TOP 10: President Trump’s biggest accomplishments of 2019!

Americans saw plenty of Washington at its worst this year, with one party in Congress obsessed with a partisan impeachment stunt and obstructing progress at every turn. But despite getting no help from the far left, America today is soaring to new heights.

It’s tough to pick only 10 accomplishments from such an extraordinary year, but here are just a few of the biggest things President Donald J. Trump has gotten done for the American people in 2019:

  1. The Trump Boom is going strong. The unemployment rate recently hit its lowest mark in 50 years. All told, since President Trump’s election, our economy has added more than 7 million jobs—over half a million in manufacturing alone.
  2. The stock market keeps breaking records: The Dow Jones and S&P 500 hit record closes again on Friday.
  3. The working class is thriving, as are previously forgotten communities. Wages are now rising the fastest for low-income workers, and poverty rates for African Americans and Hispanic Americans have reached all-time lows.
  4. Accountable government is back. Since taking office, President Trump has rolled back nearly 8 regulations for every new one, saving American taxpayers more than $50 billion in the process—with bigger savings still to come.
  5. Better trade deals are putting America back in the driver’s seat. Congress approved President Trump’s USMCA this month—a huge win for U.S. workers, farmers, and manufacturers that will create 176,000 new jobs.
  6. Trade with China in particular is about to get a whole lot fairer. As part of a historic “phase 1” deal, Beijing has agreed to structural reforms in its trade practices and to make substantial purchases of American agricultural products.
  7. Securing the border is paying off and making our country safer. President Trump struck new agreements with Mexico and Central American countries this year to help stop the flood of illegal immigration. Thanks to this swift action, border apprehensions fell by more than 70 percent from May to November.
  8. On health care, President Trump is fighting to give our patients the best system on Earth. While Democrats try to take away choice, the President’s focus on affordability led to the largest year-over-year drop in drug prices ever recorded.
  9. American interests are taking center stage abroad. In just one example: After years of not paying their fair share, NATO Allies will have increased defense spending by $130 billion by the end of next year.
  10. Our great military took out the world’s top terrorist in October. (Meet Conan, the hero dog who helped them do it!) Our troops are now getting the support they deserve. President Trump recently signed the National Defense Authorization Act for the 2020 fiscal year, which includes the biggest pay raise for our military in a decade.

On behalf of President Trump and his entire Administration, have a blessed and wonderful New Year!

WATCH: “Our best days are yet to come!”

RELATED ARTICLE: As a Trump Reelection Victory Looms, the Left Grows Increasingly Unhinged

© All rights reserved.

Why Shouldn’t Pelosi Try to Strong-Arm the Republicans? It Has Worked for Decades.

It’s a bit off-topic, but here is my latest in PJ Media:

There has been a great deal of speculation as to why Nancy Pelosi was so anxious to rush her impeachment Schiff Show through Congress, but is now demanding that Mitch McConnell make the Senate’s process as unfair as hers was before she allows him to get the ball rolling. Many have even speculated that she is embarrassed by the whole thing and just wants it to go away before it completely kills the reelection hopes of too many Congressional Democrats.

It is more probable, however, that she is demanding certainty that the Senate trial be “fair,” by which she means “viciously biased against the President,” because she knows that the Republicans are likely to give her everything she wants.

Pelosi has good reason to think that she can intimidate McConnell and other Senate Republican leaders into folding and transforming their impeachment proceedings into a Stalinist show trial that will suppress evidence exonerating the President, highlight the tendentious version of events that the House offered, and maybe even result in Trump’s removal from office. The Republicans have a pattern going back well over half a century of caving in to Democrat demands and doing their bidding. Pelosi has witnessed a great deal of this firsthand as she grew to be a multimillionaire on her modest Congresswoman’s salary. Why should she think it will be any different this time?

Republican kowtowing to Democrats goes back to the era of Franklin D. Roosevelt. After Democrats successfully blamed Republicans for the Great Depression and initiated the massive expansion of federal power that was the New Deal, the Republicans nominated for president not critics of Roosevelt’s big government measures, but me-too candidates who praised what FDR was doing: Alf Landon, Wendell Willkie, and Thomas E. Dewey. Not surprisingly, each of these pale copies of the great New Dealer were trounced by the real thing.

Republicans who didn’t think a huge increase of federal control over the daily lives of Americans was a terrific idea had their best chance in 1952, when Republicans won the trifecta of the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives for the first time since 1930. However, the new president, Dwight D. Eisenhower, would not hear of this. He declared: “Should any party attempt to abolish social security and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things….Their number is negligible and they are stupid.”

There is much more. Read the rest here.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Climate Change Protesters’ Traffic Tie-Ups Are No Way to Win Friends or Influence People

The environmental zealots who regularly take to the streets of the nation’s capital for climate change protests clearly have never read Dale Carnegie’s classic self-help bestseller “How to Win Friends and Influence People.”

That’s evident from the demonstrations the global warming alarmists stage at downtown D.C. intersections during morning rush hours, unapologetically snarling traffic and creating commuter gridlock.

Causing motorists to be late for work and/or miss appointments is hardly the way to win friends among those they’ve seriously inconvenienced or to influence them to buy into the climate-calamity hysteria. It’s far more likely to alienate them.

For more than seven hours on Dec. 6, for example, hundreds of “Shut Down DC” coalition environmental activist demonstrators lived up to their billing, snaking through downtown Washington, blocking intersections with their bodies, banners, and other props, and forcing traffic to be diverted and detoured.

Next year, absolutely everything is on the line. Defend your principles before it is too late. Find out more now >>

All the while, they beat on drums, chanted mindless left-wing couplets (“Hey, hey, ho, ho! / [Fill in the blank] has got to go!”) and barked calls and responses (“What do we want?” / “Climate justice!” / “When do we want it?” / “Now!”).

What the amorphous “climate justice” they “want now” entails is anyone’s guess, but it presumably tracks closely along the lines of the radical multitrillion-dollar Green New Deal scheme hatched by far-left freshman Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D.-N.Y.

This much is certain, however: The enormous taxes and spending the Green New Deal would mandate would do a grave injustice to the nation’s economic climate.

According to news accounts, the demonstration in early December began at about 7:30 a.m. with a march from George Washington University to World Bank headquarters along Pennsylvania Avenue Northwest, with gridlock ensuing at the height of the morning rush.

Later in the day, for two hours, seven of the protesters reportedly chained themselves to the door of a Wells Fargo bank branch, preventing customers from entering. Cheered on by octogenarian actress Jane Fonda—a longtime agitator who never met a leftist cause she didn’t reflexively support—demonstrators mindlessly chanted, “Wells Fargo, hey, you! / We deserve a future, too.” (Just as an aside, what’s with the left’s obsession with rhyming couplets?)

The bank, presumably targeted for supposedly helping finance the fossil fuel industry, should sue them all for restraint of trade.

When all was said/chanted and done, The Washington Post reported, “Despite hours of disruptions and tense moments between protesters and D.C. police, officials said no arrests were made.”

How is that even possible? Why does the city blithely allow these protests to disrupt traffic and inconvenience motorists and pedestrians, as well as businesses and their employees and customers? At minimum, why weren’t the most disruptive and unruly among the protesters not fined and/or arrested?

These protests, organized by groups with names like Extinction Rebellion, surely cost the city thousands of dollars for policing and security, so District of Columbia taxpayers are in effect subsidizing them.

There was no indication, however, that that seems to faze the ultraliberal city’s officials, many of whom no doubt support the protesters and their cause. Did either D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser or D.C. Police Chief Peter Newsham issue to police a stand-down order? One has to wonder, inasmuch as 32 people were arrested during a similar protest on Sept. 23.

Regardless, do these climate change extremists really think they’re winning “hearts and minds” to their cause by grossly inconveniencing commuters, businesses, and others? To the contrary, one would reasonably expect they’re having the exact opposite effect, turning off those who aren’t already global warming “true believers.”

In the demonstrators’ self-righteous view, the end justifies the means, even if it’s counterproductive in terms of public relations. They went so far as to insist to those who complained of the inconvenience: “We’re doing this for you. It’s your planet, too.”

But this smug notion—“It’s for your own good”—is belied by a January poll conducted by the Energy Policy Institute at the University of Chicago and The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. It found that 68% of respondents oppose paying an additional $10 a month to combat climate change, while 43% aren’t even willing to pay an extra $1 a month on their electricity bills for that purpose.

More telling, the poll failed to include any mention of how much warming supposedly would be abated by paying an additional $1, $20, or $50 per month. In each scenario, the answer is next to nothing, and that would only decrease even further their willingness to pay such a tax.

Another irony, lost on these climate change Chicken Littles, was that the traffic tie-ups they caused resulted in long lines of cars idling, spewing more—not less—of the tailpipe carbon emissions they claim are contributing to the supposed impending climate catastrophe.

On its website, Shut Down DC insists that there’s “no time left for business-as-usual,” but regardless of how righteous the protesters consider their cause to be, D.C. officials and police need to remind them, forcefully, that the right to swing one’s fist ends where someone else’s nose begins.


Peter Parisi is an editor and writer for The Daily Signal.

A Note for our Readers:

As progressives on the far Left continue to push for greater government control under the disguise of “free stuff,” our lawmakers need conservative research and solutions to guide them towards promoting your principles instead.

That is why we’re asking conservatives to unite around the key values of limited government, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense by making a special year-end gift to The Heritage Foundation before December 31.

Next year, absolutely everything is on the line. The Left won’t pull any punches. They stand ready to trade the principles of the American founding for the toxic European socialism that has failed so many times before.

That is why finishing this year strong is so critical. The Heritage Foundation is challenging you to rise up and claim more victories for conservative values as we battle socialism in 2020.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

California’s Latest Act of Idiocy: Killing Freelance Work

If there’s one thing the California government is good for these days, it’s failing to address crises that glaringly exist while creating new crises that shouldn’t exist—and then shifting the blame when everything goes wrong.

A new California law set to go into effect in the new year is the latest example of misguided legislation hurting the very people it was aimed to “protect” in the Golden State.

The law, Assembly Bill 5, puts severe restrictions on who is qualified to be an independent contractor or freelancer. The law puts heavy restrictions on how much work freelancers can do before being considered full-time workers.

The legislation was passed to reduce the negative impact of the “gig economy,” where workers do various jobs on their own time but don’t get the benefits or long-term employment guarantees of a traditional, full-time job.

Next year, absolutely everything is on the line. Defend your principles before it is too late. Find out more now >>

The problem is, it appears that instead of aiming to hire more full-time workers, companies are simply getting rid of freelancers and independent contractors in favor of a smaller number of full-time employees.

Of course, the freelancer law has major implications for ride-sharing services like Uber—which is battling the law and working with other companies to amend it with a ballot initiative—but it’s having a huge impact on freelance writers in particular.

Vox Media, which supported the new law, announced that it would be doing away with most of its California contractors who provide content for its sports websites on SB Nation.

“In the early weeks and months of 2020, we will end our contracts with most contractors at California brands,” SB Nation Executive Director John Ness wrote in a postaccording to Fox Business.

“This shift is part of a business and staffing strategy that we have been exploring over the past two years, but one that is also necessary in light of California’s new independent contractor law, which goes into effect Jan. 1, 2020.”

There’s no question as to where the problem lies: The new law limits freelance contributions to 35-a-year to a single company, which in many cases is a tiny number for freelancers.

Billy Binion, writing for Reason, pointed out what this means for writers:

“The 35-piece per publication limit comes out to less than one piece per week. Anyone who writes a weekly column, for instance, is likely out of a job if their publisher cannot hire them as an employee.”

Businesses and publishers in general now have an incentive to stay away from California workers and writers.

“If I’m a publisher from out of state,” said David Swanson, a San Diego writer who is the outgoing president of the Society of American Travel Writers, according to the Los Angeles Times, “and I have a choice of hiring a writer from California to do a job, or somebody from Colorado or Texas or Canada or India—and I’d have no chance of being sued—who do you think I’m going to hire? AB 5 simply makes it unattractive to hire writers from California.”

The gig economy might not be the best arrangement for everyone, but needlessly killing thousands of jobs is the last thing California lawmakers should be doing. The impact on businesses will likely be bad, but for those now out of a job in the new year, it will be far worse.

For many, the flexibility of independent contract work is highly appealing and in some cases necessary.

As Laura Baxter wrote for The Federalist, the law could fall particularly hard on parents, students, and the disabled. For others, freelancing is an important supplement to income that will now be lost.

And for those who pursue the dream of writing for a living, freelance work is often the only opportunity to do so. With this law, many California writers are now being forced to choose between ending that dream or leaving the state.

California, the richest state in the union, is seemingly perfecting the art of encouraging mass homelessness and putting people out of work. (And right behind it is New York, which may soon be adopting a similar law.)

Instead of blaming their problems on President Donald Trump, maybe California leaders ought to reexamine the broken ideology that has caused their state—which has every advantage of wealth, climate, and geography—to become a national laughingstock whose residents can’t get out fast enough.



Supporting ‘Medicare for All’ Isn’t Pro-Life

The Invention of Hispanics

Climate Change Protesters’ Traffic Tie-Ups Are No Way to Win Friends or Influence People

A Note for our Readers:

As progressives on the far Left continue to push for greater government control under the disguise of “free stuff,” our lawmakers need conservative research and solutions to guide them towards promoting your principles instead.

That is why we’re asking conservatives to unite around the key values of limited government, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense by making a special year-end gift to The Heritage Foundation before December 31.

Next year, absolutely everything is on the line. The Left won’t pull any punches. They stand ready to trade the principles of the American founding for the toxic European socialism that has failed so many times before.

That is why finishing this year strong is so critical. The Heritage Foundation is challenging you to rise up and claim more victories for conservative values as we battle socialism in 2020.


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

THE BIG DIFFERENCE: Being Focused on the Past, or Being Optimistic About the Future

“There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?” – Robert F. Kennedy

“The question isn’t who is going to let me; it’s who is going to stop me.” – Ayn Rand

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

As we enter a new year and a new decade it is time to reflect on what is and what could be.

There are those who are focused on the past and those who are looking toward hope and a better future. There are those who focus on past mistakes and losses and those who move on by learning from past mistakes and ignore past losses. There are those who are sad, depressed, forlorn and those that are energized, happy and hopeful.

QUESTION: Which are you?

Perhaps the biggest drama being played out on the world stage is that of those who cannot let go of the past versus those who are laser focused on building a better future. We are seeing it globally with movements like BREXIT and demonstrations in Hong Kong.

There are many reasons to be optimistic about the future of mankind. Johan Norberg Tweeted ten reasons that the last decade was the best in history.

Some do not look forward to the next decade. Others find great hope and exalt the possibilities of the new decade.

Tyler Brandt, an Associate Editor at Foundation for Economic Education, published 6 Reasons for Optimism in 2020:

As President Donald J. Trump said, “No dream is too big. No challenge is too great. Nothing we want for our future is beyond our reach.”

Perhaps we all need to ignore the past and look toward the future possibilities of the next decade.

What have we got to lose?

VIDEO: Shooting Up Churches

Persecution of Christians is rising up in the USA. We call for men and women of faith to stand strong!

WATCH: Shooting Up Churches


[GRAPHIC CONTENT] Video of Texas Church Shooter and Four Armed Citizens Springing to Action.

Person Opens Fire In Texas Church — And Multiple Armed Congregants Rush The Shooter

Texas Pastor Thanks God His Congregants Had The Right To Defend Themselves

2020 The Year that Changed Everything

Happy New Year my friends and fellow patriots. I embrace 2020 as a realist and my realism coupled with quality information and intuition, tells me to buckle up and just know this, we are indeed winning. Please read on.

If you are not yet aboard, if you cannot yet see but do in fact feel some internal change taking place, fear not. Start here, breaking free from the matrix.  Maybe this will help. There is a plan to save the world. It’s happening. We are that plan. We are moving from dark to light. This will be much easier on you if you can free yourself from controlled thought. You will. I know you will. The President is preparing us and the world. Dark secrets and evil activities are now being revealed. Nothing is as it seems. This is the tip of the iceberg. Watch what unfolds in 2020 and beyond. Get comfortable being uncomfortable until you safely and stably join us in truth. Then you are grounded beyond words. WWG1WGA.

2020 will be the year that changed everything. It will be an amazing year. It will be an eventful year and that is the understatement of the century. “The Secret of Change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new” – Socrates. We are clearly fighting the old but what many do not realize is that for the past three years, team Trump and we the patriots have already begun building the new. The death of Globalism and the resurrection of America is already in motion with massive progress on both fronts. Everything we see occurring at this unprecedented time in history is falling under three broad banners. The first banner is of course the Great Awakening. The second banner is the Rule of Law Reset and the third is the Global Financial Reset. This is how we resurrect America. This is how we redirect the course for humanity. Life after Trump? We’ll get to that a bit later. Having said that, there is a long way to go. First a bit of a recap and then from a 30,000 foot view, this is what I believe will occur in 2020, the year that changed everything.

Impeachment – Trump will not be impeached.

The so called articles of impeachment (should be called the “articles of no impeachment”), may be dismissed either by the Senate or by the Supreme Court due to the unconstitutional procedure and the fact that there are no impeachable offenses in the articles that Pelosi as of present is withholding from the Senate. There could be a no trial quick Senate vote or there could be a trial with witnesses.  And if this fake, phony and false impeachment somehow remains on the Presidential record for President Trump, I say it will be dismissed and removed a bit down the line. At the end of the day, President Trump will not be impeached and will not be removed from office. Carry on patriots. Carry on.

De-class – The de-class exposes. Path to justice begins.

The de-class has already begun. It began with IGI which cited over 20 violations made by former FBI Director James Comey. Exposure. Drip, drip. The world now knows that James Comey is a liar and a leaker. There are reasons for this and timing is everything.

IGII was devastating to the deep state and its operatives. Although the Obama appointed Horowitz failed to fully deliver the goods by not accurately addressing bias and pre-meditation of the FISA abuse etc, but know this-the buck stops with AG Barr and John Durham and each have expressed their disagreement with certain aspects of the IGII report. With IGII, serious major damage was inflicted.

Then there is Rudy. Rudy Giuliani’s investigative work will expose the Biden’s and much more. We have most if not all of the 33,000 e-mails that Clinton tried to get rid of. Let us not forget the Jeffrey Epstein case. This is also underway. AG Barr said this about Epstein, “Let me assure you that this case will continue on against anyone who was complicit with Epstein. Any  co-conspirators should not rest easy.” Epstein leads us to Royalty, the CIA and the Mossad. Then of course an extensive list of politicians, the global elite, corporate execs, and Hollywood. There are films, witnesses, pictures and other devastatingly awful evidence. Pedophilia is the achilies heel of the deep state.

Julian Assange is set for another Wikileaks data dump that will be devastating watch for this in 2020. All things indicate that Julian Assange will see his day in a US Court later in 2020. This is an asset for us. We shall see steady exposure of the deep state. I once again refer us to steps 6, 7 and 8 on the “Scale of Discovery and Action“.  With this now here in 2020, this is what will make 2020 the year that changed everything.

We are in the beginning stages of a pendulum shifting moment of magnitude. Yes as stated all along, all roads lead to Obama and Clinton as far as US politicians are concerned. So we may very well see, Comey, Page, Strzok, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper, Schiff, Biden and many others begin to face the music. There are well over 100,000 Federal sealed indictments. It’s a drip system. Step by step. The plan is in motion. Get ready for the world to be rocked. Oh and China has met its match in Trump. Here too, we are winning. Oh yes and remember that AG Barr reinstated the Federal Death penalty for a reason and all indications are that the tribunals coming up in 2020 and beyond will be live streamed. I’ve written about this with sourced links. Remember the marines were activated to protect the President and we the people, This too I have written about with sourced links. Remember this, the punishment for treason is death. The President names names here in this clip.

Disruptions – Frenzied Panic no longer concealed.

We are already seeing the enemy hidden in plain sight. The deep state, the media and the Dems. are panicking. Breaking laws, lying, stealing cheating, bribing, blackmailing and making a million mistakes along the way trapping themselves and convicting themselves further and further. They know the fuse has been lit. There is nowhere to run and nowhere to hide. Their time is up. They will do whatever it takes to remove Trump and or see that he is not re-elected. Newsflash-they will lose.

Here are some highly probable disruptions, distractions and horrific events we can expect to see in 2020 as their days are numbered and they are in full scale meltdown and panic mode.  God forbid, but additional assassination attempts. Expect more impeachment hoaxes and approaches. Suicides and suicideds. Others becoming “gravely ill” then passing away.  Rising tensions in America. Civil unrest. False flags of all kinds. Failed attempts to bring the stock market down. Voter fraud, election theft. Further impingement upon the second and first amendments. Endless attempts to bring Trump and all of us down. Attempts to escalate hot spots and to start new wars as Trump is working on ending endless wars. Impeachments, tax returns, law suits and who knows what else they will be throwing at the wall to see if anything sticks. This is America’s second revolution and we are in the heat of the battle in 2020.

Election of 2020 – Historical landslide for Trump

I do not believe that Joe Biden will be the nominee. In fact, I’m not sure that anyone we see on the platform today will be the nominee. Time will tell. I do believe and I have said this all along, that we may see Hillary or Michelle as the nominee. If so, bring them on. Hillary will be mid AG Barr and Durham investigations and I sure would love to unpack Michelle’s (Michael’s) suitcase as she debates Trump. Bring it on.  Fair and square, no one will be Trump in 2020. More and more Blacks, Hispanics and Democrats will be voting for Trump. We may even win back the house in 2020. The two party system as we know it is coming to an end. Big change will be here come 2024 election process and parties.

The President is working on the Census question, E-Verify, Voter ID and counting paper ballots as a back-up to the rigged computers of which I have written about in my book and articles and spoke about quite often over the past nearly 4 years. The white hats saved the election of 2016 by launching a counter AI attack to prevent the full theft. The chapter in my book was among the first to document this revealing information about what really happened. I trust they are preparing for 2020 just the same. If relatively un-rigged, Trump wins his second term in an absolute landslide, electoral college and popular vote. We are taking our country back. This battle will rage on for years and years to come.

Economy  – Global Financial Reset Underway

After failed attempts to bring down the markets in 2020 as an attempt to derail Trump’s voter base, the markets will continue to maintain these new and lofty levels through 2020 and perhaps beyond for a bit. But big change is on the horizon and not without disruption. Trump is in control and has been since January 4, 2019 as the Fed is essentially is under the control of the President to some extent. This is a subject that gets no media attention and yet will prove to be among the biggest stories of the century come 2020 and beyond. Far too much to write in context here in this article, but in short – Trump and team are ending globalism. Ending the Central Bank Federal Reserve IMF petrodollar system. Ending endless wars. A reset of multiple sorts will occur. Check out this brief talk on Trump dismantling the system en-route to a full global financial reset beginning in 2020 and beyond. The death of globalism is happening. Power is to be restored to the people. With Trump and now BREXIT and Boris, we will see more and more countries coming aboard. The return of sound money is underway. The Fed and the IRS will cease to exist as we know it from 2020 and beyond but not without a fight. A serious fight.

Great Awakening

Although there is an increasing amount of people who can see what is really going on, most are still asleep and unknowingly owned by the system in terms of their own perceptions of reality. This will change. This is changing. There is a great awakening taking place within the human spirit and it is global. For anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, or for anyone who is courageous enough to step outside the box and be intellectually honest, the facts are clear and unambiguous. A raised understanding is needed as to the realization that a major paradigm shift is now-right now, under way and that we have been living in a web of deceitful lies designed to entrap us and move us away from the spirit and from truth as we march blindly like useless idiots down the road to serfdom. The opposite of love is not hate, it is fear. So, choose love. As you obtain more and more truths, then take the correct steps in implementing change, the fear subsides. Check out this talk I gave. Learn about Q.

Many of us have become a part of what I call the robotic hypnotic flock. Ignorant followers, so to speak. Now, being a follower is a good thing as most of us are not leaders, yet we rely on leadership. When being a follower, be a wise and discerning one and not an ignorant one. Be aware of who or what ideology you are following and ask yourself if this is pro-survival with the greatest benefit to the many without hurting the one. Then proceed. The leadership that was nowhere to be found, arrived and by no accident. That leadership is through President Donald Trump and team. Get on board. Observe the obvious, trust but verify, practice critical thinking, question authority, question everything, and think for yourself. Surround yourself with people of like-mind who do indeed truly understand the times in which we live and expand those circles of relationships.


The challenges we all face are enormous but the scales are tipping. This is our time; we have a chance. The time for action is now. You are nothing more than an accomplice should you stand by idly as the culture and planet declines rapidly into a very, very unpleasant condition. It is my hope that we begin to come to realize these misconceptions and begin the much needed course corrections, both personally and collectively. This has begun.

We must stop and take a look around us to re-asses ourselves, others, life, living, and the systems and structures that make this world go round. If you are tired of spinning around in the hamster wheel called your life, then it’s time to look at who is spinning that wheel and what you can do to stop this circular insanity. The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails. It is time to adjust the sails. Being honest may not get you a lot of friends but it’ll always get you the right ones. Get on board.

The human race and the universe itself are becoming more and more conscious of itself. This is a good thing as we are a culture and civilization in serious decline, a planet in peril. A full course correction is needed, and has indeed begun and soon the masses will see this. In this, there is hope. You can’t change people. They change themselves by their own decisions. You can influence them and guide them. Meanwhile the blissfully ignorant go along as though it was business as usual. It’s not business as usual, and I can assure you of this.

Yes the great change for humanity is underway. It is the battle of all battles. It will rage on for years and years to come. Life after Trump? I will save this critical discussion at a later date. I have insights.

These things cannot be long hidden, the sun, the moon and the truth. Peace and love shines bright in the light. Let’s brighten this light all around the world while there is still a chance to do so. Won’t you join us?

“There are those who look at things the way they are, and ask why. I dream of things that never were, and ask why not?” – Robert F. Kennedy

© All rights reserved.

What “White Privilege” Means in Small-Town West Virginia

Two years ago, my wife Mary and I relocated from Florida to West Virginia to be closer to our elderly parents. We have witnessed traditional American values displayed in our tiny town of 500 which I’ve affectionately nicknamed Trump Country USA. Our two shopping options are the country store/gas station or the Dollar General.

I am one of probably ten blacks in town.

On a trip to the Dollar General, I saw an elderly white gentleman in the parking lot slowly returning his shopping cart to the store. “I can take that for you sir.” I said. “Thank you young man.” he replied. Then he asked, “Do I know you? You look like someone I know.” I replied, “No sir. We moved here 2 years ago.”

With a great warm smile, he said, “My name is Pop Kern. I’m 89 years old. I’ve lived here all my life.” As we chatted, Pop Kern said, “At 9 years old, I milked 9 cows every morning before school and 9 cows after school. My pay was $5 a week.”

I thought, I guess Pop Kern did not get the memo about what Democrats call his racist and unfair “white privilege”. He just got up every morning and did what he had to do to earn a living. He lives in the home he grew up in which he owns and has acquired a second house. I could tell he is a kind man who worked hard his entire life.

I’ve seen Pop Kern around town, walking in baby steps to pick up his mail at the post office. He is always pleasant, giving me a wave, a smile or a have a good day.

It turns my stomach the way despicable evil Democrat presidential candidates say white men like Pop Kern are responsible for everything wrong in the world. Democrats boldly proclaim that if elected president, they will punish Pop Kern; tax the heck out of him and force him to pay reparations to minorities and even illegal aliens.

Pop Kern said, “Where do you live?” I described our location. “I know where you live. That’s the house with the beautiful front porch. I’ve driven by and admired it several times”, he replied.

I did not tell Pop Kern that we won $50 for second place in the town’s annual Christmas home decorating contest. The home that won first place had a gazillion lights. No, I am not jealous.

Our conversation in the Dollar General parking lot was the first time Pop Kern and I actually chatted. It ended with Pop Kern shaking my hand while saying, “Nice talking with you Lloyd. You’re a good man.”

The hate-filled war on straight white men has become so extreme that the University of Melbourne Student Union wants to ban white men from speaking in classes so women and transgenders will feel free to contribute to discussions.

Insane social justice warriors demand that white men be silenced; not allowed to have an opinion regarding reviewing movies, climate change and everything in between.

Folks, we have allowed leftists to create a generation of hate-filled social justice warrior terrorists who believe the world would be a much better place if we could get rid of scum-of-the-earth white guys like Pop Kern.

While I am pleased that more and more people are fighting back, we need more people telling SJWs, “No! Back off! Get a life and get a job!”

The Democrat Party is the greatest distributor of class envy, racial hate and division. They have disdain for all things patriotic, wholesome and good. The party has deteriorated to become a mob of hate-filled treasonous domestic terrorists who MUST be crushed in 2020.

Pop Kern still drives and takes care of himself. That is pretty cool.

© All rights reserved.

What My Ukrainian In-Laws Taught Me About Freedom and Rock ’n’ Roll

KYIV, Ukraine—When the guitarist for Deep Purple hit those epic opening notes of “Smoke on the Water,” my 54-year-old Ukrainian father-in-law grabbed me by the shoulder with one hand, pumped his other in a fist, and yelled a drawn out “da!”

No translation needed.

The crowd in the Kyiv sports hall was going wild. The snarl of the guitars and the bass of the drums bored through my chest. I, too, couldn’t help but pump my fist in the air and cheer.

“Rock is the music that thrills people’s minds,” my father-in-law, whose name is Valeriy Deriy, tells me months later over Thanksgiving dinner.  “When you hear your favorite music that loud, you feel euphoria.”

Next year, absolutely everything is on the line. Defend your principles before it is too late. Find out more now >>

Deep Purple was the first rock group Valeriy ever saw in concert, and I won’t lie, it was a pretty epic night. A milestone moment in our relationship in which all barriers of age, language, and culture crumbled before our mutual love of rock music.

After his first rock concert, Valeriy was hooked. So on Nov. 11, he returned to Kyiv with his older brother Sergiy to see another classic rock band, Scorpions, in concert.

My wife Lilya and I weren’t in town at the time, but we were thrilled to open up our apartment for the fraternal getaway. I left a bottle of Wild Turkey bourbon on the kitchen counter as a gift.

“Rock on,” I wrote in an attached note.

The Scorpions concert coincided with Sergiy’s 57th birthday. And, notably, it was the first time my uncle-in-law had returned to Kyiv since 1991, when he’d left the capital city out of fear of radioactive fallout from the nearby Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Sergiy says he felt a “powerful impulse of happiness” on his return to Kyiv.

Valeriy, who began listening to Scorpions music when he was in 10th grade, says he never would have imagined, back in his Soviet youth, that one day he’d see the band in concert.

Needless to say, the Scorpions concert last month was a lifelong dream come true for the two Deriy brothers. But it represented something more, too. Something I’ve just come to understand. It was also a symbol of how far they, and their country, have come.

Rock On

As young men growing up under the Soviet Union’s communist regime, Valeriy and Sergiy fell in love with rock music. They devoured the music of Western groups such as Kiss, Pink Floyd, Van Halen, Led Zeppelin, Scorpions, and Deep Purple—to name only a few.

“Rock music is so different and colorful, not monotonous or boring at all,” Sergiy explains. “It gives a great boost of feelings and thoughts. You can’t be indifferent when you listen to rock.”

Sergiy, in particular, was a Beatles fanatic. In the ’70s and ’80s, the British rock group’s trademark “mop top” haircuts were all the rage in Ukraine. In fact, if someone in the Deriy brothers’ hometown of Komsomolsk could afford some American bling, such as Levi’s jeans, they were said to have “Beat-luck”—an eponymous reference to the Fab Four.

However, Western music technically was forbidden by the Soviet authorities. Contraband records, which went for about 100 Soviet rubles a piece, often were smuggled into the Soviet Union by sailors, one of the few professions that had regular contact with the outside world.

Spending about half a month’s salary on a vinyl record was a serious investment. But, for Valeriy and Sergiy, it was well worth it. They built up a sizable trove of contraband albums over the years.

“We were listening to Western bands because we didn’t have music like that,” Valeriy tells me. “I think that, because our culture came from death camps, war, and prisons, it couldn’t be so free. When we were young, we were told that those people who danced or screamed during concerts were inadequate, with demonic thoughts in their heads.”

Tough Times, Tough Choices

Valeriy and Sergiy Deriy have no other siblings. Their father, Mikhail, was a construction foreman who made about 250 Soviet rubles a month, about the going price, at that time, for one pair of Levi’s jeans on the black market.

Once, their father went away for a few months of work and came back home with enough money to build his family a country cottage—a “dacha.” The leftover cash went to his two sons, who used the funds to buy what Valeriy describes as a “top of the line” Pioneer stereo system.

“It was the highest quality stereo you could find in the Soviet Union at that time,” Valeriy proudly recalls decades later.

That stereo quickly became the talk of the town. Friends and neighbors came over in droves, wanting to have a listen. And, likely, to unreservedly let loose behind closed doors to their favorite music, safely shielded from the KGB’s perpetually prying eyes.

Valeriy says that, according to the letter of Soviet law, he and his brother could have gone to jail for “two or three years” if the KGB had caught them with their illegal record collection.

Even though the law wasn’t strictly enforced, listening to Western music, rock in particular, definitely was frowned upon. And being on the KGB’s blacklist was never a good thing.

“Performing the way the Western rock groups did was taboo—to be wild and crazy on stage,” Valeriy says. “Moreover, people in the Soviet Union wore suits to concerts and barely moved their feet. They were terrified to dance, to have proper fun. That kind of behavior could be punished.”

Yet, despite the stodgy dictates of Soviet social decorum and the inescapable specter of KGB surveillance, the Deriy brothers came to idolize rock stars such as Freddie Mercury, the lead singer of Queen, who pushed boundaries and defied stereotypes.

“The Soviet government tried to force us to be intolerant,” Valeriy says. “But they failed.”

After the Soviet Union’s breakup in 1991, many Ukrainians lost their life savings when the banks privatized and oligarchs raided the country’s coffers. Amid these tough times, the Deriy brothers made the heartbreaking decision to sell their precious stereo system and split the cash. They simply had to, for the sake of making ends meet.

“It was a tragedy,” Valeriy recalls. “But life in Ukraine is full of tragedies.”

Broken Dreams

Sergiy was drafted into the Red Army and served in the war in Afghanistan from 1982 to 1984. He was a sergeant in a signals unit deployed near the Salang Tunnel in the Hindu Kush mountains. The combat he endured there was horrific.

Although Sergiy came through the war physically unscathed, he was left irrevocably jaded about Soviet communism and the widespread “injustice” he’d seen in both the course of his military service and civilian life.

For the first time, Sergiy was conscious of the Kremlin’s lies. And he felt compelled to fight back to “reduce” the wrongs he’d seen.

So in 1985, just a year after his return from Afghanistan and discharge from the Red Army, Sergiy began law studies at Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine’s premier university. He showed up on Day One determined to make a difference.

After signing his enrollment documents, Sergiy went on a walk through Kyiv. As he strolled through the parks and along the broad boulevards bustling with people and traffic, he was overcome with a feeling of boundless optimism and a renewed sense of purpose, in spite of all the terrible things he’d endured in the war.

“I fell in love with this city immediately,” Sergiy recalls of that day in Kyiv. “Beautiful parks, friendly people, blossoming chestnut trees. I felt so at peace. Finally, no war, no suffering. Only a bright future.”

But it wasn’t to last.

‘We Were Very Afraid’

In April 1986, Sergiy and his brother were on an overnight train headed home to Komsomolsk from Kyiv, when, unknown to them at that moment, an explosion ripped through reactor No. 4 at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.

Valeriy, then a Red Army warrant officer posted to East Germany, was on leave and had just spent a few days visiting Sergiy in Kyiv. The brothers were headed home for what was supposed to be a joyous family reunion. Instead, once at their parents’ home in Komsomolsk, they listened in dismay to a Voice of America radio broadcast about the unfolding nuclear disaster at Chernobyl.

“All the Soviet TV and radio stations said that everything was OK, that it was no big deal,” Valeriy recalls. “When we learned the truth, we were very afraid.”

The Chernobyl plant is located only about 60 miles north of Kyiv. However, on May 1, 1986, just days after the nuclear disaster, the International Workers’ Day parade went ahead as planned in Ukraine’s capital city.

The Kremlin evidently was more concerned with keeping up appearances than dealing with reality. And so on that clear spring day, tens of thousands of people lined Kyiv’s roads, totally unaware of the radioactive fallout invisibly descending upon them. Decades later, film shot during the parade sparkles and flashes—evidence of radioactive particles on the celluloid.

Sergiy, for his part, was unsure about returning to Kyiv in the wake of the Chernobyl disaster. His time in Afghanistan had revealed to him the extent of the Kremlin’s propaganda lies, and he feared the truth about Chernobyl was much worse than what officials were letting on in the news.

The reborn optimism and happiness Sergiy had felt upon his arrival in Kyiv a year earlier quickly gave way to feelings remembered from the war—dark feelings, which he’d hoped to forget forever.

“When I was in Afghanistan, I always felt like death was chasing me,” Sergiy remembers, adding:

And when I came back to Ukraine, I thought I could be free from that fixation on death. But Chernobyl happened, and here death finally caught me. A long and painful death. I remember, I said to myself, ‘How ironic, death didn’t catch me in the war, but it did in civilian life.’

At the behest of his parents, Sergiy decided to return to Kyiv and finish his law degree. He’d been dating a woman and was looking forward to settling down in the city, possibly starting a family.

‘Like a Scythe’

Yet, as time went on, Sergiy began to understand incrementally the full extent of the Chernobyl nightmare. He was horrified by photos of mutated human babies and animals. And rumors circulated throughout Kyiv about a spike in lung cancer.

“I told myself I need to escape this, I have to get far away,” Sergiy says.

And that’s what he did.

After graduating from law school in 1991, Sergiy broke up with his girlfriend and returned to Komsomolsk, now called Horishni Plavni and roughly 190 miles southeast of Kyiv. In short order, the Soviet Union’s disintegration that year further upended his world.

When the economy subsequently collapsed, he ultimately abandoned his law career and took up work as a hired hand. It was his only option to make a living.

For years, my uncle-in-law, who is a devoutly religious man, has struggled with his demons from Afghanistan. His family life has had its ups and downs—so has his country. Since the chaos of the 1990s, Ukraine has gone through revolutions and a war to free itself finally from Russian overlordship.

Through it all, Sergiy never once returned to Kyiv. Partly, due to lingering fears about radiation from Chernobyl. Although there was another reason, too, which is more difficult to articulate.

You see, Kyiv is the place where Sergiy’s youthful idealism, which had survived the war in Afghanistan, finally came to an end. Thus, traveling back to the capital city inevitably would make him confront the question: “What could have been?”

“I was fantasizing about staying in Kyiv after university, but Chernobyl ruined it all,” Sergiy says. “Like a scythe it cut down all my dreams. I was furious at our government for being so negligent and indifferent. For always lying.”


Valeriy never served in Afghanistan. He was posted instead to East Germany and worked in signals intelligence, a specialty that paved the way for his future civilian career as a German language interpreter. He speaks English quite well, too.

During Ukraine’s lean, post-Soviet years, Valeriy and his wife Olena went to great lengths to provide for their daughter, Lilya. Sometimes, as my wife recalls, her parents would forgo food to afford the most basic of school supplies. Pencils, notebooks—stuff like that.

“My parents sacrificed everything for me,” Lilya remembers. “The times were tough, but I never really knew it. My parents gave me the perfect childhood.”

At that time, they all lived in a one-bedroom apartment in a Soviet-era Khrushchyovka—the colloquial name for the drab, cubical apartment buildings that sprung up like weeds during the reign of Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev.

When she was 4, Lilya tearfully told her parents that she wanted her own room. Overcome with a sense of guilt for his perceived inability to provide for his family, Valeriy resolved to do whatever it took to give them a better life. So, he left to work in Portugal for two years as a construction worker.

Lilya recalls how her father sometimes mailed items of clothing home as gifts. After a while, however, the sizes he chose for her were, without fail, much too small. He simply didn’t understand how much his daughter, his only child, had grown in the time he was away.

When he returned home at last, Valeriy had saved up enough money to buy his family a two-bedroom apartment. And the first thing he bought to furnish their new home was a brand new Pioneer stereo system.

These days, when Lilly and I come to visit, we often sit around with her parents until late at night, listening to classic rock albums on that stereo. As the night wears on, Valeriy will typically close his eyes, smile, and rock his head to the music he loves so much.

“I love rock music,” Valeriy explains. “There’s just something special about it.”

‘Still Lovin’ You’

As the lights dimmed and the guitar riffs of Scorpions’ rock ballads shook the air around them, the two Deriy brothers were transported back to their youth. To a time when their love of rock ’n’ roll was a means to furtively express their irrepressible urge for freedom, which the Soviet state had tried in vain to suppress.

“Emotions were running high, because the sound was very loud—the wind from the first chords almost took my shirt off,” Valeriy jubilantly says of the Scorpions show.  “It connected with our youth. It brought back good memories, as well as memories of all the restrictions during those years, when we could only listen to records that were smuggled into the country.”

“First, there was the feeling of youth coming back. So many memories,” Sergiy adds. “Then came the realization of how differently we understand the music now than we did before. It’s a more mature understanding, and a conviction about how immortal all those songs are.”

In their country’s capital city and in the open, the Deriy brothers could fully and without abandon give in to the music, go wild, and rock their hearts out. As the guitars snarled and the drumbeats rattled their bones, both men experienced pure, unfettered happiness. Freedom.

“Growing up, we never saw our favorite bands’ performances, or their shows,” Valeriy tells me over Thanksgiving, a few weeks after the Scorpions concert, adding:

Only after the Soviet Union collapsed could we go on Google and watch them in concert, or read news about their lives. And so now we were watching them live! It was Scorpions’ last tour, and my brother and I are not so young anymore. So it was very emotional. We even teared up a little.

The ‘Wall’

The Deriy brothers have seen a lot of changes in their lives.

As young men, they were indoctrinated by Soviet propaganda to believe that America was their mortal enemy.

“Back then, there was the so-called wall between us and the Western world—like the Pink Floyd song,” Valeriy says.

Yet, as older men, they’ve both shown the remarkable moral courage to abandon their former worldviews and embrace a new truth. Valeriy and Sergiy now believe in the justice of freedom and democracy, rather than conformity and communism.

The two Red Army veterans wholeheartedly believe that the United States is a force for good and a beacon of hope for freedom-loving people around the world. Without hesitation, they’ve welcomed me, an American military veteran, into their family with open arms.

A generation ago, these two men would have been my enemies. Our countries were poised at opposite ends of the earth, ready to unleash nuclear Armageddon to destroy one another.

Today, we are a family.

Life sure hasn’t been easy for those Ukrainians who’ve lived through the end of communism and the painful birth of their country’s democracy. Those generations have reckoned with the Soviet Union’s lies, endured an economic collapse, and survived revolutions and war.

In spite of it all, however, Valeriy and Sergiy remain unbroken.

They still extoll the justice of their country’s path, no matter its attendant hardships. All the tough times, and all their personal trials, were not in vain, they steadfastly believe. Because, in the end, they’d rather struggle as free men than ever return to the kind of predictably stable oppression they endured in the Soviet Union.

Freedom, after all, usually means more to people who’ve experienced the alternative.

“I’m trying to stay positive despite of everything that’s going on,” Sergiy says. “It would be so wrong not to believe in our future. I always have hope. It’s just a matter of time … our future generations will be truly happy and free.”

“When I was young, I was living behind barbed wire and brick walls,” his brother Valeriy adds. “All these years later, we’re still fighting for our freedom. But I am very proud of our country. And I hope that my daughter and my grandchildren will see an amazing, free Ukraine.”

I often have equated Ukrainians’ fight for freedom to their pursuit of the American dream. Yet, that’s not exactly true.

The yearning for freedom transcends America, underscoring a universal truth about the human spirit. In that way, freedom sure sounds a lot like rock ’n’ roll.

The band Kiss, covering a 1973 hit by rock predecessors Argent, sang in 1991:

God gave rock and roll to you

Gave rock and roll to you

Put it in the soul of everyone.


Nolan Peterson

Nolan Peterson, a former special operations pilot and a combat veteran of Iraq and Afghanistan, is The Daily Signal’s foreign correspondent based in Ukraine. Send an email to Nolan.Twitter: @nolanwpeterson.


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Federal Spending Explodes at Nearly $300,000 Per Household Since 2010

A Note for our Readers:

As progressives on the far Left continue to push for greater government control under the disguise of “free stuff,” our lawmakers need conservative research and solutions to guide them towards promoting your principles instead.

That is why we’re asking conservatives to unite around the key values of limited government, individual liberty, traditional American values, and a strong national defense by making a special year-end gift to The Heritage Foundation before December 31.

Next year, absolutely everything is on the line. The Left won’t pull any punches. They stand ready to trade the principles of the American founding for the toxic European socialism that has failed so many times before.

That is why finishing this year strong is so critical. The Heritage Foundation is challenging you to rise up and claim more victories for conservative values as we battle socialism in 2020.

Will you make a special year-end gift to Heritage and lock arms with your fellow conservatives before Dec. 31?


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Democratic Presidential Candidates Call For More Than $200 Trillion in Spending


W. James Antle III, editor of The American Conservative. A former Senior Writer at TAC, Antle also previously served as managing editor of the Daily Caller, editor of the Daily Caller News Foundation, and associate editor of the American Spectator. He is the author of Devouring Freedom: Can Big Government Ever Be Stopped? Antle has appeared on Fox News, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR, among other outlets, and has written for a wide variety of publications, including the Wall Street Journal, Politico, the Week, the Los Angeles Times, the Boston Globe, the Daily Beast, the Guardian, Reason, the Spectator of London, The National Interest, and National Review Online. He is also senior advisor to Defense Priorities.

TOPIC: Tulsi’s Last Stand?

Charles Lehman is a staff writer for the Washington Free Beacon. He writes about policy, covering crime, law, drugs, immigration, and social issues.

TOPIC: Dem Candidates Call For More Than $200 Trillion in Spending

© All rights reserved.

Decadent Democrats — From Electing a Dream ‘Queer Latina’ Candidate to No Incarceration For Drug Use of Any Kind

EDITORS NOTE: This is the second in a series titled Decadent Democrats. The first column was Decadent Democrats — From Pedophilia to Sex with Animals.

“For they sleep not, except they have done mischief; and their sleep is taken away, unless they cause some to fall. For they eat the bread of wickedness, and drink the wine of violence.” Proverbs‬ ‭4:16-17‬ ‭KJV‬‬

The Democratic Party has taken positions that are not held by the vast majority of Americans. Many have called Democrats policy positions extreme. It is our premise that the Democratic Party has taken positions that are decadent!

It appears that the Democrats are defining deviancy down.

In a December 26th, 2019 fund raising email titled Pence and Trump FRANTIC the C-A-L-I-F-O-R-N-I-A [Equality Democrats] state:

Queer Latina Georgette Gomez is our DREAM candidate for California’s 53rd Congressional House Seat.

But her campaign is UNDER SIEGE by the GOP! If we want to KEEP our House Majority, we NEED to win this race. Chip in NOW →


But her campaign is UNDER SIEGE by the GOP! If we want to KEEP our House Majority, we NEED to win this race. Chip in NOW →

The GOP will do ANYTHING to keep Queer Democrats out of Congress.

So this week, we’re launching a massive fundraising to raise $15,000 to SAVE Queer Latina Georgette Gomez’ campaign and fight back.

A December 28th, 2019 email titled Pete Buttigieg MAKES HISTORY from states:

Pete Buttigieg MADE HISTORY with his candidacy for president.

As the first candidate in a same-sex marriage, Pete is breaking barriers for all LGBT+ Americans!

And we wanted to thank him for launching his INSPIRING campaign. So we’re sending him a card to let him know how much we appreciate his hard work.

Morgan @madwestafrican Tweeted:

Within 5 years of gay “marriage” being legalized we have:

transgender kids,

gay sex being taught in schools,

endless genders,

drag queen story hour,

people advocating for the decriminalization of AIDS transmission

and grown men in woman’s bathroom.


Since posting this Tweet Morgan has had his Twitter account suspended for “violating Twitter Rules.”

In a December 28th, 2029 Townhall column titled Buttigieg Says No Incarceration For Drug Use of Any Kind  Bronson Stocking wrote:

South Bend, Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg has solved all the crime in his city and is now ready to clean up America. Actually, the crime rate in South Bend has exploded under Mayor Pete, but the candidate still feels ready to take his failed leadership to the nation’s capital.

In an interview with the Des Moines Register editorial board on Thursday, Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg shared his ideas on how to handle, or at least how not to handle, people found by police to be in possession of illegal drugs.

“I think I developed much more in the direction of criminal justice reform,” Buttigieg said. “I would not have said even five years ago, that what I believe now, which is that incarceration should not even be a response to drug possession.” 

Asked to elaborate if he meant he would not incarcerate anyone for possession of any kind of drug, the candidate answered, “That’s right.”  [Emphasis added]

We will continue to bring to our readers the policy positions of Democrats. We will let the voter decide who best represents their values.

© All rights reserved.


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Whitewashing Traitors While Destroying Patriots

“There are some in black robes sitting on federal benches all across this country.  They’re Democrats, Republicans, liberals and even conservatives that pervert the Constitution.” –  Paul Brown

“As long as judges tinker with the Constitution to “do what the people want” instead of what the document actually commands, politicians who pick and confirm new federal judges will naturally want only those who agree with them politically.” –  Antonin Scalia

“Take all the robes of all the good judges who have ever lived on the face of the earth, and they would not be large enough to cover the iniquity of one corrupt judge.” –  Henry Ward Beecher

My personal opinion is that Judge Emmet Sullivan is a disgrace to the bench regarding General Flynn’s case.  Why? Because he is denying all Brady evidence requested by defense counsel, Sidney Powell, just as he denied requests for a mistrial in the case of Senator Stevens, a conviction he later dismissed. Sullivan has tossed General Flynn’s claim that he was a victim of FBI misconduct and accused his attorneys of plagiarism, writing that they had used parts of a 2012 brief from the non-profit New York Council of Defense Lawyers without citing the verbatim borrowing.  Sidney Powell a plagiarist…he must have her confused with Joe Biden!!!

The Judge has set January 28th, 2020 for General Michael Flynn’s sentencing for a process crime based on a conversation he had with the Russian ambassador on December 29, 2016, seven weeks after the presidential election.

Sullivan relied heavily on the Mueller report and finds:

the case was adequately predicated and authorized by Rod Rosenstein; the original guilty plea to Judge Contreras was appropriately informed; the government followed all appropriate notifications for Brady material; the evidence of Flynn’s guilt is accurately demonstrable to the guilty plea Mr. Flynn accepted; and there was no prosecutorial misconduct.

Sullivan trusts Mueller (read that Andrew Weissmann, Mueller’s lead prosecutor) and Rod Rosenstein?  Weissman, the attorney who screwed up the entire Enron case and should have been disbarred?  Rosenstein, the temporary Attorney General under Jeff Sessions, the man who offered to wear a wire while speaking with President Trump?  The Department of Justice (DOJ) who has denied requested Brady materials over and over again?  And like so many other cases prosecuted by the DOJ, threats against the family to secure a plea of guilt. These Deep State impresarios are trustworthy? They are in fact licensed to lie!  Sullivan is obviously part and parcel of the same corrupt cadre of individuals we’ve seen in the Obama DOJ.

Has the judge not been listening to the phony impeachment hearings and reading the Inspector General’s report on the lies of the DOJ to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) courts?  Has he not read any of Attorney Sidney Powell’s briefs?  How about her book, Licensed to Lie, which extolled Sullivan’s actions overturning prosecutions?

Who appointed this judge?  Two Republican Presidents and one Democrat.  Sullivan was appointed to the bench of the Superior Court of the District of Columbia in 1984 by President Ronald Reagan, to the District of Columbia Court of Appeals as an Associate Judge in 1992 by President George H. W. Bush and to the federal bench in 1994 by President Bill Clinton.

Licensed to Lie

Judge Sullivan presided over the 2008 trial of U.S. Senator Ted Stevens, who was convicted of seven felony ethics violations. During the trial, the judge refused requests by the defense for a mistrial to be declared, after information was revealed that the prosecution had withheld exculpatory Brady material.  Eight days after the guilty verdict, Stevens narrowly lost his reelection bid, and without his vote against Obamacare, it passed.  Did the judge withhold the truth in Stevens case until he lost the election?

As more evidence of prosecutorial misconduct became known in early 2009, Judge Sullivan held four prosecutors in civil contempt of court, including Andrew Weissmann.  On April 1, 2009, following a Justice Department probe that found additional evidence of prosecutorial misconduct, the DOJ recommended that Stevens’ conviction be dismissed. Few people know that Robert Mueller oversaw the witch hunt against Senator Stevens.

Sidney Powell’s true legal thriller, Licensed to Lie, debunks everything the media and the government told us about the DOJ’s destruction and prosecution of the revered accounting firm Arthur Andersen, Merrill Lynch wealth management executives who did one business transaction with Enron, the purposeful destruction of Alaska Senator Ted Steven’s reputation, and even more.  DOJ attorneys continue to lie to Federal judges, and those judges continue to accept their blatant lies.

Those of us who have watched this corrupt circus and have researched this case know more about it than Sullivan does.  For nearly three years, the Flynn family has suffered the irrefutable FBI set up of this decorated military hero.  General Flynn was the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency and the Senior Military Intelligence Officer in the Department of Defense who never lied to anyone, including the FBI and VP Mike Pence.

And here we are again with the very same people in charge of destroying an innocent man’s life, a man who served his country with honor for 33 years, and in front of the same judge who is refusing to see the same criminal activity by the same Director of the FBI who served as Special Prosecutor in the phony Russian Collusion claim with sixteen Democratic Party operatives as investigators, including Andrew Weissmann who was held in civil contempt of court in a very similar case.

Senator Steven’s (R-AK) tainted prosecution was a clear case of DOJ meddling in a Senate election. General Flynn’s tainted prosecution is a clear case of the DOJ meddling in an effort to overturn a presidential election and influence the upcoming presidential election.

FBI Director Comey

It was FBI Director James Comey who sent two FBI agents to interview Flynn in order to trip him up over his phone call with the Russian Ambassador.  This is where the tin-pot dictator behavior of former FBI Director James Comey is fully displayed.  Diana West’s book, The Red Thread exposes Comey’s adoration of communist loving Reinhard Niebuhr, and his duplicitous actions against Donald Trump.

Sidney Powell filed a brief citing evidence that FBI Director Comey said “screw it” to longstanding FBI protocols that would have prevented the agents from interviewing the new National Security Advisor, General Flynn.

Agents Strzok and Pienka had the transcript of the General’s phone call to Russian Ambassador Kislyak, and their original 302 interview reports stated Michael Flynn did not lie about discussing Obama’s sanctions with the ambassador.

While answering questions in an interview he thought was inconsequential, Flynn did not have a strong recollection of his conversations with the ambassador.  In his defense, he did not believe he was sitting there to tell the FBI how the Trump Administration would be dealing with Russia going forward. The conversation was supposed to be about the election.  And of course, he didn’t think the FBI would compare transcripts of his conversations to his answers. That would be unlawful.

It was disclosed that General Flynn had told Trump’s transition team, i.e. VP Pence, that he never discussed sanctions with the Russian ambassador, which he really did not. The illegally unmasked transcripts, however, indicated that the subject had come up at one point, which was appropriate and legally proper. New administrations in transition can discuss their changed viewpoints from previous White House occupants, which is what General Flynn was hired to do as the new National Security Advisor.  Nevertheless, it was not discussed in detail…only mentioned.

Incredibly, the FBI amended its 302s (interview summaries) to suggest he lied.  Joel Pollak’s article in Breitbart states that the General’s lawyers allege that the DOJ’s Lisa Page actually changed the 302 reports. As his attorney, Sidney Powell points out, “The agents moved a sentence to make it seem to be an answer to a question it was not.” The words “FLYNN stated he did not” were added to the document.  A 25-year FBI agent, James Gagliano says that Comey’s FBI altered 302 summaries has done irreparable damage will take a generation to recover.

Powell demanded “the original or first draft of the FBI 302 of the interview of Mr. Flynn on January 24, 2017,” as well as “any records or documents that show everyone who made changes to that 302.”

She was correct when she said, “The government has continued to defy its
constitutional, ethical and legal obligations to this Court and to the defense
, and to hide evidence that it knows exonerates Mr. Flynn. As is the essence of the problem here, instead of protecting its citizens, the “government” is protecting its own criminal conduct and operatives.”

Facing certain financial destruction and a criminal proceeding that would have harmed his family, Flynn copped to a minor crime, lying to the FBI, to avoid a crucible.  I only wish Sidney Powell had been his defense from the beginning of this blatant attack on one of America’s finest.

Silence from AG Barr

Much of the Brady material requested by Flynn’s attorneys has not been declassified by Barr despite it being exculpatory evidence for General Flynn.  This denied exculpatory evidence could prove both his innocence and the FBI’s collusion to eliminate President Trump’s choice for National Security Advisor.  Read here and here.

It would only be fair to the General and to the public to see all the relative FBI evidence against Michael Flynn.  Even Senator Chuck Grassley wrote a letter to General Mattis, in August of 2017, regarding the declassification of specific documents related to public interest and fairness to General Flynn.

AG Barr has the authority and has been given the power to declassify the important documents from the DOJ and FBI regarding their motives to “investigate” General Flynn.  The prosecution of Michael Flynn is under Barr’s authority, and President Trump “delegated authority” to the Attorney General to determine IF anything should be declassified.  The President authorized Bill Barr to declassify any/all material that may be needed in the honest search for truth and justice.  And Bill Barr has done absolutely nothing.

Barr has actually gone to court to argue he is under no obligation to provide the declassified material to anyone, for anything and the DOJ has confirmed that the President is not requiring declassification of anything.  What is so damning is that none of the materials are in any way related to national security.  This is a sham and a protection factor for the DOJ Deep State. AG Barr is protecting the DOJ, not the life of an innocent man.

Prosecution Suppresses Evidence

In the ongoing case, United States v. Michael T. Flynn, the DOJ’s prosecution team did not turn over exculpatory evidence (Brady material) to General Flynn’s defense attorney.  Withholding exculpatory evidence from the defense is prosecutorial misconduct and the Flynn case is not the first time the DOJ has denied a defendant their constitutional rights.

The prosecution has willingly and knowingly suppressed key evidence that would prove the General’s innocence.  He is entitled to due process and to the disclosure of all evidence that would help his case, but the DOJ has not been forthcoming with those documents.

The General’s Constitutional rights were violated by FBI Director James Comey, Loretta Lynch’s Justice Department, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, and the Justice Department, including former Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah A. Curtis, who until September 27, 2019, was the lead DOJ attorney prosecuting General Flynn’s case.

Attorney Sidney Powell has stated that when FBI Director Comey met with President Trump, Comey did not inform President Trump that the FBI had already cleared General Flynn of any crime.


General Michael Flynn has served this nation and his president with honor.  He has lost everything at the very hands of the government he served for over 33 years.  He needs our help.  Please donate to the Michael Flynn Legal Defense Fund.

President Trump made clear to reporters at Mar-a-Lago how he felt about the prosecution of former aides. It is time for President Trump to act and to pardon General Flynn and his other supporters who have lost everything for supporting an outsider to make America great again.

The stench of corruption emanates from Obama’s DOJ and those within who aspired to destroy the will of America’s people.  Those who are guilty of treasonous crimes walk free, while the innocents suffer.

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In Israel and America — Choreographed Coups with the Law as a Prop

Despite the dramatic physical, societal and political differences between Israel and the US, in both countries a very similar—and disturbing—assault on the fabric of democracy is taking place

We cannot rely on an election to solve our problems. – Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY), House Judiciary Committee Chairman, Dec. 11, 2019, on the need to impeach President Donald Trump.

Every legal precedent must begin at some point…So, just because it involves the prime minister, we should delay the precedent for another time? – Shai Nitzan, Israel’s State Prosecutor, May 8, 2019, on the decision to indict PM Benjamin Netanyahu for bribery, on grounds unprecedented in any Western democracy.

Israel and the US are very different in many ways. Geographically, they are separated by the width of an ocean and the breadth of a continent. The population of the US is almost 40 times that of Israel’s and its land mass over 450 times bigger than that of the Jewish state. Israel was founded on an ethos of socialist collectivism; the US on an ethos of capitalist individualism.

There are also wide differences in the political systems of the two countries. The US has a bicameral legislature (the Senate and the House) while Israel has a uni-cameral one (the Knesset). In Israel, the composition of the legislature is determined by a nationwide multi-party election, in which the number of seats allotted each party is proportional to the number of votes it won, out of the total number cast; in the US it is determined on a state by state basis in which the winner takes all, and all votes for the loser are discarded. Israel has a parliamentary system in which the head of the executive branch is selected from the ranks of the legislature; the US has a presidential system in which the head of the executive branch is not a member of the legislature…

Clearly contrived and contorted

Yet despite the dramatic physical, societal and political differences between the two countries, a very similar—and disturbing—process is taking place in the polities of each of them.

In both countries, we are witnessing a blatant, thinly veiled attempt by a frustrated Left-of-Center opposition, fearing itself unable to unseat a duly elected Right-of-Center head of the executive branch via the polls, resorting to clearly contrived and contorted legal machinations to do so.

In Israel, the head of the executive branch, Prime Minister Netanyahu, has been submitted to an unrelenting drive to bring an indictment — any indictment — against him that has long exceeded the bounds of reasonable law enforcement.

This perverse and perturbing syndrome was succinctly portrayed by veteran pundit, Isi Leibler, in a piece entitled Dysfunctional Politics and Disgraceful Behavior. “Ever since he [Benjamin Netanyahu] was elected to lead the Likud and especially after he became prime minister, the mainstream media has ceaselessly sought to besmirch him and his family. No other democratic leader has been continuously vilified to such an extent. The liberal Israeli media has had more front-page coverage of Netanyahu’s alleged personal failings and vague accusations of corruption than coverage of the turbulent and bloody events in the region that threaten our very survival.”

Dogged for decades

Ever since his unexpected, razor-thin 1996 victory over Shimon Peres (then the left-leaning liberal establishment candidate for the premiership), Netanyahu has been hounded and harassed by his political rivals within Israel’s entrenched civil society elites—and subjected to a maelstrom of allegations that range from the petty to the preposterous.

For two decades, he has been assailed by the self-appointed bon-ton set, who saw him as an impudent upstart usurper of their divinely ordained right to govern.

As their astonished disbelief morphed into visceral rage, a cavalcade of charges was unleashed, admonishing him (and/or his spouse) for irregular use of garden furniture, the employment of an electrician, the proceeds from the sale of recycled bottles; payments to a moving contractor, an inflated ice cream bill (no kidding), the cost of his wife’s coiffure, meals ordered for the official PM residence from restaurants; and expenses involving the care of his ailing 96 year old father-in-law…

Significantly, the recriminations against him rarely — if ever — related to the way he discharged the duties of the office to which he was elected.

Finally, in November of this year, Netanyahu was indicted on three counts of breach of trust and one count of bribery. As I have pointed out elsewhere, prima facie, the charges seem anything but compelling and indeed have been excoriated by an impressive array of internationally renowned legal experts as being wildly inappropriate and posing a serious danger for democratic governance in the future.

But not only legal experts appear dubious as to the substantive merit of the indictments. Indeed, as the continuing widespread support for Netanyahu underscores, many in the general public remain unconvinced on this matter. Understandably, for a layman, one’s sense of puzzlement and skepticism is inevitably increased by the fact that the State Prosecution has as good as admitted that Netanyahu could not be indicted on the basis of well-established legal practice—and to do so, new legal precedents needed to be invoked—see introductory excerpt.

Similar sentiments were expressed recently by Aharon Gerber, deputy head of the Kohelet Policy Forum’s legal department. He writes: “The prime minister’s opponents are willing to disregard the Basic Laws as they try to set legal precedent that will send him home; it’s no wonder that public confidence in the rule of law has been greatly diminished.

He goes on to note: “The widespread support awarded to Netanyahu despite his indictment exposes an issue that will not go away when his legal battles are over.”

According to Gerber: “Most of his supporters … have already lost their faith in the justice system. Deviation from the Basic Laws and the creation of a legal precedent fuels public rage”.

He suggests: “The solution is to apply the natural boundaries of legal discourse”, and warns: “…Any attempt to deviate from the norm by creating ad-hoc legal standards will not lead to a model society, but rather an anarchic one.”

Impeachment preordained

On the other side of the Atlantic, a very similar farcical fiasco has been unfolding.

In the US, the duly elected Right-of Center head of the executive branch, President Donald Trump, has also been under sustained assault by his Left-of-Center opposition, which is attempting to remove him from office by means other than the ballot box.

Of course, since Trump has not been involved in politics as long as Netanyahu, he has not been hounded and harassed for decades as has the Israeli prime minister. However, he has had the specter of impeachment brandished at him almost from the moment he stepped into the political arena.

Indeed, as early as April 2016 (some seven months before the elections and almost ten months prior to his inauguration), Politico reported: “Donald Trump isn’t even the Republican nominee yet. But “Impeachment” is already on the lips of pundits, newspaper editorials, constitutional scholars, and even a few members of Congress.”

It thus appears that an endeavor to unseat Trump was virtually preordained—even before he could commit any act as president —whether praiseworthy or pernicious—that could even be remotely considered meriting impeachment.

Similarly, on the very day of his inauguration (January, 20, 2017), the Washington Post ran a piece headlined, The campaign to impeach President Trump has begun, in which it cited Anthony D. Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union as saying:  “We think that President Trump will be in violation of the Constitution … on day one…”

Rashida’s “refined” rhetoric

The premature pursuit of impeachment continued virtually unabated thereafter.

For example, just two weeks after Trump taking office, Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters tweeted: “Today, I told @cheddar [a video news service] that my greatest desire was to lead @realDonaldTrump right into impeachment.”

Likewise, barely six months into his presidency, Democratic Representatives Brad Sherman (California) and Al Green (Texas) initiated formal impeachment charges against Trump (see here  and here).

Then there was radical freshman, Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), who shortly after being sworn in to the House of Representatives following the November 2018 elections, set out the mission to which she had dedicated herself. With her uniquely “refined” rhetoric, she told a cheering crowd: “… we’re gonna go in there and impeach the motherfucker.”

As time passed, the clamor for impeachment persisted. Tlaib’s cronies in the infamous radical “Squad of Four”, including Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN)  joined in the witch-hunt . Similarly, in April 2019, the current contender for the Democratic presidential nomination, Elizabeth Warren  called for the impeachment of Trump—after opposing it only several months previously, in the hope that the Mueller Report would produce damning proof of impeachable offences, hopes that were soon to be dashed.

“…compelling, overwhelming and bipartisan”???

To be fair to the Democrats, initially, the party’s mainstream establishment was loath to pursue impeachment—as illustrated by the reluctance of the Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca). In a wide-ranging Washington Post interview in March this year, headlined, “Nancy Pelosi on Impeaching Trump: ‘He’s Just Not Worth It’, she excoriated Trump, pronouncing: I don’t think he’s fit to be president of the United States. [He is] ethically unfit. Intellectually unfit. Curiosity-wise unfit”.

However, despite all this, she shied away from endorsing impeachment as being too divisive. She stated explicitly: “I’m not for impeachment. Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country”, adding dismissively: “And he’s just not worth it.”

In this regard, it is intriguing to compare Rep. Jerold Nadler’s (D-N.Y.) reticence regarding the prudence of impeachment prior to his selection as Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee with his current zeal in pursing it (see opening excerpt). Thus, in December 2017, Nadler warned against doing precisely what he later embraced with such partisan fervor: “There’s not much point in impeaching a president and having him acquitted in the Senate as happened with Clinton.”

He added: “If you are actually going to remove a president from office, you are in effect nullifying the last election”, cautioning: “Certainly the people who voted for him will think you’re nullifying the election…

According to Nadler: “It may be necessary to do that —as long as you have persuaded a sufficient fraction of the president’s former supporters, the people who voted for him, that you have to, that it’s necessary.”

Uncompelling, underwhelming, and partisan

However, with the passage of time and the accumulation of Trump’s policy successes, the Democrats began to despair—and, the more sober elements began to cave into pressure from the more radical ones in the party—eventually adopting the very path they advocated avoiding.

Thus, Pelosi embraced an impeachment endeavor that was anything but “compelling, overwhelming and bipartisan” as she prescribed, while Nadler rode roughshod over the very caveats he himself articulated—attempting to nullify elections without enlisting an iota of support from the Trump electorate or the Republican Party. Moreover, there is no realistic prospect that the president will be ousted by the Republican-dominated Senate—rendering the entire impeachment initiative, headed by Nadler, pointless by the self-same criterion he himself laid out.

Accordingly, any fair-minded analysis of the motivations behind the Netanyahu indictment and the Trump impeachment will swiftly reveal them to be far more a pursuit of power rather than a pursuit of justice –in which political rivals, frustrated by a recalcitrant electorate, turn to the disingenuous and manipulative use of the law to achieve what their political platforms, personalities and performance could not.

In this sense, both are little more than a blatant attempt to choreograph a coup, with the law as no more than a prop on their political stage.

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RELATED ARTICLE: GOP predicts bipartisan acquittal at Trump impeachment trial

Soviet Fascism Attacks America Via Democrat Party

If you are familiar with Russian history, you understand what is going on in America in 2019. An attempt to foment Socialist Revolution here by America’s Socialist mafia has surfaced over the last three years. You could see it in the Christmas season on the floor of the Congress. Don’t be surprised—the Russian Socialist Revolution began in the Russian Duma (Parliament) in 1917, the same way. Under democratic slogans, using fraud and deceit in the Duma, Lenin and his Bolshevik faction began the Socialist Revolution in Russia in 1917. The surprise is that America’s Democrat Party repeated these exact tactics to destroy the American Republic left to us by our Founding Fathers—supporting Putin’s KGB, which has been doing that since the 20th century. Read my column: …and the KGB in the White House, June 1, 2017

The Mechanism of Infiltration by Stalinist Actors

Pelosi, rushed to orchestrate President Trump’s impeachment, to cement it further: she knew that the smear of Trump was coming from Christianity Today—all under control and calculation of the KGB. We have been dealing with a criminal cabal of Stalinist Charlatans under the KGB’s supervision since the 20th century. Is now the time to expose the corrupt Dems and their fellow travelers in the media who collaborated with them? Emphatically, yes! My books and columns described them all for you using new terms—America’s Socialist mafia and Soviet Fascism. One more time, I present you Stalinist Charlatans and main tactics and methods of the KGB:

1.   Stalinist infiltrators have always worked hard to steal our military secrets and they were very successful in the 1940s. “As the top-secret plan to build the bomb, called the Manhattan Project, took shape in the United States, Soviet spies got wind of it from their Washington infiltrators before the FBI knew of the secret program’s existence. Barely four years after the United States dropped two atomic bombs on Japan in August 1945, the Soviet Union detonated its own in August 1949, much sooner than expected.” Spies Who Spilled Atomic Bomb Secrets, Smithsonian magazine, by Marian Smith Holmes, April 19, 2009. Nothing much has changed since then—except the methods of infiltration have quadrupled the theft using new technology during this era of Soviet Fascism.

2. I couldn’t believe my eyes when in the 21st century when I found the pamphlet titled Message to the Black Movement, A Political Statement from the Black Underground. It was designed by the KGB to inflame the black underground in America in 1960th. If I’ll describe the document, you would not believe me, therefore, I want you to see for yourself the language of the KGB and origin of the notion of “White Oppressors” that affected several generations of Black America in a very negative way. Just look at Detroit, Chicago, and Congressional Black Cocause. I am constantly reminding you in my writing about WW III–an asymmetrical war targeting successful capitalism. It is Soviet Fascism waging this war on American soil inflamed by the Dems (also known as Demsheviks) in collaboration with the KGB, which almost succeeded…

There was another battle in this war orchestrated by the KGB. I described it in my books and columns, but I have to repeat it again, as everybody is ignoring it.

3. The Clinton Mafia was created by the mutual dealings of Clinton with the KGB. It was the Andropov/Clinton conspiracy, the reciprocal doings to protect the criminal activities of the conspiracy. Clinton helped Andropov to transform our social media by ideological politicization and by favoring active KGB political operatives as journalists. Clinton appointed leftist Judges to infiltrate our Justice System and yes-men to our intelligence and security agencies with the corrupt intent to politicize and polarize their lawful functioning, to further the Andropov vison for America. In response, the KGB tried to help Clinton in many events, described in my books: the events in 1998 were the best evidence of that:

“There is another event that deserves attention and deep thinking about the Clinton Mafia. Do you remember Monica’s “blue dress?” I have found an interesting chronology connected to the “blue dress” in 1998. The FBI asked for Clinton’s blood sample to compare it with the sperm’s stain on the “blue dress,” three days later the terrorists committed two tragic blasts on American Embassies in Africa. Don’t tell me about the coincidences in life. It was the “work” of the Russian connection to divert your attention from Clinton and “the blue dress.” P. 186, Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obama, and Sanders, Xlibris, 2016.

By the way, Clinton’s mafia includes the Clinton-appointed Judges, who adhere to the ideology of Soviet Fascism. You saw their actions against Trump’s agenda, blocking it—anti-Trump activity is their creed. Alas, Justice Roberts is wrong, he is not aware of my books and new terms in our lives, he doesn’t feel a constant attempt by the Stalinist Charlatans in the Deep State to destroy our political system. I did, calling the Clinton Foundation “the eyes and ears of the KGB.” I am stunned it has not been exposed yet. Where is our FBI and the experts of Soviet Fascism? None of three Directors of the FBI would verify the Trump/Dossier as a fake—a joint CIA/KGB production. What a Shame!!!

President Obama inherited the Clinton mafia that was installed in the Washington bureaucracy, and as an orthodox Socialist settled and developed America’s Socialist mafia. I have not a scintilla of doubt about Barack Obama Socialist orthodoxy. Frank Marshall Davis, Obama’s ‘Communist mentor’ was a KGB agent like the well-known Saul Alinsky. They were Stalinist Charlatans preaching and inculcating the Socialist/Communist ideology across America in both the 20th and 21st centuries. Actually, I have no quarrel with Fact Checker: Frank Marshall Davis: Obama’s ‘Communist mentor’?  By Michelle Ye Hee Lee, March 23, 2015. Yet, I know Russian Security Services better than the author, I’ve written about them using the term KGB for the last thirty years.

The recent Witch Hunt to impeach President Trump is the creation of these forces in collaboration with America’s Socialist mafia, run by Barack Obama. Though Socialism has collapsed in the country it was born, Stalinist Charlatans are wrapping themselves in the old slogans and sabotaging, undermining, and destroying America the Beautiful in the era of Soviet Fascism. Infiltrating every corner of our society: government, culture, business, academia, sports, and media they have manipulated your mind, constantly attacking America’s values and Institutions. I dedicated my two books to show you the enormous damage done by that criminal cabal to our country. Read What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction. Xlibris, 2012, and Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders. Xlibris, 2016

4. Like Adolf Hitler, Stalin was a zealous Anti-Semite, he hated established of the Israeli State in 1948. Researching Stalinism and Anti-Semitism seventy years later in America, I found the major Anti-Semite zealot of his day. The Great Mufti of Jerusalem Haj el-Hosseini was an Egyptian and a member of the Muslim Brotherhood: their close connection with Nazi Germany was established in the 1930s. The German Army had an Arab Division of “SS” that participated in WW II. The Grand Mufti got an audience with Adolf Hitler in 1941. Look at the photo: Adolf Hitler talking to Grand Mufti Haj Amin el Hussein.

Though the Nazi’s were defeated in the war, Stalin invited the Great Mufti of Jerusalem Haj el-Hosseini to the Kremlin to celebrate Stalin’s birthday in 1949. Thereafter the Muslim Brotherhood moved its headquarters from Berlin to Moscow taking directions from the Kremlin ever since. Stalin’s global design and love for Muslim culture presented a real opportunity for him to bring that culture to fruition. Soviet intelligence structured the Muslim Brotherhood as a Politburo of the Islamic World with many branches across the World. Today, in the era of Soviet Fascism you know the names of those branches: Al-Qaeda, Al-Shabaab, Boko Haram, Taliban, ISIS, Hezbollah, Hamas, and many others under Russian supervision…

An expert agrees with me. Please, read an opinion of the former KGB member, who defected to the West, Konstantin Preobrazhensky:

“A key distinction between Russian and American attitudes towards Islamic terrorism is that while for America terrorism is largely seen as an exterior menace, Russia uses terrorism as an object as a tool of the state for manipulation in and outside the home country. Islamic terrorism is only part of the world of terrorism. Long before Islamic terrorism became a global threat, the KGB had used terrorism to facilitate the victory of world Communism. This leads to the logical connection between Russian and Islamic terrorism.” Russia and Islam are not Separate, Published by Gerard Group International, Intel Analyses, and August 31, 2007

Soviet Fascism Animates the Obama/Putin Conspiracy

To prove the crime committed against the American Republic, I want to discuss one man—the CIA Director, John Brennon. He was voting for a communist candidate in the 1970s, yet Obama appointed him to lead the CIA. In my book, this man is a very dangerous one for the American Republic…

As a matter of fact, a lot of Socialist and KGB’s methods have been implemented in the U.S. during the last three decades, especially the last eight years of Obama’s administration under Brennon’s CIA. To prove my point I’d like to present the actions of the Obama/Putin Conspiracy. The following list represents military collaboration within the Obama/Putin Conspiracy during all eight years of Brennon’s leading the events:

  1. Killing of Bin-Laden
  2. Invasion of Libya, conspiracy of Obama, Putin, and French President Sarkozy.
  3. Benghazi, murder of the U.S. ambassador Stevens in the operation to provide arms to Russia’s satellites Assad’s Syria and Iran.
  4. “On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan. The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American specialists … Fifteen of the Navy SEALs that were killed were members of the Naval… “
  5. The return of deserter Bergdahl from Afghanistan to release five Taliban’s commanders, an event orchestrated by the KGB.

Two points: As usual, Russia is running the Taliban and needed the return of several famous commanders imprisoned in America. The deal was manufactured by Brennon using the family of a mentally unstable individual. The killing of Bin-Laden has factual evidence of the Russian connection. Do you remember when our patriots in CIA found Bin-Laden? Did you also know that the operation was delayed for several weeks by Brennon, to give the KGB time to clean Bin-Laden computer from the evidence of Russia’s ties?

Soviet Fascism Never Sleeps

Too many Americans have been killed, injured, and suffered by the treasonous conduct of Stalinist Charlatans! They have contempt for the American people and our Constitution. They trivialize the Constitutional concept of impeachment to cover up the crime they themselves had committed. The time has come to expose them and bring them to Justice for their crimes against the American Republic. The goddess-Themis is blushing in wrath, demanding Justice. The Witch Hunts and impeachment drama will never end until we act. We are watching a Stalinist method of diverting attention from the heinous crime committed by the Dems’ leadership, and the leadership of the FBI and CIA. The Socialist Revolution is underway in America… We must stop it!

A calculated control and design to transform America to Socialism was started by KGB Chairman Yuri Andropov in the late 1960s. He designed a plan to attack America by simultaneously infiltrating all of America’s Security Services and the media. Writing about him, I called his plan—Operation Barbarossa. Today, fifty years later, his devoted disciple Vladimir Putin hysterically laughs: what Andropov designed in the 1960s was almost delivered to him by America’s so-called Democrats, also known as Demsheviks. Here is more of Andropov’s legacy: of 22 Dems candidates for the U.S. presidency, there are 6 candidates sponsored by the KGB and Georg Soros, the primary KGB agent attacking America. Those candidates have contempt for Americans, yet, they are lecturing us on Christianity, morality, democracy and purity. Do you recognize some of them? The FBI is incapable to do the job and defend us… God help us!!!

My fellow Americans! President Donald J. Trump is the first President in history confronting the ideology of Soviet fascism globally. God bless President Donald J. Trump! God bless America the Beautiful now and forever!!!

Happy and Healthy New Year to us America’s Patriots!

To be continued and at

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RELATED ARTICLE: Democrats’ Stalingrad: The Tide Has Turned on Impeachment

Here’s When Kelly Loeffler Will Be Sworn In As A US Senator

A date has been announced for the swearing-in of businesswoman Kelly Loeffler, who is set to become the newest Republican in the Senate.

Loeffler will be sworn in as a United States senator on Jan. 6, a spokesperson confirmed to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The soon-to-be junior senator from Georgia is replacing outgoing GOP Sen. Johnny Isakson, who announced earlier this year that he’d be leaving office due to his ailing health.

The financial executive — who was chosen by Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp after months of reviewing applications — has pledged to enter office with a fierce conservative agenda.

“I’m a life-long conservative, pro-Second Amendment, pro-Trump, pro-military, and pro-wall,” Loeffler said during an event at the state capitol earlier this month, where Kemp formally announced her as his pick for the Senate. “I make no apologies for my conservative values, and I look forward to supporting President Trump’s conservative judges.”

The swearing-in date likely means Loeffler will be entering the Senate just as the entire country begins to watch the upper chamber of Congress: Jan. 6 is the first official work day of the Senate, and Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has already set the entire month open in preparation for President Donald Trump’s impeachment hearings. Impeachment could be the businesswoman’s first consequential vote.

Loeffler — a co-owner of Georgia’s WNBA team, the Atlanta Dream, and CEO of Bakkt — has already indicated that she will vote against the Democratic-led effort to remove Trump from the White House.

“Kelly Loeffler will stand with our president, Senator Perdue, and their allies in the House and Senate to keep America great,” Kemp said at the introduction ceremony. “She will end this impeachment circus in Washington, and get Congress back to working for the people of our country.”

The upcoming senator is expected to serve on the Veterans Affairs, Agriculture, and the Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committees. Her appointment will make David Perdue, also a Republican, the senior senator of the state.

Loeffler’s navigation through the Senate hallways will just be her first hurdles as she enters the political scene. She will have to immediately prepare for election in 2020, as Democrats have become increasingly aggressive in Georgia, and Republican Rep. Doug Collins has not yet ruled out a primary challenge.

However, Kemp chose Loeffler because he believes she is the best individual to win back many of the suburban female voters in the state who have left the GOP since the beginning of the Trump-era. The successful businesswoman is also ready to drop millions of her own money to support her candidacy.



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