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3476 search results for: immigration


Democrat Witch-hunt: Target Dr. Sebastian Gorka Deputy Assistant to President Trump

The Forward and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-NY) endeavored to impugn the reputation of Deputy Assistant to President Trump Sebastian Gorka over the matter of his wearing a Hungarian medal issued by the regime of Hungarian Regent Admiral Miklos Horthy, a known anti-Semite. Instead their comeuppance by a critic of the Administration in a Tablet Magazine […]


Canadians who want Immigrants Screened for ‘anti-Canadian values’ Attacked by Establishment Media

Monday’s headlines proclaimed “disappointment” and “concern” over a new CROP poll of Canadians’ attitudes toward immigration. Despite the extraordinarily painstaking efforts by leftist leaders, the media and Muslim Brotherhood-linked groups such as the National Council of Canadian Muslims (former CAIR-CAN), all serving as thought police, Canadians are not quite that naive. Given the voluminous liberal […]


Since President Trump took office over 2,400 refugees from travel-ban countries entered U.S.

Pew Research has done a handy little summary of where we stand with refugees admitted this fiscal year, but most importantly they made a useful graph of how many entered from travel-restricted countries since the first week of December, through Trump’s inauguration and up to last Friday. There is nothing we haven’t already been talking […]


Tennessee files suit against federal government over cost to state of refugee program

It’s been a  long time coming, but yesterday, the State of Tennessee filed its Tenth Amendment case against the US Department of State and the Department of Health and Human Services over the issue of cost-shifting of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program to the states. Readers, this is big news! Here is Michael Patrick Leahy […]


Is there ‘racial bigotry’ among practitioners of the ‘religion of peace’?

Fighting a war on two fronts! Some Muslims believe “we shouldn’t talk about anti-blackness within the community, because we’re under siege by Islamophobes. This is not the right time to air internal laundry.” – Kameelah Rashad, University of Pennsylvania. Yup, you know it is true!  Or, why would Somali Muslims, for example, want to build […]


‘Battle of Rotterdam’ — On the Eve of a Historic Election in the Netherlands

Invasion of Europe news…. Western Civilization is under assault: “If this continues, our culture will cease to exist.” – A Dutch citizen of Amsterdam told The Washington Post this week. All eyes will be on the Dutch election scheduled for this Wednesday! And, if things couldn’t be more tense in the lead-up to election day, last […]


President Trump’s First 50 Days of Action: Achieving Results for the American People

JUMPSTARTING JOB CREATION: President Donald J. Trump is looking out for the American workers who Washington has left behind. President Trump has worked with the private sector to deliver tens of thousands of new jobs for Americans. President Trump ordered the United States to withdraw from the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement and negotiations. President Trump signed […]


The Trojan Horse of Terrorism

In a March 7, 2017 story by Dan Bilefsky, headlined “Hungary Approves Detention of Asylum Seekers in Guarded Camps,” the New York Times reported that, “Europe’s simmering backlash against immigration came into sharp relief on Tuesday when the Hungarian Parliament approved the detention of asylum seekers in guarded and enclosed camps on the country’s southern […]


16 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Live In California

I was privileged to attend high school at a military academy in Carlsbad, California from 1965-1969, at which time I returned to Arizona to attend Northern Arizona University.  My years in southern California were terrific for many reasons one being the magic which was the California of yesteryear.  The beach (the academy had its own […]


KHAN JOB? Khizr Khan claims his ‘travel privileges are being reviewed’

Khizr Khan first rose to national prominence when he verbally attacked Donald Trump during the Democratic National Convention stating that Trump had sacrificed nothing and questioned whether Trump had ever read the Constitution.  We will discuss the Constitution at the conclusion of my commentary. Khan is a Harvard educated lawyer whose son Humayun Khan, a […]


GOP Healthcare Plan Allows Illegal Aliens to get tax credits

Numbers USA has reviewed the American Healthcare Act bill and found that illegal aliens are eligible for tax credits. Here is what Numbers USA published: Healthcare reform legislation unveiled by GOP Leaders on Monday night would, at best, leave in place a verification system that allowed up to 500,000 illegal aliens to access taxpayer-funded benefits […]