Hungarian PM Orban: European Union following George Soros’ migration plan

He also suggests Italy will soon attempt to close its borders.  I won’t hold my breath on that one, political correctness has most of Europe by the short hairs.

Invasion of Europe news…..

From Breitbart London (which has been doing a great job of reporting on the invasion):

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has claimed the European Union are implementing migration plans designed by left-wing billionaire Geroge Soros to bring in a million migrants per year to Europe with the help of his army of NGOs.

Hungarian Prime Minister Orban (left) George Soros (right).

Orbán claimed the EU and Soros wish to bring in the one million migrants annually to create an EU immigration force to undermine the national sovereignty of member states, Die Presse reports.

According to Orbán, many heads of government across Europe agree with his government’s policy on migration but will only say so in private. He also said that because of the recent surge of migration into Italy, he expected the southern European nation could soon join Hungary and others in wanting to secure their national borders.

The Italian government have already made several steps toward securing their border after they saw 13,500 migrants arrive by naval vessels and NGO rescue ships in a 48-hour period. The NGO ships have been accused by Italian prosecutors of cooperating with people smugglers and Italy has even threatened to close its ports to their boats if the traffic continues at the same pace.

Orbán also mentioned former Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi who once warned that if his government should fall, then millions of people would flood Europe from Africa.

The Hungarian prime minister said that although Gaddafi was no democratic ruler, Western interventionism in Libya was partly responsible for the current crisis.BTW, it was Soros’ pal Hillary Clinton who is responsible for getting Gaddafi out of the way, see here. Watch her laugh like a mad woman!

Come on Donald! You visited Poland, now invite Viktor Orban to the White House and give him a lavish state dinner—make the heathen rage!

Tell the President, here, to invite the brave Orban to the White House!  Soros might be a friend of your son-in-law, but he is not your friend.

All of my ‘Invasion of Europe’ news is here.  The archive extends back to about 2011.


Israel: George Soros Behind Groups That Defame Jewish State

WaPo: Stirring the pot, highlighting controversy between White House and Department of State on refugees

Supreme Court is giving permission for the refugee ceiling to be surpassed for first time

Missing in America: Muslims charged with crimes have disappeared

Cambridge, Mass: No refugees for you! Neighborhood is too wealthy!

Every day tell the White House what you think about refugee program!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of one of many NGO ships bringing African migrants to Italy. Photo: Breitbart

Trump’s New Foreign Policy of ‘Principled Realism’ by José Azel

The new U.S.-Cuba policy emphasizes our democratic values, but allows for negotiations responsive to the requirements of U.S. national interests. It is a policy of principled realism. The symbolism of a change to a policy that now embraces our values was richly expressed by U.S. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart: “We will no longer have to witness the embarrassing spectacle of an American president doing the wave at a baseball game with a ruthless dictator.”

American foreign policy has historically fluctuated between two competing approaches that transcend our left-right political spectrum. Political scientists label these schools of thought Idealism and Realism.

Idealism holds that the purpose of U.S. foreign policy is to advance American values by fomenting freedom and democracy throughout the world. The ultimate goal of Idealism is to bring about a just and peaceful world by ending tyrannies. In the idealist view, the United States should engage in humanitarian missions, military interventions, and nation building, to advance this goal. Idealists believe that U.S. foreign policy should not be determined by what is best for the United States, but by what is, morally, the right thing to do.

In contrast, Realism holds that the purpose of U.S. foreign policy is to secure America’s national interest. Realists believe that moral principles are incompatible with the protection of our national interest. Interests come before values, and U.S. foreign policy should set aside moral considerations, and focus on whatever works.

Because interests are placed before values, foreign policy Realism enables policymakers to immorally embrace tyrannical regimes as President Obama did with Iran and Cuba in the name of the national interest.

President Trump has been very critical of Obama’s realist-inspired foreign policy as well as of the idealistic interventions favored by President Bush. President Trump’s foreign policy will not follow the Idealist approach of military interventions or nation building designed to foment freedom and democracy throughout the world. Nor will his foreign policy pursue national interests devoid of moral principles as in the Realist tradition.

President Trump’s foreign policy breaks from Idealism and Realism into a new foreign policy doctrine the President has labeled “Principled Realism.” Two recent overt military actions are illustrative of what the President means by principled realism.

First, the attack with Tomahawk cruise missiles on the Al Shayrat airbase, home of the Syrian warplanes that had carried out chemical attacks against civilians; the attack was timely, focused and proportional.

Second, the first use ever, in eastern Afghanistan, of the Massive Ordinance Air Blast (MOAB) that targeted an ISIS tunnel and cave complex; according to military analysts, the MOAB was precisely the right weapon for that target.

Independently of their military efficacy, both of these actions signaled an approach that, while in-line with our values, does not commit U.S. resources beyond what is necessary to protect our national interest and to make a point.

And, on June 16, the President, outlining his new U.S.-Cuba policy, explicitly referred to his Cuba foreign policy approach as: “the United States is adopting a principled realism, rooted in our values, shared interests, and common sense. We will not be silent in the face of communist oppression any longer…America will expose the crimes of the Castro regime and stand with the Cuban people in their struggle for freedom.”

Given Cuba’s intransigence, the new policy is an intelligent, measured, and practical approach that, while not prohibiting travel to, or doing business in Cuba, forbids Americans from doing business in partnership with the Cuban military. The policy focuses directly on the adversary: The Cuban military.

In practice, American travelers will not be able to stay in the hotels of the Cuban Armed Forces but can stay in individually owned facilities. Doing business with the Cuban people is encouraged, but doing business with the military dictatorship is prohibited. The policy seeks to limit cash flows to the military enterprises while increasing cash flows to the people. Symbolically and practically, it embraces the oppressed and not the oppressors.

Principled realism opens up diplomatic possibilities anchored on the intersection of our values and our interests. President Trump’s foreign policy will not be one that puts fear in the minds of oppressive regimes as some had hoped. Dictatorships offend our values, but not necessarily our national interests.

The new U.S.-Cuba policy emphasizes our democratic values, but allows for negotiations responsive to the requirements of U.S. national interests. It is a policy of principled realism.

The symbolism of a change to a policy that now embraces our values was richly expressed by U.S. Congressman Mario Diaz-Balart: “We will no longer have to witness the embarrassing spectacle of an American president doing the wave at a baseball game with a ruthless dictator.”


José Azel arrived in the U.S. in 1961 from communist Cuba as a 13 year-old political exile with Operation Pedro Pan, the largest unaccompanied child refugee movement in the history of the Western Hemisphere. He is currently a Senior Scholar at the Institute for Cuban and Cuban-American Studies (ICCAS) at the University of Miami. Dr. Azel earned a Masters Degree in Business Administration and a Ph.D. in International Affairs from the University of Miami, and is author of Mañana in Cuba: The Legacy of Castroism and Transitional Challenges for Cuba, and Reflections on Freedom. He is also a contributor to SFPPR News & Analysis of the online-conservative-journalism center at the Washington-based Selous Foundation for Public Policy Research.


When did ‘freedom’ become a dirty word?

Trump Defends the West

Raymond J. de Souza: If Europe’s elites think Trump’s defence of Western liberty is ‘racist, they’d have hated Churchill – National Post (Canada)

US shuts the door on refugees, wails ‘Think Progress’

Linda Sarsour: LOCK HER UP!

Linda Sarsour, the darling of the Islamist/Leftist consortium of anarchists currently trying to overthrow the United States government is at it again. In a stunning seditious address to the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) she unapologetically and emphatically called on Muslims to wage jihad in America against duly elected President Trump and the White House by saying:

“We (Muslims) are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad . . . but here in the United States of America, where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House. . . . Our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our community. It is not to assimilate and to please any other people in authority. And our top priority . . . is to please Allah, and only Allah.”

Linda Sarsour is openly fomenting insurrection and allegiance to Allah in pursuit of the Islamic goal to re-establish the Islamic caliphate and impose sharia law worldwide. Why hasn’t Linda Sarsour been arrested and charged with treason?

It seems the noisy Brooklyn born Palestinian-American Muslim needs a refresher course in American democracy. In America we are still ruled by secular American laws and the United States Constitution. We are not ruled by religious Islamic sharia law. So, if Linda Sarsour prefers an Islamic government she is free to live in any one of a number of Islamic theocracies in the world. The tolerance that American democracy has extended to multiculturalism reaches its tipping point when Islamists, whether foreign born or natural born like Sarsour, demand that America submit to religious sharia law and become dhimmis in their own country.

All across Europe the consequences of Western nations tolerating intolerant Muslims are manifest. It is cultural suicide to import masses of Muslim immigrants with hostile cultural norms. It is a fiction of the Left that Muslim immigrants will assimilate. To the contrary, the mass immigration of Muslims into Europe and America is HIJRAH – a form of population jihad that is endorsed, encouraged, and rewarded by Islamic sharia law. Sharia compliant protesters like Sarsour are advancing Islam in America in an effort to replace American democracy with religious sharia law. Her allegiance is to Allah and not to America – she is an enemy of the state.

Again I ask, Why hasn’t Linda Sarsour been arrested and charged with treason?

Immigration without assimilation is invasion. Americans have been duped by the left-wing liberals and the colluding mainstream media into believing that the worldwide refugee “crisis” is a humanitarian calamity. The only humanitarian calamity is the stunning willingness of the West to be duped, invaded, submit to Islam, and become dhimmis in their own countries.

How did America reach the point where an Islamist like Linda Sarsour can publicly address a Muslim group also seeking to conquer the West and openly call for jihad against the President of the United States without being arrested and charged with treason?

The answer is that for two generations Americans have been indoctrinated in left-wing liberal tenets of political correctness, moral relativism, and historical revisionism brought to America courtesy of Tavistock Institute in a deliberate effort to destroy American democracy and American dominance in the world.

Since the end of WWII the globalist elite of the world have been colluding to internationalize the world and create an unimpeded global marketplace to enrich themselves and further their goal of imposing one-world government. Described unapologetically by aristocrat Lord Bertrand Russell sixty-five years ago in his 1952 book The Impact of Science on Society, one-world government is a binary socio-political system of elite rulers and an enslaved population who serve them. The United States emerged from WWII as the dominant military, political, and economic force in the world – invincible, impenetrable, and impregnable – and the single greatest obstacle to one-world government.

The destruction of America was impossible from the outside in – it would have to be accomplished from the inside out. Tavistock Institute was exported to the United States from England to accomplish psychologically what was impossible to accomplish militarily – the destruction of America from within. Islamists were exposed as having the same goal in papers found in the home of Ismael Elbarasse, a founder of the Dar Al-Hijrah mosque in Falls Church, Virginia, during a 2004 search:

“The process of settlement is a ‘Civilization-Jihadist Process’ with all the word means. The Ikhwan [Muslim Brotherhood] must understand that their work in America is a kind of grand jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and ‘sabotaging’ its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers…”

Ex-president Barack Obama became a radical Leftist tutored in the value of community organizing by radical socialist Saul Alinsky. Obama entered the world stage as the face of globalism and an internationalized world. His disingenuous campaign of hope and change were code words for destroying American democracy and replacing it with socialism. Hillary Clinton, also a radical left-wing socialist follower of Saul Alinsky, was to be Obama’s third term.

The destruction was envisioned sequentially: Public indoctrination toward collectivism through education and mainstream media -> break down of established morality and cultural norms of behavior -> create social chaos -> impose martial law -> impose socialism -> internationalize police force -> impose one-world government.

Independence of any kind, particularly critical thinking skills, poses a threat to tyranny – the goal was complete passivity and dependence upon the government because a dependent population is easily manipulated. This explains Obama’s anti-American policies that crushed the economy, weakened the military, incentivized government assistance, and indoctrinated American children toward socialism. It also explains Hillary Clinton’s stunning remark that “we (Democratic Party) need an unaware and compliant population.”

The Obama Leftists and the Islamists joined forces to bring down America from within – and then came President Donald Trump who shocked the Left by beating Hillary in the presidential election. President Trump is an unapologetic American patriot who believes in American sovereignty, American exceptionalism, and making America great again. He is the existential threat and enemy of one-world government today just as America was the existential threat and enemy of one-world government after WWII.

The Islamists and radical Left have common cause to destroy American democracy. What both are too arrogant to understand is that the globalist elites who fund the Left consider both parties to be useful idiots whose sole purpose is to create overwhelming social chaos. The globalist elite have every intention of eliminating or enslaving both the Islamists and the Leftists as soon as the police force is internationalized. The globalist elites have no use for social chaos makers in their one-world government.

President Donald Trump is the only force standing between democracy and the return to a world of masters and slaves.

RELATED VIDEO: Linda Sarsour: The Enemy of the State.

President Trump in Poland: ‘Our Civilization Will Triumph’

A far cry from Obama’s avowal that Islamic civilization will triumph. My latest in FrontPage:

Interrupted repeatedly by chants of “Donald Trump! Donald Trump! Donald Trump!” as he was speaking in Poland on Thursday, President Trump delivered a ringing affirmation that he would defend Western civilization: “Just as Poland could not be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken. Our values will prevail, our people will thrive, and our civilization will triumph.”

Now, we’re used Presidents affirming that civilization will triumph. Barack Obama did it, too. Trump’s remarkable innovation here, and sharp departure from the example his predecessor set, is in declaring that Western civilization would triumph. Barack Hussein Obama, by contrast, was famous for declaring the triumph of Islamic civilization, most notably when he told the United Nations General Assembly on September 25, 2012: “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

If the future is not to belong to those who are perceived as slandering the prophet of Islam, Sharia blasphemy laws criminalizing criticism of Islam will have to have been imposed; people aren’t likely to give up criticizing Muhammad voluntarily, especially as jihad terror attacks incited by his teachings become an ever more common feature of life in the West. Thus if the future doesn’t belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam, it will be because the freedom of speech has been extinguished and Islamic values have prevailed: Islamic civilization will have triumphed.

If that was not what Barack Obama wanted, he never gave any indication of it during eight years in the White House. The Democrats constantly pointed to his killings of bin Laden and al-Awlaki as indication that he was tough on terrorism, but amid foreign and domestic policies indefatigably supporting the Muslim Brotherhood and its auxiliaries in the United States, unstinting opposition to the freedom of speech regarding criticism of Islam, and an appalling deal that gave aid and comfort to the Islamic Republic of Iran, those killings only made clear that while Obama evidently opposed violent jihad, he had no serious objection to other methods of Sharia imposition and Islamization.

In Warsaw Thursday, Trump offered a radically different vision. “We are fighting hard against radical Islamic terrorism,” he declared. “And we will prevail. We cannot accept those who reject our values and who use hatred to justify violence against the innocent.”

We cannot accept those who reject our values.” After eight years of Obama acting as if the freedom of speech and the right to bear arms were burdens to be cast off rather than rights to be defended, this is an extraordinary statement. It is also one of the reasons why Trump’s notorious “travel ban” contains a little-noted directive that is clearly designed to preserve American values. The March 6 executive order states:

To be more transparent with the American people and to implement more effectively policies and practices that serve the national interest, the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General, shall, consistent with applicable law and national security, collect and make publicly available the following information:…information regarding the number and types of acts of gender-based violence against women, including so-called “honor killings,” in the United States by foreign nationals.

Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that “retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (Reliance of the Traveller o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law. In this case the victim was the murderer’s daughter, a victim to the culture of violence and intimidation that such laws help create.

The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but “the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour ‘provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.’” And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that “Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values.”

Until the encouragement Islamic law gives to honor killing is acknowledged and confronted, more women will suffer. President Trump is trying to keep women from suffering in this way in the United States.

That element of the executive order is the kind of thing that is involved in ensuring that “our civilization will triumph”: stopping the encroachment of Sharia values in the United States. Trump in Warsaw wasn’t just paying lip service to unattainable ideals, any more than Obama was when he said that “the future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.” Obama worked very hard to make sure that would be true, and now his successor is working very hard to ensure that Judeo-Christian civilization survives instead. Americans can be grateful that we do not, for the moment, have (as Trump as said) a President of the world, but a President of the United States.


European Union Must Not Threaten Poland’s Sovereignty

President Trump’s Visit to Poland: Cementing the U.S.-Poland Alliance and Endorsing the Three Seas Initiative

Linda Sarsour’s jihad against Trump: here’s why she really is inciting violence

Canada: Trudeau government has already quietly paid $10,500,000 to jihad murderer Omar Khadr

Trump in Poland: Transcript of Warsaw remarks | Fox News

VIDEO: Linda Sarsour Inciting Islamic Violence [jihad] Against the President of the United States

Linda Sarsour’s jihad against Trump: here’s why she really is inciting violence.

My latest over at the Geller Report:

Linda Sarsour said it at the convention of the Hamas-linked Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) over the July 4 weekend. She denounced the Trump administration, saying: “Why, sisters and brothers, why are we so unprepared? Why are we so afraid of this administration and the potential chaos that they will ensue on our community?” Invoking Muhammad, she said: “A word of truth in front of a tyrant ruler or leader, that is the best form of jihad.” She added: “I hope that when we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad, that we are struggling against tyrants and rulers not only abroad in the Middle East or the other side of the world, but here in these United States of America, where you have fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House.”

She also went on to say:

“Our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our communities. It is not to assimilate and to please any other people in authority…Our top priority, even higher than all those priorities, is to please Allah, and only Allah.”

Sarsour’s words were highly charged, and have understandably caused a controversy. Sarsour herself claimed that the widely-circulated clip of her calling for jihad against Trump was misleadingly edited: “Right wing tries to demonize my leadership. Editing videos is their favorite pasttime” — and she tweeted a link to her full speech. In another Tweet, she claimed the mantle of Martin Luther King: “My work is CRYSTAL CLEAR as an activist rooted in Kingian non-violence. This is y my teams r effective cause we r powerful w/o violence.” And in keeping with the tried-and-tested practice of Islamic supremacists all over the West, she claimed victim status: “Stay focused and pray for the protection of those on the front lines of the movements for justice. We are under threat.”

Meanwhile, the Leftist media, ever ready to circle the wagons and rally around one of their own, no matter how egregious the offense committed, is pulling out all the stops to defend Sarsour and heap contempt on the racist, right-wing yahoos who dare to think that her words constitute an incitement to violence against President Trump.

“Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour Spoke of ‘Jihad.’ But She Wasn’t Talking About Violence,” Time Magazine reassures us. The Wrap tells us about “3 Things Conservatives Got Very Wrong About Linda Sarsour’s Speech.” The Huffington Post affected a gloat: “Linda Sarsour Said ‘Jihad’ In A Speech And Conservatives Freaked Out.” Chris Geidner of BuzzFeed tweeted a transcript of Sarsour’s remarks, with the comment: “Hey you people scare-sharing Linda Sarsour’s speech, read this transcription, which I just made because you all are trash misquoting her.”

CNN commentator Marc Lamont Hill tweeted: “The people disagreeing with @lsarsour clearly don’t understand what Jihad means.” The Huffington Post likewise said that those who were concerned about Sarsour’s words were ignorant fools:

The word “jihad” has long been misused and misunderstood by both Muslim extremists and people seeking to spread hatred against Muslims. But for the majority of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims, “jihad” is a word that literally means “to struggle.” It’s a concept within Islam that represents a commitment to serve God, and to be good to yourself and your neighbors. It can be personal, like struggling to get through a rough workday, or overarching, like striving to seek justice for all people.

As Sarsour recounted in her speech, the Prophet Muhammad is said to have described the best form of jihad as “a word of truth in front of a tyrant, ruler or leader.”

Likewise The Wrap:

Many non-Muslims mistakenly believe the word “jihad” means “holy war,” when in fact, it means “struggle” or “striving,” according to the Islamic Supreme Council of America. “It can refer to internal as well as external efforts to be a good Muslims or believer, as well as working to inform people about the faith of Islam,” the Council said. “Jihad is not a violent concept. [It] is not a declaration of war against other religions.” Also, “The concept of jihad has been hijacked by many political and religious groups over the ages in a bid to justify various forms of violence … Scholars say this misuse of jihad contradicts Islam.”

In her speech, Sarsour quoted a passage in the Quran where the Prophet Muhammad explains that the best form of jihad or struggle is “a word of truth in front of a tyrant rule or leader …” Sarsour followed with, “I hope that when we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that Allah accepts that from us as a form of jihad, that we are struggling against tyrants and rulers…” She then cited “fascists and white supremacists and Islamophobes reigning in the White House.”

Though she did make a not-so-subtle reference to President Trump and his constituents, Sarsour in no way incited violence against them. In using the word “jihad,” she merely encouraged her audience to stand up to discrimination.

Yes, in Islam jihad is a spiritual struggle. The Shafi’i legal manual (the Shafi’is are a school of Islamic jurisprudence) ‘Umdat al-Salik (Reliance of the Traveller), which has been certified by al-Azhar, the foremost authority in Sunni Islam, as conforming to the “practice and faith of the orthodox Sunni community,” devotes one paragraph to jihad as spiritual struggle. Then it spends seven pages on jihad as warfare. It makes it quite clear that jihad is warfare against non-Muslims:

Jihad means to war against non-Muslims, and is etymologically derived from the word ‘mujahada’, signifying warfare to establish the religion. And it is the lesser jihad. As for the greater jihad, it is spiritual warfare against the lower self (nafs), which is why the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said as he was returning from jihad,

“We have returned from the lesser jihad to the greater jihad.”

The scriptural basis for jihad, prior to scholarly consensus is such Koranic verses as:

(1) “Fighting is prescribed for you” (Koran 2:216);
(2) “Slay them wherever you find them” (Koran 4:89);
(3) “Fight the idolators utterly” (Koran 9:36);

and such hadiths as the one related by Bukhari and Muslim that the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) said:

“I have been commanded to fight people until they testify that there is no god but Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and perform the prayer, and pay zakat. If they say it, they have saved their blood and possessions from me, except for the rights of Islam over them. And their final reckoning is with Allah.”

and the hadith reported by Muslim,

“To go forth in the morning or evening to fight in the path of Allah is better than the whole world and everything in it.’”

What’s more, if jihad is simply a word spoken against a tyrant, then why is there an entire chapter of the Qur’an entitled “Booty” or “The Spoils of War” (al-Anfal). What spoils ensue from a word of truth spoken in front of a tyrant ruler or leader? If jihad is simply a word of truth spoken in front of a tyrant, how is a Muslim supposed to make Jews and Christians “pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued” (Qur’an 9:29)? If jihad is simply a a word of truth spoken in front of a tyrant, why have thousands upon thousands of Muslims worldwide joined violent jihad groups? Why are there any violent jihad groups at all? Why is this misunderstanding of jihad so widespread?

Now: does the centrality in Islamic law of jihad as warfare against unbelievers mean that Sarsour was inciting violence against Trump? Not directly. But Linda Sarsour isn’t stupid. Nor is she unaware of what Muslims are doing in the name of jihad around the world today. When she says, “I hope that when we stand up to those who oppress our communities, that Allah accepts from us that as a form of jihad,” she herself may mean a non-violent standing up, but she has to know that when other Muslims who know the real meaning of jihad in Islam hear that, they will hear it as a call to violence. She must know that when she says that “our number one and top priority is to protect and defend our communities” and that “our top priority, even higher than all those priorities, is to please Allah, and only Allah,” that some Muslims will think of how pleased Allah is with the deaths of unbelievers, since he has guaranteed Paradise to those who “kill and are killed” for him (Qur’an 9:111).

All the damage control of the Leftist media, heaping contempt upon conservatives for being so stupid as to think that jihad involves violence, is simply more of the denial and willful ignorance regarding jihad that the political and media elites constantly force upon us. The truth they refuse to realize, and smear us as “Islamophobes” for realizing, is that Muslims worldwide who commit violence against unbelievers regard that violence as a form of jihad, and know that the Qur’an and Sunnah teach warfare against unbelievers.

Linda Sarsour no doubt knows this as well, and as such, knew just how incendiary her words really were. And if a Muslim decides to wage jihad, in its Qur’anic and traditional sense, against President Trump, she should be held legally responsible for this incitement.


Belgium hunts jihad terror ring after discovery of massive weapons cache and police uniforms

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Trump in Poland: “Our Civilization Will Triumph”

RELATED VIDEO: Linda Sarsour: The Enemy of the State.

Why the Secret Plan of the Bashir Regime Demands Reinstating Sanctions Against Sudan

President Bashir of Sudan, African Union Summit, South Africa 2015. Source (AFP)

On January 13, 2017 former President Obama signed Executive Order No. 13761 temporarily lifting  20 year old sanctions against Sudan led by International Criminal Court indicted war criminal President Omar Hassan al-Bashir. The Executive Order had a look back period of 180 days which ends on July 12th, whereupon the Trump Administration might permanently lift sanctions.  This comes at a time when new evidence surfaced that a strategic policy group of the Bashir regime in Khartoum continued genocide against the indigenous black African people in Darfur, Nuba Mountains, South Kordofan  and the Blue Nile region.

The rancorous dispute between Qatar and four Arab nations, over alleged support for Islamic terrorism and the Muslim Brotherhood, has placed Bashir in a difficult position, as he has been asked by Saudi Arabia to take sides.  The government of neighboring Chad issued a statement cutting diplomatic relations with Qatar. Chadian President Idriss Deby Itno has long been waiting for this moment. Qatar has hosted and supported Chadian Islamist groups who have been recruited for Sudan President Omar al-Bashir’s Rapid Support Force (RSF)/Janjaweed militias.

In one embarrassing episode in mid-June 2017 General Taha Osman al Hussein, State Minister in the Presidency and  Director General of the Presidential Palace in Khartoum, allegedly had been arrested in an failed attempted coup to overthrow President Bashir of Sudan.  General al Hussein is a dual Sudan and Saudi Arabia citizen. Subsequent news reports said that General al Hussein and his wife had left the Sudan for Saudi Arabia after he had volunteered to allegedly lead an overthrow of Qatar.

Sudan had initiated an influence campaign in Washington retaining the services of the lobbying firm of Squire Paton Boggs at $40,000 per month to roll back the sanctions permanently. The objective was to make a convincing case that Sudan, despite its terrible human rights record, had nevertheless co-operated in providing useful counterterrorism intelligence on the whereabouts of the notorious Joseph Kony of the Lord’s Resistance Army.  In fact one of the co-authors, General Abdallah of the Sudan United Movement (SUM), had provided information on Kony’s whereabouts to US AFRICOM.

The House Foreign Affairs Committee rebuts recommendation of former US Sudan Envoys

The controversy over lifting Sudan Sanctions rose to a peak in late June 2017, when a noted US Sudan human rights activist Eric Reeves issued a scathing rebuttal letter.  It challenged a letter sent to the US House Foreign Affairs Committee by former Special Envoys to Sudan Princeton Lyman and Donald Booth, along with former U.S. Charge d’Affaires in Khartoum, Jerry Lanier, suggesting there was evidence to lift sanctions.

Reeves wrote:

In this almost three decades of brutal, tyrannical, and serially genocidal rule, this regime has not changed in any significant way. It has certainly not changed in ways claimed as possible by Lyman in December 2011:

We [the Obama administration] do not want to see the ouster of the [Khartoum] regime, nor regime change. We want to see the regime carrying out reform via constitutional democratic measures.” (Interview with Asharq al-Awsat, December 3, 2011).

One hardly knows where to begin in parsing the absurdity of this statement, justifying the Obama administration’s opposition to regime change. [Regime change] overwhelmingly favored by the vast majority of Sudanese and indeed now the linchpin of political and military opposition to the regime throughout Sudan.

Reeves then proceeded to document the escalation of genocidal ethnic cleansing against the indigenous black African people in Darfur, Nuba Mountains and the Blue Nile region since the Obama Executive Order went into effect.

On June 30, 2017,  members of the House Foreign Affairs Committee responded by sending a signed letter to President Trump. It recommended that any decision to lift Sudan sanctions be deferred for at least a year past the July 12th. That would allow a new Special Envoy and team to be appointed and conduct investigations. The letter clearly stated the reasons for their recommendation to the President:

There has been substantial fighting [by] Sudan in Darfur in recent months, including evidence of targeting civilians by Sudanese armed forces and their affiliated militias.  As expected, no humanitarian access has been granted to South Kordofan and Blue Nile states, and only limited access to Darfur.

While the Sudanese government may seem cooperative on counterterrorism efforts, we believe they continue regularly scheduled support for violent non-state armed groups, like the former combatants of the Islamist group, Seleka, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA). Other similar violent actors [are] operating in northern and central Africa, the Middle East and neighboring countries.

As the look back date of July 12th looms there were further troubling disclosures.

The Top Secret Minutes of the Sudan Security Intelligence and Political Committee

Amidst the swirl of events concerning the lifting of sanctions against the Sudan regime of President al-Bashir were stunning revelations contained in the “Top Secret” minutes of The Security Intelligence and Political Committee of Crisis Management held in the Office of the Director of the Sudan National Intelligence and Security Services (NISS) on June 18, 2017.  The secret document had been obtained by a reliable informed source and was translated.

Attending the Khartoum meeting were the power elite of the reigning National Congress Party (NCP) regime: President Bashir, Vice President Backri Hassan Salih, Foreign Minister Ibrahim Gandur, Minister of Defense Awad bn Ouf, Hamid Momtaz Secretary of NCP political affairs, and  State Minister in the Ministry of foreign affairs, General Mohamed Atta al Mola Director of NISS, General Ibrahim Mohamed al Hassan, Commander of Military Intelligence,  Ibrahim Mhamud Vice President of NCP and Professor Ibrahim Ahmed Omer President of Parliament.

The minutes of this Crisis Management Committee revealed the broad sweep of plans for assassination of a major Sudan resistance commander in the Nuba Mountains and senior Officers supporting him. It also addressed sponsorship of international ISIS terrorist activities in the Sahel region of Africa, especially in Libya, and the global Muslim Brotherhood Organization.  It elucidated web of deception in the Bashir regime’s influence campaign in Washington, DC to lift sanctions by the Trump Administration.

These top secret minutes also reflect the Bashir regime’s position in the current dispute between Qatar and four Arab Countries: Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirate, Bahrain and Egypt. It reveals that relations with Iran secretly continue despite the public cutoff in 2015.

The revelations in this NISS document further the case of the letter signed by Members of the US House Foreign Affairs Committee sent to President Trump. The following is a digest of key recommendations of the Sudan NISS Crisis Management Committee at the June 18, 2017 meeting.

Elimination of Nuba Mountains Resistance SPLA/N Commander General Abdalaziz Adam Alhilu

The Committee sought to isolate and eliminate Nuba Mountains SPLA/N Commander General Abdulaziz Adam Alhilu, through use of all government institutions, political, military, intelligence and propaganda. They also will promote Malik Agar, Governor of the Blue Nile State and a leader of the SPLM/N, through an extensive media campaign  focusing the African Union’s position supporting his legitimacy as SPLM/N head. Allegedly, the Committee minutes contend the South Sudan government does not support AbdulazizThey would create internal problems for Abdulaziz through tribal conflicts using Nuba people opposing him to foment conflicts inside SPLA/N to weaken and totally destroy it. They indicated that Churches are the main places where communities are gathering in Nuba Mountains and Blue Nile; so they want to use highly trained people to infiltrate into Christian religious communities and create problems for Abdulaziz and SPLM/N. They plan to assassinate officers supporting Abdulaziz using military force through the support of the Agar faction and tribes of Angassana to remove him from the Nuba Mountains.

Recruitment and Infiltration of ISIS fighters to support African and Global Islamic Terrorism

They will continue support for the Global jihad objectives of the Islamic State and the Muslim Brotherhood. To that end they indicated that ISIS fighters in Iraq and Syria were defeated and the desert terrain is not suitable for continued warfare.  They would relocate ISIS fighters from Iraq and Syria and infiltrate them into the areas of Bahr al Gazal and Equatorial regions in the South Sudan. The areas of Bahr al Gazal and Equatorial regions would allow ISIS fighters to establish linkage with Boko Haram in Nigeria in the West through  the Central African Republic and  with Al Shebaab of Somalia in the East.  They would infiltrate ISIS fighters into neighboring Libya to reinforce ISIS affiliate groups there seeking to defeat the Libyan National Army regime of General Khalifa Haftar to prevent him from attaining power, as they view him as a threat to their regime. They believe that South Sudan President Salva Kiir supports the overthrow of the Khartoum regime, thus they want to overthrow the regime of President Kiir. To that end they would train Southern Sudanese youth, people from West Africa and Nigerian students supporting Boko Haram as they resemble the South Sudanese Africa tribal people in the capital of Juba.  They would infiltrate them into South Sudan as secret agent provocateurs to raise resentment against the regime of President Kiir, seeking its overthrow.

Support for Qatar and Renewal of Iran relations

The Committee minutes indicated that Saudi Arabia is trying to force them to leave Qatar.  However, they are not going to leave Qatar because it has been supporting the regime both ideologically and financially.  They contend, without the support of Qatar they would have been overthrown and imprisoned. They would reestablish their relations with Iran because of shared Islamic Jihad goals. Qatar, Iran and Turkey have established a relationship which has become a main point of contention raised by the Saudi Arabia and the three other Arab states. As we have written previously, Qatar has provided $200 million under the guise of education reform to Sudan that was diverted to funding the recruitment, training and equipping of more than 24,000 Rapid Support Forces (RSF)/Janjaweed militia.  They are under the control of the NISS in 16 camps in the region around Khartoum. These RSF forces were immediately deployed to Darfur and the Nuba Mountains to accelerate the ethnic cleansing of native black African peoples in those conflict zones.

Campaign to influence the Trump Administration’s lifting of Sanctions

Prior to the July 12th review by the Trump Administration they allegedly could stop two planned terrorist attacks on American interests in the world to convince Americans of Sudan’s seriousness of helping the US in combating global terrorism to justify lifting the sanctions.

They want to prevail on Saudi Arabia and Kuwait to put pressure on the US to lift sanctions. Saudi Arabia had urged President Obama to sign the temporary lifting of Sudan sanctions with his Executive Order. They also think  they have co-opted the US Intelligence Community because they understood the way the US intelligence Community think and operate.  They contend they have given counterterrorism intelligence information that no other country in the world had given them.  In return the US Intelligence Community has very little information about what is happening in Sudan.


This secret document reinforces our earlier contentions based on the captured Arab Coalition Plan. The Bashir regime’s objective is to recruit a jihad army of upwards of 150,000 from across the African Sahel region, ISIS Middle East and foreign fighters. The objective is to create a Caliphate ruled under Islamic Sharia law from Khartoum sponsoring global Islamic terrorism in consort with Muslim Brotherhood sponsoring regimes like Qatar and in renewed relations with Shiite Iran.  That is reflected in the Libyan National Army discovery of documents attesting to the collusion of Sudan, Qatar and Iran in fostering ISIS terrorists seeking to dismantle the Libyan National Army led by General Haftar.  Given these secret document revelations, President Trump would be well advised to accept the recommendation in the letter from the  US House Foreign Affairs Committee. That would entail  deferring  consideration of lifting sanctions for at least a year until a new Special Envoy of Sudan and South Sudan is appointed and team  assigned to obtain facts  that might verify the revelations of the secret June 2017 Sudan Crisis Management Committee minutes. A vital first step would be the appointment of a knowledgeable Special Envoy with plenipotentiary powers to investigate and expose the Bashir regime genocidal jihad objectives.  Another would be promoting regime change.


Lt. Gen. Abakar M. Abdallah Lt. Gen. Abdallah is Chairman of the Sudan Unity Movement (SUM). He is a native of North Darfur who joined the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) in 1984 and became active in the Nuba Hills and Darfurian resistance movements. In 1989 he joined the Patriotic Salvation Movement in neighboring Chad based in Darfur. He served as an officer in the Chadian army for 23 years. He held senior intelligence and counterterrorism posts including as Coordinator of the Multi-National Joint Task Force of Nigeria, Chad and Niger. He was Coordinator of Pan-Sahel Initiative (PSI) Anti-Terrorism Unit of Chad and Commander of PSI Anti-Terrorism Battalion of Chad 2004. He is a December 2002 graduate of the Intelligence Officers’ Advanced and Combating Terrorism Courses, US Army Intelligence Center and Schools, Fort Huachuca, Arizona. He was a Counter Terrorism Fellow and a Graduate of the College of International Security Affairs, National Defense University, Washington, DC, 2005. He was an International Fellow and Graduate of the US Army War College, Class of 2008.

Jerry Gordon is a Senior Editor at the New English Review.

Deborah Martin is a 35 year veteran Sudan linguistic and cultural affairs consultant

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

President Trump: ‘Together, let us all fight like the Poles—for family, for freedom, for country and for God’

Trump sitting next to a portrait of King Jan III Sobieski.

President Trump’s decision to visit Poland, a country from which my family emigrated from to America, was inspired and his speech in Warsaw was inspirational.

The title of this column is a quote from President Trump’s speech in Krasinski Square in Warsaw to the Western world. In a Daily Signal article titled “Trump Says West Must ‘Fight Like the Poles.’ Meet the Polish Soldier Who Fought for Our Freedom” Jarrett Stepman wrote:

Those were the words of President Donald Trump as he delivered a speech at Warsaw’s Krasinski Square in central Poland. Trump highlighted both the longstanding connection between the United States and Poland, as well as the enduring need for the West to stand strong in the face of tyranny.

In a clear reference to the menace of Islamist terrorism, Trump said: “Our own fight for the West does not begin on the battlefield—it begins with our minds, our wills, and our souls.”

Poland knows what it means to encounter a threat. It faced the twin evils of Nazism and communism during the 20th century, starting when Germany and the USSR invaded in 1939 and ending with the fall of the Iron Curtain in 1991.

These two monstrous ideologies were defeated by both force of arms and, more importantly, the force of ideas.

Many Americans do not understand the contribution made by the Polish people to the founding of this nation. President Trump mentioned many but two, Tadeusz Kościuszko and Kazimierz Pułaski stand out as heroes of the American Revolution. Thomas Jefferson describe Tadeusz Kościuszko, “As pure a son of liberty, as I have ever known…”

Wikipedia notes:

In 1798 Kościuszko decided to leave the United States and return to the Russian-controlled sector of Poland. His friend Thomas Jefferson provided him with a passport in a false name and arranged for his secret departure to France. Before leaving that same year (1798) he wrote out a will, which he entrusted to Jefferson as executor. In the document, Kościuszko, over six decades before the American Civil War, pleaded for the emancipation of America’s Negro slaves.

President Trump pointed out that the West is once again in a historic clash of civilizations. The President said, “The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.”

Perhaps President Trump was referring to The Other September 11th when on, “September 11th, 1683, the day when an alliance of Christian armies led by Jan III Sobieski, the King of Poland, arrived at the Gates of Vienna.” As the Gates of Vienna website reports:

At about the same time the King of Poland, in the van with the fearsome Winged Hussars and with 20,000 men behind him, led a cavalry charge down the hill into the right flank of the Ottoman army. The Hussars were one of the most formidable fighting forces of the time, and the sound of the wind through the feathers of their artificial wings was said to unnerve the enemies’ horses and drive superstitious soldiers into a panic.

The battle was over in three hours. The King drove through the Turkish lines, and, seeing his success, the Vienna garrison sallied forth from the city and hit the Turks from the rear. Demoralized by these attacks and their failure to breach the wall, the Turks fled eastwards in haste, abandoning their tents, weapons, battle standards, provisions, and slaves.

Europe is facing another onslaught of Islam known as the great Muslim migration (hijrah). Only Poland and a few other Eastern European countries have held closed the gates thereby saving their civilization.

The West is truly in a clash of civilizations. The question is does the West have the will to survive?


The Reasons President Trump’s Trip to Europe Was a Success

Trump’s New Foreign Policy of “Principled Realism”

Trump Effect in Denmark: Reinvigorating Nationalism and National Defense

The Left’s Revealing Freakout Over Trump’s Defense of the West

The siege of Vienna was remembered in Poland yesterday

Remarks by President Trump to the People of Poland | July 6, 2017

Krasiński Square
Warsaw, Poland

MRS. TRUMP:  Hello, Poland!  Thank you very much.  My husband and I have enjoyed visiting your beautiful country.  I want to thank President and Mrs. Duda for the warm welcome and their generous hospitality.  I had the opportunity to visit the Copernicus Science Centre today, and found it not only informative but thoughtful, its mission, which is to inspire people to observe, experiment, ask questions, and seek answers.

I can think of no better purpose for such a wonderful science center.  Thank you to all who were involved in giving us the tour, especially the children who made it such a wonderful experience.

As many of you know, a main focus of my husband’s presidency is safety and security of the American people.  I think all of us can agree people should be able to live their lives without fear, no matter what country they live in.  That is my wish for all of us around the world.  (Applause.)

Thank you again for this wonderful welcome to your very special country.  Your kindness and gracious hospitality will not be forgotten.  (Applause.)

And now it is my honor to introduce to you my husband, the President of the United States, Donald J. Trump.  (Applause.)

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Thank you very much.  That’s so nice.  The United States has many great diplomats, but there is truly no better ambassador for our country than our beautiful First Lady, Melania.  Thank you, Melania.  That was very nice.  (Applause.)

We’ve come to your nation to deliver a very important message:  America loves Poland, and America loves the Polish people.  (Applause.)  Thank you.

The Poles have not only greatly enriched this region, but Polish-Americans have also greatly enriched the United States, and I was truly proud to have their support in the 2016 election.  (Applause.)

It is a profound honor to stand in this city, by this monument to the Warsaw Uprising, and to address the Polish nation that so many generations have dreamed of:  a Poland that is safe, strong, and free.  (Applause.)

President Duda and your wonderful First Lady, Agata, have welcomed us with the tremendous warmth and kindness for which Poland is known around the world.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  My sincere — and I mean sincerely thank both of them.  And to Prime Minister Syzdlo, a very special thanks also.  (Applause.)

We are also pleased that former President Leck Walesa, so famous for leading the Solidarity Movement, has joined us today, also.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Thank you.  Thank you.

On behalf of all Americans, let me also thank the entire Polish people for the generosity you have shown in welcoming our soldiers to your country.  These soldiers are not only brave defenders of freedom, but also symbols of America’s commitment to your security and your place in a strong and democratic Europe.

We are proudly joined on stage by American, Polish, British, and Romanian soldiers.  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you.  Great job.

President Duda and I have just come from an incredibly successful meeting with the leaders participating in the Three Seas Initiative.  To the citizens of this great region, America is eager to expand our partnership with you.  We welcome stronger ties of trade and commerce as you grow your economies. And we are committed to securing your access to alternate sources of energy, so Poland and its neighbors are never again held hostage to a single supplier of energy.  (Applause.)

Mr. President, I congratulate you, along with the President of Croatia, on your leadership of this historic Three Seas Initiative.  Thank you.  (Applause.)

This is my first visit to Central Europe as President, and I am thrilled that it could be right here at this magnificent, beautiful piece of land.  It is beautiful.  (Applause.)  Poland is the geographic heart of Europe, but more importantly, in the Polish people, we see the soul of Europe.  Your nation is great because your spirit is great and your spirit is strong.  (Applause.)

For two centuries, Poland suffered constant and brutal attacks.  But while Poland could be invaded and occupied, and its borders even erased from the map, it could never be erased from history or from your hearts.  In those dark days, you have lost your land but you never lost your pride.  (Applause.)

So it is with true admiration that I can say today, that from the farms and villages of your countryside to the cathedrals and squares of your great cities, Poland lives, Poland prospers, and Poland prevails.  (Applause.)

Despite every effort to transform you, oppress you, or destroy you, you endured and overcame.  You are the proud nation of Copernicus — think of that — (applause) — Chopin, Saint John Paul II.  Poland is a land of great heroes.  (Applause.)  And you are a people who know the true value of what you defend.

The triumph of the Polish spirit over centuries of hardship gives us all hope for a future in which good conquers evil, and peace achieves victory over war.

For Americans, Poland has been a symbol of hope since the beginning of our nation.  Polish heroes and American patriots fought side by side in our War of Independence and in many wars that followed.  Our soldiers still serve together today in Afghanistan and Iraq, combatting the enemies of all civilization.

For America’s part, we have never given up on freedom and independence as the right and destiny of the Polish people, and we never, ever will.  (Applause.)

Our two countries share a special bond forged by unique histories and national characters.  It’s a fellowship that exists only among people who have fought and bled and died for freedom.  (Applause.)

The signs of this friendship stand in our nation’s capital.  Just steps from the White House, we’ve raised statues of men with names like Pułaski and Kościuszko.  (Applause.)  The same is true in Warsaw, where street signs carry the name of George Washington, and a monument stands to one of the world’s greatest heroes, Ronald Reagan.  (Applause.)

And so I am here today not just to visit an old ally, but to hold it up as an example for others who seek freedom and who wish to summon the courage and the will to defend our civilization.  (Applause.)  The story of Poland is the story of a people who have never lost hope, who have never been broken, and who have never, ever forgotten who they are.  (Applause)

AUDIENCE:  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Thank you.  Thank you so much.  Thank you.  Thank you so much.  Such a great honor.  This is a nation more than one thousand years old.  Your borders were erased for more than a century and only restored just one century ago.

In 1920, in the Miracle of Vistula, Poland stopped the Soviet army bent on European conquest.  (Applause.)  Then, 19 years later in 1939, you were invaded yet again, this time by Nazi Germany from the west and the Soviet Union from the east.  That’s trouble.  That’s tough.

Under a double occupation the Polish people endured evils beyond description: the Katyn forest massacre, the occupations, the Holocaust, the Warsaw Ghetto and the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, the destruction of this beautiful capital city, and the deaths of nearly one in five Polish people.  A vibrant Jewish population — the largest in Europe — was reduced to almost nothing after the Nazis systematically murdered millions of Poland’s Jewish citizens, along with countless others, during that brutal occupation.

In the summer of 1944, the Nazi and Soviet armies were preparing for a terrible and bloody battle right here in Warsaw. Amid that hell on earth, the citizens of Poland rose up to defend their homeland.  I am deeply honored to be joined on stage today by veterans and heroes of the Warsaw Uprising.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  (Chanting.)

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  What great spirit.  We salute your noble sacrifice and we pledge to always remember your fight for Poland and for freedom.  Thank you.  Thank you.  (Applause.)

This monument reminds us that more than 150,000 Poles died during that desperate struggle to overthrow oppression.

From the other side of the river, the Soviet armed forces stopped and waited.  They watched as the Nazis ruthlessly destroyed the city, viciously murdering men, women, and children.  They tried to destroy this nation forever by shattering its will to survive.

But there is a courage and a strength deep in the Polish character that no one could destroy.  The Polish martyr, Bishop Michael Kozal, said it well:  “More horrifying than a defeat of arms is a collapse of the human spirit.”

Through four decades of communist rule, Poland and the other captive nations of Europe endured a brutal campaign to demolish freedom, your faith, your laws, your history, your identity — indeed the very essence of your culture and your humanity.  Yet, through it all, you never lost that spirit.  (Applause.)  Your oppressors tried to break you, but Poland could not be broken.  (Applause.)

And when the day came on June 2nd, 1979, and one million Poles gathered around Victory Square for their very first mass with their Polish Pope, that day, every communist in Warsaw must have known that their oppressive system would soon come crashing down.  (Applause.)  They must have known it at the exact moment during Pope John Paul II’s sermon when a million Polish men, women, and children suddenly raised their voices in a single prayer.  A million Polish people did not ask for wealth.  They did not ask for privilege.  Instead, one million Poles sang three simple words:  “We Want God.”  (Applause.)

In those words, the Polish people recalled the promise of a better future.  They found new courage to face down their oppressors, and they found the words to declare that Poland would be Poland once again.

As I stand here today before this incredible crowd, this faithful nation, we can still hear those voices that echo through history.  Their message is as true today as ever.  The people of Poland, the people of America, and the people of Europe still cry out “We want God.”  (Applause.)

Together, with Pope John Paul II, the Poles reasserted their identity as a nation devoted to God.  And with that powerful declaration of who you are, you came to understand what to do and how to live.  You stood in solidarity against oppression, against a lawless secret police, against a cruel and wicked system that impoverished your cities and your souls.  And you won.  Poland prevailed.  Poland will always prevail.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Thank you.  You were supported in that victory over communism by a strong alliance of free nations in the West that defied tyranny.  Now, among the most committed members of the NATO Alliance, Poland has resumed its place as a leading nation of a Europe that is strong, whole, and free.

A strong Poland is a blessing to the nations of Europe, and they know that.  A strong Europe is a blessing to the West and to the world.  (Applause.)  One hundred years after the entry of American forces into World War I, the transatlantic bond between the United States and Europe is as strong as ever and maybe, in many ways, even stronger.

This continent no longer confronts the specter of communism.  But today we’re in the West, and we have to say there are dire threats to our security and to our way of life.  You see what’s happening out there.  They are threats.  We will confront them.  We will win.  But they are threats.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  We are confronted by another oppressive ideology — one that seeks to export terrorism and extremism all around the globe.  America and Europe have suffered one terror attack after another.  We’re going to get it to stop.  (Applause.)

During a historic gathering in Saudi Arabia, I called on the leaders of more than 50 Muslim nations to join together to drive out this menace which threatens all of humanity.  We must stand united against these shared enemies to strip them of their territory and their funding, and their networks, and any form of ideological support that they may have.  While we will always welcome new citizens who share our values and love our people, our borders will always be closed to terrorism and extremism of any kind.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  We are fighting hard against radical Islamic terrorism, and we will prevail.  We cannot accept those who reject our values and who use hatred to justify violence against the innocent.

Today, the West is also confronted by the powers that seek to test our will, undermine our confidence, and challenge our interests.  To meet new forms of aggression, including propaganda, financial crimes, and cyberwarfare, we must adapt our alliance to compete effectively in new ways and on all new battlefields.

We urge Russia to cease its destabilizing activities in Ukraine and elsewhere, and its support for hostile regimes — including Syria and Iran — and to instead join the community of responsible nations in our fight against common enemies and in defense of civilization itself.  (Applause.)

Finally, on both sides of the Atlantic, our citizens are confronted by yet another danger — one firmly within our control.  This danger is invisible to some but familiar to the Poles:  the steady creep of government bureaucracy that drains the vitality and wealth of the people.  The West became great not because of paperwork and regulations but because people were allowed to chase their dreams and pursue their destinies.

Americans, Poles, and the nations of Europe value individual freedom and sovereignty.  We must work together to confront forces, whether they come from inside or out, from the South or the East, that threaten over time to undermine these values and to erase the bonds of culture, faith and tradition that make us who we are.  (Applause.)  If left unchecked, these forces will undermine our courage, sap our spirit, and weaken our will to defend ourselves and our societies.

But just as our adversaries and enemies of the past learned here in Poland, we know that these forces, too, are doomed to fail if we want them to fail.  And we do, indeed, want them to fail.  (Applause.)  They are doomed not only because our alliance is strong, our countries are resilient, and our power is unmatched.  Through all of that, you have to say everything is true.  Our adversaries, however, are doomed because we will never forget who we are.  And if we don’t forget who are, we just can’t be beaten.  Americans will never forget.  The nations of Europe will never forget.  We are the fastest and the greatest community.  There is nothing like our community of nations.  The world has never known anything like our community of nations.

We write symphonies.  We pursue innovation.  We celebrate our ancient heroes, embrace our timeless traditions and customs, and always seek to explore and discover brand-new frontiers.

We reward brilliance.  We strive for excellence, and cherish inspiring works of art that honor God.  We treasure the rule of law and protect the right to free speech and free expression.  (Applause.)

We empower women as pillars of our society and of our success.  We put faith and family, not government and bureaucracy, at the center of our lives.  And we debate everything.  We challenge everything.  We seek to know everything so that we can better know ourselves.  (Applause.)

And above all, we value the dignity of every human life, protect the rights of every person, and share the hope of every soul to live in freedom.  That is who we are.  Those are the priceless ties that bind us together as nations, as allies, and as a civilization.

What we have, what we inherited from our — and you know this better than anybody, and you see it today with this incredible group of people — what we’ve inherited from our ancestors has never existed to this extent before.  And if we fail to preserve it, it will never, ever exist again.  So we cannot fail.

This great community of nations has something else in common:  In every one of them, it is the people, not the powerful, who have always formed the foundation of freedom and the cornerstone of our defense.  The people have been that foundation here in Poland — as they were right here in Warsaw — and they were the foundation from the very, very beginning in America.

Our citizens did not win freedom together, did not survive horrors together, did not face down evil together, only to lose our freedom to a lack of pride and confidence in our values.  We did not and we will not.  We will never back down.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  As long as we know our history, we will know how to build our future.  Americans know that a strong alliance of free, sovereign and independent nations is the best defense for our freedoms and for our interests.  That is why my administration has demanded that all members of NATO finally meet their full and fair financial obligation.

As a result of this insistence, billions of dollars more have begun to pour into NATO.  In fact, people are shocked.  But billions and billions of dollars more are coming in from countries that, in my opinion, would not have been paying so quickly.

To those who would criticize our tough stance, I would point out that the United States has demonstrated not merely with words but with its actions that we stand firmly behind Article 5, the mutual defense commitment.  (Applause.)

Words are easy, but actions are what matters.  And for its own protection — and you know this, everybody knows this, everybody has to know this — Europe must do more.  Europe must demonstrate that it believes in its future by investing its money to secure that future.

That is why we applaud Poland for its decision to move forward this week on acquiring from the United States the battle-tested Patriot air and missile defense system — the best anywhere in the world.  (Applause.)  That is also why we salute the Polish people for being one of the NATO countries that has actually achieved the benchmark for investment in our common defense.  Thank you.  Thank you, Poland.  I must tell you, the example you set is truly magnificent, and we applaud Poland.  Thank you.  (Applause.)

We have to remember that our defense is not just a commitment of money, it is a commitment of will.  Because as the Polish experience reminds us, the defense of the West ultimately rests not only on means but also on the will of its people to prevail and be successful and get what you have to have.  The fundamental question of our time is whether the West has the will to survive.  Do we have the confidence in our values to defend them at any cost?  Do we have enough respect for our citizens to protect our borders?  Do we have the desire and the courage to preserve our civilization in the face of those who would subvert and destroy it?  (Applause.)

We can have the largest economies and the most lethal weapons anywhere on Earth, but if we do not have strong families and strong values, then we will be weak and we will not survive.  (Applause.)  If anyone forgets the critical importance of these things, let them come to one country that never has.  Let them come to Poland.  (Applause.)  And let them come here, to Warsaw, and learn the story of the Warsaw Uprising.

When they do, they should learn about Jerusalem Avenue.  In August of 1944, Jerusalem Avenue was one of the main roads running east and west through this city, just as it is today.
Control of that road was crucially important to both sides in the battle for Warsaw.  The German military wanted it as their most direct route to move troops and to form a very strong front.  And for the Polish Home Army, the ability to pass north and south across that street was critical to keep the center of the city, and the Uprising itself, from being split apart and destroyed.

Every night, the Poles put up sandbags amid machine gun fire — and it was horrendous fire — to protect a narrow passage across Jerusalem Avenue.  Every day, the enemy forces knocked them down again and again and again.  Then the Poles dug a trench.  Finally, they built a barricade.  And the brave Polish fighters began to flow across Jerusalem Avenue.  That narrow passageway, just a few feet wide, was the fragile link that kept the Uprising alive.

Between its walls, a constant stream of citizens and freedom fighters made their perilous, just perilous, sprints.  They ran across that street, they ran through that street, they ran under that street — all to defend this city.  “The far side was several yards away,” recalled one young Polish woman named Greta.  That mortality and that life was so important to her.  In fact, she said, “The mortally dangerous sector of the street was soaked in the blood.  It was the blood of messengers, liaison girls, and couriers.”

Nazi snipers shot at anybody who crossed.  Anybody who crossed, they were being shot at.  Their soldiers burned every building on the street, and they used the Poles as human shields for their tanks in their effort to capture Jerusalem Avenue.  The enemy never ceased its relentless assault on that small outpost of civilization.  And the Poles never ceased its defense.

The Jerusalem Avenue passage required constant protection, repair, and reinforcement, but the will of its defenders did not waver, even in the face of death.  And to the last days of the Uprising, the fragile crossing never, ever failed.  It was never, ever forgotten.  It was kept open by the Polish people.

The memories of those who perished in the Warsaw Uprising cry out across the decades, and few are clearer than the memories of those who died to build and defend the Jerusalem Avenue crossing.  Those heroes remind us that the West was saved with the blood of patriots; that each generation must rise up and play their part in its defense — (applause) — and that every foot of ground, and every last inch of civilization, is worth defending with your life.

Our own fight for the West does not begin on the battlefield — it begins with our minds, our wills, and our souls.  Today, the ties that unite our civilization are no less vital, and demand no less defense, than that bare shred of land on which the hope of Poland once totally rested.  Our freedom, our civilization, and our survival depend on these bonds of history, culture, and memory.

And today as ever, Poland is in our heart, and its people are in that fight.  (Applause.)  Just as Poland could not be broken, I declare today for the world to hear that the West will never, ever be broken.  Our values will prevail.  Our people will thrive.  And our civilization will triumph.  (Applause.)

AUDIENCE:  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!  Donald Trump!

PRESIDENT TRUMP:  Thank you.  So, together, let us all fight like the Poles — for family, for freedom, for country, and for God.

Thank you.  God Bless You.  God bless the Polish people.  God bless our allies.  And God bless the United States of America.

Thank you.  God bless you.  Thank you very much.  (Applause.)

Since 2002, 61 U.S. refugees have engaged in terrorist activities

Sheila Mastropietro, a resettlement worker in Lancaster, PA yesterday called it “ridiculous” that a refugee could be a terrorist.

Here is Leo Hohmann at World Net Daily on the Heritage Foundation report entitled, “The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program: A Roadmap for Reform.

(Also, Fox News wrote about the report here as well.)


Mastropietro is front row right without head covering in NYT story featuring Lancaster

At least 61 people who came to the United States as “refugees” engaged in terrorist activities between 2002 and 2016, according to a new report authored by the Heritage Foundation.

The report comes in the wake of the Supreme Court’s reinstatement of much of President Trump’s travel ban, and it also suggests that it’s impossible to vet Muslim refugees who may have no connections to known terrorist organizations but get radicalized after they arrive in the United States.

The Heritage Foundation identified scores of refugees, including many who came prior to 2002, as having taken part in activities ranging from lying to investigators about terror plots, to actually taking part in them. The report, aimed at reforming the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program, or USRAP, calls for stricter limits and restrictions on refugees.

Under the current system, set by the Refugee Act of 1980, the president sets the annual cap on numbers of refugees allowed into the U.S. and Congress provides the funding. The State Department then contracts with nine private resettlement agencies, paying them millions of dollars per year to seed U.S. cities with Third Worlders.***

Since 1980 more than 3 million refugees [Ten Pittsburghs!—ed] have come to the United States, and more than 1 million of them have come from Muslim-dominated countries such as Somalia, Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan and Sudan. Countries such as Burma and Australia have been more recently unloading their unwanted Muslim minorities on the U.S. and other Western countries.

“The U.S. Refugee Admissions Program should not be used as pretext to advocate for a global right to migrate nor is it a solution to conflict,” the study concludes. “Instead, the U.S. refugee admission program should be reformed to better advance U.S. interests.”

Continue here as Hohmann lists some of the refugee Islamic terrorist cases.

I confess, I haven’t read the report.  Would someone tell me if it includes any mention of the system where contractors are paid by the head to place refugees in unsuspecting cities and towns.  If these middlemen are not removed from the process there will NEVER be real reform.

Tell the President what you think!

***Federal contractors/middlemen/lobbyists/community organizers paid by you to place refugees in your towns and cities:


New Report – Refugee Terrorism Problem is Bigger Than You Think

Paranoid Terrorist Apologism Dominates ISNA Convention in Chicago

Study: European Muslims Perpetrate Disproportionate Number of Anti-Semitic Attacks

Linda Sarsour Calls for Muslims to Wage ‘Jihad’ Against Trump

‘Sanctuary cities’ giving citizenship to migrants to oppose Trump

“Sanctuary cities” are so virulently against President Trump that they are willing to put the well-being of American citizens at stake.

Sanctuary Cities Vow to Make ‘1 Million Immigrants’ Citizens to Oppose Trump

And taxpayers are given no option but to pay for unvetted migrants and absorb whatever damage ensues from these irresponsible decisions that threaten innocent people, all because of a deranged hatred for Trump. According to a pro-migrant campaign “Naturalize NOW”:

“At a time when xenophobic and anti-immigrant rhetoric has inundated the presidential campaign trail,” the group’s mission statement reads, “we must empower the immigrant community so that their voices may be heard at the polls.”

It would seem that the “immigrant community” only comprises of unvetted migrants to the exclusion of all others, since their vote is being sought by corrupted leaders at the expense of national security and economic reason. Such leaders are sacrificing freedom so that migrant voices can be “heard at the polls.”

“Sanctuary Cities Vow to Make ‘1 Million Immigrants’ Citizens to Oppose Trump”, by Tim Donnelly, Breitbart, July 4, 2017:

“Sanctuary cities” across the country are pledging to make one million immigrants into U.S. citizens this year, partly as a response to the policies of President Donald Trump.

According to the Washington Examiner, the initiative is being pushed by a group called “Naturalize NOW!”—which is tying its campaign to patriotic American holidays like the Fourth of July.

Announced on Flag Day, the Examiner reports:

[t]he ‘Naturalize NOW!’ campaign, which includes liberal and progressive groups and elected officials, heralded the mayors of the cities in joining the national effort.

Among the cities cited in an Independence Day notice from Mi Familia: Atlanta, GA; Boston, MA; Cleveland, OH; Charlotte, NC; Chicago, IL; Dallas, TX; Dayton, OH; Jersey City, NJ; Knoxville, TN; Los Angeles, CA; Miami, FL; Miami-Dade County, FL; Montgomery County, MD; Paterson, NJ; Pittsburgh, PA; New York City, NY; Salt Lake County, UT; San Francisco, CA; Seattle, CA; South Gate, CA & Tucson, AZ.

Most of these jurisdictions are sanctuary cities and counties.

Los Angeles, which has long been a “sanctuary city” under a local ordinance known as “Special Order 40,” has been in the hot seat nationally ever since President Trump publicly befriended Jamiel Shaw, Sr. Shaw’s 17-year-old son with the same name was gunned down by an illegal alien gang member released onto the streets of LA instead of being turned over to federal authorities for deportation.

The mayor of Los Angeles, home to millions of legal and illegal aliens, is an enthusiastic supporter of the Naturalize Now! campaign:

“We celebrate our independence on July 4, and honor the values of freedom, justice, unity, and equality that make us who we are,” Garcetti reportedly said. “Los Angeles joined the Naturalize NOW campaign because those principles are still worth fighting for — and to encourage eligible Angelenos and people across the country to seek a path toward citizenship and join the American family.”

According to the “Naturalize NOW!” website, the campaign to make 1 million new citizens (and presumably voters) is motivated in large part by a desire to shield the immigrant community from the policies of President Trump.

“At a time when xenophobic and anti-immigrant rhetoric has inundated the presidential campaign trail,” the group’s mission statement reads, “we must empower the immigrant community so that their voices may be heard at the polls.”…..


Jeff Sessions Set to Block Millions for Sanctuary Cities

Sanctuary Cities Promise to Grant Citizenship to 1 Million Immigrants in 2017

Germany: Hundreds of jihadis arrived among the refugees, 24,000 jihadis active in the country

Muslim migrant crisis: Austria ready to deploy army, impose checks at Italy border

President Trump to visit ‘right-tilting’ Poland as first stop in Europe

As you all know Eastern European countries including Hungary, the Czech Republic and Poland are so far holding firm in their resistance to accepting Muslim migrants who are presently flooding in to Italy and Greece.

And, why should they open their country when the EU has been so foolish in allowing the invasion which began years ago and could have been stopped in its infancy?

Polish resistance.

So this week Donald Trump is off to the G-20, but plans a major speech in Warsaw tomorrow as his first stop—the Poles are overjoyed as the UK and Germany stew.

Much symbolism about Trump’s visit to Poland including his planned speech at the location of the Warsaw Uprising in 1944 when the Polish resistance attempted to regain control of their city from the Nazis/Germans.

There are so many stories about this news, but here is the New York Times title and a bit of their story:

Europe Will Be Watching Trump’s Visit to a Right-Tilting Poland

WARSAW — Polish officials are bragging: On President Trump’s way to the Group of 20 summit this week, he is coming to Poland first, choosing it over more powerful American allies like Germany, France or Britain.

“We have a new success, Trump’s visit,” Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the head of the governing party and Poland’s true power broker, said in a speech last week. Mr. Trump’s visit, he said, is causing other European countries to “envy” Poland.


For Mr. Trump, the stop in Poland on Thursday is something of an appetizer before the main course, a visit to a friendly right-wing, populist government with a kindred approach on any number of key issues, from immigration to global warming and coal mining.


….he will deliver what the White House is describing as a major speech in the Warsaw square that was the epicenter of the Warsaw Uprising during World War II.

“He will praise Polish courage throughout history’s darkest hour, and celebrate Poland’s emergence as a European power,” Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, Mr. Trump’s national security adviser, said during a White House briefing last week.

Saving Poland from social catastrophe

And, here is the Associated Press:

Under Kaczynski’s party [Law and Justice party leader, Jaroslaw Kaczynski], Poland has criticized EU key members, mainly Germany, and has insisted on having more decision-making powers. At the same time Warsaw says Britain is among its main partners in the EU.

In a speech in the central town of Przysucha, Kaczynski also reiterated that Poland is refusing to go along with an EU plan to relocate Muslim migrants from Italy and Greece. Italy has demanded more help from other EU nations as it copes with tens of thousands of arrivals of desperate migrants on its shores.

Kaczynski argued the anti-migrant policy was saving Poland from a “social catastrophe” and a decline in living standards.

So why isn’t that clear to all of  Europe?  Have they forgotten history?

The Poles saved Europe from becoming a Muslim continent in 1683 at the Gates of Vienna.

I would love to see the heathen (media) rage if Trump should mention that bit of history!

NOTE: Poles save Christian Europe in another of history’s darkest hours: Ottoman Turks (the Muslims) were ultimately defeated at the Gates of Vienna in 1683. Polish Hussars, pictured right, pushed the Turks back on SEPTEMBER 11-12, 1683 freeing the Austrians, sparing Germany and saving Europe for Christendom. Gates of Vienna blog posted a good report on what happened here a few years ago. Unfortunately, the Muslims are back today as so-called “refugees” being welcomed to take Europe without a fight.


Whatever happened to indicted Uzbek refugee alleged terrorist Jamshid Muhtorov?

State Department brags: enough refugees admitted to US to make 10 Pittsburghs

Bill Gates changes mind, warns about migrants overwhelming Europe

Bill Gates once urged America to take in a million migrants like Germany. Now he’s apparently starting to come to his senses a year-and-a-half later, after all the prior warnings about this suicidal immigration policy. Maybe his change of heart is tied to the dire impact of these migrants upon the European economies, which will have a negative impact upon his own profits. Whatever the reason, Gates is now issuing a warning of his own that Europe must stem the flow of migrants or it will be overwhelmed:

The American billionaire’s comments come as European leaders discuss what to do about the surging number of Africans arriving in Italy each week, with Rome calling for other European Union (EU) nations to open their ports to docking migrants so as to ease pressure on the Mediterranean nation.

A reminder: Islamic State leader al-Baghdadi promised three years ago that “Rome will be conquered next” and called upon Muslims “to flock to the ‘Islamic State’ to gather for a battle against non-believers throughout the world.” So far the Islamic State has made good on its promise, helped along by useful idiots of the West.

One can change one’s mind, as we see with Gates; it is a pity, though, that he was so slow to realize the obvious risk of Europe being overwhelmed. The Muslim migrant tsunami into Europe has in fact already overwhelmed its countries with catastrophic chaos and crime, yet still many stiff-necked leaders have not changed their minds; Canada is headed in the same catastrophic direction.

“Bill Gates: Europe Will Be Overwhelmed Unless It Stems Flow of Migrants” by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, July 4, 2017:

Microsoft founder Bill Gates has warned that Africa’s population explosion will overwhelm Europe unless the continent makes it more difficult for migrants to reach its shores.

The American billionaire’s comments come as European leaders discuss what to do about the surging number of Africans arriving in Italy each week, with Rome calling for other European Union (EU) nations to open their ports to docking migrants so as to ease pressure on the Mediterranean nation.

In an interview with the German Welt am Sonntag newspaper, Gates said massive population growth in Africa will result in “enormous [migratory] pressure” on Europe unless countries increase overseas development aid payments.

Praising Germany having achieved its commitment to devote 0.7 per cent of GDP to foreign aid as “phenomenal”, the 61-year-old called on “other European nations to follow its example”.

But Gates also spoke of a dilemma caused by ‘the German attitude to refugees’, referring to Chancellor Angela Merkel’s decision to open Europe’s borders to illegal migrants arriving from the third world.

“On the one hand you want to demonstrate generosity and take in refugees, but the more generous you are, the more word gets around about this — which in turn motivates more people to leave Africa,” Gates told the Sunday newspaper.

“Germany cannot possibly take in the huge, massive number of people who are wanting to make their way to Europe.”

Because of this, Gates stressed that “Europe must make it more difficult for Africans to reach the continent via the current transit routes”.

Italy is demanding that other EU nations open their ports to migrants ferried from Libya as the country struggles to cope with having already received over 80,000 people this year.

Calling for African newcomers to be spread throughout Europe, the Mediterranean nation’s globalist centre-left government insisted that the EU migrant relocation programme — which is largely limited to people from Eritrea and Syria — should be expanded to include other nationalities, such as Nigerians.

UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, on Saturday decried an “unfolding tragedy” in Italy….


The great African exodus = the great European invasion!

Sanctuary Cities Vow to Make ‘1 Million Immigrants’ Citizens to Oppose Trump

Video: “France is no longer France” — Muslim migrants screaming “Allahu akbar” attack police

Muslim ‘Refugee’ Called Integration Success — Then Slit His Boss’s Throat

You can’t make this stuff up. In a news article, migrant hair stylist Mohammad Hussain Rashwani was hailed as a shining example of integration in Germany. Ten months later, which was just a few days ago, an article bore the headline, “Herzberg: Syrian hairstylist slits boss’s throat.”

Yeah, it was Mohammad.

He apparently didn’t go the full Mohammad, since his boss is still alive. But here’s the title and crux of the first piece:

Syrian Hairstylist finds employment in Herzberg

Salon owner Ilona Fugmann is amazed by his skills [Yes, he was especially adroit with a straight-edge razor]

August 31, 2016

In early September, Ilona Fugmann will give the Syrian Mohammad Hussain Rashwani a permanent position in her hair salon in Herzberg. The 38-year-old’s skills immediately convinced her. Mohammad Hussain Rashwani is an example of how well integration can work out.

The article, all of which can be found at Gates of Vienna, goes on to explain Mohammad’s sterling qualities. He “had an excellent command of his craft” and “gets along well with the two female colleagues…. ‘The chemistry is right. Admittedly, Mohammad is a proud person, but very attentive and prudent. He even helps with the clean-up,’ says Ilona Fugmann.”

Of course, “proud” is a euphemism for “prideful,” which reflects a sin (though Muslims don’t see it that way) and basically means Mohammad had more ego than brains and was easily “triggered.” Speaking of which….

Fugmann is quoted as mentioning the difficulty in finding good help and asking, “Why shouldn’t I give him a chance?” I’m guessing her question has been answered, which brings us to the second piece:

Herzberg: Syrian hairstylist slits boss’s throat

June 29, 2017

HERZBERG A bloody deed horrified Herzberg (Elbe-Elster) on Wednesday. A salon owner was attacked by her Syrian employee, and gravely injured.

He was regarded the paramount example of successful integration. The Syrian Mohammad H. (39), a master hairstylist who had fled his homeland, started a new life and found work in Herzberg. He was appreciated and popular in the salon of Ilona F. (64). This makes what happened yesterday, Wednesday, even stranger.

Yes, strange, unfathomable, unprecedented! Who could’ve seen this coming? And if you suggest otherwise on social media, the German government will arrest you and fine the “Islamophobia” out of the social-media company. You will be absorbed.

In fact, the only successful integration occurring is that of many Germans, who’ve been integrated into delusion. All people are the same, you see, and our strength lies in our diversity, I tell ya’. “I’m smart! Not like everybody says… like dumb….!

Except it is dumb believing that all people — and peoples — are the same. We can argue the reasons for the differences, but we ignore them at our peril. As Col. Ralph Peters put it in the excellent little piece “Taliban from Outer Space,” “In my years as an intelligence officer, I saw colleagues make the same blunder over and over: They rushed to stress the ways in which the Russians, the Chinese or the Iranians were ‘just like us.’ It’s the differences that kill you, though.”

He later wrote, “[W]e still hear the deadly cliché that ‘all human beings want the same basic things, such as better lives and greater opportunities for their children.’ How does that apply to Afghan aliens who prefer their crude way of life and its merciless cults?”

What’s deadly here is something I often warn of: projection. This is when we ascribe our mindset, priorities and sense of virtue to others. It’s natural. We behave in certain ways because we think it makes sense, so it must make sense to others, too. Thus are the self-serving cynical, believing everyone is just “out for himself”; thus are innocent little children gullible, thinking everyone well-meaning — and thus do secular Westerners believe that, well, of course these new arrivals will embrace secular “values.”

And that’s the ideological chauvinism lurking in the hearts of the oh-so open-minded, who once warned of “ethnocentrism.” But why would others adopt “secular Western ‘values,’” including confusion over marriage, sex and right and wrong (Truth) itself? Because they’re so self-evidently true?

Realize that some people have an alien sense of virtue (Western leftists are a good example). Some really do believe that slaughtering innocents in Allah’s name is good — that burning people alive, baking them in ovens, drowning them in cages and feeding children into a dough kneader — wins you Paradise.

Remember, our weakness lies in our diversity.

Contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to


The siege of Vienna was remembered in Poland yesterday

State Dept. extends refugee cut-off date; Hawaii judge denies new request for clarification

Sweden: Muslim migrant gets month in prison for raping 13-year-old boy, won’t be deported

Muslim woman says that if her daughter had a boyfriend, “I would cut her throat”

Gays under Sharia: Male Model Tortured and Stabbed to Death in Iraq

4 Important WWII Units You Haven’t Heard of by Marty Skovlund, Jr.

World War Two was a truly horrific event. After it was all said and done, between 50 and 70 million people were killed, with more than half being women and children. Although it was one of the deadliest wars in human history, It did reveal some of the bravest and most daring among us.

Many belonged to famed units such as the 101st Airborne Division and 3rd Infantry Division, or underground movements like the French Resistance. There were some outfits that enjoyed much less acclaim though, yet were instrumental in the fight against the Axis. The amount of headlines they received or how many books and movies were written about them do not accurately reflect the amount of influence they had on the allied victory.


The Kachin Rangers were among the unheralded indigenous guerrillas that played a decisive role in defeating the Japanese in the China-Burma-India theatre of operation. This theatre received a relatively miniscule amount of attention in comparison to the Pacific and European theatres, but was critical in the fight against the Japanese due to the Burma Road being the only land bridge into China. Due to the dense jungle and mountainous terrain that British and American units had to negotiate in that theatre, they recruited indigenous Kachin guerrillas (that were already vigorously resisting Japanese occupation) to act as scouts, spies, guides, and direct action troops.

Kachin Rangers inspecting their newly issued rifles.

The Kachins were first brought into service by the British V-Force in August of 1943, but went on to serve in OSS Detachment 101 (predecessors to the modern day CIA and Army Special Forces), the 5307th Composite Unit (known as Merrill’s Marauders, the predecessors to the modern day 75th Ranger Regiment), and the MARS Task Force.

They were so ruthlessly effective in killing Japanese and gathering intelligence that two of the senior Kachin Rangers had to be flown to the rear to meet with senior commanders. The commanders thought that the Kachins were exaggerating body counts; in response the two Kachin leaders unhooked bamboo tubes from their belts and dumped the contents out. When asked what they had just dumped out, they replied that they were “Japanese ears. Divide by two and that is how many we have killed.”

According to the Kachins, taking the ears of your enemy was the only way to prove your courage in combat.

One OSS officer described them as the “most trigger happy group of armed men I have ever seen.” There efforts were pivotal in defeating the Japanese though, and their grit and determination impressed everyone that worked with them. In one of the final stretches of battle in the theatre, one report credits the Kachins with killing over 1,200 Japanese soldiers.

Their efforts did not go unrecognized by their American counterparts. At the conclusion of combat in the theatre, the Kachin Rangers were awarded captured Japanese sniper rifles and samurai swords. The OSS Detachment 101 was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation, which attributed great credit to the Kachins: “Throughout the offensive, Kachin Rangers were equipped with nothing heavier than mortars. They relied only on air-dropped supplies and by alternating frontal attacks with guerrilla tactics, the Kachin Rangers maintained constant contact with the enemy and persistently cut him down and demoralized him.”


The Goumiers — or  Les Goumiers Marocains as they were know by the French — were controversial irregulars recruited from Berber tribes high in the Atlas Mountains of Morocco. They were in use by the French long before the onset of World War Two, and established a reputation for being brutally effective during the French occupation of Morocco.

Moroccan Goumiers on the march during World War

During the second great war, the Goumiers saw heavy combat in North Africa, Tunisia, Italy, Corsica, Elba, Mainland France, and finally in Germany — most notably, they were the first allied force to step foot on German soil. Their reputation as fierce fighters, excellent night raiders, and expert mountaineers preceded them, striking fear into the hearts of Axis troops. They were right to be afraid too; the Goumier had a penchant for not taking prisoners — often because they took the would-be prisoner’s head clean off with a traditional koumia knife.

Two.According to an article in a 1944 issue of Yank Magazine, “The Germans definitely don’t like the Goums. As for the Italians, they’re scared to death of them. In the Mateur and Bizerte sectors, where the Goums were attached to the Ninth Division, three Italian companies surrendered en masse as soon as they heard that the guys in front of them were Goums.” It didn’t help matters that they looked as intimidating as they actually were. They were known for wearing thick beards, because, according to one of their officers, a man “who hasn’t seen action and has no beard, is no man at all.”

They were incredibly adept at stealth too. One junior officer from the 26th Infantry Regiment, which often fought alongside the Goums, recalled that “one warrior had so successfully camouflaged himself all day in full sight of the Germans that a German officer had wandered over to what he thought was a bush, and had urinated on the motionless head of the Moroccan soldier who bore the trial well, but who marked that particular officer down for special attention that night.”

By the end of the war, the Moroccan Goumier had earned the French Croix de Guerre with bronze palm seventeen times, and the Croix de Guerre with silver gilt star nine times. They would faithfully continue their service after the conclusion of World War Two and into France’s war against the Viet Minh in Indochina. In 1956, after Moroccan independence was achieved, they were assimilated into the regular Moroccan military.


Some units were highly effective in the second world war without ever firing a shot. That was the case for the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops, otherwise known as the Ghost Army. The very existence of the unit remained classified for more than fifty years after the end of the war, and aspects of their work still remain classified to this day.

Troops from the 23rd Headquarters Special Troops move an inflatable tank used for deceiving the Nazi Army.

What exactly did they do? A broad set of missions that are best summed up as tactical deception. This meant employing inflatable tanks, or dressing up as general officers and getting drunk while openly talking about “classified information” (fake, of course) in bars known to be frequented by enemy spies. They also used sonic deception — aka blasting out the pre-recorded sounds of an entire division on the move via loudspeakers.

To execute this mission, they had to attract unconventional critical thinkers that weren’t your typical rank and file. They recruited artists, actors, architects, ad men, set designers, and even radio personalities from the era. In total, there were more than 1,100 soldiers assigned to the 23rd. They deployed to the United Kingdom in May of 1944, where they prepared for one of their first missions: a fake D-Day landing to draw the Nazi’s off guard.

They would go on to land in France two weeks after D-Day, where they dispersed and carried out their charter to cause chaos for the enemy. They obviously weren’t front line troops, but still found themselves within a football’s throw of the front line for some of their missions. Records show that they would execute twenty major “deceptions,” resulting in what some estimate to be tens of thousands of allied lives saved. As of March 2016, legislation has been introduced to award the Ghost Army a Congressional Gold Medal for their pivotal and important work in World War Two. There are only seventeen surviving members of the unit left to receive the recognition.


Thanks to the movie Monuments Men, many people have heard of the special task force that was activated with the mission to secure valuable pieces of artwork that would have otherwise been lost to the war. There was actually another task force that was highly classified at the time, and much more brutal than their art-seeking contemporaries. It was a joint American-British venture called Target Force, or more simply the T-Force.

Members of T-Force “acquire” Nazi equipment during an operation in World War Two.

The unit was established in 1944 with a mission to “identify, secure, guard and exploit valuable and special information, including documents, equipment and persons of value to the Allied armies.” More specifically, they were ordered to secure documents, people, and hardware related to military technology developed by the third reich before they could be used on the Allies, or fall into Soviet hands. This was often accomplished via burglary, kidnapping, and in one case straight up stealing an entire town from the Soviets after the German’s surrendered. As the saying goes, possession is ninety percent of ownership.

The task force was comprised of a few thousand members at its height, many of which were selected for the very unique tasks at hand. They were considered to be lightly armed yet highly mobile, and, according to Ian Cobain of The Guardian, “Their methods had echoes of the Gestapo: kidnapping at night by state officials who offered no evidence of identity.” One document recovered by The Guardian, dated August 1946, said “Usually an NCO arrives without notice at the house or office of the German and warns that he will be required. He does not give him any details of the reasons, nor does he present his credentials. Some time later the German is seized (often in the middle of the night) and removed under guard.”

However morally dubious their methods were, the T-Force was highly effective.

Among their most prized achievements was capturing the Admiral Hipper heavy cruiser (making them the only Allied force to capture a Nazi war ship), and the Walterwerke factory which produced and held the Nazi’s advanced high-speed submarines, V1 rocket launch systems and the engines for the V2 missiles. They also captured Dr. Hellmuth Walter, a pioneer in the areas of rocket engines, jet propulsion, and air-independent propulsion; and Wernher Von Braun, the man who would go on to be responsible for putting America’s first satellite into space, and the first man on the moon.

Even after the war ended, they continued their top secret work going deep behind Soviet lines to abduct the world’s foremost experts on chemical and nuclear warfare (among others). It’s estimated that over 1,500 persons of interest were abducted by T-Force after the end of World War Two. The T-Force was so closely guarded (considered the most secret organization of the time) that their existence wasn’t discovered by the public until 2006. Even Bear Grylls, the former SAS operator-turned-television personality, didn’t know that his grandfather was one of the commanders of the task force. As Julia Draper, the only female attached to T-Force, once said, “T-Force was a very, very strange organisation to be in.”

We may never know everything that transpired during the war that brought about some of the world’s darkest days, but we can be thankful that the unheralded few were willing and able to do what was necessary to achieve victory. Wars — even the second world war —  are often not pretty or romantic like so many would like to believe. Hard men and women repeatedly went out into the dismal abyss of worldwide combat, under threat of capture and torture at the hands of the Nazi’s or Japanese, and tipped the scale in favor of the Allies.

As Winston Churchill once famously said, “We shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in France, we shall fight on the seas and the oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

What Is the Deep State? by Thomas Knapp

Buzzwords come and buzzwords go. Lately, a trending buzzword – or, I guess, buzz phrase – among the politically inclined is “Deep State.” Google News returns 127,000 recent media uses of the phrase.

Every time US president Donald Trump finds himself under attack or just stymied in one of his policy initiatives, his supporters blame the Deep State. The Deep State is behind the “Russiagate” probes. The Deep State doesn’t like his Muslim travel ban or his ObamaCare replacement bill. The Deep State keeps forcing him to break his campaign promises of a less misadventurous US foreign policy.

I’m expecting reports, any day now, that the Deep State stole his limo keys and left the toilet seats up in the residence area of the White House.

So what, precisely, is the Deep State?  There’s actually both more and less to it than you might think.

Defining the Deep State

In a recent Bloomberg column, former Obama administration regulatory czar Cass Sunstein defines the Deep State as merely “the talented professionals who serve both Democratic and Republican administrations, and who are civil servants rather than political appointees.” While not incorrect as such, that definition is superficial and not especially informative.Actions of state functionaries tend to maximize the state’s growth and their own discretionary power.

Others identify the Deep State as residing completely or nearly completely in the US “intelligence community” specifically and the Military-Industrial Complex in general, or in Washington’s sprawling regulatory apparatus.

It’s in the intel/military definition that the idea tends to take on a more active, sinister connotations: Spies and generals conspiring to put over a coup of some sort, if necessary maybe even giving inconvenient political figures the JFK treatment. Without discounting that possibility, let me propose that while individuals acting in knowing concert might be a minor feature of the Deep State, they aren’t its essence.

In high school civics class theory, elections are meaningful and political government is a highly developed, well-oiled, deliberative decision-making machine in which ideas matter and the best ones win out, to the benefit of all.

In fact, it is in the nature of political government to put its own needs first, and its corps of unelected workers (greatly outnumbering the politicians who have to explain themselves to voters) closely identify its needs with their needs and vice versa.

Resistance to Change in Motion

The aggregate actions of long-term state functionaries will always tend to maximize the state’s growth and their own discretionary power. Not because they are venal or corrupt (although some certainly are), nor because they necessarily subscribe to some particular ideology (although some certainly do), but because like their actions, they themselves are an aggregate whose parts will overwhelmingly respond to the same incentives in the same ways.

You’ll never walk into a hotel and see a sign in the lobby announcing “Welcome Deep State, Conference Room 3A.” The Deep State isn’t a conscious conspiracy, even if there are conscious conspirators within it. The Deep State is a large mass with no guiding intellect. Its inertia tends to hold it in one place and/or to carry most of its members in the same direction.

Reprinted from the Libertarian Institute.

Thomas Knapp

Thomas Knapp

Thomas L. Knapp, aka KN@PPSTER, is Director and Senior News Analyst at the William Lloyd Garrison Center for Libertarian Advocacy Journalism and publisher of Rational Review News Digest. He lives and works in north central Florida.

New Jersey lists Antifa as a ‘Domestic Terrorism’ organization

The New Jersey Department of Homeland Security and Preparedness (DHSP) lists under the category of Domestic Terrorism the organization Antifa.

Here is the complete listing from the New Jersey DHSP website:

Anarchist Extremists: Antifa

June 12, 2017

Domestic Terrorism

Anti-fascist groups, or “Antifa,” are a subset of the anarchist movement and focus on issues involving racism, sexism, and anti-Semitism, as well as other perceived injustices.

  • Self-described Antifa groups have been established across the United States and in several major cities, including New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and San Francisco. A majority of New Jersey-based anarchist groups are affiliated with the Antifa movement and are opposed to “fascism,” racism, and law enforcement. Antifa groups coordinate regionally and have participated in protests in New York City and Philadelphia. There are three loosely organized chapters in New Jersey, known as the North Jersey Antifa, the South Jersey Antifa, and the HubCity Antifa New Brunswick (Middlesex County).
  • In December 2016, a group known as the Antifascist Action-Nebraska engaged in a doxing campaign against a prominent member of American Vanguard, a white supremacist organization. The group published his personal information on several social media platforms and posted fliers on the University of Nebraska Omaha campus, calling for his expulsion.
  • On March 28, a small fight occurred between Antifa members and supporters of the US President during a rally in Seaside Heights (Ocean County).  Because of advance publicity about the event on social media, local and state law enforcement officers were able to keep altercations to a minimum.


Violent confrontations between Antifa members and white supremacists—as well as militia groups—will likely continue because of ideological differences and Antifa’s ability to organize on social media. In the past year, Antifa groups have become active across the United States, employing a variety of methods to disrupt demonstrations.

  • On April 18, following the Patriots Day Free Speech Rally in Berkeley, California—which turned violent—an Antifa member wrote, “Every Nazi that gets punched is a victory. . . . We must realize that these days are going to become more and more common, unless we put a nail in this coffin once and for all.”  On March 29, as a response to an Antifa post on social media, a national militia group wrote in an online article, “Whenever their kind [Antifa] assumes power, individual freedom, including of speech and worship, is brutally suppressed.”
  • Beginning in March, the Philadelphia Antifa Chapter used Facebook to encourage followers to disrupt a “Make America Great Again” event in Philadelphia, resulting in over 300 participants. Antifa’s presence resulted in law enforcement shutting down the event early for safety concerns. As of May, a manual on how to form an Antifa group—posted on a well-known Anarchist website in February—had approximately 13,500 views.
  • On February 1, the University of California Berkeley canceled a controversial speaker’s appearance following a protest by approximately 100 Antifa members. In response, far-right extremists assembled at a free-speech rally, which Antifa members disrupted, resulting in 10 arrests and seven injuries. Additionally, on April 15, Antifa and far-right extremists clashed at a demonstration, leading to 23 arrests and 11 injuries.


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  • On February 11, members of the 211 Crew/211 Bootboys, a white supremacist gang, allegedly attacked two brothers at a New York City bar after seeing a “New York City anti-fascist sticker” on the back of one of the victim’s cellphones, according to New York authorities.
  • In June 2016, 300 counter-protesters, including anarchist extremists, attacked 25 members of the white supremacist Traditionalist Worker Party with knives, bottles, bricks, and concrete from a construction site while rallying at the California State Capitol in Sacramento, injuring 10.

EDITORS NOTE: Below is an Antifa flyer provided by a reader on Facebook: