Americans Excitedly Anticipate Getting Paid With Their Own Money

U.S.—Americans have reported they’re very optimistic about the stimulus package passed by Congress last week. In particular, people all around the country are excited to get paid with a little bit of the money that they paid the federal government already.

Americans from all walks of life said they couldn’t wait to receive a check with a small percentage of the money the government had already taken from them.

“I can’t wait to get that $1,200.00 check of my own money,” said one man in Texas, rubbing his hands together. “Surely this will get the economy back on track.”

From the rich to the poor, American citizens spent many hours dreaming of all the things they will spend their newfound riches on. “With $1200, I could save enough to pay my taxes on time this year,” said one woman in Los Angeles. “Thanks so much, Congress. You’re the real heroes here.”

A small percentage of the population said they thought it would be way more efficient for the economy if the government just didn’t take the money in the first place. These people were shouted down as “libertarian conspiracy theorist wackos” and told to move to Somalia.

Sadly, by the time all the administration costs, government pet projects, and handouts were factored in, the stimulus each American was to receive became a negative amount, forcing Congress to raise taxes to pay for a new stimulus bill.


Biden’s New Podcast Available Exclusively On Vinyl

Man In Coma For Past Month Arrives At Church, Assumes He’s Been Left Behind

Scholars Now Agree Pontius Pilate Didn’t Wash His Hands Long Enough To Avoid Responsibility For Crucifixion

Trump: ‘Destroy This Economy And I Will Raise It Up In Three Days’

Space Force Develops Cure For Coronavirus

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: ‘You Cry at the Window Knowing There’s Nothing You Can Do’

Staying home can be tough, but it’s nothing like the nightmare our health care workers are experiencing. For thousands of brave men and women across country, their office is no longer a hospital or ER — it’s a combat zone. “You spend hours in your [patient’s] room,” nurse Claudia Griffith wrote in an emotional post to the outside world, “gowned up head-to-toe, sweating and not able to breathe. Then you realize… this is it. I can’t save this patient anymore. You sit there and say your goodbyes while they pass without family or loved ones, because nobody is allowed in the hospital for everyone’s safety. You are their only contact and hope.” Nothing, she says soberly, can describe it.Even when they have a chance to sleep, the exhausted staff can’t. “My mind won’t shut off,” one New York City nurse tried to explain. She lays in bed and cries, her mind filled with the faces of patients she lost. The helplessness is brutal, Claudia admits. “You don’t even know how this virus works, but you watch as it kills your patient.” To anyone who hasn’t seen the suffering, she insists, it’s real. And she’s pleading with the country to act like it is. Stay inside, Claudia begs, “as if your life depended on it.”

Theirs already do. And if Americans can’t bring themselves to isolate for their own sakes, then they should do it for the medical teams risking everything. “Take it seriously,” Johns Hopkins’s Dr. Martin Makary told listeners on “Washington Watch, “and take it seriously for the sake of our most vulnerable.” Right now, “our number one at-risk group,” he explained, “the number one profession who is mostly likely to get this infection is health care workers. And what you do in your day-to-day life will actually impact the health of [those] workers you’ve never met.”

“Folks may be going outside right now, saying, ‘It’s a beautiful day… My kids are in the backyard playing. What’s the big deal? I don’t know anyone who’s dying that I’m friends with.'” But the big deal, he said somberly, is that “we’re gearing up for a tsunami that’s going to hit with a massive impact…” With projections topping 200,000 casualties now, Dr. Makary thinks the government was right to limit people’s movements through at the least the end of April. “We want our leaders to… give us spirit and hope. But the reality is, they are all closely following these numbers — not only in the preview that we’re seeing in some countries overseas like Spain, but also locally in New York City…”

The administration is doing the best it can to prepare for the worst. That’s no easy task, Dr. Makary explained, even with all of the metrics and experts they have. Because “when that peak happens, talk to any doctor or nurse. It’s going to be ugly. We are basically at full capacity in some U.S. hospitals with very little room to take care of people that come in from this point forward… We are on track right now to have hundreds of thousands of deaths and millions more cases.”

So when can we expect that peak? “New York is about two weeks away,” Martin believes. “The rest of the United States is probably three to five weeks away depending on where you live. Now, one of the big concerns that many of us have is that some parts of the country were sort of slow to recognize that this is a real threat. Some places immediately took dramatic steps and others [went about] life as usual… even up until recently.” Those are the areas, experts believe, that may be hit hardest. Of course, a lot of things factor into that — like public transit and congestion. But the cities that have been in denial will pay, Dr. Makary warns, “because this infection is seeded everywhere in the United States. We need to abandon the idea that it’s somehow contained.”

Fortunately, there are still things you and your church can do to help. First, take the stay-at-home orders seriously. If not for you, then for someone on the front lines of the coronavirus war. Then, check out the creative ways you can meet the needs of the people in your community. Take a page from Midland, Texas and organize a car prayer chain or fill a truck with food for the hungry. See how you can get involved (from a safe distance!) on our special webpage,

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


N. Korea Takes a Launch Break from Virus

Little Takes a Big Step for Women

The News According to Josh Hawley…

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Netflix Series ‘Messiah’ Canceled after Charges of ‘Subtextual Anti-Islamic Sentiment’

“After the first season debuted in January, there were complaints that the series contained subtextual anti-Islamic sentiment…”

“Subtextual.” That means you won’t notice them unless you’re a paranoid Leftist or Muslim authoritarian who wants to use claims of victimhood to gain total control over the public discourse.

Would Netflix cancel a series over charges of “subtextual anti-Christian sentiment”? Not on your life.

“Messiah: Netflix series cancelled after allegations of anti-Islamic sentiment,” by Louis Chilton, Independent, March 29, 2020:

TV thriller Messiah has been cancelled by Netflix after just one season.

The series starred Michelle Monaghan as a CIA agent investigating an enigmatic figure known as Al-Masih, who builds a legion of followers after claiming to be sent to Earth by a higher power. In Islamic eschatology, Al-Masih ad-Dajjal is an evil figure comparable to the Antichrist – whose name translates to “the false messiah, liar, the deceiver” in Arabic.

One of the series’ stars, Wil Traval, confirmed on Instagram that the series would not be returning to the streaming service….

After the first season debuted in January, there were complaints that the series contained subtextual anti-Islamic sentiment, with the Royal Film Commission of Jordan (where parts of the series were shot), even calling on Netflix to ban the series from its country….

While the allegations of religious insensitivity may have played a part in the series’ cancellation, it has also been suggested that the ongoing coronavirus pandemic has made international filming schedules much harder to co-ordinate – which may be the key factor in the streaming service’s decision not to renew .


Coronavirus Is for Infidels: Some Toronto Mosques Stay Open Despite Pandemic

At UN, Pakistan calls for labeling organizations critical of Islam as terrorists

Iraq: Muslims gather in mosque, chant “coronavirus has terrified you” as cleric blames gay marriage for plague

Germany closes its borders due to coronavirus, except for migrants from Asia, Middle East and Africa

Cameroon: Muslims defy coronavirus restrictions, crowd into mosques

Yemen: Islamic scholar says Jews and US created coronavirus in order to take control of Mecca and Medina

How Muslim Clerics Exploit the Spread of the Coronavirus

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Will the Supremes Hear Ultimate States Rights Case?

Editor:  Sorry I haven’t been posting much here lately, I’ve been busy at RRW (as well as being distracted as I assume many of you are as well by of demands of just living these days!), but this is very important and I’m not sure how many of you read RRW.

Cross-posted this morning in an effort to find groups that could support the Thomas More Law Center’s legal petition to the Supreme Court.

I know it’s a little hard to believe that there are other things going on in America besides the virus crisis, but here is important news I should have mentioned sooner.

The Thomas Moore Law Center has filed a petition to attempt to get the Supreme Court to review the Tenth Amendment case that has been working its way through the legal system.

The heart of the case is the Tenth Amendment argument that the federal government has no Constitutional power to shift the cost of refugee resettlement onto state governments as it has been doing for decades.

TMLC is looking for other like-minded organizations to file amicus briefs in support of their argument which has far-reaching implications beyond just the refugee program!

Here is their press release from earlier this month.

Thomas More Law Center Petitions U.S. Supreme Court to Review Tennessee’s Challenge to Federal Refugee Resettlement Program

ANN ARBOR, MI – In what could have far reaching implications for all states seeking to withdraw from the federal refugee resettlement program, the Thomas More Law Center (“TMLC”) collaborating with attorney John Bursch, filed a certiorari petition Monday, March 16 in the U.S. Supreme Court.

The petition asks the Court to hold that the Tennessee General Assembly has standing to challenge the constitutionality of the federal government’s forced state funding of the federal refugee resettlement program. ​

The Thomas More Law Center (“TMLC”) is a national nonprofit public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Both TMLC and Mr. Bursch are representing Tennessee without charge.

John Bursch, a former Michigan state solicitor general, nationally prominent appellate lawyer and past chair of the American Bar Association’s Council of Appellate Lawyers, authored the petition for certiorari.

The petition argues that the issues presented in the Tennessee case cut to the core of the Constitution’s protection of states against overreach by the federal government. The Constitution does not give Congress the authority to appropriate state funds, contrary to the wishes of the state, to fund a federal program.

According to the petition: “If a state legislature cannot vindicate its rights in court when the federal government picks the state’s pocket and threatens the state if it dare stop providing funds, then federalism is a dead letter.”

The petition seeks to overturn a Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals decision which ruled that the General Assembly does not have institutional standing to challenge the constitutionality of the resettlement program. The cert petition does not challenge the federal government’s right to resettle refugees in Tennessee. What it objects to is forcing Tennessee taxpayers to pay the costs of the resettlement.

Richard Thompson, president and chief counsel of TMLC, noted: “From the beginning, opposition to the federal refugee resettlement program has been about protecting Tennessee’s state sovereignty from impermissible federal interference. The federal government cannot simply commandeer state tax dollars to fund a purely federal program to extend benefits to noncitizens.”

Tennessee initially agreed to participate in the federal resettlement program because the federal government promised to reimburse 100 percent of the cost. In fact, Congress crafted the 1980 Refugee Act specifically intending that states not be taxed for programs they did not initiate and for which they were not responsible. As is often the case, however, the federal government began shrinking its financial support to the states and by 1991 eliminated it entirely. Due to the mounting costs the federal government was not covering as promised, Tennessee withdrew from the program effective June 30, 2008. But that didn’t stop the federal financial burden on Tennessee taxpayers. The federal government simply designated Catholic Charities of Tennessee, a non-governmental private organization, to continue the program with state dollars.

Between 2007 and the end of 2019, resettlement agencies pumped more than 15,000 refugees into Tennessee cities and towns. They came from Afghanistan, Bosnia, Burma, Central African Republic, Congo, Eritrea, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan 3 and many other countries. They often arrive from United Nations camps in poor health, with no job skills or English-language abilities.

The resulting cost to state taxpayers amounted to tens of millions of dollars. In 2015 alone, the refugee-related Medicaid costs paid by Tennessee tax dollars topped $30 million.

Instead of resolving the merits of Tennessee’s claim, the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals sidestepped the pivotal constitutional issue concerning federalism by ruling that the Tennessee General Assembly lacked standing to bring its lawsuit.

The petition filed on March 16, 2020, argues that this was in error:

“The General Assembly is an institutional plaintiff asserting an institutional injury; the federal government has co-opted the General Assembly’s appropriation power and impaired its obligation to enact a balanced state budget. That is because the federal government can siphon state funds—to help pay for a federal program from which Tennessee has withdrawn.”

TMLC originally filed the federal lawsuit in March 2017 on behalf of the State of Tennessee, the Tennessee General Assembly, and state legislators Terri Lynn Weaver and John Stevens challenging the commandeering of millions in state taxpayer dollars for a purely federal program.

A U.S. district court judge dismissed the case on the federal government’s motion. The Sixth Circuit affirmed the lower court’s dismissal on the sole grounds that the General Assembly lacked standing. It never reached the merits of the case.

The Supreme Court now has a chance to shed light on the proper role of the states relative to the federal government—which is the bedrock constitutional principle of federalism.

The petition states: “The (Tennessee) General Assembly does not object to the federal resettlement program. It does not even object to the federal government resettling 4 refugees in Tennessee. The General Assembly does object to the federal government reaching its hand into Tennessee’s pocket to pay for the cost of such a program, particularly when the enabling legislation was enacted with the promise to reimburse states for all expenses incurred in this program.”

The federal government mandates that states provide Medicaid to otherwise eligible refugees, or face termination of federal benefits.

Accordingly, the federal government forces Tennessee to continue funding the refugee program by threatening to pull $7 billion in federal Medicaid funding, which represents 20 percent of the state’s total budget.

The argument in favor of the General Assembly’s standing is bolstered by the fact that both chambers of the Tennessee General Assembly voted overwhelmingly in 2016 in favor of filing a civil lawsuit challenging the constitutionality of the federal refugee resettlement program. The State Senate passed Senate Joint Resolution 467, by a vote of 27-5 while the House voted 69-25 to pass the same resolution.

And without any waiting period they can automatically apply for all welfare programs provided by the State of Tennessee.

Read TMLC’s Petition for Certiorari here. 

If you know any organization that is in agreement with the broad-reaching tenets of the case, please have them contact the Thomas Moore Law Center immediately.  Time is short!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Tell Them What You Need, Not What You Want

When a person visits a doctor to complain about an ailment, it is not uncommon for the patient to try and diagnose the problem himself and prescribe a cure. The doctor listens politely but then asks a series of questions aimed at analyzing the patient’s symptoms, for example, “When and where did you first notice this?” “How often does this happen?” “What medication are you currently taking?,” etc. By analyzing the symptoms, the physician is trying to diagnose the problem. If he cannot ascertain the problem through questioning or a basic examination, he may order additional tests, such as an MRI, X-rays, a CAT scan, blood tests, urine samples, etc. The point is, the doctor is more interested in attacking the root cause, not just the symptoms.

We see this same type of phenomenon in Information Technology (I.T.) related projects where the end-user approaches the I.T. manager with a request for service whereby he sincerely believes he knows the right technical solution to solve his business problems. Two things may result from this request: either the I.T. department will treat the users symptoms, and give him what he wants, thereby not really solving his business problem correctly, or; the I.T. department will study the user’s problem more closely, possibly order some tests, and prescribe a solution that properly addresses his problems. Regrettably, this latter approach is rarely performed in companies anymore.

There is still a huge frustration factor between users and I.T. developers. On the one hand, users claim, “They (the I.T. people) don’t understand me,” and on the other hand, the I.T. people contend the users “don’t know what they want.” This void between the two groups is unhealthy and not conducive for solving the company’s problems. Frustrated, I.T. management tells developers not to ask questions, “Just give them what they want.” This scenario is obviously counterproductive, yet commonplace in the corporate world today.

When I am asked how to deal with this situation, I emphasize the doctor-patient analogy as mentioned above. First, the I.T. people have to learn to ask more questions and differentiate symptoms from problems. In other words, let’s not be in such a hurry to program a solution before we truly understand the problem. I.T. has a horrible track record in this regard. The idea of specifying user information requirements is the Achilles’ Heel of every development project. If it is performed superficially, the wrong solution will inevitably be delivered. Second, the user should play the role of a patient, meaning don’t try to prescribe a solution but concentrate on what you truly need and let the doctor (the I.T. department) prescribe a suitable solution. After all, who has more training in this regard, the doctor or the patient? Let the I.T. people do what they’re trained to do (and are paid for).

As long as we know our roles and do not try to do the other person’s job, we’ll get along just fine. Now turn your head and cough.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also, I have a NEW book, “Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works”, What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. DON’T FORGET GRADUATION DAY. This is the perfect gift!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. © All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

What Is Wrong with Biden––Jill Biden, That Is?

Several months ago, my husband Steve had a bad cold. I plied him with tea and honey and chicken soup (aka Jewish penicillin), bought over-the-counter bromides that promised relief, kept him away from people and people away from him, and even insisted that he try a folk remedy I was told was very effective and proved to be––smearing Vicks VapoRub on the bottoms of his feet (with socks over them) at nighttime, the better to wake up with clear nasal passages and lungs.

And that was for the common cold!

And Steve wasn’t running for anything, much less President of the United States!

What I did takes place millions of times a day not only across the United States but the entire world––women taking care of their husbands, doing everything possible to protect them from harm or hurt.

No doubt, that was Jill Biden’s intention when she married the senator from Delaware in 1977, and raised not only the daughter they had together, but his young sons, Beau and Hunter, after the senator’s first wife and baby daughter were killed in a horrific car accident in 1972.

As the years elapsed, Senator Biden became Vice President Biden––for eight years––and the power couple Jill and Joe gained worldwide fame and huge wealth.

But before that, Jill juggled raising their three children with earning a doctoral degree in education and then teaching for years in a psychiatric hospital where her students were emotionally disturbed children and adolescents.

Surely, in both her education and clinical work, she was aware of, sensitive to, knowledgeable about––and protective of––the students whose limitations rendered them incapable of higher function. Surely she became capable of detecting, even diagnosing, thought and speech disorders, dissociative thinking, and incoherent ramblings.

The following examples are sad to witness and once again raise the very serious question: What is wrong with Jill Biden?


Why is Jill’s understanding, empathy, take-charge persona missing in action when it comes to protecting her clearly diminished husband, who even a casual observer can see is suffering either from early––or not-so-early––dementia or Alzheimer’s disease? If Joe and Jill Biden were sitting in the office of any neurologist in America, the doctor would immediately put the VP candidate on medication to alleviate his obviously florid symptoms of dementia.

The Bidens are practicing Catholics. Jill certainly must have taken her wedding vows seriously: “I, Jill Stevenson, take thee, Joseph Biden, to be my wedded husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part…”

We believe the cherish thing, but what happened to the “in sickness and in health” vow? Does Jill Biden really believe that it means to “support” her clinically compromised husband in continuing the painful process of slogging it out till November, by propping him up, by letting him read telepromter words others have written but he can’t get through?

Does she believe her role is to plaster on a perpetual Cheshire Cat grin before a media that are collaborating with her in the “everything is great” hoax, rescuing her husband when appropriate behavior fails him, and pretending that his disjointed, confused, indeed bizarre utterances somehow, magically make sense.

At this point, every Joe Biden appearance is the Emperor’s New Clothes, with the entire Democrat establishment––including everyone on NBC, ABC, MSNBC, CNN, NPR, the NY Times, the Washington Post, et al––going along with this pitiful charade, while ignoring or forgetting the fact that the American people they hold in such contempt have eyes and ears!


Jill Biden is now 68 and she and Joe are the very wealthy owners of several lavish homes and who knows how many other sources of affluence.

By appearances, I’m guessing that Jill is also quite healthy. That is why it stretches the imagination that either she or her husband––who is pushing a doddering 78––want to spend the next four years of their lives glad-handing foreign potentates, fielding the conflicting and contentious demands of the American electorate, or generally weathering the ferocious slings and arrows aimed relentlessly at the highest office in the land.

For Joe Biden, this would be a lot of been-there/done-that, so what is his race for the presidency all about? Even more curious, what’s in it for Jill?

I believe that Joe Biden was selected as Barack Obama’s VP because of his inherent malleability and weakness. The powers-that-be had no doubt that they could plant any idea, policy, pet project, et al, in Joe’s ear and trust that he would echo their sentiments verbatim. This trust, of course, was based on Joe’s long history of echoing––actually stealing––the words of other people in a series of plagiarism scandals.

And he delivered––whether it was leveling poisonous threats to Israel that emanated from the Oval Office or executing two massive money laundering and bribery schemes in the Ukraine, or helping himself and Obama and their cronies to make billions off China trade deals and regulatory policies, on and on.


Again, I suspect that the powers-that-be––among them brainiacs like David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and especially George Soros, who appears, through his massive contributions, to own the Democrat Party, the Democratic National Committee, and most if not all Democrat fund-raising committees––got together and decided to back Joe Biden because they knew with absolute surety they could control him once in office. In the same way, I believe, Mr. Soros and Ms. Jarrett ran the country during Mr. Obama’s regime.

And when it became clear to them––as it has to the rest of America––that this faltering man will be lucky to make it till November, they simply whispered in Jill’s ear:

  • Stay in the game,
  • We’ve rigged this election so it will work this time,
  • We’ll take care of the judiciary so Joe (and you) are not indicted,
  • We’ll run the country just as we did for Obama,
  • Just smile and fake it till you make it to November!

While Joe may have understood the imperative of him running when these offers were initially made, it’s doubtful that he understands them now, or that by November it will matter to him at all. But if my theory is correct, you can bet that Jill gets it 100%!


All of a sudden, here comes the corona virus from China, spreading exponentially throughout the world into a genuine pandemic. Predictably, President Trump takes control and within days:

  • Assembles a world-class panel of experts,
  • Shuts down travel from China and then Europe,
  • Closes our borders,
  • Brings all warring factions in Congress together to enact a multi-TRILLION-dollar Save-America package,
  • Promises to get America back to work, hopefully by Easter or maybe a week or two later.

But instead of becoming depressed by the president’s rising popularity, all of a sudden Democrats start smiling again, as New York is deemed the epicenter of the corona virus–– according to the CDC––and Governor Andrew Cuomo steps up to offer the Donkey Party an alternative to the pitiful, cognitively failing Joe Biden.

But “Cuomo is No Hero,” says John Hinderaker of “The fact that New York is the epicenter of the COVID crisis in the U.S. is no coincidence. It flows from the policies of Governor Cuomo and New York Mayor Bill DeBlasio, as well as New York City’s nature as an international hub and a closely-packed city.”

Hinderaker cites the work of Julie Kelly at American Greatness: “[N]either Cuomo nor New York City Mayor Bill DeBlasio deserve attaboys. A toxic combination of Big Apple hubris, devotion to open borders regardless of the imminent threat, and Trump-hating obstinacy fueled a stubborn strategy that left their citizens vulnerable for months.”

Even by late February,” Kelly continued, “Cuomo boasted about his state’s accessibility to foreign travelers…And the outcry about ventilators? State officials were informed several years ago that the stockpile of ventilators was woefully inadequate to handle a severe pandemic. But instead of preparing for a looming crisis and buying 16,000 ventilators, the state’s health commissioner formed a task force to develop a system to ration the life-saving equipment.”

Facts be damned, Governor Cuomo has been auditioning for the top spot for the last two weeks, and writer John Fund suggests that a ‘Draft Cuomo’ Movement could lie in the Democrats’ future.

Meanwhile, it all seems to depend on the current Democrat candidate’s wife, who seems incapable of reading the tea leaves, deciphering the signals, smelling the coffee. Which brings me to ask once again: What is wrong with Jill Biden?

© All rights reserved.

God To Ignore Quarantine And Continue Being Everywhere

HEAVEN—The CDC now recommends that everyone stay home and avoid going out as much as possible. Despite this, reports are that God is breaking quarantine and going absolutely everywhere.

Hospitals, nursing homes, prisons — wherever He is needed, God is going. He is reportedly visiting everyone and checking on everyone in this time of need and not using any amount of social distancing. God is said to be following the absolute best practices, though, and is at no risk of making people sick but only making people better.

“We have absolutely no control over the guy,” said CDC spokesman Jim Wells, “which is extremely frustrating. We want to remind you, though, that you’re not God, so please stay put in small groups.”

God is also reportedly trying to get people to stop hoarding toilet paper and instead put their treasures in Heaven. Treasures that don’t include toilet paper.


CDC Urges Those Under Quarantine To Marathon The Extended Editions Of ‘The Lord Of The Rings’

Trump Says, ‘I Don’t Want Any Americans To Die’, NYT Quotes As ‘I… Want… Americans To Die’

Nation Apologizes For Taking Stay-At-Home Parents For Granted All These Years

Professionals Work Tirelessly To Discover Which Political Party Should Be Blamed For Virus

Communist Party Of China Can’t Believe They’re Getting Such Great Coverage From The American Media For Free

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

It’s Fine to Talk About How This Crisis Ends

If I followed all my doctor’s instructions to the letter, life would be excruciating. It would be tantamount to having Michael Bloomberg make my life choices, which is to say my life wouldn’t be worth living.

Human beings have never been as risk-averse as experts want them to be. We instinctively calculate the costs and benefits of engaging in activities that put our health at risk every day.

The coronavirus crisis, in fact, has been one of the few times in my life I’ve allowed medical experts to completely dictate my actions.

I’m writing this piece bunkered down in my home office, staying inside as much as possible, employing a rigorous hand-washing regime, and keeping far away from my now-menacing neighbors when I walk the dog. Like many Americans, I do this not only for my own well-being but for the well-being of those who are at greater risk.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

I’m one of the lucky ones: I have a job and can work from home. Millions of others don’t share that luxury. Many of them are calculating the costs of self-quarantining as it relates to their livelihood, businesses, and futures—and those are completely sane, unimpeachable considerations.

Yet, I’ve noticed pundits and politicians trying to shut down difficult discussions of the trade-offs associated with managing the coronavirus crisis and its economic fallout by demanding that everyone shut up and listen to “doctors” and “scientists,” as if no one else’s opinion was useful.

Let’s set aside the fact that many liberals have spent the past decade degrading the gravity of “science,” a word now most often used by pundits to make wild, Malthusian claims about climate change or argue that there are more than two genders. Even if they hadn’t, science is just one aspect of any equation: We should listen to scientists, but not only to scientists.

If all scientists agreed on how the United States should move forward in combating the current pandemic, which they don’t, that still wouldn’t be the end of the story.

Virologists and epidemiologists concern themselves with the spread of disease and the physiological health of human beings, which is naturally of paramount importance right now. But economists concern themselves with whether those who survive the disease will have houses to live in after it’s all over, which matters quite a bit, too, as do pundits’ concerns about the violation of civil liberties and law enforcement officials’ concerns about the possibility of rising criminality.

Science is most meaningful when we consider it together with morality, economic prosperity, human thriving, and thousands of other factors that make our lives bearable. Those considerations don’t dissipate simply because a new virus shows up. Mankind has dealt with pandemics for thousands of years.

Moreover, Americans deserve a full discussion of what a glide path to normalcy might look like.

President Donald Trump says he’d like to see the economy “raring” to go in two weeks. That seems highly optimistic.

Former Fed Chair Ben Bernanke says that if “not too much damage [is] done to [our] workforce and businesses during [this] shutdown, we could see a fairly quick rebound. Much closer to a major snowstorm” than the Great Depression, which would be tremendously encouraging if there weren’t so many unknowns still in play.

One thing that’s certain is that we need to start talking about the endgame here, and about the point at which the cure might become worse than the disease.

No one can say with any certitude how this plays out yet, but asking these questions isn’t kooky, out of bounds, or unpatriotic; it’s natural. The longer this goes on, the more the public will want answers. And doctors alone won’t be able to provide them.



David Harsanyi is a senior writer at National Review and the author of “First Freedom: A Ride through America’s Enduring History With the Gun, From the Revolution to Today.” Twitter: .


Americans Trust President Trump to Lead In the War Against the Silent Enemy

Why Are Republicans and Democrats So Divided Over the Coronavirus?

Trump Says Northeast Quarantine Will ‘Not be Necessary,’ Will Issue Travel Advisory Instead

RELATED VIDEO: Chinese Citizens risk their lives to apologize to the US for what the CCP and communist Chinese people have done

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Coronavirus Rhapsody by Queen | COVID-19 Karaoke

Grounded Show posted the below video on YouTube titled Coronavirus Rhapsody by Queen | COVID-19 Karaoke.

Something to sing in your room while you’re in self isolation. Share this video so it reaches #1 in the Corona charts. “Coronavirus Rhapsody”

Vocals by Adrian Grimes

Lyrics by Dana Jay Bein

Music by Queen

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Borders Matter to Dems! When the Border is Between New York and Rhode Island! LOL!

This story gave me a laugh (I know it is a serious issue)!  However, I can’t help chuckling about the Open Borders Dems who all of a sudden are becoming tribal about their people in their states. Civil liberties be damned!

Not sure how this fits into Frauds and Crooks, but what the heck, I’ll archive it in my ‘Politicians as frauds’ category.

From Bloomberg:

Rhode Island Police to Hunt Down New Yorkers Seeking Refuge

Rhode Island police began stopping cars with New York plates Friday. On Saturday, the National Guard will help them conduct house-to-house searches to find people who traveled from New York and demand 14 days of self-quarantine.

“Right now we have a pinpointed risk,” Governor Gina Raimondo said. “That risk is called New York City.”


Rhode Island has just over 200 [cases of COVID-19 at the time this story was posted—ed], and it has begun an aggressive campaign to keep the virus out and New Yorkers contained, over objections from civil liberties advocates.

Raimondo, a Democrat, said she had consulted lawyers and said while she couldn’t close the border, she felt confident she could enforce a quarantine.

Many New Yorkers have summer houses in Rhode Island, especially in tony Newport, and the governor said the authorities would be checking there.

“Yesterday I announced and today I reiterated: Anyone coming to Rhode Island in any way from New York must be quarantined,” the governor said. “By order. Will be enforced. Enforceable by law.”

More here.


Minnesota: Woman Charged with Visa Fraud; Injured Illegals to Help them Get Special Visas

Michelle Malkin Blasts ADL for Demanding a Piece of the COVID-19 Relief Pie

Pressure on ICE to Release Detained Illegal Aliens; First Case of Alien with Coronavirus is in NJ

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: What We Can Expect After The Wuhan Flu Virus

By the time the Wuhan flu, coronavirus (COVID-19) has run its course, what can we expect from the fall-out? Hopefully, we will learn from this episode and make changes to address future epidemics, and believe me, this will not be the end of it as the media has discovered such disasters are bigger business than mere politics. What can we expect though from this episode and what awaits us in the months ahead?

First, this will be on everyone’s mind as we head to the voting booths in November. As of now, President Trump has been getting favorable poll ratings for his handling of the problem, so this shouldn’t effect him in a negative way. However, the key will be to see how the economy bounces back. It will undoubtedly take a dip in the Spring, but when the panic is over and life begins to return to normal, will another bull market emerge? If not, this could present a serious problem for the Republicans. As of now, the American public doesn’t blame President Trump for the declining stock markets, but when this is over, they will want to see it come roaring back.

Now that stocks are down, shrewd investors will be picking up some bargain stocks and making a killing. Transportations may be slow to rebound, but others should come back faster, such as electronics and food related companies. One of the biggest surprises during the panic was our attachment to paper products. Who would have thought toilet paper, paper towels, and tissues would be so much in demand? Companies such as Scott Paper, Kimberly-Clark, and Procter & Gamble should be sitting pretty following the panic.

Likewise, pharmacies have taken a noticeable upturn and will continue to grow.

Supply chains will need to be re-evaluated and improved in order to prevent another product shortage in the future. Freight truck sales are booming and will continue to do so to help in this regard. Freight trains should also do well.

People have learned the need for maintaining emergency supplies on hand. Look for increased sales in refrigerators and freezers to accommodate this. Shelving, storage and security items should also do well.

The service industry should prosper substantially; “Sit down” restaurants will eventually recover but there will be an explosion in “To Go” ordering, something people have become used to during the panic and has altered our eating habits. Look for a revolution in home delivery. Walmart, Amazon, and the major Supermarkets have been moving in this direction for a long time, but the panic clearly demonstrated its viability.

The tobacco industry will take a hit as we were once again reminded of the ill-effects of tobacco. Not surprising, liquor sales held strong as people got together in impromptu groups and enjoyed libations to pass the time of day.

As much as we hate the politically correct expression, “Social Distancing,” it will become a part of life from now on as it has become a habit. There will be fewer handshakes and hugs, people will keep their distance, and there will still be fewer group activities, including nonprofits and church meetings. Also watch for surgical masks to become more commonplace, as well as the re-introduction of gloves at group events.

Perhaps the most noticeable coming attraction will be a baby boom in December. As people went into hibernation during the panic, as requested by government, they had to find ways to entertain themselves. Hence, we are on the verge of a major baby boom, the likes of which will make the old New York blackouts seem pale by comparison. Inevitably, even more paper products will be needed to accommodate the influx of infants.

Should there be another virus like this, it is hoped we will be better prepared. Personally, I would like to see someone take the news media to task, but this will likely never happen. And I certainly hope a panic such as this never happens again during an election year. This was too much of a coincidence for my liking.

By the way, Rod Serling couldn’t have written a better script than what the coronavirus politicians and media did.

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also, I have a NEW book, “Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works”, What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. DON’T FORGET GRADUATION DAY. This is the perfect gift!


Just As President Trump Saved My Life, He’s Fighting to Save Yours Too!

Why Economic Freedom Is Critical to Beating the Coronavirus

The System-Wide Campaign to Battle the Corona Crisis in Israel

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

Dems Worried Stimulus Bill Would Stimulate Economy

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Amid political bickering over a potential economic relief package, Democrats warned Americans that the stimulus bill would stimulate the economy.

“This stimulus bill might stimulate the economy — which would hurt our chances to stop the bad orange man,” said Senator Chuck Schumer. “We can’t overstate how much damage this would do to our 2020 campaign. The last thing we need is a strong economy going into November.”

“This stimulus package is horrifying. It specifically includes funding to stimulate Trump’s economy, and we can’t have that.”

“We cannot pass it to find out what is in it — then we might accidentally increase Trump’s chance of reelection,” said Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi. “We must move slowly and cautiously here.”

Upon reading part of the bill, Democratic leaders were confused to learn that it would give money back to taxpayers instead of taking it away. “Is that even legal?”


Democrats Demand Stimulus Bill Include Reparations For Transgender Native Americans Affected By Climate Change

‘I’m Not Incredibly Impressed With The Chinese Government,’ Says Vile Racist

Benny Hinn Holds Healing Service In Full Hazmat Suit

Stopped Clock Named CNN’s Most Accurate Reporter

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Drug Cartels Switch To Producing Hand Sanitizer

MEXICO—Drug cartels across Mexico and all around Central and South America have announced they are ceasing production of heroin, meth, and cocaine, saying they are now producing a far more lucrative drug with the street name of “hand sanitizer.”

Drug cartels are quickly converting their assembly lines to pump out more and more of the hand sanitizer, saying Americans across the border “can’t get enough” of the addictive substance.

“It’s the hottest product on the streets right now,” said Carlos “13-ball” Lopez, a dealer in Albuquerque. “Everyone’s hooked on it — we got grandmas, housewives, even school kids wanting a taste. Your first hit is free but after that you’re ours, yo.”

“Hey, kid, want a squirt of hand sanitizer?” he then said to a passing youngster. “This one’s on me.”

One cartel has begun producing what the DEA is calling the purest, most addictive hand sanitizer yet, “Blue Sky.” The Blue Sky hand sanitizer kills 99.99999% of germs, while less pure versions of the drug only kill 99.9% of germs and bacteria.

“The spread of this dangerous new gateway drug is an epidemic,” said a DEA agent as he held aloft a small plastic baggy containing a small drop of Blue Sky hand sanitizer. “Just last week, we stopped a truck destined for a chicken restaurant here in New Mexico, but the buckets of chicken actually contained thousands of kilos of hand sanitizer.”


Latest Numbers On Coronavirus: 100% Of World Still Under God’s Control

Bernie: ‘We Must Seize The Means Of Toilet Paper Production’

Americans Rejoice As News Finally Not All About Trump

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

The Show Must Go On! My take on the Wuhan Flu gloom and doom.

I think it is time I weighed in on the coronavirus panic choking our country. Currently, we are a nation suffocating in a depressing doom and gloom; where the media seems to take delight in telling us how bad things are, all in the name of improved ratings. Frankly, they haven’t hit a bonanza like this in a long time, even in spite of their sloppy reporting. This has been exacerbated by lawyers, accountants, politicians, and a greedy media who will not be happy until the country is ground to a halt. Frankly, this is one American who has had enough.

In show business, the expression, “The Show Must Go On!”, means we must go forward even in the face of adversity. It is time for this country to do likewise in lieu of the panic. Currently, we are experiencing a domino effect whereby restaurants and businesses are closing, as are schools, the travel industry is tanking, people are working from home or are being let go, people are hoarding toilet paper (of all things), we are rationing food, etc., thereby causing the economy to tremble. The new politically correct concept of “Social Distancing” is forcing people to turn inwards to home, and avoid human contact, not just group activities such as sporting events, church meetings, schools, going to the beach, or a drink at the local tavern. Terrified of the virus, people are hiding out until the all-clear siren is sounded. There is one problem with this, we cannot afford to bring the country to a standstill as exemplified by the movie, “The Day the Earth Stood Still.” Our choice is simple: We can either resign ourselves to a fate of destruction or pick up the pieces and move forward. I choose the latter.

Some claim we have never seen anything like this virus (COVID-19). This is simply not true. The 2009-2010 Swine Flu Pandemic saw upwards to 1.4 billion cases, with deaths estimated between 150,000–575,000. Today, we are nowhere near these numbers. I am not doubting the legitimacy of the coronavirus, but I am questioning the panic that has ensued. It reminds me of how we handle hurricanes in Florida. It used to be, the public was alerted about an approaching storm, we took the necessary precautions (such as replenishing supplies and boarding up homes) and then rode it out. However, when Hurricane Irma appeared in 2017, Floridians were panicked by the media, forcing the closure of restaurants and businesses, and the stoppage of water, gasoline, and electricity in some areas. Frankly, it turned out to be a rather lame storm here in Florida by comparison to other hurricanes, but the public was panicked into a frenzy by the media, not too dissimilar to what we are experiencing today. The point is, something is horribly wrong in how the media is communicating with the public these days.

What we are witnessing is an interesting social experiment. It proves people can be easily manipulated by the media and politicians. It also demonstrates people prefer operating on autopilot, and when it is switched off, they do not know how to improvise, adapt and overcome, and this is what is perhaps most disturbing about the panic.

There are, of course, some things beyond our control, such as financial markets, government regulations, etc., and I am certainly not advocating disobeying the law, but we need to challenge our politicians and hold them accountable, as well as the media. It also means we have to learn to think for ourselves and become proactive as opposed to reactive. In other words, we need to think differently, break old habits, and replace them with new ones. Remember the old maxim, “In confusion there is profits.”

We need to begin by changing our perspective to believe the glass is half full, not half empty as the media suggests. In other words, let’s think positive, not negative. Now is the time for innovation in the workplace, to think smarter, and introduce new ideas to get the job done. There are opportunities out there waiting to be exploited, we just have to find them.

So, should we place our faith in the hands of our politicians and the media? As for me, I will put my trust in common sense instead.

By the way, perhaps the biggest difference between the 2009-2010 Swine Flu Pandemic and the 2020 COVID-19 panic is that 2009-2010 was not a presidential election year. Hmm, must be nothing more than a coincidence, right?

Another stage related expression is “Break a Leg,” representing a wish for good luck to a performer. It’s an old expression reflecting an ancient superstition that wishing someone “good luck” was considered somewhat of a jinx.

Since I am from the South, I will leave you with…

Break a Leg (Y’all)!

Keep the Faith!

P.S. – Also, I have a NEW book, “Before You Vote: Know How Your Government Works”, What American youth should know about government, available in Printed, PDF and eBook form. DON’T FORGET GRADUATION DAY. This is the perfect gift!

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump signals openings: US not ‘built to be shut down’

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

March Madness Ten Days Of Darkness

To Trump – “You cant handle the storm”. Trump replies, “I am the storm”.

Well, you got some time on your hands now. So please read this then turn on your TV. Take a look outside. This is what swamp draining and a financial reset looks like. No-one said it was going to be easy. We are at war. The operation is now live. You don’t just flick a switch and seize power from these evil monsters. They will fight for blood until their power has been seized. This far transcends politics my friends. Keep reading. And yes. Mr. Hannnity, I would be happy to appear on your show. The people need to know.

This article will cover the story behind the story. Read this article. I hope this helps. Perhaps I am preaching to the choir. If so, let us rejoice and sing our hearts out and get others to join in the band. If you are familiar with much of what has been written here, good, then pass it on to those who need to know what you know too. I shall begin with the headlines first, as we build towards revealing what is really going on here and what we can expect to unfold in the coming weeks, months and years to come. Oh and heads up! I have been informed that domestic air travel within the U.S. may be suspended any day now for perhaps a week or so. We shall see if and how this plays out.

“We are at war with an invisible enemy”, as wartime President Donald J. Trump has informed us. I cover this on “News Behind The News“, my daily program, with my co-host Kelly Ruiz and featured guests. Be sure to bookmark this show and click on notifications (that little bell on the upper right hand corner on the YouTube channel). There are many aspects to address from offense to defense and from the Coronavirus story, to the story behind the story. Let’s begin then shall we? We begin with Q.

March Madness And Ten Days Of Darkness

Q, or QANON, has told us, as previously forecast in Q drop intel, that there will be “March Madness” and “Ten days of darkness”. Well my friends and fellow patriots, this has now arrived. One can certainly agree that madness has arrived here in March and what has occurred, is occurring and yet to be seen, is in part, what this articles is about. Making sense of the madness. Something about all this just doesn’t seem right? You are right. Trust your instincts and turn off the Fake News.

The Coronavirus Crisis

Yes of course there really is a virus and it is making people sick and some are dying. Yes, the majority of those infected with this virus recover in three to six weeks, some sooner. Yes it has, to date, spread now to 138 countries that we know of. Listen to the President and his Coronavirus task force along with local and state authorities as to social distancing, staying at home, travel restrictions, lock-downs etc. Take care of your health and build your immune system. FOX NEWS does have quite a few medical doctors advising the public on an hourly basis. Having said and acknowledged this, let’s begin with the story behind the story. So just what is really going on?

(MOAFF) Mother Of All False Flags

False does not mean it isn’t real or didn’t happen. Oh this is real alright and it sure did happen. By false we mean, who did it and why. A false flag in part can simply be defined as a person, persons, or entity, creating the problem, blaming it on someone else in order to achieve a specific outcome. It’s deception at a very high level. Problem-reaction-solution, with the solution never really being a solution at all. Create the problem, the Coroanvirus. Anticipate the reaction. Fear, and in this case fear for our health and for our very life. Then offering up the “solution”, which in this context, is NEVER a solution and that being vaccines. Watch this short clip to help you understand this better.

Weaponization of the Coronavirus

Many of us have been saying for a long time that they will at some point, unleash a False Flag event to collapse Trump’s economy to derail his elect-ability. I for one, have written and spoken about this many times even as far back as June 3, 2018. Well, you may recall, they were screaming at one point, recession-recession-recession as part of a Central Bank and Fed manipulation along with the fake news, to bring Trump’s economy down and it failed.

The reason, as I see it, that the deep state unleashed the Coronavirus is as follows. They cannot have Donald Trump re-elected because he is about to expose all of their crimes and bring justice. Period, end of story. They needed to collapse Trump’s economy. The other benefits of this problem, reaction, solution event is, for people control, population control, (you do know that Bill Gates had patents on this and has just recently resigned from two Boards), and forced testing, then forced vaccinations (toxins and RFID chip). This too, like all of the other failed derailments and treasonous coup d ‘etat attempts, has now also failed and failed miserably. In fact what an opportunity it has been. Never let a good crisis go to waste cuts both ways.

Never Let A Crisis Go To Waste

This now famous quote from Rahm Emanual works, cuts, both ways. You see team Trump anticipated this type of an event to unfold but was unable to prevent it. You must know that high level Pentagon and other intel, Q and the President have war gamed out practically every conceivable attack. They, in my opinion, anticipated this but was unable to prevent it. And so how and why has it back-fired and failed? Consider this.

Trump acts swiftly, decisively and accurately by shutting travel from China. He waits until the new Coronavirus test kits come out as not to be misread with the flawed first round of testing kits they gave us. Snakes still, and very much so, surround our Commander in Chief.  He then assembles a Federal and public task force. The travel bands, quarantines, social distancing, and lock-downs are now being used as a cover for the greatest military intelligence operation of our time.

We are NOT under Martial Law as the U.S. Constitution is still in force. This may change soon, time will tell. The borders are being controlled. The people are being protected from false flag shootings now with this shutdown. Repatriation of stolen money is beginning to benefit the people and not the banksters (keep reading later), and so much more. Seems Trump always gets what he wants. And what he wants is to restore power back to the people. He stated at his inauguration he is going to give us back our country. We just entered the outer bands of a massive Cat 5 hurricane. Stay the course-trust the plan. Yes, the storm is upon us.

Watch Here

Greatest Military Intelligence Operation Of Our Time Arrests Have Begun

Q, or QANON can be defined as the greatest military intelligence operation of our time. Besides, (and under the cover of public safety), the lock-downs, quarantines, travel restrictions, and so on serve as a cover for action as we enter into what I will call phase I of the take-down. And again, sources indicate a probable domestic air travel shutdown. Plan accordingly.

Connect The Dots

The operation is now live. We are rounding them up. Team Trump is using this false flag crisis as cover to keep people inside and to prevent collateral damage. It is now also very difficult for the deep state to unleash their typical false flags via mass shootings and or school shootings since we are not allowed to assemble in groups larger than ten and all schools, in fact much of the entire country, is in shutdown, and we are told to stay at home for the next two weeks, and probably longer than that. Fear not. Trust the plan.

Phase I Operation Is Live

The operation is live. Arrests have begun in Italy with a crime syndicate having been arrested as high level mafia assets are now under control. Hundreds of drug cartels and MS 13 gangs here in the US have also been apprehended since this operation was recently unleashed. Arrests are being made in Southern California now and is being overseen by NAVSPEC. I recently read a piece that sourced a retired Marines Special Forces Lieutenant who was just briefed for over an hour by a 3-Star General and revealed that they will arrest 160,000 people in 90 days, including members of the mainstream media, perhaps Hollywood and even maybe Barry Soetoro, (BHO).

In Phase I of the  take-down, this is how I see this playing out. The lower level criminals and foot soldiers of the deep state will be, and are being, as I write, arrested. Hollywood, mainstream media, MS-13, ANTIFA, drug cartels and other Soros and Clinton funded mercenaries will be rounded up. They’re starting now by taking down Antifa, MS-13, the mafia, drug gangs and other mercenaries hired by Soros. These mercenaries were going to conduct mass riots and mayhem after the election but this is being stopped.

Phase II Coming Soon

Once the above is complete, I believe perhaps as early as late spring or early summer 2020, the shakedown and take-down ratchets up. This is where we may begin to see Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Clapper, Nadler, Schiff and the like outright arrested and hauled off to GITMO as a fast track to swift justice. How can this be done so swiftly you may ask? Because of the powers afforded to the President under the National State of Emergency and more importantly, the Stafford Act.  Stafford Act provisions provides emergency powers which include Marines and National Guard to work under one set of orders by the President. The president can call forth the militia to help execute the laws – repel invasion. Felonies can be brought forth without presentment or without grand jury indictment. Yes the President said he can now use the full power of the Federal government under a National Emergency. The President said no resource will be spared in a recent tweet. Trump has stated …“We have very strong emergency powers under the Stafford Act,” Trump told reporters on Thursday. “I have it memorized, practically… And if I need to do something, I’ll do it. I have the right to do a lot of things that people don’t even know about.”

Okay so back to these tribunals. Worse case, they will not have tribunals but instead go through the civilian process, hearings, grand juries, indictments, charges and trials. I suspect GITMO for some, civilian trials for others. Time will tell. One thing I am certain of, is that the day of reckoning, the day we have all been waiting for is very close at hand and has begun under phase one as described above. The Bush’s, since GHWB’s military tribunal and funeral, are basically under control now. The latter part of Phase II takes down Soros, Clinton, Obama etc.

Remember, we have all the goods on everyone. IGI, IGII FISA, AG Barr’s data from Rudy G. on the Biden’s and many others involved in Ukraine and China. Durham’s criminal investigation may too lead to direct haul-offs to GITMO along with standard civilian due process. His report is expected out late spring, early summer. More Julian Assange intel may be forthcoming, Epstein intel forthcoming, and Harvey Weinstein was more than likely singing like a canary before his sentencing, which now has the “Hollywood Elite” panicking and running for the hills. Kimmel, Hanks, DeGeneras, Oprah and so many others. You must watch the “Great Awakening  Segment” in this episode, here on my daily show “News Behind The News”.

Transitioning Economy – The Storm Is Upon Us

The Global Financial Reset has begun. Yes the storm is upon us. This is not business as usual. The libertarians and many others are up in arms about Trump shutting down the entire country, (little do they know). They are up in arms about the trillions that is about to be injected as a life raft to the American people and the American business owners. Notice I did not say to the banks and to Wall Street? That was under Bush. Old paradigm. This is the Trump era, new paradigm, restoring power back to the people. It matters not about the paying off of these trillions. Why? Because it is the Fed and the Central Banks that will be left holding the bag as Trump has accelerated the Global Financial Reset. Checkmate is coming. Trump, since day one, has been building an economy and financial system running parallel to the debt based fraudulent Central Bank, Federal Reserve system and playing them by working their own rigged system against them, trumped!

We are witnessing the overthrow of the old guard. The Global Financial Reset is upon us. This is the end of the US petrodollar. The the assets of criminal banksters, the Rothschilds, Bank of England, the Committee etc. are now being seized. An estimated $43 trillion dollars has been stolen from the people over these decades and this is not only coming to an end, but some of it being repatriated back to the people. Q has told us in the past that gold will bring down the Central Banks. With these pulled back prices today, buy gold-buy-silver-buy now, but buyer beware. Learn more here.

Consider the trillions coming our way over the next several weeks to several months as part of the debt jubilee I have been talking about. This actually began last year with the forgiveness of the veterans student loans. There will be more to come. We are beginning to be repaid. Yes of course jobs will resume along with Trump’s incredible economy despite the stock market flush out. Remember this, the fundamentals of Trump’s economy are strong and better then ever before, you must differentiate this from the stock market collapsing today. The IRS and the Fed will be abolished as we know it. A new system will be introduced to America and the world. I will be writing about this and speaking about this on my show with Economist Dr. Kirk Elliott, PHD, along with other esteemed guests as events unfold and after all of this plays out. Everything will change as the Quantum Financial system is implemented through a series of steps en route to this. The “Golden Age” is then ushered in. We may once again have the opportunity to thrive and prosper and to use our innate gifts talents and abilities as God intended. But we are, by no means, out of the woods just yet. Keep reading. Truths revealed.

Did You Know?

There have been over 1,300 CEOS’, Board Directors, and executives who have resigned, been fired and or arrested in the last two years? This is accelerating. Bill Gates, who has the patents on Coronavirus related issues, just last week stepped down from from his BOD at Microsoft and Warren Buffet’s Berkshire Hathaway. We have seen in recent weeks, the following CEO’s and Chairmen, Execs. etc. step down as well. Disney’s Iger, (following the arrest of Disney Execs last year for pedophilia and child molestation). Monsanto / Bayer, Best Buy, Envision, Sales Force, Uber Eats, MGM Resort, S. Dakota Board of Regents, Chipolte, Fed Ex, UPS, Essence, AT&T, Heineken, Harley Davidson, IBM, MasterCard, Lockheed Martin, Victoria’s Secrets Lex Wessner (Tied to Epstein) and the list goes on and on. They and so many others, are running for the hills along with Ellen DeGeneras, and Tom Hanks to name a few. Yep. Stay tuned…

There are 151,002 sealed indictments in federal courts all around the US and it’s protectorates at this moment waiting to be served. These have been, and are being unsealed. This, I am told, may be mostly on voter fraud and election rigging but also by other serious criminal syndicates and much of it treasonous which will warrant military trials. Information I received from a credible source states that GITMO cost 2 million to set up to handle ‘terrorists’ in 2001. The Trump administration has spent over 2 BILLION revamping it and expanding it over the last two years. Another 3 Billion in remote infrastructure has been put in play in the last year.  He didn’t do all that for optics. As of 60 days ago GITMO has been fully manned and is now at full strength with personnel and supplies. The (some) ‘quarantine centers can double as detention centers for legal processing. The overlapping ‘census’ and medical observation will provide context to speak with and vet every person – think illegals who voted. I also expect air travel to be shut down for 4-6 days at some point most likely around 3/22/20. Keep in mind the Federal Death Penalty has been reinstated by AG Barr and trials at GITMO may very well be live-streamed. Get the popcorn and enjoy the show.

Seems that google has either been hacked by a good guy or is it that perhaps the White Hats have seized control? What am I am talking about here? Check out this segment on “News Behind The News”. I often wonder, is China and Russia working with Trump to turn the globalists plan for a NWO upside down? I guess time will tell. Xi Jinping said the other day that the sun will shine after the storm. Storm, a well chosen word. Nothing is as it appears.

Over these past three years, I have many friends and some very accomplished household named people who are experts in their fields who have expressed their fears and concerns about Trump with regards to vaccines, Chemtrails, 5G, Big Pharma and so on. I have always replied by saying, he knows. Trust the plan. Timing is everything. I also have stated that come 2020 and certainly 2021 and beyond that Trump will take on Big Pharma and all that this entails as well as Big Money, the Central Bank, Fed, IRS etc. Well with this Corona Crisis, we can see the beginning of this reaching the public if you read between the lines. Watch what comes next, later in 2020 and then in 2021, just you watch.

I interrupt this article for a brief moment and I ask – What’s that green light you see on the White House? Oh, and have you noticed how the Presidential seal has disappeared a few days ago from the podium where the President speaks at the Coronvirus daily briefings? Have you noticed that the UN flag to the left on your screen of the president is now gone? All that remains is the US Flag – well, the one with the gold fringes which represents Admiralty law remains. What does all this mean? We’ll cover that next week. Change is underway. Read the closing sections here.

Paradigm Shift Is Underway – Faith Not Fear

Faith not fear. Garbage in-garbage out. Selfish agendas? There are many people who have provided excellent service for many years bravely trying to wake people up to the realities of our times. I thank them. During such years, we were stuck in the old paradigm and its ways. Those that saw some truths operated to an extent in the emotional band of fear. Sadly, many of these individuals of which you surly know of, are stuck in the old paradigm and old business models if you will, and continue to operate in the emotional band of fear. Could this be for profit in a dead and dying model? Could this be due to their own fears? Is this because perhaps they do not have reliable sources for truth of the times and what exactly is going on? I surly hope they come aboard as we need them and they, most of them, I should say, are good and are with us. There will be no place and little effect and or success coming their way in this new paradigm. Come aboard now. Enough said. You know who you are.

So, faith, not fear. Yes we are moving from dark to light. Stay the course. Trust the plan, and remember freedom, it’s up to us. Everything will change and for the better but not without chaos, crisis, uncertainty, death and destruction, I am afraid to say. But what’s on the other end for some of us and for posterity? We will come to learn about 911, JFK, school shootings, Seth Rich, Andrew Breitbart, endless wars and so many other things including invented diseases for control and profit. Pedophilia, voter fraud and election theft, entrainment, (no that is not a typo – go look it up), MK Ultra, murders, gangs, and satanic and demonic rituals. We will come to learn about cloning and why they are gathering our DNA. And we will come to hear about the raping and then torturous murders of children and infants and adrenochrome. Yes, as the President has been telling you all along, these people are sick. These are bad, bad, people doing evil, evil things. Their time is up. They know it. They are panicking. And I hope this explains the shutdown to you in a new light. This operation is live. Stay safe. And remember, God is in control.

We are all in this together. No divide and conquer here. Together as one we will prevail. Tragedy brings unity. It’s time to unite with one heart and one mind. Remember, we are on God’s side. The wrongs and true injustices will be righted. General Flynn will be free. Roger Stone may see a pardon and so many other issues that I addressed in my book “Trump and the Resurrection of America“. We will be informed of many things that have been kept secret; medical breakthroughs, cures not customers, suppressed data about alternative energy and the truth about extraterrestrial life. A new financial system will be ushered in and perhaps in stages. The evil that seized control a long, long time ago has turned this beautiful planet and amazing thing called life into what you see before you. This is now changing. Yes, this is the great change. It will go on for some years but we truly have just now entered a critical battle into the center of evil. Yes, this is a spiritual battle between good and evil. Yes a new paradigm shift in our universe is happening. What an amazing time to be alive! Let us not forget what Trump said to us as he campaigned in 2015-2016. “We must not surrender to the false song of globalism. So, I am asking everyone to join this incredible movement. I am asking you to dream big, and bold and daring things for your family and for your country. I am asking you to believe in yourself again and I am asking you to believe in America”. – Donald J. Trump. It’s time to believe.

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