PODCAST: Brussels! What Happened — Now What?

Much of the world was horrified this week when Islamic terrorists struck at the heart of the Belgian capital.  But it is difficult to react to any Islamic terrorist attack with surprise anymore – the policies of the United States and Europe have encouraged and enabled the enemy.This week we will discuss the latest attacks, and analyze the ramifications for European and American counterterrorism efforts and politics.

Topics of Discussion:

  • Brussels: What happened?  How?
  • How did the Belgian authorities respond?  Why were they so unprepared?
  • How might this alter the approach to counterterrorism in Europe’s future?
  • How will this affect upcoming European and U.S. elections?

and more . . .

EDITOR NOTE: You may listen to the USA Transnational Report live on JJ McCartney’s Nightside Radio Studios and on Red State Talk Radio. You can subscribe to USA Transnational Report podcast on iTunes here.

Open Letter to Mexican Ambassador Dr. Miguel Basanez Ebergenyi

Miguel_Basáñez_at_the_Embassy_of_Mexico_in_Washington_D.CDr. Miguel Basanez Ebergenyi
Mexican Ambassador to the United States
Washington, D.C.

Dear Ambassador Ebergenyi,

Greetings and salutations. I hope everyone is well in your native country.

Just to give you a heads up. When Mr. Donald Trump is elected President of the United States the border between Mexico and the United States will be secured.

Mr. Trump will ensure all measures will be put in place to stop the illegal infiltration of non-U.S. citizens across our border from your country and also Canada. This is a national security issue. We know you will understand.

We will also be setting up donation boxes along the U.S. – Mexican border in which your citizens will be welcome to drop in any loose pesos and dollars to help pay for the wall we are going to build.

If you yourself would like to personally donate any money from your Ambassadors paycheck to help build this wall across our southern border please make checks out to the U.S. Treasury Department. You may also drop the money off at the U.S. Treasury Department donation box on Pennsylvania Avenue, which will be set up especially for Mexican citizens here in the U.S. illegally.

We will also be shutting off all welfare, food stamps, EBT cards, Obama phones, Section 8 housing and all the other free stuff your citizens think the American taxpayers owe them. It is time to balance the U.S. budget.

We will also be setting up a website on which Mexican citizens here illegally will be also able to donate money to pay for all the cost of jailing and educating your citizens in our country.

We Americans are about done supporting you and your citizens.

Copy: All Mexican consulates along our U.S. Southern border,

“This is a war and there will be thousands of deaths all across Europe.”

Over the past 24 hours Lisa Benson and Dr. Jill Bellamy, Dr. Jill Bellamy, noted bio defense  expert, member of the UN Counterterrorism Advisory Council  and Founding Director of Warfare Technology Analytics , held conversations and emails exchanges regarding the ISIS suicide bombings in Brussels at the Zaventem Airport and Maelbeek Metro near the EU Complex and European Parliament. The toll has now risen to 31 dead, two of whom are Americans, 330 injured, half of whom remain in hospital with extensive shrapnel wounds and burns. What follows are exchanges between Benson and Bellamy. Bellamy will be a guest on the Sunday, March 27, 2016 The Lisa Benson Show that airs at 4:00 PM EDT in the U.S.

Benson: Jill I started to write an article tonight on the brothers of the 9/11 attacks – and the brothers of Charlie Hebdo, Paris, Boston, and Brussels. The New York Times published a profile of the criminal brothers and suicide bombers, Khalid and Ibrahim el-Bakraoui. These are same EU countries contending with terror from émigré Muslim communities  who have Lars Hedegaard charged with mentioning his Danish Palestinian émigré ISIS assailant’s name or  trying  Geert Wilders in a political trial at the Hague  charged over  his 2014 campaign statement “fewer Moroccans.”  I have so little hope — more bloodshed is coming — many more will die and political correctness will live on.

 Bellamy: I have colleagues stateside recommending that my children and I come back to the States. Although I don’t carry an active US passport, nor do my children, I have decided to apply for new passports. This is a war and there will be thousands of deaths all across Europe. This is just the very beginning. We will look back on the attacks in Paris and Brussels five years from now and understand that it was just the beginning.

Benson: This is an interesting time line from The Guardian, given that the Dutch apparently didn’t keep track of suicide bomber Ibrahim Bakraoiu deported by Turkey. They are the same folks who lost track of other terrorists. Meanwhile the Dutch are trying Geert Wilders for raising concerns about Islamic terrorists in the Netherlands.

Bellamy: As a Belgian of course I want to stay and raise my children in Belgium.  However, the Dutch policies and approaches are putting us all in great danger. I have far more faith in the Belgians and French. I know how they operate and what their views are. The Dutch are off in outer space when it comes to understanding and countering Islamic Jihad. They bend over backwards to help their Muslim population target us for death. The Belgians and French would do no such thing. I am quite sure they are giving Salah Abdeslam  some interesting experiences. The Dutch would never do this as it conflicts with their ingrained Calvinistic approach to fairness. Unfortunately, ‘fairness’ and laws which protect terrorists have left the Netherlands totally vulnerable. They are sitting ducks. Yes, they had to leave one of the larger bombs behind as it didn’t fit in the taxi. Another larger one did not detonate. They got that one to the airport. The fact that the one they did detonate brought down a part of the second floor, I just hesitate to think what may have happened had this other one gone off. Indeed I think the real target was Schuman or Luxembourg (these are metro stops running right under the Parliament). I would get off at Schuman and literally take fifty steps into the Parliament buildings.

Now that they suspect that there was a second terrorist with the one who bombed Maelbeek, it seems likely that they may have aborted putting a second bomb on perhaps the first metro. I think their real target was Schuman. I wonder if the bomb detonated early or if there was supposed to be a second bomb. This would make more sense to me. They wouldn’t just use one and they wouldn’t want it detonated at Maelbeek. It wasn’t the prime target, almost but not quite. I am very hopeful Belgian forces will capture the second and third terrorists who appear to have escaped. I also think with Abdeslam chirping away, that other networks across Europe will now be activated very quickly. I suspect we will see within the next few weeks, more major attacks. I can’t wait for Abdeslam to be extradited. Wait until the French get a hold of him.

Benson: If I am reading this correctly:

The train line running under the European Parliament could have been a secondary target….and they could not get all the explosives in the cab. My Israeli friend said that much of Europe believe they can be targeted. In the United States the supporters of Donald Trump and Ted Cruz believe that our government is appeasing ISIS terrorists.

 Bellamy:  Certainly, with the train line running under the European Parliament, this was intended to put the entire EU on notice that their countries are next. As I’ve written before our transportation networks are incredibly vulnerable.

Madrid was just the opener. I really believe that Schipol, with trains running conveniently under it, is next on the list. The Dutch refuse to believe they are in any way a target. They believe they are exempt from terrorism because they have tulips and windmills or some such nonsense. They also refuse to call a spade a spade. They refuse to acknowledge that they are next due to their large population of Muslims. While Muslim communities may be better integrated here compared to Belgium or France, they are still planning jihad. One is not necessarily related to the other and this is what the Dutch totally miss. They pin all their hopes on integration. The Dutch think they can appease Muslim communities by doing things like putting Geert Wilders on trial. This is a very naive and dangerous approach.  France and Belgium top the list mainly due to their colonial past. The Dutch are there because they are bombing Syria and they are a very soft and vulnerable target.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English ReviewThe featured image is from an Islamic State propaganda video claiming responsibility for the attacks in Brussels. The video calls for more attacks.

Hillary vs. Jihad: A Nightmare Scenario

Over at PJ Media today I discuss how the potential Commander-in-Chief is dangerously divorced from reality.

It’s a nightmare that could all too easily come true: the Republican Party denies Donald Trump the nomination, he bolts, and Hillary Clinton, unindicted by a sympathetic Obama Justice Department, becomes president. If she does, it is virtually certain that the Obama administration’s lackadaisical and fantasy-based response to the jihad threat would continue.

Hillary made that clear Tuesday morning in her response to the latest jihad terror attacks in Brussels, in which at least 28 people were killed.

The mass murders were “deeply distressing,” she said, but the “dream of a whole, free Europe … should not be walked away from,” and “we’ve got to work this through consistent with our values.” Her implication was clear: any response to what is rapidly becoming a state of war in Europe must not reject the multiculturalist fantasies that created the state of war in the first place. The Muslim migrants, including any number of jihadis, must continue to stream into Europe, for to stop them would end the “dream of a whole, free Europe” and not be “consistent with our values.”

Her lockstep establishment response was no surprise. In November 2015, Hillary tweeted: “Let’s be clear: Islam is not our adversary. Muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism.” Did even she believe these words as she wrote them? She may indeed subscribe to the mainstream Leftist view that Muslims have nothing to do with terrorism, and that any Muslim who does get involved with terrorism ceases at that very moment to be a Muslim. But she has never bothered to explain how she proposes to deal with those troublesome people who identify themselves as Muslims and not only commit acts of terrorism, but justify those actions and find recruits among peaceful Muslims by pointing to Islamic teachings.

Hillary Clinton — and everyone else in the world — clearly knows that all too many Muslims do in fact have something to do with terrorism. And the fact that many millions do not tells us exactly nothing about the content of Islamic teaching, and whether or not the Qur’an and Sunnah contain material that makes many Muslims think that Islam is indeed our adversary. President Hillary Clinton will have no chance of defeating the Islamic terror threat when she is this divorced from reality.

She has been adhering to and enforcing this denial for years. In October 2009 when she was secretary of State, the Obama administration joined Egypt in supporting a resolution in the UN’s Human Rights Council to recognize exceptions to the freedom of speech for “any negative racial and religious stereotyping.” Approved by the U.N. Human Rights Council, the resolution called on states to condemn and criminalize “any advocacy of national, racial or religious hatred that constitutes incitement to discrimination, hostility or violence.”

The effect of this criminalization would be to forbid all criticism of Islam, including analyses of the motives and goals of jihad terrorists. The jihad would then proceed unopposed, as to stand against it would be “incitement to discrimination, hostility and violence.”

“Incitement” and “hatred” are in the eye of the beholder — or more precisely, in the eye of those who make such determinations. The powerful can decide to silence the powerless by classifying their views as “hate speech.” The Founding Fathers knew that the freedom of speech was an essential safeguard against tyranny: the ability to dissent, freely and publicly and without fear of imprisonment or other reprisal, is a cornerstone of any genuine republic. If some ideas cannot be heard and are proscribed from above, the ones in control are tyrants, however benevolent they may be.

But with this resolution, no less distinguished a person than Secretary of State Hillary Clinton gave her imprimatur to this tyranny.

She affirmed the Obama administration’s support for it on July 15, 2011, when she gave an address on the freedom of speech at an Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) conference on Combating Religious Intolerance. “Together, she said, “we have begun to overcome the false divide that pits religious sensitivities against freedom of expression and we are pursuing a new approach. These are fundamental freedoms that belong to all people in all places and they are certainly essential to democracy.”

But how could both religious sensitivities and freedom of expression be protected?

Clinton had a First Amendment to deal with, and so in place of legal restrictions on criminalization of Islam, she suggested “old-fashioned techniques of peer pressure and shaming, so that people don’t feel that they have the support to do what we abhor.” She held a lengthy closed-door meeting with OIC Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu in December 2011 to facilitate the adoption of measures that would advance the OIC’s anti-free speech campaign. But what agreements she and Ihsanoglu made, if any, have never been disclosed. Still, the specter of an American secretary of State conferring with a foreign official about how to restrict the freedom of speech in order to stifle communications deemed offensive to Muslims was, at the very least, chilling.

If Clinton is, against all likelihood, indicted or otherwise falters, Bernie Sanders is unlikely to stand any more strongly than she would for the freedom of speech and against the global jihad. Last October, Muslim student Remaz Abdelgader referred to Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson’s statements about not wanting a Muslim president, saying to Sanders: “Being an American is such a strong part of my identity, but I want to create a change in this society. I’m so tired of listening to this rhetoric saying I can’t be president one day, that I should not be in office. It makes me so angry and upset. This is my country.” Sanders’ response? “If we stand for anything we have to stand together and end all forms of racism in this country. I will lead that effort as president.”…

Read the rest here.


Turkey deported Brussels jihad mass murderer in 2015, Belgium ignored warning that he was a jihadi

UK man arrested for asking Muslim woman to “explain Brussels”

Lutherans Creating ‘Muslim Migrant Ghettos’ in Michigan?

Housing funny-business involving Lutheran Social Services.

Over the years we have gotten whiffs of ‘strange doings’ going on between landlords and federal refugee resettlement contractors and this story from Battlecreek, MI gives us a tantalizing peek into how the ‘humanitarian’ Lutheran  Social Services of Michigan (LSSM) operates.

All I know is that, please watch for housing problems in refugee overloaded cities.

You will see refugees placed in slums, apartments with more residents than local zoning allows, conflicts with neighbors, landlords waking up to what they got into and trying now to get out, cozy relations between refugee contractors and certain landlords, competition between American poor and disabled and refugees for limited housing, and the list goes on.  In fact, you will see even more competition this year as the contractors are expected to find places for the 85,000 refugees Obama has promised America.

Sam Beals is the CEO of Lutheran Social Services Michigan. Since the article never names who the spokesperson is for LSSM in the housing dispute, the next best thing is to identify the head honcho.

Sam Beals LSSM

Sam Beals, CEO of Lutheran Social Services Michigan.

Here is the news from WWMT.com.   This is the kind of story some local Michigan activist, concerned with too many refugees coming to the state, should dig into.  I bet there is a lot more than is being said here!  Emphasis below is mine:

BATTLE CREEK, Mich. (NEWSCHANNEL 3) – Refugees and community organizers say more than 60 refugee families received notices that their apartment leases would not be renewed.


“At the time the letter was sent, the apartment complexes had received information which caused the complexes to believe that the families/residents who received the latter had too many residents occupying the apartment units,” wrote Campbell’s lawyer, David Zebell.

The article reports that the landlord changed his mind and refugees can stay, but here is more:

Ginger Dowdle, a Battle Creek community organizer said she first became aware of the notices when an middle-eastern refugee approached her with concerns.

She said Lutheran Social Services of Michigan, which helps organize and place the refugees, did not challenge the notices, but instead, told the refugees about an option to buy homes recently acquired by the landlord of River and River Oaks Apartments. [That is the same landlord with whom they are having problems now.—ed]

“I tried to make them [refugees] aware, that if this is happening to them now and there’s no reason for them to be evicted, I would be very careful getting involved with this land contract for a home,” she said. [By the way, one of the things resettlement contractors brag about is that refugees are buying homes, do they get special government funded deals?—ed]

Dowdle said that a representative from Lutheran Social Services of Michigan indicated that LSS told refugees they would have to move out in one year, something refugees say never happened.

A spokesperson for LSSM defended the organization’s response to the notices.


As for community organizer Ginger Dowdle, she is in the process of making sure all the refugees know about the reversal in policy, and their rights.

“I feel like this has been going on for quite some time,” she said, expressing disappointment with both apartment management and LSSM.

There is more here.

I wondered if LSSM was running out of housing and thus trying to move some previous ‘clients’ into homes so that they could be sure to have apartments in order to keep the flow of new paying clients coming into the city.

Has anyone asked LSSM for its FY 2016 R & P Abstracts?  Go to the handy list of resettlement contractor offices around the country, find the one closest to you and ask for their FY 2016 R & P Abstract.  The Abstract will tell you how many the refugee contractor thinks they can handle this year (from what countries) and what amenities your town is offering (which might be a surprise to you!).


Tennesseans urged to sign petition, Governor must hear from the people!

Another story about refugees living in slums, Syracuse this time….

Buffalo, NY: Are refugees being placed in unsafe housing

Has Europe Blinked on Defeating ISIS in the Middle East?

Soros funded organization seeding Montana with Muslim migrants — U.S. Department of State approves

The Mayor, city council and county commissioners of Missoula County Montana have given their blessing to the New York City-based International Rescue Committee headed by former British Foreign Secretary and globalist David Miliband(good friend of both George Soros and Hillary Clinton) to begin the colonization of Montana with third world refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Asia beginning in Missoula.

David Miliband and Soros

IRC Director Brit David Miliband presenting George Soros the IRC’s highest honor—Freedom Award—in 2013

I have so much to say, where to begin?  First, if you are a new reader, see all of my previous posts on Montana by clicking here. Remember the driver for these new offices (this article says Tallahassee, FL just got a new office) is that Obama has upped the number of refugees to be resettled this year from the recent 70,000 a year to 85,000 for FY2016 (runs from Oct. 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016) and frankly they are running out of ‘capacity’ in existing resettlement cities.

Cities are overloaded and experiencing problems with such things as inadequate housing and not enough jobs for refugees.  Tensions are building in overloaded cities and they are looking to get a foothold into fresh territory.

So, since we learn in this article that the approval for the resettlement was granted for this fiscal year, it should happen quickly, AND it also means that the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has already sent a R & P Abstract to the U.S. State Department.

The Abstract is the document that is supposed to have been created with consultation with local elected officials.  Did that happen?

Where is the plan?

First thing I would ask is for the Mayor/city council/commissioners to release to the public the R & P Abstract.

See what one looks like by clicking here.  You are entitled to this document no matter what they say!

Wiser mayors, like the one (a Democrat!) in Athens, GA, demanded that the IRC present a plan (to the public) that described the housing availability situation in the city, how many children would be added to the school system, was there an adequate public healthcare system available, and where would they work.  She wanted a “formal refugee integration plan.”  The IRC and the State Department refused to provide a plan and last I checked they had reached a stalemate (could have been resolved by now, that was in 2014).

And, one more thing before this latest news from Montana, be sure to see my “Ten things your town needs to know”when a resettlement agency is about to open in your town.

Here is what the Missoulian says about the decision by the federal government to seed Montana soon!

Now that it’s a reality, there’s much work to be done before a refugee resettlement office is up and running in Missoula.

“There’s a process through the (U.S.) State Department, which is already occurring, but it’s not instant,” Bob Johnson of the Seattle office of the International Rescue Committee said this week.

Coming to Montana once the IRC has a foothold! This is the IRC’s handiwork in Seattle! Somali refugees have gobbled up much of the public housing and are protesting a plan that would require them to pay a little more for that housing when they find a job. Signs in the back say “No Rent Hike.”

The IRC announced last week it had the go-ahead from the State Department to lay the groundwork to establish an office in Missoula for the second time. Johnson was at the ground level when the first one opened in 1979 to help hundreds of people fleeing persecution in Southeast Asia – most of them Hmong from the highlands of Laos – after the Vietnam War.

Today, the IRC is one of nine resettlement agencies in the U.S. The Missoula office will be the 27th in the nation for IRC, the most recent opening in Tallahassee, Florida, in March 2015.

Missoula was the first to announce plans to open this fiscal year, which began in October. The Obama administration raised from 70,000 to 85,000 the number of refugees the nation will accept in fiscal 2016. It also bumped up to 10,000 the number of refugees the U.S. will accept from Syria, an act that has escalated fears of domestic terrorism in the U.S.


IRC’s handiwork in Seattle! Somali refugees have gobbled up much of the public housing and are protesting a plan that would require them to pay a little more for that housing when they find a job. Signs in the back say “No Rent Hike.”

Pay attention to this next part! The nine ‘non-profit’ federal contractors sit around a table once a week in Washington and decide where to send each refugee.

“They process the refugees who’ve been accepted and assign them to the nine different agencies that work with them,” said Johnson. “They have an allocations meeting once a week that all the agencies attend. There’s a formula of who gets which cases, and then the agencies will assign them to local offices based on capacity, language capacity, the existing population that’s already there and so on.”

The IRC’s application to the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration for a Missoula office proposed a staff of 2 1/2 positions – an executive director, a caseworker and a half-time finance manager. The latter job is expected to bloom into a full-time position when numbers warrant it.


The placement of a resettlement office has touched off a barrage of protests from all quarters of the state, many citing security issues. Mayor John Engen, most Missoula City Council members and all three county commissioners have publicly supported it and voiced confidence that the screening process is adequate.

First, concerned citizens of Montana must contact the local elected officials and ask to see the IRC’s “application to the State Department” and the R & P Abstract.

The Mayor, City Council, and Commissioners must have those documents!  If those elected officials claim they never saw them and were not involved in their preparation then you can be sure they have let you down!  They are not doing their jobs to protect their citizens both financially and security-wise.

Then if you suspect that they do have the documents and are simply not making them public, use whatever Public Information/Freedom of Information law you have in Montana to obtain them.

And, while you are at it, be sure to research the legal structure of Miss Mary’s Soft Landings, get their incorporation papers with the state (usually through the State Attorney General’s Office).  IRC will certainly have to incorporate a non-profit in the state as well.  See if you can find out if that process is underway.

Find out if Montana has a state refugee coordinator.  Tell the public who that is.

Some concerned citizens should also be publishing a state-wide blog or website to publish everything you learn about the program in the state and identify all of the elected officials and groups like the Chamber of Commerce (cheap labor!) pushing the resettlement.  And, always remember they hide behind the humanitarian mask, but somewhere there are some global business interests looking to assure a steady supply of cheap immigrant labor to the state—find out who they are!

Bottomline is to get your facts and publish them!  The only way this program has become so advanced over the last 30 plus years is that it has operated in virtual secrecy.  Demand transparency!

Photo:  See my December 2014 post about the housing proposal being protested by the Somali ‘community.’ Work! Pay more rent!


Tone deaf in Colorado Springs! We welcome Syrian Muslim refugees

Office of Refugee Resettlement finally releasES 2014 report to Congress

On the day of the Brussel’s carnage, a man writing from Germany reports on the annihilation of Western civilization

WaPo blames Trump’s, not Obama’s, foreign policy for Brussels slaughter?

The mainstream media gets more absurd by the day. When did Donald Trump become President?

The policies he is advocating are not now being implemented, so there is no conceivable way that the Brussels jihad massacre can be blamed upon them, or taken as any indication that they would not be effective (which is not necessarily to say that they would be). After all, there is actually another fellow who is President of the United States right now; if the Brussels jihad massacre is a rebuke to anyone’s foreign policy, it is his and his alone. But the Washington Post, like the rest of the mainstream media, will never have the slightest negative word to say about the current occupant of the Oval Office, no matter how much he downplays the jihad threat and enables jihadis.

Brussels police

“The horror in Brussels is a rebuke to Trump’s foreign policy,” Washington Post editorial, March 22, 2016:

THE TERRORIST assault on Brussels Tuesday, just four days after the arrest of an architect of last year’s attacks in Paris, underlined the resilience and continued menace of the Islamic State — to Europe, to the United States and to vital Western interests. It also revealed a crucial divide among U.S. presidential candidates about what this country must do to protect itself.

One one side are those who support the internationalist response of President Obama, who said the United States “will do whatever is necessary to support our friend and ally Belgium,” and who asserted that “we must be together, regardless of nationality or race or faith, in fighting against the scourge of terrorism.” That view was broadly shared by Democrats Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders and Republican John Kasich.

Against them is the radical isolationism of Donald Trump, from whom the Brussels bloodshed prompted another call to “close up our borders,” and who on Monday questioned the value of U.S. support for NATO allies such as Belgium. Though GOP rival Ted Cruz rejected Mr. Trump’s position on NATO, his answer to Brussels was similar: He, too, stressed “secur[ing] the southern border” and curtailing refu­gee flows, along with patrols of “Muslim neighborhoods.”

More than at any time since 1940, America’s commitment to its European allies is at issue in a presidential campaign. The tragic events of Brussels illuminate the folly of Mr. Trump’s position. The Islamic State has targeted all Western democracies, along with Israel and the Sunni states of the Middle East; it regards Belgians and Americans equally as enemies. Destroying the group — as Mr. Trump says is necessary — cannot be done without fighting its tendrils wherever they appear — in Europe as well as the Middle East, in Africa and in cyberspace. However much they are reinforced, borders will provide no protection to Americans if the jihadists are not defeated elsewhere.

Mr. Trump protests that NATO “is costing us a fortune” and that the United States is no longer a rich country. Never mind that the nation is far richer than it was when the alliance was set up in 1949, or that the national debt as well as spending on defense are lower as a portion of the economy. To defeat the Islamic State without NATO’s help would impose huge costs on Americans. Britain, France and Germany, among others, contribute materially to the war against the terrorist entity in Iraq and Syria, not to mention NATO member Turkey.

Intelligence sharing among the allies is critical to disrupting plots in the United States as well as elsewhere. Mr. Trump told us he saw no advantage to U.S. foreign bases; yet without those provided by Turkey, the air campaign in Iraq and Syria would be far less effective….

It’s effective?


Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch: “Christ was born in Palestine!”

Belgian cops asked Muslims for help in finding jihad bombers and were ignored

Florida: U.S. Arrests Iranian Turk in $110 Billion Illegal Gold for Gas Deal

Patrick Goodenough’s CNS article chronicles this latest expose of corruption by Turkey’s Islamist Recep Tayyip Erdogan in a $100 billion dollar gold for gas scheme, discovered in 2013, evading UN and U.S. sanctions against dealing with a  Nuclear Iran Iran-Related Arrest in Florida Could Have Political Implications for Turkey’s Islamist Ruling Party.  Goodenough gives credit to the investigation team at the Washington, DC based Foundation for Defense of Democracy research uncovering this duplicity, while the Administration was actively pursuing negotiations over an Iran nuclear pact.  Goodenough writes:

The arrest in Florida of a prominent Iranian-Turkish businessman accused of conspiring to conduct hundreds of millions of dollars in financial transactions to help Iran evade U.S. sanctions may have major political implications in Turkey, where the same man was linked to a corruption scandal reaching into the upper ranks of the ruling party.

A senior opposition leader expressed the hope that the arrest of Reza Zarrab, an Iranian-born Turkish businessman, may lift the lid on a scandal which many critics suspect was covered up by President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s Islamist Justice and Development Party (AKP).

The Hurriyet daily quoted Republican People’s Party (CHP) chairman Kemal Kilicdaroglu as saying in parliament Tuesday that as a result of Zarrab’s arrest, “I am sure many will not get a wink of sleep tonight; they won’t be able to sleep in comfort in their beds.”

“Reza Zarrab will speak there, you will see,” he said, adding that “dirty relations will be exposed” and the facts will emerge about four AKP cabinet ministers who were the subject of massive fraud and corruption allegations three years ago.

The Department of Justice announced Monday the unsealing of an indictment in the in the Southern District of New York against dual Turkish-Iranian citizen Zarrab, 33, who was arrested in Florida on Saturday; and two Iranian nationals who remain at large, Camelia Jamshidy, 29, and Hossein Najafzadeh, 65.

John Carlin, assistant attorney-general for national security, said that according to the charges the three had “circumvented U.S. sanctions by conducting millions of dollars-worth of transactions on behalf of the Iranian government and Iranian businesses.”

“These alleged violations, as well as the subsequent efforts taken to cover up these illicit actions, undermined U.S. laws designed to protect national security interests,” he said.

According to the indictment, between 2010 and 2015 the three allegedly conspired to thwart U.S. and international economic sanctions against Iran by concealing financial transactions that were on behalf of the Iranian government or government-controlled banks and other entities.

They used a network of companies located in Iran, Turkey and elsewhere to conceal from U.S. banks, the Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and others the fact that the transactions were benefiting and on behalf of Iranian entities.

The indictment quotes from a Dec. 2011 letter from Zarrab, addressed to the general manager of the Central Bank of Iran saying in part, “[i]t is not secret that the trend is moving towards intensifying and increasing the sanctions, and since the wise leader of the Islamic Revolution of Iran has announced this to be the year of the Economic Jihad, the Zarrab family, which has had a half a century of experience in foreign exchange, … considers it to be our national and moral duty to declare our willingness to participate in any kind of cooperation in order to implement monetary and foreign exchange anti-sanction policies …”


Earlier research into the “gas for gold” scheme by the Foundation for Defense of Democracies and Roubini Global Economics found that Iran and Turkey’s Halkbank were exploiting loopholes in U.S. sanctions law.

Here’s what we wrote about Zarrab and the emergence of the illegal gold trading back in a NER/Iconoclast post in January 2014.

Meanwhile the main secular opposition, the People’s Republican Party (CHP) lead by Kemal Kilicdaroglu in Turkey’s parliament has kept up a stream of constant criticism of Erdogan endeavoring to place him at the center of the corruption probe. Yesterday, he questioned the Turkish Intelligence (MIT) report on the illegal gold trading submitted in April 2013 involving Azeri Iranian businessman Reza Zarrab. Today’s Zaman reported Kilicdaroglu saying:

In a weekly meeting of his party’s parliamentary group on Tuesday, Kilicdaroglu addressed reports published Monday in a number of media outlets claiming that the National Intelligence Organization (MIT) submitted a report to Erdogan on April 18, 2013 detailing the shady relations – involving bribery and influence-peddling – of certain ministers with Iranian businessman Reza Zarrab, who is under arrest. “I would like to ask the prime minister about what he did upon receiving this report. Did you call these ministers and talk to them? Did you talk to your children? He didn’t. He is the one who gave these orders,” Kilicdaroglu said.

These latest developments on the Zarrab illegal gold trading for Iranian gas call into question the Administration’s policy of supporting Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS supporters like Erdogan. Erdogan’s Turkey, while criticized  by the US and  NATO, hasn’t been dismissed as a member of the mutual defense pact,   given his war against the Kurds inside the country,  across the border in north Syria and even in the Iraqi Kurdish region. All while surreptitiously supporting ISIS emboldening his family’s shipping and oil smuggling profiteering. Question why Israel wants to renew relations with Turkey after the May 2010 Mavi Mamara free Gaza incident paying $20 million in alleged wrongful death compensation for the nine Turkish nationals killed in the scuffle with Israel Naval commandos.  Note this recent anti-Semitic comment by the AKP woman official following the Istanbul blast that killed three Israelis, two of whom were American citizens, injuring ten others, from a Jerusalem Post report:

 An official from Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling AKP Party tweeted that she “wished the Israelis” who were said to be wounded in Saturday’s Istanbul suicide blast were dead. Irem Aktas made the provocative tweet immediately after the attack. Turkish sources said that Aktas is the head of the party’s media relations and women’s outreach department.

Credit the team at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies for sleuthing the gold for gas scheme from open sources that we wrote about back in 2014.   Cliff May, President of FDD wrote this in an email:

This week, the Department of Justice announced the arrest of Turkish-Iranian national Reza Zarrab, upon his arrival in Miami. Among the charges: defrauding the US government.

Zarrab briefly made news in late 2013, when he was arrested on charges of corruption in Turkey, where he then resided. He was presumed to have coordinated Iran’s largest and most sophisticated sanctions evasion scheme on behalf of Babak Zanjani, an Iranian formerly under U.S. and EU sanctions who was recently sentenced to death in Iran for embezzlement.

The Turkish government quashed the police investigation against Zarrab — presumably because of the involvement of senior government officials in the corruption scheme he devised to grease the wheels of his operation.

The U.S. administration, keen not to undermine the chances of a nuclear deal with Iran, declined to pursue the dozens of companies and individuals involved in a giant financial scam that enabled Iran to launder more than $100 billion worth of oil and gas revenue, transform it into gold and ship it back to Iran through a trail of companies that went from Dubai to Turkey, from Istanbul to Tajikistan, from Tashkent to Malaysia.

For years, FDD has tirelessly and doggedly documented these networks. FDD Senior Fellow Emanuele Ottolenghi identified Mehdi Shams, one of Zanjani’s key associates, and mapped out his network of front companies in Europe and the Middle East as early as September 2013.

Despite reluctance by U.S. officials to take any action against Shams, Emanuele kept pushing the story as did others at FDD. When the Zarrab-Zanjani connection was exposed in December 2013, the Daily Beast extensively quoted Emanuele and exposed Shams’ links to Zanjani.

FDD’s Executive Director Mark Dubowitz and VP for Research Jonathan Schanzer detailed in hard hitting pieces the nature of the sanctions scheme. Their work helped inspire Congress to make important legislative changes designed to close a critical loophole in the sanctions architecture.

With the corruption scandal case in full swing in Turkey, Emanuele and FDD Fellow Saeed Ghasseminejad exposed another Zanjani associate in early January 2014 in a piece published in Turkey’s daily, Hurriyet. The man they named, Hamid Sallah Heravi, was sentenced to death along with Shams and Zanjani two weeks ago.

Then, in March 2014, with Turkey’s Erdogan determined to quash the investigation, the Turkish prosecutor’s indictment was leaked. FDD Turkish affairs analyst Merve Tahiroglu provided critical analysis based on a 330-page document that FDD promptly provided to Treasury.

Our team continued to follow the story and its many angles and to provide critical open-source intelligence to government authorities.

Our efforts have now paid off: Revelations from the Zanjani trial vindicate our insistence on going after his networks and his associates. They confirm our fellows’ open-source research on Iranian illicit finance networks. And the arrest of Zarrab in the United States is now sure to further expose the high levels of collusion and corruption within the Erdogan government.

Meanwhile, President Obama fresh from his fractious trip to Cuba with autocratic aging Communist dictator Raul Castro disputing the country’s notorious human rights record and family control over the economy has another problem upon arrival in Buenos Aires when he meet with President Mauricio Macri, whose election ended the corrupt 12 year reign of the Peronista Justicia party of former President Cristina Kirchner and her late husband. It concerns the release of US intelligence on Iranian involvement in the 1994 AMIA Jewish Center in Buenos Aires that figured in the murky circumstances behind the murder of the late Argentinean special prosecutor Alberto Nisman in January 2015.  Stay tuned for developments in these stories dogging the President’s valedictory lap in Cuba and Latin America.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

American-Mideast Coalition for Trump calls on voters to support the ‘freedom candidate’

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire/ — The Co-Chairs of American-Mideast Coalition for Trump (AMCT) Tom Harb and John Hajjar issued the following statement in support of Donald Trump for President:

We, representatives of Middle East-American groups in the United States, from various ancestries, ethnicities and religions, announce the launching of the “American-Mideast Coalition for Trump” in support of the U.S. Presidential candidacy of Donald J. Trump.

As representatives of United States citizens from Syrian, Lebanese, Egyptian, Iraqi, Arab, Assyrian, Syriac, Yazidi, Sudanese, Berber, Iranian, and other communities from the Greater Middle East, we see Mr. Trump as our favorite candidate in the primaries because of the following reasons:

  1. His opposition to the destructive Iran Deal signed by the Obama administration with the Ayatollah regime in Tehran;
  2. His firm opposition to the Muslim Brotherhood and other Islamist influence in the United States;
  3. His determination to destroy ISIS and push back against all terror groups such as Hamas, Hezbollah and all other Jihadi terror groups;
  4. His willingness to take action in defense of the persecuted Christians and Yazidis in the Middle East;
  5. His determination to help in the creation of free zones inside Syria and Iraq to resettle the refugees;
  6. His support for the formation of an Arab coalition against terrorists;
  7. His vision to help the Middle East become stable and prosper.

Based on these seven principles, we extend our support to Donald J. Trump to become the Republican nominee and later be elected as the President of the United States.

We call on all our friends who are members of the Republican Party and all citizens who can vote in the Republican primaries to select Donald J. Trump as their choice. It is important to give Mr. Trump a clear, early and decisive victory in the primaries so that he becomes a strong nominee able to begin engaging in the national election and then be elected as President on November 4, 2016.

We are calling on millions of Americans from Mideast background to join us in supporting Mr. Trump.

VIDEO: Terrorists and Their Textbooks

What do the Boston Bombers have to do with a Holt McDougal textbook titled “Modern World History: Patterns of Interaction” used in their high school?

This brief film illustrates how Islam-biased content in K-12 history and geography textbooks can indoctrinate and radicalize our children, causing some of them to evolve into homegrown terrorists. By quietly getting major textbook publishers to include language that enhances Islam, while demeaning Christianity and Judaism, Islamists are attempting to win the hearts and minds of America’s middle- and high-school students.

In the film, Citizens for National Security (CFNS) connects the dots between our country’s classrooms and acts of terrorism.

RELATED ARTICLE: Dealing with Terrorism without Falling into its Trap

It’s time for the Governments of Europe to Fall

It’s time for votes of no-confidence. It’s time for the governments of Britain, France, Germany, Belgium, the Netherlands, and more to fall. I’m not talking about violent revolution. There are mechanisms for the peaceful replacement of governments in most European nations at times when the existing government is seen widely to be inadequate for the task at hand. It is time to put those mechanisms to use. The existing governments are responsible for policies that have turned Europe into a war zone, and that war is just beginning. The political and media elites have failed Europe and the free world, and put Europe on a course toward civil war and bloodshed unseen on the continent since the days of Hitler.

A new Hitler is in Europe. It is not Donald Trump. It is not the “right-wing.” The new Hitler is very much like the old Hitler: he hates Jews. He has contempt for the historical patrimony of Western civilization. He means to rule by an iron fist and subordinate every other power to his will. He respects only strength, and despises weakness. The new Hitler is not just one man, but millions — millions who believe in an ideology that teaches warfare against and subjugation of free people under its heel.

Historically, Europe saw the threat that the men who held to this ideology posed, and shed blood to resist their advance. Now, the sons and heirs of those who gave their lives to make sure their children and their children’s children would live free have flung open the gates and invited in those who would enslave them. They have invited them into their countries in massive numbers, and vilified and ostracized anyone who dared note the lessons of history and the content of the invaders’ ideology.

This morning, as a result of these policies, Brussels is engulfed in chaos and the grief of blood shed in war. There will be much, much more to come of this.

It is time to sweep them out. All of them: the multiculturalists, the cultural relativists, the internationalists, the levellers, the elites who have brought this death and destruction upon Brussels today, and Paris yesterday, and the rest of Europe tomorrow. Europe, if it is to survive as a home of free people, must turn out its entire political and media establishment. This can still be done peacefully, and must be done quickly. If Europe is to survive as a home of free people, it needs governments who recognize that the “refugees” storming into their countries now include an untold number of jihad murderers who mean to kill their people and destroy their societies, and who have the courage to stand up and stop that refugee flow, and turn it back. Saudi Arabia has tens of thousands of air-conditioned tents for hajj pilgrims, and not one refugee. Why? Because they have noted, correctly, that there are jihad terrorists among the refugees.

Can Saudi Arabia protect itself and Europe cannot?

This is a war. It is a war for survival. It is a war that will determine whether Europe (and North America is not far behind) will live in freedom or slavery. The present European political and media elites are inviting the slavery of their people. They must be soundly repudiated. Too much is at stake to continue to countenance their self-delusion and fantasy. Those who are struggling to survive cannot afford to be unrealistic about what they’re facing. In the United States also, we need leaders who will speak honestly about the nature and magnitude of the war we’re in. Surely there are some people in Europe who are both able to lead and willing to tell the truth. It is time for them to be peacefully installed in power — before it’s too late, as it very soon will be.


Brussels Attack Not because of the Palestinian ‘occupation’

Hillary Clinton: US response to Brussels jihad mass murders must be “consistent with our values”

Islamic State supporters on social media scream “Allahu akbar,” celebrate Brussels jihad mass murders

Cruz: ‘Patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized’

“‘It’s really beyond belief that you have one of the leading presidential candidates calling for law enforcement to target religious communities totally based on the fact that they are of a particular faith,’ said Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the [Hamas-linked] Council on American-Islamic relations [sic].”

Meanwhile, significant segments of Hooper’s religious community worldwide are targeting people totally based on the fact that they are not of a particular faith. What does he propose to do about that? Why, nothing. And the fact that Muslim communities are more likely to be areas of terror plotting than Amish communities? Hooper cares about that not at all: he wants us to waste our resources chasing politically correct fantasies.

“Ted Cruz calls for law enforcement to ‘patrol and secure’ Muslim neighborhoods,” by Katie Zezima and Adam Goldman, Washington Post, March 22, 2016:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Tex.) said following Tuesday’s terrorist attacks in Brussels that law enforcement should “secure” Muslim neighborhoods, a comment that drew swift criticism.

“We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized,” Cruz said in a statement issued after the attacks, which killed at least 32 people and wounded dozens.

Cruz spokeswoman Alice Stewart later said there needs to be a robust law enforcement presence in American neighborhoods where many Muslims live.

“We know what is happening with these isolated Muslim neighborhoods in Europe. If we want to prevent it from happening here, it is going to require an empowered, visible law enforcement presence that will both identify problem spots and partner with non-radical Americans who want to protect their homes,” Stewart said. She gave few other specifics.

“Local, state and federal law enforcement agencies all have divisions that target threats like drugs, gangs, human trafficking and organized crime. Radical Islamic terrorism is a significant and growing threat in this country, but this administration refuses to recognize it because they are afraid of being labeled ‘politically incorrect,’” Stewart said.

Cruz said: “For years, the West has tried to deny this enemy exists out of a combination of political correctness and fear. We can no longer afford either. Our European allies are now seeing what comes of a toxic mix of migrants who have been infiltrated by terrorists and isolated, radical Muslim neighborhoods.”

Cruz’s campaign also criticized New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) for his efforts to strengthen ties with the American Muslim community.

“In New York City, Mayor de Blasio succumbed to unfounded criticisms and eliminated the efforts of law enforcement to work with Muslim communities to stop radical Islamic terrorism,” Stewart said.

Those efforts involved disbanding a controversial and secretive unit of plainclothes detectives that mapped the Muslim community, spying on businesses, mosques and documenting conversations.

The unit, which was revealed in news reports, had angered Muslims in New York who felt they were targeted solely because of their religion. While widely praised by some, the unit had never generated a terrorism lead and was doing little by the time de Blasio and New York Police Commissioner William J. Bratton got rid of it.

Earlier this year, the New York Police Department agreed to settle a pair of federal lawsuits that claimed Muslims were the target of baseless surveillance and investigations because of their religion. In the settlement, the NYPD admitted no wrongdoing but paid attorney fees. The settlement, which has yet to be approved by a judge, called for a civilian monitor who could review terrorism investigations and codified certain policing practices. The NYPD has said the settlement doesn’t make the city any less safe.

“We challenged the NYPD’s surveillance of Muslims for violating the Constitution’s guarantees of equal protection and religious freedom,” said Hina Shamsi, director of the American Civil Liberties Union’s National Security Project. “It was also divisive and alienated Muslim communities from law enforcement. The settlement in our case should send a forceful message that discriminatory police practices are unlawful and unnecessary.”

Cruz, when asked at a news conference in New York how he would carry out his plan, said, ““You would continue the proactive policing that we saw here in New York. You would reinstate the program.”

Cruz said de Blasio did away with the program because of “political correctness.”

Monica Klein, de Blasio’s deputy press secretary, said in an email: “This is blatantly false. Now we know why everyone is calling Ted Cruz a liar.”…

What exactly is false about it?

Elsewhere, reaction to Cruz’s statement about securing neighborhoods was swift and harsh.

“It’s really beyond belief that you have one of the leading presidential candidates calling for law enforcement to target religious communities totally based on the fact that they are of a particular faith,” said Ibrahim Hooper, a spokesman for the [Hamas-linked] Council on American-Islamic relations [sic].

“In normal times, this would be the sort of thing that would disqualify someone from running for dogcatcher, much less president of the United States. We call on voters to reject this. It just shows you what happens when you appoint policy advisers like Frank Gaffney and Jerry Boykin to your team,” he said.

Last week, Cruz named a 23-member foreign policy team that includes Gaffney, who is known for holding anti-Muslim views, and Boykin, who has said that there should be no mosques allowed in the United States….

For the Washington Post, to oppose jihad terror and Sharia oppression is to be “anti-Muslim.”


Video: Robert Spencer on Newsmax TV on the Brussels jihad massacre

Islamic State distributes sweets to Muslims in celebration of Brussels jihad massacre

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz speaks to the media about events in Brussels on March 22, 2016, near the Capitol in Washington. (AP Photo / Jacquelyn Martin)

Islamic State Announcement on Brussels: Slaughter all non-Muslims, Allah wills it, quotes Qur’an

Quoted in the article below is the “official” Islamic State announcement on the Brussels attack on March 22nd by the Amaq News Agency.

The announcement again demonstrates the evil intent to kill all “kuffars” (all non-Muslims, including women, children, and the old). You will learn that the killings across the world, and here in America, shall continue until the number of non-Muslims killed equal the number of Muslims that have been killed.

The killings shall also increase as the Islamic Movement continues to attempt to establish a Caliphate across the world.

Official ISIS Announcement on Brussels Attacks

The Islamic State has officially claimed credit for the suicide bombing and bomb attacks today at Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station in Brussels, Belgium. The statement released today also furthered touched on the Paris attacks, claimed by ISIS in November.

Three explosions, at least one reportedly perpetrated by a suicide bomber, ripped through Brussels, Belgium late this morning at Zaventem airport and Maelbeek metro station. The attacks in Belgium began today around 7 a.m. According to CNN:

Ten died in a blast at a subway station, according to two Belgian broadcasters. The other 13 were killed, in addition to 35 injured, in two blasts at Brussels’ airport, reported public broadcaster VRT.

The dead has since been updated to 31.

The attacks come after “Paris attack mastermind,” Salah Abdeslam, was captured in the Brussels, Belgium district of Molenbeek after his fingerprints were found at the scene of a separate police raid.

Salah Abdeslam was on the run since the November attacks, French police say. His brother, Ibrahim Abdeslam, also took part in the attacks. Teams of terrorists killed at least 129 people at several locations across Paris, including the Bataclan theater, the national soccer stadium and outside of restaurants. Abdeslam is widely thought to have developed, coordinated, and carried out the attack with the help of the Islamic State.

Islamic State Amaq News agency

Amaq News, the Islamic State’s’ “official” news agency

Amaq News, ISIS’ “official” news agency, sent this message out:

Brussels – Amaq Agency: Islamic State fighters carried out a series of bombings with explosive belts and devices on Tuesday, targeting an airport and a central metro station in the center of the Belgian capital Brussels, a country participating in the international coalition against the Islamic State.

Islamic State fighters opened fire inside Zaventem Airport, before several of them detonated their explosive belts, as a martyrdom bomber detonated his explosive belt in the Maalbeek metro station. The attacks resulted in more than 230 dead and wounded.

A longer, official statement by ISIS regarding today’s attacks in Brussels and why they were “justified” was also sent out by Amaq News. Read that below:

Paris Attack (13th Nov. 2015) and Brussels Attack (22nd March, 2016) in the light of the Islamic Shari’ah.

Justifying the Paris attacks/Brussels attack (& the likes of it) in the light of the Qur’ān and sunnah and the ijmā’ & quotes from the scholars of the salaf.

We have seen so many people in the social media claiming that The Islamic state was not justified in killing the French “innocent” citizens in the blessed ghazwa in Paris, and that of the Brussels attack now.We have also seen some evil “scholars” – Scholars for the dollars quoting the textual evidences out of context. Today , we shall tackle this topic with evidences from the Qur’ān and sunnah and the ijmā’ & quotes from the scholars of the salaf

First we want to make it clear to all that what makes the kafir’s blood permissiable to spill is not him fighting the Muslims, rather it is his “KUFR” that necessitates his killing. So if one asks, can you kill a Kafir (who does not fight Islamand muslims)? the answer is a big YES.

Explaining the “Mafhūm Al-Mukhālafah” (the understanding of the opposite) in Usūl Fiqh:

This is like when Allāh said: “And never pray (funeral prayer) upon any of them (i.e. the hypocrites) who dies, nor stand at his grave.” (At-Tawbah verse 84). So because the disbelieving hypocrites were those whom Allāh specifically identified as being prohibited to have the funeral prayer performed upon and their graves visited, then this necessitates that the Muslims are those who are to be prayed upon and whose graves are to be visited. And this is understood by the rule: “Mafhūm Al-Mukhālafah” (the understanding of the opposite), because if we say the disbelievers are those whom Allāh specified a prohibition regarding something, then this necessities that the opposite ruling would apply for those who are opposite to them (i.e. the believers). So this is the explanation for the rule: “Mafhūm Al-Mukhālafah”, which is also referred to as: “Dalīl Al-Khitāb”.

The example of the prohibition of praying the funeral prayer for the disbeliever indicating the permissibility of praying the funeral prayer for the Muslims and visiting their graves was used by Shaykh Al-Islām Ibn Taymiyyah frequently, as he said: “And do not ever pray upon anyone of them who dies and do not stand at their graves.” Therefore, the ‘Dalīl Al-Khitāb’ is that the believers are prayed upon and their graves are to be stood at.” [“Majmū’ Al-Fatāwa ”, Vol. 3/399; also look to Vol. 24/330 & Vol. 24/346 & Vol. 27/448]

Allah says: “…But if they repent and perform As-Salat, and give Zakat, then leave their way free…” (At-Tawbah Verse 5)

NOTE: Repentance in the above ayah means saying the shahadatain and entering Islam. Ibn ‘Umar narrates that the Rasulullah(saw) said: “I have been ordered to fight against the people until they testify that there is none worthy of worship except Allah and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and until they establish the Salah and pay the Zakah. And if they do so then they will have gained protection from me for their lives and property, unless [they commit acts that are punishable] in accordance to Islam, and their reckoning will be with Allah the Almighty.” [Sahih Bukhari & Sahih Muslim] Therefore, the ‘Dalīl Al-Khitāb’ in the above ayah & hadeeth is that, if the kuffar don’t become Muslims, their blood would not be protected and would be legal to spill and their wealth would be halal to take.

Allah also has made the blood of every kafir legal to spill in the general ayah: “So when the sacred months have passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush” (At-Tawbah verse 5).

Allah just said the mushrikeen (idolators), so he never differentiated the “innocent civilians” from the “fighting soldiers”. So who are we to differentiate the kuffar today.

Ijmā’ of the ulamaa on the legality of spilling the blood of the Kuffar:

  • Ibn Kathir said: “Ibn Jareer narrated an Ījmā’ (scholarly consensus) that it is permissiable to kill a kafir if he has no protection even if he is in Baytul Harām or Baytul Maqdis” [Tafsīr Ibn Katheer 2/6]
  • Al Qurtubi said: “The ulamaa have gathered in consensus (ijmā’) that; if a kafir was to wrap his neck with his hands and the backs of all the trees in the Haram (Makkah) (in an effort to save his life); that would not prevent his killing if he had no previous contract of security” [Tafsīr At-Tabari 6/61]

Quotes of the ulamā’ of the salaf about the legality of apilling the blood of the kuffar even if they dont fight us:

  • Imam Ash-Shafi’ said: “Allah the exalted & blessed legalized(to spill) the blood and wealth of the kafir unless he pays the jizya (tax) or he is granted protection for a certain period” [Al Umm 1/264]
  • Imam Ash-Shawkāni said: “As for the Kufar, their blood is basicaly legal(to spill) as it is in the ayah of the sword (At-Tawbah verse 5), what about if they start fighting(us)?” [Al Sayrul Jarār ..
  • Umar bin Al Khattab said to Abu Jandal (May Allah be pleased with them both): “For verily they are Mushrikeen (polytheits), and the blood of one of them is like the blood of a dog” [Reported by Ahmad & Al Bayhaqi]
  • Ibn Muflih said: “There is no expiation nor blood money paid for killing a kafir that has no peace treaty, because his blood is generaly permissiable(to spill) like the pig” [Al Mubdi’ 8/263]
  • Ash-Shawkāni said: “The kafir, whether he fights(the Muslims) or not: his blood is permissiable(to spill) as long as he is a kafir” [Al Sayrul Jarār 4/369]
  • Al Kāsāni: “Basicaly: Anyone(who is a kafir) from the fighters(i.e. the male that has reached the fighting age): it is permissiable to kill him whether he fights(the Muslims) or not” [Badā’ As-Sanāi’ 7/101]
  • Al Qurtubi said: “If a Muslim meets a kafir that has no contract(of protection): it is permissiable for him to kill that Kafir” [Tafsīr Al-Qurtubi 5/338]
  • As-Sarkhāsi said: “There is no sin upon one who kills the appostates before calling them to Islam because they are the same with the kuffar and the Message(of Islam) has reached them” [Al Mabsūt 10/120]
  • Imam An-Nawawi said: “As for the kafir that has no contract of peace(with a legitimate Islamic State to which he pays Jizya), there is no liability in killing him, from whatever religion he might be” [Rawdhatu Tālibīn 9/259]
  • Ibn Hajar Al ‘Asqalāni said: “The existence of the disbelief (Kufr) is what permits the blood” [“Fat’h Al-Bārī ”, Vol. 12/326; publication of “Maktabat Dār As-Salām” & “Maktabat Dār Al-Fayhā’ ”, 1st Edition, 1418 H.]

For those that say that we mistranslate these Quranic verses of Jihad and Qitaal and we go against the ‘known’ ‘ulamaa’:

then give them this audio by Shaykh Ibn ‘Utheymīn who they respect alot who says exactly what we have said now

Shaykh Ibn ‘Utheymin(rh), said in a tape recording regarding this topic: “And the second (matter) is the forbiddance of killing women and children in times of war. But if it is said: ‘If they (the kuffār) do this to us – meaning that they kill our children and women – Then do we then kill them?’ The apparent [dhāhir] is that it is (permissible) for us to kill their women and children- And due to the generality of the Statement of Allāh: “Then whoever transgresses the prohibition against you, you transgress likewise against him”{ Al-Baqarah: 194} [Refer to the side “B” from the third cassette of Kitāb al-Jihād from Sharh Bulūgh al-Marām. Starting at time frame 29:09]

In addition to the above cattegories of those of the kuffar that we shouldnt kill, we have :

  1. The Children
  2. The Women
  3. The Old etc.

So All those kuffar cattegories we mentioned that their blood is protected; they can be killed anytime should they violate their contracts by:

A.) If the dhimi/Mu’āhad starts fighting the Muslims etc he is killed and his blood would be legal to spill despite him paying jizya.

B.) If the kuffar kill our children/Women/old we do the same: Allah Says: “So whoever has transgressed against you, then transgress against him in the same way that he has transgressed against you” [Al Baqarah 194]

So how many Muslim women and children and old have The French Kuffar killed in Syria, Iraq and other parts of the muslim lands???? We have not yet settled the scores, a few hundreds aint enough yet.

Allah also says: “And if you punish [an enemy, O believers], punish with an equivalent of that with which you were harmed” [An-Nahl 126]

Allah Also Says: “And the retribution for an evil act is an evil one like it” [Ash-Shūrah 40]

Allah also says: “And those who, when an oppressive wrong is done to them, they take revenge” [Ash-Shūrah verse 39].

So, this was a piece of article for the one who cry and mourn on the death of the Kuffar, while the death hundreds of muslim men, women, old and children dying daily in the airstrikes don’t effect them in anyway.



Trump: Brussels an ‘armed camp,’ today’s Islamic State attacks ‘just the beginning’

“I will tell you, I’ve been talking about this a long time, and look at Brussels. Brussels was a beautiful city, a beautiful place with zero crime. And now it’s a disaster city. It’s a total disaster, and we have to be very careful in the United States, we have to be very careful and very vigilant as to who we allow in this country.” He is right about this — whatever else he is wrong about. This is why his campaign is resonating with so many people.

“Donald Trump: Brussels ‘just the beginning,’” by David Wright, CNN, March 22, 2016:

(CNN)Donald Trump reacted to the explosions that rocked Brussels Tuesday morning, describing the scene as a “disaster” and warning that “this is just the beginning.”

The Republican front-runner, who has made immigration and security issues central to his 2016 presidential bid, discussed the reported suicide attacks in an interview on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends.”

“I will tell you, I’ve been talking about this a long time, and look at Brussels,” Trump said. “Brussels was a beautiful city, a beautiful place with zero crime. And now it’s a disaster city. It’s a total disaster, and we have to be very careful in the United States, we have to be very careful and very vigilant as to who we allow in this country. ”

Trump ‘fine’ with waterboarding

In an another interview, Trump also said he would be “fine” with waterboarding Salah Abdeslam, one of the leaders of the Paris attacks several months ago who was just captured in Brussels, in order to get more information on potential future attacks.

“Well I’m not looking to break any news on your show, but frankly the waterboarding, if it was up to me, and if we changed the laws or have the laws, waterboarding would be fine,” the Republican front-runner said on NBC’s “Today” show. “I would say they should be able to do whatever they have to do.”

“You know, we work within laws. They don’t work within laws — they have no laws. We work within laws. The waterboarding would be fine, and if they could expand the laws, I would do a lot more than waterboarding,” he said.

Trump has vacillated in his campaign about whether or not he would pursue using waterboarding — which is considered torture and thus illegal. After getting criticized by former national security officials, Trump said he would instead seek to expand the laws, presumably to make such tactics legal.

‘Armed camp’

On Fox, he described Brussels now as an “armed camp.”

“If you went into Brussels 20 years ago, it was like a magical city. Now you look at it, it’s an armed camp,” Trump said. “You want to lead your life, you don’t want to be living in an armed camp for your whole life. And there is a certain group of people that is making living a normal life impossible.”

Though the identity of any suspects related to the explosions is not yet known, Trump was quick to link the attacks to Muslim refugees and migrants from the Middle East who have flooded into Europe as a result of Syria’s civil war and turmoil in the region.

“It’s going to get worse and worse. In my opinion, this is just the beginning. It will get worse and worse because we are lax and we are foolish — we can’t allow these people, at this point we cannot allow these people to come into our country. I’m sorry,” he said. “This is a story that just seems to be more and more happening and it’s really not very pretty to watch.”…


International Business Times: “Muslims Fear Backlash After Brussels Attack”

Hillary Clinton: US response to Brussels jihad mass murders must be “consistent with our values”

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump listening during a news conference after speaking at the TD Convention Center, in Greenville, S.C.  (AP Photo/Richard Shiro)

Cruz: ‘In the wake of Brussels, we don’t need another lecture from President Obama about Islamophobia’

“Today’s attacks in Brussels underscores this is a war. This is not a lone war. ISIS has declared jihad.” Yes. This shouldn’t even be controversial. It’s painfully obvious — as is Cruz’s call for an end to Obama’s suicidal migrant policies.

“Cruz: ‘We Don’t Need Another Lecture on Islamophobia,’” by Cortney O’Brien, Townhall, March 22, 2016:

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) spoke to the press in the nation’s capital Tuesday morning to address the horrific terror attacks in Brussels. He mourned with the victims’ families, then pinned the blame on failed leadership both at home and abroad.

“Today’s attacks in Brussels underscores this is a war,” Cruz said. “This is not a lone war. ISIS has declared jihad.”

“It is way past time we have a president who will acknowledge this evil and will call it by its name and use the full force and fury to defeat ISIS,” he continued. “Until they are defeated, these attacks will continue. Their target is each and every one of us.”

Cruz, one of five remaining presidential candidates, urged America needs a leader who is not afraid to speak about terrorism in bold terms.

“We need a president who sets aside political correctness,” Cruz insisted. “We don’t need another lecture about Islamophobia.”

More than a change in rhetoric, Cruz noted we need a more robust security process. The Brussels attacks, Cruz said, are “the fruit of a failed immigration policy in Europe.”

He called the president’s plan to allow thousands of Syrian refugees into the States woefully wrong. We need “serious vetting,” he said.

Asked to address his rival Donald Trump’s suggestion on Monday that the U.S. withdraw from NATO, Cruz appeared visibly disgusted.

“Trump is wrong” when he says that we withdraw from NATO and retreat from Europe, Cruz said. “Trump’s proposal to withdraw from NATO is sadly consistent with his statement he intends to be neutral with Israel.”…


Video: Just two months ago, Brussels ridiculed idea that it was a “war zone”

CCTV image released of Brussels jihad mass murderers, one being hunted as fugitive

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) addresses the bombings in Brussels during remarks March 22, 2016 in Washington, DC. Reports indicate at least 34 people have died and scores more injured in the bombings at the airport and Metro.