Deep State House Arrests Coming To An End

The deep state house arrests, (stay at home orders), are coming to an end, step by step.

Consider This

“There are very, very burdensome impingement’s on liberty,” he told radio talk show host Hugh Hewitt, “and we adopted them for the limited purpose of slowing down the spread. We didn’t adopt them as the comprehensive way of dealing with this disease. We are now seeing that these are bending the curve, and we have to come up with more targeted approaches.” More from Barr here.

Last week at a Corona task force briefing President Trump, as you connect the dots, is setting the stage for what is to come. You may recall many, many weeks ago the President talking about the spring and summer when the heat of the sun is upon us, that this may begin to dissipate. Well last week President Trump featured Bill Brian from the DHS, who laid the case out for all to see, that the heat and disinfectants kill this virus. As we connect the dots on other aspects of this Plandemic and President Trump’s strategy to open the economy back, we recall hydroxychloroquine being introduced again, many weeks ago. This is an already FDA approved drug and has been for years treating malaria and other diseases with most excellent recent testing results on Covid patients, although the media has focused on the very few or one that was problematic. Let’s see when and how, the curing of UK’s Prime Minister, Boris Johnson’s information is released. Timing, timing.

Suppressed Solutions Coming To Light

Hydroxychloroquine, heat, the sun, disinfectants, and quite frankly sodium ascorbate in high doses under the treatment by a skilled physician, and more, coupled with the task force hygiene guidelines and building your immune systems I might add, will put this thing to bed. It’s been a Plandemic from the start unleashed to accelerate the UN’s Agenda 2030 since all other attempts to remove Trump have failed. They are panicking as they are being exposed and indictments and arrests are coming. It’s either us or them, end of story.

With false positives being reported on the original rigged tests, along with fudged numbers of those infected and those dead as they are adding on to the death certificates the cause of death being Covid 19 even if it was a heart attack, or some other cause. What we see before us, are crimes against humanity in broad daylight.

We are at war! The links below are worth your time with skilled Doctors who are not on the CDC, the WHO,  the Gate Foundation, nor CNN and FOX NEW’S payroll. Nonetheless, we have treatments and cures as the WHO, CDC, Gates Foundation Fauci, Birx and the boogeymen, race towards a toxic vaccination which will include perhaps the RFID chip. If that happens on a global scale, I’m afraid all may be lost. It’s lights out. Can you say “mark of the beast”?

Watch Here

Watch Here

Watch Here

Watch Here


There is a plan to out smarten this silent enemy, the deep state’s attack on America and the world. It is unfolding as it should and as always, if you look back at all that has been thrown at us, our amazing President and the intel and military team, has been steps ahead, and all such attempts have failed. Mark my words, as disruptive as this Plandemic has been, this too, will ultimately fail. Please have a listen to the interview I did with Brad Martin from the “Out of Shadows” documentary. This may help.

And so in spite of the suppressed remedies, fake news, and limitless funding along with scaring the daylights out of everyone, the deep state’s house arrests are soon, step by step, coming to an end. This event itself is now transitioning. And as for the economy? Bumpy road ahead but President Trump has for all intents and purposes, nationalized the Fed and is accelerating the global financial reset, removing power from the central bank system and restoring the power back to the people via a people based production economy and the ushering in of a gold backed currency of sorts. I believe sometime into Trump’s second term we not only recover, we will have far more than the best economy ever as a sort of Golden Age is ushered in releasing suppressed medicine and science and much more. No more wars. Peace and prosperity returns. Not overnight and not without a fight. Stay tuned. We’ll save this for another day.

Do click on the links below. This will help you. Hang in there, there’s a ways to go yet. Expect more false flags surrounding this virus and or completely new false flags as the election draws near. And remember, John Durham’s indictments and arrests are coming very soon. Q has told us that the first indictments will “shock the world”. Get ready. Get the popcorn and enjoy the show. Stay safe and God bless.

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PODCAST: Govs Get Their Priorities out in the Re-open

They got in line at Peach Tree Battle Barbershop at 7 a.m. For a lot of them, it was the first haircut they’d had in a month and a half. “I certainly don’t want to spread it to anyone,” customer Matt Maddox said, “so I’ve got a mask. But I’m not concerned.” Others, like Atlanta restaurant owner Hugh Acheson, understands that staying closed will hurt, but argues, “Now is not the time for fine dining.” Either way, their governor, Brian Kemp (R), is giving them a choice — which is more than a lot of Americans can say.The eyes of the whole country will certainly be on states like Georgia, who flipped the signs to “open” on businesses like salons, tattoo parlors, gyms, bowling alleys, and more for the first time this morning. But that’s not to say things are even remotely the same as before. Local officials can’t flip a switch and tell people to go back to normal. But what they can do is allow Americans to make those decisions themselves based on how the churches, stores, and restaurants respond. As Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-N.Y.) said earlier this week, “It’s one thing for government to say, ‘Okay, it’s safe to go out. [But] if people don’t believe it’s safe, they’re not going to go.”

As Scott Rasmussen and I talked on “Washington Watch” Thursday, “Everybody has a role to play in governing society.” He’s in New York City, where the virus is still a major concern. But, he said, “When they [do] open up restaurants in our city here, some people will be excited and run right out the door. But many are going to hold back, and they’re going to wait for the restaurant owners to demonstrate that it’s safe. Maybe the tables aren’t quite as close together as they used to be, or maybe some other steps have been taken. And by the way, those restaurant owners are also going to have to convince their employees that it’s safe to come back to work… This is going to be a process, where we collectively will learn how to behave in this new environment.”

After 40 days in isolation, people are going to take the threat seriously. They’re going to be cautious. But, as Rep. Andy Biggs (R-Ariz.) pointed out, the Founders’ model was “Let’s trust the people.” Of course, that freedom requires accountability. But there’s a way to do this that ensures people — and the economy — are protected. “It’s not a binary choice, that’s for sure.” That’s why the best approach is the one the president has taken. He’s given governors the tools, the resources, suggested benchmarks, but in the end, he’s made it clear to the states: You know what’s best for your community.

Rep. Roger Marshall (R-Kans.), a medical doctor in his own right, has been up close and personal with the virus. He’s talked to people who will be scarred for life after their work with patients in the ICU. And he still believes there is a “responsible and safe way to start opening certain parts of the country.” What does that look like? “Well,” he said, “What we need is more testing availability — and probably more Personal Protective Equipment as well… And then, we need a community [commitment] to responsibility.”

One way to make sure we’re doing this right, Dr. Marshall suggests, is to start partnering with the people who know best. “I’ve been challenging the health care folks in each community to reach out to their own businesses around town. There [are] infectious disease nurses at hospitals, at county health clinics, [who] are some sharp, sharp people. We need to get them involved out in the private sector. [They could be] talking to the local schools and to the local businesses. What does [this] look like going forward?” As he agreed, “This will not be solved at the federal level. It’s going to be solved at the local community level now.”

At the end of the day, FRC’s Ken Blackwell said, “The American people are smart people. We don’t hide in the midst of a crisis. We push back intelligently against it.” This is not, he reminded listeners, “an either-or.” “It’s not a public health strategy versus an economic strategy…” We understand all sides and the importance of a measured, consistent approach. “But at the end of the day, it’s no accident why we are the most prosperous and the most free democratic constitutional republic in the history of the world. It’s because we cherish liberty, and we trust people.” And now, more than ever, our leaders need to do both.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


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EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Leftist Nonsense –– Like Shooting Fish in a Barrel

After the 2016 presidential election of President Donald J. Trump, I stopped counting the numbers of Republicans and Conservatives who told me how unpleasantly life had changed for them.

Through eight years of President George W. Bush––even through the Reagan years, they said––they could still speak to their friends and relatives and agree to disagree about political issues.

But the reaction to the Trump presidency, they told me, was so extreme, the hysteria so sustained, the venom so poisonous, the rationality so nonexistent, that they couldn’t even go to a happy affair like a birthday party or wedding or dinner at a restaurant without World War III breaking out.

No surprise. While glamorous billionaire businessman and TV star Donald Trump had been lionized for decades before he became president by the very people who are vilifying him today, while office-seeking Democrats held out both hands for his generous contributions to their campaigns, and while leftists like Oprah and the fake-news media whores considered it either a privilege or a scoop to interview him, all that changed when he descended the Trump Tower escalator with his dazzling wife Melania in June of 2015 to announce his candidacy.


Indeed, why did the “tolerant” Progressives display––and exhibit to this very day––such florid and feverish intolerance?

Why did the thug groups of the Left––like Antifa, Black Lives Matter and Occupy Wall St.––step up their violence and downright anarchy in their anti-Trump protests?

Because of the existential threat candidate and now President Trump posed to their hundred-year ambition to destroy the America they loathe––the America that embraces free markets and capitalism, the U.S. Constitution, the Bill of Rights, free speech, the right to bear arms, et al.

To the horror of all those socialist/communist-admiring Progressives, the empire-builder Donald Trump turned out to be a rock-ribbed believer in everything they detest:

  • American Exceptionalism.
  • The urgent importance of a strong military.
  • The simple sanity of closed borders.
  • Deep respect for the working-class people who built and run not only his buildings but America: electricians, plumbers, masons, elevator operators, on and on and on.
  • The destructive nature of high taxes.
  • The strangulating effect of strangulating regulations.
  • The clinical insanity of selling out to China, Iran and other countries.
  • The consummate fakery of the media and most polling companies.

Yes, the Progressives had just about succeeded in actualizing their destroy-America goal––eight years of Barack Obama and his socialized medicine (Obamacare), socialized education (Common Core), eviscerating our military, and funding terrorist states like Iran. All they needed was eight more years of Hillary.


I happen to live about 18 minutes from New York City, in one of the meccas of leftwing madness on Long Island. In my suburban community, a Marxist Forum actually exists, voters overwhelmingly cast their ballots for Democrats, including a state legislature that not long ago stood on their feet and applauded a law to allow mothers in labor to end the lives of their fully developed, nine-months-in-utero babies literally one minute before birth. You read that right––applauded!

It’s a community––much like those in far-left California, Oregon, Michigan, et al––that spoon-feeds socialist propaganda to preschoolers straight through high school and college; mandates that students watch Al Gore’s film on the hoax of global-warming, “An Inconvenient Truth”; teaches the Gospel of Victimization for everyone––except those big bad white men and capitalists––and features six-foot posters of the Cuban communist mass murderer Che Guevara in their classrooms. Really.

As it happens, I was raised in a strict and religious home that voted Democrat. After high school, I married, had three children and moved to New York. Having been a truant in high school and then happily having skipped college, my mind was relatively uncontaminated by the leftist sewage that afflicts most people on the East and West coasts.
My education came from real life. For instance, one day I read in our local newspaper that a vote was being held to welcome 75 students from a lower-income neighborhood in Queens to be bussed into our town in order to attend our “superior” schools.My husband Steve and I voted for this proposal because we had grown up in New Haven, CT, where race relations were harmonious. Our high school’s president was black. I was the co-captain of the cheerleading squad with a beautiful black girl; Steve was a New-England Championship winner on a basketball team with four black guys (they affectionately called him the “light bulb”).

These experiences were so ingrained in our hearts and minds that when we moved into our first home, we hosted the New York Times-sponsored Fresh Air children for three consecutive summers.

But back to the referendum. To the absolute shock of the leftwing powers-that-be, it was resoundingly defeated. Although I was completely apolitical at the time, a neighbor urged me to attend a gathering to protest the vote.

That was when I went to my very first school board meeting. I was about 25 at the time, and my kids were about 7, 5, and 2. At the meeting, the smooth-talking school board president––the wealthy owner of several baby furniture stores––said the following: “The community has spoken. But the community is wrong. We are going ahead to extend the invitation to those students in Jamaica, Queens, in spite of the vote.”


Sitting there, I remember saying to myself: “I don’t think that’s legal!” Silly me, I thought that when you voted for a person or policy, that was the decision of “We the People,” and if you didn’t like the vote, you had to fight harder the next time to get your opinion voted into law.

For me, it was a vivid picture of dictatorial, fascistic, arrogant leftism in living color. And although I didn’t know the language of politics, I knew this species was not for me.

I knew it again when my sanctimonious neighbors told me I should join them in supporting the boycott of lettuce spearheaded by Cesar Chavez in 1970 because he wanted lettuce pickers to have the right to form their own union. Then I found out they sent their children to the supermarket to buy the lettuce!

A few years later, when my youngest child went to kindergarten, I decided to enter nursing school. The same thing that attracted me to conservatism attracted me to nursing: Facts!

I always tell people that if they were my patients, and I was calibrating IVs or drawing medications into a syringe to go into their veins, I would never do these things based on my feelings or instincts or emotions. Why? Because the correct dose could cure you, and the incorrect dose could kill you.

And yet, feelings and instincts and emotions are the three arch criteria on which Progressives base all of their misguided policies––always to the detriment of America!

By the way…the principal of the Jamaica high school in Queens wrote to Mr. Smooth-Talking school board president, saying that he would never let his students attend schools in a community that didn’t want them.


Today, left-right debates have devolved into the children known as leftists resorting to acting-out temper tantrums and vicious name-calling, and the grown-ups known as conservatives usually remain slack-jawed at what they are seeing and hearing.

My own exchanges, however, are usually hilarious––and certainly revealing of the aberrational “thinking” of leftists in general. As an aside, they are always scowling during these exchanges, and I am always smiling…yet another thing that drives them mad.

Progressive: Trump is only lowering taxes for his rich friends.
Me:  I understand….you like high taxes.
Progressive: Well, I’m not saying that….

Progressive: Trump is only quashing regulations to get pro-union votes.
Me:  I understand…you like waiting three years to get a new roof on your home.
Progressive: Well, I’m not saying that…

Progressive: Trump is spending all our money on the military.
Me:  I understand…you like a weak military.
Progressive: Well, I’m not saying that…

Progressive: Trump is a racist for closing our borders.
Me: I understand…you would never get a lock or alarm system on your home.
Progressive: Well, I’m not saying that…

You get the picture. Whether it is Democrat governors or senators or representatives or candidates for office, the rationality factor, the sane factor, the intelligent factor, the pro-American factor is simply missing.

Happily, an overwhelming majority of Americans have both eyes and ears. They are watching. They are listening. They are keenly aware that Democrats are not on America’s side.

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VIDEO: Some Facts and Reality about the COVID Outbreak and Lockdowns

All this noise we’ve been hearing is just that… NOISE!

Watch carefully:

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RELATED VIDEO: Jail for not wearing a mask, freedom for a serial killer.

Osama bin Laden’s Plan for Destroying America: Make Joe Biden President

Osama bin Laden had money, a name, and a certain amount of charisma. But Al Qaeda’s successes had at best a limited amount to do with him, as opposed to the more experienced and pragmatic terrorist leaders. And by this point, he had long since become irrelevant, harbored by Pakistan, too dangerous to keep, too dangerous to get rid of, until Obama decided that he could get reelected by arresting Osama and putting him on trial. The men on the ground had other ideas and the rest is history.

But Osama had his own stupid plan for bringing America to its knees. Kill Obama.

O​sama bin Laden wanted to assassinate then-President Barack Obama so that the “totally unprepared” Joe Biden would take over as president and plunge the United States “into a crisis,” according to documents seized from bin Laden’s Pakistan compound when he was killed in May 2011.

The secretive documents, first reported in 2012 by The Washington Post, outlined a plan to take out Obama and top U.S. military commander David Petraeus as they traveled by plane.

“The reason for concentrating on them is that Obama is the head of infidelity and killing him automatically will make [Vice President] Biden take over the presidency,” bin Laden wrote to a top deputy. “Biden is totally unprepared for that post, which will lead the U.S. into a crisis.”

As opposed to Obama, who was really prepared.

Then again, Osama was getting his info on American politics from Michael Moore.

Sure having Biden take over would wreck the country, but a lot less so than Obama had. Unless Osama had a plan to get Carter back into office, that probably wasn’t happening.

Intelligence officials told the Post that bin Laden’s plan never progressed past the aspirational stage.

True of all his plans at that date, except his plan to listen to bad music and get shot by the infidels.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Cheating Factor in the Elections

There’s an old joke that goes like this:

How does a lifelong conservative voter in Chicago switch to being a liberal voter? He dies.

If the left is so great and their ideas are so wonderful, then how come they often have to cheat to win elections?

During the coronavirus, with its extraordinary upending of our regular life, some want to use this crisis to permanently change how we vote in this country. This reminds me of the left’s slogan, “Never let a crisis go to waste.”

On March 16, the A.P. reported on a new law in Chicago whereby prisoners can vote in prison (not just by absentee ballot):

“A state law enacted last summer requires that Illinois’ 20,000 pretrial detainees be given the opportunity to vote. That means absentee ballots must be distributed in every jail in the state. But the law also requires that any county with more than 3 million residents set up voting machines in the jail. Cook was the only county to qualify.”

On April 3, CNN observed,

“The coronavirus crisis has prompted new calls to expand access to voting ahead of November’s election and intensified the long-running partisan fight over voting rights…. And House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has said she wants money dedicated to vote-by-mail to be part of the next coronavirus bill.”

It may sound good, but some of the left’s tactics have been designed to basically steal the vote.

The left has been pushing for illegal immigrants to be able to vote. And every time an illegitimate vote is cast it nullifies a legitimate vote that is cast.

If there is cheating by Republicans against Democrats, I’m not aware of it. If you answer, “Watergate,” please note that was about half a century ago.

As we face the critical election this year, 2020, we do well to stay on guard against any means from anybody to steal our vote. Veteran journalist Bob Knight wrote a book, Liberty on the Brink, on the left’s efforts to falsify elections.

In a TV interview, he told me, “One thing is to allow millions of illegal immigrants into the country, not keep track of them, and then weaken the voting laws….In the book, I go through a number of ways they do this. They fight voter ID laws, which are very common sense laws because everybody agrees on them.”

Scott Powell, a senior fellow with the Discovery Institute, told me: “In America you have to have an identification to fly, to buy alcohol, to drive a car. Voting in an election is one of the more important things an American citizen can do, and there should be unanimous support for voter identification. Without voter identification, we are more likely to have electoral fraud, and that can swing elections in key areas.”

One of the key strategies of the left to try and sway the outcome of upcoming elections is a movement to abolish the Electoral College. But that was a brilliant concept by the founders in the Constitution itself to allow for states across the nation to have their say in the outcome of the election for president. The left just wants the big cities (usually liberal) to decide.

As constitutional attorney Jenna Ellis points out, “The Electoral College is a process that was put in place to safeguard the safety of the voters and to make sure that every state has a voice and has representation.”

Bob Knight gives an example of a practice rife with the potential for voter fraud: “Ballot harvesting is one of the latest techniques that the left is using to, I believe, steal elections. Ballot harvesting is legal in some jurisdictions, and it means you can go out and collect ballots from people you’re not related to. Usually you cannot vote, you cannot turn in a ballot for someone you’re not related to, and that’s to prevent vote fraud.”

He points out that on election night 2018, in normally conservative Orange County, California, several Republicans were leading—one of them by 14%. And then, says Knight: “Thousands of ballots came in [later] that were harvested by volunteers, usually union leaders. And that swept the Democrats to power in all congressional districts in Orange County. Now I can’t believe that Orange County overnight became a Democratic county, other than the ballot harvesting that facilitated it.”

Yes, the coronavirus may alter some of how voting is done in this critical election year. But it ought not to be the means by which the left tries to steal our vote.

Knight notes how serious this threat of voter fraud is: “The left is trying to take over the country and impose a socialist state on America. If they win this time around, I’m not sure we’ll ever get the American freedom we’re used to back.”

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Guidelines for Opening Up America Again

Here is the link for the guidelines: Guidelines for Opening Up America Again

President Trump has unveiled Guidelines for Opening Up America Again, a three-phased approach based on the advice of public health experts. These steps will help state and local officials when reopening their economies, getting people back to work, and continuing to protect American lives.





PODCAST: Mark Green — Bring Our Companies Home

The last thing we should do with sky-high unemployment is sending more jobs to China. Rep. Mark Green (R-Tenn.) has a plan to bring U.S. companies home — and make the communist party pay for it.

Listen in on our conversation from Wednesday’s “Washington Watch” to hear how.


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EDITORS NOTE: This FRC-Action podcast is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Cybersecurity Statistics for 2020 – Trends, Insights and More!

Cybersecurity is a BIG issue, and the interesting thing is…a lot of people don’t realize they care about it.

A lot of people think about cybersecurity as something pretty basic: choose a good password, and beyond that it’s really a term for governments and big companies to worry about.

Of course, when you think about it, cybersecurity matters to just about everyone.

It’s super important for small businesses, who may be targeted without having the resources to hire a security professional.

And have you ever been concerned about what Facebook is doing with your data? Then you’ve worried about cybersecurity.

See what I mean? This goes for EVERYONE who does anything on the internet.

So I’ve picked quite a few of the most relevant and reputable statistics about cybersecurity in this list, and I think they’ll matter a lot to you, no matter your context.

Ready? Let’s start off with something of interest to the business owners out there:

Item #1: NEARLY HALF of American small businesses suffered a cyber-attack last year.

First, sorry to start off with such a negative and scary stat.

But also, it’s pretty important to know. So let’s just look at the numbers, presented to us by Hiscox’s 2018 Small Business Cyber Risk Report:

cybersecurity stats percent

So as you can see, last year nearly half of small businesses in the United States suffered a cyber-attack. And of those, 44% suffered 2+ attacks.

A lot of us have this idea that cyber-attacks are mostly an issue for big firms to worry about. Unfortunately, small businesses have got a LOT to worry about themselves.

So even if this stat doesn’t cheer you up, at least it will help us put to bed the idea that SMBs are largely ignored by cyber-attacks.

Let’s hammer this dose of reality home extra-hard, while we’re at it:

Item #2: MOST of those small businesses fail to act after an attack.

This stat actually comes from the same report as the last one. And it might give you the same sinking feeling as the last one.

Let’s have a look:

cybersecurity stats percent

Yep…not a third, not even half, but NEARLY 2/3rds of small businesses fail to act following a cybersecurity incident.

Now, let’s note that this does NOT mean that 65% of small businesses got hacked and did nothing about it.

First, plenty of small businesses in this stats probably didn’t even know they had a cybersecurity incident.

And part of that is because cybersecurity incidents aren’t the same thing as being “hacked” in a super malicious way.

Nonetheless, it’s still pretty clear that small businesses, for various reasons, are not taking enough action to prevent cyber-attacks OR to fix cybersecurity issues.

Item #3: Over 85% of the email was spam in July 2019.

This really isn’t shaping up to be a “feel-good” list, is it? Well, such is life I suppose.

Check out the latest data, straight from Cisco’s Talos Intelligence Group:

cybersecurity stats-percent of email is spam

Those are some enormous numbers, barely comprehensible. But the key figure is that 85% of email that is spam.

Want to know the worst part?

The proportion of spam to real mail is SUPER consistent over time:

cybersecurity stats-percent of email is spam2

Meaning there’s no real reason to think that in the near future, most email will be non-spam.

Okay, but here’s a silver lining:

Remember that spam is not the same thing as malware.

Spam obviously has a much higher rate of malware, phishing attempts, and so on, but this number doesn’t mean that 85% of your email is deadly to your cybersecurity.

… Just that a lot of email is on the riskier side.

On the note of email, though:

Item #4: The most common malicious attachments in email are Microsoft Office files.

Clearly, a lot of malware gets distributed through email. People have generally gotten wise to the usual, more overt malware email tactics.

Unfortunately, this means bad actors have also evolved their game. Cisco’s June 2019 email security report details some pretty shocking numbers.

Nowadays malware is often sent through mostly “normal” attachment types:

cybersecurity stats-most malicious file types

So the result is that over 40% of malicious attachments—TWO IN FIVE—are Microsoft Office attachments, mostly .doc files. PDFs are about 10% and .zip files are nearly a third.

This doesn’t mean you should stop sending Word documents through email…just that you shouldn’t assume an attachment is safe because it’s a Microsoft Office file.

Item #5: Cybercriminals have been a more pervasive threat than hackers recently.

I know what you’re thinking: what’s the difference between a hacker and a cybercriminal? Is this going to be a distinction without a difference?

Well, there’s definitely some overlap…but there’s still a meaningful difference. In short:

A hacker breaks into your system. A cybercriminal does this…and does something criminal (like stealing important information, robbing you, etc).

This report by Isaca on 2019’s cyberthreat landscape includes a poll given to business owners on the post frequent threat actors.

cybersecurity stats-threat actor ranking

So while hacking in general is obviously the big overall concern, cybercriminals are the chief perpetrators…meaning robbers, basically.

Item #6: Phishing has been the most common attack type.

Phishing is a bad-faith effort at getting sensitive information (usually account information and card numbers), usually with the perp pretending to be a trustworthy person or group.

You might think phishing is the easiest security issue to avoid, because you’re a smart person who can tell the difference between good and bad actors.

And you know what?

You’re probably right. Most people who have been on the internet for a bit, and especially business-owners, can see through most phishing attempts.

But you shouldn’t dismiss them. Because here’s how common they are:

cyberstats-attack types ranking

They are the MOST common cyber-attack type, and they have been for the last three years (according to the aforementioned Isaca report).

Heck, what’s interesting is that the other most common forms of attack—malware and social engineering—have actually decreased while phishing has stayed strong.

Item #7: One in ten URLs are malicious.

This data comes straight from Symantec’s 2019 Internet Security Threat Report, and there’s no way to sugarcoat it.

cybersecurity stats-one in ten urls

It’s easy to have a false sense of security—you maintain basic security practices on the internet, you only click links that look safe, etc.

But when you consider that 10% of URLs are malicious, it sure becomes apparent that you can’t be too careful.

Because if so many URLs are malicious, odds are even cautious people are going to run into them. Stay safe!

Item #8: Most Internet-of-Things (IOT) attacks hit routers.

The Internet-of-Things refers to increasingly common internet-enabled “smart” household devices.

IOT devices are the things that you see ads for all the time. Smart speakers and home assistants put out by Amazon, Apple, Google, etc, are very popular IOT devices.

But lots of new IOT products are coming out every day: door locks, cameras, microwaves, ovens, etc.

But IOT devices are notoriously vulnerable to hacking at this point in time. Symantec decided to test out IOT security and put the results in the report I mentioned in the last stat.

Here’s what they found:

cybersecurity stats-routers are most iot attacks

Routers are the most frequently attacked points for IOT attacks.

Routers got about 75% of the attacks, and internet-connected cameras got another 15%.

A bunch of other things make up the remaining 10%, meaning these are the two you really need to be careful about if you’re trying to modernize your home or business.

Item #9: Over a QUARTER of internet users worldwide use a VPN or proxy.

Virtual Private Networks, or VPNs, are basically private networks built on public networks and are almost always encrypted nowadays—meaning users can experience better privacy and security.

Proxies overlap somewhat in that they switch up your traffic and make your IP look different (though they’re still pretty different from VPNs).

Anyway, VPNs and proxies are pretty common, according to recent data.

These numbers are from 2018 and presented by the reputable GlobalWebIndex research firm, and are probably the best recent numbers we’ve got:

cybersecurity stats-vpn use

What’s more, GlobalWebIndex points out that these numbers have been largely consistent since 2013.

This is honestly more than I expected, and it has a few implications—for one, it could change how we look at traffic statistics. For example:

Perhaps a lot of American traffic statistics are actually from people around the world trying to bypass local restrictions.

It also means that a solid amount of people, whether they intend to or not, are adding an extra layer of security and anonymity to their internet use.

Pssst: if you’re interested in checking out VPNs but not interested enough to set down money, you can actually try some free ones out.

Don’t worry—I’ve got a list of the best free ones to help you get started!

Item #10: Network vulnerabilities are far more common than application vulnerabilities.

This last stat is a little more technical, but don’t worry—I’ll take you through it.

First let me show you the numbers, brought to us by EdgeScan’s 2019 Vulnerability Statistics Report:

cybersecurity stats-web apps vs network vulnerability

Network vulnerabilities accounted for the vast majority of cyber vulnerabilities at 81%, whereas web application vulnerabilities accounted for the rest.

Okay, but what does that mean?

You know what a network is, but a web application might be a little fuzzy for you. A web application is basically a program or software that works within a browser environment.

What does that mean in daily life?

Email, online shopping carts, plugins for your WordPress site, and so on. A lot of stuff that’s extremely common nowadays.

Now this might seem a little surprising, and some say that web application vulnerabilities are the most common, more common than network vulnerabilities.

Hashing this out could be an entire article unto itself, so I won’t get too into it here.

The reason I’ve left this statistic for you is to show you that network vulnerabilities are still extremely common, even if web applications are what we think of the most when it comes to cybersecurity.

But, let me point out one more thing out: even if network issues are over 80% of cybersecurity weaknesses, web apps have a higher proportion of high-risk problems.

So if you’ve been super concerned about the security of web applications…keep it up! Just don’t neglect network security too much either.


Like I said in the beginning, cybersecurity is a very multi-faceted thing. It’s relevant to just about everyone, and sometimes in more than one way per person (as a private individual and as a site manager, for example).

Cybersecurity is also a battle waged on many fronts: at the level of the network and the level of the website, on individual scales and massive organizational ones.

There are lots of stats out there on cybersecurity, but the game is constantly changing, and that’s why I found the most reliable recent stats and put them here.

Everyone has different contexts, concerns, and vulnerabilities online. But to the extent that I can generalize advice…I’d say, the best thing is to be careful!

Stay safe, y’all!

Trump Orders Navy to Destroy Any Iranian Gunboats That Harass U.S. Ships

My latest in PJ Media:

On Wednesday morning, Earth Day no less, when any responsible president would have been hectoring people about global warming, President Trump had other concerns on his mind. “I have instructed the United States Navy,” he tweeted, “to shoot down and destroy any and all Iranian gunboats if they harass our ships at sea.”

Predictable scorn ensued from the Left. Writer Nick Jack Pappas was just one of the many who focused on Trump’s choice of words, tweeting, “Trump is giving the order to shoot down boats. I didn’t realize Iran had flying boats now.” They ignored the fact that one can shoot a man down without his being able to fly, but anything will do for a dig at the President. Iranian freedom activist and journalist Heshmat Alavi was more focused, tweeting: “The mullahs’ regime ruling #Iran harasses UN [sic] Navy ships for propaganda purposes. Thank you, President Trump, for reminding this regime that the Obama years are gone. And BTW, this regime does not represent the Iranian people.”

Alavi was right. The Iranian mullahs, apparently having forgotten that Barack Obama is no longer President, were at it again just last week. According to Business Insider, “nearly a dozen Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy vessels sailed out Wednesday to harass a collection of US Navy and Coast Guard vessels conducting operations in international waters.”

The U.S. Navy stated that eleven Iranian boats of the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps Navy (IRGCN) “conducted dangerous and harassing approaches,” and added that “the IRGCN’s dangerous and provocative actions increased the risk of miscalculation and collision.” The Iranians, said the Navy statement, were violating the “rules of the road.”

This was not, however, a simple traffic dispute. Leftists will no doubt ascribe it to an increase of tensions over President Trump’s targeting earlier this year of Iranian Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani. However, all those who are blaming Trump for ramping up tensions with Iran are ignoring the fact that Iran has been working toward a war with the U.S. for decades, as The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran demonstrates in detail.

On November 2, 2015, a commanding majority of the Majlis, 192 of its 290 members, agreed to a statement saying that “Death to America,” which continues to be chanted at every Friday prayer in Iranian mosques as well as at anti-American protests, was not just a slogan: it had “turned into the symbol of the Islamic Republic and all struggling nations.”

A communal desire to destroy the United States and commit mass murder of its citizens is the Islamic Republic of Iran’s very identity.

There is much more. Read the rest here.


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Islamic jihadi who posed with severed head sneaks into Spain as “undocumented” migrant

Indonesia: Islamic Defenders Front breaks up church meeting, threatens worshipers, attacks one

Germany: Muslim migrant screaming “Allahu akbar” kicks 76-year-old man to death, is “mentally ill,” won’t be tried

India: Muslims enraged, put bounty on head of Bollywood singer for tweet critical of adhan over loudspeakers

Pakistan mosques to stay open for Ramadan: “The mosque is a safe place. I am not afraid of the coronavirus.”

In Iran, Another Example of Coronavirus Conspiracy Theorizing

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

DHS Study Shows Potential of Heat, Humidity to Kill Coronavirus

A new Department of Homeland Security study shows that heat, humidity, and sunlight could help to kill the coronavirus, offering a potential literal ray of hope against the pandemic as summer nears.

“Our most striking observation to date is the powerful effect that solar light appears to have on killing the virus both [on] surfaces and in the air,” Bill Bryan, the head of the DHS science and technology directorate, said Thursday at the White House press briefing. “We’ve seen a similar effect with both temperature and humidity as well where increasing the temperature or humidity or both is generally less favorable to the virus.”

Bryan pointed to displayed charts that showed on surfaces with temperature between 70-75 degrees Fahrenheit, and 20% humidity, the half-life of the coronavirus was 18 hours.

When humidity was cranked up to 80%, the half-life dropped to six hours. With temperature at 95 degrees and 80% humidity, the half-life of the virus was only one hour. It even worked with no sunlight.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

>>> When can America reopen? The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, a project of The Heritage Foundation, is gathering America’s top thinkers together to figure that out. Learn more here.

Bryan said the test was done on nonporous surfaces such as door handles and stainless steel.

“As the temperature increases, as the humidity increases, with no sun involved, you can see how drastically that half-life goes down on that virus,” Bryan said. “The virus is dying at a much more rapid pace just from exposure to higher temperatures and just from exposure to humidity.”

Bryan stressed that this is not a reason to stop social distancing in summer months, and that continued testing will be done.

President Donald Trump was enthusiastic that outdoors might be preferred to indoors.

“I think a lot of people are going to go outside all of a sudden. People that didn’t want to go outside, they’ll be going,” Trump said.

Even before Bryan’s presentation, Vice President Mike Pence said the White House coronavirus task force looked forward to early summer.

“Our task force actually believes, Mr. President, that if we continue these mitigation efforts in the days ahead as states implement their policies, including phased reopenings that will preserve those gains, we do believe that by early summer we can be in a much better place as a nation with much of this coronavirus pandemic behind us,” Pence said.

Pence said that 16 states have released formal reopening plans—13 of those since the Trump administration issued its three-phase “Opening up America” guidelines for governors last week.

“To your point, Mr. President, states are beginning to make those plans,” Pence said. “We are encouraged to see so many states embrace the phased approach to reopen their economies.”

However, in response to a question, Trump again expressed his anger with Georgia’s Republican Gov. Brian Kemp for allowing spas, salons, tattoo parlors, and other similar businesses where germs can easily spread to reopen.

“I want the states to open more than he does,” Trump said, adding, “I wasn’t happy with it and I wasn’t happy with Brian Kemp. I wasn’t at all happy, and I could have done something about it if I wanted to, but I’m saying let the governors do it. But I wasn’t happy with Brian Kemp.”

On another front, many hospitals across the country feeling financial strain from the COVID-19 virus heard welcome news.

“Given the unique burden on hospitals, we are now encouraging states to restart elective surgeries wherever possible, either statewide or on a county-by-county basis,” Pence said. “We recognize the role elective surgeries play in finances for local hospitals. We will be working with states to enable that.”


Fred Lucas

Fred Lucas is the White House correspondent for The Daily Signal and co-host of “The Right Side of History” podcast. Lucas is also the author of “Tainted by Suspicion: The Secret Deals and Electoral Chaos of Disputed Presidential Elections.” Send an email to Fred. Twitter: @FredLucasWH.


On COVID-19 Recovery Panel, George Allen Navigates Another Worst-Case Scenario

Keeping Our Distance in the New Normal of Coronavirus

Why We Should Start Going Back to Work

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Left’s Long War on Parents Over Schooling Their Kids

An Ivy League professor says we need to end homeschooling, because parents who homeschool their children are “authoritarian.”

In an article in Harvard Magazine‘s latest issue, Harvard law professor Elizabeth Bartholet, faculty director of the Law School’s Child Advocacy Program, blasts homeschooling as “dangerous” and appealing to those who seek “authoritarian control over their kids.”

The article by Erin O’Donnell is part of the lead-up to a Harvard summit on homeschooling scheduled for June.

O’Donnell’s article and interview with Bartholet have garnered a good deal of attention, some say unduly. It is an important window into a mindset perhaps more common at our nation’s elite institutions than many would like to believe.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

In the interview, Bartholet says that parents of homeschooled children tend to be “extreme religious ideologues” who don’t believe in science, keep women subservient, and believe in white supremacy.

Bartholet is doing little more than perpetuating a malicious and lazy stereotype.

As Mike McShane, the director of national research at the nonprofit EdChoice, writes:

In 2019, the National Center for Education Statistics published results from a survey of homeschoolers who found that the number one reason for homeschooling was not ‘a desire to provide religious instruction’ (that came in third) or even ‘a desire to provide moral instruction’ (that came in seventh), but rather ‘a concern about school environment, such as safety, drugs, or negative peer pressure.’ Number two was ‘dissatisfaction with the academic instruction at other schools.’

It’s true that many homeschooling families tend to be religious, but this absurd and, frankly, bigoted view of who they are reveals exactly what Bartholet wants when she calls for ending homeschooling.

What Bartholet clearly worries about is that homeschooling undermines Tolerance, with a capital “T.”

Her mindset is that public schools are a vital component of the state to carry out vast, progressive social engineering. If even a small minority of young people don’t accept the left’s views on say, sexuality, transgenderism, religion, or American history, according to this way of thinking, then they need to be indoctrinated to embrace these views.

The public schools, at least in the way Bartholet portrays them, are simply a tool to “veto” any potentially troubling beliefs of parents.

For an example of a homeschool family, she points to the 2018 memoir Educated” by Tara Westover, who wrote about how she was raised and abused by Idaho survivalists who never sent her to school.

Extrapolating this single experience to indict homeschooling is ridiculous, especially given the ample evidence of abuse and other terrible things taking place in public schools.

And given the ridiculous caricature by which Bartholet defines the majority of homeschool families, that means she finds a whole lot of Americans in need of a reeducation.

In the interview, Bartholet says that children should “grow up exposed to … democratic values, ideas about nondiscrimination, and tolerance of other people’s viewpoints.”

If that’s the case, then children are better off being homeschooled or in private schools.

According to research by Albert Cheng of the University of Arkansas Department of Education Reform, “members of the very group for which public schooling is believed to be most essential for inculcating political tolerance (i.e., those who are more strongly committed to a particular worldview and value system) actually exhibit at least as much or more tolerance when they are exposed to less public schooling.”

Cheng defines tolerance as “the willingness to extend civil liberties to people who hold views with which one disagrees.”

Of course, this doesn’t seem to be what Bartholet would define as tolerance.

It’s ironic that she labels homeschooling families as “authoritarian,” since her mindset is far closer to what is common in authoritarian regimes that treat citizens like wards to be indoctrinated and aggressively stamp out all dissent.

This is a corruption of what education should look like in a free society.

Society has an interest in the education of young people. After all, as Thomas Jefferson and many other Founders insisted, an educated citizenry is essential to maintaining a republic.

If a government of the people, by the people, and for the people is to make informed decisions, widespread knowledge and instruction in basic civics—among many other things—is essential. An education in the moral and practical components of citizenship is essential to maintaining and perpetuating our free institutions.

As an aside on that count, our vast system of public schooling—still the primary way by which young Americans get a K-12 education—clearly is not fulfilling this need.

A 2018 study by the Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation found that only 1 in 3 Americans actually can pass the U.S. citizenship test, which asks only basic questions about our history and how our government works. The study found that young people do particularly poorly in civics knowledge.

We certainly have a great need, as Americans, to reverse this worrying trend of declining civics knowledge.

However, believing that the community has a role in creating its next generation of citizens does not necessarily include thinking that parents and families should be cut out of decision-making in that equation, or that children “belong” to the community and the state.

What Harvard’s Bartholet argues in the interview is that the state, backed by progressive college faculty such as herself, of course, has an exclusive right to educate young Americans.

Perhaps this is why so many parents look to homeschooling, private schooling, and various school choice programs as a way to escape a public K-12 system that some left-wing social engineers clearly see as their personal fiefdom.


Jarrett Stepman is a contributor to The Daily Signal and co-host of The Right Side of History podcast. Send an email to Jarrett. He is also the author of the new book, “The War on History: The Conspiracy to Rewrite America’s Past.”Twitter: .

RELATED ARTICLE: Do Liberal Elites Fear Homeschooling? Here’s What A Homeschooling Platform President Says

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

The Last Time I Saw America

On March 16th of this year, I went to bed in America as usual, but woke up in Venezuela. I didn’t know it over breakfast, however. It didn’t dawn on me until a few hours later, after I had reached the paper goods aisle at our local Target store, when I encountered two long rows of empty shelves where the toilet paper used to be stacked.

Later that afternoon, still optimistic, I headed over to our nearby Trader Joe’s to buy said toilet paper, only to find that they too were sold out. Not only that, but the people in the store were filling their carts to the brim, and many staples were already sold out. I figured these shoppers must know something I didn’t, so I filled my cart too—mostly with things I didn’t really like or want—as that was all that was left. After all, I was unschooled in how to survive in Venezuela. I did figure out though, that the frozen mahi mahi burgers were not a good bet. They were the only untouched item in the entire freezer case.

Venezuela starting to look good

Within a week or so, ironically, Venezuela started looking good. For now we had more or less entered Communist China. No more Constitution. No more liberty. And still no TP.

There’s a heart-wrenching song by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein that debuted in a film during the early years of WWII, called The Last Time I Saw Paris. The lyrics paint a charming picture of pre-war Paris as a beautiful and beloved city, but the song ends with these haunting words: “The last time I saw Paris her heart was warm and gay; no matter how they change her, I’ll remember her that way.”

They say history doesn’t quite repeat, but that it rhymes. It didn’t take long for fascism to subsume the liberty, and later the lives, of millions of erstwhile free people. Paris was one such casualty. I hope we never need to write songs about remembering the America that was. But here we are in the third week of April, and it’s looking like this may be a sad possibility lurking in our own future.

I just read in one of our local papers, in small print at the bottom of page four, that 15,000 retail stores in America are likely to close for good. Fifteen thousand stores! Are we to be left with nothing but Amazon? In whose interest would that be?

And I suspect that figure mainly encompasses big retailers. No one seems to be tallying up the deaths of our local small businesses—the one-of-a-kind stores that do much to give our towns their special character. We form relationships with the people who run our Mom-and-Pop gift shops, candy stores, pet shops, ice cream parlors, stationers, nail salons, book stores, hair salons, camera stores, boutiques, restaurants, and more. We know them, and they know us. We patronize them week after week.

Desolation. Despair. Depression

Now imagine your city’s downtown street with all those stores boarded up. For good! Imagine all those hardworking entrepreneurs having lost their livelihoods, and all their employees having lost their jobs.

We don’t need any sophisticated computer modeling (which never works anyway) to predict what this would look like across America. We can envision it in our mind’s eye. Desolation. Despair. Depression. The life and vitality and vibrancy sucked out of our suburbs and cities all over the country. Empty streets. Ghost towns.

And for what? Because the flu was a little worse than usual this year? Even the Fauci himself postulated that we may be looking at close to the seasonal flu mortality rate of .1%, in his recently published NEJM article.

Let’s clear up a misconception. We are not experiencing a “pandemic” in America. A pandemic is merely the term for an epidemic occurring in multiple countries. While we can call this virus a global pandemic, in America, we’re experiencing a seasonal flu epidemic, as we do most every year. And this one, by the numbers of deaths, is far from the worst we’ve ever had.

Take a look at the rationale being used by county authorities in Silicon Valley—in San Mateo County, to be precise. An April 17th article in the San Mateo Daily Journal featuring the head of the county’s Health Department, Dr. Scott Morrow, states: “All officials, Morrow included, rely on models to determine the potential impact. …the model projected ICU beds would run out in early April, then this week [April 17th], it appears that is no longer the case because of the shelter-in-place order.” (Italics mine.)

The model’s prediction did not pan out. Not even close

Let’s parse this. The model’s prediction did not pan out. Not even close. So was the model, dare we say it, wrong? Not a chance! It must be that “sheltering in place” is working! Isn’t this a bit like the famous coin toss of “heads I win, tales you lose?”

If the model’s dire prediction had come true, the modeling would be vindicated as correct. If, as happened, it was proven way off, that must prove that placing our citizenry under house arrest was a good idea that paid off. You think? Of course what’s left out of this equation is the fact that we can’t possibly know what would have transpired without the lockdown. And it’s entirely possible the results would have been the same! We truly may have wrecked our economy and the lives of our residents for nothing! I, for one, believe this is exactly what we’ve done.

Now let’s look at the terrifying large numbers of deaths from COVID-19 in our county that would lend credence to such drastic measures as the ongoing shelter-in-place mandate, which has just been expanded to include mandatory wearing of face masks, on pain of arrest and/or fines, beginning on April 22nd, while much of the country begins to open up. Beginning tomorrow morning at 8pm, anyone entering a grocery store or other public place without wearing a mask can be charged with breaking a law, and will be fined up to $1,000 and/or thrown in jail for 90 days. Perhaps this is why the Governor has released so many convicted felons from prison—to free up space for our citizens who want to breathe freely, sans mask. It seems in California, we’ve now moved to Communist China.

Back to our data on which all this totalitarianism is supposedly based. To date, how many people have died of the Wuhan flu in San Mateo County? Let’s wend our way to that number. We don’t have hard data on mortality rates, due to so few people having been tested, etc., so I’m going to plug in some numbers that may give us a reasonable idea of the all-important mortality rate. Out of our county of 766,573 people, let’s assume that over the course of the past 3 months, at least 15% have been exposed and would test positive for the virus, if everyone had been tested. So that would be approximately 115,000 people whom we’ll assume caught the virus. Of these, WHO predicted a death rate of 3.4. That would equate to a death toll of 3900. Alarming. But then we were told, oops, the mortality rate is more like 1%. That would mean 1150 deaths.  Ah, but Fauci himself later postulated that we may be looking at close to the seasonal flu mortality rate of .1%. Plugging that in, we get 115 deaths. So with all these predictions of doom and gloom, what would you expect the actual number turned out to be? 2500? 1100? 450? 250? OK, how about 107? Give up? Here’s the total: 21. That’s right, 21 people! And 19 of them were 70 years old or more, which makes it likely that some of these folks died of co-morbidities, rather than of the virus itself. By the way, what is the mortality percentage from COVID-19 out of the entire population in our county? .0027%.

Pathetic misfire: sheltering in place didn’t destroy the economy, it was the pandemic

Let’s look at another important metric. How many residents of our county are in ICU beds currently with COVID-19? Twenty-two. Turns out we have more patients in the ICU without COVID-19 than with it! Twenty-nine vs. twenty-two. And how many ICU beds does our county have?  Seventy-seven. So we have 26 ICU beds still available. And we were supposedly on track to having all of them full of desperately ill people by the beginning of April. Didn’t happen. And how many of our 302 surge beds are being used? A grand total of 17. Doesn’t look much like Italy, does it?

From the same article, note Dr. Morrow’s critical thinking on the issues the county is facing: But it’s important to note, he said, that the order [sheltering in place] didn’t destroy the economy, it was the pandemic.

Ah! So that’s whom we need to blame! The microscopic virus! Nice try, doc. Actually, a pathetic misfire.

Perhaps someone should inform the good doctor that the Chinese virus can hardly have gotten ahold of the levers of economic and state power. All it can do is to make some people sick. Yes, the frail elderly are at increased risk of dying of it, but the virus didn’t close down our retail businesses. It didn’t mandate that people stay out of churches and synagogues and movie theaters and concert halls and baseball stadiums. It didn’t shut down our restaurants and other vital small businesses that simply cannot survive the draconian and utterly uncalled for policies from state officials exactly like Dr. Morrow himself.

No, Dr. Morrow, it is you and your ilk that are destroying our communities. You and our Governor and the entire entourage of self-aggrandizing, power-drunk bureaucrats are scuttling our businesses, deflating our economy, and causing untold suffering to millions of our citizens. It’s not the virus. It’s the bureaucrats. It’s our officials. You are to blame 100%.

When describing the 1940’s song at the beginning of this article, I left out the poignant ending of the opening verse about Paris. It goes like this: “Lonely men with lonely eyes are seeking her in vain; Her streets are where they were, but there’s no sign of her.”

We the People must not stand by and let such a tragic fate befall America!

© All rights reserved.

President Trump, Please Pardon Roger Stone Now!

“Equal and exact justice to all men…freedom of religion, freedom of the press, freedom of the person under the protection of the habeas corpus; and trial by juries impartially selected—these principles form the bright constellation that has gone before us.” – Thomas Jefferson, First Inaugural address, 1801

“Justice is indiscriminately due to all, without regard to numbers, wealth, or rank.” –  John Jay

“Natural liberty is a gift of the beneficent Creator to the whole human race; and that civil liberty is founded in that and cannot be wrested from any people, without the most manifest violation of justice.” – Alexander Hamilton

While all of us in this twilight zone of totalitarianism wonder if and when things will ever get back to normal, Roger Stone is facing 40 months in prison starting May 1st, 2020.  Literally, this would be a death sentence for the 67-year-old with respiratory problems.  Here is the nightmare of the entire prosecution up until his conviction by a leftist jury.

We need to help Stone by doing two things, supporting his legal defense fund and by using social media and tweeting President Trump to pardon him before he enters prison to save him from certain death.

Stone is a veteran Republican Strategist, New York Times Bestselling author, pundit and longtime consultant to the Trump Organization. Mr. Stone is the grandmaster of 10 Republican Presidential campaigns including his seminal role in Donald Trump’s political emergence. This is detailed in the recent PBS Documentary series on Donald Trump as well as in the award-winning Netflix Documentary “Get Me Roger Stone.” He also served as chairman of Donald Trump’s Presidential Exploratory Committee in 2000 and 2012.

Mueller’s Last Prosecution

In February of 2019, Roger’s home in Florida was raided by the FBI, or as Kitty Werthmann called it, the Gestapo.  Roger stated, “A pre-dawn raid stormed my house with greater force than was used to take down terrorists or drug lords and terrorized my wife and my dogs. It was unconscionable.”  All this for a bunch of process crimes that in the entire history of our country, are rarely charged.

An intensive two-year multi-million-dollar investigation into Stone by the Special Counsel began in 2017.  They turned up no evidence of Russian collusion, no collaboration with Wikileaks, and no evidence that Roger Stone had advance notice of the source or content of any of the Wikileaks disclosures, including the e-mails of John Podesta before their release.  Mueller indicted Roger Stone for lying to Congress.

Stone was ultimately charged with lying to Congress and one count of witness tampering. His contrived indictment was crafted by Mueller Deputy Andrew Weissman.

Robert Mueller was allowed to “Judge Shop” for an Obama judge…and he came up with Amy Berman Jackson who also presided over the case of former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort. Jackson had Manafort incarcerated prior to and during his trial, even in solitary confinement for nine months, despite the fact that he hadn’t been convicted of any crime.  A motion for a change of judge was requested by Stone’s attorneys, but denied.

Mueller used legal trickery to ensure that Jackson got Stone’s case by falsely claiming that his case was tied to the unproven case against the alleged Russian hackers, but the trial revealed no such link!

Judge Amy Berman Jackson

Judge Jackson is a liberal activist Judge who dismissed the wrongful death lawsuit in Benghazi against Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and the suit by the Catholic Church challenging Obamacare’s requirement that employers provide free coverage for contraception and abortion. Jackson’s decision on the Catholic Church was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court.

Judge Jackson immediately issued a gag order on Stone, knowing that his living was made by public speaking.  Although such orders infringe on the First Amendment rights of the persons gagged and (sometimes) of the media, the judges issuing and upholding them claim they are necessary to preserve parties’ rights to a fair trial.

The U.S. Supreme Court expressly approved gag orders on trial participants in the 1966 liberal Warren Court in Sheppard v. Maxwell.  (This is the same court who took prayer out of school in 1962, and destroyed states’ rights regarding slander and libel in the 1964 NYTs v Sullivan case.) In this case, the media wasn’t gagged, but Stone’s ability to defend himself in public and to earn a living certainly was.

Jackson not only gagged Roger from defending himself, she also repeatedly personally attacked him from the bench and then rejected a motion to recuse herself accusing his lawyers of a “publicity stunt.”

Like so many others who supported Donald Trump for President, Roger ended up railroaded via a false prosecution.

During the sham trial, Judge Jackson ruled for the prosecution and against Stone’s lawyers on every motion in the case save one. It was reported that the Judge would smirk and roll her eyes at the jury whenever Stone’s lawyers were speaking in court.

Roger was found guilty, his exculpatory evidence was disallowed, and he was sentenced to seven plus years in prison by an overzealous prosecution team.

Four career DOJ prosecutors, abruptly resigned from their posts on Tuesday, February 10th, 2020 in an apparent dramatic protest just hours after senior leaders at the DOJ said they would take the extraordinary step of effectively overruling the prosecutors’ judgment by seeking a lesser sentence for President Trump’s former adviser Roger Stone.

The Deep State Set Up

There are many in the Deep State who want Roger Stone eliminated, and for many reasons.  The mere fact that Roger is a decades long friend of Donald Trump is enough to want him destroyed.

But they’d also like payback for Stone’s magnificent research in two books, “The Clinton’s War on Women,” which was the definitive expose on Bill, Hillary and Chelsea.  It not only detailed Bill Clinton’s serial sexual assaults on multiple women, but Hillary’s role in intimidating, bullying and silencing them.

Stone was the first person to expose the Epstein-Clinton connection in his book documenting Bill Clinton’s 28 flights to the convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s private Island and Epstein’s role in the founding of the Clinton Foundation.

His other book, one I couldn’t put down, superbly unmasked the entire Bush dynasty, “Jeb, and the Bush Crime Family,” (original title).  Both books exposed the corruption of these two powerful families.  Remember the Bushes openly admitted they voted for Hillary.

And just who oversaw Stone’s case for the Office of Special Counsel?  It was Jeannie Rhee, who represented Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation in the e-mail case and who gave the maximum contribution to Hillary’s campaigns in 2008 and 2016 as well as Obama in 2008. Rhee has no experience as a prosecutor and came out of Mueller’s office and has since returned.

The Stacked Liberal DC Jury

The trial was held in Washington DC.  A venue change was denied despite DC being 99 percent Democrat. Not one republican, veteran or Trump supporter was on the jury.

Former Memphis City Schools Board President, Tomeka Hart revealed that she was the foreperson of the jury that convicted former Trump adviser Roger Stone on obstruction charges, and soon afterward, her history of Democratic activism and a string of her anti-Trump, left-wing social media posts came to light.

Hart even posted specifically about the Stone case before she was selected to sit on the jury, as she retweeted an argument mocking those who considered Stone’s dramatic arrest in a predawn raid by a federal tactical team to be excessive force. She also suggested President Trump and his supporters are racists and praised the investigation conducted by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which ultimately led to Stone’s prosecution.

Meanwhile, it emerged that U.S. District Judge Amy Berman Jackson had denied a defense request to strike a potential juror who was an Obama-era press official with admitted anti-Trump views and whose husband worked at the same Justice Department division that handled the probe leading to Stone’s arrest. And, another Stone juror, Seth Cousins, donated to former Democratic presidential candidate Beto O’Rourke and other progressive causes, federal election records reviewed by Fox News show.

The revelations came as President Trump has called the handling of Stone’s prosecution “ridiculous” and a demonstrably unfair “insult to our country.”

How did a federal court judge ever allow a far-left wing activist to sit on a case where a close Trump associate faced trial?  Because there is no justice for anyone who supports Donald Trump.

Justice Denied

Judge Amy Berman Jackson denied a request for a new trial made by Roger Stone following his conviction on charges related to the Russia investigation.  The Stone prosecution is a disgrace, it’s lawless, and it was rigged from the beginning.

Judge Jackson called nearly all jurors back for a hearing, a highly unusual move, after Stone’s attorneys also alleged misconduct after some jurors spoke out publicly following the case.

In her 81-page memorandum, Judge Jackson said the lawyers had not proved the forewoman was biased or that any jurors acted inappropriately. She included details of their juror questionnaires in her explanation.

“The assumption underlying the motion – that one can infer from the juror’s opinions about the President that she could not fairly consider the evidence against the defendant – is not supported by any facts or data and it is contrary to controlling legal precedent,” she wrote in denying the new trial. “The motion is a tower of indignation, but at the end of the day, there is little of substance holding it up.”

The Double Standard

Hillary Clinton’s criminal email investigation was dropped by AG Bill Barr early on in his appointment. To most Americans this was a travesty of justice for a woman who allowed foreign nations to easily gain access to classified American information. Truly, her actions were treasonous.

The DOJ later revealed that it would be closing its investigation of Andrew McCabe, the FBI’s former deputy director, over his false statements to investigators probing an unauthorized leak that McCabe had orchestrated. McCabe was fired in March 2018, shortly after a blistering Justice Department inspector general report concluded that he repeatedly and blatantly lied, or as the Bureau lexicon puts it, “lacked candor” when questioned, including under oath.

And late last August, 2019, the U.S. Justice Department had decided not to prosecute former FBI Director James Comey despite an internal investigation that found he improperly leaked information to the news media.

How about Brennan, Clapper, Strzok, Page, Rosenstein, Bruce and Nellie Ohr, and even Robert Mueller himself…all of them lied to Congress…no prosecutions!

Because of this Chinese virus, Michael Avenatti has been temporarily freed from a federal jail in New York City to ride out the coronavirus at a friend’s house in Los Angeles. Avenatti is awaiting a June sentencing after he was convicted of trying to extort $25 million from sportswear giant Nike. He also faces criminal trials in New York of defrauding Stormy Daniels and in Los Angeles of cheating clients and others of millions of dollars.

The federal Bureau of Prisons has notified Michael Cohen, President Donald Trump’s former personal attorney, that he will be released early from prison due to the coronavirus pandemic.

And Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign manager, who is 71 years old, has requested to serve the rest of his federal prison sentence at home due to risks presented by the coronavirus outbreak.  But I highly doubt this man will be released, since he supported President Trump.

Thousands of criminals have been released by state governors and city mayors, and we’re not just talking drug crimes, we’re talking rapists and murderers…a 26 year old murdered again the very day he was released.  Another man, 77 years old, thought too old to murder again, did just that, he murdered a mother and her twin sons.

These criminals are released to protect them from contracting Covid-19, and they prey on our shuttered society, yet Roger Stone is bound for prison…where is justice???


If Roger Stone is forced into prison, he will most likely die there.  He needs a pardon prior to presenting himself for incarceration.  And please people, don’t write and tell me that Trump will pardon him after he’s re-elected or even after he loses the election.  That will be too late for Roger, he will die in prison.  The same goes for Paul Manafort.  Trump could have pardoned Manafort’s federal charges and helped him out.

A judge last December 2019, dismissed New York state criminal charges filed against Paul Manafort. The dismissal was a blow to Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr., who had brought the case against Manafort right after he was sentenced to a federal prison term earlier in 2019.  Manafort was not in court for the hearing in Manhattan. He suffered a medical issue at the federal prison in Pennsylvania where he is serving his 7½-year term.

Get these men out of prison, don’t let them die behind bars. The DOJ attack on anyone who supported Trump is obvious while the most corrupt within the Deep State are walking free.

Please use social media to ask President Trump to pardon Roger Stone before he spends one minute in a prison.

P.S.  These times of totalitarian control restricting our civil rights has cost so many.  One of them is NewsWithViews.  Donations we used to count on are understandably not there.  This website brings more truth to America than most, and we need your help to stay alive.  So many of us are struggling today, but if you can even spare a few dollars, you will help keep us alive and bringing you daily updates that you won’t find on cable news.  Please help us…and donate here.  Thank you, and Lord bless you!

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VIDEO: New York mosque still open for daily prayers while churches across the US face mandatory shutdowns

If you’re surprised, maybe you’ve been asleep for the last 20 years.

“New York mosque still open for daily prayers while churches across the country face mandatory shutdowns,” by Paul Shiver, The Blaze, April 20, 2020:

A mosque in New York is reportedly still open for daily prayers amid the coronavirus pandemic that has forced Christian churches across the country to close their doors and cancel their in-person gatherings.

While churchgoers in many states have been criticized and even punished for continuing to gather, that same level of scrutiny has apparently not been leveled at the Mosque of Jesus, Son of Mary in Syracuse, New York.

What are the details?

Despite the state’s executive order, which broadly bans all “non-essential gatherings of individuals of any size for any reason,” neighborhood Muslims are still allowed gather together in the mosque’s prayer room for calls to prayer throughout the week.

“About 10 worshippers in masks are allowed in at a time, though rarely do that many show up. They stand far apart from each other as they follow a prayer leader standing on a plastic-covered prayer rug,” a report notes. (Though in a video of one of the prayers, it appears that the worshippers are not at least 6 feet away, as the Centers for Disease Control recommends).

While it should be noted that the mosque has gone to great lengths to limit attendees’ exposure to the virus by covering the prayer room in plastic and installing a special ventilation system, it is unclear as to how that exempts the mosque from the government mandate.

Yet instead of facing criticism for continuing to gather, the mosque was commended by the news outlet for its efforts to “keep the faith” during the pandemic, especially as the Muslim holy month of Ramadan approaches….

Over the past few weeks, churchgoers in many states have been prohibited from gathering and, in many cases, have been punished for doing so despite government orders.

In Mississippi, some churchgoers received $500 fines for sitting in their vehicles in a church parking lot listening to a radio broadcast of the service. In Kentucky, nails were allegedly scattered at the parking lot entrances to prevent people from attending the Easter service. A northern California county even outlawed singing during church livestreams unless people are in a home.

In New York City, Mayor Bill de Blasio threatened to “permanently” shut down churches and synagogues if they refused to comply with the government’s shelter-in-place order….


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EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.