. He also said: “We cannot let actions such as this divide us. We cannot let hate overtake us. We have to come together and I’m sure that’s what we’ll see from this city and state.”

Indeed, we must not let hate overtake us, as it overtook Curtis Cheng. But can we do that by refusing to examine the ideology that led to his murder? By “hate,” Baird means “honest investigation into the texts and teachings of Islam that incite attacks such as this one, and the prevalence of such teachings in the Muslim community.”

And that’s the problem: every time there is another jihad attack or foiled jihad plot in the free world, our leaders just circle the wagons, trot out their Religion-of-Peace cliches again, warn us against “Islamophobia,” and refuse to look into the genuine root causes of the problem.

It’s a sure-fire path to societal suicide.


Tony Blair: The “perversion of Islam is the source of a lot of the problems in the Middle East”

Saudi Arabia: Muslim clerics call for jihad to defend the Islamic State

VIDEO: Tens of thousands rally against Islamization in Germany

Not everyone in Europe is taking the massive refugee influx with alacrity and smearing as “racist” those who don’t want to see the continent overwhelmed and Islamized. This video gives you an idea of the scale of the pushback. Thanks to Marc.


U.S. deportation Numbers Have Dramatically Fallen. Is This Related to Obama’s Immigration Actions?

Reuters fail: doesn’t know Boko Haram has renamed itself Islamic State in West Africa, thinks they’re distinct groups

Bangladesh: Muslims attack Christian pastor with knife, attempt to slit his throat

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is by Jens Schlueter/AFP.

VIDEO: Muslim Brotherhood affiliated charity bringing Syrian refugees to U.S.

Invasion of Europe news…..

And, you can bet they would scream bloody murder if the Cameron government ever had the guts to put persecuted Christians at the head of the line.

BTW, Islamic Relief is working in the U.S. to help Syrians get resettled in your states—Kentucky and Maryland that we know of (so far).

I wanted to learn more about the new UK Director of Islamic Relief, Imran Madden.  I didn’t find much, but am posting this 2012 Al Jazeera interview I found informative…..a bit off-topic!

Here is the surprising (not!) news from Islamic Relief (UK must dramatically accelerate Syrian resettlement):

The new UK Director of Islamic Relief will use his speech in a fringe debate at the Conservative Party conference in Manchester to urge the Government to inject greater urgency into resettling Syrian refugees in the UK and leave ‘no diplomatic stone unturned’ in the search for a lasting peace in Syria.

At a conference fringe debate organised by Islamic Relief and World Vision (details in Notes to Editors along with details of separate Muslim Charities Forum fringe event), Imran Madden will speak alongside the Minister of State for International Development, Desmond Swayne MP, to highlight the enormous human cost of forgotten crises around the world – and the Syrian conflict in particular.

They recommend 5 prescriptions for the crisis, this is #5:

A dramatic acceleration of planned refugee resettlement in the UK.

Related:  First Syrians headed to Northern Ireland, here.  They will be mostly Muslims as the UK is working with the UNHCR to pick its refugees.

About the video (and maybe too much in the weeds for most readers!):   I’ve been following the Rohingya refugee issue for nearly eight years.  In the most recent years, the reason for the original outbreak in the latest wave of violence in Burma (Myanmar) which broke out when three Rohingya Muslim men raped a Buddhist woman, has been long forgotten.  I have been so annoyed over the years to see that original spark for the latest violence between the ethnic groups expunged from media coverage. The media and humanitarian agitators (including the OIC) have made it look like the Rohingya were pure as the driven snow.

I was thus surprised to see this 2012 Al Jazeera piece (an interview with Imran Madden) that actually does mention the rape that started it all.

For Hillary watchers out there, one of the few foreign policy success stories that Hillary was earlier mentioning was supposedly bringing some democracy to Burma. She even sent the ‘Podesta Group’ there to help shore-up her legacy.  Dead silence now as Burma is still in internal conflict.

If you are interested in the Rohingya issue we have enough posts here that you could write a book (see Rohingya Reports category).

For all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.

“Muslim Warriors” populate United Nations camps that U.S. gets it’s refugees from

Last week the Washington Examiner published a lengthy piece by Jonathan Foreman entitled, ‘Does foreign aid really do good?’ It addresses in great detail what we already know—mostly ‘humanitarian aid’ is a waste of money!

We take the majority of our Syrian refugees from UN camps!

I urge you to read it all, however, below is one section I wanted to highlight because: the U.S. State Department is taking the vast majority of UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) refugee referrals from those camps— Zaatari is one of them.

BTW, I see a lot of misunderstanding in the mainstream media. We will not be taking very many of the migrants who have invaded Europe (except perhaps a few from places like Malta where we are breaking the law by bringing their illegal aliens here).  The majority of our refugees are first “screened” by the UN elsewhere—like in Jordan.

Last I heard the UNHCR had 17,000 in a pipeline to America.

Remember, UN camps for Syrians are populated primarily by Sunni Muslims (ISIS and Al-Qaeda are Sunnis).  Therefore, we are taking mostly Muslim Syrians and not the Christians.

This is what caught my eye (emphasis is mine):

There are many other examples of conflict being fomented and prolonged by those housing and aiding refugees, accidentally or deliberately. Refugee warriors, as some have called them, operating from the sanctuary of camps established by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and others, have created mayhem everywhere from the Thai-Cambodia border to Central America and the Middle East.

Sometimes aid agencies have allowed this to happen as a result of ignorance. Sometimes it’s a matter of Red-Cross-style humanitarian ideology taken to the edge: a conviction that even the guilty need to be fed or a belief that providing security in refugee camps would be an abandonment of neutrality. And sometimes it’s because those providing aid are supporting one side in a conflict. The U.S. and Western countries did so from Pakistan during the Soviet-Afghan war.

For decades, Syria, Lebanon and Jordan allowed or encouraged Palestinian refugee camps to become bases for guerrilla and terrorist activity. This should make it clear that the aid world’s traditional ways of dealing with refugee flows are inadequate. Even purely civilian camps such as Zaatari, the sea of tented misery in Jordan that houses a million Syrians, quickly became hotbeds of radicalism and sinkholes of crime and violence, not least because they are unpoliced and because they are filled with working age men with nothing to do.

Read it all here.

They are leaving Zaatari!

There is an AP story yesterday about how ‘refugees’ are leaving Zaatari.  Some are going back to Syria and some are headed to (you guessed it!) Europe.


Connecticut Senator Blumenthal wants more Syrians here faster, proposes to eliminate some screening

Pittsburgh letter writer: Mayor is wrong to invite Syrian refugees to city

As popularity drops,”Mama Merkel” stands by decision to invite Syrians to Germany

Sharyl Attkisson does Lewiston, Maine; Trump says no Syrians

The New York Times addresses the Twin Falls, Idaho refugee controversy

World Relief targeting Northern Idaho for refugee resettlement!

Germany: Diversity not so beautiful after all

Senate Oversight hearing on Refugee Program very revealing! Senator Sessions did a masterful job

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Zaatari known as hotbed of radicalism and sinkhole of crime and violence.

Muslim Influence Operations at Texas A&M San Antonio

“Influence operations” by America’s enemies use soft techniques such as strategic communications, diplomacy and public relations to accomplish a strategic goal in lieu of military force. That goal for Islamists is for Sharia law to become law for everywhere in the world.  Not necessarily today nor tomorrow but no doubt the end goal is Shariah.

A recent example of influence operations is the “clock boy” hoax of Ahmad Mohamed in Irving, TX.  A sympathetic press with quotes from ill-informed politicians, celebrities orchestrated by the Council on American Islamic Relations officials paints the desired picture of hatred and prejudice against Muslims. The resultant “back story” showing the holes in the entire story fails to make the front pages and hence unknowing Americas are duped by this type of “influence operations.”

A similar “influence operation” is occurring here in San Antonio at Texas A&M San Antonio thanks to a partnership between President Dr. Cynthia Teniente-Matson (210.784.1600, email here) and the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR).  On October 7th the school’s chapter of the Society of Human Relations Managers (SHRM) is hosting a two hour seminar on “Islam in the Workplace”.

This exact same presentation was originally presented this spring by the San Antonio SHRM chapter. Sarwat Husain, Executive Director for San Antonio Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), was scheduled to speak. She was removed from the speakers list when public outrage resulted in 10,000 emails to the SHRM president asking why an organization identified as supporting Islamic terrorism by Egypt, UAE and U.S. government officials would be permitted to speak to their members.

CAIR did not quit but played the “victimization card” claiming to SHRM supporters that CAIR’s removal was further evidence of “Islamophobia” and found a willing supporter of this argument in the SHRM Chapter sponsor leader at TAMU San Antonio, Dr Adrian Guardia, Dept. of Business (210.784.2332).

Members of the SHRM Board and TAMU officials failed to respond to information from the TAMU Student Body president, Allison Garcia who passed along documents from the FBI and Congress showing CAIR’s ties to known terrorist organizations.

Husain has a history of conveniently deceiving listeners. The Islamic concept of “taqiyyah’ makes this fully acceptable.  In 2009 Husain said:

“For many months, Israel has denied humanitarian aid to Gaza’s civilian population, a blockade that by itself can be regarded as an act of war under international law.… This is state-sponsored terrorism at its best.”

The facts are exactly the opposite. Israel provided these resources and much more:

  • 10,544 patients & companions left Gaza for medical treatment in Israel.
  • 382 emergency evacuations from Gaza for medical purposes.
  • 572 trucks, 5,000 tons of medical supplies entered the Strip.
  • Hadassah Medical Organization in Jerusalem donates $3 million in aid to treat Palestinians in Israel.

This quote from Husain is equally untrue as the statistics reveal. “No other country in the world have terrorized as many people for so long as Israel has for more than half a century…“

Some 11,000,000 Muslims have been violently killed since 1948, of which 35,000, or 0.3 percent, died during the sixty years of fighting Israel, or just 1 out of every 315 Muslim fatalities. In contrast, over 90 percent of the 11 million who perished were killed by fellow Muslims.

Ms. Husain and others would do harm to Islam if they were to discuss two very important Islamic concepts, “tafseer” and “darura” that employers should know. This example of a protecting Islam by using a half-truth or “kitman” is in very handy when conducting “influence operations.”

Koran 4:28 grants Muslims who live in non-Shariah compliant areas, “tayseer” or “lightening of the load” exception.  This would apply to nearly all jobs where Muslims are employed.  The second Islamic concept, “darura” or necessity is also important. If it is necessary, then what is forbidden is permitted.  If a Muslim is hungry and there is no halal (Sharia compliant) food, then he can eat any food. If a Muslim is where he cannot pray, then the prayer can be made up later.  If Sharia law has not been implemented, then a Muslim may handle pork, for example, with no consequences.

These two Islamic concepts gives Islamic justification for fighting frivolous lawsuits brought forward by Muslim employees.

The “influence operations” is complete when Human Relations managers go back to their offices and give business owners incomplete interpretation of Islamic law thus causing the employer to “submit” (Islam means submission) to the wishes of the Muslim employee.  If employers want accurate information on dealing with Islam in the workplace the last group to listen to would be CAIR, understanding “tafseer” and “durura” is far better legal advice. If you want accurate information write to actbexar@reagan.com and we will connect you to the honest legal and Islamic resources.