VIDEO: Steve Bannon Responds to Merkel’s Lies and the Pope’s Fantasies

Below, a former retired head of Mossad on the AfD, from a man considered a legend in Israel.

Multiculturalism Makes its Mark Everywhere Now! [Video & Links]

1. A single 13 year old was charged in the ‘Lord of the Flies like’ attack on a Canadian playground.

The excuses in the CBC video are pretty pathetic. But it is CBC. They must direct people away from the truth.

2. Police Celebrate End of May: ‘Her Legacy One of Misery’, ‘Country Less Safe’, ‘Officers Will Shed No Tears’

Police officers across the country are celebrating Theresa May’s resignation, having been thoroughly alienated by the Prime Minister in her previous role as Home Secretary under David Cameron.

Theresa May presided over massive cuts to police budgets and manpower during her tenure, and made “taking on” the Police Federation which represents rank and file officers up to Chief Inspector one of her signature stances — although she seemingly enjoyed a more collegial relationship with politically correct senior officers, such as Metropolitan Police chief Cressida Dick.

As Home Secretary, Mrs May attended Police Federation conferences and publicly berateddelegates for “crying wolf” and “scaremongering” when they claimed the cuts — abetted by the left-wing Liberal Democrats, who were in a coalition government with the Tories until 2015 — would destroy neighbourhood policing and lead to the adoption of a “paramilitary style” of policing.

3. CBC’s ‘Tout Le Monde En Parle’ Suspended From Twitter For ‘Glorifying Terrorism’ After Disgraceful Omar Khadr Segment

(Just the opening of the show, where Khadr walks out onto the stage to tumultuous applause was enough to give you gall stones. Im glad that some tiny measure of justice appears to have come their way surprisingly from Twitter of all places. Chances are it won’t stick though. But as Spencer says, this is just one more reason that the CBC MUST be defunded,)

The Post Millennial is reporting that ‘Tout le Monde en Parle,’ the taxpayer funded French-language CBC program that hosted Omar Khadr and gave him a sickeningly fawning reception, has been suspended from Twitter.

The suspension is listed as being for ‘glorifying terrorism’:

“According to the official Radio-Canada website a disgruntled user took credit for the account suspension claiming the program was “glorifying terrorism” and that it was a “terror apologist”.

Khadr, who was convicted of being responsible for the death of U.S. Army Sergeant Christopher Speer, entered the program’s studio to general applause before being interviewed by the TV show’s host Guy A. Lepage.”

(Glorifying terrorism puts it perfectly)

4. More on the children who attacked a woman with rocks, fists and feet because she asked them to stop throwing rocks at others.

5. Anne Marie Waters banned on Twitter:

Anne Marie Waters has been banned from Twitter, no doubt because she is a vocal critic of Islam as an ideology, sharia law and a particular demographic of the Muslim population.

Such views are incompatible with far-left apologists, and as a result, they have campaigned with all their might to get her removed.

Anne Marie is on the “far-left hit list” of groups like Resisting Hate, who aim to “take down” who they perceive as being “high profile haters” with large social media followings.

That is the Modus-Operandi of the far-left; they silence voices and opinions that run counter to their own political and cultural world view. They perfectly personify the true meaning of Fascism.

6. Stephen Harper (The last Canadian Prime Minister) on Prager U. covering all the points on why one should support Israel.

7. France: Over 250 Convicted Islamic Terrorists Set for Prison Release by 2022

French justice minister Nicole Belloubet has announced details of a new national anti-terrorist office to deal with threats including 254 convicted Islamic terrorists set for release from various prisons by 2022.

Created earlier this year, the National Anti-Terrorist Prosecutor’s Office (PNAT) is expected to begin its formal operations on July 1st and one of its most important operations, according to Ms Belloubet, will be the tracking of convicted Islamic terrorists who have been released from prison, Le Mondereports.

Belloubet said that currently there are 510 individuals being held in French prisons following convictions for Islamist terrorism, but around half — 254 — will likely be released by 2022.

Along with the 510 convicted of terrorism, Belloubet said that she believed there to be another 943 prisoners who were convicted of other offences and radicalised in prison.

To deal with radicalisation, the minister said that the government had developed 1,500 or so cells in blocks where radicalisation could be assessed, and a further 600 cells would be developed to deradicalise extremists.

8. Germany: Police Raids on Iraqi Criminal Network Span 11 Cities

Nearly a thousand police officers took part in raids across 11 German cities this week, targeting an Iraqi organised crime syndicate.

Some 800 police officers searched 49 venues across North Rhine-Westphalia. Most of the 34 arrested suspects were of either Iraqi or Syrian origin or were German citizens with a migration background, according to a report from Austrian tabloid Kronen Zeitung.

The group that was the focus of the raid, named Al-Salam-313, is not very well-known publicly, but has become a part of the biker gang scene in recent years. According to North Rhine-Westphalia Minister of the Interior Herbert Reul, police have become very familiar with the gang.

(This is what multiculturalism looks like)

Thank you, Richard, M., Wrath of Khan, EB., ML., Dymphna Gates, Coram Deo, and all who sent in important items which enriches and informs us all.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column is republished with permission.

VIDEO: Even Orwell didn’t anticipate the State Sanctioning the Mass Rape & Sex-slavery of its Children

Last night a few people sent in a link of a video that was about the Labour government under Gordon Brown in the UK, having INSTRUCTED THE POLICE NOT TO INVESTIGATE the massive muslim RAPE GANGS in the UK.

Scratching my memory it was Richard and PePo I believe. Thank you to both and anyone else who sent it in.

Both links showed as “Video Unavailable” when I clicked the links.

So I will endeavour to post everything I can about the story here and in future posts.

In other news, Theresa May promises to step down at some point in the future, much like she promised BREXIT I suppose.

More to be posted on this.

Anyone even vaguely interested in knowing the facts behind this crime of all time, should buy and read the book, Easy Meat, on

Addendum: Some new-normal, Orwellian reporting on an unspecified event where 2 non-specific people are under arrest for something.

Sheffield major incident: Two boys dead as streets cordoned off – police on scene

Two boys, aged 14 and 13, were confirmed dead by South Yorkshire Police, while four children between the ages of seven months and 11-years-old remain in hospital. The cause of death has not been established but two people have been arrested on suspicion of murder.

Emergency services were called to an incident near Hartley Brook Primary Academy in Sheffield at 7.30am this morning. 

Four ambulances and 15 police cars attended the scene, while an air ambulance landed on the school playground. There is a large police cordon in place. 

The incident happened at a property in Gregg House Road in the Shiregreen area in Sheffield. It is believed the property is around 100 metres from the school. 

Officers said that the incident is an isolated one and is no longer live. They also confirmed that family have been informed and are being supported by specially trained officers. 

In summary, 2 people are arrested for an event at a school which killed two boys.


H/T Wrath off Khan

Reddit list of removed rape gangs in the UK:

H/T NorseRadish

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column is republished with permission.

VIDEOS: On Media Bias — May 2019

1. Tim Poole video on India’s non-leftist win

2. Another good reason why the UN has got to go the way of The League of Nations or MySpace or Debbie Gibson.

GENEVA, May 22, 2019 — The annual assembly of the UN’s World Health Organization today voted 96 to 11 for a resolution, co-sponsored by the Arab bloc and the Palestinian delegation, that singled out Israel over “Health conditions in the occupied Palestinian territory, including east Jerusalem, and in the occupied Syrian Golan.”

Hillel Neuer, Executive Director of UN Watch, condemned the delegates’ abuse of the UN body as a forum to target Israel.

“Out of 21 items on the meeting’s Agenda, only one—Item No. 14 against Israel—focused on a specific country. There was no agenda item or resolution on any other country, including Syria, where hospitals and medical infrastructure have suffered devastating bombings by Syrian and Russian forces; Yemen, where 19.7 million people lack access to health care service due to the current crisis; or Venezuela, where the health system has collapsed, causing millions to flee the country,” said Neuer.

“Today’s resolution is a fantastic lie. The UN reached new heights of absurdity by enacting a resolution which accuses Israel of violating the health rights of Syrians in the Golan, even as in reality Israeli hospitals provide life-saving treatment to Syrians fleeing to the Golan from the Assad regime’s barbaric attacks,” he said.

3. South Africa Farm Attack:

4. Paul Weston on British Police bowing to Islam

5. Channel4 attack on Western, Judeo-Christian think tank

More to come soon.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column is republished with permission.

PODCAST: Crazy subsidies of $7,500 per electric car! Trump says no deal to Nancy after her ‘cover up’ accusation!


Phil Kerpen, Founder and President of American Commitment. Prior to joining American Commitment, Kerpen was the principal policy and legislative strategist at Americans for Prosperity. He previously worked at the Free Enterprise Fund, the Club for Growth, and the Cato Institute. Kerpen is also a nationally syndicated columnist, chairman of the Internet Freedom Coalition, and author of the book Democracy Denied. How Obama is Ignoring You and Bypassing Congress to Radically Transform America. TOPIC…Crazy subsidies!! $7,500 per car that electric vehicles!! 

Sandy Rios is Director of Governmental Affairs for the American Family Association, one of America’s largest, pro-family grassroots organizations. Based in Washington, DC, she is host of “Sandy Rios in the Morning on AFR Talk” which can be heard on nearly 200 stations through the American Family Radio Network. TOPIC…Trump saying no deal to Nancy! after her “Cover Up” accusation!!

VIDEO: Al Jazeera+ Anti-Semitism REVEALED

Qatari propaganda outlet Al Jazeera and their trendy AJ+ Arabic platform showed their true face this week.

In a seven-minute video released across AJ+’s social media, a young woman narrates some shocking views on the Holocaust. She suggests the number of Jews killed has been exaggerated, that Israel was the “greatest beneficiary” of the tragedy and that the Jewish State uses the Holocaust as justification for the “annihilation of Palestinians.”

Al Jazeera retracted the video and announced that the makers of the video were to be suspended, but by this point, the damage was done. The video had already been disseminated and viewed over a million times.

Canary Mission has dug beneath the surface and found that the anti-Semitism at Al Jazeera and AJ+ goes far beyond the makers of this one video.

In our compelling NEW VIDEO, we reveal the personal tweets and posts of Al Jazeera and AJ+ staff.

Al Jazeera staff preach principles of human rights and social justice, while their personal social media accounts show disdain for Jews and Israel. It will leave you wondering:

Was their Holocaust-denying video an isolated incident or is anti-Semitism a systemic issue?

Noor Harazeen indicates on her LinkedIn that she is a “Filmmaker for AJ+.” She has calledfor violence, glorified the terror organization Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), shown supportfor Hamas and expressed support for terrorists.

Amr Kawji states on Twitter that he is a “Video Editor and sometimes Producer at AJ+.” He has spread anti-Semitism, defended the terror organization Hezbollah and expressed support for terrorists. On March 2, 2014, Kawji tweeted: “The yahood [Jews] run the #oscars.”

Sana Saeed indicates on her LinkedIn that she is a Host/Senior Producer at Al Jazeera+ (AJ+). She has expressed support for Hamaspromoted terrorists, spread anti-Israel conspiracy theories and defended violent anti-Israel agitators. On January 18, 2015, Saeed tweeted: “Israel & Al Qaeda are likely coordinating with one another. Yeah. Imma pull a white girl and just can’t even.”

Dima Khatib indicates on her LinkedIn that she is the managing director of AJ+. She has spread anti-Semitic conspiracy theories, defended Hamas and Hezbollahglorifiedterrorists and demonized Israel. On December 18, 2010, Khatib tweeted: “Behind US support for Israel there is a huge Zionist lobby with economic and media power.”

Danna Fakhoury indicates on her LinkedInthat she is a “social content producer” at AJ+. She has spread hatred of Israel, equatedZionism with Nazism and expressed supportfor BDS on social media. On March 8, 2013, Fakhoury tweeted: “Zionism is hate. Zionism is evil. Zionism is the modern day Nazism. don’t be fooled. the tide is turning.”

Omar Duwaji indicates on his LinkedIn that he is a producer at AJ+. He has glorified a terrorist, demonized Israel and spread a conspiracy theory, on social media. On September 8, 2013, Duwaji tweeted: “REPORT: Hitler may not have authorized systemic murder of Jews during Holocaust.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column and video is republished with permission.

FLORIDA: Muslim Candidate Andy Imtiaz Says “America Runs on Hate” [Video]

Meet Andy Imtiaz, the Pakistani-American who believes “America runs on hate.” Also going by the name Imtiaz Ahmad Mohammed, the Asian Times CEO and business owner of 18 salons stands by an inflammatory series of statements against the United States.

Mohammad has been in the U.S. since 1991. He says he was motivated to run for office because of what he sees as a huge gap between Muslim communities and political engagement, a gap he sees as the root cause of current problems within the American Muslim community.

He ran in August 2018 for the Florida House of Representatives, District 97, but was defeated in the primary.

Mohammad is the founder of the American Muslim Progressive Caucus. According to a flyer that he posted to Facebook, AMPC’s mission is to build a progressive Muslim community. Further, the flyer stated:

Every American Muslim must register to vote and engage with American Political System to promote equality and Justice. Elect diverse candidates for the offices who respect all communities. VISION

We envision of future where Islam is understood as a source of dignity, justice, compassion and love for all humanity and the word.

Yet, Facebook posts from close to two years ago show Mohammad posing with sharia-apologist and Islamist agitator Linda Sarsour, as well as advertising event of ICNA (Islamic Circle of North America, a known Islamist organization). Sarsour was also one of the three speakers at that event.

In a candid interview for a Muslim audience, Mohammad sounds very much like a patriot at select points, which paints him as a complex candidate running for office.

Mohammad is critical of social champions and religious champions, while (as he says in the interview above) “we’re missing the most important part of civic engagement.” According to Mohammad, this is due to a lack of engagement in society and that lack of engagement leads to a blame game and increased victimhood. He says,

“I’m not running to win or lose. My goal is to be an example for all people … A Muslim candidate on the ballot …

Most people have moved to this country for the betterment of their life. Most organizations are in the United States. How many mosques do we have? How many social institutions do we have?” 

However, as he continues to elaborate, these movements don’t have a greater impact on the Muslim community. Civic service, he believes, is a solution to that feeling of disengagement between American Muslims and the larger American society.

Mohammad’s select comments are inflammatory, but he’s certainly a candidate worth watching for how he’s shifting the narrative.


A Response to CNN’s 25 Influential American Muslims List

Calls to Expel Florida Student Protesting World Hijab Day

An Open Letter to an American-Muslim Leader

EDITORS NOTE: This Clarion Project column is republished with permission.

VIDEO: I Don’t Do Cover-Ups

The Deep State and the Democrats are in complete panic mode as Pelosi pulls a trigger and ignites a bomb in a war of words stating that the President is covering up the Russia probe. In addition to that, they have invoked the “I” word as President Trump indicated, that being, impeachment. Here’s my take on this and it’s short and sweet.

Team Trump is narrowing in on them and they know that their covers, firewalls and insurance policies have blown up in their faces. Trump has laid all the traps and they are being drawn into them. The stage is being set for the checkmate.

Hang in there fellow patriots, hang in there. There will be NO impeachment and Trump has nothing to cover up. The whole damn thing was a hoax. The Deep State, and the Dems are in full scale panic mode gasping for their last breath as the de-class is underway. They are all going down. Think it’s intense now? Watch what happens over the coming weeks and months. We are with you President Trump. The people are with you 100%.

PODCAST: Left and Democrats want to make America Socialist rather than Great!


Tom Del Beccaro, author, speaker, Fox News, Fox Business & Epoch Times and the former Chairman of the California Republican Party. Tom is author of the historical perspectives The Divided Era and The New Conservative Paradigm and is publisher of, where he publishes daily commentaries. As a frequent talk radio and television commentator, he has appeared across the Country on TV and Radio Shows, including Fox & Friends, Fox Business News, and the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal.

Joshua Macias, Navy Veteran, is an expert in business systems and Veteran housing, with over four generations of family involved in real estate.

In addition to 16 years of grassroots, faith-based, and nonprofit service, Joshua founded Vets For Trump in 2016 to insure the Veteran Voice was heard. In fighting the homeless housing crisis Joshua’s contributions started by volunteering as a Project Manager with the 2011 Virginia Beach Extreme Home Makeover project. Continuing as Co-Founder of Veterans Homefront whose team was honored as a key instrument in the 100 day governor challenge in 2014.

TODAY’S TOPIC: Left and Democrats want to make America Socialist rather than Great!


VIDEO: Dallas Diocese Raided by State Investigators

DALLAS ( – The Dallas diocese — long wracked by clerical sex abuse scandals — was raided by Dallas police officers wielding a 42-page search warrant at 7:30 a.m. Wednesday.

Police investigators conducted searches of three facilities, including a warehouse, St. Cecilia’s parish and the diocese’s headquarters. The warrant became necessary, said Dallas Special Investigations Division Major Max Geron, because of perceptions the diocese was withholding information critical to their outside investigation.

The police investigation was prompted by an affidavit from last August in which credible accusations of sexual abuse were leveled against Fr. Edmundo Paredes, the pastor at St. Cecilia Catholic Church in the Dallas diocese city of Oak Cliff.

According to the affidavit, Paredes allegedly molested at least three boys in the 1990s. Paredes is also accused of stealing from the parish. Paredes’ location has been unknown since last August, but some sources say he may have returned to his native home in the Philippines.

Thirty-one men appeared on a list of priests credibly accused of sexual molestation in the diocese since 1950 that was publicly issued by the diocese last January. However, Dallas police said they weren’t allowed to coordinate their efforts with the investigation team hired by the diocese, leading Dallas detectives to conclude that the diocese wasn’t fully cooperative.

Detectives are also seeking information related to five other priests suspected of sexually abusing minors, said Geron in a Wednesday afternoon press conference.

As reported by The Dallas Morning News:

The affidavit says Parades “groomed him by taking him and other altar servers out to eat between masses and bought them things.” But in 1994, when the victim was a juvenile, the sexual assaults begin: The victim told police “Parades touched him on his genitals and Parades placed his mouth on [his] genitals.”

Police interviewed several parishioners, officer staff members and priests, all of whom corroborated that Paredes brought “several juveniles” into the rectory during evenings and weekends. The affidavit says, too, that “some office staff members met with now-retired Chancellor Edlund, in 2006, regarding their concerns over Parades having juveniles inside the church offices and inside his residence.”

Church Militant will offer updates as news continues to break on this story.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant column with videos is republished with permission.

PODCAST: Should Incarcerated Prisoners & Terrorists Vote?

The short answer is simple, No. Let us not forget that in the beginning of our Republic, only land owners could vote in elections. The premise here was that only RESPONSIBLE people should vote as they would do what was best for the country overall. This was expanded over the years to all citizens, including former slaves, women, and younger people (when the voting age was lowered to 18 in 1972). Nonetheless, it was assumed these people would vote RESPONSIBLY, but this hasn’t proven to be the case as we have a relatively poor turnout during elections, and many of those who vote are misinformed about history, current events, and how our government works.

Then along comes radical socialists like presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders who, in a recent CNN Town Hall meeting, insists convicted prisoners and terrorists, like the Boston Marathon bomber, should have the right to vote from prison. He said, “Yes, even for terrible people, because once you start chipping away and you say, ‘Well, that guy committed a terrible crime, not going to let him vote. Well, that person did that. Not going to let that person vote,’ you’re running down a slippery slope.”

The fact people are incarcerated means they are a danger to society and, as such, forfeits their rights, such as freedom, owning a gun, and, Yes, voting. Consider this, will the imprisoned terrorist or prisoner vote as RESPONSIBLY as the hard working person who pays taxes, obeys the law, and supports his/her family, not to mention their community? Come on, honestly, who would vote with the best interests of the community and country in mind? It’s a no-brainer.

Let’s be clear about something, if a person has served his/her time and is released free and clear (no probation or supervision), then I personally see no problem returning to society and allowed to vote.

Are the Democrats so desperate for votes, they would give convicts and terrorists the same voting privileges as everyone else? Unfortunately, Yes. In fact, their ultimate voting scenario would be to allow illegal immigrants to vote, prisoners to vote, and 16 year olds to vote. What’s next, voters who have died but somehow manage to mysteriously cast votes? Oh, yea, that’s already been done. Sorry. All of this is designed to rig elections, not to do what is fair and RESPONSIBLE for the country.

From my perspective, we already have too many IRRESPONSIBLE voters, people who couldn’t pass a simple civics test if their life depended on it. I am still convinced people should pass such a test to be allowed to vote. (It wouldn’t hurt if they were land owners as well.)

So, should incarcerated terrorists and convicted prisoners be allowed to vote? Of course not. We all know it is a silly question. Only someone wanting to undermine our country would insist on it.

Keep the Faith!

EDITORS NOTE: This Bryce is Right podcast is republished with permission. All trademarks both marked and unmarked belong to their respective companies.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Bullying From the Left


So as many of you know, Church Militant was in Philadelphia last Friday to cover the pro-life response to the bullying of young girls and old women by Pennsylvania state lawmaker Brian Sims.

The event was a smashing success. Over a thousand enthusiastic, prayerful and determined pro-lifers showed up to say we aren’t going to take it anymore. Before the event, we were wondering if this was going to be a watershed-type moment for the pro-life movement.

But not just the pro-life movement, the whole socially, politically and theologically conservative world in the U.S. culture.

Ever since the rise of Barack Obama, these people have been on their heels, being accused of being bigots and haters and racists — of being white supremacists and toxic males and Nazis and heirs of white privilege and every other imaginable distortion of reality you could come up with.

Obama himself coalesced all this, drew together all these various camps into a political force meant to completely overhaul and re-fashion America.

All you have to do is just recall some telling lines — dog whistles, as the Left likes to say — to his group of racist, bigoted, anti-Christian followers who are legion.

Remember, “We are the change we have been waiting for.”

Again, “America is no longer a Christian nation.”

And of course, “They cling to guns or religion.”

Why the Left hates white males so much is because of what this particular demographic represents, and that is simply an America where Christian morality is the norm — no murdering of children in the name of women’s rights, no sanctioning of sodomy in the name of LGBT rights, no absence of borders in the name of illegal immigrants’ rights.

Those so-called rights do not exist either in natural law or moral law.

But they have been created out of thin air in legislative law which has been accomplished through lies and media propaganda and intimidation — yes, intimidation. It’s this point that makes the Friday Philly rally so incredibly important.

It was put together very last minute simply through social media messaging from Lila Rose of Live Action; Abby Johnson, former Planned Parenthood director; and Matt Walsh, a leading Catholic voice in the world of social media.

For a thousand people to simply show up at the drop of a hat, and Church Militant to scramble resources on very little notice, says a lot about how all this was viewed in anticipation.

Quick aside: Shout out and thank you to the private donors who made Church Militant’s trip on very short notice possible — high airfares, costly lodging and all that; thank you.

There was an air at the rally of this is it. This is an example of the type of bullying and being relegated to the back of the bus that we will not stand for anymore.

Planned Parenthood, the abortion industry giant, kills more children in America every year than any other child murdering outfit. And they have muscled their way into that position with lies — big, giant lies.

And they keep that position through lies and intimidation. For example, when we were shooting prior to the rally, getting footage of the setup, this Planned Parenthood death-scort tried to intimidate me.

I was inches away from their front gate and fence shooting and she told me I had to back away. I said, “Why? For what?” Then, of course, came the lie and intimidation.

She said, “You aren’t allowed to be here.” Straight up, I told her to shut up. I was on public property — the sidewalk — and could do whatever I pleased.

Then another pro-life woman piped up after hearing me and said yeah, “Exactly, they care about a gate more than a child.”

Anyone who has ever stood in front of these abortuaries knows the harassment, intimidation, lies and so forth that these killers inflict on pro-lifers.

They intimidate and lie on the outside to protect and deflect from butchery that goes on in the inside and in politicians like Obama and his crowd — which is the Democratic Party — they have found their champion.

Immoral, savage, killers who worship consequence-free sex, who will do anything to destroy Christian morality in America, including demonize an entire population. This is the real reason they have become completely deranged by the appearance of Donald Trump on the political stage.

Donald Trump’s version of America is one which rejects their new America, which isn’t really America at all.

He flat-out calls them out on their lies and domination of the media, of the culture and the political machinery through which they have perverted the nation.

And they hate his guts for it. But he tells them to go essentially “drop dead.” That America will be great again, meaning their view of America, as the killing fields of the abortion industry must be rejected.

That population which supports Trump’s vision of America has been intimidated and cowered by the elites for too long. And something was sparked in that community watching the off-the-hook-homosexual Brian Sims verbally beat up pro-life teenage girls and an elderly woman.

Many pro-lifers have personalities that are passive and appear to be meek and gentle and so forth. That reality has been exploited by the Left for too long. They have viewed us as doormats who will accept their bullying as part of “turning the other cheek” or whatever they imagine.

Friday said no way, not anymore. We are drawing a line in the sand. We are at war, and it is a battle to the death.

Friday in Philly launched a new phase of the movement — not just to take back the lives of children being dismembered, but to take back a nation being ripped apart by the evil of the Left.

Pray and fight; faith and good works.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission.

PODCAST: How Mulvaney Reformed the CFPB! Twitter Bans AOC Parody Site! The Cyber Bullies’ Moment!

How Mulvaney Reformed the CFPB!

Frank Vernuccio, editor-in-chief of the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, providing objective coverage of key issues facing the United States today. Frank is the co-host of the Vernuccio/Novak Report, nationally both on broadcast radio and the web at FRANK also co-hosts of the “The American Political Zone.

Twitter Bans AOC Parody Site!

Patrice Lee Onwuka, senior policy analyst at Independent Women’s Forum (IWF). Onwuka has worked in the advocacy and communications fields for more than a decade. Prior to joining IWF, Onwuka served as national spokeswoman and communications director at Generation Opportunity.

BRIAN SIMS, The Cyber Bullies’ Moment!

Robert Knight, Washington Times contributor. his experience includes editor and writer at the Los Angeles Times. A regular weekly columnist for the Washington Times, and Robert was a Media Fellow at the Hoover Institute. He held senior positions with the Heritage Foundation, Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, Media Research Center. His latest books are: A Strong Constitution: What Would America Look Like If We Followed the Law? and A Nation Worth Fighting For: 10 Steps to Restore Freedom

PODCAST: Michigan’s Muslim Mafia Calls the Shots

“CAIR and [its Executive Director] Dawud Walid are the new kingmakers in this part of Michigan and everyone knows it. If you incur Walid’s wrath by standing up for Christians against Muslims, you can kiss your political career goodbye.” – Leo Hohmann

Sterling Heights Mayor Michael Taylor, an ambitious GOP Marxist, is more than willing to side with the Muslim Brotherhood on mosque construction and throw Christians under the bus.  As well as break the law, by throwing out the current laws for zoning and planning in that location that the City Council followed in denying the build.  Mayor Taylor submitted to Islam and the lawfare that CAIR practices against anyone who challenges Islam’s refusal to live under state and local laws!  Islam can NOT live under current regulatory laws, followers can ONLY live under Sharia… and that means they will NOT assimilate, will NOT recognize the “law of the land”, and they WILL put fear into those that stand in their way!

“There is no political force like CAIR organized on behalf of Chaldean Catholics. And the media only gets its dander up in Michigan when a politician incurs the wrath of CAIR and the Muslims, so the decision for Taylor was likely an easy one: Side with the Muslims and keep the pathway cleared for future opportunities, whether they be in politics or business.”

Leo Hohmann has written about this and tells us where a current court case stands.  He’s written much about it and the latest article can be found here.

Also, consider ordering a signed copy of his book: Stealth Invasion by going here.

Be sure to keep up with Leo’s reporting at his website here, and his Facebook page here.

RELATED ARTICLE: Sharia in the USA: Christians Jailed for Preaching to Muslims–Dearborn, MI Officials Sued

EDITORS NOTE: This TUW Media column with podcast is republished with permission. All rights reserved to the author.

Mark Levin Exposes the ‘Democrat Cabal’ Working to Overturn the 2016 Election on Hannity

In my column The Gang of Five and the Pseudo Impeachment of President Donald J. Trump I discussed those key figures in Congress working to undermine the Trump administration. I wrote about the Gang of Five stating:

Five powerful Congressional Chairmen and Chairwomen who control the Democratic Caucus, (3) from California ,(1) from New York and (1) from Maryland all from Democrat ‘safe’ Districts who received a total of approximately one million votes will decide whether to impeach and try to remove President Trump from office, a duly elected President that received approximately sixty three million votes.

The following are the votes counts for these five Congressmen and Congresswomen:

Pelosi 275,000 votes
Cummings 202,000 votes
Shiff 196,000 votes
Walters 152,000 votes
Nadler 192,000 vote

President Trump’s 63,000,000 voters could be disenfranchised by five powerful Democratic Congressmen and Congresswomen. Even if they are unable to convict the President they could bring the wheels of government to a halt. Their threats and spurious investigations have to a great extent already done this.

Mark Levin has the same view about what is really happening.

Sean Hannity talked to Mark Levin on Fox News on May 9 2019. Levin calls for a special council and that grand juries be impaneled to investigate the “Democrat cabal” working to negate the 2016 election of President Donald J. Trump.

Wall Street Journal in a column titled “The Pseudo-Impeachment” wrote:

Democrats hold show trials rather than vote to oust the President.

House Democrats are escalating their campaign against the Trump Administration with complaints that its resistance to Congressional requests for documents is a threat to democracy. It’s more accurate to say that Democrats are performing what amounts to a pseudo-impeachment so they don’t have to undertake a real one.

Democrats are agonizing over impeachment because while they’re itching to do it, special counsel Robert Mueller’s report blew up their Russian collusion hopes. He also took no position on obstruction of justice while reporting a highly critical “analysis” of President Trump’s actions. Democrats now find themselves caught between a left-wing base that says they’ll abdicate their duty if they don’t impeach and Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s cold-blooded calculation that it could cost their majority in 2020.

What to do? Democrats have decided to act out a pseudo-impeachment that claims Mr. Trump and his Administration are committing offenses against the Constitution without daring to open a formal impeachment inquiry. The split-level goal is to appease the left while sparing the swing-district Democrats who delivered the 2018 majority from ever having to vote on articles of impeachment.

Read more.

It appears Mark Levin and I are on the same sheet of music.