America’s Democrats Bow to Chinese and Soviet Marxism

“We are indebted to Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin for giving us a weapon. The weapon is not a machine-gun, but Marxism-Leninism.” – Mao Zedong

“The goal of socialism is communism.” – Vladimir Lenin

“A revolution is not a dinner party, or writing an essay, or painting a picture, or doing embroidery; it cannot be so refined, so leisurely and gentle, so temperate, kind, courteous, restrained and magnanimous. A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another.” – Mao Zedong

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.” – Vladimir Lenin

Voltaire, who died in 1778 in France said,

“To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize.”

And just who rules over us?  Despite our populist President and Republican Senate majority, it appears as though the Democratic Socialists are running the country and have been for nearly a century.

Sometimes a seemingly innocuous situation can demonstrate to the world where many corporations’ true values lie, especially when they kowtow to Communist China’s big stick. Even the NBA has shown its colors in bowing to the Reds.  Daryl Morey, the general manager of the Houston Rockets, sparked backlash in China after tweeting support for the protests in Hong Kong.  He was immediately excoriated by Lebron James and others who knelt to Communist China over American freedoms, all for the love of money.

While Hong Kong fights for freedom from mainland China, America’s youth rally behind the communist Democratic candidates believing that utopia exists for everyone with socialism.

Comments from my previous article regarding the 1941 Lend Lease Act attest that some older Americans understand the extent of Soviet/Marxist espionage within our country.  A Vietnam veteran wrote this:

Reading your article infuriates me no end when I consider that I served six years in the USMC during the Vietnam era and recalled the mantra and government propaganda of how good people died in the swamps and jungles on the pretense of defeating communism while communism grew fat and sassy on American soil. As I told people many times, ‘Kill a commie in Vietnam you get a medal; come home and kill one on American soil and you get life in prison.’

The fact that they exist in our government, much less are allowed to exist, is an insult to every person who died or was injured in Vietnam.

I was saddened, and infuriated when I read Trevor Loudon’s latest article stating that Russia had to be saved from Hitler’s destruction.

Another comment was from Mary who is 80 years young:

I was just a child, but I remember my father talking about the Lend Lease Act as he read the editorial page at the breakfast table.  Every time the Act was mentioned, it was preceded by the word, ‘damned.’  Even though many years have passed, when I started reading your article, I knew full well what the Act entailed.  My father despised all those people surrounding Roosevelt and he would often allude to the fact that none of our allies ever paid back the money the U.S. lent them during WWI. Thank goodness President Trump understands the complexities of our entangling alliances.  I pray he is re-elected.

Bowing to Beijing

Brett Decker’s book, Bowing to Beijing, gives a clear picture of what Communist China is truly like.

China is “stealing technology, ripping off patents and trademarks, manipulating and even counterfeiting U.S. currency, breaking trade laws, misrepresenting military spending, selling toxic toys to American children, dispatching armies of foreign agents to influence U.S. politicians, testing U.S. resolve on sensitive diplomatic issues, purchasing stakes in our banks and buying up our land, taking control of Hollywood, nurturing U.S. commercial dependency on Chinese business, building a blue-water navy, expanding its nuclear arsenal, and hacking our computer networks.” (Page 6, Bowing to Beijing)

More than one million Turkic Muslims, the Uighurs (pronounced wee-grrs) have been put in detention camps in China’s western region of Xinjiang to “re-educate” them into communist converts.  The cruelty by the guards is rarely told, including gang rapes and medical experiments.

China’s government is more authoritarian than ever despite increased trade with America. It is not becoming more free and capitalistic as some experts believe. As we make China richer, and their military stronger, it is becoming correspondingly less free.

  • The Reds arrest and torture any with faith that is antithetical to Marxist atheism.
  • Reporters’ freedom is nearly non-existent…there is violent fear of reprisal.
  • Freedom of speech is non-existent, those who speak out disappear.
  • Freedom of assembly is verboten. Farmers, factory workers, white-collar professionals are mowed down if they dare to join in any mass movement.  Remember Tiananmen Square.
  • No one thrives without approval and active backing of their communist overlords.
  • Life is not respected, although the one-child plan has recently been removed.  The organs of executed inmates (dissidents) are harvested for transplants in the global market.  They refuse to recognize life and trample the rest of basic rights.
  • Criticism in any form is rejected and can end anyone who complains in prison.

Decker tells that the Penal Meat Market is very real.  A shot to the back of the head keeps organs intact.  The body parts of prisoners bring a tidy profit, and, “If you want a heart, kidneys, unlined skin, they’ll shoot a prisoner to order,” said two Chinese organ traders.

Forced labor for prisoners is a way of life, and they make products for the West.  They are padlocked in dormitories and forced to work up to 18 hours a day in subhuman environments.  Apple, IPods, Bluetooth accessories, Ikea products and Marks and Spencer clothing are just a few of the items made by slave prison labor.

In China’s officially atheist nation, being a Christian or believing in God is considered subversive.  There is and continues to be a savage campaign against Christians despite Christianity being the fastest growing religion in the People’s Republic, but militant government atheists are pushing back.  (Page 16-31, Bowing to Beijing).

Mao Zedong said, “Communism is not love, Communism is a hammer which we use to crush the enemy.”  This is what America supports as most-favored-nation (MFN) trade status for China.  In 2002, President George W. Bush granted permanent trade status to Communist Red China.

Western Complicity

Glenn Reynolds, Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of Tennessee wrote praise for Vladimir Bukovsky’s book, Judgment in Moscow, Soviet Crimes and Western Complicity.  Reynolds said, “Russian interference in Western politics has been in the news of late, but Bukovsky’s deep dive into Soviet era documents demonstrates that for much of the 20th century, since at least the 1930s, it was not paranoid fantasy, but cold, hard fact.”

Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky spent twelve years in Russian psychiatric hospitals, prisons or labor camps.  The Soviet Union expelled him in 1976, but in 1992, he was asked to return to Russia as an expert witness at a trial against Boris Yeltsin.  He requested access to the Central Committee archives and copied and smuggled out thousands of pages before being discovered.  His findings were published in Judgment in Moscow in 1995 and translated in French, Russian and other European languages.

Cato Org.

His book documenting Western complicity didn’t find a U.S. publisher for almost 25 years.  It was finally published in English in May of 2019 by a small California publishing house. Bukovsky passed away in Cambridge, England on October 27th, 2019 at the age of 76.  Please read his bio, and Diana West’s eulogy for this great warrior for freedom.

Soviet Russia is no different than China, and Bukovsky proved that time and again.  He wrote, “Any sane person knows full well when he has entered into collusion with evil.” Bukovsky knew that engagement by the West with despots only leads to corruption, not freedom.  He wrote, “The voice of conscience whispers that our fall began from the moment we agreed to ‘peaceful coexistence’ with evil.”

When Putin became president, Bukovsky was quick to realize what this meant for Russia: the KGB was back.  Putin spent 16 years in the KGB before entering politics.  Judgment in Moscow tells of murder by Putin.

McCarthy was Right

  1. Stanton Evans’ book, Stalin’s Secret Agents, The Subversion of Roosevelt’s Government substantiates the pro-Red influence on American policy during the Cold War, and Blacklisted by History, verifies that the anti-anti-Communists won by destroying Senator Joseph McCarthy.

For recent documentation, one need only read Diana West’s book, The Red Thread which thoroughly connects Obama henchmen Nellie Ohr, James Comey, John Brennan and others to socialist/communist ideology.  West’s American Betrayal tells the whole sordid tale of three Soviet agents who influenced President Franklin Delano Roosevelt to pass the Lend Lease Act resulting in massive support of Soviet Russia during WWII over and above Great Britain and even our own country.

American Socialism/Communism

Today’s Democratic Party communists are pushing the same party line used by the Russian Bolsheviks and Mao’s Single Party State in China. Our history is being destroyed, education in America has become politically correct propaganda from kindergarten through higher education, free speech is censored despite the First Amendment of the Bill of Rights, unborn human babies are murdered daily now reaching over 60 million and states have legalized infanticide, the media constantly lies with impunity, and public decorum, civility and respect for property has disintegrated.

Democratic presidential candidates are spewing their proletariat utopia, which has influenced so many Americans who have never been schooled in American history or our Constitution. Shockingly 45 percent of young Americans prefer socialism, and even 26 percent of baby boomers agree.

We’ve all heard of progressive taxation, punishing the wealthy by taxing them at higher rates, and wealth redistribution via “earned” Income Tax Credits, the only venue program fund to be considered a high risk for improper payments.

American History

It’s been sixty years since American high schools taught our history, our Constitution, the American Revolution for independence and how our founders fought for freedom.   Mao Zedong’s revolutionary takeover of China in 1949, expelling Chiang Kai-shek’s Nationalist Party to Taipei, Taiwan and destroying the history of the Republic of China and the Qing Dynasty is now happening in America.

Protestors on the small island of Taiwan do not want Red Chinese mainland in control. They wave American flags, show pictures of President Trump, and sing our national anthem.  Their call is freedom!

Political correctness is blinding the eyes of our young.  Schools have been renamed because they were previously named to honor Civil War generals such as Stonewall Jackson and others.

American statues of southern veterans are destroyed, without even a glance at their true history.  Robert E. Lee is vilified despite the fact he gave freedom to inherited slaves ten years before the war, and that his wife taught black folks to read and write, against the laws of the time.

General Nathan Bedford Forrest rode with Tennessee’s sheriffs to disband the KKK and was vilified while on stage, when he kissed a black woman’s cheek.  Remember too that his black servants, not slaves, chose to go with him to war.

We are not only revising our history, but we are destroying it…just as Communist China has done since 1949, and as Russia did before them after the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution.

American Education

For more than a century, American education has been watered down.  Decades ago, phonics was eliminated in the first grade of our government schools, Latin was eliminated in our high schools.  Even cursive writing has been eliminated, although a few states have brought it back.  Today’s education from kindergarten to post graduate degrees is nothing but leftist (communist) propaganda.  By the late 1800s, academic basics were being slowly eliminated.

Common Core socialist education is rampant.  Children come home telling their parents they’ve ruined the world, that climate change is real, that socialism is good, that collectivism is wonderful and all people will be equal.  Christianity is verboten, but Islam is taught and girls are even dressed in hijabs.  Our colleges and universities are loaded with communist professors and the students are radicalized. Individualism is hated.  Millions of Americans are functionally illiterate and 20 percent of high school graduates can’t read.

Chinese children are taught to excel in math, science, technology, engineering, etc., but they are fed the Marxist propaganda. Kindergarten students in Communist Red China are forced to sign away their religious beliefs.

American education today is a carbon copy of the propaganda sold to children in communist countries like Red China and Soviet Russia.

Baby Murder

There’s little difference between China and America’s love of abortion and infanticide.  The “Dying Rooms” of China are similar to the dying rooms of America.  In both countries unborn children are murdered daily by the thousands, but the reality is that like China, born alive infants of abortion are left alone to die.

When Obama was in the Illinois legislature, he voted against the Born Alive Infant Protection Act (BAIPA) several times.  He preferred they died alone in back rooms after they survived murder by their mothers.

The transcript from the 1995 BBC television documentary tells the story.  Chinese infants who were about one year old, or even younger, were tied to beds at night to die. Once, an infant’s fingers and hand were eaten by rats. We’ve moved into that ungodly, evil realm.

Infanticide in America has been greenlighted. Attorneys for David Daleiden submitted a closing argument brief detailing that live births are occurring inside the abortion facilities and that these newborns are routinely killed and their organs harvested while still alive.   Link

California’s Governor Newsom has signed a bill mandating free abortions at colleges and universities.

Marx and Satan

There is no doubt that social media is censoring everything conservative, and everything that pertains to our once proud Judeo-Christian heritage.  Christianity was long ago tossed from our government schools; it’s not allowed in much of anything anymore. Society is purposefully devoid of God.  Marxist doctrine is atheistic and hates the Creator. Voluntary Christian prayers are not allowed in schools, but mandatory Islamic prayers are okay.

China only allows versions of the Bible sanctioned by the state.  Children under 18 cannot enter churches, crosses have been removed, and many churches destroyed.  In America leftists and Hollywood depict Christians as fools who believe in fairy tales.

Here is a partial list of religious removals across America.  Atheists are the antagonists, and the Democratic Party has become the communist anti-God movement.


Pastor Wurmbrand’s book, Marx and Satan tells the story of what it’s like to be a Christian prisoner in communist controlled Romania. Wurmbrand was tortured for 13 years in and testified to our Senate what he suffered under Romania’s Nicolae Ceaușescu.

This must never happen to America.  We must stand for freedom, and having done all, to stand.  Ephesians 6:13 KJV

© All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Book ‘Google Archipelago’ Exposes the growing threat of ‘Big Digital’ and ‘Corporate Marxism’

PODCAST: Why These Women Walked Away From the LGBT Lifestyle

Those struggling with same-sex attraction or hoping to walk away from a homosexual lifestyle may find some encouragement from Liz Flaherty and Elizabeth Woning, who both once lived a lesbian lifestyle.

While leading their own organizations to help individuals transition out of homosexuality, Flaherty and Woning are also a part of a growing movement called Changed—a supportive and loving community of those who once identified as LGBTQ+.

In today’s episode, we sit down with Flaherty and Woning to hear their stories and discuss some of the current legislation being advocated that could have detrimental effects on organizations that offer counseling services for those struggling with homosexuality. Read the lightly edited transcript, posted below, or listen on the podcast.

Virginia Allen: I am joined by Liz Flaherty and Elizabeth Woning. Liz and Elizabeth both lead or co-lead Christian organizations that work with people who are seeking to walk away from the homosexual lifestyle or who are struggling with same-sex attraction. Liz and Elizabeth, thank you both so much for being here.

Liz Flaherty: Thank you.

Elizabeth Woning: Thank you.

Allen: So Elizabeth, you co-lead a ministry called Equipped to Love in California with Ken Williams. And we actually interviewed Ken [on the] podcast back in May and heard a bit about his journey from struggling with same-sex attraction to now being married to a wonderful woman and having a family. But today I would love to hear a bit about your story.

You lived as a proud lesbian for quite some time and even as an openly homosexual pastor in the Presbyterian church. So when did you first come out as a lesbian and how long did you live in that lifestyle?

Woning: It’s a little bit hard for me to say when did I first come out because I first really started questioning my sexuality when I was 16, when I first got involved with a woman. But I still tried to make relationships with men work. I still dated men. I got married briefly after graduating from college. So in all of that time I didn’t come out. But here I was questioning.

So I think it’s important that people recognize that the point at which you come out is not the time when you begin your lesbian life. Like for most of us, starting as a very young child is when the confusion begins. And so I had years, and years, and years of grappling with whether I was a lesbian before actually coming out. But I had a mental breakdown while I was married to my first husband.

And after coming out of the hospital, really, I decided that I would come out. And so I left my marriage and moved into a metropolitan gay community and started that new life. And I lived in the community for about 10 years before going to seminary, openly gay, which was a really big deal. Now, it would be a big deal today, but that was 20 years ago when I did that. And so 20 years ago, it was a monumental deal.

At the time, I was an elder in my local church, and when I decided that I would pursue a seminary degree, I remember telling my pastor—of course I had been talking to my pastor for about a year as he was really ministering to me as I struggled with mental illness.

I had been diagnosed with bipolar disorder with that first hospitalization, and so I was grappling with how to survive my life really, and I felt that going the route of doing a seminary degree and pursuing theology was something that would give me really deep hope and purpose.

And so I was going that route. But that meant coming out to my church. I was an elder in my church, and so coming out to my church, the first thing that happened was I was asked to resign [from] my position as an elder, even though I didn’t have any intention of being in a relationship with a woman. Back then, the phrase that we used was chastity and singleness.

So I was going this route of pursuing a seminary degree in a really nonsensical environment. I was one of probably five or six students that they admitted who were gay, openly gay. And the Presbyterian church was not ordaining gays and lesbians. So it was a big deal.

While I was in seminary, we were grappling with how to understand our sexuality in the context of Scriptures. So there was a great rewrite of the Bible that took place in that season for my life. And really, it wasn’t until I graduated from seminary and began trying to do ministry.

Now I understand I couldn’t be ordained, but I had a heart to do ministry. It was really in that first year after I graduated that I had an encounter with Jesus that caused me to begin questioning my theology, the doctrine that I had believed.

Allen: Could you explain just a little bit about what that looked like? What kind of shifted in your mind, or what did the Lord shift or change in your heart to where you all [of] a sudden realized, “I don’t want to be living this way anymore”?

Woning: Well, put in the context of my life at that point … by that time [I had] had about 10 years of managed care for mental illness. And so I didn’t have kind of walking depression where you kind of cope with life and you work in your job. No, I had very, very severe bipolar disorder. And so I was not really high-functioning in a way.

By the time I graduated from seminary, I finished my year with a 30-day hospitalization. So I was really desperate. And in that season I met a charismatic pastor and he invited me to a youth outreach meeting where the Holy Spirit showed up and in … I always call it the worst case scenario for a Presbyterian.

It was total chaos. People laying on the ground, kids being filled with the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues, mayhem like I’d never seen before. Because I was a dignified hymn-singing Presbyterian.

In that context, a 17-year-old boy approached me with what he called a word from the Lord. And it turned out to be a very specific answer to something I had been praying about. And I was having a crisis of faith at that time. And I thought, for the first time in my life, I thought God knew specifically who I was. …

As a seminary graduate and a theological student, I knew God was there. I knew he was existent, but I didn’t know he was a relational. And that caused me to have this moment where I thought, “If he knows who I am, then I have no idea who he is.”

And I began a study. … That’s my context for connection with God, I study. And so I … completely re-read the Bible and took a close view at what did God say specifically about himself? In fact, I did this entire study, not questioning my sexuality, not questioning my identity, but questioning his. And it was in the context of that study that I began to see something entirely new and fresh that I’d never seen before that I wanted to be a part of.

I began to question whether there was something in my life that had hindered me from experiencing that. And that’s what caused me to question my sexuality. I thought, “Has my mind, my life, my dedication to this theological view driven me away from God?” And when I began to unpack that, I found perhaps that it had and I began repenting.

I just began following this walk of identifying what holiness was and [what] righteousness was. And I recognized that God perhaps could give me life.

So in the context of I had tried to commit suicide, I was, although I started my college career at 20-ish, really very hopeful for my life. By that point, I was in desperate need and he began to give me the thought that I had value and he was pursuing me. And so it became the most important thing in my life to experience communion with God. With that, I was willing to question my sexuality, question my theology, question my lifestyle.

So, at that point in my life, I didn’t own any women’s clothes. I shaved my head, I had many piercings. I have several tattoos. So, I went through a very personal, internal, complete breakdown of everything that I had believed just for the sake of experiencing communion with God.

Allen: Wow. Elizabeth, thank you so much for sharing. That’s just incredibly powerful to hear and just so significant to hear what you personally experienced. And Liz, I want to take a minute to ask you a little bit about your story.

Flaherty: Sure.

Allen: You’re the executive director of a ministry based in Tennessee that also works with those coming out of the homosexual lifestyle, or are struggling with that same-sex attraction. So what was your journey into and then out of the lesbian lifestyle?

Flaherty: Sure. And I just have to say, I never tire from hearing [Elizabeth’s story], even though we do functions together and we hear our stories all the time, every single time, it’s just so wonderful. I get another nugget of God’s goodness in each other’s stories. So thank you Elizabeth for sharing that.

So, I grew up in Northern California. My parents were pastors. … And they had two high-paying jobs at Hewlett-Packard in Silicon Valley. I was born in Silicon Valley and we moved up to this little town of 1,200 people when I was 7 to pretty much become missionaries is the way I put it. And I very much struggled early on with feeling that I belonged and that I had a voice and that I was received.

I think growing up, as a contrast, in that environment, highly liberal environment, being one of the few Christians. Although I dearly love that community, I value what we took from that time there. But, in that, … we were just trying to survive financially, socially.

My parents worked very hard at feeding the transients going through the town, the homeless, and dealing with a lot of mental illness that was coming to their door. The church was right next to the house. So with that I struggled with a lot of anxiety and depression and I told people I was probably agoraphobic, just not diagnosed, because I had such bad anxiety. I couldn’t travel, I couldn’t go on field trips.

They tried to homeschool me. I was in and out of the school system. And so there was a constant trying to just assimilate into the normal life of my peers.

And to back up a little bit, I was molested at the age of 6 by a family member. And that definitely set me on a projection of putting up barriers toward men to protect myself.

Of course you don’t realize until later on that that’s what was happening in your life. But the narrative of my life began to change from a beloved daughter of God to one who was scarred and renamed by that abuse.

So with that, I enter into sort of those formative years. I was being bullied. I just carried such a spirit of rejection. I was a super heavy kid, chunky girl in a small town. And so in this fish bowl, so to speak.

With that … I found [myself], even though I tried to intimately connect with men, just doing all I could to not feel abnormal because same-sex attraction started to enter in, like Elizabeth said, early on in my adolescence.

So that just looked like when I was with my friends … I felt safe. I could connect, I could open up. I felt valued. When I was with any sort of male peers, there just was not a connection.

And I experimented, or I lost my virginity at 17. I tried. I tried to press in … so that wasn’t happening. And I think I just grew tired of not being very open and transparent with where I was. I would go to church and my parents just love the Lord. …

My parents just loved the Lord. They both had come out of a lot of sexual brokenness and had stories of the Lord redeeming them, and they were amazing. At the same time, it just felt like there was no power of the gospel transforming our lives; we were just surviving, trying to keep our heads above water.

So with that, I reasoned, “I am lesbian. This is why I can’t connect. This is why.” Even though I knew the Word said it was wrong, I knew that it was an error of our theology. I didn’t see any way out of my pain.

So I came out my senior year, much to the confusion and pain of my parents, and I moved out. I went to college in Eureka, California, which is a very interesting place to go to school, and just tried to live my life out with my peers and be on my own way. And during that time, during my first semester of college, my mom passed away of cancer very suddenly. And so that left me very much spiraling.

There came a point where … I didn’t really have a grid for grace. I didn’t understand that I could move toward the Lord in my brokenness. It was very much … I would sober up. And I was pretty addicted to pornography since the age of 12, wherever I could have access. And now that I’m in college and I have full access, I’m just deep in sexual sin and relationships.

And although I say I was not a very successful lesbian, because I was not a very social person, so, “I had all these barters.” Nope, it was on me. I was pretty much a loner.

But with that, I had an encounter with the Lord midway through college, and I was high in my living room and my roommates were gone and … I know it was the looming of the Lord, this moment where I said, “I don’t think I’m supposed to talk to you right now; I’m high, but I have no way how to get out of this. I know this isn’t life.”

And in that despair, I felt the Holy Spirit come in the room and it was like this bursting, fresh breath that I had been so longing for. And I just knew in that moment, I had surrendered and he had responded in love. And I went on this journey through the next few years of having a grace to come out of pornography and lay down my relationships, or my few relationships, and to allow him to guide me.

A whole world opened up from that. But I still went to a school of ministry at Bethel. That’s how Ken and I have known each other about 20 years from the changed moment.

So with that, I still walked through a time of having same-sex attraction, but surrendering to the Lord and being sober, I guess, is what you would call it. And it wasn’t until I hit another trauma in my life where my dad passed away; it was only three years after my mom. And my brother had come to live with me and he was nine years younger. So I reached this place again of brokenness, of, “OK, I don’t know how to manage my sexuality any longer. I can’t sustain on where I’ve been with you, Lord.”

And through some failures, moral failures, it led me to a ministry called Living Waters. It was there that I met with men and women who had walked the same struggle and part of that authority of like, “Here’s how you walk with the Lord in your sexuality.” …

The Lord just is so kind and so generous and … I’m amazed at what he’s done, that I get to go and share, my deepest, painful failures and what he has done and redeemed it.

And I’m married. I’ve been married for 14 years to my wonderful husband, Andy, and so it’s just such a joy to walk others through that and see the Lord do the same transformation.

I don’t struggle with same-sex attraction anymore. As I healed from the trauma of abuse and things like that, those barriers came down and I understood my heart more and how the Lord had created me to welcome in the masculinity, really.

Allen: Liz, thank you so much for sharing.

Woning: Wow, so good.

Allen: So good. And now you all are privileged to walk with other people who are walking a similar road or are struggling with those same things that you all have walked through.

So what do you say when a young woman or any woman comes to you and says, “I’m attracted to other women”? Or a young man comes to you and says, “I’m attracted to other men”? What’s that first thing that you say to them?

Woning: Well, typically … I just resonate with them. … Depending on why they’re coming to me, the very first thing I do is listen to everything that they have to say.

I love inviting people into my space because I completely understand what they’re going through. And very few people have the opportunity to just completely expose themselves early in their pain with someone who’s been there. And so, I don’t know about you, Liz, but I’m sure you’re very similar in that.

Flaherty: Yeah.

Woning: There’s actually something, honestly, very healing [about] being able to expose some of that deep pain and being seen. And then beyond that, then I simply start working on connecting to the Lord.

My first two steps are, I’m going to listen very deeply, but then I’m also going to make sure that that person knows how to hear from the Lord, because ultimately, nothing I say is going to be as important as what the Lord has to say.

Flaherty: Absolutely. Yeah, yeah.

Allen: … I know I’ve had these conversations with friends of mine who’ve come to me and said that this is something that they’re struggling with, that they’re struggling with same-sex attraction, and it’s honestly difficult in those moments to know how to respond and really how to love them well.

So what would you say to friends, to family members who—you maybe have had these conversations—will have these conversations with people that they love dearly? How do we walk with those that we love through this?

Flaherty: I think what’s really important is to start with our own narrative with the Lord and our own brokenness, and not so much making it about the specific manifestation of that, but actually understanding our own walk with the Lord and how … the power of the gospel translates to every need and covers every sin. …

I think when you disarm that … like, there’s this pinnacle sin of homosexuality. I’m not saying that there aren’t different consequences to different sins, but when you bring it back to, “We’re here. We’re happy to be with you. We love you and we want to hear what’s going on in your heart. Let us share about what the Lord did in our life.”

And you come in that posture of humility that disarms a lot of fear. I think people have a tendency to hide when they think they’re going to be persecuted, and creating a space where, like, “No, we all come before the Father in the same way.”

Woning: I think most of us who have experienced same-sex attraction have a deep sense of rejection. I think it’s first internalized rejection; I think you’re rejecting yourself. There’s an element of that there, and so then you tend to project that onto every person around you. And there’s so much fear.

Rejection is so painful and there’s so much fear that everyone will reject you. And so then most Christians grapple with, “OK, how do I tell you, ‘Please don’t embrace this life’?” And so that creates actually this, “All right, I don’t get to embrace this sense, this thing that is feeding my need for intimacy.” So it just perpetuates that self-rejection.

So it’s a very complex issue. It’s very complex how to meet it. And so one of the key things for me is making sure that there’s a bridge where people can fully express themselves and feel fully seen and valued in the conversation.

Your first contact with someone when they come out is not to correct their behavior, it’s to meet them right where they’re at and to be available to walk with them through everything. And so it’s to say, “Oh man, I’m so sorry. How is this impacting your life and how do you want me to support you?”

And it might be, “I want you to embrace my lesbian life.” And that, I think, that’s the deer-in-the-headlight moment for a Christian, where you say, “No, I don’t think I can embrace that in your life because I don’t see that that will bless you. God’s not going to bless you in pursuing that lifestyle, but I’m going to be with you in this as you grapple with this. And I want you to know that I will never sever our relationship on this issue.”

Because honestly, even our friends or our children who come out who want to go pursue that life, they’re pursuing it because everyone has a deep-seated need for intimate connection with other people and this is the way that they see most clearly will satisfy that need.

And if there isn’t some superseding opportunity, like the love of Jesus and the supportive parents and friends, if there’s not something that can also meet or compete with that need for intimacy, then there’s no help that can be given.

Allen: Yeah.

Flaherty: I think, if I can just speak to parents—my father, when I came out my senior year, he did ask me if he could find help for me. I wouldn’t take it because I didn’t really see how they weren’t helping themselves.

So that’s a real key that I tell parents is, “Make sure that you have, really, a lifestyle of going after wholeness in your own life, dealing with things that might be holding you back in intimacy in your relationship.” Just asking the Holy Spirit, “Lord, is there work here that we could be doing with you, partnering with you to demonstrate to our children, ‘This is the path that you grow in the Lord. This is the path that you address things’?”

And my father told me, “I can’t. I’ve gone to the Lord, I’ve gone to the Word. I can’t accept this as, I’ve tried,” because he saw the years of rejection of how I grappled with this, and so I think there was a part of him that actually wanted to support me in this, that maybe this road, I’d find fulfillment. But because he went to the Lord and he held to this boundary, it was a place I could come back to after … the Lord was willing me back.

So I just would say, don’t be afraid to hold to your convictions in a way that leaves the door open to your children, but your home is to be an atmosphere of the Lord.

And I know that manifests in different ways and that you could have a whole podcast on that, but just to say, it will feel heart-wrenching because you want to draw your children close and sometimes they’re choosing to leave with their inheritance.

Allen: Yeah. Well, and of course, this is an issue that increasingly we’re seeing in America, that the LGBTQ community is getting louder and you can’t ignore it any longer.

So with legislation such as the Equality Act, how are you all viewing that sort of thing? If that was passed, what kind of effect would that have on the work that you all are doing, ministering and working with those and counseling those that are maybe seeking to come out of this lifestyle?

Woning: Well, first of all, H.R. 5, the Equality Act, and similar bills like that … I think the No. 1 impact that that’s going to have is the imposition of an ideology that all of us who’ve left the LGBTQ life … So anyone who has gone to the work of questioning their sexuality and found resolution, like Liz and I have, we know that perpetuating the lifestyle, at least for women, places this bondage essentially on a person, never opening the door for them to understand kind of repressed needs, repressed traumas.

So we’re imposing an ideology that would perpetuate brokenness, emotional brokenness, on a generation.

I talk to so many people who might never entertain the possibility of being gay or lesbian were it not for unobtrusive thought, someone’s bullying or someone’s suggestion, “Oh, you’re gay. You’re a lesbian. You don’t meet the stereotype for what a man or a woman is and so therefore you’re obviously lesbian or gay.”

And if just the mere suggestion would cause you to begin questioning your sexuality … Because for me, for example, until I met my first girlfriend and we began exploring lesbianism, I had never heard of it. I’d never entertained that idea. And that was years ago. But nevertheless, it was a new thought for me. And that thought then became, “Oh, this must explain why I am the way I am.” And there was not any other narrative offered. …

So Ken and I have formed this movement that’s become a movement called Changed of people who have this story of coming out, so that there’s this other narrative that’s offered. And it’s not a rhetorical narrative. It’s stories, so that people begin to say, “Oh, there’s another way.”

So H.R.5 would put this blanket over that and then stifle the opportunity to share those stories. Real censorship. Censorship is happening now.

What will happen when it becomes illegal to suggest there’s another narrative, which is what H.R.5 would do? It would stifle the voice of every Christian pastor to share the full gospel or to make restrictions on a church’s ability to protect its leadership against an ideology … And no opportunity for dissent.

So that bill doesn’t just impact us and how we help people who are realizing, “Hey, this could not be the ultimate truth of my life,” but then it stifles any opposite narrative in such a totalitarian way. …

I can hardly express how odd H.R. 5 is. It saddens me that America is willing to entertain a bill that would supersede the protections that the 1964 Civil Rights Act gives African Americans.

So it’s like America is willing to forget the current endeavors of the African American community that stand on the Civil Rights Act and divert its attention to the LGBT issue. I think that’s a travesty, really. But then beyond that, the restrictions that this bill poses are really dramatic for American liberty.

Allen: Elizabeth, you also mentioned a Senate bill that you’re quite concerned with. Can you speak to that for a moment?

Woning: Yeah, so there’s a Senate Bill 2008 and a matching House Bill 3570. They are called the Therapeutic Fraud Prevention Act. And those center on the dialogue around, I’m going to say it, conversion therapy, which, honestly, no one’s quite sure what that is. Everyone has a different opinion of what that is, and there is actually no definitive understanding.

And the LGBT community would say any sexual orientation change effort, that would be everything from an altar call asking you to repent to meeting with a licensed psychotherapist, would be conversion therapy.

But it would hinder anyone questioning their sexuality from pursuing restoration or resolution of conflict when they feel that there is an inner conviction that it’s not the truth in their life.

So basically it says, “No, if you’re questioning your sexuality, there’s only one path for you, and that’s to embrace lesbianism, and every other opportunity should be banned.”

And there’s not any scientific evidence. There’s not enough [studies,] really, that indicate that it should be banned. But it is definitely our politicians caving to what is politically correct in America. And I mean, I can go on at length for that. That’s an entire podcast, really.

Allen: Yeah.

Woning: [There’s a] significant lack of study and help for people who are questioning their sexuality because of political correctness. There’s an entire history with the American Psychiatric and Psychological Associations of really recusing themselves from real, direct scientific study and pursuit of clinical help for people, based on political activism from the LGBT community.

And that activism has created this vacuum where certain helps for people who are questioning their sexuality [have] simply … never been offered, they’ve never been pursued … by the APAs. What we presume today is impossible is really based on years of a great wall of never even pursuing understanding. So, there’s a lack in America of professional care for people.

These Therapeutic Acts, they are actually perpetuating brokenness in our culture. And I really wish that the APAs would promote study that would help, that they would actually raise up some adequate professional care for people who are questioning their sexuality, particularly for women, because scientifically what we see for women is that sexuality tends to be much more fluid.

And then there’s the added problem that many women who are sexually abused pursue a life of love of lesbianism because they don’t feel safe with men. So there’s added complexity for women in this issue.

These bills would say, “OK, even though you’ve been sexually abused or molested, if you have same-sex desires, we’re going to assume that they have nothing to do with that abuse, and you don’t have the right to any care other than affirming care for that new sexual orientation.”

Allen: Liz and Elizabeth, you all are here in Washington, D.C., to talk to a number of different leaders about this, about this sort of legislation, how it would affect the work that you all are doing. Have you been receiving a positive response from those on the Hill? What maybe have been some of those interactions? What are your hopes for some of those interactions?

Woning: … First of all … the main reason we’ve come to Washington is to share our stories. Really the mandate for Changed and the Changed Movement is just to share our stories because no one here gets to hear from us. And so, most of what we’re doing is just doing that.

We’ve been received with curiosity mostly. And people who might presume that we’re anti-LGBT really don’t know what we’re doing or talking about.

On the Hill we’ve mostly raised eyebrows. And I think that when people talk to us, they realize that we [are] coming in as low as we possibly can, trying to create an atmosphere of dialogue and conversation around this divisive issue, so that there’s a new way.

We just need a new way to dialogue about this issue in America, and I think Americans are capable of embracing that.

Allen: Well, Liz and Elizabeth, I am so thankful for you all joining The Daily Signal Podcast and for your time today. Really, really appreciate it.

Woning: Thank you so much.

Flaherty: Thank you.

Woning: Can I just say that the Changed Movement right now has a growing Instagram page. And I’d love to invite people to it. It’s just more and more of our stories. You can find us at @changedmvmt.

And we also have a closed Facebook page that people can come into, comprised of people who are questioning their sexuality or people like Ken and I and Elizabeth, or Liz, who have found complete restoration in their sexuality.

There are so many men and women who have gone the route that we have, who now are married. Many have their own biological children, who have moved on with their lives. And so, there are things happening right now in America and across the world.

Honestly, I want to call it revival, that God is meeting LGBT people, sharing with them that he loves them, calling to them with wholeness, and really meeting their deepest needs for intimacy. And I think that we’re about to see something incredible happen across the world because LGBT people know how to do community well. They know how to support one another well. And when they come into the church, there’s just such a beautiful dynamic of care and concern for each other.

The church really needs the LGBT community. They need to embrace people who’ve experienced same-sex attraction and learn what it means to love sacrificially once again. I think God’s really restoring the church in this generation.

So, even though we’re seeing this huge conflict in America, it might look very dark, a lot of us want to say, “Oh, it’s the end and we’d better just buckle down,” there’s such a huge silver lining. There’s such a huge silver lining. God is going to do something incredible through what’s happening right now.

Allen: Yeah. OK, one more time, can you share your social media and your websites?

Woning: The Changed Movement can be found on Instagram at @changedmvmt, #changedmovement. Same thing on Facebook. Or, which is where Ken and I can be found at Bethel Church.

Flaherty: And mine is

Allen: OK, great. And we’ll be sure to have links for all of those in our show notes.

Woning: Thank you so much.

Allen: Thank you all again. Really appreciate it.

Woning: Thank you.


Virginia Allen

Virginia Allen is a contributor to The Daily Signal. Send an email to Virginia. Twitter: @Virginia_Allen5.


Ex-gays descend upon D.C. to lobby against LGBTQ rights

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A Note for our Readers:

With the demand for socialism at an all-time high among our young people—our future leaders and decisionmakers—the experts at Heritage stopped and asked a question that not many have asked:

Is socialism really morally sound?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you and our fellow Americans better understand the 9 Ways That Socialism Will Morally Bankrupt America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal podcast is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: CNN President Jeff Zucker CONFRONTED by Project Veritas in ATL airport

CNN President Jeff Zucker refuses to answer questions on #ExposeCNN when confronted by Project Veritas reporter today in the ATL airport. No comment on Preisdent Trump’s threat to sue the network for bias and his employees allegations of sexual misconduct by Steve Brusk.

RELATED ARTICLE: Part 4: #MeTooCNN Video Exposes Alleged Sexual Misconduct by CNN Exec and Possible Cover-Up by Senior CNN Management

EDITORS NOTE: This Project Veritas video and column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: The Impeachment Sideshow

When moving boxes started showing up in about 20 Democrats’ offices yesterday, it was supposed to be a joke. But after Thursday’s impeachment resolution, some House members might want to hang on to the supplies. “Get packing!” the label told vulnerable Democrats, who voted to make the sham probe official. “Since day one, Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the Washington Democrats have sought to remove this president from office,” Rep. Mike Bost (R-Ill.) argued. But based on the latest battleground polling, the real question isn’t whether Donald Trump will lose his job – but how many Pelosi “moderates” will lose theirs.

After weeks of speculation, the only bipartisan vote on impeachment, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) pointed out, “was against it.” With the help of two Democrats, Reps. Colin Peterson of Minnesota and Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey, House Republicans sent a resounding message that the case against Donald Trump is rooted in nothing but politics. “They said they wanted to impeach him before he was even president of the United States…” House Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) said on Thursday’s “Washington Watch.” “This isn’t about violations or crimes—which, by the way, is what the founders warned against.”

“If you look at where we are at right now,” Scalise went on, “we’re at an important point in history. Clearly, there are people that we serve with that don’t like the results of the 2016 election—that’s their prerogative—but [next year], the country… will be deciding who our president is going to be. It should not be Nancy Pelosi and a small group of people that she selects that get to determine who’s going to be our president.”

What this is, at its core, is a vote to deny Americans theirs. Democrats “don’t trust the people” to elect a president, Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) argued. Why? Because they’re scared out of their minds about who the country would pick if they have the chance. Even Democrat Al Green (Texas) was blunt about the motivation behind this circus: “If they don’t impeach the president, he will get reelected.” But that’s not why we have impeachment. “Only in extraordinary and extreme instances should it be applied,” Congressman Darin LaHood insisted, “and as a former federal prosecutor, nothing in the facts or evidence presented so far supports [it].”

And everything leading up to this point proves it. “The Clinton and the Nixon impeachment were televised live,” Scalise reminded everyone. “Both sides had the same set of rules—fair rules. Republicans and Democrats could both call witnesses. The president was able to have legal counsel in the room. That’s not the case today. And in fact, we’ve seen what’s gone on in [Intelligence Committee Chairman] Adam Schiff’s (D-Calif.) little secret chamber, where he’s hiding—literally having meetings in secret—and that’s [not justice]…” This is the very thing Alexander Hamilton warned about in Federalist Paper #65, Steve went on, that “he was concerned the power of impeachment could one day be abused for political purposes as opposed to for criminal acts. And unfortunately, today on the House floor… Democrats [did] just that.”

It’s easy to understand why Pelosi and her party are threatened. This is a president who was elected by promising to do very specific things—and he’s doing them. In the history of this country, the Left has never experienced the kind of resolve of a Republican president like Donald Trump. Unlike his predecessors, he isn’t yielding to the pressure of the Left—but moving forward, changing the way American politics operate. He’s in touch with the people and following through on an agenda that’s a slap in the face to the socialists in the House. And that’s what’s driving the Left crazy—not these phantom crimes and misdemeanors.

At the end of the day, Scalise knows, “They can’t beat him at the ballot box,” so “they’re trying to throw everything at him today.” And even that’s not slowing him down. While they’re wasting their entire majority on a political vendetta, the White House is hunting down terrorists, destroying ISIS, nominating judges, making trade deals, boosting the economy, and protecting innocent Americans. If they want to impeach the president, fine. But impeaching his conservative agenda will be next to impossible.

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC Action senior writers.


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The Miseducation of America’s Youth

“Lean Into God”: A Pastor’s Prayer for the Persecuted Church

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column with podcast is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Muslims operating slave markets on Instagram, Google Play, Apple apps

Slavery is acceptable in Islam. The Qur’an has Allah telling Muhammad that he has given him girls as sex slaves: “Prophet, We have made lawful to you the wives to whom you have granted dowries and the slave girls whom God has given you as booty.” (Qur’an 33:50)

Muhammad bought slaves: “Jabir (Allah be pleased with him) reported: There came a slave and pledged allegiance to Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) on migration; he (the Holy Prophet) did not know that he was a slave. Then there came his master and demanded him back, whereupon Allah’s Apostle (may peace be upon him) said: Sell him to me. And he bought him for two black slaves, and he did not afterwards take allegiance from anyone until he had asked him whether he was a slave (or a free man).” (Muslim 3901)

Muhammad took female Infidel captives as slaves: “Narrated Anas: The Prophet offered the Fajr Prayer near Khaibar when it was still dark and then said, ‘Allahu-Akbar! Khaibar is destroyed, for whenever we approach a (hostile) nation (to fight), then evil will be the morning for those who have been warned.’ Then the inhabitants of Khaibar came out running on the roads. The Prophet had their warriors killed, their offspring and woman taken as captives. Safiya was amongst the captives. She first came in the share of Dahya Alkali but later on she belonged to the Prophet. The Prophet made her manumission as her ‘Mahr.’” (Bukhari 5.59.512) Mahr is bride price: Muhammad freed her and married her. But he didn’t do this to all his slaves:

Muhammad owned slaves: “Narrated Anas bin Malik: Allah’s Apostle was on a journey and he had a black slave called Anjasha, and he was driving the camels (very fast, and there were women riding on those camels). Allah’s Apostle said, ‘Waihaka (May Allah be merciful to you), O Anjasha! Drive slowly (the camels) with the glass vessels (women)!’” (Bukhari 8.73.182) There is no mention of Muhammad’s freeing Anjasha.

But what are Intagram, Google Play and Apple doing getting mixed up in this? Too busy clamping down on foes of jihad terror to notice this?

“Slave markets found on Instagram and other apps,” by Owen Pinnell and Jess Kelly, BBC News Arabic, October 31, 2019:

Drive around the streets of Kuwait and you won’t see these women. They are behind closed doors, deprived of their basic rights, unable to leave and at risk of being sold to the highest bidder.

But pick up a smartphone and you can scroll through thousands of their pictures, categorised by race, and available to buy for a few thousand dollars.

An undercover investigation by BBC News Arabic has found that domestic workers are being illegally bought and sold online in a booming black market.

Some of the trade has been carried out on Facebook-owned Instagram, where posts have been promoted via algorithm-boosted hashtags, and sales negotiated via private messages.

Other listings have been promoted in apps approved and provided by Google Play and Apple’s App Store, as well as the e-commerce platforms’ own websites.

“What they are doing is promoting an online slave market,” said Urmila Bhoola, the UN special rapporteur on contemporary forms of slavery.

“If Google, Apple, Facebook or any other companies are hosting apps like these, they have to be held accountable.”

After being alerted to the issue, Facebook said it had banned one of the hashtags involved.

Google and Apple said they were working with app developers to prevent illegal activity.

The illegal sales are a clear breach of the US tech firms’ rules for app developers and users.

However, the BBC has found there are many related listings still active on Instagram, and other apps available via Apple and Google….

Posing as a couple newly arrived in Kuwait, the BBC Arabic undercover team spoke to 57 app users and visited more than a dozen people who were trying to sell them their domestic worker via a popular commodity app called 4Sale.

The sellers almost all advocated confiscating the women’s passports, confining them to the house, denying them any time off and giving them little or no access to a phone.

The 4Sale app allowed you to filter by race, with different price brackets clearly on offer, according to category.

“African worker, clean and smiley,” said one listing. Another: “Nepalese who dares to ask for a day off.”

When speaking to the sellers, the undercover team frequently heard racist language. “Indians are the dirtiest,” said one, describing a woman being advertised.
Human rights violated

The team were urged by app users, who acted as if they were the “owners” of these women, to deny them other basic human rights, such as giving them a “day or a minute or a second” off.

One man, a policeman, looking to offload his worker said: “Trust me she’s very nice, she laughs and has a smiley face. Even if you keep her up till 5am she won’t complain.”

He told the BBC team how domestic workers were used as a commodity.

“You will find someone buying a maid for 600 KD ($2,000), and selling her on for 1,000 KD ($3,300),” he said.

He suggested how the BBC team should treat her: “The passport, don’t give it to her. You’re her sponsor. Why would you give her her passport?”…

Google said it was “deeply troubled by the allegations”.

“We have asked BBC to share additional details so we can conduct a more in-depth investigation,” it added. “We are working to ensure that the app developers put in place the necessary safeguards to prevent individuals from conducting this activity on their online marketplaces.”

Apple said it “strictly prohibited” the promotion of human trafficking and child exploitation in apps made available on its marketplace….

Yeah, sure you do. The only thing Google and Apple “strictly prohibit” is opposition to jihad terror and Sharia oppression, and to the Left’s agenda.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Bernie Sanders Wants to Cut Aid for Israel and Give It to Hamas [Part 2] by Hugh Fitzgerald

Bernie Sanders does not appear to know that whatever “humanitarian crisis” there may be in Gaza, it is not Israel, but Hamas that has caused it. Hamas has harmed the Gazan Arabs in several ways. First, despite the fact that Gazans have received many billions of dollars in aid,  the fantastic corruption of its leaders has siphoned off a good deal of it. Both Khaled Meshal, the former head of Hamas’ political wing, who now lives in  Qatar, and Moussa Abu Marzouk, a senior leader of Hamas who now lives in Egypt, have each amassed fortunes of at least $2.5 billion; some Arab investigators believe that Meshaal may now have as much as $5 billion. This amount, of between $5 and $7.5 billion, was meant to be aid for the people of Gaza. Israel had nothing to do with such a diversion of funds. Ismail Haniyeh, the current leader of Hamas, is reported to now have his own fortune of tens of millions of dollars, for he receives the proceeds of a 20% tax on all goods smuggled into Gaza from Egypt. In addition, there are at least 600 “Hamas millionaires” living in Gaza. There are no signs that Hamas leaders will end this corruption; they, after all, are the prime beneficiaries.

The second way that Hamas has caused a “humanitarian crisis” in Gaza is by misusing funds meant for such things as residential housing, improvements to energy infrastructure so as to avoid frequent power cuts,  and wastewater treatment plants (such as the North Gaza Wastewater Treatment Plant, finally put into operation in 2018 after years of delay, paid for entirely by foreign – European – donors. including the World Bank). Instead of undertaking such improvements, all of which would instantly improve the lives of the Gazan Arabs, Hamas chooses to use that aid in building a huge military armory; rockets and missiles are expensive. And when Hamas uses part of that armory in an effort to rain death down on Israeli towns, it is not just Hamas, but all the Gazans, who suffer from the inevitable retaliation.

If Bernie Sanders were willing to do a little investigating – less than a half-hour of googling would do — he could find out about the fantastic theft of many billions in aid money by Hamas leaders, about the use for military purposes of much of the aid that remains, instead of spending it on reconstruction for the sake of Gazan civilians. He would discover that Israel’s “blockade” does not extend to food, nor, any longer, to fuel. And he would learn about the thousands of rockets that Hamas has hurled at Israel. He would also find out about Hamas’ blood-curdling threats to kill not just all Israelis, but all Jews, everywhere.

He would find out that Israel tried, from the very moment it left Gaza, to help it inhabitants economically. Israel turned over, as a turn-key business, the 3,000 greenhouses that the Palestinians could have continued to run and expand, in an operation worth hundreds of millions of dollars a year. Instead, they chose to destroy them. Israeli employers also hired tens of thousands of Gazans, to work both in Gaza and in Israel, and only cut back later on such employment for security reasons.

Here’s what, having duly informed himself, Bernie Sanders could say about Gaza:

“I am deeply concerned about the ordinary people of Gaza, who are held in thrall by Hamas, a terrorist group that continues to attack Israel’s civilians with rockets and mortar fire. Billions of dollars have been given by aid groups to Gaza, too much of which ends up in the coffers of Hamas, the terrorist group that rules Gaza with an iron fist. And Hamas leaders have diverted billions – think of that, billions! – of that aid to themselves. Two of its top leaders, Khaled Meshaal and Moussa Abu Marzouk, have managed to amass fortunes of $2.5-5 billion and $2.5 billion respectively. In addition, the current leader of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh, is said to now have a fortune of tens of millions of dollars; there are 600 Hamas members in Gaza who are believed to be millionaires, all of those fortunes are in the midst of so much  poverty among the ordinary Gazans. I think that the people of Gaza deserve to have that money returned, clawed back, for their benefit.

“I also think that Hamas should be shifting its priorities. Instead of spending money on expensive rockets and missiles, the use of which by Hamas only brings Israeli retribution, and does not improve the life of a single Gazan, all the aid money should go to reconstruction of housing, power plants, the electric grid, and waste-water management. Let every penny of that aid money be used to improve the lives of ordinary Gazans, instead of enriching a handful of Hamas leaders..

“And there is another thing that has always disturbed me. Why is it that tens of billions of dollars in aid have been given by the West, including the United States, as aid to the Palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank, while so little is given to them by their fellow Arabs? Why can’t the Gulf Arabs come through with real money to help the Palestinians, and not just with a billion here and a billion there? Those Gulf Arabs have annual incomes of tens, and in some cases even receive hundreds of billions of dollars; surely they can spare some for the Arabs of Gaza and the West Bank? At that meeting in Manama, $50 billion in aid for the Palestinians was discussed – a sum that really would make a difference in the lives of Palestinians. And the Gulf Arabs can easily afford that. I call on them to contribute their fair share, without further excuses or delays.

“And to make sure that corrupt leaders do not again help themselves to much of that aid, or spend it on weapons, the disbursal of the aid should be the responsibility of financial technocrats assigned to the task by a U.N. oversight committee. Let’s see how that arrangement fares, and let’s for decency’s sake please  stop – and I  am ashamed to say that I was one of them – blaming Israel for the Gazans’ plight.”


France: Senator compares veiled women to “Halloween witches,” critics seek parliamentary sanctions against him

France: No joy over death of al-Baghdadi, as the Islamic State has “inexorably altered” the fabric of daily life

Minnesota: “Dangerous” Muslim migrants conspired to export drone parts and technology to Hizballah

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Michelle: Many Around the World Feel Barack is ‘Their President’

Speaking at the Obama Foundation Summit at the Illinois Institute of Technology on Tuesday, former first lady Michelle Obama said her husband, former President Barack Obama, could have built his presidential library anywhere because so many people around the world feel he is “their president.”

Michelle O. explained that Chicago’s Jackson Park was selected as the site for the Obama Presidential Center because it was close to the couple’s former home and situated near her South Side childhood home. “There’s power in the selection of Jackson Park,” the former first lady said. “Barack and I don’t do things incidentally. There’s a strategy.”

But she pointed out that “Barack’s presidential library could have been anywhere in the world, because there are so many people who feel like he is their president.” Not so many people inside the U.S. feel that way, however.

“New York wanted it. Hawaii wants it,” she added. No word on whether Kenya wanted it.

Michelle Obama

On February 1, 2008, Mrs. Obama said, “I don’t think there is a person of color in this country that doesn’t struggle with what it means to be a part of your race versus what the majority thinks is right.”

While campaigning for her husband on February 18, 2008, Mrs. Obama told an audience in Milwaukee, Wisconsin: “[F]or the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.” Later that same day, in Madison, she said, “For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country, and not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change.”

In March 2008 a New Yorker profile quoted Mrs. Obama saying, in a stump speech she had made in South Carolina, that the United States is “just downright mean” as a nation. “We have become a nation of struggling folks who are barely making it every day,” she told churchgoers in that same state. “Folks are just jammed up, and it’s gotten worse over my lifetime.”

To learn more, click on the profile link here.

Bernie Sanders Wants to Cut Aid for Israel and Give It to Hamas [Part 1] by Hugh Fitzgerald

The appalling tale is here.

Addressing a meeting of the left-wing J Street, a Jewish organization devoted to pressuring Israel to meet Palestinian demands, Bernie Sanders outdid himself:

“My solution is to say to Israel: you get $3.8 billion dollars every year, if you want military aid you’re going to have to fundamentally change your relationship to the people of Gaza,” Sanders said. “In fact, I think it is fair to say that some of that should go right now into humanitarian aid in Gaza.

Sanders denounced the situation in Gaza as “absolutely inhumane,” “unacceptable,” and “unsustainable.”

“The Palestinian people have a right to live in peace and security as well. It is not anti-Semitism to say that Netanyahu’s government has been racist,” Sanders continued.

If the situation in Gaza is “absolutely inhumane,” “unacceptable,” and “unsustainable,” as Bernie seems to think – it’s not nearly that dire — that is due entirely to the corrupt lords of misrule in Hamas, whose top leaders have stolen up to $7.5 billion of that aid (see the discussion below) and spend what is left not on things which benefit the people of Gaza, such as residential housing, power plants, and water treatment plants, but on amassing an expensive armory of rockets to use against Israel.

It is up to the Palestinians in Gaza to chose whether to live in “peace and security.” It is they who have been making war, while Israel is only responding to their attacks. Israel has been the target of thousands of Hamas rockets, not the other way round. Israel never initiates attacks; it responds to them. Israel wants nothing more than to live, with its neighbors in Gaza, in “peace and security,” but it has discovered that the only way to end the attacks from Gaza is to respond with decisive force. This buys a certain period of “peace and security,” then the Gazans renew their rocket attacks; Israel again responds; the Gazan rockets again stop being sent into Israel, and “peace and security” is again reestablished, until the next time Hamas decides to break both the peace and the security.

How has Netanyahu’s government “been racist”? Presumably by defending itself against Hamas, the terrorist group that runs Gaza, when it sends rockets by the hundreds into Israeli civilian centers, or lets loose incendiary kites to set Israeli farms on fire, or attempt to breach Israel’s security fence, with Molotov cocktails, grenades, and sometimes live fire, in order to kill Israeli soldiers and civilians? In attempting to defend itself from those who attack it and call for its destruction, is Israel being “racist’? The only “racism” is that directed by the Muslims at the Jews, all Jews, and not just those in Israel. Hamas has repeatedly called on Palestinians to kill all Jews. This past summer, Hamas official Fathi Hamad told Palestinians that “there are Jews everywhere! We must attack every Jew on planet Earth — we must slaughter and kill them, with Allah’s help. Enough warming up!” Is Sanders familiar with Hamas’s murderous rhetoric? Does he know of any Israeli who talks about Palestinians in such a way? Does he know that Fath Hamad’s virulent Jew-hatred can also be found on Palestinian children’s shows, and in Palestinian textbooks?

And when Sanders attacks the “racist” Israelis, he overlooks how Arabs fare in Israel. Does he realize that Israeli Arabs serve in the Knesset, on the Supreme Court, as senior diplomats, even – as volunteers – in the IDF, where they rise high in the officer corps? Does he know that Arabs study at Israeli universities, that in Israeli hospitals Jewish and Arab doctors and other medical personnel work side by side treating both Jewish and Arab patients? Does he know that Arabs and Jews work together in factories, on farms, in service industries? And all this in “racist” Israel.

Sanders appears not to realize that Israel does not occupy Gaza; that not a single Israeli has remained there since the final pullout in 2005. Nor does he mention – does he know and not think it matters? — that Gaza is run by Hamas, a terrorist organization which has sent thousands of rockets indiscriminately into Israel. Even the left-wing Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International have both defined these Hamas attacks as “war crimes.” Hamas is murderous not just towards Israelis, but toward its Arab opponents as well; it has crushed Fatah in Gaza, killing hundreds of its members.

Israel’s blockade of Gaza is only a response to Hamas attacks. It is mainly directed at preventing construction material, such as concrete and iron, from being imported into Gaza, that can be used to reinforce Hamas military emplacements. Is Sanders aware that Israel allows fuel into Gaza precisely, as one Israeli spokesman said, to “prevent the civilian-humanitarian deterioration of the Strip”? Is he aware that Israel also allows humanitarian agencies to provide Gaza with millions of liters of diesel fuel and gasoline, fruits and vegetables, wheat, sugar, meat, chicken and fish products, dairy products, animal feed, hygiene products, clothing and shoes? Somehow one doubts that Bernie Sanders has been paying attention. And of course Gazans who cannot find suitable medical care in the Strip are allowed to use Israeli hospitals. Among them have been the relatives of several Hamas leaders, including Ismael Haniyeh and Khaled Meshaal, who have sought and been given treatment in Israel – that, too, would surely come as a surprise to Bernie Sanders.

The true enemy of the people of Gaza are not the Israelis. When they left Gaza, they handed over the greenhouses, then worth $14 million, that Israelis had built, as part of a thriving multi-million- dollar business in flowers that, it was hoped by Israel, could eventually bring the Gazans as much as $200 million in income. Israel had assumed the Gazan Arabs would continue to operate and expand the business, but instead, the Arabs destroyed the greenhouses completely, grabbing irrigation hoses, water pumps, and plastic sheeting in a blow to this fledgling efforts to reconstruct the Gaza Strip.

Israeli employers have also given work to tens of thousands of Gazans, both in Gaza and in Israel itself. In response to Hamas rocket attacks, some of those who used to travel to Israel for work can no longer do so. Should Israel then be blamed for taking such security measures?

Hamas has organized the “Great March of Return,” which every Friday since March 2018 sends Palestinians marching toward Israel’s security fence, to attempt to breach it in order to kill Israeli soldiers and civilians. It is the Palestinians who are attempting to attack Israelis in their own land; Israel has merely been defending its security fence. The Palestinians throw Molotov cocktails, grenades, incendiary kites, and sometimes use live fire. Meanwhile, the Israeli soldiers first use tear gas and rubber bullets, to head off the rioters, and if that doesn’t deter sufficiently, they use live fire, ordinarily aiming at the legs and then, and only as a last resort, when some rioters have actually breached the fence, they will aim above the waist. If there were no marchers with Molotov cocktails, grenades, incendiary bombs, and other explosives, relentlessly attempting to breach the security fence, there would be only peace from the Israeli side.

RELATED ARTICLE: Armenian Assembly: Omar’s Refusal to Acknowledge Armenian Genocide Doesn’t Represent “Muslim Values”

RELATED VIDEO: Elizabeth Warren Threatens Israel

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

A Halloween impeachment hoax—and other spooky stories

The first act of House Democrats’ impeachment sham operated in secret, depriving President Donald J. Trump of the due process rights entitled to every American citizen. Today, Democrats moved into phase two of their phony inquiry—and continue to leave both the American people and the White House in the dark.

“We don’t [even] know the rules yet, for the White House,” Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham told Fox News today. “Are we even going to get to be involved? I don’t think so. It’s my understanding that we’re not going to get to defend ourselves until it goes to the Judiciary Committee—and that’s not how it works in America.”

White House Press Sec: The President did nothing wrong. Democrats know it.

For weeks, Democrats and their media mouthpieces tried to push the narrative that some Republicans in Congress could join Democrats in voting for their impeachment hoax—offering their probe a veneer of bipartisan credibility. The left hoped that repeating that storyline over and over again might help turn it into a reality.

The opposite happened. Two House Democrats joined with every single Republican member in voting against the Pelosi–Schiff impeachment sham. So the media was right that a bipartisan consensus might emerge. It’s just not the kind that they’d hoped for.

Today’s vote puts Democratic leaders in an awkward spot. Just months ago, Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she opposed moving forward with an impeachment effort that didn’t earn overwhelming bipartisan trust. With members of both parties now objecting to impeachment, she must decide whether House Democrats should ignore their own words.

“I’m not for impeachment,” she told CNN in March. “Impeachment is so divisive to the country that unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country.”

The left’s media allies will try to help spin today’s vote for House Democrats. Over the next few days, watch as the coverage focuses entirely on the Republican response to impeachment—and ignores the Democrats who joined them. They don’t fit the narrative.

Americans are clearly frustrated with this hypocrisy. “There’s polls out today that show people are frustrated and disappointed with all the impeachment farce that’s happening,” Press Secretary Grisham said. “We know that in the White House. We’re going to keep working”—to deliver peace, a booming economy, and real national security.

Congressional Democrats have declared the President guilty until proven innocent. It doesn’t matter that the released Ukraine transcript contradicts their own version of events. It doesn’t matter that they announced impeachment efforts before gathering any of the evidence—or before even calling for a vote on whether to move forward.

This impeachment hoax began with a top Democrat reading a fake phone transcript of President Trump before quickly moving the proceedings behind closed doors. Instead of attracting Republicans, it has only repelled Democrats.

Speaker Pelosi is right that a partisan impeachment is wrong for America. It’s time for her to stand by her words. It’s time for the House to have a real leader once again.

Read today’s full statement from Press Secretary Stephanie Grisham.

WatchDemocrats are “blatantly ignoring” the real needs of Americans.

Video of the day: Trick-or-treat at the White House!

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump celebrated their third Halloween at the White House on Monday evening, welcoming military families and local schoolchildren with their parents for festivities on the South Lawn.

With the White House grounds decked out in Halloween decorations, kids dressed as tiny dragons, ghouls, ghosts, witches, and other fun things joined the celebration as the President and First Lady handed out commemorative candy.

READ: First Lady announces Halloween at the White House.


Double Standards and the Impeachment Farce

Impeachment Push Bares Ugliness of Washington Establishment

These 2 House Democrats Voted ‘No’ on Impeachment Inquiry

California’s Disastrous State Illustrates Limits of Progressivism

VIDEO: Scalise — The Democrats are using SOVIET rules on impeachment

Posted by Eeyore

Its nice to see that someone besides we here at Vlad Tepes noticed that yeah, much of what takes place in political officialdom is using Soviet playbooks and modus operandi.


Double Standards and the Impeachment Farce

Examining the House Impeachment Inquiry Resolution

Pelosi is Blowing Smoke, But Where’s the Fire?

4 Keys to Understanding a Trump Impeachment Trial in the Senate

Former Time Magazine Editor Is Wrong. America Doesn’t Need ‘Hate Speech’ Laws.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Senator Rand Paul: ‘The Case Against Socialism!’


Senator Rand Paul, from the great state of Kentucky, has been a principled voice for less government and more freedom, and has provided consistent, principled leadership. For these reasons, Frontiers of Freedom awarded Senator Paul with the Ronald Reagan Award for political leadership. Senator Paul is also physician and is committed to charitable service — going on missions abroad to do eye surgeries for those who wouldn’t otherwise be able to see again. TOPIC…The Case Against Socialism.

George Landrith is the President of Frontiers of Freedom – a public policy think tank devoted to promoting a strong national defense, free markets, individual liberty, and constitutionally limited government. Mr. Landrith is a graduate of the University of Virginia School of Law, where he was the Business Editor of the Virginia Journal of Law and Politics. As an adjunct professor at the George Mason School of Law, he has taught constitutional law, appellate advocacy, and legal writing. In 1994, Landrith was the Republican candidate for the U.S. House of Representatives from Virginia’s Fifth Congressional District. And he’s a regular co-host of the Conservative Commandos Radio Show. TOPIC…The next generation Inter-continental Ballistic Missile!

© All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Top House Conservative Derides ‘Secret’ Impeachment Proceedings

The chairman of the Republican Study Committee criticized the impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump, deriding them for being conducted “in secret.”

“The problem right now is they’re doing this all in secret,” says Rep. Mike Johnson, R-La., “They’re having these secret depositions and these top secret hearings in a basement somewhere.”

“I’m on the House Judiciary Committee, for example. I’m the committee [with] jurisdiction over impeachment. I am not allowed to review any of the documents, any of the testimony that’s been presented this far,” Johnson added during the fourth episode of the caucus’ “Elephants in the Room” Facebook discussion with lawmakers.

The episode was shot shortly before the House voted 232-196 to pass a resolution outlining the details of the impeachment process.

The demand for socialism is on the rise from young Americans today. But is socialism even morally sound? Find out more now >>

Johnson says he’s reached out to Democrats, including Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., who is spearheading Democrats’ impeachment inquiry, to try to set up a time to review the impeachment proceedings.

“I sent a letter … to Chairman Schiff and the chairman of the other two committees, Democrat chairmen who are engaged in this, and I said, ‘Here’s the House rule. It says I have a right to review these,’” Johnson said. “’I want to know a date and time when I can come do that.’ Nothing. It’s crickets.”

Rep. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., who joined Johnson for “Elephants in the Room,” told The Daily Signal that Congress will have to answer to the American people for the impeachment probe process.

“If we’re going to undo the results of the 2016 election, if we’re going to go against the votes of 64 million Americans, it should be a higher bar, not a lower bar [for the impeachment process],” Marshall said.

Johnson added that the impeachment process has been an abuse of power.

“It allows Adam Schiff to be basically the counsel, the judge, and the jury over this,” Johnson said.

He also discussed that the impeachment push seemed “predetermined,” saying:

We all know they [House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats] started working on impeachment of the president the day he took his oath of office. … They changed the narrative several times along the way, but they’ve always been trying to get to this desired end. This is very Machiavellian. The means justify the end, I guess, and if they have to steamroll over all the Republicans in Congress, over the will of the American people, over due process, over the rules … That’s what we’ve gotten.

So, at the end of the day … people will make up their minds about the legitimacy of that process.

The Republican Study Committee recently released a new health care plan that, among other provisions, would increase how much people could contribute pre-taxes to health savings accounts, and would create guaranteed coverage pools designed to help Americans with preexisting conditions.

Johnson says the new plan would help drive down health care costs and help Americans with “preexisting conditions, … with chronic illnesses, and serious health concerns” get access to care.

Marshall, a doctor, said the Republican Study Committee plan “empowers people by giving them more choices.”

“It personalizes health care by putting decisions for health care back in the hands of those who know best. And that’s the patient and the physician, not the federal government,” says Marshall.

The Kansas Republican said the plan was “180 degrees opposite” from Democrats’ health care proposals. “They’re proposing complete takeover of your health care by the federal government,” he said.

Johnson also mentioned he and other Republican Study Committee members had met with Trump at the White House to discuss the health care plan.

“I showed him some of the headlines, one from Fox News that said the Republican Study Committee’s health care plan is the fulfillment of President Trump’s challenge and his promise to make the Republican party the party of health care,” Johnson said. “He was grateful for that and encouraged by it.”


Rachel del Guidice

Rachel del Guidice is a congressional reporter for The Daily Signal. She is a graduate of Franciscan University of Steubenville, Forge Leadership Network, and The Heritage Foundation’s Young Leaders Program. Send an email to Rachel.

RELATED VIDEO: Scalise: The Democrats are using SOVIET rules on impeachment.


‘Do You Think That Hurts You?’: Chris Cuomo Presses Adam Schiff On Lack Of Witnesses Who Say Trump Committed A ‘Crime’

QUID PRO FAUX:  Treaty Invalidates Impeachment

Examining the House Impeachment Inquiry Resolution

Pelosi is Blowing Smoke, But Where’s the Fire?

4 Keys to Understanding a Trump Impeachment Trial in the Senate

Former Time Magazine Editor Is Wrong. America Doesn’t Need ‘Hate Speech’ Laws.

A Note for our Readers:

With the demand for socialism at an all-time high among our young people—our future leaders and decisionmakers—the experts at Heritage stopped and asked a question that not many have asked:

Is socialism really morally sound?

The researchers at The Heritage Foundation have put together a guide to help you and our fellow Americans better understand the 9 Ways That Socialism Will Morally Bankrupt America.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Florida May Become 13th State to Give Illegal Immigrants Driver’s Licenses

Illegal immigrants could get valid Florida driver’s licenses under proposed legislation that would accept foreign passports, international birth certificates and Mexican consular cards as proof of identity. As is the case in most states, current Florida law requires residents to prove U.S. citizenship or provide a resident alien greed card to obtain a driver’s license. Two separate measures—introduced this month in the House and Senate—would let illegal aliens in the Sunshine State get valid cards.

The House bill, co-introduced by an Orlando Democrat who is a senior director at Planned Parenthood, would allow the following documents to obtain a license; a birth certificate issued by a foreign government; a consular identification document issued by the government of Mexico or a document issued by another government which the department determines is substantially similar. In a local news report the state representative, Anna Eskamani, behind the measure said this: “I always ask the question about why not build trust with those who are already marginalized, versus pushing them farther and farther away from us. I think what this bill does is it helps to build that trust. It also helps ensure public safety.”

The Senate version was introduced by Miami Democrat Javier Rodriguez, who asserts that “it doesn’t matter your immigration status. If you are on the roads, you should have access to a driver’s test and the ability to get car insurance.” The wording in his measure is identical to the House version accepting foreign passports, birth certificates, consular IDs and similar documents as proof of identity. Neither measure has been heard by legislative committees and the senate version was recently referred to a state infrastructure and security subcommittee on transportation. Rodriguez is well known for protecting illegal aliens and is working to combat a measure to crack down on sanctuary cities in Florida by ensuring local law enforcement agencies fully comply with federal immigration detainers. Rodriguez refers to the bill, which is moving forward in the state Senate, as “anti-immigrant.”

If either of the Florida driver’s license bills pass, it would become the 13th state—along with the District of Columbia—to offer illegal immigrants the privilege. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Nevada, New Mexico, Utah, Vermont and Washington issue a license to applicants that provide a foreign birth certificate, passport or consular card. Washington State was the first to pass a law, in 1993, granting illegal aliens driver’s licenses. The next two states—New Mexico and Utah—enacted their measures in 2003 and 2005 respectively followed by Illinois (2012) and Vermont, Nevada, Maryland, Connecticut, Colorado and California in 2013. The District of Columbia also passed its law in 2013 and Hawaii and Delaware followed in 2015.

In 2013 Oregon passed a law that let illegal aliens get driver’s licenses but voters overwhelmingly approved a citizen’s veto referendum to suspend it a year later. Incredibly, a group of Mexican illegal immigrants sued to reverse the decision by Oregon voters, claiming that it was unconstitutional because it arbitrarily denies driving privileges “based on their membership in a disfavored minority group.” A federal judge in Eugene dismissed the lawsuit, finding that there was no discriminatory animus on the state’s part for refusing to issue illegal aliens driver cards.


Illegal Immigration is the Reason California is Burning

Licenses, ID Cards Sold to Illegal Aliens by Corrupt State Workers Used for Voter Fraud

DC Mayor Gives Open Borders Group $100,000 to Help Immigrants Become Citizens

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: California Begins Massive Voter Roll Clean-Up!

(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch announced today that it has been informed that Los Angeles County has sent notices to as many as 1.5 million inactive voters on its voter rolls. This mailing is a step toward removing the names of voters who have moved, died, or are otherwise ineligible to vote. The massive mailing is the result of a settlement agreement with Judicial Watch requiring the county to remove as many as 1.5 million inactive registrations. In addition, the California secretary of state has alerted other California counties to clean up their voter registration lists to comply with the federal National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), as the secretary promised to do in that same settlement agreement.

All of this is the result of a federal lawsuit Judicial Watch filed in 2017 to force the cleanup of Los Angeles County’s voter rolls (Judicial Watch, Inc., et al. v. Dean C. Logan, et al. (No. 2:17-cv-08948)). Judicial Watch sued on its own behalf and on behalf of Wolfgang Kupka, Rhue Guyant, Jerry Griffin, and Delores M. Mars, who are lawfully registered voters in Los Angeles County. Judicial Watch was joined in this lawsuit by Election Integrity Project California, Inc., a public interest group that has long been involved in monitoring California’s voter rolls.

Under the terms of the settlement agreement, voters who do not respond to the notices sent by the county and who do not vote in the next two federal elections must be removed from the voting rolls. Secretary Padilla also agreed to update the state’s online NVRA manual in order to make clear that ineligible names must be removed and to notify each California county that they are obliged to do this. On April 11, Secretary Padilla notified Judicial Watch that this part of the settlement agreement had been implemented.

The agreement also required the office of the secretary of state to send a written advisory to all county clerks/registrars of voters in California stating that current federal law requires the cancellation of a registrant who has failed to respond to an official notice and who then fails to vote, offers to vote, correct the registrar’s record, “or otherwise have their eligibility to vote confirmed for a period of time including the next two general federal elections.”

The updated California National Voter Registration Act Manual, March 2019, conforms to this standard. In April and May 2019, the California secretary of state provided a training presentation to all 58 counties in California regarding the proper list maintenance procedures under the NVRA.

As Judicial Watch previously noted, Los Angeles County has over 10 million residents, more than the populations of 41 of the 50 United States. California is America’s largest state, with almost 40 million residents. The county had allowed more than 20% of its registered voters to become inactive without removing them from the voter list.

Judicial Watch discovered that California had treated the removal of inactive voters as permissive, not mandatory, and had not cleaned its voter registration rolls in at least 20 years. The Supreme Court affirmed last year in an opinion affirming a historic Judicial Watch settlement with Ohio that the NVRA “makes this removal mandatory.”

“This Judicial Watch settlement will result in the immediate and ongoing clean-up of voter rolls in California and LA County,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “This victory for clean elections in California will set another national precedent for other states to take reasonable steps to ensure that dead and other ineligible voters are removed from the rolls.”

Judicial Watch is the national leader in enforcing the provisions of the NVRA.  In early January, Judicial Watch announced that it signed a settlement agreement with the State of California and County of Los Angeles under which they will begin the process of removing from their voter registration rolls as many as 1.5 million inactive registered names that may be invalid. This was only the third statewide settlement achieved by private plaintiffs under the NVRA – and Judicial Watch was the plaintiff in each of those cases. The other statewide settlements were with Ohio (in 2014) and with Kentucky (2018), which agreed to a court-ordered consent decree.


Illegal Immigration is the Reason California is Burning

Licenses, ID Cards Sold to Illegal Aliens by Corrupt State Workers Used for Voter Fraud

DC Mayor Gives Open Borders Group $100,000 to Help Immigrants Become Citizens

Florida May Become 13th State to Give Illegal Immigrants Driver’s Licenses

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Adam Schiff’s Drive to Impeach Trump Based on Opinions, Deception and Illusions – Not Facts

“Rep. Adam Schiff is a poor man’s Harry Houdini. He is a cheap illusionist performing amateurish parlor tricks of deception in his quest to convince his audience that he possesses damning evidence of an impeachable offense committed by President Trump,” Gregg Jarrett writes in Fox News.

“Schiff, D-Calif., has no such evidence, of course. But like most illusionists, Schiff employs misdirection and confusion. He attempts to convince you that opinions are evidence, while facts are not.”

The bottom line: “Anyone with computer access can download and read the transcript while forming their own opinion.”

In fact, you can read it for yourself here.

Click here to read more.

The decision of Reddit administrators to “quarantine” one of President Trump’s largest and most vocal groups of supporters online is an “egregious example of social media sites meddling in political affairs,” Rep. Jim Banks (R-IN) writes for RealClearPolitics.

“Republicans need to start speaking out about the treatment we’ve received from technology companies. We need to understand that nobody else will stand up for us.”

“The White House is making a strong push against Democrats’ ‘Medicare for All’ proposal, laying out a ‘Health Care for You’ agenda to boost competition and transparency, lower prescription prices, and produce greater affordability in health-related costs,” Fred Lucas reports in The Daily Signal.

“The nation’s deadly opioid epidemic shows signs of ebbing as the Trump administration Oct. 30 reported a 5.1% drop in overdose deaths, with sharper declines in some of the most hard-hit states,” Shira Stein reports for Bloomberg Law.

“You have to give the Democrats credit. When their narratives collapse, they invent a new one. Their misrepresentation of the phone conversation and the president’s inquiry into Ukrainian corruption and potential influence in our 2016 election are somehow being conflated into a most amorphous allegation of ‘abuse of power,’” Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) writes in The Washington Times.