Muslim Brotherhood: Trump victory a ‘disaster’

“Goliath is coming himself, with his horses and men.”

Oh, you’re David now?

Let’s hope that “Goliath” comes for the Muslim Brotherhood infiltrators and Useful Idiots in the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, and elsewhere in the government.

“Muslim Brotherhood: Trump victory a ‘disaster,’” Middle East Monitor, November 9, 2016 (thanks to Lookmann):

Donald Trump’s victory in the US elections is a “disaster” for the Arab and Muslim world, a Muslim Brotherhood spokesperson said today.

Mamdouh Al-Muneer, a member of the supreme body of the Freedom and Justice Party, wrote on social media that the results of the elections were a catastrophe as a “racist” has ascended to the White House.

“Goliath is coming himself, with his horses and men… what our nation has witnessed in the last period is something and what is to come is something different. God willing it will be for us not against us.”…


Merkel warns Trump: Cooperation only if he upholds “dignity of man, independent of religion or political views”

Iran President Rouhani: Trump can’t reverse nuclear deal

Celebrate today, but tomorrow the real work begins!

“It does you no good to have local grassroots action in a vacuum that never gets to the ears of your Washington reps!”

Get some sleep and then celebrate.

It’s a wonderful day here on the farm because it’s raining (we’ve had a drought!) and of course because the country class has risen up and soundly defeated the elite establishment ruling class all across America.


Since Donald Trump, President-elect of the United States, has succeeded in maintaining the Republican majority (coattails!) in both houses of Congress, it will soon be very clear whether the Republicans will work to scrap/reform the  the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program (RAP) or let it move full steam ahead.

If you think that you can relax, that Trump will take care of this problem for you—forget it!  The work has just begun!

Heretofore, the open borders Republicans could point to an Obama with a veto pen as their excuse not to undertake any scaling back or reform of the RAP.  They can no longer shirk their duty!

Congress returns with Republican majorities pretty much intact for the lame duck session next week, and we will have the first test of Paul Ryan’s speakership as it relates to the budget and this program.

It is about the POWER OF THE PURSE!

Will Ryan bow to what he knows Trump wants—a scaling back of the RAP especially as it relates to refugees from countries which hate us—or will he agree to fully fund the RAP at the high level Obama wants for FY2017?

Until January 20th, Obama would likely veto a budget that defunds the RAP, but that is no excuse not to force his hand.

This is going to be the ultimate and clear test for us!

And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will be showing his colors too on the budget.  By the way, they could continue the present FY2016 level (not enough money for 110,000 refugees) into say March giving a Trump Administration time to weigh in on the final 6 months of the year.

You must get to work tomorrow, especially in Republican House Districts to tell your member of Congress to DEFUND the program! (We expect to see a repeat effort by Rep. Brian Babin (R-TX), and hopefully Dave Brat (R-VA) to attach an amendment to the Appropriations bill that must be passed, or kicked down the road, by December 9th).

If Paul Ryan blocks such an effort, we will then clearly know whether he will work with a Trump Administration or not!


You can see all of my posts on the budget process by visiting the tag ‘Where is Congress.’

So many of you are working in your towns and cities to investigate the RAP, to pressure local elected officials, to look for ways to sue the federal government, to pressure your state legislators and governors to say no to more refugees, which is all good and necessary work.

However, in the next few weeks all of that effort should be directed at one outcome—DEFUNDING the program.  So, every grassroots effort must be directed at your House member and Senators.

Do not assume that if you hold a rally or other public meeting, or call upon the governor to sue the feds to oppose resettlement where you live, that your Congressman and Senators will hear about it—they are some of the least informed people you know—they live in a beltway bubble!

It does you no good to have local grassroots action in a vacuum that never gets to the ears of your Washington reps!

What must Trump do on January 21st?

First, if they haven’t resigned already, he must demand the resignations of the political appointees running the RAP.

They include Anne Richard, Asst. Secretary of State for Population Refugees and Migration and Robert Cary, Director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement and any of their underlings who are there in politically appointed jobs. There is nothing to be done right now about career federal employees, let’s just hope that a recent poll that said a quarter of federal employees in DC would quit if Trump was elected follow through.

Of course, much of what happens with this program going forward depends on who Trump will place in his cabinet as Secretary of State, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and the Department of Homeland Security.  Will they be people willing to slow or stop some immigration programs?

As we discussed above, Trump must work with Congress to cut the budget—appropriations are policy!

As for Obama’s ‘determination’ submitted to Congress this past September where Obama said he wanted 110,000 refugees placed in America by September 30th 2017, Trump has the power to stop that flow on January 21st.

Obama’s proposal is a ceiling only, it is not a legally mandated goal! Of course those Obama appointees and the federal contractors are already working day and night to get as many refugees, especially from Syria, in to your towns and cities by January 20th.  They are also getting as many placed in a pipeline as well so they can scream and shout about how mean Trump is to close the spigot with people in the pipeline.

And, that is why curtailing the budget NOW, in the lame duck, is so important.  It sends the signal that the spigot is closing!

One final thing! This Trump landslide victory sends a message to our friends in Europe that they can resist the Islamification by migration of Europe!

Hail to the New Commander-in-Chief, President Donald J. Trump!

What have we learned over the past 16 months in the presidential campaign that pitted billionaire business mogul Donald J. Trump against career-grifter Hillary Rodham Clinton? We’ve learned that:

  • George Soros––the billionaire puppet-master and sugar daddy behind Trojan Horse Barack Obama and money prostitute Hillary––is now irrelevant. The moneybags hedge-funder, who once boasted that his days as a young man in Hungary collaborating with the Nazis to identify his fellow Jews and send them to their grisly deaths were among the best of his life. But President-elect Trump trumped Soros into oblivion!
  • The polls are always wrong, manipulated and skewed as they are by leftists.
  • The media are comprised largely of leftwing shills, including the narcissistic scribes, broadcasters and legislators who spent eight years touting Obama’s incentive-killing, socialist-promoting, and utterly failed ideas, among them Obamacare and Common Core, just two examples of the disastrous programs that will be scrubbed in a Trump presidency, resulting in genuine help for people in matters of health and education for their children.
  • The pop-up, Soros-financed leftist groups like Occupy Wall Street, Black Lives Matter, even the Boycott, Divest and Sanction movement against Israel––all based on the left’s hatred and prejudice––will vanish as Americans under President Trump go back to work and come to realize that the psychotic jealousy that fuels these groups has hurt and not helped either themselves or our country.
  • The IRS, FBI, Justice Department, even a Supreme Court justice, et al, can be had for a price or a threat.
  • The Muslim Brotherhood, now seeded throughout every department and in the highest reaches of our government, were determined to implement Sharia law in the U.S.––throwing gays off roofs, murdering women for dating infidels, et al––will be abolished under President Trump after he takes the biggest broom in history to sweep them out of our constitutional republic and into the trash bin of American history.
  • The Republicans in Name Only (RINOS) who were oh-so-cozy with the Democrats they pretended to fight were exposed as generally execrable weaklings and traitors to conservatism, and they too will be history as President Trump accomplishes more in eight months than all of them accomplished in eight years.
  • The temper-tantrum conservative set––Wm. Kristol of The Weekly Standard, Jonathan Tobin of Commentary, Rich Lowry of NRO, at least half of the “fair and balanced” panelists on Fox News, the sellout list is too long to enumerate here––will never regain their credibility. And that is not to omit preening broadcasters like Norah O’Donnell of CBS, Chuck Todd of NBC, George Stephanopoulos of ABC, Andrea Mitchell and Rachel Maddow at MSNBC, and the entire staff of the Clinton News Network (CNN).

All of them were WRONG––100 percent wrong in predicting a Hillary victory!


Ask yourself, what were all these media leftists fighting for? Why did they support the most dishonest, manipulative, corrupt, money-obsessed, and––most important––unaccomplished un-feminist in U.S. history? Clearly their bosses, from the six organizations now responsible for 90 percent of all the “news” we read, watch and listen to, had a vested interest in supporting Hillary because they colluded with her in both her embrace of globalism and in her vast pay-to-play schemes. These delusional one-world-order people have invested their millions and billions with the conviction that:

  • American strength is a bad thing because––oh, horrors!––America has more wealth, military strength, and freedoms than other countries, and that is plain “not fair,” ala the Communist doctrine the left embraces. According to that historically failed doctrine, everyone should suffer equally, except for the oligarchs who live lavishly and take decadent vacations on the money their slavish subjects pay them in taxes. Sound familiar?
  • Sharing wealth is a good thing. But, of course, it’s totally phony, given that poor people never see the benefits. See the records of the Clinton Foundation’s slush fund where billions of dollars were raked in but less than six percent given to charity, while other billions were raised for Haiti, but Haitians are still sleeping in the streets! Now we learn that the immoral chip doesn’t fall far from the old blocks; Chelsea Clinton used Clinton Foundation money to pay for her wedding and afford herself an $11-million-dollar apartment in NY City, and her husband used Foundation money to help finance his hedge-fund business.
  • Supporting tin-pot dictators, communist strongmen, and theocratic regimes is a good thing, and that includes sending billions to the terrorist state of Iran to bolster its nuclear program, a program that the murderous mullahs admit every day is designed to “obliterate Israel.”
  • Electing a half-black president is a good thing because it “empowered” the 14-percent of black people in our country to feel good about themselves. The net result? Sky-high unemployment and more crime, imprisonment, food stamps, broken families, misery and dependency in the black community than in the past 40 years! But, in fairness, a few rocking moments when Jay Z, police-hater Beyoncé, and other performers went on stage in Ohio the other day and out of respect for Hillary proceeded to spew the words nigga and and sh.t dozens of times. This is what we’ve come to!

Luckily, happily, blessedly, America is so much stronger than the toxic invasion we’ve experienced over the past eight years––including a “president” who went around the world bad-mouthing our country. But neither he, nor his wife. nor the skewed polls, nor the embrace by the show business lefties, nor the almost-uniform lack of endorsement or support Donald Trump received from Republicans in his amazingly energetic and inspiring campaign could stop the AMERICAN PEOPLE from electing this brave man.

Brave because he went up against an almost impenetrable wall of resistance, lies, slurs, and over-reactions from both left and right know-it-alls and a vicious but ultimately impotent media.

Yet, in the end, President-elect Trump prevailed, again thanks to the AMERICAN PEOPLE!

At the very beginning of his campaign, when he spoke about building a wall to keep out drug dealers and rapists, and having Mexico pay for it, a CNN reporter took exception to his use of the words “illegal aliens.” Like a school marm, she lectured the candidate: “they are now referred to as undocumented citizens.” Mr. Trump looked at her and said, “Well, I call them illegal aliens.”

That exchange, in my opinion, was the moment that most Americans––the Americans who made him the President tonight––connected to this immensely wealthy but plain-spoken man who told it like it is, who rejected outright the politically correct phrasing that has turned grown men into 97-pound weaklings, grown women into tongue-tied children, and politicians into spineless wusses.


Personally, I was on board from day one. On June 16, 2015, I was watching TV with my husband Steve when we witnessed an unprecedented event––a fabulously successful billionaire real-estate magnate, philanthropist, and TV personality announcing that he was running to be President of the United States.

I immediately hit my computer and three days later my article appeared on multiple conservative sites, de facto endorsing Donald Trump, the only candidate––out of a field of 16––to offer credible solutions to the overwhelming problems now plaguing our country, problems created with malice aforethought by Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, and their Marxist ilk.

While several of the other candidates suggested some pretty good solutions, the quality they all lacked––which Donald Trump had in spades––was an actual track record. Each candidate talked a good game, but after eight years of Barack Obama trampling on our Constitution, circumventing the political process with his dictatorial Executive Orders, and spitting on our Bill of Rights, the candidates running against Trump had nothing to show for all their fancy words. They had either joined the opposition, caved to bribes and threats, or simply exhibited their own endemic character weaknesses.

In stark contrast, candidate Trump was all about accomplishment. Say you’re going to rebuild an ice-skating rink in NY City from decades of decay and leadership that never got it done, and he presented a show-stopping new rink in a matter of months and remarkably under budget––and he paid for it himself!

Say you’re going to restore the landmark 1899 Old Post Office and Clock Tower on Pennsylvania Avenue in Washington, D.C. that incompetent people wanted to tear down, and President-elect Trump once again, just a week or so ago, came in in record time and under budget and completed the magnificent luxury hotel right in time for his 2017 presidential inaugural parade!

Mr. Trump was like no presidential candidate Americans had ever seen. He didn’t parse his words to conform to the preposterous and destructive political correctness and multiculturalism that has plagued our country since liberals entered their radical Alinsky years  in the 1960s. And when Mr. Trump enumerated the sky-high mountain of Barack Obama’s failures, Americans believed that the master builder himself was more than capable of both fixing the problems and draining the D.C. swamp. Here is a partial list of the challenges before him:

  • An annihilating national debt––$20 billion and climbing daily.
  • Crippling unemployment with 94-million people unemployed––nearly a third of our population––out of work.
  • Porous borders over which millions of illegal aliens––many of them career criminals––pour every day.
  • Sanctuary cities that spend taxpayers’ hard-earned dollars to support illegals, again often criminals, but most often deadbeats who bleed our social-welfare systems dry.
  • Obamacare, doomed to fail from its inception, is now leaving millions without any coverage, forget about “affordable” healthcare.
  • Race relations that were at an all-time high until a racist president, two racist attorneys general, and a racist secretary of state created and fanned their racist agendas throughout our country.
  • A so-called foreign policy that bowed to America’s enemies and alienated our faithful allies, resulting in a terrorist state (Iran) with nukes, North Korea detonating nukes, Russia taking over the Middle East, the military of our enemies more equipped to combat attacks on our homeland than we are, on and on.

But the good news is that America’s allies are more eager than ever to have a President Trump on their side, and that our strongest ally Israel is now being embraced by former enemies Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries, thanks to the mortal threat B. Obama created by his seemingly erotic attraction to our enemies.


Break out the champagne, let loose the balloons and confetti, give praise to our Founding Fathers for creating an America of freedom and opportunity that still, 240 years later, resonates with the American people.

As everyone wakes up to a President Trump on Wednesday, November 9, 2016, they can thank God to finally be rid of George Soros and his employees Barack Obama, Bill & Hillary Clinton, and their vast retinues, as well as the thoroughly discredited and corrupt media, the hundreds if not thousands of writers and commentators who will never again be taken seriously.

They can also be thankful, as blogger Jeff Dunetz spells out, that a President Trump will bring about significant changes in the following areas (this is the short list):

  • A conservative Supreme Court.
  • Improving the American gene pool by supporting the threats of far-leftists like Al Sharpton, Barbra Streisand, Stephen King, Alec Baldwin, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Cher, et al, to leave the country in the event of a Trump victory.
  • Restoring America as leader of the free world.
  • Ripping up the Iran deal to protect Israel, and declaring Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Quite a difference from Hillary and her virulently anti-Semitic advisors Sidney Blumenthal and his rabid son Max.
  • Lowering taxes across the board.
  • Directing all departments of government to cut the strangulating regulations.
  • Mandating that America win again in any conflict our country engages in, and absolutely supporting our military to crush ISIS!

This is what the American people heard loud and clear from candidate Trump, and supported and applauded and came out in record numbers to let the skeptics and naysayers and haters know that they believed he was capable of leading the charge to Make America Great Again.

What last night’s victory means is that for the next four and hopefully eight years, we’ll have someone in the White House who actually loves America, and that it is not the self-appointed political so-called experts who choose the American President, but rather We the People!

Mr. Trump is going to Washington! Who are the winners and losers?

On January 10, 2016 I wrote:

If you Google the words “Trump” and “insurgency” you will get over 650,000 links to articles and commentary. I recently said to a friend that Donald Trump has gone from being a candidate for the Republican Party nomination for President to the leader of a movement.

Can this movement now be called an insurgency?

The definition of an insurgency is a “rebellion against an existing government by a group not recognized as a belligerent.”

Is it Trump who created an insurgency or is Trump following the lead of a growing insurgency that was already taking place? I have written that Trump leads his followers by following their lead. The movement began during the Presidency of Bill Clinton and continues today. It is a struggle between the individualist and the collectivist.

Donald John Trump is now the President elect. He is headed to Washington, D.C. to drain the swamp, as he has said so many times.

While the pundits will be sifting through the votes to find out what happened, perhaps it is better to look at what will happen next. One way to do this is to see who the winners and losers in this election are.

The Winners:

  1. The American people.
  2. Working families.
  3. Christians and Jews.
  4. The U.S. Military and veterans.
  5. The unemployed and underemployed.
  6. Main street businesses.
  7. Manufacturing.
  8. American energy producers.
  9. America’s allies.
  10. Gun owners.
  11. Law enforcement.
  12. The “new” Republican Party.

The Losers:

  1. Those who wish America harm, both foreign and domestic.
  2. Government.
  3. Career politicians and special interests.
  4. Washington, D.C. insiders.
  5. Unions.
  6. The Obama administration.
  7. Islamic supremacists both foreign (Iran, ISIS, al Qaeda) and domestic (Council on America Islamic Relations, ISNA, Muslim Students Association, etc.).
  8. Illegal aliens.
  9. The anti-Second Amendment lobby.
  10. Environmentalists.
  11. Domestic terrorist groups (e.g. Black Lives Matter)
  12. Globalists and the United Nations.
  13. Wall Street, investment bankers and the Federal Reserve.
  14. Common Core advocates.
  15. Republicans who did not support and/or vote for their candidate.
  16. Hollywood, California.
  17. Those committing voter fraud.
  18. The main stream media.
  19. Pollsters.
  20. The Democratic Party, Democratic National Committee (including Hillary and Bill Clinton) and George Soros.

Others will be added to both lists as time goes on. This is just a quick overview of what it will take to Make America Great Again!


The People Have Spoken: Change Must Start Now

Key Numbers That Explain Trump’s Win

Election Results Show There Is No One ‘Hispanic’ Vote

Trump: No refugee resettlement unless local community supports it

More on what Trump said in little Mogadishu, Minnesota yesterday (earlier post is here).   Dashing out, no time to say more.  Read it all at Breitbart, here.

“A Trump administration will not admit any refugees without the support of the local community where they are being placed,” Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told an enthusiastic crowd of more than 5,000 who greeted him at the Sun Country Airlines hangar of the Minneapolis St. Paul International Airport on Sunday.

Trump’s statement marked the first time he explicitly declared that if he is elected president, refugees will not be resettled “without the support of the local community where they are being placed.”

The Refugee Act of 1980’s “consultation clause” requires that the federal government and the director of the Office of Refugee Resettlement must consult with elected officials of state and local jurisdictions prior to the placement of refugees in their jurisdictions.

The Obama administration, however, has routinely failed to comply with this requirement. Only in the past several years have officials with the Office of Refugee Resettlement regularly communicated with states about refugees, but those communications typically come after the arrival of the refugees, rather than in advance of their arrival, as the Refugee Act of 1980 requires.

While the Refugee Act of 1980 requires the federal government to consult with local governments as well as state governments, Breitbart News has reported on several local governments who say they’ve never received any communications from the federal government before or after the resettlement of refugees.

More here.

When Trump wins we can start talking about the details of how to reform or stop the UN/US State Department Refugee Admissions Program.

Unless there is incredible refugee news, this might be my last post until Wednesday because I have some election day duties tomorrow.


Guest commentary: 2016 Presidential Election—Choose wisely!

New book (out in January)! Stealth Invasion: Muslim Conquest Through Immigration and the Resettlement Jihad

In Minnesota, Trump talks trade and Somalis

So-called ‘Interfaith’ groups pushing refugee program just about everywhere

U.S. considering taking Australian illegal boat people, housed on Nauru, to U.S. as refugees

North Carolina (again): How your tax dollars support ethnic activist groups

VIDEO: Hispanic Hillary voter tries to attack him in Reno — Trump supporters shout ‘USA’

In yet another incident of a Hillary Clinton supporter being arrested by the police, we see Jay Z’s violent foul mouthed rant leading to violence in Reno, Nevada.

The man detained by police was Austyn Crites, a University of Chicago graduate, who’s name appears multiple times in the WikiLeaks Global Intelligence Files. According to the first video (below) by a citizen journalist Crites is described as a “Mexican” after an analysis of his Facebook page.



With just two days before the election and the nation on high alert for a possible terrorist attack from ISIS, it is time for Americans to understand that we need a president that will heal the nation from eight years of racial, ethnic and gender divide under President Obama.

A nation divided cannot long stand.

PODCAST: The Democrat Party Demands You Elect a Criminal as President!


Dante’s Inferno

The image to the right is of Dante’s Inferno. Observe that the evil is represented as upside-down and backwards – an inverted Tower of Babel.  As you progress down the funnel depravity, it all drains out into a cesspool of evil.

The ninth circle of Hell is treachery.  No better word describes the actions of Hillary Clinton and her clique of treasonous accomplices.  She and all those who have enabled, in both parties, her are treacherous.  We’ll attempt to put this unfathomable predicament into words.  Just how did the Democrat Party, the continuous oldest political party in the world today, permit this criminal to be their nominee for President of the United States of America?

We’ll also discuss the revolt of the U.S. intelligence community, and the FBI which has finally decided to do the right thing.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Democrats leave United States in unbelievable position this election
  • How is a criminal, likely guilty of treason, on the ballot?
  • Why did Obama get off so easy?  His guilt is apparent as Hillary’s
  • U.S.-Israeli citizens vote overwhelmingly for Trump
  • Headlines News, Foreign and Domestic

EDITORS NOTE: Readers may listen to USA Transnational Report live on JJ McCartney’s Nightside Radio Studios and on Red State Talk Radio.

‘Hillary Clinton and Sen. Tim Kaine…promote intrinsically evil acts’ by Bradley Eli, M.Div., Ma.Th.

SPRINGFIELD, Ill ( – Bishop Thomas Paprocki is doing something almost no other bishop has done: he is publicly calling out political candidates by name.

In a video Sunday, October 30, the bishop of Springfield, Illinois spoke the plain truth in simple fashion. “Hillary Clinton and Sen. Tim Kaine, the Democratic candidates for president and vice president, respectively, both hold stridently aggressive positions that promote intrinsically evil acts such as legal abortion and redefining marriage in a way that denies its essential meaning,” he declared.

Recent polls show half of all Catholics are voting for Clinton and Kaine. Bishop Paprocki admonishes such Catholics about their sinful participation with candidates who promote evil. “People who vote for pro-abortion candidates are cooperators in evil,” he flatly stated.

His Excellency also brings up Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump, citing talk show host Eric Metaxas, who wrote an op ed in the Wall Street Journal:

It’s a fact that if Hillary Clinton is elected, the country’s chance to have a Supreme Court that values the Constitution — and the genuine liberty and self-government for which millions have died — is gone. Not for four years, or eight, but forever. Many say Mr. Trump can’t be trusted to deliver on this score, but Mrs. Clinton certainly can be trusted in the opposite direction.

Remarkable is the fact that almost no other bishop has dared to call out the Democratic presidential and vice-presidential candidates explicitly by name. One prelate who did so was Abp. Joseph Naumann of Kansas City, Kansas. In his talk on October 18, Abp. Nauman mentioned self-professed Catholic Sen. Tim Kaine 11 times.

Calling out Kaine’s hypocrisy, Abp. Naumann remarked,

It is ironic that Senator Kaine expressed such profound concern about imposing his religious beliefs on others, while supporting efforts:

  1. to coerce the Little Sisters of the Poor and other faith-based ministries to violate their conscience by including abortifacients, contraceptives and sterilizations in their employee health plans;
  2. to put small business owners (e.g., florists, bakers, photographers, etc.) out of business with crippling fines if they decline to participate in same-sex marriage ceremonies;
  3. to force every American taxpayer to help fund abortion.

Bishop Thomas Tobin of Providence, Rhode Island has also called out Kaine by name — the first bishop to do so.

Bishop Paprocki finished his talk with the affirmation that a Catholic must form his conscience according to the mind of the Church and that to act contrary to Catholic teaching is sinful.

Catholics who are unsure of the moral implications of their election choices, especially with regard to abortion — the defining moral issue of our time — should discuss these matters with a priest in the sacrament of penance in order to form their consciences properly as faithful citizens, or to be absolved of their sins, as the case may be.

EDITORS NOTE: The column originally appeared on

Does your local Imam have a bushy beard?

Occasionally Reuters does us a good service, and they have with this story from Germany.  It is about how many Syrian refugees are not devout Muslims (Reuters uses the word conservative) but are being lured into extremist—Salafist or Wahhabi—mosques that make them uncomfortable.

From The Independent:


Composite of Germany’s PM Merkel and Syrian Muslims.

Hani Salam escaped civil war in Syria and survived the journey from Egypt to Europe. But when he saw men with bushy long beards at a mosque near his current home in Cologne last November, he was worried.

The men’s appearance reminded him of Jaish al-Islam, the Islamist rebels who took over his hometown near Damascus, said Salam, 36, who wears a moustache but no beard. One of them told Salam that “good Muslims grow beards, not moustaches,” he recalled – a centuries-old idea that he dismisses.

“Everything about this mosque made me feel uneasy,” he said.

Syrians in Germany say many of the country’s Arab mosques are more conservative than those at home.

Over two months, a dozen Syrians in six places of worship in three cities told Reuters they were uncomfortable with very conservative messages in Arabic-speaking mosques. People have criticised the way the newcomers dress and practise their religion, they said. Some insisted the Koran be interpreted word-for-word.


The intelligence agency has advised local authorities against housing asylum-seekers near Salafist or Wahhabi mosques.

Continue reading about the different mosques German authorities are attempting to cope with.  And, by the way, the words Salafist and Wahhabi are very definitive and I wonder why we don’t see those words used much in the American press.

What is happening in your American town? What sort of mosque do you have in your neighborhood? And, in what direction will that mosque push the new refugees arriving daily which are placed in the vicinity of a mosque by Catholic Charities, Lutheran Social Services and the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (among others). Do they even know what they are doing?

See our ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.

NOTE: Merkel opened a can of worms when she permitted hundreds of thousands of refugees from Muslim countries to come to Germany. Read this story and see that the German government is in the business of training ‘moderate’ Imams.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Zahran Alloush the founder and leader of Jaish al-Islam (Arabic, “Army of Islam”), a Syrian rebel militia consisting entirely of 20,000 to 30,000 Syrian fighters operating mainly around the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Syrian Refugee Numbers to Soar in FY2017 — Federally Subsidized Cheap Labor

We learned about the Syrian numbers soaring yesterday from Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart.

Besides the University of Nevada looking for employees (janitors?), another reason given in the Abstract was that Tesla would open its battery plant outside of Reno in 2017. Can you say a plentiful supply of federally subsidized cheap immigrant labor needed? Just like Chobani in Twin Falls, Idaho!

His story is here. If you live in Nevada you need to read this!

We’ve told you about the new resettlement office in Reno on several occasions.

We were fortunate to have an advance copy of the R & P Abstract for Reno long before the fiscal year began (back in May!). You can read about it here and see especially the information on the letters of support that were attached.


Telsa batter plant near Reno, Nevada.

It is that Reno Abstract that helped me understand how detailed the Abstracts are and to realize that many being reluctantly released by resettlement contractors to concerned citizens are abbreviated versions.

Unfortunately, unlike many communities developing ‘pockets of resistance’ (Rutland, VT for example), it seemed there was no interest by Reno citizens to question what was coming to their community.  Maybe some will speak up now.

However, the office is open in Reno and they are extremely difficult to close once opened (see ‘Ten things you need to know’).

See also our subsequent post on Reno’s new office here where we learned something important! The Dept. of State has identified 47 new sites***!

This is one of the letters of support in the Reno FY2017 Abstract prepared by the US Committee for Refugees and Immigrants (USCRI, the same federal contractor embroiled in controversy in Twin Falls, Idaho and Rutland, VT).


***Here are some of the new or expanding sites we have identified so far:

Asheville, NC
Rutland, VT
Reno, NV
Ithaca, NY
Missoula, MT
Aberdeen, SD
Charleston, WV
Fayetteville, AR
Blacksburg, VA
Pittsfield, MA
Northhampton, MA
Flint, MI
Bloomington, IN
Traverse City, MI
Watertown, NY (maybe)
Youngstown, OH (maybe)


The ‘Untold Threat’ Responsible for 40% of Illegal Immigrants

Poughkeepsie Congressional candidate learns how secretive federal refugee planning is

Coming by 2019! Sweden will sink under this load as family reunification ramps up

Angry, unhappy, disillusioned Syrians want to go home (from all over the world!)

From Michigan: An open letter to Donald Trump

Big news! Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society to bring 50 Muslim Syrian families to Delaware

“Advocacy” is code for Lobbying as Lutheran federal refugee contractor advertises for DC office

FILM: Sing a Little Louder — If not you then who?

sing-louder-posterA bully is an overbearing person (or persons) who is quarrelsome, and browbeats smaller or weaker people into submission. Each individual reading this immediately knows someone who has been bullied, or him/herself has been bullied. The memory and reality of such experience is shame producing and emotionally painful. Maybe it happened to you in school, maybe in later years during a marriage or even at work. The impressions left from such an experience can linger for years even decades unless a supernatural intervention occurs to make things right, to promote healing in the deeply embedded emotional wound, and to allow life to return from the shattered existence that has followed the person. Countries can be bullied, too. Much like an individual a country can become shattered and torn, a mere shell of its once dynamic life.

America has been bullied and shamed over the past eight years for sure, and a strong argument can be made to suggest ever since Ronald Reagan was President. With days remaining until the crucial national elections America is on the ropes in a fight with seemingly no rules for the aggressor(s), the bullies. Who are these bullies? How did they get to be bullies in the first place? The second question is easier to answer than the first. Bullies exist as unchecked overbearing bruits who pick on anyone who gets in their way or even if the victim doesn’t get in the way but is determined to be an easy mark, and can further enhance the image of the all-powerful bully. How the bully became a bully is a bit more complex and multidimensional, but one universal characteristic of a bully is that they want what they want, and they don’t much care how they get it just as long as they get what they want! Until they are stopped; until someone sets a boundary and enforces the boundary; until the bully either changes his ways or comes to realize there shall be certain consequences each and every time they act out their bully ways, the bully will continue, and even become more emboldened. Periodically a bully will attempt to sweet-talk his way or promise something in return for getting his way. More likely the bully simply, well, bullies his way including belittling and shaming his opponent, threatening whoever stands up to him, or actually taking aggressive actions to bring opposition to its’ knees. In between actual incidents the bully works a psychological game of intimidation to keep others in check from jumping in and stopping the order established by the bully.

Our country has fallen victim to the bully of political correctness and progressive/repressive Socialist agenda’s put forward by haters of anti-American principles and values as established by our Forefathers, and written clearly in the Founding Documents they presented to us as a gift. These bullies hate our Judeo-Christian heritage. These bullies hate the values by which America was born, and which made us exceptional. These bullies hate all who don’t think as they do, who don’t subscribe to their agenda in the national sandbox to which they have taken up residence as their own with no room for anyone they don’t like or cFILMan’t use to keep them in power. Money, control, furthering their beliefs at the expense of another’s freedom, changing/recreating the national sandbox into their own utopian place of being, dominating every aspect of not only the sandbox, but the entire playground surrounding the sandbox so as to be the undisputed authority. The bully, and his gang of like minded thugs, may smile and attempt to make nice but always with the motive of stomping and casting away opposition, thereby, promoting dominance of their wants, their agenda. America has been undergoing such a series of attacks to completely eliminate any resemblance of what our Founders strove to create. There is even subtle elimination of people built-into the present day bully game plan; coupled with destruction of property, wealth, health, business, dreams, family. Will Mr. Trump be the one who finally stands up to the bully, or is it a ground swell movement collecting strength from every sector of the national playground to confront and even defeat the bully?

Or will people simply sing a little louder to attempt and block out the sickening and heart wrenching noise of a nation on its’ way to death? Will you stand and begin the singing hoping to influence others to join you? If you don’t stand against the bully, even if it means getting a bloody nose, then who? And if you say not now, then when?

SING A LITTLE LOUDER Inspired by the true story of an elderly man who in his youth witnessed the horrors of the Jewish Holocaust from the pews of his Church. The 12-minute short film provides a stunning message for the twenty-first century and the current genocide that’s taking place with unborn children in America. This film was shot on location in Holland in August 2014 and is being used to help raise awareness for the one in five children who are aborted before they have a voice. Produced in Partnership with Catholic Witnesses.

Hillary vs. The Education of American Children

Two recurrent claims made by Hillary Clinton are that she will stand with American families against powerful interests and corporations and that she will increase spending on educating children to help them succeed.

These populist promises may resonate with many Americans.  However, as my mom used to say, “Actions speak louder than words.”

Hillary Clinton’s grandiose plans to provide unknown numbers of illegal aliens with lawful status would make her other promises impossible to keep.

During the last debate she stated that she would do whatever she needs to do so that workers will have good jobs with rising incomes.

However, for Hillary and the administration, American workers literally don’t count.

Today tens of millions of working-age Americans have left the labor force and are not counted by the Labor Department when it provides unemployment statistics.  In point of fact, each month the United States admits more foreign workers than the number of new jobs that are created.

Legalizing millions of new foreign workers would serve to flood the labor pool with many more authorized workers, providing unfair competition for beleaguered American workers, especially within the low income sector.  Under the principle of “Supply & Demand” flooding a market with a commodity drives down the value of that commodity.  Labor is not unlike any other commodity such as petroleum, steel or aluminum.

It is a bit ironic that during the third and final debate Hillary Clinton attacked Trump, alleging that he had used steel and aluminum that had been “dumped” in the United States by China.  Dumping is an economic crime when it involves dumping a large quantity of a commodity into the marketplace in order to artificially reduce the value of that commodity.  This is precisely what the open-border policies that Clinton promises to not only continue, but expand, where the commodity of foreign labor is concerned.

I have written numerous articles about how Clinton’s proposed massive amnesty program would undermine national security and the U.S. economy.

Two such articles were, “Hillary Clinton’s Immigration Goals Would Irrevocably Undermine National Security” and “Hillary Clinton’s Immigration Goals Make Her Economic Promises Impossible to Achieve.”

What has not been considered or discussed by the media or politicians is the impact that Clinton’s immigration policies would have on the ability of schools to teach children in America — the same children Hillary Clinton claims to be so concerned about.

If millions or, more likely, tens of millions of illegal aliens were suddenly granted lawful status, they would immediately have the absolute and unequivocal right to apply to have all of their minor children be lawfully admitted into the United States.  They would then be enrolled in school districts in virtually every state.

Under the hobbled U.S. economy, many cities and states are currently suffering from severe short-falls of revenue and struggling to provide education for the children within those cities and states.

Families in Third World countries often have many children.  Although a significant number of illegal aliens who would benefit from Clinton’s legalization program might not have minor children, it is likely that the number of kids who would ultimately be admitted into the United States because of her legalization program would exceed the number of heretofore aliens who would be placed on the pathway to United States citizenship.

Additionally, these legalized aliens would likely go on to have more children in the United States, further increasing the school population and burdens placed on struggling schools around the United States.

This would be extremely costly and would result in over-crowded classrooms with many children, who are not fluent in the English language, requiring additional costly educational services.

In December 2007 the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) published an important paper, “The Impact of Unauthorized Immigrants on the Budgets of State and Local Governments.”

The paper, that was published nearly ten years ago, estimated that there were 12 million illegal aliens present in the United States.

Today the news media and various government agencies claim that there are 11 million illegal aliens present in the United States even though, under the Obama administration, we have witnessed a succession of surges of illegal aliens flooding across the U.S./Mexican border and various government reports note that it is believed that each year approximately 500,000 non-immigrant aliens who are admitted into the United States through ports of entry ultimately overstay their authorized period of admission or otherwise violate their terms of admission.

Prior to the enactment of the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA) which, for the first time established a law that penalized employers who could be shown to have knowingly hired illegal aliens, also provided a “one time” amnesty program for the officially estimated population of roughly one million illegal aliens who were present in the United States.

Ultimately that amnesty program provided more than 3.5 million illegal aliens with lawful status.

Although the reason behind the extreme disparity between the originally estimated number of aliens who would “emerge from the shadows” was never determined, it is likely the consequence of a combination of two factors, underestimating the actual number of illegal aliens who were present in the United States and many aliens entering the United States long after the cutoff date and successfully defrauding the program by falsely claiming to have entered the United States prior to the established cutoff date.

A succession of GAO reports have found that immigration fraud is rampant within the immigration benefits program.  What is particularly disturbing about this fact is the finding of the 9/11 Commission that visa fraud and immigration benefit fraud were key to the ability of terrorists to enter the United States and embed themselves in the United States as they went about their preparation to launch deadly attacks.

While the report noted that it was difficult to quantify all of the costs attributable to the illegal alien population it did note that, “The tax revenues that unauthorized immigrants generate for state and local governments do not offset the total cost of services provided to those immigrants.”

The CBO paper addressed the issue of the cost of education to cities and states.  Consider this excerpt that began on page 7:


Education is the largest single expenditure in state and local budgets. Because state and local governments bear the primary fiscal and administrative responsibility of providing schooling from kindergarten through grade 12, they incur substantial costs to educate children who are unauthorized immigrants.  In 1982, the Supreme Court ruled that states may not exclude children from public education because of their immigration status.  Current estimates indicate that about 2 million school-age children (5 to 17 years old) in the United States are unauthorized immigrants; an additional 3 million children are U.S. citizens born to unauthorized immigrants.

According to the most recent population data released by the Census Bureau, as of July 2006, there were 53.3 million school-age children in the United States. Thus, children who are unauthorized immigrants represent almost 4 percent of the overall school-age population. Their numbers are growing quickly in some states, adding additional budgetary pressures.

The paper went on to report:

In terms of public education, unauthorized immigrants who are minors increase the overall number of students attending public schools, and they may also require more educational services than do native-born children because of a lack of proficiency in English. Analyses from several states indicate that the costs of educating students who did not speak English fluently were 20 percent to 40 percent higher than the costs incurred for native-born students.

Finally, school districts across the United States have found that the flood of unaccompanied minors from Central America has included within their ranks members of violent gangs such as MS-13.

My article, “President Obama: Accessory to the Crimes Committed By Illegal Aliens? The grim findings unveiled by a House congressional hearing” was predicated on a hearing conducted by the House Subcommittee on Immigration and Border Security on April 19, 2016 on the topic, “The Real Victims of a Reckless and Lawless Immigration Policy: Families and Survivors Speak Out on the Real Cost of This Administration’s Policies.”

The prepared testimony of Sheriff Charles A. Jenkins of Frederick County, Maryland included this excerpt:

The criminal alien gang numbers are growing, and the serious crimes being committed are increasing. There is also a nexus between the deferred action on unaccompanied minors and the increases we are seeing in gang crimes. Statistics (2014-2015 stats were provided) and hard facts demonstrate the impact on public safety and the seriousness of the crimes committed by criminal alien gang members:

* There are over 75 active known validated transnational criminal gang members in Frederick County, many more suspected of gang affiliation. We also believe that MS-13 and 18th Street alien gangs are recruiting, locally, in our schools, in the region, and out of country.

The Sheriff went on to detail murders, rapes and assaults committed by these students who should not be present in the United States.  It must be noted that often the victims of the violence are members of the ethnic immigrant communities.

Our immigration laws were enacted to save American lives and American jobs.  Clinton’s promise to make a mockery of those laws are anti-American.

California Disqualified from 2016 Elections?

The most sacred right of every legal American citizen is the right to vote – the right to not have their vote infringed or abridged by any Federal, State or Local action. The U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights are the Supreme Law of this land. The rights of the people protected by these documents, belong to legal American citizens and no one else.

Federal laws which are themselves “unconstitutional” enjoy no force of law at all, much less any form of federal supremacy. The tenth amendment protects the states and the people from unconstitutional acts of the Federal Government.

However, constitutional acts of the Federal Government, such as constitutional Federal Election Laws consistent with the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, do indeed hold “legal supremacy” over any state or local laws at odds with Federal Law.

Approaching the 2016 Primary season, the state of California took illegal and unconstitutional action in direct violation with Federal Election Laws by enacting Assembly Bill 1461, with the clear stated intent to abridge legal American votes with illegal alien voters.

By enacting Assembly Bill 1461, the State of California created a circumstance in which it allows illegal aliens to vote in the 2016 elections, thereby abridging the legal right of every legal American citizen living in California to enjoy the full weight and power of their vote, countered by illegal votes making it  impossible to identify “legal” versus “illegal” votes in the State of California.

Because of California’s illegal action, the nation cannot rely upon the validity of California votes. By this action, California has disqualified California election results from the 2016 elections and California votes and electors cannot be legally or ethically counted in the 2016 election, or until such time that California election laws are no longer in violation of Federal Election laws and the U.S. Constitution.

The North American Law Center has issued a proposed DRAFT BILL for the U.S. Congress which officially disqualifies the State of California from being counted in the 2016 elections. As established in the proposed BILL, California must be disqualified from the 2016 elections on the following legal grounds;

  1. The State of California took overt illegal and unconstitutional actions in California Assembly Bill 1461
  2. The 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution identifies only those “born in, or naturalized and subject to the jurisdiction of the Unites States” as “citizens,” eligible to vote
  3. In direct violation of SEC. 112. UNLAWFUL TRANSPORTATION OF ALIENS TO THE UNITED STATES of the 1986 Immigration Reform Act, the State of California has acted illegally and unconstitutionally in Assembly Bill 1461, to “unlawfully transport, conceal, harbor, and shield from detection, or attempt to conceal, harbor, or shield from detection, such alien in any place, including any building or any means of transportation;”
  4. In direct violation of 18 U.S. Code § 611 – Voting by aliens – (a) It shall be unlawful for any alien to vote in any election held solely or in part for the purpose of electing a candidate for the office of President, Vice President, Presidential elector, Member of the Senate, Member of the House of Representatives, Delegate from the District of Columbia, or Resident Commissioner;
  5. Because the State of California has taken these actions during a current presidential election, for the sole purpose of using illegal voters to manipulate the outcome of the 2016 election, the effective date of the bill is immediately upon its adoption by the U.S. Congress.


Any election which is illegal and unconstitutional on its face is not a legitimate election. By enacting Assembly Bill 1461 with the intended purpose of abridging the legal votes of legal California citizens via illegal alien votes, the State of California has delegitimized its own election process and invalidated their own election results.

Thus, it is both legal and ethical for the balance of the nation to disqualify the State of California and their 55 presidential electors from the 2016 elections until California corrects its election laws to comply with Federal Election laws and the Constitutionally protected rights of all “legal” California voters.

The North American Law Center DRAFT BILL has been given to select members of the U.S. House for immediate consideration.

To support this effort to prevent illegal votes from deciding the 2016 elections, please contact your House member today and call upon them to co-sponsor and pass this DRAFT BILL prior to the November 8th Elections.


Hillary and Weaponized Immigration

How international terrorists would turn Clinton’s “compassionate” immigration proposals against us.

Hillary Clinton clearly shares the views and ideology and goals of open-borders/immigration anarchists.

On October 23, 2016 Breitbart reported, “Hillary Clinton and the United Nations on the Same Open Borders Page.”

That disconcerting report included this excerpt:

In a private, richly-paid speech that Hillary delivered to a Brazilian bank on May 16, 2013, she said: “My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders, sometime in the future, with energy that is as green and sustainable as we can get it, powering growth and opportunity for every person in the hemisphere.”

The section of Hillary’s address to the foreign bankers was confirmed by a release from the hacker site WikiLeaks.

For her part, Hillary claimed that she doesn’t want completely open borders and pointed to the segment of her speech where she mentioned energy and claimed she was only talking about sharing an electric grid across international boundaries.

“If you went on to read the rest of the sentence, I was talking about energy,” she said during the last debate. “We trade more energy with our neighbors than we trade with the rest of the world combined.”

But this seeming obfuscation doesn’t reflect many of her past claims nor even the policy proposals on her own website.

Calling her plan the “Breaking Every Barrier Agenda,” Hillary says on her website that she wants to “break down all the barriers” to make things fair in the United States. Part of that plan is to “keep immigrant families together” by offering a sort of amnesty to allow illegal aliens to stay in the U.S. by offering a “path to citizenship.”

The Breitbart report went on to note:

In much of this, Hillary Clinton finds common cause with the United Nations, which recently announced its “New Urban Agenda,” a plan that includes unlimited migration across national borders.

Clinton would agree with the U.N.’s plan for unlimited immigration. After all, in another WikiLeaks release, Clinton insisted that putting limits on immigration was “fundamentally un-American.” Clinton made this claim in a speech to Goldman Sachs in October of 2013. In her address, she attacked those who want to put limits on immigration.

“She’s totally in line with the U.N. agenda, on board with everything they do,” economist Patrick Wood recently told

“She’s making a pre-announcement here that she’s going to follow the U.N. agenda,” Wood said. “She’s signaling to her fellow globalists that she’s 100 percent on board with their agenda.”

Hillary Clinton willfully and deceptively refuses to make distinctions between aliens who have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence and illegal aliens who run our borders or violated the terms of their admission, simply referring to all aliens, irrespective of their means of entering the United States as simply being “Immigrants.”

Clinton is not being “Politically Correct” but is making use of Orwellian Newspeak to confound any honest discussion about immigration, castigating anyone who insists on enforcing our immigration laws and securing our borders against those who would enter the United States illegally, claiming that they belong in her “Basket of Deplorables.”

Our immigration laws, our borders and the inspection of people seeking entry into the United States conducted at ports of entry, is supposed to prevent the entry of aliens, irrespective of race, religion or ethnicity whose presence in the United States would be detrimental to national security, public safety or the well-being of Americans.

Hillary has promised to provide unknown numbers of illegal aliens who evaded the inspections process at ports of entry with lawful status within 100 days of taking office.  She has made no secret that if elected she would expand the use of prosecutorial discretion that has come to pass as “business as usual” for the Obama administration.

She has also promised to increase the number of refugees admitted into the United States by more than 500% even though there have been a succession of statements made by high-ranking members of the Obama administration in which they noted that it is impossible to effectively vet refugees from Syria and perhaps elsewhere in the war-torn Middle East.

The controversy surrounding the admission of refugees is not based on xenophobia but based on very real and understandable concerns that terrorists could embed themselves within the refugees entering the United States in order to carry out deadly terror attacks inside the United States.

This precise concern has been voiced by John Brennan, the Director of the CIA and by James Comey, the Director of the FBI.  I addressed concerns voiced by John Brennan in my article, “America the Vulnerable: How Obama’s immigration anarchy facilitates the entry and embedding of terrorists” and turned my attention to Comey’s dire predictions in my recent article, “Comey Predicts Tsunami of ISIS Terrorists Heading for U.S.An administration ignores the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission.

I also addressed the nexus between immigration failures and the threat of terrorists gaining entry into the United States and being able to embed themselves as they go about their preparations for deadly terror attacks in my article, “Immigration and the Terrorist Threat: How our leaders are spawning catastrophe.”

On September 16, 2016 the Congressional Research Service (CRS), the official investigative arm of the United States Congress, issued a report, “Syrian Refugee Admissions and Resettlement in the United States: In Brief” that provides vital insight into the controversial refugee program.

The entire report is certainly worth reviewing, but for starters, consider that the report notes that the only requirement for the president to meet in establishing limits (or no limits) on the number of refugees admitted into the United States is that Cabinet-level representatives “consult” with members of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

These two paragraphs are found at the beginning of the summary of the report:


The admission of Syrian refugees to the United States has generated public controversy, with opponents citing concerns chiefly about terrorism and national security. As of August 31, 2016, the United States has admitted 10,740 Syrian refugees in FY2016, meeting the Obama Administration’s fiscal year goal. These new arrivals have been placed in 40 states. From October 1, 2010, through August 31, 2016, the United States admitted a total of 12,623 Syrian refugees.

The admission of refugees to the United States and their resettlement here are authorized by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), as amended by the Refugee Act of 1980. The INA defines a refugee as a person who is outside his or her country and who is unable or unwilling to return because of persecution or a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. In special circumstances, a refugee also may be a person who is within his or her country and who is persecuted or has a well-founded fear of persecution on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. The maximum annual number of refugee admissions (refugee ceiling) and the allocation of these numbers by region of the world are set by the President after consultation by Cabinet-level representatives with members of the House and the Senate Judiciary Committees.

It is also critical to know that although some state governors have attempted to block the resettlement of refugees in their states, the administration has often acted against the wishes of these governors and the residents of those states.  Additionally, as the Summary of the CRS report notes in its final paragraph:

Refugees who are accepted for U.S. resettlement are placed in communities throughout the United States. Regardless of where refugees are initially resettled, they are free to relocate at any time. Once admitted to the United States, refugees are eligible for initial resettlement assistance through the DOS Reception and Placement Program and longer-term resettlement assistance through the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR).

In other words, to borrow a phrase from Star Trek, where the resettlement of refugees in towns and cities across the United States against the wishes of local and state officials and citizens of the United States are concerned, “resistance is futile.”

Furthermore, the next president will immediately fill the seat on the Supreme Court that had been held by the late Justice Scalia.  At present the Supreme Court has been evenly divided over the program known as DAPA (Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents) which is the sequel to the Deferred Action- Childhood Arrival (DACA) Program that essentially parallels the defunct DREAM Act and has provided hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens, as old as 31 years of age, who claim to have entered the United States prior to their 16th birthdays with temporary lawful status.

The next Supreme Court justice to be appointed will make the pivotal decision where this vital issue is concerned.

The irrefutable bottom line is that international terrorists have weaponized immigration and the policies of the current administration and the policies Clinton would implement in the name of “compassion,” would facilitate the entry and embedding of terrorists and transnational criminal organizations.

However, suicide is not an act of compassion.

Exposed: Islamic Supremacist Organization’s Banquet in Orlando, Florida

Advancing Justice Challenging Hate.

That was the theme of CAIR Florida’s 16th annual banquet at the Rosen Center in Orlando last night. Hassan Shibly, The Council for American Islamic Relations FL. Chief Executive Director took to the stage and delivered his Champions of Justice speech. (1)

“We stand strong and unafraid, unapologetic and unwavering as champions of justice and unity and civil rights for all”

He continued…

“Anyone…ANYONE, regardless of race or religion who faces discrimination on account of the color of their skin, the language they speak, how they worship God knows that we will be there and that we will be their champion, we will defend their rights, we will have their back!”

But who had the backs of the LBGTQ community when Sheik Sekalesfar was invited to Central Florida to give a speech titled: “How to deal with the phenomenon of homosexuality?” Do the words champions of justice, unity, civil rights accurately describe anyone who  rolls out the welcome mat, refuses to reject  the sermon of this man who soft peddles brutal punishment of gays as follows:

“Death is the sentence We know there’s nothing to be embarrassed about this. Death is the sentence….We have to have compassion for people. With homosexuals, it’s the same— out of compassion Lets get rid of them now.” (2)

Compassion? Justice? Unity? Civil Rights for all?

Persons representing such lofty virtues do not welcome or applaud individuals advocating death as an acceptable—even compassionate  response to homosexuality.  They reject them. It is profoundly disturbing that these practices exist in a solid dozen Muslim majority countries where being gay can get you strung up and hung from a tractor, lashed in a public square, fined, imprisoned stoned, burned or beheaded . It is horrific enough that human rights organizations estimate up to 6,000 men and women have been executed in Iran alone for homosexuality. But it is even more unsettling to know it’s the official stance of the Fiqh Council of North America as outlined in the explanation for their Fatwa issued in 1993(3):

“Verily, the punishment here is the burning of both homosexuals (the actor and acted upon) or stoning them with rocks till death  because Allah Most High stoned the people of Lut after demolishing their village. “Homophobia and religiously sanctioned violence against gays is a virulent thread running through Islam from Raqqa to Mosul to Tehran to Saudi Arabia to Orlando, Florida. In this video Orlando Imam Abu Taubah (aka Marcus Robertson) screams gay epithets like f**gotts and f***ggoteurs (4)

Taubah has quite the resume. He was already a felon when arrested on weapons charges and tax fraud in 2011. In a sentencing memorandum Federal prosecutors describe that he “murdered several individuals; participated in assassination attempts; used pipe bombs, C-4, grenades, other explosives, and automatic weapons.”

The prosecutors also stipulated that the gang he belonged to “stockpiled weapons and explosives in preparation to fight against the perceived threat of interment of Muslims by the United States. (5) Taubah’s long association with terrorists dates back decades when  he acted as the bodyguard to the Blind Sheik who is currently serving a life sentence on terror charges at Butner Correctional facility.

Taubah  was himself recently released from prison  after serving time for a firearm charge and tax fraud. Prosecutors submitted that the tax fraud involved a scheme to finance another mans  trip overseas for purposes of jihad  with a tax refund bilked out of the rest of us by  listing 3 of Taubah’s 15 children as his dependents on the other man’s tax return. After his recent release from the Polk Correctional facility Taubah resurfaced in Orlando.

As an attorney Hassan Shibly may choose to represent individuals like Imam Abu Taubah. Acting as his legal counsel he has a fiduciary obligation to defend his client’s right to the free and utterly vile speech  in which he engages.  But as the leader of  CAIR, a self-proclaimed civil rights organization claiming a mission of “Advancing Justice Challenging Hate”. It begs the question:  where exists CAIR’s challenge to the 1400 years of Islamic jurisprudence, scripture and clerical guidance seething with hate and  violence towards gays? And… it must also be asked who pays the price for CAIR’s blatant hypocrisy involved in refusing to challenge the hate in the house of Islam?

Well that last question is easier to answer but harder to bear:  here in Orlando at Pulse, a gay nightclub, 49 people paid with their lives. Another 53 were injured. Hundreds more who witnessed a human bomb explode with religiously sanctioned hate and violence were traumatized. A tsunami of pain and grief has broken the hearts of mothers, fathers, sisters, brothers, partners and friends who now are faced with the unimaginable task of somehow carrying on in the wake of the brutal murders of their loved ones. In the days after the jihad waged at Pulse CAIR’s leadership offered empty platitudes and condemnation of the attack. But not once have they spoken to the scriptural foundation for the hate and violence directed at homosexuals. And defending persons persecuted and discriminated against due to their sexual orientation was conspicuously ABSENT from the speech in which Mr. Shibly listed the groups for whom CAIR would champion justice, unity and civil rights.

And in the wake of this horror and trauma, as survivors are tasked with healing their physical and emotional wounds CAIR decides that they will “Champion Justice, Unity, Civil rights for all” by inviting none other than Imam Siraj Wahhaj as a keynote speaker for their event. Because nothing says unity and respect for the victims butchered by Islamic jihad in a gay nightclub quite like bringing a cleric who personally threatened to take an audience to Toronto to prevent  a gay-friendly Mosque on Toronto from being built. Nothing says Anti-extremism like Siraj Wahhaj,(6) (7) (8)unindicted co-conspirator of the 1993 World Trade Center bombings. Yes, one and the same  Siraj Wahhaj who acted as a character witness extolling the virtues of the Blind Sheik. The blind Sheik, master-mind of the 93 WTC bombings, author of a fatwa in the US declaring it lawful to rob banks and kill Jews. That’s right…as 49 families and survivors of the Orlando terror attack struggle to mend their shattered lives and wounded bodies CAIR Florida under the guidance of Hassan Shibly and Nezar Hamze invites the cleric  who attested to the upstanding character of a man  who called for jihad against the infidels and referred to Americans “descendants of apes and pigs”

What kind of person, or ‘civil rights’ group does that?

Last night CAIR FL. Civil Rights Director Thania Clevenger said: “I cannot explain to you how a victim of discrimination really feels” Well Madam Clevenger the victims of Omar Mateen can explain it to you. ALL hate ALL discrimination is appalling and repugnant. Bottom line? You cannot profess to be  a champion of civil rights when you refuse to condemn ideology espousing violence towards others. You cannot honestly fancy yourself a champion of anything remotely resembling justice or unity while refusing to renounce leaders in your own community advocating death to gays.

Champions of justice do not hide behind phony veils of victimhood while inviting faith leaders inciting religiously sanctioned  hate, supremacy and violence. If you challenge the thinking and ideology that leads to bullying a Muslim woman but not the thinking and ideology that tosses gay men off of buildings you are not a champion for justice. You are an enemy of justice. If you bemoan Islamaphobia but not Homophobic persecution of gays in your own tradition you are not a champion for justice. You are a hypocrite. If you decry the ignorance, the ideology which results in discrimination based on race but not that which would see a gay person stoned, lashed, burned fined or imprisoned then you are no champion of justice. You are a wolf in sheep’s clothing. If you have the audacity to demand more tolerance from others but refuse to address the intolerance of your own ideology you are not a champion of justice. You ARE the embodiment of hypocrisy and discrimination.

And if you are a person  involved in welcoming individuals like Sheik Sekalesfar and Imam Siraj Wahhaj to Central Florida both before and after the horrific act of jihad waged on the good people of Orlando?  Congratulations: Look in the mirror: YOU are the reason for the Islamaphobia you decry, the Islamaphobia that utterly innocent Muslim Americans who reject all discrimination and persecution also endure thanks to you.


1) * Hassan Shibly’s Speech CAIR Fundraiser October 15, 2016

2) Sheikh Dr. Farrokh Sekaleshfar’s  23-04-2013 video of sermon at the University of Michigan in Dearborn, organized by Students for Islamic Awareness (SIA). Re: homosexuality from an Islamic perspective. “Evidence from the traditions of the infallibles and Quran is presented in the lecture covering the sin, its impact on society, reasoning why it is prohibited and finally the punishment if a society is governed by laws of Islam”
3) June 18 2003 Fatwa issued by Fiqh council of North America regarding homosexual Masjids being built in Toronto
(4) Abu Taubah on homosexuality pt 2 using gay epithets

6)Siraj Wahhaj testimony re Blind Sheik
7)Siraj Wahhaj listed as unindicted co-conspirators 1993 WTC bombing
8) speech: “Don’t go near Zina”

ADDITIONAL RESEARCH: Abu Taubah on homosexuality pt 1