Football Will Perish from the Earth

By 2050, the National Football League (NFL) will be like the Barnum and Bailey Circus of today. Bankrupt, closed, irrelevant, morally passe.

In the early 20th century, the circus was all the rage. After a century of the product’s consumption by a culture increasingly sensitive to the abuse of the weak and helpless—in this case, circus animals—the “Greatest Show on Earth” has been relegated to an empty sideshow. It is simply too brutish for sophisticated moderns who wince at the crack of a whip on an elephant’s rump.

Football as Bloodsport

The parallels of football and Roman gladiatorial games have been noted before.

Football will soon follow. Its massive billion dollar stadiums and marketing machines seem immortal for now. But these titanic playpens will soon crumble under the same cultural force that killed the circus: our culture’s growing concern for victims.

I am not judging football’s coming demise as a good or bad thing. I see it as simply a symptom of larger social forces that we should understand.

The parallels of football and Roman gladiatorial games have been noted before. In the Colosseum, the Roman emperor would have a grand procession into the arena to the standing ovation of the assembled masses. Today, our U.S. Defense Department-sponsored games begin with the procession of the American flag and anthem. It is often accompanied by dramatic aerial flyovers by jet fighters and fireworks, symbolizing the transcendent might and grandeur of America’s military conquerings. So too, the Roman games often reenacted the empire’s greatest battles.

Today’s latest controversy involves whether football players should stand united in honor of the flag. The sacredness of the flag rests in its long-standing ability to unify even enemies as the opposing teams simulate. Like any symbol, the flag serves as a vessel for people to place powerful emotions: memories of grandpa’s military service, apple pie, cookouts, neighborly support for one another are all wrapped in its colors.

Above all, the one thing the flag represents the most is the unifying power of sacrifice. We are united as one collective family in our reverence for the flag and anthem. The flag is sacred because it represents, as its loudest defenders proclaim, the blood shed by soldiers fighting for our freedoms.

Interestingly, gladiatorial games were first started as sacrificial offerings accompanying funerals. It was thought that the blood spilled by slaves and captives honored the death of state leaders with the transcendent unity of the crowd. With every pitiful animal howl and human cry, citizens felt swept up as one body in collective satisfaction and relief from mundane rivalries and resentments.

Football as Distraction

Today, governments like to take the suffering and courage of our sons and daughters who enlist and turn it into a marketing ploy for why we all need government coercion controlling our lives—who we hire, what we pay them, permission to cut hair, how big our sodas can be, how much we cook our milk, which drugs we can use to alter our minds, and so on. Governments also like to transmute our goosebumps we feel when the anthem plays into maintaining a trillion dollar annual foreign policy paid by debt created out of thin air and backed by the OPEC oil cartel’s energy markets.

At sporting events, our government captures the nostalgia we feel for neighborhood friendship and family pastimes, associates it with the anthem and flag, and then converts it into passive, numb surrender to perpetual warfare. Even while the nation divides over whether players should kneel or stand for the flag, our government continues to expand its military footprint overseas and drop more bombs, all in our name.

But the state, in collusion with powerful corporate allies, uses spectacles like football to distract and pacify the people. Instead of the violent slaughtering of Roman games, our Christianized culture sends players into simulated, padded warfare. We pick teams to unite our personal lives under and forget about the state’s socio- and economic abuses just outside our doorsteps. Studies even suggest that violent crime drops during major televised sporting events.

But now, Trump and his liberal mirror rivals have pierced the veil by injecting the NFL with the profanity of politics: the realm where real factions use real violence of the state to punish their rivals through regulations, mandates, and taxes. When Trump said “fire them” about the protesting players, invoking the specter of both the penal and paternal side of government, forcing people to take sides and not over the gridiron but at either side of the water cooler and dinner table, it did the game no favors.

Eventually, it took a church monk named Telemachus challenging the violent sacrifice of the Roman gladiatorial games to end their carnage. He climbed into the arena and protested until he was summarily slaughtered. His self-sacrifice for the defense of victims led to the public’s loss of appetite for the violence.The last known Roman gladiatorial event was in 404 AD, less than two decades after Telemachus’s death.

Today, myriad scandals serve as a persistent Telemachus threatening to bring the NFL down. Mothers and fathers all around the country are pulling their sons out of football due to the increased revelations of concussions and resulting brain damage caused by the sport. Whereas Roman citizens demanded their fighters stripped of armor to maximize carnage, increased paddings will end up making players look like Michelin men with bobble head-sized helmets.

In Rome, no one cared how gladiators treated their lovers. Today, growing public disgust with widespread reports of spousal abuse is souring the NFL’s mystique.

In college, the NCAA’s state-protected profiteering off of unpaid players’ physical sacrifice is increasingly criticized as well.

Meanwhile, diehard fans once thrilled by simulated violence are losing interest with ever constrained penalty rules and concussion concerns. The suspension of disbelief required to enjoy the game is waning: talks of brain damage, flags no longer able to unify people around soldiers’ sacrificial deaths, spousal abuse, and racial undertones are all exposing football as just a silly game to appease desires for tribalism and aggression—and make fat cat owners fatter. Not worth all the drama.

We should be proud that we do not send hungry lions into arenas with naked prisoners anymore. We have made progress because of Christianity’s leavening of the collective’s history-long abuse against the misfit person. Yet absent such gladiatorial games, our culture must confront our sacrifices of the innocent and nonviolent to appease our love for aggression as the means of keeping peace.

Reprinted from American Conservative

David Gornoski

David Gornoski

David Gornoski is your neighbor – as well as an entrepreneur, speaker and writer. He recently launched a project called A Neighbor’s Choice, which seeks to introduce Jesus’ culture of nonviolence to both Christians and the broader public. A Neighbor’s Choice is also the name of his weekly radio show on state violence and alternative solutions to it. Email him here.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image of the Pontiac Silverdome, Michigan is by Brandon Davis.

Did FDR End the Great Depression?

After the stock market crash of 1929, the U.S., along with the rest of the world, was thrown into economic crisis. Millions were out of work – homeless and helpless, standing in long bread lines. And then, newly-elected President Franklin Delano Roosevelt gave the country his famous New Deal and brought the Great Depression to an end. That’s what all the high school textbooks say. But is that what happened?

Did FDR’s New Deal turn around an otherwise hopeless economy?

Lee Ohanian, Professor of Economics at UCLA and consultant to the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, sets the record straight in this week’s new PragerU video.

Watch it here:

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RELATED ARTICLE: FDR’s policies prolonged Depression by 7 years, UCLA economists calculate

Soporifics and Soullessness: Have we lost our collective minds?

Have we lost our collective minds? A mass shooting with no readily apparent motive is an extreme representation of our sense that our social fabric is unraveling. This is one of those things that people don’t believe can happen until it happens. And despite the unspeakable tragedy, it took less than an hour for politicians to criticize the President, ghoulishly exhorting that we need more than prayers and consolation. Maybe we do, but at least give the circle of victims a chance to deal with their personal grief before spouting off. At least CBS had the decency to fire its soulless vice president and senior counsel Hayley Geftman-Gold after she posted “I’m actually not even sympathetic bc [sic] country music fans often are Republican gun toters [sic].”

We have become a culture where Tim Tebow is mocked for kneeling in prayer before a football game while others are praised for “taking a knee” during the National Anthem—which by the way is not praying. Taking a knee in American football is when the quarterback drops to one knee immediately after receiving the snap, thus automatically ending the play. Taking a knee is a boring but effective move by the winning team toward the end of the game, as it does not allow the opponent the opportunity to regain possession of the ball. In urban lingo it means to take a temporary break from an activity.

Clearly, “taking a knee” is not praising a Higher Power that many on this earth believe in. And standing for the Anthem does not make one a racist. Note to partisan “news” presenters: when you push a pendulum in one direction really hard, when released it swings the other way with equal or greater force.

Living in virtual reality is no longer beyond the fringe. Children are becoming obese because they are participating in sports through video games rather than actually tossing around a ball to one another.

What happened to talking to each other? You don’t need a psychology professor to tell you that smart phones increase loneliness. Just walk down the street and you’ll see far too many couples walking, each with their own cell phone, obviously not talking to each other. Texting a few abbreviated words has replaced real conversation and emotional connection.

And we wonder why opiate use has risen to epidemic levels. People have always had their troubles. And man’s desire to avoid suffering whether physical or emotional, whether through alcohol, opium, mushrooms, or coca leaves has been documented for at least 9,000 years. But now the public has been convinced they can’t just be “high on life” and learn to cope. Big Pharma’s direct-to-consumer television ads quietly list innumerable side effects while extolling the virtues of their wares and the consumer’s inability to live without them.

Nearly 70 percent of Americans take at least one prescription drug. The statistics from the Rochester Epidemiology Project in Olmsted County, Minnesota (which are comparable to those elsewhere in the United States) reveal that the top three medications consumed are antibiotics (17%), antidepressants (13%), and opioids (11%). Antidepressants and opioids were the most commonly prescribed among young and middle-aged adults.

As physicians we do not want to become numb to patients’ needs while being consumed by government dictates. Electronic medical records should not become the excuse for hiding behind a computer screen—particularly with members of the younger generation who came out of the womb with a cell phone strapped to their ear by the umbilical cord. We need to be free to spend precious time getting to know our patients. Medications have saved countless lives, but prescriptions cannot become the tool to move along the overbooked office schedule or a quick fix to placate the demanding patient.

Let’s take heart. When left to our own devices and stripped of artificial political labels, we humans rise. Just ask our first responders and medical personnel or the hurricane volunteers or the victims helping victims or the thousands of people donating blood or the over 30,000 donors to the Go Fund Me page for the Las Vegas victims.

United we stand.

EDITORS NOTE: The medical definition of Soporific is: Something such as a drug that causes or induces profound sleep. Tending to cause sleep or to dull the sense of awareness or alertness.

VIDEO: America Under Siege — Antifa

Antifa protest.

Dangerous Documentaries has produced a video on the communist movement known as Antifa (short for Anti-Fascist Action) has sparked violence across the nation. In the wake of their battling despicable white supremacist in Charlottesville, Antifa has begun to gain mainstream popularity.

But unbeknownst to much of the public, the vast majority of Antifa violence isn’t targeted at genuine fascists, but mainstream conservatives and civilians.

With help from those who have encountered Antifa, including Milo Yiannopoulos, Gavin McInnes, Lauren Southern, Jack Posobiec, and Steve Deace, conservative author Trevor Loudon guides us through the history and ideas behind the Antifa movement, starting with Leon Trotsky and going all the way through the events in Berkeley, CA and Charlottesville, VA. “Antifa” is the third episode in the “America Under Siege” documentary web-series from Dangerous Documentaries (a project of the Capital Research Center) and Cohesion Films.

Each episode profiles the influence of radical Marxists on various segments of American society.

Homeland Security Uncovers Massive Immigration Failures

The devastating consequences for national security.

President Trump has been rightfully demanding that aliens who are citizens of countries that have an involvement with terrorism must undergo “extreme vetting.”

This is certainly an important and commonsense requirement. However, the computer systems used by both Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) inside the United States are unable to provide CBP inspectors at ports of entry the data they need to prevent transnational criminals and international terrorists from entering the country. Nor can these systems provide the vital information and records to USCIS adjudications officers that would allow them to prevent aliens present in the United States from improperly acquiring immigration benefits such as political asylum, lawful immigrant status and even United States citizenship.

Simply stated, today — more than 16 years after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 — the effective vetting of any alien seeking entry into the United States or for any alien seeking immigration benefits has been elusive goals.

The September 28, 2017 Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General’s (DHS OIG) report, “CBP’s IT Systems and Infrastructure Did Not Fully Support Border Security Operations,” noted:

CBP’s IT systems and infrastructure did not fully support its border security objective of preventing the entry of inadmissible aliens to the country. The slow performance of a critical pre-screening system greatly reduced Office of Field Operations officers’ ability to identify any passengers who may represent concerns, including national security threats. Further, incoming passenger screening at U.S. international airports was hampered by frequent system outages that created passenger delays and public safety risks. The outages required that CBP officers rely on backup systems that weakened the screening process, leading to officers potentially being unable to identify travelers that may be attempting to enter the United States with harmful intent.

On September 25, 2017, a report was published by DHS OIG on the distressing issue of individuals with multiple identities in US fingerprint enrollment records receiving immigration benefits. This disastrous situation has profound national security and public safety implications. Yet the report stated in part:

As of April 24, 2017, 9,389 aliens USCIS identified as having multiple identities had received an immigration benefit. When taking into account the most current immigration benefit these aliens received, we determined that naturalization, permanent residence, work authorization, and temporary protected status represent the greatest number of benefits, accounting for 8,447 or 90 percent of the 9,389 cases. Benefits approved by USCIS for the other 10 percent of cases, but not discussed in this report, include applications for asylum and travel documents. According to USCIS, receiving a deportation order or having used another identity does not necessarily render an individual ineligible for immigration benefits.

That last sentence should give us all serious cause for pause.

Apparently the “get to yes” philosophy of the Obama administration still permeates management at USCIS where adjudications officers were ordered to do whatever they had to do in order to approve virtually all applications for various immigration benefits.

We will, a bit later on, take a look back at how the Obama administration dismantled a program that sought to uncover immigration fraud and imbue the immigration benefits program with integrity.

But let’s first consider some additional facts.

The official report 9/11 and  Terrorist Travel was issued well over a decade ago and focused specifically on the ability of the terrorists to travel around the world, enter the United States and ultimately embed themselves in the U.S. as they went about their deadly preparations to carry out an attack.

The report noted:

Once terrorists had entered the United States, their next challenge was to find a way to remain here. Their primary method was immigration fraud. For example, Yousef and Ajaj concocted bogus political asylum stories when they arrived in the United States. Mahmoud Abouhalima, involved in both the World Trade Center and landmarks plots, received temporary residence under the Seasonal Agricultural Workers (SAW) program, after falsely claiming that he picked beans in Florida.” Mohammed Salameh, who rented the truck used in the bombing, overstayed his tourist visa. He then applied for permanent residency under the agricultural workers program, but was rejected. Eyad Mahmoud Ismail, who drove the van containing the bomb, took English-language classes at Wichita State University in Kansas on a student visa; after he dropped out, he remained in the United States out of status.

Under the title “Immigration Benefits” the following paragraph on page 98 of the same report states that

[t]errorists in the 1990s, as well as the September 11 hijackers, needed to find a way to stay in or embed themselves in the United States if their operational plans were to come to fruition. As already discussed, this could be accomplished legally by marrying an American citizen, achieving temporary worker status, or applying for asylum after entering. In many cases, the act of filing for an immigration benefit sufficed to permit the alien to remain in the country until the petition was adjudicated. Terrorists were free to conduct surveillance, coordinate operations, obtain and receive funding, go to school and learn English, make contacts in the United States, acquire necessary materials, and execute an attack.

These multiple serious failures of the immigration system today are hardly new.

Roughly one year ago a disturbing DHS/OIG Report prompted me to write an article about Weaponized Immigration. I focused on the fact that 858 aliens who had been ordered deported were improperly granted United States citizenship through the process of naturalization due to the fact hat their fingerprints were not on file because they were not properly uploaded when INS, the predecessor agency to DHS, digitized these fingerprints.

As bad as that was, that report went on to state:

Later, ICE identified missing fingerprint records for about 315,000 aliens who had final deportation orders or who were criminals or fugitives, but it has not yet reviewed about 148,000 aliens’ files to try to retrieve and digitize the old fingerprint cards.

The report noted that in 2010 a program known as “Operation Janus” was created to identify aliens who may have committed immigration fraud, yet the report documented that in the final months of the Obama administration, inexplicably, the Operation Janus working group was disbanded, stymieing efforts to identify aliens who had committed naturalization fraud and thereby seriously undermining national security.

While it was in operation, the working group of Operation Janus identified wrongly naturalized aliens who had been able to parlay their U.S. citizenship into sensitive jobs at airports and seaports and at least one of these individuals became a law enforcement officer.  Consequently, appropriate actions were taken to denaturalize some of these individuals and seek criminal prosecutions, although only a small percentage of these aliens were dealt with effectively.

What was even more disconcerting was that some of these aliens were citizens of “Special Interest Countries,” that is to say, countries that are associated with possible terrorist links.

Nevertheless, consider how many politicians from both political parties are determined to provide lawful status to unknown tens of millions of illegal aliens whose true identities are unknown and unknowable. These politicians all know that the immigration bureaucracy is unable to effectively deal with its current workload. Any massive legalization program would cause this already failing system to implode.

We must also consider how many cities and states have declared themselves to be “sanctuaries” for illegal aliens who entered the United States surreptitiously or who may have lost their lawful status because of the serious crimes that they committed.  These jurisdictions have become magnets for foreign criminals and terrorists and undermine national security and public safety.

The immigration system lacks meaningful integrity while the Damoclean Sword of terrorism hangs above our heads each and every day.  Every year thousands of innocent victims lose their lives to criminal aliens, yet the immigration anarchists and their allies in the media castigate anyone who would dare suggest that the United States must act to secure its borders and enforce its immigration laws, branding them xenophobes, racists and haters.

Suicide is not an act of compassion.  All of the failing and dysfunctional elements of the immigration system must be repaired as swiftly as possible — not as a prerequisite for any additional action, but simply as ends unto themselves.  The potential for massive losses of life should provide the clear imperative for getting the job done- for once and for all.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on FrontPage Magazine.

VIDEO: Facts That Point to Jihad in Vegas. Why ISIS’ claim of responsibility is deadly serious.

This new special edition of The Glazov Gang features John Guandolo, a former FBI agent, combat veteran Marine, and now the president of Understanding the Threat.

John focused on Facts That Point to Jihad in Vegas, unveiling why ISIS’ claim of responsibility is deadly serious.

RELATED ARTICLE: The Las Vegas Massacre and the Many Unanswered Questions

Refugee Admissions Report: U.S. tops list in permanent resettlements costing $1 trillion

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Click on the image to read the full Refugee Admissions Report to Congress.

I have to admit, I haven’t read it yet, but, for diehard grassroots investigators, know that the report is a treasure trove of information on the US Refugee Admissions Program and Trump’s 45,000 refugee ceiling *** for the year that began this past Sunday.

Don’t miss the tables at the end, often more useful than all the verbiage about why we need to save this or that ethnic group by hauling them to your town.

Here is the table that shows that the US admits the vast majority of permanent refugees.

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Be sure to keep this so that the next time some Open Borders pusher says that Lebanon, Turkey, Germany and Jordan are doing more, remind them that ours are PERMANENT, not temporary residents. (note that this table uses calendar year numbers when we usually use fiscal year)
And, here is a table showing the costs of just the resettlement (this year, FY18, for up to 45,000 refugees).

Come to think of it, when those economic studies are done to ostensibly show how much refugees benefit America, do they ever show that it will cost the US taxpayer over $1 BILLION just to get 45,000 bodies in here?

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Read the footnotes!

Please note that the anticipated costs do not include taxpayer funding for: educating the kids, Medicaid, some forms of cash assistance, food stamps, housing subsidies, interpreter costs, criminal justice system costs, etc.

Again, go here for the full report.  One of the things I’ve noted over the years is that the report has no date on the cover.  I can only guess that is because it is always very late and they don’t want any record of the fact that they skirt the law always on the whole determination/consultation process.

***Did you see that the Federation for American Immigration Reform called this a “responsible” number!  Have friends like these been in the swamp too long?

Readers should know, that until very recently FAIR has not taken much interest in the UN/US Refugee Admissions Program.

Syrian refugee complains that her brothers can’t come to U.S. from Saudi Arabia

What is wrong with this sob story?

This Syrian family and the brothers left behind were in Saudi Arabia (one of the brothers had already emigrated to S.A.). Saudi Arabia is a safe country!  Therefore, why are these people now the responsibility of the US taxpayer? They weren’t living in some sqaulid camp.

They were in arguably the richest country in the Middle East!

So tell us again why Saudi Arabia couldn’t house millions of Muslim refugees in their tent cities reserved for the brief Hajj period? Instead we are taking Syrian ‘refugees’ from S.A.!
SA tent city

From the San Diego Union-Tribune.

It is worth reading the whole article because there are lots of useful nuggets and some important comments by critics of the program (besides the story of a Syrian family that came to the U.S. as ‘refugees’ from Saudi Arabia!)

By the way, I’m sure many of you are saying—yes! If we must have them, keep them in California!

Even though overall arrival numbers in fiscal 2017 dropped by more than half from the previous year, San Diego County continued its legacy as the California county that took in the most refugees.

In a year that began with a promise of more refugees than ever before coming to the U.S. and ended with an ongoing court battle over how many and whom the president could block from coming, about 1,500 refugees resettled in San Diego County, according to data from the State Department. That’s down from just over 3,100 the year before, and it’s the only time that number has dipped below 2,000 in the last decade.

“The fact that we remained the largest county, it definitely makes us proud to continue the tradition of San Diego being a safe haven,” said Etleva Bejko, director of refugee and immigration services for Jewish Family Service, a resettlement agency.

Where refugees resettle once the U.S. agrees to take them is a complicated decision-making process that factors in whether they already have family living here, which agencies have the bandwidth to support them and which places have infrastructure in place to help them succeed. That often means that places like San Diego that already have large populations of people from a country will continue to take refugees from that country. [Multiplier effect! Like Ft. Wayne in my previous post—ed]

San Diego County has been known for leading the state in refugee arrivals since large numbers of Iraqis fleeing war began arriving in late summer of 2007.

Confirmation again! Federal resettlement contractors paid by the head!

Bejko said her organization has had to reorganize support efforts because of the overall decreases in arrivals. Resettlement agencies receive funding based on the number of refugees that they help.


Three members of the Tarakji family, originally from Damascus, Syria, were some of the few who made it to the U.S. after the travel ban. The slowdown in accepting refugees has separated them from two other members of their family.

Catholic Charities resettled mother Alshifaa Hammoush, 52, father Manaf Tarakji, 58, and daughter Maria Tarakji, 21, in April. Two sons, Yasser Tarakji, 29, and Yaman Tarakji, 27, remain in Saudi Arabia.

They had already been trying to immigrate to the U.S. to reunite with their extended family who live in San Diego County when the war in Syria broke out. [They hit the jackpot because the refugee category is the most desirable way to get into the country. They get their hands held by a federal contractor who helps them get all of their welfare (not available to other categories of legal immigrant)!—ed]

After bombing destroyed the pharmacy where Hammoush worked and scared off Manf Tarakji’s clients for his electronics repair business, and a car exploded outside their building, the family fled in 2013 to Saudi Arabia, where the oldest son was already living and working.

Once in Saudi Arabia, they couldn’t continue the process to get family-sponsored green cards.

They stayed there in limbo, unable to fully establish new lives because they were on visitor visas that they had to renew every three months, until they were accepted as refugees to the U.S. Yaman Tarakji was separated into his own refugee case because of his age, and he is still waiting for processing.

The oldest brother, Yasser Tarakji also tried to apply but never heard back from the U.N. agency that registers refugees.


Still, separation from the two sons is painful for all of them. Whenever Maria Tarakji looks at photos from their last day together in Saudi Arabia, her eyes wet with tears.

“The U.S. was accepting refugees forever. It’s unfair to do this now,” Maria Tarakji said. “It’s really hard to live here, and our brother is not here.”

She said she’s had to take responsibility for tasks that her brothers used to handle, like choosing an internet router.

Both brothers work in computer programming and repair.

Continue reading here.

See my San Diego archive here.  It wasn’t too long ago that we reported that the IRC there was involved in some housing fraud controversy.


Guest column: Feds shifting costs to states for refugee resettlement

Polish Catholics celebrate Battle of Lepanto, send a clear message to Islamists

Think Progress complains about Russian facebook pages that mention refugees

Tensions grow in Ft. Wayne, IN over placement of Rohingya Muslims in Burmese neighborhoods

State Department’s Refugee Processing Center screws up (on purpose?)

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is of the Tarakji family: son Yaman Tarakii, 27; father, Manaf Tarakji, 58; mother, Alshifaa Hammoush, 52; son Yasser Tarakii, 29; and daughter Maria Tarakji, 21. The father, mother and daughter arrived in the U.S. in April as Syrian refugees. Two sons are still in Saudi Arabia (Courtesy Photo)

The Humanitarian Hoax of Gun Control: Killing America With Kindness

The Humanitarian Hoax is a deliberate and deceitful tactic of presenting a destructive policy as altruistic. The humanitarian huckster presents himself as a compassionate advocate when in fact he is the disguised enemy.

Those who support gun control and those who oppose gun control are speaking two different languages.

The Second Amendment guaranteeing the people the right to bear arms was passed by Congress September 25, 1789 and ratified December 15, 1791. The American Revolution freed the colonists from British oppression and our Founding Fathers were determined to prevent future tyranny by their newly formed federal government. The federal government would be armed but so would the citizenry – it was a balance of power arrangement.

One hundred fifty years later Mao Tse-Tung speaking in front of the Central Committee of the Communist Party famously declared:

“Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.” Mao is telling the Communist Party leaders that armed struggle is necessary to acquire political power. “Whoever wants to seize and retain state power must have a strong army. Yes, we are advocates of the omnipotence of revolutionary war; that is good, not bad, it is Marxist. The guns of the Russian Communist Party created socialism. We shall create a democratic republic. Experience in the class struggle in the era of imperialism teaches us that it is only by the power of the gun that the working class and the labouring masses can defeat the armed bourgeoisie and landlords; in this sense we may say that only with guns can the whole world be transformed. We are advocates of the abolition of war, we do not want war; but war can only be abolished through war, and in order to get rid of the gun it is necessary to take up the gun.”

Mao Tse-Tung was a communist revolutionary seeking to overthrow the established rule of the nationalist Republic of China. He advocated arming his supporters (proletariat) against the opposition (the bourgeoisie). Mao was successful and the communist People’s Republic of China took power in 1949.

So, guns have been used to both take power from those who have power (Mao) and also to balance the power of the federal government (Second Amendment). These are the two languages of gun control.

The left-wing radical humanitarian hucksters of gun control also know that political power grows out of the barrel of a gun. They are disingenuously selling gun control as the altruistic answer to gun violence but in reality they seek to eliminate the Second Amendment and disarm its supporters. Why?

The Second Amendment right to bear arms gives citizens the right to defend and protect themselves against the tyranny of the armed federal government. The Founding Fathers envisioned an independent America with a strong federal government restrained by a three-part checks and balances structure and insured by the Second Amendment. Leftists today envision a Maoist public completely dependent (Marxism/Socialism/Communism) upon the federal government and completely controlled by the federal government. The Leftist dream requires dissolution of the Second Amendment.

Gun control is being disingenuously marketed as the solution to gun violence. The fiction of the gun control narrative is that gun control will keep Americans safe from the gun violence that has terrorized the country. Here is the problem. Chicago, with its strict gun control laws is a record-setter in homicides. Almost everyone killed in Chicago was shot to death. So how did gun control stop the gun violence in Chicago? It didn’t. Criminals find access to guns.

The horrifying and increasingly suspicious October 2nd massacre of innocent concertgoers in Las Vegas immediately and predictably triggered emotional calls from the Left for gun control. Gun control enthusiasts focus on terrorism, mass shootings, and police related shootings. A recent study examining the 33,000 annual fatal shootings in America today shows that a very small percentage involve mass murder attacks. Almost 2/3 of the deaths are suicides, another 1/3 are homicides, and the rest are considered accidents.

A person committing suicide could take pills or jump of a building. A person committing homicide could use a knife or a hammer. A person committing mass murder could use poison. How would gun control affect the outcome of death in America? It wouldn’t. So, why does the Left consistently focus on gun control? Because gun control is the argument that seeks to disarm the American public and dissolve the Second Amendment.

The left-wing liberal Democrat Party is speaking Mao’s Marxist/Communist/Socialist language. “Political power grows out of the barrel of a gun.”

The Humanitarian Hoax of gun control presents restricting/eliminating the Second Amendment as the altruistic solution to gun violence but is really a sinister attempt to disarm the American public. Disarming America awards total control of the people to the federal government which is specifically why our Founding Fathers ratified the Second Amendment. The Second Amendment is the fulcrum of American freedom and those who defend it are speaking the language of American independence.

If the Left succeeds then 241 years of American freedom will be lost because a willfully blind American public was seduced by the Humanitarian Hoax of gun control advanced by leftist humanitarian hucksters promising safety to a public too frightened to live in reality. The Humanitarian Hoax of gun control will have succeeded in killing America with “kindness.”

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on Goudsmit Pundicity.

The Hate-America Death Squad

From the founding of America 241 years ago, those opposed to and threatened by America’s Founding Fathers’ noble aspirations of freedom for all and a government in which citizens and not kings or dictators decide who will represent them have waged fierce resistance.

From the Muslim Barbary Pirates who fought America’s first presidents (George Washington, John Adams, and Thomas Jefferson) to today’s equally bellicose, supremacist, and fascist groups like Black Lives Matter and Antifa, all harbor the fantasy of destroying big bad America and replacing our Democratic Republic first with socialism and finally with communism. Predictably, they are fully supported by the leftists, progressives, communists, and Islamists among us.

The virulence of their ISIS-like demonstrations is because the real powers-that-be in the globalist hierarchy are choking with rage that everything they dreamed about and worked for and thought they achieved when they implanted the poseur “president” Barack Obama in office for a full eight years was shattered to smithereens when Donald J. Trump destroyed their other puppet, Hillary Clinton, in the presidential election of November 8, 2016.

And so the arch goal, the singular mission, indeed the psychotic obsession of these temper-tantrum infants-cum-political-activists is to destroy the man who embodies everything they are against:

  • Freedom
  • Democracy
  • A strong military
  • Secure borders
  • Capitalism
  • Low taxes
  • A thriving middle class
  • A conservative Supreme Court
  • Free speech
  • Gun rights
  • On and on and on…

Everything, in other words, that drives the megalomaniacal globalists, the one-world-government wonks, the deep-state traitors, and the lobbyists-enriched politicians stark raving mad!

DEATH SQUAD #1—The Cloward-Piven Strategy

Instead of starting with the anti-American traitors in the Franklin Delano Roosevelt administrations of 1933 to 1945, who were prominent in starting the seditious ball rolling, for purposes of brevity I’ll start with the Cloward-Piven strategy which began in 1966 and flourishes to this day.

Richard Cloward and Frances Fox Piven, a married couple, were professors at the Columbia University School of Social Work who loathed capitalism. But claiming that it was really income inequality they hated, they developed what they hoped was a sure-fire way to redistribute income and transform our nation into a paradise they thought would be “fair” to all its citizens….you know, like Venezuela, Cuba, Russia, et al.

According to former longtime Congressman John Linder, Cloward and Piven posited that “capitalism could be collapsed by overloading the government with financial demands that could not be met. The strategy is to collapse the financial system. The tactic is chaos. If a crisis does not exist, create one. The more chaos the better. The solution is always couched in empathetic words like ‘fair,’ ‘equal,’ ‘humane’ and ‘just.’”

In short, they called for overloading the welfare system so it would ultimately force the government to establish a national scheme of a guaranteed annual income. Mass unrest was the tactic chosen to expand welfare rolls.

The strategy worked. By the 1970s, says Linder, “there was one person on welfare in New York City for every two working in the private sector. The City declared bankruptcy in 1975.”

Cloward and Piven also formed Project Vote, ACORN, and Human SERVE in order to swamp voter rolls with names that would never vote, but whose names would be on the rolls so others could vote in their stead. When President Bill Clinton signed the bill in 1993, Linder elaborates, Cloward and Piven were standing behind him. And surprise surprise—ACORN’s lawyer was none other than Barack Obama.

Why do you think liberals went so berserk when the Contract With America, House Speaker Newt Gingrich’s brainchild, passed in 1994? They detested the idea of getting mostly black people off welfare. The people who liked the program most were millions of black people who entered job training programs, got jobs, and got paychecks!

But liberals never tire of trying to destroy America. After the financial collapse of 2008—a result of liberal pressure to mandate that banks make loans in poor neighborhoods to people who couldn’t pay for them—$2 trillion had to be spent by the government to save Wall Street and—ta da!—expand welfare and unemployment benefits.

After dozens of corrupt ACORN employees were indicted on charges of voter fraud, their funding dried up and they were disbanded. But they now operate—with the same play-Americans-for-suckers philosophy—under different names.

From 2009 to 2016, the poseur “president” Barack Obama opened our Southern border to floodgates—literally millions—of illegal aliens, creating the kind of chaos and massive government expense that his clients, Cloward and Piven, would applaud, as they would certainly praise him for doubling the national debt to $20 trillion! Remember their strategy, i.e., crush the capitalist system with such debt that it collapses!

Today, when you see the massive numbers of people living in “Sanctuary Cities” the huge numbers still trying to breach our borders, and the generations of black people—all Democrat voters—mired in inferior schools, who have high crime and prison rates, single-parent families, chronic poverty, and are dependent on welfare, you are seeing the rotten fruits of the Cloward-Piven plan. Cloward died in 2001 and his wife, Frances Piven, is—surprise surprise—the honorary chairman of the Democratic Socialists of America.

Both of them were quite brilliant. But they and their followers never met Donald Trump, who is both onto their schemes and impervious to their double-talk!

Nevertheless, their malevolent “strategy” persists to this day and is out to destroy the man who threatens, once and for all, to annihilate their legacy.

DEATH SQUAD #2—Saul Alinsky

Interestingly, in the same decade, the 1960s, that Cloward and Piven were plotting America’s demise, the ideas of another radical, Saul Alinsky—a community organizer from Chicago—were being adopted by a number of college students who had read his revolutionary book, Rules for Radicals, and decided that his destroy-America ideas were irresistible.

To be sure, Alinsky also cloaked his ideas in altruistic terms, stating that his goal was to help poor black communities. But he didn’t fool people like Hillary Clinton, who wrote her Wellesley thesis about Alinsky and remained close friends with him years after she graduated, or Barack Obama who actually became a community organizer in the Alinsky mode. Both of them shared Alinsky’s real goal, which was to destroy capitalist America and turn it into the socialist-cum-communist regime they preferred—even while they themselves indulged in multimillion-dollar homes, half-million-dollar speaking fees, lavish travel, five-star restaurants, red-carpet treatment, and anything but the socialism-cum-communism life they tout for the lowly American masses for whom they have zero respect or regard.

Among Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals were:

  • “Power is not only what you have, but what the enemy thinks you have.”
  • “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.”
  • “Keep the pressure on. Never let up.”
  • “The threat is usually more terrifying than the thing itself.”
  • “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.”

Alinsky was quite brilliant, but like Cloward and Piven, no match for Donald Trump. In fact, according to Brian C. Joondeph, M.D., President Trump has successfully co-opted Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals!

“Who talks about returning power to the people, rather than maintaining power in the establishment? Or Congress? Or with the deep state?” Joondeph asks….this is right “out of the Alinsky playbook.” The president is also expert at baiting the establishment, ridiculing the opposition, unnerving his political opponents….straight from Alinsky!

Nevertheless, Alinsky’s “rules” and followers persist to this day and his modern-day acolytes are out to destroy the man who threatens to obliterate his legacy.

DEATH SQUAD #3—The Left Wing Media

We all know that for the most part the media is notorious for skewing the “news” in a Marxist direction, or—same thing—in a Bill or Hillary or Barack or Chuckie Schumer or Nancy Pelosi direction. This is understandable because, as I explained in a recent article, Media Whores, most media anchors and news readers take their marching orders directly from their bosses—and their very very very wealthy bosses are extremely invested in the global economy and not in the vision of President Trump’s economy, which is to bring jobs and manufacturing and profits back to the United States in order to Make America Great Again!

During his campaign, Pres. Trump outed the entire industry of fake news, as well as individual practitioners of phony reporting, such as Jim Acosta of CNN to name but one of many, and promptly started a downward spiral from which all the faux reporters and newscasters will probably never recover.

Actually, most members of the media have never met Donald Trump. Oops, that’s not quite true. They actually met him often and lionized him and reported on the spectacular ratings he received for “The Apprentice” for 14 seasons and afforded him positive press for the Miss America contest he owned for nearly two decades.

But then he released one discordant drop into the ocean of accolades he had received over the years and poof! All he had to do was call himself “Republican” and he became Enemy #1 to all those formerly slavering toadies.

That same media complex is massive and unrelenting, both in its leftwing bias and almost fanatical determination to bring down the president, to destroy the man who has already tarnished their reputations irrevocably.

DEATH SQUAD #4—The Muslim Brotherhood

Central to the downfall of America are the rigid beliefs of all Muslims which are dictated by their holy book, the Koran. As writer Linda Goudsmit explains in explicit and exquisite detail: “Islam is an expansionist socio-political movement with a religious wing created 1400 years ago. Islam then and Islam now seeks world dominion—the establishment of a worldwide Islamic caliphate ruled by Islamic sharia law,” which is not only incompatible with but anathema to the U.S. Constitution and American law.

Indeed, this 7th century movement believes that everyone in the world who is not a Muslim is an infidel and worthy of conversion to Islam, at best, or death, at worst. “Islam is not a religion of peace like Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, or Judaism,” Goudsmit writes, but “a unified socio-political system with a militarized wing, an educational wing, a religious wing, and enormous oil wealth [that is] governed exclusively by religious sharia law.”

In fact, criticism of any facet of Islam, including female genital mutilation, wife beating, honor killing, general misogyny, throwing gays off roofs, et al, is considered “hate speech”,  according to sharia law.

A 2014 Walid Shoebat article stated that Muslims have a 30-year plan to control America which leaves them three years to go! Of course, this timetable was totally dependent on Hillary winning the White House in 2016 and continuing with the malignant policies put in place by the poseur “president” Barack Obama.

Remember, Mr. Obama placed high-ranking members of the Muslim Brotherhood in every important department and at the highest reaches of our government, where they had access not only to our security and military secrets, but first-hand insight into exactly how our government operates—the better to dismantle it with maximum efficiency.

The plan Mr. Shoebat describes began in 1990 and “included a key component and tactic known as Muruna. Like the Ebola virus, it is extremely effective at carrying out its deadly mission. A perfect example of Muruna would include a Muslim woman marrying a Jewish man if it afforded her stealth and cover while gaining access to power centers. Consider Huma Abedin, the very close adviser to Hillary Clinton who served as then Secretary of State Clinton’s Deputy Chief of Staff. In 2010, she married a Jewish man who also happened to be a U.S. Congressman Anthony Weiner. Ironically, Bill Clinton presided over the ceremony. Circa 1996, Abedin became an assistant editor with the Institute of Muslim Minority Affairs (IMMA), an institution with the goal of converting all Muslim minority lands into Muslim majority lands.”

Decades before the years of the Obama regime, oil-rich Muslim countries were buying hefty shares in American media companies, as well as making astronomical contributions and endowing chairs in colleges all over America—effectively dictating the slant of their curricula. No surprise that Mr. Obama punctuated this propaganda push by federalizing education through the Islamophilic Common Core so-called standards to schools throughout the country.

Today, there are a growing number of groups—like the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a front for Hamas; the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO)through which the Muslim Brotherhood lobbies and influences American lawmakers and government agencies; the North American Islamic Trust (NAIT)which funnels Saudi oil money to build mosques and Islamic schools across America; and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)et al—all of which harbor the goal of controlling, subverting and ultimately conquering America.

DEATH SQUAD #5—George Soros

According to and Matthew Boyle of—the heftiest largess to the left comes from mega-funder and hedge-fund billionaire, George Soros, whose name, as reported by, is attached to virtually hundreds of leftwing U.S. organizations.

But his “charity” doesn’t end there. He also gives bountiful donations to a number of Republicans who are all too willing to compromise their, ahem, principles, when it comes to lining their pockets. Among the long list of recipients is Speaker of the House Paul Ryan and AZ Senator John McCain, who have perfected a clever two-step for blocking President Trump’s agenda, i.e., Ryan pretends to be enthusiastic and pushes things through the House, knowing that a cabal of obstructionists, led by McCain, will stop them cold.

Jim Hoft of Gateway Pundit has reported that Mr. Soros has also funded every major protest since the November 2016 election, including the Women’s March on Washington (see my article, “The March to Nowhere”), the protests in front of Trump Tower in NY City, the thug-fests at Berkeley College, at the college of William & Mary, and elsewhere, as well as the fascists-on-display demonstrations of the anti-American, anti-Semitic Black Lives Matter and Antifa, where bought-and-paid for miscreants—dressed up like and imitating ISIS terrorists and Hitler’s Brown Shirts—proceeded to smash windows, light cars on fire, and brutally attack supporters of President Trump.

An editorial (read the whole thing) in—a magazine whose readers voted Soros the single most destructive leftist demagogue in the country”—listed the Top 10 reasons “George Soros is Dangerous,” documenting each one. To mention just three, he:

  • Gives billions to left-wing causes—several years ago it was estimated at $7 billion—such as ACORN, National Council of La Raza, Tides Foundation, Huffington Post, Southern Poverty Law Center, Planned Parenthood, on and on.
  • Wants to curtail American sovereignty so that America becomes subservient to international bodies like the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the cesspool known as the United Nations.
  • Is delusional. Soros has repeatedly said that he sees himself as a messianic figure. “I admit that I have always harbored an exaggerated view of my self-importance—to put it bluntly, I fancied myself as some kind of god” or “I carried some rather potent messianic fantasies with me from childhood, which I felt I had to control, otherwise I might end up in the loony bin.”

In one of his many books, Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism, Soros stated: “It may be shocking to say, but I believe that the current unilateralist posture of the United States constitutes a serious threat to the peace and prosperity of the world.” Also, “The main enemy of the open society, I believe, is no longer the communist, but the capitalist threat.”

In addition, according to journalist Warner Todd Huston, citing work done by the Washington Free Beacon, Soros is one of the hugest donors to the anti-Trump resistance, part of “a secret group of left-wing foundations and millionaire donors” who himself contributed nearly $2 million.

The National Football League (NFL) players are also working with Soros to help fund the anti-Trump resistance. Thought the NFL was nonpartisan? In fact, its labor union has been donating money to leftist political causes for years!


The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a program jointly funded by the U.S. Air Force, the U.S. Navy, the University of Alaska Fairbanks, and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, with the intent of investigating the ionosphere (the earth’s upper atmosphere) for its potential to enhance technology for radio communication and surveillance.

The above Wikipedia link says that work on the HAARP Station began in 1993, but as far back as 1958, the chief White House advisor on weather modification, Captain Howard T. Orville, said the U.S. defense department was studying “ways to manipulate the charges of the earth and sky and so affect the weather…”

And we all know about weather manipulation going back to Vietnam, when in Operation Popeye, the U.S. military used cloud seeding (from March 20, 1967 until July 5, 1972) to extend the monsoon season over Laos, specifically areas of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. Even before that, in July of 1943, Operation Gomorrah was successfully used by the Royal Air Force to completely cloud German radar.

I cite HAARP as a potential member of the death-to-America squad because it is speculative and, at this point, impossible to prove.

But really!

  • Harvey “the worst” hurricane in history” to ever hit Houston.
  • Irma “the worst hurricane in history” to ever hit Florida.
  • Maria “the worst hurricane in history” to ever hit Puerto Rico.

And that is not to omit the worst fire fires in Kansas and other bizarre events that HAARP is capable of bringing about, including “the worst earthquake in history” in Mexico in September.

Author Michel Chossudovsky stated in a book published by the Committee on Monetary and Economic Reform that “recent scientific evidence suggests that HAARP is fully operational and has the capability of triggering floodshurricanesdroughts and earthquakes.”

In addition, Nick Begich Jr., son of the late U.S. Representative Nick Begich and brother of former U.S. Senator Mark Begich, is the author of Angels Don’t Play This HAARP. He has claimed that HAARP could trigger earthquakes, among other things, and elaborates on the subject on his website.

In addition, physicist Bernard Eastlund claimed that HAARP includes technology based on his own patents that have the capability to modify weather and neutralize satellites. Compiled by writer Ethan Huff, here is an extensive list of weather-control patents which prove the technology exists to augment and control powerful storms.

And writer Mike Adams describes how weather-war theorists say that Hurricane Harvey was engineered and steered toward Houston as a weather-terrorism weapon, possibly to allow FEMA to declare Martial Law.

“There is a growing community of weather skeptics,” Adams writes, “who insist that such events are not accidents but weapons. That’s why we’re covering this story…”

Frankly, I would not put it past the fanatics who are against President Trump to enact these “weather wars” in the name of fulfilling the anti-American, anti-globalist policies of Cloward & Piven, Alinsky, the Clintons, Obama, Soros, the Muslim Brotherhood, the swamp-dwellers in the U.S. Congress, and the Deep State denizens who have literally devoted their lives to undermining our great country.

They are all terrified by President Trump’s immense power to undo every seditious, malevolent and destructive thing they’ve been inflicting on Americans for the past 50 years, and especially during the monstrous reign of Barack Obama from 2009 to 2016.

Writer Sean Adl-Tabatabai reminds us that, “We do know we’re all constantly lied to by the fake news media about almost everything, from vaccines to economics to history. And don’t forget the ‘Russia! Russia! Russia!’ conspiracy theory that’s been pushed by the fake news media for the last 18 months, based on absolutely nothing but faked sources and shoddy journalism.”

Keep that in mind when you think about the six Hate-America Death Squad members I’ve mentioned that we cannot relent for a minute in exposing each one of them for the destructive, anti-freedom forces they are, just as we can never relent in supporting the genuine America patriot we now have in the White House!

EDITORS NOTE: Learn more at

Can Blacks excel in America? The simple answer lies in a 1994 study!

I recently received an email linking to a 2014 oped published on American Renaissance titled “Ten Percent is Not Enough.” The oped states:

The black/white experiment has failed.

[ … ]

Some argue it’s a problem of “culture,” as if culture creates people’s behavior instead of the other way around. Others blame “white privilege.” But since 1965, when the elites opened America’s doors to the Third World, immigrants from Asia and India–people who are not white, not rich, and not “connected”–have quietly succeeded. While the children of these people are winning spelling bees and getting top scores on the SAT, black “youths” are committing half the country’s violent crime–crime, which includes viciously punching random white people on the street for the thrill of it, that has nothing to do with poverty.

The experiment has failed. Not because of culture, or white privilege, or racism. The fundamental problem is that white people and black people are different. They differ intellectually and temperamentally. These differences result in permanent social incompatibility.

Read more.

Is there a “permanent social incompatibility” between blacks and other ethnicities? Are blacks different intellectually and temperamentally?

The answer can be found in a study done in 1994. Richard J. Herrnstein and Charles Murray in their seminal book on cognitive ability The Bell Curve: Intelligence and Class Structure in American Life state,

“The question is how to redistribute in ways that increase the chances for people at the bottom of society to take control of their lives, to be engaged meaningfully in their communities, and to find valued places for themselves.”

Herrnstein and Murray found,

Ethnic differences in higher education, occupations, and wages are strikingly diminished after controlling for IQ. Often they vanish. In this sense, America has equalized these central indicators of social success.

Herrnstein and Murray asked,

“What are the odds that a black or Latino with an IQ of 103 – the average IQ of all high school graduates – completed high school? The answer is that a youngster from either minority group had a higher probability of graduating from high school than a white, if all of them had IQs of 103: The odds were 93 percent and 91 percent for blacks and Latinos respectively, compared to 89 percent for whites.

Herrnstein and Murray concluded:

  • We have tried to point out that a small segment of the population accounts for such a large proportion of those [social] problems. To the extent that the [social] problems of this small segment are susceptible to social-engineering solutions at all, should be highly targeted.
  • The vast majority of Americans can run their own lives just fine, and [public] policy should above all be constructed so that it permits them to do so.
  • Much of the policy toward the disadvantaged starts from the premise that interventions can make up for genetic or environmental disadvantages, and that premise is overly optimistic.
  • Cognitive ability, so desperately denied for so long, can best be handled – can only be handled – by a return to individualism.
  • Cognitive partitioning will continue. It cannot be stopped, because the forces driving it cannot be stopped.
  • Americans can choose to preserve a society in which every citizen has access to the central satisfactions of life. Its people can, through an interweaving of choice and responsibility, create valued places for themselves in their worlds.

Herrnstein and Murray found,

Inequality of endowments, including intelligence, is a reality.

[ … ]

Trying to pretend that inequality does not really exist has led to disaster. Trying to eradicate inequality with artificially manufactured outcomes has led to disaster. It is time for America once again to try living with inequality, as life is lived: understanding that each human being has strengths and weaknesses, qualities to admire and qualities we do not admire, competencies and in-competencies,  assets and debits; that the success of each human life is not measured externally but internally; that of all the rewards we can confer on each other, the most precious is a place as a valued fellow citizen.

Finally, Herrnstein and Murray wrote,

“Of all the uncomfortable topics we have explored, a pair of the most uncomfortable ones are that a society with a higher mean IQ is also likely to be a society with fewer social ills and brighter economic prospects, and that the most effective way to raise the IQ of a society is for smarter women to have higher birth rates than duller women.

Shocking words in 1994 and indeed even more so today. Is it time to have a national public debate on cognitive abilities?

The key factor in setting goals is IQ. Is it time to reintroduce IQ testing for all students?

RELATED VIDEO: Demographic Bomb: Demography is Destiny

Google, Facebook and Twitter sued for aiding and abetting ISIS

Good. I hope they win a massive settlement and drive them all out of business. Each one has been cutting off its platform to foes of jihad terror. In February, referrals from Facebook and Twitter to Jihad Watch dropped by 90% and have never recovered. Google has changed its search results so that when one searches for topics related to Islam and jihad, only results whitewashing Islam’s links to terrorism come up. Meanwhile jihad terrorists, as is clear from this case, have free rein. These monopolies need to be broken up, and the sooner the better, as they are actively working against the freedom of speech.

“Daughters of California man killed in Barcelona terror attack sue Google, Facebook and Twitter ‘for aiding, abetting and knowingly providing support and resources’ to ISIS,” by Julian Robinson, MailOnline, October 6, 2017:

The family of a California man killed in the terror attack in Barcelona is suing Facebook, Twitter and Google for their part in ‘aiding, abetting and knowingly providing support and resources’ to ISIS, it has emerged

Jared Tucker, from Walnut Creek, was one of 13 people who died when a van mowed down pedestrians on the Spanish city’s packed La Rambla on August 17.

The three daughters of the 42-year-old, who was celebrating his one year anniversary with wife Heidi Nunes-Tucker in Barcelona when he was killed, have now filed a lawsuit against the tech giants.

According to the New York Post, the complaint claims the firms have ‘for years knowingly and recklessly provided the terrorist group ISIS with accounts to use its social networks as a tool for spreading extremist propaganda, raising funds and attracting new recruits.’…


LEAK: Google Employees Defend Discrimination Against Conservatives

UK: Viewers of “jihadi websites” or “far-right propaganda” to get 15 years in prison

Eyewitness of Barcelona jihad attack: No priest came to comfort wounded, but Cardinal declared all religions peaceful

Polish President: ‘Forcing migrants on nations will mean the end of the EU’

Brussels’ insistence on ordering European Union (EU) nations to accept third world migrants could lead to the bloc’s break-up, Poland’s president Andrzej Duda has warned.

The EU establishment is indeed breaking up the European Union, which is a win for the Islamic supremacist agenda, as reckless immigration continues to erode democratic values.

The same deep divisions caused in Europe by the implementation of anti-democratic policies are also coming to other Western nations.

The suicidal immigration policy which allows in any immigrant, regardless of his or her values, is contrary to the human rights of the people of Europe. Unvetted Muslim migrants have become the face, and Islamic supremacist interests the priority, of all immigration matters, which have all been subsumed under the category of “race.”.

Now the situation in the EU has become so severe that talk about the end of the EU is on the table. It is a clash of civilizations, a tug-of-war between those who wish to defend freedom versus those who have betrayed democracy, freedom, and human rights.

“’Forcing Migrants on Nations Will Mean the End of the EU’: Polish President”, by Virginia Hale, Breitbart, October 6, 2017:

Brussels’ insistence on ordering European Union (EU) nations to accept third world migrants could lead to the bloc’s break-up, Poland’s president Andrzej Duda has warned.

The EU principle of unity, Duda told a press conference Thursday, “must come down to the fact that we work together … we do not try to force other states to act against their own interests and against the interests of their people.”

“Therefore, we don’t agree to being dictated to, with regards to the quota system and forcing migrants to move to Poland, against our people’s will,” he stressed, speaking after talks with Bulgarian president Rumen Radev.

Duda added that Poland and Bulgaria share the “same and unequivocal” position on how Europe should deal with the migrant crisis, stating both countries believe the bloc should protect its borders, and provide aid to refugees close to their homelands.

Unity, equality, and solidarity are “the basic principles of the EU”, said Duda, who hails from Poland’s conservative Law and Justice (PiS) Party.

“If these principles are broken, then, in my opinion, it will mean the end of the bloc as we know it — or certainly its decline, which will lead to the disintegration of the Union.”

Solidarity with regards to the migrant crisis means giving mutual support in dealing with the problems, according to Poland’s president, who pointed out that the nation sent guards to Bulgaria to help protect the Union’s external border.

“Both for Bulgaria and ourselves, preventing illegal immigration by maintaining an efficient, tightly guarded EU border, that cannot be easily crossed is one of the most important tasks to be undertaken,” he said.

In 2015, against Central European nations’ wishes, EU interior ministers approved a plan to force member states to welcome a share of third world migrants who arrived on the continent since German Chancellor Angela Merkel opened the borders.

Threatened with sanctions over their refusal to take the share of “refugees” dictated by Brussels, Polish interior minister Mariusz Błaszczak insisted that financial penalties would do less damage to the nation than being made to take in migrants.

Radio Poland has reported that, with a €50 million contribution announced last month, Warsaw is the largest donor so far to the European Investment Bank’s Economic Resilience Initiative, which aids refugees living in nations including Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Tunisia, Syria, Albania, and Serbia…..


Conservatives warn Trump that “hate speech” resolution is tool of Left to silence dissent

London: Man arrested after driving car into crowd of pedestrians outside Natural History Museum

NFL Players’ Union Teams up with Soros, Planned Parenthood to Support Anti-Trump ‘Resistance’

“A prominent anti-Trump ‘resistance’ organization” and several other leftist groups receive direct donations from the National Football League Players Association (NFLPA).

2ndVote has found the NFLPA provides financial support to the Center for Community Change Action, which according to the Washington Free Beacon, “has been involved in direct action against President Donald Trump and Republicans before and after the November elections.” 2ndVote’s research team found the NFL Players Association is identified as an organization that donates in support of the center’s work in the latest available annual report.

The NFLPA is an AFL-CIO affiliated labor union that represents all NFL players and has defended those participating in the controversial national anthem protests in recent weeks. 2ndVote has also found dozens of major corporations such as Pepsi, Verizon, and USAA sponsor the NFLPA.

According to the Free Beacon, millions of dollars in contributions flow to the Center for Community Change, a Washington, DC-based 501(c)(3) non-profit, from major liberal foundations such as the W.K. Kellogg Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and George Soros’s Open Society Foundation. The Center for Community Change Action is the group’s 501(c)(4) “social welfare” arm, which has received contributions from organizations affiliated with Soros, labor unions, and left-wing activists.

The Center for Community Change helped organize the “Families Fight Back” campaign during the 2016 presidential elections to mobilize Latino voters in response to then-candidate Trump’s positions on immigration policy. The Free Beacon reports the center also supported United We Dream, a “sanctuary campus” advocate, in protests of Trump’s inauguration.

2ndVote also found Planned Parenthood Federation of America is listed on the annual report as donor to the Center for Community Change Action. The abortionist and tech giant Google will be sponsors of the center’s “Change Champions Awards” event later this month. Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards, along with noted left-wing activist and billionaire Tom Steyer, will be honored at the event.

Earlier this week, the NFL and NFLPA met to “discuss social activism” by players. While discussion likely focused on the national anthem protests, the NFLPA’s “social activism” is very much in support of the leftist agenda.

In addition to support for the Center for Community Change, 2ndVote has uncovered the NFLPA has financially supported at least two more left-wing, anti-Trump activist groups. Two of the union’s last three tax filings (20132015) show donations to Working America, a Steyer-supported organization that used Craigslist in Cleveland, Ohio to apparently recruit paid activists to protest the 2016 GOP convention. The NFLPA’s 2014 tax filing shows a donation to Jobs With Justice, another organization backed by Soros that actively opposes the president’s tax cuts.

Clearly, “social activism” by NFL players includes aligning with George Soros and other liberal organizations like Planned Parenthood in support of the left’s agenda. With television audiences declining every week and fans growing increasingly tired of the disrespect of the flag, the league and the players’ union would find it in their best interest to end the liberal activism and focus on football. After all, millions are finding it in their best interest not to watch the NFL at all.

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(Updated) NFL Sponsors Jittery Over Protests; Major Corporation Asks Customers for Feedback

Kellogg’s Cereal for Breakfast? The Dollars You Spend Could Be Going to Soros-Backed Leftists

Final Farewell from Veritence, Inc.

Dear Friends,

Effective today, October 7, 2017,  I have decided to end my aggressive, demanding, ten year long effort to warn my fellow citizens to prepare for a coming cold climate and associated historic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

This decision is based on the extent of my disability from a stroke I had a little over a month ago and two medical emergencies from stroke related internal organ problems I have experienced in the past two weeks while still in the hospital.

Realistically, I must now devote 100% of my time to a lengthy recovery and end any potentially stressful work that may cause yet another stroke.

Please continue to rely on the many online videos that exist of my public presentations or interviews and my books, “Dark Winter,” and “Upheaval!” to provide you information on how to prepare for what I believe will be a challenging future.

It has been my great honor to have served you during the past decade. Further, I want to say that I have been humbled by the outpouring of support I have received from thousands of Americans who have come to my side over the years – extending their friendship and appreciation for my crusade for truth in climate science.

I wish you all the best as we enter the next predicted cold climate and associated historic earthquakes and volcanic eruptions.

Good bye and Best Wishes,

John  Casey

The United States Has Entered a Period of Catastrophic Earthquakes!

That is the conclusion of a team of international scientists documented in their December 2016 book: “Upheaval! – Why Catastrophic Earthquakes Will Soon Strike the United States.

Read more about the book and reader comments at

Veritence, Inc. is in the process of shutting down. Mail for Mr. Casey may be addressed as follows:

John L. Casey
c/o Veritence, Inc.
P.O.Box 608209
Orlando, FL 32860.

The web site and the email account,, will be closed by November 1, 2017.