Ferguson: A DNC Community Organizing Operation?

No media outlet in America wants to report the full unfettered truth about the Ferguson Missouri riots over the death of Michael Brown, because they would be lynching the Obama administration and the Democrat Party if they did.

The case facts that caused the Missouri Grand Jury to forgo any criminal charges against Officer Darren Wilson have gone largely unreported by the American news media, which makes the news media directly complicit in politically motivated efforts to distort the truth and incite further violence and riots.

The known facts are as follows:

  • Michael Brown was a known criminal thug in the area
  • Brown had just strong-arm robbed a local convenience store moments earlier
  • Officer Wilson was on duty when he noticed Brown matching the description of the person who had just robbed the local store, walking down the street
  • When Officer Wilson stopped the two men, Brown was attempting to disarm Officer Wilson through the window of the cop car when he sustained a gunshot wound to the hand during the struggle
  • Brown’s blood was found inside the police cruiser as a result
  • Brown then tried to flee the scene, until Officer Wilson left his cruiser and attempted to stop the two men
  • Brown then tried to charge Officer Wilson and Wilson fired several rounds into Brown in self-defense.
  • Brown continued his efforts to charge Officer Wilson even after receiving several gunshot wounds, at which point Office Wilson discharged his side arm again, the final shot leaving Brown dead from a head wound
  • Numerous locals came forward and offered “eye witness” testimony against Officer Wilson
  • Three independent autopsies were performed with identical results, all of them proving the early “eye witness testimony” against Wilson to be false
  • The so-called “eye witnesses” later recanted their false testimony before the Grand Jury due to the autopsy results. None were arrested for providing false testimony to the Grand Jury under perjury statutes
  • A number of the “eye witnesses” were later confirmed to not be present during the event at all
  • Brown’s stepfather, Louis Head, is a known drug dealer in the area, and he openly called to “burn this b*tch down” – Head is now under investigation
  • Credible death threats against Officer Wilson, his family and the chief of police caused Wilson to resign from the Ferguson Police Department after no charges were brought by the Grand Jury

It is on the basis of these facts that the Missouri Grand Jury was unable to arrive at any charges of criminal intent or activity against Officer Wilson. However, because the American news media has failed to report these facts, and the Democrat Party has chosen to bury these facts in their efforts to incite riots, looting, arson and violence, the so-called protests are still spreading across America.

Upon returning from Thanksgiving recess, Democrat members of congress took the fraudulent march to the floor of the House in a “hands up don’t shoot” demonstration. Meanwhile, members of the teachers unions and their students walked out of more than fifty high schools across the country in their perpetuation of the fraudulent protest.

Even the NFL St. Louis Rams joined in the fraudulent protest during a game last Sunday, in which Head Coach Jeff Fisher falsely proclaimed that his players were simply “exercising their rights of free speech.” The insane demonstration of gross ignorance and disdain for the rule of law was immediately condemned by the St. Louis Police Association.

Of course, with a growing rate of thug incidents from within the NFL, what white head coach would dare attempt to sit his thug players down and shut them up?

How did a movement based upon total fraud spread so fast and so far across America as the result of one legal and justified police shooting of one criminal thug in little ole Ferguson Missouri?

The Movement behind the Movement

Working in concert with the Democrat Party and the Obama Administration, the following organizations represent the movement behind the movement:

  1. The Revolutionary Communist Party USA
  2. The Democratic Socialists of America
  3. The Communist Party USA
  4. The Socialist Party USA
  5. NetRoots Nation by Van Jones
  6. Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam
  7. Hands Up United
  8. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton

For a complete understanding of the real movement behind this movement, take some time to review a four hour video presentation from the pulpit at Riverside Church, by head of the Revolutionary Communist Party Bob Avakian and Communist Princeton Professor Cornel West.

In short, the Michael Brown Ferguson shooting has been co-opted by a very well organized and funded communist mass chaos community organizing operation directly connected to the Democrat Party and Obama Administration.

Just yesterday, members of these groups met with the Obama White House in what was labeled a Ferguson Summit which included activists from these orgs and administration cabinet members.

Ferguson has nothing to do with the wrongful death of an innocent black youth. That youth was a 300lb grown man, a criminal, a thug and he attempted to disarm and kill an on-duty police officer after robbing a local convenience store.

Ferguson is just one of many incidents co-opted by these anti-American communist organizations for the purpose of political agendas connected to today’s Democrat Party.


Working together, these organizations have openly called for mass chaos, destruction of property, looting, arson and violence against American citizens as a means of advancing their stated anti-American goals to destroy and dismantle the U.S. Constitution and Republican form of government it forms.

In fact, these groups have worked together to draft a new proposed 104 page Constitution for the New Socialist America. They have written, published, distributed and promoted anti-American propaganda with the open stated intent to subvert and overthrow the U.S. Constitutional Republic in products such as Communism: The Beginning of a New Stage, a new manifesto for transitioning the United States into a central communist power form of government. Is this the “fundamental change” Obama promised everyone he would usher in during his administration?

Yes, it is… The act of presenting any document aimed at replacing our Constitution and Bill of Rights alone, is an open subversive act against the United States and the American people.

These groups are behind Obama’s Illegal Immigration actions, Common Core school curriculums and the new age Global Evangelical movement spreading from church to church across America and the world via cultish discipleship community organizing operations, also directly associated with these groups. As Spectator presented in a recent column, They are ALL in this Together

Is it just “free speech” protected by our Bill of Rights?

No, it isn’t. It is a direct violation of U.S. laws concerning any effort to overthrow our Constitution or our Constitutional form of government. They are often referred to as “professional agitators.”

Under Title 18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Federal statutes deal with these types of activities under the label “Advocating Overthrow of our Government.”

“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or

Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or

Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof—

Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

If two or more persons conspire to commit any offense named in this section, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.

As used in this section, the terms “organizes” and “organize”, with respect to any society, group, or assembly of persons, include the recruiting of new members, the forming of new units, and the regrouping or expansion of existing clubs, classes, and other units of such society, group, or assembly of persons.” (18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government)

The Simple Solution

The simple solution is the immediate and vigorous enforcement of 18 U.S. Code § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government statutes. Simple doesn’t mean easy though…

However, the simple solution is complicated by the fact that many of the individuals directly associated with these groups and anti-American activities currently hold political positions in the White House, the Department of Justice and countless other Obama cabinet positions.

All of these organizations and many others like them, including but not limited to all of the George Soros orgs that have spent billions in an effort to destroy the U.S. Constitutional Republic, must be shut down immediately and prosecuted under 18 U.S. Code § 2385.

In 1938, the Democrat controlled U.S. House created a Committee on un-American Activities originally aimed at identifying and dealing with Nazi infiltrators or sympathizers residing within the United States. After the end of WWII, the focus of the committee changed during the 1950s from seeking Nazi infiltrators and sympathizers to those of the communist variety.

The threat to U.S. national security had changed post-WWII. That House Committee was later renamed The Committee on Internal Security by a Democrat controlled Congress in 1969. It continued to operate without any actions until 1975, when another Democrat controlled Congress closed down the House Committee.

However, the U.S. statutes concerning un-American Activities, conspiracy, treason and conspiracy to commit treason all remain and the force and function of the Committee on un-American Activities did not vanish upon the closing of the committee. The force and function of that committee were transferred to the House Judiciary Committee, now controlled by Republicans and Chaired by Rep. Bob Goodlatte.

The House Judiciary Committee has congressional oversight and authority concerning the enforcement of U.S. Code: Title 18 – Crimes and Criminal Procedures, including § 2385 – Advocating overthrow of Government§ 2381 – Treason and § 2382 – Misprision of treason.

Because Barack Obama has filled every administration cabinet position with co-conspirators, including the current Attorney General of the United States and head of the Department of Justice Eric Holder, it falls to the Judiciary Committee with House oversight to remedy the most dangerous circumstance in American history.

The enemy is not at the gate — they are seated in the highest offices of the U.S. Government, throughout our news media, atop academia and wormed all the way down to the lowest levels of politics and law enforcement. We have an absolute constitutional crisis on our hands.

The Recovery Flash Point

These people have not yet stood on the lawn of the people’s White House to openly burn the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. As a result, most Americans still live under a false sense of security that they, their families and their rights are protected by these documents.

But these documents have not been upheld or enforced in America for decades. Every day Americans watch their elected servants ignore, subvert, overrule and/or openly destroy the constitutional system of self-governance prescribed in the U.S. Constitution and further protected by the Bill of Rights.

Still, until they actually see these anti-American thugs strike a match to these historical documents once and for all, they won’t believe that they are gone. As a result, no flash point for real patriotism has yet been reached.

Unlike third world countries run by tin horn dictators, where the flash point is very near the surface for every tyrannized citizen because no constitution or bill of rights exists, they don’t even have shoes or food much less weapons to fight back and they have only the hope they are willing to die for…. Americans live under the false sense of security that their founding documents protect them from such evils, even though every American knows that these rights have been taken from them little-by-little over the past several years.

America is not currently a constitutional republic, even though that’s what our Founders created and passed on to us. It is a socialist country via fraudulent democratic process and every American who is even half awake knows it.

They are not yet moved to action however, because the price of directly addressing this disaster will be high. After decades of neglect by those who were to be forever vigilant, our nation is no longer free, it is no longer secure and it is no longer prosperous.

House Republicans can stop all of it, they are in charge and they have constitutional oversight authority for all of it. They can close down every un-American organization in America tomorrow under existing U.S. laws. They can and should impeach the entire Obama regime tomorrow morning without a single Democrat vote in the House and they know that they should.

But nothing good will happen in America until “the people” demand it. And the people will never demand it so long as they remain comfortable under the false sense of security that documents that have not been upheld or enforced in decades somehow protect them from the very tyranny they witness every day under the Obama regime.

We have adequate laws…. We have a Constitution and a Bill of Rights. House Republicans hold the power and the people have every reason under the sun to force action from their House Republicans.

Still, we sit waiting for a “flash point” that will motivate every American to real action. As a result, congress waits to be forced into action by the people.

So long as this remains the case, anti-American communists will continue to dismantle our Constitutional Republic right in front of the American people with complete impunity. Only when the people decide to enforce their Constitution and Bill of Rights will they once again have these Rights and protections.

America is currently run by anti-American thugs… But the people allow it to continue. They need only force House Republicans to act… IMPEACHMENT IS THE FIRST STEP without which, there is nothing the people can do to recover control of their country.

Democratic Socialists are ORGANIZING FOR BATTLE – and if the American people don’t do the same, there will be no battle, just quiet acceptance. The pro-American rally points are Patriots Union and Veteran Defenders of America. Get there and get engaged!

I have no idea if or when the people will ever do that, but they are fast running out of time and opportunity. There is a point of no return…

Pope says it is wrong to equate Islam with violence

The key question here is, Who is responsible for equating Islam with violence? Islamic jihadists, or non-Muslim “Islamophobes”? Islamic supremacist groups in the West, backed by the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), constantly pretend that the latter are responsible, when the whole world knows it’s the former.

“Pope says it is wrong to equate Islam with violence,” by Philip Pullella, Reuters, November 30, 2014:

Pope Francis said on Sunday that equating Islam with violence was wrong and called on Muslim leaders to issue a global condemnation of terrorism to help dispel the stereotype.

There are plenty of Muslim condemnations of terrorism now. What we do not see is Muslim action against terrorism, or Muslims teaching against the view of Islam espoused by the terrorists.

Francis, the leader of 1.2 billion Roman Catholics, told reporters aboard his plane returning from a visit to Turkey that he understood why Muslims were offended by many in the West who automatically equated their religion with terrorism.

Again, who is responsible for this equation? Non-Muslims who keep up with the jihad news, or the Muslims who make that news?

Francis’ predecessor, Benedict XVI, caused storms of protest throughout the Islamic world in 2006, when he made a speech that suggested to many Muslims that he believed Islam espoused violence.

Benedict said he had been misunderstood and apologized. But this year, the image of a violent religion has once more been promoted by Islamic State, who have seized swathes of Syria and Iraq, slaughtering or driving out Shi’ite Muslims, Christians and others who do not share their radical brand of Sunni Islam.

The Argentine pope, who has been trying to foster cooperation with moderate Islam in order to work for peace and protect Christians in the Middle East, said it was wrong for anyone to react to terrorism by being “enraged” against Islam.

Indeed. Becoming “enraged” is pointless. Become aware, and taking action to defend freedom and human rights — that is what is needed.

“You just can’t say that, just as you can’t say that all Christians are fundamentalists. We have our share of them (fundamentalists). All religions have these little groups,” he said.

Do they really? Where, then, are the Christians screaming “Jesus is Lord” as they slit the throats of non-Christians? Where are the Christian or Jewish or Hindu or Buddhist counterparts to those who committed the 20,000+ jihad terror attacks worldwide since 9/11?

And who is saying that all Muslims are fundamentalists or terrorists? This is just a straw man.

“They (Muslims) say: ‘No, we are not this, the Koran is a book of peace, it is a prophetic book of peace’.”

The Qur’an has a specific content. It can be read. Mainstream Islamic commentaries on it can also be read. None of this supports the idea that the Qur’an is a book of peace. Has the Pope read it?

Francis said he had made the suggestion of a global condemnation of terrorism by Islamic leaders in talks on Friday with Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan.

“I told the president that it would be beautiful if all Islamic leaders, whether they are political, religious or academic leaders, would speak out clearly and condemn this because this would help the majority of Muslim people,” he said.

Francis several times condemned Islamic State’s insurgents during his three-day trip. On the plane, he said some Christians had been forced to abandon everything: “They are driving us out of the Middle East.”

In an address at a Mass on Sunday, he said Islamic State were committing a “profoundly grave sin against God” and called for inter-religious dialogue and action against poverty to help end the conflicts in the region.

He added that ending poverty was crucial, partly because it gave rise to “the recruitment of terrorists”. Francis has in the past said that, while it is lawful for the international community to use force to stop an “unjust aggressor”, lasting solutions must be found that tackle the root causes of violence.

Study after study has shown that poverty doesn’t cause terrorism, and that jihadis are generally wealthier and better educated than their peers. CNS News noted in September 2013 that “according to a Rand Corporation report on counterterrorism, prepared for the Office of the Secretary of Defense in 2009, ‘Terrorists are not particularly impoverished, uneducated, or afflicted by mental disease. Demographically, their most important characteristic is normalcy (within their environment). Terrorist leaders actually tend to come from relatively privileged backgrounds.’ One of the authors of the RAND report, Darcy Noricks, also found that according to a number of academic studies, ‘Terrorists turn out to be more rather than less educated than the general population.’”


Egypt: Islamic jihadists burn down four shops owned by Christians

On Facebook, Muslim cleric preaches killing of women and children

Jihadists plotted to blow up 5 passenger planes in Christmas “spectacular”

Nigeria: Islamic jihadists raid Christian town, throw bombs into houses

New York Times reporters who released Officer Darren Wilson’s address have their addresses made public


Julie Bosman and Campbell Robertson.

Two New York Times reporters posted Police Officer Darren Wilson’s home address while marauding mobs looted and burned innocent folks homes and business in Ferguson, Missouri. These mobs of criminals want to find Officer Wilson. They fired guns into the air causing the FAA to re-route air traffic around Lambert-St. Louis International Airport and burned cars. The posting by New York Times reporters of Officer Wilson’s home address placed the life of Darren Wilson and his new wife in grave danger.

The two New York Times reporters who released Officer Wilson’s address are: Julie Bosman and Campbell Robertson. Bosman and Robertson have now had their addresses posted on the web and on social media. Their addresses are:

Julia Bosman.
5620 N. Wayne Avenue, Apt. 2
Chicago, IL 60660-4204

Campbell Robertson
1113 N. Dupre Street
New Orleans, LA 70119-3203

Reporter Julia Bosman now wants police protection and has been calling the Chicago police nonstop. According to our source Bosman, “keeps calling the 20th District Chicago Police station complaining about people harassing and threatening her.” She’s also “complaining about numerous food deliveries being sent to her residence.” Well pizza is good on these cold days.

How does it feel Ms. Bosman to have your personal information revealed? What’s good for the goose is good for the gander?

RELATED ARTICLE: Seattle Muslim arrested for threats to murder Darren Wilson

Birth of a Movement: ‘I am Darren Wilson’

There is a growing concern among law enforcement officers, as they face daily the criminal elements in their communities, that their political bosses, chain-of-command and communities are no supporting them. Police officers are concerned that they will be thrown under the bus in the name of race relations. This concern has turned into the “I Am Darren Wilson” movement. Three Portland, Washington police officers recently posted on their Facebook page the photo of a badge with a “I Am Darren Wilson” wrist band across it.

16420666-mmmainThe reaction by Portland Police Chief Mike Reese, who ordered these officers to take down images posted on their Facebook pages of the Police Bureau’s badge, is indicative of who will support them when push comes to shove.

The worst fears of the “thin blue line” have now been realized. No one has their back.

Law enforcement officers have every right to defend themselves. Unlike some who believe there is nation wide shoot first and ask questions later policy, nothing could be further from the truth. Police officers are trained on when deadly force is permissible. Any time a police officer responds to a call there is at least one gun involved, that of the police officer. Other than our military, police officers are among the best trained on how and when to use their weapons.

Abandoning them in the name of racial equality or community outreach is a false notion.

There is a war raging on Main Street  across America. The Ferguson protests involved 140 cities. Two New Black Panther members tried to bomb the St. Louis gateway arch. When you see these types of terrorist activities, what would you do? How would you respond? Who do you trust to respond?

If the police do not respond for fear of retribution, as in the case of Darren Wilson, then ordinary citizens are put in the position of either arming themselves, which they are, or letting their homes, churches and business burn to the ground.

Is this a race war? Certainly!

When the Ferguson coalition uses whites as human shields then we are talking race. These tactics are used by others such as Hamas in Gaza, the Islamic State in Syria and Iraq.

Is this what American is faced with, terrorism of a different variety? It appears so.


Marijuana Figures Big in Ferguson Meltdown

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PROTEST RULES: White Michael Brown Protesters Told To Serve As Human Shields For Black Protesters

One Mans ‘Islamophobe’ is another Mans Freedom Fighter

Islamophobia is a term used by Mohammedans to identify those who criticize Islam.

Andrew Zak Williams in the New Statesman writes:

“Surely, rational discourse should be permitted to tiptoe cautiously along the hallowed corridors of the house of Islam without the guards frogmarching it out, bellowing allegations of racism and bigotry. Cannot we not agree that the real issue is whether the critiques of Islam proffered by today’s prominent atheists are correct? For instance, does Islam fall short when it comes to women’s rights? Does it trample free speech while enforcing its own precepts, by the sword if necessary? By all means, apologists may disagree with the likes of Harris and biologist Jerry Coyne. But what signal is sent by a refusal to permit the issues to be even debated?”

Williams notes, “This time round, the scientific and intellectual elite of Sam Harris, Richard Dawkins and the late Christopher Hitchens have found themselves accused of Islamophobia. The whole sorry saga was conveniently summarised in last Friday’s Independent.”

Can’t atheists, and those with other political or religious beliefs, be permitted to “tiptoe cautiously along the hallowed corridors of the house of Islam?” The answer to this question from CAIR-FL is no!

The Florida chapter of the Council for American Islamic Relations (CAIR-FL) recently held its annual fundraising banquet in Tampa, Florida. Each attendee received a booklet titled,  “CAIR – Florida ANNUAL REPORT”.  On page 26 of this booklet  there is a section titled, “Islamophobia 2014”. The report is signed by CAIR-FL Chief Executive Director Hassan Shibly and Operations Director Nezar Hamze.

CAIR-FL lists Florida Islamophobes who must be dealt with using a “proactive approach.” The CAIR-FL report states, “Using daily media monitoring and in depth analysis, we have identified trends that the Islamophobia industry uses to serve’s [sic] their special interests.” The report targets those who “[O]perate in sync to support institutionalizing discrimination against Islam and Muslims in Florida.”

Below are the eighteen Floridians listed in the CAIR-FL report as Islamophobes (for a larger view click on the image):




As Mohammedans wage jihad against U.S. and Canadian citizens, in the name of Allah, the Council of American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and CAIR-FL have published lists of American individuals and organizations it considers to be “Islamophobic.”

Question: Will the Islamic State use the CAIR lists of Islamophobes to attack these individuals?


Is CAIR a Terror Group? by Daniel Pipes, National Review Online

Rep. Michele Bachmann under 24-hour guard after Islamic State threat

Denver teen Muslimas talked for almost a year with Islamic State jihadis

Islamic State announces beheadings for all who insult Allah

CBC laments that online “Islamophobia” goes unprosecuted

Ferguson: The beginning of an American Intifada

Headlines across the nation on November 25th: Case Closed — No Charges against Officer Darren Wilson. Justice has been served in the case of officer Darren Wilson. The Ferguson community’s police department has been vindicated. The citizens of Ferguson can be assured that crimes against the peaceful store owners and ordinary citizens will be responded to and action taken to apprehend those responsible regardless of ethnicity.

The case of the shooting of Michael Brown has grabbed national headlines, not because it was a routine case of Darren Wilson doing his job as an officer of the law. That story doesn’t have the sizzle needed to feed the mob. What feeds the mob is a false notion of wrongdoing by any law enforcement officer, especially if he is white and the perpetrator is black. That has sizzle and inflames the mob, which leads to more news coverage, which leads to more violence, which leads to more news coverage.

This spiral of death and destruction scenario is used across the globe to incite riots, mayhem and violence. It is used to recruit those with real or perceived grievances against those in authority. It is being used by the Islamic State to recruit in Ferguson, Missouri.


Pro-Islamic sign in Ferguson, MO.

This same strategy is being used by terrorist organizations like HAMAS, Hezbollah, Boko Haram and al Qaeda. Grab the headlines and make your point via political violence. The problem is the narrative is routinely false, even based upon lies, but by the time the facts are presented it is too late. The damage has already been done.

Ferguson is the beginning of the American intifada in the black community.

Lessons learned from Ferguson:

  1. Appeasement of the protesters leads to more violence.
  2. Coalitions of outside organizations including radical homosexual, Muslim and minority groups makes for a deadly mix.
  3. The targets are the law and law enforcement. The demand is for two legal systems, one for minorities and one for whites.
  4. The creation of no-go zones where police and firefighters cannot or will not go due to the threat of violence.
  5. The manipulation of the media in the name of “equality” and “social justice” to create a scenario where a radical agenda may be furthered that denies both.
  6. The use of violence even when blacks, like President Obama, call upon their fellow blacks to be non-violent.
  7. The creation of a atmosphere where law enforcement officers will hesitate to enforce the law or ignore the law in order not to become a target.
  8. Lawlessness with an anarchist’s political objective – to destroy the status quo.

A race war is upon America because some minorities want it more than they want to be Americans.

Since 2008 racial divides have become the political goal of the Democrat Party. Democrats used racial differences to enrage minorities and get them to the polls. This strategy is just a step away from enraging these same minorities to riot, loot and burn. Ferguson is the poster child for the Democrats opening Pandora’s box of hatefulness.

Where will the next Ferguson be? Who will ignite the flame that will lead to more unrest.


PROTEST RULES: White Michael Brown Protesters Told To Serve As Human Shields For Black Protesters

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Islamic State has enough weapons to carry on fighting for two years, UN warns

Submitted by Norman Lihou – 

A new report prepared for the United Nations Security Council warns that the militant group known as the Islamic State (Isis) possesses sufficient reserves of small arms, ammunition and vehicles to wage its war for Syria and Iraq for up to two years.

The size and breadth of the Isis arsenal provides the group with durable mobility, range and a limited defense against low-flying aircraft. Even if the US-led bombing campaign continues to destroy the group’s vehicles and heavier weapons, the UN report states, it “cannot mitigate the effect of the significant volume of light weapons” Isis possesses.

Those weapons “are sufficient to allow [Isis] to continue fighting at current levels for six months to two years”, the UN report finds, making Isis not only the world’s best-funded terrorist group but among its best armed.

Isis, along with its former rival turned occasional tactical ally the Nusra Front, are sufficiently armed to threaten the region “even without territory”, the report concludes.

The report, months in the making, recommends the UN implement new steps to cut off Isis’s access to money and guns.

The Isis arsenal, according to the UN assessment, includes T-55 and T-72 tanks; US-manufactured Humvees; machine guns; short-range anti-aircraft artillery, including shoulder-mounted rockets captured from Iraqi and Syrian military stocks; and “extensive supplies of ammunition”. One member state, not named in the report, contends that Isis maintains a motor pool of 250 captured vehicles.

Much of the Isis weapons stocks, particularly “state of the art” weaponry stolen from the US-backed Iraqi military, was “unused” before Isis seized it, the report finds. But some of the relatively complex weapons “may be too much of a challenge” for Isis to effectively wield or maintain.

Earlier this year, speculation focussed on Isis’s potential ability to produce chemical weapons after it seized Iraqi facilities that had contributed to Saddam Hussein’s illicit weapons programs, but the UN report casts doubt on the likelihood that Isis possesses the “capability to fully exploit material it might have seized”. Nor does the UN report believe that Isis can manufacture its own chemical or other weapons of mass destruction.

But at least one anonymous member state has provided information about “chemicals and poison-coated metal balls” placed inside Isis’s homemade bombs to maximize damage. In October, Kurdish forces defending the Syrian town of Kobani from Isis reported cases of skin blistering, burning eyes and difficulty breathing after the detonation of an Isis bomb.

The UN Security Council is expected to take up consideration of the report on Wednesday.

The report recommends the UN adopt new waves of sanctions designed to disrupt the well-financed Isis’s economic health. Significant among them is a call for states bordering Isis-controlled territory to “promptly seize all oil tanker trucks and their loads” coming in or going out.

While the report warns that Isis has alternate revenue sources, and does not predict that truck seizures can eliminate Isis’s oil smuggling money, it holds out hope that raising the costs to smuggling networks and trucking companies will deter them from bringing Isis oil to market.

To combat Isis’s ability to resupply its weapons stocks and launder money, the report recommends the UN mandate that no aircraft originating from Isis-held territory can land on airstrips in member states, and to prohibit flights into Isis-held territory. Exemptions would be made for humanitarian relief planes.

The report comes on the heels of an October report to the Security Council assessing that 15,000 fighters from 80 countries have flooded into Syria and Iraq to fight alongside Isis and other militant groups.

While still months off, the US has indicated it will intensify its fight against Isis, primarily in Iraq. After doubling the US troop commitment there, defense officials have said the US will bolster 12 Iraqi and Kurdish brigades, and may even join in the Iraqi fighting for key terrain, such as the borderlands between Syria and Iraq or the city of Mosul.

Hamas-linked CAIR-Florida discourages Muslims from talking to FBI

The photo above comes from Hamas-linked CAIR-Florida’s “14th Annual Banquet Rooted in Faith” in Tampa yesterday, courtesy of an anonymous reader who was at the banquet. It is not the first time Hamas-linked CAIR, designated a terror organization by the United Arab Emirates, has discouraged Muslims from talking to the FBI. A few years ago a Hamas-linked CAIR chapter in California distributed this poster:

cair-donttalktofbiRELATED ARTICLES:

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Founder of Human Rights Campaign Indicted for Raping a 15-year old Boy

Terrence Patrick Bean, pictured above with President Obama, founded the “Human Rights Campaign” (HRC). Bean is a Democrat. Bean is a bundler for Barack Obama and the DNC. Bean is a homosexual. Bean is a pederast. Bean has been indicted by an Oregon Grand Jury for raping a 15-year old boy. Bean’s boyfriend Kiah Ley Lawson, has been arrested for sexually molesting the same boy.

The Human Rights Campaign has been working to bring the homosexual lifestyle into K-12 public schools. HRC is working to have marriage amendments passed by a majority of voters in states like Florida overturned in the name of “marriage equality.” HRC is built upon a homosexual agenda that seeks to redefine not only marriage but sexuality itself. HRC’s leader is a radical homosexual who’s work with Democrats has helped to destroy the family structure by destroying the institution of marriage as between one man and one woman raising their biological children.

Bean is going to be tried for the crime of pederasty, the rape and violation of an under age boy by an older man.

Bean has been the poster child for and remains a hero of the radical homosexual movement.


Homosexual Terrence Patrick Bean (left) mugshot. Kiah Loy Lawson (right) is Bean’s boy friend and has been accused of raping the same 15-year old boy. Photo: Multnomah County Detention Center.

The Oregonian reports:

Detectives from the Portland police Sex Crimes Unit arrested Portland developer Terrence Patrick Bean on Wednesday on a Lane County indictment stemming from alleged sex abuse involving a teenage boy in 2013.

Bean, 66, a prominent gay rights activist and major Democratic Party fundraiser, was arrested at his home in Southwest Portland and booked into the Multnomah County Detention Center at 10:12 a.m.

The indictment charges Bean with two counts of third-degree sodomy, a felony, and one count of third-degree sex abuse, a misdemeanor, police said.

Bean, who bailed out of jail by late Wednesday afternoon, will be arraigned on the indictment in Lane County. …

The alleged incident involved a sexual encounter in Eugene with a 15-year-old boy. …

Bean has been one of the state’s biggest Democratic donors and an influential figure in gay rights circles in the state. He helped found two major national political groups, the Human Rights Campaign and the Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund, and has been a major contributor for several Democratic presidential candidates, including Barack Obama. He’s also a close friend of former Gov. Barbara Roberts. …

Bean’s Flickr account shows him talking with Obama at several events, posing with first lady Michelle Obama and numerous other political figures, including former President Bill Clinton.  A blog post from his sister, Sue Surdam Bean, detailed her brother’s work on a July 24, 2012 Obama fundraiser in Portland.  She included three photos of Terry Bean’s ride on Air Force One with Obama to a subsequent event in Seattle.

Just two years ago 68 year old Harry Brinkin, another high profile and similarly respected (at least among Democrats) homosexual activist, was arrested in San Francisco for possessing and distributing reams of child pornography.

LarryBrinklin  mugshot

Homosexual Larry Brinklin mugshot.

CNS News Reported at the time:

Police said that Brinkin, a former city employee, apparently had photos of children, as young as 1- or  2-years-old, performing sexual acts and being sodomized by adult men in attachments linked to the email address, reported The Chronicle. The email account was also linked to Yahoo discussion groups involving sexual exploitation of young people.

Concerning Brinkin, Theresa Sparks, director of the Human Rights Commission, told the Huffington Post, “It’s almost incredulous, there’s no way I could believe such a thing.”

“He’s always been one of my heroes, and he’s the epitome of human rights activist,” she said. “This is [the] man who coined phrases we use in our daily language. I support Larry 100 percent; hopefully it will all come out in the investigation.”

Read more here.


Shhhhh – Top Obama bundler accused of child rape – USA Today

Lane County grand jury indicts prominent gay rights activist Terrence Bean in 2013 case involving a 15-year-old boy

Former boyfriend of Democratic fundraiser Terry Bean arrested on sex abuse indictment

Florida Mayor takes bold stand against Terrorism!


Mayor Kent Guinn, Ocala, Florida.

Mayor Kent Guinn took a bold stand against terrorism on Tuesday, when he and the City Council rejected attempts by terrorist sympathizer Manal Fakhoury (pictured above) to marry the city of Ocala, Florida to Ramallah, Palestine via  Sister Cities International, a United Nations driven initiative.

A request to formally align the City of Ocala, which is affectionately known as horse country and the city of Ramallah which is better known for anti-Semitism and  terrorism was submitted by Manal Fakhoury, a Palestinian herself, as well as Karin Dean, Cindy Grimes, and Lola Gonzales in the official capacity of Fakhoury Leadership International.

Ramallah, is the Capitol city of the Palestinian Authority.  The P.A. was birthed out of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO),  a federally designated Terrorist Organization which by all appearances changed its name in an effort to distance itself from its violent nature.

The  application which was meet with strong opposition and dated 10/16/2014 was heard by the City Council, on Tuesday 11/18/2014.  Some in support of the initiative to twining the cities of Ocala and Ramallah, showed up wearing Fakhoury Leadership International T-Shirts.  Those who spoke in favor of a formal agreement via Sister Cities International, framed the initiative as an attempt to to promote peace and mutual understanding.

Suggesting Ramallah as a stalwart city in any effort to promote peace and mutual understanding in light its long history of terrorism is a stretch to say the least.  Recent Jihadist attacks on Jewish citizens, attacks the Israeli Prime Minister attributes directly to PLO leader Mamoud Abbas who is headquartered in Ramallah add additional skepticism to Fakhourys’ stated mission.   Comments by Israeli leadership regarding recent attacks give a glimpse at the kind of influence Ocala could expect from such an alliance:

Prime Minister Netanyahu said incitement by Hamas and Abbas motivated attacks on Jews. “This is a direct result of the incitement lead by Hamas and Abu Mazen (Abbas), incitement that the international community irresponsibly ignores. We will respond with a firm hand to this brutal murder of Jews who went to pray and were scathed by despicable murder.”   

Economy Minister Naftali Bennett (Habayit Hayehudi) said that “Abbas, one of the biggest terrorists to have arisen from the Palestinian people, bears direct responsibility for the Jewish blood spilt on tallit and tefillin while we were busy with delusions about the [peace] process.”   (Haaretz.com, 18 November 2014)

Manal palestine yasser arafat2

Manal Fakhoury posing with life size picture of Yasser Arafat, PLO terrorist.

Manal Fakhoury, is a tireless activist whose long history ties her to individuals and groups whose stated mission is to impose Sharia Law around the world, to include the United States.

In addition to membership in several Ocala organizations, Fakhoury is board member of United Voices for America (UVA) a spin-off of CAIR, as well as the Capitol Leadership Academy (CLA).  Co-founder Ahmed  Bedier launched UVA after jumping ship just prior to Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) being designated a Co-conspirator in the largest successfully prosecuted terrorism finance trial in U.S. history.  Members of CAIR have been convicted of terrorism, material support for terrorism, and it’s leadership has openly expressed their desire to replace the U.S. Constitution with sharia law.   This is not a freedom of speech or 1st Amendment issue, but is in fact a direct challenge to Article VI of the U.S. Constitution and its supremacy.

Ironically, CAIR was designated a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION by the United Arab Emirates (UAE) just this past week along with the Muslim American Society (MAS), both Muslim Brotherhood entities, while at the same time both organizations enjoy unprecedented influence in local, state, and federal politics.

Capitol Leadership and similar Academies have sprung up in over 25 states, following the model set by Manal Fakhoury and Ahmed Bedier.  These Academies were designed to train 12-18 year old “minorities” almost exclusively Muslim to learn the ins and out of legislation, lobbying, and running for political office.

According to “student(s)” we placed inside two of these week long classes.  Ahmed Bedier said “I want clean Muslims in office in the next two years”.  In light of this information, it might be worth considering the fact that the Muslim Brotherhood used similar operations to gain legitimacy, influence, and eventually the Presidency in Egypt during the so called “Arab Spring”.

The Gainville Sun, reported that Mayor Guinn displayed an article detailing these connections titled “Manal Fakhoury: Possibly the Most Dangerous and Influential Woman in Florida Politics“, as well as other pictures of her beaming in front of pictures of Mamoud Abbas and Yasser Arafat.  Mayor Guinn stated:

“These are things I am concerned about, are the ties of Ramallah, Manal, and this group of people like pictured there,” Guinn said.

He added, “I am not going to pursue having a sister cities, twinning relationship, whatever you want to call it, for a lot of reasons, this being one of them.”

Sister Cities International, is a U.N. entity which facilitates the twinning of cities worldwide, providing guidance, formal agreements, and liaison between twinning cites and federal and international bodies.

One of the stated goals; is for the twinning to be mutually beneficial partnerships between peer communities to include exchanges in the fields of culture, arts, education, trade, municipal management, health agriculture and industry to name a few.  In addition, Cities may provide Sister City Organizations with financial support.

Historically, the Palestinian people have been a “refugee” people who have had little to offer in the way of agriculture and industry on a global basis.  Almost certainly any support would be directed towards Ramallah and not the City of Ocala or its residents.  Other than art and culture not much is left in the way of a mutually beneficial partnership.

Manal Fakoury PDF FB GAZA Photo enlarged  hate jewsEven CULTURE is suspect when you consider the following point(s):

Islam is a complete way of life for Muslims; meaning it is all encompassing and there is virtually no separation between the culture, religion, or the personal life of a Muslim.

Shabbir Mansori, founder of the Council on Islamic Education which is responsible for virtually all Islamic content in America’s public school textbooks succinctly illustrates the Islamic inseparability between culture and goals of Islam in regard to his statement regarding  his work America’s Public School system.

“I am waging a “bloodless” revolution, promoting world cultures and faiths in America’s classrooms”.

Gainesville Sister Cities Director Steve Kalishman said 20 percent of Palestinians are Christian and there is no fighting going on in Ramallah. He said Gainesville has a “great Sister City.” as reported in Gainsville Sun.   

This is a standard Muslim Brotherhood talking point which flies in the face of the fact that thousands of Christians have had to flee areas under P.A. control with a steady rise in attacks since the Oslo Peace Accords.  Christian population has dropped from 15% down to only 2% since just the 1960’s.

In her arrogance, Fakhoury said  “I don’t think he knows what he is talking about,” Fakhoury said of the mayor. “If he really had any concern, why wouldn’t he speak to me?” in regard to Mayor Guinn.

She said the Sister Cities program is a positive one and that if any city needed a sister city, Ocala did. she went onto say “I really thought our city was better than this. I think people know me”.

She said she has worked hard for the city of Ocala, a clear reference to her relentless outreach and involvement in dozens of groups.  Statements which on the surface suggest that the backward, redneck City of Ocala obligated to oblige her based on she had done for the community.

 She went on to affirm her commitment to terrorism, saying “There’s a ton of support in the city of Ocala. I just didn’t bother doing it that way. But we will continue our work (with Ramallah) without a relationship,” she said.

Fakhoury called commissioners’ lack of interest “disheartening” and “sad.” She said there is a blog online by ACT Jacksonville that is smearing her reputation.

By now it should be clear to those seriously considering the information provided in this article and links, that Manal Fakhoury is a passionate and driven woman.  Whose drive and support comes with certain expectations which may be diametrically opposed to the health and well being of our local, state, and ultimately national body politic.

Riayd and Manal Fakhoury’s, impact on Florida Politics has been significant on both sides of the isle.  They regularly fund and host fundraiser in their home for various Governors, Senators, House Members and Attorney Generals with Hamas Operative Ahmed Bedier frequently in tow.

It is very refreshing to see elected officials who have the discernment to recognize a clear and present danger, as well as the courage to act in the best interest of the community despite the risk of being labeled a racist?, hatemonger, bigot, or Islamaphobe.

Hat Tip to the City of Ocala, Mayor Kent Guinn, Council President John McLeod, James P. Hilty Sr., Brent Malver, Jay Musley, and Councilwoman Mary S. Rich.

The Bright Side to Amnesty

To many, the above title may seem much like speaking of the bright side to malignant cancer. And did it really come out of this writer’s pen? Long a staunch immigration critic, I’ve written many articles on the subject; Pat Buchanan used one of my lines in his book Death of the West; and Congressman John Conyers quoted me in the House on May 16, 2007, saying, “[C]onservative commentator Selwyn Duke just yesterday inveighed against any immigration (legal or not). He warned, ‘[R]eplace our population with a Mexican or Moslem one and you no longer have a Western civilization, you no longer have America. You have Mexico North or Iran West.’” (Conyers wasn’t exactly in agreement.) And, no, it’s not that a pod from outer space has taken over my body or, worse yet, that I’ve become a liberal. I inveigh against all immigration still. I still oppose amnesty in all forms and under all guises. Nonetheless, the latter would have, perhaps, a small bright side.

This cannot be understood without grasping that illegal migration is not the problem.

It is an exacerbation of the problem.

What does this mean? Aren’t the only problems posed by migration ones unique to the illegal variety, such as an uncontrolled entry into our country that can allow diseases, terrorists and WMDs to cross our borders?

The real problem — the only one that really matters over the long term — is that we are importing socialist-oriented voters with mindsets contrary to Western ideals. This is because of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (INA65), which created a situation wherein 85 percent of our new immigrants hail from the Third World and Asia. Moreover, the legislation has led to an increase in overall immigration from a historic average of 250,000 a year to approximately 1,000,000.

If you’re Obama and his fellow travelers and believe in “fundamentally” changing America, you love this because, upon being naturalized, approximately 80 percent of these newcomers will vote for you. You know Republicans get close to 90 percent of their votes from whites, so the formula for ideological conquest is simple: reduce the percentage of whites in America as much and as fast as possible. And INA65 certainly fits that bill. Non-Hispanic whites were close to 90 percent of the population in 1965.

Now they’re just under 63 percent.

And California is the model for the leftist hegemony in question. Once a solidly Republican state that launched Ronald Reagan to national prominence, it would not be carried by him in a presidential election today. The last time the state went Republican was 1988, when George H.W. Bush edged Michael Dukakis by four points. Since then no Democrat has carried the state by less than a double-digit margin; the best showing the GOP had was when it held Lurch-like John Kerry to 10 points. Obama won the state by 24 points in 2008 and 23 points in ’12. And in this year’s Republican wave election, it was considered an accomplishment that the GOP denied the Democrats supermajorities in CA’s legislative chambers.

Oh, did I mention that whites in CA are no longer even a plurality?

And here’s the reality:

Once the rest of the country looks like CA demographically, it will look like it politically.

This isn’t to say Republicans would disappear. They’d reinvent themselves as parties and politicians do, winning some elections by moving, to use our provisional terminology, “left.” It also must be mentioned that immigration isn’t the only factor in our decline; the media, academia and entertainment arena do a superb job fashioning leftist foot soldiers. And we should also note that with a world generally to the “left” of the US, it’s hard to imagine where we could find traditionalist immigrants; importing socialist Swedes, Germans and French is problematic as well. (A notable difference, however, is that while the latter assimilate into our more conservative white population, Hispanics often operate within America’s Hispanic milieu, which reinforces their socialist beliefs.)

Yet this is simply another reason why I adamantly oppose all (im)migration. When Ben Franklin famously answered the question of whether the 1787 Constitutional Convention had given us a republic or a monarchy by saying “A republic, if you can keep it,” there would have been no “ifs” about it if our nation had comprised mainly monarchical Englishmen. So the message here is simply a statement of the obvious: foreigners cannot be relied upon to preserve authentic Americanism because they’re not American. Full stop.

This is especially true when they harbor deep-seated un-American ideologies, hail from non-Western cultures and enter a multiculturalism-infected land that tells them “When in Rome…feel free to do as Ostrogoths would do.”

Despite this, most conservatives don’t get it. Imbued with what I’ve termed “immigrationism” and Proposition Nation pap, they’re very diligent about conserving the Immigration and Nationality Act status quo. An example that will shock many is Senator Ted Cruz, who last year proposed not only increasing the number of “high-skilled temporary workers fivefold” — as if there aren’t high-skilled Americans looking for jobs — but, unbelievably, also the doubling of legal immigration (the relevant portion of the video starts at 3:27):

Given that Cruz seems like a good man, I’ll just assume he’s out to lunch (in Tijuana) on this issue. But let’s be clear: if you had to pick your poison and choose just one culture-rending policy, a giant amnesty one year would be preferable to a giant legal-immigration increase applicable every year.

So what’s the bright side to amnesty?

The well-known metaphor about a frog in a frying pan of water tells us that since frogs can’t sense incremental temperature changes, a very low flame under that pan may mean the creature will remain fixed in his position until he boils to death. In contrast, turn the burner up high enough and he’ll jump out and save himself.

Along with our many other problems, “Americans” (insofar as they still exist) are enduring the slow boil of cultural and demographic genocide. And executive amnesty, as with other kinds of leftist overreach, just may serve to turn that flame up high and rouse people from their torpor.

Yet this is the dimmest of bright sides, a 1-in-50 shot whose mention is mainly valuable in service to a larger point: we do need fundamental change. We need a revolution of mind, heart and spirit in which we return to our Christian foundation and dispense with moral relativism and all its corollaries — of which cultural relativism is one. Related to this, John Jay wrote in Federalist No. 2:

Providence has been pleased to give this one connected country to one united people — a people descended from the same ancestors, speaking the same language, professing the same religion, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in their manners and customs….

The “American experiment” was never meant to be one in which we could learn if, for the first time in history, a nation could intensely balkanize itself and — by rebranding it “diversity” — survive.

I do not believe the U.S. will survive long in its present form. And when chroniclers finally write The Rise and Fall of the American Republic, they may record that the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 was the most destructive legislation in her history, a turning point from which there was no turning back.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

RELATED ARTICLE: Obama’s Unilateral Amnesty Really Will Be Unprecedented—and Unconstitutional

You’ve been Gruber’d, Stupid!

“No. I — I did not. Uhhh, I just heard about this… I — I get well briefed before I come out here. Uh, th-th-the fact that some advisor who never worked on our staff, uhh, expressed an opinion that, uhh, I completely disagree with wuh, uhh, in terms of the voters, is no reflection on the actual process that was run.” – President Obama replying to a question about Jonathan Gruber at the conclusion of the G-20 Conference in Brisbane, Australia.

Will the last name of the MIT professor identified as the “architect of ObamaCare” become a verb some day? Will people say “I’ve been Gruber’d? or “The government is “Grubering again”?

After all, when he admitted that ObamaCare’s passage was achieved by deceiving the Congressional Budget Office and the entire American public, turning his name into a synonym for lying is not unthinkable. Adding insult to injury, he said the voters were “stupid.”

Cartoon - Gruber and Obamacare

For a larger view click on the image.

How stupid was it for the Democrat-controlled Congress to pass a two-thousand page piece of legislation that none of them had read? (No Republican in Congress voted for it.) ObamaCare took over one-sixth of the U.S. economy and did something that makes me wonder why we even have a Supreme Court. It required people to buy a product whether they wanted to or not. If they didn’t, they would be subject to a penalty.

One way of the other, the federal government was going to squeeze you. The Court did conclude early on that ObamaCare was a tax, but don’t expect the mainstream media to tell you about all the other taxes hidden within it.

What surprises me about the Gruber revelations—available on YouTube to any journalist who wanted to investigate, but none did—is that there appears to be so little public outrage. An arrogant MIT professor who received $400,000 from the government and made millions as a consultant to the states who needed to understand ObamaCare, calls voters stupid and the initial reaction of the mainstream media was to ignore the story.

At the heart of the Gruber affair is the fact that Obama and his administration has been lying to the voters from the moment he began to campaign for the presidency. In virtually every respect, everything he has said for public consumption has been and is a lie.

In one scandal after another, Obama would have us believe he knew nothing about it. That is the response one might expect from a criminal rather than a President.

One has to ask why it would be difficult to repeal in full a piece of legislation that the President said would not cause Americans to lose their healthcare insurance if they preferred their current plan, that would not cause them to lose the care of a doctor they knew and trusted, and would save them money for premiums. The initial deception was to name the bill the Affordable Care Act.

Repeal would help ensure the solvency of Medicare and restore the private sector market for healthcare insurance.

This is a President who was elected twice, so maybe Prof. Gruber is right when he speaks of stupid voters. Not all, of course, but more than voted for Obama’s two opponents. As this is written over 45% of those polled these days continue to express approval for Obama’s performance in office. How stupid is that?

AA - Most Corrupt AdministrationWhat is so offensive about Gruber’s own revelations about the manner in which the bill was written and the lies that were told to get it passed is the incalculable misery it has caused millions of Americans.

It has caused the loss of jobs. It has forced others into part-time employment. It has caused companies to reconsider expanding to grow the economy. It has driven up the cost of healthcare insurance. It has impacted local hospitals and clinics to the point where some have closed their doors. It has caused many healthcare professionals to retire or cease practicing medicine.

I invite you to make a list of all the things you think the government should require you to purchase whether you want it or need it. Should you be required to own a bike and use it as an alternative to a car? (Yes, you must own auto insurance to defray the cost of accidents, just as you must pay a tax on gasoline to maintain our highway system.) Should you be required to wear a certain style or item of clothing? Should you be required to get married by a certain age? Should you be required to eat certain foods and avoid others?

A new study by the Legatum Institute in London ranked citizen’s perception of their personal freedom in a number of nations. Americans ranked way down the list at 21 out of 25, well below Canada, France, and Costa Rica to name just three. The study was based on a 2013 poll.

What is a stake here is (1) the absolute need for a trustworthy federal government and (2) the need to repeal a piece of legislation based entirely on lies. On a larger scale, the right to make your own decisions on matters not relevant to the governance of the nation should be regarded as sacred, it’s called liberty.

The Republican-controlled Congress and the Supreme Court are the two elements of our government that can and must provide a measure of protection against the deception that is practiced every day by President Obama and members of his administration. Let’s hope neither is “stupid” in the two years that remain.

© Alan Caruba, 2014



Blood on Snowden’s hands: A Poster that Tells the Story

I have already made a few posters and book covers for Cliff Kincaid’s America’s Survival, Inc. This time the subject is the true story of Edward Snowden, whose theft and publication of U.S. intelligence files has allowed both Putin’s regime in Russia and the butchers of ISIS to avoid American surveillance and make brazen moves that resulted in thousands of dead bodies, both in the Middle East and Ukraine.

From the very start of the Ukrainian revolution Putin’s propaganda has been making claims that the Maidan was staged and financed by the CIA and the U.S. State Department in order to hurt Russia. But if that were true, Snowden’s archives would have revealed at least some proof of that.

Instead, Russia used Jen Psaki’s speech on YouTube and lame phone intercepts of the U.S. ambassador, which prove nothing at all – except, perhaps, by implication – that the FSB officers couldn’t find a thing about the alleged CIA involvement in Ukraine within Snowden’s files, otherwise the Kremlin would have trumpeted it to the world a long time ago.

However, Moscow did use Snowden’s information to avoid CIA detection in recreating the same scenario in Ukraine of which it accused the United States: Russia’s agents spread throughout Ukraine, planting disinformation and rumors about the intentions of the new Ukrainian government to kill off ethnic Russians, organizing violent armed groups, providing weapons and training, staging the takeover of government buildings and military facilities, setting up local “people’s governments,” and starting an all-out war that has already claimed 4,000 lives on both sides.

Thanks to Edward Snowden, the Crimean and “Novorossia” operations conducted by Russia’s FSB and the GRU (military intelligence) were a complete surprise to the U.S. and its allies. As for the Ukrainian security service (SBU), law enforcement and the government, they have been long ago penetrated by Russian agents, who are only now undergoing a massive lustration.

The methods, intentions, and very nature of Putin’s corrupt and violent regime speak volumes about Edward Snowden’s moral compass and his intellectual honesty. Granted, today’s America has its problems, but one can’t simply condemn the U.S., settle for a life in the Russian police state, and remain a credible defender of freedom, transparency, and individual rights.

Snowden might have been right in a Utopian world consisting of peaceful and transparent nations. But our world is full of violent thugs looking for an opportunity to get ahead. That makes Snowden’s disclosure of U.S. intelligence secrets both morally wrong and criminal.

In short, this is my take on Edward Snowden. Read Cliff Kincaid’s more extensive take on this issue in his recent article, The Bloody Hands of Edward Snowden.

On November 17, in Washington, D.C., ASI held a news conference on Edward Snowden’s KGB connections and espionage affair, in which my poster was used. Soon it will also become a cover for the upcoming book, Blood On His Hands.

blood on snowdens hands peoples cube

For a larger view click on the poster.

For further reading, see very informative key documents from this conference:

Amnesty: President Obama, the Cabinet and the U.S. Congress

Our nations cabinet is composed of the President and most senior appointed officers of the Executive Branch of the Federal government of the United States. The existence of the Cabinet dates back to President George Washington, who appointed a cabinet of only four persons: Secretary of State Thomas Jefferson; Secretary of Treasury Alexander Hamilton; Secretary of War Henry Knox and Attorney General Edmund Randolph. This was all President Washington needed to kick start and build the most exceptional nation in the world, the United States of America.

Over time Collectivists were elected in the U.S. House of Representatives, the Senate and now the White House. The federal government has expanded into a conglomerate of corrupt anti-Constitutional public employees accountable to no one. It is a massive wheel of corruption and indignation filled with unconstitutional cabinet positions such as: the Departments of Education, Environmental Protection, Energy and Labor. The American taxpayers are their slaves and work hard to support these corrupt non productive freedom crushing bureaucrats with their hard earned income taxes. The American people are no longer free. They are chained to their part time jobs feeding a government machine with the sweat of their brow at the expense of their families health and happiness.


President Obama meeting with Congressional leaders in the Old Family Dining Room of the White House on November 7, 2014. (Evan Vucci/AP)

We have reached a Constitutional crisis as President Obama is about to by-pass the U.S. Congress once again. On November 20th, 2014, a day that will live in infamy, President Obama will launch another strike against “We the People” with an unconstitutional Executive Order regarding immigration.

President Obama states he is going to “fix” immigration. The problem is the immigration laws are not broken, they are actually very strong.

What we have is a Chief Executive, Cabinet and government bureaucracy that refuses to enforce the current laws, which created the illegal alien problem in the first place. This is a typical Saul Alinsky tactic and pure Marxism in its intent. The goal is to overload our nations welfare, social programs and school systems. Obama is going to over whelm it with illegal immigrants to accelerate the collapse of our Republics social structure and fabric.

“The principal Officer in each of the executive Departments” is mentioned in Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the Constitution, and “Heads of Departments” in Clause 2. This is the Article in the Constitution about the Executive Branch of the government.

President Obama does not recognize the Constitution and will earn himself an impeachment hearing.

The next problem we have is a weak and ineffective House Speaker John Boehner. He has repeatedly failed to exhibit leadership skills. He had to assign a mouth piece to speak for him regarding President Obama’s attack on our Constitution instead of facing the cameras himself.

On November 4th, 2014 the American people demanded that the Republican party and the leadership in the Congress stand up for the nation and start to lead this country. Some believe President Obama and the Obamacrats, as in Ferguson, Missouri, are pushing the American people into to a civil war.

Mr. Obama is being called a dictator by men like former U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Allen West and Senator Ted Cruz. The Republican led Congress either needs do its job to protect this nation or step aside and let others fill your empty suits. We need leadership in our Congress during these very difficult times. Civil war is brewing internally across this nation and we must restore law and order starting with the impeachment of Obama.

Do our job Speaker Boehner or step aside and let a real man or woman take charge. You are putting this nation in great jeopardy with your inaction and its time to lead, sir, not hide away in fear. Remember there is nothing to fear but fear itself.

Tomorrow the Collectivist in the White House who lied and deceived the American people to pass Obamacare is about to slaughter the American minimum wage earners by undercutting American jobs by giving 5 plus million illegals a legal status. How did the American people allow this to happen? What has happened to the backbone of this nation? Where are the brave and honorable statesmen elected to lead this nation to prosperity?

In my opinion they have all been molded into compliant cowards because they are scared to death that Obama and his Obamacrats will pull the race card if they do the right thing and stand-up for American citizens, legal and naturalized.

It is time for Americans to peacefully surround the White House as the Constitution allows until President Obama has been removed from office by the Congressional Master at Arms. But first we must find a leader to lead in the Congress. It isn’t John Boehner. Who is willing to lead? Republican need someone to step up to the plate before its too late!


Obama’s Unilateral Amnesty Really Will Be Unprecedented—and Unconstitutional

Executive order on immigration would ignite a political firestorm

Republicans Will Not Block Barack Obama (Because They Want the Same Thing)

Amnesty is Treason

Treason is the most serious crime in America and it is a term I do not use lightly, though it is a term I find myself using with increasing regularity.

Treason is defined in the law as:

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

The oath to be taken by the president on first entering office is specified in Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution:

“I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

The President and Vice President, as well as every member of Congress and the U.S. Supreme Court, hold their respective offices under an oath of allegiance to the United States of America, the American people and the U.S. Constitution. In each case, they “owe an allegiance to the United States” and their political power is governed by their carrying out that oath of allegiance.

Any elected official who levies war against the United States or the American people, or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.


In 1986, a Democrat controlled Congress passed the Immigration Reform and Control Act signed into to law by President Ronald Reagan. Democrats in Congress convinced Reagan to sign the reform bill on the condition that it would provide a “one-time” amnesty for an estimated one million illegal immigrants residing in the US at the time, and that all US Immigration and Naturalization laws would be forever thereafter enforced.

Because the Federal Government broke its obligation to the American people by refusing to enforce our immigration and naturalization laws since 1986, we find ourselves facing yet another national disaster and more than twenty-million illegal invaders in our country demanding equality with all “legal” American citizens.

For anyone in the federal government to adhere to our enemies by providing aid and comfort within the United States, granting any degree of citizenship rights to people who have broken into our country illegally with the purpose and intent to subvert our laws and alter the social demographics of our nation, is an overt act of treason.

The American people have spoken… NO AMNESTY for illegal invaders. The outcome of the 2014 elections provide a clear statement by the American people that they are fed up with a federal government that works to undermine America, the Constitution and the American people by aiding and abetting enemies with ill intent towards America.


Prior to the 2014 elections, Republicans were hamstrung by a Democrat controlled White House and Senate. The 2014 elections changed that dynamic. As of January 2015, Republicans are in charge…

The House – 249 Republicans to 186 Democrats
The Senate – 54 Republicans to 44 Democrats
State Governors – 32 Republicans to 17 Democrats
State Legislatures – 68 Republican to 30 Democrat
Full State Control – 23 Republican to 7 Democrat

This means that as of January 2015, Republicans can no longer blame Obama or his Democrats for what is happening in our country. Because Republicans have all the necessary power to stop Obama’s democratic destruction of our Constitutional Republic at both the federal and state levels, Republicans are now 100% responsible for everything that happens next in America.


Over 70% of legal American citizens have said NO to any form of amnesty. They have repeatedly called for the vigorous enforcement of our existing immigration and naturalization laws and a closing of our borders.

Obama is promising to commit treason by serving illegal invaders interests against the interests and demands of the American people. In so doing, he threatens the Rule of Constitutional Law and our entire system of self-governance via the separate and independent authority of the three branches of government.

Obama’s tyrannical amnesty plan threatens national sovereignty and security, states’ rights and the rights of the American people to self-determination in the running of a government intended to be of, by and for the legal American citizens, not illegal aliens.

But it is now Republicans who are in the hot seat… They have the power to stop Obama’s tyrannical dictatorship dead in its tracks and if they fail to use that power, they become complicit in the treason.

The oaths taken to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States are very real. It is the sole basis upon which the American people have entrusted them to these offices.


To forgive open violations of our laws, our sovereignty and our security, by millions of illegal invaders and grant them equal status to all legal law-abiding citizens is aiding and abetting enemies of the United States on United States soil.

Aiding and abetting illegal invaders against the will of the American people is a direct violation of the oaths of office and as such, it is a blatant act of treason. It is an overt act to destroy the social fabric of American society and alter the political demographics for an anti-American agenda.

Before the 2014 election, Obama and Democrats were on the hook alone for these acts. But after the 2014 election, Republicans have all the power they need to stop this anti-American agenda and hold all behind it fully accountable under the law.

If Republicans do not STOP AMNESTY by any measure, enforce existing immigration and naturalization laws and hold Obama fully accountable for his many acts of treason against our country, they will be complicit in the treason themselves.

At that point, the American people have every right and obligation to hold both Democrats and Republicans fully accountable for an anti-American agenda, to the full limit of the law.

“Whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five years and fined under this title but not less than $10,000; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States.”

The Obama Administration has committed countless acts of treason against the United States over the past six years. If they are allowed to commit another overt act of treason via amnesty for illegal aliens, Republicans MUST stop playing politics and immediately move for impeachment of the most impeachable administration in U.S. history.

The North American Law Center (NALC) has openly called for Impeachment, along with countless others like LTC Allen West, Sarah Palin and Gen. Jerry Boykin. NALC even issued a carefully crafted set of Articles of Impeachment and is working with The United States Patriots Union and Veteran Defenders of America to advise members of congress of impeachment.

If Republicans do not act swiftly and decisively to protect the Constitution and Rule of Law, then they MUST be held accountable by the American people who just elected them to right these wrongs. If Republicans fail to do what Americans elected them to do, it will be akin to declaring war against the American citizens on behalf of illegal invaders.

Republicans will get ONE CHANCE to do right by the American people. If they fail, the people have every right and duty to take matters into their own hands. If that happens, Republicans will be responsible for it…

RELATED ARTICLE: Obama’s Unilateral Amnesty Really Will Be Unprecedented—and Unconstitutional

RELATED VIDEO: SHOCK FLASHBACK: Obama Says Illegal Immigration HURTS ‘Blue-Collar Americans,’ STRAINS Welfare

EDITORS NOTE: The following infographic is courtesy of Numbers USA:

NumbersUSA-Roll Call-17NOV2014

For a larger view click on the infographic.