Tag Archive for: Koran

U.S. Muslim Polygamy larger problem than Same-Sex Marriage

NPR.org published an article titledSome Muslims in U.S. Quietly Engage in Polygamy” on May 27, 2008 authored by Barbara Bradley Hagerty. The report states in part: No one knows how many Muslims in the U.S. live in polygamous families. But according to academics researching the issue, estimates range from 50,000 to 100,000 people.

Quran 4:3 states:

“Marry of the women, who seem good to you, two or three or four; and if ye fear that ye cannot do justice (to so many) then one (only) or (the captives) that your right hands possess.”

Polygamy is just one of many Islamic tenets sanctioned by Sharia law that are contrary to American laws.   An in depth report on Sharia law around the world is posted here at Floridafamily.org.

It has been more than seven years since the NPR article was published. There has been a significant increase in the number of Muslim immigrants to the United States as well as Muslims granted asylum from Islamist countries since May 27, 2008.

National Review published an article earlier this year titled: The Troubling Math of Muslim Migration.  The article reports in part:

In 1992, 41 percent of new permanent residents in the United States — green-card holders — hailed from the Asia-Pacific region, the Middle East and North Africa, or sub-Saharan Africa, according to the Pew Research Center. A decade later, the percentage was 53 percent. Over that same period, predictably, the number of Muslim immigrants coming to the United States annually has doubled, from 50,000 to approximately 100,000 each year. In 1992, only 5 percent of Muslim immigrants came from sub-Saharan Africa; 20 years later, it was 16 percent. Of the 2.75 million Muslims in the United States in 2011, 1.7 million were legal permanent residents.

There is no official estimate of Muslims in the U.S.; religious affiliation is not tracked by the Census. However, Pew’s estimate of 2.75 million seems to be on the lower end. The Council on American-Islamic Relations says there are approximately 7 million Muslims in the country.

Therefore, the number of Muslims “quietly engaging in Polygamy in the United States” could be 100,000 to 200,000 or more today. 100,000 to 200,000 Muslims represent a small portion of the Islamic community that are polygamists. However, the significance of this number is that there are hundreds of thousands of Muslims in America that follow tenets of Sharia law which are inconsistent with American laws.   Some reports indicate that most Muslims worldwide do not practice polygamy because of financial restraints. This would indicate that there are far more Muslims in America that practice the other tenets of Sharia law.

There are likely many more Muslims practicing polygamy in America than there are gay marriages.  Pew Research reported in June 2015 “How many same-sex married couples in the U.S.? Maybe 170,000.” 

Muslims in America who practice tenets of Sharia law which are antithetical to the United States Constitution threaten to change public policy in America. American companies bidding for Muslim consumers will be tempted, asked and pressured to change their policies to be Sharia compliant. A large portion of Sharia law has to do with personal conduct and consumer behavior.

The Toll of WWIII — From Stalin to Putin

Well known and highly respected journalist O’Reilly has surprised me while talking with Ben Carson on his show 9.17.15. O’Reilly said that he did not remember any government that declared a war on us and we did not remove that government. It was a wrong statement. Unfortunately, Mr. O’Reilly is not alone, he has a big company of others thinking alike. Perhaps, none of them has never heard about the current WWIII and Soviet Fascism, about which, I have been writing for the last twenty years. I have to show how wrong they are and prove it.

Some History of Communism

Communists, beginning with Karl Marx, have never hidden their major agenda—destruction of capitalism and creation of a Socialist State. Marx openly called for revolution and determined the leadership in the revolution—proletariat, which is the low poor class with nothing to lose “besides their chains.” Several revolutions in a freedom loving Europe had not succeeded in the 19th century. After the October Socialist Revolution 1917, Stalin had changed this formula and established the totalitarian regime, we called Stalinism in the 20th century.

 Islam and the Muslim Culture in Stalin’s Biography

At this point, I have to repeat the major factors of Stalin’s bio:

First, and the most important was his upbringing within a Muslim culture. Though, he was a student (a dropout) of an Orthodox Christion Seminary, his love and knowledge of Islam was a chief cause in the formation of a totalitarian regime in Russia. A dogmatic Marxist, he however, saw the inability of the Communist ideology to conquer the world without the help of Islam. His trip to Iran through a porous borders had fostered his idea to bring together the Communist ideology and Islam. The Muslim Brotherhood had presented that opportunity and Stalin acted accordingly making the Muslin Brotherhood a politburo of Islam functioning from Moscow. Later, Arafat was recruited by two members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

As you know, Stalin was obsessed with the chess-game, which helped him to calculate far ahead a particular way of actions. Knowing a never ending war between Sunnis and Shias, he planned to involve the West into that never ending conflict and finely to defeat Western civilization. The events after WWI and an arrogant behavior of the victorious Europe rearranging the map of the Middle East, had given him a precedent for the future actions. Islam, with its permission to lie for political advancement, had made Stalin a savvy politician and an extraordinary intriguer to create a political system based on a fraud. It was Stalin, who invented a marriage of Communism and Islam

Second, and no less important, is Stalin’s ability to see and understand that capitalism is very productive, well managed, and its military might cannot be kept up by the Soviet military. Hence, the main idea of replacing capitalism by Socialism had required a different approach to the matter. There are several other aspects of history that could’ve plaid a role… It is a national Russian Empyreal Impulse that coincided with Stalin’s agenda. Besides, as a student of the Russian Orthodox Seminar, he learned about the founder of the Illuminati Society and their methods. A founder of the Order of the Illuminati secret society Adam Weishaupt a German philosopher, in order to spread his ideas was sending his emissaries to different countries to implement his teachings. Stalin had completely absorbed the method and to implement it built the mighty intelligence apparatus called the KGB.

putin obamaAsymmetrical War Runs under the Supervision of the KGB

I have already dedicated many pages to the history of the KGB, its main factions and its significance within the Stalinist regime. As a matter of fact, Stalin had two major tasks for fostering the KGB: a watch dog for the loyalty to the government system within the country and to spread and implement Stalin’s teachings to the outside world. The entire country was under total control by the KGB. Like a dark cloud the fear to speak entered every human dwelling and the Houses of Worship; people were afraid of each other to communicate. We, the former citizen of the Socialist countries will never forget the fear and intimidation we all went through. We called the KGB—the Organs. Read Chapter 4, And Evil is Alive and Well, What is Happening to America?

For this reason, I also gave you the list of tools, devises, methods and tricks, the entire modus operandi used by the KGB. In the last several columns, I paid a special attention to Political Correctness, as the only one of the methods used by KGB. I focused your attention on recruitment and infiltration for a reason—those two are the main components of WWIII. I tried to expose the list of all the tricks and devises of Stalin’s teachings in my books, I hope you also remember a creation of a Soviet style leaders in the outside world. But the list of tools is so long and constantly developed by Stalin’s devoted disciples of the KGB that it will take the intelligence apparatus to follow it. The devoted disciples are Andropov and Putin.

Yet, to comprehend better the nature and essence of WWIII, let me give you again the document proving my statement. It is a decision of the Soviet Defense Council in 1955, which was the first formal Soviet document declaring the war on Western civilization .Please, remember, the document had been written under the control of the KGB. It reveals the launch of narcotics trafficking against the bourgeoisie and especially against the American capitalists as a sub-component of a global strategy:

“Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy… narcotics strategy is a sub-component of this global strategy… First was the increased training of leaders for the revolutionary movements—the civilian, military, and intelligence cadres. The founding of Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow is an example of one of the early actions taken to modernize the Soviet revolutionary leadership training. The second step was the actual training of terrorists. Training for international terrorism actually began as ‘fighters for liberation.’…The third step was international drug and narcotics trafficking. Drugs were incorporated into the revolutionary war strategy as a political and intelligence weapon to use against the bourgeois society and as a mechanism for recruiting agents of influence around the world.” You can read the entire document in my column titled Agents of Influence, the name given to the moles by the above mentioned document.

The document projects the future aggressive criminal activities, yet, it was formed on the background of a real war. After Stalin completed the creation of the Chinese Communist State in 1949, he gave an order to a Soviet General Staff to plan a Korean war that began in 1950. You know the result. But…this vicious aggressive circle has never been stopped, then it was Vietnam, Cambodia where the Soviet military actively participated. And the waves of the misfortunate Asians have streamed out to Europe and America asking for the asylum. In 1956 the Communist Hungary asked for the Russian “help” and the tanks had drownd freedom in Hungary. Then the Russian tanks had killed the Prague Spring in1968 and again, the people from Europe asked now for asylum in America. Don’t you think that asymmetrical war, waged by Russia was started many years ago?

Finishing with freedom in Asia and Europe, Stalinist devoted disciples moved to the Middle East with the same formula bequeathed by Stalin. Papa Assad in Syria, had already been recruited by the time and a new name came to life–Arafat, leading a so-called Liberation Movement. I have already dedicated many pages to this fake, dangerous, military movement in the Middle East. The Stalinist design has never been changed, but developed in coherence with the time and current events in the world.  As usual the KGB was playing the crucial role—Andropov and Putin had followed Stalin’s design to our time. Now we are dealing with Iran, the next satellite of Russia and the biggest sponsor of International terrorism and a friend of Assad in Syria.

Look at the map of the Middle East and you will see a knot created for several decades by Russia. As I have already warned you before, I expect Russia and Iran will fight in Syria to secure Assad, who has already asked Russia for help. But Russia’s agenda is much wider and more threatening in the Middle East than it is seen at the first glance. What do you think, why does Russia bring anti-aircraft missiles to Syria? ISIS doesn’t have any air forces? The coalition lead by America has. Do you know why Russia brings fighter-jets to Syria?  Why is Syria’s airport occupied by Russian planes and helicopters? It is a strategic diversion to establish a real Russian military presence on the Mediterranean by a military base in Syria. Do not forget Putin is playing a geopolitical-chess game with the world and your lives.

That tells you a lot. Russia’s agenda is that of turning the Middle East into the battlefield against Israel the way Stalin had bequeathed it being an extreme anti-Semite.

Sears stops selling “Infidel” hats after Muslim complaints

Islamic supremacist Imraan Siddiqi complained to Sears about the hats, and it was apparently his complaint alone that was enough for them to remove the hats from sale. After he succeeded in strong-arming Sears into removing the hats, he screamed “Allahu akbar”:

Imraan Siddiqi

Imraan Siddiqi armedImraan Siddiqi Sears

This incident, along with the TPM article about below, is a good example of how Islamic supremacists such as Siddiqi and the mainstream media stigmatize resistance to jihad, trying to make people think there is something wrong with standing against jihad terror. Krueger’s lead paragraph comes straight from Siddiqi’s Twitter feed, and picks up his attempts to smear and demonize resistance to jihad terror: Krueger slavishly takes from Siddiqi the reference to “fringe websites” (which she artfully renders as “sketchy anti-Islamic sites”), along with the nasty and unfounded insinuation that this hat would only find favor among those who attend “armed mosque protests.” Siddiqi and Krueger want you to know that no decent person would be caught wearing this hat, which the Hamas-linked terror organization the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), also following Siddiqi, flagged as “Islamophobic” in its daily mailing.

But what, exactly, is so wrong with a hat that says kafir, “infidel” in Arabic? In his 2002 letter to America, Osama bin Laden declared, “The first thing we are calling you to is Islam.” In that sentence and in his entire letter he delineated the global conflict as between those of Islamic faith and those without it, i.e., infidels. It was, therefore, entirely reasonable and understandable for those who defy Osama and others like him, and who will never submit to Islam, to adopt the name “infidel,” much as other groups have proudly adopted terms of derision used of them by their opponents (“queer,” etc.).

But in her sloppily edited piece, Krueger informs us that the Islamic Society of North America, to which she gives the acronym “ISBA” (Borth America?), and which she doesn’t bother telling us has admitted links to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, says that “infidel is not a correct translation for Karif.” Karif? That’s kafir, infidel. How Islamophobic of Krueger to get the word wrong. But in any case, the “ISBA” says: “Islam does not consider people of other faiths as ‘infidels,’ and does not advocate violence against them.”

And that’s that, right? Except for one little problem known as the Qur’an. “Unbelievers are those who say: Allah is the Messiah, son of Mary” (Qur’an 5:17; cf. 5:72). The Arabic word used for unbelievers, or infidels, in this verse is kafara, كَفَرَ. Derived from kufr, unbelief. The Qur’an also contains an invective against the People of the Book in general and the Jews in particular. The Jews “traffic in error” and, and wish that the Muslims would “lose the right path” (4:44). They twist Allah’s words, and Allah has “cursed them for their unbelief” — كُفْرِهِمْ, kufrihim (4:46) — a word that is also derived from kufr.

There, then, are two Qur’anic passages clearly calling Christians and Jews unbelievers, or infidels — which the Islamic Society of North America and many others insist the Qur’an never does.

And does Islam really not mandate violence against those infidels? The Qur’an says: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” (9:29) Also: “And fight them until there is no fitnah and the religion, all of it, is for Allah.” (8:39) Thus Muslims are commanded to fight against the People of the Book if they don’t believe in Allah or the Last Day and don’t forbid what Allah and Muhammad has forbidden. And Muslims are to keep up this fight until religion, all of it, is for Allah. Does that sound like advocating violence against people of other faiths to you? It certainly does to me.

So why did Sears cave so readily? Because Sears doesn’t know or care about any of this. Sears just wants to make money. It doesn’t want to have a big controversy, and denunciations of racism, and boycotts, and all the rest of it that Siddiqi and his sinister ilk can make happen. It knows that Islamic supremacists carry weight with the media (cf. this TPM piece) that the defenders of freedom cannot muster. And so, predictably, it threw in its lot with its bottom line.

“Sears Says It Will Stop Selling Arabic ‘INFIDEL’ Hats,” by Katherine Krueger, Talking Points Memo, October 19, 2015:

No need to patronize sketchy anti-Islamic sites to get “infidel” hats to wear to your next armed mosque protest – Sears has you covered.

As activist Imraan Siddiqi flagged on Twitter Monday, the big box retailer sells “INFIDEL Baseball Cap Patriotic Hat Arabic” on Sears.com via a third-party retailer.

The hats, which the site shows were added Oct. 12, are listed for $19.98 to $34.99, depending on the color. They are sold by Dreamway Trading, LLC through the legacy retailers’ site.

Reached Monday by TPM, a spokesman for Sears Holdings, the corporation that owns Sears and Kmart, said that after unspecified “feedback,” the company is pulling the merchandise.

“This item is sold by a third-party seller via the Sears Marketplace. Given the feedback we’ve received it is being removed,” the spokesman said in an email to TPM.

The hats appear to have been removed from the Sears site as of late Monday afternoon. Sears Holdings did not respond to further questions about the vetting process for third party retailers. Sears.com offers users a free account to upload their wares, with the company charging retailers a $39.99 monthly fee, plus a commission on sales, to sell through the site.

Conservative groups repurposed the term “infidel” for an individual who rejects religion as an anti-Islam rallying cry post-9/11. Touting “infidel” has remained popular with the advent of anti-Sharia law hysteria, and among the far-right fringe groups loosely united by a penchant for habitually equating Islam, a faith that counts nearly 1.6 billion followers around the world, with violent extremism.

The term has also been embraced in some military circles as an antagonistic middle finger to the enemy in the wars in the Mideast, espoused by brands like Major League Infidel.

According to a guide on terrorism and religious extremism from the Islamic Society of North America, infidel is not a correct translation for Karif [sic], the Arabic word used on the hats.

“Islam does not consider people of other faiths as ‘infidels,’ and does not advocate violence against them,” according to the ISBA [sic]….


Australia: Muslims threaten to murder journalists who report on jihadi mosque

Pakistan: Police fabricate false blasphemy accusation against Christian

EDITORS NOTE: For those readers interested in purchasing Infidel hats, clothing, patches and banners please check out this website, one of many.

Netanyahu to BBC Journalist: ‘Are we living on the same planet?’ [Video]

“These people don’t want negotiations. They’re inciting for violence. Direct your questions to them.” He might also have asked the BBC “journalist” why her news service has become such an energetic propagandist for the “Palestinian” jihad.

“Netanyahu Rebukes BBC Journalist: ‘Are We Living on the Same Planet?’ (VIDEO),” Algemeiner, October 16, 2015 (thanks to Inexion):

Israeli Prime Minster Benjamin Netanyahu admonished a BBC journalist who asked at a press conference on Thursday if he was ready to resume negotiations with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

“Are we living on the same planet?” Netanyahu sharply responded to Chief International Correspondent Lyse Doucet. “I’ve been calling day in, day out, in every forum… I’ve called on President Abbas to resume unconditional negotiations immediately.”

Netanyahu urged Doucet to instead ask Abbas if he is willing to talk to the Israeli prime minister. “Right now, as we speak, we can meet,” he said. “I’m willing to meet him, he’s not willing to meet me.”

“And you ask me about the resumption of negotiations?” he continued. “Come on, get with the program. These people don’t want negotiations. They’re inciting for violence. Direct your questions to them.”


Hizballah top dog Nasrallah: “We will continue in the path of Jihad against Israel”

Disney places, removes ad for counterterrorism intern

Hollywood: Director’s Son Converts to Islam — Stars in al-Qaeda Videos

When Lucas Kinney converted to Islam and became Abu Basir al-Britani, it is likely that his parents didn’t raise the slightest objection, as they were almost certainly sure that Islam was a religion of peace and that to object to the conversion would have violated all multicultural pieties.

While the Islamic State and al-Qaeda make concerted efforts to convert and recruit young Westerners, Western governments, Christian leaders, and parents do absolutely nothing to counter those efforts — to do anything would be “Islamophobic.” And so we will see many more Abu Basir al-Britanis.

Also: here we see yet another convert to Islam joining the jihad that Muslims in the West ostensibly reject and oppose. Who converted him to Islam? Did he learn his understanding of Islam from that person, or was he “radicalized on the Internet”? Are authorities checking into this, or would that, too, be “Islamophobic”?

“EXCLUSIVE: British son of Hollywood movie director, 26, is revealed as bloodthirsty star of al-Qaeda propaganda videos after converting from Catholicism and smuggling himself to Syria,” by Tom Wyke and Neil Sears, Daily Mail, October 18, 2015 (thanks to Michael):

The white British son of a film director has converted from Catholicism to Islam and become an al-Qaeda fighter in Syria, the MailOnline can reveal.

Lucas Kinney, 26, has become a figurehead for the jihadis – appearing in online propaganda videos designed to encourage new recruits to sign up.

The first white British convert to emerge in Syria, as a Home Counties schoolboy he took holy communion at a Roman Catholic church and attended Catholic primary and secondary schools. As a teenager, he even spoke of being a priest.

His father Patrick, 59, worked closely with Steven Spielberg on films including Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade and was assistant director on a long series of blockbusters.

Mother Deborah Phipps, 53, who was divorced from Lucas’s father when he was still at primary school, told yesterday of her dread that her son will be the next Briton killed by a RAF drone strike or in a Russian bombardment, and her fears that he might become a suicide bomber.

Mrs Phipps, who receives occasional emails from her son, is at a loss to explain how he went from a bright, normal teenager to a Muslim fanatic.

After leaving school he attended Leeds University but dropped out after a year. He played in a series of rock bands then went to live with his father in Vienna. It was there that he is believed to have been radicalised.

He is now a figurehead of the Syrian al-Qaeda-linked group Jabhat al-Nusra, and has starred in two propaganda videos posted online under the nom de guerre Abu Basir al-Britani….

Mrs Phipps said: ‘Lucas is a target. I’m glad he’s associated with al-Qaeda rather than IS, but obviously I worry.

‘On Mother’s Day last year I spoke to his father and he told me he thought our son was dead because there was a picture of him on the internet lying on a bed in Syria and you couldn’t tell if he was alive.

‘Later that day we found out he wasn’t dead but was seriously injured. He’d been struck by a mortar so his arm basically was hanging off. He had to have a big operation and he said he wouldn’t be able to fight for about 18 months.

‘I last heard from him recently. I don’t get anything for months and months and then all of a sudden I get an email and every time I think, ‘Well, at least he’s still alive’. That’s the relief.

‘He’s married out there. I don’t know anything about her. They don’t have any children as far as I know, but this is recent, the last few months.

‘We just want him to come home. If he’s done something wrong I’d like him to accept the consequences. He’s still young – and at least he’s still alive.’

Most British jihadis in Syria are born Muslims of overseas descent – but the existence of a white convert only emerged online several months ago in the two Jabhat al-Nusra videos presented by ‘Abu Basir al-Britani’. Not until today has he been exposed as Lucas Kinney.

Bespectacled, calm and well-spoken, he sounds very much England-born as he talks about the atrocities being carried out by Jabhat al-Nusra’s rivals ISIS. Both films are journalistic in style in contrast to the crude attempts at visual terror in IS videos.

One of Kinney’s professionally produced videos is entitled ‘So the Way of the Criminals Will Become Clear’.

In it, he visits the scene of an IS attack on a mosque in a Jabhat al-Nusra area of Syria, but adds with the faith of a fervent convert that the ‘good thing’ for his murdered ‘brothers’ is that ‘Allah chose to take them in a very good time. He gave them an honourable death’.

Referring to Islamic State, Kinney says the group ‘is not deserving of that name’.

His broadcasts are designed to encourage other Britons to join his al-Qaeda group in Syria, a criminal offence in Britain.

Some observers mocked him, with ‘Don’t forget your toothbrush’ jibes after they noted that in one video, while Kinney had an AK-47 over his shoulder, there was a green and white toothbrush tucked in amid the ammo in his military webbing.

Kinney, who has a younger brother and sister, was born in Hammersmith, West London, in 1989 to his CofE British mother and his British/American Roman Catholic father.

His father Patrick, son of a United Nations diplomat, started his movie career as an assistant director on the film 1984, and progressed through one of the Rambo films, Out Of Africa and Cry Freedom to working alongside Spielberg on Empire Of The Sun and Indiana Jones And The Last Crusade.

In addition to working on numerous other films and ITV police drama series The Bill, he was second assistant director on Braveheart and Chaplin.

The family settled initially in a modern detached house in the Home Counties. Kinney followed his father to the local church and, said his mother, attended both the linked primary school and nearby Catholic secondary.

After a few years his parents divorced, his father moved to Florida alone, and his mother remarried, to an airline manager.

When Kinney’s stepfather got a three-year posting to Saudi Arabia the whole family moved there.

They feared evacuation because they arrived only days before September 11, 2001 – the moment when al-Qaeda launched itself on the world by bringing down the World Trade Centre.

When fears calmed they stayed, and after private English schooling in Saudi Arabia, the family went on to Egypt. Kinney was placed at the elite private Modern English School in Cairo, and performed in numerous school plays.

He grew his hair long, dyeing it red, and formed and played electric guitar in a series of rock bands, one called Hannah’s Got Herpes. He also posted pictures of scantily clad girls on Facebook. In Cairo he gained International GCSEs and then three A-levels including music and art.

He then lived briefly with his father in a Vienna flat during a gap year before beginning a Middle Eastern Studies with Arabic course at Leeds University in 2009.

After a year he dropped out, and returned to live with his father in Vienna. It is there he is thought to have become a Muslim convert.

Mrs Phipps said: ‘Lucas’s father Patrick is a Catholic and Lucas is Catholic – he did Holy Communion and everything. At one stage, when he was 12 or 13, he wanted to be a priest.

‘He’s very bright, very talented, very musical, very artistic, good at anything creative. But he was always still looking for something, some sort of direction.

‘In Cairo he was very social, had lots of friends, and was very easy going. He was in bands and behaved like a typical teenager. I wasn’t particularly worried about him.

‘He didn’t become a Muslim then. He liked pop music, all the school productions he was in, a performer basically. He used to do battle of the bands as well because he played guitar a lot.’

She added that while Kinney was in Vienna with his father, she and her husband moved to Islamabad, Pakistan, leaving her two youngest in UK boarding schools, for her second husband’s job with BA – but again were rocked by terror just after arriving.

al-Qaeda was blamed for killing 56 with a bomb at the Marriott hotel in Islamabad in September 2008. It led to BA suspending flights there, and the family coming straight back to Britain.

Speaking of his year at Leeds, his mother said: ‘I don’t think he became involved in Islam there. He liked drinking and smoking and girls, all the things that basically they can’t do.

‘When Lucas went to Vienna – that was where everything changed. Lucas did not say he was becoming a Muslim, but we used to talk on Skype so we could see him, and obviously you could see he had become a Muslim.

‘His father said, ‘His religion is very important to him’. He had a beard and the robes, it was quite obvious. After a while he moved out to live with friends. We didn’t even really discuss it.’

She was not in touch with him for some time, but then came the sudden Mother’s Day discovery that he was a jihadi in Syria.

Mrs Phipps said: ‘When I found out he was in Syria I said, ‘If I could get on a plane and come out there and bring you back, I would’. But he said, ‘No, that’s not what I want’. They have to want to come back, then maybe you can take steps.

‘A long time ago he said to me, ‘They’re killing Muslims’. He was talking about Assad, the Syrian president. He said, ‘They’re raping women, killing children as well’. I think it’s Assad’s regime, fighting that, that’s taken him there.

‘There are pictures of him on Facebook with guns. I think he possibly would martyr himself – I think he’s mentioned it once a long time ago. And this is another one of our fears, that he would do that.’

Mrs Phipps said her son had never talked of attacking the West, but added: ‘In emails from Syria he kept using koranic phrases and wants everyone to convert.’…

Kinney’s last contact with his mother was short. It featured koranic references and asked after his father’s health….


Video: Robert Spencer speaks at Reagan Ranch Center on Obama, Putin and the Islamic State

Trump boasts he would have prevented 9/11, but dodges Sharia question

Human Cockroaches on the Move

Never in our lifetime, not even during World War II, have the people of Planet Earth seen the potential for more human misery than they are now witness to.  In Europe, the black peoples of Africa and the Muslims of the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan… many of them escaping war and starvation, others brutal savages intent upon spreading Islamic extremism… stream across the international frontiers of Britain, France, Germany, and other European countries.

All across the Middle East and Africa, we see daily reports of what passes for justice in their brutal primitive cultures.  We see gang rapes administered as punishment; we see ritual beheadings of enemy captives; we see women, some as young as eight or nine years of age, kidnapped and sold into sex slavery; we see rape victims buried up to their necks and stoned to death; we see captured soldiers doused with gasoline and publicly burned to death; and we see prisoners locked in steel cages and submerged in tanks of water.  In short, we are now witness to the most unimaginable variety of human cruelty and depravity at the hands of radical Islamists.

In Israel, we see young Palestinian Arabs roaming the streets of Jerusalem, attacking and stabbing Israeli pedestrians at random.  We see Palestinians driving automobiles onto sidewalks, running down Israelis waiting at bus stops.  And when Israeli police are attacked with knives and are shot to death, Obama administration officials charge the Israelis with “overreacting.”

Even here, in the streets of America, we see riots, looting, and senseless murder.  We see police officers targeted for assassination, for no other reason than that they wear a badge and a gun and they represent civil authority.  Gangs of young black men select victims at random and draw lots to see who will be given the opportunity to knock the victim unconscious with a single punch.  In major cities across the country dozens of young black men are senselessly murdered each week by other young black men.  Meanwhile, school administrators are sued because they refuse to provide prayer facilities for Muslims, even though school policy prohibits any and all religious activity by Christians, Jews, and others.  In our military, field grade officers by the hundreds are driven into retirement because they disagree with the military decisions of a commander in chief who himself refused to wear the uniform of the U.S. military.

In short, the human cockroaches of the world are on the move.  They want what we have, they want to live where we live, and they’re not about to take “no” for an answer.  Unfortunately, most European heads of state are still convinced that multiculturalism is a long term positive development for their economies.  Millions of refugees abandon the refugee camps of Syria, Iraq, Gaza, and Turkey, straggling westward toward Germany and Austria, while hundreds of thousands more sail from North Africa across the Mediterranean to Spain, Italy, Austria, and Germany.  Some are families seeking safety from the ravages of ISIS and the Islamic caliphate; some are terrorist’s intent upon destabilizing the nations of Europe and subjugating their people; while many more seek nothing more than to live off the generous social welfare programs of America and the European socialist states.

On September 3, 2011, Oskar Freysinger, of the Christian Democratic People’s Party of Switzerland, a member of the Swiss parliament, addressed some very important thoughts to a Berlin audience… thoughts that Germans and other Europeans should have heeded when they still had a chance to do so.  Freysinger said:

“The dhimmi (a non-Muslim living as a second-class citizen in an Islamic state) attitude of Europeans sustained a wound which must not heal over if the millennia-old European civilization is to survive, for Europe is more than a plot of land, more than a continent, more than the sum of its countries.  Europe is an idea, a cultural landscape, an intellectual space shaped by history.  Europe is the cradle of the modern constitutional state, the treasure-house of human rights, of freedom of opinion and expression.

“This is ever more strongly endangered by the possibility that our political elite will bend their necks before a (Muslim) religious dogma that is alien to our intellectual history, our values, and our constitutional state.  This dogma is gnawing away at the pillars of our system of laws, wherever it is allowed some space.  This dogma demands total obedience from its followers…

“They are in no case to integrate into our value system.  That would be like treason and can even be punished with death.  They are expected to conquer our intellectual home, make the Western world subject.  My dear friends… we are not fighting against people, we are fighting for people! We are fighting against a dogma that is anathema to every aspect of humanity…  If we lose this battle, there will be no second chance, for Islam does not give back what it has conquered.”

In a statement published on the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) website, Khudayr Taher, an Iraqi Shiite living in the United States, suggests that, “Countries have the right to protect themselves and assure their citizens’ safety from terrorism.  Likewise, it is clear that the source of the terrorist crimes in Europe and America is the Muslims who live in those countries…”  Taher argues that, since it is impossible to sort out the good Muslims from the bad, those countries should “deport all Muslims, of all races, from Europe and America… ”

Some European countries are beginning to deport Muslims on a selective basis.  Across Europe, where multiculturalism has for years been seen as a laudable goal, Muslim immigrants see themselves as a “conquering army,” for which European women are simply the “spoils of war.”  For Muslims, it makes perfect sense because that attitude is in full accordance with Islamic law.  Western women are not regarded as individuals, but as “their women,” the women who belong to hostile infidels.  They see western women as “cheap and offensive.”

Aleteia, the worldwide Catholic network, reports that, “Over the past three years, France has

deported 40 foreign imams for “preaching hatred.”  The news service quotes French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve as saying, “We cannot lose this war because it’s fundamentally a war of civilization.  It’s our society, our civilization that we are defending.”  Cazeneuve has made it clear that any “foreign preacher of hate will be deported,” and that any mosque found to be inciting terrorism “will be shut down.”  Since January 2015, the French have investigated 22 reported cases of radical preaching.  In 10 of those cases imams have been deported.

In short, it is time for western democracies, particularly Great Britain and the United States, to conclude that Islam is incompatible with cultures built on Judeo-Christian principles and that, as such, it is not possible for Islamists to ever integrate into western cultures.  Instead, they must be banished/quarantined forever to majority Muslim nations.  As the French Interior Minister has made clear, we cannot afford to lose this war because nothing less than civilization is at stake.

Most of the outrages committed by Muslims can be managed if only political leaders will abandon political correctness and act with a firm hand.  A video now circulating on the Internet, set to the tune of the John Denver song, “Leaving on a Jet Plane,” is a thought-provoking hint of things to come.  The video first informs us that the world’s largest passenger aircraft, the Airbus A380, can seat up to 830 passengers in economy class configuration.  The video goes on to explain that, with an average of ten flights per day for an entire year, the British could deport every one of their 2.87 million Muslims, sending them off with one-way tickets to destinations of their choice in the Muslim world.

As the video explains, European countries such as Great Britain and Germany, countries that have opened their doors to unfettered Muslim immigration, are now facing a catch-22 situation.  They will one day be forced to choose between the ultimate civil war that all nations with large and expanding Muslim populations eventually face, or they must give serious consideration to ridding themselves of their Muslim populations while it is still possible to do so.  It is a solution that more and more leaders western leaders are beginning to embrace.

We are told that only 5% of the world’s 1.4 billion Muslims are radicalized.  But before we sit back and say, “Whew!! I’m sure glad to hear that,” let’s first do a bit of arithmetic.  Five percent of 1.4 billion comes to roughly 70 million suicide bombers, child rapists, wife-beaters, and other types of Islamist murderers.  Since it is impossible for radical Islamists to ever live in a civilized world, and since non-radicalized Muslims are not anxious to see their families butchered and otherwise brutalized before their very eyes, they say nothing; they do nothing.  Because of their cowardice they are just as undesirable as their religion-crazed friends, families, and neighbors.

Americans and Europeans will do whatever is necessary to deal with the humanitarian crisis that is now flowing across our borders.  But we are not obligated by our humanity to submit to the total desecration of our western cultures and religious traditions.  Instead, we have not only a right, but a solemn obligation to see to it that our people are protected from the horrors of radical Islam.  We must resolve that the problems that drive masses of illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers out of Africa, the Middle East, Mexico, and Central America into Europe and North America are their problems… not ours.  Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the indigenous populations of those troubled nations to solve their own problems.  When the present dangers are past, they must pack up and return to their home countries.

Islamists will never willingly assimilate into our western cultures.  Hence, as Khudayr Taher has suggested, it’s time we started deporting all Muslims… men, women, and chidren… to the Islamic destination of their choice.  The deportation of radical Islamist preachers is now beginning in some of the most unlikely places and it’s never too early for the United States and Great Britain to join the parade.  The human cockroaches of the world are on the move and it’s time we called in the exterminators.  Let the exodus begin.

U.S. Muslim Migrant Resettlement: How to follow the money

So many of our readers are eager to start researching the resettlement contractors working near you, so here are a few places to start to learn about how they are financed (this is in no way meant to be an all inclusive list, because I don’t know every place to research myself!).

But, first, although off-topic, I want you to see what a one-woman blogger accomplished in Chicago (not a refugee issue, but one involving fraud in the Chicago school system!).  See here (hat tip: Judy).  It can be done!

I’m tech-impaired, but if I can find stuff, so can you.  It just takes a little patience!

Call or write the non-profit group:

Start with contacting the resettlement agency near you (a handy list is here).  As IRS designated 501(c)3 organizations they are NOT allowed to keep their financial documents from you—they are required to give anyone who calls a copy of their financial statement and their Form 990 (if they have one).  Legitimate churches are not required to file Form 990’s so some of the contractors are doing this federal work (resettling refugees) pretending to be churches only.

Go to Guidestar:

Find their IRS Form 990’s on Guidestar by going here and registering to use Guidestar.  It can get tricky because you have to use their exact name as they filed on their Form 990.  For example, you won’t find the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society, but you will find its Form 990 by typing in HIAS, Inc.

USA Spending.gov:

USA Spending.gov is a very handy site as long as you know the exact name of the entity you are searching for.  It also has the advantage of tracking across federal agencies and will give you grants and contracts!  Enter the name of the non-profit in the search window in upper right.

For example, you might find that a resettlement contractor is getting cashola, not just from the Office of Refugee Resettlement (in HHS), but from the US Justice Department from some voter registration grants.  If you don’t find the non-profit group listed, don’t give up right away, try to find the exact name it is using. I looked up a specific Catholic Charities this morning under its diocese name and nothing came up, but then I saw on their website that they had a slightly different name and found what I was looking for under that name.

Annual reports to Congress:

These are a treasure trove of information on grants and statistics on welfare use (among other things). I see here that they are late again.  FY2014 should have been released months ago.

Office of Refugee Resettlement:

Go here to programs and click on those of your choice to see who is getting all of the (your!) money!

Non-Profit Facts. com:

A reader sent me this website, which I have never used until today, so try it too by clicking here.  I did test it on the specific Catholic non-profit I searched at USA Spending.gov and was disappointed to see that this website did not mention the $140,000 HUD grant they had received in the last year.  However, there are still some useful bits of information here.  For example, I learned that this “church” group was not required to file a Form 990.

And, finally, you will need to check with your state and local governments about funding these ‘non-profit’ groups receive from you at that level.  This post is meant to address only federal money flowing to them.  You may have to use state public information laws to extract information from them.

Other suggestions that have worked for you?  Send them my way!


Iranian eBay founder having hissy fit over refugee resettlement backlash

Female genital mutilation in Minnesota Somali population not disappearing

Iranian eBay Founder having Hissy Fit over Muslim Resettlement Backlash

Pierre Morad Omidyar is the billionaire founder of eBay (an Iranian) and ‘The Intercept’ is his creation. Don’t you just love it when Leftwing wealthy funders of political causes have hissy fits when they find there are big money people on the right. OT! He is wearing a Nature Conservancy hat here—the TNC operates very similarly to the wealthy refugee resettlement contractors as it too harms unsuspecting citizens in small town America (I know from vast past experience!).

The reporter (Lee Fang) for ‘The Intercept’ singles out a wealthy California man as its target in his piece in which he is literally freaking-out over all of us.  The implication here is that without this one man, there would be no backlash against the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.

I love to read stories like this one because it means you are having a huge impact!

By the way, he (Fang) is using Alinsky Rule 13 (we discussed Rule 13 here in 2009). Alinsky taught his followers in ‘Rules for Radicals’ to target individuals because they hurt more quickly than institutions.

It won’t work because the movement to hold back the tide of third world migration to America is much much larger than this one California man.

And, what Fang and eBay founder Omidyar don’t want their readers to know is that there are thousands of citizens working on this issue who are paid by no one and fueled only by a desire to save America—economically and culturally!  If Mr. Shillman went away today, it wouldn’t matter because we are fed by passion and patriotism, not cash.

The Intercept:

Strident calls to reject Syrian refugees fueled by wealthy California donor

While humanitarian groups and religious charities across the country are urging the U.S. to open its arms to refugees fleeing the bloody conflicts in Syria and Iraq, a number of bloggers and political pundits are beating the drums of intolerance, using conspiracy theories and anti-Muslim rhetoric to mobilize the American public against accepting migrants escaping war.

Several of the leading voices in this effort are sponsored by Robert Shillman, a wealthy donor to conservative causes who lives in Rancho Santa Fe, a suburb of San Diego.

Shillman, who did not respond to a request for comment, is the founder and chairman of Cognex Corp., a company that produces manufacturing technology.

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at FrontPage Magazine, has argued that the only “genuine refugees” are “Christian and non-Muslim” and that the U.S. should not accept any Muslims from the conflict in Syria because those fleeing the region “are not victims, they are perpetrators.”

This is what makes me laugh: the reporter would like his readers to think that Shillman had something to do with Spartanburg and St. Cloud.  I bet the majority of those demanding answers in those cities have never even heard of Shillman.

Shillman Journalism Fellow articles about the dangers of accepting Syrian refugees have gone viral over the last two months, with versions reposted on conservative blogs and news hubs. Fear of Syrian migrants has fueled anger in small towns that fear they will become hosts for Islamic terrorists. Residents in cities such as Spartanburg, South Carolina, and St. Cloud, Minnesota, have organized opposition to the possibility of refugee resettlement efforts.

Asked earlier this year by Reuters about his support for David Horowitz and Pamella Geller, two well-known anti-Muslim activists, Shillman explained that he is not anti-Muslim, but rather simply more outspoken than most business leaders. “Most CEOs are hired guns and their future depends on what their boards think of them. I don’t give a fuck,” he said.

Best antidote to Rule 13—Rule 5!  Laugh at them!

There is lots of amusing stuff in here, continue reading.


Female genital mutilation in Minnesota Somali population not disappearing

Group rallies against refugee resettlement in Twin Falls, ID

Syrians safe in Russia are taking the “opportunity” to slip into Norway to seek asylum

Allentown, PA a “first tier” city to get mostly Muslim Syrian refugees

Hungary PM: “Islam was never part of Europe. It’s the rule-book of another world.”

Islam was never part of Europe, except as an invader bent on conquering and subjugating the native peoples. But now it is a different story, courtesy the weakness, fecklessness, and multiculturalist internationalism of European leaders. If trends continue, by the end of this century Islam will be Europe’s primary identifying characteristic.

“Islam was never part of Europe, says Hungary PM,” AP, October 17, 2015:

Hungary’s Prime Minister Viktor Orban defended his hardline stance against refugees,the vast majority of whom are Muslim, saying in an interview published that Islam “has never been part of Europe”.

Speaking to Germany’s Focus news weekly about the record migrant influx, he said “the language of the European elite is ideological and dogmatic”.

“Islam has never been part of Europe,it came to us,” Orban told Focus in an interview to be published in full Saturday. He conceded that Germany’s Turkish migrants, who arrived in their tens of thousands from the 1960s for work,now “belong to German history and therefore Europe’s too”.

“But spiritually, Islam was never part of Europe.It’s the rulebook of another world,” said Orban.

He also hit out at France and Germany for refusing to countenance “any doubts” over a multicultural society.

“We in Hungary decide what we want or don’t want. We don’t want that,” he said.

Almost 600,000 people have arrived in Europe so far this year, with many of them heading for Germany and Sweden.

Orban asserted that most asylum seekers arriving in Europe are actually economic migrants. “Not everyone is entitled to a life in Germany or a life in Hungary.That’s only for those who have worked for it,” he said.

In the face of a historic surge in migrant arrivals, Hungary in September sealed its border with Serbia. Yesterday,it announced it had also completed a fence along the Croatian border.

Hungary’s use of fences and its treatment of migrants — including serious clashes on September 16 between police and migrants — has been sharply criticised, including by United Nations chief Ban Ki-moon.

Which means that Hungary’s use of fences and its treatment of migrants is entirely proper and correct.


Richard Dawkins: “The Bible itself is as toxic as the Quran”

Media coverage of “Palestinian” jihad violence blames Israelis

American Refugee Do-Gooders: This is how real Christian charity is done!

This is a message to all of you working for American resettlement contractors pretending to be Christian charities.

It is easy to bring Muslim refugees to America while pretending to be Christian charities preaching from your cushy offices in New York, Baltimore and Washington, DC—that means you—US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief (Evangelicals), Episcopal Migration Ministries, and Church World Service!

It is easy for you ‘religious’ refugee resettlement contractors to bully local communities into accepting refugees with appeals to their Christian charitable spirits, but this is a story about real Christian charity.

(By the way, don’t fall for the idea that these resettlement contractors are working to bring Muslim refugees to Christ when they get them to your towns. They are strictly forbidden to preach to Muslim refugees, or any refugees, when taking government money, see here.)

Christian Aid Mission goes to the Middle East and helps refugees where they are with material needs and at the same time brings some to Christ.

The article at Christian Headlines (hat tip: Joanne), begins by confirming something we knew—that UN camps are full of terrorists and criminals (and that is where we are getting most of our refugees for your towns).

Syrian militants are among refugees fleeing to other countries, and they don’t leave their Islamic extremist practices behind. They have brought brutality and a culture of fear into some refugee camps, the director of a ministry in the Middle East said.

In United Nations camps in Jordan, Islamist gangs bring the same practices that refugees have fled: coercion to join terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (ISIS), conflict between militias on both sides of the civil war and the criminal buying and selling of females as sex slaves.

Then get this!

Reaching any Middle Eastern Muslim, much less one associated with ISIS, with the gospel is a delicate, gradual process, and the ministry’s 32 full-time workers and 400 volunteers throughout the region are trained to initiate relationships, answer doubts, share the good news of Christ’s salvation and develop disciples.

One member of ISIS from northern Syria came to visit his relatives who had fled to Jordan because he had heard Christians were providing them aid, the director said. He intended to kill the Christian workers providing aid to his relatives, who were not living in a refugee camp. After hearing the gospel and witnessing the love of the Christians, he put his trust in Christ.

“He first saw how Islam brainwashed him about Christianity, and how that contrasted with the reality of what he saw in the Christians,” the director said. “And we’re talking about an area of Jordan that has three Salafist [a strict, fundamentalist branch of Sunni Islam] mosques. They raise up people to go and fight.”

There is much more, read on!

RELATED ARTICLE: Seattle has a commission on refugees and immigrants, November meeting coming up

Kosovo Muslim arrested for hacking U.S. Military files for the Islamic State

“A statement from the U.S. Department of Justice said Mr Ferizi, known by his moniker ‘Th3Dir3ctorY’, hacked into a U.S. company’s systems in order to take the personal details of 1,351 U.S. military and government staff.” The repercussions of that theft could be felt for quite some time.

“Malaysia arrests Kosovo man for ‘hacking US files for IS,’” BBC, October 16, 2015 (thanks to Lookmann):

A Kosovan man has been arrested in Malaysia for allegedly hacking into a computer database and providing information on US security officials to the so-called Islamic State group.

The man, who is in his 20s, was detained on 15 September, Malaysian police said in a statement on Thursday.

Separately, the US identified him as Ardit Ferizi, thought to head a hacker group called Kosova Hacker’s Security (KHS).

Mr Ferizi will be extradited to the US.

A statement from the US Department of Justice said Mr Ferizi, known by his moniker “Th3Dir3ctorY”, hacked into a US company’s systems in order to take the personal details of 1,351 US military and government staff.

He will be charged with computer hacking and identity theft, and faces up to 35 years in jail, the statement added….

Between June and August this year, Mr Ferizi is alleged to have passed the data on to IS member Junaid Hussain, also known as Abu Hussain al-Britani, who later posted the details online along with a threat to target the officials….

Malaysia has arrested more than 100 people this year, suspected of links to IS, including ten people in August – six of them members of Malaysia’s security forces.

What? 100 people in modern, moderate Malaysia misunderstood Islam so drastically as to adhere to the Islamic State?


“Palestinian” Muslim rioters set Joseph’s Tomb on fire

51% of U.S. Muslims want Sharia; 60% of young Muslims more loyal to Islam than to U.S.

Tennessee: Teaching Islam in Public Schools

A Tennessee lawmaker has introduced a bill into the state legislature to prevent courses containing “religious doctrine” from being taught before tenth grade. The bill is in reaction to objections by parents to a three-week curriculum under the topic of world religion for middle-school students that covers the “Five Pillars of Islam.”

The bill is the result of a grass-roots campaign by parents reacting to course requirements that obligated their children to write assignments about Islamic principles of faith, such as “Allah is the only God.” Parents have called it indoctrination.

Parents particularly objected that no other religion was taught at the same time, and that the amount of time spent on Islam was considerably more than that which will be spent on Christianity, Buddism, Hinduism and other religions.

The bill also states that any teaching of “comparative religion” does not focus on one religion more than another.

Rep. Sheila Butt, R-Columbia, who introduced the bill, agrees. “I think that probably the teaching that is going on right now in seventh, eighth grade is not age appropriate,” said Butt. “They are not able to discern a lot of times whether its indoctrination or whether they’re learning about what a religion teaches.”

The parents asked for help from the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ), a law firm that addresses constitutional and human rights worldwide. In the course of its investigation, ACLJ ask to looked at the teaching materials from the course but school districts refused to hand them over.

Tennessee law states that the Bible may be used in class, as long as the course doesn’t include the “teaching of religious doctrine or sectarian interpretation of the Bible or of texts from other religious or cultural traditions.”

“If you’re teaching the Middle East, then of course you’re going to mention the religion that was prevalent in that area,” commented Butt, a long-time Sunday school teacher. “But to teach the doctrine is another thing. It’s just a bill about balancing the teaching of religion in education.”

Based on her experience, Butt said, “Junior High is not the time that children are doing the most analysis. Insecurity is in Junior High a lot of times, and students are not able to differentiate a lot of things they are taught.”

Charges of indoctrination by Tennessee parents are reminiscent of a case in California where a federal lawsuit was filed against the Byron Union School District concerning a three-week course about Islam seventh-graders that used the workbook, Islam, A simulation of Islamic history and culture.

In the California school, 12-year old students were told:

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, in a ruling marked “Not for Publication,” decided that course did not contain “overt religious exercises” that violated the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment.

Although Islamist organizations have argued that the Tennessee bill is “anti-Islam,” it is reasonable for parents to be concerned about such curriculum. Separation of “church and state” is foundational principle and primary right in the U.S. and should be enjoyed by every individual.

The teaching of religion as religion has no place in America’s public schools.

Meira Svirsky is the editor of ClarionProject.org


MN Governor Dayton: Don’t like immigrants, get out of Minnesota!

Iran Reveals Underground Missile Base

Shockwave: US Says Iran Missile Test Not Violation of Nuke Deal

Iran Agreement Currently in Violation of Existing US Law

ISIS Video Threatens to Behead Obama the ‘Dog of Rome’

White House: Secret meeting with George Batah, who wants 65,000 Syrians admitted to U.S.

I told you about this White House petition here, and I know that the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants and possibly the International Rescue Committee (two federal resettlement contractors) were initially involved, or I wouldn’t have mentioned USCRI (their affiliation with the petition must have been removed) in my original post.

George Batah

George Batah (right) invited to White House but prohibited from saying who he met with.

However, now we are told that it was one Syrian immigrant guy from Chicago, one stalwart young activist, who single-handedly came up with the idea and succeeded in getting over 100,000 signatures.

Of course all of those open borders activists who signed the petition have been identified by the White House as potential future allies for the Democrat party.

And, as a secondary benefit, the resettlement contractors and others pushing for more (mostly Muslim) Syrians to enter the US get a news hook (and more media pressure for Obama to raise the number of refugees to be admitted).

Here is the Huffington Post reporting on young George Batah:

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration has responded to a petition calling on the U.S. to resettle tens of thousands of Syrian refugees within its borders, inviting the man who started the petition to the White House for a meeting.

George Batah, 23, came from Syria in 2013 and now lives in Chicago. He said he started the petition in late August because he felt the United States has a moral obligation to continue being “the leader in refugee resettlement.”   [What is young George’s immigration status? It doesn’t say he is a refugee.—ed]

His petition asked the White House to accept at least 65,000 Syrian refugees by 2016. The administration did not commit to that number in its response Thursday, instead reiterating that it intends to bring at least 10,000.


Batah told The Huffington Post Thursday that while he was pleased to see the administration’s response, he intends to keep pushing officials to take more refugees.

“Ten thousand by 2016 is very meaningful, because 10,000 people’s lives would be saved,” Batah said. “But at the same time, I feel that a country like the U.S., with its resources, can contribute more in terms of the number.” 

[How many readers here are infuriated that young George (here since 2013 with immigration status unknown) “feels” that you can spend more of your hard-earned tax dollars on Syrians running from THEIR civil war?—ed]

Why the secrecy?

After Batah started his petition, administration officials invited him to the White House for a meeting in mid-September. He met with staff members from the National Security Council and other departments, but said he wasn’t allowed to disclose exactly who was there.

“When we met, they clearly cared about the issue and wanted to help address the crisis overall,” Batah said. “I’m not in politics, it’s not my strength, but I felt they genuinely care about it.”

Now young George (“not in politics”) wants to start more petitions to get U.S. mayors to ask for more Syrian refugees for your towns and cities.

Readers, beware of signing any petitions at Change.org!

Batah said he is continuing his activism on the issue, recently working with Change.org to encourage people to start petitions calling on their mayors to welcome more refugees.


Don’t forget to help ACT pound those 18 mayors who have been demanding Obama admit 100,000 Syrians, here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Iraqi interpreters given refugee status, not pure as the driven snow

Muslim Refugee Resettlement: A Very Syrious Matter

The Jewish Community Federations of North America have come together to provide humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees. The organizations, paid contractors who are identified in the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, are too numerous to mention here, but include AIPAC, AJC, B’nai B’rith Int’l, HIAS, ORT America, and National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), who are furthering the cause of population redistribution.

Refugees, unlike migrants, are defined as those who flee their homes because of persecution. President Obama authorized the State Department to admit 85,000 refugees fleeing humanitarian crises worldwide in 2016. Just as these Islamists have invaded Europe, so our multiculturalists are funding their invasion into America, and despite Saudi Arabia’s air-conditioned tents that are erected and ready to accommodate three million for their annual pilgrimage to Medina, no “Syrians” are welcomed within the Islamic world. By definition, not only are these Syrians not refugees, but the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confessed that they have no screening process for “Syrian refugees.”

ISIS/IS promised a “sea of chaos” to flood the West with 500,000 refugees – not merely to create a humanitarian crisis and strain our resources, but to also include jihadists to force Islamic conversion and establish Sharia as the law of the land. Islamic countries claim to have declined the Syrians because of terror risks, and the Jewish Federations have turned a blind eye. Historian Serge Trifkovic wrote:

The refusal of the Western elite class to protect their nations from jihadist infiltration is the biggest betrayal in history.”

And who are these Syrians? The Federation’s announcement contained a particularly deceptive photo of a wide-eyed, blonde toddler complete with Teddy bear, but the refugees are primarily able-bodied young men, weaned on anti-Semitism and hatred of the West and democracy, who are seen stomping on or burning our flags, brandishing rifles, hurling fire bombs, and wielding swords for decapitation. These are Islamists who have waged wars against Jews and Christians, and brought their savagery to Europe, complete with their methods of intimidation – riots and rapes of children and women. The rape count was more than 5,000 in 2008 and more than 6,000 in 2009; Muslims account for 50 to 75 percent of all rapes of women in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and these are the men who are designated to receive Federation funding.

The BBC’s website of 200 images is also dishonest in its refugee presentation – providing a 53% focus on children, 36 percent men, and 10 percent women, whereas the United Nations Refugee Agency revealed that 75 percent of “refugees” were young men.

Interestingly, the largest Muslim charity, with its link to terror financing and settling refugees from terror-torn Syria, has an operating budget of $240 million in over 30 countries. The charity is part of a network calling for the settlement of thousands of Syrian refugees into “rich countries.” Indeed, this is Barack Obama’s 2008 promise to fundamentally transform America, and the Islamic State’s threat to flood the West. Jusuf Al Qaradawi of the Muslim Brotherhood declared their mission “to free the occupied lands of the laws and the tyranny of disbelievers. It is undoubtedly a case of jihad for the sake of Allah.” Are we to believe that the Federations (and the BBC) are unwittingly complicit as they aid and abet those who would bring their misery to the West?

Crain’s Cleveland Business reported that David Fleshler, chair of the board of directors of Global Cleveland, seeks to invite 100,000 foreigners to Ohio. Is it possible he is unaware that Ohio is one of eleven states that already have more people on welfare than are employed, and that the Qur’an prohibits Muslims from assimilating into kaffir lands? He alleges that immigrants will integrate and be employable, while Darrell Hamm, director of the non-profit The Refugee Response, claims to assist refugees with their adjustment.

Judicial Watch’s Corruption Chronicles states:

“Conveniently omitted are the devastating impacts of illegal immigration like the billions of dollars American taxpayers spend annually on their education, healthcare and incarceration,” as Germany is now experiencing. They bring with them greater demands for intolerance and accommodations, destruction of the existing cultures, rioting and violent crime, as they perform the Qur’anic edicts to establish jurisdiction in lands of the infidel.

Judicial Watch’s recent report shows that 1,519 foreigners with terrorist ties were granted special exemptions and residency or asylum through a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program, to which President Obama appointed Fatima Noor to the post of assistant director for US Citizenship and Immigration. Where prior to 2014, they would have been banned from entry, these 1,519 are currently in the US with the same rights and benefits afforded legal residents.  At a time when restrictions were being eased during an asylum fraud of February, 2014, the administration unilaterally altered the Immigration and Nationality Act while also announcing our projected acceptance of refugees to 100,000 yearly by 2017. NumbersUSA reported that a new Pew study found that immigration will account for 88 percent of US population growth over the next 50 years.

The Frankfurter Allgemenie and international statistics show that these foreigners are not “refugees,” but “migrants” who are not under threat of war or persecution. The migration is their hijrah, a 1400-year-old strategy of Islamic expansionism, which, coupled with military conquest, will subvert and subdue the host and begin the complete transformation of that country. These are migrant warriors.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban wisely warned that the wave of mostly Muslim refugees coming to Europe threatens to undermine the continent’s Christian roots. “They represent a profoundly different culture.” All too obvious is the dearth of Christian and Jewish refugees who truly need asylum from the jihadists.

Meanwhile, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), headed by former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, and Labour politician, praises the intake of Muslims into Germany (as the Germans march and rebel against Islamization), Iceland and Sweden, and demands that Obama admit 65,000 mostly Muslim Syrians to the US. Miliband, who is affiliated with George Soros, Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Samantha Power, reminds us that more than 11 million Syrians have been made homeless by conflict and Syria is host to 33,000 asylum seekers and refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. Miliband will not admit that Arab states refuse their brethren, but he is sure to remind us that no matter how many we take in, the number will be “unacceptable.”

The very lucrative refugee resettlement progams are used by those who hate non-Muslim countries and wish to replace their laws with Sharia. Breitbart News reveals that the U.S. already admits more than a quarter of a million Muslim migrants each year. Obama wants to add 10,000 Syrian migrants to that number. The Jewish Federations, Catholic Charities, World Council of Churches, and other “altruist” counterparts are conspiring against democracy, unintentionally or deliberately, to destroy Western civilization.

To support them is to hasten some very Syrious and irreparable consequences.


Sanctuary Cities on the Rise, Releasing More Than 9,000 Criminals in U.S. Illegally

Iraqi interpreters given refugee status, not pure as the driven snow

RELATED VIDEO: German police injured in yet another muslim riot in refugee center

Sex Crimes Rampant in Muslim Asylum Centers

Invasion of Europe news….

70% of supposed ‘refugees’ arriving in Germany are men!

This is news from last week that we didn’t get to, from Reuters (emphasis is mine):

Germany’s police union and women’s rights groups accused the authorities on Tuesday of playing down reports of harassment, sexual assault and even rape at refugee shelters because they feared a backlash against asylum seekers.


…. police union chief Rainer Wendt said he believed that authorities in Germany’s federal states, which are responsible for housing asylum seekers, were playing down the problem of assaults on women in the shelters.

“It is understandable that there is the desire to calm things down politically,” Wendt told Reuters. But he, along with women’s groups, believed that ignoring the problem would be counterproductive. “There is a lot of glossing over going on. But this doesn’t represent reality,” he said.But police union chief Rainer Wendt said he believed that authorities in Germany’s federal states, which are responsible for housing asylum seekers, were playing down the problem of assaults on women in the shelters.

“It is understandable that there is the desire to calm things down politically,” Wendt told Reuters. But he, along with women’s groups, believed that ignoring the problem would be counterproductive. “There is a lot of glossing over going on. But this doesn’t represent reality,” he said.


With men accounting for about 70 percent of asylum seekers, other groups across the country have demanded gender-segregated accommodation and safe zones for women.

At least 800,000 asylum seekers are expected in Germany this year, and Chancellor Angela Merkel’s popularity has fallen with polls showing many voters believe she is taking too soft a line on allowing them into the country.

Continue reading here.

See also, Germany: Crime swells by 65% with arrival of Muslim ‘refugees.’

Our archive on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ is here.   And here is more on the mess ‘Mama’ Merkel is making in Germany.