Biden Economics: Natural Gas Soars 700%

“Best economy in history.” — White House

Natural Gas Soars 700%, Becoming Driving Force in the New Cold War

(Bloomberg) — One morning in early June, a fire broke out at an obscure facility in Texas that takes natural gas from US shale basins, chills it into a liquid and ships it overseas. It was extinguished in 40 minutes or so. No one was injured.

It sounds like a story for the local press, at most — except that more than three weeks later, financial and political shockwaves are still reverberating across Europe, Asia and beyond.

That’s because natural gas is the hottest commodity in the world right now. It’s a key driver of global inflation, posting price jumps that are extreme even by the standards of today’s turbulent markets — some 700% in Europe since the start of last year, pushing the continent to the brink of recession. It’s at the heart of a dawning era of confrontation between the great powers, one so intense that in capitals across the West, plans to fight climate change are getting relegated to the back-burner.

In short, natural gas now rivals oil as the fuel that shapes geopolitics. And there isn’t enough of it to go around.

It’s the war in Ukraine that catalyzed the gas crisis to a new level, by taking out a crucial chunk of supply. Russia is cutting back on pipeline deliveries to Europe — which says it wants to stop buying from Moscow anyway, if not quite yet. The scramble to fill that gap is turning into a worldwide stampede, as countries race to secure scarce cargoes of liquefied natural gas ahead of the northern-hemisphere winter.

The New Oil?

Germany says gas shortfalls could trigger a Lehman Brothers-like collapse, as Europe’s economic powerhouse faces the unprecedented prospect of businesses and consumers running out of power. The main Nord Stream pipeline that carries Russian gas to Germany is due to shut down on July 11 for ten days of maintenance, and there’s growing fear that Moscow may not reopen it. Group of Seven leaders are seeking ways to curb Russia’s gas earnings, which help finance the invasion of Ukraine — and backing new LNG investments. And poorer countries

that built energy systems around cheap gas are now struggling to afford it.

“This is the 1970s for natural gas,” says Kevin Book, managing director at ClearView Energy Partners LLC, a Washington-based research firm. “The world is now thinking about gas as it once thought about oil, and the essential role that gas plays in modern economies and the need for secure and diverse supply have become very visible.”

Natural gas used to be a sleepy commodity that changed hands in fragmented regional markets. Now, even though globalization appears to be in retreat across much of the world economy, the gas trade is headed in the opposite direction. It’s globalizing fast — but maybe not fast enough.

Keep reading……


RELATED ARTICLE: EU Declares Fossil Fuel To Be ‘Green’ Energy As ‘Climate Change’ Narrative Self-Destructs

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Public Absentee Drop Boxes ILLEGAL

Unlike Georgia, Wisconsin is fighting back against systemic Democrat election theft.

BREAKING BIG: Wisconsin Supreme Court Rules Public Absentee Drop Boxes ILLEGAL!

  • The Wisconsin Supreme Court today ruled that absentee drop boxes are illegal in the state.
  • The court ruled 4-3 that the drop boxes can only be placed INSIDE election offices.

By Jim Hoft, The Gateway Pundit, July 8, 2022 at 8:40am

This is horrible news for Democrats.

The recent documentary “2000 Mules” revealed how Democrats used the ballot drop boxes in several states in an organized national ballot trafficking scam.

The movie revealed that hundreds of thousands of votes were stolen in 2020 using the ballot drop boxes.

Here is a copy of today’s ruling.

WISCONSIN SUPREME COURT Rules Public Drop Boxes Illegal by Jim Hoft on Scribd



Wisconsin Supreme Court Drops Hammer On 2020 Election Shenanigans: ‘Ballot Drop Boxes Are Illegal’ Under Wisconsin Law

Wisconsin’s Illegal Ballot Drop Box Operation Further Proves 2020 Was Not ‘Most Secure Election In History’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

From Constitutional Republic to Socialism to Globalism to Feudalism

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite themselves, of course. Globalism has declared war on the nation state, and cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The tactical strategy is the incremental movement of America from constitutional republic ⇒ socialism ⇒ globalism ⇒ feudalism. The target is your children. This is how it works.

Every natural force on Earth from fire to nuclear energy has the potential for construction or destruction. This inherent duality presents man with moral choices between construction and destruction. Traditional Judeo-Christian morality deems construction good and destruction bad. What happens when the accepted foundational morality of society is challenged by a competing narrative that insists construction is bad and destruction is good? Let’s find out.

Societies as small as families and as large as nation states are organized by accepted principles codified into written or unwritten laws accepted by member units. When societies abide by the accepted rules they are considered to be at homeostasis – they are at peace and in balance. When a competing narrative intrudes, the society becomes destabilized and must either accept or reject the competing ideology to regain balance, peace, and homeostasis.

Traditionally, American culture derives its stability and moral authority from its Judeo-Christian tradition, Constitutional law, and parental authority in the family unit. God, government, and family are the triptych of American culture and the foundations for America’s extraordinary ordered liberty. America’s triptych is the artwork of American greatness and portrays the triad that supports our unparalleled freedom and prosperity.

The globalist leadership understands that social change happens slowly, and then all at once. They have recruited the Leftist and Islamist enemies of America to wage war in America, on America. Today’s radical leftist Democrat party is challenging the foundational American triptych and is attempting to repaint its panels with socialism.

In politics it is essential that policies be analyzed and evaluated with rational objectivity–when they are not, the consequence is belief in the unbelievable. I call this political mysticism–the belief in the politically impossible. “Democratic” socialism is the 21st century’s political mysticism seducing Americans with promises of heaven on Earth. Millennials disenchanted with the religious teachings of their Judeo-Christian heritage are searching for answers to man’s moral dilemmas elsewhere. Some find it in supremacist religious Islamic sharia law. Others are duped by leftist radical Democrats advocating the political mysticism of secular democratic socialism.

No successful humanitarian huckster sells socialism by promising enslavement–hucksters promise utopian social justice and income equality instead. They promise “free stuff” to the hopeful masses and con them into voting for “deliverance” at the voting booth. Let’s be clear–FREE STUFF IS NEVER FREE–people pay with their freedom.

Collectivism, whether it is marketed directly as globalism, indirectly as socialism, or deceitfully as democratic socialism is a structure of centralized government control. Together, America’s radical leftist Democrat party, its allied Islamists and globalist funding partners, are selling the upside-down notions and inverted logic of “democratic” socialism to shatter America from within.

Collectivism is slavery marketed as freedom. George Orwell described collectivism’s upside-down notions and inverted logic in his 1949 dystopian novel, 1984. “War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.” Orwell was a political analyst who understood, “All tyrannies rule through fraud and force, but once the fraud is exposed, they must rely exclusively on force.”

There is no private property in collectivism–individual citizens do not reap what they sow–the government does. So, first comes the fraud–the promise of social justice and income equality. Then comes the force–a centralized ruling government that owns and/or controls all production and its distribution. In the case of globalism, it is centralized government on a planetary scale.

Winston Churchill described the reality of socialism, “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.” Churchill understood that socialism is a return to feudalism where the ruling elite benefit at the expense of the shared misery of the masses. Yes, you read that correctly, socialism is the stepping stone for globalism’s one world government. Let me explain.

Failed cultural Marxism has been repackaged with the magic word “democratic” to overcome reflexive American resistance to socialism, and to disguise collectivism’s tyrannical core. It is a fraudulent marketing technique designed to sell political mysticism. The word democratic is being used to paint lipstick on this particular political pig. Democratic socialism is presented with mystical reverence as deliverance of social justice and income equality–millennial salvation.

Barack Obama sold socialism to America by disguising it as “hope and change.” Today’s emboldened radical leftist Democrats and their “resistance” movement have repackaged their product reverently relabeling it “democratic” socialism.

In theater as in religion, there is the concept of suspension of disbelief. The audience does not examine the plot or characters with the same rational analysis that is required of objective scientific study. When political theory is presented as religion, the same suspension of disbelief is accepted. Why does this matter?

It matters because suspension of disbelief is the core of political mysticism. Duped millennials argue that old attempts at socialism were not the “real” socialism–democratic socialism is the real deal. Oh my!

The aspiration for world domination simply will not go away, and make no mistake, socialism is the stepping stone to one-world governance. A sovereign United States of America is the existential enemy of any aspirational movement for one world government whether secular or religious. After WWII it was clear to anyone and everyone that if the United States of America was ever to be defeated, it would have to be shattered from the inside out–culturally–military defeat was out of the question.

It was with this mindset that the enemies of America resolved to destroy America from within. The Culture War against America took aim at the foundational structures of the triptych–God, government, and family. The hearts and minds of patriotic Americans would have to be turned against themselves to defeat America. America would have to implode.

The Leftist/Islamist/Globalist axis is targeting the triptych of American greatness to destroy her from within. The Leftists are selling the political mysticism of secular democratic socialism, the Islamists are selling the political mysticism of religious Islamic sharia law, and the globalists finance and foment both anti-American campaigns.

Winston Churchill remarked, “Islam is an ideology wrapped in religion.” He understood that peace on Earth to an Islamist means when all the world is Muslim. Churchill recognized the theocratic foundation of Islam and its socio-political requirement that no separation exist between mosque and state. In Islam, religion is the centralized controlling government. Winston Churchill spoke the inconvenient truth about Islamist aspirations for world domination in his time. He was, after all, a globalist who believed in English hegemony.

History is repeating itself. Today Islamism and democratic socialism are domestic enemies of American sovereignty, but their provisional alliance will remain only until they can destabilize America and make the country ungovernable. Social chaos is the prerequisite for seismic social change. Anarchy is the goal.

Anarchy will launch globalism’s final takeover, and it will become manifest that the globalists have been financing and fomenting the Leftist/Islamist alliance in the United States for decades. Leftists and Islamists are globalism’s useful idiots, exploited to usher in the New World Order ruled by the globalist elite themselves–of course.

The globalist elite have been playing chess while the Leftists and Islamists are playing checkers. Globalism’s opening moves begin at the beginning.

Our Founding Fathers established a constitutional republic with distinct separation of powers designed to protect the nation from the centralization of power required for any binary system of rulers and ruled. Barack Obama’s “hope and change” attacked the separation of powers and made socialism mainstream in America. Joe Biden’s globalist “build back better” went further, and made globalism mainstream in America. Socialism was always the stepping stone to globalism, and globalism was always the stepping stone to 21st century feudalism–the Great Reset.

The United States of America is at the tipping point. We are teetering on economic and social collapse, precisely the conditions globalism requires to impose its planetary New [Old] World Order. The globalist elite’s New World Order is a regression back to the socio-political infrastructure of feudalism, a variation on the binary monarchical system of rulers and ruled rejected by our forefathers.

Globalism’s war on America is a long-range war of attrition. The older generation of American patriots is dying. Their children’s generation of woke indoctrinated millennials is transitional. It is the grandchildren’s generation that is the primary target of globalism’s war on America, and war on humanity. Young children are being indoctrinated, groomed, and socially engineered to become submissive, dependent, wards of the planetary globalist managerial Unistate.

They will be the first generation of completely propagandized, eternally dependent, genderless, submissive slaves in globalism’s New World Order. These children will never know freedom. It is absolutely essential for Americans to recognize that we are a nation at war. We simply must adopt a wartime mentality to make sense of the nonsensical social policies, and understand that the globalist Biden regime’s domestic and foreign policies are intentionally designed to collapse America from within.

Change happens slowly, and then all at once. The nation is teetering at the tipping point of all at once. If Americans insist on a peacetime mentality during a time of war, they will surrender America’s national sovereignty to the grasping managerial state, and surrender our nation’s children to the globalist elite who will consign them to a life of indentured servitude. Denial is not a survival strategy–it endangers the children and empowers the enemies of freedom. Parents and grandparents must fight the globalists for the children, or they will lose the war for the children. There is nothing in between–and the globalist enemy knows it.

©Linda Goudsmit. All rights reserved.

DEATH CLAIMS UP $6 BILLION: After Covid ‘Vaccines’ Unleashed

Fifth Largest life insurance company paid 163% for more working-age deaths in 2021.

The massive media cover-up of the death toll and injuries sustained in the largest medical experiment in human history could not remain hidden for too long. The body count and the life insurance costs cannot be ignored.

The lies and deceit are monumentally criminal …… And the medical establishment has destroyed the public trust by going along with this horror.Just this week:

Two-time Olympic artistic swimmer Anita Alvarez was in danger of drowning after fainting while performing at the World Championships in Budapest, Hungary, on Wednesday and was dramatically rescued by her coach, Gateway Pundit reports.

Death claims up $6 BILLION: Fifth-largest life insurance company paid out for 163% more working-age deaths in 2021 after covid “vaccines” were unleashed

(Natural News) Another major life insurance company in the United States is facing turmoil as death claims soar due to Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.”
According to reports, Lincoln National, the country’s fifth-largest life insurance carrier, reported a massive 163 percent increase in death benefits paid out under its group life insurance policies in 2021.
Annual statements filed with state insurance departments, which were provided to Crossroads Report in response to public records requests, show that Lincoln National paid out almost three times as much money in 2021 compared to yearly totals in both 2020 and 2019.
Last year, an astounding $1.45 billion left Lincoln National’s coffers – this compared to $548 million in 2020 and just over $500 million in 2019. (Related: Earlier this year, OneAmerica, another major life insurance carrier, reported a 40 percent increase in death claims after covid injections were released.)
“From 2019, the last normal year before the pandemic, to 2020, the year of the Covid-19 virus, there was an increase in group death benefits paid out of only 9 percent. But group death benefits in 2021, the year the vaccine was introduced, increased almost 164 percent over 2020,” Crossroads Report explains.
“Lincoln National is the fifth-largest life insurance company in the United States, according to BankRate, after New York Life, Northwestern Mutual, MetLife and Prudential.”

More than 20,000 people covered by Lincoln National died in 2021 because of Fauci Flu shots

Group life insurance policies typically cover working-age adults, which range in age from 18 to 64. This should be an otherwise healthy demographic, and one that clearly did not have much of a problem with “covid” pre-vaccine.
“How many deaths are represented by the 163% increase? It is not possible to determine by the dollar figures on the statements,” Crossroads Report further explains.
“But the average death benefit for employer-provided group life insurance, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, is one year’s salary.”
Estimating based on an average annual salary in the United States of $70,000, it is safe to assume that more than 20,000 working-age adults covered just by this one insurance company died last year because of the jabs – and keep in mind that this is just one insurance company.
While we do not yet have numbers for New York Life, Northwestern Mutual, MetLife and Prudential, these each are more than likely seeing similar figures, suggesting that hundreds of thousands of working-age adults in America are now dead as a result of becoming “fully vaccinated.”
There are also ordinary death benefits, which are not paid out under group policies. In 2019 pre-plandemic, such policies paid out $3.7 billion, In 2020, that figure increased to $4 billion. In 2021, however, after almost 260 million Americans took at least one jab, the number ballooned to $5.3 billion.
“The statements show that the total amount that Lincoln National paid out for all direct claims and benefits in 2021 was more than $28 billion, $6 billion more than in 2020, when it paid out a total of $22 billion, which was less than the $23 billion it paid out in 2019, the baseline year,” reports explain.
“A $6 billion increase in expenses is something few companies could absorb, but Lincoln National has been working to do just that – by increasing sales of new insurance policies.”
It remains to be seen if the life insurance industry survives what has happened, is still happening, and will happen in the future once the remaining survivors of the injections develop ADE (antibody-dependent enhancement) and VAIDS (vaccine-induced AIDS).
Fauci Flu shots are a deadly affair. To keep up with the latest news about the injuries and deaths being caused by them, check out



CDC Emails Confirm What We’ve Said All Along: “Vaccine” Definition Fraudulently Altered To Force Needless MRNA Shots On Population

NFL Linebacker Jaylon Ferguson Passes Away Mysteriously at 26

NFL legend Tony Siragusa, who helped Ravens win Super Bowl, dies at the age of 55

Caleb Swanigan, former Purdue standout and first-round NBA draft pick, dead at 25

X-Factor’ Star’s Bride Dies On Her Wedding Day

Scientists Discover Jab Decimates Sperm Count

COVID Vaccines Increase Menstrual Irregularities Thousandfold, Fetal Abnormalities Hundredfold: Doctors’ VAERS Analysis

‘Significant’ Cases of Neurological Disorder Associated with Covid Vaccine

Data Proves ‘Sudden Adult Death Syndrome’ Fiction Is Death by Covid Vaccination

Uruguay Judge Orders Pfizer And Government to Disclose Covid Vaccine Ingredients Immediately

CDC Caught Using False Data To Recommend Kids’ COVID Vaccine

New UK government data shows the COVID vaccines kill more people than they save

Here’s Why Officials Are Desperate to Get COVID Vaccine on Childhood Schedule Before ‘Emergency’ Ends

CDC Caught Using False Data To Recommend Kids’ COVID Vaccine

Vaccines for 6-Month-Olds ‘Makes Absolutely No Sense’: Dr. Jeffrey Barke

Publix Publicly Announced Its Refusal To Offer Vaccinations For Children Under 5

MIT: COVID Vaccines ‘Significantly Associated’ with Spike in Heart Attacks in Young People

FDA Authorizes Emergency Use COVID Vaccine Boosters for Children Ages 5 -11

3-year-old girl dies of heart attack one day after taking COVID vaccine

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Administration’s Racist DOJ Official Seeks to Protect Non-Citizen Voting in Arizona

Racist DOJ official Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke announced that the Biden administration is targeting Arizona for trying to prevent non-citizens from voting.

At issue is an Arizona law asking voters to show proof of citizenship. What should be an elementary and common sense requirement is being opposed by the Biden administration, officially on technical grounds, but as a practical matter because it is trying to protect voter fraud.

Why fight against asking voters to show a legal right to vote unless…

  1. They are your voters
  2. You believe that they don’t have a legal right to vote

“The U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Arizona is dedicated to protecting voters in the state,” said U.S. Attorney Gary M. Restaino for the District of Arizona. “We are proud to join the Civil Rights Division in bringing this lawsuit to ensure that all eligible citizens in Arizona have the opportunity to register to vote and exercise their fundamental right to participate in our elections.”

Voters have the right to vote. And they have the right to protect the legitimacy of their vote by passing common sense voter tests to fight fraud.



A Revolution Against the Administrative State

Global Jihad Over There and Over Here

Robert Spencer’s new book ‘The Church & the Pope’: Available Now

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Why Government Is the Biggest Obstacle to Educational Freedom

In Massachusetts where I live, average private school tuition hovers around $23,000. For secular private schools, the cost is typically much higher, with Boston-area private school tuition often exceeding $40,000. This price tag is way too high for most families to afford, but emerging microschools are typically a fraction of the cost of other private education options.

For example, the Wilder School is a new Acton Academy-affiliated microschool that costs about $12,000 a year, while Life Rediscovered, a new homeschool resource center offering up to five days a week of full-day, drop-off learning, costs about $10,000. Even established local microschools, such as Bay State Learning Center that was founded in 2014 and that I wrote about in Unschooled, have similar tuition costs and frequently offer financial aid or sliding scale tuition.

These tuition costs are still too high for many families to afford, but they are more accessible than many other existing private options. Supporting the creation and growth of more microschool programs through deregulation and by removing entrepreneurial barriers would reduce costs even further.

Today’s education reformers who are interested in expanding education options typically focus on school choice policies that redistribute existing taxpayer funding of education to families to use toward approved education-related expenses, including tuition. These efforts succeed in weakening government control of education and providing more learning options to more families, as the recent introduction of universal school choice in Arizona demonstrates. They should be commended and replicated. But school choice policies aren’t the only ways to expand education options and access.

Encouraging the proliferation of private, low-cost microschools, hybrid schools, and learning pods is an important, and often overlooked, opportunity to offer more low- and middle-income families more education options without taxpayer money.

This is the key emphasis in James Tooley’s excellent book, The Beautiful Tree, where he describes a vast network of small, low-cost, unregulated private schools that he discovered in some of the poorest slums and most remote rural villages in India, China, and throughout the African continent.

In these places, where parents were astonishingly poor and government-run schools were often readily available and conveniently located, the parents instead chose these unregistered private schools for their children.

Tooley himself was surprised by this, given that his consulting work brought him first to the Indian city of Hyderabad to assess the status of elite private schools. Reflecting on his journey in a 2020 article republished by FEE, Tooley wrote:

“So, on a day off from consultancy, I went into Hyderabad’s slums, down an alleyway and found a small school in a residential building. It wasn’t a state school, but a low-cost private one, charging in those days about $1 a month. Then I found another, and another, and soon I was connected to a federation of 500 of these low-cost private schools, serving poor and low-income communities across the region.”

The microschools, hybrid schools, and learning pods that are sprouting across the US represent a patchwork of low-cost, private education options similar to the schools discovered by Tooley. These microschool models are very often low-cost, unregistered, private education options that serve a local community eager to abandon government-run schooling. Scattered throughout urban, suburban, and rural areas, these pods and microschools are formed by parents or teachers, or both, who are showing that they can offer low-cost, private education options that parents want and where children thrive.

A main barrier to the continued proliferation of these learning models is the fear of encroaching government oversight and regulation. Tooley expressed the same concern about the low-cost private schools that he discovered around the world.

“Sometimes governments try to close these schools altogether,” he wrote. “More commonly they pass regulations that impose impossible conditions, such as the need for very large playgrounds in areas of urban overcrowding, or the insistence that all teachers must achieve the same level of certification and pay as their government counterparts, even though this would make it impossible for the schools to charge low fees.”

Preventing government involvement in the free-market of education choices is crucial to the creation, expansion, and accessibility of these emerging learning models.

Some states are trying to enact policies to protect learning pods and microschools. West Virginia, for example, recently passed legislation recognizing learning pods and microschools and loosening state compulsory school attendance laws for the students attending such programs.

In addition to preventing regulation of these emerging, innovative private learning models, state and local policymakers can reduce the many barriers to entry and operation that education entrepreneurs encounter. For example, local zoning restrictions often limit where and how microschools, hybrid schools, and learning pods can operate, often pushing these programs into undesirable locations on busy streets or without access to outdoor space for children’s play.

Deregulation, along with removing common barriers to education entrepreneurship, can help to unleash education innovation and encourage a vibrant, affordable marketplace of learning possibilities.

Listen to Kerry’s weekly LiberatED Podcast on AppleSpotifyGoogle, and Stitcher, and sign up for her email newsletter to stay up-to-date on educational news and trends from a free-market perspective.


Kerry McDonald

Kerry McDonald is a Senior Education Fellow at FEE and host of the weekly LiberatED podcast. She is also the author of Unschooled: Raising Curious, Well-Educated Children Outside the Conventional Classroom (Chicago Review Press, 2019), an adjunct scholar at the Cato Institute, and a regular Forbes contributor. Kerry has a B.A. in economics from Bowdoin College and an M.Ed. in education policy from Harvard University. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts with her husband and four children. You can sign up for her weekly newsletter on parenting and education here.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Picking and Choosing Who Should Be Allowed to Reproduce


  • The World Health Organization began working on an anti-fertility vaccine in the 1970s, in response to perceived overpopulation. For 20 years, the WHO’s Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation worked with population control in mind
  • In 1993, the WHO finally announced a birth-control vaccine had successfully been created to help with “family planning.” The anti-fertility vaccine uses hCG conjugated (chemically bonded) to tetanus toxoid, used in the tetanus vaccine. As a result, a woman will develop antibodies against both tetanus and hCG
  • HCG is the first signal that tells the woman’s body she’s pregnant. In response to this signal, her ovaries then produce progesterone, which maintains the pregnancy to term. By combining hCG with tetanus toxoid, it causes this crucial pregnancy hormone to be attacked and destroyed by the woman’s own immune system
  • In 1995, the Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines won a court order halting a UNICEF tetanus program that was using tetanus vaccine laced with hCG. Three million women between the ages of 12 and 45 had by that time already been vaccinated. Anti-hCG-laced vaccines had also been found in at least four other countries
  • Also in 1995, the Kenyan government launched a WHO tetanus campaign under the guise of eradicating neonatal tetanus. An investigation found the vaccine given to girls and women, aged 15 to 49, contained hCG, and evidence suggests this was an intentional population control agenda

“Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” is the fourth vaccine-related documentary by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. It tells the story of an intentional infertility vaccine program conducted on African women, without their knowledge or consent.

While it’s been brushed off as a loony conspiracy theory for years, there’s compelling evidence showing it did, in fact, happen, and there’s nothing to prevent it from happening again.

The Backstory

As explained in the film, the World Health Organization began working on an anti-fertility vaccine, led by Dr. G.P. Talwar in New Delhi, India, in the 1970s, “in response to perceived overpopulation.” For 20 years, the WHO’s Task Force on Vaccines for Fertility Regulation worked with population control in mind.

In 1993, the WHO finally announced a birth-control vaccine had successfully been created to help with “family planning.”1 The paper trail reveals that by 1976, WHO researchers had successfully conjugated, meaning combined or attached, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) onto tetanus toxoid, used in the tetanus vaccine. As a result, when given to a woman, she develops antibodies against both tetanus and hCG.

HCG is a hormone produced by cells surrounding the growing embryo. These hormone-producing cells protect and support embryonic growth and eventually form the placenta.

As explained in the film, hCG is the first signal that tells the woman’s body she’s pregnant. In response to this signal, her ovaries then produce a second hormone, progesterone, which maintains the pregnancy to term.

By combining hCG with tetanus toxoid, it causes this crucial pregnancy hormone to be attacked and destroyed by your immune system, as it’s now misperceived as an invading pathogen. Since hCG is destroyed, progesterone is never produced and, hence, the pregnancy cannot be maintained.

So, if you’re already pregnant when taking this witches’ brew, it will likely result in a spontaneous abortion, and if you’re not already pregnant, you won’t be able to get pregnant, as this crucial pregnancy hormone is under constant attack by your immune system. Repeated doses prolong these effects, effectively rendering you sterile.

The WHO Has Been in the Depopulation Business for Decades

As detailed in a Scientific Research paper published in 2017,2 “WHO publications show a long-range purpose to reduce population growth in unstable ‘less developed countries.’”

In other words, the WHO’s longstanding policy has been to support depopulation in third world countries, and they’ve studied depopulation strategies in India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mexico, Indonesia, Brazil, The Philippines, Thailand, Egypt, Turkey, Ethiopia and Colombia for decades.3

While creating an anti-fertility vaccine for those who really don’t want children is one thing, using deception to lure girls and young women into taking it is another entirely. As it turns out, the WHO is not above using deception and trickery to shut down fertility in populations they deem unworthy of reproduction.

The Great Deception

The central figures of the film are two Kenyan gynecologists, Drs. Wahome Ngare, and the late Stephen K. Karanja. Both state in the film that infertility is now the biggest gynecological problem in Africa. In recent years, there’s been a significant increase in women losing their pregnancies and couples who cannot conceive.

“I have seen the tears. They lose their identity. You die inside,” Antoninah Mutinda says. She knows, because she’s one of the African women whose fertility has been mysteriously impacted. After her third miscarriage, she was tested and found to have extremely high anti-hCG antibodies. She now suspects the tetanus vaccine she was given may be the culprit.

The anti-fertility vaccine was rolled out in the mid-‘90s, but despite support from the Kenyan leadership and “elite groups,” it was not popular among Kenyan women, who were concerned about the potential for abuse. They worried it might be disguised as a regular tetanus vaccine program.

Their concerns were valid because, as it turns out, this had already happened. In 1995, the Catholic Women’s League of the Philippines won a court order halting a UNICEF tetanus program that was using tetanus vaccine laced with hCG. Three million women between the ages of 12 and 45 had by that time already been vaccinated. Anti-hCG-laced vaccines had also been found in at least four other countries.

Undeterred by bad press, that same year, 1995, the Kenyan government launched a WHO tetanus campaign under the guise of eradicating neonatal tetanus. There were telltale signs that something was wrong, however, because it was already standard practice to vaccinate pregnant women against tetanus. Now, the WHO insisted women who weren’t pregnant needed the shot as well, in case they were to become pregnant.

Karanja learned of the deceptive anti-fertility campaigns in other countries during a medical conference in 1995, and became immediately suspicious of the tetanus campaign in his own country. Karanja convinced leaders of the Catholic church — one of the largest health care providers in Kenya — to test the tetanus vaccine being given, to make sure there was no foul play.

Without explanation, the WHO suddenly abandoned the campaign. Alas, 19 years later, in 2013, they were back. All girls and women, 15 to 49 years of age, were instructed to get vaccinated with a series of five injections, six months apart. This, it turns out, is the exact schedule required for the anti-fertility vaccine to produce sterility. Regular tetanus prevention requires only one injection every five to 10 years, and under no circumstance would you need five of them.

Vaccines Test Positive for Anti-hCG

The Catholic Church decided to test the vaccines, and collected three sample vials directly from clinics during the 2014 campaign. The samples were then sent to three independent laboratories for testing. As feared, they found hCG in them. Another six vials were then collected, and tested by six independent labs. This time, half were found to contain hCG.

At this point, the Catholic Church went public, urging girls and women to not comply with the vaccination campaign. In an effort to settle the dispute, an investigative committee was formed, consisting of three representatives selected by the Catholic bishops, and three government officials.

It was agreed that the nine vials already collected would be retested, along with 52 samples from a distributor who sells tetanus vaccine to the Kenyan government. This time, a more precise type of test, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), was chosen.

Dr. Nicholas Muraguri, director of medical services for the Kenyan government, contracted agriQ Quest to perform this testing. However, he urged them to test samples provided directly by him rather than the vials previously agreed upon. AgriQ Quest decided to analyze both batches.

The vials that tested positive for hCG using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), still tested positive using HPLC, but none of the samples provided by Muraguri tested positive.

A Decades’ Long Cover-Up

Shockingly, the government then demanded agriQ Quest “alter their report to indicate that they were safe to be administered.” When agriQ Quest refused, the government, the WHO and UNICEF responded by launching a public attack, accusing the Catholic Church of “peddling misinformation.”

And, since the only samples found to contain hCG were those provided by the Church, the government accused them of tampering with the vials in an effort to undermine confidence in the vaccine.

An added twist here is that the vials that tested positive had the same batch numbers as vials that tested negative. Only later did agriQ Quest discover that these negative vials had fake labels on them. They were not, in fact, from the same lots as those that tested positive. They weren’t even made by the same manufacturer.

AgriQ Quest also claims they can prove the positive samples were not tampered with, because they did not test positive for hCG in general. The test clearly shows the hCG was conjugated with tetanus toxoid, and this cannot occur by simply adding hCG to a vial of tetanus vaccine.

The conjugation — the chemical linking or bonding — of hCG to the tetanus toxoid can only occur during the manufacturing process. This is the smoking gun that proves the neonatal tetanus vaccine campaign was a cover for a population control campaign.

Muraguri also lied when he claimed the Kenyan government had only one supplier of tetanus vaccine. As it turns out, there were two. Biological E. Limited provided a regular tetanus vaccine, while the hCG-positive batches came from Serum Institute of India — the same country where most of the WHO’s anti-fertility research had been conducted.

Both Ngare and Karanja paid a steep price for their vigilance. The medical board called them for disciplinary action. Karanja was issued a gag order, and since 2014 was not allowed to speak publicly about vaccines in Kenya. He broke that gag order for this film. April 29, 2021, Karanja died, allegedly from COVID infection.

A Truly Diabolical Agenda

Speaking for millions of women just like her, Mutinda, who has now struggled with infertility for years, says:

“To imagine there’s a system somewhere, that some people somewhere are behind my inability to carry pregnancy to term, that is a diabolical agenda!”

Before his untimely death, Karanja shared a message with the world, through the makers of this film:

“When they are through with Africa, they’re coming for you.”

Sources and References

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The White House Goes Full Pravda

I’ve often said the rise of the authoritarian Left is the greatest challenge of our time.  You can see the truth of that statement in the way the Biden administration is trying to shut people up and snuff out competing points of view.

A reporter tried to ask the White House press secretary about favored media outlets being invited to special White House press events while others are shut out and blacklisted.  His microphone was cut off halfway through his question.

A recent executive order threatens consequences for any public school official who merely questions a child’s desire for gender-transitioning drugs and surgery.  Can’t have the new orthodoxy disrupted, you see.

White House climate advisor Gina McCarthy urged social media companies to “really jump in” and stamp out misinformation pointing out the inflationary costs and unreliability of green energy sources.  Can’t have the magnificent green energy transition disrupted, you see.

McCarthy’s urgings are part of a larger administration effort to work with climate activists and Democrat-controlled congressional committees to silence political opponents.  The White House is recruiting activists and academics to discredit dissenters on climate change.  Open records requests have been filed to find out just how far the speech suppression efforts go.

It’s been widely reported the DHS Disinformation Governance Board is merely paused, not shut down.  Getting less attention is a new White House Task Force headed by Kamala Harris targeting supposed online harassment, abuse, and disinformation.  The Task Force is in the business of policing online speech that offends the administration.  You can dress this up any way you want, but it’s still censorship.  Get your Stalin on, baby.

So what we have here is a government that seeks to take people’s free speech rights away.  This is just the opposite of what government is supposed to do.  Government is supposed to protect our rights, not take them away from us.  [See the Instant Graduate Degree in Political Science]

As for free speech rights, you have the right to be wrong about climate change or anything else.  The answer to erroneous speech is not government censorship; it’s more speech.  If you think the green energy transition will lead to nirvana, make your case, don’t shut me up.

I guarantee you do not want to live in a world where the government decides what is true and disallows speech it deems to be false.  You should listen to the survivors of communism in my speakers bureau who will tell you it is truly awful to live in a country where you have to whisper what you really think on street corners and agree in advance with the person with whom you are speaking you will tell the authorities you were only talking about football if you are questioned about what the two of you said to each other.

So here’s my message to everybody, the Biden administration included: The more you try to shut me up, the more I’m going to scream and I’ve got the trial attorney experience to do it.  If you want to silence me, you will have to pry this microphone from my cold, dead fingers.  Climate change is a hoax and transgenderism is communism.  There, I said it.  Come and get me.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

Impeach Joe Biden for the Border Invasion

Five Texas counties declared the crisis at the southern border an “invasion” and called on Texas Governor Greg Abbott to stop illegal immigration.  Dead bodies, gang-rapes, and aliens coming through in camouflage clothing are now common occurrences in these counties.

Joe Biden’s open borders policies are to blame.  Here are some more policy changes to add to the long list I’ve given you in previous commentaries:  Joe Biden is legally obligated to spend money Congress has appropriated to continue building Trump’s wall, but Biden won’t do it.  The Biden administration just approved subsidized health insurance for illegal aliens in Colorado.  The administration is quietly removing Trump-appointed judges from immigration courts and replacing them with pro-alien appointees.  The administration is also dismissing immigration cases by the tens of thousands in what observers call “de facto amnesty”.   The administration is also allowing people who have worked with designated terrorist groups to enter the U.S. legally.

The threat to national security from Biden’s open borders policies is growing.  Experts say there are more people who get away from border agents than are apprehended and most ‘got-aways’ are military-age males.   There are now so many Muslims entering the U.S. illegally – including Muslims from terror-prone countries – a special shelter has been built for them just over the border in Tijuana.

Potential terrorism is not the only problem arising from Biden’s open borders policies.  Illegal alien criminals with felonies are supposed to be deported, but Joe Biden just said Driving Under the Influence charges would not count.  He must have forgotten the case of the nun who was killed by an illegal alien driving drunk in Virginia in 2010.  I haven’t.

Meanwhile, deadly fentanyl continues to pour across the border, so much even Congressional Democrats are complaining.   Another problem not getting nearly enough attention is widespread identity theft as illegal aliens seek U.S. credentials to work.  The 51 migrants cooked to death in a truck in San Antonio recently were, sadly, just a few of the hundreds who die attempting to enter the U.S. illegally – over 700 last year alone.  Finally, a government study confirms what we already knew – one-third of illegal aliens let go under the Biden administration’s catch-and-release program end up absconding.  Nobody knows where they are.

The White House just told us again “the border is closed.”  Surely they must know how stupid they look saying this when five Texas counties and anybody else with a lick of sense can see it’s an “invasion”.   If Republicans take back the House, they might impeach DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas for failing to faithfully execute the nation’s immigration laws.  I hope the Republicans don’t stop there. I hope they impeach Joe Biden for high crimes and misdemeanors.  His loyalty is not to you and me.  His open borders policies show his allegiance lies elsewhere. Joe Biden hates America and he’s trying to destroy it.  For that, he should be impeached and thrown out of office.

Visit The Daily Skirmish and Watch Eagle Headline News – 7:30am ET Weekdays

©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: EXCLUSIVE: Here Are The Biden Admin‘s Proposed Charges Against Border Agents Accused Of ‘Whipping’ Migrants


Los Angeles Public Schools Training Teachers That ‘Merit,’ ‘Individualism’ Rooted in ‘Whiteness’

Individual rights is the founding principle of this great nation. Meritocracy (not a predetermined outcome) is what made this country great.

The Marxist takeover of government schools is a declaration of civil war.

Would you turn your children over to a kidnapper? Pedophile? Rapist? Destroyer? Pull your kids out of government schools before they are irrevocably damaged.

Los Angeles public schools training teachers that ‘merit,’ ‘individualism’ rooted in ‘whiteness’

Los Angeles teachers told ‘the idea of meritocracy’ must be challenged in schools

By Jessica Chasmar | Fox News

FIRST ON FOX: The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) is training teachers and staff that “merit” and “individualism” are concepts rooted in “whiteness” that must be challenged in schools.

LAUSD required all employees to undergo “implicit/unconscious bias training” guided by Tyrone Howard, a critical race theory (CRT) advocate and professor at the University of California, Los Angeles, prior to the 2021-2022 school year.

The training materials, which were obtained by Fox News Digital through a California Public Records Act (PRA) request, instructed educators to work toward being “antiracist” by challenging whiteness at school, which Howard argued exists in the concepts of “merit” and “individualism.”

“This idea that white is the standard, white is the norm, white is our default has to be challenged,” Howard said in the training video.

Merit, or meritocracy, “assumes that each person operates and achieves based on his or her own personal capacity,” the training handout reads. “It incorporates the notion that the work put forth, the effort invested, explains why some groups and individuals do well and others do not. It does not consider historical factors or account for opportunities, advantages, and privileges to which some groups have access both historically and in the present.”

“The idea of meritocracy,” Howard said in the video, “I think we have to challenge that because we have to recognize that some groups have had much more opportunities, some groups have had far more advantages, and some groups have certain types of privileges that other groups have not had.”


The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) required all employees to undergo “implicit/unconscious bias training” prior to the 2021-2022 school year. (Screenshot / Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD))

Meanwhile, individualism, according to the training handout, “proposes that each person is responsible for his or her outcomes. It is very much tied to merit, wherein group responsibility and accountability are not goals. Personal success and achievement are the goals. This belief operates from a survival-of-the-fittest approach that stresses singular pursuit and accomplishment.”

Howard argued in the video that “the notion of individualism runs counter” to many LAUSD students’ “own cultural norms, which say ‘it’s not about me, it’s about we.’”



Psychiatrist Dr. Marc McDonald on Schools

RELATED VIDEO: America’s Largest Teacher Union Applauds WILDLY as Kamala Promotes Abortion and LGBTQ Agenda


Chinese immigrant, a witness to Mass murderer Mao’s political purge, warning about indoctrination in public schools

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Teachers Union: ‘NEA Will Publicly Stand In Defense of Abortion’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

You Know What Would Deter More Shootings Than Red Flag Laws? Executing Mass Killers Quickly

Instead, the Democrats release them, unleash them on innocent Americans……

You Know What Would Deter More Shootings Than Red Flag Laws? Executing Mass Killers Quickly

By: Kylee Griswold, The Federalist, July 07, 2022:

If politicians are serious that they’re sick of ‘living with this carnage,’ the Highland Park shooter should be executed immediately.

The usual suspects are at it again, and I’m not talking about isolated, mentally ill young men. I’m talking about the politically motivated talking heads who don’t even wait until bodies are cold after tragic mass shootings to spout off about the need for red flag laws, “assault weapons” bans, and “universal background checks” because — you’ve heard this one before — “Why are we willing to live with this carnage?”

After the mass shooting in a wealthy Chicago suburb over the holiday weekend that left seven dead and dozens more wounded in one of the most gun-controlled areas of one of the most gun-controlled states in the country, local State’s Attorney Eric Rinehart did exactly that. He touted the state’s “strong” red flag law and insisted on the need to “ban assault weapons in Illinois and beyond.” Vice President Kamala Harris likewise made an unscheduled visit to the community to call for more gun control, however incoherently. And the typical Twitter blue checks all had something to say.

Meanwhile, as the armchair class prattles on about how our first freedoms are an existential threat, the face and name of the 21-year-old alleged shooter are plastered all over every news channel as he sits remorseless in jail facing a slew of charges that will probably amount to life in prison at worst. The upper echelons of chattering politicos will accomplish nothing but celebritizing murderous cowards — but hey, anything to signal virtue, pick up a few progressive voters, and pad their pockets with a little extra donor cash.

You know how we know they aren’t accomplishing anything? Because the reforms Rinehart called for are both already on the books in Highland Park where the shooting occurred. Despite a local so-called assault weapons ban plus red flag laws and a state with some of the strictest gun-control laws in America, many people died. If the latest shooting taught us anything about guns, it’s that even tightly restricting them doesn’t deter killers.

It’s time for a new approach, and this case presents the perfect set of circumstances to justify it. The Highland Park shooter should be executed, and he should be executed quickly.

There would be nothing “just” about criminal justice if we dispensed with due process, but it’s not much more than a formality that we use the word “alleged” to describe this particular shooter. Not only have authorities confirmed that the male suspect dressed as a woman to conceal his identity, hide his face tattoos, and blend into the frantic crowd. Not only were these facts captured on video, with a witness apparently watching the suspect wrap his firearm in a red blanket before ditching it. Not only has he had multiple run-ins with local law enforcement that were ultimately relayed to state police in a report identifying him as a “clear and present danger,” plus an incident wherein police confiscated 16 knives, a dagger, and a sword from him after he threatened to “kill everyone” in his house.

But he also already told police he’s the shooter. And if his confession of guilt weren’t enough, he also admitted that he almost attacked another July Fourth celebration in Madison, Wisconsin, but decided against it because he just hadn’t had enough time to plan out a murderous scheme.

There’s a more effective deterrent to this carnage than catapulting mass murderers into the limelight by detailing every step of their grisly crimes or featuring their faces on the cover of Rolling Stone. There’s a better way than making impassioned speeches about gun violence, but then helping to bail out violent rioters and advocating for low bail that enables offenders to violently mow down women and children with a vehicle. It’s time to be honest about the fact that bans on AR-15s and red flag laws, in addition to stomping out due process and being ripe for political weaponization, simply don’t work to deter crime. Illinois tried that experiment. It failed.

There are a handful of things that become apparent about deterrence, but here’s a pretty basic idea: Swiftness and certainty are more important than severity. Of course, if punishment must be proportional for justice to truly be just, then execution is warranted in cases of mass murder, the perpetrators of which cannot die enough deaths to make up for the many they stole.

But it isn’t the mere execution of a known mass murderer that deters other disturbed individuals from shooting up jubilant innocents. The reality of taxpayer-funded eons on death row wouldn’t appear to have any concrete deterrent effect, much like lengthy incarceration. But what about a visual representation of this chilling message: You will be caught, and you will be put to death — soon. Certainty and swiftness accomplished.

Read the rest….




Florida’s “Red-flag” Law Has Red Flags Of Its Own

Why Indiana’s ‘Red Flag’ Law Failed to Stop the FedEx Shooting

Citizens Speak Out Against Florida’s ‘Red Flag Law’ and ‘Risk Protection Orders’

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

54% Say Cheating Impacted 2020 Election, While 50% Say It Will Blight U.S. Mid Terms

It’s higher than that. Everybody knows.

EXC: 54% Say Cheating Impacted 2020 Election, While 50% Say It Will Blight U.S. Mid Terms.

By: Staff Writer, National Pulse,

A plurality of Americans believe the upcoming midterm elections will experience fraud, according to a new poll by Rasmussen Reports sponsored by The National Pulse. The poll also revealed the stunning evidence that a clear majority of Americans believe the result of the 2020 election was blighted by cheating.

Fifty percent of likely U.S. voters feel that there will be “widespread cheating that will affect the outcome of this fall’s congressional elections,” including 24 percent of people who believe the prospect is very likely. Just 22 percent of voters think cheating is not at all likely to affect the November midterms, the poll reveals.

Asked, “Which is more important – Making it easier for everybody to vote, or making sure there is no cheating in elections?” just 38 percent answered they prefer to make it easier for everyone to vote, with an overwhelming 59 percent saying they would prefer to focus on no cheating in elections.

The news comes as Democrats attempt to make universal, unverified voting a key part of their platform, while Republicans urge more safety measures. The 2020 election results continue to be hotly disputed after the injection of private, corporate cash and the introduction of unsecured and unmanned mail-in “drop boxes”.

Rasmussen data shows 52 percent of likely U.S. voters maintain that it is at least somewhat likely cheating influenced the 2020 presidential election, with 36 percent of people polled believing it is very likely. Much of the distrust in elections appears to stem from concerns surrounding the integrity of the aforementioned mail-in ballots, with 58 percent of voters believing it is at least somewhat likely that broadening the use of mail-in ballots will result in more cheating in elections. Thirty-nine percent of voters felt that this was very likely.

Just 16 percent – or fewer than one in five voters – believe that mail-in voting will not lead to more cheating.

The figures, which reveal a sizable distrust in America’s election systems, follow substantial evidence from the 2020 election that mail-in ballots and far-left activist groups were used to secure a victory for Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden.

In addition to a host of mysterious, late-night ballot dumps, left-wing groups associated with individuals including George Soros and Mark Zuckerberg influenced election rules and officials to boost turnout in Democratic districts. Many of these groups have rebranded following intense scrutiny in the aftermath of the 2020 election but appear to be engaging in similar efforts.

Establishment media outlets, social media platforms, and Democratic politicians have set out to silence individuals discussing voter fraud, despite peddling similar claims about Russian election influence throughout 2016 and the entirety of Donald Trump’s presidency. Under President Biden, the Department of Justice (DOJ) has also targeted officials and activists fighting for election integrity by threatening criminal prosecution.


RELATED ARTICLE: “Justice Gone Mad!”

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Barrels of Oil Released by Biden From Reserve Were Sent to China

Dumping the country’s oil reserves was the only strategy to lower energy prices that Biden would accept. He continues blocking domestic drilling and taxes remain high. The practical impact of the reserve releases was negligible and, worse still, five million barrels of oil from the reserve were actually exported abroad.

More than 5 million barrels of oil that were part of a historic U.S. emergency reserves release to lower domestic fuel prices were exported to Europe and Asia last month, according to data and sources, even as U.S. gasoline and diesel prices hit record highs.

About 1 million barrels per day is being released from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) through October. The flow is draining the SPR, which last month fell to the lowest since 1986.

Considering the scale of even the national use, 20 million a day, there was never going to be much of an impact here.

U.S. officials have said oil prices could be higher if the SPR had not been tapped.

Ah, the hypothetical.

Anyway the oil went all over.

The fourth-largest U.S. oil refiner, Phillips 66 PSX.N, shipped about 470,000 barrels of sour crude from the Big Hill SPR storage site in Texas to Trieste, Italy, according to U.S. Customs data. Trieste is home to a pipeline that sends oil to refineries in central Europe.

Atlantic Trading & Marketing (ATMI), an arm of French oil major TotalEnergies TTEF.PA, exported 2 cargoes of 560,000 barrels each, the data showed.

Cargoes of SPR crude were also headed to the Netherlands and to a Reliance RELI.NS refinery in India, an industry source said. A third cargo headed to China, another source said.

Yes, the story wouldn’t be complete without China. Much like the PPP disaster, the government efforts invariably only punish Americans and reward Communist China.



Stunning Amount Of Oil Released By Biden Found Its Way To China, Other Countries

Black Lives Matter Celebrates 4th with Race Riots and Vandalism

Boris Johnson’s successor is likely to be even worse than he is

UK: Boris Johnson resigns following unprecedented wave of resignations over his leadership

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

NY Times Whitewashes Jankowicz Lies, Defends ‘Disinfo’ Board

Fox News reports that The New York Times published a report that was rather charitable to the now-defunct “Disinformation Governance Board” and its appointed director, the bizarre and totalitarian leftist Nina Jankowicz.

In April, the Biden administration tried rolling out an Orwellian new Department of Homeland Security division called the “Disinformation Governance Board,” with Jankowicz at its head. It was halted in May after drawing intense backlash. Jankowicz, notorious for her widely-panned “Mary Poppins” parody and her own history of peddling misinformation, resigned and left DHS.

However, The Times alleged Jankowicz was “targeted online by false or misleading information about her role” and refrained to delve into what her critics had actually said, including the misinformation she pushed.

“The board quickly became a new foil in an old Republican campaign narrative that overbearing Democrats want to intrude deeper and deeper into people’s personal beliefs — ‘canceling’ conservative values. Ms. Jankowicz’s prominence in the discussion of Russia’s actions made her a particular target for the Republicans,” The Times wrote.

“It’s borderline comical that The New York Times wants us to not only feel bad for Nina Jankowicz, but take her seriously as an authoritative voice on what’s factual,” NewsBusters managing editor Curtis Houck told Fox News. “The piece refers to ‘false or misleading’ attacks on Jankowicz, but it never cared to explain why they were false or even what the criticisms were.

“The name of the board itself was Orwellian and the fact that The Times wouldn’t critically acknowledge that shows the thickness of their egos.”

New York Times (NYT)

97 Known Connections

During the course of its history the Times has won 94 Pulitzer Prizes (including a record seven in 2002), far more than any other newspaper. These awards have sometimes been fraught with controversy, however. For example, Walter Duranty was a Pulitzer Prize-winning New York Times Moscow correspondent in the 1930s who concealed his knowledge of Joseph Stalin‘s mass murders and other atrocities in the Soviet Union. In 1933, at the height of the Russian famine during which millions starved to death, Duranty wrote that “village makets [were] flowing with eggs, fruit, poultry, vegetables, milk and butter. … A child can see this is not famine but abundance.” According to historians, reports such as these were crucial factors influencing President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s decision to grant the Soviet Union diplomatic recognition in 1933. Writes historian Ronald Radosh,  “Duranty was a propagandist for Stalin and everything he wrote was a lie.”

The Times was likewise dishonest in its reporting about the atrocities of the Nazi Holocaust…

To learn more about the New York Times, click here.


NPR Promotes ‘Queer’ Sex Ed, Denounces ‘Stigma’ of STDs

Poll: Only 64% of Dems Approve of Joe, Down 24 Pts. in One Year

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Clinic Funded By Biden Administration Distributes Crack Pipes To Addicts Outside A ‘School’

A “harm reduction” clinic that received grant funding from President Joe Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is distributing crack pipes to addicts in New York City, the Daily Caller confirmed Wednesday.

New York Harm Reduction Educators (NYHRE), a part of OnPointNYC, was awarded nearly $400,000 in grant money from the Biden administration in May to further its services for drug addicts, government records show. Biden officials denied reports that the grant money could fund distribution of crack pipes, but a visit to NYHRE’s office revealed that the organization still offers the smoking paraphernalia to addicts.

OnPointNYC operates two drug use sites, one of which NYHRE runs in East Harlem. After spending about 10 minutes on paperwork with basic information Wednesday evening, staff at the facility provided a Daily Caller reporter a smoking kit containing a crack pipe, condoms and lubricant.

A second Caller reporter returned Thursday and yet again, within minutes, staff provided another crack pipe. A staffer directed the reporter to back rooms for addicts to use drugs under supervision, where the reporter witnessed individuals smoking and injecting various substances.

CLICK HERE FOR A PHOTO OF: A condom and crack pipe acquired from New York Harm Reduction Educators. (Daily Caller)

A second Caller reporter returned Thursday and yet again, within minutes, staff provided another crack pipe. A staffer directed the reporter to back rooms for addicts to use drugs under supervision, where the reporter witnessed individuals smoking and injecting various substances.

The reporter, citing claustrophobia, asked if she could step outside to smoke. A staffer denied the request because the facility is located next to a “school.”

The facility is directly across the street from the Association To Benefit Children, a childcare facility for underprivileged kids in the New York area.

Prior to those visits, the Caller reached out to NYHRE and OnPointNYC on multiple occasions to ask if the organization was still distributing crack pipes, receiving no response. A PBS segment aired December 2021 highlighted that the organization was distributing crack pipes at the time, before the latest Biden grant.

NYHRE provides other services aside from harm reduction, including HIV and hepatitis testing, safe sex education and counseling services. It has received various government grants dating back to 2001 for some of these other services, a review of HHS grant documents shows. This year’s grant is the first “harm reduction” grant the group has received as part of a new administration initiative under Biden’s American Rescue Plan to support “harm reduction” efforts. The so called “safe smoking kits” are a key plank in “harm reduction” efforts across the country.

In addition to the drug and sex paraphernalia, a staffer at NYHRE gave the Caller an ID card after registering personal information. According to that staffer, an individual caught with drugs by police in the city could show that card to avoid punishment.

The Biden administration denied in February that it was giving grants to fund distribution of crack pipes, following a Washington Free Beacon report that HHS had closed applications for funding to do so.

“No federal funding will be used directly or through subsequent reimbursement of grantees to put pipes in safe smoking kits,” HHS Secretary Xavier Becerra said in a statement.

“The goal of harm reduction is to save lives. The Administration is focused on a comprehensive strategy to stop the spread of drugs and curb addiction, including prioritizing the use of proven harm reduction strategies like providing naloxone, fentanyl test strips, and clean syringes, as well as taking decisive actions to go after violent criminals who are trafficking illicit drugs like fentanyl across our borders and into our communities.”

An HHS spokesperson told the Daily Caller the funds from this grant are still prohibited from being used for any federally illegal activity or equipment, including drug paraphernalia like crack pipes. NYHRE has not yet tapped into the grant money they were awarded, and once they do so, the organization must provide specific details on how the money will be spent so HHS can approve it.

“No federal funding is used directly or through subsequent reimbursement of grantees to purchase pipes in safer smoking kits. Grants include explicit prohibitions of federal funds to be used to purchase drug paraphernalia,” the spokesman said. “As the United States confronts record overdose numbers, the Biden-Harris Administration is focused on a comprehensive drug control policy focused on stopping the illicit flow of drugs like fentanyl and evidence-based policies that reduce overdoses and save lives.”

The administration has embraced “harm reduction” — which can include supplying drug paraphernalia and in some cases drugs themselves — as a strategy for treating addiction. The effort facilitates drug use in a safer setting for addicts than they might otherwise use, and offers clean equipment for drug use to prevent the spread of disease.

In total, the SAMHSA grant awarded almost $10 million to 25 different organizations. The grant recipients are disproportionately located in New York and California, not areas within the rust belt hardest hit by the overdose epidemic. Six of the 25 grants went to harm reduction groups in New York state. The Daily Caller has not confirmed which of the other 24 organizations have provided, or still provide, safe smoking kits or crack pipes to addicts.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), which awarded the grants, did not respond to multiple requests for comment from the Daily Caller, including questions about whether the agency knew NYHRE distributed crack pipes when it awarded them the grant or how it is ensuring that taxpayer funds don’t go to the distribution of smoking equipment.



Healthcare reporter. Follow Dylan on Twitter


Even Democrats Now Agree That The Government Should Not Fund Crack Pipes

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EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.