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243 search results for: face mask study


Dr. Fauci (Basically) Admits Rand Paul Was Right 6 Months Ago on Schools and COVID-19

Top White House COVID-19 Advisor Dr. Anthony Fauci recently changed his prior position and recommended that we keep schools open (while also advising the nation to close bars back down). “Obviously, you don’t have one size fits all, but as I said in the past and as you accurately quoted me, the default position should be to […]


Recent Election Fraud, Covid, Energy and Environmental News

Welcome to our latest Energy & Environmental Newsletter… (For all 2020 Newsletters, go here. To review the current issue, see below.)… Note: a team of experts has volunteered their time to improve US voting integrity. A Michigan analysis is a sample of one of their reports. LATEST BY CATEGORY US National Elections What If Biden Were Seeking Recounts? The Constitutional Duty […]


COVID: How Democrats are Slowly, but Surely, Forcing Americans to ‘Submit’

“In a country where the sole employer is the State, opposition means death by slow starvation. The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced by a new one: who does not obey shall not eat.” ― Leon Trotsky QUESTION: Are the policies of Democrats slowly starving Americans to death? This question […]


Harvard Researchers: Young Adults Showing Signs of Depression in Pandemic

Mounting evidence shows that pandemic-related lockdowns and restrictions have inflicted much more harm on younger people than the coronavirus itself. A new report reveals that nearly half of 18 to 24 year-olds are “showing at least moderate depressive symptoms,” and for many the depression is severe. Researchers at Harvard, Northeastern, Rutgers, and Northwestern universities conducted eight large survey […]


Recent Energy and Environmental News

Welcome to our latest Energy & Environmental Newsletter… (For all 2020 Newsletters, go here. To review the current issue’s highlights, see below.) — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic — US National Elections The Clown In The White House Up to $1M Reward for Voter Fraud Whistleblowers Video: Why Scott Adams of Dilbert Fame Says Trump Wins Wait Just a Minute! Some Very […]


Recent Energy and Environmental News

Welcome to our latest Energy & Environmental Newsletter… (For all 2020 Newsletters, go here. To review the current issue’s highlights, see below.)… For US Citizens  Check and update your voter registration. Each state has different registration options and deadlines, so it’s important to complete these ASAP. Not sure if you’re registered to vote or if your information is still […]


VIDEO: President Trump Presided Over the Largest Manufacturing Boom in a First Term Since the 1970s

But many of America’s unions are supporting Joe Biden, who would gift American manufacturing to China and Mexico. The choice could not be clearer on November 3rd. Vote for President Trump. The American worker is being betrayed by criminal Union leadership who have endorsed Biden. Revealed: President Trump Presided Over the Largest Manufacturing Boom in […]


Communism is Treason!

August 24 marks sixty-six years since President Eisenhower signed the Communist Control Act into law. Controlled press outlets from the New York Times to the Wall Street Journal excoriated the Act when it passed Congress, powerful think tanks and lobbying groups rose up in protest, and it was ultimately never enforced except in a handful of cases. I contend […]


Biden’s ‘Build Back Better’ is Bunk

Dems’ plans to import tens of millions of immigrant children prove it. Despite the optimistic campaign slogan “Build Back Better,” in reality, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and their Radical Leftist political cohorts are waging a war against America and Americans because they know that For Dems to Succeed, Americans Must Fail. Not unlike most politicians, […]


Recent Energy and Environmental News

Welcome to our latest Energy & Environmental Newsletter… (For all 2020 Newsletters, go here.)  To review the current issue’s highlights, see below (and page 70)… Two upbeat specials: Short video: Stranger Accused of Saying Hello Short video: Bugatti Chiron breaks through magic 300 mph barrier — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —   COVID-19: Therapies 19 HCQ positive studies of early treatment: NONE were […]


In a Pandemic, Dogmatism is the Real Enemy

What we need is careful science, not scientism Eight months into this pandemic, we sometimes seem to be no nearer to knowing what’s going on than we were at the beginning. Lockdowns vs. no lockdowns; masks vs. no masks; hydroxychloroquine vs. remdesivir; opening schools vs. closing schools, etc., etc. Every day, top-level experts express significantly […]


Antisemitic Content Voted into California Public School Curriculum

The unmasked face of ‘critical ethnic studies’ A new bill passed by the California legislature mandates that all high school students must complete an “ethnic studies” course to graduate. However, many Jewish voices have raised an alarm over the proposed curriculum of the course, which, among other issues, accuses Jews of possessing “racial privilege.” The bill, AB-331, […]


Feckless Fauci Foments Fear to Keep the Sheep in Line

“When one with honeyed words but evil mind persuades the mob, great woes befall the state.” –  Euripides “Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don’t have brains enough to be honest.” – Benjamin Franklin “Freedom of speech is a principal pillar of a free government; when this support is taken away, the […]


Recent Energy and Environmental News

Welcome to our latest Energy & Environmental Newsletter… (For all 2020 Newsletters, go here.)  To review the current issue’s highlights, see below (and page 66)… Two upbeat specials: Short video: Hallelujah Short video: Teaser from the amazing documentary Les Rêves d’Icare — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic — COVID-19: Therapies COVID-19 Solutions for Dummies 16 HCQ studies of early treatment: NONE were negative […]