10 Promising Republican Candidates For 2024

Biden, who is the most popular candidate to ever be elected president, will be a tough opponent to beat in 2024. To face Biden, the Republican Party will need to bring out their best and brightest to run for office! Here are 10 candidates we desperately hope will run.

Barron Trump: We don’t know much about young Barron except that he’s tall and his last name is Trump. That fulfills 2 of the 3 most important requirements to be president.

Donald Trump in disguise: Slap a mustache on that guy and see if we can sneak him back in there!

Ronald Reagan’s ghost: The great Ronald Reagan. Can we bring him back? Someone get on that.

Mike Lindell: Imagine the sleep you’d get on a MyPillow knowing that there’s enough Hydroxychloroquine — and freedom — for everyone.

Alex Jones: The man was right. About everything. Maybe Donald Trump can be VP to help mellow Alex out a little.

3 Ben Shapiros stacked on top of each other in a trenchcoat: Like we said– in order to be president, you have to be tall. That will require at least 3 Ben Shapiros. You also get 3 times the lib ownage. Great option.

An AR-15 wearing a MAGA hat: America’s enemies will never mess with us again.

“Q”: According to the latest messages from Q, he is already the shadow president and will be hauling the Dems off to jail any day now.

Metallica: We can think of nothing more awesome than having the entire heavy metal band co-presidenting the country together– with the power of ROCK.

The entire cast of Duck Dynasty: Faith, family, firearms, and the 3rd most important requirement to be president: beards.

Plenty of great choices to work with here. Victory is all but guaranteed! Get on it, RNC!

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Ilhan Omar: ‘Antisemitism Wouldn’t Be A Problem If We Got Rid Of All The Jews’

MINNEAPOLIS, MN — Congresswoman Ilhan Omar proposed a radical solution to the nation’s antisemitism problem: getting rid of all the Jews. The plan is already being embraced by leaders of Hamas, Al-Qaeda, Boko Haram, the government of Iran, and the Democrat party.

“It recently struck me that the common thread among all of these heinous instances of antisemitism is that they are directed towards Jews,” Omar noted at a press conference. “If we can get rid of all the Jews, we can get rid of antisemitism once and for all!”

Omar said her plan doesn’t advocate for violence against people of Jewish descent. Instead, she said her plan would be to round up the remaining Jews and move them out of places like Israel and the United States so they will be free from the threat of antisemitic attacks.

“I figure we can just let them wander around the desert somewhere where nobody can bother them,” Omar said. “As long as they’re not in the Middle East, Europe, Africa, Asia, or the Americas, they should be fine. I hear Antarctica is nice this time of year!”

Several other progressive members of Congress have started adapting Omar’s plans to tackle other challenges. Nancy Pelosi has proposed getting rid of Republicans to prevent another attack on the Capitol building, and Bernie Sanders is advocating for getting rid of poor people in order to eliminate poverty.


Pathetic Excuse For A Progressive Hasn’t Even Eaten A Cicada Yet

Deranged Psychopath Seen Putting Mask On A Toddler

CDC Introduces New Anti-Virus Hat For Concerned Liberals To Wear

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Marxism in America: Two Authors Explain its Roots and its Spread

Last week you could hardly have missed the news about the controversy swirling around the firing of a Space Force officer who promoted a self-published book about how the US military was succumbing to Marxist methods to root out “extremists” and push the military toward the political Left.

From American Military News:

Space Force officer fired after criticizing Marxism, critical race theory in the military

A Space Force commander was fired last week after public comments made while promoting his book criticizing Marxist ideals in the military.

Military.com first reported that 11th Space Warning Squadron commander Lt Col. Matthew Lohmeier was fired over “a loss of confidence in his ability to lead” after he joined L. Todd Wood’s “Information Operation” podcast to promote his self-published book, “Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.”

A Space Force spokesperson told Military.com that Lohmeier’s firing was “based on public comments made by Lt. Col. Lohmeier in a recent podcast,” adding that “Lt. Gen. Whiting has initiated a Command Directed Investigation on whether these comments constituted prohibited partisan political activity.”

On the podcast, Lohmeier – a former fighter pilot and instructor – criticized the military’s expanded diversity and inclusion training and focused mission to root out extremism in the ranks – efforts spearheaded by Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin.

He said the policies are “rooted in critical race theory, which is rooted in Marxism” and impacting the culture of the military. Those changes “will divide us, it will not unify us,” Lohmeier said.

Lohmeier said he was given a 70-page booklet on extremism training “talking points” with which to train his squadron. Among those talking points were examples including the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol as an act of extremism.

More here.

A second author….

An author well-known to readers of my blogs, our friend James Simpson, just last week published his own book on how Marxist ideology has taken root in Joe Biden’s America.

It seems extraordinary to me that we would have to educate or re-educate Americans to the threat of Communism.  It was only a few decades ago that no one in respectable political circles used the C-word (or the M-word) if they wanted to be taken seriously.

Now, one must get comfortable using those words and discussing the subject.

Simpson will get you started…..

Who Was Karl Marx?: The Men, the Motives and the Menace Behind Today’s Rampaging American Left

The Left is rampaging across our nation today. Portland, Oregon is burning and many other cities face continuous looting, rioting and destruction. And while the Antifa/Black Lives Matter mob is wreaking havoc, destroying businesses and neighborhoods, leaders in those communities have taken an inexplicable hands-off attitude, even to the point of restraining a police response. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party, Big Tech, the media and institutional Left have turbocharged censorship and vilification of their political enemies. How did we come to this, who caused it, what are their motivations and how do we stop it?

Here is a snip of a small portion of the Table of Contents to whet your appetites about what you will learn in Simpson’s Marxism tutorial.

I am headed over to Amazon now to buy both books.

It is vitally important for us to support (if our finances permit) authors forced by the woke publishing mob to self-publish their work.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Cornucopia Of Deceit, Lies and Ultimate Evil — Part Two

CLICK HERE TO READ: A Smorgasbord Of COVID Corruption — Part One

According to Brian Shilhavy of Health Impact News, doctors around the world, in an effort to combat Big Pharma, corporate media and big tech censorship, are frantically trying to warn the masses of the devastating effects of the experimental COVID injections about to be given to the unsuspecting public assisted by worldwide military forces.

Shilhavy points out that they have nothing to gain and much to lose, including their careers, and possibly even their lives. So why are they doing this? Why are these physicians and scientists being censored so much if the COVID vaccines are in fact, “safe and effective?”  What is it that the media and the government are hiding that they don’t want the public to know?

Mass Censorship of Truth

In this must watch video Shilhavy states,  “They are doing this because they are doctors and scientists who actually understand the REAL science here, and who know the devastating potential consequences of those who choose to get this very toxic and dangerous inoculation. They are trying to save as many people as possible from the carnage this vaccine is going to cause, which includes DEATH, brain injuries, life-long autoimmune disease, infertility, and more.”  

Dr. Peter McCullough is also highly referenced in Health Impact News and includes a video of Dr. McCullough testifying to the Senate Committee on Health and Human Services and many effective home remedies for COVID.  He gives people an education as to how real doctors view and respond when things begin to go wrong with how our governmental agencies meddling in healthcare.

What Dr. McCullough reveals confirms and supplies additional evidence exposing the conspiracy surrounding the fake “pandemic” to first prevent the continuation of all traditional medical practice that is successful in curing the so-called Covid-19 virus. Actually, according to all evidence presented, what we are dealing with here is nothing but another flu.

Drs. Sherry Tenpenny and Judy Mikovits confirm the corruption connected to this so-called “Pandemic,” and state that these new COVID “vaccines” could kill 50 million people in America.  Resistance to the COVID jabs is growing throughout the world and medical professionals throughout the world are suing and calling for an end to covid tyranny.

Dr. Andrew Kaufman, has been censored for stating, “They Want to Genetically Modify us With COVID-19 Vaccine.”  (Watch his video.) This brilliant physician, with a BS in Biology from MIT and his medical degree from the University of South Carolina, has already suffered massive consequences to his livelihood for speaking the truth.

Another physician, Dr. Igor Shepherd, a medical doctor/manager for Wyoming’s State Public Health Department/Preparedness Unit, who is on the Covid response team, is also speaking out.  He says, that COVID vaccines are biological weapons of mass destruction.  This article is a must read.

All of the above videos and articles reveal sinister operations, but the one which reveals the most is the one about COVID vaccines being “Biological Weapons of Mass Destruction” by Dr. Igor Shepherd.  Dr. Shepherd has been put on administrative leave; speaking the truth is verboten.

Why are these doctors and professionals being censored if the new COVID vaccines are in fact, safe and effective?  The answer is simple, they are not safe nor effective, and the inoculations are NOT vaccines, yet they are called vaccines to protect the pharmaceutical manufacturers from liability for damages.

It is nothing more than a concoction of proteins combined with frightening ingredients designed to change the natural functions of the body. When doctors present these facts and how they work, it enlightens the public which results in the public becoming aware of reality. This development is something they wish to avoid for they know that if the public was to become fully informed, it could likely result in actions unfavorable to their agenda.

This was another reason they first had to steal the election and remove Donald Trump. Had they not done this, their plans for using a fear-filled “pandemic” to advance the New World Order Agenda would have been dead on arrival. They could not accept that possibility.

The Core of Deception

One hundred years ago an organization was formed to change life in America in order that we could be comfortable merged with the Soviet Union/communism. The organization’s name is the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR); beginning with only a small number of high profiled members, in 1921, it grew to about a 1,000 by 1950. This growth as well as the operational structure, allowed it to become, “The Invisible Government,” which is the title of the book by Dan Smoot.   He was a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent and a conservative political activist. From 1957 to 1971, he published The Dan Smoot Report, which chronicled alleged communist infiltration in various sectors of American government and society.  You can still find them on the web for the various years.

Since the invisible CFR through its membership, which is reportedly around 6,000 currently with possibly five or six hundred embedded in governmental operations, has brought us to the threshold of a Communist/Socialist world government, I can only conclude that it is behind America’s current crises and each of its members know the agenda. This allows them to be constantly involved in actions which result in fruition.

For a better understanding of how the CFR takes over and begins to totally dominate whatever it targets, please read Council on Foreign Relations War and Peace Studies in the New American Magazine by James Perloff, author of Shadows of Power.

As we’ve seen, those being directed, or connected with the CFR agenda are in complete control of everything now happening in this “Plandemic.”


There are many doctors, scientists, and other health professionals coming together and speaking out against what is happening via force of government. Please pray that it isn’t too late.

In view of all the information and evidence I have been able to access over the past several weeks, The COVID-19 virus does not exist. If it did, it could be isolated and a normal vaccine where the virus itself is used could be developed.

The entire climate of fear promoted by the Center for Disease Control, the National Institutes of Health, and World Health Organization, along with the stakeholders in our government Dr. Anthony Fauci and his good friend, Bill Gates, was set afire to destroy American freedoms and bring in the New World Order.  That climate of irrational fear (which is not from the Lord God Almighty) led to the acquiescing of the people to take the unlicensed experimental genetic altering inoculations for a fake pandemic.

There are 7 billion people on planet earth. The goal of UN Agenda 21 is to reduce world population to a half a billion, or five hundred million 500,000,000. According to a report, Bill Gates, in bragging to some of his associates, stated that he could reduce that number through the use of vaccines.  The report is not confirmed, but paraphrasing his past statement, “We can reduce the amount of people on the planet by giving them vaccines and telling them it is to help them” squares with his ultimate goals.

Please do whatever you can to get this information to as many people as you can. This issue takes priority over everything else because our very lives are at risk.

Stay tuned for Part Three.

©J.W. Bryan. All rights reserved.

How They are Sneaking Health Passports in Through Back Doors

Our friend Leo Hohmann, who has been investigating and reporting steadily for months about the connection between the Chinese virus, The Shot, and more globalist control of society, tells us to fight back.

If you love this country and the freedom and liberty that has been our birthright, and even if you have been ‘vaccinated,’ do not take the easy way out and ever give your vaccination status as a price of entry to anyone for any reason. Your health decision choices are still yours and yours alone.

Coincidentally, as I read Hohmann’s latest, Gateway Pundit tells us that the state of Oregon is already dropping the hammer.

IT BEGINS: Fully Vaccinated People in Oregon Must Show Proof of Vaccination Status in Order to Enter Businesses Without a Mask

Oregon has gone from a liberal hell hole to 1930s Germany overnight.

The Oregon Health Authority is now requiring businesses and religious institutions to enforce mask mandates by forcing people to show proof of vaccination.

Don’t patronize any business, or even your church, if demands are made for this outrageous price of entry.

Here is Hohmann:

It’s D-Day in the battle against globalized digital health passports that will mark you for life

The worst nightmare for patriots and freedom lovers throughout the world may be about to come true.

The push is on to sneak health passports into America and other Western democracies through back-door channels.

Big corporations and universities are testing the waters to find out how many Americans will accept this latest intrusion as an unavoidable part of life in the “new normal.”

They have baited the trap, promising this will be your ticket to reclaiming your former freedoms. All you have to do is submit to this little app on your phone that informs businesses whether you’ve been vaxxed or not. How many will walk into that trap, surrendering their health privacy and eventually all of their personally identifiable information, remains to be seen.

We have a very short window in which to stand and reject this attempt by big business, in collusion with big government, to impose the most invasive, intrusive and coercive measures ever seen on people of the free world since the conclusion of World War II and the Nuremburg trials.


Biden threatened unvaccinated Americans in a speech this week, saying they “will pay the price.”

Biden says the “rule is simple.” Get the shot, or continue to wear the mask.

News flashThis is America. We don’t get up in the morning and check in with you, Mr. Biden, or any other government official, to get our “rules” for the day. That’s just not the way a constitutional republic works.

But if we accept this new normal and submit to health passports, then we have in essence given up on America and its time-honored, bedrock principle that has made this country special, the idea that individual freedom takes precedence over collectivism, which always leads to tyranny. We have taken that grand idea and thrown it in a pile of excrement. We have spit on the Constitution and said we no longer want it to serve as the highest law in the land.

We have conceded to globalist tyranny coming down from the World Health Organization, a United Nations agency funded by Bill Gates and dominated by the Chinese Communist Party.

Much more here.

By the way, on immigration issues how often have we been derided for furthering division by promoting the concept of ‘otherness’ which the Leftists say is bad, very bad, and yet here they are creating further division in America using The Shot to create otherness.

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

A Requiem for QAnon

A sign that we’re still in the proverbial fog of war is that theories of all manner of plots and plans abound, giving people hope that even though things look bleak, we’re headed toward that happy ending. And much of the encouraging news online comes from the mysterious, still anonymous “Q” and his cadre of analysts who unpack his cryptic messages for the trusting Q followers.

You see, according to Q, Trump, along with trustworthy military personnel, has been playing 4-D chess all along in order to oust all the Deep State criminals, try them in military tribunals, and sentence them to serve their prison terms in Guantanamo.

And when things turned dicey after the election, Q assured his followers that Trump was in control and was just giving the traitors enough rope to hang themselves. Key Q spokesmen including Charlie Ward, Robert David Steele, and Simon Parkes predicted “The Storm” would come on January 6th—not the storm that actually came, but one that would assure Trump remained in the White House. When that backfired dramatically, it was surely to come on January 20th. And when that failed, Trump was to be inaugurated on March 4th.

With a nod to humorist Dave Barry, in whose decades-long syndicated Miami Herald column he frequently wrote entertainingly wacky stories and then vouched for their accuracy in the same words I’m about to use: I am not making this up.

You’d think the QTards would retire in disgrace after all these false promises, but noooo. The various Q spokesmen assure what may be their millions of followers that Trump will be inaugurated once more on…wait for it… July 4, 2021!

Funny, I thought Sleepy Joe was the de facto President now. I must have missed something.

QAnon’s Redo of America

Now, I recognize that hope is a good thing—even a necessary one. But it needs to be based on reality. So let’s examine a few of Q’s claims to see if they pass the credibility test. But before we do, let me summarize the mismash of QAnon theories, promises and predictions circulating on the Web for at least the past couple of years, but now escalating into the promise of a Brave New World.

According to Q et al., in 1871, Congress sold America to the international banking cartel—an earlier version of what we have today—thus removing the United States  from the Constitution as the law of the land, and creating, in place of the Republic, the Corporation of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.  The proof? The use of all capital letters and the changing of the preposition from “for” to “of”, i.e. the Constitution for the United States of America, versus the Constitution of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Got that?

Where’s the good news, you ask? Hold on! It seems President Trump declared the Corporation bankrupt, which may sound bad at first, but then he restored America back to our original Republic so we get to start fresh…and with no debt! And Trump is still the President, though not the 45th—that was for the Corporation—but rather the 19th.

Guess he’d have to change all those “Trump 45” logos on posters, T-shirts and such. And just imagine the confusion for students studying history when they’d learn that Trump was the 45th President, and later the 19th President. On second thought, given the idiosyncrasies of Common Core math, maybe this would make sense to them.

Trust the Plan!

Not only that, but Q assures us that the military is in charge. Huh? You mean as in a military dictatorship? When, historically speaking, has that turned out well for the public? Oh, but these are the “white hats”—i.e. the good guys. And they have a “plan.” “Trust the Plan!” says Q, over and over again, along with “Watch the Show!” and “We’re in control, patriots!” In other words, Q, who won’t even reveal his name, posts cryptic messages in the bowels of the internet saying patriots should sit quietly at home eating popcorn while Q and friends save the Republic. Does that reassure you? Me neither.

And what exactly is this “Plan”? Nothing less than a worldwide sting operation to take down not only our domestic coup plotters, but also an international ring of pedophiles, and assorted “black hats”—i.e. bad guys, not to put too fine a point upon it—while ushering in a new Golden Age. I mean that at least quasi-literally, since another part of the “Plan” hinges upon NESARA (National Economic Security and Recovery Act), a bill supposedly signed by former President Clinton that creates a debt Jubilee—total debt forgiveness—and a return to the vaunted gold standard, with one hitch: by means of blockchain technology, i.e. cryptocurrency. I haven’t seen an explanation of how Clinton could have signed onto the blockchain part, as it hadn’t been developed back in the 90s, but why quibble with genius.

And Q continues to assure us, through his many mouthpieces, including former Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) member Steve Pieczenik who once worked in intel under Kissinger, the X22 ReportCharlie WardSimon Parkes, and many others, that “The Plan” is well under way, there are hundreds of sealed indictments, and the bad guys will soon be arrested.

They’ve been telling us this since Robert Mueller was named Special Prosecutor, only back then, Q’s advice was to “Trust Sessions” and “Trust Mueller.”

After we learned Sessions nearly terminally hobbled Trump’s administration, and Mueller was a Deep State fixer, did Q’s followers abandon his leaky ship?

Well, this one did! Yes, I know whereof I speak, as I was intrigued by QAnon in early 2018, and can tell you it was a brilliant and highly addictive psy-op. Much to my surprise, however, instead of Q vanishing shamefacedly in the night after dozens of false predictions and disingenuous promises, the psy-op is still going strong!

Now why might this be? In fact, as I understand it, Q himself has not “dropped’ any more of his cryptic “breadcrumbs” (i.e. posts) so far this year, yet his acolytes are still going strong.

Apart from the possibility—some would say likelihood—that Q’s mouthpieces have nefarious intentions, they may well have a strong pecuniary incentive. Consider that they have amassed myriad followers as internet “influencers,” which generally means big money. In fact, Charlie Ward claims to have over 13 million followers! If they’ve been reaping a monetary harvest, the Q spokesmen may be loath to relinquish their cash cow. This of course means they’d have to keep spinning stories out of whole cloth, in the manner of an ongoing soap opera. Luckily for them, it seems their audience is always ready for the next episode.

So what is the Qsters’ current claim? Trump will resume his presidency; OK, that’s an easy sell, as 90 million of people or more want this to be true. But note how the Q promoters keep moving the goal posts for Trump’s 2021 inauguration: from January 20th to March 4th to July 4, 2021. Hmmm… And how is this to happen, pray tell? With the assistance of…wait for it… JFK Jr., who didn’t really die when his plane crashed two decades ago.

Again, I am not making this up. My imagination is just not that fertile.

A word about Simon Parkes before we move on: Mr. Parkes claims he was abducted by aliens, knows some of them quite intimately, and believes in lizard people among other alien life forms. Interestingly, none of this has lowered his credibility with his followers, but they did give him flack for claiming to have spoken to the real “Q”. This they found to be beyond belief, so he had to back-pedal. Apparently, no one gets to talk to the man behind the curtain.

The Lure of False Hope in Dark Times

On January 12th, 2021, I attended a Zoom meeting that featured four renowned speakers: General McInerny, General VallelyMary Fanning, and Lin Wood. A thousand people were in attendance, and anyone could write in the chat forum, while there was only time for maybe a dozen or so to ask questions of these speakers. This event turned out to be a study in human psychology for those with eyes to see it.

I’ll explain.

When General McInerny, said his piece, the crowd was excited and upbeat. Then came General Vallely, and the tone changed abruptly. Vallely, who apparently had inside information, said that Trump appeared to be ready to “throw in the towel.” POTUS was giving up. Suddenly the chat caught fire with remarks such as: “Vallely’s a liar!” “Kick him out of the meeting!” “He doesn’t know what he’s talking about!” Etc. Of course, events proved him right, but many of the people in that meeting most emphatically did not want the truth—rather they wanted hope at any cost—no matter how false its premises.

By the way, how does this differ from the attitude of Liberal Democrats who angrily reject any morsel of truth that conflicts with their picture of reality? It doesn’t. It’s a tendency in human nature, and the only antidote to it is an open mind and a commitment to finding the truth whatever it may be. But I digress…

The last speaker was the firebrand attorney Lin Wood, who, with his passionate delivery and homespun Southern drawl, can easily mesmerize a crowd. He may have read the room and wanted to end the conference on a more upbeat note. In any case, he gave the group the renewed hope everyone longed for, and the chat board lit up with relief, and praise for Lin, who was so unlike that “nasty” General Vallely who tried to rain on the attendees’  parade.

I’ve seen similar reactions from Q followers when one points out Q’s flaws, mistakes, predictions that didn’t come true, logical inconsistencies, etc. –an angry refusal to listen to the truth.

NESARA/GESARA: The Road to Serfdom

By now, however, Q’s mask is off: he’s pimping for the New World Order by promoting the IMF’s “Great Reset.” Of course Q is doing this sneakily, by convincing his diehard followers that happy days are coming soon through NESARA: the National Economic Security and Recovery Act, supposedly proposed in the 1990s but never introduced in Congress. The original idea comes from Harvey Francis Barnard, outlined in his 1996 book with the prescient title, “Draining the Swamp: Monetary and Fiscal Policy Reform.” Barnard simply proposed replacing income tax with sales tax, doing away with compound interest on secured loans, and returning to bimetallic (silver and gold) based currency. But no one bit.

That is, until a woman going by the name of the “Dove of Oneness” from the Ramtha School of Enlightenment, greatly expanded on Barnard’s theme and attracted New Agers to this “utopian” wine in a shiny new bottle. And she was soon followed by others claiming benevolent space aliens and/or interdimensional beings are set to help bring not just NESARA, but also its evil twin GESARA——to the whole world.

Here’s a description from a website called The Golden Age of Gaia: “As a spiritually-directed financial program, it (NESARA/GESARA) traces back to the work of St.Germaine and three other ascended masters. That work began in the 15th Century and was designed to provide a new economic system for the world during the present time of transition.”

Allow me to translate NESARA/GESARA for you, which the Q proponents never do: it’s nothing other than the International Monetary Fund’s “Great Reset.” Just picture a One World Government in complete control of every aspect of your life, including your money, which will be cryptocurrency that the government will monitor and allow you to access depending on your Social Credit Score—or conveniently cutting off your access altogether should you be tagged as an enemy of the state (patriot, Christian, Libertarian, anti-vaxxer, pesky independent thinker, etc.). If you think this utopian plan is a good idea, as Q’s faithful followers apparently do, then I’ve got a Bridge in Brooklyn to sell you. Cheap.

© 2021 Cherie Zaslawsky – All Rights Reserved

RELATED ARTCILE: What Is QAnon? No One Told You THIS About Conspiracy 2022

Georgia Judge Calls For EMERGENCY AUDIT After Suspicious Discrepancies Found

A nation of laws without law enforcement is a nation of laws in name only. The election fraud must be adjudicated or we have no country.

Georgia Judge Calls For Emergency Audit After Suspicious Discrepancies Found

by Collin Rugg, Trending Politics, May 21, 2021:

On Friday, Henry County, Georgia Chief Judge Brian J. Amero called for the motion to unseal ballots after suspicious discrepancies were found.

During a hearing, VoterGA.org lawyers “described large discrepancies (21%) between the number of ballot batches reported by the GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who certified the election, and the number of ballot batches actually provided by court-ordered access in the previous April hearing in the case,” according to CD Media.

“A high number of ballots appear to have been counted twice,” said one witness.

Check out what else CD Media reported:

In an ongoing hearing, Henry County, GA judge, the Honorable Brian J. Amero may give access to the plaintiffs (VoterGA.org, Garland Favorito, and another plaintiff) to the physical mail-in ballots in Fulton County, which could show massive election fraud in GA during the 2020 presidential election cycle, and the follow-on runoff that decided control of the U.S. Senate for the Democrat Party, leading to full control of the American government.

In the hearing, lawyers for VoterGA.org described large discrepancies (21%) between the number of ballot batches reported by the GA Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger who certified the election, and the number of ballot batches actually provided by court-ordered access in the previous April hearing in the case.

GA SoS Raffensperger Amicus Brief Denying Election Fraud Doesn’t Hold Water, Is Riddled With Deceit

VoterGA.org has been examining the ballot images at a low resolution since the hearing in April, and declared they need the actual physical ballots to understand the number of counterfeit ballots certified.

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!

RELATED ARTICLE: Georgia Judge Unseals More Than 145,000 Absentee Ballots For 2020 Election Fraud Investigation The Federalist

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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Republican Ballots Fail to Scan in Pennsylvania Election, Stoking Concerns, Dominion Responds

Arizona, Michigan, Georgia ….. now Pennsylvania. This is a national crisis.

Mostly Republican Ballots Fail to Scan in Pennsylvania County Election, Stoking Concerns

A number of ballots couldn’t be scanned during local elections this week in a southwestern county in Pennsylvania, triggering fresh concerns about election integrity.

By: Epoch Times, May 20, 2021 :

The ballots, mostly from Republican voters in Fayette County, were missing bar codes that typically help facilitate electronic scanning.

“What we know at this point in time is that a bar code that’s required to allow the paper ballots to be scanned at the polling places was missing,” state Rep. Matthew Dowling, a Republican, told The Epoch Times.

George Rattay, chairman of the Fayette County Democratic Party, was present when the issues began around 7 p.m. on May 18. He said nobody initially knew what the problem was. He and others went to the county Bureau of Elections and found out it was a bar code issue.

“The majority of them were Republican ballots,” he told The Epoch Times.

A bureau spokeswoman declined to comment, citing an ongoing investigation.

A hand recount was taking place on May 20.

The county said in a statement that the bureau identified and was addressing “a printing issue” with some of the primary election ballots and that the issue was affecting all parties.

“Alternative solutions to the scanning issues were already established and are being enacted. Election officials are currently in direct contact with the judges of elections at all precincts. All judges were trained on these procedures prior to the election,” the county said.

“Every voter will have an opportunity to vote at their polling place. Election officials will ensure every vote is counted.”

Republican county officials helped obtain a judicial order that directed a hand count of all unscanned ballots.

Dowling, state Rep. Ryan Warner, and state Sen. Pat Stefano have issued a right-to-know request seeking records involving ballot and voting machine testing, as well as financial records, including contracts, relating to the printing of ballots and any reports of ballot malfunctions.

“We do want to provide transparency and let our constituents know how this blunder happened,” Dowling told The Epoch Times, adding that the county has not yet said why the barcode was missing on some ballots.

“I’m assuming there was nothing nefarious, although I think that does have to be investigated to see why this happened.”

The issue compounds an already low level of faith among some voters in election integrity, with some of the representatives’ constituents saying they aren’t willing to vote again.

Fayette County District Attorney Richard Bower told CBS Pittsburgh that his office plans to investigate what happened. The office didn’t immediately return a voicemail on May 20.

More over at Daily Wire:

PA County Reports Voting Machine Issues Affecting Republican Ballots; Dominion Releases Statement

“We regret any confusion this has caused.”

By Amanda Prestigiacomo • May 21, 2021 DailyWire.com •

Voting machines in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania, caused concern this week when registered Republicans and independent voters were seeing Democrat-labeled ballots on primary day.

Eyewitness News reported Tuesday that they had “received numerous calls from concerned citizens reporting issues with voting machines improperly labeling Republican ballots as Democrat.”

“Because it’s a primary, Democrats and Republicans or independent non-partisans, have a different ballot,” explained Carl Romanelli, a judge with Luzerne County Board of Elections. “When you got into the ballot marking devices, the header on all of the ballots indicates that it’s a Democratic ballot, but then when you proceed to the actual ballot itself, it is the proper ballot for the voter’s party. And when the ballot is printed, it shows that it is in fact the proper ballot.”

Bob Morgan, Director of Elections in Luzerne County, released a statement noting that the issue was caused by a “coding error.” He later emphasized that the problem were not caused by the county and that they are working with voting machine company Dominion Voting Systems to figure out what went wrong.

“Due to a coding error the Republican primary ballot in today’s Municipal Primary election contains an error in the header when displayed on the viewing screen,” Morgan said in a statement. “This error occurred during vendor programming of the device and appears on Republican ballots countywide. The ballot correctly shows Republican candidates, however, the header of the ballot says ‘Democrat.’”

“The function of the device has been thoroughly reviewed and tested and the error appears on the screen only,” he continued. “The ballot prints correctly with the Republican header and contains only Republican primary race results. Republicans also have the option to vote with a provisional ballot that will be later reviewed by the Luzerne County Elections Board should they choose not to utilize the machines.”

“We wish to assure all voters that their ballots will be correctly counted,” the director added. “To ensure proper communication of this situation a sign is being placed in each polling place by the judge of election today and posted on the County website. Elections staff and poll workers are working addressing the issue machine to machine throughout the County.”

It’s been reported that frustrated Republicans and independents confused over the incorrectly-labeled ballots left their polling place (formatting adjusted):

“Unfortunately, this morning, the machines were all shut down and people were losing their patience and leaving,” a voter from Exeter said. The confusion even led some voters to wonder whether their votes would be counted. “It’s disheartenening. When you get a person who gets elected in, did they truly get elected in? That’s the question, and no one can truly answer that,” voter Chris Harding said.

“It took us about probably five weeks. We gave a final product to Dominion,” Morgan said. “There is no evidence of any of this problem on the mail-in ballots which were produced from that file. We’re still working with Dominion to get an explanation as to how this coding error occurred. They were as surprised about it as we were.”

The director emphasized that the issue was not caused by Luzerne County:

Eyewitness News asked Morgan whether there was any possibility Luzerne County could be at fault. We asked, “In that five-week process, is there any possibility it could have been on your end and not theirs?” Morgan responded, “no.”

Dominion released a statement regarding the machine issues, acknowledging the error and assuring the public that “all ballots will be correctly counted.”

“Luzerne County’s election director has confirmed that there is a ballot screen error that is confined to the header on the viewing screen of the machine, and that all ballots are printing correctly with the Republican header and the Republican primary election races,” Dominion said. “As the county has reassured the voting public, all ballots will be correctly counted. We regret any confusion this has caused.”

Dominion has filed multiple lawsuits against individuals and outlets — including Fox News, former President Donald Trump’s personal attorney Rudy Giuliani, pro-Trump lawyer Sidney Powell, and MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell — for “intentionally and falsely blaming Dominion for President Trump’s loss by rigging the election.”

RELATED ARTICLE: Dominion Responds After Pennsylvania Election Officials Report ‘Coding Error’ With Voting Machines

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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WATCH: White Liberal Shocked As Black Man Acquires ID

Are voter ID laws racist? Of course. But, wait, how did this African American obtain one? Weird!


RELATED POLITICAL SATIRE: Lori Lightfoot Flees In Terror After Thomas Sowell Takes Her Up On Offer For Black People To Interview Her

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire video by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

LEGO Unveils New Genderless Bricks With No Male/Female Connectors

BILLUND, DENMARK—As part of its new push toward inclusion and diversity, LEGO has unveiled a new set of genderless bricks without male or female connectors. The entirely smooth bricks have no suggestive male nubs or female receptors and instead have entirely smooth, androgynous sides all around.

“This represents a new era in inclusive building bricks!” said LEGO spokesperson Bjørn Irkestøm-Slater Walker. “Finally — anyone can play with our LEGOs without being triggered by those horrid male and female parts that imply they’re only supposed to fit in one direction. Every brick can stack on any other brick without anyone misgendering anything or making a brick feel bad because it only fits in one way.”

“I mean, I guess they’re pretty much just blocks now,” he admitted. “But they’re INCLUSIVE blocks!”

The bricks will still, of course, instantly kill you if you step on them.


Democrats Wearing Binkies To Wean Themselves Off Masks

The Babylon Bee Guide To Gen Z Slang

Lori Lightfoot Flees In Terror After Thomas Sowell Takes Her Up On Offer For Black People To Interview Her

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

My letter to the CEO of Disney

Robert Chapek,
Chief Executive Officer
The Walt Disney Company

Dear Mr. Chapek:

Like millions of other Americans who love this country, I was dismayed to learn that Disney, a company I once held in the highest esteem, has been using a Marxist poison pill known as critical race theory in an attempt to impose ideological purity on its employees.

While I agree with Disney that America has a long history of systemic racism—no one can deny that—those days are OVER.

There was a time in this country when systemic racism was more than a cheap political talking point. I grew up during such a time, a time when black people were systematically excluded from full participation in nearly every aspect of American life, including athletic competition. When I enrolled at Georgia Tech in 1962, the SEC did not have a single black football or basketball player. My, how times have changed.

I remember a time when black people routinely suffered dehumanizing indignities: prohibited from drinking at “white only” water fountains, denied public accommodations, forced to sit in the back of the bus and otherwise treated like dirt. But that unenlightened era is long gone. A racist nation would not elect a black president once, much less twice.

I remember a time when Democrat governors like George Wallace and Democrat police chiefs like Bull Conner looked the other way as racists wearing white hoods murdered black men, women and children at the drop of a hat. In the America of today, racists in white hoods have been relegated to the most remote outer fringe of society, and the overwhelming majority of black homicides are carried out not by whites, not by police, but by young black males in America’s Democrat-controlled inner cities.

The America of today is light-years away from being anywhere even remotely close to “systemically racist.” There is not a mainstream institution in the country that doesn’t use racial preferences to hire and promote black people, including some whose job-related qualifications would not merit an initial screening interview for a similarly-qualified white or Asian applicant. So please, spare the great country that made you wealthy your self-righteous posturing about systemic racism.

It’s indisputable that no nation has ever done more to correct the wrongs once committed against an oppressed minority of its own citizens than has this great nation. Failure to acknowledge that is spitting on the graves of the 360,000 Union soldiers who paid the ultimate price to end slavery.

It’s also indisputable that a black child born in America today has the exact same legal rights as a white child. Failure to acknowledge that is spitting on the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who paid the ultimate price to ensure that black citizens are treated equally under the eyes of the law.

America is the most sought-after migrant destination in the world. According to Pew Research, the black immigrant population in the U.S. increased fivefold since 1980, reaching 4.2 million in 2016. If America is a remorseless racist cesspool, as you contend, why do so many black people from Africa and the Caribbean stand in line to get here?

As far as I am concerned, Disney can drop dead. I will not spend a dime on the products of a company whose anti-American senior management is a disgrace to the memory of its beloved patriotic founder. There are plenty of other entertainment providers that don’t slander this great country as something it is not: a racist hell hole for black people.

John Eidson
Marietta, GA

That Disney apparently backed down is too little too late for me. Its management’s anti-white, neo-racist mindset has already been exposed.

Race-Crazed Disney Backs Down

Resisting woke corporations works.

Thu May 20, 2021
Matthew Vadum

A humiliated Walt Disney Corporation scrubbed its bizarre critical race theory-based employee indoctrination materials from the Internet after a think tank scholar exposed them.

Christopher F. Rufo, a senior fellow and director of an initiative on critical race theory at the Manhattan Institute, celebrated Disney’s conspicuous retreat from the Left’s rarefied anti-white anti-Americanism, the New York Post reported May 13. Rufo defines critical race theory as “racialized Marxism.”

Disney “has removed its entire antiracism program from the company’s internal portal,” he said, “effectively scrubbing it out of existence.”

“This is a major victory in the war against ‘woke capital,’” he said, noting a “significant backlash from the public” after his initial report.

“Disney was peddling the most toxic elements of critical race theory — and my reporting led to immediate changes within the company,” Rufo said.

The environment at Disney has become increasingly politicized in recent months, Rufo reported employees telling him. The account appeared in a City Journal article he penned, titled, “The Wokest Place on Earth.”

There are “almost daily memos, suggested readings, panels, and seminars that [are] all centered around antiracism,” one said. Disney is “completely ideologically one-sided” and discourages conservative and Christian employees from expressing their views.

“I attended several [training sessions] at the beginning just to see what the temperature of the discussion would be and to gauge if I would be able to bring up my own objections in a safe way—safe meaning for my career. And I’ve continually gotten the unspoken answer: ‘no,’” an  employee told Rufo.

“It’s been very stifling to feel like everyone keeps talking about having open dialogue and compassionate conversations, but when it comes down to it, I know if I said one thing that was truthful, based on data, or even just based on my own personal experience, it would actually be rather unwelcomed.”

“Despite these internal warnings, there is no sign that Disney is slowing down its efforts to achieve ideological purity,” he wrote.

“The company recently fired actress Gina Carano for expressing a conservative point of view. Content managers have modified and added ‘content advisories’ to films such as Dumbo, Aladdin, and Fantasia, which, according to an internal video that I have obtained, executives have denounced as ‘racist content.’ In the same video, Executive Chairman Bob Iger pledged that the company ‘should be taking a stand’ on political controversies and no longer ‘shy away from politics’ in the future.”

“Disney is playing with fire. The premise of the company has always been to provide an escape for middle Americans, but Disney’s executives seem to have growing contempt for the very people who visit their amusement parks, watch their films, and buy their merchandise.”

And what did Rufo discover in the Disney document dump?

Rufo found that Walt Disney Corp., which touts its amusement parks as “the happiest place on Earth,” terrorizes its employees, intimidating them into unquestioning acceptance of the most orthodox dictates of critical race theory.

Over the past year its corporate leaders have transformed critical race theory into corporate dogma, besieging hapless workers with trainings on “systemic racism,” “white privilege,” and “white fragility,” while creating racially-segregated “affinity groups” at the head office.

Rufo obtained what he called “a trove of whistleblower documents related to Disney’s ‘diversity and inclusion’ program, called ‘Reimagine Tomorrow,’ which paints a disturbing picture of the company’s embrace of racial politics.”

Disney attempts to indoctrinate its employees through a series of training modules dealing with “antiracism.”

In one the company directs employees to “take ownership of educating [themselves] about structural anti-Black racism.” Instead of relying on black colleagues to enlighten them, they need to take the initiative because it is “emotionally taxing” for blacks to have explain themselves.

The United States, according to the paper, has a “long history of systemic racism and transphobia” and white employees have to “work through feelings of guilt, shame, and defensiveness to understand what is beneath them and what needs to be healed.”

Employees can become good “allies” by “challeng[ing] colorblind ideologies and rhetoric” such as “All Lives Matter” and “I don’t see color.” The latter two phrases are “harmful and hurtful, as it is a form of erasing the real and specific ways racial identities affect lived experiences.” Employees must also “listen with empathy [to] Black colleagues” and must “not question or debate Black colleagues’ lived experience.”

And woe to the Disney employee not up to speed on every aspect of intersectionality.

“Consider the ways multiple dimensions of identity (e.g. race, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, socio-economic, veterans) can make people vulnerable to interlocking forms of bias or systems of exclusion,” the document states. “For example, Black transgender and gender non-conforming people face one of the highest levels of discrimination.”

Just because you have black friends and colleagues or are yourself a minority doesn’t mean you’re not oppressing blacks:

“Reflect on the diversity of your personal and professional networks and how racial and other dimensions of your identity give (or do not give) you access and advantage. Proximity to Black people or being part of a marginalized group does not mean you cannot harbor bias.”

Employees should “[c]ontribute to the Black community by consistently supporting Black/ African American-owned businesses and/or volunteering for organizations that advance racial equity and justice.”

Employees should also snitch on other employees if they see “problematic posts” on “company approved social channels,” a Disney document states.

In another module Disney instructs employees to reject “equality,” with its focus on “equal treatment and access to opportunities,” and instead aim for “equity,” with a focus on “the equality of outcome.” Workers have to “reflect” on America’s “racist infrastructure” and “think carefully about whether or not your wealth, income, treatment by the criminal justice system, employment, access to housing, health care, political power, and education might be different if you were of a different race.”

Disney partnered with the YWCA to create something called the “21-Day Racial Equity and Social Justice Challenge.” Participants are required to affirm that they have all “been raised in a society that elevates white culture over others.” They complete a white privilege “checklist,” which includes check-off options such as: “I am white,” I am heterosexual,” “I am a man,” “I still identity as the gender I was born in,” “I have never been raped,” “I don’t rely on public transportation,” and “I have never been called a terrorist.”

Participants learn about “white fragility,” and are made to believe that treating people of different races the same is proof they have somehow internalized their racism and white fragility. They are informed they must figure out how to “pivot” from “white dominant culture” to “something different.” Values that “perpetuate white supremacy culture,” such as “competition,” “individualism,” and “timeliness” must be rejected, they are told.

Disney also urges employees to read how-to guides including “75 Things White People Can Do for Racial Justice” and “Your Kids Are Not Too Young to Talk About Race.” White employees learn they must “defund the police,” “participate in reparations,” “decolonize your bookshelf,” “don’t gentrify neighborhoods,” and “donate to anti-white supremacy work such as your local Black Lives Matter Chapter.” Parents are encouraged to commit to “raising race-consciousness in children” and contends that “even babies discriminate” against members of other races.

It’s hard to believe America has gotten so screwed up that people anywhere take diversity and inclusion scams seriously, and that they are willing to put up with the kind of woke bullying that Disney forces on its employees.

Although there is little evidence that the hipster-fascists of the woke corporate world are mending their ways and abandoning their ongoing infantilization of blacks and brainwashing of American society, it is good to know at least that they can be embarrassed and beaten back.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

Putin’s Revenge: The Biden/Harris Ticket

When the FBI cleared Putin in Colonial Pipeline hack, it was a real bombshell and my blood pressure went over 200. Two questions immediately came to the forefront, and those questions must be answered. Does the FBI and our Intel know well Russia and her Intelligence apparatus? Or, perhaps, has the FBI collaborated with Russian Intel? We had numerous events to be skeptical and suspicious about Russia during the last several decades, and the phrase Russia, Russia, and Russia has occupied our politics and press. Yet, neither of those two questions have been answered despite the fact that the FBI and our Intel are two primary gates of national security in America…

History of the Truth

We have multiple crises at home and abroad. But don’t be surprised, those crises all have derived from the same cause and the same source—Russia. Moreover, America sees a Socialist Revolution in the country today and nobody in power understands nor reacts accordingly to stop it. Where is the FBI, where are all 17 Intelligence agencies? The answer to the questions is simple: None of them know Russia, her Intel, which is spreading the ideology of Soviet Socialism globally for the last hundred years. The FBI Director was wrong saying: “I don’t think there is any country (but China) that presents a more severe threat to our innovation, our economic security and our democratic ideals,” he stated at Senate Hearing April 14, 2021.

The FBI Director Christopher Wray is very wrong, because there is another bad actor from within, who began destroying our country and the Western civilization a hundred years ago—Russia. Yes, Russia is the major problem of the world for the last century and yes, Russia is killing our soldiers in Afghanistan and Iraq. Yet, neither American Intel, all seventeen, nor the FBI know Russia, her Intel, and the ideology of Soviet Socialism. In fact, Russia has been “A National Emergency” since Stalinist Soviet Socialism’s aspirations to spread that ideology globally, established in the 1930s.

As a former Soviet defense attorney, I had known that history and warned Americans in my writings for the last thirty-five years… The Collapse of the Soviet Union has not changed anything in the security apparatus—Putin’s KGB is still in control and power in Russia. As a matter of fact, I am using the term the KGB writing about Russian Intel as a whole. Americans are well aware of those three letters. I am discussing with Americans the KGB Mafia/Army in our country. And it is not a coincidence that the KGB had survived and catapulted a former counter-intelligence officer of the KGB, Vladimir Putin to the Presidency.

I remember well Putin’s reaction on the Collapse of the Soviet Union and I was ready for a deadly act of reciprocity from him. In his annual state of the nation address Vladimir Putin told Russia that the collapse of the Soviet empire “was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century.” Putin: ”Soviet collapse is a ‘genuine tragedy.” Knowing his arrogance and impudence, I had expected a deadly revenge, but I never imagined his fatal plot against the American Constitutional republic. It didn’t started in the 21st century with the Trump/Dossier, it was a continuation of a deliberate series of lies to mislead the American public to help Democrats prevent Trump’s victory. Putin’s major agenda was to defeat Trump and he has used collaboration with the Dems inherited from Stalin and Andropov.

To better comprehend Andropov’s design, I gave you a term Socialist Charlatans—the Democrats, who use Socialist/Communist modus operandi. This modus operandi has been used despite of the Collapse of the Soviet Union by the KGB’s Mafia-Army globally to deceive and mislead you in America, just listen to Bernie Sanders, Al Sharpton or Chicago’s Mayor undermine our democracy and moral values. It is they who propagated the racist atmosphere in our society, especially in our educational system. Socialist Charlatans are helping Putin to take down America the Beautiful…

The day Putin became a Prime Minister in the 1990s, he revived the traditions of his devoted disciples Stalin and Andropov by continuing the war against the West, sponsoring and militarizing: Iran, Venezuela, and Syria, Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorists, including a Palestinian Jihad against Western civilization in the Middle East. Just look at Socialist Charlatans around the world: they have the same agenda: targeting and assaulting Jews simultaneously in Gaza, Los Angeles, and New York City, and… in our Congress by the “Squad,” calling Israel an apartheid state—it is Socialist hatred with big lies and distortion. Had you read my columns, you would know that we are witnessing the Andropov’s Legacy in 2021.

The Middle East and Russia

History is the Mother of all sciences and it obliged me to remind you the name of Yasser Arafat and his so-called Palestinian Liberation Organization PLO. He was recruited by the KGB in 1957 and began a permanent revolution in the Middle East. Putin has continued implementing Stalin’s design to make Iran a master of the Middle East. Pay attention to the current Biden/Harris administration desire to go back to Putin/Obama’s conspiracy with the Iran-Deal. Iran is not only a Hostile Regime, the country itself and its leadership have been militarized by Russia beginning with Andropov’s revolutions in the Middle East 1979. It has been continued by Putin, and has resulted in the current war between Israel and Palestinian Authority, when Hamas, a Russian/Iranian proxy launched four thousand missiles against Israeli civilians. Charter agenda of Hamas is to genocide Jews of the world. Nazis had the similar agenda…

Now, I need to present the Fareed Zachariah Show, CNN, who interviewed Rashid Khalid and Martin Indyk, May 16. 21. Both men are Democrats and though they promised to present the history of the Middle East, they limited themselves to dredge up current Palestinian lies. The issue of the Middle East can’t be resolved without knowledge of Russia and its Intel. One example can give you a unique substance and depth of the matter: Introduced by Yasser Arafat, Mahmoud Abbas is a Palestinian President elected to four years, but he is now keeping presidency for seventeen years. He is a trained Socialist Charlatan a graduate at the Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow, where he earned a Candidate of Sciences degree (the Soviet equivalent of a PhD). As a Holocaust denier, his 1982 dissertation, published as “The Other Side: the Secret Relationship between Nazism and Zionism.”

The Palestinian President Mahmud Abbas was a student of Yuri Andropov, the KGB Chairman 1967-1982, well known to me. Andropov’s design of simultaneously infiltrate the media and the Intel apparatus is fully described in my columns… Americans should read about that design to learn about Russia. There won’t be any peaceful solution of the Middle East confrontation until the sinister role of Russia and her Intel that have played for years “to divide and conquer,” provoke, and manipulate would be exposed. Let alone the establishment by Russia of the terrorist gangs in the area… I am repeating for many years and repeating again: Knowledge of Russia and her Intel is a Must to bring peace and global tranquility to the human beings of the world…

Biden and the KGB’s Mafia-Army

If you know Socialist/Communist modus operandi, you can easily meet it in America today. Our media produces a bucket of naked lies and deceits from Socialist Charlatans. We are watching every day an invasion of the illegal nationals from different countries along the Southern border, but the administration told us that “border is closed,” calling illegals ‘refugees’, which is a fraud and Biden’s Border crossings in 2021 are very high. I am a political refugee—current illegal nationals are not refugees! What do you think, who organized that invasion with thousands of children coming to the border? The answer to many questions is in my column: From Uncle Joe # 1 to Uncle Joe # 2, drrichswier.com/author/spipko/ March 8, 2021. Read it attentively to grasp the essence of the KGB’s Mafia-Army acting globally.

Today Cyberattacks threaten our national security, yet, Biden said that Hackers were based out of Russia, giving Putin a pass. He is creating problems instead of solving them at a time when a criminal cabal of Russian/Chinese Socialist Charlatans has come out from underground and are openly fighting our unique Constitutional republic designed by our Founding Fathers. Biden creates a slow-motion-disaster machine. Besides, we are under the constant attacks on our infrastructure from Moscow and Beijing. Here is a part of the recent events in the world.

“It was under Biden that the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline work continued.  It was under Biden that the preparations for the seizure of Taiwan by China entered the final phase. Under Biden, China’s seizure of the South China Sea, suspended by Trump, is close to completion.  Under Biden, both Russia and China decided on something that was simply unthinkable under Trump — they forced preparations for open aggression against neighbors.” The Beasts Smell Blood by Gary Gindler, American Thinker, May 15, 2021

The state of American national security is in dire straits. I will give you two examples to grasp the threat: You are well familiar with a Mayor Pete, he is lecturing us in religion and morality. He is following his father, who was lecturing Marxian-Leninism in Russia, and had ties with the KGB. He brought up his son accordingly. Yet, the FBI allowed Mayor Pete to run for the U.S. presidency among other six candidates sponsored by the KGB. Mayor Pete is the Secretary of Transportation in the Biden administration today and there are some others like him on Biden’s staff from Obama’s team. They are running America in 2021…

Another example: Don’t be surprised by Biden’s policy favoring Russia. Somewhere in 2013-2014 we saw several pictures of the trio: Obama, Joe and Hunter Biden. What does Obama have in common with Hunter Biden? What did they discuss? It was that time when Obama made Joe Biden a point man in Ukraine. Perhaps, they discussed Ukraine, because the American Embassy had helped Hunter in Kiev to find a Russian asset, a Ukrainian oligarch connected to Russia. As a matter of fact, without Ukraine, Putin can’t have again a Russian Empire. Read my columns about Biden and Ukraine.

Biden was helping Putin to suffocate young Ukrainian democratic forces, fighting Russian Socialist Charlatans in Ukraine. Joe Biden is again helping Putin. Maybe now you better understand my columns about A Global Spy Ring? By the way, a Globalist Putin is planning to unite American Presidency with the English Royal House to have a total global control and power. Don’t be surprised by the recent bombshells involving members of the English Royal House. Nobody can escape the KGB’s “attention.” The FBI must learn fast Putin’s Russia, her Intel and Socialist modus operandi to defeat Socialist Revolution in America…

©Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

Covid-19 Vaccination is an Ethical Minefield, Even for Doctors

The Covid-19 pandemic has raised a multitude of complex ethical issues — and new ones present themselves daily. These issues, including those related to vaccination, arise at four levels:

  • micro or individual (for example, when a doctor vaccinates a patient);
  • meso or institutional (regarding, for instance, a hospital’s or aged care residence’s policy on vaccinating staff);
  • macro or societal (a government’s decisions or public health regulations governing distribution of vaccines and access to vaccination); and
  • mega or global (such as a nation’s obligations to provide vaccines to those in developing countries, which are without vaccines).

In many Covid-19 related decision-making situations at each of these levels, decision makers face what is called in bioethics a “world of competing sorrows” — that is, decision making in which there is no “no harm” option, but in which, instead, they must choose to whom harm will be allocated.

The ethical difficulties are exacerbated when the harms and benefits do not accrue to the same people or, at least, not in equal measure. A striking example of such a situation at the macro or societal level would be the use of “lockdowns”, when the choice is between protecting public health and inflicting serious economic harm.

What I want to focus on here is a particular micro-level issue: that of a healthcare professional’s obligation to obtain a person’s informed consent to Covid-19 vaccination.

Failure to obtain an informed consent to, or an informed refusal of, medical treatment — which includes vaccination — is medical negligence (medical malpractice). Informed consent to or refusal of medical treatment has three requirements: competence, information, and voluntariness. There is a wealth of research on what is needed to establish each element, but here is a brief summary.


The law presumes that all adults are competent, until proven otherwise. Children are not presumed to be competent, but those with the required mental capacity can be found competent to give an informed consent. Competence requires that the person must be able to understand the information they are required to be given in order to obtain their informed consent or refusal, and be able to appreciate the consequences of the decision they make.

Medical treatment decisions for incompetent persons must be made by a competent “substitute decision maker”, who implements what they believe would be the incompetent person’s preferences and acts in the “best interests” of the incompetent person.


All the information that would be “material” to a reasonable person in the same circumstances as the person seeking vaccination must be disclosed, along with any additional information the healthcare professional knows or ought to know the particular person would want to know, including honest answers to all of the person’s questions.

Risks of death are always regarded as “material risks”, even if of very low probability. This explains the temporary suspension of using the AstraZeneca vaccine in Australia in order to add disclosure of the rare risk of fatal blood clots (cerebral venous thrombosis) to the consent form signed by the person.

To obtain an informed consent to, or informed refusal of, any given treatment, the person must be offered all medically indicated treatments and the risks, harms, benefits, and potential benefits of each and of refusing all treatment must be disclosed. Failure to do so would negate informed consent to any vaccine given, even, possibly, if the required disclosure regarding that vaccine were made.

Likewise, an informed refusal of vaccination would be negated by the inadequate disclosure of the same information — in particular, of the benefits of vaccination and of the fact that the risks associated with Covid-19 infection far outweigh the risks of vaccination.

This extensive disclosure requirement can raise problems. What if a particular person is not told about the least risky Covid-19 vaccine for them and they develop serious complications from the vaccine administered that was not the least risky one? Have they given their informed consent to the vaccine given?

If the least risky vaccine is not available — subject to its unavailability not being the fault of some authority with responsibility for providing vaccines — there is probably no ethical or legal breach for not disclosing its existence. That said, it is a controversial topic in medical ethics, in general, whether treatments, which are indicated as treatment or prophylaxis for the patient, but are not available, must be disclosed in order to obtain informed consent to the treatment provided.

A further complexity is what if the least risky vaccine will become available, but not, let us say, for six months, as is true of sufficient quantities of the Pfizer vaccine? Does everyone at least have to be told of the Pfizer vaccine and its future planned availability in order to obtain their informed consent to the AstraZeneca vaccine at present?

What if, however, the vaccine is available, but in limited quantities, and by government or bureaucratic decree is not being offered to the group of people to which the person belongs? Keep in mind that a doctor has a primary obligation of personal care to each individual patient. This means they must always put that patient’s “best interests” first — that is, before their own interests and those of other people.

Let us take an example.

Both AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines are being administered to Australians, but there are limited quantities of the Pfizer vaccine and, with certain exceptions, it is not being offered to people 50 years of age or over. What if someone over fifty could be at more risk of blood clots than the general over-50 population? For example, what are a doctor’s obligations to a woman patient aged 55 years, who is taking post-menopausal hormone therapy, is diabetic, and has previously suffered a deep vein thrombosis (DVT)? Should the doctor offer her the AstraZeneca vaccine?

A doctor’s ethical and legal obligations

The first question is: what are the doctor’s ethical and legal obligations to this particular patient?

Just because the government has pronounced a policy or guidelines does not mean that a doctor following those guidelines is acting ethically or even legally. To avoid medical negligence (malpractice), the doctor must act within the parameters of what a reasonably careful and competent doctor would and would not do in the same circumstances — including with respect to the range of treatments offered and obtaining informed consent to the treatment chosen by the patient. That can require taking a different path from that articulated in the guidelines.

The second question is: if this patient is offered the AstraZeneca vaccine, must she also be offered the Pfizer vaccine, assuming that it could be obtained, in order to obtain her informed consent to accepting the AstraZeneca vaccine? In other words, if she accepts the AstraZeneca vaccine without being offered the Pfizer vaccine, is her consent to the AstraZeneca vaccine ethically and legally valid?


This question leads beyond information requirements for informed consent to the third requirement for an ethically and legally valid consent — that is, voluntariness and its requirements that the person’s consent not be tainted with coercion, duress or undue influence (which will be discussed shortly).

Yet another question is, if the Pfizer vaccine is available (whether or not in limited quantities), and Australia has a large stockpile of the AstraZeneca vaccine, may the government still limit the availability of the Pfizer vaccine to those under 50 years of age? It is very difficult, perhaps almost impossible, to argue this could be justified. That difficulty is augmented by the fact that recent research found that mRNA based vaccines (Pfizer is one; AstraZeneca is not) seem to have additional benefits in that they are effective against at least some variants of the Covid-19 virus and possibly many of them.

Disclosure and perceptions of risks

The seriousness and probability of risks is always relevant to whether they need to be disclosed. The more serious and the more probable a risk, the more likely it is that it must be disclosed. The difference between knowing and appreciating the risk is also relevant. Many people have difficulty understanding probability — namely, that statistics are true for a group, but not for any one person, which can be a barrier to understanding the risk and appreciating the likely consequences of running or refusing to run it.

In addition, the comparative or relative risk of the various options regarding vaccination is a relevant fact that should be disclosed. The risk of developing blood clots is not only the risk of vaccination, but also the risk inherent in being infected with Covid-19. One in four people with Covid-19 admitted to intensive care units develop blood clots, and around 25 percent of them die. In an as yet unpublished study from Oxford University, researchers found that Covid-19 infection is up to ten times more likely to cause blood clots than vaccination with the Pfizer or Moderna mRNA vaccines. The AstraZeneca vaccine is not an mRNA vaccine, but it too is far less likely to cause clots than infection with Covid-19.

Factors other than seriousness and probability of risk are also relevant in people’s decision making regarding whether to run a particular risk. People can view risks that appear to result from chance very differently from those resulting from a choice to impose the risk made by an identified decision maker. They are much more tolerant of risks seemingly arising by chance than by another person’s or institution’s choice. In short, they can have very different reactions to harm seen as resulting from “an act of God” as compared with harm resulting from “an act of a healthcare professional”.

The ‘dread factor’ in risk

As I’ve already noted, a person who refuses vaccination with the AstraZeneca vaccine runs a greater risk of infection with Covid-19 and, if infected, of serious complications, than if they had accepted vaccination. However, if this risk of refusing AstraZeneca vaccination materialises, it is likely to be seen as having arisen from chance, whereas blood clots caused by the vaccine are likely to be seen as caused by an identified agent. This could be the doctor or nurse who gave the jab, or the government, which allocated the probably less risky Pfizer vaccine to others, or all of these decision makers and actors. Ethical responsibility is not like a football (you no longer have it when you throw it to someone else), it is more like a cake (everyone can have a slice).

Risks have a dread factor: the more familiar the risk, the lower the dread factor; and the more unfamiliar the risk, the higher the dread factor; the higher the dread factor, the more likely the person is to refuse to run the risk.

An example is the fact that people take the risks of being killed in a car accident every day, but they will refuse to fly, even though the risk of death from a plane crash is far lower than that incurred in travel by car. A plane crash has a much higher dread factor than a car crash.

Risks also have a time factor: the more immediate the materialisation of the risk could be, the less tolerance there is for chancing it; the further away the consequences, the less weight the risk is given. The long-term risk of developing lung cancer from smoking is a good example of the latter. Covid-19 vaccination has an immediate risk of medical complications; the risks from contracting Covid-19 are possibly not as immediate, at least in Australia.

Psychologists have found that in evaluating whether to run a particular risk, people make the opposite decision from their last worst risk-taking decision. So, for instance, engineers who decided that a dam wall was safe (even though there was a risk it was not), and the dam broke engulfing a small town and killing many people, the next time they evaluated a dam wall found it to be unsafe. Individuals’ last worst decision regarding the risks of a prophylactic medical treatment will vary from person to person.

Then, beyond the obvious ones, which risks fall within the disclosure requirements? The risk of blood clots from the AstraZeneca vaccine is present for two weeks or more after vaccination (there have been suggestions of even up to 12 months). Is the psychological stress of living with that possibility and the chance of developing a clinically significant anxiety disorder as a result a risk that needs to be disclosed? What about the fact that there is no established treatment for the vaccine-induced blood clots? In addition, must the over 20 percent fatality rate of the people who do develop vaccine induced clots be disclosed? These are very difficult questions on which there will not be consensus regarding the answers.

The impact of both mainstream and social media on the public’s perception of risk is also an important consideration, especially in a “post-truth” world. The media, too, must act ethically and responsibly in their communications and must not exploit people’s fear regarding Covid-19 or vaccination just in order to increase their audience share.


The doctrine of informed consent puts into effect respect for the patient’s autonomy and their right to self-determination. Voluntariness requires that the patient’s consent to treatment be free of coercion, duress, or undue influence.

Mandatory vaccination raises many complex ethical and human rights issues — including the fact that it would bypass informed consent. In situations that clearly fulfil all the requirements of the doctrine of necessity, it can be justified as an exception to the basic presumption that a person’s (or their legal surrogate decision-maker’s) informed consent to medical treatment is always required. Protection of public health is a long-established domain of such exceptions. (I note that some people will strongly disagree that any exceptions are ethical.)

However, duress or undue influence can be less direct. For example, a person can be told that their continuing employment depends on their being vaccinated. This demand is most likely to be justified where it is necessary to protect vulnerable people from exposure to Covid-19, those who are fragile or have disabilities, such as residents of aged care homes. The employee has an option of resigning, but the consent to vaccination is not entirely free.

And what about people over 50, who would choose to have the Pfizer vaccine, but are offered only the AstraZeneca vaccine — is their consent to the latter sufficiently free?

Final considerations

I began by pointing out the four levels of decision-making and that this discussion of the requirements of informed consent to Covid-19 vaccination would focus on the micro- or individual level. However, all the other levels must be concurrently taken into account; the protection and promotion of the “common good” can modify what otherwise would be required at the individual level — including what is required to obtain an individual person’s informed consent.

It is important to recognise that the values which apply at the different levels are not the same and can be in conflict.

For instance, at the micro-level, an individual doctor treating an individual patient must not put the “common good” before the patient’s “best interests”. In contrast, at the meso-level, if a hospital is to act justly, it might be ethically required to give priority to the “best interests” of all patients at the expense of the individual’s “best interests”. The most likely situation in relation to Covid-19 where the “common good” can take priority over respect for individual autonomy is, at the macro-level, when protection of public health clearly requires a coercive intervention, such as lockdown or “social distancing”.

It is a truism in ethics, but no less important for being such, that good facts are essential for good ethics. Dealing with Covid-19 vaccines involves many situations of unavoidable uncertainty with respect to the facts. We need to keep in mind that many ethical mistakes are made when we are frightened of living with that uncertainty and convert it to false certainty — in which case we are certain, but we are ethically wrong. This is an ever-present danger in the political and public policy sphere, especially under the guise of the “we mustn’t panic the public” syndrome, sometimes used by government bureaucrats to avoid transparency and “being blamed” for harmful outcomes of their decisions.

Good intentions?

Intention matters in ethics. The same decision might be ethical if made for one reason, but unethical if made for another reason. Let us test this by looking at the federal government’s decision about access to the Pfizer vaccine.

The Pfizer vaccine, with some exceptions, will only be offered to people in general under 50 years of age. A majority of those who have developed blood clots are women. Should government policy be to offer women the Pfizer vaccine, rather than people under 50? This would be to substitute sex discrimination for age discrimination. Or was the decision based on reasoning that those under 50 are less at risk in waiting for the Pfizer vaccine than those over 50? Or was the reasoning something else?

In short, to judge the ethical acceptability of this decision we need to know the risk/benefit calculus on which it was based. Without all those facts, we cannot properly judge its ethical acceptability.

The original version of this article was published on ABC Religion & Ethics.

Margaret Somerville

Margaret Somerville is Professor of Bioethics at the University of Notre Dame Australia School of Medicine (Sydney campus). She is also Samuel Gale Professor of Law Emerita, Professor Emerita in the Faculty… More by Margaret Somerville.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BLM Sends Rioters To Gaza To Protest Israel By Burning Down Palestinian Businesses

GAZA—BLM has expressed solidarity with Hamas and Palestine by sending organizers to protest Israel by rampaging through Gaza and burning down Palestinian-owned businesses.

“Everyone knows the best way to fight back against your oppressor is to burn down your own community,” said BLM leader Patrisse Cullors. “We here at BLM are experts at that, so we figured the least we can do is help out.”

BLM sent 500 of their best ground troops to enter Gaza at night. They immediately began looting the local shoe store and Halal market before setting fire to an apartment building.

“Free, free, Palestine! Free, free, Palestine! Black and brown lives matter!” they chanted loudly as the townspeople began to wake up.

“This seems kinda counterproductive,” said one Hamas leader. “But, if it works in America, maybe we should try it here.”


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EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Rock Icon Van Morrison Bucks Woke Establishment, Left Goes Nuts

My latest in PJ Media:

Van Morrison (“Brown-Eyed Girl,” “Gloria,” “Domino”) is 75 now, but he is more anti-establishment than ever. However, instead of posturing about being marginalized while enjoying elite status like so many on the left today, who like to pretend that we still live in Eisenhower’s gray-flannel, button-down America of leftist myth, Van the Man is bucking the real establishment: the authoritarian woke nanny state that is the idiot stepchild of the hippie culture for which he was once a foremost voice.

Morrison’s just-released new album, the utilitarianly-named Latest Record Project Volume 1, speaks real truth to actual power, in sharp contrast to today’s legion of multimillionaire singers and Hollywood stars who strut around pretending to be defiant outcasts. Morrison skewers them, too, singing:

Where have all the rebels gone?
Hiding behind computer screens
Where’s the spirit, where’s the soul?
Where have all the rebels gone?
Why don’t they come out of the woodwork now?
One for the money, two for the show
It’s not very rock and roll
Where have all the rebels gone?

What does Morrison want us to rebel against? The social media oligarchy that exercises near-total control over the public discourse, for one thing:

Why are you on Facebook?
Why do you need second-hand friends?
Why do you really care who’s trending?
Or is there something you’re defending?
Get a life, is it that empty and sad?

Another target is the “journalists” who have transformed the establishment media from a news source to a manipulative and deceptive propaganda organ for the far-left, in the song “They Own the Media”:

They tell us that ignorance is bliss
I guess by those that control the media, it is
They own the media, they control the stories we are told
If you ever try to go against them, you will be ignored…

They control the narrative, they perpetuate the myth
Keep on telling you lies, tell you ignorance is bliss
Believe it all and you’ll never get, never get wise
To the truth, ‘cause they control everything you do

Predictably, the leftist establishment is enraged at all this, and is out to destroy Morrison for daring to step outside what it has set as the acceptable parameters of public discourse. The ugliest aspect of this has been accusations of anti-Semitism, based on…absolutely nothing. The Los Angeles Times leveled this accusation even in the act of admitting it was baseless: “And about ‘They Own the Media’? While the song doesn’t explicitly name Jewish people as its ‘They,’ it does elevate an anti-Semitic trope that has recently been revived in an even more malicious form by QAnon followers.”

There is more. Read the rest here.


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India: Muslim plots to murder Hindu priest for criticizing Muhammad

Israel approves ceasefire, to begin at 2AM

Islamic scholar: ‘Humanity will not thrive’ until Jews are ‘annihilated, and this is exactly what Islam prophesied’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.