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243 search results for: face mask study


‘I Thought I Was Going To Die’, Says Capitol Police Officer Who Held Door Open For Protestors On Jan. 6

WASHINGTON, D.C.—In a harrowing testimony before the January 6th Committee, Capitol Police Officer Lenny Burbo revealed his paralyzing fear as MAGA terrorist insurrectionist racists stormed the Capitol. “I stood there, paralyzed by fear as I held the door open so people could enter,” said Burbo. “As boomer after boomer entered the facility in an orderly […]


‘CDC Has Destroyed Their Credibility’

Another great American institution co-opted and decimated and weaponized by the Democrat communist party. Senator Ted Cruz blasted the CCP-Democrats, ““[T]he Democrats have from the beginning of this pandemic, treated it as a matter of politics,” he said. “From the shutdowns we saw all over the country, to the schools that were closed, and the […]


Fauci Can’t Get His Own Facts Straight, Yet the Government Wants to Decide What’s ‘Misinformation’ on Social Media

Misinformation is much more destructive when it emanates from a monopolistic “Ministry of Truth.” This week, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) and the Director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Anthony Fauci squared off in the public arena yet again. The two have frequently sparred over pandemic policy in Congressional committee hearings over the past […]


AWED: Media Balanced Newsletter — We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Note 1: Each issue now has a url, so it’s simple to share on social media. We’re also hoping that the new Newsletter format makes it easier to read. Note 2: Our ten election integrity reports are at: Please pass onto your […]


CORRUPT: CDC Caught Cooking the Books On COVID

Is there no path for recourse? How can this stand? There is an absolute lawlessness, a power without accountability, that poses an existential threat to every American. Yet another trusted American institution destroyed by the Democrats. CDC Caught Cooking the Books on COVID Vaccines Analysis by Dr. Joseph Mercola STORY AT-A-GLANCE COVID-19 has been a pandemic […]


NYC Psychiatrist tells Yale Audience She Fantasizes About Shooting White People in Head

American universities are abusing our children, turning them into racist zombies. And the American taxpayer is financing their own demise. ‘Make my blood boil’: NYC shrink tells Yale audience she fantasizes about shooting white people in head A New York City-based psychiatrist told an audience at the Yale School of Medicine in April that she had fantasies of “unloading […]


AWED: A Media Balanced Newsletter

Welcome to the latest issue of our Media Balance Newsletter, which covers a wide range of nation interest topics: from COVID to Climate. (For all 2020 Newsletters, go here. For all 2021 Newsletters, go here.) (FYI, Our Election Integrity Reports have a new url: Please pass that onto your social media contacts…) COVID-19: Therapy Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19 when used early: analysis […]


A Requiem for QAnon

A sign that we’re still in the proverbial fog of war is that theories of all manner of plots and plans abound, giving people hope that even though things look bleak, we’re headed toward that happy ending. And much of the encouraging news online comes from the mysterious, still anonymous “Q” and his cadre of […]


Media Balance Newsletter

Welcome to the latest issue of our Media Balance Newsletter, which covers a wide range of nation interest topics: from COVID to Climate. (For all 2020 Newsletters, go here. For all 2021 Newsletters, go here.) (FYI, Our Election Integrity Reports have a new url: Please pass that onto your social media contacts…) COVID-19: Therapy Ivermectin is effective for COVID-19 when used early: analysis […]


When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty

“If people let government decide which foods they eat and medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” – Thomas Jefferson “We should consider the benefits and the risks of vaccination. Unfortunately, our public health officials haven’t gotten to that […]


How the Left Plans on Putting Boots on the Ground to Subdue Middle America

It was said during our Mideast military adventures, and has been considered a truism of war, that you can’t really win a conflict without “boots on the ground.” For it’s difficult to completely subdue a people from afar. It may not be too different with battles for civilization. I stated in 2012, addressing a long-developing […]