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317 search results for: taxation


The Bernie Sanders Story: Rise of the ‘Berniecrat’ Political Revolution

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has become the voice of the new Democrat Party. His followers are passionately engaged and willing to do whatever it takes to bring themselves and the Democrat Party back to power. Senator Sanders has given rise to the “Berniecrat” political revolution. He and his followers have moved beyond socialism to communism. […]


Study: The Surprising Effect of Marijuana Legalization on College Students

Researchers from Oregon State University and the University of Michigan studied marijuana use among 10,924 college students at one large Oregon university and six other universities in states that have not legalized marijuana. Using data from the Health Minds Survey, they looked at marijuana use before and after Oregon legalized the drug for recreational use. […]


The 2016 Election & the Demise of Journalistic Standards by Michael Goodwin

The following is adapted from a speech delivered on April 20, 2017, in Atlanta, Georgia, at a Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar. I’ve been a journalist for a long time. Long enough to know that it wasn’t always like this. There was a time not so long ago when journalists were trusted and admired. We […]


The Deficit Problem Is a Spending Problem by John Tamny

After 2008, the US economy has experienced relative stagnation. The  common refrain from the Left was that federal budget deficits weren’t big enough. Of the belief that government spending is what lifts economies out of slow-growth ruts, Paul Krugman, Lawrence Summers and other neo-Keynesians called for federal borrowing beyond what Treasury took in as a […]


The U.N. Has Absolutely No Idea How Economic Growth Works by Daniel J. Mitchell

I’ve been at the United Nations this week for both the 14th Session of the Committee of Experts on International Cooperation in Tax Matters as well as the Special Meeting of ECOSOC on International Cooperation in Tax Matters. As you might suspect, it would be an understatement to say this puts me in the belly […]


Pope Maker: Soros partners with Vatican to push UN Climate Agenda

Pope Maker: The Soros Syndicate Written by  Elizabeth Yore Over a decade ago, with typical hubris, George Soros bragged, that he “is the Pope’s boss, now.” It appears that his boast became a self-fulfilling prophecy in the Francis pontificate. The two most powerful men in the world joined forces to form a curious and troubling […]


16 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Live In California

I was privileged to attend high school at a military academy in Carlsbad, California from 1965-1969, at which time I returned to Arizona to attend Northern Arizona University.  My years in southern California were terrific for many reasons one being the magic which was the California of yesteryear.  The beach (the academy had its own […]


Which Country Punishes Productive People the Most? by Daniel J. Mitchell

Back in 2014, I shared some data from the Tax Foundation that measured the degree to which various developed nations punished high-income earners. This measure of relative “progressivity” focused on personal income taxes. And that’s important because that levy often is the most onerous for highly productive residents of a nation. But there are other […]


The Failure of Public Schooling in One Chart by Daniel J. Mitchell

While I have great fondness for some of the visuals I’ve created over the years (especially “two wagons” and “apple harvesting“), I confess that none of my creations have ever been as clear and convincing as the iconic graph on education spending and education outcomes created by the late Andrew Coulson. I can’t imagine anyone […]


What Made America Great?

It’s over, done, finished. All the energy that was poured into the U.S. Presidential election for over a year, has finally come to an end. It’s time to stop all the whining, blame, complaint, negativity and victim consciousness. It’s time to speak freely once more without worrying about “political correctness”. It’s time for everyone to […]


VIDEO: Obamacare and Death by Prescription Drugs

Seeing ObamaCare as a pending disaster, big insurers are cutting their support. It wasn’t a good deal for taxpayers when the only people who signed up were poorer people whose premiums were largely paid by taxpayers. (WSJ, 8-5-16) “ObamaCare is taxation without representation,” and Dr. Ben Carson was right, ObamaCare is the worst thing since slavery. […]