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317 search results for: taxation


Bernie Sanders Wants Us to Be Like Denmark by Marian L. Tupy

For those of you who did not watch the Democratic Party presidential debate last night, Senator Bernie Sanders says he wants America to be more like Denmark. In some ways, that is an excellent idea. Denmark, it turns out, has freer trade and better business environment than the United States. Its overall economic freedom is almost identical to that of the […]


What Killed Economic Growth? by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Debating why the economy is so sluggish is an American pastime. It fills the op-eds, burns up the blogosphere, consumes the TV pundits, and dominates the political debates. It’s a hugely important question because many people are seriously frustrated about the problem. The recent popularity of political cranks and crazies from the left and right […]


Can Soaking the Rich Reduce Income Inequality? by Karen Walby, Ph.D.

On the campaign trail recently, Bernie Sanders, a candidate running for the Democratic Party’s presidential nomination, said that America’s leaders shouldn’t worry so much about economic growth if that growth serves to enrich only the wealthiest Americans. And that our economic goals have to be redistributing a significant amount of wealth back from those in […]


The Pope Is Morally and Factually Wrong about Capitalism by Daniel J. Mitchell

The biggest mistake of well-meaning leftists is that they place too much value on good intentions and don’t seem to care nearly as much about good results. Pope Francis is an example of this unfortunate tendency. His concern for the poor presumably is genuine, but he puts ideology above evidence when he argues against capitalism and in favor […]


VIDEO: Wind Turbines Can Harm Humans

Carmen Krogh at Ideacity Conference in Toronto on wind turbines. To learn more please read “Wind Turbines can Harm Humans: A Case Study” by Carmen M.E. Krogh, Roy D. Jeffry, Jeff Aramini and Brett Horner. RELATED ARTICLES: How a NC Wind Project Undermines U.S. National Security An Open Letter To Amazon about the NC Desert […]


Market Corrections Inspire Dangerous Political Panic by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Some kinds of inflation people really hate, like when it affects food and gas. But now, with the whole of the American middle class heavily invested in stocks, there is another kind inflation people love and demand: share prices that increased forever. Just as with real estate before 2008, people seem addicted to the idea […]


Scandinavian Myths: High Taxes and Big Spending Are Popular by Nima Sanandaji

As I have explained in previous columns for CapX, there are a number of myths surrounding the Nordic countries that don’t stand up to scrutiny. These include the notion that long life span in Nordic nations arose as the public sector expanded, the idea that generous public programs alone explain low levels of Nordic poverty and the myth that Nordic countries […]


Proselytizing of Islam At Chautauqua

The Chautauqua Institution, deemed an adult education center, is less education than it is indoctrination to the world of The Left. In the month of July, in an idyllic setting, the Institution invited Islamists who speak of “Love and Justice in a World of Suffering,” hiding the truths about the suffering caused by Islam – […]


The Neo-Thought Crime: Offending Someone

The term “thought crime” was popularized in the dystopian novel Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell, wherein thought crime is “the criminal act of holding unspoken beliefs or doubts that oppose or question the ruling party.” In today’s society it is a thought crime to offend the ruling party’s ‘selected someones’. In 2015 America we see […]


Capitalist Theory Is Better Than Socialist Reality by Sandy Ikeda

Tell someone on the left that crony capitalism is not the same as the free market and they’ll often respond that capitalism as it really exists is crony capitalism. They will say that there has never been an instance of capitalism in which government-sponsored or government-abetted cronyism didn’t play a substantial role — either through […]


Israeli Populist Protest Against Offshore Gas Development Deal Misguided

Last week, Israeli PM Netanyahu effectively declared offshore gas deal with Delek Partners and US Noble Energy, Inc. a national security issue. This was the conclusion reached after discussions with the development partners and economic analysis of other major gas developments resulting in a proposed framework to replace a series of bust deals with the […]