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3461 search results for: immigration


The Indivisible Team planning to use ‘Aggressive Tactics’ to ‘Destroy’ Trump Presidency

The Indivisible Team (IT) was established by a group of five former Democratic congressional staffers in the immediate aftermath of Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in the November 2016 presidential election. One of the five founders, IT board president Ezra Levin, had previously served as associate director of government affairs at the Corporation for Enterprise Development, […]


Omar Jamal: The ‘Jesse Jackson’ of the Somali Ummah [community] in America

This is so funny. If you have followed RRW for the last almost ten years, you will recognize the name Omar Jamal.  I call him the ‘Jesse Jackson’ of the Somali ‘community’ in America. When Somalis are in ‘crisis’ (when aren’t they in crisis!), here comes Jamal to direct lazy and gullible reporters so that […]


With Flynn leaks, the White House ‘shadow warriors’ draw first blood

The rogue weasels have struck. Terrified that Lieutenant General Michael T. Flynn would tear them out root and branch, they connived and colluded, anonymously of course, to leak highly-sensitive intelligence information to destroy Flynn before he could destroy them. This type of operation is not new. I wrote a whole book about it in 2007. […]


Organizing for Action: Obama’s Army of 32,500+ Soldier Anarchists

Discover the Networks reports: Organizing for America (OFA) is a project of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). The American public first heard about OFA on January 17, 2009, when President Barack Obama announced that the organization would soon open its doors for business. Two months later, in mid-March, OFA was officially launched. Basing its operations on the third […]


Visualizing the Flow of Asylum Seekers Into the Industrialized World

Based on data from the UN Refugee Agency, approximately 4.4 million asylum applications were submitted to 44 industrialized countries between 2013 and 2016. The map below shows the flow of these asylum seekers from their country of origin to the country in which they applied for asylum. Each point represents 500 asylum seekers. To navigate […]


PROMISES TO KEEP: The ‘Law and Order’ President hits the ground running

During his campaign for the presidency Donald Trump frequently disdainfully scowled when he spoke about how most politicians were “All talk and no action.” Candidate Trump promised that immigration would be a primary focus of his administration. President Trump has indeed focused on multiple aspects of the immigration crisis that go well beyond building a […]


NYT allows wealthy British subject to lecture U.S. about ‘fundamental American values’

I want to scream!  I missed this op-ed from January 27th, but the International Rescue Committee is re-tweeting it this morning and it caught my eye. Here we have David Miliband, the former Labour Party British Foreign Secretary lecturing Donald Trump about “fundamental American values” after Trump announced his Executive Order to keep America safe […]


Presidents Trump and Lincoln and Managing the Bureaucracies

President Abraham Lincoln knew what to do with an intransigent bureaucracy bent on sabotage. Can the Presidency of the United States be sabotaged? The answer is a resounding yes! The Democrats have without a doubt embarked upon a road to delay Presidential appointments and sabotage him and his agenda whenever and where ever it can. They […]


American Carnage

The recent discussion on an “appearance of impropriety” once again exposed leftist incompetence. To compare the Trump Organization with the Clinton Foundation is an equivalent of comparing apples to weapons of mass destruction (WMD). Yet, the subject of the Clinton Foundation was widely discussed in my latest book Socialist Lies: from Stalin to the Clintons, […]


The End of Countering Violent Extremism, the Start of Countering Radical Islamic Extremism

A few days ago, I correctly pointed out that by far the most important paragraph of the President Trump’s Executive Order on immigration was being widely overlooked by the media. While they carried on their endless discussion of the completely tangential list of exactly which countries citizens had their nonexistent “right” to enter the United […]


Trump Could Simply Ignore Court’s Order Halting Travel Ban

Does our current status quo make our Constitution a suicide pact? Thomas Jefferson certainly said as much, warning that accepting judicial supremacy would make our founding document just that, a felo de se, as he put it in Latin. Acceptance of judicial supremacy, by the way, is precisely why President Trump’s temporary ban on immigration […]