Dallas mayor ‘more fearful’ of white men than Syrian Muslim refugees

“We have got to build a coalition of Middle Eastern states and we need to reach out. They’re Muslims and we have got to use the words carefully to show them that we care about them. ISIS is no more Islamic than the Nazi senior staff was Christian.”

The Nazi senior staff didn’t claim to be Christian, but had a fascination with Germanic neo-paganism. Certainly even nominally Christian Nazis didn’t quote Christian scripture to justify their murderous policies.

“And so we have got to differentiate between the two.” Why haven’t Muslims been able to do that so as to stop the 30,000 young Muslims who have traveled from 100 countries around the world to join the Islamic State?

Anyway, this claim that “young white men” are more dangerous than Islamic jihadists is a new theme that must be circulating on the Left. Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown just said it, and now Mike Rawlings. It most likely derives from a widely-heralded study that was published last summer, claiming that “right-wing extremism” was a bigger threat to the U.S. than jihad, based on the number of Americans killed by each since 9/11. Not only does this study skew the results by leaving out 9/11, but it also ignored the many, many foiled jihad plots in the U.S. since 9/11. Also, right-wing extremists like Dylann Roof, the murderer in Charleston, South Carolina, killed because of their paranoid fantasies, but were not part of any movement with an articulated agenda or goal, while Islamic jihadists are members of or ideologically aligned with groups that have declared their intention to destroy the U.S. and the free world. Islamic jihad groups are determined to kill as many Americans as possible and conquer free societies, and swallowing Brown’s nonsense here will result in the deaths of many Americans.

“Dallas mayor ‘more fearful’ of white men than Syrian refugees,” by Jessica Chasmar, Washington Times, November 24, 2015 (thanks to David):

Dallas Mayor Mike Rawlings said he’s more afraid of white men committing mass shootings than Syrian refugees committing acts of terrorism in the U.S.

“ISIS wants us to demonize these Syrian refugees, want us to alienate these children,” Mr. Rawlings, a white Democrat, told MSNBC Saturday, referring to the Islamic State terror group by its acronym. “We have got to build a coalition of Middle Eastern states and we need to reach out. They’re Muslims and we have got to use the words carefully to show them that we care about them. ISIS is no more Islamic than the Nazi senior staff was Christian. And so we have got to differentiate between the two. Fight the fight that we need to do.

“These are evil human beings that are doing terrible things and we need to target our aggression and our plans against them, not children and not refugees,” he said.

Mr. Rawlings is welcoming refugees despite Texas Gov. Greg Abbott asking to keep refugees out of the state. Mr. Rawlings said he and Mr. Abbott are both concerned about safety, but disagree about the risk of refugees.

“I am more fearful of large gatherings of young white men that come into schools, theaters and shoot people up, but we don’t isolate young white men on this issue,” Mr. Rawlings said….


PORTLAND, MAINE: Somali Immigrants Kill Christian Man In Most Gruesome Way

In Texas, Leftist community organizers target governor over Syrian refugee stance

Global Jihad? Never Heard of It: Berkeley’s Bazian Still Hyping ‘Islamophobia’

SDSU: Muslim Brotherhood-linked student group rallies not against jihad terror, but against “Islamophobia”

Coming soon: More Muslim Migrants than population of Washington, D.C. [680,000]

What could possibly go wrong?


“Coming soon: More immigrants from Muslim nations than population of D.C. — 680,000,” by Paul Bedard, Washington Examiner, November 25, 2015:

President Obama’s open-door immigration policy is set to accept more immigrants from Muslim nations over the next five years than the entire population of Washington, D.C., according to federal documents.

Figures from the Department of Homeland Security show that the president has already issued 680,000 green cards to immigrants from Muslim nations over the past five years. Unless Congress changes his policy, that number will be repeated in the next five years.

What’s more, the president is also planning to add over 100,000 more with refugee status, many from Syria. Refugees can also petition the government for their relatives.

DHS data released by the Sen. Jeff Sessions’ Judiciary subcommittee on Immigration and the National Interest, noted that refugees, who must apply for a green card within one year, have instant access to federal welfare and entitlements, along with local benefits and education services; these costs are not offset.

The DHS number of 680,000 does not include temporary migrants who return home nor births or deaths.

The subcommittee said that “assuming no change in visa policy, the U.S. can expect to give green cards to another 680,000 more migrants from these countries over the next five years. A green card entitles recipients to access federal benefits, lifetime residency, work authorization, and a direct route to becoming a U.S. citizen.”

That is a group bigger than Washington, D.C.’s population of 658,893….


In Texas, Leftist community organizers target governor over Syrian refugee stance

PORTLAND, MAINE: Somali Immigrants Kill Christian Man In Most Gruesome Way

Pakistan: Muslim mob sets Christian TV station on fire

The Muslim Holy War comes to America’s College Campuses

The above posters and stickers were plastered all over five major American campuses in the second week of November – two universities in D.C. and three in Southern California – making fun of local anti-Israel groups, Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and Muslim Students Association (MSA), pointing out their support for Jew-hatred and violent jihad.

While the identities of those who designed the posters and put them up around the campuses can be neither confirmed nor denied, the responsibility for the campaign was claimed by the David Horowitz Freedom Center here and here. In addition, FreedomPost.us posted a one-minute video with the posters (below) in their story, If You’re A Hamas-Supporting Anti-Israel College In SoCal Or DC, These Posters Are On Your Campus.

The University of California Los Angeles newspaper, THE DAILY BRUIN, responded with an article Offensive posters targeting SJP resurface on campus for third time. The UCLA couldn’t wait to reveal its bias and went for the jugular already in the first word of the title. Rather than attempting to look into the MSA and SJP who like to harass Jews at UCLA, the article offered them the pulpit from which they predictably gunned for the messenger.

SJP outreach director, Ani Der-Grigorian, concluded that the reason SJP and MSA were being grouped together was not their shared hatred of Israel, but Islamophobia. She also complained that UCLA officials have done little in response to the posters and that they “haven’t sat down with us about how unsafe this makes our members feel.” No one bothered to wonder if their own anti-Semitic activities ever made any of the UC Jewish students “feel unsafe.”

The UCLA article states that “Felipe Bris Abejon, SJP education and resources director and first-year political science student, said he was the first to notice the posters on Bruin Walk around 10 a.m., when he found one stuck to the bottom of his shoe.” There was no explanation as to whether the poster stuck to his shoe as a result of repeatedly kicking the wall on which it was displayed, or it crept from behind and attacked the shoe with malicious intentions, but the very fact that it was documented to be stuck to the SJP education and resources director’s shoe is clearly “offensive.”

In Washington, D.C., The American University newspaper, The Eagle, published a tearful article titled, Islamophobic posters found on campus made Muslim students feel unsafe.

“I had people calling me [on Sunday], telling me that they were legitimately scared,” said Aman Abdelhamid, the president of AU’s Muslim Students Association chapter, who claims she felt “severely troubled” by the posters. “The posters…had really strong implications, really threatening messages.”

One might think that Abdelhamid was “severely troubled” after seeing Palestinian children with knives being raised to stab Jews. Or that she felt shocked and ashamed after learning that her fellow president of a Muslim Students Association, Anwar Al-Awlaki, later became an Al-Qaeda leader and was killed in Yemen by an American drone strike. Against all expectations of human decency, however, it appears that Abdelhamid felt “severely troubled” and “threatened” only because all of the above became suddenly exposed.

The article, which initially dismissed the information in the posters as false, has since been edited and appended this notable correction at the bottom: “An earlier version of this article misattributed the New York Times article and stated that Anwar al-Awlaki was not president of an MSA chapter. He was, at Colorado State.” One might think that would change the entire narrative. It didn’t.

Ntebo Mokuena, president of the local chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine, who personally took down some of the posters while being escorted by the campus police, also made similar statements, claiming that some of the local students “offered to walk with Muslim students who did not feel safe traveling alone.”

No word on whether Jewish students have ever been offered the same aid and comfort during the anti-Semitic events that the MSI and SJP regularly hold on the same American University campus.

Laith Shakir, treasurer of AU’s SJP chapter, posted the pictures of the posters on Facebook, saying that they “spew Islamaphobic hate speech” and that he is glad a Public Safety officer “is currently patrolling the campus, finding and documenting these posters they’ve identified as inflammatory and hateful.”

“Not only is all of the information presented here categorically false,” writes Shakir, “it also propagates an exhausted talking point: if you are (or even just look) Muslim, and you’re involved in campus organization, you must also be involved in a terrorist group. Thus, Muslims and people who ‘look Arab’ are inextricably linked to violent extremism. The promoted hashtag [StopTheJihadOnCampus] isn’t trying to just “stop the jihad” (which, itself, is a nonsensical phrase); instead, it’s trying to eradicate anyone who could conceivably be labeled as Arab or Muslim from organizing on campus.”

One might think that at a time when unhinged Islamic terrorism is making everyone in America and around the world feel “unsafe,” reasonable Muslim individuals with a conscience, a modicum of decency, and respect for their host country would pause, step back, and abstain from “organizing” anything except the opposition to such terrorism.

One might also think that “organizing” against international Islamic terrorism would take priority over all other “organizing” for any morally upright Muslim activist who claims that “terrorism gives Islam a bad name.”

What should one then make of those Muslim activists who, instead, jump into action and promote their religion by capitalizing on public fears, panic, and confusion, thus riding the tidal wave of terrorism to which they claim they have no connection, while declaring themselves to be the “victims” and complaining about “feeling unsafe”?

An unbiased observer would probably tell them to calm down and get off that wave. That would certainly help you stop feeling “unsafe.” That would also help you stop looking like a lout without a trace of conscience, reason, decency, and respect for your host country.



Muslim Brotherhood-linked student group rallies not against jihad terror, but against “Islamophobia”

Global Jihad? Never Heard of It: UC Berkeley’s Bazian Still Hyping ‘Islamophobia’

CNN Erases Israel

EDITORS NOTE: This column was originally posted on The Peoples Cube.

Six Biblical Signs Support Apocalyptic Events Impending In 2016

“Like a frog that doesn’t know when to jump from slowly heating water,” we are coming to the boiling point, based on biblical signs of the apocalypse.

Six news items from this past year suggest that trouble is impending:

  1. Signs of Corruption: President Obama Gave $79 Million to the Catholic Church to Force (Muslim) Invasion as a Paid Agitator in 2014. That’s $6 million more than they got in 2013. How stupified can Congress be? “Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion.” We wonder where the people in congress are who will honor their oath of office and stand for what’s right.
  2. Signs of Decay: The Supreme Court redefined marriage for some. With a majority of Catholic Justices, we also wonder how that could happen, but with homosexuality plaguing the priesthood, there’s tolerance for all who tolerate our “lifestyle.” We might wonder “What Ever Happened To Sin?” as Dr. Menninger asked. Christ said end-times would be as the days of Lot. Destruction fell as Lot fled Sodom. Luke 17:29.
  3. Signs of Destruction: Six nations ended a 12-year standoff in a nuclear agreement with Iran, and the ink is hardly dry when Iran is not agreeing with what they agreed. “The day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night, for when they say ‘Peace and safety,’ sudden destruction comes…” This isn’t just military strategy. It’s according to Saint Paul and “the day of the Lord” is the end-time apocalyptic period linked to the solar eclipse and blood moons that we saw this year, Joel 2:31.
  4. Signs of War: Gabriel said the horns on the ram in Daniel’s vision were kings of Media and Persia, but those areas are now Iraq and Iran with Gabriel also saying the vision was “at the time of the end” as some best-selling authors are now seeing in a reapplication of Daniel’s 8th chapter… Daniel saw a ram was pushing west, north and south, Dan 8:5. West is Europe and its invasion by Islam is apocalyptic. North is Russia. In spite of 12% of the population, Islam is not satisfied; they bombed a Russian airliner. South is Africa where Islamic Boko Haram has been as barbaric as the Islamic State.
  5. Signs of Martial Law: In Christ’s warning of end-times, he said to flee “when you see the abomination… standing where it ought not, Mark 13:14. The early believers understood that reference to military and when the Roman army came to Jerusalem, they fled and were spared the siege by Titus in 70 AD. But now, U.S. military stood “where it ought not” in a drill (JADE HELM) covering the southwest USA last summer.
  6. Signs of Religion: It was Rome that brought the military and “history repeats” with a Catholic-run CIA. President Reagan appointed an ambassador to the Vatican, violating our Constitutional church-state separation, and he approved REX 84 for internment camps of illegal aliens.

Do we worry about government terrorist acts–burning the Branch Davidians and then bombing the Federal Building in Oklahoma City where the Waco records were stored? The BATF didn’t go into work after a bomb drill placed charges on supporting pillars. One was found after it didn’t go off, but blamed on a truck bomb in front. Searching YouTube, one can find similar information for Building 7 that wasn’t hit on 9-11 but came down.

Online evidence shows the government is looking at Bible prophecy believers as “potential domestic terrorists”! Paranoia as a systematized delusion with a projection of one’s personal conflicts on the supposed hostility of others. Bible believers don’t do terrorist acts, but psychiatry understands the projection of guilt when the Bible says, “You who judge do the same things.”

Leaders everywhere should recognize what made America great was the Constitution that kept the pope and priest out of government, in contrast to all nations south of our border. Their poverty for hundreds of years while America prospered should make any sane person realize the insanity of a UN-Catholic New World Order (Novus Ordo Seclorum below the pyramid on our $1 bill.) Revelation suggests that it will compel false worship and bring the plagues. Congress needs to stop the flood of immigrants and review their oath of office or “we will have hell to pay!”

EDITORS NOTE: Dr. Richard Ruhling is the author of The Alpha & Omega Bible Code that has mostly 5-star reviews. Readers can get a  FREE copy of his latest e-Book, Apocalypse 2016 on Friday and Saturday, Nov 27-28, 2015.

Militant Media and the ‘Global War on Terror’

The secret is revealed. The CIA funded and armed the world’s deadliest terrorist groups, including ISIS/ISL, al Qaeda, and others, now expanding like a plague loosed from Pandora’s box.

This unnerving fact, unraveling the fraud in global politics, was purportedly “slipped” by Vice President Joe Biden on November 19, 2015. Almost instantly thereafter deeper truths were heralded internationally by Hawaii Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard, as detailed below.

Curiously, all of these new revelations broke at the same time these authors published outrageous new evidence indicting radical Revisionist Zionists tied to the Obama Administration implicating Rahm Emanuel, the past White House Chief of Staff, his brother Ari Emanuel–the entertainment industry’s most powerful image builder and Hollywood “head hunter” directing the William Morris Endeavor (“WME”) agency, and their father, Dr. Benjamin M. Emanuel, who served the Irgun, a hardline Zionist terrorist organization condemned by British authorities and the 1946 Zionist Congress.

Paris Attacks BannerShockingly, it was Ari Emanuel’s WME who booked the Eagles of Death Metal band to play at the Bataclan Theatre–the bloodiest scene of the Friday-the-13th Paris attacks. From this evidence it is obvious that the owners of the Bataclan worked with WME to stage the show knowing there was an extremely high probability of planned bloodshed, because the Bataclan’s owner since “9/11″ 2015, is none other than the world’s wealthiest anti-Semite and anti-Zionist–the radical Islamic Emir Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani of Qatar, widely known to be funding ISIS/ISIL, al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups.


This stunning evidence linking the “Death Metal” show producers to the Bataclan massacre is corroborated by statements made independently by production team survivor Shawn London (during an interview with Jim Hutchinson on JimOnLight.com), as well as Russia’s RT interviewee, Pierre Janaszak, who works in the music industry and viewed the massacre from the balcony, and later while hiding in the band’s dressing room.  Janaszak was the sole survivor in that room, and observed that one of the three presumably Islamic radical gunmen was unmistakably French.

More compelling, the Eagles of Death Metal “front house” audio engineer, Mr. London, was incredulous to the fact that the two Bataclan security guards stationed at the front door where the terrorists entered and opened fire on the crowds, inexplicably survived the massacre and were shocked to see Mr. London had gotten out alive. That experience caused London to question the entire event, implying that it may Bataclan security, and possibly even the Paris police and higher-ups, had foreknowledge.

Mr. London said that just before the shooting started, a third security guard was positioned in front of the stage. He was supposed to help handle a couple of misbehaving youth. But suddenly he, and two other security guards in the front of the stage area, just walked away, left their responsibilities, seconds before the massacre began.

Later, London said he was shocked to see the Bataclan’s front door security guardsmen had gotten out alive. “I don’t know,” he said. “I’m not trying to make any, (he stuttered and stammered uncharacteristically at this point of the interview). . . . accusations that they had something to do with it, but it was really strange they got out through the front where nobody else was getting out. They were out before I got out. I just don’t understand. It’s confusing to me. . . We were with them all day. Most of the day, when the doors were open.”

“They weren’t very nice either,” Mr. London continued. “Usually security guards are pretty cool with us. They smile and talk. These guys didn’t say a word. . . . It was just odd that they were out of the building before we all made it out. And they were at the stage position while this was going on.”

The fact that the police did not show up for so long, fifteen to twenty minutes into the massacre, with the security guards employed by Qatar’s radical Islamic allied Lagardère Group having disappeared most timely before the shootings, leaves everyone having to consider the high probability that Bataclan security, and the lax Paris police, had foreknowledge and were complicit in the massacre.

vice_exposedVice Media, exposed previously by these authors for falsely reporting on Monkey Island–the hepatitis B virus lab most responsible for spreading AIDS worldwide (as shown in this Special Hollywood Spin Report on Ebola), published the first interview with the full band following the Paris attacks. The Vice program was heavily promoted by the corporate-controlled media.

Alternatively, this independent investigation report presents the sixth in our series that even the CIA/FBI’s COINTELPRO Internet “trolls” have uncharacteristically neglected.

This report addresses more than the “fallout,” per se, of the Paris attacks. This articles presents the “spin-out” from the Paris attacks. That is, the manner in which the terrorist “dog” is being “wagged” by the Militant Media “tail.”

The media is intentionally concealing and diverting from what is now most obvious: Civilization is being defrauded by a single global racketeering enterprise that is: (1) coordinating at least two terrorist organizations, one operating from Washington, DC, and the other from Doha, Qatar; and (2) orchestrating the media to broadcast messages knowingly diverting the eyes of the world to Syria and France and away from the true source of the terror.

What else would spin-doctors now claim, besides Washington having made a “mistake” backing “moderate” terrorists to eject Assad from Syria, now that the Obama administration has been caught in the act of funding and arming ISIS, and through double-agents in the world of “news and entertainment” concealing and diverting from the parties most responsible for this global genocide.


bidenOne day before the Paris attacks, Vice President Joe Biden, addressing Harvard University students at the John F. Kennedy Jr. Forum at the Institute of Politics, candidly revealed that “[O]ur biggest problem is our allies – our allies in the region  . . . so determined to take down Assad and essentially have a proxy Sunni-Shia war, . . . [t]hey poured hundreds of millions of dollars and tens [of] thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad; except that the people who were being supplied were Al Nusra and Al Qaeda and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world.

“Now you think I’m exaggerating,” Biden continued, “take a look… Now we have . . . put together a coalition of our Sunni neighbors, because America can’t once again go into a Muslim nation and be seen as the aggressor – it has to be led by Sunnis to go and attack a Sunni organization.

And that is precisely what Russian President Putin had been saying–facts ignored by all mainstream media sources in the West for a long time, as Russia implicated America’s covert action and infiltration into terrorist organizations and involvements in weapons transfers from Libya and elsewhere to Syria.

Biden informed his audience that America’s Sunni allies were responsible for funding and arming anti-Zionist extremists in Syria. Biden named Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE, specifically. Yet he failed to mention who was greasing America’s palm–Qatar–a blatant diversion since most of the financing for Syrian terrorism by ISIS/ISIL has come from that most anti-Semitic nation, in alliance with the CIA, while monarch Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani invests heavily in Europe, America and China.


putin“We have press reports that the CIA was a major conduit for the transfer of weapons from Libya to Syria,” reported Tina Jennings of the Russia Insider. “[A] role, no doubt, facilitated by US Ambassador Christopher Stevens who was killed in Benghazi by unknown extremists,” Jennings added.

“We are also told that the US assisted in the logistics of delivering a Saudi-bankrolled transfer of Croatian weapons in 2012 to Syrian ‘rebels.’ According to the BBC: “The CIA is also reported to have been instrumental in setting up the alleged secret airlift of weapons from Croatia.

And here is The Telegraph‘s take on things:

“The shipments were allegedly paid for by Saudi Arabia at the bidding of the United States, with assistance on supplying the weapons organised through Turkey and Jordan, Syria’s neighbors.”

These weapons were later caught on video in the hands of Ahrar al-Sham, which today is a target of US airstrikes inside Syria. The New York Times went further:

“With help from the CIA, Arab governments and Turkey have sharply increased their military aid to Syria’s opposition fighters in recent months, expanding a secret airlift of arms and equipment for the uprising against President Bashar al-Assad, according to air traffic data, interviews with officials in several countries and the accounts of rebel commanders.”

“From offices at secret locations, American intelligence officers have helped the Arab governments shop for weapons, including a large procurement from Croatia, and have vetted rebel commanders and groups to determine who should receive the weapons as they arrive, according to American officials speaking on the condition of anonymity.”

“Exactly how does that exonerate Americans from delivering weapons to ‘Al Nusra and Al Qaeda’”, questioned Jennings rhetorically. “Biden’s comments . . . were a bombshell that will be heard across the globe. They will fundamentally undermine Obama’s attempts to arm ‘moderate rebels’ and assemble a coalition that includes the very same Sunni Arab states that have helped create ISIL.”

Now, if that were true, neglecting for the sake of argument the “bigger picture” of one mob directing both sides of every conflict (i.e., through “Controlled Opposition”), then what Russia wants everyone to know is precisely what U.S. Congresswoman and Co-Chair of the Democratic National Convention, Tulsi Gabbard, prescribes to mitigate damages from the illegal secret war the CIA has been administering for the West in Syria and elsewhere.

Confusing? Yes. Secretly defrauding? Yes, again. Informative? You bet! The confusing and diverting manner in which the spin doctors are administering “damage control” and at the same time advancing the overall mission to move civilization toward “globalization” featuring One World Government and “One World Peacekeeping Force” is transparent among those informed with accurate intelligence. We are witnessing and documenting the “magician’s slight-of-hand-routine” in global governance. What Russian and American officials main mission is for the Militant Media exercises a “protection racket” to keep people believing one side or the other, never realizing that both sides are controlled by one mob trading in arms and terror.


gabbard2We wondered whether Rep. Gabbard grasped the “bigger picture,” so we called and e-mailed her office and press secretary in Honolulu and Washington hoping that the honorable veteran Hawaii Army National Guard major, who served in Kuwait and on the House Foreign Affairs and Homeland Security committees, might respond to our evidence the Paris attacks were staged by U.S. and Qatar agents. By press time, the Congresswoman, who was on a fact finding and diplomatic mission in Paris, had not replied.

Consistent with these author’s evidence of there being one secret enterprise administering at least two terrorist organizations from Washington and Doha, as well as the corporate-controlled Militant Media in the West, and state-controlled Militant Media in Russia and China, Rep. Gabbard output a press release on November 19, 2015, stating much more than Joe Biden did. “The U.S. is waging two wars in Syria,” the Congresswoman wrote. “The first is the war against ISIS and other Islamic extremists, which Congress authorized after the terrorist attack on 9/11.  The second war is the illegal war to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad.”

Although we applaud Rep. Gabbard’s heroic admission that the CIA had proceeded illegally, we are unclear as to whether “Tulsi” knows her efforts at legislative re-direction is consistent with the spin required for damage control. What else should America admit other than having made a “mistake.” Someone needed to step forward and cause America to back-off to save face, now Biden admitted what he did, and “the cat is out of the bag.”
“The war to overthrow Assad is counter-productive,” the Congresswoman published honestly and in good faith, “because it actually helps ISIS and other Islamic extremists achieve their goal of overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad and taking control of all of Syria—which will simply increase human suffering in the region, exacerbate the refugee crisis, and pose a greater threat to the world.  Also, the war to overthrow Assad is illegal because Congress never authorized it.”

Congressman Austin Scott joined Rep. Gabbard and wrote, “Our primary mission should be the war against ISIS, al Qaeda, and radical Islamic extremists that have operations both inside and outside of Syria and Iraq.  Those groups have carried out attacks on American allies, and are currently threatening attacks on our homeland.  This represents a clear and present danger to our citizens, and I support eliminating these radical Islamic terrorists through any means necessary.  Working to remove Assad at this stage is counter-productive to what I believe our primary mission should be.”

What if “eliminating these radical Islamic terrorists” requires exposing the Secret Government that directed the Obama White House and CIA to coordinate the Friday-the-13th attacks on Paris with complicit agents and financing from Qatar?


“Here are 10 reasons the U.S. must end its war to overthrow the Syrian government,” Tulsi Gabbard’s press release stated. Between each is our analysis and commentary:

“1.     Because if we succeed in overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad, it will open the door for ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other Islamic extremists to take over all of Syria.  There will be genocide and suffering on a scale beyond our imagination.  These Islamic extremists will take over all the weaponry, infrastructure, and military hardware of the Syrian army and be more dangerous than ever before.”

In other words, we must admit having made a huge mistake in supposedly securing freedom and democracy in the Middle East.  The “Emperor wears no clothes”–our National Security Agency (NSA) has been caught fueling political instability, international insecurity, and martial law globally. We must now repent from covertly opposing Assad’s fascist government killing masses of people in Syria, to have Qatar lead the financing of radical Muslim terrorists killing masses of people in Syria. Either option will cause massive deaths in Syria, and mass movements of populations from Syria, and immigration problems globally.

And this disturbing reality is curiously timed perfectly to justify Donald Trump’s controversial anti-immigration policies, and French President François Hollande’s knee-jerk directive to close France’s borders in the wake of the Paris attacks. (In other words, there is more here than meets the lens of the Militant Media.)

“2.     Because overthrowing the Syrian government of Assad is the goal of ISIS, al-Qaeda, and other Islamic extremist groups. We should not be allying ourselves with these Islamic extremists by helping them achieve their goal because it is against the security interests of the United States and all of civilization.”

Although painfully accurate, this candid concern forecasts armed troops from the Global Alliance combating ISIS and al-Qaeda terrorists allied against Assad, since: (1) Qatar and other global military-industrialists will continue funding and arming the “radical” terrorists (as opposed to the “moderate” terrorists) in Syria, and Assad will more rapidly lose his control of Syria when the CIA stops fueling the “counter-terrorism” program for America’s “defense.”

“3.     Because the money and weapons the CIA is providing to overthrow the Syrian government of Assad are going directly or indirectly into the hands of the Islamic extremist groups, including al-Qaeda affiliates, al-Nusra, Ahrar al-Sham, and others who are the actual enemies of the United States.  These groups make up close to 90 percent of the so-called opposition forces, and are the most dominant fighters on the ground.”

Precisely why we forecast a worsening “catch-22″– armed combat troops on the streets representing the Global Alliance combating the enemies created by the global industrialists.

“4.     Because our efforts to overthrow Assad have increased and will continue to increase the strength of ISIS and other Islamic extremists, thus making them a bigger regional and global threat.”

Alternatively, now that America is virtually insolvent, already spread too thin militarily while war against China looms in the Pacific, the Cold War is heating up with Russia, and the only option is to create a One World Peacekeeping Force to combat radical religious menaces further destabilizing populations, we must increase defense spending, heighten border security, and protect our energy industry, or otherwise Judeo-Christianity will be brought to its knees by radical Islam.

“5.     Because this war has exacerbated the chaos and carnage in Syria and, along with the terror inflicted by ISIS and other Islamic extremist groups fighting to take over Syria, continues to increase the number of Syrians forced to flee their country.”

hawaii incarcerationsCorrect again. But the border insecurity and immigration dilemma will increase in either case. In Hawaii, for example, Governor Ige has invited Syrian refugees to paradise! This is both a hoax and hypocrisy given the fact that: (1) native Hawaiian’s have been culturally and genocidally damaged by America’s illegal military occupation of the former sovereign island nation.

Approximately 60 percent of the living Kanaka men are in jail. What was once a 500,000 strong native population has dwindled to less than 8,000 living in the State of Hawaii. The Hawaiian culture, the most artistically expressive and loving in aboriginal history, has been Westernized and commercialized to the max. And to what result? In recent months, armed police have directed assaults against throngs of jobless homeless victims of poverty in and around downtown Honolulu. The once pristine Ala Moana Harbor adjacent the Hilton Hawaiian Village Resort in Waikiki looks like the trash dump neighboring Kenya. Ige promises Syrian refugees will do well here?

“6.     Because we should learn from our past mistakes in Iraq and Libya that U.S. wars to overthrow secular dictators (Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi) cause even more chaos and human suffering and open the door for Islamic extremists to take over in those countries.”

Learning from “past mistakes” requires two things traditionally neglected: (1) acknowledging the mistakes, who made them, and why they were made; and (2) public education through mainly the media, schools and workplaces. Not only is the media and academia financially controlled by those who made “the mistakes,” but these agents and agencies invested in chaos have a conflicting interest to conceal their mistakes so people, and generations to come, never awaken from this nightmare.

“7.     Because the U.S. has no credible government or government leader ready to bring order, security, and freedom to the people of Syria.”

Indeed, American exceptionalism and military bullying is dwindling, leaving China and Russia more credible, diplomatically powerful, and exclusively capable of applying sustainable productive pressure on Assad and his government to secure his bloody fascist dictatorship.

“8.     Because even the ‘best case’ scenario—that the U.S. successfully overthrows the Syrian government of Assad—would obligate the United States to spend trillions of dollars and the lives of American service members in the futile effort to create a new Syria.  This is what we have been trying to do in Iraq for twelve years, and we still have not succeeded.  The situation in Syria will be much more difficult than in Iraq.”

trustAgreed. The entire context of geopolitics in the Middle East is explosive and insurmountable so long as the corporate-controlled media–the Militant Media–foments war-mentality, terror, and terrorism through every television set, movie screen, and classroom. Every culture is being indoctrinated into war-making, not peace keeping and community building. The media is the terrorist, and neglected peace resource, being used to contrive and sustain war.

“9.     Because our war against the Syrian government of Assad is interfering with our being one-pointedly focused on the war to defeat ISIS, al-Qaeda, and the other Islamic extremists who are our actual enemy.”

If bringing peace to the Middle East was truly our focus, then why would any reasonably intelligent person focus “one-pointedly” on war-making with anyone? Again, the military-mentality is overwhelmingly, painfully, fearfully, and regularly reinforced using images of death and property damage to impact most powerfully We The People and mental midgets–terrorists and trouble-makers indoctrinated to hate and destroy rather than love and prosper.

“10.  Because our war to overthrow the Assad government puts us in direct conflict with Russia and increases the likelihood of war between the United States and Russia and the possibility of another world war.”

True. But isn’t that part of the plan? Produce World War III directing Russia and China against Anglo-American allies to dispose of over-population and result in One World Government, One World Peacekeeping Force, One World Bank, One World Court, One World Health Organization, and One World Economy?


economist cover plusThe evidence before us is that the Paris attacks were staged, scripted, administered, and misrepresented. The timing of the aforementioned events corroborates the official malfeasance and conspiracy reality. Just as the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) was being exposed as a contrived enemy, American and Qatari funding of ISIS and Western Intelligence agencies’ involvements were acknowledged by U.S. officials and condemned by Russian propagandists.

On the home front, debate to block immigration and tighten border security, as France did instantly following the Paris attacks, provides further evidence of a coordinated international attack on civility. In addition, interviews from eye witnesses at the Bataclan massacre compound the evidence that the event was staged and produced with foreknowledge by governments and security officials.

Today, the main players not only wield the military and war industry, they also control the media. They deliver propaganda–the messages output to cause confusion rewarded in profit as civilization is railroaded into a “national security” state of chaos.

Corporate fascism, terrorism, and blood baths also create depopulation, which reduces the Oligarchy’s risk of revolution against the central bankers and political parties, popular uprisings by citizens of every nation awakening to their manipulation and enslavement.

Everyone is affected by this demonic and psychopathic racketeering enterprise, the only cure for which is to:

(1) Set examples by indicting the responsible agents and agencies operating within complicit governments, the U.S. and Qatar, on probable cause of funding and arming mass murderers, and complicity in committing genocide. The aforementioned evidence is available and useful for these proposed prosecutions. To do less would further discredit America and Qatar, and would assure continued terrorism and mass murder;

(2) Boycott, and ideally block, all mainstream Militant Media news sources redirecting civilization to independent news and intelligence providers unlikely to be corrupted and complicit in the consumer fraud and organized crime. This would send an instant dramatic message favoring civility, by suspending the social and behavioral programming underlying aggression, pubic manipulation, and subversion of ethics and basic human values for peace, prosperity, and sustainability.


1) United States arms, fees, and heals Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). Senator McCain secretly illegally entering Syria to meet with ISIL to coordinate strategy on that warfront. CLICK HERE.

2) Wag the Dog film produced by Rupert Murdoch’s Warner Bros. spins the Militant Media’s manipulation of reality on behalf of political opportunists. CLICK HERE and HERE.

3) Frustrated by intelligence failures, as the ones cited in this article, the Defense Department decided to dramatically expand its ‘black world’ (i.e., covert) operations. As reported in 2002 by William M. Arkin, military affairs analyst, Donald Rumsfeld influenced the Defense Science Board in their Summer Study on Special Operations and Joint Forces in Support of Countering Terrorism. The  classified “outbrief” was drafted to guide defense agencies on counter-terrorism that “requires new strategies, postures and organization.” The board recommended the creation of Super-Intelligence Support Activity–an organization it dubs the Proactive, Preemptive Operations Group, (P2OG)–to bring together CIA and military covert action, information warfare, intelligence, and covert deception.

Among other things, this body would launch secret operations aimed at “stimulating reactions” among terrorists and states possessing weapons of mass destruction — that is, for instance, prodding terrorist cells into action and exposing themselves to “quick-response” attacks by U.S. forces.
Such tactics would hold “states/sub-state actors accountable” and “signal to harboring states that their sovereignty will be at risk,” the briefing paper declared.

The operation was purportedly administered by one hundred “highly specialized people with unique technical and intelligence skills such as information operations, PSYOP, network attack, covert activities, SIGINT, HUMINT, SOF, influence warfare/deception operations.” This secret group is believed to have constituted a new, elite “Proactive Preemptive Operations Group (P2OG),” reporting to the National Security Council with an annual budget of $100 million.

4) U.S. Recruited Japanese entertainment corporation Sony to help in propaganda war against islamic states and Russia. CLICK HERE.

Quoting from the article, “Sony Pictures Entertainment CEO Michael Lynton is on the board of trustees of the RAND Corporation, an organization specializing in research and development for the United States military and intelligence sector. The Sony Archives show the flow of contacts and information between these two major US industries, whether it is RAND wanting to invite George Clooney and Kevin Spacey to events, or Lynton offering contact to Valerie Jarrett (a close advisor to Obama) or RAND desiring a partnership with IMAX for digital archiving. With this close tie to the military-industrial complex it is no surprise that Sony reached out to RAND for advice regarding its North Korea film The Interview… The Sony documents also show Sony being in possession of a brochure for an NSA-evaluated online cloud security set-up called INTEGRITY.

WikiLeaks published this leaked story including Sony data detailing influential ties to the White House and ‘Military-Industrial Complex.’ The intelligence demonstrates how the government and entertainment corporations have teamed up to run a massive psychological operation on the American people.

The Wikileaks archive reveals that the government is actively working with the corporate media to produce the sort of propaganda required to shape the foreign policy of the United States.

5) A related story concerns “The CIA’s Nest of Vipers at Sony Pictures” and involves “Virtuous War” making. The June 7, 2001, publication details the “mapping” of the Military-Industrial-Media-Entertainment Network.” Quoting from this source linked HERE:

In the Mojave Desert, off the shores of San Francisco Bay, in the hills of southern Germany, next door to Disneyworld and in the heart of Hollywood, the United States armed forces are preparing for the next war. They are fought by the military in the same manner as they are viewed by citizens, on real-time networks and by live-feed videos, on the PC and the TV, actually and virtually. Enabled by smart technologies yet constrained by political and humanitarian imperatives, a new form of high-tech, low-risk warfare is emerging, Virtuous War. In Virtuous War, James Der Derian takes the reader on a roadtrip through the future of war, where cyborg combat technologies, video games, TV news stories, Army training exercises, and Hollywood movies all blur and converge in a new military-industrial-media-entertainment network. He shows us a world in which CNN and Disney are as much a part of the battlefield as Lockheed Martin and the Pentagon, where Marine fire-teams train with the video game “Doom”, and entertainment executives design Army war-games. All the while Derian offers tremendous insight on the questions that arise as the tail of technology wags the dog of war.”

6) More recently, on March 19, 2013, the Military-Industrial- Media-Entertainment Network was further unveiled by Google/YouTube (CLICK HERE). Quoting this intelligence:

“Technology in the service of virtue has given rise to a global form of virtual violence: Virtuous War. In the 21st century, the Military-Industrial-Media-Entertainment-Network (aka The MIME-NET) has become the ‘fifth-dimension’ of U.S. hegemony. Fought in the same manner they are represented through real-time global surveillance, media dissimulation, and network-centric warfare, virtuous war deters, disciplines and destroys the “enemy” at a distance. An all-too-real matrix, MIME-NET, seamlessly merges the production, representation, and execution of war. We learn how to kill but not take responsibility for it; we encounter ‘death’ but not its tragic consequences; we now face not just the confusion but the pixelation of war and game on the same screen.” This information features
Professor James Der Derian, of the University of Sydney. He “takes the viewer on a journey through deserts real and virtual to find the ghosts in the 21st century war-machine.”

7) The Militant Media, or the “Military–industrial–media complex,” as Wikipedia describes it:

“The military–industrial–media complex is an offshoot of the military–industrial complex. Organizations like Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting have accused the military industrial media complex of using their media resources to promote militarism, which, according to Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting’s hypothesis, benefits the defense resources of the company.

General Electric (which owns, but is in the process of divesting, 49% of NBC) is a subcontractor for the Tomahawk cruise missile and Patriot II missile both of which were used extensively during the Persian Gulf War.[1] General Electric also manufactures components for the B-2 stealth bomber and B-52 bomber and the E-3 AWACS aircraft which were also used extensively during the conflict. During the first Gulf War, General Electric received $2 billion in defense contracts related to weapons which would be used in Gulf War and the 2003 invasion and subsequent occupation of Iraq by Coalition Forces.”

Here is an adjunct to our main points:

“Paradoxical Psychological Manipulation is a technique often used by the military and the media.

A powerful strategy of clandestine brainwashing is to send a communication with two, paradoxical messages.

“Even intelligent people can be taken in by this brainwashing technology of paradoxical messaging. An example of this phenomenon is a current operation by the Advertising Council.

In June of 2003, the Ad Council was stating its overall purpose in this way: “We marshall [sic] the volunteer forces of advertising agencies and media companies to affect [sic] positive social change.” As of December, 2003, they have corrected their statement to read: “We marshal the volunteer forces of advertising agencies and media companies to effect positive social change.” You can, in the example below, interpret “effect positive change” to mean “brainwash people into fearful submission.”

One of the Council’s current operations is called the “Campaign for Freedom.” If you believe the Council,

“The initiative is designed to assist Americans during the war on terrorism through the development and distribution of timely and relevant public service messages. This first round of PSAs for the campaign has been created to celebrate our nation’s freedom and remind Americans about the importance of freedom and the need to protect it for future generations.”

“According to research, Americans are looking for messages that will inform, involve and inspire them during the war on terrorism. This inspirational campaign is advertising’s gift to America on the occasion of its birthday, Independence Day.” All of the ads conclude with the powerful tagline, “Freedom. Appreciate it. Cherish it. Protect it.”

We recommend you examine all six Ad Council “messages” to see the paradoxical communications in each.

8) View also:





CLICK HERE to read “Qatar-Bataclan Sale on 9-11 Evidences Conspiracy in Paris Attacks.”

CLICK HERE to read the original Feature Story, or

CLICK HERE to review the five clues that led Dr. Horowitz to discover the Key to the Paris attacks.

CLICK HERE to read “The Healing Codes ‘Key’ Connection to the Paris Attacks.

CLICK HERE to read 10 more facts evidencing the Paris attacks administered a “false flag” event.


Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Why Qatar Want to be Friends with Russia



sherri kane and leonard horowitz, leonard horowitz and sherri kane, len horowitz and sherri kane, leonard horowitz, len horowitz, sherri kane, dr leonard horowitz, HorokaneDr. Leonard G. Horowitz is the world’s most prolific, best credentialed, and most controversial drug industry critic.

This music industry revolutionary, natural medicine expert, pharmaceutical industry whistleblower, and intelligence industry analyst has published eighteen books, five documentary films, and dozens of peer-reviewed scientific articles.

After receiving his Doctor of Medical Dentistry degree from Tufts University, and a Master of Public Health degree from Harvard University, Dr. Horowitz went on to publish the first of three American bestsellers, Emerging Viruses: AIDS & Ebola–Nature, Accident or Intentional?. This book is largely credited by Centers for Disease Control (CDC) officials for prompting the global vaccination risk awareness movement. Dr. Horowitz’s monumental text caused several governments to reconsider their “immunization” policies, and it became the center of political debate in 2008 when Barack Obama’s minister, Rev. Jeremiah Wright, credited Horowitz and this book for evidencing HIV/AIDS as a genocidal weapon of mass depopulation targeting Africans and African Americans courtesy of covert U.S. military contractors named in the book.

Dr. Horowitz’s second bestseller, Healing Codes for the Biological Apocalypse, prompted a revolution in the music and natural healing industries.

The retired dentist and naturopathic physician’s consumer health guidebook, Healing Celebrations: Miraculous Recoveries Through Ancient Scripture, Natural Medicine and Modern Science, pioneered the protocol adopted by thousands of natural healers and doctors worldwide.

His 2007 decryption of Leonardo da Vinci’s most famous drawing revealed the mathematics of LOVE: The Real da Vinci CODE; and his follow-up text, the most monumental of his 30-year career, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of LOVE, reveals “God’s creative technology,” available for revolutionizing music, recording artistry, healthcare, environmental resource protection and restoration, along with civilization’s transformation as an “enlightened species” choosing peaceful sustainable collaboration versus murderous degenerative competition and lethal consumption.

From Dr. Horowitz’s books, video productions, and documentary films, Hollywood filmmakers have drawn many ideas, including those expressed the movies INCEPTION, I Am Legand, the X-File Movie, and several others.

International acclaim and widespread acceptance of the doctor’s works revealing Solfeggio frequency physics and metaphysics has prompted the “528LOVERevolution,” which Dr. Horowitz and his partner, journalist and activist, Sherri Kane, has commercialized in the rapidly growing 528RadioNetwork.com and through his private television station, LOVE528TV.net, formed following Google/YouTube’s censorship of more than 150 of the doctor’s DVD productions.

Dr. Horowitz’s and Sherri Kane’s 528Radio.com broadcasts “medicinal music” transposed into the “LOVE frequency” of 528Hz, that resonates the sound of buzzing bees, and 528nm of greenish-yellow light at the heart of rainbows, precisely why grass is green and fills the air with electron-energized oxygen vibrating in the energy of LOVE/528.

Dr. Horowitz’s film presentation, the 528KEY movie, provides an explanation of the great opportunity provided by the 528 frequency for advancing unprecedented benefits to civilization.


If you do a Google search on Sherri Kane, you will probably notice she has been widely defamed by a seemingly large group of racist, anti-Semitic, and sexist men who obviously feel their lives spent on the Internet libeling her is a profitable pastime.

Here are some political reasons why:

Sherri Kane is America’s gutsiest investigative journalist, news commentator, psycho-social analyst, and political activist, specializing in uncovering what predators do to women, children, and even animals. She exposes human and animal rights violators, child sex traffickers, and human slavery networks, several involving high ranking government officials.

Sherri does not hesitate to investigate, analyze, and vet the dark world of government and intelligence agencies’ corruption, and agents’ complicity in organized crimes. She refutes the propaganda published to manipulate and damage people, and exposes what is being concealed by the FBI/CIA’s COINTELPRO (that was supposed to have stopped abusing people and depriving human rights in 1976 by Acts of Congress). Sherri delves into conspiracy realities so dark that very few people dare to study them.

For instance, you may have heard of the political fracas involving certain members of Congress, a high ranking official in the Republican Party, and the mysterious disappearances and abuses of children at “Boys Town” in Nebraska, called “The Franklin Cover-up.” Thanks to Ms. Kane’s heroic investigative reporting, the matter has now been exposed as “The Franklin Double-coverup.”

You may recall the Gulf Oil Crisis, maybe even the extensive coverage Jesse Ventura and TruTV gave to the “Conspiracy Theory” implicating Halliburton, BP, and TransOcean in the intentional explosion and environmental devastation in the Gulf of Mexico. Ms Kane sourced the story and appears on the segment.

Sherri wrote the foreword to Dr. Horowitz’s music-industry-transforming book, The Book of 528: Prosperity Key of Love, and co-produced and is co-starring in Dr. Horowitz’s controversial docu-comedy PHARMAWHORES: The SHOWTIME Sting of Penn & Teller, winner of the 2010 Accolade Award for “Uniqueness in Documentary Film-making.”

Ms. Kane is the Vice President of Medical Veritas online journal, has published works in newspapers, magazines and many websites, and has been interviewed worldwide including on Al Jazeera’s A9 Turkey, The Veritas Show, the BBC’s Talk Radio Europe, Late Night In The Midlands, WAC Connecticut, LA Talk Radio, and many others. She co-hosts the Hollywood Spin series of film reviews with Dr. Horowitz viewed on RevolutionTelevision.net and Vimeo’s Revolution Television Channel. Ms. Kane also co-hosted The HOROKANE Hour on LNM Radio Network with Dr. Horowitz, and co-wrote Space Pearl Harbor, reviewed in the 39-minute news program seen HERE.

Sherri is currently collaborating with Dr. Horowitz on various projects including Healthy World Organization (HWO), the alternative to the corrupt World Health Organization (WHO), HealthyWorldAffiliates.com, and advancing the power of “528 Hz” frequency for global healing, as experienced at 528Records.com,  528Radio.com, and 528Revolution.com.

E-mail inquiries to SherriKane@gmail.com.

See more at: http://www.waronwethepeople.com/militant-media/#sthash.m21fCTVG.dpuf

Lawsuit against Florida Gun Store’s “Muslim Free Zone” Dismissed

Today (November 24, 2015), a Florida federal judge granted a motion to dismiss filed by the American Freedom Law Center (AFLC), dismissing a lawsuit filed by CAIR Florida against AFLC’s client, Florida Gun Supply.

In the lawsuit, CAIR alleged that Florida Gun Supply’s refusal to equip Islamic terrorists is religious discrimination in violation of Title II of the Civil Rights Act.

On July 29th, CAIR Florida filed the lawsuit against Florida Gun Supply because its owner declared in a YouTube video that his retail gun store is a “Muslim Free Zone” following the Chattanooga, Tennessee terrorist attack in which five service members were gunned down.

The owner of the gun store, Andy Hallinan, refuses to equip the next Paris-type terrorist with dangerous firearms.  Consequently, pursuant to its official, written policy, Florida Gun Supply will not serve “[a]nyone who is either directly or indirectly associated with terrorism in any way . . .”

Despite Hallinan’s legitimate concerns about public safety—concerns which have been confirmed most recently with the deadly terrorist attacks in France and the claims by ISIS to engage in similar attacks here in the United States—CAIR Florida sued Florida Gun Supply in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Florida, alleging religious discrimination.

AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel Robert Muise commented:

“As our motion and now the court’s ruling make clear, CAIR’s lawsuit was patently frivolous if not outright dangerous.  No firearms dealer or gun range owner for that matter should be required to sell weapons to or train anyone that the dealer or owner has reason to believe is a terrorist threat.  We all have a civic responsibility to prevent the next terrorist attack.  CAIR’s lawsuit was an effort to prevent business owners from doing so.”

In its ruling granting AFLC’s request to dismiss CAIR’s lawsuit, the court stated that it

“must agree that [CAIR] has insufficiently alleged imminent harm.  The Complaint contains only bald, conclusory allegations devoid of factual enhancement.”

The court stated further that

“the general desire of [CAIR] in this case to have Muslims able to access [Florida Gun Supply’s] shooting range someday in the future is insufficient . . .  There are simply no facts grounding the assertion that [CAIR] and/or one of its constituents will be harmed—[CAIR] has failed to allege when and in what manner the alleged injuries are going to occur.”

Consequently, because CAIR could not show any harm or injury, the court dismissed the case for lack of jurisdiction.

AFLC Co-Founder and Senior Counsel David Yerushalmi commented:

“This dismissal was yet another AFLC victory against CAIR and its jihadi lawfare against patriotic Americans across the country.  This victory follows on the heels of a recent victory against CAIR in a Michigan federal court where CAIR’s subpoenas were quashed and CAIR’s nefarious client sanctioned for abusive practices.  CAIR was born from a jihadi terrorist conspiracy, and it has done little to distance itself from those bona fides.  CAIR is on notice: if you attempt to use the courts to conduct your civilizational jihad, AFLC will be there to defend law-abiding, patriotic Americans and our nation’s national security.  We will match and defeat your civilization jihad with our constitutional lawfare in every courtroom across the nation.”

From Bitcoin Skeptic to Evangelist by Amanda B. Johnson

Bitcoin evangelist, FEE’s director of digital development, and Liberty.me founder Jeffrey Tucker was not always a Bitcoin believer. He initially struggled with how a non-tangible item could possibly qualify as money, much less “sound money.”

But Bitcoin’s persistence as a medium of exchange kept Tucker on a fiery path of research which eventually lead to a crypto-romance that everyone in the libertarian world is familiar with.

Bitcoin.com (BC): What and when was your first experience with Bitcoin?

Jeffrey Tucker (JT): It was 2011 when I first started receiving submissions on Bitcoin, to be published on an economics website. I couldn’t understand the technical details, and I was biased against it. I didn’t believe you could make money from code. So I turned them down. Big mistake.

And that’s where I stood until February 2013. A group of bitcoiners surrounded me and made me an owner. My doubts began to fade. I later spent some Bitcoin online. That experience converted me. Over the following months, I wrote a dozen or so articles on the topic.

I was surprised that I was pretty much alone in my opinions in my neck of the woods. I received a torrent of criticism.

Part of the problem for me intellectually is that while I was convinced Bitcoin was real, I didn’t really have a handle on the source of its value. It took me another year to figure out that puzzle. I’m finally satisfied that I’ve figured it out.

In the early days after actually becoming a Bitcoin owner, I finally had to ask myself whether I would believe my own theories or the evidence of my experience. I went with my experience, and that caused a shift in my own thinking.

I got a hard lesson in humility: markets are indeed smarter than intellectuals.

This is why no one should ever stop looking outside the window and observing the way the world works. Markets are our best teachers.

BC: As an economist, you report that you struggled with the ’moneyness’ aspect of bitcoin for two whole years. Briefly describe the Austrian theory of money, your initial response to Bitcoin’s having value as money, and the eventual conclusion you reached as to why it meets Austrian theories of money.

JT: I had long believed that the only possible money that could enter the world had to grow organically from bartered goods. As I began to reread in the market literature — Menger, Mises, Rothbard, Hayek — I realized that they never said this precisely. What they said is that money emerges from exchange involving goods with use value. It didn’t have to be barter, and it didn’t have to be physical goods. The source of value emerged from people actually using something, and that can be a good or a service.

This is where it clicked for me. The Blockchain has enormous use value.

Once that became obvious, the monetary marker that caused the Blockchain to work — namely Bitcoin — became the expression of that value, and hence money.

Further, I found that all these thinkers had anticipated that moneyness doesn’t happen overnight. It comes about gradually through entrepreneurial experience. Something can work as money in one place but not in another, for some transactions but not for all. This is precisely the experience of Bitcoin. It is following the same path as every other money in history. It is not different in that sense. Bitcoin brings the efficiency of advanced technology to one of the world’s oldest institutions.

BC: In your book Bit by Bit: How P2P is Freeing the World, you describe commercial transactions as literal acts of love. Explain.

JT: Love is the coming together of two people with volition and intention, and the results of love are always greater than the sum of the parts that go into creating it. The value of each is multiplied in the cooperation of spirits.

If one person defects, the love ends. It is the same with trade. We own. We exchange. The results are that each person is better off.

But in order to realize this enhanced state of being, you have to have the volition of each party engaged. That’s when the magic takes place. Even though nothing in the physical world has changed, you enter into a new state of mind where a new level of valuation exists. That’s a very beautiful thing, and the least appreciated merit of an exchange economy.

BC: Some have likened Bitcoin to a gun – a tool that’s just as useful for doing evil as doing good. Do you think this comparison is accurate? Why or why not?

JT: I suppose the same can be said of knives, rope, or bricks. It’s a bit of a trivial point. The main thing is that we need a monetary technology always. And we need one that is keeping up with technological trends.

Our national monies are extremely old fashioned, having been nationalized for 100 years, while our payment systems are half a century out of date. This is unsustainable. Bitcoin has been invented and won’t be uninvented. It is on an inexorable march toward mainstream acceptance.

BC: You seem to agree with Roger Ver that large modern wars have been the direct result of the monopolization of money by central banks. But many disagree that privatized money like Bitcoin will do anything to prevent wars. Why are they wrong?

JT: If Bitcoin is to prevent wars, a number of things need to happen. National monies will have to keep up their near universal use and surrender to cryptocurrencies. I can see this happening, but that future is way down the road. National monies will not entirely disappear of course, not under any scenario. They will always be used for taxes, always be spent by governments.

But reduced circulation of the dollar does make it less effective as a tool for funding large-scale spending programs via inflation. And let me say this too: there is no question that central banking and total war are linked.

BC: Bitcoin is in the larger category of distributed networks, which your book describes in detail. How do you see the world changing in light of the advent of the distributed network?

JT: Distributed networks change so much, perhaps everything. As capital, it is not owned by any one institution, which is amazing. And yet it puts massive economic power into the hands of the individual. The great economic debate really came down to: which is worse, big government or big corporations? That’s a terrible way to frame the debate but we weren’t able to avoid it.

Maybe that won’t be the main question in the future. Maybe the question will be: which is better, universal and distributed capital or centralized institutions of all sorts? We can win this one. It changes the political dynamic. Suddenly everyone has so much to lose from the continuation of monopolization policies.

BC: For those who’d like to understand more of the sound money and property rights theories (i.e. Austrian) as they apply to cryptocurrency, what further reading do you recommend?

JT: I would strongly suggest F.A. Hayek’s “Denationalization of Money” from 1974. I think that’s the best. Satoshi’s White Paper should be reread every few months. Then I would recommend Murray Rothbard’s What Has Government Done to Our Money?

This interview is reprinted from Bitcoin.com.

Amanda B.  Johnson
Amanda B. Johnson

Amanda is the writer and kindly host of The Daily Decrypt.

Cosmopolitan Magazine ‘Pornifies’ Christmas by Lisa Thompson with Dani Bianculli

Few people following the news could have missed the controversy brewing around the Starbuck’s “Christmas” coffee cup. Conspicuously missing from the bright, red cup is any greeting referring to Christmas or any of the holidays associated with this time of year. Whether you take issue with the Starbucks cup or not, the issue that sparked the controversy pales in comparison to the mockery of Christmas and Hanukkah unleashed in the December issue ofCosmopolitan magazine.

For decades Christmas in America has been commercialized (to say the least), but for many it still has a deep and meaningful spiritual significance. While it is fairly easy to differentiate between the secular celebration and festivities, with their emphasis on good feelings, family, brotherly love, and material consumption, from serious and sacred religious traditions, to Cosmopolitan everything must be pornified, even Christmas, and nothing, not even religious expression, will be spared. To Editor-in-Chief Joanna Coles and her associates, the holiday season is not simply devoid of spiritual meaning (à la Starbucks), but rather spiritual significance is something to be mocked and creepily sexualized.

In an article entitled “Cosmo’s Sexy Holiday Countdown,” readers are presented a “Sex-Vent” calendar featuring 24 days of ways by which readers can ostensibly “have a merry little XXX-mas.” This is a perversion of the traditional Christmas Advent season, a time in which many Christians make special preparations and engage in spiritual reflection culminating in the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ. Among the many traditions that Christians observe during this time, some keep an Advent calendar to mark and celebrate the days in anticipation of Christmas. But according to Cosmo, the time leading up to Christmas is just another opportunity for it to proclaim its dogma of anything goes sexuality and hawk sex toys.

In its list of recommended “Sex-Vent” programming, Cosmo’s readers are exhorted to “Roast His Chestnuts,” “Light His Yule Log,” “get your inner voyeur on,” and to ask for “Mrs. Claus’s best friend”—a vibrator. The article also urges readers to “Light His Menorah! . . . Just like the Maccabee’s flame, he’ll last even longer than expected,” and to “Play a game of ‘Sex Dreidel,’”— perversions of the Jewish celebration of lights known as Hanukkah, which commemorates the rededication of the Second Temple in Jerusalem. In a world full of so many other distasteful options, Cosmo decided to push the envelope and target the spiritual symbolism held sacred by so many. Let’s face it, Cosmohas no class, and apparently few, if any, scruples.

While it’s not breaking news that Cosmo glamorizes cheap, public, anal, group, and even violent sex, and routinely normalizes pornography and commercial sexual exploitation, doing so in a formula that also profanes religious beliefs and traditions is a new low. Even so, this new sacrilege is not so surprising when one considers that Cosmo is in the business of the profane. Cosmo is, after all, passionately committed to a doctrine that teaches women and girls to believe that achieving “hotness” is the supreme achievement; that women’s purpose is to sexually serve men; that mastering dozens of sex tricks is the path to transcendence; that bondage is liberating. Under Cosmo’s creed, the degree to which girls and women conform to their pornified doctrine is the degree to which they have worth, when tragically the measure by which they master this doctrine is the measure by which they are debased. Some religion.

This got me thinking about the Christmas film classic It’s a Wonderful Life, which presents the story of George Bailey a man whose life choices made an indelible mark for good in the lives of countless residents in the fictional town of Bedford Falls. The story, in part, highlights George’s numerous battles with Mr. Henry Potter, a greedy, unscrupulous man, who is out only for himself. As the story progresses, George experiences a deep, personal crisis through which he is given the miraculous opportunity to see that the health, happiness, and prosperity of Bedford Falls has been saved through his actions; he learns that the community would have turned into “Pottersville”—a town full of corruption and vice—had it not been for his goodness and sacrifices.

This year, we too have been given the opportunity to see into another possible world—the world according to Cosmo. In this issue of Cosmopolitan we encounter yet another seedy, sleazy, exploitive “Pottersville” vision of reality, created by people to whom nothing is sacred except the money they rake in selling America’s girls and young women misleading, commercially-motivated messages that encourage a reckless and harmful sexuality.


This holiday season give a gift to yourself and all the women and girls you care about, by joining our “Cosmo-X-Vent.” From now until Christmas, send a daily tweet or Facebook post to @Cosmopolitan, and December cover model @carrieunderwood, telling Cosmopolitan to stop spewing their pornified sexuality and to keep their XXXs off our bodies and faiths.

Suggested Tweets:

  • @Cosmopolitan you send us smut, but we wish you light, hope, peace & joy. You don’t need XXXs to have a merry Christmas.
  • @Cosmopolitan you send us smut, but we wish you light, hope, peace & joy. You don’t need XXXs to have a happy Hanukkah.
  • @Cosmopolitan hoping you find you don’t need XXXs to find happiness and joy this holiday season.
  • @Cosmopolitan stop pornifying the sacred: our bodies and our faiths.
  • @Cosmopolitan keep your XXXs off our bodies and our faiths.
  • @Cosmopolitan Sex-Vent is creepy and demeaning! Is there anything you won’t sexualize?
  • @Cosmopolitan stop promoting pornified sexuality #cosmoharmsminors
  • @Cosmopolitan your articles promote risky and unhealthy sex to girls and women. Publish more responsible material. #cosmoharmsminors
  • @Cosmopolitan you owe America an apology. Stop pornifying women and our holidays. #cosmoharmsminors
  • @Cosmopolitan read the APA report on the harmful effects of the sexualization of girls: https://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report-full.pdf
  • @Cosmopolitan stop perverting Hanukkah and Christmas!
  • @Cosmopolitan Sex-Vent is tasteless, crass, and crude!
  • @Cosmopolitan we don’t need your Sex-Vent to have fulfilling sex lives.
  • @Cosmopolitan for happier sex life ditch Cosmo.
  • @carrieunderwood Please don’t pose for Cosmo again. They encourage girls and young women to engage in risky sexual behavior #cosmoharmsminors
  • @carrieunderwood You posed for a Cosmo edition that promoted pornified sexuality. Please be more responsible in the future! #cosmoharmsminors
  • @carrieunderwood read the APA report on the harmful sexualization of girls: http://www.apa.org/pi/women/programs/girls/report.aspx
  • @carrieunderwood Cosmo’s Sex-Vent pornifies Christmas and Hanukkah! Do you support this?
  • @carrieunderwood we don’t need Cosmo’s XXXs to have a merry Christmas.
  • @carrieunderwood Cosmo’s Sex-Vent is tasteless, crass, and crude! Is this also your idea of how to celebrate the holidays?
  • @carrieunderwood Cosmo betrays women’s and pornifies Christmas and Hanukkah. Is this what you stand for?

Lisa L. Thompson


Lisa L. Thompson serves as the Vice President of Education and Outreach for the National Center on Sexual Exploitation, where she oversees NCOSE’s strategic planning for increased public understanding of sexual exploitation related issues. To this end Lisa conducts analysis, develops research initiatives, and liaises with a wide-range of public officials, non-profit organizations, institutions of higher learning, and academics to generate collaborative action to combat the full spectrum of sexual exploitation especially as pertains to the harms of pornography, stripping, prostitution, and sexual trafficking.

Lisa joins the NCOSE following nearly two years with World Hope International (WHI), where as its Director of Anti-Trafficking, Lisa administered WHI’s anti-trafficking and sexual-violence recovery programs in Azerbaijan, Cambodia, Liberia and Sierra Leone. While working for WHI Lisa also served as a steering committee member of the Faith Alliance Against Slavery and Trafficking (FAAST), a collaboration initiative she helped found, and as a reviewer for the Journal of Human Trafficking.

She has written on the subjects of sexual trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation for publications such as Christian History and Biography, Caring, Mutuality, PRISM, andSocial Work and Christianity. Lisa is a contributing author to Hands that Heal: International Curriculum for Caregivers of Trafficking Survivors, as well as the bookGlobal Perspectives on Prostitution and Sex Trafficking:  Europe Latin America, North America, and Global in which she contributed chapters about the use of torture by pimps, as well as the policy conflicts between sex trafficking abolitionists and HIV/AIDS advocates. She is the co-editor of a special anti-trafficking edition of the North American Association of Christians in Social Work journal Social Work & Christianity and has provided expert testimony to the U.S. Congress. Lisa routinely speaks about sex trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation (i.e. prostitution, pornography, stripping), and facilitates anti-trafficking training events for a diverse range of audiences.

Additionally, Lisa served for more than 12 years as the Liaison for the Abolition of Sexual Trafficking for The Salvation Army USA National Headquarters. In that role she pioneered strategies for The Salvation Army to create recovery services for survivors of sexual trafficking and advocated on public policy issues and initiatives related to combating sexual trafficking and other forms of commercial sexual exploitation. Lisa chaired The Salvation Army’s North American Anti-Trafficking Council and directed its Initiative Against Sexual Trafficking. Previous to her arrival at The Salvation Army, Lisa served as Policy Representative for the National Association of Evangelicals’ (NAE) Office for Governmental Affairs in Washington, DC, from 1998 to 2001. While there, she was heavily involved in NAE’s advocacy efforts seeking passage of legislation now known as the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. She has also worked for consulting firms managing Community Develop Block Grants programs in Kentucky, and taught English as a second language in the People’s Republic of China.

Lisa earned her Bachelor of Arts in Government from Western Kentucky University, and her Master’s degree in Leadership, Public Policy and Social Issues from Union Institute and University.

Reversing the Muslim Tide

In the days following the horrific slaughter of innocent men, women, and children by radical Islamists in Paris, small groups of Syrian refugees have been  detained in unlikely ports of entry throughout the western hemisphere.  Eleven Syrian refugees, traveling with fake passports, were detained in Paraguay; 5 Syrians, traveling with stolen Greek passports, were arrested in Honduras; 3 Syrian men, traveling with fake Greek passports, were arrested on the Caribbean Island of St. Maarten after traveling through Brazil, the Dominican Republic, and Haiti; and 8 Syrians were arrested after making it as far as the INS border checkpoint at Laredo, Texas,

Is it my imagination, or is there a pattern developing here?  Is it pure coincidence that so many Syrians were detained in unlikely western hemisphere locations while trying to enter the U.S. illegally?  Could it be that they were acting under orders from ISIS to make their way into the U.S. for purposes of committing acts of terrorism?  And if these four insurgencies were detected, how many others went undetected?

In the meantime, Barack Obama’s plan to import more than 100,000 Islamic refugees per year has drawn strong opposition across the country.  While Republican presidential candidates argue that the 10,000 Syrian refugees now destined for resettlement should be barred from entering the U.S. until a fail-safe vetting formula can be developed, Democrats argue that U.S. immigration officials should simply trust the refugees to answer truthfully when asked whether or not they represent an existential threat to the American people.

In light of a great many vicious terror attacks, both here and abroad, the American people are understandable frightened and are unwilling to accept additional large numbers of Muslims into our country.  Unfortunately, members of Congress, on both sides of the aisle, fail to recognize that the question of whether or not to admit additional Muslims has already been decided in the negative.  What I have suggested in recent columns is that, if the intent of the current law is unclear, the Congress should rewrite sections of the Communist Control Act of 1954, a statute that has not been overturned by the courts and is still in force, to read as follows:

 SEC. 1. PURPOSE.  The Congress hereby finds and declares that certain organizations exist within our borders which, although purporting to be political or religious in nature, are in fact instrumentalities of foreign political or religious entities or ideologies whose purpose it is to overthrow the Government of the United States by any available means, including force and violence.  Such organizations operate as authoritarian dictatorships within our borders, demanding for themselves the rights and privileges generally accorded to all political parties and religious denominations, but denying to all others the liberties guaranteed to them by the U.S. Constitution.                                                                                  

SEC. 2. PROSCRIBED ORGANIZATIONS.  Any political or religious organization as described herein, or any successors or affiliates of such organizations, regardless of the assumed name, whose object or purpose it is to overthrow the government of the United States, or to force the political or religious conversion of its people by force or violence, or threats thereof, are not entitled to any of the rights, privileges, and immunities attendant upon legal bodies created under the jurisdiction of the laws of the United States or its political subdivisions; and whatever rights, privileges, and immunities heretofore granted to said religious or political organizations, or any subsidiary or affiliate organizations, by reason of the laws of the United States or any political subdivision thereof, are hereby rescinded.

This amendment to the Communist Control Act of 1954 would serve to reinforce provisions of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, Public Law 414, which effectually bars any and all Muslims from either entering or residing in the United States.  That law, otherwise known as the McCarran-Walter Act, is still on the books.  And while it has not been enforced by recent administrations, Democrat or Republican, it is sufficient to protect the American people from attacks such as those carried out on September 11, 2001, and subsequent atrocities.

Chapter 2, Section 212, of the McCarran-Walter Act contains numerous provisions which bar  Muslims from legally entering or residing in the United States.  For example, Islam permits Islamic men to marry up to four wives.  And although fewer than 2% of Muslim men have multiple wives, the practice of polygamy is permitted under Islamic law.  Section 212(11) of the McCarran-Walter Act prohibits all aliens who are polygamists, or who practice polygamy, or who  advocate the practice of polygamy, from entering or residing in the United States.

Section 212(19) of the Act bars entry to any alien who seeks to procure, or has sought to procure, or has procured a visa or other documentation, or seeks to enter the United States by fraud, or by willfully misrepresenting a material fact.

Section 212(27) of the Act bars all aliens “who the consular officer or the Attorney General knows, or has reason to believe, seek to enter the United States solely, principally, or incidentally, to engage in activities which would be prejudicial to the public interest, or endanger the welfare, safety, or security of the United States.”

Section 212(28) of the Act denies access to all aliens who are anarchists, or who have at any time been  members of or affiliated with, any organization that advocates or teaches the overthrow of the government of the United States by force, violence, or other unconstitutional means.

In addition, the McCarran-Walter Act contains provisions for a reporting system whereby all aliens are required to report their current address to the INS each year.  It also establishes a central index of aliens in the U.S. for use by security and enforcement agencies… much as Donald Trump and Dr. Ben Carson have suggested.

Section 212 of the Act makes irrelevant any current debate or legislative proposal that would restrict or delay the entry of large numbers of Middle Eastern refugees.  Section 212 concludes by saying, “Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may, by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or non-immigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.”

In other words, under the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952, Muslims are prohibited from obtaining visas to enter or immigrate to the United States, and it gives Obama the authority to do exactly what the American people want him to do… i.e. suspend any further immigration of Muslim refugees to the United States.

Muslim immigration is prohibited under McCarran-Walter because the Koran and Sharia Law require complete submission to Islam, which is antithetical to the U.S. Constitution.  All those who subscribe to the Koran as their guiding principle, by definition, subscribe to Islam and its form of government.  Most liberals and Democrats insist that Muslims cannot be prohibited from entering the U.S. because Islam, as a religion, is a protected class under the 1st Amendment to the Constitution.  However, Islam is not merely another religious denomination.  Islam is a complete social, political, economic, legal, judicial, and military system with a religious component.  As such, it is totally incompatible with principles embodied in the U.S. Constitution.  Islam does not, and cannot, merit 1st Amendment protections.

When the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952 was sent to President Harry Truman for his signature, he vetoed the bill.  However, his veto was overridden by a vote of 278 to 113 in the House and 57 to 26 in the Senate.  Speaking in support of a veto override, Senator Pat McCarran (D-NV), a principal author of the Act, said what any Republican of today might say.  He said, “I believe that this nation is the last hope of Western civilization, and if this oasis of the world shall be overrun, perverted, contaminated, or destroyed, then the last flickering light of humanity will be extinguished.  I take no issue with those who would praise the contributions which have been made to our society by people of many races, of varied creeds and colors.  However, we have in the United States today hard-core, indigestible blocs which have not become integrated into the American way of life, but which, on the contrary, are its deadly enemies.”

He concluded by saying, “Today, as never before, untold millions are storming our gates for admission and those gates are cracking under the strain.  The solution to the problems of Europe and Asia will not come through a transplanting of those problems en masse to the United States.  I do not intend to become prophetic, but if the enemies of this legislation succeed in riddling it to pieces, or in amending it beyond recognition, they will have contributed more to promote this nation’s downfall than any other group since we achieved our independence as a nation.”

How prophetic!  The enemies of America have been highly successful in “riddling our system to pieces,” and never before has the “last flickering light of humanity” been in greater danger of being extinguished than it is today.  What is needed is not a temporary halt to immigration by the “hard-core, indigestible blocs” that now threaten us, but a reversal of the immigration that has taken place since the McCarran-Walter Act became law in 1953.  So long as radical Islamists insist upon achieving world domination through acts of unspeakable violence, and so long as so-called “moderate” Muslims merely look on as bystanders, peace-loving peoples must insist that Muslims settle their age-old differences in total isolation, in their own barren lands.

If and when a new immigration bill comes before Congress for a veto override, Republicans would be well advised to resurrect the wise counsel of their 1953 colleague, Pat McCarran.

Florida Senator Geraldine Thompson (D-Dist. 12) is a Term Limits Hero

On Nov. 17, the Senate Ethics and Elections Committee took up the Term Limits Convention bill (SM630). This is the bill that calls for a national amendment convention under Article V of the U.S. Constitution in order to enact Congressional term limits.

It started out fine but quickly went awry as the vice chair of the committee, Republican John Legg, suggested that the term limits convention may be part of a conspiracy to overthrow the constitution. He was followed by Sen. Jeff Clemens, a South Florida Democrat who has never shown any love for the second amendment, who asked if perhaps our right to bear arms could be threatened by consideration of Congressional term limits. What?

How the hearing took this this sour and darkly comical turn is unclear, but what is certain was that some senators wanted to talk about anything else that afternoon except for term limits. Perhaps the bipartisan popularity of the successful political reform makes it impossible for would-be professional politicians to tackle it in a straightforward manner. They have to obfuscate, confuse, baffle and confound to somehow malign a very simple issue that voters both understand and have long and positive experience with.

Just to be clear: A “convention to propose amendments” under Article V has no power whatever to make or change laws. According to Article V, it “shall” be convened upon the official calls of 2/3 (or 34) of the states. At the convention, delegates chosen and sent by the states can craft and suggest an amendment to the U.S. Constitution. That’s it. To become law, three quarters (38) of the states have to ratify the amendment.

Sen. Joe Negron was about to suggest a tabling of the issue for a saner day, when Sen, Geraldine Thompson announced she intended to support the bill and wanted a vote. She got it, and SM630 passed its first Senate committee 5-4.

That Sen. Thompson, a Democrat, would save the day should not be surprising. Polling (Gallup 2013) shows that some 75% of Americans support Congressional term limits, including 65% of Democrats and 79% of independents.

Most special interests are not ideological but instead purely self-interested, representing corporations, professional organizations and unions that seek special favors and benefits from lawmakers and are willing to pay for them one way or another. Protecting individual Americans from corporate exploitation is a central message of Democratic campaign rhetoric. Term limits regularly sever the cozy relationships between special interest lobbyists and decision-makers and greatly reduce their influence.

There is also a self-interested — and completely legitimate — component of Florida Democratic support for term limits that is, currently, unique to the party. Florida (like some other Southern states) was once solidly blue and started to turn Republican long before that change was reflected in the legislature, as the power of incumbency prevented rotation in office and blocked the changes in the voters views to be expressed. The enactment of term limits speeded up the transition because it improved representation of the people through open seats, competitive elections and the introduction of new people and ideas.

Now that the Republicans are in a solid majority in Tallahassee, nearly every session a GOP bill to lengthen and weaken term limits is introduced in order to thwart electoral competition and protect their position. But when and if the pendulum swings back to the blue among the electorate, it will be the fluidity that comes with term limits that will ensure the voters’ will is reflected in a timely manner — not a generation later.

With her timely vote for term limits, Sen. Thompson struck a blow for the voters, her country and her party.

RELATED ARTICLE: Libertarian Party of Florida urging passage of Term Limits Convention bills

Roman Catholic bishop advocates submission to the Islamic State

This brilliant article sums up not only the myopia of Bishop Robert Barron’s approach to the Islamic State (and to the global jihad in general), but the weakness and wrongheadedness of the entire contemporary Catholic Church when confronted with jihadist savagery.

There is today a wholesale confusion of weakness and submission with compassion and mercy, such that many Church leaders, including but by no means limited to Bishop Barron, believe that Christian charity mandates acquiescence to evil and submission to it. They think it is a matter of “respect” for Muslims as human beings for Christians to bow to violent intimidation from Islamic jihadists, and to assent to restrictions on their behavior that are demanded by way of jihadi threats.

Those who think, on the contrary, that it is more respectful and charitable to Muslims to refuse to enable and reward bullying and bloodlust have no place in today’s Catholic Church.


Bishop Robert Barron being interview on EWTN Nightly News. Photo courtesy of EWTN.

“The Incredible Shrinking Bishop Barron,” by Maureen Mullarkey, OnePeterFive, November 23, 2015 (thanks to Tom):

I have never been more than an occasional viewer of Fr. Robert Barron’s Word on Fire chats. His recent televised interview with EWTN’s Catherine Szeltner put paid to whatever interest I had.

Newly elevated to an auxiliary bishop in the sprawling L.A. diocese, now-Bp. Barron was in Baltimore for his initial appearance among the USCCB. Ms. Szeltner was on hand to ask how Catholics should respond to the slaughter in Paris. “How should they react?” she wondered, as if Catholics were dependent on guidance in their attitude toward carnage.

This was hardly a spontaneous interview. Chairs had been set. The bishop had not been caught on the run; he was not speaking off the cuff. On the contrary, it is standard practice to establish before air time which questions will be asked. Ms. Szaltner was wide-eyed with anticipation for an answer that had already been rehearsed. Here was the fledgling bishop’s moment to affirm public solidarity with the mantra of love heralding the Year of Mercy. Which—the Vatican just announced—extends to Muslims.

Barron began with a self-reverential response that carried a hint of conceit for having been placed among the great and the good. Our new bishop has ascended above even just anger. The massacre aroused no outrage, not even a wince of distaste. Rather, his first words were on fire with . . . nostalgia. He found the atrocity “especially poignant” because he had studied in Paris for three years. And because he remembered some of the locations involved, the attacks were “moving and poignant.”

Not obscene, not demonic, foul or repellant. Poignant. It is a word appropriate for the death of a kitten. Applied to the murder and maiming of innocents, it is worse than unfitting. It is shameful.

He glided on to a serene tutorial on mercy, on the obligation to “respond to violence with love,” and “to fight hatred with love.” He enjoined Catholics to mercy and “a non-violent stance.” Listening, I realized why I have never been able to cotton to Word on Fire: Barron is smarmy. His genial TV persona has none of the alert, intellectual muscularity of Fulton Sheen whose lead he presumes to follow. This time on camera, he confused Paris in 2015 with Selma, Alabama in 1965.

Sanctimonious appeal to non-violence is typical of middle-brow respect for the strategy of King—learned from Gandhi—minus any grasp of its genius. There is nothing commensurate between the cultural situation of the American civil rights movement and the events in Paris. To try to impose the conditions of that movement onto Islamic jihad is astonishing in its obtuseness. Mercy is vacated of all meaning when it is used as an excuse for blindness to history, or for inaction in the face of present realities.

Genocide was never the end game of either the British or the segregationist forces in the United States. Genocide—mitigated only by conversion or the slavery of dhimmitude— is an objective of Islam. Barron misleads his audience with bankrupt, Vatican-stroking noises about nonviolence.

The limited applications of non-violence were obvious when, in 1938, Gandhi advised Europe’s Jews to practice nonviolent resistance against Nazi persecution. In some mystical way, this would supposedly result in Germany’s moral reformation. Nearly eighty years later, Bishop Barron offers the same futile rationale—in the name of Christ crucified—to Catholics.

Inversion of circumstances between Islam and the West is as bizarre as it is reckless. Non-violence is the resort of the weak against the strong. By inviting Catholics to adopt “a non-violent stance” against jihad, Barron insinuates assent to inferiority. It is a failure of will dressed in Christian idiom. Call it submission.

In practical terms, what does it mean to respond with love to genocidal intention? How is non-violence applicable to a contest of civilizations in which one side is committed to the annihilation of the other? Wherein lies the moral force of non-violence against a bloodlust cultivated for fourteen hundred years?

Gandhi’s notorious advice to Jews was tantamount to telling them to march quietly to the ovens. Whether satyagraha serves freedom or a final solution depends on the variables of situation. Bishop Barron’s inability to discern critical distinctions makes his ministry dangerous.

He remains a cheery, good-natured promoter. Sadly, what he promotes is dhimmitude.


How Will Downing of Russian Plane Impact Campaign Against ISIS?

Spencer, PJM: CNN’s Amanpour Shames US for Not Taking Unvettable Refugees…Then Fails to Vet Her Muslim Guest

Video: U.S.-backed Syrian “moderates” scream “Allahu akbar” over body of downed Russian pilot

CNN Fails to ‘Vet’ Radical Muslim Guest

Over at PJ Media today I discuss CNN “journalist” Christiane Amanpour’s manifest bias and hypocrisy:

CNN’s Christiane Amanpour believes “we can all afford to be human” regarding the Syrian refugees. Recently, she condemned the U.S. and other countries for not letting them enter the homeland, despite FBI Director James Comey’s testimony explaining that vetting this population is literally impossible.

Apparently, “discerning” does not qualify as a human trait to Amanpour. Because soon after she offered her ill-considered, slanderous logic equating “responsible” with “heartless,” she employed this advice in her own decision-making — and she was taken.

Amanpour demonstrated exactly how Islamic radicals have learned to take advantage of those bearing her viewpoint.

Last Thursday, Amanpour invited Dalil Boubakeur, chairman of the Grand Mosque of Paris, to a sit-down interview. During the interview, Boubakeur strongly denounced the Islamic State (ISIS) and called for military action against it. He then declared that the barbarous terror group behind the Paris attacks had nothing to do with Islam:

Our religion is not one of violence, of jihadism, of terrorism, of women who kill. In what page of Qur’an is that written that a woman must take bombs inside her body to explode and kill other people? In what part of Qur’an is that said? In what page of Qur’an is it said that we shall kill innocent people? Young people?

Boubakeur then lamented that “little by little,” the Islamic State had won over the young Muslims of Europe. He declared that it was a “great error … not only of Muslims, but of the world to accept this.”

Then, Boubakeur called on Muslims in France to assimilate:

[It is] very important [for] French Muslim people to express their French nationality, their French taste, their French values, their French [rejection] of what is the danger for them, France, and for our religion also.

Had Amanpour recognized vetting as rational behavior — and understood her own viewpoint as reckless and irresponsible — then she would have known that Boubakeur’s insistence on “assimilation” could be nothing but a preposterous, exploitative lie considering his past behavior.

Homeland security expert Patrick Poole reported on Boubakeur’s rejection of Islamic “assimilation” with Western values in PJ Media last January. Boubakeur certainly does not oppose ISIS’s — or, in general, Islam’s — embrace of violence when he isn’t on Amanpour’s set:

[I]n 2006 at the height of the Danish Cartoon crisis, Boubakeur had published an article denouncing the cartoons and concluded by issuing a warning to all those — including Charlie Hebdo — who would publish caricatures of Mohammed, saying: “He who sows the whirlwind shall reap the whirlwind.”

Stop drawing Muhammad, and start abiding by Sharia blasphemy laws … or else.

Boubakeur, rather than being the assimilation-supporting, violence-spurning moderate Amanpour wanted him to be, is guilty of fanning the violence that resulted in deadly riots across the globe and ended in the horrific slaughter at Charlie Hebdo’s offices.

Boubakeur’s interview answers were no doubt music to the ears of Amanpour, as they matched the narrative she pushed in her September op-ed published by CNN wherein she castigated the U.S. for not taking more Syrian refugees. In the op-ed, Amanpour described the following as “heartwarming”:

… ordinary citizens, the responsible media, and generous governments all opening their arms to welcome a modern, yet biblical tide of humanity, fleeing war and persecution to safety here in Europe.

She scolded the U.S. and Canada:

… countries with big hearts, deep pockets and a habit of projecting their humanitarian values [are] unwilling to actually help end the war that would stop this exodus.

The U.S., she lamented:

… has only accepted fewer than 1,500 Syrian asylum seekers over the course of the war.

Amanpour did not address in her piece the real reason why many in the U.S. and elsewhere are reluctant to take in large numbers of these refugees: the prospect of Islamic jihadis being among them.

The Islamic State boasted last February that they would soon inundate Europe with 500,000 refugees. The Lebanese education minister recently warned that there were 20,000 active jihadis among the Syrian refugees in camps in his country. An Islamic State operative boasted in September, shortly after the migrant influx into Europe began, that among the flood of refugees, 4,000 terrorists had already entered Europe.

None of that information made it into Amanpour’s piece. She likely is confident that Obama administration officials will be able to “vet” the refugees they admit into the U.S., as they have repeatedly promised to do….

She must understand now that to heed her call, to bring in those refugees in large numbers, might make her temporarily feel good about how tolerant and multicultural she is, but will be cold comfort to the rest of us when the bombs start exploding.

Read the rest here.


Tunisia: Islamic jihadists murder at least 12 with bomb on bus full of presidential guards

Roman Catholic bishop Robert Barron advocates strategy of submission to the Islamic State

Put “Refugees” in FEMA Camps

Roanoke, Virginia, mayor David Bowers has just created a stir by suggesting that Syrian migrants be placed in internment camps. I found his comments interesting because, if we are going to have the Muslim so-called “refugees,” I also consider placement in camps a must.

Unfortunately, Bowers, a Democrat, undermined the position by drawing the poor analogy with fellow Democrat Franklin Roosevelt’s interning of Americans of Japanese descent during WWII (note: some Americans of German and Italian descent were also interned). George Takei, famous for playing Lieutenant Hikaru Sulu in the original Star Trek series and for, more recently, boldly going where no space traveler had gone before, was quick to chime in. As he wrote on Facebook, “The internment (not a ‘sequester’) was not of Japanese ‘foreign nationals,’ but of Japanese Americans, two-thirds of whom were U.S. citizens.” Most of Takei’s other commentary is nonsense, mostly because he equates a low-crime, mostly American-citizen population with unknown-quantity individuals of the demographic responsible for virtually all the world’s terrorism.

It’s also nonsense because we have no legal obligation to accept foreigners of any kind if it’s contrary to our national interests. And I oppose — completely and without reservation — accepting any Muslim migrants whatsoever. I do believe we should help the persecuted Mideast Christians, although, even in their case, the aid should meet certain criteria. If we are going to accept migrants, however, it is imperative they be placed in some of the many FEMA camps our government has been spending good tax money building in recent years. Note that camp placement is precisely what Turkey does with the migrants.

Before elaborating further on this, the migrant issue must be properly defined. Reports tell us that 75 or 80 percent of the migrants are military-age males in generally good health; this relative absence of women and children belies the notion that these are desperate people fleeing for their lives. Moreover, there’s much reason to fear that these migrants are, as Donald Trump has put it, a “Trojan horse” for terrorist infiltration.

First consider that Syria’s ambassador to India, Riad Abbas, has warned that more than 20 percent of Muslim migrants entering Europe may have ties to ISIS-linked groups. As he put it, reports Sputnik, “Among the refugees, who went to Europe, maybe more than 20 percent belong to ISIL groups. Now Europe has received bad element[s] into their ground. They will face further problem[s] in future.”

Then consider Dr. Mudar Zahran, a Muslim asylum seeker and leader of the Jordanian opposition residing in the U.K. On an October segment of “The Glazov Gang” he warned that Europe should not accept the Muslim migrants, as they were ushering in the “Islamic conquest of the West.” Furthermore, he stated that 75 percent of the migrants were not even Syrian and then said that

75 percent of those arriving from Syria come from safe area[s]; actually, the ones in disaster areas cannot … leave. So, actually, as much as there’s a disaster in Syria, most of those people arriving do in fact do not need the protection; they arrive from Turkey, they arrive from Jordan, they arrive from other places which are safe. In addition, those people are … bypassing poor European countries; they’re going to Turkey, Hungary, and other places like Bulgaria and settling in Germany, where there is a rich nation with a generous welfare system.

He also characterizes the migration as the fulfillment of “the Islamic … dreams of fascism of some” and says that what Muslims “couldn’t do in the last 20 years, now the West is doing for us for free — and even paying for it.” In addition, Zahran delivered this shocking news about the “invasion”: “I have to be honest,” he said, “you read Arab magazines and Arab newspapers; they are talking about, ‘Good job! Now we’re going to conquest [sic] Europe.’ So it’s not even a secret.”

There’s still more. According to American Thinker’s Sierra Rayne, a Pew Research Center poll indicates there may be three-hundred million ISIS supporters in the Muslim world. What this means is that if we accept unvetted Muslim migrants, one out of six could be supporters of a group that that crucifies Christians, kills children, drowns people in cages and sets them on fire.

And unvetted they will be. Despite Obama administration assurances that our authorities have cracker-jack screening procedures, the thorough databases necessary for vetting simply do not exist, as this article well illustrates.

Even if they did, though, vetting has a fundamental flaw: It only tells you about people’s past.

Not their future.

(Vetting can’t read minds, and people can change, as I explained here.)

And terrorist acts of concern occur in the future.

Of course, people could disagree with the aforementioned numbers; they may even believe Obama’s claims about vetting. Yet there’s a more basic problem, one almost universally ignored and whose solution is irrefutable within reason’s realm. Let’s assume that the migrants in question truly are refugees.

Well, they belong in refugee camps.

Why on Earth are we giving them the “keys to the city” and dispersing these unknown quantities in towns around the nation? This is at best criminal negligence — at worst treason.

Note that providing camps is what most nations do. Our camps would be humane; the refugees would have quality food and drink and adequate shelter. But remember that granting safe haven is a favor, and there’s a difference between charitable saviors and schlemiels on wheels.

A reason we depart from this sane solution brings us to a second universally ignored problem. As I pointed out recently, if a desperate person came through your area, you might feed him, provide some clothing and even house him for a while.

You don’t generally make him part of your family and let him share in decisions influencing your loved ones’ fortunes and future. The point?

We have conflated refugee status with citizenship, when the two should have nothing whatsoever do to with each other. Providing safe haven is one thing, but when the threat in the stranger’s native land recedes, he should return.

Why have we departed from this sanity? Obviously, people today don’t like the sound of “camps” (so call them “ObamaCare Refugee Exchanges”). But there’s another reason:

Obama and his co-conspirators don’t care about these migrants. Oh, they very much want them to live…in America. Because only then can they become part of a growing demographic that votes 70 to 90 percent for socialistic Democrats. Only then can they be used to further balkanize our nation. Only then can the “fundamental transformation” of our country be accelerated.

As to this, I reported in March on an alleged Obama administration plan to use foreigners as “seedlings” who will “navigate, not assimilate” as they “take over the host,” create a “country within a country” and start “pushing the citizens into the shadows” (more details here). And, of course, you can’t seed communities throughout the nation if you keep your seed in camps.

But if you want to diminish the sense of nationhood and thus the desire to maintain sovereignty, and dilute traditionalist, red-state will and thus negate nullification movements and turn sanity blue, “seeding” via amnesty and “refugee resettlement” is the way to do it. Once the ice is broken and a foreign population is established in an area, family members and others come — and all of them will outbreed the natives.

If certain people truly are refugees, FEMA camps can provide the refuge. After all, if the camps aren’t good enough for them, then what lowly creatures were they built for, anyway?

EDITORS NOTE: Please contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

Feminist Teacher’s Lesson Plan: Discriminate against Boys

War is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength. And inequality is equality — at least in the mind of Karen Keller, the Bainbridge Island Review and their enablers.

Reported recently was that Keller, a kindergarten “teacher” at Captain Johnston Blakely Elementary in Bainbridge Island, WA, was refusing to let the boys in her class play with Legos during free play time. As the Bainbridge Island Review (BIR) wrote:

In Karen Keller’s kindergarten classroom, boys can’t play with Legos.

They can have their pick of Tinkertoys and marble tracks, but the colorful bricks are “girls only.”

“I always tell the boys, ‘You’re going to have a turn’ — and I’m like, ‘Yeah, when hell freezes over’ in my head,” she said. “I tell them, ‘You’ll have a turn’ because I don’t want them to feel bad.”

If you’re acquainted with the mental illness masquerading as teaching philosophy today, you can imagine this woman’s problem. As the BIR explained, “Keller…watched with discouragement as self-segregation defined her classroom — her boy students flocked to the building blocks while her girl students played with dolls and crayons and staples, toys that offered them little challenge or opportunity to fail and develop perseverance.” And, of course, innate sex differences evident since time immemorial cannot be allowed, so Keller’s leftist sense of equality compelled her to action. She discriminated so the girls could use the blocks “unencumbered.”

Now, this story quickly went viral, and Keller and the school have since backtracked. It was all a misunderstanding, you see. As the Center for Digital Education reports, “Keller said she instituted a girls-only Lego time during the first month of the 2015-16 school year during free play ‘to get them interested’ in trial-and-error building and math. …Keller said her ‘casual, off-record aside’ [Hell comment] was meant to convey her frustration with marketing to girls in society. She apologized for any problems stemming from the [BIR] article.”

Translation: She’s upset the article caused her problems and frustrated that the “casual, off-record aside” conveyed her true feelings.

This is a reasonable assumption. The BIR piece, written by one Jessica Shelton, is completely sympathetic to Keller’s policy. Among other things, Shelton has a subheading stating “It’s a fair practice” and closes with “While Keller sees more girls in the building area than before, it’s still not the norm, she said. So the boys will just have to wait their turn” (I guess until Hell freezes over). Yet while the BIR wrote a follow-up article last Thursday stating “[W]e have been discouraged by the number of unfair personal attacks made against [Keller]” — including “hate phone calls at her classroom and vicious messages on Facebook” — the editors also wrote, “we stand by what we reported.” Hmm, I wonder if the BIR was discouraged by the hatred directed at Christian businessmen persecuted for not wanting to cater faux weddings or the Christian pizza-shop owner forced into hiding by death threats. Or were those just the broken eggs needed for the omelet?

But perhaps we should believe Keller now. I mean, I’m sure she only lies to people under seven. It’s also interesting that Hell froze over in Keller’s class right about the time her story went viral. Coincidences never end.

There’s another matter. If Keller is really so concerned about girls being discouraged by the boys’ presence (a pity science hasn’t yet weeded those creatures out of the species), there’s a simple solution: create separate boys’ and girls’ Lego areas. But this wasn’t good enough for her; she had to stick it to the boys for being boys.

Moreover, thinking “Yeah, when Hell freezes over” while lying to children to obscure your agenda indicates hostility. Let’s say, for instance, a man teacher was concerned about boys’ lagging reading skills and made reading time “boys only.” What would happen if he admitted he tells the girls they’ll have a turn but thinks to himself, “Yeah, when hell freezes over”? Would he still be employed?

In fairness, some comments pass our lips not as we mean them. On the other hand, philosopher C.S. Lewis once correctly pointed out that it’s when we speak and act spontaneously, without thinking, that our hearts are revealed. And how often do conservatives get a pass on an impolitic, “casual, off-record aside”? They get a career change.

The BIR also wrote that Keller considered her policy “a fair practice ‘because fair is getting what you need to succeed or to get better.’” C’mon, Keller, quote it correctly: “From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.”

The BIR continued, “Fair doesn’t have to be the same, and she [Keller] says her kindergarteners get that.” Obviously they don’t, because she felt compelled to lie to them about her discrimination. Also, we didn’t hear how “fair doesn’t have to be the same” when the agenda involved opening the Virginia Military Institute and police and fire departments to women. And if it is true, why trouble over, as Keller does, females being less prevalent in STEM fields and Lego areas and having poorer spatial skills?

Reality: hardly anyone, if anyone at all, really believes in equality. Equality is simply a ruse used when convenient to advance leftism and only remains operative until inequality better serves that end. Just witness the college “anti-racism” protesters who recently ejected whites from their “safe areas.”

Keller is a true product of modern miseducation. BIR says she “faults toymakers for reinforcing” sex roles and is frustrated “with marketing to girls in society,” proving she knows as much about economics as she does about sex differences and teaching. Businesses do market masculine toys to boys just as they charge men more for car insurance, may admit women to nightclubs without a cover charge and create women-only health clubs. Is their goal “discrimination” or social engineering? No, they’re responding to the market. Girls and boys aren’t different because manufacturers market to them differently; manufacturers market to them differently because they’re different.

This is illustrated well in the fine Norwegian documentary The Gender Equality Paradox. Among other things, it points out that women are more likely to enter traditionally feminine fields in an uber-feminist, “egalitarian” nation such as Norway than in more patriarchal India. Why? In poorer lands women have no choice but to pursue lucrative professions, such as computer science; in wealthy countries such as Norway, they have the luxury of following their hearts. And their hearts lead to things girly.

As for Keller, she outed herself. It’s logical to assume her abusive, anti-male mentality will manifest itself in other destructive ways in the classroom. She shouldn’t be allowed within a mile of another child — not until Hell freezes over, anyway.


FordhamUniversity Changes Restroom Signs as Part of ‘Gender Inclusive’ Campaign

Notre Dame Professor Forced to Leave Project Aimed at Faithful Catholic Education

EDITORS NOTE: Please contact Selwyn Duke, follow him on Twitter or log on to SelwynDuke.com

Canadian Military thrown out of barracks to make room for Muslim refugees

The new hard Left Canadian government is hell-bent on bringing in 25,000 Syrians in a little over a month.  Apparently unable to find housing for them, they will be housed in military barracks across Canada.

From CTV News:

Soldiers and military personnel at a Kingston, Ont. base are being asked to clear their barracks to make room for an early wave of Syrian refugees arriving in just over a week, CTV News has learned.

Multiple residences at CFB Kingston are being cleared for Nov. 30 to house the refugees, according to an internal memo obtained by CTV News.

The orders will also affect some officer cadets attending the Royal Military College, many of whom are nearing exams.

Where will the military be resettled? CTV News continues….


Trudeau, Canadian Prime Minister.

And while the memo warns of the fast-approaching deadline, it does not indicate where military personnel will be resettled.

However, it does say a place will be found for the personnel.

The notice comes just two days after Minister of Immigration and Refugees John McCallum reaffirmed the government’s plan to resettle 25,000 Syrian refugees by the end of 2015.

There is more, read it all! The story mentions “health” concerns, so it appears they are a little worried about containing some potentially contagious diseases. Lucky Canadian citizens!

Note in the story that the UN is picking their refugees, so the vast majority will be Sunni Muslims.


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Maine governor working to stem the flow of welfare to migrants/asylum seekers

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