Tag Archive for: Muslims

VIDEO: Free Stuff for Syrian Muslims Coming to America!

This video was prepared by Liberty News Media about Syrian Muslims coming to America.

Steven Camarata, Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies released a new analysis today.

As Americans continue to debate what to do about the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East, this analysis attempts to estimate the costs of resettling refugees from that region in the United States. Although we do not consider all costs, our best estimate is that in their first five years in the United States each refugee from the Middle East costs taxpayers $64,370 — 12 times what the UN estimates it costs to care for one refugee in neighboring Middle Eastern countries.

The cost of resettlement includes heavy welfare use by Middle Eastern refugees; 91 percent receive food stamps and 68 percent receive cash assistance.

Costs also include processing refugees, assistance given to new refugees, and aid to refugee-receiving communities. Given the high costs of resettling refugees in the United States, providing for them in neighboring countries in the Middle East may be a more cost-effective way to help them.


Continue reading here.

Muslim Islamowar Brewing in Europe

Muslim jihadis from the Middle East are swarming into Europe, burning and looting as they go. Is the war to overrun Europe about to begin?

DNC Vice-Chair Confirms Obama Aiding and Abetting the Islamic State

Millions of Americans tried to stop the election of Barack Hussein Obama in 2008, correctly exposing the fact that this is an individual that has no verifiable past and a laundry list of highly concerning associations with well-known anti-American bedfellows. But the system was already broken to a point in which such an individual could scam their way into power, regardless of the overwhelming evidence that he was neither constitutionally eligible or morally fit for the office of Commander-in-Chief.

Little more than a year after being fraudulently sworn into office, calls for impeachment started in May of 2010, as visible evidence of anti-American destructive policies were already emerging in the Obama Administration.

In May of 2010, Republican House Rep Darrell Issa called for impeachment over the White House’s tampering with the re-election of Arlen Spector, a close comrade of Obama’s who was set to lose to challenger Joe Sestak had Obama not bought Sestak out of the race.

In August 2011, Republican Congressman Michael C. Burgess of Texas stated that the impeachment of Barack Obama “needs to happen” in order to stop Obama’s clear agenda to drive America into socio-economic collapse. In June 2012, Senator Jon Kyl called for impeachment over Obama’s anti-American immigration policy.

By May 2013, calls for impeachment were becoming almost a daily event, as Republican Senator James Inhofe of Oklahoma stated that “President Obama could be impeached over what he alleged (now confirmed) was a White House cover-up after last year’s attack in Benghazi, Libya.”

In August 2013, Republicans Tom Coburn, Blake Farenthold and Kerry Bentivolio had joined the growing chorus of House members openly calling for the immediate impeachment of Barack Hussein Obama on a growing list of impeachable offenses, as the nation was now spiraling towards a crash of monumental proportions.

On August 19, 2013, Republican Congressman Kerry Bentivolio stated that if he could write articles of impeachment, “it would be a dream come true.” He enlisted the of several key historians and experts to assist in that effort, but no Articles were ever completed or filed.

On December 3, 2013, the House Judiciary Committee called to order a meeting titled “The President’s Constitutional Duty to Faithfully Execute the Laws,” seen by many as an initial step towards impeaching the most impeachable administration in U.S. History, but the content and context of that meeting would remain behind closed doors… and the outcome was the same as in the past, no action.

Meanwhile, the nation remained on a path to death and destruction with Obama at the helm and calls for doing anything real about it, were now being squelched by House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Leader Mitch McConnell, who had let it be well known that “impeachment is off the table,” despite growing desperation in the hearts and minds of millions across America, frustrated by the overt cowardice in the RNC leadership.

Fast forward to October 31, 2015… when Vice Chair of the Democratic National Committee Tulsi Gabbard, took to the stage with none other than hardcore leftist Democrat Bill Maher on Real Time, and openly stated on global TV that her Democrat Commander-in-Chief has been engaged in aiding and abetting ISIS and many other Islamic terror groups across the Middle East, in support of the global Muslim caliphate, resulting in the death and destruction of countless sovereign nations, thousands of innocent people and threatening the security and sovereignty of the United States.

Astonishingly, Bill Maher had no choice but to agree… and finally, leftists in the Democrat Party were forced to admit on open air that the leader of their party had gone rogue, becoming the greatest threat to national security from within the halls of the people’s White House…

As House Republicans had worked for seven years to avoid their sworn constitutional duty and oath to the US Constitution, to make certain that the Oval Office occupant would “faithfully execute the laws of the land” as passed by Congress, and uphold, protect and defend the US Constitution against all enemies, foreign and domestic, the greatest threat to it all was allowed to operate against the United States from the helm of the U.S. government.

Obama’s democratic administration had become destructive towards the United States and even Gabbard and Maher could no longer ignore it. Let there be no mistake… They were not discussing Clinton’s semen stained intern dress, or partisan spying on political offices, like in Watergate. They were openly confirming “acts of treason” by the Obama administration.

Still, the search for anyone in the Republican controlled House with the honor, decency and courage to keep their oath to America continues… Despite all of it, not one member of the Republican controlled House has as of yet, grown the stones to stand up and defend the Constitution and American people from what every red blooded American knows is the most evil anti-American criminal regime to ever hold political power in the United States.

Articles have already been investigated, researched and carefully drafted… not by a member of the House, but by a private non-partisan legal group, The North American Law Center, (TNALC). In fact, the most complete and accurate set of Impeachment Articles were carefully crafted and released by the group, to both Congress and the public, in July of 2014.

In a recent TV interview on One America News Network, Lead Counsel for TNALC Stephen Pidgeon explains why the group did the work and why they are building a national coalition of impeachment supporters in an effort to force Republicans in control of the House to act on their oaths and impeach immediately.

Retired Constitutional Attorney Hal Rounds makes the case for impeachment in this video. Over 2 million Americans have signed petitions to impeach and high profile media figures like Allen West, Sarah Palin, Mark Levin, Michael Savage and Rush Limbaugh have all openly called for impeachment. Still, no action from House Republicans.

As Obama works to import a hundred thousand more military age jihadist “refugees” from war torn Syria, a direct result of yet another effort by the Obama regime to illegally topple another foreign government giving rise to more Islamic extremism, House Republicans continue to play politics as if positioning themselves for the next propaganda based election cycle is the only thing that matters in this world.

Likewise, “the people” are trapped in an endless election cycle, caught up in which fraud candidate will save them from themselves in the next election, refusing to hold anyone accountable for anything in DC, including death in Benghazi, on Extortion 17, mass illegal invasion, the importing of Islamic terrorists via bogus refugee resettlement, a debt spiral unparalleled in human history, a collapsing ObamaCare and U.S. economy that threatens the U.S. currency, and, well, I could write and entire encyclopedia volume of the treasonous and traitorous acts by these criminal thugs.

The North American Law Center has rightly called for impeachment on the following grounds…

  1. ARTICLE I – Usurpation of the Oval Office via criminal identity fraud
  2. ARTICLE II – Malfeasance, misconduct and abuse of the Oval Office
  3. ARTICLE III – Aiding and Abetting known enemies of the United States


Why are people worried about Hillary Clinton in 2016 when they could end her political career and throw her in prison for her crimes in a 2015 Obama impeachment trial? Have “the people” not only lost their courage to be free, but their minds too? Are “the people” morally unfit as well?

Is there anyone in America willing to fight for what is right? Willing to uphold, defend and enforce the US Constitution? Anyone, anywhere?

The answer is YES… Everyone at The North American Law Center is ready, willing and able… and so are the members of the national coalition for Impeachment.

As a matter of fact, so are at least a few House Republicans…

This is a list of the ten most likely to impeach in the House, some of whom are already working with TNALC to advance the TNALC Articles of Impeachment against Obama before the clock runs out. CALL ALL OF THEM, EVERY DAY!

Rep. Louie Gohmert (Texas) 202-225-3035
Rep. Randy Weber (Texas) 202-225-2831
Rep. Bill Posey (Fla.) 202-225-3671
Rep. Ted Yoho (Fla.) 202-225-5744
Rep. Curt Clawson (Fla.) 202-225-2536
Rep. Dave Brat (Va.) 202-225-2815
Rep. Paul Gosar (Ariz.) 202-225-2315
Rep. Walter Jones (N.C.) 202-225-3415
Rep. Thomas Massie (Ky.) 202-225-3465
Rep. Brian Babin (Texas) 202-225-1555

Where are YOU? What are YOU doing to save our Constitutional Republic?

Fake Passports Being Used by Muslim Migrants

That’s what the Wall Street Journal is reporting, thanks to Jeff for sending the story.

The ‘stars’ of the WSJ piece landed in the UK, but I wonder how many are landing at an airport near you as we speak?

ISTANBUL—Somewhere over Europe, Kassem went to the airplane’s bathroom and flushed his fake Italian passport down the toilet.

When he landed in London’s Heathrow Airport a few hours later, Kassem presented his Syrian ID to U.K. immigration officials and requested asylum. The trip wouldn’t have been possible using his actual, Syrian passport—the country’s four-year civil war has turned it into a burden for anyone fleeing the conflict.

When asked where his passport was, Kassem told the officials: “It’s in the toilet.”

While hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees make the dangerous sea voyage to Europe followed by arduous treks across the continent, some of their countrymen have used fraudulent Western passports to board planes to countries where they can request asylum. Winter’s approach, turning seas colder, stormier and more dangerous, is expected to increase the practice.

Continue reading here.

This chart shows how many successful asylum cases were processed in 2013 in the U.S.  Source: Migration Policy Institute. (I would love to know what countries are represented in that 7,776 (30%) from “other countries,” wouldn’t you?)

asylum US

For new readers the difference between refugees and asylum seekers is that we fly the refugees in after the UN selects them for us and asylum seekers get in on their own steam—either illegally across a border or come legally on another type of visa—then ask for asylum, claiming they will be persecuted if returned to their homeland. Once granted asylum however, the asylum seekers get all of the same welfare goodies that refugees receive.


Are refugees taking from federal programs for American poor and homeless, sure looks like it

Sacramento to welcome large number of Syrians says resettlement contractor

UNHCR Antonio Guterres leaving post at the end of the year, replacement?

Denmark: Sex education for wannabe refugee rapists

Hillary’s Soulmate George Soros behind Muslim invasion of Europe

I’ve thought this very same thing! We have written several stories over the last few years about Soros involvement in various countries, here, here, and here promoting the rights of Somalis as they colonize Scandinavia.

See also news about Soros’ handbook for Muslim invaders to Europe, here.

From Bloomberg Business:

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban accused billionaire investor George Soros of being a prominent member of a circle of “activists” trying to undermine European nations by supporting refugees heading to the continent from the Middle East and beyond.

“His name is perhaps the strongest example of those who support anything that weakens nation states, they support everything that changes the traditional European lifestyle,” Orban said in an interview on public radio Kossuth. “These activists who support immigrants inadvertently become part of this international human-smuggling network.”

Rights groups have criticized Orban for building a razor-wire fence on the border, tightening asylum laws and boosting his support among voters with anti-immigrant rhetoric. Soros, who was born in Hungary and is one of the biggest philanthropists in eastern Europe via his foundations and university, gives grants to organizations that provide legal assistance to asylum seekers.

Soros said in an e-mailed statement that a six-point plan published by his foundation helps “uphold European values” while Orban’s actions “undermine those values.”

Go here to read Soros’ plan.

And remember Hillary and the girls share much of the blame for the ‘Invasion of Europe’ from Libya.


Pittsburgh, PA Mayor Peduto: Bring us Syrian Muslims!

United Nations has almost 20,000 Syrians picked out for us, lists our resettlement commitment as “open-ended”

Did your state get Somalis in October? Minnesota number one destination!

Germany investigating terror suspects in refugee flow

Washington, D.C. gathering of Open Borders Activists/lawyers was revealing

13% of Syrian Muslim migrants support the Islamic State

The survey was done among Syrian refugees in Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan which is exactly where Syrians destined for America are coming from.

This should be no surprise!

From The Clarion Project (Hat tip: Diana):

A poll published in November 2014 by the Arab Center for Research and Policy Studies found that 13% of Syrian refugees have positive feelings towards the Islamic State terrorist group. The data should raise questions about the risks posed by the acceptance of Syrian refugees into the United States.

The poll surveyed 900 Syrian refugees equally split between Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan. The think-tank found that 4% expressed a positive opinion of the Islamic State (ISIS) and another 9% expressed a “somewhat positive” opinion of the terrorist group. Another 10% only view the group negatively “to some extent.”

Continue reading here….

97% of the Syrians admitted to the U.S. in FY 2015 were Sunni Muslims.

Director of the FBI James Comey told Congress recently that we cannot properly screen them.

Here are the states where Syrians have been resettled this month (the first month of the 2016 fiscal year).


Baltimore Mayor: Bring on the refugees to save dying city!

Swedish Foreign Secretary: Sweden will collapse

Islamic State releases video of shooting-down of Russian plane

This is still not conclusive: skeptics point out that the Islamic State video is unclear, and that the jihadis released still photos of the wrong plane crash. Nonetheless, all part of the effort to “strike terror into the hearts of the enemies of Allah” (Qur’an 8:60). Even if the Islamic State had nothing to do with the crash, it will serve that purpose for the jihadis.

“WATCH: ISIS Claims Video Shows Them Shooting Down Russian Plane Flight 9268,” by Sam Prince, Heavy, October 31, 2015:

The Islamic State is claiming a video and photos that have gone viral on Twitter shows them shooting down Metrojet Flight 7K9268 over Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula….However, others were quick to refute that claim because the video is not clear and the photos show the wrong plane.

But it sounds like that technical issues are at fault for the crash. The Independent reports:

Security sources have said that there was no indication of an attack and technical issues, which were reported by the pilot, were responsible for the accident.

There were 224 guests on the Metrojet Flight 7K9268 from Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt, to St. Petersburg, Russia, including 17 children. The plane was split in two.

The plane requested an emergency landing and there are reports of some crew members noting a problem with one of the engines. The Egyptian civil aviation ministry said the plane was at an altitude of 31,000 feet when it disappeared off the radar right after it reportedly began descending at a rate of 6,000 feet per minute, according to the New York Times.


Islamic State group in Egypt claims it downed Russian airliner, killing 224 people

Egyptian TV host and historian agree: Burning is “the only solution for the Jews”

Thousands of Muslim migrants in Europe “mysteriously disappear”

VIDEO: Christian Persecution on the Temple Mount

This exclusive video expose’ of the holiest of Judeo/Christian sites where members of the Islamic Waqf force threw Danish Christian Jerusalem Jane Kiel off of the Temple Mount because she is accused of recently singing and praying FOR Israel on the Mount.

This is an extremely serious development especially as Muslims in America are running to Christian Churches and Jewish Synagogues trying to convince everyone that Islam is a religion of peace and part of the Abrahamic faith of Jews and Christians.

This incident makes it clear that Muslims despise Jews and Christians and are simply trying to gain acceptance for ulterior Islamic reasons.

Now, you see this enmity toward Jews and Christians being played out on the Temple Mount with our dear, brave, Jerusalem Jane!

Jerusalem, Israel – October 28, 2015 – At 9:30 this morning officials from the Islamic Waqf forced Danish Christian blogger “Jerusalem” Jane Kiel off the Temple Mount. During a peaceful visit, Jane was approached by a guard employed by the Jordanian-run Islamic Waqf who called her by name. “Jane, …we waited two months for you!” he announced labeling her a “born again” “believer.”

In a video of the incident (above), the Waqf guard pointed to the Hebrew inscription on her ring and claimed to be “Jordanian Police.” In an audio recording, he further produced what he claimed was a Jordanian Police identity card. The Waqf official insisted that Jane and her companion delete their video and threatened to arrest them if they did not leave the Temple Mount immediately. He then told Jane he was taking her to the Israeli police, but instead brought her to a man he referred to as the Waqf “boss” of the Temple Mount, who ordered her to leave.

This is the second time Jane was expelled from the Temple Mount; on a previous visit Waqf officials took her phone, deleting all the videos and photos.

Within the last ten months, Jane has received a series of death threats after documenting Muslim harassment of Jewish visitors on the Temple Mount. Jane’s activities have been lambasted on the “Quds” Arabic language website, which the guard pulled up on his phone during the encounter.

Here is the first video that went viral in the Arab world media, leading to Jane being targeted by Muslims and denied entrance to the Temple Mount. Jane sang Shema Yisrael On The Temple Mount:

CNBC’s GOP Debate Mute About National Security by Ryan Mauro

Foreign policy and national security was disappointingly absent from last night’s Republican presidential debate. The event focused on financial issues because it was hosted by the CNBC business news channel, but the economy is intertwined with important debates about foreign policy, energy independence and global instability.  At one point, an incredulous Gov. Chris Christie mocked how more time was spent discussing fantasy football than the Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) threat.

The following is a summary of the statements related to national security that were made by the candidates.

George Pataki

The most impressive national answers in my judgment were given by George Pataki during the first debate amongst the four lowest polling candidates.  He pointed out that his two sons served in the U.S. military in Iraq and Afghanistan. The impact of cyber attacks on the economy were discussed in the undercard debate but were shockingly left out of the main event, even though Iran and North Korea (and others) have waged cyber warfare on the U.S.

Pataki said that the U.S. should sanction any company that engages in hacking and bar them from trade with the American market, including those of Chinese origin. He said that the U.S. should follow Israel’s example in establishing a single federal agency dedicated to cyber defense. He then linked the issue to the controversy over Hillary Clinton’s unsecured email server at her home and the likelihood that its contents was hacked by Iran, Russia, China and others.

Pataki is currently in 15th place among the 16 Republican contenders with an average of less than 1% nationally and less than 1% for the New Hampshire primary that is the focus of his campaign. You can read our factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.

Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s answers related to national security earned the most applause. He said that the U.S. is too predictable and shouldn’t be constantly talking about how it will handle enemies like the Islamic State. The audience roared when he said that servicemen at military installations should be trusted to be armed, referring to the Islamist shooting at two sites in Chattanooga, Tennessee in July that killed five people.

Trump is the frontrunner nationally with 27%; is in second place with 21% in Iowa (behind Ben Carson); first place in New Hampshire with 30% and first place in South Carolina with 33%. You can read our factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.

Chris Christie

Chris Christie was also received very positively when he talked about national security, particularly when he lambasted the extremely condescending CNBC moderators (as other candidates did) and pointed out how fantasy football was talked about more than the Islamic State.

Christie warned of foreign policy isolationists that would leave behind fewer democracies around the world and criticized the Obama Administration’s record on promoting freedom. He also cited the FBI director’s statement that the stigmatizing of law enforcement is increasing crime and decreasing safety.

Christie is currently in 10th place nationally with 2% and 9th place in New Hampshire with 3%. You can read our factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.

Lindsey Graham

Lindsey Graham emphasized national security during the undercard debate and was met with thunderous applause when he said that he’d let dictators know that the “party is over” and “this crap stops” if he becomes president.

He warned of the danger of cuts to the defense budget and claimed that the Army will shrink to its smallest size since 1940. On the issue of cyber warfare, he said he’d tell China and others involved in hacking that the U.S. has a clenched fist and an open hand and their behavior will decide which one is used.

Graham is currently in 11th place nationally with 1%, 12th in New Hampshire with 1% and 7th in South Carolina with 3%. You can read our factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.

Marco Rubio

Marco Rubio’s only comments related to national security were about the hearings regarding the Islamist terrorist attacks in Benghazi, Libya in 2012 and Hillary Clinton’s testimony. He said that Clinton privately wrote emails stating that the violence was a terrorist attack linked to Al-Qaeda but that she and the administration blamed it on an out-of-control protest against a video criticizing Islam.

Rubio is currently in third place nationally with 9%; third in Iowa with 10%; fourth in New Hampshire with 8% and third in South Carolina with 8%. You can read out factsheet on his stances related to Islamist extremism here.


Ryan Mauro is ClarionProject.org’s national security analyst, a fellow with Clarion Project and an adjunct professor of homeland security. Mauro is frequently interviewed on top-tier television and radio. Read more, contact or arrange a speaking engagement.


CAIR Berates Trump for Support of Closing Extremist Mosques

National Security Highlights From First Democratic Debate

Carson Calls on IRS to Terminate CAIR’s Tax-Exempt Status

Clinton Releases 5-Point Plan on Iran

U.S. Senator Lankford (R-OK) wants assurances no terrorists will get in with Syrian Muslim migrants

And, once again we have the local CAIR chapter assuring us that Syrian Muslim refugees won’t be terrorists!  However, the FBI Director testified in Congress recently that the US cannot properly screen Syrian refugees. CAIR and the Catholics (and Jews) know better!

Richard Klinge

Richard Klinge of Catholic Charities in Oklahoma City is an attorney/advocat and here he is promoting the infamous ‘Gang of Eight’ amnesty bill. (Catholic charities is paid by the head to resettle Muslims in Oklahoma.)

From NewsOK:

An Oklahoma congressman [they must mean Senator—ed] is urging the federal government to maintain “rigorous security vetting” of all refugees as it prepares to increase the number of displaced individuals allowed into the U.S in response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

U.S. Sen. James Lankford, R-Oklahoma City, said he, along with Rep. Randy Forbes, R-Va., sent a letter Wednesday to Secretary of State John Kerry and Jeh Johnson, Department of Homeland Security secretary, asking them to ensure that national security is not compromised in the refugee resettlement process.

In his letter and in a telephone interview with The Oklahoman, Lankford said he is concerned that the U.S. remain vigilant in rooting out Islamic State or ISIS terrorists seeking to enter America under the guise of refugees.

Just a reminder here that it does matter when you contact your Washington representatives:

In his interview, Lankford said some of his constituents have voiced concerns, particularly after reading news reports of ISIS terrorists killing Christians in the Middle East.

Catholic Charities, which is paid by the head to resettle refugees, assures Oklahomans that every one will be safe!


Adam Soltani of CAIR: No terrorists will get in with Syrian Muslim flow to Oklahoma. Photo: New York Daily News.

Richard Klinge, senior director of advocacy and legal services for Charities of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Oklahoma City, called the State Department’s security process for refugees “robust” with “stringent guidelines.” [WTH is “robust”—ed]

Klinge said he is very familiar with the government’s security measures because Catholic Charities has had a large refugee resettlement program in Oklahoma for many years.

The Council on American-Islamic Relations echoes Catholic Charities in assuring us there will be no terrorists getting in!  (Ditto the local Jews!)

Adam Soltani, executive director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, shared similar sentiments, saying that the U.S. had done a good job of vetting displaced individuals seeking a new life in America.

Soltani did say that his one concern about the Oklahoma congressman’s letter to federal officials is that it is in keeping with stereotypes of Muslims and people coming from the Middle East. [Stereotypes?  Gee I wonder why—ed]

Rabbi Vered Harris, spiritual leader of Temple B’nai Israel, recently urged members of her congregation to sign a petition asking the federal government to allow more refugees into the U.S. in response to the Syrian refugee crisis.

Friday, she said she trusts in the government’s procedures to ensure the safety of all Americans.

More here at NewsOK.

As we have reported previously on several occasions, across the country CAIR is weighing in on Syrian resettlement to the US which is only further confirmation that the vast majority of Syrians that the UN is choosing for us are Sunni Muslims.  Surely CAIR isn’t advocating for the persecuted Christians.  LOL! The big question is why are the Oklahoma Catholics and Jews pushing for more Muslims?

Here CAIR goes to the White House to lobby for more Syrian Muslim refugee admissions.  I don’t think they are hiding the Hijra any more!


Canada ramping-up for challenge of extensive mental health needs of Syrian refugees

Netherlands: Asylum seekers to be tested for skin disease MRSA as cases are diagnosed in three provinces

Why is Bill Kristol’s mag pimping for Hebrew refugee contractor’s lobbying campaign?

Libertarian/Muslim groups urge private sponsorship of Syrian refugees in U.S.

Washington, DC thinker: Bring Muslim Syrians to US so they will love us in the Middle East

Invasion of Europe news: Poland moves further right, opposes EU on Muslim migration/refugees

20,000 Israelis Sue Facebook for Inciting Palestinians

The video below shows some of the incitement that led to this lawsuit. While counter-jihadists are frequently suspended or have their pages taken down altogether from Facebook, this naked incitement to hatred and murder is just fine in Zuckerbergland. No incitement to murder, no calls for violence against innocent civilians, should ever be tolerated against anyone. But when it comes to inciting violence against Israelis, it seems to be fine with almost everyone.

“20,000 Israelis sue Facebook for Palestinian incitement,” by Edna Adato, Israel Hayom, October 27, 2015:

Citing incitement against Israel, Shurat Hadin Israel Law Center on Tuesday submitted a lawsuit against Facebook in a New York court on behalf of 20,000 Israelis. The lawsuit was submitted over claims that Facebook is facilitating incitement against Israelis and encouragement to harm them.

At the onset of the current wave of terror, Shurat Hadin, which works to fight terrorism on the legal front, began a petition to recruit thousands of Israeli under the title: “Suing Facebook — Disconnecting Terror.”

The organization is asking the court in New York to issue an injunction against Facebook to remove the inciting pages, monitor the methods of incitement and block them, and hold the social networking giant responsible for allowing terrorists on its network.

“Facebook has the means to research and monitor every word that appears on its website. It cannot be that entire pages on Facebook are devoted to incitement to murder Jews and that terrorists are permitted to publish posts that become popular among their friends and encourage them to kill. It is absurd that Facebook is being transformed into a tool for supporting incitement and attacks against Jews, and we intend to put an end to it,” said Shurat Hadin.

According to the plaintiffs, “The terrorists do not come on their own. They write posts and encourage their friends to kill Jews. Facebook has been transformed into an anti-Semitic incubator for murder.”

As one example, Shurat Hadin cited the case of 19-year-old terrorist Muhannad Halabi, who wrote on his Facebook page, “I want to become a martyr,” prior to carrying out a stabbing attack the following day. Halabi stabbed Aharon Bennett and Rabbi Nehemia Lavi to death.

Attorney Nitsana Darshan-Leitner, director of Shurat Hadin, said that “for every Israeli that is sitting now at home — there is something that can be done against terror. Join us now. This action is important in the same way as actions to increase security on the ground and its goal is to stop the terror. Today, Facebook has become a haven for terrorists: They publish their actions on their Facebook pages, garner support, receive instructions and direction to murder Jews — and all this under the sponsorship of a commercial company that has the power to stop it easily. At the time that Facebook suffices with words and tells us that it intends ‘to remove inciting pages’ — the website is filling up more and more each moment with severe incitement, and it is our task to do everything to stop this.”


Denmark denies citizenship to Muslim who wants to replace democracy with Islamic law

Al-Shabaab faction pledges loyalty to the Islamic State after murdering 150 Christian students

Canada: Liberal Party wants 25,000 Muslim Syrians admitted in 2015!

I’ve not posted much from north of the border recently, but Canadian readers continue to be at the top, or nearly at the top, of the list of faithful readers from around the world who visit RRW regularly, see here yesterday.

We knew as soon as we heard the news about Justin Trudeau being elected Prime Minister last week that this meant more Muslim migration to Canada.

What is interesting about this news from the National Post is that it dances around a critical issue that effects both Canada and the US and that is that we are allowing the UNITED NATIONS to almost exclusively choose our refugees.  That means that in the case of the Syrians, they will come from UN camps that house mostly Sunni Muslims.

97% of the Syrians who entered the U.S. in FY2015 were Muslims chosen by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.

Thus even if Canada wanted to select truly persecuted Christians and/or Yazidis, they have no system in place to do so in large numbers—neither do we in the US!  We have given that power to the UN!

From the National Post (emphasis is mine):

TORONTO — As the Liberal government gears up to meet its promise to bring 25,000 government-sponsored Syrian refugees to Canada by the end of 2015, experts say time may be too short to effectively settle refugees and navigate security concerns.

“The numbers are not difficult numbers. The timeline is a difficult timeline,” said Naomi Alboim, a Queen’s University professor and former deputy minister of citizenship in Ontario.

With more than four million Syrian refugees in need, the first order of business will be identifying those to bring to Canada. Government-sponsored refugees are typically referred to Canada by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), which confirms their refugee status and passes on the most urgent cases. Canadian visa officers then review their claims, and put refugees through security checks and health screenings. The process can take months, if not years.


These alternative approaches require Canada to pick refugees and decide whether to focus on groups that have been especially brutalized by ISIS, such as Syria’s Yazidi minority, or on everyone fleeing the dangerous civil war, said Guidy Mamann, an immigration lawyer based in Toronto.

“Normally, in refugee law, we are looking to protect those who are persecuted, those who suffer the greatest,” he added.
But Canada, which relies on UNHCR for refugee referrals, has no system for picking refugees by itself. In addition, most Syrian refugees are outside of camps, making them harder to identify.

Continue reading here.


Paul Ryan speakership campaign reveals traitors in our midst (South Carolina and Idaho pay attention)

Slovenia invaded! Prime minister warns EU is near death

A reader recommends Michael Savage’s new book: No borders, no language, no culture

Asst. Sec. of State for PRM Anne Richard is a busy beaver, gotta keep the UN happy and get those Syrians in!

Sweden: Ungrateful ‘refugees’ refuse housing in a beautiful wooded location….

Federal Propaganda: Training America’s Librarians on How to Spread Diversity

It is comforting to know that the USCIS (US Citizen and Immigration Service) has rounded up all the criminal aliens in the US and screened all of the refugees entering the country and now has time to run a program as part of OBAMA’S TASK FORCE ON NEW AMERICANS to educate librarians across America on how to promote the joys of diversity to redneck boobs (they don’t say redneck boobs, but that is the implication).

Librarians can join a conference call tomorrow to get their indoctrination training.  But please note:  Press is not invited to the propaganda training program!  Why the secrecy?

See the announcement here. Hat tip: Robin.

Overview of Task Force on New Americans

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) invites interested librarians to participate in a webinar on Tuesday, Oct. 27 from 2 to 3 p.m. (Eastern) to learn about the White House Task Force on New Americans. The Task Force is an interagency effort to develop a federal strategy to better integrate immigrants into local communities. During the presentation, representatives from the USCIS Office of Citizenship will cover the Task Force’s recent initiatives, with specific focus on the Building Welcoming Communities Campaign and the Citizenship Public Education and Awareness Campaign, and highlight ways that libraries can get involved.

To register for this session, please follow the steps below:

  • Visit our registration page to confirm your participation
  • Enter your email address and select “Submit”
  • Select “Subscriber Preferences”
  • Select the “Event Registration” tab
  • Complete the questions and select “Submit”

Once we process your registration, you will receive a confirmation email with additional details. If you have any questions regarding the registration process, or if you have not received a confirmation email within two business days, please email us at Public.Engagement@uscis.dhs.gov.

Note to media: This webinar is not for press purposes. Please contact the USCIS Press Office at (202) 272-1200 for any media inquiries.

We look forward to engaging with you!

About the featured photo of Cecilia Munoz is Obama’s director of domestic policy and is a former leader of La Raza (The race). She wants to be sure as Obama leaves office that they have changed the DNA of government so his plan to “seed” your communities with diversity goes on without them. This librarian outreach is part of the strategy to silence any local resistance…

Just a reminder that one of Obama’s architects of his PLAN TO SEED YOUR TOWNS WITH NEW AMERICANS is Cecilia Munoz.

See Leo Hohmann, writing here at World Net Daily last April, on Obama’s Task Force plans:

Friday’s conference was titled “The New National Integration Plan: Making the Most of a Historic Opportunity.”

Muñoz, a former executive with the National Council of La Raza, said it was her job “to make sure we build this really into the DNA across the federal bureaucracy, at a leadership level, but much more importantly to make sure that when political appointees like me are no longer here this (immigration strategy) is built into what those agencies do and think about every day.”

Muñoz said it was important for the federal government to standardize, set benchmarks and “measure successes,” ensuring states and localities create the desired “welcoming communities” for immigrants and refugees.

How do you think they are going to “set benchmarks” and “measure successes” in your town?  They will determine how diverse your town is and come with a big stick—a threat to withdraw federal money from city projects—if your community is not sufficiently diverse.

By the way, I’ve noticed in my travels lately that few people know anything about Obama’s Task Force on New Americans and the plan to “seed” your towns and cities with diversity.   That is discouraging.

See our previous reports by clicking here.


Paul Ryan speakership campaign reveals traitors in our midst (South Carolina and Idaho pay attention)

Slovenia invaded! Prime minister warns EU is near death

A reader recommends Michael Savage’s new book: No borders, no language, no culture

Asst. Sec. of State for PRM Anne Richard is a busy beaver, gotta keep the UN happy and get those Syrians in!

Sweden: Ungrateful ‘refugees’ refuse housing in a beautiful wooded location….

Catholic bishops call for ‘complete decarbonization’ by 2050, silent on Muslim slaughter of Christians

Complete decarbonization? You first, fellas. No more jetting to Rome to cause trouble for everyone by canonizing hard-Left Democratic Party policies. And let’s see you portly prelates start bicycling from parish to parish — no more driving for you, McManus. That wouldn’t be a bad thing at all.

While the bishops call for this destruction of the global economy, they continue to ignore a genuine and growing threat from the global jihad.  Syriac Catholic Patriarch Ignatius Ephrem Joseph III Younan recently appealed to the West “not to forget the Christians in the Middle East.” And he is not the only one. “Why, we ask the western world, why not raise one’s voice over so much ferocity and injustice?” asked Cardinal Angelo Bagnasco, the head of the Italian Bishops Conference (CEI). The Melkite Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregory III has also said: “I do not understand why the world does not raise its voice against such acts of brutality.”

I do. It’s because the bishops in the West believe that the spurious and self-defeating “dialogue” they’re conducting requires them to be silent about Muslim persecution of Christians: “Talk about extreme, militant Islamists and the atrocities that they have perpetrated globally might undercut the positive achievements that we Catholics have attained in our inter-religious dialogue with devout Muslims.” — Robert McManus, Roman Catholic Bishop of Worcester, Massachusetts, February 8, 2013

That’s why bishops such as McManus, Kevin Farrell of Dallas, Jaime Soto of Sacramento and others move actively to silence and demonize voices that tell the truth about this persecution. Meanwhile, their “dialogue” hasn’t persuaded a single jihadi to lay down his arms. Nor has it prevented a single Christian from being murdered by Muslims in pursuit of that jihad. Nor has it kept a single church from destruction at the hands of those jihadis.

The Church could have and should have been a voice for a genuinely charitable response to the jihad threat, and a robust defense of the value of Judeo-Christian civilization. Instead, it parrots Leftist talking points about climate change.

“Global bishops call for ‘complete decarbonisation’ by 2050,” AFP, October 26, 2015:

Bishops launched a global appeal Monday for a break-through at upcoming Paris climate talks, including a “complete decarbonisation” of the world’s economy and more help for poor countries battling the effects of climate change.

The bishops said any agreement “should limit global temperature increases to avoid catastrophic climatic impacts, especially on the most vulnerable communities”.

From across five continents they called “not only for ‘drastic reduction in the emission of carbon dioxide and other toxic gasses’, but also for ending the fossil fuel era”.

The goal should be “complete decarbonisation by mid-century, in order to protect frontline communities suffering from the impacts of climate change, such as those in the Pacific Islands and in coastal regions”.

The November 30-December 11 conference in Paris will be the culmination of six years of work since the ill-fated 2009 Copenhagen climate summit, which failed to lock down significant agreements.

The bishops urged those taking part to “keep in mind not only the technical but particularly the ethical and moral dimensions of climate change” as laid out in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.

“Those responsible for climate change have responsibilities to assist the most vulnerable in adapting and managing loss and damage and to share the necessary technology and knowhow,” they said in a statement….


Syria: Islamic jihadis hit Roman Catholic church with mortar shell during Mass

Graphic video: Islamic State executes man by running him over with tank, justifies act by quoting Qur’an

Analysis: Iranian human rights situation following Iran deal by Rachel Avraham

A recent report by the Boroujerdi Civil Rights Group has documented that in spite of Iranian promises in the wake of the Iran deal, the rate of executions remains high, the jailing of journalists and human rights activists continues unabated, and the lack of freedom of expression and discrimination against women continues to be widespread: “The five main reasons for death penalties in Iran are heresy, rape, murder, drug smuggling and armed struggle.  Capital punishment has spiked under Rouhani.   More than 2000 executions were carried in Iran during President Rouhani’s period since October 3, 2013.   The human rights situation has not improved since Rouhani became President two years ago.”

iran men hanged

Public execution in Iran. Photo Credit: Channel 2.

The Boroujerdi Civil Rights Group noted that the rate of executions in Iran has risen by 16% since the last year of Ahmadinejad’s presidency, despite the perception in the West that Rouhani is a moderate and Ahmadinejad was a hard core extremist: “Furthermore, Iran has the horrible status of being the world’s last official executioner of child offenders, people convicted of crimes when they were under the age of 18.”

The report noted that the UN confirmed that the Bahais are still persecuted in Iran despite claims by the Iranian government to the contrary: “Bahai citizens continue to face discrimination, arrest and arbitrary detention in connection with their religion.  Bahais have been systematically persecuted since 1979; extremist Islamic groups close to the regime have confiscated their property and assets.”   The report also noted that Bahais are not given work permits, are deprived of the right to attend university, and don’t have any representative in parliament, a privilege that is given to other religious groups within the country.   They stressed that Bahais aren’t even permitted to bury their loved ones in public cemeteries: “Since 2005, more than 800 Bahais have been arrested.   Over the years, thousands of pieces of anti-Bahai propaganda have been disseminated in the Iranian media.”

According to the report, Iran treats the Baloch nation living with her borders like second class citizens: “Balochistan has the lowest economic participation in the country, the highest illiteracy rate, the highest unemployment rate, the highest percentage of poverty, the highest rate of executions, the highest mortality rates for mothers and children, and the highest percentage of malnutrition.   Living in the poor region of Balochistan is a torture in itself but the people of this region go through different types of tortures and persecutions. The medieval tortures are a bitter memorial of what Iran’s officials have been using against Baloch dissidents in the regimes detention centers.”   According to the report, the methods of torture employed against Baloch dissidents include waterboarding, pulling out fingernails, cutting off fingers, hanging the dissidents from the ceiling, lashings, high voltage shocks, shoving sharp objects into sensitive organs, burning sensitive organs, rape, roast chicken torture, mock executions, sexual harassment, hanging objects from the testicles, and lethal injection.

Read more.

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