Majority of Americans support Trump immigration ‘ban’ from terror hotspots

You are not alone!

Check it out!  Vox (the website that featured my work recently, here) reports that the majority of Americans support President Trump’s Executive Order to keep us safe from immigrants coming from certain parts of the world—keep us safe from terrorists trying to enter the country.

But, if the pollsters throw in mumbo-jumbo about “refugees” and phrases like “in keeping with US’s founding principles” they get more respondents to oppose the order.   The key message that resonates is one that uses the word “terrorism.”

Read it here.  Very interesting as Vox sends a message to its mostly Leftwing and Open Borders readers on how to use certain language to make their case.

I haven’t seen anything like this on mainstream cable media have you?

immigration poll supports trump ban


Don’t waver Donald!

CNN and other Left-leaning news sites will show us non-stop clips of protesters opposing this EO making us all believe that we are in the minority, but never reveal that average Americans agree with Donald Trump on this! It is, as Trump says, “common sense!”

Sick of it? You can join like-minded Americans at upcoming rallies.  Go here (Spirit of America Rallies) and see if one is scheduled near you!

RELATED VIDEO: Pamela Geller on Trump’s “gorgeous” executive order is NOT a “Muslim ban.”


Does Donald Trump know he can cap refugee program now?

The Trump Effect

Bloomberg: Trump’s refugee ceiling of 50,000 could hurt BIG MEAT

The Ninth Circuit Ignores Precedent and Threatens National Security – Wall Street Journal

Trump White House Says All Legal Options Still Being Considered, Ninth Circuit Court Judge Calls For En Banc Hearing

Krauthammer: 9th Circuit Ruling ‘A Disgraceful Conclusion’ – VIDEO

Hundreds Of Syrian, Iraqi Refugees Admitted To U.S. Since Trump Order Halted

Why the 9th Circuit Order Was Wrong, and What Trump Should Do About It

BREAKING: New Poll Shows SURPRISING Numbers For Trump….Liberals DUMBFOUNDED [VIDEO]

VIDEO: How to Deal with the Ninth Circuit and other Activist Judges

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich has been protesting the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court for over a decade. Mostly due to the radical liberal judges that sit on that court with their fanatical views.


The Ninth Circuit Ignores Precedent and Threatens National Security – Wall Street Journal

Trump White House Says All Legal Options Still Being Considered, Ninth Circuit Court Judge Calls For En Banc Hearing

Krauthammer: 9th Circuit Ruling ‘A Disgraceful Conclusion’ – VIDEO

Hundreds Of Syrian, Iraqi Refugees Admitted To U.S. Since Trump Order Halted

Why the 9th Circuit Order Was Wrong, and What Trump Should Do About It

EDITORS NOTE: The above video is courtesy of The Wayne Dupree Show

Iran, the other ‘Islamic State,’ turns 38 — Let’s make this year its last!

On Friday, the Islamic “Republic” of Iran celebrated its 38th birthday by busing hundreds of thousands of Iranians to mosques and public squares to chant “Death to America.”

Some of these celebrations are perfunctory. Without the buses, and without the vacation pay, working people would not show up. But the regime’s television cameras always focus on the front ranks, predictably filled with angry-looking bearded males, chanting and pounding the air with their fists.

So why should Americans care?

For starters, because the Iranian regime continues to kill U.S. troops in Iraq and Afghanistan.

How many? “Several hundred,” according to the former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Martin Dempsey.

General Dempsey made that statement in response to a question from Senator Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), himself a veteran who deployed to both Afghanistan and Iraq.

But fellow veteran Rep. Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.), believes the death toll attributable to Iranian-sponsored attacks could be much higher. “You have a regime — people fail to mention — they were responsible for as many as 1500 American deaths in Iraq,” DeSantis told a Congressional panel last year.

Most of these deaths were caused by Iranian-made Explosively Formed Penetrators, which were designed to pierce armor with a slug of molten metal travelling at 6,000 feet per second.

Iran distributed thousands of EFPs to both Sunni and Shiite insurgents in Iraq starting in late 2004, with deadly effect.

I spoke recently to medically-retired U.S. Army Sergeant Robert Bartlett about his encounter with an Iranian EFP. The force of the projectile “cut me in half from the left corner of my temple down to my jaw, came across my vehicle and took my gunner’s legs off and then took the top of my truck commander’s head off,” he said.

“The Iranians were actively in Iraq killing Americans,” he said. “We never invaded Iran. Why were they killing Americans?”

In Afghanistan, Iran has been offering a cash bounty of $1000 to any Taliban fighter who kills an American soldier. For larger attacks, the Iranians paid more money.

According to the Sunday Times, a Taliban paymaster collected $18,000 from an Iranian firm in Kabul, “a reward it said was for an attack in July (2010) which killed several Afghan government troops and destroyed an American armored vehicle.” The Taliban “treasurer” called the relationship to the Iranians a “marriage of convenience.”

I would call it an alliance of Terror.

The Iranian regime also continues its foreign expansion. In Iraq, they command a 100,000 man strong Shiite militia that is hovering on the outskirts of Mosul and dominate the government in Baghdad.

In Yemen, Iran has delivered C-802 anti-ship missiles to Houthi rebels that have fired on U.S. and Arab warships. In Syria, they have sent thousands of IRGC troops to serve the regime of Bashar al-Assad in his ongoing massacre of his own people. And in Lebanon, Iran’s Hezbollah proxies now control the much of the government and have formed an alliance with newly-elected President, Michel Aoun.

So is the Islamic Republic of Iran an all-powerful Hydra-headed monster that the United States would be foolish to oppose?

I think not. Just look at what happened this past week, following the stern warning from National Security Advisor Lt. General Michael Flynn that the Trump administration was “putting Iran on notice” over its latest long-range missile test.

Regime leaders in Tehran huffed and puffed. A top advisor to Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei called the warning a “useless” threat from “an inexperienced person.”

The commander of the Iranian navy, Rear Admiral Habibollah Sayyari, scoffed at the U.S. Navy, which currently does not have an aircraft carrier in the Persian Gulf. “They would not dare enter Iran’s territorial waters,” he said.

Shortly after General Flynn’s warning, FoxNews reported that U.S. satellites spotted a long-range Safir missile at Iran’s main missile test site, being prepped for launch. But by Tuesday, February 7, the missile was gone.

Instead, Iran launched a short-range surface-to-air missile that fell back to earth 35 miles away. As the New York Post described it, “they blinked.”

The Trump administration has a tremendous opportunity when it comes to Iran. This regime has now entered middle age. Its revolutionary ideology is getting old, and its young people — by far, the most sophisticated of any nation in the immediate neighborhood — are looking to the West with expectation and hope.

It’s time to step up pressure on Tehran in meaningful ways, aimed at delegitimizing the “Islamic State,” both at home and abroad. We can do that by using the tools of power diplomacy, from stepped up U.S. broadcasting into Iran, to a credible threat of military force should the regime take aggressive moves on the high seas or elsewhere, and by designating the IRGC as a terrorist organization.

The United States can help to ensure that this anniversary will be the last for the world’s largest Islamic state. Stay tuned.

RELATED ARTICLE: The State Department’s Dead Parrot

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Hill.

1,051 Refugees from banned countries admitted to U.S. since Presidential Executive Order

And, since October 1, 2016 (the first day of fiscal year 2017) we are up to 34,430—still time for the Trump Administration to cap entry for this year at less than 50,000 (my suggestion is 35,000).

I’m glad to see so many news outlets now tracking refugee numbers, something not done until the last year or so. (You will see some slight discrepancies in numbers depending on what parameters are entered at Wrapsnet and what time of day the reporter accessed the State Department data base.)

Here is what I have this morning:

Since President Trump’s Executive Order on the evening of 1/27, the State Department and its contractors have hustled and placed 2,305 refugees.  (Remember that although the ‘ban’ has been stymied by court wrangling, the 50,000 ceiling, a reduction from Obama’s proposed 110,000, stays in effect.)

Of the 2,305, 1,051 come from the countries that were included in the ban as follows:

Iraq (341)
Iran (115)
Somalia (156)
Sudan (37)
Syria (402) (400 of the Syrians are Muslims and only 2 Christians)
Libya (0)
Yemen (0)

Total:  1,051


An Indonesia policeman distributes used clothes to migrants believed to be Rohingya inside a shelter in Lhoksukon, Indonesia's Aceh Province May 11, 2015. Nearly 600 migrants thought to be Rohingya refugees and Bangladeshis were rescued from at least two wooden boats stranded off the coast of Indonesia's northern Aceh province, authorities said on Sunday. REUTERS/Roni Bintang

An Indonesia policeman distributes used clothes to migrants believed to be Rohingya inside a shelter in Lhoksukon, Indonesia’s Aceh Province May 11, 2015. REUTERS/Roni Bintang

One thing you need to know is that all of those coming from places like Iran and Iraq are not Muslims, some are Christians and other minorities.

It defies all common sense to believe Rohingya boat people can be security screened. Story and photo here. 

But the total number of Muslims in the group of 2,305 is 1,022.

In addition to those countries above, we admitted Muslim refugees from the following countries: Afghanistan, Burma, DR Congo, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Jordan and Palestine.

In fact 19 of the 87 Burmese we admitted are Muslims.  These are probably the Rohingya boat people who went illegally to places like Malaysia, and I maintain cannot be thoroughly vetted any better than Syrians or Somalis.

This post is filed in our Trump Watch! category as well as ‘refugee statistics’ and ‘where to find information.’


Refugees entering U.S. doubled in rate since ruling on Trump travel ban – Washington Times

Virginia: Immigrant Ex-National Guardsman Gets 11 Years for ISIS Support

Springfield, Mass mayor blasts Jewish Family Services for placing more refugees without notice

U.S. halts vetting of Australia’s rejected asylum seekers

Hohmann’s “Stealth Invasion” is Amazon #1 best seller in Terrorism category

Germany has 450,000 failed Muslim asylum seekers they plan to deport!

You might want to read my post on asylum here last week.  Asylum seekers differ from the refugees we normally talk about because they get to a country like Germany (or the US, or Canada) and ask for asylum claiming they will be persecuted if returned home.  The refugees we write most about here are selected abroad and we fly them in.

So the next time you hear that Germany is welcoming refugees in greater numbers than the US, remember these hordes who arrived in Europe with a goal of getting to Germany over the last two years are migrants seeking asylum.  Now we are learning that, yikes! Germany has 450,000 who failed to prove their asylum claims and will now be deported.

Gee, wouldn’t it have been a better idea to close their borders in the first place!

From the Daily Mail (a department in Berlin will be created to organize the mass deportations!):

Merkel offers cash handouts worth millions of pounds for migrants to return home in an embarrassing U-turn

Angela Merkel will offer cash handouts worth millions of pounds for migrants to leave Germany in an effort to silence criticism of her ‘open-door’ border policy.

In a highly-embarrassing U-turn over the ill-fated plan, which saw 1.2million migrants flock to the country, Mrs Merkel has now vowed to send many of them home.

The German chancellor agreed a package of measures to speed up the deportation process for an estimated 450,000 migrants who have been rejected asylum.

The controversial plan, which marks a significant toughening of previous proposals, includes a £76million scheme that will offer migrants cash incentives to leave Germany voluntarily.

Many will see the move as a desperate attempt for Miss Merkel to claw back support ahead of her challenging re-election bid in September.

Criticism of her decision to leave Germany’s borders open and welcome all refugees during Europe’s migration crisis in 2015 has led to a surge in support for anti-immigrant parties.


The proposed crackdown, which has been criticised by human rights groups, will also include the creation of a department in Berlin to co-ordinate mass deportations.

Continue reading here.

The Trump message for Leftwing politicians worldwide: not a winning strategy to promote the replacement of your own people with migrants.

Our entire ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive is here (extends back many years).


The Flow of Asylum Seekers Into the West

Which countries host the most refugees?

What’s the big deal over General Flynn talking with the Russian Ambassador?

Is General Flynn in trouble over talking with the Russian Ambassador during the transition period when he had not yet been appointed as National Security Adviser? The Logan Act of 1799 (1 State U.S.C. 953 “forbids unauthorized citizens from negotiation with foreign governments having a dispute with the U.S. It was intended to prevent undermining the government.”

Has anyone ever been charged and convicted of violating the Logan Act? Answer: No one.

So, why now?

It appears that something General Flynn should have known that holding a phone conversation with the Russian Ambassador in Washington, that several intelligence agencies and the FBI would be listening in recording and transcribing it.

Moreover, there had been charges about Russia engaging in cyber attacks during the election seeking to undermine the Democrat opponent Hillary Clinton trying to influence the election of President Trump. Eventually those transcripts would be leaked into the hands of the investigative press to be cross checked with the FBI and intelligence agencies to verify that Flynn’s conversations took place.

Anything the press could do to bring down Flynn to bring him down, rest assured they would be on the hunt for. There was their objection to his his dalliance with and being invited to an anniversary dinner in Moscow in 2015 seated near President Putin. Then there was his Flynn Intel Group’s contract with a shadowy Dutch Turkish businessman seeking Washington representation for President Erodgan in his attempt to extradite his former ally Sheik Fehullah Gulen, a holder of a Green Card as a permanent resident to prosecute him for fomenting Erodgan’s faux coup last July in Turkey That was followed by an op-ed published by the Hill on November 8th praising Erodgan’s Turkey as a NATO ally and beating up Gulen suggesting that his extradition was a good thing for relationships between the two countries. SEE: Our Ally Turkey is in crisis and needs our support.

Then Flynn had pissed off many in the Intel community during his tenure of the Defense Intelligence Agency, especially the Director of National Intelligence, retired USAF General Clapper.

Add to that Trump’s criticism of Flyn’s son Michael G. Flynn for the crackpot DC Pizza involving Hillary Clinton ‘sex with minor’ ‘fake story’ tweet episode that Gen. Flynn deleted. Then Gen. Flynncombative management style didn;t sit well with some of the Trump team and you get what came out this weekend and Trump saying on Air Force One to question about these reports about Flynn and Russian sanctions flying down to a Margo de Largo weekend with special guest Japanese Premier Abe, that he hadn’t read the story.

In a separate FB post we noted that Flynn NSC Africa former Marine officer Robin Townley had been denied a higher classified security classification clearance by Trump CIA Director Mike Pompeo.

So the proverbial Washington long knives were out to get Flynn. That is what is really behind this New York Times story inveighing the hoary Logan Act that never has been used.

Note the innuendos in this New York Times report:

President Trump said he plans to “look into” reports that his national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, discussed sanctions in his pre-inauguration conversations with Russia’s ambassador to the United States and possibly misled administration officials about it.

“I don’t know about that. I haven’t seen it,” said Mr. Trump, speaking to reporters on Air Force One late Friday, during a flight to Florida from Washington. Several news outlets reported on Thursday that Mr. Flynn and Ambassador Sergei I. Kislyak had discussed sanctions that the Obama administration had imposed on Russia.

The White House has denied publicly that the two men discussed sanctions.

Even as Mr. Trump professed his lack of knowledge of the episode, administration officials were scrambling to contain the fallout of the latest revelations about the embattled former three-star general, who has been criticized internally for his judgment and for staffing the National Security Council with military officers instead of trained civilian personnel.

Perhaps a bigger concern for National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn is his relationship with Vice President Mike Pence, who sometimes has had to defend him in public.

According to two administration officials, Mr. Flynn told Mr. Pence in January that he had only exchanged pleasantries with Mr. Kislyak during a phone call in December and denied discussing sanctions with him. Mr. Pence repeated Mr. Flynn’s account during a television appearance.

The president still confers daily with Mr. Flynn, one of the few former military leaders to support him during the campaign.

But three weeks into Mr. Trump’s presidency, Mr. Flynn’s role on national security matters has been challenged by other West Wing power players — including the president’s chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, and Mr. Trump’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, who have both taken expansive roles shaping foreign and defense policy.

Representative Adam B. Schiff of California, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, questioned on Friday whether Mr. Flynn should be allowed to stay in his job.

The allegation that Mr. Flynn spoke about sanctions relief with the Russian ambassador “raises serious questions of legality and fitness for office,” Mr. Schiff said in a statement. “If he did so, and then he and other administration officials misled the American people, his conduct would be all the more pernicious, and he should no longer serve in this administration or any other.”

Two Democratic senators on Friday renewed their calls for a review of Mr. Flynn’s security clearance, citing the reports of the December call.

“This disclosure highlights just one in a series of decisions made by Flynn both during his military service and as a private citizen that give rise to questions concerning his suitability for continued access to classified information,” the senators, Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire, said in a letter to Jim Mattis, the secretary of defense, and Mike Pompeo, the director of the C.I.A.

The senators first questioned whether Mr. Flynn should be allowed to hold a clearance in a separate letter sent in December. That letter focused on past investigations into allegations that Mr. Flynn leaked classified information, and potential conflicts presented by a private intelligence firm that he started after being forced out as head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2014.

Republicans in Congress have remained largely silent on the matter, and have said they see little gain in openly criticizing Mr. Flynn. Some believe he will ultimately stumble hard enough that he will be forced out of the job.

The accounts of Mr. Flynn’s contacts with the Russian ambassador added to the questions about connections between people close to Mr. Trump and Russia. American counterintelligence officials are already known to be investigating at least three of the president’s aides: Paul Manafort, his former campaign chairman; Carter Page, a businessman and former foreign policy adviser; and Roger Stone, a longtime Republican operative.

Those investigations are examining intercepted communications and financial transactions as part of a broad inquiry into possible links between Russian officials and associates of Mr. Trump.

As the president claimed to be unaware of revelations about the embattled national security adviser, officials were scrambling to contain the fallout.

The End of Countering Violent Extremism, the Start of Countering Radical Islamic Extremism

A few days ago, I correctly pointed out that by far the most important paragraph of the President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration was being widely overlooked by the media. While they carried on their endless discussion of the completely tangential list of exactly which countries citizens had their nonexistent “right” to enter the United States curtailed, the administration continued to pursue its clearly defined purpose. That purpose is to focus the full resources of the federal government on the only ideology that threatens the republic at this time.

From Reuters:

Exclusive: Trump to focus counter-extremism program solely on Islam – sources

The Trump administration wants to revamp and rename a U.S. government program designed to counter all violent ideologies so that it focuses solely on Islamist extremism, five people briefed on the matter told Reuters.

The program, “Countering Violent Extremism,” or CVE, would be changed to “Countering Islamic Extremism” or “Countering Radical Islamic Extremism,” the sources said, and would no longer target groups such as white supremacists who have also carried out bombings and shootings in the United States.

Such a change would reflect Trump’s election campaign rhetoric and criticism of former President Barack Obama for being weak in the fight against Islamic State and for refusing to use the phrase “radical Islam” in describing it. Islamic State has claimed responsibility for attacks on civilians in several countries.

The Reuters piece goes on to say that the Trump administration is now looking carefully at all grant allocations, the precise nature of the recipients of taxpayer money, and resource usage. The implication is that only Islam will be considered a threat, and whatever resources are currently directed at other forms of “extremism,” such as “Life After Hate which rehabilitates former neo-Nazis and other domestic extremists,” will be removed. No doubt there are threats (even deadly, murderous ones) from non-Islamic terrorists, but they are for criminal agencies to work on; they don’t represent a credible threat to overturn the entire US Constitution. That is what makes Islam and jihad unique.

None of this will come as a surprise to those of you who read the guiding paragraph of the executive order, which I wrote about. The entire thrust of this administration is to tackle Islam as an political ideology incompatible with the Constitution.

At the same time, CNN has dug up an interview Steve Bannon gave in 2010 on the late Avi Davis’s podcast, in which:

Bannon mocked Bush for proclaiming “Islam is a religion of peace.”

“Islam is not a religion of peace. Islam is a religion of submission. Islam means submission.”

One small step for Jihad Watch readers, one giant leap for mankind, when the direction of the new administration is to replace the lie of “Islam is a religion of peace” with a more realistic assessment of jihadi goals and methods. Especially those methods such as indoctrination and infiltration, which the Muslim Brotherhood and its front organisations have been employing so successfully for years.

This Bannon quote on Islam came up in a White House Press briefing.

Sean Spicer deflected the question; importantly, he did not counter, criticise or address what the journalist reported that Bannon had said; nor did he say that Trump would distance himself from it.

Once again, the new administration is going in a very interesting direction, and the old media is unable to understand what has changed. They’re not ready to come to terms with the complete removal of the “Islam is a religion of peace” doctrine and its replacement with treating Islam and jihad in the West as a hostile political movement.

One final piece to bring back. At times on the campaign trail, before he switched almost exclusively to teleprompter speeches, Donald Trump recited a poem about a snake. He made it very clear in the introduction that he was talking about Islam. Not just immigration. Again, that was largely overlooked by the media.

The press is attacking Bannon and Trump for holding these views. They’re going to try to coerce either of them back to the politically correct “Islam is a religion of peace” doctrine. As you Americans are fond of saying, good luck with that.


Venezuela selling passports to Iraqis, may have sold them to jihadis

“Aren’t You Tired of Writing Your Stupid Articles?” Georgetown Prof Jonathan Brown Expels Critic From Lecture

Syria’s Assad: Some refugees are “definitely” terrorists

When Isikoff presses him about whether the terrorists constituted a significant percentage of the refugees, Assad noted correctly that the number didn’t matter, because a small number could do great damage, as on 9/11.

Assad is right, of course, but his words will be dismissed as those of a bloody dictator, and misrepresented as if the only information he has on this are Internet memes, when he was merely invoking something he thought might be familiar to Isikoff. In any case, clearly Assad, however much of a scoundrel he is, recognizes the security risks involved in admitting the refugees that eludes the grasp of so many American jurists.

“Exclusive: Syria’s Assad tells Yahoo News some refugees are ‘definitely’ terrorists,” by Michael Isikoff, Yahoo News, February 9, 2017:

Weighing in on one of the most contentious issues in American politics — the danger posed to host countries by the 4.8 million people who have fled from Syria’s civil war — Syrian President Bashar Assad told Yahoo News that some of the refugees are “definitely” terrorists.

In an exclusive interview with Yahoo News at a presidential office in Damascus, Assad said President Trump’s freeze on admitting refugees from his country — part of an executive order that has drawn widespread protests and is being challenged in federal court — “is an American issue” on which he would not take sides. But asked if some of those who fled are “aligned with terrorists,” Assad quickly replied, “Definitely.”

“You can find it on the Net,” Assad went on: “Those terrorists in Syria, holding the machine gun or killing people, they [appear as] peaceful refugees in Europe or in the West.” He said he couldn’t estimate how many there might be, but he added that “you don’t need a significant number to commit atrocities.” He noted that the 9/11 attacks were pulled off by fewer than 20 terrorists “out of maybe millions of immigrants in the United States. So it’s not about the number, it’s about the quality, it’s about the intentions.”

As for the future of Syria’s 4.8 million refugees, Assad said, “For me, the priority is to bring those citizens to their country, not to help them immigrate.”…


Germany: Muslim migrant screams “Allah” as he slashes man’s face with knife on bus

Two Muslims arrested in Slovenia on way to join the Islamic State — while under house arrest in France

209 Anarchists Charged with Felony Rioting

disruptj20The Code of the District of Columbia states:

§ 22–1322. Rioting or inciting to riot.

(a) A riot in the District of Columbia is a public disturbance involving an assemblage of 5 or more persons which by tumultuous and violent conduct or the threat thereof creates grave danger of damage or injury to property or persons.

(b) Whoever willfully engages in a riot in the District of Columbia shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 180 days or a fine of not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01, or both.

(c) Whoever willfully incites or urges other persons to engage in a riot shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 180 days or a fine of not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01, or both.

(d) If in the course and as a result of a riot a person suffers serious bodily harm or there is property damage in excess of $5,000, every person who willfully incited or urged others to engage in the riot shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than 10 years or a fine of not more than the amount set forth in § 22-3571.01, or both. [Emphasis added]

Phil McCausland from NBC News reports:

A grand jury has indicted more than 100 Inauguration Day protesters on rioting charges in Washington, D.C. In total, 209 people have now been indicted.

The indictment, handed up D.C. Superior Court on Wednesday, February 8th, 2017, charged 146 additional protesters with felony rioting — meaning they face a fine of up to $25,000 and a maximum of 10 years in prison.

On Inauguration Day — Jan. 20 — 230 people were arrested and charged with felony rioting. Twelve cases have been dismissed.


CA Tax Dollars Funding Eric Holder Firm to Develop ‘Legal Strategies’ Against Trump

Total chaos in US refugee flow; United Nations depends on US to take lion’s share every year

Who is Suhaib Webb, ‘soft Salafist” and former Boston Radical Mosque Imam?


5 things about socialism

liberal logic

Who is Suhaib Webb, DC’s ‘soft Salafist’ and former Imam of the Radical Boston Mosque?

Note the above picture of the lanky blonde bearded Imam Suhaib Webb leading Friday Ju’umah prayers at the Washington, DC “Church of the Epiphany in this picture of a Washington Post Magazine.  Webb is the Oklahoma City ‘bad boy and hip hop DJ follower of the Los Angeles ‘bloods’ gang who had his own epiphany as a teenager after reading the holy Qur’an converting to Islam  that consternated his Christian parents. He was the subject of a January 22, 2017 profile in the Washington Post Magazine,An unlikely messenger becomes a guiding spirit to young Muslims.”

Webb went on after his conversion to Islam to become an Islamic ‘scholar’ and Imam at the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) – controlled Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC). The ISBCC was built with over $22 million of Saudi and Emirati funding on city-owned land in the Roxbury section of Boston and dedicated in June 2009 with the praise of the myopic Massachusetts Governor Derval Patrick, the late Boston mayor, Thomas Menino and active participation of the Boston Combined Jewish Philanthropies leadership and even representatives of the Massachusetts Board of Rabbis (MRB). We chronicled this ‘stellar event’ in an August 2009 New English Review article, “Chelm on the Charles River”.

The MRB is joining an inter-faith gathering at the ISBCC on Friday, 10th protesting President Trump’ travel ban and immigration policies.

Suhaib Webb was ISBCC Imam at the time of the Boston Marathon bombing. We chronicled in a May 2013  NER article, “Refugee Jihad Terror in Boston,” about the terror attack and the Boston Community reaction.  Webb was ‘disinvited’ from an official community eulogy ceremony for the 3 victims of the bombing; the 3 dead and more than 264 injured and maimed.

Fast forward to February 2017 after Webb left the ISBCC, following the Boston Marathon bombing, to become the founder of a major Da’wa-call of the faithful program in our nation’s capital, DC Center. He has become the rock star of what we might call ‘soft Salafism’, with a large international social media following. The Washington Post profile had a hit against my Boston chaver Charles Jacobs of Americans for Peace and Tolerance (APT) that published this APT rebuttal this week.

Jacobs fought a 12 year war with the ISBCC whose trustees included notorious anti-Semitic Egyptian preacher Yusuf al Qaradawi with his death fatwas for IDF and US soldiers and  ISBCC trustee Abdulrahman Alamoudi who provided terror financing for a hot on a Saudi crown prince and was convicted to serve 23 years here in the US. Then there were a host of terror convictions for attendees at the ISBCC plus the Tsarneav brothers who perpetrated the Boston Marathon finish line bombing, the story of which was recently depicted in Peter Berg’s acclaimed film, “Patriot’s Day”. A USA Today article just after the Patriots Day marathon bombing in Boston on April 23, 2013 that the Boston refugee terrorist and others had either founded or attended the Mosque with radical Islamic ties. The USA Today article, “Mosque that Boston suspects attended had radical ties, “ noted the others:

  • Alamoudi, who signed the articles of incorporation as the Cambridge mosque’s president, was sentenced to 23 years in federal court in Alexandria, Va., in 2004 for his role as a facilitator in what federal prosecutors called a Libyan assassination plot against then-crown prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia. Abdullah is now the Saudi king.
  • Aafia Siddiqui, who occasionally prayed at the Cambridge mosque, was arrested in Afghanistan in 2008 while in possession of cyanide canisters and plans for a chemical attack in New York City. She tried to grab a rifle while in detention and shot at military officers and FBI agents, for which she was convicted in New York in 2010 and is serving an 86-year sentence.
  • Tarek Mehanna, who worshiped at the Cambridge mosque, was sentenced in 2012 to 17 years in prison for conspiring to aid al-Qaeda. Mehanna had traveled to Yemen to seek terrorist training and plotted to use automatic weapons to shoot up a mall in the Boston suburbs, federal investigators in Boston alleged.
  • Ahmad Abousamra, the son of a former vice president of the Muslim American Society Boston Abdul-Badi Abousamra, was identified by the FBI as Mehanna’s co-conspirator. He fled to Syria and is wanted by the FBI on charges of providing support to terrorists and conspiracy to kill Americans in a foreign country.
  • Jamal Badawi of Canada, a former trustee of the Islamic Society of Boston Trust, which owns both mosques, was named as a non-indicted co-conspirator in the 2007 Holy Land Foundation terrorism trial in Texas over the funneling of money to Hamas, which is the Palestinian wing of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Here’s what Jacobs of APT wrote in his rebuttal to the Washington Post Magazine profile of Webb, “Don’t Ignore Webb’s Bigotry”:

When Washington Post reporter Bill Donahue slandered us in a puff piece that whitewashed a bigoted, anti-Semitic imam, we sent a letter to their editor showing that Donahue was duped. Incredibly, the Post published our letter, and even in its online version supplied the links to the imam’s hateful sermons that prove that Donahue was taken for a ride!

Here is the letter:

The lengthy profile of Imam Suhaib Webb, “Show of faith” [Washington Post Magazine, Jan. 22], dismissed my organization’s legitimate criticisms of Webb and his former Boston mosque’s extremism. The article noted we “allege” Webb was anti-Semitic and homophobic but dismissed our research without further consideration.

We do not merely “allege” Webb’s bigotry. We have proved it. Videos of sermons we uncovered show Webb preaching that “effeminate” men are “cursed” and that he “understands” Muslims who “have animosity” toward “the Jews.”

In 2001, according to FBI surveillance documents, Webb appeared alongside al-Qaeda operative Anwar al-Awlaki to raise $100,000 for Jamil Abdullah al-Amin, who was convicted of shooting two U.S. police officers and killing one of them.

And if all this were not enough to discourage a puff piece, Webb also spent three years as the imam of the Islamic Society of Boston. There he was involved with the tarbiya program, an educational course in which radical Islamist texts are taught to youths from Boston’s historically moderate Muslim community.

The Post may paint Webb as the cool Snapchatting imam, but we and our moderate Muslim allies know that beneath the pose, Webb has a history of peddling hate. Boston’s Muslim community was left a lot worse off for his time here. How will the District fare?

Charles Jacobs, Boston

The writer is president of Americans for Peace and Tolerance.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Imam Suhaib Webb leading Friday Ju’umah Prayers at Church of the Epiphany, Washington, DC, Pete Marovich , Washington Post.

Globalists Fight Psychological War of Words against America

Borders are a nation’s first line of defense and last line of defense against the enemies of that nation. In fact, it could properly be said that the primary role of our military is to keep America’s enemies as far from our shores (and borders) as possible.

However, “up close and in person,” the issue of border security becomes the domain and responsibility of the Department of Homeland Security and its component agencies charged with border security and the enforcement of our nation’s immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.

The report, “9/11 and Terrorist Travel – Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States,” began with this paragraph:

“It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.”

However, border security is a problem for globalists who see in secure borders impediments to their wealth. And, politicians who depend on political campaign contributions, by necessity, must take into account the demands of their campaign contributors, many of whom have globalist objectives.

Organizations such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and a host of other special interest groups that depend on the exploitation of the immigration system are eager to fill the campaign coffers of politicians irrespective of whether they are Democrats or Republicans in order to get “the best government money can buy.”

Today news reports on immigration often lack clarity and honesty. Frequently news reports appear to have been written by Orwell’s “Ministry of Truth” and the term “propaganda” comes to mind when considering them.

Consider that “propaganda” has been described thusly:

propaganda |ˌpräpəˈɡandə|
chiefly derogatory information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote or publicize a particular political cause or point of view: he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda.

the dissemination of propaganda as a political strategy: the party’s leaders believed that a long period of education and propaganda would be necessary.

All too frequently journalists have been participants in efforts to obfuscate the issue of immigration following the lead of Jimmy Carter, originator of the Orwellian term, “undocumented immigrant.” Their news reports foisted on Americans are part of what I have come to refer to as the immigration con game.

President Trump’s executive order to temporarily block the entry of aliens from seven countries parallels the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission. Aliens from those countries cannot be effectively vetted; yet, major news organizations breathlessly exclaimed that aliens who had been issued visas were denied entry into the U.S., blithely ignoring the fact that aliens with valid visas are routinely denied entry into the United States by Customs and Border Protection Inspectors, an issue with which I am intimately familiar.

For the first four years of my 30-year career with the former INS I was an Immigration Inspector at John F. Kennedy International Airport. My article, “Aliens Guaranteed Entry Into The U.S.?Trump’s executive order on immigration and the recommendations of the 9/11 Commission,” explained how a visa should be simply thought of as a “ticket” that enables an alien seeking U.S. entry to a port of entry and make an application for admission. However, an alien who has been issued a visa is not guaranteed entry into the country. Indeed, aliens do not have an inherent right to enter the U.S.; only American citizens do.

Furthermore, while nearly every news report identified those seven countries as being “majority Muslim countries,” ignored was the fact that the Obama administration had compiled that list of countries because they were identified with terrorism and were therefore extremely problematic.

Unfortunately too many Americans are “drinking the Kool-Aid,” an expression that refers to the deaths of more than 900 people who killed themselves or murdered their children, blindly following the insane exhortations of charismatic cult leader Jim Jones, in what came to be known as “The Jonestown Massacre.”

Those Americans should put down their straws and be relieved, not angered, that for once our government is seeking to protect innocent lives, putting safety ahead of the globalists’ anti-American agenda.

Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) sought to REDUCE security screening for Syrians in 2015

UPDATE: Who was that man over Senator Blumenthal’s left shoulder [in the above featured image]? That is CAIR-Connecticut’s Executive Director behind Senator Blumenthal. Getting pretty brazen aren’t they, or is Blumenthal just pretty dense to invite CAIR to be so prominently involved in lessening security screening for refugees?

Because he is all over the news today as the focal point in one more attack on President Donald Trump, I’m re-posting this story from 2015 so you know just who Senator Blumenthal is and why he must be pretty unhappy with Trump.

In 2015 Senator Blumenthal held a press conference with the director of CAIR Connecticut seeking to speed up Syrian refugees to America by reducing security screening requirements. 98% of Syrians entering the US are Muslims.

This is what I said October 7, 2015:

Yesterday we told you that Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) is leading the charge to lessen the security screening for Syrian and other Middle Eastern refugees and he wants to expand the so-called P-3 (fraud ridden!) family reunification program.

See yesterday’s post by clicking here. (Go there to see exactly how Senator Blumenthal wanted to make it easier for Syrians to get  through the refugee screening process.)

Now we know the answer to the question I asked all of you to help answer.  Looming over Blumenthal’s shoulder is none other than Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)- Connecticut director Mongi Dhaouadi.

(When I mentioned to a friend that I had updated my post with that information (thanks to Kyle), she suggested I write a second post because as a subscriber, who received the earlier one, she would not see the update.)

But it is worth mentioning again because this is now the second time we have seen CAIR involving itself directly in the Syrian (mostly Muslim) resettlement issue (and you can bet they are not advocating for the persecuted Syrian Christians).

Clearly their interest is in boosting the Muslim population in the US.

CAIR was here in the St. Louis ‘Bring them here march’ last month.

Here is Mr. Dhaouadi’s bio at CAIR’s website:  (update: Apparently Mr. Dhaouadi has moved on since I first wrote this story)

Mongi Dhaouadi
Executive Director

Mongi S. Dhaouadi was born and raised in Tunisia. He moved to the US when he was 19 years old and studied Electrical Engineering at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. As The Executive director of CAIR-CT, he conducts civil rights workshops throughout the state of Connecticut under the title “Know Your Rights.” Also, he leads several workshops and discussions on Islamophobia and the Muslim experience before and after 9/11. He has participated in and led several media campaigns and press conferences on issues concerning the Muslim community ranging from discrimination cases to advocating for the change of racial profiling laws in the state of Connecticut. Dhaouadi was featured in countless local, national, and international media outlets including NPR, FOX News, and Democracy Now with Amy Goodman. During the summer, he runs a youth internship program during which high school and college students work on several projects ranging from preparing a toolkit on Islamic cultural competency for schools, to writing and publishing articles from a Muslim youth perspective in the local papers and publications. Dhaouadi leads a Connecticut delegation at the Capitol Hill visits; an event that is organized every year by CAIR National, where members of the Muslim community visit their representatives in Wasington, DC and advocate for issues of concern domestic and foreign. Prior to joining CAIR-CT on a full time bases Dhaouadi was the Head Administrator at SKF Academy in Hamden Connecticut. Dhaouadi is married with three children: ages 11, 14 and 18. He lives with his family in New London, Connecticut. His favorite past time is playing or coaching soccer.

So far Connecticut doesn’t get very many refugees compared to other states.  I guess Blumenthal and Dhaouadi would like to change that.

Is CAIR getting into the refugee resettlement program where you live?  Let me know.  And, while you are at it, see if you notice the involvement of Islamic Relief (USA) as well.

Go here to find the regional offices of Islamic Relief (USA) thanks to reader Cathy.

More on Connecticut here.


Retired Dept. of State worker fully supports President Trump’s efforts to rein-in refugee program

Dept. of State bringing refugees in at furious rate

Will Trump Department of State be more forthcoming in response to FOIA requests?

List of Soros Politicians ‘Bought, Paid For’ Includes Republicans | Politics

Muslim in tweet ‘To infidels of the West’ Exposes the Truth about Radical Islam

 wrote on Twitter:

This Radical Islamist just commented this under one of my posts!

According to Democrats for Trump Adegoke O. Adebayo tweeted the following:

adebayo tweet

adebayo tweet 2

adebayo tweet 3

This lays out the strategy of radical Islam and who are their supporters and partners.

I have said that the Democrat Party is the party of Marx, Mohammed and Manning. Mr. Adebayo’s tweet appears to confirm my analysis.

RELATED ARTICLE: NEW AXIS OF EVIL Highly-trained Hamas commandos head to Egypt to team-up with terror group ISIS

Flynn: ‘If we can’t tackle enemy doctrines that call for our domination or extinction, we aren’t going to destroy their jihadis’

It is so refreshing to see this realism and common sense after eight years of Obama’s denial and willful ignorance.

“Flynn’s plan to beat radical Islam starts with schools and social media,” by Paul Sperry, New York Post, February 4, 2017:

President Trump’s national security adviser wants to fight not just Islamic terrorists but the “radical ideology of Islam,” and he plans to do it from the grass roots up, starting with our children at schools while also using social media.

Dealing with the global Islamist threat on a tactical level through drone strikes and arrests hasn’t worked, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn argues, according to his largely overlooked 2016 book, “The Field of Fight: How We Can Win the Global War Against Radical Islam and Its Allies.” He wants to combat it more broadly, using informational warfare, among other things, on a scale not seen since World War II.

But first, he writes, the government has to overcome the political taboo of tying Islamic violence to the religion of Islam, including its sacred texts, which he says the enemy is using as a manual of warfare….

“If we can’t tackle enemy doctrines that call for our domination or extinction,” Flynn writes, “we aren’t going to destroy their jihadis.”…

“It’s long past time for us to denounce the many evils of Radical Islam,” he writes, while highlighting the many defeats of ISIS and al Qaeda to show potential recruits that “the Almighty has changed sides in the holy war.”Fired by former President Barack Obama from the Defense Intelligence Agency for taking such stands, Flynn vows to reverse the longstanding government practice of whitewashing the violent nature of the enemy’s faith through pleasant platitudes like, “The terrorists are hijacking a religion of peace” and other apologia. He calls such policies “Islamophilia,” and complains they border on appeasement.

“I firmly believe that Radical Islam is a tribal cult, and must be crushed,” he writes.

In his book, Flynn says the Islamist enemy studies our culture “very carefully” and excels at “identifying our weaknesses,” while we, on the other hand, have done very little to exploit weak points in their ideology. We suffer pangs of guilt just “calling them by name and identifying them as fanatical killers acting on behalf of a failed civilization.”

That “failed civilization,” he notes, is Islam, and he says the government must publicly point out its failures, from depressed economies to high illiteracy rates to oppression of women, while supporting “a complete reformation of the Islamic religion” throughout the Muslim world.

He suggests working closely with the president of Egypt, who has called for a renewal of Islam. He also praises reforms pushed by Singapore to convince Muslims that there’s no requirement to follow Sharia in a secular state and that Allah hasn’t blessed jihad against the West. He also cites the half dozen countries that have banned Islamic headscarves around the world.

“We’ve got to get inside the minds of the jihadis” and understand the doctrinal justification for “the cult of killing, the worship of death” and why they, literally, “eagerly drink the blood of their dying enemies,” Flynn writes. What in their scripture brainwashes them into thinking, “We love death more than you love life?” Once that doctrine is exposed, it can be undermined to the point where it loses its potency….

“The war against Radical Islamists must begin at home,” he writes. “Muslims want to apply Sharia law by using our own legal system to strengthen what many believe to be a violent religious law that has no place in the United States,” he writes, adding the government must stop implying Islamic and Western civilizations “are morally equivalent.”“Let us accept what we were founded upon: a Judeo-Christian ideology built on a moral set of rules and laws,” he writes. “Let us not fear, but instead fight those who want to impose Sharia law and their Radical Islamist views.”…

“We can’t win this war by treating Radical Islamic terrorists as a handful of crazies and dealing with them as a policing issue,” he writes. “The political and theological underpinnings of their immoral actions have to be demolished.”


Canada: Muslim migrant charged with multiple sexual assaults at waterpark

“To defeat the enemy, we must understand who he is”: An interview with Robert Spencer

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Jihad Watch.

VIOLENT ACTION ALERT: ‘Roudy As Hell Autonomous Rebels’ F17 Strike in Tucson, AZ

The demonstrations that seemingly just “pop-up” are not at all what they appear.

These are planned and well-coordinated acts of anarchy with the intent to promote destruction of property, both private and public, and to disrupt financial sectors creating financial loss and hardships on business. Those involved are trained in various forms of destruction including, but not limited to: physical violence, the setting of fires, breaking and entering, destruction of property, aggressive acts towards law enforcement. The information below substantiates what I just wrote, and the recent Berkeley campus riots are further proof of anarchists accomplishing far more than exercising their First Amendment Rights.

Tucson, Arizona downtown is now scheduled to experience a Berkeley-style demonstration.

An action notice to disrupt downtown Tucson on February 17th at the Ronstadt Transit Center has been posted by

igd_square-300x300F17 Tucson: Strike Is a Verb!

No Pipelines or Presidents on Stolen Land. Or Anywhere.

For a World Without Borders, Prisons, or Police.

        To be sure, No Ban – No Wall.

Always Anti-Capitalist, Always Anti-Fascist,

          Rowdy As Hell.

In response to the call for a national general strike on February 17th, a group of autonomous rebels hope to open up space for resistance here on occupied Tohono O’odham land, Tucson, Arizona.

Meeting at 6PM at the Ronstadt Transit Center downtown, we will gather with the intention of being as disruptive as possible. In order to not be complicit in the continued destruction of the earth, in the cycle of genocide and fear mongering and racist hate, we have to choose to disobey. We must make it impossible for this system to govern on stolen land.

Participants are encouraged to come organized to carry out whatever plans you can come up with – our intention is to open up a space to make varied forms of resistance possible depending on YOUR desires! Anyone without the capacity or desire to come with a prepared group is, of course, absolutely welcome and encouraged to show up! Some resources on organizing affinity groups to carry out actions in the safest and most effective ways possible can be found here and here.

Read more…