Entries by Martin Mawyer

VIDEO: Christian Bridal Shop Closes After Death, Rape and Arson Threats.

In March 2018, a Christian-owned bridal shop was forced to close after receiving threats of death, rape and arson from the radical homosexual community and their sympathizers. Owned by a mother and two daughters, they take time in this video (available below) to explain the horror they faced after refusing to service a same-sex wedding. […]

DUMP ACCESS ISLAM: The U.S. Department of Education must remove Islamic indoctrination program

The taxpayer-supported Department of Education (DOE) is funding an Islamic indoctrination program in America’s public schools in grades 5 through 12, Christian Action Network has learned. Students are taught to learn Islamic scripture, give the meaning of that Islamic verse, and explain how they can use it in their daily lives. “How can this be […]

Stop Gender Genocide

Following the death of Carrie Fisher — and the death one day later of her mother, Debbie Reynolds — I ran across an article about Fisher’s 24-year-old daughter, Billie Lourd. Lourd proudly spoke about her upbringing at the hands of single mom and admitted drug abuser Carrie Fisher. Lourd boasted that her mother “raised me […]

CAIR: Kissing the Pig and Lovin’ It

Eating bacon. My grandkids love it. Full disclosure: I’m a fan too. But some people don’t like it. Too greasy. Too fattening. Too salty. Some even complain the aroma gets into the furniture. Other people hate bacon for entirely different reasons. It offends them. It violates them. It can lead them directly to hell. The leaders […]

Countering Islamophobia Conference in New York Canceled!

An American Muslim organization with ties to terrorism has canceled its planned conference called “Countering Islamophobia,” which had been scheduled for Oct. 24 at a Holiday Inn in Binghamton, NY. The group, which calls itself The Muslims of America (MOA), abandoned the conference after an aggressive campaign led by the Christian Action Network that exposed […]

The Left Loves Lying Labels by Alec Rooney

Using the phrase “anti-immigration” when you mean “anti-illegal-immigration” is just as dishonest as portraying those who don’t embrace homosexuality as having a “phobia.” The phrase “anti-immigrant” is loose in media land, being used to describe politicians and everyday Americans alike. How can anyone be “anti-immigrant?” Immigrants are hard workers! We are a nation of immigrants! […]

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World

Three decades after the ‘Moral Majority’ revolution, after fighting numerous battles for our culture, we can claim victory on, well … hardly anything. The world is going mad. And it’s not just political madness. It’s madness everywhere. Are we really selling aborted baby body parts? It’s madness. Are we really joining two people of the […]

What do Brigitte Bardot and an Irish Pastor Have in Common?

Call them blasphemy laws. Call them public ordinances against religious insults. Call them out-of-control bureaucrats. Or call it employer revenge against out-spoken critics of Islam. There’s a movement afoot in the western world to demonize, criminalize and punish those who speak out against Islam – even if they are simply telling the truth. Just this […]