Meet the former college student now female warrior fighting the Islamic State

Meet the female political science student who ran away to fight the Islamic State. She says militants are ‘easy to kill.’ Joanna Palani has described the brutal horrors she witnessed in the war-torn country – from child sex slaves to her comrade being shot dead next to her.

Joanna Palani

Joanna Palani

Sophie Evens from the UK Mirror reports:

A young woman who travelled to Syria to fight jihadis on the frontline has revealed how ISIS thugs are ‘very easy to kill’ and children are rounded up to be sexually abused.

Joanna Palani, then 22, gave up her life as a college student to become a Kurdish fighter in the war-torn country, where she came face-to-face with murderous militants.

With the knowledge of how to shoot a gun, she spent a year battling ISIS on the frontline, teaching other girls how to fight and witnessing the brutal horrors of war.

Now back home, Joanna has told of her experiences from her time abroad – and the striking differences between the Islamic State and President Assad’s ‘killing machines’.

Joanna came face-to-face with murderous militants in Syria and Iraq.

Danske Joanna Palani forlod i November 2014 Danmark for at kæmpe mod Islamisk Stat i Irak og Syrien.

“ISIS fighters are very easy to kill!”

“ISIS fighters are very easy to kill,” she told Vice, laughing. “ISIS fighters are very good at sacrificing their own lives, but Assad’s soldiers are very well-trained and they are specialist killing machines.”

Joanna, from Copenhagen, Denmark, left college in November 2014 to ‘fight for human rights for all people’.

Read more.

WATCH: All-female combat unit hungry for revenge against Islamic State

Democratic Congressman Admits the Islamic State is ‘Islamic’

Over at PJ Media, I discuss some recent strange remarks from Rep. Brad Sherman:

It’s absolutely unprecedented: Rep. Brad Sherman (D-CA) has become the first notable member of the Democratic Party to depart from the Obama administration’s official line and admit the obvious. Sherman has admitted that the Islamic State — ISIS, or ISIL, as Barack Obama insists on calling it — is in fact Islamic, and that its appeal among Muslims is rooted in its claims to be the quintessential expression of Islam.

Sherman did not say this directly, of course. But his quote nails it — the implication is clear, rational, and unmistakable. Said Sherman:

We have a State Department with people who think that you can show the evil of al-Baghdadi if you can show him personally executing a defenseless Yazidi.We need people who understand that if you can just get a picture of him eating a ham sandwich, that would undermine ISIS and its recruiting ability.

The State Department persists in working under the assumption that the people who are candidates to join the Islamic State will be turned off by its brutality. This is based on the further assumption that the potential ISIS recruits share the values and perspectives of contemporary non-Muslim Westerners.

State Department wonks can’t seem to conceive of the notion that anyone might nothold those values. Worse, they are bound as a matter of policy not to consider Islam in evaluating Islamic State recruitment. They cannot consider the possibility that a young man who reads that his god wants him to kill or subjugate unbelievers (cf. Qur’an 2:191, 4:89, 9:5, 9:29, etc. for starters) might be attracted rather than repelled by the sight of the caliph “personally executing a defenseless Yazidi.”

Sherman is not correct about his next assertion, however. Would a photo of al-Baghdadi eating a ham sandwich really undermine the Islamic State?

Sherman’s reasoning appears to be that such a violation would classify al-Baghdadi as not worthy to be the emir al-momineen, the leader of the believers. Sherman is to be commended for saying analysts dealing with the Islamic State should study Islam — a refreshing departure from the prevailing denial and willful ignorance — but he also reveals that he doesn’t know much about Islamic jurisprudence himself.

One hadith depicts Muhammad saying:

You should listen to and obey your Imam (Muslim ruler) even if he was an Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin.” (Bukhari 9.93.7142)

Muhammad is attempting to give what he thinks is an outlandish example in order to make his point that Muslims should obey the ruler even in extreme circumstances. Those circumstances include even if the ruler is sinful.

Another hadith depicts Muhammad saying:

There will be leaders who will not be led by my guidance and who will not adopt my ways. There will be among them men who will have the hearts of devils in the bodies of human beings. … You will listen to Amir and carry out his orders; even if your back is flogged and your wealth is snatched, you should listen and obey.

Is there ever a circumstance in which Muslims should not obey the ruler? Yes — only when he commands something sinful.

In another hadith, Muhammad says:

It is obligatory upon a Muslim that he should listen (to the ruler appointed over him) and obey him whether he likes it or not, except that he is ordered to do a sinful thing. If he is ordered to do a sinful act, a Muslim should neither listen to him nor should he obey his orders.

If al-Baghdadi was seen eating a ham sandwich? That wouldn’t do the trick.

But if al-Baghdadi was seen forcing another Muslim to eat a ham sandwich, that just might.

In his comments, Sherman also remarked:

We need State Department people to [have] an understanding of Islamic jurisprudence. That’s not the kind of knowledge that you can get at Princeton. Woodrow Wilson did a great job. He did not memorize the Koran.

What he means by dragging Woodrow Wilson into this is unclear, but Sherman is spot-on in declaring the obvious: if State Department analysts hope to have any chance of defeating the Islamic State and other jihad groups, then — at a minimum — a good knowledge of Islamic jurisprudence should be a prerequisite for the job.

Of course, no one at State is going to heed Sherman’s advice….

Read the rest here.


Archbishop of Cologne: Worried about Islamic terror? Remember that Christianity cost people’s lives in the past

Muslim cleric: “Islam was spread by the sword…Allah’s true religion should be spread by the sword”

Syrians instead of Americans are receiving life-changing scholarships

According to at least 60 colleges around the country who are involved in tagging Syrians to receive the millions of dollars in free education and boarding, it was pressure from the students that made them do it.

When one thinks of most college students these days, you don’t envision many with a grasp on world affairs, rather what comes to mind are the “people on the street” interviews which reveal this group to have a lack of understanding of simple things like, “Who is our vice-president, or What war did we fight for our independence?”

But, supposedly graduate students, student governments, and regular run-of-the-mill students are reported to have pushed for the colleges and universities to give scholarships to Syrian refugees. I’m not buying that.

What makes more sense is the involvement of a non-profit group called the IIE Syria Consortium for Higher Education in Crisis who is pushing a campaign called the “No Lost Generation.”

According to their website the Syrian project was started in 2012 at the Clinton Global Initiative. Its original partners are,

“Institute for International Education (IIE), Jusoor, Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT), and the U.S. Department of State joined by the Global Platform for Syrian Students, Kaplan Test Prep International, and the University of California, Davis.”

It goes on further,

“The Consortium provides emergency support to Syrian university students and professors, as they will be so urgently needed to help rebuild Syria.”

It is highly unlikely these students will return to their country of Syria after receiving post-graduate, masters and doctorate degrees from our most prestigious universities. Instead they will inhabit the few high-paying jobs that are available in Obama’s economy and will have essentially killed the aspirations of some other truly deserving American who has studied all of his/her life in order to attempt to live the ever dwindling American dream.

According to Elizabeth Graddy who is the vice provost of academic and faculty affairs at The University of Southern California,

“A university with the stature and profile of USC must ensure that students and scholars of all backgrounds are afforded the opportunity to be part of a culture of academic excellence,”

She continued,

“Our participation in the IIE Syria Consortium speaks to our commitment to the public good and to our status as a global university by assisting those whose educations have been hindered by turmoil and warfare.”

Since when do American Universities carry the responsibility to educate students “globally”? I wonder if the parents of the American USC students even consider the fact they fork out the big bucks for their children to go to this school, only to turn around and have it award scholarships to non-Americans who will take careers right out from under their kids in the future.

I guess this kind of multicultural, open-borders talk isn’t surprising coming from someone in a leading academic role of one of our higher institutions for learning, but is there any possibility these schools could actually help Americans achieve their dreams?

Not all colleges are bending to the pressure from their students. According to The Spokesman Review,

“At least one college, though, questions whether it’s legal to earmark financial aid for Syrian students. The University of Colorado Boulder rejected a petition asking to create scholarships for Syrian students, saying it would violate a federal law banning discrimination based on national origin. The school says it already offers other financial aid to help international students, including Syrians.”

The article goes on further to explain how the colleges who are offering the scholarships are being more lax on their English language requirements and are moving from a standardized test to an online interview, often allowing the foreign student to scan copies of their transcripts when the original can’t be found.

This seems to expedite the means of getting the Syrian student onto American soil, and sounds very much like our Department of Homeland Security’s vetting system, a simple interview.

If its one thing Obama has definitely done in his tenure, it would be making sure Americans are the last in line. This includes our veterans, tax-paying citizens, our needy and impoverished, and now college students. Maybe the parents who are funding these institutions should start demanding things of their own and start putting pressure on the academic leaders to supply Americans with opportunities first.

States Sue Obama over Transgender Bathroom Mandate by Ben Johnson

AUSTIN, Texas (LifeSiteNews) – Eleven states will sue the Obama administration over a controversial federal guidance requiring public schools and universities to allow transgender students to use the restrooms, showers, and overnight accommodations of the opposite biological sex.

The states filing the lawsuit include Texas, Alabama, Arizona, Georgia, Louisiana, Maine, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia, and Wisconsin.

The lawsuit accuses the Obama administration of turning “educational settings across the country into laboratories for a massive social experiment, flouting the democratic process, and running roughshod over commonsense policies protecting children and basic privacy rights.”

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton announced the multistate legal action during a press conference this afternoon.

The Obama administration’s guidance requires schools to give anyone who identifies as transgender access to hotel rooms or dorm rooms, locker rooms, and restroom facilities used by the opposite sex. The Obama administration says this is necessary for transgender people – who account for 0.3 percent of the U.S. population – to feel “safe,” but opponents say it exposes women to the advances of sexual predators who will use the law for their own ends.

Schools that fail to comply could be deemed guilty of violating Title IX, a 1972 law written to prevent discrimination against biological women. Nothing in that law refers to transgender status or gender identity.

Although the Obama administration’s guidance does not have the force of law, it holds the implicit threat of withholding billions of dollars in federal education funding from needy schools if it is not implemented.

“In President Obama’s final drive to fundamentally transform America, he has pushed aside the concerns of parents and schools, the privacy and safety of students, and ignored the boundaries of his constitutional power,” said Family Research Council President Tony Perkins. “We commend Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and these 10 other states for resisting the president’s locker room and bathroom decree that sacrifices the privacy and safety of children.”

Many of the plaintiffs cited legal and constitutional protections that constrain the federal government from setting local school policy.

“School policies should be determined by individual states, educators and parents – not dictated by a presidential decree,” said West Virginia Attorney General Patrick Morrisey in a statement.

Tennessee Attorney General Herbert Slatery saw it as another example of the president legislating by executive fiat. “Our office has consistently opposed efforts like this to take away states’ rights and exclude the people’s representatives from making these decisions, or at a minimum being able to engage in a notice and comment period under the Administrative Procedures Act (APA),” he said.

Read more.


Is America bored with protecting its girls and women?

Putting the brakes on ‘fundamental transformation’

When will public opinion turn against the Left’s efforts to force ‘transgender rights’ on Americans?

Government covering up Muslims infected with Tuberculosis are Migrating to America

tb alertFour cases of active TB reported in refugees in Indiana, here.

I was about to quit posting for the day and try to answer some emails when I spotted yet another story about TB on the rise in America and it is pretty clear that the rise is a result of the increase in the immigrant population.

In 2013 there were 100 multi-drug resistant cases of TB in the US. How many today? 80% of those were people who were born elsewhere.


We have reported on the work of reporter Michael Patrick Leahy at Breitbart on the subject (here and here), and now here is a story at World Net Daily by Dr. Elizabeth Lee Vilet you should read. She says:

Yet there is another serious threat [in addition to terrorism—ed] to Americans not being adequately disclosed to the public by government agencies and most media outlets: the invisible invaders traveling with humans that carry bacterial, viral and fungal diseases rare or eradicated in the United States.


In 2014 I wrote three separate nationally released articles on the risks of these disease issues to alert Americans of the new threats. That same year, the Centers for Disease Control warned its own workers to expect a rise in tuberculosis and other infectious diseases in the refugees and detention centers for illegals.

But CDC, charged with protecting Americans from spread of serious disease, did not make this information public. Thus, the American public was unaware of the disease danger lurking in their communities and schools.

Continue reading here.

They will always tell you when you are over the target!

This growing story, about health risks involved with refugees permitted entry to the US even when they carry diseases or parasites, scares the you-know-what out of the leaders of the refugee industry.

In just a couple of hours (local time), there will be a protest of a TV station in Fargo, ND by refugees and their advocates claiming the station and one reporter are stoking “fears about refugees by unfairly labeling them a public health risk.”

They want the TV station to apologize.

The story, here, quotes a medical professional assuring readers that all refugees are screened for TB before entering the US!  LOL! they may be screened, but they aren’t rejected if they are positive!

We have written often over the years about the risks and costs of refugees with TB and other diseases (and mental health problems) admitted to the US. Visit our health issues category here for much much more.


Another TB shocker from Breitbart: over 200 active TB cases in Arizona began as latent TB

TB controversy continues as refugees and their advocates protest TV station in Fargo, ND

Four cases of active TB reported in refugees in Indiana!

Catholic Charities eyeing Arkansas for new resettlement site

Utica, NY: Give refugees summer jobs or pay for it later

It’s getting testy in Tennessee over states’ rights lawsuit on refugee program

Speaker Ryan complicit in Syrian migrant surge to America

Maybe my choice of the word “complicit” is being too easy on him!

Obama and Ryan 2

Pals! And, what was that beard all about?

Writer George Rasley at Conservative HQ puts the blame on Ryan for not halting the program in that now infamous Omnibus funding bill late last year when he had the chance.  Rasley also explains in ‘Paul Ryan’s Hijra‘ that Ryan knew all along what he was doing to make it look like the Republican House was on our side when he knew full well, the Senate would do the job for him!

Nice to see the word “Hijra” getting more attention these days.

Be sure to see Richard Falknor, here at Blue Ridge Forum admonishing national security leaders, but really every one of us, to learn the ten words (first published at Gates of Vienna) that many in our woefully uneducated national security apparatus don’t even know! Go there and see if you know all ten! (Hijra is third on the list)

Back to Ryan’s Hijra where Rasley reports on the revelation yesterday (headlined at Drudge) that the Syrian refugee surge is now full steam ahead (hat tip: Cathy):

…on Monday the State Department admitted 225 Syrian Muslim “refugees”, setting a single-day record, and on Tuesday a further 80 were admitted.  [This is why you are seeing so much activity by the feds/contractors trying to find new resettlement sites—ed]

cover to my book

As our friend Stephen Dinan of The Washington Times put it, “the spike is stunning, with more people accepted Monday alone than in the entire months of January or February.”

As Dinen noted, Obama has promised to accept 10,000 refugees from Oct. 1 through Sept. 30. As of Tuesday evening, the administration had approved 2,540 — an average of about 10 applications a day.

Less than 1 percent of these “refugees” are Christians, whose oppression is well documented, according to Dinen 97 percent are Sunni Muslims, the same Sunni Muslim who form the Taliban, al Qaeda and the Islamic State.

But, it isn’t just Obama we should blame!

In a rational world this dangerous piece of Obama’s plan to fundamentally transform America by importing jihad into our country would be stopped cold by a Republican majority in Congress.

But this is not a rational world, this is a world run by the personal whim of arrogant Washington insiders, chief among them being Democratic President Barack Obama and Republican Speaker of the House Paul Ryan.

Ryan has made increasing Muslim immigration to America his special project and has steadfastly fought any attempts by conservatives to slow or stop what a large majority of American believe is an existential threat to constitutional liberty.

Ryan, as many conservatives demanded, could have included a defund in the must-pass Omnibus that would have effectively ended or temporarily halted the program.

You need to go to Conservative HQ and see how Ryan manipulated the vote to make it look like the Republican House cared about you and your security.

See all of our posts on the Syrian surge by clicking here.

And, finally for new readers, check out my book of last year ‘Refugee Resettlement and the Hijra to America.‘  I hadn’t been to Amazon for months and was surprised to see that there are 94 customer reviews.  Some day I’ll pull out some of the meanest comments (I bet they never even read the book!).


Spartanburg, SC Christians have run out of “vulnerable” Americans in need of help!

Congolese refugees are going to Ogden, UT, volunteers needed, but whites should not apply

Chipotle Mexican Grill ‘partners’ with refugee contractor IRC

Think about Utica, NY before you jump on the “welcoming refugees” bandwagon

Gitmo Detainees Coming to US? Not So Fast

University of South Florida: ‘Jihad U’

The Canary Mission reports:

In part 2 of our report on the University of South Florida (USF), we provide more damning examples of incendiary activities of radical students and graduates.

In addition, we give a run-down of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) USF’s nefarious 2013 BDS Resolution. We end with links to the remaining USF students making campus unsafe for pro-Israel and Jewish students.

The USF Media Group Spreading Hate

Peace House Productions is an ironically-named brainchild of 2014 USF graduate and SJP member Ahmad Saadaldin. Their  videos demonize Israel and make anti-Semitic references to a “Jewish Lobby.” They claim Jews are obsessed with money and use bribery to pass bills through congress.

On February 2, 2016 — after Florida became the fifth American state to pass a resolution condemning the anti-Semitic and anti-Israel BDS movement — Peace House produced avideo featuring SJP USF member Mahmoud Ali-Mohamed portraying the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC).

The video — a spoof on MTV Cribs —  portrays the AIPAC actor walking around the Florida Legislature as if it were his own house. He is depicted presenting a bill and then bribing Senator Joe Negron to get it passed. The AIPAC actor holds a check for Negron with the amount “whatever you need” after which he states that “when you got money you can do whatever you want.”

The video ends with the AIPAC actor stating “I know there are a lot of problems in this state…but all your Floridians should be worried about is me, and what I want, and that’s your money.” He then “opportunistically” dresses up as a beggar in order to dishonestly solicit funds.

Another video features University of Tampa student Taylor Valentine and Ali-Mohamed, again playing AIPAC — dressed in a suit patterned with dollar signs. The AIPAC actor holds up his middle finger to the first amendment and states, “We have money, just tell us how much you need.” AIPAC is then portrayed paying off senators to pass an anti-boycott bill. Towards the end of the video, the actor says “It is not about doing what is right, it is about taking what you can when you can.”

Radical Sister and Brother Pair

Recent USF graduate sibling pair of Danya and Homam Zituni are members of numerous anti-American and anti-Israel groups including SJP, BDS, CAIR, MSA, Students for a Democratic Society and Stop FBI Repression.

In a January 2015 radio interview with, the Zitunis called to “keep the FBI out of mosques.” Danya had previously organized a call-in day against the FBI, to discuss “state repression” and the “persecution” of the “Arab and Muslim Americans in the United States.”

On March 17, 2015 Danya posted her intention to engage in “…good ole radical islamism/communism with my comrades.”

In a May 23, 2015 post she slammed both the US and Israel stating, “The only thing Zionists say which I absolutely cannot disagree with is ‘If you hate Israel, then you hate the United States!’”

On July 3, 2015 she participated in the burning of multiple American flags, which she called“…the largest symbol of White supremacist national oppression and imperialism.”

On social media, Homam Zituni goes by the alias “George Nasser.” He was self-described on his Twitter page (before shutting it down) as a “Marxist-Leninist. Proletarian Feminist. Aspiring revolutionary.”

He is an avid supporter of terrorist-murderer Rasmea Odeh — posting numerous times on Facebook and Twitter in praise of her. On January 27, 2015, Zituni called to prepare for an “Emergency Response to demand ‪#Justice4Rasmea” calling her a “Palestinian Hero.”

The Billboard and the BDS Campaign

In January 2013, SJP USF launched a divestment campaign, featuring an insidious and highly misleading cartoon video. The video misinformed students that USF invests in companies that make fighter jets and rockets that the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) “uses against civilians in the Gaza strip.” In the video, bombs labeled “made 2 kill” are dropped on the Gaza strip, with the resulting explosions exclaiming “kaboom” and “kill!”

The campaign eventually generated a 2014 petition that SJP USF claimed reached over 10,000 student signatures.

On May 5, 2014, SJP USF was given the opportunity to present their petition to the CEO and Foundation Board Chair of USF. Following the presentation, the USF Investment Committee issued a resounding rejection of the petition. Lara Wade-Martinez, the Director of Media Relations at USF added that the matter would not be taken up again or voted on at future meetings.

SJP USF considered the Foundation’s rejection as equivalent to “silencing”. In January 2015 they purchased a large billboard near the Tampa campus. The billboard featured a person’s face with tape over the lips and demanded that the university end investment “in Israeli Apartheid.”

On January 14 2015, Zaid Dabus, the SJP USF spokesperson was interviewed by WMNF news regarding the billboard. He stated that it was a response to a meeting with the USF Foundation which “went terribly.” Dabus claimed “they killed the bill within less than 15 minutes…they [SJP] get absolutely shut out in less than 15 minutes by a group of super rich foundation members.” Dabus then falsely claimed the Palestinians are targeted based on race, “just like in South Africa.”

When the interviewer questioned the claim, asking “Palestinians can vote and be members of Knesset, and you still call it apartheid?” Dubas answered: “First and foremost I’m not an expert on the politics of that, I don’t live there, I’m not from there, I’ve haven’t come from there, I’ve never experienced that”, but that “there’s no way they have equal rights” because “people on the inside” say  “they are not allowed on the same bus.”

Other USF Anti-Israel and Anti-Semitic Activity

  • On February 14, 2015, SJP USF posted a link from their Facebook to an article, stating entirely fabricated claim that “Israeli authorities usually open the floodgates to their dams in the direction of the Gaza Strip – without prior notice – in order to discharge the enormous quantities of water that had accumulated due to the heavy rains in the region.” The story was debunked by Al Jazeera. There are no dams in Southern Israel — it’s a desert.
  • In November 2014, SJP USF member Khadra Ali-Mohamed organized a campaignto condemn the National Basketball Association (NBA) for bringing an Israeli basketball club to play two pre-season games in New York. The campaign claimed the NBA would be honoring “war criminals” if they played.
  • Following the August 2014 Gaza war ceasefire, SJP USF member Omar Erchidaccused Israel on his personal blog of “systematic and indiscriminate killing.” He also likened Hamas terrorists to “freedom fighters” and praised their decision to remain armed. Erchid labeled supporters of Israel’s defensive actions in Gaza “genocide apologists” and falsely claimed that Hamas was “Firing homemade rockets into areas where there is almost no chance of casualties.”
Danya Zituni, sister of Homam Zituni (below), is a graduate of SJP USF. She is involved in a number of anti-Israel/anti-American groups. Zituni has participated in the burning of multiple American flags, expressed her desire for the collapse of the global financial system, announced on Facebook “My heroes have always killed colonizers” and supports a number of terrorists including Assata Shakur whom she calls a “sister & comrade”. [more…]
Homam Zituni, brother of Danya Zituni (above), graduated USF in 2014 where he was active in SJP, MSA and BDS. In 2013 he interned at CAIR. Zituni has referred to convicted terrorist-murderer Odeh Rasmea a “Palestinian Hero”. He describes himself on his Twitter page as a “Marxist-Leninist. Proletarian Feminist. Aspiring revolutionary.” [more…]
Yasmeen Yousef  was the president of SJP USF and has since graduated. She considers Israel a “terrorist state.” She led SJP in a divestment campaign and participated in a BDS protest to blockade a port in Tampa and prevent the unloading of Israeli goods. [more…]
Zaid Dabus was interim President for SJP USF in 2015. He lied in an interview on WMNF News saying Palestinians are targeted based on race, “just like in South Africa” and that “they are not allowed on the same bus.” [more…]
Hannan Danon is responsible for SJP USF’s hate-ridden, inaccurate social media. One such example is the ironic and hypocritical attack directed at Canary Mission — for exposing students supporting terrorist-bomber Rasmea Odeh (below). [more…]
Mahmoud Ali-Mohamed: Is a member of SJP and MSA at USF. Ali-Mohamed stars in blatantly anti-Semitic YouTube videos smearing the “Jewish Lobby”. He makes viewers believe AIPAC runs the government through bribes. If that wasn’t scary enough, Ali-Mohamed is also a Student Government Senator at USF. [more…]


The Canary Mission database was created in order to document people and groups that are promoting hatred of the USA, Israel and the Jewish people, particularly on college campuses in North America.

Canary Mission is run by students and concerned citizens motivated by a desire to combat the rise in anti-Semitism on college campuses. The purpose of the website is to expose those who promote lies and attacks on Israel and the Jewish people. We pursue our mission by presenting the actions and records of individuals and organizations at the vanguard of the anti-Semitic Boycott, Divest, and Sanctions (BDS) movement. By shining a light on hate group members and their activities, the public will become better informed about those involved in hate movements in their communities.

Canary Mission believes that we all have the right to know if an individual has been affiliated with movements that seek the destruction of Israel, routinely engage in anti-Semitic rhetoric and actions, and promote hatred of Jews.

Canary Mission provides freely available material gathered from publicly available sources. We have organized this information in a concise and easily searchable format for the easy access of the general public and anyone interested in tracking hate movements on college campuses.

RELATED ARTICLE: Why Are ‘Peace-Activists’ at U South Florida Rallying for a Convicted Terrorist-Murderer?

Defeating ISIS won’t stop terrorism, but defeating Wahhabism can by Dr. Ali Alyami

While Western powers are mired in fighting diversionary and unwinnable ideological and civil wars in many Arab and Muslim countries thousands of miles away, the Saudi government has been intensely planting and financing its lethal doctrine (Wahhabism) in Kosovo, Europe’s backyard.  Ironically, the Saudi success in penetrating Kosovo, as this New York Times’ account amply demonstrates, can partially be attributed to Western powers’ policies and myopic view of the world as it is.

According to a high ranking official in the Serbian Embassy in Washington, D.C. (related to me in a casual conversation a few years ago), the Clinton Administration was under tremendous pressure from the Saudi regime and former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to invade Serbia. As per UN demands, NATO conducted “Operation Deliberate Force” against Serbia in August 1995. The massive bombardment of Belgrade resulted in forcing the Serbian regime to halt its ethnic cleansing and forced the Serbian government to accept the independence of Kosovo. Once that was achieved, the West effectively exited the fragile newly independent Kosovo, opening the door for the Saudi regime to embark on an unprecedented operation of radicalizing the Kosovars through an enormous infusion of money and extremist imams. While the Western powers saved the Kosovars from Serbian onslaught, they abandoned them to subjugation by a punishing ideology that poses a dire threat to Western democracy.

Dr. Ali Alyami

Dr. Ali Alyami

This is not the first or only time that the Saudi/Wahhabi collaborators have infiltrated and radicalized other Muslim societies in order to expand their hegemonical influence and intimidate those who pose threats to their repressive religious and political domination. As has been abundantly documented, the Saudi regime has employed the same method they have used successfully in Kosovo, that of building schools, mosques and sending radical imams, to infiltrate and radicalize not only large segments of countries like Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sudan, Yemen and even Egypt, but is using the same technique to infiltrate Muslim communities in Europe, the US, Canada and South America.

The question that must be asked is when Western governments, societies and businesses will realize that their empowering democratic values and lifestyle are being threatened by the Saudi deadly doctrine which has been described as the “Fountain Head of Muslim terrorism.” The West should have heeded the warnings offered by powerful and prominent Muslims like the former President of the most populated Muslim country, Abdulrahman Wahid of Indonesia who said that “Muslims and non-Muslims must unite to defeat the Wahhabi ideology.

Defeating ISIS won’t eliminate terrorism, but defeating Wahhabism will go a long way toward eradicating the root causes of extremism and terrorism. ISIS is only a symptom of something bigger and more dangerous.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in TheNatSecDailyBrief.

American Churches Are Ignoring The Genocide Of Their Own

Actions speak louder than words, but in this case, no words are just as indicative of a lack of intention. As it is with Obama’s refusal to call the killing and maiming done in the name of Allah, Islamic terrorism, so it is with many Christian pastors who say nothing from the pulpit about the genocide of Christians and who is perpetrating it. Their silence is deafening.

It is a national disgrace to consider the lack of support towards a people who hold to the same faith as the one in which the country was founded. What is more incredulous is the way many pastors have allowed political correctness to seep into the culture of the church to the point of rendering them spineless when it comes to speaking out against the barbaric ideology of Islam.

More importantly, there is minimal aid being sent to the Christians in the Middle East to help them survive the onslaught of a ruthless movement set on establishing the Caliphate. Even after the 2004 tsunami in Indonesia, there was a massive outpouring of funds and assistance from the church going to the region for relief of suffering, yet when we see countless reports of Christians being beaten, beheaded, and crucified, the church looks the other way and sends no help.

Do the pastors think their congregations to be deaf and dumb? Do they not realize that their members have internet and can see the atrocities that are happening on a grand scale? The clergy in America may remain quiet, but the blood of Christians who have been marked, singled out, and slaughtered by Muslims won’t be silent.

The Reverend Douglas Al-Bazi, a priest of the Chaldean Catholic Church who in 2006 was kidnapped and tortured for nine days by Islamic terrorists knows first-hand about the genocide taking place against Christians in Iraq.

Al-Bazi has witnessed the number of Christians in Iraq go from 1.4 million in 2003 to just under 250,000 after Islamic State invaded in 2014. Amazingly some 120,000 Iraqi Christians were expelled overnight from Mosul taking with them the only personal belongings they could hold.

The Chaldean priest endured days without water and had his teeth, and vertebrae broken with a hammer during his kidnapping. Fortunately, he was released, and has been a witness for many Christians whose lives have been changed forever by Islamic oppression. Reverend Al-Bazi knew a fellow priest who unlike himself, did not survive his captors’ brutal treatment, but was killed and buried in a shallow grave after telling the church not to give a ransom for his life because he knew the money would not be used for good.

In fact, those who are priests in Iraq have been told they probably won’t die a natural death. These strong Christian men know they have been marked for death by various Islamic groups, yet they choose to stay in the land where the very first Christians were said to have lived in the first century.

Al-Bazi is the director of Mar Elia Refugee Camp for Iraqi Christians, and holds the position of Parish Priest in the same town of Irbil, Iraq. He says the Christians remaining in Iraq want to stay in their homes. Many though, have left the area because of an obvious lack of opportunity that is given to a professing Christian.

With all this being known, the US government allows the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) to choose 95% of the refugees we admit into our country from the UN camps. These camps have very strict Islamic environments, and not many Christians venture into them for help. So, our refugee program trusts the UN to send us the people it deems worthy.

Americans, especially those who value God-given freedom need to raise their voices and demand the Refugee Resettlement program assist the most vulnerable refugees, those Christians who are marked for death because of their faith. Further, it should be the pastors who are leading the charge on this issue. Our tax dollars shouldn’t be spent on bringing Muslim refugees to our country who adhere to the same ideology that espouses the genocide of Christians.

Maybe we just need more video footage of Christians fleeing for their lives like the Indonesians and Thai people were the day the tsunami swept in with its overbearing destruction. Or could it be the need for Christian pastors to wake up to the reality that Christians are in a battle that is being waged by Islam and decide to speak the truth about the genocide from their pulpits. It is way past time to start strengthening Christians in the Middle East who are fighting to provide a future for their families as well as their very survival.

*If you or your church would like to help Christian Refugees, please go to:

‘The State Baptizes Rampant Immorality with the Water of Consensus’

History tells us that what marks the decline and fall of civilizations is the state’s embrace of immorality. From ancient Greece to the Roman Empire to Venezuela.

Consensus is the opiate of the state.

The title of this column was taken from the article The Founding Father of Fascism by Jeffrey Tucker. In his column about British philosopher Thomas Carlyle Tucker wrote:

Why the state? Because within the state, all that is otherwise considered immoral, illegal, unseemly, and ghastly, can become, as blessed by the law, part of policy, civic virtue, and the forward motion of history. The state baptizes rampant immorality with the water of consensus. 

[ … ]

The exercise of such power necessarily requires the primacy of the nation state, and hence the protectionist and nativist impulses of the fascist mindset. [Emphasis added]

Russian born American Writer and Novelist, Ayn Rand wrote, “The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other – until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country’s official ideology.”

Are today’s uncontested absurdities created by public consensus, the state or something else? 

World Net Daily’s Janet Porter writes, “When you issue an invitation to predators to walk into women’s private dressing rooms and restrooms, don’t be surprised when they accept… [T]ransgenderism (men who identify as women and vice versa) is a mental disorder. Before the name calling and threats begin, I’m not the one who said that; the American Psychiatric Association is. The current APA “Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders” (DSM-5) states that “people whose gender at birth is contrary to the one they identify with” are diagnosed with “gender dysphoria” – a mental disorder.” Read more.

obamagayMany believe that America is in decline because its leaders are embracing immorality, they fail to distinguish evil from good, wrong from right, rhetoric from reality. 

In The ‘Top Ten Absurdities’ of the Gender Confused/Genderphobic are these failures to distinguish reality from rhetoric:

  1. Questioning one’s birth sex (male/female) is the new normal.
  2. Calling someone a boy or girl is racist, bigoted and makes you a member of the Ku Klux Klan.
  3. Tolerance is a one-way-street (its my gender confused way or the highway).
  4. Buggery is normal and healthy behavior, procreating is evil.
  5. I can change my sex regardless of the laws of biology, science and genetics.
  6. By simply changing my appearance, I am the sex I am portraying.
  7. The needs of the 2% (gays) outweigh the needs of the 98% (straights).
  8. It is okay to become a priest or boy scout leader in order to have sex with an underage boy.
  9. Child pornography and pornography in general are healthy.
  10. Muslims are our friends, Christians and Jews are the enemy.

Genderphobia may be defined as:

An overwhelming and unreasonable fear of forces that cause controversy, fragmentation, scandal, chaos or discord within the LGBTQ community, thereby disturbing homosexual peace and order, which requires immediate and brutal condemnation.

Genderphobia has led to a movement where the absurd (the quality or state of being ridiculous or wildly unreasonable) has become the norm and national public policy. Among those exhibiting Genderphobia, i.e. ridiculous and unreasonable qualities, are politicians, Hollywood stars, university professors, public school teachers, parents and their children.

Does the genderphobic state fail to distinguish evil from good, wrong from right, rhetoric from reality? Since the 1950s we have seen the absurd become America’s official ideology.

Is it now time for mankind to embrace good, right and reality?

The state has been the creator of our most profound absurdities.

Is it time to reign in the state before it becomes so powerful that is holds the reigns of the the people?

That is the question.


Why is Obama Obsessed with our Sexual Identities?

SHAPIRO: Your Daughter Must Pee Next to a Man, and You Will Be Compelled to Agree

What Really Drives the LGBT Agenda

Federal Court: Schools May Not Provide Separate Bathrooms Based on Biology

K-12 School Proposes Removing Urinals and Making Bathrooms Gender Neutral

My Dad Was Transgender. Why I Still Think Gender Can’t Be Changed

Texas Sues Obama Administration Over Transgender Bathroom Directive

EDITORS NOTE: If you have other “gender confused” absurdities please add them in the comments section below. We will be posting other Top Ten Absurdities lists. If you have any areas of interest please note them in the comments section.

VIDEO: Florida Atlantic University Professor Defends Islamic Practice of Cutting Off Hands

On Tuesday on the campus of Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL, the university’s Muslim Student Association’s hosted a so-called Islamophobia panel discussion, which was attended by The United West.

FAU Department of Computer and Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Associate Professor Bassem Al Halabi was included on the panel of these distinguished experts and he made the incredible statement about the case to be made for Sharia Law and it’s provisions of capital punishment, including the cutting off of hands.

Professor Bassem Al Halabi mug shot

Professor Bassem Al Halabi mug shot. Photo: Palm Beach County Sheriff.

‘“Where there is no Sharia, Islamic Sharia, they die in dozens and hundreds every day because of organized crime. People kill people, other people or steal pizza for $10 and so – so when Islamic Shariah is saying about capital punishment – so even though it sounds like it is severe but if that is the solution to prevent any crimes, then it still has a lot of rules and regulations. I will just mention one and stop here, which is let’s say cutting off the hands of a person if they steal. It sounds very severe. It sounds very barbaric, I know. But if takes one or two people to have their hands cut off, and then there’s no more stealing and there’s no more stealing in the whole nation – that’s a much better resolution than having hundreds of people die every day.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Islamist Professor Teaches Lesson in Violence: Florida Atlantic University continues to harbor terrorist-associated criminal, Bassem Alhalabi

EDITORS NOTE: This video originally appeared on Breitbart TV. Read may follow The United West on Twitter @TheUnitedWest.

Left Forum 2016 Speaker: ‘There are among refugees also terrorists, rapists, criminals…but so what?’

The Leftist crowd was angry not at his insouciance over civilizational suicide, but over his “xenophobic” characterizations. That there are “terrorists, rapists, criminals” among the refugees and migrants is an obvious and abundantly documented fact, but for all too many people nowadays, it is morally wrong to state inconvenient facts.

“Žižek at Left Forum: ‘Terrorists, rapists, & criminals among refugees, but who cares?,’” RT, May 23, 2016:

Slavoj Žižek, “the most dangerous philosopher in the West,” stirred the melting pot Sunday as the closing speaker at Left Forum 2016 in New York City, making controversial comments about the refugee crisis.

The Slovenian academic was heckled during his epic three-and-a-half hour session at the conference titled ‘Rage, Rebellion, Revolution: Organizing our power’ held at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice and streamed live throughout the weekend on

Žižek was already labeled a “racist,”“antisemite,” and “misogynist” before he hit the stage, which perhaps is why he started his speech by saying, “If you want to start exchanging insults, I can be extremely brutal, I always win. But, let’s not do it today, maybe.”

That truce with his friend and critics on the left was temporary, after his subsequent words ignited a firestorm that continued to burn on social media Monday.

“The obvious threat, that there are among refugees also terrorists, rapists, criminals, I mean this in a totally neutral way, of course there are but so what?” he said, when discussing reasons behind the “catastrophe” in Europe.

While a more conservative or mainstream audience might have been shocked by his blasé “so what?” attitude towards what they perceive to be a global threat, his comments seemed to ‘trigger’ something else in this left-wing crowd, angry over what they interpreted as “xenophobic” characterizations….

RELATED ARTICLE: Bronx: Muslim with large knife collection and beheading videos charged with aiding the Islamic State

VIDEO: How Could the Islamic State Represent 1.5 Billion Muslims?

In this seventh segment of my Basics of Islam series, I continue discussing the relationship between Islam and the Islamic State (ISIS or ISIL).


UK’s Cameron: Trump’s Muslim immigration ban “very dangerous thing to say”

University of California Irvine: Angry mob screaming “F**k Israel, long live the Intifada” chases Jewish student

“We will bring this plane down”: Flight 804 Downing Raises Airport Security Questions

Yesterday, we posted on the NatSecDailyBrief about the ACARS-Inmarsat data reports on smoke detected aboard the ill-fated EgyptAir  MSFlight 804.  We noted comments by a commercial pilot on an Aviation Herald article speculating  that there could have been an internal explosion in the nose of aircraft possibly affecting the avionics and fly by wire computer system. That might have caused the downing.

Watch this U.K. Telegraph of Debris recovered from MSFlight 804.

Note what the U.K. Telegraph reported in its blog on the downing  of  MSFlight 804:

Data from the final moments before EgyptAir flight MS804 crashed into the Mediterranean suggest an “internal explosion” tore through the right side of the aircraft, a pilot said last night.

Investigators trying to determine whether the A320 was brought down by terrorism or a technical fault are poring over a series of warnings indicating smoke filled the cabin shortly before it disappeared from radar.

French authorities confirmed that smoke detectors went off aboard the flight a few minutes before it crashed but said it was not clear what caused the smoke or fire.

A commercial pilot with a major European airline told The Telegraph that other parts of the data log suggested that windows in the right side of the cockpit were blown out by an explosion inside the aircraft.

“It looks like the right front and side window were blown out, most probably from inside out,” said the pilot, who flies an A330 similar to the crashed A320 and spoke on condition of anonymity.


Until investigators find the aircraft’s black boxes, which are still missing in the Mediterranean, the ACARS offers the best sense on what was happening aboard.

Three different warnings showed there were faults in the windows next to the co-pilot, suggesting they could have been blasted outwards by an onboard bomb. That does not mean the explosion came from the cockpit but indicates the right side of the plane was more badly damaged than the left.

The pilot suggested the smoke detectors may have been triggered not fire but by fog which filled the cabin as it lost air pressure in the moments after the explosion.


According to the Wall Street Journal, people “familiar with the matter” say that the alerts could be an indication of a problem with the flight control system.

While not ruling out a bomb, Bob Mann, a US aviation expert, says the latest data indicate a number of possibilities. “The data could indicate rapid decompression or smoke and a progressive loss of flight control systems.

Note how difficult the French security investigations are looking into the backgrounds of the more than 85,000 workers at the Paris airports and the short interval of conducting the security  sweep on Flight 804:

Although no terrorist group has claimed responsibility, French detectives are examining a pool of around 85,000 people with “red badge” security clearance that gives them access to restricted areas of Charles de Gaulle airport.

The task is complicated by the fact that many work for sub-contractors and turnover is high. Screenings are often limited to checking an employee has no criminal convictions and does not appear on a terror watch list.

Last December around 70 red badges were withdrawn from staff at Charles de Gaulle who were found to have praised the attacks in Paris, prayed at mosques linked to radicalism or showing signs of growing religiosity like refusing to shake hands with women.

A French trade union also warned that short stopovers like that made by Flight 804, which was on the ground a little over an hour, gave little time for security staff to carry out thorough security checks.

Then there were the New York Times reports about graffiti daubed on the aircraft in Cairo back in 2013 saying, “We will bring this plane down”:

It has emerged that the crashed aircraft had once been daubed with graffiti by vandals who wrote: “We will bring this plane down”.

The New York Times reported that the vandalism was done two years ago and was a protest against Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, the Egyptian president who seized power in a coup, rather than a jihadist threat.

The airline went on to fire a number of staff with alleged Muslim Brotherhood sympathies in 2013 as part of a general purge of suspected Islamists after the military takeover.

And in the weeks following the Paris attacks in November, French police said Arabic graffiti such as “Allahu Akbar” (God is great) were found daubed on EasyJet and Vueling planes at Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris and at Lyon airport.

It also emerges that EgyptAir was exempted from a trial of the new French security system for vetting passengers:

Charles de Gaulle airport will begin testing a passenger screening tool known as the passenger name record (PNR) next week. The system, already in use in Britain, identifies passengers whose profiles indicate a potential risk. It cross-references names, addresses and means of payment with police crime and terrorism files.

However, EgyptAir will not be among the eight airlines that will take part in the trial, which the interior minister, Bernard Cazeneuve, says is long overdue.

The system is to become fully operational by the end of the year in France, which has received nearly £14 million in EU aid to finance its introduction.  It can detect passengers who have travelled to countries such as Syria and Yemen, with their return dates.

The evidence keeps piling up that supports the  comments of ex-CIA director Ambassador Woolsey and  investigations by the Lisa Benson Show National Task Force for America that international airports, including those in the US,  are not secure.  That is particularly acute given the difficulty of profiling airport workers with security access to aircraft on the tarmac and now we learn vetting passengers from terrorist hot spots.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in NatSecDailyBrief.

Open Letter to UNESCO RE: Israel

unesco israelFirst letter to UNESCO:

External Relations and Public Information Service:

I have your recent statement and find it quite inadequate, in that you are still not dealing with historic facts.

Jerusalem was first settled around 3500 BCE, and made the capital by King David, in 1000 BCE, with the temple built by King Solomon. The city’s Jewish history is constantly proven by artifacts found by archaeologists; Muslims have been digging to destroy the Jewish connection. Also under Muslim rule, synagogues and churches are summarily destroyed and the people subject to pogroms and jizya taxes. The city continues to be holy to Christians because of Jewish history.

The Qur’an says: “Pharoah sought to scare them [the Israelites] out of the land [of Israel]: but We [Allah] drowned him [Pharoah] together with all who were with him. Then We [Allah] said to the Israelites: ‘Dwell in this land [the Land of Israel]. When the promise of the hereafter [End of Days] comes to be fulfilled, We [Allah] shall assemble you [the Israelites] all together [in the Land of Israel].” The Quran recognizes the Land of Israel as the heritage of the Jews and it explains that, before the Last Judgment, Jews will return to dwell there. This prophecy has already been fulfilled.

For more than 70 years, UNESCO was to promote global programs concerning Israel’s heritage and history, yet intolerance and antisemitism are on the rise. In fact, it is a UN group that insisted on the removal of three of Israel’s 13 panels because the truth challenged the Palestinian narrative. It is the UN that bends to Islamic demands and places the blame of collateral damage on Israel despite the known Palestinian war tactic of using their own wives and children as human shields. It is the UN that faults Jews for disproportionate retaliation, when if balance were implemented, Israel would owe Palestinians thousands of returned rocket fire. It is also the UN that continues to insist that Israel cede land to their enemy and allows Mahmoud Abbas’s lies to prevail (what other country has won a defensive war and returned land?!).

UNESCO’s education is doing nothing to quell the Palestinian hate speech against Jews and Islamic youth radicalization. UNESCO has not influenced Muslim schools to eliminate Jew hatred from their schools and media. It is not promoting tolerance by calling the Temple Mount and Western Wall by Arab names, or providing protection to Jewish sites when it permits Arab claims to Jewish holy sites, such as Rachel’s Tomb. UNESCO recently acknowledged the City of Hebron for World Heritage status, but mentioned a mosque on site, not the synagogue. It has permitted an exhibit but only after Israel’s name was removed from the title. And, when UNESCO attempts to ‘calm tensions,” it tells Israel to stop protecting itself from the violent Palestinian attacks.

I am unimpressed by UNESCO’s self-aggrandizement while doing nothing to deal with truth, which is the only way to peace. All these activities are merely a way of fueling the evil with your unabashed support, as you continue to have blood on your hands.

Tabitha Korol

Second letter to UNESCO (in reply)

External relations and public information service:

Dear Ambassador Worbs and Director-General Bokova,etal.

I received your May 10 reply written on behalf of Director-General Irina Bokova. The decisions made by members of UNESCO are an attempt to distort history and delegitimize Israel. The proposal was submitted by six of 59 avowed Islamic enemies of the only Jewish State in the world – because their Koran dictates that they spread Islam and establish a global caliphate worldwide, and kill Jews and Christians worldwide, and because they view UNESCO as their co-conspirator.

Islam is expansionist in nature, and the proposal endorses UNESCO’s usurpation of the Cave of the Patriarchs and Rachel’s tomb as part of a Palestinian state, although they were holy to Jews long before Muslims ever existed. If Palestinians truly cared about these tombs, they would not have set fire to Joseph’s Tomb, another Jewish holy site, now under Fatah control It is not an Islamic desire to treasure and tend the sites, but to seize and destroy Israel’s connections to the land, just as they have done in the past and will continue to do so as they take control of other Western countries, such as Sweden, Germany, Belgium, France, etc.

Might I remind the Ambassador and Director-General that UNESCO was formed to contribute to peace and coexistence,

  • not to relinquish Jewish land to the most vociferous;
  • not to honor “Palestinian rights” to holy places originally established and revered by Jews and Christians;
  • not to dismantle the Holocaust studies that UNESCO was to use to protect, promote, and teach history to the ignorant;
  • not to allow Palestinians to dismantle and set ablaze the sites UNESCO was to protect;
  • not to allow the destruction of any cultural sites;
  • not to allow the removal of Israel from maps produced and used by Islamic states;
  • not to blame Israel for the horrific crimes committed by Palestinians;
  • and to realize that the only way to ensure peace is to have Israel, a peaceful nation that gives so much to others – medically, technologically, scientifically, agriculturally, and more – secure the areas and not destroy Israel’s just and legal authority over its own land.

It is time to set the record straight on what is required of UNESCO if the West indeed expects to survive this scourge and fulfill its educational mission for future generations. Muslims appear to have children to spare and sacrifice for destruction; do you?

For the ancient Muslim, Greek and Roman pagan authors, Jerusalem was a Jewish city. Their texts indicate the unanimous agreement that Jerusalem was Jewish by virtue of the fact that it was founded by Jews, inhabited by Jews, and the Temple located in Jerusalem was the center of the Jewish religion.

It is time to acknowledge that Israel is not an “occupier.” Israel successfully defended itself against threats of annihilation by five Arab countries in 1967, and regained control over Jerusalem, the Golan Heights, Judea and Samaria (West Bank), the Sinai Peninsula, and Gaza. Despite Arab aggression, the UN called on Israel to withdraw from the territories it won from the aggressors (never required of other countries). Israel has been the rightful owner of her land since before the Christian era and was granted legal sovereignty by the United Nations in 1948. Under Israeli rule, all people and religious shrines are respected and protected.

The demand of land for Arab “refugees” is no longer valid, just as it is invalid for the 600,000 Jewish refugees of 1948. It is time that these political hostages moved on and returned to their ancestral homes (Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq), just as Jews were absorbed by Israel and all others are absorbed after the displacement that comes from war, particularly as these wars were begun and lost by the Arabs.

Land for peace does not work because the land is not returned when the agreement is breached. Each of Israel’s withdrawals has resulted in the transformation of fertile farms, productive businesses and comfortable homes into war zones with rockets fired at Israel. Perhaps it is time for Mahmoud Abbas, not Israel, to make concessions for peace.

When Syria lost the Golan Heights in its 1979 war on Israel, Syria signed a disengagement agreement, and the Golan became home to 46,000 Druze and Jewish residents who are living together in peace and comfort. The United Nations must stop acting as Islam’s negotiators.

It is time to stop demanding proportionate responses to Arab aggression, or Israelis would be obliged to reciprocate in kind, perhaps with more accuracy. During the Al Aqsa Intifada, from September 30, 2000 to March 2013, 8,749 rockets and 5,047 mortar shells were fired on Israelis; at least 2,257 rockets were fired on Israel in 2012 alone, in addition to blowing up cars, and stoning cars (both acts deadly).

UNESCO (UN Department of Political Affairs) is discriminating against Israel’s 13-panel exhibition, Israel Matters, demanding that three panels not expose the truth, but comply with the Palestinian narrative. It is time to enforce the truth and negate the damage caused by the fallacies that feed jihad.

It is time for the United Nations to stand up to bullying tyranny, despotism, and to start allowing the truth to come into the light. Stop pacifying and supporting Palestinian propaganda. Muslims increase their respect for others when they see a strong adversary. The only way to “calm tensions and increase confidence” is to show your mettle. Truth must prevail because the lies will allow for humanity’s destruction.