Tag Archive for: pornography

#NoAmnestyForPimps Campaign Launched

Why This Project, #NoAmnestyForPimps?

Amnesty International has betrayed the cause of human rights through its looming policy in favor of decriminalizing prostitution.

Decriminalizing prostitution is a gift to pimps, sex traffickers, and sex buyers that confers a right to buy and sell other human beings. Such policies would not protect the persons in prostitution, but rather guarantee that their exploitation will continue.

The National Center on Sexual Exploitation has launched this new campaign, joining the ranks of many others who are speaking out against Amnesty. No Amnesty For Pimps provides the public with ways to oppose Amnesty’s policy and works to educate on how prostitution is an inherently exploitive system that requires Abolition, not social sanction.

A special thank you to Coalition Against Trafficking In Women’s, Dr. Eleanor Gaeton, for joining us in the press conference. CATW and many other leaders are speaking up in opposition to Amnesty as well. We are happy to stand  alongside them!

Collective ations highlighted  in today’s press conference included:

*Joining protests at Amnesty offices around the world on October 23rd (email public@ncose.com for details)

*Add your name to the Global Declaration asking Amnesty to uphold human rights and oppose the exploitation of the sex industry here.

*Flooding Amnesty International’s USA offices with postcards. See here.

*Tweet this logo to @amnesty during the month of October

*Emailing Amnesty’s top executive through a form here.

Another New Resource Released Today – Bright Light on the Red Light: Truth About Prostitution

We are building out a website to educate on the harms and realities of prostitution, as well as on the connections between pornography and prostitution. We can’t allow people to ignore this! Check out the new webpage now. Note that we will continue to add valuable information regularly.

In conjunction with these projects, we developed a one-of-a-kind, powerful compilation of research and facts regarding prostitution and violence. You can view, download and print the electronic copy here. We hope to have hard copies to distribute soon.

Thank you for your support! We must continue to expose the seamless connection between all forms of exploitation wherever and whenever we can. You’re partnership and support is greatly appreciated.

Women and Pornography – update from Whole Women Weekend

I had the opportunity to speak at a women’s weekend retreat yesterday, Whole Women Weekend, and had some eye opening experiences that I wanted to share. Yesterday, I connected deeply with many women. My second workshop had only eight women, but they opened up and shared their raw, unfiltered experiences with pornography.

Lately, I have been so focused on the research. In the many news interviews I’m doing, they want to know the research. In the dozens of meetings on Capitol Hill, they want to know the research. In preparation for the major Summit we are planning for leaders next month in Orlando, I am trying to present the research to equip leaders with the “strongest” messaging arguments.

Gratefully, there is a lot of research today backing up our claims that there is a public health crisis from pornography.

We have incredible tools at our side. But, as I started my usual presentation spouting off these statistics — I saw deep pain in these women’s eyes. They knew what I was talking about because they have lived just what the research proves. I stopped my presentation and the eight of us were able to talk for the two-hour block. The experiences of all of them proved everything we argue.

Quick video sharing my thoughts after the event last night.

Women also struggle with addiction.

The reality of betrayal trauma is real.

Pornography destroys real intimacy in relationships and drives a wedge between husband and wife. It may seem to “spice” things up at first, but it is certain to lead to emptiness and disconnect.

It often leads to the user acting out – either with other women or by force and agression.

It is so closely a part of the story of those who are prostituted/trafficked.

It perpetuates feelings of shame, disappointment, depression, low self-esteem.

It leaves a huge open void in your spiritual life.

Each of these women pleaded for help, healing and understanding. My heart is full of both sorrow that we couldn’t just take it away, but also with gratitude that there is a movement swelling and saying NO MORE.

Thank you for being a part of these efforts. Thank you for not ignoring this public health crisis. Thank you for helping us oppose policies that facilitate exploitation. Thank you for supporting our efforts to bring the leaders together. Thank you for educating others around you.

I saw so much pain yesterday, but also witnessed powerful hope.


Dawn Hawkins
Vice President & Executive Director | National Center on Sexual Exploitation

Why Do People Cheat? The Link Between AshleyMadison and Pornography

Pornography and AshleyMadison are linked in more ways than you might suppose.

As many of us now know, AshleyMadison is a website designed to help people cheat on their significant other without getting caught. Recently, a hacking group leaked the personal data of more than 30 million AshleyMadison users, exposing predominantly married men who have been using the website to have affairs. Those who have been exposed range from top Department of Justice officials to affiliates of pro-family organizations; individuals who, on the surface, would not appear to be likely to have an affair.

Due to these recent events, many individuals are asking: what causes someone to cheat?

While there are many influences that can contribute to a person having an affair, pornography use is a typical, consistent, factor in extramarital affairs.

Pornography has been shown to make its users less satisfied with their existing partner. A 2013 studyPornography is causing a public health crisis-2published in the journal of Social, Psychological and Personality Science has found that people in committed relationships who view pornographic materials are more likely to cheat on their partners than those who don’t.Porn offers users the fantasy of no-strings-attached sexual gratification with multiple extremely attractive partners. Those erotic images, the study found, re-wire the users’ brains to assume that there are a multitude of attractive and willing sexual partners available outside their current relationships. According to researcher Patrick Fagan, PhD, a psychologist and former Deputy Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary, pornography use is correlated with an increase in infidelity of more than 300%.

This link between pornography and cheating is not news to AshleyMadison. AshleyMadison has frequently advertised on porn websites, so that stimulated individuals who are looking for the next best thing are encouraged to sign up for the service.

For many viewers of pornography, their need for new sexual excitement does not stop at the screen. Research has shown that porn users develop the need for increased stimuli in order to get the same “high,” similar to drug users. Eventually, many are driven to “act out” what they’ve been watching, and because yesterday’s hardcore, extreme, pornography is mainstream today, this often means that wives or girlfriends are unwilling to perform certain degrading or painful sexual acts which are popular in porn. The porn user then must find someone else to fulfill these desires; whether it be a prostituted person, a human trafficking victim, or an affair on AshleyMadison.

The bottom line is that porn harms relationships, and it has been doing so for years. In a 2004 testimony before the U.S. Senate, Dr. Jill Manning shared her research, which found that 56 percent of divorce cases involved one party having an obsessive interest in pornographic websites.

Pornography is causing a public health crisis in America by not only contributing to sex trafficking, child abuse, and lifelong addictions, but also by stripping many individuals of the ability to have lasting meaningful relationships. In a pornified culture, where men are trained to view women as disposable means to pleasure, and women are bred to accept their role as sexual objects, AshleyMadison is an inevitable product.

To take a stand against the porn industry, and organizations facilitating sexual exploitation, visit: http://pornharmsaction.com

Watch our video, here:

Peer-Reviewed Study Affirms the Reality of Porn Addiction

Contrary to recent claims, pornography addiction is no illusion. A recent peer-reviewed study that appeared in the journal “Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity” affirms the reality of porn addiction, and supports the addiction model. The National Center on Sexual Exploitation contends that this information is of vital importance for both medical professionals and those affected by porn addiction in order to facilitate accurate treatment and healing.

Years ago, those who struggled with alcohol and drug addictions were belittled as having a weak character instead of a disease that necessitated treatment and rehabilitation. Now those who face addictions to sex and pornography are being similarly maligned by recent studies that allege that their enslavement to sexual stimuli is not true addiction. The study “Sex Addiction as a Disease: Evidence for Assessment, Diagnosis, and Response to Critics” exposes the truth that sex addiction follows the same patterns as drug and alcohol addiction.

This study states that, “the realities of addiction in our country and in the world must be faced. One of these realities includes accepting natural or process aspects of addiction, such as sex, food, and gambling as integral to the disease processes just as chemicals, such as alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.”

Instead of isolating those who struggle with porn or sex addiction, it is time to begin focusing on offering them the resources they need. To learn more about the research related to the harms of pornography, visit PornHarmsResearch.com.

RELATED ARTICLE: Names of Men who ‘Covered Up’ UK Pedophile Ring Released

FLORIDA: Collier County School Board Defends use of Pornographic Materials by Students

boardmembers14Two weeks ago, Florida Citizens Alliance reported that The Collier County School District was caught promoting pornographic material on its “Summer Reading List”. This list had been promoted as a PDF for several weeks on their trusted CCPS website to parents and students. Concerned citizens led by Parents ROCK, a local watchdog group, held a press conference, inviting all the local reporters for News and TV. The School district took down their summer list and replaced it with the “Florida State” recommended “Summer Reading List”. CCPS spokesman agreed it was pornographic, but claimed this was a one-off occurrence.

However, no one knows how many parents or students downloaded these recommendations for grades 6 thru 12 yet they chose NOT to send a warning to all Parents.  Here is the Link to an excerpt from just one of the several obscene books on the List. This was recommended for 6-8 graders, so for children as young as 11 years old. Open with Caution – http://goo.gl/cUzCsX

Five (5) days later, Collier Citizens and Parents ROCK reported the following books are in the Collier Media Centers for all Collier High Schools and even some Middle schools. This is not a complete list but it shows that many obscene books are in the Collier School Media Centers- these are clear pornography bought at taxpayer expense. This is also clear evidence of a systemic break down in trust that parents place in the Collier School District. The spokesman for the CCPS District and now some of the CCPS Board members are defending this content in the Media Centers. Open with caution – http://goo.gl/yG0eVT

On June 9th, many parents and community members attended the Collier School Board Meeting.  Several, who believe that Common Core is good and removing these materials is censorship, spoke in support of keeping pornographic for under-aged children to read. However, many parents and community members who believe under-aged children should be legally and morally protected from pornographic materials spoke against the approved reading list.

Watch this YouTube video:

This is a fascinating exchange between Chairwoman K. Curatulo and Board Lawyer Jon Fishbane.  Chair Curatulo refused to approve reading some of the pornographic content into the public record and then Fishbane over-ruled her on First Amendment grounds.  The result, however, is that some of the School Board members, District Superintendent and staff are now defending pornographic materials in Collier County school Media Centers.

Chair Curatulo first ruled the reading in a School Board meeting were inappropriate and now she and the District are defending this pornographic material as appropriate for access to Middle and High School students.

Florida Citizen Alliance states:

This is a usurpation of parental controls over what their children are subjected to in our government schools, all at taxpayer expense. Parents can no longer trust that CCPS has the best interest of their children at heart!

Most importantly, how can parents trust that these pornographic materials are not in all Florida County Public Schools or used in on-line lesson plans throughout the State? These materials are endemic of Common Core. Now that 80% of all instructional materials across the USA are provided by Pearson, PLC; and Pearson, PLC was funded $350 million by the U.S. Department of Education to make all Pearson materials Common Core compliant, it is almost a certainty that these materials have already crept into most, if not all of our Florida Public Schools!

Parents, Grandparents and taxpayers, are urged to do their own homework. Read the books your children are reading.

This cartoon is courtesy of Nick Lichter from Facebook:

collier schools porn cartoon

UPDATE: The following was received via e-mail on June 24th from the Florida Department of Education:

Thank you for your letter with your concerns addressing titles of books found on the Collier County School website.  I have been asked to respond on behalf of the Commissioner and am happy to do so.  The Florida Department of Education does not regulate district websites or links to websites listing suggested books for summer reading.  I was informed however that as soon as the district was informed of the controversial and/or inappropriate titles, the link to the website was removed and currently the district only provides the Summer Reading List provided by the Just Read, Florida! office.

Both private organizations and school districts are independently operated and do not seek the approval of reading lists from the Department.  In addition, many organizations include a disclaimer concerning any recommendations and selections, leaving the responsibility of choosing appropriate reading materials to the individual.

Thank you again for contacting the Department of Education regarding this issue.  We appreciate you taking time to express your concerns.

Best regards,
Wendy Stevens
Just Read, Florida!
Florida Department of Education


Lee County, FL school textbook controversy

Teacher resigns after reading book to 3rd Grade students about gay couple

Parents Outraged Over This Disgusting High School Extra Credit Assignment

In your school library: “Young Adult” novels rated “P” for pornographic

Florida Middle School students reading child pornography

Group Seeks To Stop Pornography and Religious Indoctrination in Florida Public Schools

The Florida Citizens’ Alliance (FLCA) is a coalition of citizens and grassroots groups working together through education, outreach and community involvement to advance the ideals and principles of liberty.  FLCA “believes these include but are not limited to individual rights, free markets, and limited government.”

On its website the FLCA asks:

Do you know what your children are reading this summer? And are you aware of the Islamic religious indoctrination that is being infused into our students’ textbooks?

On May 27th, the Collier County Public School (CCPS) district was caught AGAIN recommending pornographic material to K-12 students on their summer reading lists. These lists have been on the CCPS trusted website for several weeks. There have been numerous examples of the district using similar age-inappropriate materials, which have been called to their attention over the past months by citizen watchdog initiatives.

Here are examples from the recommended summer reading lists for students as young as 6th grade!

Beautiful Bastard” by Christina Lauren

This book contains graphically descriptive text, including a rape on a conference room table.

EDITORS NOTE: To avoid offending anyone with the actual text, the FLCA has put an excerpt from this book in a separate post so that readers may choose whether to view it or not.  The Editorial Staff suggests you do, because this is what one of our school boards was recommending that Florida children should read!

The Truth about Alice” by Jennifer Mathieu

Click on image for a larger view.

From page 1 of the book:


“My World History – 6th grade”
Authors: Krull and Karpeil
Published by Pearson, PLC

The following is a recent book review from Lee County’s Citizen Action Committee:

This book comes from a British company, Pearson PLC, with a record of failed performance and law suits that is pages long.  The company’s major stockholders include the Arabic Banking Corporation, and the Government of Libya.  This book contains 31 pages, Chapter 18, on Islam.  Never mentioned is Jihad, marriage of up to 4 women, female mutilation, the Jizyah, death penalty for gays, or growing their religion by bloody conquest.  The fact that Muhammed personally murdered and led murdering troops to convert other religions to Islam or face death was not mentioned, nor was the fact that the youngest of his many wives, Aisha, was 9 years old.  Instead, the entire chapter portrays Islam as just another nice religion like Christianity or Judaism, and in fact, superior to them. … [full review]

The critical question:  Does your school District have in place an aggressive, transparent process required by statute to thoroughly vet all text books and online materials?

Florida State Statute 1003.42 provides the legal requirements for factual instructional materials, and the recently passed SB 864 bill requires a transparent parent-oriented process for reviewing and removing inappropriate materials.  The school boards ultimately are accountable! Create a watchdog citizen action group in your county.

For more information on FLCA Contact them and they will connect you with a mentor to help.

RELATED ARTICLE: How schools and libraries across the country bring in hardcore pornography through commercial databases. Under the radar of parents!

Dirty Dozen Sexual Exploiters of 2014 list includes Eric Holder, Verizon, Google and American Library Association

Morality In Media (MIM) has released its 2014 Dirty Dozen LIst: 12 Leading Contributors to Sexual Exploitation. The top purveyors of pornography in America are:

  1. Attorney General Eric Holder – Mr. Holder refuses to enforce existing federal obscenity laws against hard-core adult pornography, despite the fact that these laws have been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court and effectively enforced by previous attorneys general.
  2. Verizon – Verizon pushes porn into our homes now through hardcore pay-per-view movies on FIOS, smartphones and tablets and as an Internet Service Provider with insufficient filtering options.
  3. Sex Week – Yale and other colleges and universities repeatedly offer Sex Week on campus. Porn stars are routinely invited to lecture, and pornography that glamorizes “fantasy rape” is screened.
  4. Playstation – PlayStation’s live-streaming abilities are filling thousands of homes with live porn, and the PlayStation Store sells hundreds of pornographic and sexually violent games.
  5. Facebook – Facebook has become a top place to trade pornography, child pornography and for sexual exploitation. Facebook’s guidelines prohibit such behavior, but the company is doing little to enforce them.
  6. Barnes & Noble – This Fortune 500 Company is a major supplier of adult pornography and child erotica. They regularly put pornography near the children’s sections in their stores and provide free, unfiltered porn publications on their Nook e-reader.
  7. Hilton – This hotel chain, like Hyatt, Starwood and many other top hotel chains, provides hardcore pornography movie choices. Porn channels are often the first advertisement on their in-room TVs.
  8. American Library Association – The ALA encourages public libraries to keep their computers unfiltered and allow patrons, including children, to access pornography.
  9. Google – Google’s empire thrives on porn. Porn is easily available, even to children, through YouTube, GooglePlay, Google Images and Google Ads.
  10. Tumblr – This popular social media blogging site bombards users with porn. Users must only be 13, and the filters do not work.
  11. 50 Shades of Gray – This bestselling book series and upcoming movie are normalizing sexual violence, domination and torture of women. Oprah Winfrey Network, Broadway and other mainstream outlets have even promoted this abusive lifestyle.
  12. Cosmopolitan Magazine – The magazine is a full-on pornographic, “how-to” sex guide, encouraging women to accept the pornified culture around them. They specifically market this content to teen girls.

Read more.


Founded in 1962, Morality In Media (MIM) is the leading national organization opposing pornography and indecency through public education and the application of the law. MIM is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

Currently, Morality In Media directs the War on Illegal Pornography coalition, an effort with Congress to pressure the U.S. Department of Justice to enforce existing federal obscenity laws.

MIM also maintains a research website about the harms of pornography and regularly directs national awareness campaigns to help the public understand the consequences of pornography and find resources to aid in their struggles. To see MIM other current efforts, click here.

Southwest Airlines Funds ‘Creating Change’ Conference Promoting Homosexual Extremism and Abortion

Americans For Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) is exposing the radical corporate giving priorities of Southwest Airlines – including Southwest’s role as a major funder of the annual homosexual activist “Creating Change”conference put on by the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF).

Creating Change, which begins today in Houston, Texas, promotes: the “homosexualization” of Christianity; extreme transgender activism including laws allowing transgender “girls” and “women” (read: boys/men in dresses) to use female restrooms; pro-homosexual/transgender programs in schools (even for very young students); and sadomasochism.

Creating Change is the organizing event for more than 3,000 LGBT (lesbian, “gay,” bisexual and “transgender”) activists across the nation – with “how to” workshops on:

  • Redefining Christianity with pro-homosexual messaging. One Creating Change workshop , “Catholic Teaching and LGBT Justice: Good in Bed Together? God’s Truth!” is described as follows (emphasis added): “Use solid Catholic teaching, tradition and practice when advocating for the equality of same-sex love? Yes.…We will work interactively from your wisdom and lived experience and join it with the best of Catholic sexual ethics to craft a message that speaks powerfully to people in the ‘malleable middle.’ This is subversive work!”
  • Advancing the radical “transgender” agenda, including winning government (Obama-care)/insurance coverage for body-disfiguring “sex reassignment surgeries” and hormone therapies;
  • Promoting extreme agendas under the guise of “sexual freedom.”  As the euphemism for the radical, “anything goes” fringe of liberal sex politics, “Sexual Freedom” includes advocacy for: prostitution (“sex workers”); “polyamory” (multiple-partner sexual relationships); “kinky sex” (sadomasochism); pornography; sexual “swingers”; and opposing obscenity laws and public decency efforts, e.g., banning strip clubs in neighborhoods;
  • Defending abortion-on-demand, under the euphemism of “Reproductive Justice.”

Southwest took out a full-page ad in the Creating Change program with an accompanying letter (see pages 22-23) from Communications VP Linda Rutherford, who wrote, “Southwest Airlines is proud to support organizations like the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force.”

AFTAH President Peter LaBarbera said: “The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force leads the Hard Left of the homosexual/transgender movement. It even gives out an annual award to its favorite self-identified sadomasochist (‘Leather Leadership Award’). Corporations like Southwest are giving more money than ever to LGBT organizations – but I doubt that they want their consumers to know about the extreme nature of the immoral agendas they are underwriting.

“Creating Change is heavily dedicated to ‘queering’ Christianity – as their workshops put it,” LaBarbera said. ”In other words, Southwest is subsidizing a conference that instructs LGBT activists on how to mislead believers and undermine the clear tenets of Scripture that proscribe homosexual behavior as sinful.”

Other corporate/organizational funders of “Creating Change” include:

Note that Planned Parenthood is also a major supporter of Creating Change.

TAKE ACTION: Contact Southwest Airlines through their online Contact Page – or call Customer Relations at 214-932-0333 (press #1).

RELATED COLUMN: Maine’s highest court: Transgender student’s rights were violated | The Portland Press Herald / Maine Sunday Telegram

The Porn Factor: The Path from Playboy to Sex Offender Is Well Traveled

In December 1953, Playboy magazine was launched and immediately began normalizing a new world order of autoerotic sexual fantasy. Hugh Hefner (until reading Kinsey in college, a virgin like most single young men) pledged that his “romantic” magazine would turn his “Playboy men” into skillful lovers, readying them for lifelong marriage. Yet his monthly magazine ridiculed virginity and marriage while glamorizing adultery and rape and showing consumers ways to trick women and children into illicit sex.

By 1969, millions of Playboy users, struggling with their unexpected, porn-induced “diminished arousal response,” began eagerly embracing the amplified stimuli offered by Penthouse. This gave us another generation of intimacy and potency challenged men. By 1974, millions of Penthouse users, struggling again with a diminished sexual response, turned to Hustler for help. Hello to yet another generation of arousal-challenged pornography addicts, millions of whom became pushovers for internet pornography. And the addicts were not just grown men. In 1979, psychologist Aaron Hass, in his book Teenage Sexuality, reported that Playboy was commonly sought by juveniles for sex information, advice, values, and mores.

Pornography and Pedophilia

From 1994 to 2007, at least 19 state legislatures in the U.S. passed laws named for a raped and murdered child. In my considered judgment, almost every lust-crime is now energized by pornography. There is plenty of evidence to back me up. For instance, in 1984, FBI Agent Ken Lanning testified about pedophiles’ use of pornography at
a Senate hearing on the “Effect of Pornography on Women and Children”:

Adult pornography is also used, particularly with adolescent boy victims, to arouse and to lower inhibitions  …  A child who is reluctant to engage in sexual activity with an adult or to pose for sexually explicit photos can sometimes be convinced by viewing other children having “fun” participating in the activity … A third major use of child pornography collections is [for] blackmail … If the child threatens to tell his or her parents or the authorities, the existence of sexually explicit photographs can be an effective silencer. The pedophile threatens to show the pictures to parents, friends, or teachers if the child reveals their secret.

John Rabun, then Deputy Director of the National Center for Missing Children, stated at one of the hearings:

100 percent of the arrested pedophiles, child pornographers, pimps, what have you . . . had in their possession at the time of arrest, adult pornography. . . . [It was used] for their own sexual arousal . . . [and] particularly for the pedophiles, was a form of self-validation, “it is OK because I see it in other places. It must be all right, it is published nationally . . .”

On September 16, 1987, before the Select Committee on Children, Youth, and Families in the House of Representatives, legal counselor Alan Sears testified:

In child pornography cases in Los Angeles County, police officers testified that since they began to ask the question, over 95 percent of the children involved in that activity had had pornography used as part of the softening up or the inhibition-lowering process to seduce them and induct them into this activity … [A] substantial number of the men who go on to be abusers were abused children themselves. Pornography plays a significant role in the training of our young people to become sexual abusers.

Detective Lt. Darrell Pope, Commanding Officer of the Michigan State Police Sex Crime Unit, testified at the same hearing:

[I]n 1977, I did a research project where I looked at 38,000 case histories [of sex crimes] and found that 41 percent of those reports indicated that, in fact, pornographic materials were used just prior to or during the actual act. (emphasis added).

Pope interviewed hundreds of sex offenders about their porn use, and “almost to a man,” the reply was: “I used it for one of several reasons: One, to encourage me.” Pope went on:

I can remember talking to one young man who was 19 years old; he said, “It excited me and then I got to thinking about it and I wanted to know how it felt.” … He wanted to know how it felt to rape a woman and kill her … And when we arrested this young man and searched his home, we found a pornographic magazine depicting this very thing that he had done.

Feeding Deviancy 

Move up to 1988. In Thrill Killers: True Portrayals of America’s Most Vicious Murderers, Clifford Linedecker wrote:

[M]ost of the killers indulged themselves in violent and sadistic fantasies. Responding to a request to indicate their primary sexual interest, 81 percent of the men put pornography at the top of the list … I found overwhelming evidence of twisted sexual fantasizing, and addiction to pornography in the backgrounds of many of the killers profiled in this book.

By 1990, Dr. W. L. Marshall wrote in Criminal Neglect: Why Sex Offenders Go Free, that “there is mounting evidence that in susceptible men, the material [pornography] feeds and legitimizes their deviant sexual tendencies.”

And in 1997, John Douglas, an FBI serial-rape profiler, reported that serial-rape murderers are commonly found “with a large pornography collection, either store-bought or homemade … [O]ur research does show that certain types of sadomasochistic and bondageoriented material can fuel the fantasies of those already leaning in that direction.”
And in 2003, Vernon J. Geberth, former Commanding Officer of the Bronx Homicide Task Force, wrote the following in Sex Related Homicide and Death Investigations, a book that should be required reading for those involved in sex-crime analyses:

[M]any of these pornographic depictions … were actually the road map to the offenses that the perpetrators of sex crimes were committing. . . . [T]he plan was in the pornography . . . [it is] the fuel that acts as a catalyst for fantasy-driven behavior … [P]ornography plays an important part in violent sex crimes.

A Late Warning

Back in 1986, then U.S. Surgeon General Dr. C. Everett Koop dubbed pornography a “crushing public health problem … a clear and present danger … blatantly anti-human. … We must oppose it as we oppose all violence and prejudice.” Koop was ignored. We now have the results of three generations of pornography use, arguably sufficient and necessary evidence to get us to start treating all pornography as a clear and present danger, harmful to women and children.

In the summer of 2013, Ariel Castro pled guilty to kidnapping and raping three women whom he held captive in his house in Ohio for a decade. When asked by a judge how good his English was, Castro replied that his comprehension was bad because “my addiction to pornography and my sexual problem has really taken a toll on my mind.” It also took a brutal toll on the lives of three women.

How much more evidence do we need?

1. The nineteen laws are listed in my book Sexual Sabotage (WND, 2010), pp. 299–300.
2. Hearings before the Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice of the Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, Ninety-Eighth Congress, Second Session, “Oversight on Pornography, Magazines of a Variety of Courses, Inquiring into the Subject of Their Impact on Child Abuse, Child Molestation, and Problems of Conduct Against Women,” Aug. 8, Sept. 12 and 25, and Oct. 30, 1984 (US Government Printing Office, 1985), Serial No. J-98-133, pp. 43–44.
3. John Rabun, testimony before the Senate Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice, 9/12/84, pp. 133–134.
4. https://archive.org/stream/womenviolencelaw00unit/womenviolencelaw00unit_djvu.txt.
5. Ibid.
6. Ibid.
7. Clifford Linedecker, Thrill Killers: True Portrayals of America’s Most Vicious Murderers (PaperJacks, 1988).
8. W. L. Marshall. Criminal Neglect: Why Sex Offenders Go Free (Seal Books, 1990), pp. 156–157.
9. John Douglas, Journey Into Darkness (Pocket Star Books, 1997), p. 299.
10. C. Everett Koop, M.D., American Medical News (Oct. 10, 1986).
11. http://www.cnn.com/2013/07/26/justice/ohio-castro/index.html?iref=allsearch.

RELATED COLUMN: Federal government funded porn project | The Daily Caller