Merkel: German government “will and must oppose extreme speech. Otherwise our society will no longer be free.”

Does this mean that the German government will forcibly silence opposition to jihad mass murder, Sharia oppression of women, and mass Muslim migration into Europe? You can bet on it.

“STUNNING! Globalist Angela Merkel to German Parliament: We Have to Take Away your Freedom of Speech or We Won’t Be Free,” by Jim Hoft, Gateway Pundit, November 28, 2019:

Chancellor Angela Merkel delivered an emotional speech to the German Budestag this week on the need for limiting freedom of speech.

Merkel is the current globalist leader on the international stage.

Merkel argued that the government must take away freedom of speech to save freedom of speech, or something.

Angela Merkel: For those who claim they can no longer express their opinion, I say this to them: If you express and pronounced opinion, you must live with the fact that you will be contradicted. Expressing an opinion does not come at zero cost. But freedom of expression has its limits. Those limits begin where hatred is spread. They begin where the dignity of other people is violated. This house will and must oppose extreme speech. Otherwise our society will no longer be the free society that it was.

Via Ezra Levant:


Germany: Muslim migrant rapes woman in car with police close by

As Muslim Is Arrested for NY Subway Plot, CAIR Demands Bloomberg Apologize for Counterterror Program

Jordan conducts military exercise simulating war with Israel

Two more muslim murderous terror attacks that we know of today

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

BREAKING: Video shows shots being fired at man with knife on London Bridge.

UPDATE: The latest on the Islamic Jihad attack at London Bridge.

From Vlad Tepes Blog:

This video is interesting. It seems to have someone yelling Allah Ackbar but there is a noticeable cut out in the audio file exactly where that is heard.


From the Daily Mail:

London Bridge killer, 28, was jailed for eight years in 2012 for plotting to BOMB the London Stock Exchange and build an Islamic terror training camp – but was RELEASED last year and had an ankle tag on when he stabbed two people to death yesterday

Scotland Yard has named the terrorist responsible for yesterday’s attack on London Bridge as 28-year-old Usman Khan. 

Anti-terror police have raided a house in Staffordshire area which was linked to Khan. 

Assistant Commissioner Neil Basu confirmed that a man and a woman had been killed in the attack. 

He confirmed Khan, who was from Stoke-on-Trent had a prior terrorism conviction and had been jailed for eight years in 2012. 

He was released on licence in December 2018 and was still wearing a monitoring tag. 

Imam of Peace @Imamofpeace posted the below comment and video:

Video shows shots being fired at man with knife on London Bridge. Man has been detained and police are dealing with multiple casualties. Major incident declared.

From Vlad Tepes Blog:

London Bridge is locking down, locking down, locking down, London Bridge is locking down cause muslims stabby oh!

A minute of UK TV with no information you can’t get from the videos above. Police shot a mass stabber at London Bridge, and where you might have seen him, he was blurred out.

Police running towards scene of mass stabbing.

BBC manages to say nothing at all except its a “major incident”. Shots were also fired.

BBC is the used car salesman equivalent of news services however.

Interestingly NO interviews with eye witnesses so we don’t know if there was an allah ackbar echoing through the area, or if he had the classic beard etc. Will keep watching. Chances are we won’t know until everyone already has it in the memory hole, or at least isn’t angry about it anymore and little danger of anyone actually doing anything.

Today, a British Medical student named Louis Duxbury was sentenced to eighteen months, a year and a half custody in a British prison for making a rant video when he thought that his girlfriend had been murdered in a terrorist attack in Westminster.

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RELATED ARTICLE: A Second Attack on Friday, This One In the Netherlands

RELATED VIDEO: Attack at the Hague in the Netherlands.

VIDEO: Worthy speech by Tucker Carlson

Posted by Eeyore

NOTE: Yucki sent in this link set up to start at minute 7:41.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEOS: President Trump and the 45 Fest in Sunrise, Florida

President Trump changed his residence from New York to Florida. He is now registered in the Sunshine State as a Republican voter.

Here are two videos of President Trump and the 45 Fest held in Sunrise, Florida.

Commentary on 45 Fest in Sunrise, FL. Hat tip to Kirk Elliot.

GOP video of Trump Rally in Sunrise Florida.

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PODCAST: The Impeachment Investigation — Middle Finger Politics — The Lie Of Socialism!


Congressman Paul Broun, M.D. A primary care physician. who represented the 10th Congressional District of Georgia. While serving in Congress, he was appointed to the House Homeland Security Committee, the House Committee on Natural Resources, and served as Chairman of the Investigations and Oversight Subcommittee for the House Science and Technology Committee.

TOPIC: The Impeachment Investigation

Frank Vernuccio serves as editor-in-chief of the New York Analysis of Policy & Government, providing objective coverage of key issues facing the United States today. Frank is the co-host of the Vernuccio/Novak Report, nationally both on broadcast radio and the web at FRANK also co-hosts of the “The American Political Zone,” Broadcast on cable in eastern Connecticut AND ON THE AUN-TV NETWORK.

TOPIC: Middle Finger Politics

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of Foundation for Economic Education, His writing/reporting has appeared in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, and Fox News. He previously served in editorial roles at The History Channel magazine, Intellectual Takeout, and Scout. He is an alumni of the Institute for Humane Studies journalism program, a former reporter for the Panama City News Herald, and served as an intern in the speechwriting department of George W. Bush.

TOPIC: Grocery Store Trip Exposed The Lie Of Socialism.

VIDEO: Invisible Hands — The Market Process

The essence of any economy is built on the production and exchange of goods and services. And one of the most important and effective ways we know to achieve the fulfillment of people’s wants and needs in any society is through the market process.


Why a Wealth Tax Can’t Solve Our Problems

Why the Pilgrims Abandoned Common Ownership for Private Property

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Avi Yemeni video on Hong Kong protestors.

Posted by Eeyore

I have been reluctant to post much on the HK protests because something didn’t seem at all right about how they were going. It didn’t make sense. This report however explains much of these anomalies better than most. Most reports in fact, seem to be amplifying Chinese government 5th column tactics and activities.

RELATED ARTICLE: Courts side with student unions on Ford’s fee opt-out plan

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Hong Kong Strong

While Americans sometimes take their democracy for granted, turnout shouldn’t be a problem in Hong Kong this Sunday. That’s when the region heads to the polls to choose their local leaders. Normally, foreign affairs reporter Gordon Chang pointed out, the district elections don’t attract very much attention. This time around, things are different. Five months into Hong Kong’s violent protests, the people want to be heard. And not just about their districts. About everything.Despite political banners in tatters and fears that Sunday’s elections will invite even more clashes with police, the people of Hong Kong plan to show up in force this weekend. “It’s is one of the few avenues we have left to express our voice,” said Lokman Tsui, a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong: “When you are continually and structurally being disenfranchised, you hold onto any right you have left.”

Thousands of miles away, American leaders are doing everything they can to give the locals more leverage. Led by congressmen like Chris Smith (R-N.J.), who’s been trying since 2014 to pass a bill just like it, the Hong Kong Rights and Democracy Act sailed through both chambers and is on its way to the president’s desk. What it does, Chris explained on “Washington Watch,” is lets China know that if they don’t support an autonomous Hong Kong, all of the special benefits and protections they currently enjoy will go away.

“When China got Hong Kong back from the U.K. they made solemn promises that Hong Kong would be autonomous–that human rights, as you and I understand [them]… would be enjoyed. [T]he basic law reads like our own Constitution. It’s just in the Bill of Rights. It is wonderfully written. And now it’s eroding under the current dictator, who wants to take religious oppression to Hong Kong itself.” But America has leverage, Smith explains. “Its economy is based on exports. Without exports, it will implode. We can impact those exports in a very serious way if we say there’s conditionality to having that special status for Hong Kong.”

Unfortunately, Chris pointed out, a lot of these problems started years ago when America gave away its biggest bargaining chip. “Bill Clinton gave away everything [with the permanent most favored nation trade status],” he lamented. “He was weak and vacillating. And in May of 1994, he delinked human rights from trade. And that’s when the Chinese government took the view of the United States that all we care about is profits and that the rule of law… and especially fundamental, universally recognized human rights are all negotiable. So he gave away the store. I believe May 26, 1994 was a day, frankly, we lost China.”

He’s right. Most people truly believed that trade would change China. And unfortunately, trade ended up changing American business more than China. We have sports leagues like the NBA refusing to speak up, because the regime threated to pull their pre-season games. Then there’s Hollywood, who’s embracing censorship as an acceptable price of putting more movies in Chinese theaters. Then there are American businesses, building factories with what can only be described as slave labor.

“People went on thinking if we just trade a little more, somehow China will matriculate from dictatorship to democracy. That has not happened. They’re now a global threat. And a threat to their own people. It’s unconscionable. The Uyghur Muslims, the Christians, the house church movement. [China is] on a tear. And Hong Kong is next.”

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


Wolf Preys on Down Babies

Chick-fil-A Grilled over Giving

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column with podcast and video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

ALINSKY AND THE US BISHOPS: Decades of lying and stealing from faithful Catholics.


Watch FBI: CCHD & Alinsky

This weekend most parishes in U.S. dioceses will be taking up a collection for the Catholic Campaign for Human Development (CCHD).

Here’s the point: Give nothing to that collection.

It’s a fraudulent collection portrayed as helping the poor, when in reality huge sums of the donations are handed out to pro-abortion, pro-gay groups, not to mention radical, social justice-warrior groups who are also involved in getting out the vote for the Party of Death.

CCHD is a sham. Sure, it may do a good thing here or there, but the thrust of this decades-old endeavor has been to support Saul Alinsky-style community organizing.

Ten years ago Church Militant produced an in-depth investigation on the connection between Saul Alinsky and the U.S. bishops, which began in Chicago.

Alinsky was an atheist Jewish marxist who cozied up to some in the chancery and got them to drink his Kool-Aid. Alinsky founded an outfit called the Industrial Areas Foundation, which was essentially a Democratic Party voter-registration initiative posing as a poverty-fighting agency.

Priests he encountered through that work, especially a Msgr. Jack Egan of Chicago, went on to establish what was first called the Campaign for Human Development — missing the word “Catholic.” The entire initiative was put in place by Chicago’s eventual cardinal, the homopredator satanist Joseph Bernardin.

The annual collection, which usually generates millions, was first overseen by Bernardin back in 1969 and 1970 just as he was gaining a stranglehold on the U.S. hierarchy and installing dozens of homosexual men as bishops and using the cover of social justice to justify it.

In fact, Bernardin’s CCHD produced the most famous community organizer of all time — Barack Obama — who learned the Saul Alinksy tactics of division and class warfare on the Church’s dime, as Bernardin paid for Obama to go to Southern California back in the day to hone his craft.

Obama came back to Chicago and began plying his trade until it got him all the way to the White House, with the destruction of the United States at the top of his agenda. And if you don’t believe it, then listen to Obama himself praise the homopredator cardinal and recognize the contribution Bernardin made to his formation. His comments were made from the graduation stage at Notre Dame in 2009.

Notre Dame itself, bastion of heresy now, played an important role during the very early years of the CCHD. That Chicago priest, Jack Egan, was driven out of Chicago by his cardinal, who saw right through Saul Alinksy’s cover story and recognized the threat to the Church. Egan was then given 13 years of protection at Notre Dame by the notorious Fr. Theodore Hesburgh, who was busy in his own sphere dismantling Catholic higher education.

When you step back and understand the confluence of all these various factors — the alliances between evil, wicked men stretching back decades — the current disaster come straight into focus.

Much of the funding for the dismantling of the culture, and the treason in the Church, was funded by this collection. It still is.

If you’d like to watch the full report, please just click on the link. It’s as timely now as it was then.

In the meantime, how dare the U.S. bishops — who have been met with privately and sent dozens of reports about this evil and refused to act on them — how dare they still lie to faithful Catholics and collect this money?

Last year the CCHD gave a gay group three-quarters of a million dollars for their activity.

But over the years, tens of millions of your money, gotten from you under false pretenses, has been handed out to all kinds of radical, anti-Catholic, anti-American groups.

Don’t do it. Just say no.

If bishops want to fund these horrific groups, then let them dip into their own savings and sell off their luxury mansions, or get some of the enormous sums homopredator Bp. Michael Bransfield stole, or the millions that homopredator Theodore McCarrick had squirreled away.

The laity is done with being lied to and played for fools.

Not. A. Penny.

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Journalists coached Democrat politicians on how to convince Americans to support impeaching Trump and more . . .


Kyle Drennen, Media Research Center’s Senior News Analyst and a Contributing Editor to NewsBusters. His media analysis has been cited by nationally syndicated radio hosts Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, as well as media outlets including Fox News, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal, The Washington Times, Washington Examiner, Politico, National Review, among others.

TOPIC: Journalists coached Democrat politicians on how to convince Americans to support impeaching Trump.

Seton Motley, President and Founder of Less Government. He is also an experienced consultant, a published author, and a widely sought after television and radio commentator. Seton has also been a successful political and policy strategist, lecturer, debater, and activist.

TOPIC: America’s economic strength, national security, China, and American shipping.

© All rights reserved.


6 Big Moments From Day 5 of Public Impeachment Hearings

Impeachment Evidence Not Even Close to Bribery, Heritage Legal Expert Says

Baltimore’s Answer to High Homicide Rates and Low School Performance? Ban Plastic Bags

VIDEO: Wildly under-reported case of mass murder of Jews in the U.S. by a Muslim in 2010

Posted by Eeyore

Thanks to Andrew Bostom, who is about to publish a graph showing some uncomfortable facts about Islamic antisemitism in the West.


Video: Woman in Iran tears down “Down with USA” poster

Iran: Demonstrators chant “We don’t want an Islamic Republic, we don’t want it, we don’t want it”

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

NEW poll today: The more Americans see, the more they oppose impeachment

If you’re finding it difficult to keep up with all the noise surrounding House Democrats’ ever-changing impeachment saga, you’re not alone. Democrats themselves are having a tough time keeping their stories straight lately.

First, the left had an alleged “quid pro quo” in mind. When that argument didn’t poll well, Democrat leaders changed the accusation to “extortion.” Next came “bribery,”—then back to the original “quid pro quo” catchphrase this morning.

Yes, it’s dizzying. Democrats in Congress right now are throwing every accusation they can think of at the wall, crossing their fingers that something finally sticks. That isn’t a new trick: It’s actually been their only real action item since Election Day 2016.

 President Trump: “I want nothing. I want no quid pro quo.”

Today turned out to be a bad day for Democrats and their media echo chamber to resurrect the old “quid pro quo” narrative. In lengthy testimony before Congress today, Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland put that false accusation to rest.

When Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) tried to put words in Ambassador Sondland’s mouth, the Ambassador was crystal clear:

“President Trump, when I asked him the open-ended question—as I testified previously, ‘What do you want from Ukraine?’—his answer was, ‘I want nothing.’”

No matter how the left tries to spin it, that is the only relevant takeaway from today’s sham hearing. Why? First, because it’s based in fact, not third-party conjecture. Second, it was stated under oath by the only person in these hearings who has ever even spoken directly to President Trump. The other witnesses could only offer opinion and speculation.

And just like that, the Swamp’s carefully choreographed narrative collapsed—again.

The big problem for House Democrats is that after weeks of testimony, they still have no actual evidence to justify effectively shutting down Congress to put Americans through this charade. New polling out today from Marquette University Law School shows that Americans in Wisconsin, for example, now oppose impeaching and removing President Trump by double-digit margins.

But Democrats from Impeachment Czar Schiff to far-left “Squad” member Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) already promised their base that they would impeach President Trump—so no matter what the facts or evidence say, the show must go on.

Even Speaker Nancy Pelosi is beginning to sense how bad this looks for her party. In a desperate letter to colleagues, she encouraged Democrats to stick with the plan—and put in writing that it would be a “weak response” to wait until next year’s election to let the American people decide for themselves who their President should be.

Democrats have told us repeatedly they have no interest in a fair, impartial hearing. It’s time to take them at their word. Fortunately, a majority of Americans may already have.

“At impeachment hearing, irrelevant opinions by Trump critics masquerade as facts”

Must-read: Full statement from Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham 

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VIDEO of Rev. Bob Armstrong: A Profile in Courage — The Man Who frees women and children from the horrors of ISIS

I have a very good friend named Bob Armstrong. Reverend Bob Armstrong is the founder of Love-Link Ministries, which for three decades has taught leadership principles to 51,000 pastors and leaders in 13 countries, as well as spearheading evangelistic efforts and humanitarian projects across the globe and in the Middle East.

Every year Bob goes to the Middle East to rescue children, women and families from the horrors of ISIS. Reverend Bob is one of the first alumni of Oral Roberts University. He returned to his alma mater to speak at the 2019 Homecoming about what drives him to do what he does. To me Bob is a hero. His life is truly a profile in courage. He doesn’t seek glory, he just praises the glory of God and His Son Jesus.

Please watch as my friend Bob speaks about his work to save Christians and Muslims from ISIS:

ORU 2019 Homecoming – Bob Armstrong from Oral Roberts University on Vimeo.

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VIDEO: Did ABC News protect pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s accomplices?

About three years ago ABC News buried a blockbuster story about Jeffrey Epstein, referred to by Attorney Brad Edwards as “…the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known.”

The United States Congress is now asking questions.

It’s time for ABC News President James Goldston to tell the American public and members of Congress why ABC quashed the Epstein story.

A few weeks ago Project Veritas confronted Goldston for comment, you can view the video here.

He needs to explain why ABC News hasn’t published a follow-up story.

Information including leads and potential accomplices as identified in the report compiled by Amy Robach would prove invaluable to law enforcement.

James Goldston, an award-winning producer for news and documentary programming in Great Britain and whose wife is an anchor/correspondent for the BBC network, needs to come clean.

Page Six reported on June 4, 2019 that Goldston – who has dual American and British citizenship – and his wife attended a dinner in London to honor Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

James Goldston, who are you protecting?

From our video exposing ABC News, Amy Robach stated that when Prince Andrew was implicated, “the Palace…threatened us a million different ways.”

Could the loss of interviews with the Royal Family on the eve of a Royal wedding be justification for protecting a pedophile and his accomplices?

ABC News, owned by Disney Corporation, may have jeopardized the safety and lifelong wellbeing of many young girls in the intervening years by “quashing” this story.

CNN, NBC, CNBC, CBS: your collective silence about a rival network spiking the story of, “…the most prolific pedophile this country has ever known” is deafening.

VIDEO: Could Sweden be turning around? An interview with the Swedish woman who’s rant went viral.

Posted by Eeyore

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.