Florida: Lawsuit filed to stop ‘Blue Zone Project’ in Collier County Public Schools

There is a new initiative making its way across America and the Sunshine State called “The Blue Zone Project.” The name is soothing, much like green zones, but the goal is pure collectivism. The Blue Zone Project targets entire communities including public schools.

One Collier County parent has filed a lawsuit to stop the Blue Zone Project in Collier County, Florida. Read the Bracci vs. Patton lawsuit here.

Melhor Marie Leonor from the Naples Daily News wrote:

Collier County public school parent Steven Bracci filed a lawsuit this week against district Superintendent Kamela Patton, alleging that Blue Zones planning meetings dealing with potential school policies should have, but did not, follow the state’s open meetings laws.

According to its website, the Blue Zones Project is, “[A] community-wide well-being improvement initiative to help make healthy choices easier for everyone in Southwest Florida.” “Help make healthy choices” is code for control of individual behaviors.

According to the lawsuit Superintendent Kamela Patton joined the Blue Zone Steering Committee, thereby abrogating her district decision making authority. There are no parents or citizens of Collier county on the committee. All of the members are elected, appointed or individuals such as Bill Barker, publisher of the Naples Daily News.

This new initiative is really an old form of creating social change, without the consent of the governed. 

Ayn Rand wrote a short nineteen page paper asking: What is the basic issue facing the world today? Rand, in her paper makes the case that, “The basic issue in the world today is between two principles: Individualism and Collectivism.” Rand defines these two principles as follows:

  • Individualism – Each man exists by his own right and for his own sake, not for the sake of the group.
  • Collectivism – Each man exists only by the permission of the group and for the sake of the group.

The Blue Zone Project is the ideal that each man exists only by the permission of the group and for the sake of the group and the group alone.

Satanic Cult Partners with Planned Parenthood — A match made in Hell


Example of Planned Parenthood method of slaughtering babies.

Satanic cults embrace human sacrifice so it makes perfect sense that the Satanic Temple of Detroit would support Planned Parenthood.

In April I wrote a column titled “Time to Remove Satan from the Public Square“.  I wrote that “Satan takes away the ‘essence of what it is to be human’.” Since publishing my column there have been two very public examples of Satanic cults and witchcraft embraced by two progressive groups, supporters of Planned Parenthood and LGBT activists, respectively.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Satan worshipers launched a counter-protest against pro-lifers outside the Detroit and Ferndale, Michigan Planned Parenthood locations Saturday.

Clad in black robes, members of the Satanic Temple of Detroit drenched bound women with milk, simulating water-boarding to “illustrate the theocratic agenda imposed upon female bodies.” The milk symbolized breast milk, one of the protest organizers explained on Facebook.

The group attached a symbol of their temple to the American flag and held up a sign that read, “America is not a theocracy. End forced motherhood.”

Read more.

Below is a short video of the Detroit Satanic Temple’s tactics in support of Planned Parenthood, which is in fact a war against Christians, Jews and humanity itself:

queer devil worshiper

Colby Gaudet, queer Devil worshiper.

In my column “Homosexuals and Transgenders Embracing Witchcraft” I noted:

It’s not enough that homosexuals and transgenders hate Christians. Now we learn that young members of the LGBT community are embracing witchcraft. Moira Donovan in a column titled “How Witchcraft Is Empowering Queer and Trans Young People” on Vice.com reports:

…Witchcraft is seeing a resurgence among queer-identified young people seeking a powerful identity that celebrates the freedom to choose who you are.

Soft-spoken and covered in tattoos, Colby Gaudet doesn’t exactly fit the stereotypical image of the witch. But Gaudet’s been known to launch into a ritual when the moment is right. And identifying as a witch appeals to Gaudet’s self-professed “strange exhibitionist quality” by playing with people’s preconceived notions of tattoos, of Gaudet’s non-binary gender identity, and of how a witch should look.

Non-binary? Really? There you have it. LGBT youth embracing witchcraft to justify their unnatural sexual behaviors. They certainly have sided with the right guy – Satan. Their “powerful identity” is with the devil.

The old crone at the edge of the village has been replaced by the queerest of witches. The Satanist in black robes has embraced Planned Parenthood, which sells aborted babies for profit.

A match made in Hell.


In New Video, StemExpress CEO Says She Wants ‘Intact Cases,’ ’50 Livers a Week’ From Abortion Facilities

How the 3 Congressional Investigations of Planned Parenthood Will Work

It’s Not Hypocritical to Oppose Gay Marriage and Let Infertile Couples Marry. Here’s Why.

Lawless Nation: Innocents Are Dying by Elizabeth Lee Vliet, MD

“But if the Watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood I will require from the watchman’s hand.” ~Ezekiel 33:6

Physicians have traditionally taken the Oath of Hippocrates to preserve life to the best of their ability and judgment. Your doctor is supposed to be a “watchman” over your health and life. Yet today, with rampant lawlessness on the part of our government leading to the death of hundreds of thousands of innocent human beings—from the most vulnerable unborn babies to America’s bravest warriors—physicians need to sound the trumpet. We cannot remain silent when life is at stake.

At one end of the spectrum the warriors that served our country here and abroad are denied prompt access to medical care when they need it, and many die waiting—either from disease or suicidal despair.

At the other end of the spectrum, euphemistically named “Planned Parenthood” is killing hundreds of thousands of innocent babies, then gruesomely and callously harvesting their body parts to be sold for profit.

Worse, both the unborn and our veterans waiting for medical care are dying at taxpayer expense! Taxpayers have been told they are paying for “women’s health” and “medical care for veterans” while both organizations bring death, not health.

Both Planned Parenthood and the VA have been shown to be violating multiple federal statutes. Both have a pattern of hiding their lawlessness from public and congressional scrutiny. Our government has failed to hold either accountable for their illegal actions. Whether deliberate or due to incompetence, the result is the same—death.

Lawlessness is out of control in many ways across our country. Many innocents are dying because of it. How can we expect the rule of law to prevail when it isn’t even followed in federally funded facilities that are supposed to care for health?

The VA issues were in the news months ago. They are being investigated, while veterans continue to die preventable deaths. Planned Parenthood’s flagrant disregard for existing laws is just now coming to light as a result of the investigative journalism work by the Center for Medical Progress.

Practices at Planned Parenthood that call for urgent investigation and possible prosecution include:

  • Trafficking in human body parts
  • Harvesting organs and removing them from babies who are alive.
  • Harvesting organs without proper consent from the mother.
  • Altering normal abortion procedures specifically in ways to allow salvage body parts for sale (such as liver, brain, heart, thymus, legs).
  • Failure to report statutory rape, thus protecting sexual predators.
  • Failure to attempt to save babies born alive in a failed abortion—instead using them for organs.

Planned Parenthood has fought vigorously to prevent mothers from seeing an ultrasound of their baby prior to an abortion, knowing that the majority of women choose not to abort once they have seen the baby’s image and beating heart.

In addition, Planned Parenthood consistently violates the ethical requirement to obtain informed consent. Clinic staff mislead women by using words to disguise that “it” is a human baby: they call “it” a fetus, they tell women their baby is just a “blob of tissue,” “isn’t a baby yet,” or “it cannot feel pain.”

Planned Parenthood’s “talking points” to clients violate principles of “truth in advertising” required in other medical and business settings.

  • CLAIM: “Abortion is only 3% of our business.” FACT: Based on prenatal visits (fewer than 19,000), adoption referrals (fewer than 2,000), and abortions (more than 300,000), Susan B. Anthony List said abortion was 94% of “pregnancy-related services.”
  • CLAIM: “If Planned Parenthood is defunded, women will not have access to women’s health services.” FACT: In fact, there are thousands of federally qualified community health centers across the United States that provide all of the necessary women’s health services. Abortion is theonly service not provided.
  • CLAIM: “Planned Parenthood is a women’s health organization.” FACT: The abortion centers are the leading killer of black and minority babies, following Margaret Sanger’s Eugenics agenda to “exterminate Negroes.”
  • CLAIM: “Defunding Planned Parenthood would prevent women from getting mammograms.” FACT: Planned Parenthood clinics are not certified for and do not perform mammograms. All mammography services are referred to other facilities.

On August 14, Congress sent a letter to Planned Parenthood demanding answers to the above issues. Multiple state investigations are underway, but the Obama administration has threatened to punish states that are cutting off state Medicaid funds to Planned Parenthood while they investigate violations of state and federal law.

Physicians and the American people must now be the Watchmen, sound the trumpet, and act together to stop this Lawless Nation and slaughter of innocent babies and our deserving veterans.

dr elizabeth lee vlietABOUT ELIZABETH LEE VLIET, M.D.

Elizabeth Lee Vliet, M.D., Dr. Vliet is Chief Medical Officer of Med Expert Chile, SpA, an international medical consulting company based in Santiago, Chile whose mission is high quality, lower cost medical care focused on preserving medical freedom, privacy, and the Oath of Hippocrates commitment to individual patients.

Dr. Vliet is a past Director of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS).

Dr. Vliet also has an active U.S. medical practice in Tucson AZ and Dallas TX specializing in preventive and climacteric medicine with an integrated approach to evaluation and treatment of women and men with complex medical and hormonal problems.  Arizona Foundation for Women 2007 Voice of Women award for her pioneering medical and educational advocacy for overlooked hormone connections in women’s health.

She received her M.D. degree and internship in Internal Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School, and completed specialty training at Johns Hopkins Hospital. She earned her B.S. and Master’s degrees from the College of William and Mary in Virginia.

Dr. Vliet has appeared on FOX NEWS, Cavuto, Stuart Varney Show, Fox and Friends, Sean Hannity and many nationally syndicated radio shows across the country as well as numerous Healthcare Town Halls addressing the economic and medical impact of the 2010 healthcare law.  Dr. Vliet is a past co-host of America’s Fabric radio show.

Dr. Vliet’s health books include: It’s My Ovaries, Stupid; Screaming To Be Heard: Hormonal Connections Women Suspect– And Doctors STILL Ignore; Women, Weight and Hormones; The Savvy Woman’s Guide to Great Sex, Strength, and Stamina, and The Savvy Woman’s Guide to PCOS. Dr. Vliet’s websites are www.HerPlace.com, and www.MedExpertChile.com.

How Do Planned Parenthood Supporters Talk to their Children?

What is it going to take? After the release of another horrific Planned Parenthood video, what is it going to take for the American Left to call evil what it is?

The Planned Parenthood videos began with discussions of the harvesting of the organs of aborted children. Next, the videos graduated in their depravity to conversations about selling the organs for a “better than break even” price. A short time later, another video was released where Planned Parenthood officials were caught on tape discussing using “less crunchy” abortion techniques to preserve the organs of aborted children in order to sell them. Despite the disgusting content of the aforementioned videos, sadly, the videos have grown in their gruesomeness. The latest video released, where a former Planned Parenthood employee describes in disturbing detail how an aborted child, with a beating heart, had its face cut through with scissors to harvest his brain, is so painful to watch that I had to stop just a few minutes into it.

I am proud to call myself a liberty loving conservative and I take every opportunity to explain to my two young daughters why I believe in free people, free markets, free speech, freedom to worship, and the respect for, and the preservation of, all human life. How do Planned Parenthood supporters talk to their children? If they are so proud of what Planned Parenthood is doing then I wonder if they proudly show these videos to their children and discuss the content with them.

Please spare me the “medicine can be disturbing to watch” garbage because I have zero problem watching a medical operation on video, nor do I care in the least if my daughter watches one. I have an arthritic left shoulder that needs to be replaced and recently watched a YouTube video of the surgery to prepare myself for what’s in store for me. There was nothing gruesome about the shoulder surgery video because, in watching the amazing power of medicine, through a talented surgeon’s hands, give the gift of pain-free movement back to someone like me who lives with chronic pain I was comforted that, despite the anatomical visuals during the surgery video, it was to preserve and further the quality of life, not destroy it.

Also, please spare us all the “these videos are edited” tripe that some Planned Parenthood sycophants are desperately floating to the media in an attempt to preserve this evil organization.

First, the unedited videos are available for the world to watch. Second, no one at Planned Parenthood is claiming that the Planned Parenthood employees and business associates in the videos are actors. Third, the same frauds claiming that the videos are “edited” had ZERO problem with promoting the Mitt Romney “47%” video which was unquestionably “edited.”

Again, what is it going to take? What more does Planned Parenthood have to do before the American Left does the right thing? What level of depravity and gruesomeness in Planned Parenthood’s talk and actions do they have to reach before the Left is willing to call evil what it is? Despite my dealings with the hard Left and my skepticism that they are straight shooters, even I am surprised at their callous defense of Planned Parenthood in the face of such obvious evidence of Planned Parenthood’s ghoulish actions.

It is time for a great American awakening. I refuse to believe that America has morphed into a country where a major political party’s values have degenerated to such a point that the statement “all lives matter” is controversial to them, yet using scissors to cut through the face of a live child to harvest its brain for sale isn’t.

We must stop the moral decay that appears to be growing in intensity. I’m not a preacher or a counselor but I ask that you please, talk to your children about these videos and, more importantly, about the people who support the people in the Planned Parenthood videos. Truth is our most powerful weapon in the war for our collective moral future and avoiding uncomfortable topics, because of the gruesome nature of what is happening, only allows what is happening to continue happening.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the Conservative Review. The featured image of abortion protesters in Columbia, Missouri is by Don Shrubshell | AP Photo.

Planned Parenthood Florida Caught Illegally Doing 2nd Trimester Abortions!

MIAMI – On July 25th, Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida called on Florida Governor Rick Scott to investigate Planned Parenthood Florida. Days later he announced an investigation.

State health department inspectors are reporting their results and they found Planned Parenthood abortion clinics are illegally doing 2nd-trimester abortions.  Those are the kinds of abortions that allow Planned Parenthood to gather the body parts of aborted babies for sale.

As the Tampa Bay newspaper reports:

After inspecting all 16 Planned Parenthood clinics in Florida, the state Agency for Health Care Administration announced Wednesday that three have performed procedures outside the scope of their licenses and one has not kept proper records on disposing fetal remains.

“We will take immediate actions against these three facilities for performing second trimester abortions without a proper license,” AHCA spokesperson Shelisha Coleman said in a written statement Wednesday. “These facilities have been notified to immediately cease performing second trimester abortions.”

Clinics in St. Petersburg, Fort Myers and Naples were cited for performing abortions in the second trimester that they are not licensed to do. A Pembroke Pines clinic was cited for improper record-keeping.

Christian Family Coalition (CFC) Florida issued the following statement:

“Unfortunately, we are not surprised by the state’s findings, Planned Parenthood regularly works outside of the bounds of the law.  While they claim to promote women’s health, they do exactly the opposite.  They are the nation’s largest abortion provider, performing 300,000 abortions annually. That’s 20% of all abortions in America every year.  They continuously victimize women and children and do not deserve a dime of taxpayer funds. We are glad they are being exposed and proud of the small part we are playing in this effort.”

Read more.

RELATED ARTICLE: Congress Issues List of Demands for Planned Parenthood, Last One is a Potential Nail in the Coffin

How Sexist Is Your Office Temp? by Sarah Skwire

My Facebook wall is bursting with people arguing over a recent article from theWashington Post that claims that air conditioning in the office is sexist.

Women, argues Petula Dvorak, are naturally inclined to suffer more from the cold, so office thermostats set at 68 or 70 degrees keep men comfortable, but make women miserable. Her article strongly implies that this is done because men lack consideration for the comfort of others and because women are denied the power and the agency to get temperatures set where they want them.

I am a small cold woman who keeps two blankets in her office. I sympathize.

But despite my sympathy, I think Dvorak — and most of my Facebook friends — are missing an extremely important point: The fact that there are women suffering in overly air-conditioned offices is not a sign of how oppressed we are. It is a sign of how far we have come.

The economist Claudia Goldin has written persuasively about the long-term changes in women’s work over the course of the 20th century. She notes that the soaring rate of women’s labor force participation from the 1950s-1970s is part of a greater, century-long revolution. And it is that revolution that means that there are more and more women who are able to be in an office to begin with.

Once we’re in the office, we’re cold. But let’s not allow the chill to lull us to sleep. We can complain so loudly about the A/C because women are present in working environments in increasing numbers. That’s a good thing.

Dvorak gets a lot of mileage from her outrage over men’s office attire. They wear suits and ties and broadcloth shirts and are thus comfortable in air conditioning, while women dressed in seasonally-appropriate attire shiver from cold.

Why, she wonders, don’t men simply dress more appropriately?

Office dress codes are certainly part of the answer, but a larger part of the answer seems to be that women got a revolution that has missed men entirely — a revolution in dress.

Underneath her conservative suit, the working woman of the 1950s would have worn something like the Playtex Living Girdle, made of perforated rubber, and designed to produce the sleek figure required by the fashions of the time.

Rubber girdles certainly did that. But they were also hot, sweaty, and uncomfortable. Women who were freed of them by the new fashions of the ‘60s and the invention of pantyhose were nothing but grateful.

And the current generation of women — who have rejected even pantyhose as a relic of the past — are freer than ever… and colder. Ditching girdles and hose means that we have fewer layers between us and the office air conditioning. We’ve burned our foundation garments, but the fire hasn’t kept us warm.

I certainly don’t suggest returning to girdles or leaving the workplace in order to stay warm.

But I do think it’s dumb to blame the patriarchy, as represented by the guy in the next cubicle, for the fact that we’re cold.

We’re cold because we won the revolution. And now we have the power to request more equitable dress codes for our male colleagues, or to design offices with individualized climate controls, or to recognize that the world isn’t perfect, but that sometimes a little sweater can help.

Sarah Skwire
Sarah Skwire

Sarah Skwire is a senior fellow at Liberty Fund, Inc. She is a poet and author of the writing textbook Writing with a Thesis.

New Muslim Fatwa: Take Drugs before Sex if Your Wife is ‘Ugly’

A married man who believes his wife to be ugly may take cannabis before having sexual relations with her, according to a new fatwafrom a Salafi Moroccan imam.

The religious ruling is going viral on social media in Arabic, after the imam made a Friday sermon on the subject in a mosque.

The imam explained his motive is, “So the husband can see his wife like a stunningly beautiful heavenly virgin, but the conditions are that the man is over 40 and he doesn’t use the drug for more than 30 minutes.”

The fatwa is the best solution for all husbands who were tested by God with ugly women, the religious leader added.


Call for Indian Muslim Women to Seek Non-Shariah Rights

Sex-Slave Marriage Revived by Egyptian Islamists

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Places with More Marijuana Dispensaries Have More Marijuana-Related Hospitalizations

In a first analysis of the impact of marijuana dispensary locations on health, researchers mapped California hospital discharge data that had a primary or secondary code for marijuana dependence or abuse to patients’ zip codes. Then they cross-referenced the data to the number of dispensaries in those zip codes.

Hospital marijuana codes increased from 17,469 in 2001 to 68,408 in 2012 in the state. More than 85 percent were coded as abuse rather than dependence. Nearly all (99.2 percent) were secondary codes, meaning patients were hospitalized for something other than marijuana (like someone hospitalized with internal injuries after crashing while driving under the influence of alcohol.)

“Each additional dispensary per square mile in a zip code was associated with a 6.8 percent increase in hospitalizations linked to marijuana abuse and dependence.” The density and location of dispensaries paralleled the density and location of liquor stores, which tend to be located in areas with lower household income and lower educational attainment.

Read Science Daily summary of the study here.

Human Capital: Planned Parenthood Harvested Baby Organs Without Consent [Video]

As reported by The Daily Caller:

A medical technician who worked in Planned Parenthood clinics says they were “morbid” places where women were seen as profit opportunities by “cold-hearted” staff in a sixth video produced by a medical ethics group opposed to abortion.

“The environment, it’s morbid,” Holly O’Donnell says in the video. “You can hear screaming, you can hear crying.”

O’Donnell’s job was to procure fetal tissue from Planned Parenthood clinics for StemExpress, a middleman between the aborted fetuses and researchers. She would “consent” women — ask them to donate their fetus — and then pick through the remains for the wanted tissue.

She describes an uncaring, traumatic atmosphere where each patient was a profit opportunity pressured aborting and donating their fetuses. “I’m not going to tell a girl to kill her baby so I can get money,” she says in retrospect.


RELATED ARTICLE: 3 States Defund and 13 States Investigate Planned Parenthood

Can We Afford ‘Affordable Care’? by D.W. MacKenzie

Does the Supreme Court decision upholding health insurance subsidies prove that Obamacare is here to stay?

With its legality settled, the longevity of the healthcare program is supposed to be politically inevitable. The millions of voters who receive subsidies from the Affordable Care Act will not tolerate the loss of this money. Insurance companies will no doubt also lobby to prevent any loss of ACA subsidies, as stockholders and employees are major beneficiaries of this program.

Political factors may well preserve the ACA in the short run. But the Court’s ruling came on the heels of a gloomy report from the Congressional Budget Office that may prove to be more decisive for the law than all of Chief Justice Roberts’ legal gymnastics.

The CBO forecasts anemic economic growth and rising public debt for decades to come. Projected revenues and projected spending indicate a growing imbalance in federal finances, driven by long-term unfunded liabilities in old entitlement programs — mainly Social Security and Medicare.

The Affordable Care Act was supposed to control health insurance costs — hence the name. Unfortunately, things are not working out that way, and insurance companies are pressing for significant rate increases.

Consumers might hope that government officials would resist pressure for rate increases, but such actions are unlikely: Stock prices for major health insurers rose sharply after the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the Obama administration. Clearly, investors expect the ACA to benefit health insurers. And in Oregon, state regulators actually raised premiums higher than insurers requested, just to keep companies in the market. Rising premiums will likely drive more subsidies, worsening the looming debt and entitlement crisis.

Politicians have ignored these issues for decades because they seemed like “long-term” problems, and political pressures from elections and lobbying force them to be shortsighted. The short-term financial situation is being shored up by the willingness of investors to buy federal debt at low rates.

The trouble is that the long term isn’t as far off as it used to be. The CBO indicates that the fiscal situation in the federal government worsened significantly over the past few years, even as the deficit was declining. Further deterioration in federal finances is expected over the next decade. How much longer will private investors continue to finance this soaring debt?

A large part of the problem with rising debt is that financing it requires steady economic growth, but large public debts can crush growth. Federal debt is a millstone on the economy, the burden of which could at some point lead to national bankruptcy. The ACA, with its enormous subsidies and regulatory compliance costs, will simply pile on an already unaffordable mass of federal spending programs.

The bottom line is that Supreme Court maintained the ACA subsidies legally,but the American people will not be able to maintain them financially.

The passage and continued defense of the Affordable Care Act is an example of the rank irrationality of public budgeting. The outcome of our political and legislative processes over the past few decades has been to create a myriad of wasteful and financially unsustainable federal programs. Meanwhile, the analytical office the legislative branch of government has been quietly raising the alarm about to the direction and sustainability of government finances. It would seem that delirium is winning out over reason.

There is, of course, nothing truly inevitable about the growth of federal spending. Federal spending developed into its present irrational state because many people pressed for this growth.

But spending can and will be curtailed. Citizens can push for real spending cuts through the electoral process. Otherwise, investors in financial markets will at some point put a sharp and sudden stop to government excesses.

D.W. MacKenzie

D. W. MacKenzie is an assistant professor of economics at Carroll College in Helena, Montana.

RELATED ARTICLE: Under Obamacare, Uninsured Rate Fell to Lowest Level in 50 Years. Why There’s More to That Number.

Susan Nolon: Lies, Damn Lies and Defending the Indefensible

susan nolan

Susan Nolon

Susan Nolon from Sarasota, Florida is a typical “conflicted collectivist”, who is trying hard to support Planned Parenthood’s use of aborted babies for scientific research. I say conflicted because in an op-ed column for SRQ Magazine Nolan states that she is both “pro-life” and “pro-choice.” This is a typical tactic used by collectivists, like Nolan, to lie to the people about what they truly believe.

The bulk of her op-ed column is in support of aborting babies and then using their “fetal tissue” for research for the greater good.

You see for Nolon the ends always justify the means. Using babies body parts to save the inflicted is okay, so long as you have no moral compass. In her op-ed Nolan states:

The one thing we have to consider is that although this research has brought findings that have actually preserved life, it is highly regulated.  Only five states actually allow this process. What the video does not mention is that fetal tissue is from causes both natural (a miscarriage) and unnatural (an abortion).  And while the outrage is directed toward Planned Parenthood, you need to recognize the fallout will be huge.  The National Institutes of Health funds research using fetal tissue with grants to more than 50 universities, including Columbia, Harvard, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Stanford, Yale and the University of California in Berkeley, Irvine, Los Angeles, San Diego and San Francisco.

Nolon somehow believes that if the government regulates the use of baby body parts and big name universities use these baby body parts for research that makes everything right as rain.

What Nolon leaves out of her op-ed is how this lack of respect for life began under Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, and the impact of the Eugenics movement to create a superior race in America in the 1900s has led to this indefensible end. The Eugenics movement changed its name after Adolf Hitler used this uniquely American idea to cleanse society of the unwanted. Eugenics became known today as Genetics. To understand why Nolon is wrong please read my column “GENETICS: ‘Racial hygiene’ in America one baby at a time.

Nolon supports what is legal rather than what is morally right. Remember when slavery was legal? Remember when it was legal to involuntarily sterilize children considered unfit to have a family? Remember when it was legal to make blacks sit at the back of the bus? All of these dark times in American history were supported by people like Nolan.

Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger was a proponent of Eugenics, the racial cleansing of American society. In Woman, Morality, and Birth Control. New York: New York Publishing Company, 1922. Page 12, Sanger wrote:

We should hire three or four colored ministers, preferably with social-service backgrounds, and with engaging personalities.  The most successful educational approach to the Negro is through a religious appeal.

We don’t want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population, and the minister is the man who can straighten out that idea if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.

Kelsey Harkness from The Daily Signal reports:

Following allegations that Planned Parenthood is selling aborted fetal body parts for profit, black pro-life leaders are calling to defund the organization and address what they call “targeting” of their community.

“It’s an open secret that they are targeting the black community, that they have located their facilities within a two-mile walking radius of a black or Latino neighborhood…and they are coming after black women,” Catherine Davis of the National Black Pro-Life Coalition told The Daily Signal while gathering with other pro-life leaders in Alexandria, Va.

To hear that this organization is allowed by our government to do that kind of targeting is very disturbing to me. I call it today’s 21st Century Jim Crow.

You see, where we are today has always been the final solution for the Eugenicists such as Sanger and her modern day counterpart Susan Nolon. She is pro-life because her family did not abort her. She is pro-choice when it comes to other people, mostly black babies, being aborted.

Nolon concludes her op-ed with, “Planned Parenthood always had my support because they were there for me when I needed it. And I want them to be there for those that need it now.”

For the Susan Nolon’s of the world it is all about racial purity for the greater good. Nolon is part of the throw away society, only this time it is babies and their body parts.



3 Ways Planned Parenthood May Be Violating the Law

GENETICS: ‘Racial hygiene’ in America one baby at a time

Former Planned Parenthood Clinic Director Explains the Tissue Donation Process

Planned Parenthood President: When Life Begins Not ‘Really Relevant’ in Abortion Debate | National Review Online

In Georgia, 53.6% of the Babies Aborted Are Black | CNS News

Scientists create first ‘designer chromosome’

Genetics accounts for more than half of variation in exam results

EDITORS NOTE: Susan Nilon is the president of Florida Talk Radio and owner of WSRQ Radio. She hosts The Nilon Report on WSRQ Sarasota 1220AM/106.9FM. Email her at susan@sarasotatalkradio.com.

Man High on Synthetic Marijuana Decapitates Wife and more…

Breitbart reports:

A Phoenix man who authorities say decapitated his wife and two dogs and gouged his own eye out let out a moaning howl in court after a prosecutor told a judge what the man had allegedly done, according to video released Monday.

Kenneth Wakefield appeared in court Saturday after being released from a hospital and booked into jail on suspicion of murder and animal cruelty. He had a large bandage in place of a missing hand, which police said he had cut off.

A judge set bond for Wakefield at $2 million after a prosecutor called the 43-year-old, who has a history of mental illness, a danger to the community.

In the video, Wakefield raises his right hand to his face, lowers his head and emits a two-second howl after the prosecutor said Wakefield repeatedly stabbed and decapitated Trina Heisch.

In a court document released Monday, police say 49-year-old Heisch was stabbed multiple times in her torso and had “defensive wounds to her hands and arms.” Investigators also found several bloody knives and a large amount of blood throughout the couple’s central Phoenix apartment.

Wakefield acknowledged stabbing her multiple times before decapitating her, police said. He also told investigators he smoked marijuana and synthetic marijuana about an hour before the attack on Heisch.

“He said he was trying to get the evil out of Trina,” police said in the probable cause statement.

Wakefield did not have an attorney when he appeared in court, but the judge, Commissioner Alysson Abe, said one would be appointed for him before his next scheduled appearance on Friday.

Read more.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of WPTV Channel 5 in West Palm Beach, FL.

Exposed: America’s Enemies Within


Partial birth abortion.

My 87 year old black Dad called to say he wanted to congratulate me for my perseverance. “You finally have me and all your siblings (4) agreeing with you.”

My deep desire is to alert my son, daughter and other non-political hard working Americans of the moral, spiritual and cultural evil threatening to overtake our great nation. No longer are we simply engaged in a battle of ideas – republican vs democrat – liberal vs conservative. America’s choice of governing has become far more daunting – light vs darkness – good vs evil. “Choose ye this day, whom you will serve.”

Despite Leftist merchants of evil using big words and arrogant condescension to convince us that morality is relative, we instinctively know some things are good and some things are bad. Equally annoying is Leftists’ air of superiority – claiming to care more than us commoners about equality, saving the planet and all life; their evil intentions hidden beneath a shroud of faux compassion.

Leftists have what I call their no-pictures-please policy. They get fuming mad whenever anyone accurately describes, visualizes or shows pictures of procedures and behaviors the Left has demanded that Americans embrace. For example: Leftists want women to freely kill their babies all the way up to moments before birth. The last thing they want the public to see is video of the partial birth abortion procedure

Yes, I am unequivocally saying liberals/Democrats (Leftists) are forcing their evil agenda down America’s throat. “Forcing” is exactly what the Left is doing. Americans typically vote against Leftists’ desire to make abhorrent behavior mainstream and transforming America into a welfare state. Leftists send in their activist judges to overturn the will of We the People. After verbally slapping us around calling us racist, sexist and homophobic, Leftist judges make what the people voted against into law.

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, …, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” As I lay out the facts, you judge for yourself.

stemexpress logoVideos exposing Planned Parenthood’s inhuman thriving baby-body-parts-are-us business have horrified the nation. Americans are demanding that government stop giving PP $500 million a year of taxpayers’ money. 

Well, guess where the majority of PP chop shops are located? Black neighborhoods. PP founder Margaret Sanger pulled no punches. PP was started to deal with “the negro problem.” Sanger believed blacks were inferior and bred too often. Black abortions are disproportionately higher than whites.

Blacks who have not been seduced by the dark side are sounding the alarm letting blacks know they are aborting themselves into extinction. A billboard in a black neighborhood read, “The Most Dangerous Place for An African-American Is in the Womb.” Guess who was outraged and demanded the billboard be taken down? Al Sharpton and other assorted Leftists who claim to be advocates for blacks.

Sharpton is leading the charge in the hate inspired “Black Lives Matter” movement; founded on the lie that white cops routinely murder blacks. I guess black baby lives do not matter to Sharpton when they are killed by his Leftists homeys at PP.

Here’s another thing that causes one to scratch their head. Leftists are fanatical about protecting the rain-forest. They say it may hold a cure for AIDS. And yet, most Leftists are obsessed with killing babies. Even after a baby survives a failed abortion, Leftists demand that medical staff let the baby die. Amazingly, a law had to be passed to end this barbaric practice. Why haven’t Leftists considered the possibility that the doctor or researcher with a cure for cancer, AIDS and other diseases may have been among the 55 million babies aborted in America since 1973

Leftists are defending PP black marketing baby body parts. And yet, these same Leftists are tearfully outraged over the death of a furry animal and fight to their death to protect trees and imprisoned cop killers. There is something seriously wrong in people who possess such a mindset.

Good morning Ma’am. We appreciate your patronage over the years. However, our religious conscience prevents us from baking a wedding cake for your marriage to a woman. I imagine this is pretty much how the conversation went. Well, all heck broke loose. Christian bakers Aaron and Melisa Klein had to close down their shop and state ordered to pay a lesbian couple $135,000 in absurd damages.

Check this out folks. America rallied behind the Kleins and started a donations account. When the account reached $100,000, homosexuals pressured Go-Fund-Me into shutting down the account – claiming Go-Fund-Me was supporting hate.

Okay, so first homosexual activists fined the Kleins $135k. Then, they attempted to block efforts to pay the fine. So, the fine is not about paying the lesbian couple, it is about destroying the Kleins. In essence, Leftists want to hang the Kleins’ economically bloody carcass in the public square as a warning to Christians who refuse to betray their faith. Can you say an assault on Christians’ constitutional “free exercise of religion”, boys and girls?

Scripture says “no weapon formed against us shall prosper” and “what they meant for evil, God meant for good.” The Kleins’ account has reached $372,000, thus far. Praise God!

The Kleins have five kids with whom they planned to leave their business. Leftists have other plans for the Klein family.

Dad calling me about his and my siblings’ conversion was really cool. However, I am constantly thinking and praying for wisdom to awaken fellow blacks and other Americans continuously played by Leftists. I rest in the knowledge that surrendering to evil is the only way we fail.

Interviewers have asked on numerous occasions, “How do you endure the name calling and hate you receive as a black conservative Republican?” I reply, “It is easy because I know I am on the right side….God’s.”

RELATED ARTICLE: REPORT: Aborted Baby Parts Being Used to Grow Human Organs in Rodents

Speaker Boehner’s Connection To The StemExpress Founder

stemexpress logoAs reported by Breitbart:

The founder of StemExpress, the private company that has engaged with Planned Parenthood in the sale of aborted baby body parts, is the younger sister of the health policy director of House Speaker

The founder and CEO of StemExpress is Cate Dyer, the younger sister of Charlotte Ivancic, Boehner’s health policy director, as originally observed at the conservative site For America.

In response to Breitbart News’ request for comment, Emily Schillinger, Boehner’s press secretary, said, “Charlotte Ivancic is a dedicated public servant who enjoys the utmost respect among her peers and Members of Congress. She has the Speaker’s complete trust and confidence in both her work and her character.”


Boehner’s Health Policy Director is Sister of StemExpress Founder – Breitbart

Graphic Video: Planned Parenthood Techs Picking Through Aborted Fetuses

A third, and more graphic undercover video released by the Center for Medical Progress shows technicians tweezing through aborted fetal tissue for baby parts to sell.

I would like to see how Planned Parenthood and the likes of Reps. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D) and Nancy Pelosi (D) try to spin this video off as just being heavily “edited.”

CMPgoldfinalHere is a portion of the Center for Medical Progress press release about their newly released video, followed by graphic still captures of the video.

Episode 1 introduces Holly O’Donnell, a licensed phlebotomist who unsuspectingly took a job as a “procurement technician” at the fetal tissue company and biotech start-up StemExpress in late 2012. “I thought I was going to be just drawing blood, not procuring tissue from aborted fetuses,” says O’Donnell, who fainted in shock on her first day of work in a Planned Parenthood clinic when suddenly asked to dissect a freshly-aborted fetus during her on-the-job training.

For 6 months, O’Donnell’s job was to identify pregnant women at Planned Parenthood who met criteria for fetal tissue orders and to harvest the fetal body parts after their abortions. O’Donnell describes the financial benefit Planned Parenthood received from StemExpress: “For whatever we could procure, they would get a certain percentage. The main nurse was always trying to make sure we got our specimens. No one else really cared, but the main nurse did because she knew that Planned Parenthood was getting compensated.”

Episode 1 also shows undercover video featuring the Vice President and Medical Director of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM) in Denver, CO, Dr. Savita Ginde. PPRM is one of the largest and wealthiest Planned Parenthood affiliates and operates clinics in Colorado, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Nevada. Standing in the Planned Parenthood abortion clinic pathology laboratory, where fetuses are brought after abortions, Ginde concludes that payment per organ removed from a fetus will be the most beneficial to Planned Parenthood: “I think a per-item thing works a little better, just because we can see how much we can get out of it.”- Center for Medical Progress

Here are the images. Again, these are graphic and appalling.

planned parenthood baby body parts composite

Has the case for defunding Planned Parenthood been made?

I thinks so.

You can watch the entire video here:


Jeb Bush was director of philanthropy that gave tens of millions to Planned Parenthood

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Planned Parenthood Faces Allegations From Former Clinic Worker in Graphic New Video

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How Planned Parenthood Gets Its Money, Explained in 90 Seconds

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Shark Tank. Please share this story on Facebook below. Tweet it! Google+ it! LinkedIn it!