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317 search results for: taxation


The Secretive, Taxpayer-Financed Settlement Fund Used by Lawmakers Accused of Sexual Harassment

Staffers who are the targets of unwanted sexual advances on Capitol Hill should not have to endure a lengthy mediation process and pay the legal bills as lawmakers secretly draw on a mysterious slush fund to settle the accusations against them, an advocate for taxpayers argues. In the event of a monetary settlement of sexual […]


In Charts, How These 7 Taxpayers’ Bills Would Change If Tax Reform Were Enacted

How will you fare if the GOP tax plan is enacted? Well, on net, most Americans will see a significant tax cut under the proposed plans from Republican lawmakers, including virtually all lower- and middle-income workers and a majority of upper-income earners. Both the House and Senate versions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act would, on average, provide […]


VIDEO: A Taxing Week for Republicans

“Tax reform is a noble goal but an ugly process,” Howard Kurtz said, almost sympathetically. He won’t have to convince Republicans of that, as they slog through one of the biggest tax rewrites since Ronald Reagan. It’s a grueling process for the members and staff, who not only feel the weight of the task — […]


My Bill Would Stop Tax Dollars from Subsidizing the NFL

NFL players have protested the national anthem for a little over a year now. First, they kneeled for Black Lives Matter, then against “police brutality.” Now, they’re kneeling to protest racial injustice. But has kneeling helped them raise awareness? Has their weekly spectacle changed any policies or laws? No. If anything, their protest has backfired […]


We Hear You: The IRS, the Rich, the Nanny State, Republicans, Trump, and Tax Reform

Editor’s note: As you probably noticed, The Daily Signal has made tax reform a focus of our coverage and commentary. Here is some of what you’ve had to say on the topic in recent weeks. Be sure to write us at—Ken McIntyre Dear Daily Signal: Regarding Rachel del Guidice’s story about the family of ranchers […]


The Numbers Are in: Social Security Robs the Working Poor

The Social Security Administration’s own numbers reveal that a private investment pays more than Social Security. by  Tom Eddlem Back in 2011, investment guru Warren Buffett famously complained in the New York Times that his secretaries were paying higher federal payroll tax rates than he was: Our leaders have asked for ‘shared sacrifice.’ But when they did the asking, they spared […]


Give Everyone a Raise through Payroll Tax Cuts

Income tax cuts are great, but it’s not the best way to help lower- and middle-class workers. by  James Capretta Republicans are just getting started with their effort to reform individual and corporate taxes, but already it is possible to see warning signs ahead. Opponents of reform say the effort will mainly benefit high-income households, who don’t need […]


VIDEO: Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL-1) Tells NFL Tax Breaks to Take a Knee

Washington, D.C. — Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-FL-1) became the lead sponsor of H.R. 296, the Pro Sports Act, a bill that ends the tax-exempt status of professional sports leagues. The NFL League Office has received a special tax carveout since 1966, when the tax code first listed “professional football leagues” as trade organizations. Though individual teams are […]


The Top Three Arguments against a Universal Basic Income

Unfortunately, a welfare state by any other name is still a welfare state. — by  Brittany Hunter Every so often a new study is released, concluding that a universal basic income (UBI) is needed to fix this country’s welfare system. Most recently, the Roosevelt Institute claimed that switching to a UBI system could actually grow the economy by $2.5 […]


In Ending DACA, Trump Displays His Political Acumen

U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions has announced that President Trump would be rescinding an unconstitutional Presidential Order granting amnesty to children of undocumented immigrants who are still living in the United States; the so called Deferred Action for Children Arrivals, or DACA. My reaction, as an Hispanic? Good riddance! Of course, I’m ecstatic that the President […]


Trump Says Tax Reform Could Create ‘Millions and Millions of New Jobs’ by Fred Lucas

President Donald Trump hit his campaign themes of bringing back American jobs and raising wages in launching his quest for tax reform, while blasting special interest loopholes. “Let’s put, or at least try to put, the partisan posturing behind us and come together as Americans to create the 21st century tax code that our people […]


Repeal and Replace Congress 2018

In the 2018 mid-term elections, all 435 U.S. House members are up for reelection and in the U.S. Senate, 25 democrats and 9 republicans are running for reelection. Not one of them has kept their oath of office to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic, “so […]


Tax Withholding Is Miracle-Grow for Government by Daniel J. Mitchell

The internal revenue code is a reprehensible mess that torments taxpayers and undermines American competitiveness. The good news is that Americans don’t like the tax system. The bad news is that they don’t dislike it nearly as much as they should. At least in my humble opinion. There are two reasons for the inadequate level of disdain. First, nearly half […]


VIDEO: Obamacare’s ‘People Will Die’ Canard by Charles Blahous

Passions are high in the national health care debate. Some supporters of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) have taken to asserting that hundreds of thousands of “people will die” if it is repealed or significantly altered. These claims do not withstand scrutiny, and those who wish their policy arguments to be taken seriously would be […]