This is a really good look at one of the most annoying forms of dialectical attacks against whatever target they have in mind. In this case, the attack is specifically the leaping levels of abstraction. The left has done this for decades now in order to move or reallocate blame from a group, that could be said to be responsible for an issue, to one that they wish to destroy. They do this by messing with the various levels of taxonomy. One example would be how Islam kills a crap-load of people in the name of its religion, and the wily leftist will blame religion altogether for it, as the goal of the Marxist is to replace God with the state and religion with the never ending dialectical revolution of destruction. See? They move up the ladder one rung from which religion, to all religions. Or for example, a certain demographic of humanity may beat women or be more violent in general and the leftist will blame men overall.
We see this a great deal especially in the past few years. The inverse of this trick is where the leftist will accuse a non-leftist of doing it with the trope: “So what you’re saying is..”
Below, in the left’s attempt to ban all means of self defence or force equalizers in the hands of the public, they are now going after a certain brand of ammunition. The reason being of course, once you can ban a brand of ammo for being used in a crime, you can ban all ammo used in a crime and hey presto! only the state will have access to force multipliers.
Some great news for Jesse (Without Papers Pizza) all charges dropped. He lost his family pizza business because he decided that all everyone including unvaccinated people should be able to be served food during the segregation passport system days.
LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A hair salon in northern Michigan is facing a discrimination charge from the state’s Department of Civil Rights after its owner posted on social media earlier this year that anyone identifying as other than a man or a woman is not welcome at her business.
The department claims in the charge filed Wednesday that Traverse City’s Studio 8 Hair Lab violated the state’s civil rights act in a Facebook post in July from its owner, Christine Geiger, by unlawfully discriminating against three claimants.
The post, which is no longer available, read, “If a human identifies as anything other than a man/woman please seek services at a local pet groomer. You are not welcome at this salon. Period. Should you request to have a particular pronoun used please note we may simply refer to you as ‘hey you.’”
A hearing will now be scheduled before an administrative law judge, who will issue a recommendation after hearing the merits of the complaint, according to the civil rights department. The recommendation will then go before Michigan’s Civil Rights Commission to either adopt or make their own ruling.
Some people still imagine that communism is somehow, an alternative economic model, as opposed to what it actually is. An actual war on reality itself as it is understood by Socratic thinkers. Economics was just one of the prime vectors of attack by communists in the 20th century. This century it’s culture. In the story above, we see another excellent example of this. A woman who owns a business which is singularity geared towards helping men and women achieve greater and greater displays of reproductive fitness, refuses to deal with people who pretend to be something that does not exist. As a consequence, she has charges against her for not indulging the fantasies of what are inevitably communists or their pawns.
Video evidence confirms Hamas using Al-Shifa hospital as Base, contrary to the propaganda.
Met Police admit they lost London to Muslim protestors.
EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tapes Blog column posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. All rights reserved. Tepes Blog Tepes Blog2023-11-16 12:51:582023-11-16 12:52:51More examples of the dialectic attack on our basic rights and some rare, really good news!
Today, major corporations scramble over each other to sell us their woke credentials, in an apparent fading interest in the products they were originally known for. Now, it seems, these companies are more eager to advertise their opinions on voter laws, pronouns, green new deals and whatever else woke activists decide matters most this month.
Working class people aren’t buying it. Increasing numbers of employees view the whole circus with disdain. Consumers are voting with their feet. And now there’s a new enemy of Woke, Inc.
Meet Consumers’ Research, a conservative consumer group that has invested over a million US dollars to tell American Airlines, Coca-Cola and Nike to forget wokeness and start paying attention to their customers again.
In three 30-second ads released by the non-profit this week, the companies’ hypocrisy is made public and their CEOs are called out by name.
“American [Airlines] requires passengers to show ID to fly, but attacks Texas’s popular voter ID law… Doug Parker, American Airlines: serve your customers, not woke politicians,” the first ad protests. The ad also complains of “shrinking legroom during Covid” even as the company received billions in taxpayer bailouts and its CEO received a $10 million salary.
Addressing Coca-Cola, a second ad warns against products that are “poisoning America’s youth and worsening the obesity epidemic” from a company that “benefitted from forced labour in China” while “funding phoney science to minimise the harms” of their beverages.
Nike receives the harshest scrutiny from the campaign. “Nike is constantly political,” the ad asserts. “Why?”:
Cover. Congressional reports suspect that Nike used forced labour in China. Religious minorities were ripped from their families, sterilised, sold to factories. Nike made shoes in those same areas. Congress tried to ban Nike’s labour practices. Nike fought back with highly-paid lobbyists.
The video ads will be shown on cable TV channels and websites across the US. They will also target local markets where each company is headquartered. “We are giving consumers a voice,” Will Hild, executive director of Consumers’ Research, said in a statement. “These companies should be putting their energy and focus on serving their customers, not woke politicians.”
In a press release, Consumers’ Research promised that these three ads are only part of “the first phase of an ongoing campaign exposing companies that have increasingly put politics ahead of their customers.”
This is a welcome move.
It is time for Woke, Inc. to wake up to the interests of everyday people. As I’ve previously warned, what has arisen in recent years is essentially an ecosphere of Communist dictatorships within capitalist empires. Consumers are subjected to the noise constantly, but those most hurt are workers who suffer under “authoritarian governance in [their] work and off-hours lives,” according to political philosopher Elizabeth Anderson.
Left unchecked, what we see to be moving towards is parallel marketplaces — as conservatives, libertarians and the working class boycott woke businesses and patronise companies that remain above the political fray. And this won’t stop at consumer goods: we are already seeing the media and entertainment sectors divide over politics.
In this environment, it is all too common to read corporate statements that begin with, “As a company, we believe…” But since when do companies believe anything? They make products and deliver services.
And if they forget why they exist, the market will eventually remind them, for better or worse.
Kurt Mahlburg is a writer and author, and an emerging Australian voice on culture and the Christian faith. He has a passion for both the philosophical and the personal, drawing on his background as a graduate… More by Kurt Mahlburg. - A Compass for Common Sense - A Compass for Common Sense2021-05-21 04:39:082021-10-07 20:27:48Say Hello To The Newest Enemy Of Woke, Inc. [Videos]
How brazen and unafraid of consequences. The more we expose the Biden Democrat criminal syndicate, they worse they get, because the know the Right is paralyzed to do anything.
HUGE BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn – Including with Family Member
By Joe Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, October 29, 2020:
The Biden Family wants America to believe that they are the typical hard working American family, but nothing could be further from the truth.
Joe Biden said his son Hunter had done “nothing but good things his whole life” per the Daily Mail in a report on Valentine’s day earlier this year:
Joe Biden on Thursday defended his son, Hunter Biden, saying he was a ‘good’ guy who ‘has done nothing but good things his whole life’ even after he was made to pay child support to a stripper he impregnated out of wedlock.
Last month, Hunter Biden agreed to pay child support to an Arkansas woman, Lunden Roberts, who was a stripper at a Washington, DC, club that he frequented.
In November, DNA testing proved Biden, 49, as the father of Roberts’ child, after she filed a paternity suit in May 2019 in Independence County, Arkansas.
This all is on top of accusations of Hunter being involved in the Vice President’s pay-for-lay scandal around the world while the VP was in office. No Hunter does not appear to be all the VP claimed he was.
Today we completely destroy any idea that the Biden family and Hunter Biden are All American heroes.
Hunter Biden not only was involved in depraved activities, he filmed them and took pictures of these events too and today we have evidence that he published and promoted these activities at the porn website PornHub.
Below you can see an image from Hunter’s profile at Pornhub. Hunter established the user account RHEast where he called himself ‘Harper’.
We know this is Hunter’s account and one of the reasons is because of the screen shot below where one of his browser pages open is “Joe Biden Smiling”.
But we also are able to confirm this account with Hunter because the pictures and videos in the account are also on the Hunter Biden laptop that was recently uncovered. There are pictures of two women on top of Hunter on PornHub and these same pictures were located on his laptop. Geller Report Geller Report2020-10-30 05:18:362020-10-30 05:21:44Hunter Biden Has a PornHub Account Where He Uploaded His Personal Porn – Including with Family Member
Last weekend, we posted on Facebook the background of controversial anti-Semitic vandalism in the Boston suburb of Newton, Massachusetts. The topic at the core of a heated public meeting convened by Mayor Setti Warren. A video produced by the team at Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) provided background on the rancorous public meeting in Newton. The Facebook post of the APT video garnered over 60 shares from FB pages across the U.S., Europe and Israel. It provided documented evidence of the use of Saudi and UAE funded anti-Semitic texts and Arab World Studies notebook laced with pro-Palestinian propaganda materials and maps. We noted that APT had been in the forefront of uncovering the use of these materials by the Newton public schools since discovery in 2011. They contended their removal has yet to be independently confirmed. Watch it here:
Newton, Massachusetts Mayor Setti Warren.
A second FB post contained a Wicked Local Newton report noted the acrimony at the Newton public meeting:
Emotions were running high at a community discussion organized by Mayor Setti Warren Thursday night in response to several incidents of anti-Semitism and racism in the schools, with some in the overflowing audience apparently frustrated with the city’s response to the incidents as well as with the event’s tone.
A panel of speakers, including the mayor, a civil rights law expert, a child psychiatrist, teachers and students, spoke of the need for dialogue around discrimination in Newton, addressing issues of racism, anti-Semitism, homophobia and discrimination against people with disabilities.
But some Jewish residents, including many with direct familial or personal ties to the Holocaust, wished the forum was more focused on recognizing and denouncing the anti-Semitic graffiti in particular. There was also a group of activists upset about “anti-Israel” teaching materials they feel contributed to the anti-Semitic incidents.
“The idea that we’re supposed to have a dialogue with people who put swastikas up after the Holocaust is absurd,” said resident Steven Katz, a professor of Jewish Holocaust Studies at Boston University. “And this evening is not supposed to be about liberal values. It’s supposed to be about anti-Semitism.”
Tina Glik, a resident and parent, said she was concerned that “as clearly as the message was written, ‘Burn the Jews,’ we came here to listen to: let’s be nice, let’s talk about racism, let’s talk about discrimination against gay people, let’s talk about anything else but anti-Semitism.”
Warren reiterated that he took any instances of anti-Semitism “very seriously,” calling anti-Semitic graffiti found at F. A. Day Middle School “despicable” and “horrible.” He pledged that all potential hate crimes would be investigated, with the perpetrators punished. Anti-Semitic graffiti was also discovered at Newton North High School multiple times during the past several months.
The Boston Globe initial report of the acrimonious meeting alleged that the protesters at the public meeting had ‘disrespected’ an articulate African American woman who drew attention to her son’s isolation at the Newton High school as evidence of racism, “Activists disrupt Newton forum on prejudice:”
The group of activists was led by Newton resident Charles Jacobs, who has had a longtime grievance with the city’s schools about what he says are pro-Palestinian and anti-Semitic text books.
Newton resident Janet Yassen said it was her first time attending this type of community meeting, and she came because she was interested in hearing what Warren had to say.
But what she saw from some members of the crowd “disgusted” her, she said.
“It was embarrassing, it was awful,” she said.
After hearing the students, who at the end of the evening mingled with some of the most vocal in the crowd, Yassen said she was heartened.
“The young people were phenomenal,” she said. “For them to confront the disrespect shown by some of the adults was really courageous.”
Following the ‘rowdy’ meeting two Boston Jewish community groups, the Combined Jewish Philanthropies, the Boston Jewish Federation’s affiliate, the Jewish Community Relations Council (JCRC) and the local chapter of the American Jewish Committee (AJC) seized upon the Globe report that an African American woman had been ‘heckled’ by protesters at the public meeting. The joint AJC/JCRC news release, while noting the persistent problems of anti-Semitic materials in school programs, wrongly criticized the protesters:
To our dismay, a group of activists – who have been identified in the media as members of the Jewish community – disrupted the proceedings. An African-American mother was heckled while discussing her own child’s experience of racism. There were loud contentions that the only concern worthy of discussion was anti-Semitism. The overall affect was to shift the focus of the meeting from concerns about anti-Semitism, as well as racism and homophobia to the conduct of the meeting itself.
The escalation and obfuscation was amped up by The Boston Globe that seized upon the joint JCRC/AJC news release in an article that went viral via the AP and internet outlets like Yahoo news and other social media, “Jewish groups condemn ‘disrespect’ at Newton forum:”
Leaders of two Jewish organizations on Monday condemned the behavior of a group of activists at a community meeting in Newton last week, saying the struggle against anti-Semitism must be part of a larger effort to build “respectful tolerant communities.”
In a joint statement, the American Jewish Committee Boston and the Jewish Community Relations Council said the activities of those who disrupted a meeting at City Hall on Thursday night “do not represent the broader sentiments of the Jewish community.”
This time, Jacobs of APT was able to fire back at both the Globe and AJC/JCRC accusations in the latest Globe article:
Charles Jacobs, the leader of the activists, said in an e-mail to the Globe that he was “quite surprised” by the statement.
Jacobs, founder of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, has had a longtime grievance with the city’s schools about what he says are pro-Palestinian and anti-Semitic textbooks.
“Given that Jews in Europe and in the Middle East are hunted, hounded and murdered because of an anti-Semitism which falsely portrays the world’s only Jewish state as among the cruelest of nations . . . and given that the Saudis and United Arab Emirates have been caught funding ‘lessons’ that taught these things in the Newton schools . . . and given that (Newton) School Superintendent David Fleishman was forced to remove some of this material and yet told the people at the meeting that he knew nothing about it, I think the meeting was, under these circumstance, quite civil,” Jacobs wrote.
However, the AJC/JCRC with the complicity of this second Globe article continued to convey the false information by School Superintendent Fleischman that the woman at the Newton public meeting had been ‘disrespected:’
“Moreover, it is hardly a secret that pernicious elements exist that are seeking to import anti-Israel and anti-Jewish bias into American school curriculums. We share this concern. However, it does not justify conduct that was manifest at this meeting or the disrespect that was shown to neighbors, who also had difficult experiences of their own to discuss.”
Fleischman, who was booed at last Thursday’s meeting and required a police escort to leave, retorted in an email on April 11, 2016 cited by The Globe saying:
In an interview Friday, Fleishman said that Jacobs’s complaints about the Newton curriculum being biased against Israel “are issues from the past,” which were resolved in 2013.
“They have our entire curriculum, our faculty at both high schools spent hours putting together all the material, unit by unit, in response to freedom of information requests,” Fleishman said of Jacobs’s group.
Fleishman sent an e-mail to faculty on Monday discussing the events of the forum.
“What was intended to be a community discussion to ensure Newton is a welcoming and inclusive place for all turned into a display of disrespectful and uncivil behavior,” Fleishman wrote. “Some in the audience were particularly insensitive toward a Newton parent who courageously shared a story of racism faced by her son.”
Jacobs and APT responded to Fleischman’s allegation, Tuesday with video documentation suggesting that both Fleishman and The AJC/JCRC were wrong about the alleged “heckling”. The Globe proceeded to soft pedal it:
On Tuesday afternoon, Jacobs’s organization issued a statement denying that the woman had been heckled.
In a video of the community meeting posted on the city’s website, the woman talks about her son’s experiences with racism. Twice she is interrupted, prompting someone in the crowd to call out, “Let her speak.”
The JCRC/AJC and The Globe were upended by the APT cell phone video that captured evidence that the woman had been, if anything, respected by attendees at the public hearing. Watch the You tube video of the woman’s presentation at the Newton public meeting.
Problem is that the JCRC/AJC andThe Globe reports have not been challenged on the lack of credibility, let alone credulity.
Jacobs has been warning for years that establishment Jewish organizations have failed to shift to the new situation Jews face: anti-Israelism, the new anti-Semitism. Now Jews are hated for their “apartheid state,” Israel. The radical left/radical Muslim alliance, the red-green alliance is hunting and killing Jews in Israel and Europe. They intimidate Jews on American college campuses with eviction notices, fake Apartheid walls, simulated border checks and die –ins, especially during Israel Apartheid Weeks. The Jewish establishment Jacobs contends fled from this new anti-Semitic alliance. They still want to fight the old anti-Semitism, neo- Nazis, White Aryan nation and KKK racists. They cower and are confused in the face of a leftist anti-Zionism and patently Islamist anti-Semitism that Jews in Europe fear will cause them to leave, a second time. Jacobs has been hounded by what passes for the Jewish Establishment for years because of his position. This latest episode in Newton he thinks may be their push-back
We asked Jacobs for his views on the dispute. Here is what we wrote us:
Why would the Boston Jewish leadership not insist on seeing the curriculum, after Newton School Superintendent Fleishman was forced to remove a Saudi funded anti-Semitic lesson that taught students that Jews in Israel murder Arab women in jail? After they have all seen the video which shows those libels.
It should not be forgotten that the Jews of Europe are hounded, hunted and murdered because of anti-Israelism. American Jewish students are harassed and intimidated on campuses because of the same ideology that is being taught in the Newton schools. Newton has security at its synagogues for the very same reason: anti-Israelism. Yet some of Newton’s top Jewish leaders prefer to circle the wagons, defend their friends and deny the truth.
EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. The featured image is of Newton, Massachusetts Mayor Setti Warren faces Dr. Charles Jacobs of Americans for Peace and Tolerance, taken on April 7, 2016. Source: Katherine Taylor, Boston Globe Gordon Gordon2016-04-14 05:50:032016-04-14 05:50:03VIDEO: Boston Jews divided on Saudi/UAE anti-Israel materials in public schools
It breaks my heart to have to continue reporting on the latest information flowing out from the Center for Medical Progress (CMP) about the crimes being covered up inside of Planned Parenthood (PP). However, this may be the most important news story of the last few decades and it is vital that we report on it… because the mainstream media is doing their best to ignore the scandal.
Already this week the CMP has released two videos that should be leading every newscast across the country. Sadly, the media continues to cover for PP and has chosen to report on the videos as little as possible.
But we won’t hide the truth from you. We invite you to watch both of the recently released videos (as well as the unedited versions which will be at the bottom of this article), then spread them to anyone who’ll watch. It is vital that we spread news of PP’s crimes to anyone who will listen. Richard M. Swier, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.) Richard M. Swier, LTC U.S. Army (Ret.)2015-09-02 07:17:082015-09-02 09:18:03VIDEO: Planned Parenthood Executive Explains how to Hide the Profits from Selling Aborted Baby Bodies
In the first of a series of exclusive collaborations, the UK-based counter-extremism think tank, Quilliam and U.S.-based Terrorism Research & Analysis Consortium (TRAC), are releasing a ground-breaking analysis of one of Islamic State’s (IS) most important propaganda videos, Although the Unbelievers Dislike It.
At first sight, the video, in which twenty-two Syrian Arab Army hostages are simultaneously beheaded and the head of Abdul Rahman (aka Peter Kassig) is displayed at the feet of “Jihadi John”, is seamlessly and professionally produced. However, an exhaustive analysis of the video, which was broken down frame-by-frame by TRAC and Quilliam analysts, has revealed a number of important inconsistencies which, in isolation, are intriguing enough but when considered as a whole, illuminate much about IS’ propaganda machine.
A summary of the most important features include:
The video’s producers go to great lengths to conceal three of the executioners from view. By dismantling the video into individual frames, Quilliam and TRAC have obtained screenshots of each of these three men and identified the most likely reasons for their presence.
Through TRAC’s extensive jihadist propaganda archives, some of the executioners have been tentatively identified.
TRAC consulted three face and neck surgeons who examined photos of Mr. Kassig’s head. The inconsistencies here, laid out in full in the report, are profoundly important and render apparent the fact that the production of the video did not happen as IS had planned it.
TRAC and Quilliam’s use of expert forensic digital analysis confirms that IS used a range of expensive post-production software and equipment which has been specifically identified. This gives a good indication as to the structure of the IS propaganda machine, which is detailed in the report.
Chapters that are included in this full report are:
This content is being made available for all to see for three (3) weeks, after which the full report will be made available to TRAC subscribers only. An abridged version will also be available on the Quilliam website. To see this report in its entirety, please contact Hylda Fenton or the media division at The Quilliam Foundation. Research & Analysis Consortium Research & Analysis Consortium2014-12-19 06:47:582014-12-19 06:50:26Exclusive Analysis: Inside the Islamic State’s Propaganda Videos