Islamic State: ‘Christians have no place here, this is not your country’

There is growing evidence of a Christian Holocaust in the Middle East. The Islamic State has taken the lead in expelling, enslaving or killing Christians in Syria and Iraq. The Western free world, the United States and Christians have turned a blind eye toward what is written Islamic doctrine, fully embraced by the Islamic State and the 57 members of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation. While Mohammedans are being invited to conduct jummah prayers in the Episcopalian National Cathedral, Christians girls are being sold into slavery by the Islamic State.

This Christian Holocaust is happening across the globe with growing numbers of Mohammedans forcing out those who are non-believers from their homes and homelands. In France alone there are over 70 Muslim “no-go zones” where even the police will not enter. In the United States we see communities, like Dearborn, Michigan, taken over by Mohammedans and expelling non-believers. What we are seeing in the Middle East, in Europe and in Northern Africa is intolerance inextricably leading to religious genocide.

The video below is of Safer and Yakup Staifo Malke, and their widowed mother, Suad, talking about how and why they left Syria. The answer is clear: The Islamic State is forcing them out against their will simply because they are Christians.


Islamic State to remaining Christians in Raqqa: Pay jizya or lose homes

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: More Beheadings, More Denial

Kenya: Muslims rampage after mosque counterterror raids, stab four people to death at bus stops

Kenya: Police raid two Mombasa mosques, find grenades and ammunition

Muslims screaming “Allahu akbar” murder four Jews in synagogue; “Palestinians” celebrate the murders

President Obama encourages Ferguson protestors to ‘stay on course’

President Obama met with the Don’t Shoot Coalition (DSC) on Nov. 5th, 2014 to encourage them to stay on course. Anyone see Martial Law being imposed?

VIDEO: Ferguson Don’t Shoot Coalition activists discuss plans to target White areas:

Discover the Networks gives this analysis of the Don’t Shoot Coalition:

The Don’t Shoot Coalition (DSC) was established in the immediate aftermath of an August 9, 2014 incident where a white police officer shot and killed an 18-year-old black male named Michael Brown, who had forcibly robbed a convenience store in a St. Louis suburb (Ferguson, Missouri) just a few minutes earlier. Brown’s death instantly sparked accusations of police misconduct and racism, and led to several days of violent rioting and looting by local blacks. When compelling ballistic, eyewitness, and forensic evidence eventually (in late October 2014) indicated that Brown in fact had assaulted the officer and tried to steal his gun just prior to the fatal shooting, the radicals’ rage over the incident was undiminished. DSC, for its part, continued to denounce “the murder of Michael Brown” as evidence of “the ongoing crisis of police-on-black crime.” Moreover, the Coalition emphasized the need for society to “address the ongoing systemic problems of police practices in black, brown and all oppressed communities.”

From its inception, DSC issued a set of demands that included: “justice for Mike Brown and other cases of police brutality in the St. Louis region”; “an expanded Department of Justice investigation into patterns of civil rights violations by police”; “an end to ongoing racial profiling across the St. Louis region”; “civilian oversight and review of shootings and other allegations of police misconduct”; “ongoing initiatives to ensure that local law enforcement departments represent the communities they serve”; and efforts to “promote the vote, so that our democratic institutions appropriately represent all segments of our communities.”

In addition to the demands listed above, DSC called for Ferguson/St. Louis-area police to abide by Rules of Engagement stipulating that they “wear only the attire minimally required for their safety”; that “specialized riot gear” be used only as “a last resort”; that “crowd-control equipment such as armored vehicles, rubber bullets, rifles, and tear gas … not be used”; that police or government authorities “not interfere with the free flow of information through tactics such as … interception of cell or other mobile conversations”; that “safe houses … be considered sacred ground and only entered by police when called upon or if extremely necessary”; that police commanders “allow protests to take and occupy larger and more disruptive spaces than would normally be tolerated”; that police “be tolerant of more minor lawbreaking … when deciding whether to escalate the use of force”; and that police refrain from engaging in “intimidation and harassment of protesters.”

On October 22, 2013, DSC submitted an extensive list of recommendations to the U.S. Justice Department as ways to improve the “abysmal state of policing in North St. Louis County.” Specifically, these items stipulated that all police should be required to wear body cameras during the course of their work; that police should be barred from conducting any consent searches unless they first obtain from the suspect permission on a signed form (“translated into [various] languages for immigrant communities”) or on video; that after any encounter with civilians, police should provide them with “receipts” that include “the reason for the stop, and the officer’s name and badge number”; that officers should “carry palm cards with instructions on how to file an Internal Affairs complaint to provide to any citizen who requests it, with the officer name and badge number included”; that a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” should be established to deal with victims and perpetrators of police brutality; that all officers should be trained extensively in “cultural sensitivity”; that detailed “racial profiling data” which includes pedestrian stops should be collected by all police departments; that the names of all police officers involved in incidents where deadly force was used should be made public “within 48 hours”; and that all Missouri police forces should be required to use “an assessment tool gauging racial bias … that goes beyond the recording of racial composition of police stops.”

Among DSC’s 45 coalition members are the Advancement ProjectAmnesty International, the Catholic Worker Community (St. Louis), Jewish Voice for Peace (St. Louis), Missouri NOW, Missourians Organizing for Reform & Empowerment (MORE), the National Organization for Women (Missouri), the New Black Panther Party, the Palestine Solidarity Committee (St. Louis), the PICO Network, the Service Employees International Union‘s “Healthcare Missouri” project, and Veterans For Peace.

A November 2014 analysis in the American Thinker notes that all of DSC’s coalition members are united by the common thread of “some grievance against an authority—police, corporations, or otherwise—that they feel has abused their rights, or the rights of others.” “The eclectic composition of the DSC,” adds the piece, “suggests that it assembled, not as a coalition of persons who see themselves as long standing victims of police brutality, but as collegial progressive activists who, when summoned to align behind the meme of police brutality against young black males, signed up in a shared spirit of victimhood.”

DSC is co-chaired by Denise Lieberman, a senior attorney with the Advancement Project and a former ACLU (Eastern Missouri) legal director, and Michael McPherson of the St. Louis chapter of Veterans for Peace. The Coalition’s most public spokesperson is Montague Simmons, leader of the Organization for Black Struggle, a group founded in 1980 “to fill a vacuum left by the assaults on the Black Power Movement.”

United West Exclusive: Report About Israel!

We are back from a fact-finding trip to Israel and provides insight into the geopolitical issues facing all Israelis as they try to deal with their hostile neighbors.

Also, can you believe that the UAE (United Arab Emirates) has designated the Muslim “civil-rights” CAIR as a terrorist organization! More on this developing story in the days ahead.

Amnesty Assault: So, when did Barack Obama begin to care about Illegal Immigrants?

Hope all is well as there is so much going on around our country these days. Lots of tension. Lots of fuel being thrown into different fires – from the “ready to explode” situation in Ferguson, Missouri to the ever-controversial situation with Obama & the Illegal Immigrants…Which one will explode first?

The situation in Ferguson is one that is so easy to avoid – but, when it comes to racial tension and dissension, how can our wonderful country not invite the salivating media to this tiny town just to blow things out of proportion and ignite the fuse to light the entire country on fire – pitting Black America against White America. This issue will never go away in our lifetime as the great Martin Luther King, Jr., must be rolling in his grave knowing what is about to happen when they acquit a white police officer who shot and killed an unarmed black teen. We’ve seen it play out over and over again – and we can never get it right…Only because we don’t want to. Our culture loves to see people fight against each other – specially the Blacks vs. the Whites – so they set these situations up to rattle our citizens, to wreak havoc on our cities and to sell newspapers. From the riots in Miami (1980, with Arthur McDuffie) to the riots in Los Angeles (1992, with Rodney King) – to the pivotal situation in Ferguson (2014, with Michael Brown) – America loves racial controversy…

Simply put, we need to come “Two-gether” as One Nation Under GOD – taking a low profile with this Ferguson situation by settling it in the courts outside of Missouri – and NOT inviting or even saying a word to the “biting-at-the-bit” media – as this can easily be done in a peaceful manner. Settle it privately and quietly, do the right thing, and let justice prevail in an orderly fashion without making a big deal about it. If the white officer is guilty, read out his sentence and let him begin it right away. If he is found Not Guilty, put it in the local Ferguson newspaper, only; let the police chief meet with the Brown family and explain to them in a prayerful manner what the court saw and make sure the town is prepared for any local outbursts. Church leaders and pastors need to step up – take it all to prayer with all its citizens – and be civil about the outcome – which we all pretty much know what it will be. Be prepared to diffuse this explosive situation or we will get a huge explosion…and, it may just spill out all over the country. After all, our United States of America is more than over-due for a controversial racial outburst – since we skipped the decade of the Year 2000.

And, speaking of controversy – lets’ take a quick look at the ever-looming situation with this critical Immigration issue. Not sure if I missed something during these “6” years that we have been blessed to have Obama in “our” White House – but, can somebody tell me when did our fearless president begin to be so loving and compassionate towards the Illegal Immigrants? I know that he always bends over backwards for them when it comes to elections and trying to gain more votes & power, but, I think he has gone way too far this time around. In the 2012 Presidential elections, he promised to take care of the Immigration issue immediately and to make sure that “no migrant was deported on his watch”. Well, he succeeded in getting the Hispanic vote (74% of the Catholic Hispanics voted for him in 2012) – and they are all still waiting for that promise that he made to them over two years ago, while thousands have been deported on his watch.

Barack Obama saying that he cares about our beloved Migrants in this country is like saying that Hitler was looking out for the Jews in the 1930’s…Strong statement, but it has a lot of validity to it… Obama could not care less about these unfortunate Illegals as in the 6 years that he has been in “our” office, he has never dealt with this critical Immigration issue – only when it came time for the elections. That is exactly how Obama became our 44th President, voted in twice –  by simply lying to the Hispanic population (those who were legal to vote) – promising them that he would take care of their beloved families and not separate them. Speaking of “Dreamers” – that is all Obama has done these past 6 years…but, it’s been a nightmare for the rest of us.

By doing the Hispanic population (which is growing faster than any other group in our country), a favor & slyly catering to them – those illegals who some day, may become legal to vote – will automatically become Democrats – thus, building up the voter’s base for this liberal, Pro-abortion party. And, at the same time, it also serves as a dilemma for the country’s Hispanics (who truly adore Our Lady of Guadalupe – the Patron Saint of the Unborn) – because as Pro-Life as they claim to be – Obama has placed them between a rock and a hard place – basically, forcing them to vote for abortion, same sex marriage and the fiasco of Obamacare, in order to be able to stay in this country. Now, if you do not call that evil corruption, I don’t know what is…They have no choice – Be deported or be aborted…In order to not be deported they have to vote for the aborted…it’s all distorted…intrinsic evil at work.

So, with the Republicans taking over and Mitch McConnell taking the lead, and with the fiery John Boehner saying that he will not put up with any more Obama shenanigans when it comes to Immigration matters and Executive Orders – what is going to give? Is the Republican Party going to stand strong against Obama, who has nothing to lose, nothing to gain…nothing to do…Is his “lame duck” title going to be just that – a lame duck – or is Obama going to play even dirtier and try to mess things up in our country like the sore loser that he is? Folks, if Obama can’t get his way, he will play dirty. And, for the next two years, expect nothing less.

Just think if Obama would illustrate as much love, concern and compassion that he deceivingly shows these Illegal Immigrants when it comes to manipulating them,  as to the Innocent Unborn in our country…I would dare to say that if these unborn were able to vote – Obama would show them as much mercy and spare their lives…Strong statement, but it has a lot of validity to it…Only because in the 6 years that Obama has been in the White House, millions of innocent unborn have met their fate by him embracing, endorsing, promoting and funding abortion by way of the “abortion giant”, Planned Parenthood. Evil lures evil and in Obama’s tenure, we have seen our beloved country turned upside down – from being a “culture of life” to being  a “culture of death”.

So, like I have said time and again for the past “6 years of the culture of Obama” – we must Pray and pray some more – for his conversion during his last two years; for the helpless Illegal Immigrants who are stuck in the middle of this entire ordeal; for the innocent unborn who continue to have no voice; and for a peaceful, prayerful and productive solution to the Immigration problem in our country. And, we must pray for the ever-explosive situation in Ferguson, Missouri…The last thing our beloved United States of America needs right about now is riots in the Midwest and all hell to break loose all over the country with this controversial Immigration problem. We must pray as One Body in Christ – “Two-gether” – regardless of the color of our skin; regardless of what country we migrated from; and regardless of what our economic or social status may be…Let us Pray.


immigration time for a new approachWhat is a Catholic to think?

We are called to welcome the stranger, but also to respect the law. We are morally bound to respect the dignity of every human person, but cannot create civil disorder.

Reports suggest that President Obama may soon act by Executive Order to expand ‘deferred action’ for parents of U.S. citizens and legal permanent residents. By doing so, the Obama administration would no longer enforce our immigration laws as applied to an estimated 4-5 million people living illegally in the United States.

A good idea? Necessary? Legal?

Unfortunately this constitutionally suspect move has the apparent support of Bishop Eusebio Elizondo, who chairs the migration committee for the U.S. Bishops. Bishop Elizondo said this week: “it would be derelict not to support administrative actions … which would provide immigrants and their families legal protection.”

With deep respect for our Bishops, we strongly disagree. 

First, let me say we applaud our bishops for their steadfast demand that our immigration system be reformed. Our Bishops have rightly placed the needs of real people — human persons — at the heart of their pleas for reform. Children and families are not political pawns. Our bishops are right: people are suffering, our immigration system is broken, and it must be reformed.

Catholics in good conscience can disagree on the appropriate level of immigration to allow and how to best reform our broken system. There is no dogma on immigration policy. Careful reasoning, respect for human dignity, persuasion, and prudence are all necessary tools.

That’s why we believe an executive order will only make the problem worse — making real reform even more difficult. 

If the president unilaterally short-circuits lawmakers elected to represent the American people, anti-immigrant sentiment will inevitably be inflamed. A knee-jerk executive order will only harden existing divisions, and perpetuate the real suffering our bishops hope to end. Partisans on both sides will have less incentive to find real solutions.

Immigration, like health care, is a complex issue. Resolving big questions like this through the democratic process isn’t easy and requires patience. President Obama knows this and has admitted as much. President Bush encountered resistance to his own immigration reforms. And President Obama chose to avoid this issue during his first term and focused instead on Obamacare.

Building a bipartisan consensus on reform takes time. Real leadership requires garnering trust, subduing passions, and working with an honest desire to make some progress, even when your ultimate goals are not achieved immediately. Exhibit A: the pro-life movement

So, if not an executive order, then what? 

Washington D.C. loves to demand 2,000 page “comprehensive” bills to solve 20 problems at once. The Senate passed such a bill and it has gone nowhere. Politicians from both parties love passing these bills so they can claim they’ve “solved” the problem. The truth is these massive laws largely hand off responsibilities to the numerous alphabet government bureaucracies to do the dirty work for Congress. 

Democrats failed to solve (or even address) the issue while they controlled Congress. Now a Republican Party, clearly divided over the best path forward, will soon be given the leadership role.

We believe the Bishops should encourage leaders of both parties to offer up one or two basic reforms which could generate bipartisan consensus in Congress. Find some common ground however modest. And start to build from there. 

The antics of the past have failed. Yet real progress on this issue remains possible.

Start small. Calm the waters.

Build some trust.

Get something done.

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Urgent Obama Amnesty Update

Unrestrained, unaccountable, and unhinged …

That’s the best way to describe President Obama’s approach toward immigration policy in the aftermath of the election giving Republicans control of both houses of Congress. As early as next week, the president is expected to announce a substantial and far-reaching overhaul of the nation’s immigration enforcement system that would allow up to five million illegal immigrants to remain in the U.S. free from the threat of deportation. The plan would also provide illicit work visas to millions of illegal immigrants. In reality, this is but the latest in a series of Obama maneuvers aimed at granting amnesty at the expense of the public interest, national sovereignty – and the law of the land.  I told Fox News yesterday, that “if experience is any guide, [Obama’s latest plans] will lead to one of the greatest mass migrations in history” into our country.

There’s a largely unreported element of this story that deserves greater attention and scrutiny as it provides insight into the administration’s aims and ambitions-and reveals the backroom conniving and outright duplicity inherent in the entire Obama amnesty scenario.

On January 29, 2014, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) division of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) posted a “Request for Information (RFI)/Sources Sought: Escort Services for Unaccompanied Alien Children” seeking a contractor to provide the following services:

The Contractor shall provide unarmed escort staff, including management, supervision, manpower, training, certifications, licenses, drug testing, equipment, and supplies necessary to provide on-demand escort services for non-criminal/non-delinquent unaccompanied alien children ages infant to 17 years of age, seven (7) days a week, 365 days a year. Transport will be required for either category of UAC [Unaccompanied Alien Children] or individual juveniles, to include both male and female juveniles. There will be approximately 65,000 UAC in total: 25% local ground transport, 25% via ICE charter and 50% via commercial air. Escort services include, but are not limited to, assisting with: transferring physical custody of UAC from DHS to Health and Human Services (HHS) care via ground or air methods of transportation (charter or commercial carrier), property inventory, providing juveniles with meals, drafting reports, generating transport documents, maintaining/stocking daily supplies, providing and issuing clothing as needed, coordinating with DHS and HHS staff, travel coordination, limited stationary guard services to accommodate for trip disruptions due to inclement weather, faulty equipment, or other exigent circumstances.

In January, the Obama administration put out a call saying there would be “approximately 65,000 UAC in total.” And in June, 52,000 UACs illegally crossed the U.S. border. A mere coincidence? Perhaps. But very likely not. Now, remember that that ICE RFI was posted inJanuary 2014. And it was not until June 2014-some six months later-that the U.S. news media began reporting what the New York Post described as a “‘Katrina’ of illegal immigrants flooding into border states daily.” On July 3, 2014, the New York Times reported that “240,000 migrants and 52,000 unaccompanied minors…crossed the border illegally in recent months.”

To get to the truth, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against DHS seeking “any and all records” relating to the ICE plan to handle the deluge caused by Obama’s lawlessness.

And yet, there’s more. . .

As President Obama readies a post-election immigration power play to provide amnesty for millions of illegals, his immigration czar said recently that the border is bracing for another surge of undocumented children, raising this year’s wave across the southern border to some 130,000. Leon Rodriguez, the new director of U.S. Citizen and Immigration Services, said that the federal government is already working to “prepare for another potential surge” across the border.

Make no mistake about it: There’s a direct connection between President Obama’s nullifying of our nation’s immigration laws and the breakdown of security along the border. Public safety, health, national security, transparency and the rule of law are all afterthoughts in this administration’s reckless abandonment of immigration enforcement. Obama’s actions run counter to the clear convictions of the electorate.

In fact, a Judicial Watch-Breitbart poll on the night of the recent historic election showed that voters oppose Obama’s lawless approach to immigration:

  • A majority of voters (58 percent) believe “We should enforce current laws that require illegal immigrants to return to their home countries.” And half of all Americans (50 percent) believe the United States should change current immigration law to slow the rate of legal immigration.
  • Among minorities, 57 percent of Blacks and only 53 percent of Hispanics agree with the statement, “We should change immigration law to provide legal status to illegal immigrants present in the United States.” Only 25 percent of white respondents agree with that statement.
  • When asked, “Do you agree or disagree that President Obama should through executive action allow illegal immigrants to remain in the United States, 63 percent disagree (53 percent “strongly,” 10 percent “somewhat”). Only 30 percent agree. Among minorities, 52 percent of Blacks and 60 percent of Hispanics agree that Obama should allow illegal immigrants to remain through executive action.

In short, just as he has done repeatedly since taking office, Obama is ignoring, in a lawless and unconstitutional way, the will of the American people-including a substantial number of the minority populations Obama and his media enablers pretend are fully behind his lawless amnesty actions. And this time, with his leaked executive “action” granting blanket amnesty coming within days after the “wave” election, there is no glossing over Obama’s unbridled contempt not only for the Constitution but for the views of Americans who expect that he obey and uphold the law.

And just as we go to press today, there have been some new developments…

We announced just yesterday the filing of another FOIA lawsuit against DHS seeking “all records” concerning a February 25-27 Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) Field Office Juvenile Coordination meeting.

ERO is the division of ICE that, according to the government website, has the responsibility, “To identify, arrest, and remove aliens who present a danger to national security or are a risk to public safety, as well as those who enter the United States illegally….” Juvenile Coordinators have the responsibility for enforcing ERO directives nationwide with regard to UACs.

Quite clearly, neither agency has been doing its job. In the summer of 2014, they let down their guard altogether. And we need to know why.

Perhaps we were given a hint shortly after the February ERO Field Office Juvenile Coordination Washington meeting when, in March 2014, the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) issued a National Center for Border Security and Immigration “Unaccompanied Alien Children Report.” In its interviews with ICE and ERO agents, it found that they were then blaming the “lack of deterrence” for the substantial increase in UAC border crossings. According to the UTEP report:

Both Border Patrol and ICE ERO officers agreed that the lack of deterrence for crossing the US-Mexican border has impacted the rate at which they apprehend UACs. Officers are certain that UACs are aware of the relative lack of consequences they will receive when apprehended at the U.S. border. UTEP was informed that smugglers of family members of UACs understand that once a UAC is apprehended for illegal entry into the United States, the individual will be re-united with a U.S. based family member pending the disposition of the immigration hearing. This process appears to be exploited by illegal alien smugglers and family members in the United States who wish to reunite with separated children.

What JW intends to find out now is whether the ICE and ERO officers raised the same concerns at their February Washington meeting as they did at UTEP. If not, why not? Were they intimidated-or, perhaps, even instructed not to do so? And if they did raise those same concerns, why didn’t the Obama administration clamp down on the borders instead of allowing the ongoing “Katrina” of illegal aliens that has now overwhelmed our country? These are questions that need to be answered.

Let’s cut right to it: the Obama administration is trying to cover up the truth about the border crisis caused by President Obama’s lawless amnesty. I have little doubt that the Obama administration knew from its own immigration enforcement personnel that its refusal to enforce immigration law was going to cause a border crisis. Yet, rather than secure the border and follow the law, the Obama administration aided and abetted the human trafficking operations that planted hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens all over the nation-overwhelming our schools and putting the health and safety of Americans at risk. And now President Obama wants to grant illicit amnesty to those who rushed here this summer thanks to his previous lawless amnesty! The DHS is breaking immigration law on orders from this president and is now engaging in illegal secrecy to cover it up so Obama can do another round of immigration law-breaking.

Obama’s future plans are a menace, but our lawsuits show that his lawless amnesty is already here. The new Congress may act with lawsuits and funding cut-offs. Republicans are afraid of impeachment, so I doubt that they will stand fast on refusing to provide funding, the only other “constitutional option” to rein in Obama. I had some advice for Republicans grappling with Obama’s lawlessness:

“If the new Republican leadership in the Senate is only talking about what they can’t do, that’s going to be very demoralizing,” said Thomas J. Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, a conservative advocacy group that convenes a regular gathering called Groundswell. Any sense of triumph at its meeting last week was fleeting.

“I think the members of the leadership need to decide what they’re willing to shut down the government over,” Mr. Fitton said.

This statement appeared on the front page of the New York Times, so I hope it gets the attention of Republicans and Democrats who have decided that throwing out the Constitution isn’t worth the mess of pottage that is political power.

Though I must say, even if impeachment and funding cut-offs were to begin tomorrow, Obama would not be impressed. Self-government, elections, laws, and other essential aspects of our constitutional system seem of little concern to the corrupt leader of this gangster administration. Judicial Watch will continue to take the lead in exposing and stopping this lawlessness. Your Judicial Watch is considering major litigation to stop Obama’s dictatorial amnesty agenda. We will keep moving forward toward accountability, and won’t wait for Congress and the rest of Washington to catch up.FCC versus Free Speech

For centuries, our nation’s press has become accustomed to exercising its own news and editorial judgments largely free from government interference. It’s all part of the First Amendment guarantee of freedom of the press. But now, all of that could be about to change, if Obama administration officials have their way.

In May 2013, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) announced its intention to proceed with what it described as a “Multi-Market Study of Critical Information Needs” that would probe into how members of the news media make editorial decisions on the stories they cover. At the time, the FCC said the “pilot” study would enable the agency “to ascertain the process by which stories are selected … perceived station bias … and perceived responsiveness to underserved populations.” [Emphasis added] Government officials would, of course, determine what they perceive as “bias” and who they decide are “underserved populations.”

Here are some of the invasive-and, in fact, chilling-questions FCC Critical Information Needs (CIN) agents were to ask private news media companies, some of whom whose broadcast licenses could depend upon providing the FCC the “right” answers:

  • “What is the news philosophy of the station?
  • “Who decides which stories are covered?”
  • “How much does community input influence news coverage decisions?”
  • “What are the demographics of the news management staff?”
  • “What are the demographics of the news production staff?”

The FCC plans also called for government monitors “crawling” the Internet sites of newspapers, local governments, blogs, non-profits, and citizen journalists. All of which is an affront to the law and the First Amendment.

One committee chairman in the House sent a letter demanding more information. In a December 2013 letter to the FCC, House Energy and Commerce Committee chairman Fred Upton (R-MI) termed the CIN study an attempt “to control the political speech of journalists” and urged the agency to “put a stop to this most recent attempt to engage the FCC as the news police.” Since then? Crickets-from both Congress and the Obama gang (and, despicably, most of the liberal media.)

That’s why on October 16, 2014, JW filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the FCC after it failed to respond to a FOIA request in February asking for:

 “Any and all records in the possession of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) relating to the Multi-Market Critical Information study to be conducted by the FCC, including, but not limited to, studies, memoranda and communications between FCC commissioners and/or staff members related to Multi-Market Critical Information Needs study.”

We want to know exactly how the Obama FCC overlords came up with their CIN interrogatories-and how high up this assault upon freedom of the press originated. Fortunately, we are not alone. The FCC’s hostility toward First Amendment freedoms has elicited a strong response from prominent voices. In a letter to the FCC, the National Association of Broadcasters termed the FCC proposal “constitutionally questionable.” And FCC Commissioner Ajit Pai, in a Wall Street Journal op-ed, warned that the study would “thrust the federal government into newsrooms across the country.”

In response to the controversy, the FCC in late February announced that it would suspend the study. The operative word there, of course, is “suspended,” rather than “abandoned.” Specifically, the FCC has also said it will no longer ask media outlets based in South Carolina to participate in a pilot program where they would be compelled to share their newsroom philosophy.

The problem, of course, as Weekly Update readers well know, is that in Washington nothing is as it appears to be. So, while the study has supposedly been suspended, we still need to find out why it was initiated in the first place. The actions of the Obama administration have demonstrated a record of hostility to the First Amendment freedoms of citizens and the press. This much is evident in the latest Reporters Without Borders recent survey of world press freedom that now ranks the United States forty-sixth, below even that of Botswana and Romania and only one position above Haiti. Little wonder USA Today Washington Bureau Chief Susan Page told a White House Correspondents’ Association (WHCA) seminar on October 25 that the Obama administration is “more restrictive” and “more dangerous” to freedom of the press than any in history. You can ask James Rosen of Fox News about this. You can also ask the Associated Press. Both had their records rifled through on orders of alying Attorney General Eric Holder or his minions.

Unfortunately, the study is simply the latest version of the ‘Fairness Doctrine,’ a FCC regulatory scheme ended during the Reagan administration that was used to regulate political speech on radio and television. This time, true to the Obama administration’s racialist agenda, the FCC sought to pressure media under the guise of racial diversity and community organizing language. Given all this background, is it any surprise that President Obama, earlier this week, personally endorsed the federal takeover of the Internet by the FCC?

This FCC scandal also echoes the Obama IRS abuse, which illegally targeted groups and individuals based upon their political philosophy. The FCC, which is charged with making sure regulated media companies obey the law, refuses to obey the Freedom of Information Act and tell the American people why it wanted to interrogate newsmen and monitor the blogs of everyday citizens. JW will continue to do the work of defending our freedom through this latest lawsuit to help keep the Obama FCC news police at bay.

Election Integrity Project: The New Hampshire Report  

While voter identification is a technical requirement in New Hampshire, the law is riddled with loopholes that threaten to render it ineffective as any sort of check on fraud. That’s what a team of Judicial Watch attorneys and volunteer observers, who were in the Granite State on Election Day, determined. Although election officials will accept standard IDs such as drivers’ licenses and passports, potential voters may also present any other photo ID less definitive “deemed reasonable” by those officials.

And, that’s not all.

A potential voter who has no photo identification-either standard or “alternative”-may still vote after simply filling out an affidavit and swearing to his or her identity and asserting that he or she is eligible to vote in New Hampshire. How can the state’s voter ID law have any real effect with these broad exemptions in place?

In close elections, voter fraud can make the difference between the will of the people and the wiles of the political elite. That’s why we sent this team of lawyers and volunteer observers to New Hampshire on Election Day as part of our Election Integrity Project, which is directed by Robert Popper, a seasoned attorney and former Deputy Chief of the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Voting Section. Our goal is to prevent voter fraud so legitimate voters are not disenfranchised. This year alone, Judicial Watch successfully resolved lawsuits in Ohio and Indiana built around a provision of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA) that requires state officials to maintain clean voter rolls. We have also released data that shows 11 states plus Washington D.C. have out-of-date voter rolls in various counties where the number of registered voters exceeds the voting age population. We are pressing ahead as we consider potential NVRA litigation in Colorado, Iowa and the District of Colombia. And we are also investigating the voter rolls in Alabama, California, Illinois, Kentucky, Mississippi, Missouri, New Mexico, North Carolina, and West Virginia.

In New Hampshire, citizens have a right to monitor elections so long as they do so unobtrusively, and this is how we operated. The attorneys on our team included Chris Fedeli and Lauren Burke and were led by veteran poll watcher Robert Popper. The volunteers were local Judicial Watch members who patriotically contributed their time to assist with this effort.  In the weeks leading up to the election, Judicial Watch attorneys had trained these volunteers to be on the lookout for a variety of poor electoral practices or outright violations of state election laws.

Team members were told not to make challenges or otherwise to interfere with the conduct of elections. Rather, their purpose was simply to take notes and to gather evidence regarding the State’s electoral practices. Where particular problems were observed on Election Day, Judicial Watch attorneys would notify the appropriate State authorities. Our team was able to observe voting and registration procedures in about 20 polling sites throughout the state. They concentrated their efforts on the more populous locations in Nashua and Manchester, as well as polling places in Pelham, Exeter, Litchfield, Keene and elsewhere.

What our team found in New Hampshire was disturbing.

They saw many individuals submitting affidavits in lieu of any actual photo IDs.  They also saw extremely high rates of same-day registration. At most of the sites we visited, the same-day registration rate varied between 6-10 percent of all those voting. At one site, the rate was an extraordinary 12.7 percent, or about one out of every 8 voters. At another site, there were at one point three individuals waiting to vote-while another 17 individuals were waiting to same-day register.  And some of them had Massachusetts T-shirts.

A major challenge to ballot integrity in New Hampshire, and in other parts of the country, stems from the practice of same-day registration. This procedure allows an individual to register to vote on Election Day at any polling site, and then to walk over to the voting booths and cast a ballot. This is a problem for obvious reasons. For starters, state officials do not have time to confirm the validity of the registration. Even when there is good reason to suspect a fraudulent vote, the only response is a meaningless post-election investigation (kind of like when the NFL front office agrees to “review” a bad call in a pivotal game-on Monday).

The person who gave a false name and address is long gone, leaving nothing but false paperwork. More to the point, in any case where fraud is suspected but not proved, the resulting vote still counts. There’s also a huge opening for students, and other out-of-state residents to vote illegally thanks to permissive “domicile” requirements. This past summer, a Stafford County judge overturned a state requirement that someone claiming state residence had to register their car and obtain a New Hampshire driver’s license. And top state officials encouraged polling places to set aside a special “no photo ID” table for voters who did not bring photo identification. This directive came from the state’s attorney general’s office, which does not seem overly concerned with raising standards and protecting the rights of legitimate voters. These “no photo ID” tables were too busy for those of us concerned about election integrity.

Our poll watching experience in New Hampshire shows that voter identification requirements need to have real teeth to them.

New Ad Campaign ‘Islamophobia?’ launched as Global Jihad Violence Grows

The American Freedom Defense Initiative (AFDI) has launched a new ad campaign designed to show the absurdity of the mainstream media focus on “Islamophobia” amid growing jihad violence worldwide. The ad campaign will target New York City, Washington, D.C., Chicago, Miami, Houston, and Jacksonville, FL.

According to AFDI, “The charge of ‘Islamophobia’ is used to intimidate people into thinking there is something wrong with opposing jihad violence. Our ads are designed to increase awareness of the nature and magnitude of the jihad threat, and put an end to the denial and willful ignorance about that threat, so that we can adopt effective counter-terror measures based on that realistic appraisal. The Muslim groups that complain most loudly about ‘Islamophobia,’ like Hamas-tied CAIR, have opposed every counter-terror program that has ever been proposed or implemented.”

Atlas Shrugs Pamela Geller notes:

The ad lists some of the recent victims of jihad. Those people and preventing others from joining them should be our focus, not the fictional “backlash against Muslims” upon which the media always focuses.

We hope to raise awareness about the need for Muslims in the US not just to denounce ISIS, but to teach young Muslims why this understanding of Islam is wrong and must be rejected.

If the Islamic State is not Islamic, what is it? How did this misunderstanding of Islam become so widespread? Why are so many more US and UK Muslims than ever joined al Qaeda joining the Islamic State?

And while Muslims in the US condemn the Islamic State, where are they teaching against the ideology that gave rise to it?

Right now, nothing is being done to stop jihad recruiting in US mosques, even as several hundred young Muslims from the US have gone to wage jihad for the Islamic State.

If the moderates really reject extremism, let them show it by instituting genuine programs to teach against the jihadic doctrine.

Praying or Not on the Temple Mount

The Palestinians never lose an opportunity or excuse to kill Jews. What is feared is a new intifada or holy war in Israel, specifically in Jerusalem, where attacks on its civilians and soldiers have been occurring. The present grievance has to do with the Temple Mount, the holiest place in Judaism, but one that was taken over by Muslims when they invaded in 638 A.D.

Muslims have a habit of either destroying the places of worship of Jews and Christians or converting them to mosques. In the case of the Temple Mount, known to Arabs as Masjid al Aksa, the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik, around 688 A.D., built the Dome of the Rock, a mosque. The site, Mount Moriah, had been holy to Jews for 3,000 years as the place where Abraham offered his son, Isaac, as a sacrifice when his faith was tested by God.

As recorded in 2 Chronicles 3:1 “Then Solomon began to build the Temple of the Lord in Jerusalem on Mount Moriah. It was on the threshing floor of Araunah the Jebusite, the place provided by David, his father.”

And then Mohammad came along with a fanciful story. As recorded in the Koran, Sura Al-Isra 17:1. “Glory be to Him who did take His servant for a Journey by night from the Sacred Sanctuary to the farthest Sanctuary, whose precincts We did bless…” According to Mohammed, one night he was transported from Mecca to Jerusalem, escorted by the angel Gabriel. From the future site of al-Aksa, he ascended to Heaven where he met the great prophets before returning to Mecca. Suffice to say the “Night journey” became a sacred event for Muslims and al-Aksa, when built, a sacred mosque.

Apparently anything in Islam is justification enough to kill any “unbeliever” and Jews have been on the top of that list since it was created by Mohammed, largely because the Jews of his time refused to abandon their faith and accept him as a prophet.

When Israel became a sovereign Jewish state in 1948, it was immediately attacked by its Arab neighbors and has had to fight several wars since then. It has never been free from attacks, the latest being those by Hamas from Gaza that provoked a military operation to stop their ceaseless rocketing.

In the wake of the first war the Jordanians retained control over the Mount Moriah, refusing entry to the area. The Israelis conquered the whole of Jerusalem during the 1967 Six Day War and liberated the Temple Mount. It was the first time since the destruction of the Second Temple by the Romans that they had control.

Currently, the Israelis allow Jews to enter the Temple Mount on a restrictive basis, but they are barred from praying there!

Prayer is forbidden because the Israelis have not wanted to offend Muslims. Meanwhile the Palestine Authority president, Mahmoud Abbas, has accused Israel of launching a religious war when Israelis responded to attacks by Palestinians on their civilians and soldiers as a way to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Yasser Arafat’s death. Abbas has had years in which to find a way toward peace with Israel, but never has.

Access to the Temple Mount has been a topic of discussion among Israelis for whom the site is as holy as that of the Muslims. Attacks on Jewish activists and others have increased, reflecting the Muslim resistance to any policy of tolerance that might permit Jews to pray there. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is on record that Israel will not change its policy, but prominent Israeli political figures have made trips to the plaza of the Temple Mount to protest the regulation.

For all those in the West who speak of the necessity to extend tolerance to Islam and try to accommodate the demands of Muslims, it would be wise to look at what is happening in Israel, a holy land for three thousand years to Jews, then for two thousand years to Christians, and then to Muslims who arrived on the scene 1,400 years ago and who are engaged in a holy war to dominate the whole of the world.

These days, when not fighting each other throughout the Middle East, Muslims are committing atrocities around the world, killing innocent people with abandon in the name of their holy war and while they do Jews and Christians are forbidden to pray on the Temple Mount.

© Alan Caruba, 2014

Islamic State releases video showing beheading of U.S. hostage Peter Kassig


For a larger view click on the image. Photo courtesy of Terror Trends Bulletin.

The video is here. Warning: it is extremely graphic, and will not be up long. If you catch it while it is still up and want to skip the beheadings (there are many, not just of Kassig, then stop watching around the 9:30 mark, as the beheadings are shown in full, and then Kassig’s severed head at the feet of the British Muslim who issues the final warning. I put the link here because the video shows the Islamic State’s global aspirations, and how it justifies them by reference to Islamic teachings, and indeed how the Islamic State jihadis explain and justify everything they do by reference to Islamic texts and teachings — for example, the beheader says that Kassig fought against the Muslims as a U.S. soldier in Iraq, which means he is an “American Crusader” and can be lawfully put to death, despite his subsequent conversion to Islam.

To continue to ignore the Islamic State’s stated motives and goals, and to pretend that they are other than what they are, is nothing short of suicidal. This ideology has to be confronted, and it is held by more people than just the members of the Islamic State.

“US army veteran Peter Kassig ‘murdered by Isil,’” by Andrew Marszal, Rob Crilly and Louisa Loveluck, the Telegraph, November 16, 2014:

Islamic State fighters have issued a new video apparently showing the murder of US hostage Peter Kassig and threatening “slaughter” on Western streets.

The 15-minute long grisly video shows the horrific beheading a group of Syrian military prisoners and then the decapitated head of Mr Kassig at the feet of a masked man.

The man, who appears to be the same militant known as Jihadi John who has appeared in other beheading videos, says: “This is Peter Edward Kassig, a US citizen.”

He also denounces David Cameron as a puppet of the United States president:

He says: “To Obama, the dog of Rome. Today we are slaughtering the soldiers of Bashar and tomorrow we will be slaughtering your soldiers and with Allah’s permission we will break this final and last crusade and the Islamic State will soon, like your puppet David Cameron said, begin to slaughter your people on your streets.”

The chilling video, titled ‘Although the disbelievers dislike it’, shows the brutal murders of around 16 Syrian soldiers in graphic detail.

Mr Kassig’s death would be the fifth beheading of a Westerner apparently carried out by violent extremists of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (Isil).

Mr Kassig, 26, served in the American military and was deployed to Iraq in 2007 with the US Army Rangers, developing a deep interest in the Middle East.

After an honourable discharge, he moved to Beirut and set up a medical charity, which specialised in delivering aid to refugee camps.

He was taken hostage in October last year during a trip to deliver food and medical supplies to Deir Ezzour in eastern Syria

Like other families, his parents initially observed a media silence.

But when video emerged last month showing Mr Kassig wearing an orange jumpsuit in the Isil murder video of Alan Henning, a British taxi driver, they launched a very public campaign to persuade his captors to release him.

Ed and Paula Kassig, from Indianapolis, issued their own video message describing how their son had converted to Islam – taking the name Abdul Rahman Kassig – and that other captives had told them his faith brought him comfort.

Mrs Kassig said: “Our hearts ache for you to be granted your freedom so that we can hug you again and then set you free to continue the life you have chosen, the life of service to those in gravest [need].”

They also set up a Twitter account to send messages to his captors.

“I am an old woman, and Abdul Rahman is my only child. My husband and I are on our own, with no help from the government,” wrote Mrs Kassig. “We would like to talk to you. How can we reach you?”

Their campaign included releasing a letter sent by their son, describing his terrifying ordeal.

“I am obviously pretty scared to die but the hardest part is not knowing, wondering, hoping, and wondering if I should even hope at all,” he wrote. “If I do die, I figure that at least you and I can seek refuge and comfort in knowing that I went out as a result of trying to alleviate suffering and helping those in need.”

They also joined worshippers at a mosque in the to pray for his release….


Rest in Peace Peter Kassig

Obama Insists on calling Peter Kassig, “Abdul Rahman Kassig”

British medical student seen beheading Syrian soldier on latest Islamic state video release

Mehdi Hasan goes full fascist, calls for sanctions for criticism of Muslims

Terror org CAIR denounces Kassig beheading as “anti-Islamic”

U.S. prison was ‘terrorist university’ for Islamic State

This is because the U.S. does nothing in these prisons to try to change the mindset of the prisoners. The guards treat the Qur’an, which is of course distributed to all the prisoners, with exaggerated reverence. Any attempt to change their way of thinking would immediately be denounced by groups such as the terrorist organization CAIR as “Islamophobic.”

“U.S. prison was ‘terrorist university’ for Islamic State,” by Terrence McCoy, Waterloo Region Record, November 16, 2014:

WASHINGTON — In March 2009, in a windswept sliver of Iraq, a sense of uncertainty befell the southern town of Garma, home to one of the Iraq War’s most notorious prisons.

The sprawling detention centre called Camp Bucca, which had detained some of the Iraq War’s most radical jihadists, had just freed hundreds of inhabitants. Families rejoiced, anxiously awaiting their sons, brothers and fathers who had been lost to Bucca for years. But a local official fretted.

“These men weren’t planting flowers in a garden,” police chief Saad Abbas Mahmoud told The Washington Post’s Anthony Shadid, estimating 90 per cent of the freed prisoners would soon resume fighting. “They weren’t strolling down the street. This problem is both big and dangerous. And regrettably, the Iraqi government and the authorities don’t know how big the problem has become.”

Mahmoud’s assessment of Camp Bucca, which funnelled 100,000 detainees through its barracks and closed months later, would prove prescient. The camp now represents an opening chapter in the history of Islamic State — many of its leaders, including Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, were incarcerated and likely met there.

According to former prison commanders, analysts and soldiers, Camp Bucca provided a unique setting for both prisoner radicalization and inmate collaboration — and it was formative in the development today’s most potent jihadist force.

In all, nine members of the Islamic State’s top command did time at Bucca, according to the terrorist analyst organization Soufan Group. Baghdadi spent five years there; the leader’s No. 2, Abu Muslim al-Turkmani, as well as senior military leader Haji Bakr, now deceased, and the leader of foreign fighters, Abu Qasim, were also incarcerated at Bucca, Soufan said. Though it’s likely the men were extremists when they entered the detention centre, the group added, it’s certain they were when they left.

“Before their detention, Mr. al-Baghdadi and others were violent radicals, intent on attacking America,” wrote military veteran Andrew Thompson and academic Jeremi Suri in the New York Times last month. “Their time in prison deepened their extremism and gave them opportunities to broaden their following … The prisons became virtual terrorist universities: The hardened radicals were the professors, the other detainees were the students, and the prison authorities played the role of absent custodian.”

It’s a scenario that’s long confounded law enforcement: How do you crack down on extremism without creating more of it? From the radicalization of white supremacists in U.S. prisons to the United Kingdom’s disastrous bid in the 1970s to incarcerate Irish Republican Army members, the problem is nothing new: prisons are pools of explosive extremism awaiting a spark….


PJ Media: 6 Failed Policies Obama Won’t Stop Pushing

Iran TV airs Muslim cleric’s threats to raze Tel Aviv, target US bases

Mehdi Hasan goes full fascist, calls for sanctions for criticism of Muslims

Why are we in Iraq and Afghanistan?

In accordance with Article 2 Section 8 of the U.S. Constitution we must remove all U.S. forces from Iraq and Afghanistan and let the Muslims kill each other. Its not our job to police two factional groups of warring terrorists. Its not our job to arm them or provide them with supplies. Its not the job of the American tax payer to fund the training of Muslim armies friendly to us or not.

It is time to secure our own borders not the borders of Syria and Iraq. It is time to come home.

This is not a forced retreat its a constitutional removal of illegal U.S. military forces on foreign soil operating without a declaration of war and outside of an expired war powers act. The real threat to the United States sits on a throne in Saudi Arabia and roosts in a chair in the Oval Office. As for the Americans getting captured and beheaded…. stay home and you won’t be put in that position. We have people in this country that need help. Set up food banks here not in Syria. Then you will keep your head or maybe you liberal do gooders should run faster and don’t get captured.

The Chinese and the Russians are not wasting money policing Muslim countries. They do not bomb Muslim lands and they do not have their skyscrapers destroyed. They do not put their troops on Muslim soil and do not try to change them. The Russians learned this lesson from 1979 to 1989. We do not pay attention to the lessons of war. Meanwhile the Russians and Chinese are building their forces to use against us. They are not our friends. They laugh at our dumb Congress our inept Senate and President.

So Obama is now asking for $1.6 billion dollars to train Iraqi and Kurdish forces to fight the Islamic State all part of a $5.6 billion request to expand the US mission in Iraq. Why? What are we doing in this third world grave yard of empires? Why have we been wasting tax money for 13 years trying to mold Christian Constitutional values on these evil camel herders? We will never achieve this goal. Its not our job.

What is the operational, tactical and strategic goal of the United States in the Middle East? Nobody knows and our men and women who fight to win are being thrown in jail by our own government to appease these Muslims when we inflict collateral damage. You know what Mr. Congressman either let our men and women fight to win under a declaration of war or bring them all home. No more delay. What the mission? What’s the exit strategy? You don’t have a clue, do you? Our government is being run by all the kids that grew up riding the short yellow bus to school.

Let the Muslims kill each other and secure our borders back home with this money. Stop this insanity.

We are $18 trillion dollars in debt not including the unfunded mandates like Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. The Russians are flying bombers in the Gulf Of Mexico. They are sailing war ships and hiding ballistic missile submarines around our coast lines while illegal immigrants from the south are flooding across our borders. Why is our Congress and Senate so concerned with the Middle East? Enough already. Get your priorities straight Mr. Congressman and Mr. Senator.

How many more men and women must have their legs blown off from IED’s or be shot at point blank range by the very Muslim forces we are training. We are tired of your moronic military operational tactics. It borderline criminal and unconstitutional. Our Founding Fathers did not give us the Constitution to be party to a United Nations one world government. We are a sovereign nation that needs to cut off all trade with the Middle East. Starve them out.

We have enough oil here we just need to get the Collectivists and the environmentalist tree huggers to stop impeding free market capitalism. Jail would be a good place for them. They get free food, free housing, free medical and cable TV. They will be set. Its a perfect utopia for these miscreants.

Halloween Candy at the White House

The Congressional Medal of Honor (CMOH) was created in 1861 during the early months of the Civil War.  It is the nation’s highest military honor and is awarded for “personal acts of valor, above and beyond the call of duty.”  Since its inception, 3,469 CMOH have been awarded, more than half during the Civil War when acts of “uncommon valor” were more loosely construed than in subsequent wars.

Of the twenty-eight presidents who’ve served since the CMOH was established, only eight have had no military service, including a group of six consecutive presidents covering the period from March 1913 through April 1945.  Those six were Grover Cleveland, Woodrow Wilson, Warren Harding, Calvin Coolidge, Herbert Hoover, and Franklin D. Roosevelt.  Roosevelt was afflicted with polio and would not have been accepted into military service under any circumstance.

In more recent history, seventy-four CMOH have been awarded since 1992.  Bill Clinton awarded thirty-eight during his eight years in office (22 of which were awarded, deservedly, to Japanese-Americans, even though their friends and relatives were being held in internment camps), George W. Bush awarded eleven medals during his eight years in office, and Barack Obama has awarded twenty-five CMOH in less than six years in office.  And although I would not wish to accuse Obama of having anything but the most honorable of intentions, it sometimes seems as if every time he feels the need for a bit of face-time with the TV cameras he passes out yet another CMOH… almost as if they were Halloween candy.

On January 20, 1993, the day of the inauguration of George H.W. Bush, I attended an inaugural ball honoring the living recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor as a guest of the military officers who comprised the Honor Guard for the CMOH recipients.

The inaugural ball was held in the Grand Ballroom of the Capitol Hilton Hotel, in Washington, and as my lady friend and I stood at the center of the room, surrounded by a host of men and women in formal attire, I couldn’t help but notice the beautiful blue ribbons encircling the black satin collars of many of the honored guests, and the magnificent five-pointed star that dangled just below the black bow ties of their formal attire.

We were surrounded by no fewer than fifty-four Medal of Honor recipients, all gathered in one room, and as I attempted to envision the heroic deeds that those men had performed to merit those medals, a cold chill ran up my spine and the hair stood up on the back of my neck.  It was a great honor for this former field artillery corporal just to be in the same room with them.

What causes me to recall that very special evening was the recent news that Barack Obama has awarded the CMOH, posthumously, to Lieutenant Alonzo H. Cushing, who was fatally wounded at the Battle of Gettysburg on July 3, 1863, in the decisive battle known as Pickett’s Charge.

Cushing, a classmate of General George Armstrong Custer, graduated from West Point in early June 1861.  Although he and other members of his class were not scheduled to graduate until May 1862, the need for infantry and artillery officers… in both the Union and Confederate Armies… was such that the graduation of the Class of 1862 was moved up to June 1861.

At the Battle of Gettysburg, Cushing served as commanding officer of Battery A, 4th U.S. Artillery.  He was mortally wounded on July 3, 1861, just twenty five months after graduation, on a hilltop near the town of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.  The objective of the Confederate forces, under command of General George E. Pickett, was a spot of ground called Cemetery Ridge.  It was an ill-fated and ill-conceived military assault that history has recorded as Pickett’s Charge.

According to historical accounts, Cushing was wounded three times.  His first wound was caused by a shell fragment that passed through his shoulder.  His second wound was caused by shrapnel that struck him in the abdomen and the groin.  The abdominal wound was said to have been so severe that it exposed his intestines, which he then held in place with his hand as he continued to command his troops.

As he did so, a superior officer instructed him to go to the rear, where he could receive medical attention, but Cushing refused to leave and stood by his guns.  However, because of the severity of his wounds, he was unable to make himself heard over the sounds of battle.  As he was held erect by his First Sergeant, who communicated his orders to his cannoneers, Cushing was fatally wounded when a bullet entered his mouth and exited through the back of his skull.

The Confederate soldiers under Pickett’s direct command were almost exclusively from Virginia, with supporting troops from Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Tennessee.  And while the Union forces lost about 1,500 killed and wounded, the Confederate casualty rate was over 50% of their total strength.  Pickett’s division alone suffered 498 killed, 643 wounded, and 833 wounded and captured… a total of 1,974 casualties.

The division commanded by General J. Johnston Pettigrew, which marched on Pickett’s left flank, suffered losses estimated at 2,363, including 470 killed and 1,893 wounded.  The division commanded by General Isaac R. Trimble, which marched in support of Pettigrew’s division, suffered 855 casualties, with 155 killed and 650 wounded.  The brigade commanded by General Cadmus M. Wilcox, which supported Pickett’s right flank, suffered 200 killed and wounded, while the brigade commanded by Col. David Lang lost approximately 400.  It is estimated that total losses during Pickett’s Charge came to 6,555, of which at least 1,123 Confederates were killed, 4,019 wounded, and a good number of others wounded and captured.

And while Lieutenant Cushing and other members of the Union Army fought bravely and valiantly, the same can be said of the sons of Alabama, Florida, Mississippi, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia who fought valiantly during Pickett’s assault on Cemetery Ridge.

On the Confederate side of the battle line there was much less attention paid to decorations for valor.  On October 13, 1862, the Confederate Congress in Richmond, Virginia, approved legislation creating a wartime award called the Southern Cross of Honor.  The statute was titled, “An Act to authorize the grant of medals and badges of distinction as a reward for courage and good conduct on the field of battle.”  The text of the act read as follows:

The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the President be, and he is hereby, authorized to bestow medals with proper devices upon such officers of the armies of the Confederate States as shall be conspicuous for courage and good conduct on the field of battle; and also to confer a badge of distinction upon one private or noncommissioned officer of each company after every signal victory it shall have assisted to achieve. The noncommissioned officers and privates of the company who may be present on the first dress parade thereafter may choose, by a majority of their votes, the soldier best entitled to receive such distinction, whose name shall be communicated to the President by commanding officers of the company…”

However, Civil War historians tell us that the medals and badges of distinction were never conferred upon any officer, non-commissioned officer, or private, in spite of the fact that NCOs and privates of any victorious unit were given the right to confer the award, by majority vote, on one of their fellow soldiers.

The concept of a Southern Cross of Honor was revived in July 1898, some thirty-three years after the end of hostilities, at a reunion of Confederate veterans.  The United Daughters of the Confederacy were authorized to confer the medal on any Confederate veteran who was found to have provided “loyal, honorable service to the South…. in recognition of this devotion.”

Although the last verified Confederate veteran died in 1951, the Commonwealth of Virginia continues to make it a Class 3 Misdemeanor, punishable by a fine of not more than $500, for any person to wear the Southern Cross of Honor, “when not entitled to do so by the regulations under which such Crosses of Honor are given.”

Lorenzo Cushing’s story is a gripping tale of heroism and there is no doubt that his courage in battle deserves to be recognized and commemorated.  However, the question arises, is it entirely appropriate and in good taste, 150 years after Robert E. Lee’s surrender at Appomattox, to continue to rub salt into old wounds by commemorating the valor of Union soldiers who killed and wounded large numbers of other Americans in a civil war?  Is it not time we relegated the Civil War, the saddest chapter in American history, to where it belongs: the pages of history?

Would it not be more appropriate to erect a monument to Cushing’s bravery in the town square of his hometown, Fredonia, New York?  Of course, such an event would not provide a photo-op for Obama, a man who lacked the courage to wear the uniform of the United States, even in peacetime, but who now insists, unashamedly, on being called the “commander in chief.”

Of the seventy-five CMOH awarded since 1993, thirty-eight were awarded by Bill Clinton, a Vietnam War draft dodger, while Barack Obama, a man who used a forged draft card as part of his identity documentation when he ran for president, is on a path toward awarding 35 CMOH during eight years in office.  Were Clinton and Obama really concerned about the courageous acts of men in battle, or were they more interested in the photo-ops provided by passing out the CMOH as if they were Halloween candy for heroes?  We’ll never know, but what we do know is that men often do very uncharacteristic things when they are motivated by a guilty conscience.

United Arab Emerates designates Hamas-linked CAIR a terrorist organization

UPDATE: ABC News confirms this, noting in the very last paragraph of its story that the UAE has designated Hamas-linked CAIR a terrorist group. Probably they buried it out of embarrassment over the fact that the mainstream media has been going to Hamas-linked CAIR for years as if they were really what they claim to be, a civil rights organization. The fact that a government, any government, has branded it terrorist must be as embarrassing to the mainstream media as it is to Hamas-linked CAIR — that is, if either of them were capable of embarrassment.

This probably stems from Hamas-linked CAIR’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood. President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan doesn’t want to find himself overthrown by Islamic hardliners, and replaced by a Sharia government. In any case, it is very strange — so strange that I wonder if the Emirates News Agency’s website was hacked by a mischievous hacker who added Hamas-linked CAIR to this list (which would also explain why it is the only place on the list where the line spacing is broken).

If this is authentic, no doubt Hamas-linked CAIR’s Nihad Awad and Ibrahim “Honest Ibe” Hooper are furiously working the phones today, calling on all their contacts in the U.S. government and elsewhere to get this reversed. What fun it would be to be a fly on the wall in Honest Ibe’s sumptuously appointed office today.

Will the Obama administration’s Justice Department now denounce the UAE for “Islamophobia”?

“UAE Cabinet approves list of designated terrorist organisations, groups,” Emirates News Agency, November 15, 2014:

ABU DHABI, 15th November 2014 (WAM) — The UAE Cabinet has approved a list of designated terrorist organisations and groups in implementation of Federal Law No. 7 for 2014 on combating terrorist crimes, issued by President His Highness Sheikh Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and the Cabinet’s own resolution on the designation of terrorist organisations that provided for the publication of the lists in the media for the purposes of transparency and to raise awareness in society about these organisations.

The following is the list of organisations designated as terrorist that has been approved by the Cabinet:

:: The UAE Muslim Brotherhood.

:: Al-Islah (or Da’wat Al-Islah).

:: Fatah al-Islam (Lebanon).

:: Associazione Musulmani Italiani (Association of Italian Muslims).

:: Khalaya Al-Jihad Al-Emirati (Emirati Jihadist Cells).

:: Osbat al-Ansar (the League of the Followers) in Lebanon.

:: The Finnish Islamic Association (Suomen Islam-seurakunta).

:: Alkarama organisation.

:: Al-Qaeda in the Land of the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM or Tanzim al-Qa‘idah fi Bilad al-Maghrib al-Islami).

:: The Muslim Association of Sweden (Sveriges muslimska forbund, SMF)

:: Hizb al-Ummah (The Ommah Party or Nation’s Party) in the Gulf and the Arabian Peninsula

:: Ansar al-Sharia in Libya (ASL, Partisans of Islamic Law).

:: The Islamic Council Norway (Islamsk Rad Norge, IRN).

:: Al-Qaeda.

:: Ansar al-Sharia in Tunisia (AST, Partisans of Sharia) in Tunisia.

:: Islamic Relief UK.

:: Dae’sh (ISIL).

:: Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (HSM) in Somalia ( Mujahideen Youth Movement)

:: The Cordoba Foundation (TCF) in Britian.

:: Al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP).

:: Boko Haraam ( Jama’atu Ahlis Sunna Lidda’Awati Wal-Jihad) in Nigeria.

:: Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW) of the Global Muslim Brotherhood.

:: Jama’at Ansar al-Shari’a (Partisans of Sharia) in Yemen.

:: Al-Mourabitoun (The Sentinels) group in Mali.

:: Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (Taliban Movement of Pakistan).

:: The Muslim Brotherhood (MB) organisation and groups.

:: Ansar al-Dine (Defenders of the faith) movement in Mali.

:: Abu Dhar al-Ghifari Battalion in Syria.

:: Jama’a Islamia in Egypt (AKA al-Gama’at al-Islamiyya, The Islamic Group, IG).

:: The Haqqani Network in Pakistan.

:: Al-Tawheed Brigade (Brigade of Unity, or Monotheism) in Syria.

:: Ansar Bait al-Maqdis (ABM, Supporters of the Holy House or Jerusalem) and now rebraneded as Wilayat Sinai (Province or state in the Sinai).

:: Lashkar-e-Taiba (Soldiers, or Army of the Pure, or of the Righteous).

:: Al-Tawhid wal-Eman battalion (Battaltion of Unity, or Monotheism, and Faith) in Syria.

:: Ajnad Misr (Soldiers of Egypt) group.

:: The East Turkistan Islamic Movement in Pakistan (ETIM), AKA the Turkistan Islamic Party (TIP), Turkistan Islamic Movement (TIM).

:: Katibat al-Khadra in Syria (the Green Battaltion).

:: Majlis Shura al-Mujahedeen Fi Aknaf Bayt al-Maqdis (the Mujahedeen Shura Council in the Environs of Jerusalem, or MSC).

:: Jaish-e-Mohammed (The Army of Muhammad).

:: Abu Bakr Al Siddiq Brigade in Syria.

:: The Houthi Movement in Yemen.

:: Jaish-e-Mohammed (The Army of Muhammad) in Pakistan and India.

:: Talha Ibn ‘Ubaid-Allah Compnay in Syria.

:: Hezbollah al-Hijaz in Saudi Arabia.

:: Al Mujahideen Al Honoud in Kashmor/ India (The Indian Mujahideen, IM).

:: Al Sarim Al Battar Brigade in Syria.

:: Hezbollah in the Gulf Cooperation Council.

:: Islamic Emirate of the Caucasus (Caucasus Emirate or Kavkaz and Chechen jidadists).

:: The Abdullah bin Mubarak Brigade in Syria.

:: Al-Qaeda in Iran.

:: The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU).

:: Qawafil al-shuhada (Caravans of martyrs).

:: The Badr Organisation in Iraq.

:: Abu Sayyaf Organisation in the Philippines.

:: Abu Omar Brigade in Syria.

:: Asa’ib Ahl al-Haq in Iraq (The Leagues of the Righteous).

:: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR)

:: Ahrar Shoummar Brigade in Syria (Brigade of the free men of the Shoummar Tribe).

:: Hezbollah Brigades in Iraq.

:: CANVAS organisation in Belgrade, Serbia.

:: The Sarya al-Jabal Brigade in Syria.

:: Liwa Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas ( rigade of Abu al-Fadl al-Abbas) in Syria.

:: The Muslim American Society (MAS).

:: Al Shahba’ Brigade in Syria.

:: Liwa al-Youm al-Maw’oud in Iraq (Brigade of Judgement Day).

:: International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS)

:: Al Ka’kaa’ Bigade in Syria.

:: Liwa Ammar bin Yasser (Ammar bin Yasser Brigade).

:: Federation of Islamic Organizations in Europe.

:: Sufyan Al Thawri Brigade.

:: Ansar al-Islam Group in Iraq (Partisans of Islam).

:: Union of Islamic Organisations of France (L’Union des Organisations Islamiques de France, UOIF).

:: Ebad ar-Rahman Brigade (Brigade of Soldiers of Allah) in Syria.

:: Jabhat al-Nusra (Al-Nusra Front) in Syria.

:: Muslim Association of Britain (MAB).

:: Omar Ibn al-Khattab Battalion in Syria.

:: Harakat Ahrar ash-Sham Al Islami (Islamic Movement of the Free Men of the Levant).

:: Islamic Society of Germany (Islamische Gemeinschaft Deutschland).

:: Al-Shayma’ Battaltion in Syria.

:: Jaysh al-Islam in Palestine (The Army of Islam in Palestine)

:: The Islamic Society in Denmark (Det Islamiske Trossamfund, DIT).

:: Katibat al-Haqq (Brigade of the Righteous).

: The Abdullah Azzam Brigades.

:: The League of Muslims in Belgium (La Ligue des Musulmans de Belgique, LMB)

EDITORS NOTE: The Muslim American Society (MAS) is a second American organization on UAE list of terrorist organizations. To learn more about the Muslim American Society (MAS) click here.

Islam’s Sacred Deception — Taqiyya

I’d like to talk to you about what I find a fascinating topic that is the topic of Islamic ethics, but in particular, a part of Islamic ethics which is called sacred deception or Taqiyya, T-A-Q-I-Y-Y-A.

Let me give you a few ethical rules that come from the Hadith:

  • a Muslim does cheat another Muslim business
  • a Muslim doesn’t kill another Muslim
  • a Muslim doesn’t touch another Muslim’s wife and
  • a Muslim doesn’t lie to another Muslim

You notice something here? That’s right. You and I are left out because you see Islam is not a symmetric ethical system. The golden rule is symmetric. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” That is, there’s a balance here; the other and yourself are seen as equal. But in Islam if you’re a Kafir, you’re never equal to the Muslim. Islam does not have a golden rule. The Kafir is always inferior.

Now then, let’s talk about lying and deception. First let’s start with the fact that Allah has 99 names and one of those 99 names is he is the best of deceivers.

But Allah is also the best of plotters and schemers so given that, it isn’t too surprising that we find in the

Koran 16:106 “Those who disbelieve in Allah after having believed, who open up their hearts to disbelief will feel the wrath of Allah and have a terrible punishment.”

In other words, apostates can be killed or otherwise punished. But it goes further. “But there is no punishment for anyone who is compelled to deny Allah in words but whose heart is faithful.” So in other words, a Muslim can lie about Islam if it serves Islam. And one of the ways he can serve Islam is that the Muslim is not discriminated against.

Here we have another in

Koran 3:28: “Believers should not take Kafirs (unbelievers) as friends in preference to other believers. Who ever does this shall have no relationship left with Allah.” (In other words, if you’re a real friend [to a Kafir], you’re no longer friend of Allah). “ . . . unless you but guard yourself against them [Kafirs], taking precautions.”

What this is interpreted to mean is that a Muslim can act friendly but he’s not actually the friend. That’s what is wrong. In other words, a Muslim may never give preference to a Kafir over a Muslim. There are, by the way, no less than 12 verses which say that a Muslim is not the friend of the Kafir.

Now let’s turn to the Hadith.

“Mohammed: ‘Who will kill Ka’b bin Ashraf who has offended Allah and his prophet?’

A Muslim: ‘I will Mohammed. Would you have me do so?’


‘In order to kill him, I will need to deceive him. May I do that?’

Mohammed: ‘Yes.’”

So, the Muslim deceived Ka’b bin Ashraf and he did kill him.

What is this? This is the Sunna of Mohammed; it is possible to lie to the Kafir as long as it advances Islam. This is the nature of Taqiyya.

Now there is another way in which a Muslim can lie. There’s a hadith, a fairly well-known hadith, in which there are three reasons for Muslims to lie. One is jihad, that is the struggle against the Kafir. So a Muslim can lie to you anytime he needs to advance Islam

The other is a Muslim a lie to another Muslim if it will make the situation better. And a husband and wife may lie to each other as long as it smooths the relationships in the household.

So deception is part of Islam. Allah is a deceiver. Mohammed was a deceiver, and therefore, every Muslim can be a deceiver. It is so special that it has a name, Taqiyya. So the next time you’re hearing something about Islam that just doesn’t sound right, and it comes from the mouth of a Muslim, you’re right. It’s not right. It’s a lie. It is Taqiyyah.

Woman proclaiming Christ ejected from Muslim prayers at National Cathedral

It all sounds so high-minded: the Rev. Canon Gina Campbell says: “This needs to be a world in which all are free to believe and practice and in which we avoid bigotry, Islamaphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Christianity and to embrace our humanity and to embrace faith.”

But someone threw a rotting cabbage on their lovely sofa, as DCist laments: “And because love, respect and understanding is too much of a concept for some people to understand, a person interrupted the service. Of course.” Still, the spectacle of a woman being forcibly ejected from what is ostensibly a Christian cathedral for proclaiming that Jesus Christ is Lord just before Muslim prayers are about to begin is at very least evidence that we live in strange times.

EDITORS NOTE: The video below was not in the original column but was found by staff with commentary from Tommie Scott who knows Kristine, the lady who went to the National Cathedral to proclaim Jesus Christ as the savior. We provide it so viewers may understand who Kristine really is:

I noted here the Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood links of the sponsoring groups. Besides that, there is the fact that there is an enduring obstacle to achieving a world in which we are all free to believe and practice and embrace our humanity and faith: Muslims who take to heart and act upon Qur’an verses like these:

Christians have forgotten part of the divine revelations they received: “From those, too, who call themselves Christians, We did take a covenant, but they forgot a good part of the message that was sent them: so we estranged them, with enmity and hatred between the one and the other, to the day of judgment. And soon will Allah show them what it is they have done.” — Qur’an 5:14

Jesus is not the Son of God: “O People of the Scripture! Do not exaggerate in your religion nor utter aught concerning Allah save the truth. The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, was only a messenger of Allah, and His word which He conveyed unto Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in Allah and His messengers, and say not “Three” – Cease! (it is) better for you! – Allah is only One Allah. Far is it removed from His Transcendent Majesty that He should have a son. His is all that is in the heavens and all that is in the earth. And Allah is sufficient as Defender.” — Qur’an 4:171

“It is not befitting to (the majesty of) Allah that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! when He determines a matter, He only says to it, ‘Be,’ and it is.” — Qur’an 19:35

Those who believe that Jesus is God’s Son are accursed: “The Jews call ‘Uzair a son of Allah, and the Christians call Christ the son of Allah. That is a saying from their mouth; (in this) they but imitate what the unbelievers of old used to say. Allah’s curse be on them: how they are deluded away from the Truth! ” — Qur’an 9:30

Jesus was not crucified: “And because of their saying: We slew the Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, Allah’s messenger – they slew him not nor crucified him, but it appeared so unto them; and lo! those who disagree concerning it are in doubt thereof; they have no knowledge thereof save pursuit of a conjecture; they slew him not for certain.” — Qur’an 4:157

Christians, as People of the Book, must be warred against and subjugated: “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book, until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.” — Qur’an 9:29

In light of all that, and the ongoing and escalating Muslim persecution of Christians worldwide, wouldn’t it have been more appropriate, so as to promote love, respect and understanding and all that, to have Christian prayers in a mosque? After all, it is Muslims who are persecuting Christians worldwide, and the National Cathedral decides to show its good will and love for Muslims by inviting Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood front groups to pray there. Why doesn’t the ADAMS Center show its good will and love for Christians by inviting Christians to pray in the mosque there?

This woman who disrupted the service was upset that a building dedicated to the worship of Christ had been given over for the use of people who believe that her proclamation of Christ is a blasphemous falsehood and that her beliefs are a perversion of the true teachings of Jesus the Muslim prophet. Before waxing indignant and self-righteous over her “bigotry” and “intolerance,” Muslims who would have no problem with a mosque that did indeed invite Christians in to offer prayers to the Son of God, and who would applaud the forcible ejection from that mosque of a Muslim who stood up and said, No, this is wrong, there is no god but Allah and Muhammad is his prophet, should demonstrate their own love, respect and understanding by actually extending a real invitation to Christians to come in.

“Of Course Someone Interrupted Muslim Prayers At The National Cathedral,” DCist, November 14, 2014 (thanks to Jerk Chicken):

In a “a dramatic moment in the world and in Muslim-Christian relations,” the National Cathedral is currently hosting Jumu’ah, the Friday prayer said by Muslims. And because love, respect and understanding is too much of a concept for some people to understand, a person interrupted the service. Of course.

According to reports, a woman yelled “Jesus Christ is Lord!” before being removed from the Cathedral. A group of motorcyclists planned to protest “the Islamization of America” outside the D.C. house of worship.

Organized by South African Ambassador Ebrahim Rasool, the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Public Affairs Council and The Nation’s Mosque, certain people are pretty workedup about the service, with the Reverend Franklin Graham calling it “sad to see.”In a release about the event, Rasool, who helped organize the event with Cathedral liturgical director, the Rev. Canon Gina Campbell, said, “This needs to be a world in which all are free to believe and practice and in which we avoid bigotry, Islamaphobia, racism, anti-Semitism, and anti-Christianity and to embrace our humanity and to embrace faith.”

The service can be watched here.


Franklin Graham Slams Muslim Service at National Cathedral

UK: Cameron will ban jihadis returning from Islamic State for two years

Robert Spencer in FrontPage: Brookings Institution’s Old New Ideas

Somalia: Islamic jihadists kidnap 20 civilians, behead two women

Raymond Ibrahim: A Dead Caliph vs. the Hydra of Jihad

Inside look – The Man who killed Bin Laden

Billy and Karen Vaughn, Gold star parents of Navy Seal Team 6 Aaron Vaughn, give an inside look at the controversy surrounding the mission to kill Osama bin Laden.

Rob O’Neill , the former Navy SEAL who shot and killed Osama bin Laden, told Fox News that he expected to die during the 2011 raid.


$420,000,000 in U.S. weapons, “sensitive items” missing in Afghanistan

Iranian negotiator: U.S. must bow to our ‘inalienable nuclear rights’

Robert Spencer in Truth Revolt: Persecuted Christians: Sacrificed On The Altar of “Dialogue”

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of FOX News.

Islamic State richest jihad terror group, Hamas second

The Islamic State has money from oil sales. Hamas has money from you and me, taxpayers in the West forking over money at the command of our governments, money that is given to Gaza for “humanitarian aid” — money that goes to the jihad against Israel.

“ISIS Richest Terrorist Group, Hamas Comes in 2nd,” by Lori Lowenthal Marcus, Jewish Press, November 12th, 2014:

Terrorist groups frequently operate as criminal organizations, engaging in activities such as drug trafficking, robberies and extortion, in order to finance their terrorist operations.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the most notorious, barbaric terrorist group at the moment, ISIS, is now officially the richest terrorist group of all time, according to Forbes Israel. Hamas, another Islamist terrorist organization, is in second place.

In addition to their criminal activities, the terrorist groups also raise substantial funds through “charities,” donations, and, incredibly, in some cases by government agencies.

As surreal as it is to be discussing ISIS in terms of a typical business model, the Forbes report also discussed how ISIS acquires and pays for various tasks similar to most other large organizations, including maintenance, salaries, training, acquisition of weapons and vehicles.

Not content with listing the richest men or women in the world, Forbes also provided a ranking of the ten richest terrorist organizations, including their net worth and rankings.

ISIS has an annual income of $2 billion. The terrorists in second place is Hamas, which takes in $1 billion annually. In third place is a non-Middle Eastern terrorist organization, one that has been around for a long time: the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – the People’s Army (FARC), which rakes in $600 million annually.

In fourth through sixth place are more Middle Eastern Islamic terrorist groups: Hezbollah ($500 million), the Taliban ($400 million), and Al-Qaeda and affiliates ($150 million).

In 7th place is another Islamic group, the Pakistan-based Lashkar e-taiba ($100 million). This group was behind the deadly Mombai bombings in late fall of 2008.

In eighth and tenth places are two more Islamist groups, both based in Africa. In eighth place is Al-Shabab ($70 million), and tenth place is Boko Haram ($25 million)….


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Islamic State giving shopkeepers 80 lashes for selling cigarettes

Jihad on its way to India

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Pakistan’s Hindus: Muslims “want us to give up the faith or leave the country”