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63 search results for: assassination of police officers


Democrats Bend the Knee to the Cult of Intersectionality

Last week, Democrat leaders in the US House of Representatives, draped in matching stoles made of culturally appropriated African kente cloth, literally bent the knee to the new religion of intersectionality and permanent racial conflict. For nine long minutes, the Democrats, normally scornful of overt displays of religiosity, struggled to keep their balance as their aging, arthritic […]


Let’s take a closer look at #BlackLivesMatter

America’s police have killed 5,360 people over the last five years: 2,412 White, 1,262 Black, 887 Hispanic and 799 unknown or “other.” On Monday night, the Black Lives Matter protest came to the sleepy beach town of Huntington Beach, California: about 500 protesters, most of them white, denouncing police brutality against black men. A diverse […]


NY Muslim Patrol Bullies Get Bullied Back by the Bloods

Members of New York’s Muslim Patrol recently became embroiled in a near-explosive altercation outside the Masjid Taqwa in Brooklyn with members of the Bloods, a notoriously violent gang. The Muslim Patrol gained international attention in the fall of 2018 after several of its patrol cars — which look like New York Police Department (NYPD) cars –were spotted in Brooklyn and Staten […]


Clarion Special Report: New York’s Sharia Patrol

When Muslim Community Patrol & Services rolled their police-cruiser-like cars onto the streets of New York City in November 2018, there was no prior media briefing, no public announcement, no ceremony or grand unveiling. Summary Not surprisingly, the sight of official-looking cars – made to look like police New York City cars — emblazoned with […]


Pocahontas’ Presidential Run Should be Over

While driving on a beautiful day in West Virginia, I heard this news reported over my car radio. Democrat presidential candidate Elizabeth Warren said Michael Brown was “murdered” by a “white” policeman in Ferguson Mo. I became filled with anger. I thought, “This wicked woman’s presidential run should be over.” Everyone knows Brown was shot […]


A TALE OF TWO CITIES, A TALE OF TWO MURDERS: Reflections on, and Ramifications of, the Khashoqji Affair.

The first city, obviously is Istanbul, and the “murder,” if that is what is really was, was that of Jamal Khashoqji. The second city is Buenos Aires, and that murder will be exposed later in this essay. The purpose of this essay will not be to determine the right or wrong of what happened in […]


Smollett and the Deep State: We Deserve Justice

Outrageously, Chicago State’s Attorney Kim Foxx dropped all charges against Jussie Smollett. Smollett is the black actor who staged a fake hate crime, claiming he was brutally assaulted by Trump supporters wearing MAGA caps. Smollett paid the two guys he hired to stage his bogus attack with a $3000 check. Closed circuit TV caught Smollett’s hired […]


Socialist Power Grab in America!

Please let this sink in…Russia is the mortal enemy of the American Republic! Therefore knowledge of Russia and its Intelligence Services is a Must for every American politician. Knowledge of Russia is also a Must for all Republicans to determine who colluded with Russia and how they did it. The chaos we were witnessing in […]


Israel Liberalizes Firearms Licensing Regime and Iraq Reexamines Gun Control

A pair of Middle East countries are reexamining their approaches to gun control. Earlier this month, Israel moved forward with its previously announced plans to make firearms more widely available to the civilian population. In nearby Iraq, the government has shifted policy to allow for Iraqi civilians to legally acquire firearms for self-defense. Last month, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported […]


The ‘Broken Window’ Democrat Party and Rise of ‘Political Crime in America’

James Q. Wilson and George Kelling in 1982 wrote in The Atlantic an article titled “Broken Windows.” Wilson and Kelling introduced the Broken Windows Theory (BWT) which used broken windows as a metaphor for disorder within neighborhoods. The theory links disorder and incivility within a community to subsequent occurrences of serious crime. Wilson and Kelling wrote: [A]t the […]


President Trump pardons Joe Arpaio

The White House announced that President Trump has pardoned former Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio. The White House said 85-year-old Arpaio was a “worthy candidate” for the pardon, citing his “life’s work of protecting the public from the scourges of crime and illegal immigration.” Trump granted the pardon less than a month after Arpaio was found guilty […]


Wikileaks Exposes ‘Vault 7’ — The CIA’s ‘Zero Day’ Weapon

Today, Tuesday 7 March 2017, WikiLeaks begins its new series of leaks on the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. Code-named “Vault 7” by WikiLeaks, it is the largest ever publication of confidential documents on the agency. The first full part of the series, “Year Zero”, comprises 8,761 documents and files from an isolated, high-security network situated […]