Well, Identity Politics Has Ruined Halloween

Halloween has gone from being a time for kids to dress up — and a kind of creepy and uncomfortable time for adults to dress up and drink and act like kids — to a minefield of political correctness that would require a team of Army sappers to navigate without politically incorrect explosions ending careers.

This year’s increased round of dizzying intersectional dogma for Halloween came as Redbook and Cosmopolitan responded to an article by Sachi Feris in raceconscious.org (a wonderful site, surely.) Feris wrote that her five-year-old daughter wanted to be Moana. But well-indoctrinated mommy fretted that would be “cultural appropriation.”

Her five-year-old’s second choice was just a problematic: Queen Elsa from the movie “Frozen.” Mom Feris wrote “I had some reservations regarding both costume choices…about cultural appropriation and the power/privilege carried by Whiteness, and about Whiteness and standards of beauty,” she wrote. This went viral on liberal mommy Facebook groups, where white moms everywhere realized with terror they couldn’t find a way out of the racist maze.

I’m sure that somehow makes sense in Feris’ mind, or she is just regurgitating what has been forced down her throat until she believes that two plus two sometimes equals five. (Read 1984!) But the obvious conundrum was that her white daughter would be racist if she wore Moana because it would be cultural appropriation. But the girl would also be racist if she wore Else because of her white privilege and oppressive history.

So Redbook and Cosmopolitan magazines gave some very lectury advice to moms of white girls (everyone else is apparently fine) that offered such head-spinning contradictory expectations that it would be better to just stay home.

The uberfeminist magazines helpfully explained to ignorant, privileged white moms how to properly dress their girls this halloween regarding Disney princesses — those dangerous Disney princesses! — without: 1) being racist; 2) appropriating minority cultures; or 3) perpetuating white supremacy.

So yeah, like Feris realized, it’s a very small window.

Intersectional dress Gestapo provides guidelines for Halloween

Here’s how it works.

The magazines tell white moms to avoid costumes outside their race. That’s the first one. So Moana is super-duper popular right now with little girls. But the dress nazis say, don’t do it! Why? It’s cultural appropriation. Duh. What’s wrong with you?

OK, for the unwashed outside our superiors on the Coasts and campuses, cultural appropriation is where, say, a white person wears dreadlocks. They can rightly get bullied and beat up by people of color because they are appropriating a non-white cultural appearance. Yes. It happens. Check YouTube. But the definition is as expansive as a non-white deems it to be because they have moral authority, according to the deep-fried insanity known as intersectionality.

Now some major confusion occurs on this point because we have been lectured by the same lefty elites for decades about the glories of multiculturalism, that all cultures are equally fantastic and that we should appreciate and enjoy other cultures. Under that rubric, one would have thought that honoring a Polynesian princess (even a fictional one where an island comes to life) would be a very good thing for people of other races to do— imitation being the sincerest form of flattery.

But no, you racist!

It seems according to the dress cops, that we cannot truly appreciate the Polynesian culture (failure of the tourism industry) and pretending we can for a few hours just belittles that culture. It’s offensive. If you’re white, you wouldn’t understand because you are the oppressor.

The Exorcist girl’s head didn’t spin this badly. Please understand, this is not some exception. This is the growing rule.

College campuses hotbeds of intersectionality

It really blew up two years ago nationally — but had been driving its weedy roots into campuses for years — when longtime Yale Professor Nicholas Christakis and his wife, Erika, were forced out of their faculty-in-residence positions because they thought students should be treated as adults during Halloween — and, gulp, either not take offense or discuss the issue like civilized people.

Erika, an early childhood education expert, opposes adults “over-policing” children’s behavior. She is a card-carrying liberal, as is her husband. Yale administrators for intercultural affairs sent a campus-wide email telling Yale students to avoid “culturally unaware or insensitive choices” for Halloween costumes. Erika responded with an email of her own, agreeing with “genuine concerns about cultural” appropriation and applauding the “spirit” of trying to avoid hurting others. But she asked whether students were well-served by administrators over-policing student norms.

“Have we lost faith in young people’s capacity — in your capacity — to exercise self-censure, through social norming, and also in your capacity to ignore or reject things that trouble you?” she asked. “Whose business is it to control the forms of costumes of young people? It’s not mine, I know that.”

Pretty reasonable…well, not today when reason has left the room. But Erika added this from her husband: “Nicholas says, if you don’t like a costume someone is wearing, look away, or tell them you are offended. Talk to each other. Free speech and the ability to tolerate offense are the hallmarks of a free and open society.”

Well that seems like pretty darn good advice. So naturally, there were riots. The pitchforks and torches out to storm the castle. This was in the petition signed by endless students and jelly faculty:

“You ask students to ‘look away’ if costumes are offensive, as if the degradation of our cultures and people, and the violence that grows out of it is something that we can ignore…we were told to meet the offensive parties head on, without suggesting any modes or means to facilitate these discussions to promote understanding.”

How can we talk with people who disagree with us without someone to lead us?!? These students seem beautifully molded to be either tyrants or slaves, but hardly free people.

Campuses everywhere are being proactive to “protect” their students in this minefield.

It is so complicated, a magazine published by Ohio State University created an entire flowchart called “Is Your Costume Racist?” to help students dress without offense. They key question through the chart is: “Are you white?” If yes, that changes everything. In the chart, the only costume where there is no issue on race is “Does it make fun of Donald Trump?” Flow part arrow points to: “Do it!”

Just a one-off? I keep saying, this thinking is a contagion on college campuses. The University of Texas created a 29-point checklist for dressing for Halloween without offending. The University’s Bias Response Team  — I am not kidding, this is rampant — urges students to report any “party with a racist theme.” Of course, as we can see, determining what is not racist according to the dress cops is all but impossible.

Bottom line, best to just stay home and eat broccoli.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in The Revolutionary Act.

VIDEO: Understanding the Manafort Indictment

Below, is a special edition of “Inside Judicial Watch,” with Carter Clews, JW director of communications, and Carter sat down with Judicial Watch Director of Public Affairs Jill Farrell to discuss the recent indictment of Trump associate Paul Manafort in the ongoing Trump/Russia investigation. Then, Jill provides some background on the Uranium One scandal involving Hillary Clinton and the Russians as well as the infamous Trump dossier.

RELATED VIDEO: Rep. Trent Franks Delivers Speech On House Floor on Mueller/Uranium One


The Manafort Indictment: Mueller’s charges relate to money-laundering cash from Ukraine. – Wall Street Journal

The Papadopoulos plea – Powerline

VIDEO: Obama for America paid law firm funding Fusion GPS – Fox News

Five things to know about the Manafort indictment

The Evil Empire of Global Terrorism

The recent arguments about the Trump Dossier are not able to bring any credible solution without a deep knowledge of Russian Intelligence. Absence of that subject is also causing a division within the Republican Party itself. For thirty years our elitist leaders in the Democrat Party and the Republican establishment have been exercising erroneous foreign policy, providing time and space for our enemies to harm us and ignoring both the agenda of Socialist ideology and a militant force called the KGB. As a result of that, America and Western civilization are facing a mortal threat today, in October 2017.

Many years ago, writing about our leaders, I compared medicine with world politics. Today that analogy can be seen even more clearly than ever. When a medical doctor treats a patient, he or she fights against a disease and its causes. As a rule, after finding the causes a doctor deals with the disease. That way the patient is cured, his body healed. These physicians are knowledgeable professionals with experience to make a right diagnosis. However, unlike the latter specialists, the medical profession has another type of doctor—they treat the symptoms of the diseases. In that case the patient will never be cured and the treatment will never end nor bring healing.

This example is similar to politicians at the world stage—the current leaders of Western civilization. At this time of war, while we are fighting terrorists, knowledge and the ability to arrive at the right diagnosis is only in identifying the enemy. Doing that, we have the assurance of success and victory in the war. In my column The KGB’s Roots and Pedigrees, October 19, 2017, I have tried to shine light on the main actor in this war who is working undercover—the KGB. Moreover, I have been writing about WW III, waged against Western civilization for at least twenty-five years to show you the actual diagnosis.

Look at the numerous subjects and topics discussed by the politicians and the Media in 2017: North Korea, the Middle East, cultural decline in America, Obama’s stagnant economy, degraded educational system, ‘Climate Change,’ politicization of Intel and media, Niger, and so on. All of these are the symptoms of the disease, the disease itself is the ideology of Soviet Socialism, a system I have named Soviet Fascism. Russia is solely responsible for the human tragedies in the world, especially in the Middle East. That is the reason I have written about the KGB—the militant Russian force of expansion. This force is and has always been the main source of ongoing WW III, an asymmetrical war against Western civilization, waged in many different fronts for the last Hundred Years…

Yes, it has been going on for the last hundred years and our Academia has kept silent, not exposing the fraud of Socialist theory. November 7, 2017 is a centennial of the Socialist Revolution in Russia and creation of the militant force, known to you as the KGB. The agenda of the revolution was identified as the war against Capitalism and the Free Market economy to create a Socialist State and Socialist economy. The KGB is a militant force behind the Tsar-ruler to achieve the agenda. I dedicated to the topic my four books and over seventy articles, describing WW III as “Recruitments, Infiltration, Drugs and Assassinations.” Regrettably our Intel has been constantly suppressing the information about my writings. The result you see today, in October 2017, when new bombshells are striking our psyche every day.

Knowledge is Power

When I entered the Jewish Community Center Women’s Health Club on September 11, 2001, a young woman with horror on her face ran up to me, yelling, “A terrible accident occurred; a plane just hit a tower of the World Trade Center!”  Though I haven’t heard anything about the accident, it took me only a second to answer, “It’s not an accident; it’s a terrorist act!”  She looked at me as if I came from another planet. She did not know the evil, the merchant of death and destruction. I did. The difference between us was knowledge. She did not know Soviet Fascism.  I did.

Do you really believe that the 9/11 terror attack of the twenty-first century came from Afghanistan?  I do not.  Do you think that the spread of terrorism across the globe to sixty countries also came from the Taliban or al-Qaeda?  No chance. We are in the historic struggle of the twenty-first century against criminals of the twentieth century. The young girl I have mentioned was a nurse, she had never been interested in politics and did not know the genesis of the KGB. Senator Corker is responsible for the Senate dealing with foreign policy today and he put on hold dozens of candidates for ambassadorship, including country of Niger. He called himself a professional when criticizing the President. I think, this is a result of his ill-informed mediocracy driven by ambitions. Unfortunately, he is not alone. The Never Trump crowd shares his animosity along with the same questionable qualifications in this dangerous time.

The importance of the embassy in Niger and other African countries is obvious for those who have been engaged in policy and politics. Africa was a Soviet target for many years at the end of WW II. African natural resources were the main objective of the Soviets: they had begun political inculcation of the tribe’s leaders. Several times in my writings I described Africa as a casualty of Soviet Fascism, which infiltrated the continent with its tribalism to mold the tribes’ leaders. Niger has oil. Petroleum industry in Niger has a long history of petroleum exploration dating back to the 1970s: that means the Russian KGB and All-Shabbat were there and the presence of our ambassador in Niger was imperative to help our soldiers there. For your information: all terrorist groups have a structural and ideological affiliation with Russian Intel.

Do you remember the Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow? It was the place where students from all inhabited continents had “studied” under the KGB’s supervision. The Soviet molding of the “student-leaders” later resulted in the bloody confrontations in Africa and around the world. The Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow has changed its name to the People’s Friendship University of Russia, but the substance and agenda stay the same—inculcation in Communist/Socialist tenets.

“In addition to Arabs, the Lumumba University was established in Moscow in the ’60s to prepare young haters of American capitalism, predominantly of dark-colored men from Africa, Middle East, and Asia.  Therefore, we are presently facing professional terrorism with enormous scale globally, which uses Stalin’s tactics and strategy conducted by former Moscow “students.”  What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012.

I have written this page on Senator Corker for a reason—National Security is the crux of the matter for me. And there are three inextricable connections to the terms: Russia, Terrorism, and dark-colored men. Politicians must know this connection. In a preceding column, I promised to write about Blacks vs. Whites. I will, under the condition that you first read a pamphlet composed by the KGB in the 1960s titled The Black Liberation Coordinating Committee’s Message to the Black Movement: A Political Statement from the Black Underground.

The Clinton Mafia

Sabotage in a field of national security is the most threatening thing. I didn’t like Bill Clinton since I have first saw him among a group of the Russian youngsters, organized by the KGB. Then, I found out that Clinton lived in a family of KGB members in Moscow in the 1970s. All of that gave me a real picture of the man. Later it was during the run up to the election, where a suspicious threat to Ross Perrot made Bill Clinton the U.S. President in 1992. His connection with Russia has always alarmed me. His presidency just doubled my dislike of him, as an enormous harm had been done to America.

Considering the connection of Russia to terrorism, there is another event that deserves attention and deep thinking about the Clinton Mafia. Do you remember Monica’s “blue dress?” I have found an interesting chronology connected to the “blue dress” in 1998. The FBI asked for Clinton’s blood sample to compare it with the sperm’s stain on the “blue dress,” three days later the terrorists committed two tragic blasts of American Embassies in Africa. Don’t tell me about the coincidences in life. It was the “work” of the Russian connection to divert attention from Clinton and “the blue dress.”

As usual our Intel was missing the elephant in the global room and we are paying a dear price for neglecting to do deep research into the connection between Russia and the Clinton Foundation (Clinton Global Initiative). I haven’t changed my mind – – the Foundation has been the eyes and ears of the KGB and as such, Clinton’s behavior is perhaps the answer to many of the questions related to our time, when the Democrats actually colluded with Russian intelligence on the Steele Dossier. Look at the leaders of our Intel: Brennon was voting for a communist candidate a couple of years ago, and then he said that the investigation on Trump/Russia collusion was based on the Dossier, and so said Clapper. Both relied on a typical KGB’s disinformation and manufactured fiction. Our national security and lives of millions Americans is in the hand of those incompetent few. We have massive intelligence failure—all seventeen agencies missed the elephant in the global room.

I’d like to remind you also about an existing myth that the Clinton’s presidency had brought an economic boom to America. Yes, it is a myth. There were two main factors that determined prosperity during the Clinton presidency: The first was the Congress, especially the House, led by Newt Gingrich. The second was the ideological climate created by the Reagan presidency – the continuation of his ideas of free market capitalism and personal liberty. Yes, it is a myth about the Clinton presidency, you have not yet realized how much harm he has done to our country. That is the reason, I am now talking about a deep investigation of his presidency, especially Waco, where I can be helpful. Retired head of the FBI agreed with me. Please, listen to him:

Bill Clinton in cahoots with Russia left us with an aggressive Stalinist North Korea. An emerging nuclear crisis on the Korean Peninsula will rise to the top of the Trump’s agenda, as North Korea shows no signs of slowing or stopping its attempts to achieve an effective nuclear deterrent. She will never surrender, having two communist patrons like Russia and China (the ultimate might of North Korea). To grasp this truth you have to know Stalinism and its ideology of Soviet Fascism. Don’t be fooled by crony capitalism in Russia and China–it is a measure to survive. Remember, all three share the same ideology of Soviet Fascism, all three are the countries with a State-controlled economy. As long as North Korea has those two patrons, its political future is relatively stable—nobody wants a nuclear war…

Clinton shaped the media apparatus a-la the Soviet propaganda machine, serving a one-party system. Don’t expect objectivity from our media. The ideology of Soviet Fascism is working through KGB operatives across the world to harm and damage Western civilization. Who do you think is behind California and Catalonia to separate from their respective countries and harm Western civilization? What would you say if I tell you that Fast and Furious in America was run by the KGB? The Clinton connection with the Podesta brothers is very troubling for me—Tony Podesta was working in British Petroleum, when the terrorist act occurred on the Gulf of Mexico… Do you see the connection? Knowledge is power!

Obama/Putin Joint Venture

Clinton is not the only one I suspect.  For the last nine years I am writing about Obama/Putin Joint Venture–a quite successful attempt to implement Soviet Socialism in America. Following Lenin’s advice, Obama implemented Socialist Obamacare, which had nothing to do with health: it was a pure redistribution of wealth.  With pleasure Obama signed Uranium One deal, giving controlling interest in our uranium to Russia. Today, the Deep State represents the Obama/Putin Joint Venture, continuing the DNC un-American activities. In my book Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, Xlibris, 2016, I described this Joint Venture in detail. The book is a catalog of Obama’s activities against American interests. Yet, I’d like to repeat the list of its military collaboration, probably, you have never heard about it.

A list of military collaborations between the U.S. and Russia executed under the Obama/Putin joint venture:

  1. Killing of bin-Laden
  2. Invasion of Libya, conspiracy of Obama, Putin, and French Pres. Sarkozy.
  3. Benghazi, murder of the U.S. ambassador Stevens.
  4. “On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan. The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American specialists … Fifteen of the Navy SEALs that were killed were members of the Naval… “
  5. Desertion of Bergholt to release five Taliban’s commanders.

If thoroughly investigated, the listed events will open up a huge panorama of activities by the DNC leadership directed against the American Republic. We can do it today with the Trump new FBI and CIA. We can and should start investigating all five cases presented by me to save America the Beautiful. The Trump dossier is a typical fabrication-product of Putin’s KGB. Putin hates America and President Trump. Putin never helped Trump in the election 2016. Of course, Putin tried to influence our election, yet, he is doing it predominantly through the people who had been already recruited…The upcoming investigation can expose a long-term Clinton collaboration with the Kremlin and maybe even more.

Kickback Means the Soviet/Russian Blat

Putin had a friendly relationship with Obama as well. He wanted to enter the American market and Obama helped him to do so. An army of KGB operatives pored onto our soil to undermine our National Security by bribing Americans to get uranium. To understand what is going on in October 2017 you have to know a Socialist reality and the Socialist methods of infiltration. The Uranium Deal was a simple exchange of goods for a money Kickback, the word probably exactable. But in reality, it is a political narrative or term of actions taking place within the Socialist economy.  To learn what Socialism means, I will give you a paragraph from my book titled What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibeis, 2012.

“In a country of constant shortages of food, having money wasn’t enough. Of course, you had to have some money to buy bread or milk, but that was probably it in the Soviet Russia. To buy meat or butter, having money was not enough: you had to have Blat[1]. All soviet citizens knew the term. This term is probably not familiar to you, as it is a Russian word that applies to Soviet Socialist society. You live under capitalism and the laws of supply and demand, which responds to reality.

Soviet Socialism did not function in response to real conditions, and because of constant shortages and empty shelves, people relied on Blat–“connections with reciprocal favors” – specifically, knowing someone who had access to goods. As a defense attorney, I regularly got meat and other products from my clients who worked in various stores, which all belonged to the state—it was a system of universal corruption from the top to bottom. You can read the details in my book Baltic Winds: Testimony of a Soviet Attorney, Xlibris, 2002, pp. 167-168.”

The tragedy of America illustrated by Bernie Sanders, who calls himself a Democratic Socialist. The term itself is an oxymoron—a democrat can’t be a socialist, a socialist can’t be democratic. The term reveals a total absence of the knowledge of socialist dogma. Socialism means a dictatorship in a struggle to end individual liberty and private property, which is the opposite of democracy. Yet the incompetent and timid Republican establishment didn’t even attempt to argue and reject the fraud. Bernie Sanders is also a Trojan Horse to inculcate our youth in Socialist tenets. Alas, Soviet Socialism has become a legitimate term in America. I called it Soviet Fascism today.

For a hundred years this fraudulent system and ideology has been forcefully implemented in dozens countries and it never worked. It hadn’t worked in America for eight years under Obama. The activities of Obama/Putin Joint Venture and a current Deep State with 30 thousand ‘strong dogs’ of OFA (Organizing for Action) to disrupt everything achieved by Trump in America, I see as a destruction of the American Republic—a criminal act. The activities of OFA remind me the “active measures” of the KGB, mentioned in my columns. The investigation of Uranium One and other Russian involvements should be qualified as a treason and conspiracy against the United States. I believe, the investigation should begin against at least 10-12 individuals, including Eric Holder, Susan Rice, James Comey, and John Brennan. It is time to act!

New Trump administration must expose and stop Russian Spy Ring in America!

The Trump administration must show an evil, pervasive and ubiquitous force that is fighting Western civilization for the last hundred years!

To be continued   www.simonapipko1.com.

Most Aussies want immigration curtailed, 48% want Muslim ban

More than half surveyed said Australia felt like a foreign country!

And, the upshot of this news story is a warning that if the nationalists can mount a  countrywide political campaign they could become the power in Australia.

Rejecting the usual excuse that migrants stimulate economic growth, economics are not a major concern—loss of culture and quality of life is driving the worry.  (Hint! Although it isn’t politically correct, don’t be afraid to bring up those concerns!)

From Perth Now:

THREE quarters of Australians believe the country doesn’t need any more people and nearly half support a partial ban on Muslim immigrants.

Nauru refugees

An Australian Population Research Institute survey of more than 2000 people also found 54 per cent want a reduction in the annual migrant intake.

The independent organisation believes the results are driven by quality of life concerns and rapid changes in Australia’s ethnic and religious make-up.

“Australian voters’ concern about immigration levels and ethnic diversity does not derive from economic adversity,” academics Katharine Betts and Bob Birrell wrote in a report based on the survey.

“Rather, it stems from the increasingly obvious impact of population growth on their quality of life and the rapid change in Australia’s ethnic and religious make-up.”


… 74 per cent of those surveyed believe Australia is “already full”, with most pointing to roads congestion, hospitals capacity, affordable housing and fewer jobs as evidence.

Some 54 per cent want Australia to cut its annual immigrant intake of about 190,000 people and 48 per cent backed a partial ban on Muslim immigration.


The strongest support for the partial ban came from One Nation voters (89 per cent), with more than 50 per cent of Liberal voters agreeing and just over a third of Labor supporters.

“The willingness to take a tough, discriminating stance on Muslim immigration is not limited to a small minority, but extends to almost half of all voters,” the report said.

More than half of those surveyed feared Australia risked losing its culture and identity, with a similar number saying it had changed beyond recognition and sometimes “felt like a foreign country”.

More here.

For those of you wondering, there is no fresh news about the possibly 1,250 Australian rejected asylum seekers coming to America after the first 50 or so we reported here last month.

And we have an entire category on news from Australia, click here to learn more.

By the way, RRW gets readers daily from over 100 countries, but Australia is always in the top 3 for sending readers my way.


The US Chamber of Commerce wants laborers, no concern for you, as they tell Trump to extend ‘temporary’ refugee program

Hungary investigating Soros network, we should be as well

On President Trump, Religion and Politics

Mark Twain wrote:

In religion and politics people’s beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second-hand, and without examination, from authorities who have not themselves examined the questions at issue but have taken them at second-hand from other non-examiners, whose opinions about them were not worth a brass farthing.

It is important to understand religious history and how it has impacted politics. Today people’s beliefs are important, fundamental, to every culture, society and civilization. What we believe must be based in fact (the truth) and in faith (religion). Without facts and faith we can never be fulfilled as a man, woman, family, neighborhood, city, county, state or nation.

As Ronald Reagan said:

If we ever forget that we are One Nation Under God, then we will be a nation gone under.

It is important that individuals not get their beliefs and convictions second-hand. In the era of the 24-hour news cycle and the rise of social media there are a growing number of “authorities” who have failed to exam questions at issue.

President Donald J. Trump during his inaugural address said:

The Bible tells us, “how good and pleasant it is when God’s people live together in unity.”

We must speak our minds openly, debate our disagreements honestly, but always pursue solidarity.

When America is united, America is totally unstoppable.

There should be no fear – we are protected, and we will always be protected.

We will be protected by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement and, most importantly, we are protected by God.

President Trump has used his position to address the people directly. Using rallies, social media and weekly video addresses President Trump speaks directly to the American people, giving them information first-hand. Anonymous sources, political party emails, the media and politician’s statements aren’t “worth a brass farthing” unless one examines what is said and does their due diligence in learning the truth.

One of the “big lies” is that religion and politics don’t mix. Albert Einstein wrote:

Those who believe that politics and religion do not mix, understand neither.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “Passive resistance seeks to rejoin politics and religion and to test all our actions in the light of ethical principles.”

Ethical principles are necessary for both the people and their elected leaders. If one or both abandon ethical principles then a culture is truly in decline and will be lost. The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution mandates that the federal government not interfere with the free exercise of religion. The Constitution was written by Christians for an ethical and principled Judeo-Christian nation.

Faith and truth are inextricably linked. Lying, bearing false witness, is a sin. President Trump is feared because he speaks the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. For you see the opposite of love is not hate, it is fear. This is why so many hate President Trump because they fear the truth.

RELATED ARTICLE: Trump Pulls UN Funding, Gives It to Faith-Based Organizations Helping Persecuted Christians

RELATED VIDEO: President Donald Trump Speech at Liberty University Commencement Ceremony 5/13/17 in Lynchburg, VA.

Austrian Election Results Make Nationalism Youthful and Normal

he Overton Window, a paradigm of acceptable political discourse, is shifting radically in Europe as “right-wing topics like measures against Islamic terrorism, border protection and migration became primary agenda items in European governments.”

By Taylor Rose

In an ever-changing European political landscape, Sebastian Kurz, 31, of the People’s Party contends that state sovereignty within the European Union, is possible.

Nationalism winning is the new normal. It is now so normal that even the European center-right is coming to terms with the new reality that it either must change or die. The results of the snap-elections for the Austrian parliament a week ago Sunday prove this true.

After the 2013 parliamentary elections, the center-left Social Democrats (SPÖ) was the largest party in parliament and the hard-right nationalist Freedom Party (FPÖ) was coming close to overtaking the dried up, center-right People’s Party (ÖVP). Now, after the snap-elections, the Austrian Left is in retreat with the Social Democrats suffering not one seat gained and the Greens are out of parliament. Now being young, nationalistic, right-wing and in-charge is the new normal in Austria.

Sebastian Kurz, 31, who presents himself as trendy, approachable and, yet, edgy on his visions for Austria, is now set to become the youngest Austrian chancellor after the ÖVP took first place with 31.5% of the vote, and will likely form a coalition with Heinz-Christian Strach’s nationalist FPÖ. Kurz, from Vienna, appeared suddenly on the scene as the youngest Austrian foreign minister at the age of 27, and since has helped purge the ÖVP of its more moderate ideas, embracing many nationalist positions in order to help the ÖVP ride the waves of an ever changing European political landscape.

Dr. Andreas Karlsboeck, an FPÖ member of parliament representing Vienna south, spoke with SFPPR News & Analysis to clarify this changing political landscape in Austria.

Dr. Karlsboeck says this shift to the right in Austria is “indeed” an indicator that Austria has shifted to the political right, as a “logical reaction towards unpleasant developments such as illegal immigration, Islamic terrorism, and the abuse of social systems in the European countries.”

Though he is hesitant to say if these results mean the end of the Austrian left, Dr. Karlsboeck is convinced that the Austrian and much of the European left is “currently undergoing an identity crisis and losing political influence” that will likely keep them in the political fringes for sometime, especially as millennial voters shift right.

Thus, enter Sebastian Kurz and the new face of the ÖVP that looks a lot like the face of the FPÖ.

Dr. Karlsboeck, like many European nationalists are hesitant to say if Kurz is in-fact a true nationalist because many are simply “just not sure” of his true intentions. However, “it is quite probable that FPÖ will get responsibility in a new Austrian government.” Which is a positive indicator that the leader of a center-right party would even consider this an option. However, Dr. Karlsboeck warns, “it depends on the results of the upcoming negotiations with Kurz’ and the Social Democrats. Only if the FPÖ’s primary agenda items will be accepted, Mr. Strache will be ready to join a new coalition.”

Karlsboeck explicitly outlined those agenda items as “a restrictive position in questions of migration, asylum, security and protection of Austrian borders as long as EU is not capable or ready to protect its external borders; a fair balanced economy and more direct democracy in form of binding referendums.”

Surprising to many, however, is the issue of Austrian membership in the European Union. When asked if this will lead to a referendum on Austrian membership, Dr. Karlsboeck explicitly said there will be “definitely no” referendum on this issue, as “the FPÖ stands for a common Europe of sovereign states…yet, fewer centrally made decisions. The FPÖ will support all positive and constructive efforts to reform the EU from inside.”

Though some may be wary about the prospects of the FPÖ as junior members of a coalition given the disastrous political fallout in 2000 when the ÖVP and FPÖ became coalition partners then, Dr. Karlsboeck remains optimistic that this will not repeat itself. The Overton Window, a paradigm of acceptable political discourse, is shifting radically in Europe as “right-wing topics like measures against Islamic terrorism, border protection and migration became primary agenda items in European governments.”


Taylor Rose is a graduate of Liberty University with a B.A. in International Relations from the Helms School of Government. Fluent in English and German he has worked and studied throughout Europe specializing in American and European politics. He is a prolific writer and author of the book Return of the Right an analysis on the revival of Conservatism in the United States and Europe. He is also a contributor to SFPPR News & Analysis of the conservative on-line journalism center at the Washington-based Selous Foundation for Public Policy Research.


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From “Hitler’s Grandson” To “Austrian Trump”— “Pop…

Greater screening to be applied to ‘refugees’ from 11 countries

The Trump Administration should know by now that they can’t keep stuff like this quiet because they have permitted the blabbermouths in the deep state to run wild.

general Kelly

White House Chief of Staff John Kelly

“White House chief of staff John Kelly reportedly told other members of the Trump administration that if it were up to him the number of refugees admitted into the U.S. would be between zero and one,” say leakers in the Trump White House or State Department.

Here is the latest from The Atlantic.  I don’t really want to put an inordinate amount of emphasis on this screening for terrorists activity because I don’t think it is our greatest threat from out-of-control immigration/refugee resettlement.

Our greatest problem (IMHO) is the enormous social and cultural upheaval from large numbers of migrants (of any sort) entering the US who will not assimilate and don’t have any respect for our laws and our Constitution as designed.  And, on top of that, we, the taxpayers, pay for it all!

If Islamic terrorism is our greatest concern, how are we going to screen-out the 2-year-olds who enter the country and grow up two decades later (under the influence of the local mosque) to become Jihadists?

(Yes, the Boston bombers were refugees because they were, under the law, a category of refugee—successful asylum seekers. And, yes, Somalis who have tried to kill Americans came as little children, as refugees!).

Let me ask this: If this security screening issue gets ironed out, does it mean our gates will be opened wide to allow uncontrolled migration from across the globe?

Honestly, I’m getting weary of being dragged down the screening rabbit hole…

….but, since I’m sure you want to know what the latest Trump Administration screening project entails, here is some news about it (albeit with a Leftist slant):

The Trump administration issued an order Tuesday that resumed the resettlement of refug s in the United States, but said the applications of citizens from 11 “higher-risk” countries would be considered on a case-by-case basis during a new 90-day review period. The administration has so far declined to name the countries officially and publicly but two officials—one from the administration and the other from an advocacy group—separately confirmed that the countries were Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Mali, North Korea, Somalia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen. All of those countries—except North Korea and South Sudan—are predominantly Muslim.

Six countries on the list—Iran, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Yemen, and North Korea—were not a surprise: They were also on the latest version of the administration’s travel ban that was announced last month and is currently blocked by the courts. But that travel ban also included the citizens of Chad and Venezuela. Tuesday’s refugee list, on the other hand, included the citizens of Iraq, Mali, Sudan, South Sudan, and Egypt. The restrictions imposed last month were an outright ban on travelers—but not refugees—from those countries. Tuesday’s announcement does not constitute a ban. Rather, it is a list of 11 countries whose citizens will be subject to additional security screening if they apply for refugee status in the U.S.


eric schwartz 2

Eric Schwartz is more than President of Refugees International. He is a Hard Left Soros protege who ran the State Department refugee program in the early years of the Obama Administration.

The 11 nations on Tuesday’s list made up a significant proportion of refugees accepted by the U.S. in the last fiscal year, which ended September 30. Of the 53,716 refugees accepted by the U.S. in that time, 23,357 were from the 11 listed countries (about 43 percent), according to data maintained by the State Department’s Refugee Processing Center. The breakdown of the number of refugees accepted from each of the 11 countries in the last fiscal year is as follows: Egypt, 9; Iran, 2,577; Iraq, 6,886; Libya, 3; Mali, 6; North Korea, 12; Somalia, 6,130; South Sudan, 176; Sudan, 980; Syria, 6,557; and Yemen, 21.  [I’m grateful that someone took the time to do the numbers—ed]


“This is remarkable. The administration has had more than six months to review this policy under the March EO [executive order on travel], and they’ve come back in October to re-impose what will largely be seen as another unreasonable ban that primarily affects Muslims,” said Eric Schwartz, the president of Refugees International, a group that advocates for refugees. Although the move announced Tuesday is not a ban, refugee advocates say it is tantamount to one because of the additional security requirements that are often time-consuming.

“I hope they at least have the decency to be transparent about what they are doing, and name the nationalities affected,” Schwartz said. “It is a cynical and tragic manipulation of administrative process, and conflicts with U.S. values and interests.”

Go here to read more.

I was more interested in the portion of the new EO that calls for the Justice Department to evaluate the whole Refugee Program over the next 180 days.

And, gee, maybe the Administration will take its job more seriously than that bunch running the House of Representatives.  See yesterday’s House hearing.

Learn more about Eric Schwartz by clicking here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Secrets of the Black Stadium: In Raqqa, Inside ISIS’ House of Horror

A Politicized Church: Episcopal Church Votes to Remove George Washington Memorial

It is everywhere on the news in the last 24 hours!

In case you happened to miss it, here is Daniel Greenfield on George Washington’s Virginia church and the vote. (hat tip: Ed).

So what does this have to do with refugees? 

It is a news hook to tell you about Episcopal Migration Ministries!

We tell you daily that there are nine federal resettlement contractors [below] placing third world refugees in to unsuspecting American towns and cities.  Six of those, depending almost completely on taxpayer dollars, are supposed to be ‘religious’ church groups largely controlled now by the political LEFT. (The Socialists and Communists understand that in order to bring down America they need to control the churches and break up the family.)

The one federal resettlement contractor surviving almost exclusively on federal tax dollars is Episcopal Migration Ministries (EMM) that admitted in its own publication recently that it is 99.5% funded by the federal government.

And, it gets worse! The other eight federal contractors at least have set up separate legal entities as non-profit groups to receive their federal payola, not so EMM.  The federal money destined to EMM goes directly to the Episcopal Church (USA) making it harder than normal to follow the (your!) money!  See my post here.

I had always wondered why I couldn’t find an IRS Form 990 for them! Churches don’t have to tell the feds about their money (apparently even if it is the feds’ money!).

Screenshot (1027)

Let me be clear, this Virginia church and the Episcopal Church (USA) can be political all they want to be, but not with taxpayer dollars!

From an April 2017 article in Episcopal News Service:

The executive order’s impact on EMM’s bottom line is especially drastic because EMM is a unique ministry of the Episcopal Church, both structurally and fiscally. While not separately incorporated, as is Episcopal Relief & Development, EMM receives very little money from the church-wide budget, instead receiving 99.5 percent of its funding from the federal government.

(By the way, if you are still an Episcopalian, you do need to either speak up or find another faith group! Just saying!).

Check out this recent annual report from EMM. Have you ever seen an annual report that does not mention their income and spending at all?

Are federal dollars propping up the Episcopal Church (USA)?

This is not the only place I’ve heard this over the years, but here is one writer who believes the money the church gets from the feds for refugees, helps prop-up the failing church.  Read the article which is focused on the U.S. State Department’s travel loan repayment plan where the non-profit, in this case EMM, acts as a loan collection agency and pockets some of the money it wrings out of the refugees.

The Episcopal Church (USA) has two primary sources of income: according to its latest audited financial statements for the calendar year 2013, it received a little over $27 million from its member dioceses, and it received half as much again, or $13.8 million, from the federal government.

Where is Congress?

So why isn’t the House Immigration Subcommittee holding “oversight” hearings on the rackets these ‘church’ contractors have going for them?

The nine federal refugee contractors who live off the taxpayer’s dime.  Go here to see if EMM is operating a refugee resettlement office where you live.


Federally-contracted resettlement agencies do hold secret refugee planning meetings

NO Borders Left aimed at destroying ORR Director Scott Lloyd

Baton Rouge coffee shop to hire only refugee workers

Maryland Democrat Senator Ben Cardin wants more Muslim refugees

Former Obama State Department official tells Idaho audience to use political pressure if they want more refugees

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of the Christ Church in Alexandria, Virginia where both Washington and Robert E. Lee worshiped. More

details are available here.

Why The Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’ is so Relentless

I revisited election night videos on YouTube of Leftists’ tearful meltdowns in response to Trump defeating Hillary.

Their panic, outrage and hatred for Trump was over-the-top; truly amazing. I questioned, why was it so intense?

I am a black Christian conservative. Trump is not ideological. Still, I thought Trump leaned more in Leftists’ camp than in mine. I viewed Trump as a businessman, busy pursuing his American dream, not concerned with the war between liberals and conservatives. Trump simply saw Obama making bad deals for America and knew he could do better. Trump was not overly concerned with social issues, but knew it was weird that Americans were no longer permitted to say, “Merry Christmas!” So Trump decided to get into the presidential race. Political elites and fake news media thought the idea of Donald J. Trump in the White House was the joke of the century.

And where on earth did Trump come up with his cornball, obviously un-poll tested, campaign phrase, “Make America great again”? Due to public schools teaching distortions and lies about American history, Leftists are obsessed with bringing down our country from her throne as the world power. This is why Trump proclaiming his desire to “make America great again” repulsed and enraged Leftists. Leftists have flooded fake news media with their absurd despicable lie that “make America great again” is code for white supremacy, social injustice, cops free to murder blacks, destroying the planet and so on.

Dethroning America is Leftists’ number one priority. The second most important thing in the world to Leftists appears to be sex and transforming America into a culture in which anything goes sexually. Leftists have been using government to force sexual deviancy down our throats. You cannot turn on TV without being slapped in the face with various forms of sexual deviancy. We have been trained not to complain about it if we know what is good for us.

Third on Leftists’ list of priorities is having as many Americans as possible kill their babies to save the planet. 

Obama championed Leftists’ sexual transformation of America. Under Obama, some states made homosexual conversion therapy illegal. Pedophilia is deemed a sexual orientation, thereby making therapy to cure it illegal. Ponder that, folks. Leftists are making it illegal for a therapist to attempt to cure their patient of being sexually attracted to children.

Guys who wake up feeling like a woman are legally permitted to use women restrooms. Anyone who objects to this insanity is gang assaulted by Leftists, branded a hater. Recently, a man dressed as a woman was sentenced to 70 years in jail for molesting a 10 year old girl in a restroom. During Obama’s reign, elementary public school teachers were ordered to no longer address students as boys and girls because gender distinctions are bigoted and insensitive to transgenders

Obama lit the White House in rainbow colored lights in celebration of government forced dismantling of marriage. This opened the flood gates for whatever conceivable arrangement to be legally deemed marriage. Fathers are marrying their daughters; people are marrying animals, marrying themselves and marrying inanimate objects. Welcome to Leftists’ new politically protected wild wild west of American sexuality.

Celebrating in the streets, Leftists knew their sexual transformation of America was on a roll making tremendous headway. Polls said Hillary would win in a landslide. Leftists gleefully anticipated Hillary continuing to implement their no-sexual-holds-barred America.

To Leftists’ shock and horror, Trump won!

Upon Trump winning the election, Leftists immediately launched their narrative (lie) that Trump is Hitler reborn? Is Leftists’ insane rage over Americans awarding Trump the key to the Oval Office mostly about sex? Absolutely.

I believe at the core of Leftists’ sexual idolatry is a spirit of anti-Christ. In a nutshell, Leftists hate Jesus for proclaiming himself the only way to heaven. This is why Obama led Leftists’ war on Christianity.

Now before you call me paranoid for claiming Leftists have a gerbil up their derrieres against Christians, please answer this question. Leftists are obsessed with promoting homosexuality. So why are Leftists such passionate defenders of Islam which calls for executing homosexuals? Christians tell homosexuals that they love them, but cannot approve of their lifestyle. Isn’t it logical that Leftists would demonize Muslims rather than Christians?

Another thing that has me scratching my head is Leftist women like Kim Kardashian, Rosie O’Donnell and Madonna who defend Islam while trashing Christianity. Muslims suppress women; rapes, beatings and executions for disobedience

Leftist female celebs who praise Islam could not be who they are, flashing their derrieres all over the place, if Sharia became the law of the land in America. And yet, these Hollywood and media women love Islam and hate Christians.

Trump’s vow to restore religious liberty has Leftists petrified that he will put the brakes on and roll back their government forced sexual transformation of America. In essence, Leftists have put a political contract on Trump’s head. He must be stopped at any and all cost.

Is Jihad Watch a chronicle of the West’s suicide?

Jihad Watch has been tracking jihad activity in the U.S. and around the world, day in and day out for fourteen years.

The Jihad Watch archives, which you can access on the right sidebar, are over 60,000 pieces of evidence. Evidence that the warriors of jihad is advancing against non-Muslim nations in Asia, Europe, and North America, and are active on all the continents except Antarctica. Evidence that those warriors are acting upon core imperatives of the Islamic faith.

And evidence that Western governments are in wholesale denial about the nature and magnitude of the threat, and are even cracking down on those who call attention to that threat.

That’s suicidal.

Opposition to jihad terror and Sharia oppression, and in defense of the freedom of speech and equality of rights of all before the law, has been stigmatized as “Islamophobia.” All too many people have been cowed into silence, and some have even refrained from reporting suspicious activity for fear of being seen as “Islamophobic.”

It’s time to call a halt to all this, and to try to restore sanity to the public discourse. That’s why I wrote my new book Confessions of an Islamophobe. In it, I explain how I became hated and notorious, and why it is so insane to think that opposition to jihad terror is “bigotry.” If you have friends or relatives who think a profit-seeking cabal of “Islamophobes” is unjustly maligning Islam and Muslims, this is the book to get them.

Do your bit to talk Western civilization off the ledge. Preorder your copy of Confessions of an Islamophobe here now.


Army knew Bergdahl had deserted, but forced soldiers who knew truth to sign nondisclosure agreements

French government has paid nearly $600,000 in welfare benefits to Islamic State jihadis

Would President John F. Kennedy be called a ‘deplorable’ by his own party today?

President Trump has decided to make public the JFK files. While the media is going over the files and cherry picking parts of it to make a point, I would like to go back to look the man and what he said. Looking at President Kennedy’s words one begins to wonder how his policies would viewed by his party and its leadership.

QUESTION: Would JFK be a called ‘deplorable’ by his own party today?

The quote in the featured image was taken from President Kennedy’s speech on the Berlin Crisis given on July 25th, 1961 (below). When President Kennedy made this speech Nikita Khrushchev, the former Premier of the Soviet Union, had threatened to end the allied presence in West Berlin. The rights to this presence had been won in the peace treaties, concluded with Soviet agreement, after the defeat of Nazi Germany. Kennedy refused to buckle under this threat, and was prepared to go to war to defend freedom if necessary.

In this speech President Kennedy sought to dramatically increase military spending, expand the draft, increase the numbers of men in our military in order to protect the people of West Berlin.  President Kennedy stated:

And let me add that I am well aware of the fact that many American families will bear the burden of these requests. Studies or careers will be interrupted; husbands and sons will be called away; incomes in some cases will be reduced. But these are the burdens which must be borne if freedom is to be defended–Americans have willingly borne them before–and they will not flinch from the task now.

During the Berlin Crisis speech  JFK requested from Congress an additional $3,247,000,000 of appropriations for the Armed Forces, an increase in the Army’s total authorized strength from 875,000 to approximately a million men, an increase in the Navy and Air Force by 29,000 and 63,000 men respectively and he ordered that draft calls be doubled and tripled.

With the release of the JFK files more Americans will learn how John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the 35th President of the United States, was assassinated at 12:30 p.m. Central Standard Time on Friday, November 22, 1963, in Dealey Plaza, Dallas, Texas. Every American remembers where they were when the news came of his shooting and death. I was  in class at Washington University, in St. Louis when the word came of his assassination. The class was dismissed and all students sent home.

One thing never reported by the media was that JFK was a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association. On March 20, 1961 JFK became a life member and in a letter to the NRA President Franklin L. Orth stated,

“Through competitive matches and sports in coordination with the National Board for Promotion of Rifle Practice, the Association fills an important role in our national defense effort, and fosters in an active and meaningful fashion the spirit of the Minutemen.”

JFK with an AR-15 in the Oval Office.

During his 1961 Berlin Crisis speech President Kennedy requested 1.8 billion dollars for the “procurement of non-nuclear weapons, ammunition, and equipment.” Among these non-nuclear weapons was the AR-15 rifle. It was the Kennedy administration that developed the AR-15 rifle and made it the standard weapon for soldiers in our military. The AR-15 became a symbol of America’s military might and advanced technology competing with the Russian built Kalashnikov AK-47. Later the AR-15 became the American made rifle of choice by gun owners globally.

Given the threat of a nuclear armed Iran, the bloody onslaught of radical Islam, Russian saber rattling in Ukraine and China’s cyber warfare against U.S. interests perhaps we should remember what President John F. Kennedy said when confronted with a similar evil:

“We in this country . . . are—by destiny rather than choice—the watchmen on the walls of world freedom. We ask, therefore, that we may be worthy of our power and responsibility . . . and that we may achieve in our time and for all time the ancient vision of peace on earth, goodwill toward men. That must always be our goal, and the righteousness of our cause must always underlie our strength. For as was written long ago, ‘Except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain’.”

President Kennedy made it clear that evil must be confronted. He said:

The solemn vow each of us gave to West Berlin in time of peace will not be broken in time of danger. If we do not meet our commitments to Berlin, where will we later stand? If we are not true to our word there, all that we have achieved in collective security, which relies on these words, will mean nothing. And if there is one path above all others to war, it is the path of weakness and disunity.

Kennedy drew red lines for the American people and his party.

Would today’s Democratic Party label JFK a deplorable? We report, you decide.


SHOCKING REVELATIONS: Here’s What You Need to Know About the JFK Files

J.F.K. Files Released, Highlighting Hoover, L.B.J. Among Others – New York Times


JFK speech on Berlin.

Larry Elder did a video asking the fundamental question: JFK – Democrat or Republican?

U.S. Army knew Bergdahl deserted, but forced soldiers who knew the truth to sign nondisclosure agreements

“In the days following Sergeant Bergdahl’s desertion, soldiers with knowledge of the facts were forced to sign nondisclosure agreements. The truth about Sergeant Bergdahl was suppressed at the cost of their peace of mind. Though it was common knowledge inside the unit that Sergeant Bergdahl had deserted, the Army allowed the myth to perpetuate that he might have fallen behind on a patrol. Soldiers who knew the truth were afraid to speak up, out of fear that they would be punished.”

This should be the focus of a full investigation, and those responsible for the Army spreading this lie removed from their positions, if they’re still there. If Obama was responsible, that needs to come out as well.

The man (left) in the photo with Bergdahl is Badruddin Haqqani, head of operations and financial chief for the Haqqani network. The insurgent group is blamed for some of the deadliest and most spectacular attacks on NATO and Afghan troops in Afghanistan.

“A soldier’s perspective on Bergdahl,” by Chase Spears, Baltimore Sun, October 24, 2017:

Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, who pleaded guilty to charges of desertion and misbehavior before the enemy, will soon face sentencing, bringing him and the Army one step closer to legally resolving the chain of events that started when Sergeant Bergdahl walked away from his unit in Afghanistan in 2009. He was captured and held as a hostage for five years; six soldiers died looking for him, according to some accounts.

Sergeant Bergdahl’s case has faced politicization from both sides of the aisle. Those speaking the loudest publicly about it have overlooked the consequences that his actions had on the unit he abandoned.

Sergeant Bergdahl was assigned to the storied 1st Battalion, 501st Infantry Regiment, which traces its history to the liberation of France during World War II. Soldiers in this unit are proud to be part of the “1-Geronimo” battalion.

I began my career as a military officer at Fort Meade and served as the public affairs officer for Sergeant Bergdahl’s unit before returning to Maryland to attend graduate school this year. I worked and spoke candidly for six years with soldiers who were deployed with the unit when Sergeant Bergdahl disappeared, and I have read the initial investigation.

The most basic tenet of my job as the unit spokesman was to be knowledgeable on all critical facts pertaining to the brigade. The Bergdahl story was the biggest annual recurring news event reflecting one of our soldiers. Yet, it took months for me to convince a leader to brief me on the facts associated with it. In the days following Sergeant Bergdahl’s desertion, soldiers with knowledge of the facts were forced to sign nondisclosure agreements. The truth about Sergeant Bergdahl was suppressed at the cost of their peace of mind.

Though it was common knowledge inside the unit that Sergeant Bergdahl had deserted, the Army allowed the myth to perpetuate that he might have fallen behind on a patrol. Soldiers who knew the truth were afraid to speak up, out of fear that they would be punished….

Sergeant Bergdahl’s return to the U.S. resembled a well-orchestrated public relations campaign, complete with presidential Rose Garden ceremony and National Security Advisor Susan Rice telling ABC’s George Stephanopoulos on June 2, 2014, that Sergeant Bergdahl “served the United States with honor and distinction.” This prompted fury among those who knew the truth….

RELATED VIDEO: President Obama Speaks on the Recovery of Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl on May 31st, 2014.


Virginia: Muslim gets 20 years for joining ISIS, says they studied Islam for 8 hours every day

Is Jihad Watch a chronicle of the West’s suicide?

Cast Your Vote: Ask Joy Villa to run against Charlie Crist

Grammy Award winner Joy Villa has announced that she is considering running for Congress. Ms. Villa appeared on Fox & Friends to make her announcement:

Joy Villa at Grammy Awards in her Make America Great Again gown.

Ms. Villa published this on her YouTube channel:

I’m thinking of running for congress! I feel this may be my calling, one I don’t take lightly. If you support my endeavors, please donate http://www.joyvilla.com/testingthewaters

Ms. Villa on her Twitter page asked, “Which of my communities would you like me to run for congress in?” One of the cities listed is Tampa, FL. That is Congressional District 13 currently represented by former Republican, turned Independent, turned Democrat Charlies Crist.

It would be a major smack in the face of Democrats if Charlie Crist would lose to Joy Villa. Ms. Villa wants your input on which Congressional district to run in. She’s going to the people to measure support for her 2018 mid-term election bid.

Click here to vote on which city Joy should run: New York City, NY, Tampa, FL, Santa Barbara, CA or Los Angeles, CA.


Charlie Crist — A National Security Risk!

Key Charlie Crist Ally Hosted Hamas Fundraiser

Birdman and the Reality Revolution

Objective reality exists.

The ability to distinguish between fact and fantasy is an essential survival skill. If a man believes he can fly and jumps off a twenty story ledge he falls to his death because gravity is an objective fact and force of nature. Birdman’s fantasy (subjective reality) cannot compete with the fact of gravity (objective reality).

Let’s break down the process of thinking and doing. Thinking is a private matter and human beings are free to think their thoughts at any time in any place. Birdman is free to think he can fly without consequence to himself or others. It is the moment he steps off the ledge that his subjective reality collides with objective reality.

Civil society and the laws that govern it are based on the acceptance of objective reality by its citizens. Adults and children are evaluated differently in society. The fantasies of children are an accepted part of the growth process but adults who are out of touch with reality are deemed insane. In our example Birdman would be considered insane.

The safety lessons we teach our children are rooted in the acceptance of objective reality. Do not touch a hot stove. Do not run in the street. Do not jump out of a window or off a ledge. We teach our children the difference between fantasy and reality to keep them safe.

What would happen if there was a movement that deliberately rejected the teaching of objective reality and taught subjective reality instead? What is the purpose of driving a society insane?

Remember that the ability to distinguish between fact and fantasy is a survival skill. Thought precedes behavior. Birdman thought he could fly and jumped to his death. Critical thinking is the objective analysis of facts to form a judgment and is the foundation of rational thought. Critical thinking is necessarily judgy because one must evaluate the facts (objective reality) to form a judgment.

Feelings are not facts.

Feelings are the foundation of beliefs. Birdman’s feelings that he was a bird that could fly could not compete with the fact that he was a human and could not fly. Critical thinking is encouraged in an adult society. An insistence upon objective reality is what made America great, powerful, and undefeatable in WWII.

At the end of the war America’s enemies did not go quietly into the night. They reconstituted themselves to fight another day another way. How?

They simply put down their guns, picked up their books, and took aim at the children. They studied the human mind and decided to exploit the existence of the unconscious to bring America down psychologically. The goal was to move Americans out of the adult world of critical thinking (objective reality) and into the child’s world of feelings (subjective reality). They targeted education and decided to drive society insane. Regression was the goal.

Thought precedes behavior.

A chronological adult who thinks like a child behaves like a child. Birdman thought like a child believing he could fly. Feelings are the metric of children, facts are the metric of adults.

Vladimir Lenin infamously said,

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”

The progressives (regressives) have taken a page out of Lenin’s communist playbook and have indoctrinated two generations of Americans toward collectivism through public/private education and the media including television programming and movies. There are many ways to fight a war. The Leftist war against America is a sinister effort to shatter objective reality and destroy critical thinking skills. When critical thinking is destroyed and a society is reduced to childish emotional thinking it is easily exploited.

Revolutions are fought to effect seismic social change and to restructure society from one form of government to another. Historically revolution involves the forcible overthrow of a government or social order in favor of a new system. The Leftist war against America is psychological in nature and a Reality Revolution is necessary to stop them.

The Leftist offensive to drive society into subjective reality is a sinister attempt to infantilize society in preparation for socialism. What the young people of America need to understand is that the promise of socialism is not the reality of socialism. Cradle-to-grave government care exacts an exorbitant price. The government happily extracts your freedom and liberty when you accept the powerless position of childhood for the rest of your life. In socialism/communism you become permanent wards of the state.

The Reality Revolution

The Reality Revolution must restore objective reality to dismantle the infrastructure of subjective reality that has been established since the end of WWII.

President Donald Trump’s insistence upon objective reality makes him leader of the Reality Revolution and an existential threat to the Leftist campaign for subjective reality. President Trump’s efforts to make America great again are a determination to restore objective reality and adult thinking to society.

The striving to become an adult with all its attendant responsibilities is rewarded with the freedom of adulthood. Children are not free in any society – they are dependent upon their parents/caretakers or the government. The choice between collectivism offered by socialism/communism and individualism offered by American democracy envisioned by our Founding Fathers is the choice between childhood dependence and adult independence.

Young Americans proudly wearing Che t-shirts who have been indoctrinated toward collectivism should be asking themselves why real people living in real communist countries risk their lives to escape TO the freedom of America – no one is taking a raft to escape FROM freedom. The romanticized version of socialism/communism offered to young Americans is subjective reality.

These young people need to consider the reality of collectivism and judge its merits but they must be in objective reality to do so. Otherwise, like Birdman, they will think they can fly.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Goudsmit Pundicity.

‘Organic’ competition — Competition, like fresh vegetables, is healthy!

Labeling food as “organic” is big business.

So-called “organic” food has become popular, though people are often surprised by just how political “organic” agriculture is and how illusory any benefits often turn out to be.

The keepers of the “organic” label can function as a guild, using the label as a a barrier to competition.

Jack Griffin, president of Metropolis farms, raises an interesting case at CFACT .org reporting that,

“[A] handful of organic growers on the National Organic Standards Board (NOSB) – a group that advises USDA on organic standards – have proposed that produce from hydroponic agriculture and indoor farming cannot be considered organic. They will be trying to formalize that proposal later this month at the NOSB meeting in Florida.”

However, hydroponic produce has all the characteristics that “organic” food fanciers want.

Mr. Griffin explains,

“[I]ndoor hydroponic agriculture can grow food with zero pesticides and herbicides, while traditional dirt farm organic production still uses some variants of those inputs. Hydroponic farming doesn’t harm the earth’s soil at all because we are not using any soil. Hydroponics are not contributing to chemical runoff like organic field farming. Finally, hydroponics is very efficient in its water use, it uses 98 percent less water and helps conserve natural resources by circulating what few resources we do use throughout our systems.”

“Organics” occupy an ever-growing niche, however, remember that efficient American agriculture uses techniques derived from science and engineering to create enormous economies of scale.  The food our modern farmers produce is safe, nutritious, tasty, abundant and affordable.  That’s important.

Competition, like fresh vegetables, is healthy.

Let’s keep it that way.