Tag Archive for: Joe Biden

HART: Trudeau — ‘Crush’ Those Freedom Loving Mother Truckers!

The all-knowing, Teen Beat Magazine cover-looking son of Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, Justin Trudeau, made a boo-boo. He inherited his prime ministering business from his dad, so he thought things would be easy. The media gives lefties a pass, even if they enjoy dressing in blackface — a lot.

What the junior Trudeau did was to “mis-underestimate” (as “Dubya” Bush, our junior president, used to say), the power of the working people. Until now, the article of faith of those who inherit liberal-elite political positions is that if they just say that they are for the “little people,” the fools will buy it. No one holds them to account for what they actually do. “Words Matter; Actions Do Not” seems to be their creed.

Taking his cue from other hypocritical leftie leaders, Trudeau hid behind his political interpretation of “science” to impose draconian COVID measures on his subjects. He said that by making vaccines mandatory, he was the true hero. He decreed that those truckers, who drive alone in their truck cabs for a living, must get vaccinated so they do not get COVID.

Trudeau and Biden felt they needed to reassert their control over their voters to stop the disconcerting spike in personal freedoms.

Mad at this and other arrogant decisions made by the Prime Minister Junior on High, truckers in Canada formed the largest trucker convoy in history to protest. But the article of faith among woke libs is that the only protests allowed are the BLM kind, where many buildings burn and people die.

James Hoffa and other labor leaders showed their colors, or in this case colours, when they sided with their puppet masters in government rather than truckers. My dad was a truck driver for Campbell 66 back in the day. Their motto, when you could have interesting mottoes, was a camel on the side of his truck that said, “humping to please!” which was also the 1990 Arkansas gubernatorial campaign slogan for Bill Clinton. I learned from my dad to be nice to truckers; they drive the flyover country and know places where no one will find your body.

The old Mafia-like trucker unions cared about their trucker buddies. One of my dad’s trucker friends crossed the other truckers one time and they Tonya Harding’ed his leg, cutting half of it off. Just to make sure everyone remembered the incident, they made the guy go work at IHOP.

The way the corporate left-wing media covers protests is stark. If right-of-center Tea Party folks or truckers protest, they are “insurrectionists.” No one dies and they make their point, but somehow they are “terrorists,” “white supremacists” and “threats to democracy.” If you think about it, peaceful protest is the definition of democracy. Petulant politicians who cry and fake injury like a soccer player are the reasons the common man has to unite and make his reasoned point.

I get that truckers slowing down deliveries hurts the economy. But it makes the broader point, that they grease the wheels of the economy. Trudeau has declared martial law, so he has unchecked power.

Trudeau is getting his first real economics lesson. Without truckers, he could not get his steady supply of Al Jolson-brand blackface. Fittingly, he is down to just a little black shoe polish, just enough to put on two fingers so he can do a small mustache for himself.

Last year we honored health care workers. This year we should honor truckers. And next year under Biden we should honor Taco Bell, the only place you can still get gas for under $5.

The left somehow thinks they are so smart, powerful and concerned about you that they, and only they, can make health care decisions for you and for private enterprise. And they do have a monopoly on this since Democrats Bill Clinton, Andrew Cuomo and Harvey Weinstein perfected the construct of “No Jab, No Job” for female employees. Like many American corporations and now the Canadian government say to the truckers about the vaccine, “put this in your body, or you will never work in this industry again.” Again, this sounds like something Clinton, Cuomo and Weinstein may have said.



Ron Hart is a syndicated op-ed humorist, award-winning author, and TV/radio commentator; you can reach him at Ron@RonaldHart.com or Twitter @RonaldHart.


Lara Trump: The Canadian Trucker Protest Is Bigger than Canada

Dr. Naomi Wolf Video: Inside the Haunting Covid Zombie Cult.


The Crackdown Begins: Canadian Police Send Banks Names Of ‘Freedom Convoy’ Protesters, Accounts Frozen

Canadian Justice minister: If you are part of a pro-Trump movement, you should fear for your bank account


Freedom Convoy Donor Forced To Close Store After Info Leaked In GiveSendGo Hack

The Media Are Going After ‘Freedom Convoy’ Donors

Justin Trudeau Sparks Uproar After He Accuses Jewish MP Of ‘Standing With People Who Wave Swastikas’

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GOV. MIKE DUNLEAVY: Time For A Reset On Biden’s Disastrous Energy Policies

As tensions increase between the West and Russia over Ukraine, the risks to our national security from the Biden administration’s energy policies are coming into focus.

President Biden is attempting to discourage aggression by President Vladimir Putin by positioning thousands of U.S. troops across Eastern Europe, and his Secretary of State Antony Blinken is threatening to reimpose sanctions on the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline that Biden waived  just a few months after taking office.

Russia’s goals for Nord Stream 2 have always been clear: increase European dependence on Russian gas, bypass and weaken Ukraine and strengthen Putin’s hand in the event of any conflict.

So here we are. Nord Stream 2 was completed this past September, European natural gas prices are soaring, Ukraine remains under threat, U.S. troops have been deployed as deterrents and Putin is demanding that NATO reduce its military footprint to post-World War II levels.

Here at home during Biden’s first year, Russia surpassed Saudi Arabia as a supplier of crude oil and crude products to the U.S. with a record average of more than 700,000 barrels per day.

Nearly all that volume is going to U.S. Gulf Coast refiners that once relied on imports from Venezuela that are similar in weight and sulfur content to Russia’s.

Some Gulf refiners previously invested billions to take another kind of heavy, higher-sulfur crude from a slightly friendlier source: Canada.

That crude would have flowed to the Gulf via the Keystone XL Pipeline at a rate of 830,000 barrels per day, or enough to replace every barrel of Russian imports.

After it was resurrected under President Trump, Keystone was killed on day one by Biden. With a stroke of a pen to appease his extremist environmental base, Biden destroyed American jobs, betrayed our ally, strengthened our rivals and weakened our energy independence.

Now Americans are paying the price, and quite literally. As the situation at the Ukraine border has escalated, one grade of Russian crude exports jumped 30% in a month to $88 per barrel as of Jan. 20 according to Platts.

In sum, Russia’s treasury is benefiting from the very tensions it is creating, and Americans are funding it at the pump.

Another action Biden took on his first day in office was to suspend all lease activity in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, or ANWR, here in Alaska.

The first of two lease sales mandated by Congress in 2017 – with a footprint limited to only 2,000 acres within the 1.5 million-acre coastal plan – was held just two weeks earlier.

The State of Alaska acquired several tracts through our development bank and we are now suing the Biden administration over this unilateral and illegal action violating duly passed legislation.

The potential at ANWR is massive. Just 60 miles west of the coastal plain, Prudhoe Bay accounted for as much as 20% of domestic production at its peak in the 1980s.

Estimates for ANWR are limited, but the U.S. Geological Survey has consistently pegged the resource at more than 10 billion barrels. Potential peak production at ANWR is up to 1.2 million barrels per day, according to the independent Energy Information Administration. That’s more than 10% of current domestic production.

Farther west, the Pikka and Willow prospects each have production estimates in the range of 160,000 barrels per day.

As shale production flattens with drillers slowing growth in basins like the Permian, the importance of conventional fields like Pikka and Willow only grows.

ANWR, Pikka and Willow represent up to 1.52 million or more barrels of potential daily production that would refill the Trans-Alaska Pipeline System, ensure energy independence, protect national security, create jobs and keep our wealth in the U.S.

Nord Stream 2, Keystone and ANWR were bad enough, but Biden wasn’t done.

Willow is in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska, and Biden compounded his foolish policies last month by announcing his administration will revert to the outdated 2013 management plan that closed half of its 23.5 million acres to development.

The tests from Willow indicate a light, sweet grade of crude nearly identical to the West Texas Intermediate benchmark. WTI has risen rapidly in price because of supply strain and its lower cost to refine.

Yet Biden is attempting to close off half of the NPR-A where the highly prospective Nanushuk and other well-known oil-bearing formations lie.

Ironically, federal courts continue to strike down environmental analysis for resource permits such as Willow or the 2021 Gulf of Mexico lease sale because judges don’t agree with the conclusion that downstream CO2 impacts are minimal because oil will be produced elsewhere if it isn’t produced here.

In fact, this is exactly what is happening now. Lower U.S. production has only led to increases by our energy rivals who have less regard for the environment or human rights.

Of all the disasters Biden has presided over since taking office, his reversal of policies that led to our energy dominance may be the worst now that thousands of U.S. troops are being put in harm’s way because Biden gave up much of our economic leverage to appease the environmental movement.

The results are in, and it is time for a reset.



Mike Dunleavy is the 12th governor of Alaska.


Biden Administration Kills Israel-to-Europe Gas Pipeline

Russia Has This Under Control…

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Biden’s Poll Numbers, Like Biden Himself, Keep Reaching Appalling New Lows

My latest in PJ Media:

Old Joe Biden’s poll numbers keep nosediving, and given the latest headlines, that’s no surprise. While his handlers keep playing chicken with Russia and dallying with getting us into World War III while even the Ukrainian president says the whole thing is unnecessary, and the White House has come out strongly against the First Amendment and in favor of silencing Joe Rogan for COVID wrongthink, a new Morning Consult/Politico poll released Wednesday found only 17% of a sample of 2,005 registered voters saying that they “Strongly Approve” of the job Old Joe is pretending to do as president. The inevitable question is: what’s wrong with those people? How could anyone at this point not just approve, but “strongly approve,” of the dumpster fire that is the Biden presidency?

PJ Media’s own Matt Margolis pointed out Wednesday that “most voters think President Joe Biden is one of the worst presidents in history, according to a new Rasmussen Reports and The National Pulse survey,” in which “54% of likely U.S. voters think Biden ‘will be remembered as one of the worst presidents in American history.’” That’s entirely reasonable, and those people are likely to be proven correct. The odd thing about the Rasmussen/National Pulse poll is that 15% actually think that Old Joe will go down in history as one of our best presidents ever, and then the picture becomes all the stranger when we see in the Morning Consult/Politico poll that an even higher percentage thinks that he is doing a terrific job.

In the Morning Consult/Politico poll, 26% said they “Somewhat Approve” of Biden’s presidency, with 15% saying they “Somewhat Disapprove” and 39% saying they “Strongly Disapprove.” All that is more or less understandable, but the fact that 17% of any grouping of registered voters anywhere in the nation could be found to be enthusiastic about how Biden is running the country off the rails and straight into a ditch is as solid an indication as any of how deep our national crisis really is.

There isn’t anything, not one thing, Joe Biden’s supporters can point to and say he has handled it correctly, or competently, or well. There are a number of factors that explain why Americans are fleeing from the Biden administration circus in droves, hunkering down and hoping that it doesn’t get too much worse before all this is over. There is his abysmal handling of the ongoing COVID crisis, featuring a sinister creeping authoritarianism and endless goalposts-moving from one vaccine shot to two to three plus boosters and ill-considered vaccine mandates that have had one positive effect: they’ve awakened millions of Americans to how seriously our freedoms are threatened today.

There is more. Read the rest here.


Biden calls for release of US hostage in Afghanistan

Biden Admin Only Told Staff to Evacuate As Taliban Took Kabul

US raid in Syria kills Islamic State leader

Documentary on Islam in a French City Leads to Death Threats

Malaysia demands Twitter to take down comment critical of Muslim sympathizers of Taliban

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Bridge Collapses In Pittsburgh Before Biden Is Set To Visit To Talk About Infrastructure

A bridge in Pittsburgh collapsed Friday morning hours before President Joe Biden is set to visit the city to give remarks about infrastructure.

Pittsburgh Public Safety confirmed the bridge collapse, tweeting a photo of the snow-covered structure and warning residents of “a strong smell of natural gas in the area.”

The president heads to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on Friday to visit Carnegie Mellon University’s Mill 19, a research and development hub incorporated into the bipartisan infrastructure plan passed in 2021. 

Biden will then give remarks “on strengthening the nation’s supply chains, revitalizing American manufacturing, creating good-paying, union jobs, and building a better America, including through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law” at Mill 19, according to the White House schedule.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki tweeted that Biden was made aware of the bridge collapse. “Our team is in touch with state and local officials on the ground as they continue to gather information about the cause of the collapse,” she said.

“@Potus is grateful to the first responders who rushed to assist the drivers who were on the bridge at the time. The President will proceed with trip planned for today and will stay in touch with officials on the ground about additional assistance we can provide,” Psaki added.

Pennsylvania has 3,353 bridges in poor condition, the second-highest in the country, according to ABC News. Pittsburgh Public Safety added in a tweet that there will be a news conference about the bridge’s collapse.



Senior White House correspondent. Follow Shelby on Twitter.


‘Truly Historic’: Biden Takes Victory Lap During Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill Signing Ceremony

Biden’s Infrastructure Bill Fleeces Floridians in Favor of Blue States

Does Biden’s $1.2 Trillion Infrastructure Bill Include a Mileage Tax?

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

OSHA Pulls Private Vaccine Mandate After Supreme Court Loss

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) will withdraw a rule mandating that private businesses with more than 100 employees require that they be vaccinated against COVID-19 or undergo weekly testing against the virus.

OSHA will formally withdraw the rule on Wednesday, according to a document published Tuesday in an advanced version of the Federal Register. The rule, announced in November by President Joe Biden, was immediately challenged by several states and private companies, and the Supreme Court issued a stay on Jan. 13 while federal appeals courts consider its legality.

“After evaluating the Court’s decision, OSHA is withdrawing the Vaccination and Testing ETS as an enforceable emergency temporary standard,” the agency wrote in the Register.

The OSHA announcement was first reported by Bloomberg Law.

When he announced the rule, Biden argued that it would reduce the spread of COVID-19 by increasing the number of Americans who received vaccinations against the virus. Vaccines are less effective at reducing the spread of the newly-dominant Omicron variant, although they are still effective at preventing hospitalization and death.

“Some of the biggest companies are already requiring this,” Biden said in defending the rule. “United Airlines, Disney, Tyson food and even Fox News.”

However, OSHA suspended the rule’s enforcement in November, after the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a stay. It never went back into effect.

Other portions of the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate plan have also been held up. A federal judge in Texas issued an injunction on Friday preventing the government from mandating that all federal employees and contractors receive COVID-19 vaccines. The judge, Jeffrey Brown, ruled that Biden could not issue such a mandate “with the stroke of a pen and without the input of Congress.”

Several lower court judges also blocked the federal government’s vaccine mandate for healthcare workers whose employers receive Medicare and Medicaid funds. However, the Supreme Court ruled that that mandate can remain in effect while its legality is debated at lower courts.



Congressional reporter.

RELATED DATA: VAERS COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports: 1,053,828 Reports Through January 14, 2022

RELATED ARTICLE: Supreme Court Blocks Biden’s Vaccine-Or-Testing Rule For Businesses, Allows Healthcare Worker Mandate To Move Forward

RELATED VIDEO: Dr. Peter McCullough: Top 5 Key Points About Covid-19.

Biden Frees Gitmo Terrorist Linked to Chanukah Murder of Israeli Children

He “can quote Mohandas Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King like teenagers quote Taylor Swift.”

On Chanukah 2002, four Hercules planes bearing hundreds of people evacuated from Africa landed in Israel. The passengers included Israeli families who had been vacationing in Kenya, some alive, some wounded, and some children returning to their homeland in small coffins.

Now, Biden has decided to release Mohammed Abdul Malik Bajabu, an Islamic terrorist who, “participated in the planning and execution of the terrorist attacks”, from Guantanamo Bay..

2002 had been a bad year in Israel. 457 Israelis were murdered by terrorists in one of the worst years of the Islamic campaign of genocide against the country’s indigenous Jewish population. By the time fall came around, families in a terrorized nation were looking to get away from a year of suicide bombings, shootings, and brutal atrocities. Families, many working class, scrimped and saved to be able to afford a Chanukah trip somewhere safe out of the country.

On the eve of Chanukah, a group of Israeli tourists had just arrived at the Paradise Hotel in

Mombasa, while another group was flying back to Israel.

The Islamic terrorists timed their attack precisely: two missiles lifted off targeting the Israeli plane with 271 passengers and crew on board. The aircraft momentarily trembled, but few of the passengers noticed that anything had gone wrong. The missile damaged the plane’s tail, but the aircraft was able to continue flying on and landed safely with all of its passengers in Tel Aviv.

The Israeli captain thought that a bird had hit the plane.

The terrorist attack at the Paradise Hotel proved more successful. The booby trapped SUV smashed past a barrier to get through to the hotel. One of the terrorists wearing a bomb vest ran out shouting, “Allahu Akbar”, and blew up, and the driver smashed the vehicle into the hotel, while the remaining terrorist detonated the bomb inside filling the entrance with shrapnel.

A surviving video shows a final moment of a Paradise Hotel employee telling the Israelis, “Welcome to Africa”.

Two decades ago, Ayelet, then 15 years old, saw the carnage firsthand. “Everything was burning. I thought my sisters were inside the fire,” she told reporters.

When I contacted Ayelet today, she was shocked to learn that Bajabu would be released.

“Thank God, my family and I got back home safely from Mombasa, but I am sure that those who have lost their beloved children, parents or partners won’t be able to understand how come this kind of person is getting free.”

“I would like to see justice done,” Ayelet told me.

Few in America or Israel understand the manic obsession with which the Obama and Biden administrations have pursued the release of some of the worst Islamic terrorists on the planet. Some advocates have even tried to use false accusations of racism to justify their crusade.

Lee Wolosky, Obama’s point man for freeing Gitmo terrorists, recently argued, “If these detainees had been white and not brown or black, is there any realistic chance the United States… would imprison them without charge for decades?”

And yet the victims of the terrorists whom Obama and Biden have worked so hard to set loose were “brown or black”, Africans and Middle Eastern Jews, often poor or working class.

Albert de Havila, the tour guide leading the trip, a Jewish immigrant from Morocco, had been struggling financially. The trip was his opportunity to turn things around. He was killed where he stood in the lobby, his daughter, who later moved to America, was not injured.

Upstairs, the Anter family, who also originated from the Muslim world, was just getting settled. Rahamim Anter, who worked in a rope factory, had carefully saved money to take his three children somewhere safe to enjoy Chanukah after a year of murderous Islamic terrorism.

A week earlier, the family had celebrated Noy Anter’s 12th birthday. The trip had been a surprise from their parents for Noy, his fourteen year old brother Dvir, and their 8-year-old little sister.

Ora Anter, their mother, wanted to get some refreshments downstairs. The two boys joined her.

Noy had been excited to take his first trip out of the small country he had lived in all his life.

It was his final trip.

The Islamic terrorist attack killed Noy and his brother Dvir, described as a smart and shy boy, and left their mother Ora hooked up to a respirator.

“Suddenly there was an explosion. I jumped up and saw fire through the window. I ran outside and looked everywhere for them, trying with all my might to save them,” Rahamim described.

Mercy Neema Mwagambo, the hotel’s receptionist, was seeing to the guests when the bomb went off. Covered in burns, she crawled to the swimming pool and jumped in. The Israelis flew her and her mother, along with other wounded staff, out to a Jerusalem hospital.

Other hotel employees who were closer to the blast were not so lucky. Ten of them were killed.

“It was a giant explosion. I saw a lot of people injured, covered with blood,” one woman said.

Seven years later, a few days after the latest 9/11 anniversary, Operation Celestial Balance took out Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan, Al Qaeda’s Somalia boss, and the FBI’s third most wanted terrorist.

After helicopters shot up the convoy, Seal Team Six went in and confirmed that Nabhan was dead. The Somali Al Qaeda leader had been linked to some of Al Qaeda’s earliest operations against America, the bombing of the American embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, as well as the Paradise Hotel attack. The operation would later be seen as prep for getting Bin Laden.

A few years earlier, the Kenyans had already captured Mohammed Abdul Malik Bajabu and turned him over to the United States. And from there he was sent on to Gitmo.

According to Bajabu’s lawyer, he is a peace-loving man who “can quote Mohandas Gandhi and Dr. Martin Luther King like teenagers quote Taylor Swift.”

That raises the question of which hotel full of Jews Martin Luther King have bombed.

A Gitmo terror threat assessment noted that Bajabu “admitted that he participated in the planning and execution of the terrorist attacks in Mombasa, which included the bombing-of the Israeli-owned Kikambala Paradise Hotel and a missile attack on an Israeli airliner.”

The peace-loving Bajabu who can’t stop quoting Gandhi was also allegedly “involved in a plot to attack the Kenyan Anti-Terrorism Headquarters located in Nairobi, and the Mombasa Marathon,with the intent of killing Americans and Israelis.”

Other terrorists said that they “discussed future operations at detainee’s home, to include potential attacks on US and Israeli Embassies”.

While no copies of Gandhi or MLK speeches were found at Bajabu’s home, the assessment noted that he “stored rockets, anti-aircraft missiles, explosives, and mines at his residence”.

After abortive discussions during the Obama administration about turning over Bajabu to the Israelis to face justice for the Chanukah massacre, the Biden administration is setting him free.

Bajabu’s lawyer claims that the terrorist has a “a large and loving family” in Somalia.

After the attack, Rahamim Anter called his brother, shouting, “I have no children. Noy ​​and Dvir have gone.”

The pro-terrorist leftist lawfare groups, like Human Rights Watch, that labored to help the terrorists are celebrating Bajabu’s release. There are no celebrations in Kenya or Israel.

The Paradise Hotel terrorist attack has left deep scars in both nations. Thirteen people, most of them Kenyans, were killed in the Paradise Hotel attack. Many others, including a number of other Israeli teenagers and children, were wounded. Some still live with the trauma to this day.

“I think these kinds of people should stay behind bars, not just for what they did, but for their intentions as well,” Ayelet told me. “I think that a long time won’t pass before he will do something like that again, the minute he will have the chance.”

Last year we learned that 229 former Gitmo detainees had returned to terrorism. And yet last month, Biden complained that the defense spending bill prevented him from closing Gitmo.

Bajabu is one of five Islamic terrorists freed by Biden from Guatanamo Bay. The radical administration is determined to free as many of the enemy as possible to kill again.

“Today’s decision is wonderful news,” the terrorist’s lawyer declared, and claimed that his client “longs to be reunited with his family.”

That is a privilege forever denied to the families of his victims.

Biden has relentlessly exploited the death of his son for political gain, but he has shown no empathy for the losses and suffering of the children killed by the terrorists he is protecting, whether in the Palestinian Authority, in Hamas, or even in our custody in Guantanamo Bay.

Rahamim Anter said that he had taken his family on vacation, “to look for calm far from the intifada to take the children on safari, but I brought back their little bodies to put them in the ground”.

When Biden addressed the anti-Israel J Street lobby group, he closed with a poem by Seamus Heaney,  “History says, Don’t hope, On this side of the grave, But then, once in a lifetime, The longed-for tidal wave, Of justice can rise up.”

Whatever justice comes to the Islamic terrorists of Gitmo and to their victims whose coffins rode those four planes on a Chanukah two decades past, it will not come on this side of the grave.

Or at least not if Biden and his pro-terrorist administration have anything to say about it.

After the attack, the Israeli Defense Minister had vowed that the “killers of children” would face a reckoning. “Our hand will reach them.”

Biden, his radical regime, the multitude of lawyers who lobbied for the terrorists, hoped to help Bajabu, but they may have instead ensured that he faces justice on “this side of the grave.”


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.


‘Mentally unstable,’ ‘Poor teacher’s son’ – how the media whitewashes Islamic terrorists  

Before Afghanistan: The Somalia Debacle (Part One)

Erdogan Triumphs as Putin Stabs His Own Best Ally in the Back

Texas synagogue jihadi said last year: ‘I want to kill Jews,’ cops did nothing

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Soviet Era Inspired Agitprop Shows up in Washington, D.C.

The First Amendment is a beautiful thing. It allows even former Soviet Agitprop artists to show off their wares on the walls of Washington, D.C.

Agitprop refers to an intentional, vigorous promulgation of ideas. The term originated in Soviet Russia where it referred to popular media, such as literature, plays, pamphlets, films, and other art forms, with an explicitly political message in favor of communism.

This is fitting since Joe’s middle name is Beijing.

The Last Refuge reported:

Some brilliant, soviet era inspired agitprop showed up in Washington DC overnight highlighting the agenda of the current Joe Biden administration.

No-one knows who the artist is….

The artwork has a certain familiarity.





I love great agitprop.  This type of sand is very difficult for the regime to keep sweeping away….

The artist is unidentified for obvious reasons, but it looks like something Oleg would do.

We must agree that it looks like something Red Square would do.

To read more Agitprop by Red Square visit our contributor The Peoples Cube.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Did the Taliban Put People on Biden’s Evacuation Flights to Cash In On Remittances?

The big question of the Biden evacuation from Afghanistan is who were the +50,000 Afghans he brought to America? The vast majority of them had no visas (though Biden’s people will retroactively make sure they get them) and don’t fit the profile of the interpreters or human rights activists his administration claimed were coming.

We know that the Taliban checkpoints prevented the majority of SIV visa holders from reaching the airport. But whom did the Taliban allow through?

A recent story may shed some light on the question.

The Taliban have halted all flights of Afghan evacuees for the past two weeks in a dispute about how the airport in Kabul is run and who is allowed on the evacuation flights, according to a congressional source, two refugee advocates and a source familiar with the matter.

This is what news reports about Afghanistan look like now. We’re told about an event weeks or months after it happened, and from various “sources.”

At issue are U.S.-chartered Qatar Airways flights that had been running between Kabul and Doha. The Taliban began demanding several seats on the flights for Taliban fighters and sympathizers to leave the country so they can work in other countries and send desperately needed money back to Afghanistan, according to a congressional official and the source familiar with the matter. The country’s economy is in tatters, and millions of Afghans are short of food as temperatures drop.

Before the flights stopped, the Taliban were using the seats to send migrant workers out of Afghanistan to Qatar, Saudi Arabia and other destinations to find work, according to the congressional source and the source familiar with the matter. While Taliban fighters were designating who got the seats, it is not clear whether the people leaving were hardened Taliban fighters, sympathizers, civilians or a combination of the groups.

What is clear is that the Taliban expect to cash in on these guys. Some of them probably are terrorists. Others are likely paying the Taliban for the privilege and paying a percentage of their income back to their “sponsors.”

The Taliban are Jihadists, but most Jihadists also operate like companies and criminal organizations with lucrative sidelines in protection money, smuggling, kidnapping, etc…

So was the Biden evacuation switcheroo about remittances? Having their people or workers who owe them money scoring legal status and local salaries in the United States would be a massive profit center.

Especially tens of thousands of them.

Sending back remittances directly to Afghanistan would be challenging, but between the Hawala system and Crypto, and any other means by which money moves around in the dark, they would still have plenty of options for seeing that the Taliban get paid.

Even if the Taliban are only “sponsoring” half of Biden’s evacuees, they could easily be scoring millions a year.

And with the Taliban having their family members under their thumbs, there would be no worries about getting paid. The same could easily be true of any future “refugees.”



Hamas Women’s Movement leader says all Gaza women ready to kill themselves in jihad suicide bombings

Australia: Muslim father murders his daughter and her husband for marrying without his permission

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps quotes Qur’an in threat to blow up Israel’s nuclear facility

Israel: Muslims throw Molotov cocktails at Jewish homes in east Jerusalem

Nigeria: Muslims murder five people in bomb blasts ahead of president’s visit

Scholars’ Ink, Martyrs’ Blood in Afghanistan

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden’s State Department Paving the Way for Iran to Get Nukes, Blames Trump

My latest in PJ Media:

In the course of a lengthy briefing by “senior administration officials” regarding National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan’s upcoming trip to Israel and the Palestinian Authority, the topic of Iran and its nuclear ambitions came up again and again. Biden’s handlers reiterated that they were determined not to allow the Islamic Republic of Iran to get nuclear weapons, but at the same time maintained that they were intent on bringing the mullahs back into the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Barack Obama’s disastrous nuclear deal that paved the way for the rogue Iranian regime to get nukes.

Iran, said the unnamed official who was conducting the briefing, “will be very high on the agenda for Jake’s visit to Israel this week. The discussion will be a continuation of our ongoing consultations on the threat posed by Iran, particularly its nuclear program, but also its destabilizing activities in the region. We share, with our Israeli partners, a deep concern about the advancements in Iran’s nuclear program.”

Iran’s nuclear program, Biden’s handlers would have you believe, is all Trump’s fault: “Following the previous administration’s withdrawal from the JCPOA without much thought or plan as to what would come next — and we’ve just seen this dramatic acceleration of Iran’s nuclear program since then. The U.S. and Israel are totally aligned in our determination to ensure Iran can never acquire a nuclear weapon.” He repeated this several times during the call, discussing “the real dangers that — it’s a danger to not just Israel, but danger to the entire international security — of Iran’s rapidly advancing and accelerating nuclear program. We are, I think, both committed to ensuring that Iran — as I mentioned, totally aligned on the fact that Iran will never have a nuclear weapon.”

That sounds great, but reentering Obama’s awful JCPOA is exactly the wrong way to go about it. The Complete Infidel’s Guide to Iran explains that among many other disquieting features, the JCPOA allows Iran to delay International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) inspection requests for up to 24 days — ample time to clean up for the inspectors. The agreement also removes all economic sanctions on Iran. This included the removal of sanctions that had originally been intended to be removed only when Iran definitively gave up its nuclear program; now the Islamic Republic would be given sanctions relief and allowed to continue its nuclear program, only with certain restrictions that would all eventually expire anyway. Sanctions relief allows the Iranian mullahs to finance jihad groups worldwide, as they did with the billions Obama gave them.

On Sept. 23, 2015, two months after the nuke deal was finalized, Khamenei published an article entitled “The Idols Will Be Shattered,” illustrated with a drawing of the Statue of Liberty shattered in pieces. In it, he declared, “The idol of the soul, the idol of pride, [and] the idol of sexual lust; the idol of tyranny and subservience; the idol of global tyranny [that is, the U.S.]; the idol of sloth and irresponsibility; and the other idols that shame the precious human soul—a plan that will spring forth from the depths of the heart will shatter them.” That doesn’t exactly sound as if the JCPOA was a path to peaceful coexistence.

There is more. Read the rest here.

RELATED VIDEO: CAIR, “Hijabi Smollett” Fake Hate Crime, Church Attacks (This Week in Jihad)


Biden’s Handlers Risk Escalating Israel/Palestinian Conflict in Their Haste to Stick It to Trump

Kentucky: Muslim traveled to Islamic State, attended jihad training camp, received weapons and physical training

UN to fund two organizations that Israel classifies as terrorist groups

UK: Man jailed for giving false documents to illegal migrants to allow them to stay in the country

28,000 illegal Muslim migrants land in UK via English Channel this year, with more on the way

Israel: Muslim MK meets with sheikh convicted of inciting jihad terror against Israelis

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Administration Praises Taliban’s ‘Openness’ to Women’s Rights

What happens when you learn nothing from history.

In 2001, the Taliban blew up the giant Buddha statues. Now they’re charging tourists five bucks each to go see the statues that aren’t there. Considering the Islamic knack for destroying statues, tombs, historic buildings, and anything that isn’t a mosque, tourism can be tough.

Fortunately the Taliban have the opium business to fall back on.

While officially the Taliban deplore drugs, their takeover was partly backed by the country’s drug lords who were eager for an end to America’s war on drugs. Planting season has arrived and everyone is expecting a lot of drug money to start flowing into the Taliban’s terrorist coffers.

The Taliban response to international complaints has been the familiar drug shakedown.

“If the international community recognizes our government and we receive aid and development assistance, then poppies will definitely disappear,” a Taliban governor told the media.

Former U.S. administrations had offered aid in exchange for suspending the drug business. And while Afghanistan’s only real cash crop didn’t go away, the Jihadist bosses of the opium OPEC were willing to occasionally reduce production in exchange for cash from Uncle Sam.

The Biden administration is directing over a hundred million in aid to Afghanistan, but what the Taliban really want is the $9 billion in money from the former government they had overthrown.

That includes the $1.3 billion in gold sitting in Manhattan vaults near Ground Zero.

The Taliban would like that gold, but so would the families of the victims killed by the Taliban’s Al Qaeda allies on September 11.

The 9/11 families had sued the Taliban and won $7 billion in damages. But back then the Taliban didn’t have money just sitting around in downtown Manhattan.

That’s no longer the case.

Biden’s problem is the familiar one facing the Obama administration over judgements won by terror victims against Iran and the PLO. How do you funnel money to the terrorists without letting their victims get hold of it? The answer is that you pay secret ransoms or send “humanitarian aid”. Withholding money from terror victims to pay terror bosses looks tacky, so just turn the money into ransom for American hostages or medicine for crying local children.

And so despite the fact that the Taliban negotiate with all faiths other than their own in bad faith, the Biden administration is still negotiating with the terrorists who broke every previous deal.

A week after Thanksgiving, some of Biden’s boys from the State Department, USAID, the Treasury Department, and assorted spooks, flew off to talk turkey with the Taliban in Qatar.

The assortment of departments and agencies in the delegation to the terrorists was an interesting one. The State Department’s diplomats love to appease terrorists, USAID is there to dole out “humanitarian aid”, the spooks are there to ask the terrorists for info on the other terrorists, and the Treasury Department is there to discuss economic sanctions.

And how to bypass them.

All it takes is certifying that the Taliban are nice folks now and it’s time to work with them on feeding and clothing the Afghan people, not to mention educating the girls of Afghanistan.

A week after the Taliban banned women from television, Biden’s State Department spokesman Ned Price released a statement praising the Taliban’s “openness to engaging with the international community on full access to education”.

Price further claimed that the Islamic terrorist group which closed most schools to girls had actually “welcomed efforts to verify and monitor progress to enroll women and girls in school at all levels.”

The Taliban, apparently, also “asked for support in the education sector.”

Preferably in the form of cash, heroin, or Black Hawk helicopter parts.

According to the Taliban, 75% of girls are back in school. And if you believe that, you probably work for the State Department.

The Taliban’s newfound feminism is as suspect as that of Andrew Cuomo, Bill Clinton, Ted Kennedy, and Joe Biden, but they want money and Joe Biden wants to give it to them.

The levers for extracting that cash are a combination of blackmail and victimhood.

The Taliban will cash in on opium while the people starve. And then ask for money in exchange for shutting down the drug trade and then getting the people something to eat. The remaining Americans and Afghan visa recipients are also hostages who can be traded for more dollars.

That’s another reason why so very few of the visa recipients ever made it to the airport. And why the majority of those who did had no visas and no vetting, but probably did pay off the Taliban.

The Taliban can only make so much money from charging tourists to see the missing Buddhas.

The last year should have been a comprehensive education in why the Taliban can’t be trusted. After agreeing not to conquer Afghanistan, they went ahead and did it anyway. While they were doing that, the Biden administration, which is almost as trustworthy as the Taliban, assured the media, which is almost as trustworthy as the Biden administration, that everything was fine.

Now everything is fine again.

When the Taliban aren’t beheading members of female sports teams, they’re showing a great deal of “openness” to “engaging with the international community” on their feminism.

They’ll even field a fully progressive approved all-female sports team of men in burkas.

The Biden administration promised to leave Afghanistan, but the United States never leaves anywhere. Aside from taking in tens of thousands of Afghans into our country, we’re still on the hook for feeding, clothing, and educating the Afghans in Talibanland, not to mention Pakistan.

Even once the Taliban get their billions and their UN seat, we’ll still be sending them aid.

In December 2000, the State Department boasted that it had sent $113 million in “humanitarian assistance to the Afghan people”. It further bragged that the “United States is the largest single donor of assistance to Afghans, and has a long record of providing such assistance.”

All the while it acknowledged that the Taliban were mischievously harboring Osama bin Laden.

That money stolen from American taxpayers covered “food, housing, health and education programs” for the Afghans. And the State Department shamefully bragged that “of every ten dollars” in aid, “nine dollars is a United States contribution.”

Next year the Taliban contributed four airplanes directed at killing thousands of Americans.

Having learned nothing in twenty years, the Biden administration and its career diplomats expect Americans to continue funding a Taliban welfare state.

This time the Taliban really believe in feminism, they insist. This time they’re really committed to fighting terrorism. And this time they surely won’t host another terrorist attack on America.

As long as we pay them enough.


Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center specializing in investigative reporting on the Left and Islamic terrorism.


Biden Invites Pro-Taliban Pakistan to ‘Democracy Summit’

France: Muslim who murdered two people with knife complained about living in land of infidels

France: Teacher says Muslims students are ‘problem’ in Catholic schools, is suspended, fears for his life

Germany: Afghan Muslim asylum seeker rapes two girls, ages 11 and 13

RELATED VIDEO: David Wood and Robert Spencer on This Week in Jihad.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

19 Republican Senators vote to give Biden $13 billion to resettle unvetted Afghan evacuees in the US..

If you wanted to destroy the country, what would you do differently from what Congress and Biden’s handlers are doing? No one knows how many jihadis are among these people; they’re largely unvetted. But the key part of this story is at the end: “The data revealed also that most Afghan arrivals in the U.S. live on welfare.”

That’s the goal. Create a group of people that is utterly dependent upon the government, and will keep on voting for those who will keep the gravy train going.

The List: 19 Senate Republicans Give Biden Over $13B to Resettle Unlimited Flow of Afghans Across Their States

by John Binder, Breitbart, December 3, 2021:

President Joe Biden’s massive Afghan resettlement operation, with no end date, has been funded by Congress to the sum of more than $13 billion thanks to 19 Senate Republicans who helped advance the plan.

Late Thursday evening, House Democrats and Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-IL) passed a government funding bill that will keep the federal government operating through mid-February. In the bill is more than $7 billion in funding for the Biden administration to resettle an unlimited number of Afghans across the United States.

In the Senate, 19 Senate Republicans joined Senate Democrats to send the bill to Biden’s desk — now authorizing, in total, $13.3 billion for the administration to resettle Afghans after 49 House and Senate Republicans voted in September to fund the resettlement operation $6.4 billion.

These 19 Senate Republicans who backed the bill are:

  • Roy Blunt (R-MO)
  • Richard Burr (R-NC)
  • Shelley Moore Capito (R-WV)
  • Bill Cassidy (R-LA)
  • Susan Collins (R-ME)
  • John Cornyn (R-TX)
  • Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
  • Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS)
  • John Kennedy (R-LA)
  • Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
  • Jerry Moran (R-KS)
  • Lisa Murkowski (R-AK)
  • Rob Portman (R-OH)
  • Mike Rounds (R-SD)
  • Marco Rubio (R-FL)
  • Richard Shelby (R-AL)
  • Thom Tillis (R-NC)
  • Roger Wicker (R-MS)
  • Todd Young (R-IN)

In the bill, Afghans and other foreign nationals are identified as “individuals at risk” who can take part in “relocations” to the U.S. “as a result of the situation in Afghanistan.”

Senate Republican support for Biden’s Afghan resettlement operation comes even as Republican voters are deeply opposed to the plan, multiple polls have shown. The latest Pew Research Center survey shows that 63 percent of GOP voters oppose the plan.

In addition, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has admitted that “not all” Afghans are being vetted through standard in-person interview procedures.

“We are not conducting in-person, refugee interviews of 100 percent individuals,” Mayorkas told lawmakers last month during a hearing….

The data revealed also that most Afghan arrivals in the U.S. live on welfare.


US taxpayers to fund revisionist, anti-Zionist history of Jews in the Middle East

Iraq: Yazidi MP warns of Islamic State jihadis who claim to be refugees in Europe

India: Islamic State releases video of Muslim murdering traffic police official in public

Video: Robert Spencer’s post-debate review on Reason and Theology

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

SENS. LANKFORD and BRAUN: Biden Is Forcing American Families To Bend Until They Break

In early September, an annoyed and impatient President Biden gave a speech on the state of COVID-19 in which he said Americans were testing his patience by not lining up to receive their COVID-19 vaccine. That day, he announced a vaccine mandate on our military, federal employees, federal contractors, all health care workers and everyone who works in a company with 100 or more employees — in other words, most Americans.

People watched in disbelief and wondered, the president can’t just give a speech and tell the whole country what to do, right? Mandates are only in Socialist Europe or Communist China, not here, right? The president can’t just fire people from their careers, force them out of their employer-provided health insurance and put their family into chaos just because he has “lost patience” with them, right?”

The simple answer is no. The president doesn’t run every family and every company in America, and we are standing up to stop him.

Nationwide, over 75% of Americans five years or older have already had the vaccine. The CDC estimates that 92% of Americans 16 years or older have already developed antibodies against COVID-19, from vaccination or from previous infection. Even with that statistic, the president still wants to fire people who do not “fall in line” from their jobs.

We’ve heard from thousands of people in our states who don’t want to take the COVID-19 vaccine for a number of reasons. Millions of people have already recovered from COVID and may have some level of natural immunity. Others have an objection to the vaccine based on their sincerely held religious beliefs. Some are being treated for cancers or auto-immune diseases and don’t want to introduce a relatively new vaccine into that treatment. Some have serious adverse reactions to many vaccines. Some have heard about the possible side effects of the vaccine or long-term possible issues and are just wary of taking it right away. Millions of other Americans just don’t like being told what to do. We are a stubborn, self-reliant people; that is part of what has made us the greatest nation in the world.

Our service members also face a serious decision and serious consequences. According to the latest numbers, only about 45.5% of the National Guard and Reserves are vaccinated, and we’ve heard from highly trained specialists with long careers who are considering remaining unvaccinated, even if they are fired. Imagine losing that knowledge and investment into our military. Firing our National Guard members will absolutely affect military readiness and disaster response in every state.

One of the scarier “or else” components to this is that if companies don’t give in to the vaccine mandate, guess what? The Democrats’ new multi-trillion-dollar bill increases OSHA fines for companies that employ 100 or more people tenfold. Democrats are not only trying to fire workers for not getting the vaccine, they’re also trying to shut down companies if they don’t fire their workers.

President Biden is playing a dangerous game of chicken with our families and our economy. He is gambling that he can put enough pressure on people that they’ll cave to his will by taking away their jobs and closing down companies with large fines. Americans are gambling that Biden will blink before they leave their jobs because if they change jobs in mass numbers it will cause even more economic damage and even more high inflation.

We call on our colleagues who believe in freedom from government intrusion into our lives to support our legislation to disapprove of the Department of Labor’s rule when we call it up for a vote in the Senate next week. All 50 Senate Republicans have committed to stopping Biden’s mandate on the private sector through what is called a resolution of disapproval under the Congressional Review Act. Now, with the addition of Democratic West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin, we have the votes to overturn Biden’s mandate on private businesses in the Senate. Following the Senate vote, we will send it over to the House for a legislative “Judgement Day” on the mandate.

Meanwhile, lawsuits have been filed in nearly every part of the country challenging the vaccine mandate, with the Wall Street Journal Editorial Board noting how scathing the Fifth Circuit court was in its decision to halt implementation of the rule last month. The courts are finally joining with us to fight executive overreach.

If your Member of Congress is on the fence about the vaccine mandate, we encourage you to let them know where you stand. Many Americans who support the vaccine personally don’t support firing people from their jobs because they choose not to get the vaccine. Firing frontline workers who risked their lives to serve our nation before the vaccine is a terrible way to say thank you for their service.

Read the tea leaves, President Biden. America’s patience has run out with you trying to act like their dad and telling them what to do. Let Americans choose what is right for their health, their family and their freedom.




James Lankford serves as the junior senator from the state of Oklahoma in the U.S. Senate.

Mike Braun is serving as the junior senator from the state of Indiana in the U.S. Senate.


Unprecedented and Unconstitutional – Governor Signs Order to Turn People Away from Hospitals Unless They are Vaccinated.

Question the ‘lab leak’ theory. But don’t call it a conspiracy.

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

November Jobs Report Is One Of The Worst Since Biden Took Office

CORRECTION: This story has been updated to reflect that the number of jobs created in November is among the lowest initially reported for a single month in 2021.

The U.S. economy added 210,000 jobs in November, marking nearly the lowest number of jobs created in a month since President Joe Biden took office in January.

November’s jobs report was well below economists’ estimate of 573,000, according to CNBC. Additionally, unemployment fell to 4.2% from October’s 4.6% figure, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

The U.S. economy, still recovering from the COVID-19 pandemic but now subject to uncertainty related to the Omicron coronavirus variant, appeared to slow in momentum in November, The Wall Street Journal reported.

“Just as Delta derailed the recovery in terms of the labor market, if Omicron behaved like that, I would guess it would hold back any recovery in the labor market,” Justin Weidner, an economist at Deutsche Bank, told the WSJ.

“Greater concerns about the virus could reduce people’s willingness to work in person, which could slow progress in the labor market and intensify supply-chain disruptions,” Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said in Senate Banking Committee testimony on Tuesday.

The BLS initially reported that 194,000 jobs were added to the economy in September, the lowest number of new jobs for a single month in 2021, but that figure was revised substantially in October to 312,000 jobs, CNBC reported.




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Biden Imposes Travel Bans He Called Trump Racist for Imposing

My latest in PJ Media:

We all know that travel bans are racist; Old Joe Biden told us so himself. He tweeted on February 1, 2020: “Trump further diminished the U.S. in the eyes of the world by expanding his travel ban. This new ‘African Ban,’ is designed to make it harder for black and brown people to immigrate to the United States. It’s a disgrace, and we cannot let him succeed.” Now that Biden’s handlers, possibly even including the wonk who actually composed that tweet, are in charge, all that systemic racism is being swept away, and for that we can all be grateful. Or at least we could be until Friday, when Biden’s handlers announced a plan to follow in Trump’s footsteps and ban travel from eight countries in Africa in order to fight what is being presented as a dangerous new variant of the coronavirus.

Politico reported Friday that the ban was announced “just hours after a new coronavirus variant was deemed a highly transmissible virus of concern,” and would go into effect Monday, banning travelers from South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe, Namibia, Lesotho, Eswatini, Mozambique and Malawi from entering the United States.” Politico noted that Biden’s handlers made this move on advice from none other than Dr. Anthony Fauci, the Left’s untarnished guru of Covid prevention.

And that makes it all right. We can learn from this that the problem with Trump’s travel bans was not that he imposed them, but why he imposed them. In February 2020, Biden lambasted Trump’s racism over the extension of the travel bans to Eritrea, Nigeria, Sudan and Tanzania, as well as Kyrgyzstan and Myanmar. This was after Trump had previously imposed travel bans upon Chad, Iran, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, and Yemen. Acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf explained at the time that “the countries hit by the new measures failed to meet US security and information-sharing standards.” The countries from which Trump banned travel could not or would not provide adequate information to American officials about the people who wanted to enter the country. Trump reasoned that in light of that, the risk of admitting anyone from those countries was too great. His travel bans were motivated by concern for the safety of the American people.

Biden and the Democrats, however, knew better. They knew that Trump’s expressed concern for safety was just a ploy, a fig leaf to cover his racism. They knew, or claimed to know, that Trump’s travel bans were actually motivated by “Islamophobia,” and derided it as a “Muslim Ban,” even though Tanzania, Myanmar, North Korea and Venezuela aren’t exactly Islamic Republics. Biden promised during his campaign: “On day one, I’ll end Trump’s unconstitutional Muslim ban. My administration will look like America with Muslim Americans serving at every level.” As soon as he entered the Oval Office, Biden followed through on this promise, ending Trump’s travel bans in a flurry of executive orders on January 20, 2021.

There is more. Read the rest here.


Rep. Lauren Boebert Facing Calls to Be Censured for Mocking Ilhan Omar

UK: Chances are ‘nil’ that a jihadi will not be among migrants; refugee campaigner calls that an ‘awful accusation’

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Germany: Judge gives 10-year sentence to Muslim who stabbed woman 76 times; she had ‘insulted him’

Iran’s Justice Ministry, Center for Mosque Affairs, Research Center of Islamic Sciences hacked: ‘Death to Khamenei’

Report declares treatment of Christian women and girls in Muslim countries a ‘human rights catastrophe’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

California Effectively Ends Fracking, Cites ‘Urgent Climate Effects’

California has gradually weaned itself off fossil fuel fracking well ahead of Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom’s 2024 ban of the oil and gas extraction method.

The California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM), the agency that oversees new permits, has denied 109 new permits from fossil fuel firms this year, according to Department of Conservation data. State regulators have approved just 12 permits in 2021, the most recent of which came in February.

Uduak-Joe Ntuk, the state’s oil and gas supervisor, said he couldn’t approve new fracking grants “in good conscience” in a September letter to the energy firm Aera Energy, The Associated Press reported. Ntuk cited the “increasingly urgent climate effects of fossil-fuel production” and “the continuing impacts of climate change and hydraulic fracturing on public health and natural resources.”

“Unfortunately, the State of California continues to take arbitrary actions that deliver little positive benefits for our fight against climate change but imposes big impacts on Californians – to our finances, to our freedoms, essentially to how we live and work every day,” Western States Petroleum Association (WSPA) President and CEO Catherine Reheis-Boyd said in a statement last month.

“Real solutions do not come through arbitrary bans, mandates, and the whim of elected leaders,” she said.

On Oct. 8, the WSPA sued the Newsom administration over the mass denial of fracking permits. One month earlier, the Kern County Board of Supervisors also filed suit, challenging the state’s authority to ban access to oil and gas resources, according to The Bakersfield Californian.

“The decisions (Newsom) has made to unilaterally come after the oil and gas industry in violation of standing rules and standing law, that’s been established by the state Legislature, has been a gross overreach of his power,” Board Chairman Phillip Peters said after the suit was filed in September.

In April, Newsom ordered CalGEM to end new fracking permits by January 2024. He also asked the California Air Resources Board to conduct an analysis of how the state could completely wean off fossil fuel extraction by 2045.

The governor said the state “needs to move beyond oil.”

“In California, this is an industry that is used to getting its way,” Hollin Kretzmann, a senior attorney at environmental group the Center for Biological Diversity, told The San Francisco Chronicle on Tuesday. “It is a sign that the tide is starting to turn, and the state is starting to prioritize public health and the environment over the profits of the oil industry.”

While California’s crude oil consumption has stayed level over the last several decades, it has become more reliant on foreign producers, state data showed. More than half of the state’s oil over the last ten years was imported.

Meanwhile, gasoline prices, which are tied to the cost of oil, have surged nationwide to multi-year highs, according to the Energy Information Administration. California has experienced the largest increase with prices hitting $4.79 per gallon on average.



Energy and environmental reporter. Follow Thomas on Twitter


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