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3476 search results for: immigration


Mayor of Honolulu: My Latest Appointee Helped Deliver Lots of Muslims to Europe

by Andrew Walden A February 21, 2017 Caldwell administration news release touting the appointment of Jim Howe to head the Honolulu Emergency Services Department includes this tidbit: “Most recently, Howe provided consulting services to the ProActiva Open Arms program, which helps rescue European-bound refugees from treacherous ocean waters who are fleeing war, persecution or poverty.” […]


Germany: 100 ‘radical Islamists’ in 2013 and 1,600 today

What a surprise! To what could this skyrocketing number of “radical Islamists” be attributed? Might it have something to do with Merkel’s disastrous immigration policies? No, it would be bigoted, racist and “Islamophobic” to think that. “German intel agency notes dramatic increase in Islamic extremism,” DW, February 22, 2017: The domestic intelligence service has announced […]


VIDEO: Vice President Mike Pence remarks at CPAC 2017

In 55 BC Marcus Tullius Cicero said, “The budget should be balanced, the Treasury should be refilled, public debt should be reduced, the arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and the assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome become bankrupt. People must again learn to work instead of living on public assistance.” […]


All they needed to do to save Europe from invasion was to turn back just a couple of boats

….but it is too late. Here is a long story at Bloomberg Businessweek that you don’t have to read. It is an overly-long, detailed account of the travails of a Somali migrant (is he even telling the truth?) being trafficked in to Europe. The invasion began in earnest when Obama and Hillary destabilized Libya opening […]


Ohio official calls on President Trump to go after CAIR as a terrorist organization — Take Action! reports:  Ohio Treasurer Josh Mandel accuses CAIR of being a front for terrorism. Ohio Treasurer and US Senate candidate Josh Mandel accused the Council on American-Islamic Relations of being a front for terrorism.  In a Facebook post Wednesday, Mandel posted a link to an article that makes the accusation. “The Muslim Brotherhood and Hamas […]


VIDEO: Le Pen refuses to wear headscarf, walks out of meeting with Grand Mufti

Far-right French presidential candidate Marine Le Pen cancelled a meeting with Lebanon’s Grand Mufti after refusing to wear a headscarf. Brava to Marine Le Pen! She is the model of a modern leader who respects human rights and equality for all, unlike her leftist faux-feminist political counterparts of Sweden’s “first feminist government,” who donned headscarves […]


Crime Statistics: 77% of Rapes in Sweden are committed by the 2% Muslim male population

In January 2017 a video was live streamed on YouTube by a Muslim raping a Swedish girl. The video was posted by J Strömqvist who wrote: Published on Jan 23, 2017 The alleged crime took place in an apartment in the city of Uppsala in Sweden early on Sunday morning. The victim was reportedly close to unconscious. […]


San Francisco Police Department ends cooperation with FBI counterterrorism efforts

As Creeping Sharia memorably put it: “San Fran has essentially declared itself a sanctuary city for Muslim terrorists.” “Rebel San Francisco P.D. Cuts Ties with FBI on Counterterrorism,” by AWR Hawkins, Breitbart, February 2, 2017 (thanks to Creeping Sharia): The San Francisco Police Department (SFPD) is ending its coorperation with FBI counterterrorism efforts as part […]


George and the Dragon Slayer

The original story of Saint George and the Dragon dates back to the 7th century, the narrative maintaining that in a fictitious town in Libya there lived a king who chose to appease the evil dragon in the town’s lake that was poisoning the countryside. With the agreement of his subjects, the appeasement involved feeding […]


Trump is right about Sweden; it has long been my pick for the first EU country to fall

“[A]nyone who wants to find out how not to handle a migration crisis is welcome to pay us [Sweden] a visit.” – Tove Lifvendahl Invasion of Europe news….. Everyone talks about France and Germany, but, for years, my money has been on Sweden as the first country to fall to the tide of overwhelming Muslim migration. […]


Problem Solved: Asylum seekers streaming into Quebec to escape Trump order

The Canadian Border Security Agency says Quebec is now the flashpoint for “asylum seekers” or double refugees who first entered the U.S. as refugees and are now fleeing there and trying to sneak into Canada over fears that President Donald Trump will have them deported. The asylum seekers are graciously accepting the warm welcome from […]