Democratic Party Candidates for President Are Promoting the Seven Deadly Sins

As the Democratic field of candidates for president expands we are beginning to see what policies they are promoting. As we read their public statements of things that they promise they will do if elected it brought to mind that they fit into neat categories. These categories are the the Seven Deadly Sins.

Here they are:

  • Lust – to have an intense desire or need. Each of the candidates for president has a lust for power over the masses. This lust for power (big government) is demonstrated by the turn of Democrats toward “Democratic Socialism.” In a 1989 television interview Senator Bernie Sanders described himself as a “socialist.” As the author of ‘From a “Race of Masters” to a “Master Race”: 1948 to 1848‘ A.E. Samaan wrote “Democratic Socialism devolves into totalitarian Socialism and eventually into full on Communism as people resist statism.”
  • Gluttony – excess in eating and drinking. Democrats work hard to portray the Republican Party, and President Trump, who support the free market system as gluttony. Presidential candidate Bernie Sanders said in 2015, “Let me say a word about that. You are looking at a candidate who does not represent the agenda of corporate America. Who does not represent the agenda of the billionaire class.” According to Celebrity Net Worth, as of 2017, Sanders is worth an estimated $2 million. According to Business Insider, “Sanders reportedly owns three homes, including a four-bedroom house in Chittenden County, Vermont, that he bought with his wife, Jane, for $405,000 in 2009.” Senator Sanders is considered one of the poorest of those running for president. For example, according to News Week Robert “Beto” O’Rourke, “O’Rourke had a net worth of about $9 million in 2015…O’Rourke also married into wealth. The woman he married in 2005, Amy Hoover Sanders, is the daughter of real estate tycoon William Sanders, whom The New York Times called a billionaire, but his net worth was closer to $500 million, Forbes estimated in November [2018].”
  • Greed – excessive or reprehensible passion in acquiring money or material things. See Gluttony.
  • Laziness – disinclined to activity or exertion: not energetic or vigorous. Democrats support two policies that promote laziness. The first is the $15 minimum wage ($15 Now). Raising the minimum wage without merit promotes laziness. Why work harder when a Democratic Party controlled government is going to raise every ones hourly salary anyway? The second is promising a job to everyone. Senator Cory Booker, D-N.J., released a plan that would create a pilot job guarantee programs in 15 communities where unemployment is particularly high. NPR reports, “Proposals like a job guarantee, Medicare for all and tuition-free college have moved from the policy fringe on the left toward the mainstream in the Democratic Party, embraced by some of those interested in challenging Trump as the party tries to give voters a clear, memorable outline of what Democrats stand for.” Getting something for nothing is the definition of laziness.
  • Wrath – strong vengeful anger or indignation. Anger, indignation and hate permeates the Democratic candidates. They cannot fathom that there are Americans who voted to make Donald J. Trump president and will do so again in 2020. Timothy P. Carney in a Washington Examiner column titled “Can Democrats love the voters Hillary hated?” wrote, “Democrats took over the House of Representatives in part by picking up dozens of seats in upper-middle-class suburban districts. The new bragging point for Democrats is that they are the party of the highly educated and the successful. It allows for the self-serving explanation that people who know the real deal vote Democratic, and only the clueless bitter clingers vote Republican.” The use of terms like racist, bigoted, hateful, misogynistic, Islamophobic and homophobic against those who support President Trump are key indicators of how wrathful Democrats and their supporters have become. What is also on the rise is the wrath of the Democratic Party against Jews. Anti-Semitism is now their official policy.
  • Envy – painful or resentful awareness of an advantage enjoyed by another joined with a desire to possess the same advantage. Democrats hate success (see Gluttony, Greed and Wrath). Democratic candidates for president are by all definitions successful people. However, they envy those who are as or more successful than they are. They want to tax those with wealth at a rate of 70%. It is most interesting that Democrats are fully embraced by a litany of Hollywood millionaires, corporate billionaires (CEOs of Facebook, Google, Twitter) and multi-millionaire sports and media personalities.
  • Pride – quality or state of being proud – inordinate self esteem. Democrats embrace the term “pride” but pride in what exactly? Are they proud to be an American? Do they take pride in making America, and thereby Americans, great? Their stated policies would show that they hate America. Former U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder stated on MSNBC, “I hear these things about ‘let’s make America great again’ and I think to myself, exactly ‘when did you think America was great’?” Another example of pride is former President Barack Obama referring to himself a record-breaking 392 times in his April, 2019 Berlin speech. Democratic pride in deed and words.

If you see other examples of how the Democratic Party and its candidates for president are promoting one of the seven deadly sins please add it in the comments section below.

The 2020 Democratic primaries will be most interesting to watch. We will see if the candidates become more or less sinful.

RELATED ARTICLE: Left’s Embrace of Identity Politics Makes It Wise for Jews to Move to the Right

The Red Thread: Who Runs the Anti-Trump Conspiracies [Video]

Forbidden Knowledge TV published the below video about a new book by Diane West. Stefan Molyneux interviews Diane West, author of ‘The Red Thread: A Search for Ideological Drivers Inside the Anti-Trump Conspiracy‘, which investigates why a ring of senior Washington officials went rogue to derail the election and the presidency of Donald Trump.

Watch the interview, then buy Diane’s book ‘The Red Thread’:

Jared Kushner’s Security Clearance

News has recently broken that a so-called “whistleblower,” Tricia Newbold, has come forward to identify Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner as one who had been denied security clearance by unidentified “career officials.”

Carl Kline, who headed the Trump White House’s  personnel security office  overruled the “concerns” of these “career officials” allegedly under Trump’s orders.

Perhaps Newbold and other “security officials” are correct in that Kushner is totally unqualified to hold a security clearance.  But, one can not tell that from the information provided.  Furthermore, Kushner’s performance as a foreign policy advisor to President Trump has been nothing but exemplary.  After two years of service, there is no evidence what-so-ever of any even remotely questionable behavior to indicate that he has been unduly influenced by a hostile power.

On the contrary, the entities pushing the “Kushner-is-not-qualified” agenda (the WAPO and the Congressional Democrats) are themselves acting on behalf of a hostile foreign power either wittingly or unwittingly.

Before getting into the weeds of this issue, let me say upfront that though I voted for Trump I highly disapproved of his bringing his daughter and son-in-law to the White House with him.  That smacked of nepotism–almost as smelly as the sort we saw when JFK made his brother Attorney General.  However, Trump, being a political amateur and not knowing who he could trust in the cesspool that is Washington D.C., perhaps deserves a little slack on that point.  President Trump had the right to have at least one or two people near him whom he knew he could trust.  The performance of individuals like Jeff Sessions, Mike Cohen, and H.R. McMasters (and undoubtedly many others) illustrated that point.

But, what really galls me, and the reason I am writing this essay is the incredible double standards exhibited by the way Security Clearances are dished out in general, Tricia Newbold’s hypocrisy in particular, and the hypocrisy in the way the media and the Democrats in Congress are handling this matter.

As someone who knows a few things about security clearances, I feel compelled to set the record straight for the thinking segment of the American public.

There were, of course, no reasons given for the initial denial of Kushner’s security clearance except that a background check revealed vague “concerns regarding foreign influence, personal conduct, and other business interests.”

Let me see if I’ve got this right.  Under the “personal conduct” allegation, that could be anything from the weed he might have smoked when he was 15, or a neighbor, or other associate that he may have had contact with, who had a grudge against him who might have said something negative about him when the FBI came around to interview people who knew Kushner.

Now then, “foreign influence and other business interests,” that’s a good one.  If I remember right, Kushner, like the rest of his family, had a lot of business interests–including those with foreign countries.  Let me see if I’ve got this right.  Kushner was an international business man whom the Trump-haters want to delegitimize for the simple reason that he did . . . international business.

Now, really.  Just about everyone who is financially successful enough to win a Senate or Congressional seat, has “business interests with foreign countries.”  The real issue is whether or not any of those interests would affect an individual’s foreign policy decisions.

While none of these “foreign interests” were mentioned by Newbold, the Washington Pest (typo intended) reported in 2018 that “officials” in the United Arab Emirates, Israel, Mexico, and China were among those who discussed ways to influence Kushner by leveraging his business dealings and lack of foreign policy experience.

Hey, folks!  News flash!  Every single country in the world constantly discusses ways, and possibilities, for influencing every single highly-placed individual in every other country on the planet.  This is especially true for the United States, since Washington, D.C. is the “Rome” of the 20th and 21st centuries.  Everyone wants influence in Washington, and most are willing to pay dearly for it.

Does anyone seriously think that the American people are stupid enough to believe that virtually every important Obama administration official was not subject to the same discussions by “foreign officials?”

Besides, just because “foreign officials” are discussing ways to influence a WH official is a galaxy away from any proof that said WH official is actually being influenced–proof of which should be necessary for a security clearance to be denied.


This entire scenario smells of nothing but deep state contortions to demean the Trump White House, if not to destroy it all together.  In that regard, the timing of Tricia Newbold’s “whistleblowing” has to be considered very interesting:  It comes only after the Russia Russia hoax has been crushed.  So, the “deep state” Trump-hating Obama holdovers are desperately seeking other avenues, any straw they can pick at, to try to overturn the constitutional 2016 presidential election results.

Let us start with the “foreign officials had allegedly discussed ways to influence Kushner” allegation.  Where on earth could the WAPO learn that intelligence?  That above Top Secret intelligence would have started as phone call intercepts picked up by the NSA.  But who in the NSA would be responsible for leaking this to the Post?

The first persons to process these intercepts would be the translators of the Arabic, Spanish, Hebrew, and Chinese phone conversations.  This raw intelligence would then be written up into a report by a reporter.  It would then be passed on to a supervisor who would then kick it up to the next level of the food chain, and so on until it reached the super grades on the top floor.  Only then would it be passed on to the CIA and or WH and/or other pertinent entity.

If this intelligence were valid, then it would be passed on to whom ever was handling Kushner’s security clearance so that Kushner could be advised/warned about this.  The purpose of this intelligence would be to protect Kushner, by informing him of the plots surrounding him so as to help him be on guard, and be aware of what foreign parties are up to.  The purpose of that intelligence in no way shape or form should have been used to deny Kushner’s security clearance.  So, who is it that leaked this intelligence to the Post and/or Democrats up on the Hill?  It could have been anyone along the entire food chain of people who handled that intelligence mentioned above–anyone who had enough of a hatred for Donald Trump, the Trump White House, and the U.S. constitutional system to want to violate their own security clearances by leaking that intelligence.

Now, what about that “whistleblower” Tricia Newbold?  Have you seen her picture?  It was in the media the other day.  She looks so much like “squeaky Fromme” it gave me the creeps.  “Squeaky Fromme,” you know, the nut case Manson follower who tried to assassinate President Ford in 1974.

Yeah, I know, I shouldn’t make fun of a “whistleblower,” except that she is no whistleblower.  Where was Tricia “squeaky Fromme” Newbold when Obama packed the upper levels of our intelligence agencies, including the White House’s own National Security Council, with sympathizers of the Muslim Brotherhood, an enemy entity which has vowed to uproot our constitution and replace it with Shari’a law?

There was nary a peep from Tricia “Squeaky Fromme” Newland, or any of the other “deep state” operators, over the blatant, harmful, foreign influence in the Obama administration–while these same “intelligence community officials” are turning cartwheels (and leaking like sieves) to “expose” Trump administration personnel over the slightest little hint of  “maybes,” and “allegedlies.”

The glaring double standards that this illustrates should make every single American burning hot angry.


Much of what has been going on in terms of the accusations surrounding Kushner, and the WAPO’s and the Democrats’ efforts to bring Trump down, are connected to the current feud between Saudi Arabia and its ally the U.A.E. on one hand, and Qatar on the other.  To fully understand this feud, and how it affects our policies, one should read the Khashoqji report I contributed to this site a while back.  But briefly it goes like this:

Since 9/11, 2001, Qatar has been the primary state sponsor and financier of the Muslim Brotherhood organization.  The Muslim Brotherhood organization has been declared a terrorist organization by six countries, including Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E.

Qatar is also one of the world’s top three state sponsors of terrorism (behind Turkey and Iran), not only for their support of the Muslim Brotherhood, but also for their support of Hamas, and terrorist groups in Libya, and elsewhere in North Africa and the Middle East.


Natural gas-rich Qatar has paid Billions of dollars to influence the way Americans think.  These billions have gone towards purchasing entire news entities, influential websites, journalists working for the Washington Post, New York Times and others, and God forbid that any of our Senators or Congresspersons should be up for sale.

Democrats who have been pushing the hardest to have Trump impeached have mentioned Trump’s lack of positive enthusiasm for Qatar as a reason for investigating him, now that Russia Russia is dead.  And, Kushner’s good relations with senior U.A.E. (an ally of the U.S.) government officials have been given (seriously) by Adam Schiff as reasons for investigating both Kushner and Trump.

In all the talk about Trump’s tax returns, wouldn’t you just love to see the tax returns of Schiff and other Democrats pushing the “get Trump” narrative?  Just to see how much, if any, Qatar is paying these individuals?


One of the goals of “Americans for Intelligence Reform,” is the de-politicization” and “de-weaponization” of our intelligence agencies.  That should include also the way security clearances are granted, or not granted, and to remove double standards from the decision-making process.  To recommend a Jared Kushner be denied his security clearance while the same “officials” tripped all over themselves to hire Muslim Brotherhood officials during the Obama era, is one example of a double standard–very harmful to our national security.

Another glaring double standard is their tendency to deny security clearances to red blooded and patriotic American males because their electronic footprints show that they have looked at pictures of naked women on the internet, while the CIA was granted permission (during the Obama era) to actively seek to hire transexuals–not in the name of gender diversity, and not because they had certain individuals in mind who were subject matter experts, but simply for the purpose of “viewpoint diversity.”  In other words, because such individuals (who would have been immediately rejected in previous decades) were suddenly being sought out for the simple reason that they were “weirdos.”

Then there is the age discrimination issue.  Age discrimination in terms of employment opportunities is against the law, as is any discrimination based on gender or race.  Except that all of our intelligence agencies practice age discrimination with vigor–because they know they can.  The State Department, however, is the only one that openly admits it.  On their website they openly state that if you are over 59 1/2 don’t even bother applying.

In other words, just when a person is at the peak of their skill set, and has gained peak subject area knowledge and instincts . . . our intelligence agencies are not interested.  With relish they turn away highly qualified people who want to serve their country, and then trip all over each other in their rush to hire America-haters like Edward Snowden, Reality Winner, and Daniella Greene all of whom could not wait to defect to hostile entities and/or leak gobs of highly classified material.

The sole justification for hiring these people was that they were . . . young.

And people wonder why are intelligence agencies were surprised by the rise of ISIS.

Only in America.

What makes this age discrimination thing so silly, is that science tells us our life expectancy is constantly rising.  60 is the new 40, and 80 is the new 50.  Some scientists are telling us that there is no reason why we can’t live to 120, or even 200 if we take proper care of ourselves.  And, yet, our intelligence agencies forbid the hiring of anyone past the age of 59 1/2, regardless of their qualifications and health.  Insane.

State Department Sued for Obama Ambassador Nuland’s Communications Related to the Anti-Trump Dossier

Ambassador Nuland reportedly initially connected the author of the anti-Trump dossier, Christopher Steele, to the FBI.

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the U.S. Department of State for communications between Obama Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Ambassador Victoria Nuland and employees of Fusion GPS, as well as top ranking Department of Justice, FBI, and State Department officials.

Nuland served as Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs from September 2013 until January 2017.

Judicial Watch filed the suit after the State Department failed to respond to a November 1, 2018, FOIA request (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:19-cv-00574)). Judicial Watch seeks:

Any and all records of communication between Ambassador Victoria Nuland and any of the following individuals between January 1, 2016 and January 25, 2017:

Professor Joseph Mifsud

Mr. Christopher Steele

Mr. Glenn Simpson

Mrs. Nellie Ohr

Former CIA Director John Brennan

Former Undersecretary of State Patrick Kennedy

Former Attorney General Loretta Lynch

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein

Former Acting Attorney General Sally Yates

Former Assistant Attorney General John P. Carlin

Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General George Toscas

Former DOJ Official David Laufman

Former Homeland Security Advisor Lisa Monaco

Former Associate Deputy Attorney General Bruce Ohr

Former FBI Director James Comey

Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe

Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok

FBI Attorney Lisa Page

FBI Attorney James Baker

Former FBI Chief of Staff James Rybicki

FBI Assistant Director Edward William Priestap

Former FBI Agent John Giacalone

Former FBI Agent Michael Steinbach

Former FBI Agent Josh Campbell

The author of the anti-Trump dossier, Christopher Steele, reportedly had developed long-standing relationships with senior State Department officials including Ambassador Victoria Nuland, “Between 2014 and 2016, Steele authored more than a hundred reports on Russia and Ukraine. These were written for a private client but shared widely within the State Department and sent up to Secretary of State John Kerry and to Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, who was in charge of the U.S. response to the Ukraine crisis.”

On February 4, 2018, in an interview on CBS’ Face the Nation, Nuland stated that she had been given details of the anti-Trump dossier directly from Christopher Steele, which she then referred to the Federal Bureau of Investigation:

[Steele] passed two to four pages of short points of what he was finding. And our immediate reaction to that was, this is not in our purview. This needs to go to the FBI if there is any concern here that one candidate or the election as a whole might be influenced by the Russian Federation. That’s something for the FBI to investigate. And that was our reaction when we saw this. It’s not our – our – we can’t evaluate this.

Nuland reportedly “green lit” the initial meeting about the anti-Trump dossier between Christopher Steele and FBI agent Michael Gaeta. Quoting from David Corn and Michael Isikoff’s book Russian Roulette, “The FBI checked with Victoria Nuland’s office at the State Department: Do you support this meeting? Nuland, having found Steele’s reports on Ukraine to have been generally credible, gave the green light.”

“We intend to find out how far the Deep State was willing to go in their effort to discredit then-candidate Donald Trump,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “It seems the Obama administration engaged in a no-holds-barred attempt to clear the path for Hillary Clinton. Judicial Watch FOIA lawsuits have already shown the Obama State Department was corruptly targeting President Trump.”

Judicial Watch earlier released 42 pages of heavily redacted State Department documents containing classified information that was provided to Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD), top Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and outspoken critic of President Donald Trump. The documents show Russian political interference in elections and politics in countries across Europe.

Judicial Watch also released two sets of heavily redacted State Department documents, 38 pages and 48 pages, showing classified information was disseminated to multiple U.S. Senators by the Obama administration immediately prior to President Donald Trump’s inauguration. The documents reveal that among those receiving the classified documents were Sen. Mark Warner (D-VA), Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD), and Sen. Robert Corker (R-TN).

On the Southern Poverty Law Center, Too Late for Tina, Send in the IRS

The question isn’t what went wrong at the SPLC; it is why it took so long for the rest of the country to learn what local reporters already knew.” – (Jim Tharpe, former managing editor of the Montgomery Advertiser)

The problems at the Southern Poverty Law Center could be bigger than discomfort by staff about racism and sexism in the internal office culture says the former managing editor of the Montgomery Advertiser who penned an op-ed in the Washington Post last week entitled,

Something strange is going on at this civil rights institution. It must be investigated.

Editor:  It is important that all of you, all fair-minded people! especially those who have been targets of the SPLC’s infamous hate lists, keep all of the unfolding news about the SPLC ‘s frauds in the public eye.  Tina is Tina Tchen Michelle Obama’s former chief of staff brought in by the board to help clean up the mess. She will be working to downplay information like this!

Author Jim Tharpe, a retired journalist who lives in Atlanta and was a former managing editor of the Montgomery Advertiser, says federal investigators need to investigate the finances of this massive ‘non-profit’ group.

Here is some of Tharpe’s thesis at the Washington Post,

(Emphasis is mine.)

There’s something strange afoot at the Southern Poverty Law Center, one of the nation’s richest civil and human rights charities. In March, the center abruptly fired legendary co-founder Morris Dees. Dees’s biography was quickly scrubbed from the center’s website, and the SPLC announced this week that Karen Baynes-Dunning would serve as interim president and CEO, giving the civil rights organization its first black female leader.

In confirming Dees’s departure, then-President Richard Cohen emphasized the center’s values of “truth, justice, equity, and inclusion,” and said vaguely, “When one of our own fails to meet those standards, no matter his or her role in the organization, we take it seriously and must take appropriate action.”

Subsequent news reports pointed to allegations of racial discrimination and sexual harassment inside an organization that had raised hundreds of millions of dollars from donors to fight just that type of injustice.

Dees has said little about why he was shown the door after 48 years at the organization he had come to define. But to those of us familiar with the SPLC and its inner workings, the allegations swirling around the latest drama were familiar. The question isn’t what went wrong at the SPLC; it is why it took so long for the rest of the country to learn what local reporters already knew. It will probably take a federal investigation to fully unravel this deep-South mystery and provide a credible, long-term fix.

Twenty five years ago an investigation first revealed the problems at the SPLC and nothing was ever done about it.

In February 1994, after three years of research, the Advertiserpublished an eight-part series titled “Rising Fortunes: Morris Dees and the Southern Poverty Law Center” that found a litany of problems and questionable practices at the SPLC, including a deeply troubled history with its relatively few black employees, some of whom reported hearing the use of racial slurs by the organization’s staff and others who “likened the center to a plantation”; misleading donors with aggressive direct-mail tactics; exaggerating its accomplishments; spending most of its money not on programs but on raising more money; and paying its top staffers (including Dees and Cohen) lavish salaries.

Dees and Cohen vigorously denied its findings. And the SPLC mounted an aggressive campaign against the series when it was nominated for a Pulitzer Prize — it was a 1995 finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for explanatory journalism.

Too late for Tina, says Tharpe. Bring in the IRS and the Civil Rights Division at DOJ!

Cohen, before he announced his own departure, said the center would bring in well-regarded lawyer Tina Tchen to conduct an investigation. It’s too late for that.

The Internal Revenue Service, which grants the SPLC tax-exempt status, and the civil rights division of the Justice Department would be the best bets to really figure out what’s up at the center.

Any investigation should take a close look at the SPLC’s finances. It should look at what the center has told donors in its mail solicitations over the years. And it should take a close look at how that donor money has been spent.

Investigators should also look at how SPLC staffers have been treated over the years. Where was the center’s board when this mistreatment was going on? And why did no one step up sooner?


The feds owe that to the young progressives who work at the SPLC. And they certainly owe that to the donors who have put their own first-class stamps on the checks they mailed to Montgomery.

More here(I know it may be behind a paywall, I was able to read it on my first visit.)

Follow the money!

I don’t know that the feds owe anything to “young progressives” who naively work at the SPLC, but investigating a politically motivated ‘non-profit’ group for possible financial wrong-doing sure is a good idea.

And, to answer Tharpe’s question about why it took so long for the rest of the country to learn the truth about the SPLC, it is because the mainstream media protected and coddled the SPLC because the mainstream media wanted to believe that America was filled with hatersbeing exposed by the good and pure-minded staffers struggling for the little guy!  (And, I include Fox News in that bunch of protectors!)

It doesn’t take a genius to know that Fox stopped bringing on certain guests after calls from the SPLC!

Your job is to continue to post news like this about the SPLC to your social networks! Do not let Tina and Karen sweep the dirt under a rug!

I’ve got another post if I get to it today about malfeasance with non-profit groups — many are run by frauds and crooks (with do-nothing boards of directors).

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals is republished with permission.

Pelosi Is Hijacking the Civil Rights Movement to Force LGBT Ideology on Kids

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

Those aren’t just hollow words. Those words birthed a nation unlike any other and inspired its leaders and soldiers to give their very lives in the most sacred of blood oaths to uphold truth.

Those words sustained a country during its deepest sin and gave us the framework to begin anew. Those words are just as true today as they were when the great American experiment began.

Our nation has a rich history of fighting for equal rights for all.

One of the most intense examples of this is the story of racial desegregation in schools—because the pursuit of equal rights for all affected every family and every child. Even kindergartners experienced firsthand the rocky road to equality, and their parents were along for the ride whether they liked it or not.

Ultimately, in 1954, the Supreme Court ruled in Brown v. Board of Education that segregation in public elementary and secondary schools was unconstitutional, violating equal rights. And the Civil Rights Act in 1964 added the full weight of the federal government to the process of desegregating schools—including federal funding and even military intervention in K-12 schools.

But the fight didn’t start with the famous Brown case. There were many cases centered in higher education leading up to Brown, but four in particular from 1938 to 1950 that laid the groundwork.

Along the way to full desegregation, civil rights leaders carefully constructed their legal strategy to prove first that black students needed to be offered the same educational opportunities as white students, even if in separate schools and programs.

Next, they were able to prove that it is very difficult for separate schools to be considered equal if black students do not get to interact and share ideas with white students, especially when the white students would be the majority of the population in their future career fields.

Finally, they proved that even when black students were admitted to the same schools, doctoral programs, and classrooms as white students—yet still subject to segregation—there was in fact no equality.

At the University of Oklahoma in 1950, for instance, black students attended the doctoral education program with white students, but they were forced to sit in designated rows in class or designated tables in the cafeteria.

Declaring that this treatment could never be equal, the Supreme Court stated that “[t]here is a vast difference—a constitutional difference—between restrictions imposed by the state which prohibit the intellectual commingling of students, and the refusal of individuals to commingle where the state presents no such bar. The removal of the state restrictions will not necessarily abate individual and group predilections, prejudices, and choices. But at the very least, the state will not be depriving appellant of the opportunity to secure acceptance by his fellow students on his own merits.”

In other words, the state cannot stop people from separating into their own groups, but neither can it require them to be separate.

This case was a critical turning point for black civil rights, and four years later, Brown turned the tide for K-12 schools—and the country.

Hijacking the Civil Rights Legacy

Flash forward several decades to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s Top 5 priority bill, H.R. 5—the so-called Equality Act. Now, the left, with Pelosi at the helm in the House, wants to use the blueprint that helped our nation desegregate schools to manipulate schoolchildren to carry water for the LGBT political agenda—whether their parents like it or not.

Their argument is that just as black children were literally and forcefully segregated from white children, so are LGBT children segregated from all other children in schools—creating an oppressed, unequal class of American children.

There are two obvious problems for these activists.

First, they claim to be advancing civil rights for LGBT-identifying individuals—who constantly change their own personal identities, with new categories constantly being added to the group as a whole. This makes it extremely difficult to advance civil rights, as the public can’t accurately identify the group that is receiving protection, and what type of protection is needed on a given day.

Second, unlike the days of racial segregation, LGBT-identifying children are not in fact being forced by the government to attend segregated schools or sit in separate sections of class.

LGBT activists are ignoring the first problem, and they attempt to fix the second problem by claiming something oddly similar to the 1950 University of Oklahoma case.

They claim that LGBT-identifying students are treated unequally in schools not because they are forced to sit in different areas, but because the nation as a whole does not permit transgender students to use the restrooms and locker rooms of the opposite sex, does not require featuring LGBT people and ideas in school, and doesn’t teach children about the social and experimental medical ways to “transition” to another sex.

In other words, they believe the state is complicit in “separating” LGBT students from the student body by not reinforcing their ideology in the classroom.

The racial desegregation of America’s schools was about upholding the truth: that all men are created equal and deserve to be treated equally.

H.R. 5 by its very nature is not about achieving equal educational opportunities for all. It’s about forcing every administrator, teacher, child, and parent involved in schools to give any person who identifies as LGBT a platform in our schools, and special rights above and beyond everyone else.

In short, H.R. 5 isn’t about actual equality. It picks “equality” winners and losers.

Serious Consequences

So if Pelosi succeeded in getting H.R. 5 through Congress (which recently held a hearing on the bill), and if the president were somehow to sign it, what would be the practical implications for public schools?

For starters, major changes in your child’s curriculum. Pelosi and the LGBT activists who fund her campaign want to ensure “equality” by requiring “LGBTQ sexual experiences” to be included in schools. Sex education class can’t truly be equal unless all types of sexual experiences are taught, so leftist groups say.

Colorado already requires that children as young as 9 years old learn about “LGBTQ sexual experiences.” And California sex ed guidelines even require teaching children about having multiple sexual partners, and warning children about “religion abuse” that would include “forcing others to adhere to rigid gender roles [or n]ot allowing a partner to do things they enjoy.”

Both of these states’ curricula came from policies requiring LGBT inclusion in sexual education.

Sex ed class used to be for the purpose of helping students understand human biology and reproduction, which by nature includes everyone. H.R. 5 elevates LGBT sexuality and gives it special emphasis in the classroom.

And the “equality losers”? Parents and teachers who don’t believe the material is appropriate for their children for health, moral, religious, or other reasons.

All-Pervasive Indoctrination

But the changes envisioned in H.R. 5 don’t stop at sex ed class. The idea is to weave LGBT-centric themes throughoutthe school’s entire curriculum.

Take, for example, New Jersey’s new “LGBT curriculum” policy. Imagine a literature or history class where students are not just taught the historic contributions of literary giants like Emily Dickinson or former U.S. presidents, but the curriculum also questions the sexual preferences of our historic figures.

One textbook example ponders the fact that President James Buchanan “never married and had a very good friend who was living with him. He may have been gay.” A former American president is reduced to the sort of suspect commentary found in newspaper tabloids and gossip magazines.

What’s worse, parents really would have no opportunity to opt-out their children from exposure to this type of teaching or the topic of gender transition, since it is woven into every aspect of the curriculum.

The “equality losers” are, once again, teachers and parents who object—but especially children whose precious academic time will be consumed by nonsense speculation over what kind of sexual exploits any given historical figure was having.

That’s not equal rights. That’s ideology masquerading under the guise of rights.

That’s not equal rights. That’s ideology masquerading under the guise of rights. It is special rights for some at the expense of many others.

The Death of Equality

H.R. 5 is vying for a spot in our nation’s Equality Hall of Fame, comparing a sexualized political agenda to the brave students who endured segregation and then crossed town, under great hardship, to achieve racial desegregation.

If “all men are created equal” now means ensuring young children are informed that “little boys can become little girls,” then the centuries of power contained in those words ends with H.R. 5.

Autumn Leva

Autumn Leva is vice president of strategy for the Family Policy Alliance. Twitter: .

Dear Readers:

Just two short years after the end of the Obama administration’s disastrous policies, America is once again thriving due to conservative solutions that have produced a historic surge in economic growth.

The Trump administration has embraced over 60 percent of The Heritage Foundation’s policy recommendations since his inauguration. But with the House now firmly within the grips of the progressive left, the victories may come to a screeching halt.

Why? Because they are determined more than ever to give the government more control over your lives. Restoring your liberty and embracing freedom is the best thing for you and the country.

President Donald Trump needs all of the allies he can find to push through the stone wall he now faces within this divided government. And the best way you can partner with him is by becoming a member of his greatest ally in Washington: The Heritage Foundation.

Will you activate your membership with a tax-deductible gift today?


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission.

VIDEO: President Trump Warns Democratic Victory Could Leave Israel Isolated

Trump is right. A  Victory in 2020 could leave Israel isolated.

Watch Factbase Videos‘ archive of President Donald Trump Addressing the Republican Jewish Coalition in Las Vegas, Nevada – April 6, 2019.

In addition it could leave American Jews who support Israel isolated and subject to antisemitism as well.

The fact that last week a vote against Boycott, Divest and Sanctioning of Israel (BDS) failed in the House of Representatives is more than disturbing. Only 5 Democrats voted for it.  Such a vote against Israel was unthinkable in the past.

The Democratic Party is now under control of Jewish and Israeli haters headed up by the Black Coalition and fellow travelers.

It is little wonder that Trump’s warning rings true. The fact that this vote failed shows that Antisemitism in the House has risen to an alarming point. It is hard to comprehend the Jewish State of Israel received only 5 Democrat votes. In effect by this vote the Democratic controlled House is condoning BDS.

This should be a wake up call for all American Jews. If you don’t feel threatened you aren’t paying attention.


Beto on Bibi: He’s a Racist

Shocking Expose Reveals U.K. Labour Party Engaged in Massive Cover-Up of Antisemitism

Trump warns US Jews Democratic victory could leave Israel isolated

The Rabid Main Stream Media Hatred of Trump Supporters

He that hideth hatred with lying lips, and he that uttereth a slander is a fool.  Proverbs 10:18 KJV

Hatred, in the course of time, kills the unhappy wretch who delights in nursing it in his bosom. – Giacomo Casanova

God’s truth judges created things out of love, and Satan’s truth judges them out of envy and hatred. – Dietrich Bonhoeffer

When I look at the Democratic Party and main stream media (MSM), all I see is control by demonic powers and a satanic hatred of truth. The party was started in January 1828 by Andrew Jackson, our 7th President, and Martin Van Buren, our 8th President.  Less than 200 years later, the Democratic Party has become the party of Karl Marx.

Those presidents of the 19th Century would never believe media would promote a 29 year old socialist on the cover of Time Magazine as it has with Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Neither would they believe that anti-Semite Islamist, Ilhan Omar was featured on the cover of Time as the first congresswoman from Somalia.  Our third President, Thomas Jefferson, fought the Muslim Barbary pirates and defeated them and then the United Kingdom again in the War of 1812.  But today the media is silenced.

In my previous article, I discussed the NYTs v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision of 1964 which allows media to lie about public figures.  As such, great advantage of this decision was used not only in trying to destroy our President with a false narrative of Russian collusion by the DNC, but also the destruction via Special Counsel Robert Mueller of the men who supported and worked for Donald Trump.

Several of the nation’s largest and most influential news outlets had spread an explosive but completely false news story to millions of people about our President and his supporters.  The lies told by media have ruined a number of good men, and the majority of those lies were fundamentally false. Link  As Diane West says in her book, The Red Thread, look for the “Reds” responsible for this coup against our President and his supporters.

“Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth,” was the law of propaganda often attributed to the virulent anti-Semitic Nazi, Joseph Goebbels.  Media learned well.

Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn

The Flynn brothers in 2011 with their now late mother Helen.

General Flynn, a 33-year dedicated military veteran and former director of the Defense Intelligence Agency during the Obama administration was one of the first to endorse Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. He was named during the transition to head up the national security apparatus in the White House.  The General was President Trump’s wisest choice.  He knows more about military intelligence, China, Iran, Islam, and the corrupt Department of Justice and the FBI than anyone in President Trump’s administration. In 2010 he co-authored Fixing Intel: A Blueprint for Making Intelligence Relevant in Afghanistan.

In a recent PJ Media article, Michael Ledeen explains that General Flynn changed the way we did intelligence against the likes of Zarqawi, bin Laden, the Taliban, and their allies.  He saw that our battlefield intelligence was too slow and made it light years faster.  Ledeen said, “This earned him a following among some who worked for or with him, but it also gained him the enmity of those who had been cut out of ‘the chain of command.’”

A Marine buddy’s brother served under General Flynn and he said, “Mike Flynn walks on water, and he doesn’t even get his shoes wet.”  That’s how much they loved him.

The Obama/Clinton cabal knew they had to stop General Flynn.  They knew he was dangerous to their corrupt apparatus, so they set him up.  Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, organized the surveillance apparatus.  Dr. Evelyn Farkas, former Obama deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia and Ukraine, before she left in 2015, urged her former colleagues to, “get as much information as you can…get as much intelligence as you can before President Obama leaves the administration.”  Link

General Flynn long ago became the target and the truth is, he never lied to anyone.  Mike Pence, Reince Priebus, Sally Yates, the FBI and Obama were responsible for eliminating him from the Trump administration. The establishment and Deep State joined together to destroy the man who endangered their corrupt cabal. Unfortunately, our President did not have the foresight and political discernment to comprehend why they wanted Flynn gone.  He should never have allowed it.

The General was the only person in the administration who was capable of dismantling and destroying the corrupt and weaponized intelligence community, and they all knew it.

The standard modus operandi was used.  Exculpatory Russia evidence about the General was kept secret by the intel community.  Link  Both FBI agents, Strzok and Pientka who did the sneak attack interview on the General said he didn’t lie about anything.  Yet, Devin Nunes told Maria Bartiromo that they were never allowed to interview Joe Pientka.  Congressman Nunes believes the General plead guilty because he was out of money and Bartiromo mentioned that Mueller’s modus operandi was to threaten the General’s son. Link

And now, Russian historian Svetlana Lokhova is speaking out.  Watch the latest video at Fox News with Tucker Carlson.  Svetlana is exposing the Obama Deep State apparatus and the accompanying involvement of Stefan Halper, a well-known CIA operative and the FBI informant who monitored the Trump campaign.  The DOJ and FBI’s highly inflammatory and, at best, misleading claims that they made to try to prevent Halper’s identity from being reported are extremely troubling.

Bring Back Flynn!

There are many Mueller and Obama agents still in the FBI and FBI Director Christopher Wray is promoting the cabal again.  David P. Goldman says, “To Stop the Deep State, Bring Back Mike Flynn.”

General Flynn was head of the Defense Intelligence Agency in 2012 when the DIA blew the whistle on CIA backing for Sunni Islamists fighting the Assad regime during the then-raging Syrian civil war.  Trump was right when he said the Obama administration created ISIS.

Goldman wrote, “President Trump should pardon Gen. Flynn right now and summon him back to Washington. Mueller forced Flynn to plead guilty to an invented charge of lying to FBI agents, even though the FBI agents who interviewed him about Russian contacts said that they thought he was telling the truth. Now that the Mueller investigation has come up with nothing, the frame-up of Gen. Flynn appears all the more heinous. The Deep State feared Mike Flynn, with good reason. Trump should reappoint him to a top job, and really terrify his opponents.”

Please help the General defray millions in legal costs by donating to his legal defense fund, and ask President Trump to immediately dismiss these false charges against Mike Flynn.

Paul Manafort

Mr. Manafort worked only a short time for candidate Trump as his campaign chairman.  He has paid a high price for the few months he advised Donald Trump, including nearly nine months in solitary confinement, a draconian punishment which did not fit the crime.  He has plead guilty to charges.

Ten years ago, Manafort was allegedly investigated for the same crimes and there was a decision not to move forward.  Allegedly, according to Judge Napolitano, the man who exonerated and dropped the charges was Rod Rosenstein.

Former U.S. Attorney Andy McCarthy writes in National Review that there are no guarantees it won’t or can’t be revisited:

“…the closing of an investigation does not come with a guarantee that the investigation will never be reopened. Nothing prevented the Justice Department itself from reviving the Ukrainian case against Manafort.

If Manafort’s tie to the Trump campaign convinced Rosenstein that the Trump Justice Department would have a conflict of interest in any criminal investigation involving Manafort, Rosenstein could properly have assigned the reopened Ukrainian case to a special counsel in the first instance — i.e., as part of Mueller’s original jurisdiction.

The unredacted part of Rosenstein’s August 2nd, 2017 memo authorizes Mueller to investigate allegations that Paul Manafort, as Trump’s Campaign Manager, “committed a crime or crimes by colluding with Russian government officials” and “committed a crime or crimes arising out of payments he received from the Ukrainian government before and during the tenure of President Viktor Yanukovych.”

Much of the August 2nd memo is redacted, until the end, where Rosenstein tells Mueller, “You therefore have authority to continue and complete the investigation of those matters…”

As Fox News noted, Rosenstein’s August 2nd memorandum specifically authorizing Mueller to investigate Paul Manafort’s financial dealings came one week after the FBI’s July 26, 2019 predawn raid on Manafort’s home, where the FBI reportedly seized Manafort’s bank records and tax documents.

Paul Manafort will probably die in prison for having worked for Donald Trump, whether or not he’s guilty of charges that would not have been revisited had he not been a Trump employee.  In January of 2018, Mueller said that Manafort should not get credit for cooperating.

The MSM has condemned this man as a white-collar criminal and has lied about him while extoling the virtues of Rick Gates who has fully “cooperated with Mueller” and is also charged with financial fraud and lying to the FBI.  Manafort did do things improperly and illegally, but had he never worked for Donald Trump, it is highly unlikely he would be paying this exorbitant price.

Of course, the Podesta brothers have done much the same, but have never been charged.  Manafort worked for John and Tony Podesta, while Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State, and assisted in gaining Russian benefits via influence over State Department policy.  But Bob Mueller is also connected to Manafort’s business partners in the Ukraine – the Podesta Brothers – who are connected to Hillary Clinton – and a Russian “foundation” in the Ukraine labeled the Party of Regions.

Why isn’t Robert Mueller investigated?

Roger Stone is a 40-year friend of Donald Trump and one who early on in the campaign advised him.  Now he’s being charged with obstruction, lying to Congress and witness tampering.  Instead of the Mueller investigation requesting Stone’s lawyer to have Stone turn himself in, they made a public display with a group of heavily armed FBI agents storming Roger Stone’s Florida home on a January morning in 2019, as seen in a dramatic CNN video.

Twenty-nine FBI agents in bullet proof protective gear and armed with submachine guns showed up pre-dawn at Roger Stone’s home.  There were seventeen vehicles, two of which were armored, two boats behind Roger’s home and one helicopter was circling overhead. Link  Only twelve Navy Seals were dispatched to eliminate Osama bin Laden.

Law enforcement vehicles with flashing lights, but without sirens, are seen parked nearby Stone’s Fort Lauderdale home shortly after 6 a.m. ET, CNN reports. The network has aired the footage multiple times. Stone was accused by a federal grand jury of lying about the investigation of Russian meddling in the 2016 election, according to Robert Mueller.

FBI raids are not broadcast to the media, but this one was by one of Mueller’s boys. Beirut-born Assyrian-American George Piro, Special Agent in Charge Miami, most likely authorized the raid and leaked the information to CNN.

Roger Stone also has a legal defense fund for donations.  Please help.

Papadopoulos and Cohen

Ex-Donald Trump campaign aide George Papadopoulos was released from prison after serving 12 days for lying. As part of his sentence, Papadopoulos will serve 12 months of probation.

Former Trump attorney, Michael Cohen even plead to charges that are not crimes and will serve three years in jail for charges of financial fraud and campaign finance violations.  Department of Housing and Urban Development official, Lynne Patton, a long time Trump family associate and Cohen friend, appeared when Cohen gave his rehearsed testimony to Congress.  She claimed there was another reason for Cohen’s betrayal—that his wife was being threatened with jail time unless he “turned on” Trump. Do I believe this?  Absolutely, it’s the Mueller gang modus operandi.


The Rule of Law is the principle that all people and institutions are subject to and accountable to law that is fairly applied and enforced. It has become only too obvious those connected to the Democrat Party never suffer for their crimes.  Enemies of the establishment will suffer for any perceived crime or for no crime at all, but their friends like Jussie Smollet go free, despite being charged with 16 felony counts.

It’s time for truth to be restored to the public discourse, the 1964 NYTs v. Sullivan Supreme Court decision needs to be overturned. Actual truth regarding the whole fraudulent Russia collusion has never been seen on MSM.  They continue to spew their poisonous lies.

RELATED ARTICLE: TDS MELTDOWN: Mexican Trump Supporter Assaulted by Psychotic Androgynous Liberal in Post Office For Wearing MAGA Hat (VIDEO)

Shock! Fraud and Corruption Rampant in UN Refugee Resettlement Program

And, an even bigger shock is that NBC is featuring this lengthy investigation into charges of corruption, fraud and bribery in the agency that selects refugees for your American towns and cities.

Featured in what is billed as a first installment of a seven-month-long investigation is Africa and specifically Somali resettlement from the huge camp, Dadaab, run by the UNHCR, that I mentioned in a post here recently.

It is a huge story both in impact and in its length, so I’ve snipped a bit here for you to get the gist of it.

Money, and lots of money, helps ‘refugees’ move to the head of the line and in this opening segment we learn that a likely crook is living in Minnesota (I know don’t laugh!).

By the way, the focus in stories like this is geared to play on your heartstrings about those left behind (who don’t have the money to bribe a UN official), but NEVER does anyone ask where does a poor refugee living in a UN camp even get $20,000 to pay-off someone?

Aren’t we told they are all dirt-poor!

And, where is the sympathy for us, regular Americans, who have to live with the crooks!

From NBC,

Asylum for sale: Refugees say some U.N. workers demand bribes for resettlement

This is the first story in a three-part series about alleged corruption in refugee resettlement.

DADAAB, Kenya — Hamdi Abdullahi stands outside the United Nations compound in this dusty, sprawling camp — home to more than 200,000 Somali refugees — and throws stones at its barbed wire fence and heavy gates.

Though the U.N.’s refugee agency, UNHCR, is known everywhere as the chief protector and spokesman for most of the globe’s 25 million refugees, Abdullahi shouts as she hurls the stones, accusing the agency of stealing her children.

She has been protesting outside the compound off and on for years.

The Somali refugee’s four children are now 8,000 miles away in Minnesota, with her former husband and his new wife. She last saw them in 2014.They were among the less than 1 percent of refugees in the entire world chosen to be resettled in a new country and given a chance to start their lives again.

Abdullahi said that while her family’s need to resettle was genuine, she was left behind because of false information fed to the U.S. government by a UNHCR resettlement officer, David Momanyi, to whom her ex-husband paid a hefty bribe.“I always remember his face,” Abdullahi said.


Her account is corroborated by a former U.N. contractor, speaking anonymously for fear of retribution, who said he personally collected tens of thousands of dollars from refugees while acting as a middleman for Momanyi — and other UNHCR staffers — over several years. He said Abdullahi’s ex-husband paid almost $20,000 in multiple installments.

In separate interviews, more than a dozen other refugees said Momanyi was known for taking bribes. One described the Kenyan as “the architect of corruption and refugee resettlement problems.”


Reached by phone, Abdullahi’s ex-husband confirmed he had been resettled in Minnesota, but said any allegations of corruption were “false information.”


The allegations of corruption at the UNHCR are not limited to one man or one place. A seven-month investigation across five countries with significant refugee populations has found widespread reports of the UNHCR’s staff members exploiting refugees,while victims and staff members who report wrongdoing say the agency fails to act against corruption, leaving them vulnerable to intimidation and retaliation.

In interviews, more than 50 refugees registered with the UNHCR in Kenya, Uganda, Yemen, Ethiopia and Libya have described corruption and exploitation involving the agency’s staff and personnel from other aid agencies, following similar claims by refugees in Sudan last year.

So how many other Somali families who are in the US now paid off someone in Africa to falsify or advance their resettlement documents?

In the Dadaab refugee camp, whose residents are almost all Somalis, 19 refugees said it used to cost as much as $50,000 to resettle a large family, or roughly $3,000 per person, before the Trump administration effectively stopped resettlement of Somalis in the U.S.


Most of those interviewed for this investigation do not know one another. They are separated by hundreds or even thousands of miles, but their accounts follow starkly similar patterns involving large amounts of money and middlemen — often other members of the refugee community.

Claims that the UNHCR turned a blind eye to allegations of fraud….

Three former UNHCR staff members said their employment contracts were unexpectedly terminated after they spoke out about fraud and exploitation or took steps to stop it.Instead, corrupt staffers in positions of power replaced them with others more willing to tolerate bribery or other misconduct, they allege. Alternatively, staff suspected of misconduct may receive good references so they are promoted and moved to other locations, current and former staff said.



UNHCR spokesperson Cecile Pouilly said the agency strongly denies the allegations of widespread corruption within the organization.


“I’m not surprised, because wherever you’ve got refugee camps you’ve got the potential of this sort of thing going on,” Montil [Frank Montil, a former senior UNHCR investigator and narcotics detective] said. “The demand side of resettlement is enormous and the supply side is small.UNHCR refuses to look at the context in which it operates.”

Like several other former U.N. investigators and insiders who spoke to this reporter, Montil compared the UNHCR to the Roman Catholic Church, in how he says it repeatedly tries to avoid admitting or tackling wrongdoing by staff, and will not allow skilled independent investigators to get involved.

There is much, much more.  Go here to read the whole sorry tale.

When the President joked yesterday about the fraud in asylum claims at our southern border, he is onto something and he should be pointing out the fraud in this story.  It would be a winning political argument to say that his administration is attempting to stop fake refugees and is weeding-out frauds and crooks in our whole immigration system.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission.

The TEA Party is Back with ‘Stop Socialism Choose Freedom’ Rallies on April 15th!

President Trump has our economy booming. Unemployment claims are at an unprecedented 50 year low. There are more jobs available than there are workers to fill them.

And yet, every Democrat presidential candidate is on a mad dash to socialism. If a Democrat is elected president in 2020, we will be thrust back to the depressing days of Obama’s failed economy; record high numbers of Americans on food stamps, unemployment and disability. Democrats are like drug dealers seeking to insidiously addict Americans to government dependency solely to control their lives, behavior and voting loyalty.

From the beginning of the Tea Party movement, I traveled the country on numerous national Tea Party bus tours, speaking and performing my song, “American Tea Party Anthem” at over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide.

Reflecting back to Obama’s horrible economy, I fondly remember the five dollar lady. After my performance on stage at a rally in Texas, I was approached by a humble woman. She thanked me for what our team of patriots was doing for our country. She explained that Obama’s anti-business policies cost her husband, a trucker, his job. With tears in her eyes, she grabbed my hand with both her hands, giving me a crumpled up five dollar bill for gas for our tour bus. I instinctively knew that five dollars was a huge contribution from her. The five dollar lady drove home the importance of our mission and responsibility to push back against Obama’s plan to transform America into a socialist nation.

On April 15th, Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rallies are scheduled across America; 300 thus far with more added daily. Yes, the Tea Party is back. Please join us.

Actually, the Tea Party never went away. We matured, working behind the scenes to elect conservatives, becoming less visible. I became Chairman of the Conservative Campaign Committee, traveling the country helping to elect conservatives in House and Senate races

With their every attempt to remove Trump from office failing, the evil coalition of Democrats, fake news and the deep state have become totally deranged. They seek to create a race war and violence on Trump supporters while arrogantly breaking laws. No sacrifice is too large or scheme too low if it will remove Trump from of the White House.

Democrats’ extreme lawless resistance requires the Tea Party to become highly visible again. The Tea Party is the righteous legal-resistance to Democrats’ deranged, violent and illegal-resistance.

I am excited to announce that 34% of those who attended Trump’s latest rally in Michigan were registered Democrats. Trump is also winning blacks, Hispanics and millennials

This means despite fake news media’s 24/7 lies, deceptions and distortions about Trump, more Americans are beginning to discern that Trump is good for America. Lets pull formerly duped Americans into our Tea Party fold to rally behind our president.

Please allow me to address Democrats’ and fake news media’s despicable hate-generating lie that says the Tea Party and Trump are racist. I am a proud black American who attended over 500 Tea Party rallies nationwide. I was showered with patriot love and appreciation. Trump has an excellent record of hiring blacks. Blacks are experiencing unprecedented prosperity under Trump; historic low unemployment

Brother and sister Americans who love our country, lets join together to save America by keeping Trump in the White House. Please sign on to participate in the April 15th, Stop Socialism Choose Freedom Rallies

Thirty-two year old Todd Beamer was an American passenger aboard United Airlines Flight 93 which was hijacked as part of the Islamic terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001. Beamer lead a band of courageous fellow passengers in an attempt to regain control of the aircraft from the hijackers. During the struggle, control was lost of the aircraft. It crashed into a field in Pennsylvania, saving the hijackers’ intended target which prevented the murder of more Americans. Upon the passengers launching their attack, Beamer said, “Let’s roll.”

Yes, the Tea Party is back! Quoting heroic American Todd Beamer, “Let’s roll.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Tea Party Backs ‘Stop Socialism, Choose Freedom’ Rallies on Tax Day

PODCAST: Transformation of the Global Monetary Central Banking System, R.I.P.

The global financial reset is unfolding according to plan. You won’t hear much about this on the financial news (just yet), so let’s connect the dots on but a few occurrences leading up to what may prove to be perhaps one of the biggest stories of the century as the transformation of the global monetary central banking fiat system is coming to an end, R.I.P. Actually rather than rest in peace, shall we say, R.I.H. (rest in heat)?

Connect the Dots

There have been many random events occurring now for quite some time as it relates to the global financial reset. For starters, Russia has sold off nearly all of its US treasuries. This  is very telling. What is even more telling about this event is what they did with the proceeds. They invested mainly in gold and some other currencies. China, once the largest purchaser of the US treasury notes has also been liquidating US treasuries over a period of some years. Today, the largest purchaser of the US treasury is the Federal Reserve.

If we are connecting the dots we must mention the recent meeting in Switzerland, Basel III. In essence, gold is becoming sort of a de-facto currency as central banks are beginning to acquire a substantial amount of gold. In 2017 in a GQ interview, Trump stated, “Bringing back the gold standard would be very hard to do, but boy, would it be wonderful. We’d have a standard on which to base our money.”  Articles like this in Forbes are yet another indicator of restoring sound money. In my opinion, gold will back the currency and perhaps other commodities. The dollar will reset, dropping in value to help offset the debt debacle. There may also be a forgiveness of debt, a sort of jubilee if you will. Time will tell. And this may even be just a step in a series of steps to follow. One thing for sure, the US dollar and the Bretton Woods Agreement has seen its day in the sun. This will soon come to an end. Please remember that there is nothing Federal about the Federal Reserve and there is no Reserve. The Federal Reserve is no more a government agency than Federal Express.

President Trump is not only transforming the 9th circuit courts and the Supreme Court, but he is also transforming the Federal Reserve board with two recent nominations, those being Herman Cain and Stephen Moore. It is important to note that both of these men are pro gold and understand the magnitude of the problem with our Central Banking fiat system. Meanwhile Federal Reserve Chairman Powell has done a 360 with regards to slowing down or holding off on raising rates through 2019. It appears that President Trump may have exerted a degree of control over the Fed when it comes to the recent decision by Powell. Trump has managed to get the Fed to cease the raising of rates for now and this will help keep markets in tact so that a collapse does not endanger the 2020 election. After the election (and perhaps before hand, time will tell), the thrust of the reset springs into full force and there will be some carnage and pain until we see this through. One thing we can be on the lookout for is a battle of sorts playing out in 2019 and in 2020 between President Trump and the Fed.

Setting the Table

President Trump is three feet behind the heads of the economic swamp creatures heads as well as the fake news media. He will catch them all by surprise. The 3D chess maneuvers of the President that the astute observer has become accustom to, is telling us that the stage is being set. Trump is setting the table. He will continue to play within the rigged doomed systems and beat them at their own game. Meanwhile President Trump’s plan is in motion with regard to China and other world leaders. Now, with the biggest political scandal in US history and the treasonous, illegal take down and the failed coup d’ etat attempt behind the President, he can now accelerate and complete his negotiations with China, Russia and others. The stage is being set. Once re-elected in 2020, things accelerate. The positioning will be a such that the collapse that will hit, is to be blamed on the Fed. Accounts will be hemorrhaging. The President will then get the support he needs from the people and the Congress to audit the Fed. Check out HR 24 and HR 25. Ron Paul will be dancing in his PJ’s as the conclusion of the audits (which will go on for some time), will result in the end of the Fed and the fiat system. There is much more to this and I will be commenting on this in future articles for some time as this plays out.  Look for contributions to these articles from PHD economist Dr. Kirk Elliott.


Not only will the audits expose the Fed and the Central Banking system, but Gold too will prove just what it is this debt based fiat monetary system is worth and what it has really done to the people. They fear gold like a Vampire fears the light. Support this President. Vet and vote for candidates that will do the same. The reset will not happen without a collapse and correction of sorts. The President will do all he can to minimize the carnage.

And as to your investments? The time to begin repositioning assets is right now. I will do a dedicated series of articles on this specific subject as well. In the meantime you can request a free digital PDF report loaded with everything you need to know. Send a request to me for the Global Financial Reset report. I will send it to you. We are transitioning from the economic swamp creatures’ crippling Central Bank economy to the peoples economy. Thus restoring power to the people. It’s an amazing time to be alive. Buckle down and stay the course.

Related Links:

The Economic Patriot Plan Activated, On Schedule, Did You Miss It? – Episode 1834a

Trump Draining the Economic Swamp

Trump, Money and the Fed

Signs The Global Financial Reset Has Begun

Setting the Stage for the Next Global Reserve Currency

Trump’s Economic Capitalism and the Coming Collapse, Blame it on Trump

Trump Economic Policy Speech

EDITORS NOTE: This JMC column with podcast is republished with permission.

Facebook’s Community Standards: Anti-Semitic, Anti-NRA, Pro-Abortion, Pro-Shariah Law and Pro-Democrats? You Decide.

I woke up this morning to find that my Facebook page was blocked because I had violated their “community standards.” When I finally was able to open my account I found seven recent posts with the following notice posted by Facebook below each:

This post goes against our Community Standards, so no one else can see it.

This has been known as “shadow banning.” Or perhaps Facebook has taken the next step and is actually openly banning freedom of expression to interact with like minded Facebook friends in certain areas? You be the judge.

Here are the seven posts that go against FB’s community standards:

The first was a One America News Network article titled “Pres. Trump To Deliver Remarks At Republican Jewish Coalition In Vegas.” Blocking reporting on a Jewish Republican event smacks of anti-Semitism?

The second violation of FB’s community standards was an article titled “Breaking News: President Trump to speak at NRA-ILA Leadership Forum in Indianapolis.” This FB community standards ban appears to be anti-Second Amendment and specifically anti-NRA.

The third was blocking a quote made by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. The AOC quote published on is, “Capitalism has not always existed in the world and will not always exist in the world.”

This community standards violation prevents restating what a politician has been quoted as saying. This community standard has a chilling effect by denying freedom of expression and free speech under the First Amendment. What possible community standard blocks anyone’s ability to quote any politician from any party (or from just one party)?

The fourth block was a column titled “Filing Income Taxes? Remember, TurboTax Funds Planned Parenthood.” This violation of FB’s community standards appears to be pro-abortion/infanticide and pro-Planned Parenthood.

The fifth block was a column titled “VIDEO: Muslim sociologist demonstrates proper Islamic way to beat one’s wife.” This violation of FB’s community standards indicates their adherence to Islamic Shariah Law and suppression of anything said that may offend the Muslim community (a.k.a. anything FB deems Islamophobic).

The sixth block was a meme that showed a serving of Chick-Fil-A waffle fries with the words under it “Come And Take It.” Chick-Fil-A is under attack by various Democratic controlled cities to ban it opening stores in airports. Chick-Fil-A is known for its pro-traditional marriage and pro-Christian stances, including its policy not to open on Sundays, as this is a day best spent worshiping. Are FB’s community standards anti-Christian?

The seventh block is of an April 2019 a cartoon by Michael P. Ramirez titled “Democratic Field.” FB’s community standards appear not to allow political satire, especially when it targets Democratic Party candidates for president.

Each of the above posts has a “Request Review” option. When you click on “Request Review” the words “Delete this post” appear. The only option offered by Facebook is to delete the post that violates their “community standards.” No appeal no review. Just delete.

Are you seeing any pattern in these violations of Facebook’s community standards?

If you or a friend have experienced something similar please leave a comment about it below.

RELATED ARTICLE: House Democrats Want ‘Oversight Over Fox News’ Editorial Decisions

RELATED VIDEO: The Myth of the Unbiased Search Engine – Forbidden Knowledge TV

Breaking News: President Trump to speak at NRA-ILA Leadership Forum in Indianapolis

FAIRFAX, Va.— President Donald Trump will address NRA members at the NRA Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) Leadership Forum on Friday, April 26, 2019 in Indianapolis, Indiana. This is the third consecutive year that President Trump will deliver the keynote address at the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum. 

“Donald Trump is the most enthusiastic supporter of the Second Amendment to occupy the Oval Office in our lifetimes. It is truly an honor to have President Trump address NRA members for the fifth consecutive year,” said Chris Cox, NRA-ILA Executive Director. “President Trump’s Supreme Court appointments ensure that the Second Amendment will be respected for generations to come.  Our members are excited to hear him speak and thank him for his support for our Right to Keep and Bear Arms.”

NRA-ILA Leadership Forum

President Donald Trump
Keynote Speaker

Indiana Convention Center—Lucas Oil Stadium
100 South Capitol Avenue
Indianapolis, Indiana 46255

Friday, April 26, 2019
11:00 – 4:00 p.m.

To obtain media credentials please click HERE.
For attendees, purchase your tickets today at!

NRAAM media credentials will not be accepted for the NRA-ILA Leadership Forum. Separate media credentials are required for NRA-ILA Leadership Forum. 

Filing Income Taxes? Remember, TurboTax Funds Planned Parenthood

As income tax season enters its final week, there are many options for filing your returns. Fortunately, software programs and online platforms have reduced the paperwork needed for many taxpayers. However, not all tax filing services are created equal—some of the companies selling these services may be using a portion of your fees to fund organizations that you would not normally support on your own.

For example, Intuit (1.7 – Liberal), the maker of popular tax filing software TurboTax, is a direct supporter of abortion giant Planned Parenthood. According to the most recent available information, the company contributed $32,350 to various Planned Parenthood affiliates in 2016 through The Intuit Foundation, the company’s charitable giving arm. The TurboTax brand’s self-described “most popular” Deluxe edition costs $59.99—meaning the fees collected from at least 539 customers go directly to Planned Parenthood’s abortion business.

Our research has also found Intuit supports several more liberal organization such as the anti-2nd Amendment Brady Center, the pro-“cap-and-trade” Sierra Club, and the pro-sanctuary city ACLU and has also scored 100 on the Human Rights Campaign‘s anti-religious liberty index.

At Intuit’s annual meeting earlier this year, shareholder activists from the National Center for Public Policy Research challenged CEO Sasan Goodarzi over his company’s support for left-leaning organizations, particularly Planned Parenthood. Goodarzi seemed to dodge the National Center’s questions saying:

We deeply believe in our mission of empowering prosperity around the world… which means we care deeply and measure deeply around how inclusive we are. We think about diversity, and we think about that not only because it’s important internally — but those are the customers that we serve… We believe in doing what’s right and we always will adjust if we feel we’re not doing something right.

While we do hope adjustments will be made, Intuit has not signaled any change of heart since the exchange. Therefore, conservatives will want to look to tax filing options that better match their values and refrain from using their fees to fund organizations like Planned Parenthood.

However, conservatives should remember to pay close attention to Intuit’s competitors when it comes to selecting an alternative platform or service provider. H&R Block (1.4 – Liberal), for example, has funded the liberal Center for American Progress, a think tank founded by former Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta.

Fortunately for conservative taxpayers, our research has found Jackson-Hewitt (3 – Neutral) remains neutral on all the issues 2ndVote scores.

Filing tax returns is never pleasant, especially for conservatives who abhor the annual reminder of how much the federal government takes out of your paycheck. But, when you choose a better option to Intuit, and H&R Block for that matter, you can get a head start enjoying spring knowing you have taken action to defund Planned Parenthood, CAP, and other liberal activists.

Help us continue providing resources like this and educating conservative shoppers by becoming a 2ndVote Member today!

EDITORS NOTE: This 2ndVote column is republished with permission.

VIDEO: We Told Ya So — After Knife Ban in UK, Fatal Stabbings Are Through the Roof

Knife bans go into effect in England, and can you guess what happened? Yeah, fatal stabbings skyrocketed because it has nothing to do with the tool and everything to do with the perpetrator.


Anti-Gunners Call Constitutional Carry “a Step Backwards”

CA Anti-Gunner Claims Pro-2A Ruling Is “Not Normal”

Brian Gosch: North Dakota Outlaws Tax-Supported Gun Buyback Programs

EDITORS NOTE: This NRA-ILA video is republished with permission.