PODCAST: Has America’s Decline Suddenly Become Precipitous

Our Pulse guest began by telling us about a man who was asked, “How did you go bankrupt?” His answer was “very slowly, and then all of a sudden.” She fears America has reached “all of a sudden.”

Her name is Cherie Zaslawsky. She is a freelance writer, editor, educator, and confirmed Constitutionalist. Cherie has an amazing way of grasping and explaining the tragedy befalling America and the world and why and how it is happening. She calls it the takedown of America.

Several times during our interview, she explained things in ways that seemed uniquely understandable, to the point, and true to the facts of the crises being forced on us by global predators.

If you’ve been looking for a video to give to a progressive friend or to someone who thinks that global predation is a conspiracy theory or simply to perk someone up, this might be a perfect interview to share with them.

You will definitely enjoy meeting Cherie and will most likely be as captivated by her presentation as we were by it. Her Substack is Cherie Z’s Truth be Told.


Peter Breggin MD and Ginger Ross Breggin have been married and working together for almost 40 years. Peter is known as “The Conscience of Psychiatry” for his many decades of successful reform work in mental health. He has published more than 20 medical and popular books, several coedited or coauthored by Ginger, including the huge bestseller Talking Back to Prozac. He has written more than 70 peer-reviewed publications and testified in court more than 100 times with many cases related to drug company and medical malfeasance. The couple has now turned their attention to the misuse of science and the suppression of freedoms surrounding COVID-19 and its origins by those they identify as “global predators.”   Peter and Ginger have written the bestselling new book, COVID-19 and the Global Predators: We are the Prey with introductions by top COVID-19 scientists and physicians, Peter A. McCullough MD, MPH; Elizabeth Lee Vliet MD; and Vladimir “Zev” Zelenko. The book is available everywhere.


Join us on weekdays at 5 pm ET weekdays on America Out Loud Talk RadioListen on iHeart Radio, our world-class media player, or our free apps on AppleAndroid, or Alexa. Discover all the episodes on podcast networks, i.e., Apple Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, TuneIn, Stitcher, and iHeart. You’ll find them the day after they air on talk radio, available on podcast. Extraordinary voices for extraordinary times.

EDITORS NOTE: This PULSE podcast is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Barry Shaw reporting live from Israel

We are very pleased to again have with us on DISSENT Television Barry Shaw, who is reporting to us live from Israel.

Barry Shaw is the International Public Diplomacy Associate at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

Barry was also the co-founder of the Netanya Terror Victims Organization after a wave of Palestinian terror, including numerous suicide bombings, hit his Israeli hometown of Netanya.

Barry is the author of several books, including ‘Fighting Hamas, BDS, and Anti-Semitism.”

Barry writes and speaks on issues from an Israeli perspective.


Barry Shaw is a Senior Associate for Public Diplomacy at the Israeli Institute for Strategic Studies.

He is regularly contributes to various media outlets including the Jerusalem Post and a frequent speaker at conferences and pro-Israel advocacy events.

Shaw has been a staunch defender of Israel in the public diplomacy arena for decades and has initiated the creation of several pro-Israel grassroots groups,

He has a keen following of tens of thousands of people globally.

Shaw is the author of three books:

Israel Reclaiming the Narrative rebuts fraudulent allegations against Israel with fact based refutations.

Fighting Hamas, BDS and Anti-Semitism is a thoroughly  researched exposure of the Jew hatred at the heart of the Palestinian cause from their headquarters in Gaza and Ramallah into the campuses and anti-Israel activism in too many Western countries.

His most recent book, BDS for IDIOTS,’ employs ridicule as new method of countering BDS activists and repudiating their slander against Israel with facts and humor.

Barry may be found on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Telegram.

©2024. Dissent Television Channel and host Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Pro-Israel Americans need to stop cowering and start protesting

VIDEO: Hitler’s Early Days As A Communist

There is photographic, video and contemporary reports of Adolf Hitler being elected into the Socialist Bavarian People’s State and the Communist Bavarian Soviet Republic. While historians have acknowledged that this happened, they’re reluctant to come to any conclusions regarding it (since it will fundamentally undermine their own narratives). In this video, we’re going to dive into the evidence and the debate surrounding this topic. Was Hitler a Communist in 1919? Let’s find out.

WATCH: So, Hitler was a Communist in early 1919

Hitler: Essential Background Information – University of Kentucky

Adolf Hitler (1889-1945) is unquestionably the central figure in the story of the Holocaust.  It was the combination of his virulent hatred of Jews and his success in creating a political movement that was able to seize control of Germany that made the campaign to exterminate the Jews possible.

Hitler’s origins:  Hitler was born in a small town in Austria in 1889.  He was the son of a local customs official and his much younger third wife.  Hitler’s father was an illegitimate child and it is uncertain who his father was, but there is no evidence for the legend that this unidentified grandfather was Jewish.  Hitler’s father was harsh and distant. He had a closer relationship with his mother, and her death from cancer when he was 17 was traumatic for him.

Hitler had a normal education.  As a young man, he showed no special talents.  He wanted to study art, and moved to Vienna after his mother’s death in hope of being accepted to art school, but was turned down for lack of talent.

Sources of Hitler’s anti-Semitism:  Because we have very little reliable information about Hitler’s early life, it is hard to determine exactly when he became a confirmed anti-Semite.  His own account, in his book Mein Kampf, is not entirely accurate:  by the time he wrote it, he wanted to make it appear that he had adopted anti-Semitic ideas quite early in his life.  Prejudice against Jews was widespread in the early 20th century, but there is no evidence that Hitler’s family was particularly anti-Semitic.  Discussions of Hitler’s antisemitism focus on three periods in his life:

  • The Vienna years (1909-1913):  Hitler later claimed this was when he developed his antisemitic outlook.  Vienna had a large Jewish minority (about 10% of the population when Hitler lived there).  It was also a hotbed of ethnic conflict, as members of all the different populations of the Austrian Empire (Czechs, Poles, Croats, Hungarians) migrated to the rapidly growing capital.  Hitler observed the success of the city’s popular mayor, Lueger, who was regularly re-elected on a virulently anti-Semitic program.  He also probably read some of the widely circulated racist and anti-Semitic literature that was easily available in the city.  Many of these pamphlets also claimed that Jews were the main architects of modern capitalism, and that they lived off the sweat of honest non-Jewish workers.  On the other hand, Hitler was a regular visitor in at least one Jewish family’s home, and his efforts to support himself by selling paintings were made possible primarily by Jewish art dealers.  In other words, Hitler had not yet made anti-semitism the center of his life during this period, despite his later claims.
  • The war years and the defeat of Germany (1914-1919):  although he was an Austrian citizen, Hitler volunteered to serve in the German Army at the start of World War I.  He served through all four years of the conflict, although he rose only to the rank of corporal.  He identified completely with the German cause, and was deeply disturbed by the defeat of 1918.  Like many disappointed soldiers, he believed that the army had been “stabbed in the back” by traitors.  Although German Jews had loyally supported their country during the war, they were more likely than other Germans to welcome the new, democratic Weimar Republic established after the defeat.  This led to accusations that Jews were responsible for Germany’s defeat.  In addition, the war had led to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the establishment of the Bolshevik or Communist regime there, devoted to the overthrow of capitalism.  In 1919, there was a short-lived attempt to create a Communist government in Germany as well.  Enemies of the Communists pointed to the role of a few Jews in this movement and labeled Communism a Jewish conspiracy.  Modern scholars, particularly Hitler biographer Ian Kershaw, tend to see these years, rather than the Vienna period, as the time when Hitler’s ideas about Jews really became fixed.  This focuses attention on the impact of the war, rather than the ethnic hatreds in pre-war Austria.
  • The first years of the Weimar Republic (1919-1923):  After the war, Hitler lived in Munich, a city overrun with bitter ex-soldiers and others angry at the new democratic government in Berlin.  He began to associate with some of the many groups formed to agitate against all the evils affecting Germany:  capitalism, Communism, the unpopular Treaty of Versailles, democracy, and the Jews.  By September 1919, Hitler had clearly come to see the Jews as the organizing force behind these problems.  He also began to speak of Germany’s need to conquer additional territory—Lebensraum or “living space”—for itself, at the expense of the “Jewish Bolsheviks” in Russia.  There was nothing original about his ideas.  He did begin to make a name for himself, however, because of his unusual speaking ability.  By 1920, he had become one of the most popular agitational speakers in Munich.  He took over one of the many small ultra-right-wing groups, the German Workers’ Party (later renamed National Socialist German Workers’ Party, or Nazis for short) and built it up into a larger group, although its support was still mostly limited to Munich and surrounding areas.  Anti-Semitism was a regular part of Hitler’s message throughout this period.  By 1923, he thought anger against the Weimar Republic was widespread enough to make the overthrow of the government possible; he wanted to set up a right-wing government, but did not yet imagine himself as its leader.  This Beer Hall Putsch (Nov. 9, 1923) failed when the army and the police refused to support it.  Hitler was arrested, and his movement seemed to have failed.  During this period, Hitler became an effective propagandist for anti-Semitism, but his ideas on the subject had formed earlier.

The Stages of Hitler’s Rise to Power (1924-1933)
After the Beer Hall Putsch in 1923, Hitler was tried and sentenced to prison.  Most observers assumed that his political career was over.  The extreme economic problems that had weakened the Weimar Republic in its first few years eased starting in 1924, and fewer people were attracted to political extremism.

  • 1924:  In prison, Hitler writes Mein Kampf, setting out his ideas.  In his absence, it becomes clear that no one else can create a successful ultra-right-wing movement
  • 1925-28:  Hitler, released from prison, reconstitutes the Nazi Party under his exclusive leadership.  The Party does very poorly in elections, but this period allows Hitler to recruit a small but devoted group of followers, including many who would be leading figures in the Nazi regime after it came to power.
  • 1929-32:  the start of the world economic depression following the crash of the United States stock market in October 1929 gives Hitler a chance.  As unemployment skyrockets in Germany, voters turn against parties associated with the Weimar Republic.  The Nazis score a series of successes in state elections.  Hitler benefits from the deep divisions among the other German political parties.  The Communists hope to profit from the Depression.  They blame Germany’s problems on capitalism, call for a revolution, and refuse to cooperate with any of the others parties.  Conservative nationalist parties blame parliamentary democracy and the Versailles treaty for Germany’s problems.  They hope to use the economic crisis to overturn the constitution and restore an authoritarian system similar to the pre-war monarchy.  They see Hitler as a potentially useful ally.  The Social Democratic Party is the strongest defender of the democratic system, but blames the “bourgeois” pro-capitalist parties for the economic crisis.  The Catholic Center party has the greatest weight in the government, but has no remedy for the Depression.  By contrast, the Nazis offer a simple explanation of the crisis—it’s the fault of the Jews—and a simple program for ending it.  In national parliamentary elections in September 1930, the Nazis score an unexpected success, winning 18% of the vote and becoming the second-largest party (after the Social Democrats).  In 1932, Hitler runs for president against the celebrated war hero Hindenburg and wins 37% of the vote.
  • 1932-1933:  An unpopular coalition government led by the Center Party fails to gain support, and new parliamentary elections are called in July 1932; Hitler’s party wins 37% of the vote, while the Communists get 16%.  No majority coalition in favor of democracy can be established any more.  Various right-wing politicians compete with each other to create a government that will rule by decree.  Hitler is offered a place in one of these schemes, engineered by von Schleicher, in August 1932, but refuses because he would not have full control.  New elections are held in November 1932 to break the deadlock.  For the first time since 1929, the Nazis’ share of the vote goes down, to 32%.  Fearing that his moment may be about to pass, Hitler becomes more conciliatory to Schleicher.  On January 30, 1933, an agreement is announced:  Hitler will be named Chancellor (prime minister).  Despite the broad support for the Nazis, the party will have only four seats in the cabinet.  Schleicher and other conservatives expect Hitler’s extremism to undermine his popularity; they will then be able to dismiss him and keep power themselves.

Significant points about Hitler’s rise to power: (1) Hitler’s success owed a great deal to the weakness of democracy in Germany; (2) it took the Great Depression to create the conditions in which Hitler could come to power; (3) although his party did become the largest in Germany, Hitler was not elected to office; the Nazis never won an absolute majority of votes, even in the final elections held after they came to power in March 1933; (4) Hitler became Chancellor thanks to the calculations of right-wing nationalist politicians who thought they could use his popularity to destroy the Weimar system.

The best biographies of Hitler:  historians rely on the three serious and thoroughly researched biographies of Hitler.  There are other good books about Hitler, but there is also an enormous literature of very dubious quality dealing with him, which often relates rumor as if it was fact.  The three essential books about Hitler are:

  • Alan Bullock, Hitler: A Study in Tyranny.  Originally published in 1952, this book is now somewhat dated but still very readable and essentially accurate on the stages of Hitler’s rise to power.
  • Joachim Fest, Hitler.  Originally published in 1973, this is the most important examination of Hitler’s life by a German scholar.
  • Ian Kershaw, Hitler (2 vs., 1999 and 2000):  Even longer and more detailed than Bullock and Fest, Kershaw’s recent biography incorporates the latest research on topics such as Hitler’s early life, and shows why many of the stories about Hitler included in earlier biographies are no longer considered reliable.  This will undoubtedly be the standard biography of Hitler for many years to come.

©2024. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Fury as FDNY firefighters are forced to remove Stars and Stripes honoring 9/11 heroes after Democrat lawmaker branded it a ‘fascist symbol’

Why Democracy Leads to Tyranny

“Remember Democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes exhausts and [destroys] itself. . .It is in vain to Say that Democracy is … less proud, less selfish, less ambitious or less avaricious than Aristocracy or Monarchy. It is not true in Fact and no where appears in history. Those Passions are the same in all Men under all forms of Simple Government, and when unchecked, produce the same Effects of Fraud Violence and Cruelty.”

Letter from John Adams to John Taylor, December 1814

In every age there is a set of beliefs that are elevated to a sacred status and questioning them is deemed heretical. For centuries it was the dogmas of Christianity that possessed this status, today it is the dogma of the democratic state. Democracy, as currently practiced, is the greatest form of government and anyone who denies this commits blasphemy – or so we are taught. But just as much of the Christian dogma was a veil to protect the power of the Church, the same can be said about democracy. Democracy, with its political campaigns, elections, and the illusion of rule by the people, is a veil behind which politicians and bureaucrats parasitically enrich themselves while imposing their corrupt vision of society on the rest of us. In this video we explore some of the fatal flaws of modern democracy and explain how instead of promoting social flourishing, it has given rise to a form of soft totalitarianism.

“Conceived as the foundation of liberty, modern democracy paves the way for tyranny. Born for the purpose of standing as a bulwark against Power, it ends by providing Power with the finest soil it has ever had in which to spread itself over the social field.”

Bertrand de Jouvenel, On Power

There are many institutions that are necessary for a free and prosperous society; these include free markets, the division of labour, a rule of law that promotes order and trust, strong families, sound money, a school system that educates instead of indoctrinates, and a robust media that pursues the truth instead of spreading propaganda. If a democracy preserves these institutions, then one can claim that it is a form of political organization conducive to social harmony. But if a democracy continually produces governments that destroy these institutions, then the value of democracy must be questioned. Across the globe, the governments of most democracies are doing the latter – from the family unit, to schooling, the media, free markets, sound money, or the rule of law, politicians and bureaucrats are actively destroying, or at least severely corrupting, these institutions. Why is this? What are the flaws of modern-day democracies that are leading it to manifest such corrupt governments?

To answer this question, we must distinguish between two types of democracy: direct democracy and indirect democracy. A direct democracy involves citizens casting votes on specific issues, usually by means of a referendum. In a direct democracy majority rules. Whether one views this form of political organization in a positive or negative light will usually depend on if one belongs to the majority or minority. Those in the majority tend to believe that direct democracy is a good system as it leads to the satisfaction of their wants, while those in the minority often feel that direct democracy is nothing more than a tyranny of the masses. “Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what they are going to have for lunch,” Benjamin Franklin famously remarked. While the 19th century British politician Auberon Herbert had this to say concerning the morality of a direct democracy:

“Five men are in a room. Because three men take one view and two another, have the three men any moral right to enforce their view on the other two men? What magical power comes over the three men that because they are one more in number than the two men, therefore they suddenly become possessors of the minds and bodies of these others? As long as they were two to two, so long we supposed each man remained master of his own mind and body; but from the moment that another man, acting Heaven only knows from what motives, has joined himself to one party or the other, that party has become straightaway possessed of the souls and bodies of the other party. Was there ever such a degrading and indefensible superstition?”

Auberon Herbert, The Right and Wrong of Compulsion by the State

A tyranny of the masses, however, is not the most serious threat facing the West as we live in indirect democracies which render most people politically impotent and the power of the masses relatively negligible. In an indirect, or representational democracy, we vote for politicians who are then, in theory, supposed to represent our interests. But how representational democracy should work in theory, is not how it works in practice. In almost all democratic countries a small number of political candidates are preselected by a handful of political parties that monopolize each country’s political system and from these candidates we vote for the ones we prefer, or at least dislike the least. Once elected, far from being forced to represent the interests of the majority, politicians can, and frequently do, serve their own interests. Or as Frank Karsten and Karel Beckman note in their book Beyond Democracy:

“It is not ‘the will of the people’, but the will of politicians – prompted by groups of professional lobbyists, interest groups and activists – that reigns in a democracy.”

Frank Karsten and Karel Beckman, Beyond Democracy

Many will counter that a benefit of an indirect democracy is that we can vote out the corrupt politicians who fail to serve us. The problem, however, is that modern democracies rarely produce honest and ethical political candidates. Each time one corrupt politician is voted out of office, he or she is replaced by another corrupt politician who merely serves different special interest groups. Furthermore, nation states have grown so large that most of the state actors who rule over us and implement the policies that affect us on a day-to-day basis are bureaucrats who are not subject to popular elections.

And herein lies perhaps the most serious flaw of modern democracies – the democratic process seems incapable of preventing the worst from rising to the top in government. There are several factors that can account for this: Firstly, there is the corrupting nature of power.

“Unlimited power in the hands of limited people always leads to cruelty.”

Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, The Gulag Archipelago

Or as Mikhail Bakunin wrote:

“However democratic may be their feelings and their intentions, once [politicians] achieve the elevation of office they can only view society in the same ways a schoolmaster views his pupils, and between pupils and masters equality cannot exist. On one side there is the feeling of a superiority that is inevitably provoked by a position of superiority; on the other side, there is a sense of inferiority which follows from the superiority of the teacher. . . Who-ever talks of political power talks of domination; but where domination exists there is inevitably a somewhat large section of society that is dominated. . .This is the eternal history of political power. . .”

Mikhail Bakunin, The Illusion of Universal Suffrage

Another factor that can account for the moral corruption of politicians is that like a moth to flame, the most ruthless and power-hungry among us are attracted to state power. Those who enter the game of politics are often the very individuals who we least want to rule over us, or as Frank Herbert wrote:

“All governments suffer a recurring problem: Power attracts pathological personalities. It is not that power corrupts but that it is magnetic to the corruptible.”

Frank Herbert, Chapterhouse: Dune

Another explanation for why the worst rise to the top in modern politics is because Machiavellian, narcissistic, and sociopathic character traits improve one’s chance of winning a political election or getting promoted to the position of a high-level bureaucrat. Or as the philosopher Hans Hermann Hoppe explains:

“. . . the selection of state rulers by means of popular elections makes it essentially impossible for harmless or decent persons to ever rise to the top. Presidents and prime ministers come into their position not owing to their status as natural aristocrats, as feudal kings once did . . .but as a result of their capacity as morally uninhibited demagogues. Hence, democracy virtually assures that only dangerous men will rise to the top of state government.”

Hans Hermann Hoppe, From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy

Once in power these demagogues are effectively shielded from the wrath of the citizenry due to a mirage that is created by the dogma of democracy. Most people believe that in a democracy it is we the people that rule, and that as rulers we are collectively to blame for the corruption, ineptitude, and immorality of our government. This belief overlooks the fact that most of us have no impact on the actions of politicians and it diverts responsibility away from the politicians and bureaucrats who are responsible for the policies that are destroying society. Furthermore, when it is believed that we the people rule, our resistance toward the dangerous growth of state power is weakened, or as Hoppe explains:

“Under democracy the distinction between the rulers and the ruled becomes blurred. The illusion even arises that the distinction no longer exists: that with democratic government no one is ruled by anyone, but everyone instead rules himself. Accordingly, public resistance against government power is systematically weakened.”

Hans Hermann Hoppe, From Aristocracy to Monarchy to Democracy

This weakened resistance to the growth of state power has created a fertile ground for the emergence of totalitarian rule across the West. Many will counter that the democratic West is not at all like the totalitarian countries of the past, be it Soviet Russia, Communist China, Nazi Germany, Cuba, or North Korea. These countries centralized power and controlled the lives of their citizens to a degree never seen in history and to a level which far exceeds the experience of the modern West. But the centralization of government power in Western democracies, differs only in degree to that seen in the totalitarian countries of the 20th century. Western democracies are what can be called soft totalitarian states in contrast to the more brutal manifestations of totalitarianism past. In 1835 Alexis de Tocqueville foresaw the rise of soft totalitarianism in Western democracies and described it in his great work Democracy in America:

“After having…taken each individual one by one into its powerful hands, and having molded him as it pleases, the sovereign power extends its arms over the entire society; it covers the surface of society with a network of small, complicated, minute, and uniform rules, which the most original minds and the most vigorous souls cannot break through to go beyond the crowd; it does not break wills, but it softens them, bends them and directs them; it rarely forces action, but it constantly opposes your acting…it hinders, it represses, it enervates, it extinguishes, it stupifies, and finally it reduces each nation to being nothing more than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.”

Alexis de Toqueville, Democracy in America

Prior to the rise of this soft totalitarianism, social relations were dominated by a multiplicity of different institutions and associations which were independent of government – such as markets, guilds, churches, private hospitals, universities, fraternities, charities, monasteries, and most importantly the “primal community of the family”. These independent associations and institutions, while providing great societal benefits, also acted as barriers to the expansion of government power. The destruction and replacement of these more diverse forms of community with relationships between the individual and the state, which began in the West in the 20th century and continues to this day, was a crucial step in the rise of governments who hide their totalitarian nature behind the veil of the democratic ideal. Or as Robert Nisbet wrote in The Quest for Community:

“It is not the extermination of individuals that is ultimately desired by totalitarian rulers. . . What is desired is the extermination of those social relationships which, by their autonomous existence, must always constitute a barrier to the achievement of the absolute political community. The prime object of totalitarian government thus becomes the incessant destruction of all evidence of spontaneous, autonomous association…To destroy or diminish the reality of the smaller areas of society, to abolish or restrict the range of cultural alternatives offered to individuals. . . is to destroy in time the roots of the will to resist despotism in its large forms.”

Robert NisbetThe Quest for Community

In places like Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia the destruction of institutions independent of the state was done quite rapidly and with the use of violence. The same process has been occurring in Western democracies, but at a slower pace and instead of violence, these alternative institutions are crippled with the use of propaganda, educational indoctrination, laws, regulations, and bureaucratic red tape. But no matter how totalitarianism emerges the result is always the same. Citizens becomes subjects, the state becomes the master, and even if we are still granted the right to vote, we are enslaved nonetheless, or as Lysander Spooner wrote:

“A man is none the less a slave because he is allowed to choose a new master once in a term of years.”

Lysander Spooner, The Constitution of No Authority

If our democracies cannot prevent the worst from rising to the top and if they cannot protect us from the rise of a soft totalitarianism, then democracy, as currently practiced, is a failed institutions and alternative forms of political organization must be explored and openly debated. Some may continue to hold out hope that a political savior will emerge, overcome all the corrupting influences of the state, and return society to a path of peace and prosperity. This, however, is to gamble with the future of society. For as we wait for our savior, who may never emerge, the state will continue to grow more and more burdensome, and then slowly at first, but ever more rapidly, our societies will deteriorate into the hellish conditions that characterize all totalitarian nations, for as James Kalb noted:

“If all social order becomes dependent on the administrative state, when that becomes terminally corrupt and non-functional everything goes.”

James Kalb, The Tyranny of Liberalism

RELATED VIDEO: Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn: Deliver the Truth, Whatever the Cost

EDITORS NOTE: This ACADEMY OF IDEAS video and column are republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Interview with one of the most effective and insightful counter-jihad activists left anywhere, Edwin Wagensveld

There is a lot to digest in this interview. Edwin is one of the most practical of the Counter jihad activists, rather deftly navigating the media traps created to destroy anyone who opposes the globalist weapon of choice for negating all Western peoples, culture and history. Namely the historical enemy of Western thought, Islam. Edwin manages to maintain equanimity despite the grotesque degree of selective or dialectical enforcement against him by state and media agents.

On top of all that, he was a genuine delight to speak with.

WATCH: Europe’s Last Stand: Inside Pegida Leader Edwin Wagensveld’s Battle Against Islamization (Exclusive Interview)

Please read the story details at RAIR Foundation.

I hope you all enjoy and leave your thoughts and comments below.


South African TV presenter with wrong ideology and no evidence against Israel- being corrected

THOUGHTCRIME Ep. 38 — “Christ Is King” Anti-Semitic? Diddy Did It? Andrew Huberman Hitpiece?

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

COLUMBIA & CORNELL: The Impact Of Pro-Hamas Educators

Antisemitism at Cornell and Columbia universities has escalated following the October 7th Hamas massacre to the point where both schools are now the subject of federal investigations and lawsuits filed by Jewish students.

The role played by professors in fomenting this hate cannot be understated. Professors openly express anti-Israel sentiments and support terror groups like Hamas.

Their academic positions lend credibility to these views, which has led to the normalization of antisemitic on these once-esteemed campuses.



“We are able to take what we learn in the classroom about decolonial theories … and put these theories into practice in real time,” says Columbia SJP activist Safiya O’Brien, who was featured in an Al Jazeera video.

WATCH to find out what “real-time” decolonization means.


“It’s crossed such a line into physical violence.” Listen to University of California Berkeley’s Jewish students describe what it’s like to be Jewish at Berkeley these days. Shocking testimony about a PUBLIC university in America.


Katya Castell, a counselor at NYC’s Discovery Mental Health Counseling, posted an image that read: “Anti-Semitism: ‘Ideology that is implied to keep the Palestinian in subjugation and to keep the world silent about what is happening to Palestinians.’”



©2024. . All rights reserved.


VIDEO: ‘The Soviet Story’—From Joseph Stalin to Joseph Biden. History is repeating itself!

“There is no present or future – only the past, happening over and over again – now.” — Eugene O’Neill

“History repeats itself, first as a tragedy, second as a farce.” — Karl Marx

“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  — George Santayana

It appears that history is truly repeating itself and the United States is more and more looking like the former Soviet Union, while the New York Times yawns.

The New York Times during the era of Joseph Stalin

Walter Duranty was an Anglo-American journalist who served as Moscow bureau chief of The New York Times for fourteen years (1922–1936) following the Bolshevik victory in the Russian Civil War (1917–1923).

The New York Times’ Walter Duranty, one of the most famous correspondents of his day, won the Pulitzer Prize for 13 articles written in 1931 analyzing the Soviet Union under Stalin.

Duranty’s cabled dispatches had to pass Soviet censorship, and Stalin’s propaganda machine was powerful and omnipresent. Duranty’s analyses relied on official sources as his primary source of information, accounting for the most significant flaw in his coverage – his consistent underestimation of Stalin’s brutality.

Describing the Communist plan to “liquidate” the five million kulaks, relatively well-off farmers opposed to the Soviet collectivization of agriculture, Duranty wrote in 1931, for example: “Must all of them and their families be physically abolished? Of course not – they must be ‘liquidated’ or melted in the hot fire of exile and labor into the proletarian mass.”

Taking Soviet propaganda at face value this way was completely misleading, as talking with ordinary Russians might have revealed even at the time. Duranty’s prize-winning articles quoted not a single one – only Stalin, who forced farmers all over the Soviet Union into collective farms and sent those who resisted to concentration camps.

Collectivization was the main cause of a famine that killed millions of people in Ukraine, the Soviet breadbasket, in 1932 and 1933 – two years after Duranty won his prize.

Even then, Duranty dismissed more diligent writers’ reports that people were starving. “Conditions are bad, but there is no famine,” he wrote in a dispatch from Moscow in March of 1933 describing the “mess” of collectivization. “But – to put it brutally – you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs.”

Some of Duranty’s editors criticized his reporting as tendentious, but The Times kept him as a correspondent until 1941. Since the 1980’s, the paper has been publicly acknowledging his failures.

Ukrainian-American and other organizations have repeatedly called on the Pulitzer Prize Board to cancel Duranty’s prize and The Times to return it, mainly on the ground of his later failure to report the famine.

Fast Forward to 2024 and the New York Times under Joseph Biden

In a March 27, 2024 article titled Desperate Politicians Do Desperate Things In Election Years the President of Citizens United David Bossie wrote,

Desperate politicians do desperate things in an election year and that describes President Joe Biden’s strategy for 2024 perfectly.

[ … ]

The shameless Biden will do anything to get re-elected.  With no answers on how to fix the economy, no interest in securing our southern border, and no ability to project strength abroad, Biden is going to run in support of the Washington swamp and broken status quo. This means signing legislation to fund the government and his failed policies with 1,000-page omnibus bills that are barely read or debated.  It means running on radical climate alarmism and abortion fear tactics.  It means prioritizing another forever war in Ukraine and damaging our alliance with Israel.  And it means stealing from responsible American taxpayers by forgiving billions upon billions in student loans.  So, if you’re looking for a reason to be hopeful about the future, don’t look to Joe Biden.

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to understand that the Biden student-loan forgiveness program is an unconstitutional vote buying scheme. To date, the administration has robbed $144 billion from the American people without congressional approval in an attempt to buy the votes of nearly four million debtors.  When you consider that the 2020 election was decided by about 43,000 votes in just three states, Joe Biden’s lawless loan repayment operation could pay off in droves.

To date, the Biden administration has bailed out over 14,000 borrowers in Arizona; 35,000 in Georgia; 30,000 in Michigan; 38,000 in Pennsylvania; and 16,000 in Wisconsin. According to the Department of Education, President Biden is literally emailing “an additional 380,000 public service workers thanking them for their service and notifying them they are on track to have their debt cancelled…” 

And Biden’s message for the millions of Americans who paid their students loans off on time?  Playing by the rules no longer matters.  Remember, this is Joe Biden’s America, where everything is upside down and hard work no longer pays off.  Congress must aggressively investigate this loan program so the American people know the truth about exactly what’s going on behind the high walls of Biden’s vast bureaucracy.

At the same time, President Biden’s political allies in the biased mainstream media brutally attack former President Trump for simply campaigning to make America great again.

Continue reading.

Joseph Stalin and Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr. have more in common than their first names.

Like Stalin, Biden has weaponized the federal government to eliminate his political rivals and anyone who opposes him and his failed policies.

The New York Times isn’t reporting on this new collectivization of America. The New York Times isn’t reporting on this criminality:

The only thing that will stop this new slaughter is if we the people vote in a president who will return power to the people by draining the swamp from the schoolhouse to the White House.

©2024. All rights reserved.


Key Witness From Trump Impeachment Registers As Foreign Agent Of Ukraine

Leo Terrell Slams Judge’s ‘Vague’ Gag Order ‘Limiting Trump’s Right’ To Speak

Dems, Media Push New Study Linking Climate Change To Inflation, But Economists Aren’t Buying It

Influencer Who Advised Illegal Migrants To Steal Americans’ Homes Is On The Run From Immigration Authorities: REPORT


Tucker Carlson points out examples of the new legal code and motives of the current U.S. administration

Kerri Kupec Urbahn on Trump case: This precedent can be used against political enemies on both sides

The European Union is the branch office of the COMINTERN.

U.S. Experiencing Massive Border Breach From Canada By Illegal Aliens From 66 Different Countries [Videos]

1. So at this point, the USA, Russia and the Islamic State, wherever that is, agree that the attack was from the Islamic State.

This doesn’t negate anything from the previous statement on it. Jihadis have been for hire as mercs since Mohammad. In fact Mohammad him self’s initial band of Caravan robbers where mercenaries in as much as paid thugs are, who also work to a political end. This links to body cam footage of the attack from one of the killers. Lots of ‘inshalah’ and ‘Allahu akbar’ all around.

2. Perhaps one of the most physically dangerous components of the communist revolution that has happened across the West, is this particular example of dialectical enforcement.

2a: BREAKING: Biden Regime Launches Federal Gun-Grab Operation to “Keep Firearms Out of the Hands” of People Who “Pose a Threat to Others”

The Biden Regime on Saturday morning continued its attack on the Second Amendment and launched a federal gun-grab operation to keep firearms out the hands of people who “pose a threat to themselves and others.”

“The Justice Department launched the National Extreme Risk Protection Order (ERPO) Resource Center (the Center) which will provide training and technical assistance to law enforcement officials, prosecutors, attorneys, judges, clinicians, victim service and social service providers, community organizations, and behavioral health professionals responsible for implementing laws designed to keep guns out of the hands of people who pose a threat to themselves or others.: – the DOJ announced on Saturday.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland said the ERPO program will work with partners across the country to use “every tool” to ‘protect communities from gun violence.’

“The launch of the National Extreme Risk Protection Order Resource Center will provide our partners across the country with valuable resources to keep firearms out of the hands of individuals who pose a threat to themselves or others,” said Attorney General Merrick B. Garland. “The establishment of the Center is the latest example of the Justice Department’s work to use every tool provided by the landmark Bipartisan Safer Communities Act to protect communities from gun violence.”

2b: Illinois judge rules illegal migrants can carry guns

(NewsNation) — A federal judge in Illinois earlier this month ruled that a Mexican man who was living in the U.S. illegally had a constitutional right to own a firearm for self-defense.

In her ruling, U.S. District Judge Sharon Johnson Coleman dismissed charges against Heriberto Carbajal-Flores, who was arrested in 2020 for violating a federal law that prohibits undocumented immigrants from possessing guns.

“Carbajal-Flores contends that he received and used the handgun solely for self-protection and protection of property during a time of documented civil unrest in the Spring of 2020,” the Northern District of Illinois judge wrote in her ruling.

3. The USA seems much more motivated to stop the illegal border crossings … from Canada

4. Remember Kathy Griffin? The self described comedian who did the thing with the severed Trump head? She appears to be reaping what she has sown.

5. Anyone know about this attack on a Catholic Church by the Islamic State? I didn’t

Deadly ISIS Attack on Church in Turkey

Thank you all for checking out this site. Some interesting materials in the works. A Canadian veteran was debanked and more. I hope to be able to publish them soon.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with videos posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Looking to get your book published? There’s none better than Peppertree Publishing in Sarasota, Florida

We had the great pleasure of speaking with Julie Ann Bakkar, founder and publisher of Peppertree Publishing in Sarasota, Florida. As Julie Ann likes to say, “We are here for you!” And they are, trust me, because they published my latest book.

Julie Ann, along with her colleague Teri Lynn Franco, are the leaders of the proud team at Peppertree Publishing, a company that has published thousands of books for a wide variety of authors in the United States and globally.

Watch our interview with Julie Ann.


Peppertree Publishing offers professional publishing with a personal touch!

Together Julie Ann Bakkar and Teri Lynn Franco have planted the book publishing seed and with great enthusiasm have launched this fine company to aspiring authors who have dreams and aspirations of turning their manuscripts into masterpieces.

Although based in Sarasota, Florida their authors come from all over the globe and embracing this opportunity with both hands and are able to share their untold stories worldwide. It gives Julie Ann and Teri great joy to see their authors’ faces when we present their books to them for the first time.

Peppertree Publishing set out as a goal to give voice to writers by offering a comprehensive array of genres such as: fiction, nonfiction, inspirational, religious, poetry, children’s stories, biography, autobiography, educational titles, and cookbooks.

All projects that come to the Peppertree Publishing are thoroughly screened and evaluated before acceptance and are professionally edited and enhanced by their graphic design team. Julie Ann and Teri are proud of their authors, who have incorporated meticulous research and have a passion for writing that shows how they care for their readership.

Julie Ann welcomes everyone to reach out to them by stopping by their office for a chat or take the grand tour of their website PeppertreePublishing.com and find out how you can turn your creative words into a published book.

©2024. . All rights reserved.

Victory: Landmark Decision on Voter ID! Time to Take Action and Demand Voter IDs in Every State of the Union!

In a significant win for election integrity, a federal judge has upheld Arizona’s crucial election integrity laws, dismissing unfounded challenges from the Biden DOJ and leftist groups.

This ruling should empower all 50 states to now pass Voter ID laws in time to impact our 2024 election!

At the heart of this victory is HB2492, championed by State Rep. Jake Hoffman, which mandates proof of U.S. citizenship to register for any election. This landmark legislation, signed into law by former Governor Doug Ducey, ensures that only eligible citizens participate in Arizona’s democratic process, guarding against voter fraud and bolstering public trust in our elections.

Watch Must-See Video Warning America on One-Party Takeover Plot.

WATCH: The Democrat Open Borders Plan to Entrench Single-Party Rule | Explained in Under Two Minutes

Moreover, HB2243, another vital component of Arizona’s election integrity efforts, focuses on purging voter rolls of individuals who are no longer eligible to vote in the state. This measure aims to maintain accurate and up-to-date voter registration records, further strengthening the integrity of Arizona’s electoral system.

Despite challenges and claims of discrimination from opponents, District Judge Susan Bolton aptly recognized the paramount importance of preserving the integrity of Arizona’s elections. Her ruling affirms that the state’s interest in preventing non-citizens from voting and ensuring public confidence in the electoral process outweighs any minimal burden placed on voters to provide documentary proof of citizenship.

This ruling marks a significant victory for election integrity advocates and underscores Arizona’s commitment to upholding the rule of law in its electoral practices. By safeguarding the integrity of our elections, Arizona sets a standard for transparency, fairness, and accountability in democratic governance.

Let’s celebrate this triumph for democracy and remain steadfast in our efforts to preserve the sanctity of the ballot box!

TAKE ACTION: Voter ID in Every State of the Union

RELATED ARTICLE: The Supreme Court Deals A New Blow To Voting Rights, Upholding Arizona Restrictions

EDITORS NOTE: This ACT! for America column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Tucker Carlson Exposes a Serious Breach of All Law and Constitutional Rights of a Black Marxist Revolutionary group

Of course the irony is his side won, and he is a victim of the consequences of that. What this man is experiencing, is the Night of the Long Knives in slow motion.

WATCH: Misinformation — The Scariest Criminal Case You’ve Probably Never Hear Of

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video posted by Eeyore  is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Watch This Banned Film That Reveals How We’re Being Controlled by a ‘Shadow Government’


  • “Shadowgate” reveals how a “shadow government” is manipulating society from behind the scenes and using psychological warfare tactics against the American public
  • Democrats and Republicans are equally guilty of covering up an even bigger scandal than the fact that Obama’s administration illegally spied on and tried to frame President Trump and others using manufactured evidence
  • The shadow government consists of government contractors and defense and intelligence officials who are stealing the personal data collected by the NSA on all Americans, and have privatized and weaponized its use
  • “Shadowgate” features two whistleblowers who have spent many years helping to develop the psychological warfare programs that are now directed at the American people and used to influence our elections
  • We can protect our freedoms, first by rejecting and abandoning companies like Google and Facebook, which are the largest data collectors and manipulators; second, by promoting and aiding in the effort to expose Big Tech’s manipulations; and third, by restructuring legislatures and the government, and establishing new civil society institutions and news media that support and promote freedom rather than censorship and control

Most people have never even heard and there’s a reason for that. Technocrats have worked in the proverbial shadows for decades, trying to implement a grand economic plan that is global in scope. To beat them, we must be just as persistent in our efforts to implement a “whole-of-society” plan of action that leads to freedom, and I firmly believe we can.

While technocracy is an economic system and not a political system in and of itself, it does require the undermining and erosion of the democratic system of governance. This is particularly true for the United States, as our Constitution is a major barrier to the implementation of technocracy.

The documentary above, “Shadowgate,” is produced and narrated by Millie Weaver, an independent journalist and contributing reporter to Infowars. Coincidentally, Weaver and her boyfriend, Gavin Wince, were arrested shortly after posting a trailer of the film online, announcing its release.1

According to Basin Report2 and News 5 Cleveland,3 Weaver and Wince were both charged with “robbery (second-degree felony), tampering with evidence (third-degree felony), obstructing justice (fifth-degree felony), and domestic violence.” According to the Portage County Sheriff’s Office, the secret indictment against Weaver and Wince was filed July 20, 2020.


“Shadowgate,” while banned on YouTube, is available on alternative non-censoring sites such as Bitchute and Banned.video. The film reveals how a “shadow government” is manipulating society from behind the scenes and using psychological warfare tactics against the American public.

“What if I were to tell you that a small group of government contractors were hired by government officials to frame the Trump campaign, set him up for the Russia Collusion investigation, provided witnesses for the impeachment hearings, and provided administrative support services to the Department of Justice during the Mueller investigation?

And what if it just so happened that this same group of contractors are behind the fake news in mainstream media, influence operations on social media, and the civil unrest nationwide, pushing the defund the police movement? The Obamagate scandal only scratches the surface,” Weaver says at the start of the film.4 “Talk about a cover story. What really happened is much more alarming.”

According to Weaver, both parties — Democrats and Republicans — are equally guilty of covering up an even bigger scandal than the fact that Obama’s administration illegally spied on and tried to frame President Trump and a number of other individuals using manufactured evidence.

“Shadowgate” reveals what Weaver claims is the tactical and operational role that the shadow government played behind the scenes to carry out the attempted coup.

It’s the things that spy novels and movies are made of, for sure. YouTube, which pulled the film almost as soon as it was uploaded, claims it violates the channel’s policy on hate speech. I urge you to watch it and decide for yourself whether YouTube was justified in taking it down.

According to a Spiro Skouras summary on YouTube, the film “showcases two whistleblowers who allege there is a secretive network of government contractors which consists of government and military insiders (both current and former) who have ‘back door’ access to intelligence agencies and all of the information that they collect on everyone including politicians and how this information is used to blackmail powerful people to control them.”

The film also “alleges that military psychological warfare programs are being used against the people primarily through the mainstream corporate media and social media to control the population.” As noted by Weaver, “The information presented in this video should concern people of all political affiliations.”

Who Are the Real ‘Puppet Masters’?

While many career politicians are certainly part of the so-called shadow government, the real puppet masters behind it all are people that most of us are unfamiliar with. These are the individuals Weaver focuses on in her film. The real shadow government, Weaver says, consists of government contractors and defense and intelligence officials.

[Government] contractors have used their connections, power and influence to create an unprecedented international criminal enterprise where blackmail is traded and people’s personal data is gold.” — Millie Weaver

But just how could a shadow government arise in the first place? According to Weaver, the reason they’ve managed to operate in the shadows and gain power for so long is because most of the actual work in government is done by subcontractors. This way, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests aimed at government departments turn up very little out of the ordinary. The real “dirt” remains hidden in the archives of “contractors in clandestine networks.”

“These contractors have used their connections, power and influence to create an unprecedented international criminal enterprise,” Weaver says, “where blackmail is traded and people’s personal data is gold.”

Whistleblower Tore’s Story

“Shadowgate” features two whistleblowers: Tore, a linguist and Navy intelligence contractor, and Patrick Bergy, a cyber security officer and Army PSYOP program developer. Tore claims to have been approached by people who worked for John O. Brennan while she was undergoing her Naval specialist training.

She was initially recruited into The Analysis Corporation’s (TAC) electronic warfare program, run by Brennan, which later morphed into information warfare. According to Tore, she worked with intelligence agencies that were privately created and run.

In other words, they were not, and are not, official parts of government. “Unlike what most people think, our intelligence doesn’t stay within our borders or within federal buildings,” she says. Tore worked on something called “localization strategy,” which involves finding a group of people (an organization, city, entire country or religious group, for example) and “getting into their mind.”

The object is to figure out how they behave, how they think, what pushes them into certain actions and so on. This information is then used to manipulate them in ways that will further your own particular product, agenda or ideology.

The collection of information on individuals goes far beyond what most people can imagine. As explained by Tore, the information is so detailed, it can be easily used to blackmail or hurt just about anyone.

As an example, if they know you have an old hockey injury, they know where to hit you in order to cause the most pain and damage, were a physical attack to be ordered against you.

They also know what you fear most, and who the people are in your social circle, and who might be best able to influence you. Tore claims she actually helped train the algorithms for the program Bergy developed, using these localization strategies.

Whistleblower Patrick Bergy’s Story

For eight years, Bergy worked for the Dynology Corporation, owned by former President Obama’s national security adviser, Gen. James Jones. Bergy worked directly under the General’s son, Jim Jones. From 2007 to 2010, Bergy’s primary focus was the development of interactive internet activity capabilities, including hacking capabilities.

He also claims to have worked on information operations, so-called “influence operations.” Like Tore, Bergy worked on intelligence operations run by private companies. ShadowNet is the commercial version of an interactive internet activities (IIA) weapon, which Bergy developed.

Fake news, false news stories and the falsified dossier used to frame the Trump campaign are all characteristic of IIA, which Bergy refers to as “social media psychological warfare.” According to Bergy, Dynology has been conducting IIA operations for the Department of Defense since 2007.

The ShadowNet program Bergy developed was based on the localization strategies that Tore worked on. As explained by Bergy, it can very effectively control large groups of people by pushing the right hot-buttons. The COVID-19 hysteria and Black Lives Matter riots are two real-world examples of what this kind of PSYOP program can accomplish, Bergy says.

Interestingly, while these kinds of psychological operations were initially conducted by individual operators or agents, much of it has since been taken over by artificial intelligence, which executes the programming based on the behavioral profile targets the programmer selects.

As noted by Bergy, with enough information about any given individual, you can predict how they will react to a given stimulus with a high degree of accuracy. So, has this technology been used to influence American elections? According to Bergy, yes.

While American tax payers paid for the development of the program, Dynology holds the intellectual property and has been using it against the American people for years, propping up certain politicians and undermining others.

How the Shadow Intelligence Apparatus Works

As explained in the film, Section 702 of the Foreign Surveillance Act allows government to spy on American citizens with a warrant from the foreign intelligence surveillance (FISA) court.

The upstream data collected by the NSA on all Americans is only stored for 72 hours before being dumped. We’re talking about all phone calls, texts, emails, social media interactions, online activity, facial and voice recognition data and much more, of all Americans.

But what’s actually happening is that this data stream is being duplicated, stored indefinitely and privatized by companies such as the Global Strategies Group, Clearforce and the Canadian Global Information (CGI) Group.

The Global Strategies Group is a hub for this information, according to Tore. So, while these companies claim to be consulting firms, they’re not actually consulting at all. They’re stealing everyone’s data and using it against us in psychological operations designed to move society in one direction or another.

Tore claims she worked for Brennan at The Analysis Corporation and the Global Strategies Group, and that she conducted what were later described as “hacks” at the request of higher-ups. According to Tore, Brennan’s modus operandi is that when he wants a piece of information about someone — or if he wants to alter data relating to a target — he simply blames it on hackers.

According to the whistleblowers featured in this film, these privatized intelligence companies helped get Barack Obama elected using sophisticated internet influence operations.

The film also reviews a variety of other scandals that have emerged, and how the truth has been spun and covered up, including the illegal “hacking” and surveillance of the U.S. Congress, which occurred while Brennan was director of the CIA.

Private Intelligence Companies Dictate the News

Have you ever wondered who creates the talking points being regurgitated across dozens if not hundreds of news outlets on a daily basis? According to Bergy, this is the work of this network of privatized intelligence companies, utilizing tools such as ShadowNet.

When asked whether IIA has been used against President Trump, Bergy replies, “Absolutely.” According to Bergy, the Steele dossier was manufactured and used as a weapon to frame Trump and remove him from office.

Tore agrees. They have been and continue to use military-grade psychological warfare tactics against the president. She also discusses the IIA strategies employed in an effort to get Hillary Clinton elected.

Backdoor Access to All Data

According to Tore, she had backdoor access to all data and has personally viewed the kind of data collected on political figures. She’s also seen how that illegal data collection is used.

If someone steps out of line, it’s used to blackmail them back into lockstep with whatever the agenda might be. And, according to Tore, deep state shadow government actors are equally spread between the two political parties of the United States.

She also claims the Cambridge Analytica scandal was an IIA operation to make it appear as though Russia helped Trump win the election. This way, the Russia collusion hoax narrative would “stick” better. In reality, the PSYOP was conducted by the privatized intelligence network.

There’s a lot to digest in this film, but I urge you to set aside the hour and a half to do so. It answers many questions, revealing how government contractors are subverting our justice and political systems to further their own hidden aims. At the heart of it all is Gen. Jones.

According to Tore and Bergy, Jones, who heads up Clearforce, took ShadowNet and made it what it is today — a PSYOPs weapon used against the American people and the shadow government’s enemies.

Jones is also the chairman of the board of the Atlantic Council, and according to Bergy, one of the first things he did after being appointed chairman was to enter the Atlantic Council into a partnership with Facebook “to restore election integrity worldwide.”

In other words, Facebook is partnered with the owner of ShadowNet, one of the greatest PSYOP weapons in the world. To think this partnership will actually prevent election interference would be delusional, as its purpose is to do the complete opposite.

The Ultimate Surveillance State Is Near Completion

“More stuff is fake and fabricated now, in the news, than is actually real,” Bergy says. The reason for this is because IIA is in full force. As explained by Tore, IIA is essentially an AI program that tells you what you need to do, what message you need to put out, in order to get a specific outcome. It’s now running continuously.

Similar technology is even being used to undermine our judicial system. According to Tore and Bergy, a program will select jurors most likely to either acquit or find a defendant guilty (depending on the desired outcome).

While jury selection process is supposed to be random, it’s not. From that initial pool, jurors are then selected by the attorneys. But they were all non-randomly preselected in the first place, based on their proclivities, ways of thinking and behaving, and their belief systems. And, the data used to make that selection was siphoned from the NSA by these private intelligence companies.

“This is the biggest and boldest move toward the ultimate surveillance state ever made, and it’s near completion,” Weaver says, noting that in order to effectively micromanage the surveillance and manipulation of the global population, the technology must be integrated with AI and the Internet of Things, and that is already underway.

Part of the plan is to automate policing using robots and other technologies. According to Weaver, this may be why there’s now such a strong push to defund police departments across the U.S. This would allow the shadow government players to directly benefit by offering up new AI technologies to take over police functions.

Again, I hope you take the time to watch “Shadowgate.” Then, if you haven’t done so already, listen to my interview with Patrick Wood, featured in “The Pressing Dangers of Technocracy.” It’s really crucial for everyone to start wrapping their minds around what’s happening, and what’s in store for us if we don’t fight back and demand the restoration of privacy, both online and off.

Time to Break the IIA Programming

The good news is, there’s still time to break the IIA programming. How do we do it? First, by rejecting and abandoning the surveillance state’s primary data collection centers — Google and Facebook. Both have tremendous, hidden surveillance powers, act as censoring agencies for the technocratic cabal, and have the power to manipulate public opinion en masse.

For example, Robert Epstein, Ph.D., has demonstrated that Google has the ability to shift voting preferences among undecided voters by a whopping 48% to 63%, and the power to determine 25% of global elections. What’s more, this manipulation is entirely undetectable and untraceable. Epstein is now working to make Google’s manipulations transparent, through an organization called Feed the Watchdogs.

They have more than 13,000 watchdogs who monitor Big Tech for election bias 24/7 by collecting the ephemeral data that Google and other Big Tech companies are sending out to manipulate voters. You can help in this indispensable work by making a one-time or recurrent donation. For just $25, you can sponsor one month of data collecting.

At the time of this writing, Feed the Watchdogs had captured nearly 80,000 pages sent by Google, Facebook, YouTube and others to manipulate Americans. As their tactics become provable and more well-known, they’ll have little choice but to quit. Of course, I believe the best strategy is to ditch them all before then.

Say Goodbye to Google

Quitting Facebook is a simple enough affair. Just cancel your account. Evading Google, however, can be a bit more complicated, as their products span a wide range of products. For a comprehensive purge, be sure to eliminate all of the following:

Google Chrome browser — Uninstall Google Chrome and use Brave or Opera instead. Everything you do on Chrome is surveilled, including keystrokes and every webpage you’ve ever visited. Brave is a great alternative that takes privacy seriously.
Google search engine — Stop using Google search engines or any extension of Google, such as Bing or Yahoo, both of which draw search results from Google. Instead, use a default search engine that offers privacy, such as Presearch, Startpage, DuckDuckGo, Qwant and many others.
Gmail — Close your Gmail account and switch to a secure email service like ProtonMail. If you have children, don’t transfer their student Google account into a personal account once they’re out of school.
Google Docs — Ditch Google Docs and use another alternative such as Zoho Office, Etherpad, CryptPad, OnlyOffice or Nuclino, all of which are recommended by NordVPN.5
Google apps — Delete all Google apps from your phone and purge Google hardware. Better yet, get a de-Googled phone. Several companies now offer them, including Above Phone.
Avoid websites that use Google Analytics — To do that, you’ll need to check the website’s privacy policy and search for “Google.” Websites are required to disclose if they use a third-party surveillance tool. If they use Google Analytics, ask them to switch!
Google Home — Don’t use Google Home devices in your house or apartment. These devices record everything that occurs in your home, both speech and sounds such as brushing your teeth and boiling water, even when they appear to be inactive, and send that information back to Google. The same goes for Google’s home thermostat Nest and Amazon’s Alexa.
Android cell phones — Don’t use an Android cellphone, as it’s owned by Google.
Siri — Ditch Siri, which draws all its answers from Google.
Fitbit — Don’t use Fitbit, as it has been purchased by Google and will provide them with all your physiological information and activity levels, in addition to everything else that Google already has on you.

Additional tips to protect your privacy are included in the following graphic, such as making sure you’re using a secure messaging system and virtual private network (VPN) for your web searches.

Building a Whole-of-Society Solution

In addition to getting yourself (and as many of your friends and family as possible) off Google and Facebook, we also need to build a society that values freedom above all.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, misinformation online is a whole-of-society problem that requires a whole-of-society solution. By that, they mean that four types of institutions must fuse together as a seamless whole:

  1. Government institutions, which provide funding and coordination.
  2. Private sector institutions that do the censorship and dedicate funds to censorship through corporate-social responsibility programs.
  3. Civil society institutions (universities, NGOs, academia, foundations, nonprofits and activists) that do the research, the spying and collecting of data that are then given to the private sector to censor.
  4. News media/fact checking institutions, which put pressure on institutions, platforms and businesses to comply with the censorship demands.

To effectively combat the globalist technocrats’ takeover, we need to do the same. Here, an organization called Foundation for Freedom Online (FFO) comes to the rescue.

FFO educates people about this structure, and the ways in which legislatures and the government can be restructured, how civil society institutions can be established, and how news media can be created to support and promote freedom rather than censorship. To learn how you can be part of the solution, check out foundationforfreedomonline.com.

I firmly believe that we can turn this situation around, if for no other reason than the fact that there are some eight billion of us who want freedom, while those who seek to enslave us number in the thousands, or tens of thousands at the most. Either way, they’re clearly outnumbered.

But we need to spread the word, and help our friends and family understand how important our decisions are. We either support the network that seeks to take our freedom, or the network that seeks to protect it.

The Power of Choice

Lastly, I encourage you to seek Joy. At the end of the day, that’s what life is all about. It’s all too easy to fall into the trap of feeling like the sky is falling. What we’re facing is serious, yes. But we can overcome it. And, I believe that Joy-seeking may be a crucial component to winning.

Why? Because when you focus on what brings you Joy, everything else falls into place. New ideas arise. New solutions. And that’s precisely what we need. We need a world full of joyful, inspired people who are living their dreams, and in so doing, end up bringing new solutions to the world.

Sources and References



EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: Bill Maher Might Get Ousted From The Liberal World For What He Said About Israel

Some straight talk. Do people really care about the Arab refugees in Gaza? If so, which people? 

Do other Arab countries really care about the Arabs in Gaza? Does Hamas or the kleptocracy called the Palestinian Authority care about the Arabs in Gaza?

There is only one group of people who truly care about the Arabs in Gaza – they are the soldiers of the Israel Defense Forces who are risking their lives to destroy the Hamas terror organization.

Can that really be the case? The very soldiers who are accused of committing genocide are actually liberating the Arabs in Gaza? That sounds absurd. Well, the lies and accusations peddled by most of the mass media are indeed patently absurd and that is why the truth seems to be the polar opposite of reality. Let’s take a closer look.

Imagine if you lived in a neighborhood where your elected political and security officials began tunneling under your apartment building and forcing you to ignore everything going on under your building. If you were to raise your voice in protest, you would be killed on the spot. So, you go along with it unhappily, knowing good and well, that the tunnels will be used to transport weapons and store missile launchers that will create a haven for terror. You know in your heart, that the digging under your building will lead to the digging of your grave when the inevitable response to missiles being launched from under your building will be a massive bombardment. Your are stuck and basically have no choice except to leave. But neighboring countries have closed their doors to you. This is the situation for a small, but not insignificant number of Arabs in Gaza. They truly should be helped. Their only hope is to be freed by the Israel Defense Forces as nobody else truly cares about them.

However, the vast majority of the Arabs in Gaza helped build the tunnels, supported the terror state build up and pray several times of day fervently for the destruction of the entire State of Israel and the Jewish people as a whole. They value their own lives less than they value killing Jews. It is hard to understand for most Western educated people. But the education of the majority of Arabs in Gaza did not include the enlightenment, the Bill of Rights, and concepts such as freedom of religion and press. The entire frame of reference is one of a Holy War, a jihad – not one of rights and privileges.

The most basic premise when analyzing Israel’s present reality is to realize that Israel has been fighting against its destruction from its very first day 75 years ago until today. There is no margin of error that allows Israel to take risks. The stakes are too high. All high-minded people who truly care about the poor Arab refugees should learn from Israel how to properly deal with an impossible problem and retain moral clarity in a world that is increasingly morally confused and filled with hypocrisy.

EDITORS NOTE: This column by Avi Abelow, Pulse of Israel is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: EXPOSED — How Biden Is Flying Illegal Immigrants Into Your City

Sara Carter in an email wrote,

It’s bad enough that the Biden administration refuses to secure our border and is allowing millions of people into the U.S. despite knowing almost nothing about most of them. We see the impact in big cities and small towns across the nation. Do you see it where you live?

Well, apparently Biden is not content only to welcome millions of illegals coming by foot. He’s also flying hundreds of thousands of them into the country – at least 320,000 last year alone.

Infuriatingly, this is all currently legal. In early 2023, Biden announced unilateral policy changes that allow 30,000 people per month to apply for asylum from a smartphone app. But as a Freedom of Information request from the Center for Immigration Studies confirms, the applicants had no legal justification for entering the nation.

It doesn’t end there. Despite the Freedom of Information request, the government still refuses to reveal the 43 different airports to which they secretly flew these migrants in the United States.

Sara sees this all the time. Every time she’s at the airport in Texas, Chicago, and almost any other city, she sees illegals and their manila envelopes trying to figure out how to get to their destinations. Today, she explains exactly what Biden is doing, how it works, and how it impacts you.

We are being invaded. The invasion is aided and abetted by our government. And the American people need to take their government back before it’s too late.

©2024. The Sara Carter Show. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: CBP: 5 Separate Human Smuggling Attempts Stopped At U.S. Port Of Entry In Less Than 48 Hours.


Deep State PLOT to REMOVE TRUMP Happening NOW

Profound words from a California Sheriff

WATCH: Major George R. Jordan’s Diaries on Communist Subversion of the United States During WWII

This is an astonishing document.

As far as I know, only two people were jailed and for a very, very long time for assisting the Soviets to get the nuclear bomb.

Yet listening to Major Jordan, it should have been a goodly part of Washington, D.C.

Having read part of the Whittaker Chambers book, Witness, this video makes an excellent companion to his document about the nature of communism in that era, and how penetrated the U.S., and clearly Canada was at the time.

WATCH: Major George R. Jordan’s Diaries on Communist Subversion of the United States During WWII

About Major George Racey Jordan

George Racey Jordan (January 4, 1898 – May 5, 1966) was an American military officer, businessman, lecturer, activist, and author. He first gained nationwide attention in December 1949 when he testified to the United States Congress about wartime Lend-Lease deliveries to the Soviet Union, in the process implicating Harry Hopkins and other high officials in the transfer of nuclear and other secrets to the USSR.

Jordan’s three ledgers were of importance to the FBI in mapping Soviet wartime activities in the United States. They are also often quoted by researchers investigating the loss of atomic secrets to the USSR. In particular, Richard Rhodes used Jordan’s book in his history of the H-bomb. Whatever Jordan’s later political activism, he gave a detailed and revealing personal account of how Soviet Lend-lease worked in practice during 1943–44. While the Hopkins notes are disputed in detail, Jordan’s account of Hopkins’s numerous direct interventions for the USSR match contemporary accounts.

In 1956, Jordan settled a libel suit against NBC for “a substantial amount” after the network falsely reported that Congressional investigators had “discredited Jordan’s charges.” Rather, Jordan’s testimony was dismissed out-of-hand by liberal voices at the time, and later discounted in part due to his association with right-wing causes, his unwelcome implication of high-ranking officials, and his own career of limited breadth and narrow distinction.

The New York Times, in reviewing Jordan’s first book, provided a snapshot of the author hereby: “What emerges in the way of self-portrait is an earnest, conscientious, deeply patriotic and limited man – a World War I “retread,” as he wryly calls himself – who has got mixed up in an argument whose end is not in sight.”

RELATED VIDEO: G. Edward Griffin: Meet Major George R. Jordan, State Department Whistleblower


EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column posted by Eeyore is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.