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317 search results for: taxation


James Comey and the Stinking Fish Factor

I always thought that James Comey was a company man. As it happens, the company he heads is among the most influential, powerful and scary companies in the world––the Federal Bureau of Investigation. But still, a company guy. Whether working for a president on the moderate-to-conservative spectrum like G.W. Bush or for the far-left current […]


The New Black Panther Party: The Marriage of Racism and Marxism

Founded in 1990, the New Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (NBPP) is a militant black separatist organization, notorious for promoting racial violence against Jews and whites. According to an Anti-Defamation League report: “Much of the NBPP’s ideology derives from the notion that African-Americans continue to suffer as a result of a racist white power structure […]


Corporations Should Flee America: High Tax Rates Help Politicians, Not the Country by Doug Bandow

Every day in Congress, it seems, a member who created a problem demands more power and money to “solve” the resulting crisis. So it is with “tax inversions,” by which companies change their tax domicile — their country of residence, for tax purposes — to escape Washington’s clutches. Doing so deprives Uncle Sam of money […]


The Economic Policy of the Nazis by Ludwig von Mises

The doctrines of Nazism swept the developed world long before the Nazis took power. [Excerpt from Omnipotent Government: The Rise of Total State and Total War (1944), chapter 7] Hitler and his clique conquered Germany by brutal violence, by murder and crime. But the doctrines of Nazism had got hold of the German mind long before […]


The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism by Corey Iacono

Bernie Sanders has single-handedly brought the term “democratic socialism” into the contemporary American political lexicon and shaken millions of Millennials out of their apathy towards politics. Even if he does not win the Democratic nomination, his impact on American politics will be evident for years to come. Sanders has convinced a great number of people […]


Will a ‘Socialist’ Government Make Us Freer? by Jason Kuznicki

“Socialism” is a weasel word. Consider that the adjective “socialist” applies commonly — even plausibly — to countries with vastly different ex ante institutions and with vastly different social and economic outcomes. Yet Canada, Norway, Venezuela, and Cuba can’t all be one thing. Does socialism mean substantial freedom of the press, as in Norway? Or does […]


Ted Cruz’s VAT Is a Dangerous Gamble by Daniel J. Mitchell

This is a very strange political season. Some of the Senators running for the Republican presidential nomination are among the most principled advocates of smaller government in Washington. Yet all of them have proposed tax plans that, while theoretically far better than the current system, have features that I find troublesome. Marco Rubio, for instance, leaves […]


VIDEO: Five ways the FAIRtax Curtails Tax Cheats

The FAIRtax improves upon major factors that bear upon compliance. To understand how it does so, policy makers need to look at the several factors that bear upon compliance – both fraud and non-fraud – from the scholarly research.  The five most important of these are as follows: the number of taxpayers in relation to […]


The Islamic State vs. the Laffer Curve by Daniel J. Mitchell

Based on my writings, some people may think I’m 100 percent against higher taxes. But that’s not exactly true. In some cases, I like punitive taxation. Or, to be more precise, I sometimes take pleasure when punitive tax policy backfires on bad people. Here’s an example. An interesting article in Slate, authored by Adam Chodorow […]


American Medical Association Warning: Don’t Use Pot when Pregnant!

CBS News reports: Warning: Marijuana use during pregnancy and breast-feeding poses potential harms. That message would be written on medical and recreational marijuana products and posted wherever they’re sold if the nation’s most influential doctors group has its way. The American Medical Association agreed Monday to push for regulations requiring such warnings be written on […]


Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations and the FairTax by Rep. Dave Brat (VA-7)

Adam Smith, the father of economics, published An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations nearly 240 years ago[i]. Soon after, an extraordinary flourishing of innovation and human well-being took off and transformed the globe. According to economist Deirdre McCloskey, the average American today is roughly 30 to 100 times better […]


The Economics of a Toddler and the Ethics of a Thug by Donald J. Boudreaux

Reflecting on the recent Democratic debate, Dan Henninger reports that Bernie Sanders said that he would fund his plan to make college free for students “through a tax on Wall Street speculation” (“Bernie Loves Hillary,” Oct. 15). This statement reveals the frivolousness of Mr. Sanders’s economics. If such speculation is as economically destructive as Mr. […]