Republican U.S. Senate Candidate Terri Lynn Land Remembers when times were good in pre-Obama Michigan

Ultra-liberal Democrat Congressman Gary Peters who is running for U.S. Senate Michigan is an Obama agenda enforcer.

Whenever someone made their initial lie bigger, my late mom would say they added yeast to it. Not only did Gary Peters parrot Obama’s infamous lie that if you like your doctor and healthcare plan you can keep them, Peters added yeast to Obama’s insidious deception by telling Michigan families that Obamacare would strengthen Medicare and lower costs.

In typical Obama regime cold callous political-agenda-over-human-life fashion, Peters says he would vote for the exact same Obamacare bill. Folks, people are going through hell because of Obamacare — Cancer patients losing trusted doctors who saved their lives and millions have lost healthcare plans that they loved.

Rest assured, a vote for Peters is a vote for Obama’s War on America as founded and continuing the same liberal Democrat policies which have brought down Michigan. I will be polite and not rant about the mess liberal Democrat policies have made of Detroit. Folks, these people, the Democrats, are pathetic.

After six years of Obama’s failed Murphy’s Law presidency, this guy is still out there trying to fire up audiences with his old “Hope and Change” line. The last thing that this unconscionable conman and his minions such as Peters want is real hope and real change. What Obama and company really strives to maintain is their same-old failed destructive Democratic Party policies.

Every time a Republican dares to seriously address the issues that have been destroying Michigan for years and seeks to implement common sense solutions, they are vilified; called racist, sexist and so on. You know the drill. Low-info voters believe the lies and vote again for the same Democrats responsible for creating the mess. It truly is sickening.

Along with everything else that is on the decline in Michigan, black youths are murdering each other in record numbers.

Meanwhile, Obama, the Democrats and Rep. Peters continue to snuggle together riding the huge elephant in Michigan’s living room that is causing all the problems; political correctness.

So, if you wish to support the continuing decline of Michigan, vote for Obama’s homeboy, Gary Peters. His name is spelled P-E-T-E-R-S.

But folks, Republican Terri Lynn Land who is running against Peters for U.S. Senate Michigan remembers.

Terri Lynn Land remembers a time when Michigan was first. First in industry. First in innovation. First in creative ideas which prospered America.

Terri Lynn remembers that Michigan’s strong middle class helped build this country.

A dark cloud of policies out of Washington in recent years have made Michigan’s glory days a distant memory. Irresponsible spending has residents overtaxed. Absurd regulations choke innovation and investment.

Energy restrictions have increased gas and electric costs for Michigan families and businesses.

Michigan’s middle class was hurt by unfair trade deals. Obama’s open border has depressed wages and taken away good-paying jobs.

Michigan families need and deserve a senator who will fight to restore Michigan to its rightful place, first. Terri Lynn promises to do just that.

Terri Lynn Land remembers. 

Enthusiasm Is With Republicans in Massachusetts

BOSTON, Oct. 8, 2014 /PRNewswire/ — In an Emerson College Polling Society/WGBH News poll released today, John Chapman (R), candidate for Congress in the Massachusetts 9th  Congressional District, has a five point lead (45%-40%) over incumbent William Keating (D). The poll has Charlie Baker (R) extending his lead to five points (45% to 40%) over Martha Coakley (D) in the Massachusetts gubernatorial race.

Voters were asked if they were more or less enthusiastic about this year’s election than previous elections and it appears that the Republican candidates are attracting the more enthused voters with 56% voting for Chapman compared to 31% who chose Keating. Baker’s supporters are also expressing more excitement. Among those who support Baker, 58% are more enthusiastic about the upcoming election, compared to only 34% of Coakley supporters.

When asked which issue would most influence their vote for governor, 31% chose job creation followed by healthcare (20%), education (14%), and taxes (11%).

Issues play a significant role in candidate preferences, with those who find taxes most important supporting Baker over Coakley 77% to 6%. On job creation, his margin over Coakley is 51% to 37%. Voters who prioritize education and healthcare prefer Coakley, 58% to 39% and 52% to 38%, respectively.

In the heavily Democratic Commonwealth, GOP candidates must take nearly a 2:1 vote margin among Independents in order to secure victory. Chapman holds a solid lead (54% to 28%) among unaffiliated voters and Baker is ahead of Coakley 56% to 25%.

Coakley has a slight lead with women voters (44% to 42%) and Chapman is tied with Keating 39% to 39% among females. Conversely men appear to be lining up with Republicans as Chapman holds a 10 point lead and Baker has a 14 point lead among males.

President Obama holds a favorable rating statewide 51% to 43%, but within the 9th district his image is reversed, with only a 37% favorable rating and a 58% unfavorable opinion.

Keating has higher overall name recognition than Chapman; however, his favorability is only 35%, to 42% unfavorable. Chapman is less well known, but more well liked. His favorability is at 36% to 15% unfavorable.

Baker also holds a favorability ratio of 53% to 35%, while Coakley’s ratings are 46% favorable, 49% unfavorable.

Voters are split on who will win with 43%, picking Baker and 42% picking Coakley. However the supporters of each candidate have doubts about the outcome. Of Baker’s supporters, 78% think Coakley will win, while 68% of Coakley supporters think Baker will win.

Baker, who was raised in Needham and lives in Swampscott, draws support from both areas. He holds a 14-point lead over Coakley (57% to 33%) on the North Shore, and is ahead by 6-points in Norfolk and Suffolk counties. Coakley’s biggest advantage (43% to 31%) is the Worcester/West region.

Chapman enjoys greatest support in Barnstable County and the Islands, where he leads 48% to 38%, and is up by 6 points in Plymouth County. Keating fares best in Bristol County, where he has a 4-point edge. Despite Chapman’s strong showing, 47% of voters expect Keating to win, while only 22% expect Chapman to triumph.

Caller ID

These Emerson College Polling Society polls were conducted October 6-7The polling sample for the gubernatorial race consisted of 500 likely voters, with a margin of error of +/-4.33%, and the sample for the 9th District Congressional District consisted of 370 likely voters with a margin of error of +/- 5.25%. Both surveys have a 95% confidence level, and were conducted using an Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. The full methodology and results can be found at

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Nuclear Watchdog Confirms Blast at Parchin Nuclear Trigger Test Site in Iran

When we posted Monday, October 6th  on the mysterious blast at the Parchin military explosives test site in Iran , we said our first act was to contact the Washington, DC-based  Institute for Science and International Security (ISIS) headed by former nuclear inspector, David Albright.  ISIS, a highly regarded nuclear watchdog group,  maintains watching briefs on both the Iranian and North Korean nuclear programs.

The young man who answered our call said they would have an evaluation of imagery of the Parchin test site, alleged to be engaged in development of explosive nuclear triggers for possible weapons development.  The Parchin military test facility is located 28 kilometers southeast of Tehran.  The blast there occurred on Sunday night local time. It  produced a glare that could be seen 13 kilometers (approximately 10 miles) distant, as well as blew out windows.  The Iranian regime’s IRNA and opposition Samha news agencies reported on the blast at Parchin that killed two workers.  ISIS released evidence yesterday of damage at the Parchin test site based on satellite imagery, “Finding the Site of the Alleged Explosion at the Parchin Military Complex”.   Their analysis found:

After analyzing the sections of the Parchin military complex visible in satellite imagery, ISIS believes that one site located in the southern section of the complex could be the possible location of the explosion. This site is close to a series of bunkers, indicating that it could serve as a support area for the activities taking place there. Several signatures that coincide with those expected from an explosion site are visible here. Two buildings that were present in August 2014 are no longer there, while a third building appears to be severely damaged. In total at least six buildings appear damaged or destroyed. Several trucks are present at the site. The shape and size of these trucks is consistent with those of either fire or debris removal trucks. The irregular line and color of the vegetation seems to indicate that some unexpected activity took place (possibly a fire, explosion, scattering of debris etc.). Finally, grey debris is visible at the center of the potential explosion area and is also scattered into the surrounding vegetation.

Earlier today, it has been reported that the imagery shows that the damage is consistent with an attack against bunkers and that the locality is adjacent to another installation where work was being conducted that involves controlled detonation of fuses intended to serve as triggers for nuclear devices.

iran nuke plant

For a larger view click on the image. Source: ISIS.

However, it is important to note that there is no evidence of either an attack or nuclear weapon-related activities at this specific site. There may be confusion over alleged high explosive nuclear weapon-related activities at another site at Parchin that occurred prior to 2004 (see figure 1 on the right).

Given the ISIS analysis,  the  question of whether the Parchin explosion was sabotage or a test failure is still open.  Sources, we have consulted with suggested it might be the former.  While the Washington ISIS has been monitoring activity at Parchin, the facility has been closed to IAEA inspections since 2005.

iran nuke plant 2

For a larger view click on the image. Source: ISIS.

Three years ago, we posted on another massive explosion at a missile propellant test  center near Tehran in mid November, 2011, “Iranian Missile Test Site Explosion May Disable Solid Fuel ICMB Program – a Threat Played Down by the Obama Administration”. We noted:

Along with Gen. Hassan Tehrani Moghaddam the head of Iran’s missile test program and 17 other Iranians killed in the ‘accident’ there have been reportsthat a number of North Koreans present at the test facility were killed as well.  That is analogous to the IAF 2007 raid on the Syrian nuclear bomb factory when there was documented evidence of North Korean technicians present at the destroyed site.

The implication of the ‘accident’ is that the NIE May 2009 estimate of Iran’s ICBM capabilities was wrong, as experts cited in our report on The Iranian Missile Threat.  That report was used to justify that the Administration’s Missile Defense Shield program that only covered southeastern Europe. Strategically it means that the range of these solid fuel rockets, especially the MB-25 variant being developed by Iran, threatened targets in EU from the UK through Central and Eastern Europe, as well as, Russia.

According to a Reuters report on the ISIS analysis of the blast at Parchin, the IAEA has been denied access to Parchin by Iran on the grounds that it is a “conventional military facility”. It further noted that Iran said the November 2011 missile test site blast occurred while the “weapons were being moved”.

With questions raised about the pending final agreement proposals  under discussion in Vienna between representatives of the P5+1 and Iran, the Parchin military test site blast begs disclosures  on what triggered it.  Why Iran has denied access to the facility to the IAEA since 2005?  It is time for the Senate and House Select Intelligence Committees to hold closed door hearings on Iran’s nuclear activities during the year long interim agreement. An agreement that gave the green light for lifting some US and International sanctions.  Perhaps, Israel has information on both the incident at Parchin and Iran’s nuclear program. Yuval Steinitz, Israeli Minister of Intelligence , revealed before President Rouhani’s speech at the UN General Assembly in  September 2014 that  he had  such information  from “reliable sources”.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

Beheading threats sent to Elementary Schools in Rhode Island, Massachusetts and New Hampshire

It may be just a prank: some creep thinking it funny to capitalize on the news of the Islamic State and Oklahoma jihad beheadings by threatening schoolchildren. Or it could be someone who wants to “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah” (Qur’an 8:60) but doesn’t intend to follow through. Or it could herald a Beslan-style jihad attack in the U.S.

“Parents worried after beheading threat at 3 R.I. schools,” by Anthony Miller,, October 9, 2014 (thanks to Elizabeth):

JOHNSTON, R.I. (WHDH) – A threat targeting elementary school children in several Rhode Island communities caused concern for many parents Wednesday.

Investigators say someone threatened to behead students at schools in Johnston, Cranston and Warwick.

Because of the threat, many parents kept their children out of class even though police had a visible presence on campus.

“We want to ensure that there’s a safe environment for our students as they go to our schools not only just today but throughout the entire period that they’re in school,” Cranston Mayor Allan Fung said.

Many parents kept their kids at home Wednesday. Others decided to walk their children to school.

“It is safe and I hope it’s just a prank that they’re playing, the threat is not that serious. I hope everything gets back to normal because our kids do need their education,” Giovanni Carpenter said.

The drama in Rhode Island comes on the heels of similar threats in Massachusetts and New Hampshire.

Police in Rhode Island say they don’t believe this is a credible threat but the community is certainly not taking any chances.

“When these threats come in, we take them very serious, but at the same time, we don’t want these threats to affect our daily lives including what they do here educating students,” Cranston Police Chief Michael Winquist said.

The threat was reportedly handwritten and police have enlisted the help of the FBI to determine the source of the letter.


Islamic State boasts of “our youngest martyr yet” — a 10-year-old boy

FrontPage Mag: The Islamic State is here

David Horowitz: The Islamic State’s beheadings show the truth of the warnings conservatives have sounded for years

Fort Hood jihad mass murderer writes “A Warning To Pope Francis, Members Of The Vatican, And Other Religious Leaders Around the World”

Yulia Latynina: ‘Ebola in America’ and other fake problems

Yulia Latynina is one of Russia’s most prominent journalists and critics of Putin’s government. She is a columnist for Novaya Gazeta and The Moscow Times, as well as a popular talk show host at the Echo of Moscow radio station. In 2008, Latynina was presented the U.S. government’s Freedom Defenders Award by Condoleezza Rice. She has authored more than twenty fiction books, including crime drama and science fiction.

Latynina is also one of my favorite Russian-language columnists. She describes herself as a libertarian, although if she were to live in the U.S., she would probably be considered a conservative author of the magnitude of Ann Coulter, Mark Steyn, and Rush Limbaugh.

The following is one of her latest essays, in my translation. It was slightly shortened and edited to account for the differences in Russia’s and America’s broader polemical contexts.

‘Ebola in America’ and other fake problems our leaders love to fight

By Yulia Latynina
Originally published in Russian in Novaya Gazeta, Sept. 27, 2014

Speaking at the United Nations, President Obama called Ebola a major threat to humanity. The second place in this Threat-to-Humanity Olympics went to President Putin, with the Islamic Caliphate taking the bronze.

I’m naturally offended that my Russia didn’t finish first, but I’d rather talk about Ebola than about Putin. The Western TV commentators are as terrified of Ebola as the Russian TV commentators are terrified of what they call “Ukrainian fascists.” “The mortality rate is 90%,” claims the WHO. “The virus attacks the soft tissues of the body, kidneys, liver, blood vessels, literally melting everything into one bloody mess.” “There are no drugs or vaccines from Ebola.” The horror!

Let me ask a few inconvenient questions.

Africa has been a repeated source of terrible epidemics. In the middle of the sixth century AD, a plague that came from Africa to the Roman Empire killed in different areas 30 to 80 percent of the population. In the middle of the fourteenth century, a plague that came from Africa to Europe, killed in different areas 30 to 80 percent of the Europeans. Since airplanes weren’t in existence, the plague traveled by ship, rat, and flea. And in the twentieth century, with the advancements in air travel, Africa also gave us AIDS.

The Ebola virus (in its several varieties) has existed in Africa for thousands of years. How come this menace, which is worse than Putin and ISIS, has never caused epidemics similar to the plague, smallpox, or cholera, and was discovered only in 1976?

How come that since 1976, all of the 13 outbreaks of Ebola never left Africa, and even there the number of victims has been relatively small? (In 2007, the outbreak in Uganda claimed 37 lives, and the one in 2012 resulted in 17 deaths).

Let’s look at the facts.

First. The WHO says that mortality from Ebola is “up to 90%.” It’s a lie. More precisely, it’s a special kind of lie, which in Islam is known as taqiyya. This is when the words formally represent the truth, but because of the way they are phrased, the audiences hear something else.

Ebola reached 90% mortality only once, in 2003, in the Congo, where 128 people died out of 143 infected. But the current epidemic has the mortality rate of about 50%, and there were epidemics, when the rate dropped to 25%. We will later discuss what exactly, apart from the difference in the strains of viruses, causes such dissimilar death rates.

Second, very important. How does Ebola spread? The answer is that it’s not airborne. It is spread only through contact with blood or bodily fluids. The semen of a man who survived Ebola can remain a source of infection for up to three months.

In plain language, an Ebola epidemic can only happen in the total absence of hygiene. Therefore, the WHO statement on page one of its brochure on Ebola that the virus is spread “from person to person” is plain panic-mongering by means of the same taqiyya, that is, lying by withholding information. A virus that is only transmitted if one is using an infected syringe or a Third-World toilet, cannot cause an epidemic in the developed world.

Third, even more important. Ebola attacks different organs, but the main cause of death usually is, just as it is with cholera, dehydration. Give the patient enough fluids and administer an IV with saline solution to replenish the escaping potassium and magnesium, and the 90% mortality rate will become a 90% survival rate. Those “melting” internal organs aren’t caused by the virus, but are the result of the disappearing vital minerals that are being washed away through diarrhea and vomiting.

Fourth. Those Americans diagnosed with Ebola were all infected in Africa, bringing the disease to the United States. The death rate among them is zero. All have recovered and one is still being treated. The American doctors are admitting they aren’t sure what has helped more: the drugs or the general supportive care. [UPDATE: the infected Liberian man who entered the US has since died as his treatment had been unfortunately delayed – O.A.]

In 1972, an American doctor Thomas Cairns doing missionary work in the Congo, cut himself with a scalpel during an autopsy on a patient who had died of Ebola – a disease yet unknown to medical science. He survived because his wife, even under those conditions, treated him with a basic drip.

Fifth. That there is no cure for Ebola is also a lie. There already exist drugs like TMK-Ebola and ZMapp. If the medical bureaucracy is screaming into our ears about the terrible threat from Ebola, while being too clumsy and incompetent to approve the anti-Ebola drugs, that only means the deadly threat comes not as much from Ebola as from the bureaucracy itself. The same way, one can ban all TB medications and then scream, “Tuberculosis is fatal! There’s no cure!” By the way, the Japanese flu medication, Favipiravir, also helps with Ebola.

Sixth. That there is no vaccine for Ebola is also a lie. The vaccine exists; it was created by GlaxoSmithKline. At the beginning of the epidemic a few months ago, GlaxoSmithKline contacted the WHO with the offer to help, but was politely told to make itself scarce.

Seventh. The fact that the medical bureaucracy is sitting on its hands and still hasn’t approved the drugs and the vaccines for this dangerous disease (the devastating effect of Ebola on the human body is hard to overestimate) means only what most doctors already know: the wealthy developed countries aren’t under any real threat from the Ebola epidemic.

To summarize: Ebola epidemics occur only in Africa, due to the disastrous lack of hygiene and just as disastrous lack of healthcare. There is no chance that the virus, which is transmitted through vomit and contaminated syringes, and kills by dehydration, can create an epidemic in the United States, in Russia, or even in Albania.

The Ebola story is very similar to that of the Haitian earthquake. Remember how in 2010, a 7.0 point earthquake killed 220,000 people in Haiti? A few months later, a much stronger, 8.8 point earthquake in Chile killed about 700 people. Keep in mind that each whole-number point represents a 32-fold increase in released energy, and that the magnitude of 7.0 corresponds to the lower limit of a major earthquake.

That is, the Haitians were dying not so much because of the earthquake as because of the squalor and lack of proper construction materials. In the modern world, all devastating catastrophes (well, almost all) result not from natural disasters, but from disasters that are social and political. It is true for the viruses as much as it is for the earthquakes.

One of the original sources of the Ebola infection is the meat of our cousins – chimpanzees, gorillas, and monkeys. This is practically cannibalism: chimpanzees have the mind of a 4-year-old human child. Would you eat a 4-year-old child? In the Congo, they eat not only apes and monkeys, but also pygmies.

Today’s Ebola epidemic, the largest in history, has killed 2,900 people out of 6,200 infected. Did you know that every single year, according to the same WHO, 250,000-500,000 people die of the flu?

So what do we have in conclusion? We have poor African countries, where Ebola – no doubt a terrible disease – is only one of the symptoms of a major social disease known as the failed state. We also have the international bureaucracy, incapable of quickly approving new drugs and vaccines because of its large size and incompetence, while at the same time screaming, “Give us more money so we can save humanity from destruction!” And we have President Obama, who can’t even cope with real problems – whether it’s the 50 million Americans on food stamps, or the Islamic Caliphate, or Vladimir Putin – and instead, declares the major problem to be Ebola, which has no chance to become endemic in the United States.

When one doesn’t know how to solve real problems, it becomes necessary to invent fake ones. Those are easier to solve.

That is why the Islamists, instead of confronting their own squalor and barbarism, are fighting America. That is why Putin, instead of confronting theft and corruption in Russia, is fighting America and Ukraine. And Obama, instead of confronting Putin and the Islamists, is fighting against Ebola.

EDITORS NOTE: This column was first published in the American Thinker.

GOP Selling Out on Homosexuality: Carl DeMaio Target of “Tactical Vote”

Speaker Boehner to hold fundraiser Saturday for ‘proud gay” candidate who backs homosexual “marriage” and abortion rights. San Diego Pro-Family Coalition Urges ‘Defensive Tactical Vote’ Against Carl DeMaio, Openly Homosexual Activist Republican Congressional Candidate.

Carl DeMaio (right) with his homosexual love, Johnathan Hale.

Carl DeMaio (right) with his homosexual love, Johnathan Hale.

Folks, the internecine war in the Republican Party between social conservatives and libertarians who want to abandon abortion and homosexuality as major issues in the Party is bubbling to the surface. The following is an open letter signed by some leading Christian pro-life and pro-family advocates in San Diego–most notably pastor Jim Garlow, who led the victorious 2008 campaign for California’s Proposition 8 ballot initiative defending marriage. The letter urges concerned  San Diego Christians to cast a “tactical vote” against openly homosexual Republican congressional candidate Carl DeMaio, who supports homosexuality-based “marriage” and abortion rights. DeMaio’s campaign TV ad declaring himself a “proud gay American” who eschews “divisive social agendas” (even as he embraces them) is below [more analysis follows beneath video]:

All across America, GOP leaders are walking away from or downplaying the Party’s principled pro-family and pro-life platform. Their assumption is that this will help the Party win “moderate” votes and hence elections–a plan that didn’t work out so well for 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney (who, among other dubious stances, came out for open homosexuals in the Boy Scouts). The message from GOP elites in Washington is loud and clear: social issues are a drag on the Party; ignore them to win. But few Republican big shots seem to consider this relevant political question: how many social conservatives will walk away from the GOP or simply not vote–or be far less energized to volunteer for and fund a given GOP campaign–than they would be had a well-rounded social conservative been nominated?

This is precisely what is happening in San Diego. [See this Barbwire story to learn how the San Diego GOP endorsed and favored DeMaio in the Republican primary.]

Speaker of the House John Boehner will be raising funds for DeMaio Saturday. This piece in The Hill newspaper describes the GOP’s posture of backing homosexual candidates:

Last December, Boehner shot down calls for the NRCC [National Republican Congressional Committee] to abandon gay GOP candidates, arguing the party needed to make better inroads with gays, women and minorities following the party’s poor showing in the 2012 election.

Through his various fundraising committees, Boehner has donated the maximum $14,000 to both DeMaio and [openly homosexual GOP Massachusetts congressional candidate Richard] Tisei this cycle, records show. The NRCC also is spending big in those races, pouring $2.3 million to help DeMaio in his bid to unseat freshman Rep. Scott Peters (D-Calif.). It’s spending another $1 million to prop up Tisei’s campaign against Democratic nominee Seth Moulton, who ousted Rep. John Tierney (D-Mass.) in the primary.

“Our decisions on the Republican nominees we support will not be based on race, gender or sexual orientation, but will be based on the strength of their candidacy and their ability to defeat Democrats,” NRCC spokesman Ian Prior said.

Morally and spiritually speaking, the GOP’s new openness to homosexuality and abortion tears at the soul of principled Christians who otherwise would be naturally inclined to vote Republican. These are moral Truth voters whose first allegiance is to God–and who are grieved to watch a Party that claims to be “pro-family” and pro-God tolerate–and then champion–candidates espousing social evils like sodomy-based “marriage” and abortion-on-demand. God does not support Republican-backed homosexuality any more than He does the common Democratic variety. Sin is sin.

[See this recent speech by Gov. Mike Huckabee assailing the GOP abandonment of traditional marriage as an issue.]

From FOX News icon Brit Hume prematurely and perhaps wishfully (as a loyal Republican drinking the Kool-aid) declaring this week that the same-sex “marriage” issue is over as a political issue–to Michigan’s Republican Speaker of the House Jase Bolger accepting $50,000 from “gay” activist financier Tim Gill, the GOP’s capitulation on homosexuality is accelerating. AFTAH is non-partisan, so we do not get involved in elections. But we do report trends, and the GOP trend of watering down or abandoning key moral principles–and selling its soul for “gay”-friendly campaign cash–has the very real potential to drive millions of people of faith from the Party. – Peter LaBarbera,; Twitter: @PeterLaBarbera

Open letter reprinted from “Republicans & Independents for Scott Peters“:

Defensive Tactical Voting: Which candidate will do the least harm?

As you prepare to vote: 

Christian conservatives face a moral dilemma in a key San Diego election race.

We know we have a clear choice in voting between the candidates when one of the candidates stands in opposition on issues relevant to the Christian community: life, marriage, religious freedom… Obviously we vote for the candidate who is in-line with biblically based values.

But how should we vote when both candidates share virtually the same views, and stand in opposition to those values?

Some people choose to simply abstain from voting, out of frustration with both candidates.  However, staying at home on Election Day might provide the margin of victory for a candidate who will do far greater damage and harm to society.

Such a race, we believe, calls for a different type of strategy when voting. Rather than sitting out the election, and potentially allowing a candidate who will cause great damage to win an election, we suggest a strategy that we call “Defensive Tactical Voting.”

What is Defensive Tactical Voting? Simply this: voting for a candidate who, while doing some damage to society, will do less damage than the other candidate(s) on the ballot. And who will provide a greater opportunity for defeat in a future election. We are aware of the fact that this strategy cannot always be applied broadly, but only to specific races.

An example of such an election is the 52nd Congressional District in San Diego, CA. Two candidates are running: Incumbent Democrat Scott Peters, and Republican Carl DeMaio.   Both candidates are pro-abortion and pro-same sex marriage. Both candidates are liberal and “progressive.” Yet one of these candidates will do far more damage to the moral fabric of our society than the other.

That candidate: the Republican candidate, Carl DeMaio.

Why is Carl DeMaio so damaging as a potential Congressman?

Here are a few reasons:

DeMaio is an avowed LGBTQ activist (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning).

The LGBTQ movement believes in a genderless society, where God’s order of male and female is denied. Their goal is much greater than that. It is to impose their views upon us, with the intent of abolishing our rights to freedom of religious conscience, coercing us to affirm homosexual practice and to forever alter the historic, natural definition of marriage. Allow us to be clear, in court cases all over America, it is now overwhelmingly evident that religious liberty and the radical homosexual agenda can not co-exist. Authentic biblical believers are losing their right to the first amendment expression whenever the homosexual agenda gets its way.

DeMaio has made it very clear that if he were elected, he would cater to the LGBTQ activists. Here is a newspaper interview comment from Carl DeMaio: “When I’m elected mayor, I will be one of the highest ranking LGBT officials in the nation. And the highest ranking Republican LGBT official. While my focus will be on fiscal and economic reform in San Diego, I also recognize the opportunity and obligation to serve as a role model for the LGBT community. We are currently evaluating several organizations and efforts to define the best way for me to serve as a role model.” Gay San Diego, Sept 7, 2012

Carl DeMaio is young, with a charismatic personality. If Carl DeMaio were elected to Congress, those within the GOP who desire to destroy historic one-man, one-woman marriage, and those who desire to destroy life in the womb, would likely attempt to increase DeMaio’s influence and stature within the Republican Party – becoming the poster child for the emerging left wing of the GOP. And as an incumbent, he would be virtually impossible to defeat.

But perhaps of greater danger is the fact that his rise in the Party would contribute greatly to a seismic shift: a loss of basic moral and family values in the Republican Party platform.  DeMaio will actively advocate a platform where foundational moral and family issues would essentially be removed from discussion, looking virtually identical to those planks in the Democrat platform.

Peters wants to change the direction of our country through his Party. DeMaio wants to change the country and his Party entirely. If DeMaio is elected, he will do so. And he will leave us as biblical Christians without a political home.

If you want further proof of DeMaio’s desire to remake the Republican Party, go directly to the San Diego Gay and Lesbian News, which is published by Johnathan Hale, DeMaio’s homosexual partner. (Yes, you read that right, DeMaio’s partner publishes the homosexual news for San Diego.) In this article DeMaio makes his intentions clear.

Please understand that our concerns lie not with Mr. DeMaio’s personal issues with same-sex attraction, but with his activism geared towards changing core values that protect life, the family and religious freedom.

In other words, those who hold to the sanctity of human life, the sanctity of family (meaning a biblical marriage, and two parent, one man-one woman, father and mother families), and the freedom to exercise religious conscience, would no longer have an active voice in American government.

DeMaio is a member of the Republican Party. Carl DeMaio, however, does not endorse the platform of the Republican Party–particularly the pro-life and pro-marriage planks of that platform.

A vote for Democrat Scott Peters will send a message to the Republican Party: “Defend your Party platform and its conservative values, and return to promoting and endorsing candidates who vocally support the entire platform. If you do not, we will keep voting for the opposition, and you will keep loosing elections. ”

Consider this: if you abstain from voting, that is a one vote (-1) difference. However, if you do not vote for DeMaio, but rather vote for Peters, that is a 2 vote (-1, +1) difference.  Your vote for Peters could make all the difference. (Please note that we understand that some will be unable to cast a vote for either candidate, and we are not asking you to violate your conscience before the Lord.)

In the 52nd Congressional District of San Diego, we encourage a vote for Democrat Scott Peters. Why? Not because he stands for our values – he does not.  We are supporting a vote for Scott Peters because he will do less damage to our nation then will his opponent:  Carl DeMaio. And will allow us an opportunity to correct the situarion in two years.

As a sidenote, we would urge fellow Republicans and Independents in Massachusetts and Oregon to vote for the Democrat opponents of the two Republican candidates, who likewise oppose the Republican Platform. They are: Democrat Seth Moulton, rather than Republican Richard Tisei, (MA 6); and Democrat Jeff Merkley of Oregon, rather than US Senate Republican candidate Monica Wehby.

Please join this movement, in order to keep the candidate who could do far more damage, Carl DeMaio, out of Washington. Consider voting for Scott Peters in the November election. While many of us do not align with Scott Peters politically, we align even less, morally and ethically, with Carl DeMaio.

God bless you and your family,

God bless America,

As a growing movement, additional names will be added in the near future.  If you would like your name added to the list below. please email

Kamal Alsawaf
Dean Broyles
Dr . Gary Cass
Chris Clark
Frank Dowse
Dr. Jim Garlow
Pat Hansen
Penny Harrington
Jim Holman
Frank Kacer
Attorney Charles Limandri
Kathryn A. Marler
Timmerie Millington
Mary Moran
Claire Reiss
Allyson Smith
John Waring
Anne Wigdahl Subia
Amy Vance

The persons listed above have signed this letter as individuals, not representing any organization, nor are they working in association with any other organization. They are private citizens who jointly signed this letter when they discovered they shared a common view. You are invited to join them by emailing going to: and asking for your name to be added to the list.

RELATED ARTICLE: Huckabee Threatens To Leave GOP Over Gay Marriage, Abortion

Why Every AMERICAN Must Vote!

The most common statement about today’s elections is that “elections don’t matter!” Yet, never has there been a moment in history when it was more critical for every AMERICAN to vote very carefully!

The reason can be stated in a single sentence… Because every non-American and anti-American will vote!

I choose to believe that the non-Americans and anti-Americans do not yet outnumber the AMERICANS, and all recent polling data supports that belief, showing more than 70% opposed to current federal leadership. But it won’t matter if the enemy outnumbers Americans at the polls.


Not all U.S. residents of legal age are eligible to vote in U.S. elections. Yet many of them do vote in elections illegally and here’s how.

Under the U.S. Constitution, disenfranchisement of citizens convicted of crimes, especially federal crimes or felonies, is legal and just punishment for the crimes committed. It’s a highly just and practical punishment in a country governed of, by and for the people via the election process, preventing criminals from having equal access to determine the future of a nation, along with decent law-abiding citizens.

However, it is left up to each state to determine which crimes justify disenfranchisement and whether or not that loss of voting rights will be permanent or temporary, until the sentence is served. As a result, we do have convicted felons voting in elections today.

The current felon count is estimated at 6 million, 38% of whom are black and 20% of whom are Hispanic. Barack Obama and nearly all democrat politicians support returning all voting rights to convicted felons. Some republicans like Rick Santorum, have also fought to reinstate voting rights for felons.

In Richardson v. Ramirez (1974), the United States Supreme Court upheld the constitutionality of felon disenfranchisement statutes, finding that the practice did not deny equal protection to disenfranchised voters. Except for Maine and Vermont, every state prohibits felons from voting while in prison.

As of 2010, only Kentucky and Virginia continued to impose a lifelong denial of the right to vote to all citizens with a felony record, absent some extraordinary intervention by the Governor or state legislature.

Since criminals will vote, law-abiding citizens MUST vote.

Even without amnesty, millions of illegal aliens will vote in this election. If you live in a state that does not require any proof of legal citizenship or form of ID to vote, illegals will vote in your state. If your state issues drivers licenses to illegal aliens, illegals able to prove residency in your voting district and show proof of ID via their driver’s license will vote in your state.

Because illegal aliens will vote, legal U.S. Citizens MUST vote!

Because DEAD people vote democrat in every election, LIVE Americans MUST vote too!

The Lies People Buy

Since felons, illegal aliens, dead people and dual residency voters WILL vote in the election, who is the target of all efforts to keep voters at home or focused on third party fantasies on Election Day?


People seeking to vote themselves more wealth redistribution WILL vote, and so will millions of illegal aliens, felons and dead people. People with dual residency will vote in more than one district, and all of them have been trained to do so by the Democratic National Committee and their community organizing surrogates, in direct violation of all existing U.S. Election laws.

In 1982, the Republican National Committee settled a law suit filed by the Democrat Party by signing a consent decree agreeing to never challenge voter fraud in any “minority” districts, where 99% of all voter fraud takes place in the country. So, in “voter fraud districts,” voters of all illegal types can do whatever they want with total impunity.

(NOTE: The RNC consent decree only applies to the RNC, the “national committee.” Individual state Republican Parties can and must challenge election fraud within their own state election districts. All election rules are set and enforced by the state party.)

All current efforts to convince American voters to stay home or vote 3rd party in protest are aimed at YOU, the pro-American voter, the only people standing in opposition to Obama & Co. – Obama supporters are NOT the subject target of all efforts to demoralize voters. YOU ARE!

That’s why every American MUST ignore these lies and VOTE!

Which Elections are Important?

The last election is over and the next election is two years away. That alone makes THIS election the most important election.

Only the votes that are cast can count. Only votes cast wisely can have a positive impact.

As a general rule, the people have it backwards today. The true priority importance of elections is as follows…

  1. Local and State level elections are critical. The idea that there is no difference between Republican and Democrat is largely true at the federal level. But at the state level, nothing could be further from the truth. In terms of economics, peace, freedom and morally sound states, the top 10 best run states in the country are all run by Republicans, and the worst states in the country are all run by Democrats. Federal policies only affect us locally when local politicians are as bad as the federal politicians. (READ Balance of Powers)
  2. The local primary is the most important federal election of all. Bottom up government begins at the primaries. Who we have to choose from in a general election is decided at the primary earlier in the year. People complain that they only have people to vote against in the general election. But this is only true because voter turnout is lowest in the primaries. Further, because many states have open primaries, allowing the political enemy to cross party lines in the primary and help select our candidates for the general election. CLOSE THE PRIMARIES!
  3. Second to the primaries is the mid-term election, wherein the balance of congressional power can shift towards or away from the Executive Branch. When the vast majority of Americans agree with the direction of the country, voter turnout in the mid-terms is generally and reasonably low. But when over 70% of the country believes the country is headed in the wrong direction, it is critical to take away all congressional support from the Executive Branch in the mid-term election. Today, House Republicans have refused to impeach the most impeachable Executive Branch in history because they don’t currently control the Senate which must hold the impeachment trial. The people will have ONE opportunity to change that dynamic next month. They MUST hold the House and take the Senate.
  4. The presidential election is actually the least important in any Constitutional Republic wherein the Executive Branch has the most limited federal authority. Only when congress and the judiciary fail to uphold their oaths of obligation can the Executive Branch behave like a dictatorship. The people get to decide who is in congress and congress holds the broadest federal authority under the U.S. Constitution, not the president or the judiciary.

The people have it backwards. Traditionally, the presidential election gets the best voter turnout, mid-terms trail and primaries have the lowest voter turnout. This must change immediately! Because everyone who wants to destroy America will vote, regardless of their eligibility, EVERY TRUE AMERICAN MUST VOTE in order to counter that corruption in the election systems.

Making Sure Every American Vote is Counted

Massive voter fraud was reported to Congress in the 2012 election cycle and members of Congress were unable to do anything with the evidence as a result of the 1982 consent decree prohibiting the Republican Party from contesting election fraud in “minority” districts.

Meanwhile, evidence of disenfranchisement of the Military vote also went unchallenged by Congress.

So, pro-American change is solely up to AMERICAN voters.

The only way Americans can shift the balance of power in their own direction peacefully is to show up in massive numbers, overwhelming all of the anti-American voters and election fraud.

American voters must vote. They must also volunteer to poll watch and be the checks and balances to assure honest elections in their own districts. The people must challenge what the RNC long ago agreed not to challenge, “minority bloc voter fraud.”

The 2014 mid-term election is likely the very last chance Americans will have to overwhelm their enemies at the polls, moving the nation away from the global leftist assault on freedom and liberty and towards a continued march back to American principles and values.

People have been asking for six years now – “what can we do?”

YOU CAN VOTE! You can make sure that your vote isn’t wasted on candidates who can’t possibly win races. You can make sure that both chambers of the federal legislature are stripped away from Barack Hussein Obama and his merry band of Marxists. You can make sure that the most impeachable administration in U.S. history is impeached!

That, you can do!

People, who won’t do at least that, will never stand up to this criminal cabal anywhere else by any other means. Believe it!

“PreCog Audience” – Software that is poised to hand control of the U.S. Senate to Republicans

ARLINGTON, Va., PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The data and analytics firm Evolving Strategies, in concert with the largest campaign technology firm in the world, Aristotle, have developed a new technology – the “PreCog Audience” – that is poised to hand control of the Senate to Republicans.

The PreCog Audience (PcA) consists of the voters in the “Big 4” Senate states that should be targeted because these voters will be persuaded by a specific message – and that will change their vote. The PcA includes each and every one of the more than 13 million voters in ColoradoIowaLouisiana, and North Carolina that have been determined — right now, in advance — who will be persuaded.

“Is it a crystal ball? It’s as close as we can get,” said Adam Schaeffer, Director of Research at Evolving Strategies. “Is it a game-changing weapon for the Right this election season.”

“We are making available to Republican campaigns an exclusive product that no one else is offering. It has the potential to push Republican candidates to victory in the final weeks of this election cycle because you can now be certain your efforts are hitting the right voters with the right message. It’s political precognition.”

“Evolving Strategies now has access to our 190+ million records, including 4,000 election boards, county clerks and voter registrars, as well as party affiliation, race, exact age, vote history and school board districts,” said Aristotle CEO John Aristotle Phillips. “This is very powerful information, and we are honored to be working with such an innovative company.”

Background on PreCog Audience:

The team of PhDs and data scientists at Evolving Strategies utilized bleeding-edge, proprietary machine-learning techniques to analyze data from over 600,000 voters across the Big 4 Senate states involved in the largest known experiment in the history of political campaigning on the Right — ultimately predicting how a message will shift an individual voter’s support before it’s been delivered.

The PreCog Audience is the easy-to-use product resulting from this complicated work – an audience composed of all the individual voters needed to win an election.

Evolving Strategies will only offer access to the PreCog Audience to political operatives and organizations on the Right.

Evolving Strategies is now taking a limited number of pre-orders for the PreCog Audience. In addition to direct sales through Evolving Strategies, Aristotle, with more than 2,000 political clients throughout the world, will offer these audience lists through their platform as a super-premium item, exclusively to conservative operatives and organizations.

Evolving Strategies is a data and analytics firm dedicated to understanding human behavior through the creative application of randomized-controlled experiments.

Four Islamic State fighters arrested in Texas in the last 36 hours

“If you really want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure the southern border.” Oh come now. That would be racist. Better to get beheaded or blown up in a jihad attack than that, right?

“JW Confirms: 4 ISIS Terrorists Arrested in Texas in Last 36 Hours,” Judicial Watch, October 8, 2014:

Islamic terrorists have entered the United States through the Mexican border and Homeland Security sources tell Judicial Watch that four have been apprehended in the last 36 hours by federal authorities and the Texas Department of Public Safety in McAllen and Pharr.

JW confirmed this after California Congressman Duncan Hunter, a former Marine Corp Major and member of the House Armed Services Committee, disclosed on national television that at least ten Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria (ISIS) fighters have been caught crossing the Mexican border in Texas. The veteran lawmaker got the astounding intel straight from U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP), the Homeland Security agency responsible for guarding the 1,933-mile southern border.

“If you really want to protect Americans from ISIS, you secure the southern border,” Hunter proclaimed on a national cable news show this week. “It’s that simple. ISIS doesn’t have a navy, they don’t have an air force, they don’t have nuclear weapons. The only way that ISIS is going to harm Americans is by coming in through the southern border – which they already have.” The three-term congressmen went on: “They aren’t flying B-1 bombers, bombing American cities, but they are going to be bombing American cities coming across from Mexico.”…

However, military experts told JW that the increase in security indicates that Ft. Bliss is a target. Military installations in the U.S. only make changes to security measures when there are clear and present threats, according to retired Army Lt. Gen. Jerry Boykin, former commander of the Army’s elite Delta Force who also served four years as Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Intelligence. “That means they’re getting a threat stream. Ft. Bliss had to have a clear and present threat,” Boykin said. Following that news, federal law enforcement sources in El Paso revealed that U.S. Congressman Beto O’Rourke telephoned the area offices of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the U.S. Border Patrol (USBP) in an effort to identify—and evidently intimidate—sources that may have been used by JW to break the ISIS in Juarez story.


Whippings, Forced Marriages, and Beheadings: Inside ISIS’s ‘Morality Police’

Sam Harris: “My criticism of Islam is a criticism of beliefs…but my fellow liberals reflexively view it as an expression of intolerance”

State Department endorses handbook calling jihad “noble”

Germany: Muslims supporting the Islamic State attack Kurds with machetes and knives

UK: Muslim medical student arrested for Islamic State plot to commit jihad mass murder in Britain

Florida Power & Light’s crazy definition of “Fair”

A response to the letter in the Palm Beach Post by Rob Gould, Vice President and Chief Communications Officer for Florida Power & Light (FPL), on costly non-standard smart meters.

Just an examination of one portion of FPL’s non-standard meter fees gives you a glimpse of FPL’s version of “fair”. When a customer goes into collection and gets disconnected for non-payment there is a charge of $17.66. That same amount can be traced back to 2002, so it tells you it is “cross-subsidized”. The actual costs per FPL’s rate case filing for its test year 2013 is $46.13, so the cross subsidy is $28.47. FPL assumed 490K transactions, so $14 million in annual cross-subsidies are baked into the rates that all customers pay. They don’t come out until the next rate case in 2017.

FPL claims their deployment is over and the cost of doing collection disconnect/reconnects is now lower as they can do these remotely with smart meters. They want to charge all customers enrolling in their non-standard meter program $.45/month or $5.40 a year to pay incremental costs regardless of whether you go into collection or not. They developed a new cross-subsidy. They calculate that cross subsidy by taking a new cost of service of $59.27 and subtracting the existing $17.66 tariff, conveniently forgetting they already received $28.47 for these services in rates awarded in the 2012 rate case. They also asked the FPSC and everyone to ignore that the new cost of service for the smart meter customer is about $7.12 and they want to continue charging them $17.66, collecting approximately $5 million more per year than it actually costs.

Bottom line: FPL keeps cross-subsidies no longer needed for $14 million a year and overcharges smart meter customer $5 million a year until next rate case in 2017 – and that’s called “regulatory lag”. In addition, they want $65K more from non-standard meter customers because they are “cost-causers”. You could repeat this example with other parts of the “NSMR” tariff just approved.

Only in the corrupt halls of the Florida Public Service Commission, could a Company such as FPL, get awarded in January 2013 a rate increase and not share one penny of the $42 million in annual operational savings promised on a very expensive project for over 3 years and then come back in August 2013 and get another $2 million in revenue from customers based on “lost savings”.

To conclude, it is not fair for FPL to request $2 million in additional revenues from some customers without refunding to ALL ratepayers the $45 million in net operational savings that they are now realizing and are not reflected in our current rates..Regulatory lag works both ways.

Obama Wants Iran to Have Nukes

The President’s lack of attention and indifference to years of intelligence reports and analysis is leading to a potential horror in which Iran fulfills its quest to make its own nuclear weapons. It already has the missile capacity to deliver them throughout the Middle East and to Europe.

On October 6th Secretary of State John Kerry received a letter signed by 354 members of the House of Representatives that said in part “We are concerned that an agreement that accepts Iran’s lack of transparency on this key issue (inspections) would set the dangerous precedent that certain facilities and aspects of Iran’s nuclear program can be declared off limits by Tehran…”

Obama, however, is so intent on securing a deal with Iran—any kind of deal—that he has virtually ensured it will become the next nuclear power at the worst time in the worst place. This is the same President who thought he could reverse that hostility of the region to the U.S., blaming it on his predecessor’s military interventions. He thought he could also ignore the most powerful element of the region, the hostilities between Sunnis and Shiites that have been around for 1400 years.

Throughout history there have been world leaders who have warned of a coming horror only to be ignored. Almost alone Winston Churchill warned of the Nazi regime’s intentions and now Benjamin Netanyahu, prime minister of Israel, issued a comparable warning about Iran on September 29 at the United Nations. He spoke to a General Assembly gathering that many diplomats from Mid-Eastern nations shunned.

“Don’t be fooled by Iran’s manipulative charm offensive,” said Netanyahu. “It’s designed for one purpose and for one purpose only: to lift the sanctions and remove the obstacles to Iran’s path to the bomb…once Iran produces atomic bombs, all the charm and smiles will suddenly disappear. They’ll just vanish. It’s then that the ayatollahs will show their true face and unleash their aggressive fanaticism on the entire world.”

Ayatollah's A-BombThat is a definition of horror. Even throughout the long Cold War from 1945 until the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, few believed that the Russians would use their nuclear weapons, nor the U.S. That cannot be said for Iran.

Netanyahu quoted from a book written by Iran’s foreign minister Muhammad Javad Zarif who wrote “We have a fundamental problem with the West, and especially with America. This is because we are heirs to a global mission, which is tied to our raison d’etra…a global mission which is tied to our very reason of being.” That mission is to impose Islam, the Shiite version, on the world. The use of terror to achieve this is natural to the world’s leading sponsor of terror.

In November 2013, former Ambassador John Bolton, writing in The Weekly Standard, described the negotiations and the agreement as ‘badly skewed from America’s perspective. Iran retains its full capacity to enrich uranium, thus abandoning a decade of Western insistence and Security Council resolutions that Iran stop all uranium-enrichment activities.” Noting Israel’s likely military option if all else failed, Bolton said “Jerusalem fully understands that Israel was the real target of the Geneva negotiations.”

A September 29 Wall Street Journal editorial, “Iran Makes the Rules”, noted the Iranian President, Hasan Rouhani, “gave no ground on nuclear negotiations, whose latest deadline is late November” and that it is “harder to explain is why the Administration is now seeking ever more creative ways to give the mullahs what they want.”

The editorial concluded saying “All this is happening while America’s attention has been consumed by the rise of the Islamic State and Vladimir Putin’s depredations in Europe. But permitting iran to get to the edge of nuclear capability would be the worst setback to U.S. and world security so far in the Obama era, which is saying something.”

What is obvious to many observers of Obama is that he is immune to evidence and the advice based on it because he is convinced of his superior intellect and judgment. He has neither. The situation is so bad regarding his very late response to the Islamic State that his generals are openly saying that an air campaign is not going to hold them back and, indeed, as this is being written, they are knocking on the gates of Baghdad in Iraq and Kobani in Syria’s north.

Israel has targeted Iranian nuclear facilities in the past by way of sending the regime a message. In May, the Iranian media reported an explosion at a facility in the northern city of Qazvin, not far from Tehran.

It is unlikely that most people in the West grasp the insanity of Iran’s Islamic view of the world. Most certainly Obama gives no indication of that. In his recent speech to the UN General Assembly he said the conflict in the Middle East is “a fight no one is winning.” He should read the newspapers or look at the TV news.

To grasp what drives the Iranian leadership, a quote from the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the 1979 revolution, is worth considering. “If one permits an infidel to continue in his role as the corrupter of the earth, the infidels moral suffering will be all the worse. If one kills the infidel and this stops him from perpetrating his misdeeds, his death will be a blessing to him.”

So, nuclear missiles that destroy New York, Washington, D.C., and anywhere else where millions of infidels are found are a good thing if you’re an Iranian leader.

Obama simply does not get this or refuses to do so. His failure puts us closer to a nuclear cataclysm with every passing day.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

Adrian Wyllie’s Libertarian Dream to Be the Next Ross Perot!

A Vote for Adrian Wyllie = a Vote for Obama Big Government & Charlie Crist!

Adrian Wyllie, third party candidate for governor of Florida claimed in a Naples News article that he’s fighting against “a growing totalitarian state in Florida.” This is a bizarre accusation directed towards our current free market governor, and national republican governors, who have proven 10th amendment track-records against big government and overreaching authority.

Adrian Wyllie must be spending too much time campaigning in beer halls, as he’s overlooked Florida’s impressive turnaround. The first thing Governor Scott did was unpopular when he cut the budget, then he followed by eliminating thousands of confiscatory regulations. Scott was then able to be generous with his “It’s Your Tax Money $77 Billion Budget.” Thanks to Governor Scott’s command of finance, hard-work and policies of pro-growth, pro-business and pro-taxpayer, he’s able to enrich Floridians! Hardly a totalitarian state!

Adrian Wyllie’s quest for a third-party Ross Perot-play will accomplish what he loves to hate … the return of big government. Wyllie, along with the liberal press, repetitively refers to Governor Scott as “unpopular.” This technique is used by the Left to destroy successful opposition and leave voters dissatisfied about voting. After all, Dr. Joseph Goebbels used this strategy effectively: “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.”

Wyllie sounds like a nice guy with Utopian dreams but he won’t be too popular when All Aboard Florida trains roll into town at 110 miles per hour, followed by the national European-style rail boondoggle, full-blown Obamacare with Death Panels and the full force of Common Core standards to “dumb down our kids.”

The Naples News article by William March reveals some insight into Adrian Wyllie as a candidate and, frankly, reveals a sophomoric agenda to contest designer beer regulations – even when that legislation did not pass! Wyllie brags about “being arrested for driving without a license” sounds juvenile compared to the creeping threat of ISIS, Ebola and out-of-control immigration.

Joe Negron, R-Stuart, who directed a Senate review of all spending during the past year was shocked by Wyllie’s draconian budget cuts of 30%: “The idea that we can slash one-third of the state budget is fanciful and would decimate public schools.” Insolvency is not a remedy for Wyllie’s so-called freedom platform to: “abolish environmental regulations, marriage licenses and eliminate property taxes, fully legalize pot and convert Florida to the gold standard.”

There is no honor throwing Florida’s fate back into the hands of the Obama-backed Charlie Crist failures as federal spending rushes by the second towards $18 trillion! While Wyllie admits he’s on bankruptcy-watch, Governor Scott’s checkbook savvy has turned Florida around with Republican principles. If Adrian Wyllie cares about Florida, he should drop out of the race to support the continued successes of the past four years!

Yet Wyllie’s self-promoting disregard for the facts gives an un-serious air to his contest and, as he told students at St. Petersburg College, he doesn’t want to be governor anyway. Why in the heck is he running?

The math is clear… potentially a three-way race could attract votes for both small government parties to split the vote in favor of the failed ex-governor Charlie Crist as a ticket to the Obama/Crist Big Government Spending Spree!

Be informed about Governor Scott’s successful agenda as “he’s working!” Sign up for his newsletter:

Supreme Court Decision to Refuse to Take Up Marriage Cases and its Impact in Florida

Florida Family Policy Council President, John Stemberger, released the following statement in response to the Supreme Court’s refusal to accept appeals in marriage cases involving only the five states of Indiana, Oklahoma, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin:

“The Supreme Court decision to not rule on these lower court opinions, which undermine natural marriage and the rule of law, has no legal effect in Florida and is only legally binding in the five states where the appeal was brought. Florida’s opponents of natural marriage are trying to argue that the Attorney General and Florida courts should ignore the legitimate process and procedure and become social change agents. Unless and until a federal appeals court over Florida issues an adverse ruling, then Florida’s current valid marriage laws should continue to be upheld by the Attorney General and Florida judges alike. Further, no same-sex marriage licenses should be issued, and any decision otherwise by a Florida court or a clerk of court, would be irresponsible and illegitimate.

The high court’s failure to take this matter up is, in part, a disregard of it’s duty, but it is also an indication that they are not going to force a “one- size-fits-all” Roe v. Wade type decision on marriage around the country.

Over the last 15 years, more than 40 million Americans in more than 30 states have voted at the ballot box to define marriage as one man and one woman – the same definition of marriage used worldwide. In the last nano-second of human civilization, some U.S. judges have attempted to ignore and erase those votes. The Supreme Court risks losing enormous institutional legitimacy if they ignore biology, logic, anthropology, social science and the collective wisdom of human history, and overturn an act of direct democracy by such an overwhelming number of American voters who protected marriage in their state constitutions.

Marriage is about more than who you love; it’s about bringing together the two great halves of humanity, male and female– not gay and straight.

Also it’s important to recognize that legalizing same-sex marriage ignores and eliminates the importance of gender in society: it costs kids either a mom or a dad (who are not interchangeable), and it costs people of faith their First Amendment rights as government imposes the new definition across all aspects of society. States and counties that have so-called “non-discrimination” laws which cover sexual orientation are being used as weapons to punish people of faith, and mainly Christians, for failure to facilitate or host same sex marriage ceremonies. We as a state and a society need to carefully count those costs before we run headlong into this latest social experiment with marriage, which will have negative impact on so many areas of life and law.”


Justice Kennedy Blocks Gay Marriage Ruling in Idaho, Nevada

The Defense of Marriage Isn’t Over

Supreme Court Decision Will Lead to Gay Marriage in Five More States. Why That’s Wrong.

Ebola as a Weapon of Mass Destruction for Islamic Terrorist Groups (ITG)

Ebola is a very dangerous and often deadly disease. How many people in Africa actually have Ebola? How many people in America actually have Ebola? How many illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican border into America have Ebola? No one actually knows and we know who we can count on to deceive us and provide us a false sense of security.

Most counter-terrorism professionals and journalists particularly in America are not prepared to understand the depth of evil practitioners of Islam are capable of. Only within the last few weeks, since the beheadings of the British and American journalists by the Islamic State (ITG), has the world began raising serious eyebrows about the evils of ITG.

ITG have been conducting atrocities against innocent men, women, and children for centuries. The cutting off of a person’s head is nothing new in Islam. Their Prophet (Mohammed) carried out hundreds of beheadings in the name of Islam.

To understand and defeat the ideology of ITG, you first must never make excuses for them. You must understand ITG obtain their information from the Quran and from mosque leaders around the world. There are no moderate Muslims and there are no mosques that are moderate. The difference between mosques is that some are better at hiding the truth than others. Somehow we believe if the worshipers simply say they desire peace and love everyone that they must be telling the truth. You are wrong to think this way.

Throughout the history of Islam, Muslims have sought the weapons that can cause the most severe deaths of their enemies. The Islamic mindset is rather simple. Islamic terrorists do not think the way rational people do. They are constantly working to obtain a weapon that would annihilate the Jews and other non Muslims across the world.

You can be assured there are Islamic leaders who are working on ways to use the Ebola virus to their advantage. Can you imagine if 1,000 people entered America through illegal means (which is rather easy given our borders are not secure and millions enter illegally each year) and were carrying the Ebola virus?

These 1,000 Ebola carriers could be used as weapons and dispersed across America. They would infect hundreds and hundreds of thousands who in turn would unknowingly infect hundreds of thousands more. This plague could kill every American within a few months.

Do not for a minute think Muslim terrorists would not use Ebola as a weapon of mass destruction. The Islamic terror groups have thousands of Muslims ready to die in the name of Islam.

The chosen Muslim martyrs could intentionally be infected with the Ebola virus and sent into America to spread the disease. Most Muslim terrorists would do this for little or no pay, but to recruit a steady flow of Ebola carriers, the Islamic terror leaders may promise to provide for the families of martyrs.

Many who say this could never happen because we are on high alert for the signs of Ebola. Again remember our borders are virtually open. If the Islamic terror leaders send 5,000 across and only 1 in 5 make it, America will die a slow and agonizing death.

We must all remember there are approximately 4 million Muslims already living and working in America. Do we honestly believe there are not at least 1,000 Muslims waiting in line (in America) to be martyrs? This many could volunteer in New York City alone.

Can this tragedy be prevented? For the short time no. For the long term the answer is still no. The teachings of Islam are being enacted today across the world, it is a beastly ideology and the people it produces are worse than the wildest rabid animal.

I always like to leave people with a glimmer of hope. If Obama closed all mosques in America, made the adherence of Sharia illegal and deported any Muslim who does not pledge allegiance to America, then we could defeat this violent ideology. Do you believe Obama would ever do this? Prepare my friends.

NOTE: CAIR is a sponsor of Islamic based terrorism. They use all forms of Jihad. The materials inside CAIR National advocate the killing of anyone who is actively against the teachings of Islam. I have had many, many threats, and they are increasing. Do you think if CAIR leaders had the opportunity to have me beheaded they would have it carried out. Yes. Do you think they would you and your families could face the same fate?

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Islamic State withstands bombing campaign, plots Baghdad invasion

The airstrikes haven’t stopped the Islamic State. What a surprise. “Islamic State withstands bombing campaign, plots Baghdad invasion,” by Rowan Scarborough, The Washington Times, October 5, 2014:

The Islamic State holds just about the same number of towns in Iraq today as it did two months ago, when the U.S. began a bombing campaign to whittle down the terrorist army and support Iraqi ground troops trying to retake territory.

More troubling, analysts say, is that the Islamic State, also known by the acronyms ISIS and ISIL, is ramping up what appear to be operations designed to one day invade Baghdad.

Its objective is to take the international airport and begin conquering the capital, section by section. The Islamic State is continuing its urban attacks with car bombs, some of which have been detonated by foreign suicide bombers.

The Pentagon is not openly confident that the Iraqi Security Forces will hold Baghdad. A spokesman has declined to predict that the sprawling city will stay in government control.

The 2-month-old air campaign can be viewed in two ways. On one hand, the U.S. coalition strikes have slowed and, in some cases, stopped the Islamic State’s advances. On the other hand, they have done little to achieve the ultimate goal of breaking the terrorists’ grip on Mosul, Tal Afar, Fallujah and more than 10 other towns in northern and western Iraq.

The Islamic State has captured large swaths of territory in Iraq and Syria and has declared itself a caliphate.

One Iraq War veteran said the bombing has been falling short.

“I judge the bombing, quite frankly, to the strategic aims in Iraq being two objectives,” said retired Army Lt. Gen. James Dubik, who supervised the training of Iraqi forces during the 2007 U.S. troop surge. “Restore the sovereign border of Iraq and, two, eliminate ISIS as a threat to the sovereignty of Iraq. And they have certainly not done anything to those aims.”

Others see a positive side. Slowing the Islamic State’s advances “shows that we have been successful with the easier, first stage,” said Michael O’Hanlon, a military analyst at the Brookings Institution. “The hard part, as predicted, is taking territory back. Air power can’t, won’t do it.”

In Iraq on Sunday, the Islamic State publicly killed six Iraqi soldiers captured in western Anbar province, where the terrorists continue to advance despite the expanding U.S.-led campaign of airstrikes, residents told The Associated Press.

In Syria, the terrorist army shelled the beleaguered Syrian Kurdish town of Kobani, near the border with Turkey, as part of its weekslong offensive against the town and surrounding villages that has forced 160,000 people to flee across the border.

Analysts for the Institute for the Study of War regularly publish a map titled “Control of Terrain in Iraq,” which uses color codes to designate who controls what, and what remains up for grabs.

It is noteworthy how similar the map of Aug. 10, when the air campaign began, is with the one published Friday, two months later. It paints the picture of an entrenched Islamic State that is still threatening government-held territory in Iraq….


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