Influence at the DNC: More than 60 superdelegates are registered lobbyists

The Sunlight Foundation reports:

Lobbyists wield enormous influence and, depending on your point of view, can bring positive or negative changes to our government. From reptile keepers to balloon enthusiasts, everyone has a constitutional right to petition government. The power some lobbyists hold over both parties in Congress and the White House is well documented. But what’s not well documented is how lobbyists play a role in the Democratic party’s nominating process.

As Libby Watson noted earlier this year, most delegates to the Democratic National Convention, held this year in Philadelphia, are allocated based on the vote share from primaries and caucuses held in individual states, territories and the District of Columbia. But there are also 712 so-called voting superdelegates. These individuals include former and current elected officials as well as members of the Democratic National Committee. Superdelegates can support whomever they choose and are not bound by any primary or caucus result.

And, as we found, some of the superdelegates also happen to be lobbyists for interests like big banks, payday lenders, health care insurers and unions.

Read more.

superdelegates (2)-800

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on the Sunlight Foundation website.

The Democrats Make Best Case Against Mrs. Clinton

The Democrats have made the best possible case against the election of Mrs. Clinton to the office of President of the United States. It was horrendous to sit and watch the parade of one Democrat after another during that party’s convention in Philadelphia. One progressive Democrat after another expressed near hatred and spewed lies about Donald Trump. In fact, the Democrats did not utter one single word in regards to defeating the Islamic terrorists or law breaking illegal immigrants, but were quick to condemn Trump, who legally worked his way up the ladder of success and has hired tens of thousands of workers from all walks of life.

The Democrats have displayed more respect toward illegal immigrants than to the principle of preserving American sovereignty. Democrats even displayed their general disregard for national peace and tranquility. They had the nerve to justify and rationalize murdering police officers. There were plenty of verbal salvos launched at republican Donald Trump, I did not hear a syllable mentioning the need to defeat Islamic terrorists. The terrorists have for decades been following through on their threat destroy civilized western nations, including our republic.

The Democrats including Mrs. Clinton view protecting our borders as bigoted and invading Islamic terrorists as just misunderstood. At one time placing a higher regard for enemies of the United States than our republic used to be frowned upon by democrats, my how priorities have changed. No wonder Americans don’t trust Mrs. Clinton who keeps getting reintroduced as different and trustworthy, but continues to show herself to be incompetent and crooked.

In other happenings, representative Keith Ellison, a Democrat and the first Muslim to openly serve in the U. S. Congress, recently complained about gun manufacturers making “a killing” from concerned U.S. citizens who go out and buy a weapon after a horrible shooting. He droned on “because one, they could be banned and they want to stockpile them.” Or two, “their afraid of being shot, so they go buy a gun.” Ellison also said “the gun sellers are making a killing on killing.”

The progressive representative then stated “that guns should be restricted in the same manner as tobacco or lead and that companies shouldn’t make money from gun sales.” “That big industry making money off a particular activity that id harmful to the public and they lied about it, so they can spread their campaign donations around to loyal members of congress who will protect their interests.”

Unbelievable, rather than trying to mobilize efforts to protect American’s from both illegal immigrants and Muslim refugee terrorists who have murdered many Americans, the first confirmed Muslim congressman in U.S. history wants to stop gun makers and sellers from earning a living.

Of course his bottom line goal is to get guns away from “We the People.” So don’t expect Representative Ellison or any Democrat to mobilize a drive to demand that government take a greater effort to protect us from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Sometimes things aren’t what they seem to be. The dragon media and even FOX News has told us that Hillary Clinton’s running mate, Virginia Senator Tim Kaine is a very safe pick, a pristine candidate with a history of missionary work in Central America, a fluent Spanish speaker and a moderate by progressive democrat party standards. But a report by Ryan Mauro for the Clarion Project indicates that Kaine’s record may not be as clean as advertised. According to Mauro, Kaine has a long history of embracing Islamists.

“He appointed a Hamas supporter to a state immigration commission; addressed a gathering honoring a Muslim Brotherhood terror suspect and received donations from well-known Islamist groups, “says Mauro, a fellow with the Clarion Project and an adjunct professor of homeland security at Liberty University in Virginia. In 2007, when Kaine was governor of Virginia, he appointed Muslim American society president Esam Omeish to the commonwealths’ Immigration Commission.

The MAS is an offshoot of the dangerous Muslim Brotherhood, as documented in a 2008 court filing in Dallas, Texas during the Holy Land Foundation trial. That Muslim sympathizer is being given a pass by the progressive or establishment media. The history of Kaine’s close association with Muslims in such a way reflects the kid glove and in some cases, appeasement of Muslims by both the media, the Obama administration and RINO republicans like Paul Ryan.

To this very day, such an approach has not made America safer from terrorist attacks, nor brought the United States one step closer to victory over Muslims who decades ago declared war on the United States and civilized nations in general. It should be abundantly clear to office holders and leaders of both political parties that the Islamists have been effectively acting on their threat of war via terrorism.

America cannot afford many more years of a government that is more willing to appease those who’s religion instructs them to kill, rape, or enslave non-Muslims rather than protect “We the People” from enemies, both foreign and domestic.

Let’s get together Fridays at 5:00 PM EST and 2:00 PM PST on AM 1180 KCKQ, in Reno Nevada and everywhere on

Trump Castigated For Acknowledging Immigration Threats

The Sword of Damocles hanging over America’s head.

It is time that when the “compassion card” is brought out- the issue of compassion must first take into account the safety and well-being of America and Americans.  There is nothing compassionate about committing suicide!

I urge you to get involved and demand our elected representatives actually represent us- We the People!  The information contained in my article is being provided to educate as many of our fellow Americans as possible so that they can ask the right questions and make the appropriate demands on our political leaders and representatives and political candidates.

Please pass this suggestion to as many folks as you can!

America, first and foremost, is comprised of its citizens not rivers parks and cities.  We have never had more American citizens, especially minority citizens, living below the poverty level.  We now expect that American kids will not do as well as their parents.  This is not how we will get America to lead.

Simply stated, American Lives Matter!

One of the points of contention where political “liberals” and political “conservatives” are concerned is how much government is appropriate, with conservatives demanding less government and liberals generally believing in more government, an issue that should be agreed upon by all reasonable Americans is the need for our government to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws.  This should not be a divisive issue- our immigration laws are completely and utterly blind as to race, religion and ethnicity and were enacted for the two primary purposes of protecting innocent lives and protecting the jobs of American workers.

If ever there was a “No brainer” issue- you would have to believe it would be the fair and effective enforcement of our immigration laws.

Here are links to some of my other commentaries that I hope you will find helpful:

On July 11, 2016 PoliZette published my article, “Balkanized America – Politicians, pollsters, and pundits are all responsible for the nation’s division.

The Summer Edition of The Social Contract includes my extensive article, “The 9/11 Commission Report and Immigration: An Assessment, Fourteen Years after the Attacks.”

On April 20, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article, “How DHS Ineptitude Facilitates Terrorist Operations A chilling case-in-point from Ohio.”

The Winter Edition of the Social Contract includes my article, Sanctuary Cities Endanger – National Security and Public Safety

On January 23, 2015 Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) posted my commentary,  For America to Do Well, Americans Must Do Well

On November 13, 2015 the Daily Caller published my article,  Political Candidates, Immigration And Home Repair Con-Artists

On October 20, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article,  “Immigration Law Enforcement: Why Bother? -The crucial issues at stake for American citizens.

On November 6, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: Decoding Politicians’ Immigration Newspeak –The devious manipulation of language employed by the political class.

On January 23, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: “Sleeper Cells: The Immigration Component of the Threat.”

On June 28, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article, “Illegal Aliens Are Not ‘Law Abiding’ – The vital importance of America’s immigration and inspection laws.”

Consider the following articles:

On July 7, 2014, FrontPage published my article, “Border Security and the Immigration Colander.”

On September 3, 2015 FrontPage Magazine posted my article: Keeping Track of Visa Violators

The overlooked source of the nation’s illegal immigration problems that people are finally talking about.

On September 10, 2015 FrontPage magazine published my article: Educating Our Adversaries

Why educating foreign STEM students is bad for American workers and national security.

On July 5, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: One Chance Is All a Terrorist Needs

How DHS is failing to heed its own warnings.

On October 7, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: Syrian ‘Refugees’ and Immigration Roulette

How the government is recklessly playing with American lives.

On November 12, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: Educating ‘Engineers of Jihad’ at US Universities

How the legal immigration system allowed four al-Qaeda-linked terrorists to attend U.S. colleges and roam free among us.

All reasonable Americans want to live in safety where the American dream provides opportunities for anyone who is willing to acquire an education, work hard and benefit from a bit of luck.  They want the same for their children and their children’s children.  How on earth could there be any controversy about the need to prevent criminals or terrorists from entering the United States?  How on earth could anyone think that it is good for Americans to have to compete with foreign workers from Third World countries for their jobs- forcing wages down, thereby creating wage suppression?

On June 18, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article, “Theft By Deception: The Immigration Con Game » How politicians are robbing citizens of access to the American Dream.

On June 27, 2015 CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) posted my article, “Heroin Epidemic: The Real Metric for Determining Border Security.”

On December 19, 2014 Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) posted my extensive article: “Obama’s ‘Gift’ to International Terrorists: Immigration Executive Action.”

Meanwhile, the lack of integrity to the immigration system not only undermines national security and public safety but is leading to the dismantling of America’s middle class and with it, the American Dream.

On July 22, 2014 FrontPage Magazine posted my article: “Immigration ‘Reform’: Engineered Destruction of the Middle Class” The real reason high-tech titans are lining up behind the amnesty effort. 

On February 17, 2015 CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) posted my most recent commentary: Effective Immigration Law Enforcement is ‘Pro-Immigrant,’ Compassionate

In October 2014 Progressives For Immigration Reform published my policy brief: The Liberal Case for Effective Immigration Law Enforcement

video of my presentation of my policy brief at the Progressives For Immigration Reform conference in November 2014 has been posted on You Tube.

On November 15, 2014 I was honored to join three true leaders in the United States Congress in a panel discussion on immigration- Senator Jeff Sessions and Congressmen Louis Gohmert and John Fleming.  A video of this panel discussion has been posted on the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s website under the title, “Immigration Wars”

The perspectives of these true leaders are well worth listening to.

To provide you with a bit of additional material, during my remarks at the panel discussion, I referenced my June 22, 2007 Op-Ed for the Washington Times that focused on my concerns about the previous attempt to enact Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  Senator Jeff Sessions quoted from my commentary, on three separate dates, from the floor of the U.S. during the contentious floor debates.  In my piece I recommended that Comprehensive Immigration Reform be given a more honest and descriptive title, I suggested that it be renamed the “Terrorist Assistance and Facilitation Act!”  

I recommend you review Senator Session’s statement on June 27, 2007 from the floor of the U.S. Senate on the Immigration Bill in which the Senator made reference to my suggested new name to that disastrous legislation in my Washington Times Op-Ed.  His impassioned pleas to his colleagues averted a catastrophe and that legislation was defeated.  However, not unlike Freddy Krueger, Comprehensive Immigration Reform has been brought back to life through the unilateral actions of President Obama and his proposed executive actions.  Furthermore, there are politicians from both parties willing to give this legislative betrayal of America and Americans CPR!

My Op-Ed was entitled:Immigration bill a ‘No Go

Today our nation and our citizens face a list of challenges and threats- nearly every one of which is being exacerbated by long-standing failures of our nation to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws.  To be clear, it is not “Anti-Immigrant” to want these two issues to be dealt with effectively.  In point of fact, the same immigration laws that mandate the categories of aliens to be kept our of our country and the terms under which aliens should be removed from our country have absolutely nothing to do with race, religion or ethnicity, also provide for the lawful admission of roughly one million lawful immigrants and the naturalization of hundreds of thousands of new citizens each year.

It is therefore a contradiction in terms and thinking to claim that it is “Anti-Immigrant” to support the effective enforcement and administration of our immigration laws

Let us be clear in our thinking- it is “Pro-Immigrant” to be “Pro-Enforcement!”

When the issue of immigration comes up most people purely focus on the lack of integrity to the border that is supposed to separate the United States from America.  Clearly that border lacks integrity and represents little more than a speed bump to smugglers who transport illegal aliens and contraband including record quantities of dangerous drugs such as heroin and cocaine into the United States.

However, there are many more components to the immigration system including systems by which aliens are granted visas to enter the United States and various immigration benefits such as conferring employment authorization to aliens in the United States and also include the adjudications process by which aliens are granted lawful immigrant status and even United States citizenship.

All of these systems of the immigration system lack integrity.  Aliens who have gone on to commit crimes and even participate in terrorist attacks have often been dissevered to have successfully gamed the immigration benefits program in order to embed themselves in communities around the United States as they went about their deadly preparations.

On July 2, 2013 the Washington Times published my Op-Ed: CUTLER: Tough questions about immigration ‘reform’

Who will find the answers while there’s still time to prevent a disaster?

On June 13, 2013 I was interviewed by Neil Cavuto at Fox News on the topic:Does immigration reform pose too many risks?

The interview ran about 4 minutes and is worth watching.

On April 4, 2014, CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) posted my commentary that asks the questions all Americans need to ask their political “representatives.”  My commentary is aptly titled:  “How? Why?

In his historic speech before the 3rd Army on May 31, 1944, General George S. Patton said, on the strategy of holding a position:

We’re not holding anything, we’ll let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly, and we’re not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy.”

Pushing back against Comprehensive Immigration Reform is the same as holding position. The time has come for us to advance by demanding that our borders be made truly secure and our immigration laws be effectively administered and enforced.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform violates all of the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission but no one is willing to even consider how the lack of real border security and the lack of real integrity to the various components of the immigration system imperil national security and public safety.

The findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission must be the starting point for any discussion about immigration legislation.  That commission determined that a lack of border security, including the visa process. and fraud in the immigration benefits program, enabled terrorists to enter and embed themselves in the United States, as they went about their deadly preparations.

Immigration is not a single issue but a singular issue that impacts nearly every challenge and threat confronting the United States today!  Simply stated, the immigration laws were enacted to save lives and protect the jobs of American workers.  In point of fact, our borders and our immigration laws are America’s first line of defense and last line of defense against international terrorists and transnational criminals.

It is not “Anti-Immigrant” to be “Pro-American!”

Our armed forces are charged with securing America’s borders externally while the DHS is supposed to secure those same borders from within.  The failures of the DHS to live up to its half of the equation are undermining the efforts, valor and incredible sacrifices of Americas men and women who serve in our military!

If our government’s failures to protect American jobs by securing our nation’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation!

All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!

We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.

American Lives Matter!

This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!

You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!

Democracy is not a spectator sport!

Lead, follow or get out of the way!

Is Caroline Zucker wholly owned by the Teachers Union?

A number of ethical questions are being raised about career politician and current Sarasota County School Board member Caroline Zucker and her cozy relationship with the Sarasota Classified/Teachers Association (SC/TA).


Pat Gardner

It appears from an email thread shared with Pat Gardner, the SC/TA president on June 29, 2016 that Zucker met with Gardner and union staff to discuss her campaign seeking a fifth term on the school board.

School board members Shirley Brown (D) and Jane Goodwin (R) along with Lindsey Nickel, Zucker’s public relations person, and Scott Ferguson, Communications Specialist for the Sarasota County Schools and strangely a Booker High School student Owen Leonard who is Zucker’s campaign website designer, were also part of the email thread.

Here are some ethical questions that demand answers:

  1. Why is Zucker asking Teachers Union President Pat Gardner to organize comments on social media against her opponent Teresa Mast?
  2. Why did the SCTA indicate that they will be backing Caroline? What did Zucker promise the union at the June 29th luncheon meeting to gain their endorsement and their help to defeat Teresa Mast?
  3. Why did Scott Ferguson, Communications Specialist for the Sarasota County Schools, create a “Google Alert” on Zucker? Why did he send an article to Zucker about a debate between Zucker and Teresa Mast, her opponent, directly to Zucker using his district email account? Does this violate district policy?
  4. Why are Zucker, Goodwin and Brown having a luncheon meeting with SCTA staff to discuss the endorsement of Teresa Mast by Kelly Caldwell and others?
  5. Is it ethical for school board members to use the union to help defeat an opponent? When they do are Zucker, Goodwin and Brown beholding to the union or independent representatives of the parents, students and taxpayers?
  6. Given the above, will the union require a quid pro quo when time comes to negotiate a new classified/teacher contract? Will the best interests of the board and public be sacrificed in order to pay off a political debt?
  7. Is it appropriate for Zucker to put a student’s name on emails given such wide district distribution? Does this put the student at risk? Why is Zucker using a student to design her website? Is there an ethical issue using Owen Leonard, a student, rather than a professional web designer? How will teachers treat this student? Will Leonard receive special treatment over other Booker High School students given his close relationship to Zucker?
  8. Zucker has hired Nickel Communications, which is according to their website offers “a variety of tools to provide outstanding marketing and Branding services for our clients. We start by conducting client and audience research and coordinate a communication audit of current and previous outward-facing materials including print, radio, television, direct mail, website, social and editorial media” firm. Why aren’t they doing Zucker’s campaign website?
  9. Why are Zucker, Goodwin, Brown, Ferguson and the union working together to undermine Teresa Mast?

Given all of the above questions voters must ask themselves who is Zucker loyal to? Who does Zucker represent, the union or the people?

Finally, will Zucker do anything to stay in office?

Florida Family Action Releases Legislative Scorecard Grading State Legislators on Social Issues 

FFA Scorecard Cover.pngOrlando, FL – Florida Family Action (FFA) announced the publication of its first Legislative Scorecard, tabulating combined legislative votes from both the 2015 and 2016 Florida Legislative Sessions.

“Our hope is that FFA increasingly becomes known for holding all legislators—Republicans and Democrats—accountable for supporting bad policy, and praise for supporting good public policy on issues related to life; marriage; family and religious liberty,” said John Stemberger, President and General Counsel of Florida Family Action.

Individual legislators were scored based upon votes favorable or unfavorable to FFA’s legislative agenda. The guide scored 12 issues on FFA’s legislative agenda from 2015 and 2016.  State legislators received both a letter grade from A+ to F and a corresponding numeric percentage score from 0-100%.

In the House of Representatives, the average House Democrat score was 41.35%.  The average House Republican score was 90.66%. One House Democrat received an A and one a D, and the rest received F’s.  Thirty seven (37) House Republican Legislators received a perfect “A+” score, twenty eight (28) received A’s.  Two GOP Representatives received D’s and five received F’s.

In the Florida Senate, the average Democrat score was 34.12% and the average Republican Score was 89.93%.  Eleven (11) Republican State Senators received a perfect A+ score and one GOP Senator received an A.  One Republican Senator received a D and all Democrat Senators received F’s.

Legislators in both chambers receiving an A+ score will be invited to be publicly recognized and honored as a “Champion of the Family” at the Florida Family Policy Council’s 11th Annual Policy Awards Dinner on Saturday, August 27, 2016 in Orlando, where Dr. Ben Carson will be featured as the keynote speaker.

To view the full scorecard available via PDF for download CLICK HERE

NOTE: Please allow a couple of seconds to fully load the document.


Florida Family Action is the legislative arm of the Florida Family Policy Council. For more information or media interviews call 407-418-0250 or email

Black Lives Matter Protesters Chant: ‘Don’t Vote for Hillary! She’s Killing Black People!’ [VIDEO]

Philip Hodges writes:

Talk about a fractured party. Protesters at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia outnumbered those at the Republican National Convention. I imagine what we’re witnessing at the DNC convention is what the RNC convention could have looked like had the party’s favored candidate been successfully forced on to the Republican electorate against their will.

Obviously, not everyone in the Republican camp are on board with Trump. But I think come November, most Republicans – and probably a lot of Democrats and Independents – will be so unified against Hillary that they’ll pull the lever for the Donald.

Read more.

Real Clear Politics ran a headline that read: Protester Outside DNC: “Don’t Vote For Hillary! She’s Killing Black People!” If you go to that article, you’ll see video footage of a single black woman speaking into a PA system and saying, “Don’t vote for Hillary! She’s killing black people!” In reality, there were many people chanting that and other anti-Democrat/anti-Hillary slogans.

Fast forward to about 3:10 in this video to hear all the protesters chanting that they won’t vote for Hillary, because “she’s killing black people.”

Warning: Language


WikiLeaks Voicemail Dump: For Democrats its All About the Money! [Video]

“Ouch! This is going to sting and I hope a LOT! The Washington Times has just released an article with the most recent dump from Wikileaks. This time it is not emails. It is voice mails. Judging by what Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is doing with his timing, it appears he is very much Anti-Hillary Clinton. I wonder why that could be? Voice mails show former ambassadors calling DNC officials for time with Obama. This is a huge no-no. Pay to play much DNC?” writes former Congressman Allen West.

ABC News report “What’s in the WikiLeaks DNC Recordings”:

Readers may search the DNC Email Database by clicking here.

Read may also watch the full version of Clinton Cash the official documentary:

DNC Days 2 & 3: A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag

Saul Alinsky in his Rules for Radicals wrote in RULE 7:

A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag. Don’t become old news.

As Bernie Sanders unceremoniously leaves the Democratic Party to become an Independent once again, we take a look at the some of speakers who appeared at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) on days 2 and 3.

The DNC is using tactics that drag on too long and have become a drag. Is the DNC old news?

Their idea appears to be to bring on stage the same rhetoric Americans have heard under Presidents Bill Clinton and Barack Obama. Victims take the stage, make a statement but present no new tactics to solve the issue that caused their victim-hood. Be it on the economy, under and unemployment, crime, mass shootings, poverty, the national debt, national security, domestic policy and fighting terrorists domestically and overseas the DNC presents no new tactics let alone a strategy.

A series of short presentations, interspersed with Democratic Party campaign ads and ending with featured speakers such as Bill Clinton on day 2 and Barack Obama on day 3 is the same old same old.

The DNC is now facing a tough race and has pulled out all the usual suspects. What Saul Alinsky called “old saws.”

Day 2 saw cop haters (Mothers of the Movement) and a serial rapist (Bill Clinton) speak. Day 3 featured anti-Second Amendment gun haters (Bloomberg, et al) and a failed president (Barack Obama). Harsh words to be sure but the truth, when told, presents a harsh reality.

Hating guns, hating law enforcement, hating Republicans, hating Donald J. Trump is becoming a drag.

The primaries have shown that this does not inspire the base and attacking Trump only strengthens him.

As Alinsky wrote, “Even radical activists get bored. So to keep them excited and involved, organizers are constantly coming up with new tactics.”

Democrats are out of new tactics. They just keep using the old ones and expect different results.


As a Teen Cashier Seeing Food Stamp Use, I Changed My Mind About the Democrat Party

What Bernie Sanders Supporters Said When Asked If They Were Socialists

16 Obamacare Co-Ops Collapsed. Here’s How the Rest Are Faring

Tech Entrepreneur Explains Why Elizabeth Warren Is Wrong About Big Tech

Only Miles From Democrat Convention, Kermit Gosnell’s Clinic Brings Abortion Industry Horrors to Forefront

Trump’s Speech Trumped Cruz by Phyllis Schlafly

Donald Trump’s acceptance speech proved that his vision, not Ted Cruz’s, is the future of the conservative movement and the Republican Party. Trump hit the right notes in his talk in putting America first, while Cruz’s presentation to the convention the night before was thin on conservative substance.

Cruz did not disqualify himself from being a future standard-bearer merely by failing to endorse Trump, but also by failing to embrace the conservative policies that are necessary to make America great again. It was Trump, not Cruz, who succeeded in fulfilling Ronald Reagan’s goal of “raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people.”

Trump repeatedly and passionately demonstrated in his acceptance speech that he would stand up for Americans and do everything in his power to end the exploitation of the United States by the rest of the world. “Americanism, not globalism, will be our credo!” Trump declared, adding that “the American people will come first once again.”

As Trump did throughout the campaign, he led on the fundamental issues of immigration and trade. While his rivals eventually followed his lead, it was Trump who framed the issues and forced the media to pay attention to them.

Trump explained in a compelling way the harm resulting from crime by illegal aliens. He described how he personally met with the family members of a young woman with a promising future who had been killed by an illegal alien, who was then released and still remains at large in our country.

On jobs, the Republican Party since the 1990s supported free trade deals that have cost American workers dearly. Trump has single-handedly converted our Party into one that is now pro-American-worker.

“I have visited the laid-off factory workers, and the communities crushed by our horrible and unfair trade deals,” Trump declared during his speech. “These are the forgotten men and women of our country . . . who work hard but no longer have a voice.”

“I am your voice,” Trump then said, amid thunderous applause. For the first time since Ronald Reagan, the Republican Party has a nominee who actually represents the average American worker.

An astounding 12 million non-Republicans crossed party lines to vote for Trump in the Republican primaries. The Democrats did not vote for Trump because they prefer supporting a billionaire, but because they like his positions on immigration and trade.

Trump extolled “the dignity of work and the dignity of working people.” He brings back to the Republican Party the “bricklayers, carpenters, and electricians” whom he said his father was most comfortable being with.

Trump observed that “America has lost nearly one-third of its manufacturing jobs since 1997,” and that NAFTA was “one of the worst economic deals ever made by our country.” “Never again,” Trump added.

In contrast, Ted Cruz’s speech at the convention made only passing references to immigration and trade, without the substance or the passion that Trump expressed. Instead Cruz repeated “freedom” over and over, some 23 times, declaring that “America is an ideal,” and that the ideal is merely that “freedom matters.”

Cruz’s speech reflected the views of his mega-donors, who tend to be more libertarian than the conservative views of the average American. Leaving people alone to do whatever they like is not enough to restore the United States to military superiority or economic independence, or to achieve the many other goals set forth in the Republican Party platform.

Cruz’s vision is not that of Ronald Reagan, who made the United States stronger and more prosperous as Trump vows to do. Trump emphasized in his speech his opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which he said “will not only destroy our manufacturing, but it will make America subject to the rulings of foreign governments.”

Trump even pledged “to never sign any trade agreement that hurts our workers, or that diminishes our freedom and independence.” Cruz made no such pledge and failed to mention the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Trump obviously meant every word in his electrifying speech, as when he expressed his genuine outrage at how “big business, elite media and major donors are lining up behind the campaign of [Hillary Clinton] because they know she will keep our rigged system in place.” Cruz’s speech had no such criticism of Hillary, and relied on superficial rhetorical devices like devoting much of his speech to a story about a sympathetic victim with whom Cruz had no personal connection.

The shortcoming of Ted Cruz is not only his failure to endorse the Republican Party nominee. The greater flaw is that, like Mitt Romney and others in the Republican Establishment, Cruz has failed to embrace the conservative vision that Donald Trump stands for.

Marijuana Driving Problems Escalating and More Bad News…

Marijuana DUI arrests in Oregon surged 163 percent in the first six months of recreational legalization, according to the Oregon State Police. DUI, driving under the influence of intoxicants, is the term Oregon uses to describe alcohol and drug impaired driving. Authorities say the lack of systematic data collection about marijuana-impaired driving is the biggest gap in the state’s preparation for recreational legalization. A report on the topic is due to the legislature next year. Read this story here.

An analysis of marijuana-related DUI arrests nationwide by a retired researcher for the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration concludes, “Anyone who says marijuana is a harmless drug is blowing smoke.”

California, where marijuana is legal for medical use, has documented 1,500 marijuana-related driver fatalities in the past five years. Nationwide, in the 23 states and DC where the drug is legal for medical use, more than 1,000 such fatalities occurred in the single year of 2014.

“Normally, any drug with so many deaths, injuries, and associated problems would be pulled from the market by FDA,” says Al Crancer, Jr, lead author of the analysis.

He predicts that marijuana legalization in more states will “cause a tidal wave of motor vehicle and other fatalities and soon rival alcohol as the No. 1 traffic safety problem.”
Read this report here.

The National Alliance for Model State Drug Laws has compiled a helpful list of drugged driving laws in all 50 states. Access this list here.


Study Finds Sharp Increase in Marijuana Exposures Among Colorado Children

Calls to Colorado poison control centers seeking help for unintentional marijuana exposures in children under age 10 jumped 150 percent since 2009, a new study inJAMA Pediatrics finds. That year, the state commercialized marijuana for medical use and the federal government issued a memo indicating it would rarely prosecute cases. Rates soared again in 2013 when the state legalized recreational pot.

Colorado’s 34 percent average annual increase of exposures is significantly greater than the rest of the states at 19 percent.

Emergency Department (ED) visits for marijuana exposures also escalated at one Colorado hospital, from 1 in 2009 to 16 in 2015. The mean age of these children was 2.4 years. One 11-month old died.

Marijuana products involved in the exposures included infused edible products, infused baked goods (cookies, brownies, and cake), infused candies, and infused popcorn products.

The researchers note that, compared with more plentiful unintentional pediatric exposures to items like pharmaceuticals and household products, “symptoms after marijuana exposure can be severe; 35% of patients presenting to the hospital required admission.”

Read abstract here.

16th Street Mall Conditions Deter Convention Business, Says Visit Denver Report

Denver’s “downtown environment” is the No. 1 complaint about the city among convention and meeting planners, according to a newly unearthed report prepared last winter by the city’s visitor and convention bureau for Denver’s city council.

As of 2014, nearly 50 percent of meeting planners commented negatively on “homeless, youth, panhandling, safety, cleanliness, and drugs including public marijuana consumption.”

Three-fourths of convention attendees and leisure visitors observed loitering and panhandling in the downtown area.

The report includes letters from planners who had booked meetings in Denver. Writes one, “The homeless situation is very sad, and public streets reek of weed. The Denver police should be more alert to large groups of minors congregating on city streets attacking tourists … I have felt much safer in downtown NYC, Philly, Seattle, and Chicago.”

Read story here. Read report here.

Take a Tour of a Colorado Marijuana Farm

ABC News filmed an indoor marijuana farm to show viewers how marijuana is grown and processed into oils, edibles, shatter, wax, and other products. Must viewing for those who think marijuana is just a weed that people roll in a joint and smoke.

See video here.


Syndros Approved for AIDS-Related Anorexia

Now there is a third FDA-approved marijuana drug available for doctors to prescribe and pharmacies to dispense. (The medical marijuana products states have legalized cannot be prescribed by doctors or sold in pharmacies.)

Insys Therapeutics, an American pharmaceutical company, has developed Syndros, an oral form of dronabinol, for treating anorexia in patients with HIV infection and chemotherapy-related nausea in cancer patients who do not respond to standard medications.

Dronabinol is the generic name for man-made, or synthesized, THC. A capsule form of the drug, Marinol, was approved by FDA in the 1980s for the same indications.

Cesamet, also in capsule form, is the third FDA-approved, man-made marijuana drug. Its generic name is nabilone, which is an analog of dronabinol. Cesamet treats the same conditions Marinol treats.

Other marijuana-based drugs, including marijuana extracts, are in various forms of development and are seeking FDA approval.

Read story here.


The Marijuana Report is a weekly e-newsletter published by National Families in Action in partnership with SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana). Subscribe to The Marijuana Report and visit our website, The Marijuana Report.Org, to learn more about the marijuana story unfolding across the nation.

About National Families in Action (NFIA)

NFIA consists of families, scientists, business leaders, physicians, addiction specialists, policymakers, and others committed to protecting children from addictive drugs. Our vision is:
  • Healthy, drug-free kids
  • Nurturing, addiction-free families
  • Scientifically accurate information and education
  • A nation free of Big Marijuana
  • Smart, safe, FDA-approved medicines developed from the cannabis plant (and other plants)
  • Expanded access to medicines in FDA clinical trials for children with epilepsy

About SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana)

SAM is a nonpartisan alliance of lawmakers, scientists and other concerned citizens who want to move beyond simplistic discussions of “incarceration versus legalization” when discussing marijuana use and instead focus on practical changes in marijuana policy that neither demonizes users nor legalizes the drug. SAM supports a treatment, health-first marijuana policy.

SAM has four main goals:

  • To inform public policy with the science of today’s marijuana.
  • To reduce the unintended consequences of current marijuana policies, such as lifelong stigma due to arrest.
  • To prevent the establishment of “Big Marijuana” – and a 21st-Century tobacco industry that would market marijuana to children.
  • To promote research of marijuana’s medical properties and produce, non-smoked, non-psychoactive pharmacy-attainable medications.

Hillary Clinton’s ‘Taco Bowl Engagement’

Among the Wikileaks dump of DNC emails is one from titled “Trump isn’t trying to bring people together.” In the May 6, 2016 email ChristopherR writes:

taco bowl engagement

The first day of the Democratic National Convention featured several Hispanic speakers. Among them were:

  • KARLA ORTIZ – Who is an anchor baby whose parents are undocumented.
  • CONGRESSWOMAN LINDA SANCHEZ (California) – Who said, “Donald Trump believes that Mexican immigrants are murderers and rapists.” Click here for Examples of Serious Crimes by Illegal Aliens.
  • ANASTASIA SOMOZA – Who stated, “Donald Trump has shown us who he really is. And I honestly feel sorry for anyone with that much hate in their heart.”
  • EVA LONGORIA – “I’m a ninth generation American from a small town in South Texas. And if you know your history, Texas used to be part of Mexico.  My family never crossed a border.  The border crossed us.

In political jargon, a useful idiot is a term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they are not fully aware of, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.

Are Ortiz, Sanchez, Somoza and Longoria useful idiots who are part of the taco bowl engagement Democratic Party propaganda machine?


WIKILEAKS! Racist DNC Refers To Latino Outreach as Taco Bowl Engagement

The Democratic Convention Is Off To A Rocky Start

Is the DNC Convention over even before it gets started?

How Democrats Came to Embrace Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

What the WikiLeaks Hack Exposes About Democrat Media Bias

Tim Kaine: An Explosion Waiting to Happen?

DNC Day 1: Illegal Aliens, Anarchists, Drug addicts, Mentally Ill, Alcoholics and ‘Fifth-Graders’

The first day of the Democratic National Convention featured speakers who are: anarchists, mentally ill, illegal aliens, anchor babies, drug addicts, alcoholics, liars and fifth-graders.

MAYOR MARTY WALSH Boston, Massachusetts) “Good evening. My name is Marty Walsh, and I’m an alcoholic.”

PAM LIVENGOOD – Is the guardian for her grandson because her daughter is a drug addict.

DEMI LOVATO – “Like millions of Americans, I am living with mental illness.”

KARLA ORTIZ – Is an anchor baby whose parents are undocumented.

EVA LONGORIA – “I’m a ninth generation American from a small town in South Texas. And if you know your history, Texas used to be part of Mexico.  My family never crossed a border.  The border crossed us.

In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals RULE 4 states: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.”

Tim Kaine, the presumptive Democratic Party nominee for Vice President, during a 60 Minutes interview chastised Donald Trump for using the term “crooked Hillary” as a childish “name-calling thing” adding “most of us stopped the name-calling thing about fifth-grade.”

The speakers on the first day of the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia didn’t get the Kaine memo. Their speeches were full of “fifth-grade name calling.” Here are some examples of what Democrats said:

  • CONGRESSWOMAN LINDA SANCHEZ (California) – “Donald Trump believes that Mexican immigrants are murderers and rapists.” Click here for Examples of Serious Crimes by Illegal Aliens.
  • SENATOR AL FRANKEN (Minnesota) – “I’m Al Franken.  Minnesota Senator and world renowned expert on right wing megalomaniacs:  Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and now, Donald Trump…”
  • ANASTASIA SOMOZA – “Donald Trump has shown us who he really is. And I honestly feel sorry for anyone with that much hate in their heart.” DNC Refers To Latino Outreach as “Taco Bowl Engagement.”
  • CHERYL LANKFORD – “You just saw what happened to me. How Trump University cheated me out of the money I received after my husband’s death. How they broke their promises. How they stopped taking my calls. How the whole thing was a lie…” Trump University Judge Is Member Of La Raza | The Daily Caller
  • SENATOR ELIZABETH WARREN (Massachusetts) – “Trump thinks he can win votes by fanning the flames of fear and hatred. By turning neighbor against neighbor. By persuading you that the real problem in America is your fellow Americans – people who don’t look like you, or don’t talk like you, or don’t worship like you… That’s Donald Trump’s America. An America of fear and hate.” Is Elizabeth Warren Native American or What? – The Atlantic

Day 1 of the Democratic National Convention was filled with Illegal Aliens, Anarchists, Gays, Drug addicts, Mentally Ill, Alcoholics and ‘Fifth-Graders’. In other words the base of the Democratic Party.

I can hardly wait for Day 2 featuring Bill Clinton and Mothers of the Movement.


WIKILEAKS! Racist DNC Refers To Latino Outreach as Taco Bowl Engagement

The Democratic Convention Is Off To A Rocky Start

Is the DNC Convention over even before it gets started?

How Democrats Came to Embrace Taxpayer-Funded Abortions

What the WikiLeaks Hack Exposes About Democrat Media Bias

Tim Kaine: An Explosion Waiting to Happen?

The Democratic Convention is off to a Rocky Start by Clare Malone

PHILADELPHIA — Prepping for a week of sunburn and sleep deprivation for the love of the party, Democrats are wending their way to Philadelphia for their convention this week. What awaits them? So much. This is America in 2016, after all.

The biggest story out of Philadelphia is the precipitous tumble from grace of Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz, casting into sharp relief the differences between the Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton wings of the party. On Friday, as politicos wandered home to do laundry and remind their children what they looked like, WikiLeaks released 20,000 emails from committee staff, part one of what the group called “our new Hillary Leaks series.” (I.e., more to come … what is it with Democrats and email this year?)


Bernie Sanders protesters at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. AP Photo/John Minchillo.

Anyhow, the leaked batch of emails contained messages making plain what many observers had long suspected — that the Democratic National Committee was very much on the side of Clinton’s campaign and was annoyed as hell at Sanders. One of the most–cited emails in news reports suggested that Sanders’s perceived atheism might be used against him in states such as Kentucky and West Virginia. “Does he believe in a God,” one email read. “He had skated on saying he has a Jewish heritage. I think I read he is an atheist. This could make several points difference with my peeps. My Southern Baptist peeps would draw a big difference between a Jew and an atheist.”


Needless to say, none of this played very well days before the party’s big week out, the one where all the cameras are going to be trained on hopefully happy Democrats in boater hats; Wasserman Schultz announced Sunday that she would step down as chairwoman after the convention. According to Politico, former Al Gore campaign manager Donna Brazile will run the day-to-day operations of the committee through the election. And as if this story couldn’t get any more topsy-turvy, Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook told CNN’s Jake Tapper that his camp strongly suspected that the email leaks were the work of the Russian government, hoping to help Donald Trump in his bid for the presidency.

In other big news that doesn’t involve the misuse of email and prominent office, Clinton finally announced her vice-presidential pick late last week, going with Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, a nice, smiley guy from the Midwest. Sound familiar? Yeah. Donald Trump picked Mike Pence, the smiley governor of Indiana, as his constitutional second. It seems that in light of their wildly unpopular nominees, both political parties thought the American voter would be best soothed by a non-threatening but competent-seeming white guy, the sort of fella who would coach your kid’s peewee football team to a championship with aplomb.

Clinton may be hoping that Kaine’s stand-up-guy aura and mainstream Democratic ideology, and his aforementioned whiteness, will comfort other white men, whose votes Clinton would like to win.

Speaking of trying to win portions of the political middle: Everyone’s favorite I’m-too-rich-to-need-a-political-party former New York City mayor, Michael Bloomberg, announced that he would be endorsing Clinton in a prime-time speech at the Philadelphia convention, citing concerns about Trump as his reason for picking a side. Bloomberg would, a spokesman told The New York Times, tell the assembled about his support for Clinton “from the perspective of a business leader and an independent.” A key word there, independent; Clinton will be looking to appeal to the undecided middle during the general election, and although many folks might not, ahem, identify with billionaire Bloomberg, it can’t hurt to have a pro-business former Republican (and also former Democrat …) on one’s side. Bloomberg is slated to speak Wednesday night, the same evening that President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden are on the program.

Other speakers? First lady Michelle Obama and Bernie Sanders will kick off the festivities in Monday’s prime-time slots, Bill Clinton will speak Tuesday — likely going about 45 minutes over his allotted time — and Chelsea Clinton will introduce her mother on Thursday evening.

There will be lots of political star power on display, in other words, though it remains to be seen whether the constellation of Democratic celebrity will soothe the party’s disenchanted progressive wing.

RELATED VIDEO: DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz booed by the Florida Delegation at the Democratic Convention:


Election Update: Is Trump Getting A Convention Bump? by Nate Silver — Polls taken during and after the Republican National Convention, which concluded Thursday in Cleveland, generally show Donald Trump continuing to gain ground on Hillary Clinton, making for a close national race. But it’s customary for candidates to receive a “bounce” in the polls after their convention. There’s not yet enough evidence to come to firm conclusions about the size of Trump’s convention bounce, but the initial data suggests that a small-to-medium bounce is more likely than a large one.

Hillary Clinton Bets She Can Beat Trump Without A Splashy VP by Harry Enten — Clinton chose Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia as her running mate on Friday, making a prototypical Clinton decision that adds a safe politician to her ticket and making the bet that she doesn’t need a splashy running mate to beat Donald Trump.

Tim Kaine Wouldn’t Do Much To Help Clinton Win The Election by Nate Silver — Clinton’s choice of Kaine as her running mate is, in some ways, a dull story. Kaine has traditional credentials. He’s not especially liberal, but he’s no Blue Dog Democrat. He’s a white guy, although he speaks good Spanish. If Mike Pence is a “generic Republican,” then Kaine is a “generic Democrat.” The difference is that Kaine, unlike Pence, comes from a swing state. If you’re going to pick someone from a swing state, is Virginia among the better options? And how much difference does the vice-presidential nominee really make in his or her home state?

Islamic Grievance-Monger Visited the Obama White House Seven Times

Born in 1980 in Brooklyn, New York, Linda Sarsour is a Palestinian-American community activist who has served as executive director of the Arab American Association of New York (AAANY) since 2005. She is also a board member of the Muslim Democratic Club of New York (MDCNY), and a member of the Justice League NYC.

An outspoken critic of Israel, Sarsour supports the Boycott, Divestment & Sanctions (BDS) movement, a Hamas-inspired initiative that uses various forms of public protest, economic pressure, and court rulings to advance the Hamas agenda of permanently destroying Israel as a Jewish nation-state.

Vis-a-vis the ongoing Arab-Israeli conflict, Sarsour favors a one-state solution where an Arab majority and a Jewish minority would live together within the borders of a single country. She made clear her opposition to Israel’s existence as a Jewish state when she tweeted in October 2012 that “nothing is creepier than Zionism.”

Falsely maintaining that “Palestine existed before the State of Israel,” Sarsour seeks to help “bring back a Palestinian State for the Palestinian people.” To advance this agenda, Sarsour has tweeted images of fraudulent maps claiming to depict the “Palestinian loss of land” that supposedly occurred between 1946 and 2000.

As the head of AAANY, Sarsour has played a central role in pressuring the New York Police Department to terminate its secret surveillance of Muslim mosques and organizations suspected of promoting extremism or terrorism, and to curtail its use of “stop-and-frisk” anti-crime measures. In 2011 she worked in conjuction withCommunities United for Police Reform, a coalition to advance the passage of the Community Safety Act (which expanded the definition of bias-based profiling and created an independent inspector general to review police policy in New York City). Sarsour also succeeded in pressuring City Hall to close New York’s public schools for the observance of the Islamic holidays Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.

In May 2012 Sarsour tweeted that the so-called “underwear bomber,” an al-Qaeda operative who on Christmas Day 2009 had tried to blow up a Detroit-bound passenger jet with explosives hidden inside his underwear, was actually a CIA agent participating in America’s “war on Islam.”

In 2013 Sarsour campaigned for New York City mayoral candidate Bill de Blasio. After de Blasio was elected, his office repeatedly featured Sarsour in press releases supporting the mayor’s positions on education and other matters. Moreover, his Mayor’s Fund pledged $500,000 to AAANY in 2016.

In a February 2015 appearance on Rachel Maddow‘s television program, Sarsourlamented that a nationwide epidemic of “Islamophobia” was responsible for “anti-sharia bills trying to ban us [Muslims] from practicing our faith,” “mosques being vandalized,” and Muslim “kids being executed” in the United States.

In August 2015 Sarsour spoke out in support of the incarcerated Palestinian Islamic Jihad member Muhammad Allan, a known recruiter of suicide bombers.

In October 2015, Sarsour posted on Twitter a photo of a young Palestinian boy clutching two stones as he stared down a group of Israeli soldiers, and labeled it “The definition of courage.” When numerous Twitter users, including Queens Councilman Rory Lancman, subsequently criticized Sarsour’s controversial post, she tweeted in response: “The Zionist trolls are out to play. Bring it. You will never silence me.”

On Melissa Harris-Perry‘s television program on December 12, 2015, Sarsour lamented the allegedly long list of “attacks on [Muslim] individuals and on mosques” that had been perpetrated by Americans who — by misperceiving all Muslims as potential terrorists — were themselves “engaging in terrorism against the innocent [Muslim] community that has nothing to do with [terrorism].” Sarsour also scoffed at the notion of Muslim integration into American society: “We can’t change who we are. This is how we look [with Muslim attire]. We can’t integrate and assimilate…. We’re gonna look like this when we walk out into the streets of our cities when we’re traveling in this country.”

In 2015 as well, Sarsour co-founded MPOWER Change, “an online organization that enables [Muslims] to respond [to key events] in rapid, nationwide, coordinated ways as a community.”

According to, Sarsour “has attended numerous rallies sponsored byAl-Awda, promoted and solicited donations for their events, and … spoken at their rallies. Sarsour has also solicited donations for the Hamas-affiliated Palestine Children’s Relief Fund.

Over the years, Sarsour’s activism has extended also to racial matters within the United States. For instance, when the black, hoodie-donning Florida teenager Trayvon Martinwas killed by a “white Hispanic” man in an infamous 2012 altercation, Sarsour penned an article titled “My Hijab Is My Hoodie” and declared herself “among the millions mourning the killing of Trayvon.” “Blacks in America continue to face racism on a daily basis,” she wrote, “from the workplace to interactions with law enforcement. And yet racism against African-Americans is publicly acknowledged as unacceptable…. Unfortunately, that’s not the case for Muslims in America. Bigotry against Muslims is quite acceptable.”

In the aftermath of an August 2014 incident where a white policeman in Ferguson, Missouri had shot and killed a violent black criminal named Michael Brown, Sarsour co-founded Muslims for Ferguson, to draw a parallel between the respective forms of oppression allegedly suffered by black and Muslim Americans.

In April 2015 Sarsour co-chaired the March2Justice, a 250-mile protest march from New York to Washington, DC, to draw attention to the evils of racial profiling and police brutality, and to the need for increased government spending on social-welfare programs. The march was led by the Justice League NYC.

According to a New York Times report, Sarsour is “deeply involved in the Black Lives Matter movement.”

In 2016 Sarsour established Rebuild With Love, a project to raise money for the reconstruction of eight black churches that had been “burned to the ground” in the days following the racist shooting of nine black parishioners at Emanuel AME Church in Charleston, South Carolina the previous year. Characterizing the burnings as “attacks on Black culture, Black religion and Black lives,” Sarsour said: “As Muslims we know the importance of protecting the vulnerable” from “intimidation” and violence.

In October 2011, Sarsour, who holds free-market economics in low regard, expressed, on behalf of “Muslim New Yorkers,” “solidarity and support” for the anti-capitalistOccupy Wall Street movement. In 2011 as well, the Obama Administration honored Sarsour as a “champion of change.” As of April 2016, she had visited the Obama White House on seven different occasions.

In 2016 Sarsour supported Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, an avowed socialist.

In March of that year, when MDCNY announced its plan to protest Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s upcoming appearance at the New York State Republican Party’s Gala in Manhattan, Sarsour said: “MDCNY plans to mobilize our communities to protest against the hateful, bigoted, racist, and xenophobic Trump candidacy. The NYS Republican Party’s embrace of this candidate shows just how out of touch they are with the millions of Muslim, Black, Latinx, immigrant, women, and other New Yorkers who stand for inclusion and unity over fear and hatred. Their celebration of Donald Trump reinforces what we already know—the Party is only concerned with appealing to the small sliver of the population that shares this bigoted worldview.”

In May 2016, Sarsour announced that she would be attending the Democratic National Convention in July as an at-large delegate.

In 2016 as well, Sarsour announced that she was planning to run for a seat on the New York City Council in 2017.

For additional information on Linda Sarsour, click here.

Donald J. Trump versus the ‘Evil Empire’

Don’t let the title of this article surprise you. I am a former Soviet attorney who has written on the subject of Soviet Fascism for twenty years, published three books and written over 50 articles on the topic. You haven’t heard of me because our intelligence community didn’t want to aggravate the situation vis-à-vis Russia and blocked the information about my books and articles about what Ronald Reagan aptly named as “the Evil Empire.”

The Evil Empire has spread its tentacles across the world and in the United States.

social-lies-book-cover-simona-pimpko-e1463305141331At the end of April, 2016, my fourth book was approved for publication, titled Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders. It continues my exposé of Soviet Fascism. The names of Stalin, the Clintons, and Obamas are not coincidental—they are ideologically connected. And that fact has led to many other disturbances within the West, including disruption within the Republican Party – a lack of knowledge of Soviet Fascism with writers comparing Trump and the Republicans to Hitler and the Nazis. Nothing is further from the truth.

There are two major enemies of Donald J. Trump: The ideology of Soviet fascism and the incompetent who don’t understand or actually support this dreadful ideology.

All of my books are dedicated to introduce that ideology to you—without this knowledge America cannot define the enemy and Republicans cannot win. In fact, this same knowledge will expose Hillary for what she is, because the main and long-range force of Soviet fascism are the agents of influence. Yes, they are America’s deadliest enemies, determined and deadly enemies, aimed at preventing Trump’s presidency.

There are two types of the agents of influence: foreign and domestic. I expect a Stalinist trick by Russia against Trump very soon.

Let me remind you the main tools, devices, methods, and tricks used by them. In my latest book Socialist Lies: From Stalin to Clinton’s, Obama’s, and Sanders, I dedicated time to present the agent of influence and their subversive activities in our mist. You know some of them like Saul Alinsky (Hillary’s psychological mentor) and Frank Marshal Davis (the friend and mentor of Barack Obama). But there thousands of them in the United States and around the world “serving” Soviet Fascism in different capacities. Socialist Lies gave you a Soviet document, (page 182) establishing the army of the agents of influence and factual declaration of war to Western civilization in many different fronts and locations by Russia.  I called this war—WW III

The point is that you should know the agents of influence and Soviet Fascism’s “great” opportunity to do enormous HARM of different types in many aspects of human life by subversive activities in economics, politics, and personal destruction for control and power over Western civilization. Considering Hillary’s run for presidency, I’d like to give you an example and show “the professional activities” of the former Secretary of State. Also, please remember the Obama/Putin joint venture, described in Socialist Lies. The example is regarding America, Russia, France, and Libya. This is my own conclusion based on my extensive knowledge of Soviet fascism and Vladimir Putin.

I believe there was a connection between NATO’s actions in Libya and the presidential election in France in 2012.

Do you remember a scandal of Dominique Strauss-Khan in the New York Hotel? It was during the time of a presidential election in France and Dominique Strauss Khan was ahead of President Sarkozy. And again, you should go to the Soviet document dated 1955 to read about worldwide organized crime in What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, pp. 127-144.

Putin used the situation to continue destabilization of the region. To convince Obama was not difficult for Putin. In my interpretation of the events, Putin offered to eliminate Strauss Khan for a certain favors from Sarkozy, the latter agreed and Libya’s fate was decided. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been an official conduit working in concert with Russia and the agreement with Sarkozy. NATO got trapped in a middle of civil war in Libya. Putin wanted Libya’s oil and destabilization of North Africa. Organized crime was activated and Dominique Strauss Khan has disappeared from a political arena of France. Do you remember the Soviet document dated 1955? Organized crime was and is an integral part of Soviet Fascism. Today ISIS is running Libya’s oil or destroying the facilities to raise the price of oil on the market. Russia succeeds again.

Do you know that all terrorist groups are run, were trained or influenced by the Russian KGB?

Please keep in mind that Libya is not the only of Hillary’s deals with Russia—there were many others. I have described the other two in Socialist Lies, they are the liquidation of bin-Laden and the Benghazi attack which lead to murder of Ambassador Stevens and three others.  Bin-Laden had been the subject of Obama/Putin joint operations for several years. Consider that phrase “to take him out”. Is that standard practice for America or for Russia? Could we have captured bin-Laden and the materials in the compound? – YES. Please read Socialist Lies p. 62.

Why have we not heard more of bin-Laden’s background, his sponsors, his agenda for al Qaeda? – He was revealed as an old graying man wrapped in a blanket watching his own theatrical images on TV. In fact, when the fraud was revealed, he became expendable to Russia for any number of reasons. He and his knowledge would have blown the whistle on the socialist plans for the world and were better off at the bottom of the sea. Perhaps that’s where they lie today. Hillary was a conduit in this deal as well as in the murder of Ambassador Stevens. Read Socialist Lies, p. 61. The cooperation of our foreign policy with Russia is going on today. Read the following:

“Russian warplanes reportedly bombed a secret military base in Syria used by elite American and British forces last month. The Wall Street Journal reported Thursday that the Russian strike on the CIA-linked site was part of a campaign by Russia to pressure the White House to agree to closer cooperation in the Syrian skies, U.S. military and intelligence officials said. And despite the fact that the Russians and the allies have very different goals, the Russians wanted closer cooperation. The CIA and the Pentagon did not want this cooperation, so the Russians pushed a little. In response, Obama decided to give the Russians basically what they wanted.  He caved, pure and simple.  At least this is the way those in the area saw this action.” Russia Bombs White House into Submission in Syria, Constitution, By Michael Ware  July 22, 2016

The Democrat Party is a corrupt institution run by the Clintons’ people. I tried to show it and presented the Clinton’s mafia, calling The Clinton Foundation “the eyes and ears of the KGB.” Talking about Hillary, maybe the word “cooperation” with Russia is not the correct description of the events and the record of the former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton? The Democrat Party is a corrupt institution, which runs by the Clintons’ people.  I have to repeat it and you will see it for yourself during the Democrat Convention.

Can you identify the agents of influence there?  I am leaving the answer to you with a suggestion: Read my books to learn about Soviet fascism and the agents of influence, foreign operatives in America.

The Washington Post is promising to assign 20 journalists to dig deep into Trump’s past and produce the book. What about Hillary and the Clinton Foundation? We live in a free country and I am offering my knowledge to 2-3 conservative journalists to reveal the Truth. Maybe the Washington Post had been serving the Kremlin’s effort to topple the American President fifty years ago?

As then, today the fix is in—a meeting of Bill Clinton and U.S. Attorney General Loretta Lynch is not a coincidence. The Democrat Party is destroying our America the Beautiful in partnership with Clinton’s mafia. The Republican Party establishment in Washington D.C. is incompetent and out of touch with the people. Ahead of us is a very challenging time. The only our hope is Donald J. Trump. He is not a “normal” candidate. He is the only candidate who can stop Soviet Fascism implemented in a half of the world and win WW III.

My fellow Americans, you have a strong candidate, a smart and knowledgeable business man who will force real changes to the corrupt and rigged system. Vote for him!

Learn more at

RELATED ARTICLE: EU – USSR: Bleeding Utopia by Alexander Maistrovoy