VIDEOS: “I Caught the Swamp”

The fake news media will have you believe that we are one step away from losing this battle and impeaching our President. Complete nonsense and just that, fake news. The media, a critical component of the deep state apparatus, along with the rest of the deep state, are panicking. They have lost virtually every battle and fraudulent fake attempts and coupe’s against President Trump and we the people. Donald Trump, told us, as a candidate in 2016, that we will begin to win again and so much so that we will get tired of winning. Well we are winning. We are winning “big league”. Let’s barely scratch the surface on this.

“I Caught The Swamp” – President Trump

Last week, President Trump tweeted and stated that he caught the swamp and that we have it all, all the evidence. Have a listen to the President here.

The President went on to say that the deep state’s time is up. I have been talking about this for probably two years. Trump has all the goods on everyone. The NSA data collection. The IG II report and the FISA findings. NXIVM data, (The sex cult trafficking ring). The intel on Jeffrey Epstein and more. And of course, as I and many others knew from the onset, Epstein did not commit suicide. He was suicided. And this too has now come out with the coroner report. AG Barr has subpoenaed twenty prison workers for starters. Yes, my friends and fellow patriots, they, the deep state and it’s operatives here and abroad, are all going down. We are indeed winning.

Watch This Speech


So, and in the face of the relentless non-stop attacks, what has President Trump accomplished thus far as he dismantles decades of Globalists policies? Well for starters, we are coming to learn that people and countries we thought were our friends are turning out to be our enemies and people and countries we thought were our enemies are turning out to be our friends. Funny how that works isn’t it? Truth, Trump and the age of transparency.  Of course this will only serve as a fraction of what the President has accomplished. is an additional place you can visit for related information.

Swamp Draining

  • IG I
  • IG II FISA coming
  • 12,426 arrests globally
  • 8,062 resignations globally
  • Over 109,000 federal sealed indictments
  • 22 FBI firings resignations
  • Child sex trafficking rings
  • El Chapo

Global Issues

  • Getting NAFTA to pay their fair share
  • De-funding the UN
  • Pulling us out of the Paris Accord and the climate a change hoax
  • No longer dependent on foreign oil

Healthcare Issues

  • Repealed individual mandate providing more choices and creating competition

Military & Defense

  • Rebuilding the deliberately depleted US Military to be the best in the world
  • Overhauling care and treatment and hire/ fire policies
  • Forgiving student loan debt for veterans
  • Border control – The Wall Protecting the homeland
  • Defeating ISIS
  • Ending endless wars
  • Stabilizing N. Korea
  • Empowering ICE, Police and border patrol and restoring respect for such entities


  • Appointing over 150 soon to be 200 conservative federal judges
  • Gorsuch and Kavanaugh

Economic & Monetary

  • Re-negotiating the imbalances of trade deficits to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars a year – reciprocal fair trade
  • HR 24 – HR 25
  • Imposing tariffs as a tool in negotiating
  • Steps towards the transformation of the global economic and monetary system
  • $10 Trillion in wealth creation
  • Highest market value in history
  • 4% GDP
  • Millions of people off of food stamps
  • Historically low unemployment

Failed Attempts

  • Assassination plots and attempts
  • Muller witch hunt
  • Muller hearing
  • Stormy Daniels / Avenatti
  • Tax returns
  • Off the ballot in California
  • No wall funding
  • Lewendowski attempt
  • Manafort attempt
  • Michael Cohen attempt
  • Impeachment witch hunt

John Enters  Time Marker 8:46

Watch Interview

The Big Preparation

The American people and the world are slowly and methodically being prepared for some rather disruptive uncomfortable truths. I have  been writing and speaking about this for quite some time now. This is now upon us. Read my articles here on my website. You can listen to my media interviews and public speeches here.

As the President in the recent past has stated that these are sick people doing very bad and evil things. The rafters of the world are about to rattle. Their time is up. They have been caught. And very soon, it will be a cascading avalanche that comes down upon them, and they know it. Thus the final desperate attempts that you see before you. Just like Hillary Clinton stated way back when that if we take her down that we would bring all of Washington DC down with her. McCabe recently said the same thing. And in the e-mail to election rigger, FOX NEWS contributor Donna Brazile, as released by the innocent hero Julian Assange stated, that “If you don’t do something about that bastard we are all going to hang from nooses” or something of the sort. Well, get the rope. And yes the swamp will be drained.  GITMO tribunals are to be live streamed and remember the Federal death penalty has been reinstated by AG Barr. The federal courts are being re-benched. The stage is being set. Get ready. Get the popcorn for the show of a lifetime. What a truly amazing time to be alive!

What’s Next?

The deep state is going down my friends and this will be a cascading avalanche at some point in time and very soon I might add. They are all going down and this includes Soros, the Clinton’s and Obama’s, mark my words. This will go one for some years to come and already has begun. Please check out related articles below and the links within.

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It’s Either Us Or Them

VIDEO: Police in Sweden speak out

Posted by Eeyore

One wonders what the long term effects of constant personal intimidation by protected groups are to Swedish police. Its likely that (similar to politics) fewer and fewer decent people will sign up. As the culture drills down to politics and then to policing, often skipping legislation altogether, so policing becomes both hopeless and thankless.

It is almost like the plan is to dismantle centuries of jurisprudence and rule of law based on individual rights and property rights and replace all enforcement with compliant ‘A Clockwork Orange’ type Dims, and eventually non-locals who have no allegiance to our history or ways of thinking. Almost like that.

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Vortex — Digging In. And they are going nowhere.


There is nothing on the table that isn’t being weaponized by the Left — and we are talking about the Left inside the Church who, for the record, really aren’t in the Church because they reject Church teaching on a variety of issues. And they are digging in.

Nonetheless, since they continue to portray themselves as “Catholic,” then they get to be treated as “Catholic,” meaning their propaganda should be exposed on a theological level for the garbage that it is.

One of the leading provocateurs in the lefty Catholic camp is Austen Ivereigh, British author who never misses a chance to foster dissent. For example, just before the infamous Sex Summit began in Rome last February, Ivereigh tweeted, “Why do you say our Lord had no homosexual tendencies? By what signs or gestures do you deduce this?”

He was in a Twitter war with Fr. Jacob Straub, who responded, “This is very scandalous and possibly a heresy. You need to remove this tweet and confess your sin. Lord, have mercy.”

And so it goes with the lefty Catholic crowd, so closely associated with the lefty political crowd so as to be indistinguishable.

Ivereigh, who used to write for the notorious leftist Catholic rag The Tablet, located in the U.K., really came onto the radar for publishing a book on Pope Francis, The Great Reformer: Francis and the Making of a Radical Pope, back in 2014, jumping on the bandwagon of Team Francis.

Ivereigh is happy to not just support the so-called reforms of Pope Francis, but he never loses an opportunity to slam other Catholic media who question those reforms. Anyone who questions the pope’s moves gets torn to pieces by Ivereigh and the rest of his gang (although many of those same men had no problem openly criticizing Pope Benedict or Pope John Paul).

Ivereigh, you might recall, is the same fellow at one of the first press conferences of the Amazon Synod who tried to portray the Pachamama statues (really idols) as Our Lady and St. Elizabeth — until he got contradicted by panelists, and eventually the pope himself, who called them Pachamama, not representations of Mary and Elizabeth.

But with this crowd, whatever helps push the narrative is all that matters.

A few days back, America Magazine, the flagship publication of the largely dissident Jesuit order, hosted a book launch party for him for his latest tome titled Wounded Shepherd: Pope Francis’ Struggle to Convert the Catholic Church. 

The use of the term “convert” in the title is more than a little telling. Of course, Ivereigh’s book has the full-throated endorsement of homoheretic James Martin, who never met a fellow traveler along the road to overthrowing the Church he hasn’t joined forces with.

Ivereigh and his crowd see this pontificate as a tool, perhaps a willing tool, to talk in generalities about Church teaching and downplay any specificity. So in his book and in his comments at the book launch, he talks about the need to stop talking about dogma or doctrine and start emphasizing personal experience in making moral judgments — meaning, at bottom, whether to commit sin or not.

Problem is Ivereigh and company don’t seem to either know or care anything about the actual concept of sin and its resultant consequence of damnation if a soul were to die in that state. But that doesn’t matter to these guys. They don’t really believe in the Church as She is actually constituted.

It’s much easier for them to think of and present the Church in terms of a giant multinational outfit, whose mission is to create some kind of utopia — Heaven on earth — as opposed to focusing on attaining actual Heaven.

To this end, any moral teaching, especially the ones on sexuality, are free to be passed over because those sins aren’t really sins, their rightness or wrongness being left up to the individual’s “personal experience.” But eat a piece of beef or contribute to so-called man-made climate change — and the fires of Hell await you.

Ivereigh straight up is a liar, who follows the agenda of the Left like the nice, little waterboy he is. For example, the uproar about the Pachamama idols prompted him to say that it grew out of EWTN-fueled panic that never asked indigenous people themselves about the “idols.”

That’s not even in the slightest imagination true. EWTN was not the first to report on the Pachamama. As far as we can tell, Church Militant was the first to identify the statues as symbols of Pachamama and demonstrate their connection to “Mother Earth,” or more specifically, “Earth Mother.”

For the record, it may not have been us, but if it wasn’t, we were certainly among the first, and it was not EWTN.

Secondly, the so-called “indigenous people” didn’t need to be asked specifically when the reports were first issued, because the very telling video moment of them bowing down to them on an earth blanket in the Vatican Gardens said a lot all on its own.

People don’t physically bow down to concepts. They bow down to representations of a concept.

And why didn’t Ivereigh go and ask the “indigenous people” swarming all over Rome, instead of sitting in the Vatican press hall getting shot down by the panel when saying the statues were of Our Lady and St. Elizabeth?

Where did he get his wrong idea? Certainly not from the “indigenous people,” because the statues are a symbol of Mother Earth and fertility and so forth, as they themselves — and the pope and the Vatican — have said.

There are so many ways to dissect the lefty Catholic crowd’s agenda and war on the truth that it’s actually easy. On the sex abuse crisis — proven time and again that its foundational cause is homosexuality, seeing as how four out of every five victims was a teenage boy — Ivereigh simply ignores that truth and says of that assertion: “This leads to terrible diagnoses, best example is their diagnosis of the sex abuse crisis by likes of Viganó and Cdls. Mueller and Burke.”

Of course, Ivereigh is demonstrably wrong, so much so that he seems to require more pity than correction.

In perhaps his most telling quote, demonizing anyone who supports Tradition in the Church (meaning clear doctrine), he says: “Everything is filtered through an ‘ideology of suspicion'” by a party that is trying to undermine him.

“This is a direct attack on his leadership” but “of course they don’t see it that way.” They say it is justified in the name of saving the Church, and in the “name of Tradition.”

Hey, Austen, have you looked around the Church these days? For the past half-century, in fact?

Of course, things have to be viewed in a suspicious manner, just like a fire chief looks at a four-alarm blaze in a suspicious manner, until the objective truth is arrived at. You and your carrying of the water for the Left must also be looked at suspiciously, and eventually denounced — yours and the rest of your elitist-minded “journalist” crowd.

You aren’t journalists. You are little else than mere stenographers for the Left, dutifully repeating their talking points because they excuse any sin you may enjoy. You desire nothing else than to keep the discussion of morality centered on earth as opposed to Heaven.

That is not what the Savior of the world desired. You might recall that loving God is the First Commandment; neighbor comes second. Heaven comes before earth on the priority list.


Scalfari: Pope Francis Denies Bodily Resurrection of Jesus

ABP. VIGANÒ Sheds Light on Emanuela Orlandi Disappearance

The Detroit Disaster

Best of Mic’d Up: Catholic Media Collusion

EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

ABC Insider Speaks Out [+Video]

Editors Note: Project Veritas is publishing the writing below at the request of the ABC news insider who gave us the Amy Robach tape.

This was submitted to us in light of the actions taken against those wrongfully identified as involved in the leaking of the tape and the reactions of ABC news to their spiking of the story on Jeffrey Epstein.

RELATED VIDEO: The MK Interview: Megyn sits down with Ashley Bianco who was fired by CBS.

After the CBS employee was fired yesterday, our ABC insider decided it was time to communicate directly with the public.

Here is what the insider had to say:

“By Ignotus,

To my fellow man:

I came forward with this information bearing no motives other than to have this information public. I did not and do not seek any personal gain from this information whether it be financial or otherwise and will always decline. When I became aware of this moment, I had the same reaction as many of you did. Anger, confusion and sadness. I care not about petty political quarrels and only hope for the best in all of us.

To my fellow ABC News employees:

I’ve walked the halls experiencing similar feelings we are all having right now. All of you regardless of your own personal differences in one form or another do an outstanding job. I sincerely enjoy working with each and every one of you and will continue to do so throughout our careers.

To those wrongfully accused:

It is terrible that you have been lashed out at by the company. I know some may put the burden of guilt on me, but my conscience is clear. The actions of the company towards you are the result of their own and not anyone else. The public outcry, from coast to coast, of all people, creeds, and political affiliations, is clear. I have not one doubt that there will always be support for you, and you will have prosperous careers. For neither you, nor I, have done anything wrong. 

To Amy Robach:

You are the only person deserving of an apology. I am most certainly sorry. Not for my actions or for this to center around you, but for what is clear to have happened. When I first stumbled across this, my initial reaction was outrage. But this soon turned towards empathy. I cannot imagine doing all the hard work to only have it shelved. If the past few years have taught us anything, it is the truth that some of us have endured many hardships in this industry. From the spiking of stories regarding prominent and powerful people in this world, and to yours. I believe you are an outstanding reporter and have done such tremendous work in the community as well.

To ABC News:

I sit right here with you all in complete shock. I, like many, are at a loss for words on how this has been handled. Instead of addressing this head-on like the company has in the past, it has spun into a mission of seek-and-destroy. Innocent people that have absolutely nothing to do with this are being hunted down as if we are all a sport. I challenge all of you to actually look inwards and remember why this company engages in journalism. We all hold the First Amendment at the foundation of this company, yet forget its history, its purpose, and its reasoning for even coming into existence to begin with. How lost we are… yearning to be found. I went to Project Veritas for the sole reason that any other media outlet else would have probably shelved this as well. I thank all of them, and James, for seeking truth.

We are all human and mortal, creatures of mistakes and redemption.

The road to redemption favors no soul.



CLICK HERE to view our insider’s letter.

Brave insiders like this are the reason the public can see through the lies of the mainstream media. They are people just like you, who are tired of seeing the dishonesty that takes place within their institution.

Project Veritas will continue to support more insiders as they come forward. They can always be certain that PV will have their back.

If you know anyone inside a corrupt organization, reach out to us at and encourage them to do so as well.

VIDEO: World’s biggest people smuggler busted in Brazil

Posted by 

Thank you José Atento, blog Lei Islâmica em Ação, for this.

The biggest human smuggler in the world, Saifullah Al Mamun, was arrested in a joint operation between the Brazilian Federal Police and the US Migration Agency.

Eight foreigners were arrested on Thursday (31) in an operation to combat smuggling of immigrants, en route to the United States. Research shows that the gang earned $ 10 million between 2014 and 2019.

Five citizens from Bangladesh and three from Pakistan were temporarily arrested. Among them, leader Saifullah Al Mamun, considered by the US government to be the world’s largest human trafficker. The gang was housed in São Paulo. Illegal migration to the United States was done through travel agencies for the purpose of laundering money. The criminal organization charged up to 10 thousand US$ per person to facilitate the migration.

Since November 2017, 84 people sent by the gang have been arrested on arrival in the United States. The Federal Police confirmed that 395 other migrants passed the Brazilian route with the same destination through two agencies in downtown São Paulo. The victims are mostly young people in their 30s.

Illegal immigrants departed from Guarulhos International Airport in São Paulo, bound for Rio Branco, Acre. From there, they crossed the Peruvian border and drove by land to the Mexican border with the United States. Logistics were made in contact with members of the criminal organization in the countries involved.

The accused must be responsible for migrant smuggling crimes qualified by submission to inhuman and degrading conditions, money laundering and criminal organization.

Direct link

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Two former Twitter employees accused of spying on Saudis and ‘thousands of others’ for Saudi Arabia

“Thousands of other Twitter users”?

What were they looking for? Are the Saudis behind the Orwellian treatment of opposition to jihad terror as if it were “bigotry”?

Twitter is so resolutely opposed to foes of jihad mass murder and Sharia oppression of women, it’s no wonder that they didn’t catch these guys.

“Two former Twitter employees accused of spying for Saudi Arabia,” by David Shortell, CNN, November 7, 2019:

Washington, DC (CNN Business)Federal prosecutors accused two former Twitter employees of spying on behalf of Saudi Arabia on Wednesday.

Ali Alzabarah, a Saudi national, and Ahmad Abouammo, a US citizen, used their access at the social media giant to gather sensitive and nonpublic information on dissidents of the Saudi regime, the Justice Department alleged in a criminal complaint.

The case, unsealed in San Francisco federal court, underscores allegations the Saudi government tries to control anti-regime voices abroad. It also recalls a move reportedly directed by the country’s controversial leader to weaponize online platforms against critics.

The accusations are certain to renew scrutiny of tech companies’ abilities to protect the privacy of their users.

“The criminal complaint unsealed today alleges that Saudi agents mined Twitter’s internal systems for personal information about known Saudi critics and thousands of other Twitter users,” US Attorney David Anderson said in a statement. “U.S. law protects U.S. companies from such an unlawful foreign intrusion. We will not allow U.S. companies or U.S. technology to become tools of foreign repression in violation of U.S. law.”

A third man, Ahmed Almutairi, also from Saudi Arabia, allegedly acted as a go-between to the two Twitter employees and the Saudi government, which according to the complaint rewarded the men with hundreds of thousands of dollars and, for one man, a luxury Hublo watch.

While no Saudi government officials are named as running the spy operation in the complaint, the Washington Post, citing a person familiar with the case, reports a Saudi national who groomed the two employees is tied into the inner circle of Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman….


UK: Muslim rape gang faces 36 counts of rape and forcing children into sexual activity

Moderate Malaysia: Housewife charged with six counts of insulting Islam

Toronto: Muslim charged with 54 sexual assault-related offenses, including many with children

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Drudge Sells out Trump, helps Democrats. Check out Whatfinger News, founded by ex-Military

“A friend who stands with you in times of pressure is more valuable than a hundred friends who will stand with you in times of pleasure.” –  Anonymous

“A false friend and a shadow attend only while the sun shines.” –  Benjamin Franklin

“Americans cannot comprehend how their fellow countrymen could not love their country. But the left’s anti-Americanism is intrinsic to their entire worldview. Liberals promote the right of Islamic fanatics for the same reason they promote the rights of adulterers, pornographers, abortionists, criminals, and Communists. They instinctively root for anarchy against civilization. The inevitable logic of the liberal position is to be for treason.” – Ann Coulter

President Trump’s supporters are wondering why seemingly out of nowhere Matt Drudge has taken a sharp anti-Trump stance on his website, the Drudge Report.  They no longer trust him or anything he says.

Drudge used to break stories before the mainstream media or Fox News even knew about them; they went to Drudge to find out the latest.  Josh Bernstein recently exposed what has happened to Drudge.  He says we should boycott Drudge and I agree with him.

Drudge Sells Out to Establishment

In a surprising turn, Drudge Report removed ads between the end of May and mid-July of this year according to Danny Rogers, a cofounder of the Global Disinformation Index, a project that’s analyzing domains to generate “risk ratings of the world’s media websites.” After noticing an absence of ads on Drudge around May 31, Rogers told BuzzFeed they didn’t see any ads on Drudge until about July 12.

During that period, Drudge cast off his advertising representative of close to 20 years, Intermarkets, in favor of a new and unknown company, Granite Cubed. It has no record in the digital ad industry, was only registered as a company in March of this year, and lists no staff or owners on its websites. Yet it just landed one of the biggest websites in the US.

Corporate records show that Granite Cubed is owned by Margaret Otto. According to Pathmatics, a marketing and advertising platform owned by Margaret Otto, she and her husband, Adrian, have close ties to both Matt Drudge and his father, Bob Drudge. The Ottos have known the Drudges since 1999.  Pathmatics, a marketing intelligence platform, estimates that over the past 12 months the site generated more than $30 million in ad revenue. Another estimate from the Global Disinformation Index, to be published in a report next month, pegs revenue at $9 million per year.

The Otto’s also acquired another company in 2017 founded by Bob Drudge called Refdesk.  Adrian Otto joined Google Cloud in 2017 and is their technical director. Matt Drudge is now in bed with Google and Alphabet Inc., the parent company of Google.

Alphabet Inc., Google subsidiaries, and YouTube all detest President Trump and everything on the Drudge Report has switched from supporting conservative sites and our president to leftwing media who despises President Donald Trump and his supporters.  Drudge’s links now go to mainstream media like CNN and MSNBC.  Conservative media is rarely seen anymore.

Drudge gave up his relationship with his conservative advertising company of 20 years and joined with the enemies of freedom because they are family vested via Matt’s father, Bob Drudge.

It all makes for a startling shift for a publisher best known for a strategy rooted in changing nothing about his site’s operation. It’s also causing the ad industry to look closely at the mysterious new firm and its high-profile customer.

Bigger bucks must be involved.  Shades of Anthony Scaramucci.

Whatfinger News

So, who is Whatfinger?  Their tagline reads, “The Relentless Pursuit of Creating the Greatest Aggregate Link News Site on Earth.”  And according to their about page, “Whatfinger News was founded by military people and we are 100% unapologetic for being patriotic. That doesn’t mean we don’t show opposing views, sites and papers. We do, and label them on the homepage in sections as right wing or left wing.”  It was originally started as a blog shortly before Trump’s election.  For privacy reasons, Whatfinger News has kept their owners anonymous.  This is smart in today’s doxing society.

Their conservative factual reporting comes from sites such as Breitbart and the Daily Wire. They also frequently source from the Geller Report and the Gateway Pundit. While they do occasionally source from Reuters, this is rare as the majority are right leaning. In general, all aggregated news favors the right.

Whatfinger News shows left-wing and right-wing news but calls out the fake news. They will put the same links other aggregates show, in their “Fake News Quarantine Area.” This is news that is based on anonymous sources and almost always put out by major so-called mainstream news to hurt Trump or Republicans.

They have been under DDos attacks daily mostly from Islamic countries. They had to put up a first-rate Firewall to stop the site from being taken down…which is common for today’s conservative websites who tell the truth.

They have been shadow-banned by Facebook, Reddit, and other sites for daring to post actual news and truth on Islam as well as President Trump.  Whatfinger says that, “If you are not attacking Trump and promoting Islam or insane issues like transgender insanity, the media attacks and bans you.”  Link


Drudge is lost, but an even better website has arisen…use them, they’re great and they’re on our side.  Word of mouth has them growing by leaps and bounds.

P.S.  Speaking of websites growing by leaps and bounds, advertising doesn’t completely fund NewsWithViews, we count on your donations every month. As I’ve said time and again, no one is paid to write for this website, and funding it is not cheap.  Please help us with monthly donations, and make sure you tell yours friends to sign up to daily receive the truth of what is happening in our country.  You can donate here.

© All rights reserved.

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Mangling The Truth Of The Berlin Wall To Attack the Border Wall

The 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall is  November 9th, and on cue the American left is hard at work distorting and lying about history, communism and, of course, walls. Particularly walls.

At New College of Florida, the Honors College for the Florida university system and a hotbed of far left ideas and activism, students have been building a replica of a segment of the Berlin Wall on campus. Today, they are taking sledgehammers to it — as was done 30 years ago. This seems like a perfect opportunity to talk about communism, dictatorships, and freedoms in the West.

After all, as Hope Harrison, George Washington University associate professor of history and international affairs, pointed out during the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall: “The wall symbolized the lack of freedom under communism. It symbolized the Cold War and divide between the communist Soviet bloc and the western democratic, capitalist bloc.”

But that’s apparently not exactly the first thing it symbolizes for New College.

According to local media reports,

“The project was organized by professor Lauren Hansen, who is currently teaching a course called The Berlin Wall in German Literature and Film. In January, Hansen led an independent study about the portrayal of the Berlin Wall in German literature, and the idea for the replica wall was created by her small group of students. While other universities have created replica walls in the past, New College students also reenacted historical speeches, presented film screenings, and held graffiti sessions and poster presentation sessions.”

So far, so good. But wait.

“Creating the wall also turned into a timely project about national and international experiences of separating groups of people, cities and countries, notes Hansen.”

So this immediately equates American conservatives and President Trump who advocate securing our southern border for fundamental reasons of national sovereignty and safety of the American people with the East German communists who sought to imprison their people — when the history of American political movements actually puts the left directly in line with the communists. Ask Sen. Bernie Sanders who honeymooned in the Soviet Union.

Further, Hansen said of the wall replica:

“It has become a place where students and faculty from the entire university can come to discuss borders and the divisiveness we encounter today in the U.S. and other parts of the world.”

This is the sleight of hand that has been going on for some time now, claiming all walls are bad — but really only meaning Trump’s border wall is bad. What is obvious to people who are not pants-on-fire hypocrites or astonishingly foolish and ignorant, is that different walls have different purposes.

No sane person argues that walls around prisons are bad for dividing murderers and rapists from the rest of the population. Wealthy leftists don’t argue that walls around their estates are bad for keeping out criminals, vandals and just sight-seers.

We have “walls” around movie theaters, sporting events, Disney World and so on. Why? To divide those who have legal status to be inside (via following the rules and paying for admission) from those who do not have legal status who must remain outside. Movie stars who take advantage of the arrangement, and have walls around their own mansions, still abhor a border wall as divisive and racist. Ditto for many athletes.

Germany was formally divided in 1949 and the wall went up in 1961. The East German communist party never had popular support, distrusted its citizens and ruled with an iron fist. Refugees left East Germany for economic and political reasons, causing a brain drain. In the intervening years, more than 3 million East Germans “voted with their feet” by moving to West Germany.

To equate that wall to our border wall would have meant the West Germans would have put up the Berlin Wall to keep the East Germans out. But it was the East Germans who did so, to stem the flow out of East Berlin. There’s a fundamental difference between a wall that locks people in like a prison wall and the Berlin Wall, and a wall that protects and establishes legal borders, such as movie theaters, sporting events, Disney and national borders.

The Berlin Wall was 12 feet tall, more than 100 miles long and doubled up in many areas to create a dead man’s zone in between of about 60 feet where guards shot and killed those trying to escape to the West. Nobody tried to escape to the East.

Just down the road from New College, is the Asolo Repertory Theater, where “The Sound of Music” is being reimagined. Guess how?

“I was inspired by this lesson in the script, and how you can’t hide behind walls,” said Josh Rhodes, director and choreographer. You see, the lead character in the Sound of Music used his wealth to try to hide behind “walls” and ignore the Nazi threat until the Anchluss made that impossible.

So Rhodes said he felt the time was right for the play’s “theme of fear” to take a prominent role. “There’s a certain harshness in our society right now,” he says, “and I think the play asks us to soften our hearts and be kind.”

This is hardly a crazy or terrible take — and in a different context could be applauded. But unfortunately it flows in line with the purposeful misrepresentation of walls as all of a kind. Walls bad. Berlin Wall bad. Walls in our heart bad. Walls between people bad. Trump wall bad.

Expect a lot of this wall treatment in the coming days.

Bernie’s Immigration Plan Goes Full Bore Open Borders

I know most of you reading this don’t care a bit about Bernie and his huge move to the Far Left on the issue of immigration, but since I have a category here at ‘Frauds and Crooks’ for “politicians as frauds” I want to tell you about Democrat candidate for Prez, Bernie Sanders.

This also gives me an opportunity to warn you about the growing call for America to ‘welcome’ so-called “climate refugees” which I have written about extensively for ten years.  (See 53 posts going back to December 2008 on climate refugees at RRW by clicking here.)

It is very interesting to see how the Left plants seeds and nurtures them for years and years (helped by the mainstream media) until the idea surfaces, in this case, as a plank in a Presidential candidate’s platform.

Bernie is now throwing American workers under the bus….

Before I get to the news about Bernie’s plan, I guess we have to conclude that Bernie is now throwing American workers under the bus.  When he ran for President four years ago he was still getting some praise for his stance in defense of American workers and his earlier opposition to the failed 2007  comprehensive immigration reform bill.  See Time magazine story here in January 2016.

Here then is Fox News on Bernie’s immigration platform:

Sanders’ immigration plan: Halt deportations, abolish ICE, welcome 50K ‘climate migrants,’ give welfare to all

Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., on Thursday released a sweeping immigration plan that would impose a moratorium on deportations, “break up” existing immigration enforcement agencies, grant full welfare access to illegal immigrants and welcome a minimum of 50,000 “climate migrants” in the first year of a Sanders administration.

The plan effectively establishes Sanders at the far left of the immigration debate,as he aims to energize a base that helped drive his 2016 primary campaign amid competition from other liberal candidates in the field this time around.


The plan was written in conjunction with several illegal immigrants who were shielded from deportation by former President Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

In the plan, Sanders pledges to extend legal status to those eligible under the DACA program, as well as to grant relief for their parents.

He also promises to use executive authority to allow illegal immigrants who have lived in the country for five or more years to stay “free from threat of deportation.”

On day one of a Sanders presidency, he would also place a moratorium on deportations until there was a full audit of “current and past practices and policies.” He would also end the so-called Trump travel ban, as well as other Trump policies such as the Migrant Protection Protocols (MPP), action against sanctuary cities and the public charge rule that restricts green cards to those immigrants deemed likely to rely on welfare.

Sanders then wants to provide a “pathway to citizenship” via Congress for all illegal immigrants living in America — which he says is currently around 11 million — and would ensure that “old or low-level contacts with the criminal justice system” do not prevent illegal immigrants from walking along that path.


He would also create a new program to “welcome migrants displaced by climate change” and push to accept a minimum of 50,000 “climate migrants” in his first year in office.

More here.

Bernie is just following the tribe….

House Democrats introduce climate refugee bill

Here is a story from the day before the bill was introduced. Imagine the fraud this will create—yikes! the weather has changed where I live so I can now move to America!

At Grist (hat tip: Joanne):

House Democrats are set to introduce the first major piece of legislation to establish protections for migrants displaced by climate change, ramping up a push for a long-overdue framework for how the United States should respond to a crisis already unfolding on its shores.

The bill, called the Climate Displaced Persons Act,would create a federal program separate from the existing refugee program to take in a minimum of 50,000 climate migrants starting next year.

The legislation, a copy of which HuffPost obtained, directs the White House to collect data on people displaced by extreme weather, drought and sea level rise and submit an annual report to Congress. It also requires the State Department to work with other federal agencies to create a Global Climate Resilience Strategy that puts global warming at the center of U.S. foreign policy.

The bill, set to be introduced by Representative Nydia Velázquez, a New York Democrat, is a companion to legislation proposed by Massachusetts Democratic Senator Ed Markey, one of the leading advocates for a Green New Deal. Its introduction in the House of Representatives marks an escalation as Democrats start to flesh out what a sweeping federal plan to eliminate emissions and prepare the country for more climate catastrophe would look like.

The 21-page proposal looks unlikely to become law while Donald Trump, who rejects climate science and slashed the country’s refugee cap to a historic low of 18,000 last month, remains president.


And that is why everyone reading this post needs to find some place to direct your energy to get Donald Trump reelected for four more years.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

BREAKING: Are Democrats endorsing the use of ‘fake news’? [+Video]


Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Is the Democrat Progressive Caucus endorsing the use of fake new?

The Progressive Caucus sent out a fundraising email titled Dan Rather’s CHILLING warning. The message states:

BREAKING: Conservative media empire Sinclair Broadcasting to DOMINATE local news

Sign your name to stand with Progressives calling on Congress to BREAK UP this right-wing media monopoly:


The email has a graphic featuring Dan Rather, former White House correspondent for CBS News, and this quote, “It’s propaganda. It’s Orwellian. A slippery slope to how despots wrest power, silence dissent, and oppress the masses.”

Remember is was Dan Rather who in a 60 Minutes segment in 2004 on George W. Bush’s Texas Air National Guard service pushed what was exposed as a lie (i.e. fake news). This fake news became known as Rathergate. According to Wikipedia:

Rathergate involved six documents that are critical of President George W. Bush‘s service in the Texas Air National Guard in 1972–73, allegedly typed in 1973. Dan Rather presented four of these documents[1] as authentic in a 60 Minutes II broadcast aired by CBS on September 8, 2004, less than two months before the 2004 presidential election, but it was later found that CBS had failed to authenticate them.

The quote used by the Progressive Caucus is taken from a Tweet by Rather criticizing Sinclair Broadcasting:

News anchors looking into camera and reading a script handed down by a corporate overlord, words meant to obscure the truth not elucidate it, isn’t journalism. It’s propaganda. It’s Orwellian. A slippery slope to how despots wrest power, silence dissent, and oppress the masses.

What is the “script” that the Progressive Caucus and Dan Rather are so against?

Sinclair has told its stations to air this public service message:

Fake news is a threat to our Democracy!

Questions: Is Rather’s Tweet Orwellian designed to silence dissent and support fake news? Are Progressive Democrats endorsing fake news?

Fake News – A Danger to our Democracy

The Hill reported:

Former CBS News anchor Dan Rather tore into Sinclair Broadcasting Group over its move to require anchors at its local television stations to read an on-air promotional message warning against “fake stories” in other media outlets.

President Trump called Sinclair Broadcasting ‘superior’ after the media giant made anchors at its TV stations across the country say the same script about ‘false news.’ So who is right President Trump or Dan Rather.

Is fake news a danger to our democracy?

On April 15, 2017 the BBC published an article titled The rise of left-wing, anti-Trump fake news stating:

Since the US election presidential race, fact checking websites report what seems like an increase in anti-Trump, ‘liberal fake news’.

The fact-checking site Snopes told BBC Trending radio that in the past week, for example, they have debunked many more anti-Republican party stories than pro-Republican ones.

Project Censored has published a book titled Censored 2020: Through the Looking Glass.

Censored 2020 scrutinizes the looking-glass logic of the corporate media—where imaginary threats outweigh real existential crises, privacy is a luxury, and consent must be manufactured at all costs—and it celebrates the work of independent journalists and news organizations who courageously refocus our vision on the type of news we need to act as engaged community members and informed citizens.

Censored 2020 demonstrates that the best independent journalism is constructive as well as critical—not only exposing dire problems, but also uniting communities to take action.

Americans experience fake news on social media platforms, on television and in newspapers. Telling a lie is a sin. Telling a lie to push a particular political agenda is a threat to our Constitutional Republic.

It is up to each citizen to discover the truth because the truth will set you free.

© All rights reserved.


Without Free Speech, All Speech Becomes Government Speech

Book ‘Google Archipelago’ Exposes the growing threat of ‘Big Digital’ and ‘Corporate Marxism’

How the major social media platforms stifle free speech or push a political agenda

2019-2020: The Coming Battle To Save Free Speech

Anti-blasphemy Laws, Free Speech and Religious Freedom

YouTube’s Concerning Suppression of Conservative Speech

RELATED VIDEO: Does free speech offend you?

Banned Practice: YouTube Takes Censorship to Trans Debate

“Talk with teens about possible regret.” That’s what the American Academy of Pediatrics says about tattoos and body piercings. But when it comes to giving a girl who thinks she’s a boy a double mastectomy, the same organization thinks parents should “respect” their kids’ wishes.

That’s just part of the hypocrisy Dr. Michelle Cretella was trying to point out about the liberal medical community in a popular video for the Daily Signal. I say “trying,” because after two years, the flaggers at YouTube decided to pull down the 2017 content and ban it. The truth about transgenderism, they said, “violates YouTube’s hate speech policy.” According to liberal flaggers, the offensive part was just one sentence — but, as Daily Signal editor Katrina Trinko explained on Thursday’s “Washington Watch,” it was an important one.

“If I walk into my doctor’s office today and say, ‘Hi, I’m Margaret Thatcher,’ my physician will say I am delusional and give me an anti-psychotic,” Dr. Cretella explained. But, “if instead, I walked in and said, ‘I’m a man,’ he would say, ‘Congratulations, you’re transgender.’ If I were to say, ‘Doc, I’m suicidal because I’m an amputee trapped in a normal body, please cut off my leg,’ I will be diagnosed with body identity integrity disorder. But if I walk into that doctor’s office and say, ‘I am a man, sign me up for a double mastectomy,’ my physician will.” Then came the part that really set YouTube off: “See, if you want to cut off a leg or an arm you’re mentally ill, but if you want to cut off healthy breasts or a penis, you’re transgender.”

Nothing that Dr. Cretella said is medically inaccurate. “And yet [it’s] so ‘offensive,'” Katrina argued, that “YouTube cannot even let it be said.” And what’s even more incredible is that this video has been online for a whole two years! It already has 70 million views. If YouTube wanted to keep the lid on these facts, they sure took their time doing it. But even now, after months of back-and-forth with the Daily Signal, it’s obvious the company isn’t concerned about truth or fairness. “We said, ‘Hey, we understand you’re a private company. We respect that you have the right to have your own rules. But we really think that this is a targeting of conservatives. Can we come to some sort of understanding?”

YouTube’s answer? No. “Ultimately, we were told the only way we could get the video back on YouTube was to delete the sentence [about cutting off healthy body parts]. In other words, we had two choices: censor the doctor’s words or have no video on the world’s biggest video platform.” That, Katrina said, “should horrify every YouTube user — and anyone who values the importance of a public square featuring a variety of perspectives.”

At a time when children are being legitimately and irreparably hurt by this ideology, the last thing any social media company should be doing is silencing experts. Dr. Cretella is a pediatrician with decades of professional experience. She understands the consequences of this because she’s seen them. If families reinforce and support their kids’ biological gender through puberty, “the vast majority of gender-confused children [as many as 98 percent!] get better.” But here we are, she warns, rushing to “chemically castrate gender-confused children with puberty blockers. Then we permanently sterilize many of them by adding cross-sex hormones, which also put them at risk for heart disease, strokes, diabetes, cancers, and even the very emotional problems that the gender experts claim to be treating.”

The truth may be uncomfortable. The science might be “offensive.” But what people don’t know about this fad of self-expression is destroying our children’s futures. The Left can’t debate Dr. Cretella — they can’t argue against the facts — so they call it “hate speech.” It’s time for the rest of us to rise up and speak out — while we still can! Conservatives may not be as loud and noisy and quick to complain as liberals, Katrina says, “but we exist.” And we should be allowed to speak freely. If you agree, weigh in. Tweet at them: @YouTube and @google. Or leave a message on Google’s Facebook page ( or YouTube’s (

Tony Perkins’s Washington Update is written with the aid of FRC senior writers.


State of Montana admits that transgenderism is phony – while allowing citizens to legally lie on driver’s license form designating person’s sex

1 Year After Sex Change, This Teen Regrets His ‘Frankenstein Hack Job

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Mastercard to Offer Cards Aimed at Transgender and Nonbinary People

Pediatric Endocrine Society Falsely Claims Puberty Blockers Are “Reversible.”Pediatric Endocrine Society Falsely Claims Puberty Blockers Are “Reversible.”

Parents Look for Eraser in Austin Sex Ed

When Erdogan Visits the U.S., He Has Some Explaining to Do

RELATED VIDEO: Does Free Speech Offend You?

EDITORS NOTE: This FRC column with podcast is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

On the Film ‘Harriet’ — Both Harriet Tubman and Kayne West have left the plantation [+Videos]

“If you hear the dogs, keep going. If you see the torches in the woods, keep going. If there’s shouting after you, keep going. Don’t ever stop. If you want a taste of freedom, keep going.” – Harriet Tubman

I went to see the Focus Features film “Harriet” a biopic about the life of Harriet Tubman (played by Cynthia Erivo). Harriet was born and grew up as a slave in Dorchester County, Maryland. Marry Pattison Brodess was the woman who originally owned Harriet Tubman and her parents, Ben Ross and Harriet Green.

Harriet escaped from the Brodess plantation in 1849 by travelling 100 miles on foot to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania where she found freedom.

In her passion for God and freedom, Harriet became the most well known “conductor” in the underground railroad that helped black slaves escape from their plantations. Harriet is credited with freeing 1,000 slaves. Here is the trailer:

Fast forward 170 years from 1849 to 2019

What struck me while watching the story of Harriet Tubman was that this year another black has left a plantation that exists today. Just as Harriet did not want to be told what to do, did not want to have anyone tell her what she can and cannot do, so to is there another who is following in Harriet’s footsteps. His name is Kayne West.

Kayne West is one of the most influential black rappers in the 21st century. He lived a rapper’s life, trapped in a plantation of his own making. In 2019 Kayne West became a born again Christian and produced a hit new album “Jesus is King.”

In the film Harriet repeatedly says God, and His Son Jesus, is what leads her to do the extraordinary things that she did.

In the video below Kayne West explains that Values Matter. Race Doesn’t.

Leaving The New Plantation

Kayne, much like Harriet, has left the plantation of victimhood and race. He now embraces the word of God and those Christian values that make all men equal in His eyes.

Kayne West understands that it was Abraham Lincoln and the Republican Party that won the Civil war, which freed the slaves. Now it is time to help free the slaves from the political plantations of victimhood and race. As Harriet Tubman said it’s time to “free my  people.” While Harriet freed nearly 1,000 slaves, Kayne West has the power to free a million slaves from victimhood. As Harriet Tubman said,

I freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.

According to the film the last words Harriet Tubman said, as she was dying of pneumonia, were from the book of Mathew, “I go away to prepare a place for you, and where I am ye may be also.”

RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Jesus Is King’ makes Billboard history: tops 5 charts, dominates top 10 Christian, Gospel lists

RELATED VIDEO: Kayne West singing “Jesus is King.”

VIDEO: 10 ‘Subversive’ Jokes That Could’ve Landed You in an East German Prison

Here are 10 more jokes that were popular in East Germany, but were almost certainly too hot (or just too honest) for the Stasi.

Making fun of politicians is an American tradition. Some jokes cross lines of good taste; some are unfair or unfunny. Good taste and humor aside, Americans take it for granted that we can poke fun at politicians and our leaders.

What’s the difference between Obama and God? God doesn’t think he is Obama.

What does the Trump administration use instead of emails? Alternative fax.

Mocking political leaders seems to be a bipartisan pastime, accepted by the right and the left. And for good reason. A good joke has psychological, social, and spiritual benefits, research shows. Humans use jokes to lift the spirits of others, reduce stress, and to mock absurdity and dogmas.

Because of their potency, historically many have seen such jokes as less than funny. As we near the 30-year anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, it’s worth noting that East Germans faced the threat of prison for mocking the state.

Bodo Müller, an author of East German jokes, says the Stasi (official name Ministerium für Staatsicherheit, or Ministry for State Security) viewed jokes as subversive propaganda. The Lives of Others, perhaps the best film of the 21st century (one guy’s opinion), revealed the terror an ill-timed joke could trigger.

Telling these jokes invited investigation by the Stasi, Müller says. They’d show up at a joker’s home and interrogate friends and neighbors. Of the 100 people identified in Müller’s research, 64 were convicted. Convicted joke-tellers served between one and three years. At least one man served four (he must have told a real knee-slapper, like the one about *General Secretary Honecker kissing Brezhnev). The accused were of course never convicted of telling jokes. Rather, they were found guilty of “state-endangering propaganda and hate speech”; the jokes themselves were never read publicly.

This joke about two East German communist leaders, Wilhelm Reinhold Pieck and Otto Grotewohl, for example, landed a man before a judge in 1956.

Pieck and Grotewohl are visiting Stalin in Moscow.

Stalin gives them a car. But when they want to leave, they realize the car doesn’t have a motor.

Stalin says: “You don’t need a motor if you’re already going downhill.”

Here are 10 more jokes that were popular in East Germany, but were almost certainly too hot (or just too honest) for the Stasi, including several about the Trabant, the worst car in history.

  1. Why do Stasi officers make such good taxi drivers? — You get in the car and they already know your name and where you live.
  2. What’s the best feature of a Trabant? — There’s a heater at the back to keep your hands warm when you’re pushing it.
  3. Capitalism is the exploitation of man by man. Under socialism, it is exactly the other way around.
  4. What would happen if the desert became a socialist country? — Nothing for a while… then the sand becomes scarce.
  5. Why do the Stasi work together in groups of three? — You need one who can read, one who can write, and a third to keep an eye on the two intellectuals.
  6. The Stasi held a competition for the best political joke. First prize? Fifteen to twenty years.
  7. How can you use a banana as a compass? — Place a banana on the Berlin Wall. The bitten end would point east. (Bananas were scarce and deeply desired in East Germany, in contrast to West Germany, where they were ubiquitous.)
  8. A man-on-the-street poll was taken in three countries: “What is your opinion of the recently announced shortage of meat?” In the US, they asked, “What shortage?” In Poland, they asked, “What is meat?” And in East Germany, they asked, “What is an opinion?”
  9. How do you catch a Trabi? — Just stick chewing gum on the highway. (An allusion to the Trabant’s weak motor.)
  10. Why did Erich Honecker get a divorce? — Because Brezhnev kisses better than his wife.*

*This joke is a reference to the socialist fraternal kiss, also known as the Triple Brezhnev; see below.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has appeared in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, and Fox News. 

RELATED VIDEO: MAGA by the American People.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column with videos is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Bohemian Misery, Part 1

Let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us. – Hebrews 12:1

It was 1975 and homosexuality was barely a movement, still in the shadows, even in the “progressive” rock-music biz. Two years hence, Freddie Mercury would sing the prideful lyrics to “We Will Rock You” and “We Are The Champions,” arguably his band’s most-overtly pro-homosexual songs. But it would be decades before fans clued on to Freddie’s proclivities. In a moment of spiritual clarity, he penned his band’s biggest hit, his autobiographical “Bohemian Rhapsody,” a single with the highest-ever production cost at the time with all of its overdubbed, operatic harmonies. Mercury never explained what Queen’s songs were about, but there’s compelling evidence that between 1975 and 1977 he underwent a transformation based on the
poor choices he made.

“Bohemian Rhapsody” is the conflicted prequel to later pro-homosexual songs by Queen, providing insight into Mercury’s internal torment. Tortured by his vices, struggling with sin, knowing it’s sin… and then, tragically, finally, and terminally, giving in, his lyrics take us from his first homosexual encounter, all the way, prophetically, to his untimely death.

We begin in the second part of the song where Mercury describes himself in the third person as an impressionable youth. You’d think he was talking about someone else: “I see a little silhouetto of a man.” But no, that’s just part of the deception. The whole chronology is inverted, you see, to throw his heterosexual fans off as he looks back to when he was young and innocent, as reflected in the insouciant nature of the accompaniment.

As a silhouette he’s just a cute young lad, basic and featureless, lacking character, playing the role of a boastful but cowardly, sixteenth-century commedia dell’arte clown, a “Scaramouche,” as part of some sort of theater group, the perfect quarry for an older homosexual assailant.

Indeed, a man’s voice calls to him, “Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?” a sexually enticing dance in triple time. And, quicker than you can say “statutory rape,” Mercury finds himself subjected to a “Thunderbolt and lightning.” For a mere child inexperienced in the abject violence of sodomy, it is, he confesses, “Very, very frightening [to] me!”

Mercury and his band chant back-and-forth, “(Galileo) Galileo. (Galileo) Galileo, Galileo Figaro Magnifico-o-o-o-o.” And just who, pray tell, is this Galileo character? I’m glad you ask. It is none other than Jesus Christ, that’s who. Having just been sodomized, Mercury is crying out to be rescued from his guilt and spiritual torment, to say nothing of the physical pain common to ALL young boys when they are first violated by older men.

Wait just a minute here, I hear someone object… Jesus is Galileo? Yes. You see, Mercury couldn’t mention Jesus by name in a pop song without totally destroying his cred, so he refers to Him obliquely, via Luke 23:5–7, the point in Christ’s Passion where Pilate realized Jesus was a Galilean, and therefore (he presumed) not his problem, passing Him to Herod Antipas who had jurisdiction over the region of Galilee. So yes, Freddie Mercury, who would become rock ‘n roll’s most flamboyant, “out” homosexual, cried out to Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior… yes, his Lord and Savior, at least at that juncture. And he did it for all the world to hear. Sadly, no one listened. We all heard the lyrics, sure, but were all too mesmerized by the music to listen to the message.

Lest you doubt Mercury’s victimhood status, go to the next verse where he laments, “I’m just a poor boy, nobody loves me.” Precisely the type of low self-esteem that monstrous homosexual men prey upon. The band confirms this when they respond: “He’s just a poor boy from a poor family, Spare him his life from this monstrosity.” And with that line, it really couldn’t be more clear: even Mercury knows homosexual men are monstrous, or he wouldn’t have chosen that word.

Of crucial importance here, while the lyrics for “We Will Rock You” and “We Are The Champions” would be written by someone else just two years later, “Bohemian Rhapsody” comes to us exclusively from Freddie’s heart and soul, every last word of it. So yes, he thought homosexuals were monstrous. His words, not mine, dear reader.

Deflowered, Mercury is torn. “Easy come, easy go, will you let me go?” Of crucial importance here, it’s not his assailant to whom he’s appealing. It’s someone far more sinister, as you’ll soon see.

He cries out to God Himself to deliver him, shouting “Bismillah!” Arabic for In the name of God, harkening to his family’s roots in pre-Christian Zoroastrianism, a religion that opposes homosexuality, believing it a form of demon worship, an unforgivable offence necessitating immediate honor killing.

But, alas, the four-part harmonious response is, “No, we will not let you go.” It goes back and forth with Mercury’s band members joining him in shouting for this evil entity to “Let him go!” and Mercury, for his part, continuing to cry out to God, pleading to be “let go” from the evil that has him in its grip, until… finally… he turns his back on his family, his religion, and his past…and Freddie Mercury switches sides.

This is the turning point for many young men, especially now in an inverted culture that celebrates such inherently violent sexual activity, applauding these victims, urging that they stop being victims and join the dark side instead. They become, in every sense of the words, born again. Mercury now sings “Never, never, never, never let me go!” no longer yearning to be “let go.” It’s unmistakable; he has given in. His basest desires will henceforth be his “rhapsody,” his life’s passion in other words, right here in the physical world.

Like Macbeth, throwing away his afterlife in exchange for immediate gratification “here upon this bank and shoal of time,” as Shakespeare put it, Mercury has made the irrevocable decision to “jump,” to skip in other words “the life to come.” (Shakespeare, Macbeth, I, vii, 6–7) It’s as if he’s skipping a luncheon engagement. No big deal. He’s got more important things to attend to. Like having sex with boys.

And what, you ask, is this evil he had been pleading against until this point? He cries out in shock and surprise, realizing the normal world of love is now but a fast-fading memory: “Oh, mama mia, mama mia, Mama mia, let me go!” Yes, like all sexual deviants, he now wants his own mother to let him go because he’s no longer concerned with the evil he wanted to be freed from just a few lines earlier. And with his connection to his own mother extenuated to the breaking point, he finally identifies the sinister character involved in his spiritual decimation, declaring that “Beelzebub,” yes, that Beelzebub, “has a devil put aside for me, for me, for me,” as the music climaxes.

This is the “we” that had been foreshadowed above when his band sang “we will not let you go.”

It’s Satan and his demons. And guess what? Mercury’s fine with this, and so, apparently, are his band mates, along with everyone who worked behind the scenes with Queen. Everyone.

Stay tuned for the breakdown of the second part of this tragic song that has now deluded two generations of youth in Christendom. The story gets a lot better… worse actually, as Mercury’s health deteriorates and he mourns “at the last,” knowing full-well what awaits him, “when thy flesh and thy body are consumed.” (Proverbs 5:11)

“Bohemian Rhapsody” was never meant to be the anthem for the gay movement, rather a warning against disobedience. Every last word of it, straight from Freddie’s pen.

ISIS to its Followers: Cause the West Pain by Setting Forests Ablaze

This news from Fox News yesterday reminded me of a reader at Refugee Resettlement Watch who sent me information and stories to post for probably a year or so.

She (I think the tipster was a she!) told me how important fire is as a weapon of jihad as she often found stories about mysterious fires, not just forest fires, that she identified as linked to an Islamic imperative—to wage jihad.

I haven’t heard from her for about five years, but her admonitions about fire jihad stuck with me.

Here is Fox News:

ISIS encouraging followers to set wildfires in forests, fields of US, Europe

The Islamic State terror group may have recently lost its leader, but a media outlet affiliated with the group is urging followers to continue to literally set ablaze new paths of terror and destruction.

At least four propaganda posters have appeared in recent months from the pro-ISIS media outlet Quraysh Media that have encouraged followers to “ignite fires” of their own, literally setting wildfires in the U.S. and Europe as a means of “waging jihad,” according to the Middle East Media Research Institute.

MEMRI, which tracks communications of radical groups, said the first poster in the series was published in April.

“Oh monotheists [followers of ISIS], ignite fires in the forests and fields, and we are addressing especially those who live in Europe and America, for they are painful to them,” the poster read, according to MEMRI.


“Ignite fires in the forests of America, France, Britain and Germany, for they are painful to them,” the text reads, according to MEMRI.

More here.

It would be pretty darn easy!  And, even if authorities suspected that type of arson, they would likely keep it from us and blame global warming instead.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.