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1695 search results for: election fraud


AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. Bookmark or make Favorite: 2022 Archives, 2021 Archives & 2020 Archives. Particularly note the ***asterisked*** items below… — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic — If You Only Have Time […]


ARIZONA: Republicans Had More than 74% of Election Day Votes in Maricopa County – So Where Are Those Votes

If Twittergate tells is anything, it’s the Democrat party breaks every law, violates our every freedom and inalienable right, in order to get in power and stay in power – all in collusion with our most powerful intel and LE agencies. Election fraud is but one leg of the beast. They destroyed our election system in 2020. […]


POLL: Most Americans Trust Elections Less If Results Take ‘Days Or Weeks’

Americans are less likely to trust the fairness and accuracy of an election if results take “days or weeks” to be counted, according to a new poll. When asked if results that took “days or weeks” to tabulated were more or less trustworthy, 33.9% of respondents said that it is “much less likely,” and 20.9% said […]


Top Tweets on Voter Fraud in Arizona—Citizens Speak Out!

The election in Arizona for governor smells of fraud. Citizens are coming out and telling the various election officials what really happened. We even have one tweet of an election official from the Mohave County Board of Supervisors stating that he was warned that if he voted against certification he would be arrested and charged […]


Taking Stock of Election Integrity Efforts

Believe what you like about the 2020 presidential election, but there’s no denying the widespread belief – even among Democrats – the election was stolen motivated a lot of people to work to tighten up future elections.  The way I hear the story, donors poured $30 million dollars into election integrity efforts on the professional Right.  You […]


How to Cheat in the Next Election

It’s amazing how many ways Democrats have come up with to cheat in elections. Ballot harvesters were caught on video stuffing drop boxes with stacks of ballots in Arizona, where ballot harvesting is illegal.  It’s legal in Pennsylvania where Democrat election officials voted to allow harvesting of a hundred votes at a time in nursing homes.  It may be […]


Kari Lake Calls For Election Do-Over After 70 Voting Machines Failed in Maricopa Count

Arizona elections were conducted like something out of Woody Allen’s banana republic spoof, “Bananas”. But this is real world America and the implications of the Democrat corruption of our elections are catastrophic. Excerpt: Article two, section twenty one of the Arizona Constitution states, “All elections shall be free and equal, and no power, civil or […]


Election Problem Deniers, Take Note

Today, I start a series on problems with our election system.  The election problem deniers will tell you ‘nothing to see here, move along,’ but there’s no shortage of undeniable problems. Let’s start with stories about courts and government officials who rectified a number of problems in the days and weeks running up to the […]


AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. Bookmark or make Favorite: 2022 Archives, 2021 Archives & 2020 Archives. Particularly note the ***asterisked items*** below… — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic — If You Only Have Time […]


Watch For These 5 Red Flags In Pennsylvania’s Elections This Year

With the 2022 midterms fast approaching, Democrats in states like Pennsylvania are trying the same tactics they used to steal 2020. Watch For These 5 Red Flags In Pennsylvania’s Elections This Year By: Victoria Marshall, The Federalist, October 28, 2022 As the 2022 midterm elections approach, all eyes are on Pennsylvania. Ever since former President […]


Court Rejects Democratic Party Intervention in Lawsuit Challenging Illinois Vote-Counting for Two Weeks after Election Day

Washington, D.C. – Judicial Watch announced today that a federal court rejected a motion by Democratic Party of Illinois to intervene as a defendant in Judicial Watch’s lawsuit challenging an Illinois election law permitting mail-in ballots to be received as long as two weeks after Election Day. The ruling and opinion come in the federal lawsuit Judicial Watch filed on behalf […]


AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. Bookmark or make Favorite: 2022 Archives, 2021 Archives & 2020 Archives. Particularly note the ***asterisked*** items below… Click here to see a Honolulu electric bus that died on the […]


AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWSLETTER: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections. Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media. Bookmark or make Favorite: 2022 Archives, 2021 Archives & 2020 Archives. Particularly note the ***asterisked items*** below… — This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic — If You Only Have Time […]


Election Integrity Whack-a-Mole

Our elections are a mess and they won’t be fixed any time soon.  Some recent stories will show you what I mean. The use of private money to enable government election workers to conduct get-out-the-vote drives for the Democrats was heavily criticized in the 2020 election.  The use of Zuckerbucks, as they are known, has […]