John Boehner Calls Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz ‘Political Terrorists’

No one could possibly be glad to see former House Speaker John Boehner (R-McCain) back in the arena, with the possible exception of his ideological kin such as Mitt Romney and Lisa Murkowski, but he is newly useful to the political and media elites, and so we are once again being treated to his leathery visage on the morning shows. Boehner, you see, has a new memoir out in which he viciously slams Trump and other Republican leaders, thus giving the media a new example they can trot out of what Republicans really ought to be: docile, submissive, supportive of the leftist agenda, and vituperatively hostile to Republicans who genuinely oppose the political establishment. On CBS Sunday Morning set to air on April 11, Boehner reserved particular venom for Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas), whom he called “political terrorists.”

CBS Sunday Morning’s John Dickerson served up the softball, saying to Boehner: “You call some of these members ‘political terrorists.’”

“Oh, yeah,” Boehner replied without hesitation, “Jim Jordan especially, my colleague from Ohio. I just never saw a guy who spent more time tearing things apart – never building anything, never putting anything together.”

Yes, of course, because we all know how much the likes of Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and Old Joe Biden’s handlers, who are among the most partisan and uncompromising lawmakers in American history, want to build things and put things together.

Boehner took a shot at Ted Cruz as well, after first saying that he wouldn’t: “I don’t beat anybody up, it’s – not really my style, except that jerk. … Perfect symbol, you know, of getting elected, make a lot of noise, draw a lot of attention to yourself, raise a lot of money, which means you’re gonna go make more noise, raise more money, and – it’s really, it’s unfortunate.”

What’s really unfortunate is that Boehner, who is throwing his party colleagues under the bus to sell his new book, On the House: A Washington Memoir, also carries water for the increasingly ridiculous establishment narrative that the January 6 Capitol riot constituted an “insurrection” incited by Trump, despite the fact that no one involved seems to have had any guns, and Trump didn’t tell anyone to storm the Capitol building or do anything but protest peacefully. According to Boehner, Trump incited this bogus insurrection “for nothing more than selfish reasons, perpetuated by the [expletive] he’s been shoveling since he lost a fair election the previous November.”

CBS added that “Boehner and Dickerson also discuss how Congress has changed as a result of a group of extremists and how they threaten the health of the institution and the Republican Party, as well as how he is spending his time now that he is out of office.”

Boehner is a member of the single-party political elite that holds sway in Washington. As speaker, he was part of the controlled opposition, and is now engaged here in an act of defaming and attempting to destroy members of the genuine opposition. As for his use of the word “terrorist,” it’s noteworthy that back in September 2014, as speaker of the House, he voted in favor of aid to Syrian jihad groups that were ostensibly fighting against the Islamic State. The New York Times noted the “rare unity between House Speaker John A. Boehner of Ohio and Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the minority leader.”

Boehner would never have dreamed of calling the Syrian recipients of that American aid “terrorists,” yet Breitbart reported at the time that “the US-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA), Al Nusra Front, and the Islamic State have paired together in order to fight President Bashar al-Assad’s Syrian Armed Forces, according to statements from multiple commanders from within the FSA. ‘We are collaborating with the Islamic State and the Nusra Front by attacking the Syrian Army’s gatherings in… Qalamoun,’ said Bassel Idriss, a commander of a Free Syrian Army brigade.”

In July 2013, Free Syrian Army fighters entered the Christian village of Oum Sharshouh and began burning down houses and terrorizing the population, forcing 250 Christian families to flee the area. Worthy News reported that just two days later, Free Syrian Army rebels “targeted the residents of al-Duwayr/Douar, a Christian village close to the city of Homs and near Syria’s border with Lebanon…. Around 350 armed militants forcefully entered the homes of Christian families who were all rounded-up in the main square of the village and then summarily executed.” And in September 2013, a day after Secretary of State John Kerry praised the Free Syrian Army as “a real moderate opposition,” the FSA took to the Internet to post videos of its attack on the ancient Syrian Christian city of Maaloula.

But for the unspeakable John Boehner, Jim Jordan and Ted Cruz are terrorists; the Free Syrian Army is not. All in a day’s work for the controlled opposition.


John Boehner Calls Cruz ‘Lucifer in the Flesh,’ Praises Obama

John Boehner Kicks His Own Party While It’s Down

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Epilogue to a Friendship

I had been invited to lunch with an old friend with whom there is no more common ground. Despite all my efforts to explain that I will no longer be censored, she extends yet another invitation, cannot address specific issues, uses words without substance, and remains in her “safe space.” Such is the mindset of the left.

I could not overlook the sincerity of her many overtures for lunch and renewed friendship, which is why I decided to write at length – not only as a courtesy but to lay bare our crucial differences. She believed we could maintain a friendship despite our ideas, and I didn’t see that possibility. She votes for the destruction of my country, for a sellout to China, to welcome losing our individual freedoms, and for the numerous hate-spewing antisemites that the democrats (Pelosi, et al) put into powerful positions, the most renowned being Ilhan Omar, Rashida Tlaib, and AOC.

Her actions changed our schools, encouraged the terribly divisive Critical Race Theory that boosts a deleterious racial divide, the over-sexualization of our kindergarteners, and a sickness of transgenderism whose consequences are horrific mutilation, regret, and increasing suicides. While I supposed her daughter’s son is secure in a special school (although I cautioned of past dangers to the disabled/handicapped), I was surprised to learn that her son’s children are homeschooled. Hence, she has no concerns about all other children in our country, their indoctrination against America and our founding principles. Did she know her grandchildren may face grave danger because of accusations of “white supremacy,” and today’s curricula, where students learn that inferior whites are the source of every affliction and inequity? The darker-skinned children are thus infused with a false sense of victimhood and rage, with a defeatism that actually decreases their morale, their motivation, and their chances to thrive. Hiring decisions are now based on skin color, not merit, and white farmers have just been banned from the federal COVID relief program because of their complexion; their toil, expenses, equal suffering due to blight, climate and coronavirus are annulled. The ideology of the left damages everyone.

I reminded her that her vote went to financing Antifa and the Marxist Black Lives Matter movement, so that they might loot businesses, damage private property, topple monuments, ruin entire neighborhoods, harm residents, and work to defund the police so that their destruction might continue unconstrained. Her vote is partly responsible for Biden’s increased taxation to provide for migrants’ care, food, clothing, and even one-on-one schooling by teachers who refused to teach our children in public schools! Her views are destroying our economy, and we will soon live and die as those in Russia, Cuba, China, Venezuela, etc. Rush Limbaugh said, “No nation has ever been taxed into prosperity.” My friend and her husband always seemed so bright, but how could I maintain a friendship with the enemy of my country? I had a lump in my throat now that my thoughts, once random, were taking shape in the printed word.

Although she said she respected my views, she invariably stifled them. She had a knack for deftly switching subjects before I knew what hit me. She alibied her views as complex and nuanced, but these are vagaries and evasion, not even euphemisms, but empty, meaningless syllables. I granted she was not a weapon-wielding radical, but she empowered others to do her dirty work. There is no middle ground: one is either for us or against us.

I believe that she never admitted her true allegiance because she subconsciously knew it was immoral – and anti-patriotic. Whatever she favors – socialism/communism, or fascism/Nazism, or globalism, or Islam – it is not Americanism but a totalitarian ideology that endangers us all. The common German who turned his Jewish neighbor over to the Gestapo also suffered during the war, if not by torture, then from fear, starvation, bombings and loss of loved ones. Even the American traitor will eventually succumb to America’s future.

Votes that put President Trump into office resulted in four years of increased freedom, the ability to thrive as far as our intellect and energy allowed, whereas Obama/Soros/Biden is already leading to our subjugation to despots. I could never look this woman in the eye amid our collapsing world. When the first illegal alien was permitted entry, raped and murdered one of our own, spread some disease among the population, I would recognize that her actions had contributed. When this administration continues to provide trillions of dollars to foreign entities while our own citizens live on the streets, I’ll understand that she bore no remorse. When AOC’s Green New Deal destroys a major food source – cattle for beef and dairy products – I would remember who put her into office. When our government again remunerates Palestinians to kill Israelis, I would remember who directed my income to kill my kin. When Bill Gates continues to buy and neglect agricultural land to thwart food production and depopulate the world (the way Stalin starved millions), I would wonder if she connected the dots. Those who starve and die would not be assuaged by her “nuances.” China also owned nearly 30 million acres of American farmland by mid-2019, then valued at more than $1.4 billion, with the help of her allegiance to the Democrat Party.

When once I assumed that she was so busy working, that she was really ignorant of the changes in our world, I now grasp she knew more than she alleged, that her vote would impact the end of our Republic.

Had this “friend” read my book, Confronting the Deception, Inflamed by 9/11, fired up by the Deep State, she’d have known that I spent two decades confronting the deception, in Islam, academia and the media. I had long been dealing with “complexities and nuance” – prepared for another such occasion. However, I do recommend to her and my readers, Hitler’s Nazism and our left, to face the similarities between fascism and our world; they are not coincidental.

There is a stunning video, a brief warning, by a Holocaust survivor who recognizes the commonalities between today’s world and the events of the 1930s, yet we still have neighbors, some quite learned and multi-degreed, who pretend to slumber for their own personal interests. Selling out one’s country for the sake of an exclusive “nuance” is not love of country, but love of self at the expense of one’s country. It’s a form of betrayal with a lame alibi to assuage one’s conscience. I was dim-witted and naïve – shocked to find that some of our acquaintances, who should have been eternally grateful for living in America, were underhandedly against Israel and our heritage. I remain baffled by the depth of their insidious philosophy.

I continued to write that we are controlled by those who won a fraudulent election, an almost bloodless coup, aided by the skills, wealth, and sheer power of High Tech. America’s children are being taught what to think, and our adults are being controlled on how to think and what to say. If their influence can obstruct the President of the United States from reaching out to his citizenry, then it could happen to anyone. Remember the famous poem by Pastor Martin Niemoller. If there is only one who is not safe, we may rest assured that the second is not far behind. Thomas Jefferson warned us that, “A government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have.”

The prime instigator of conflict is fear, and using the coronavirus as that fear has forced us into lockdowns, to not work or attend school, to not gather in groups or travel to family, to wear ineffective face masks and maintain distance from friends and family. Our “leaders” have frightened many into accepting injections not proven thoroughly effective and safe into the future, while also withholding statistics from us, and continuing to press us to surrender weapons that we might one day need for self-protection.

Recall that a non-academic Bill Gates instituted the damaging Common Core standards into our school systems; the non-medically trained Bill Gates wants to enforce his vaccinations on everyone for a national tracking system to monitor and control our buying, business, and travel activities, not to mention increasing his colossal profits (his depopulation statements have been removed from the Internet). The non-scientist Bill Gates is backing the development of sun-dimming technology to darken our planet and ruin our sources of food; and the bigoted, narcissistic Bill Gates has declared the science of math racist. The arrogant, fraudulent Dr. Antony Fauci, a ten-year associate who often collaborated on the Gates Foundation Vaccine Action Plan, including gene-based therapies, who stands to inflate his standard of living, has been caught on numerous lies.

As gasoline prices will soar because we are no longer self-sustaining (Biden closed many Trump accomplishments that grew our economy), unemployment increases while we must all support illegals, and agriculture becomes more limited (Gates and hyperinflation), it will be more expensive and difficult-to-impossible to get farmed produce to the cities. My “old friend” may still believe that her business will continue despite Biden’s promises of “affordable housing” throughout suburbia while her neighbors shop for food in the local dumpster.

With the southern border wall left unfinished, Biden is again increasing taxes (seen as the largest ever experienced in America) for Obama’s coveted redistribution of wealth, also known as outright theft from the working class to sustain the illegal and idle. News reports already announce the higher percentage of the criminal element – drug cartels, sex traffickers (of which children make up 27%), because happy, healthy, safe, and self-sufficient people do not emigrate. Our homeless sleep on the streets and the invaders are housed in hotels. The children who do make it here in safety will be followed by family members because of chain migration, and our grandchildren will never know the America we had.

In closing, I was wrong to think she lived in a bubble; she knew her repeated invitations included no compromise. In all her overtures, she offered only more of the same. Albert Einstein is oft credited with saying that insanity as doing something over and over again and expecting a different result. I regret to add that the promise of lunch and friendship with this “old friend,” on the same old terms, is just not in the cards.

©Tabitha Korol. All rights reserved.

Anti-Free Speech Muslim Group Sues Facebook for Not Removing Sites Opposing Jihad Violence

The tech site Engadget reported Thursday that the far-left legal group Muslim Advocates has filed a consumer protection lawsuit against Facebook for allowing “anti-Muslim hate to spread on the platform, leading to real-world harm.” The organization provided a list of what it claimed were 26 “anti-Muslim hate groups,” including organizations that are dedicated simply to opposing jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, gays, and others, including my own news site Jihad Watch, the David Horowitz Freedom Center, the Center for Security Policy, and other groups whose main crime is opposing leftist Islamopandering and the left’s tendency to turn a blind eye to the human rights abuses sanctioned by Islamic law.

Engadget quoted a Facebook spokesperson in full defense mode: “We do not allow hate speech on Facebook and regularly work with experts, nonprofits, and stakeholders to help make sure Facebook is a safe place for everyone, recognizing anti-Muslim rhetoric can take different forms. We have invested in AI technologies to take down hate speech, and we proactively detect 97 percent of what we remove.”

Anyone who has been paying attention can see what is coming. Jihad Watch and the others targeted will disappear from Facebook and ultimately from the Internet altogether, whether as a result of this suit or some other. This suit itself has a very good chance of succeeding, as Muslim Advocates is extremely powerful and influential.

Back in October, Old Joe Biden gave an address filled with cringeworthy pandering to Muslim Advocates, the group that has brought this suit. Nor is Muslim Advocates’ clout something new: back on October 19, 2011, Farhana Khera of Muslim Advocates sent a letter to John Brennan, who was then the assistant to the president on national security for Homeland Security and Counter Terrorism, denouncing what it characterized as U.S. government agencies’ “use of biased, false and highly offensive training materials about Muslims and Islam.” It criticized “the FBI’s use of biased experts and training materials.”

Khera complained that my books could be found in “the FBI’s library at the FBI training academy in Quantico, Virginia”; that a reading list accompanying a PowerPoint presentation by the FBI’s Law Enforcement Communications Unit recommended my book The Truth About Muhammad; and that in July 2010 I “presented a two-hour seminar on ‘the belief system of Islamic jihadists’ to the Joint Terrorism Task Force (JTTF) in Tidewater, Virginia,” and “presented a similar lecture to the U.S. Attorney’s Anti-Terrorism Advisory Council, which is co-hosted by the FBI’s Norfolk Field Office.”

These were supposed to be terrible things because I was bigoted and hateful. But many of the examples Khera adduced of “bigoted and distorted materials” involved statements that were not actually bigoted and distorted at all, but simply accurate. Nonetheless, Brennan immediately complied. In a November 3, 2011, letter to Khera that — significantly — was written on White House stationery, Brennan promised that the government would “ensure that federal officials and state, local and tribal partners receive accurate, evidence-based information in these crucial areas.” That led to the erasure of all mention of Islam and jihad from government counterterror materials, and the birth of the Countering Violent Extremism program, which ignores jihad violence and focuses on a largely imaginary “right-wing extremism.”

So Muslim Advocates has connections that go up to the very top, and likely knows where to find a compliant judge who will rule in its favor in this suit.

Also note how the group, with help from the establishment media, has already moved the conversation away from where it should be. Engadget takes for granted that the 26 groups Muslim Advocates is targeting really are “anti-Muslim hate groups.” Engadget never even for a moment considers the possibility that some or all of these groups have been unfairly characterized, and neither does any other media story I have seen on this suit. Neither Engadget nor any other “news site” reached out to me for comment, or, apparently, to anyone else involved with the targeted groups, as none of the stories about this suit contain a single quote from anyone except Muslim Advocates and Facebook.

Yet that is really the point that should be at issue here. Is my work and that of the others targeted in this suit going to be banned as “hate speech” without any opportunity for discussion, explanation, or appeal, but simply on the word of far-left hate groups such as the Southern Poverty Law Center, which has a long record of smearing legitimate groups that dissent from the far-left agenda by lumping them in with the KKK and neo-Nazis? The answer to that question appears to be yes. Is the American court system going to take for granted and validate with legal precedent the claim that opposing jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women, gays and others constitutes “anti-Muslim hate”? The answer to that question appears to be yes as well.

So any day now could be the last day for Jihad Watch and other sites that oppose jihad terror. The U.S. will, possibly even before the end of this year, enter a marvelous new world free of “anti-Muslim hate,” that is, free of any criticism of Islam, jihad, or Sharia. Will that bring an end to jihad violence and the human rights abuses sanctioned by Sharia? Unfortunately, no.


Psaki: ‘Encounters of known and suspect terrorists’ at the border are ‘very uncommon’

Biden’s handlers fund Palestinian Authority, which funds magazine that teaches children Hitler was heroic, ‘daring’

UN applauds Biden administration gift of $250,000,000 in ‘aid’ to Palestinians

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

BLM Activist Threatens Cities ‘on Fire’ if Chauvin Not Convicted

In a now-deleted video on social media, prominent Black Lives Matter (BLM) activist Maya Echols threatened that cities will be “on fire” if Derek Chauvin, a former Minneapolis police officer on trial for the murder of George Floyd, is not convicted.

“If George Floyd’s murderer is not sentenced, just know that all hell is gonna break loose. Don’t be surprised when buildings are on fire. Just saying,” Echols threatened.

There is no question that an acquittal in the Floyd case will spark nationwide rioting by the “mostly peaceful” domestic terrorists of BLM and the violent anarchists of Antifa, because that’s how the left rolls when trials and elections don’t go their way. They burn cities and loot businesses and assault innocents, and the supportive activists of the news media give them a pass.

Meanwhile, the Biden administration demonizes Trump supporters as the real domestic terrorist threat.

Black Lives MATTER

119 Known Connections

BLM Activist Says Looting Is a Form of Reparations

In August 2020, BLM activists in Chicago held a rally to express their solidarity with the 100+ individuals who had recently been arrested after a night of mass looting and criminal activity. One BLM organizer who spoke at the rally, Ariel Atkins, said: “I don’t care if someone decides to loot a Gucci or a Macy’s or a Nike store, because that makes sure that person eats. That makes sure that person has clothes.” “That is reparations,” she continued. “Anything they wanted to take, they can take it because these businesses have insurance.” In a similar spirit, In a similar spirit, a social media post for the rally encouraged people to come out and “support the people arrested last night for protesting another police shooting & taking reparations from corporations.”

To learn more about Black Lives Matter, click here for their profile link.

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Claims Anyone Can Go To A Gun Show And Buy A Nuclear Missile With No Background Check

WASHINGTON, D.C.—During a press conference today in which President Biden announced new executive action on gun control, he made an emotional plea to Americans, making his case that the action was needed.

In particular, he claimed that gun shows are “free-for-alls” where anyone can just go in and pick up a nuclear missile.

“Anybody can just walk right into a gun show and pick up an intercontinental ballistic missile, no questions asked,” Biden said. “Back in my day, we would play with nuclear missiles with the neighborhood kids. One time, we nuked this poor kid off the face of the planet. It was hilarious. You should have seen the look on his face.”

“But it’s a different time now, and nukes do not belong in the hands of civilians.” Libertarians everywhere quickly slammed Biden for this comment, pointing out that owning nuclear weapons is constitutionally protected.

Fact-checkers said they would have checked Biden’s statement, but they were all coincidentally having lunch during his press conference. They have promised to fact-check him next time.


Return To Normal: Texas Announces They Will Go Back To Shooting People Wearing Masks On The Assumption They’re Stagecoach Robbers

Ron DeSantis Dyes Hair, Gets Spray Tan In Preparation For 2024 Presidential Run

Clever Minneapolis Business Owner Disguises Store To Look Like It’s Already Been Looted

Biden Bans High-Capacity Assault Stairs

As Covid Numbers Dwindle, Desperate Fauci Begins Eating Sack Of Bats

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Coke, Delta and Major League Baseball Duped by a Race-Baiting Con Job For the Ages

Those who wonder why Democrats absolutely despise Tucker Carlson need look no further than the must-see opening monologue of his April 2 primetime Fox News show. In the segment titled “Corporatocracy,” Carlson tore into the CEOs of The Coca-Cola Company, Delta Air Lines and Major League Baseball over their knee-jerk capitulation to President Biden’s shameless use of the race card in response to Georgia’s new election integrity law, legislation designed to prevent rampant voter fraud.

If progressive propaganda is to be believed, voter fraud is just another conservative conspiracy theory, and attempts to eliminate it are nothing more than efforts by racist Republicans to suppress the black vote. To burnish their status as woke corporate executives, the virtue-signaling CEOs of Coke, Delta and MLB eagerly jumped on the Democrats’ race-baiting bandwagon after being lectured by Biden, who flat-out lied about crucial details of Georgia’s new law.

Concocted charge of “voter suppression” as a smokescreen

That the filthy-rich CEOs of those billion-dollar corporations profess deep compassion for impoverished black people in America’s Democrat-run cities is a joke.

Within walking distance of Coke’s and Delta’s Atlanta-based headquarters—and MLB’s New York City corporate offices—are rat-infested urban neighborhoods haunted by the ghosts of generations of young black men and young black women whose chance for a decent life was short-circuited by the “educations” doled out by those cities’ inexcusably rotten public schools, 100% of which have been under ironclad control of Democrats for the last half-century. “Systemic racism” isn’t responsible for the tragic living conditions that plague urban Americans. Democrats are.

If Coke CEO James Quincey, Delta CEO Ed Bastian, and MLB commissioner Rob Manfred gave a rat’s # about the plight of the black underclass, they would lead a movement to imprison leaders of the political party whose negligent failure to adequately educate African American children has inflicted six decades of urban squalor, welfare addiction, rampant crime, generational poverty and chronic despair on inner city victims of the Democratic Party’s cynical attempt to create a permanent voting majority of government dependent citizens.

These three mega-wealthy white men may be experts at selling sugar water, airline seats and baseball tickets, but they are political fools of the highest order for gullibly swallowing the Democrat line that Georgia’s election integrity law has nothing to do with voter fraud, and was enacted for one reason—to disenfranchise black voters.

Using the concocted charge of “voter suppression” as a smokescreen, the post-1960s the Democratic Party has made an art form of voter fraud, and the evidence is overwhelming.

A nationwide voter fraud operation funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign

Three weeks prior to the 2016 election, investigative journalist James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas released video of an undercover sting in which high-level Democrat operatives bragged about a nationwide voter fraud operation financed by the DNC and the Clinton campaign:

How Democrats use bogus charges of Republican racism to justify and facilitate voter fraud

  • “We’ve been busing in people [illegal voters] for 50 years and we’re not going to stop now.”
  • ”[We know] this is illegal.”
  • “I think backward from how they would prosecute us, and then try to build out a method to avoid [getting caught].”
  • “We implement the plan across every Republican-held state.”
  • ”[Our operation] causes massive changes in state legislatures and Congress.”
  • “Hillary knows about it.”

One of the covert operatives caught in the Project Veritas sting is a longtime Democrat named Bob Creamer. Found guilty in 2005 of tax violations and bank

Fraud, Creamer was a highly respected player in Democratic Party politics for more than thirty years. Official visitor logs show the convicted felon visited the Obama White House 342 times, including 47 personal meetings with President Obama, a fact that was buried by the corrupt mainstream media when O’Keefe’s explosive exposé was released less than a month before the election Hillary Clinton was favored to win.

Although Creamer was forced to resign after being caught on tape discussing a nationwide voter fraud operation funded by the DNC and the Clinton campaign, the Democrat dirty tricks operative was honored with a front-row-center seat at President Obama’s farewell address in January 2017. Click here to see an NBC News screen grab of Creamer and his wife seated directly in front of the podium where President Obama spoke. In the modern Democratic Party, getting caught bragging about a nationwide voter fraud operation is worthy of being awarded the most coveted seat in the house.

Covert voter fraud operations aren’t the only way Democrats subvert fair elections. Despite their feigned objections to the contrary, voter ID laws are not racist, nor do they suppress minority voting. How does requiring voters to present a valid photo ID suppress the ability of any adult citizen to vote? Just because Democrats scream “voter suppression!” doesn’t make it so.

Government-issued photo IDs are easily obtainable by every legitimate voter in America, including those who don’t drive. Virtually every voting-age African American already has photo identification, yet Democrats aggressively oppose laws that require presenting photo IDs in order to vote. Blocking voter ID laws is but another way Democrats knowingly rig elections by facilitating and encouraging illegal voting.

Things that require a photo ID:

  • Driving a vehicle
  • Airport check-in
  • Hotel check-in
  • Hospitals & outpatient testing
  • Doctors’ offices
  • Social Security office
  • Medicare/Medicaid
  • Pawn shop transactions
  • Federal, state & local courts
  • Military bases
  • Donating blood
  • Volunteering at charities
  • Professional applications
  • College applications
  • Job applications
  • Buying a house
  • Boarding a cruise ship
  • Boarding a train
  • Boarding a commercial airliner
  • Getting a license to hunt or fish
  • Buying cigarettes & alcohol
  • Opening a bank account
  • Applying for credit
  • Cashing a check
  • Getting a tattoo or body piercing
  • Getting a library card
  • Visiting Congress

Things that don’t require photo ID in many Democrat-run jurisdictions:

  • Voting

Democrat election official admits rampant voter fraud

As reported in October 2016 by The New York Post, Manhattan Board of Elections commissioner Alan Shulkin was caught on a Project Veritas undercover video slamming Mayor Bill de Blasio’s sham municipal ID program as contributing to “all kinds of fraud,” including voter fraud.  Here’s more of what Commissioner Shulkin had to say:

  • “I think there’s a lot of voter fraud.”
  • “There’s thousands of absentee ballots and I don’t know where they came from.”
  • “In some neighborhoods they [Democrats] bus people around to vote, they take them from poll to poll.”
  • “De Blasio’s municipal IDs can be used for anything, including voting.”
  • “The city doesn’t vet people who get ID cards to see who they really are.”
  • “Anybody can go in there and say I am John Smith and I want an ID card.”

So, was Commissioner Shulkin praised by Democrat hierarchy for exposing voter fraud? Not a chance. Shortly after his comments were made public, he was told by party officials to hit the road.

Bottom line:

As shameless practitioners of the “ends justify the means” election tactics of Saul Alinsky, the modern Democratic Party actively encourages and facilitates voter fraud at every opportunity. If America had an honest press, Democrat election-rigging operations would have been blown out of the water decades ago, and the woke CEOs at Coke, Delta and Major League Baseball would realize they have been duped by a race-baiting con job for the ages.

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

Google Removes Entire State Of Georgia From Google Maps

MOUNTAIN VIEW, CA—Tech giant Google announced today that they are removing the entire state of Georgia from their Google Maps platform, effective immediately. This comes in response to the state’s recent voter law that many are calling racist.

“We cannot allow these racist laws to stand,” said a spokesman from the Google Office of Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism, Climate Change, Immigration Reform, and LGBTQ Affairs. “That’s why we must act quickly to get states like Georgia off the map, both literally and figuratively.”

Starting today, the state of Georgia will be replaced with a blue body of water labeled “Sea of Racism” on all Google Maps platforms. Driving directions given by the site will be altered. For example, directions from South Carolina to Florida via I-95 will state: “continue south through the stupid Sea of Racism without stopping for 112 miles.”

Google will also be updating searches for locations inside the state. A search for directions to Atlanta, GA now returns the following message. “Location not found. Would you like to travel to a Google-approved destination such as Seattle, Minneapolis, or Beijing?”

The spokesman went on to clarify that Google hasn’t completely abandoned the state. “Google will still provide one-way driving directions out of the state for anyone who currently resides in Georgia,” he noted. “Also, we will still provide directions to any out-of-state celebrities or businesses who want to donate money to the Georgia Democratic Party.”


Spirit Airlines Installs Ejection Seats For Toddlers Who Take Off Their Masks

60 Minutes Releases Exclusive Secret Photos Of Ron DeSantis Clubbing Baby Seals With Hitler

Biden To Tear Down Wall, Replace With More Compassionate ‘Rigid Vertical Border Monument’

Dr. Fauci Predicts At Least 3 More COVID Variants May Be Required To Completely Break America’s Spirit

Man Wins Game Of ‘Guess Who?’ By Having His Characters Keep Switching Genders

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

SEGREGATION: Vermont Opens Early COVID Vaccine Access On Explicitly RACIAL LINES

I think I am going to be sick.

Vermont causes controversy by opening early COVID vaccine access on explicitly racial lines

Not a great look

By: Leon Wolf, The Blaze, April 2, 2021:

The state of Vermont has caused controversy by announcing that access to the COVID-19 vaccine will be opened early along explicitly racial lines, with “Black, indigenous, or a person of color” residents receiving early access to the vaccine, along with anyone in their family.

Vermont Gov. Phil Scott (R) publicized the announcement on Twitter Thursday, saying, “If you or anyone in your household identifies as Black, Indigenous, or a person of color (BIPOC), including anyone with Abenaki or other First Nations heritage, all household members who are 16 years or older can sign up to get a vaccine!”

RELATED ARTICLE: The 10 Radical New Rules That Are Changing America

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Historic Figures Who Recognized That Speech Is Freedom’s First Line of Defense

Restriction of free thought and free speech might be the most dangerous of all subversions.

In a March 21, 2021 column (One of the Most Significant Defenses of Free Speech in American History), Boston Globe writer Jeff Jacoby quoted the great abolitionist Frederick Douglass:

To suppress free speech is a double wrong. It violates the rights of the hearer as well as those of the speaker. It is just as criminal to rob a man of his right to speak and hear as it would be to rob him of his money.

It’s a sad, tragic, and shocking commentary on what some parents and many schools are teaching these days that Douglass’s statement might not meet with majority approval in America. Recent polls indicate that more than half of the American public believe that the First Amendment (which guarantees free speech) “is outdated and ought to be rewritten.” Support for what is traditionally regarded as freedom of speech is lowest among millennials.

Political correctness, cancel culture, and presentism are erasing past events and people. Intimidation is all too frequent on campuses and in the public square. Heather Higgins, CEO of Independent Women’s Voice, says:

Today, many Americans are afraid to express their beliefs out of fear of retaliation or being ‘canceled.’ What is happening right now isn’t about suppressing hate speech. It’s about suppressing history, facts, and viewpoints that some self-appointed woke arbiters who are looking to be offended have decreed are damaging and hateful. That’s a recipe for a society defined by fear, division, mistrust, intolerance, discrimination, and ultimately violence.

If the rush to shout people down and shut them up doesn’t alarm you, then you’re no friend of freedom. When speech dies, other freedoms follow. For that reason, we must push back against anti-free speech barbarians. We must make it unmistakably plain that we will not be silenced, nor will we allow others to be silenced, for the sake of anybody’s pet project or political agenda.

Here is a selection of poignant remarks on behalf of freedom of speech. I hope it stiffens the spines of all who love freedom and who understand that speech is its first line of defense.

“Give me the liberty to know, to utter, and to argue freely according to conscience, above all liberties.” – John Milton, in Areopagitica

“Liberty is meaningless where the right to utter one’s thoughts and opinions has ceased to exist. That, of all rights, is the dread of tyrants. It is the right which they first of all strike down. They know its power. Thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, founded in injustice and wrong, are sure to tremble, if men are allowed to reason of righteousness, temperance, and of a judgment to come in their presence. Slavery cannot tolerate free speech.” – Frederick Douglass, in his Plea for Free Speech in Boston

“If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear.” – George Orwell, in his original preface to Animal Farm

“Laws alone cannot secure freedom of expression; in order that every man may present his views without penalty, there must be a spirit of tolerance in the entire population.” – Albert Einstein, in Ideas and Opinions

“If freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter.” – George Washington, to Officers of the Army

“Strange it is that men should admit the validity of the arguments for free speech but object to their being ‘pushed to an extreme,’ not seeing that unless the reasons are good for an extreme case, they are not good for any case.” – John Stuart Mill, in On Liberty

“Restriction of free thought and free speech is the most dangerous of all subversions. It is the one un-American act that could most easily defeat us.” – Justice William O. Douglass, in The One Un-American Act

“Without freedom of thought, there can be no such thing as wisdom; and no such thing as public liberty, without freedom of speech; which is the right of every man, as far as by it, he does not hurt or control the right of another. And this is the only check it ought to suffer, and the only bounds it ought to know. This sacred privilege is essential to free governments, that the security of property, and the freedom of speech always go together; and in those wretched countries where a man cannot call his tongue his own, he can scarce call anything else his own. Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation, must begin by subduing the freeness of speech.” – John Trenchard and Thomas Gordon in Cato’s Letters


Lawrence W. Reed

Lawrence W. Reed is FEE’s President Emeritus, Humphreys Family Senior Fellow, and Ron Manners Global Ambassador for Liberty, having served for nearly 11 years as FEE’s president (2008-2019). He is author of the 2020 book, Was Jesus a Socialist? as well as Real Heroes: Incredible True Stories of Courage, Character, and Conviction and Excuse Me, Professor: Challenging the Myths of Progressivism. Follow on LinkedIn and Parler and Like his public figure page on Facebook. His website is

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

If the Woke Fascists Decide to Target and Destroy You, They’ll Target and Destroy You

You’ve heard of theatre of the absurd? Well, here’s some more: the Daily Wire reported Friday that “a Minnesota suburban theater canceled its production of ‘Cinderella,’ citing that the cast had too many white actors.” Whiteness is the root of all evil these days, and Minnesota, what with its winsome Rep. Ilhan Omar, is a national epicenter of white shame, but this is over the top even for the Hating Whitey industry.

According to the Daily Wire, “Chanhassen Dinner Theatres announced on its website that the production of ‘Cinderella’ was not aligned with its current diversity, equity, and inclusion goals. Instead of recasting the production to include more people of color, the theater opted to nix the production entirely.”

Now wait a minute. “Hamilton” was just a huge hit on Broadway with a predominantly non-white cast, and the intelligentsia was thrilled. So why not win a few Social Credit points by casting a few “people of color” in key roles in “Cinderella,” rather than filling up the cast with colorless oppressors?

The problem with doing that may have lain with “Cinderella” itself. After all, Chanhassen Dinner Theatres couldn’t very well cast black actresses in the roles of the wicked stepsisters; that would reinforce some racist trope or other. And even Cinderella herself couldn’t be a black actress, for then the Prince would be her “white savior.” Can’t have that. How about making the Prince a “person of color” as well? That would still leave Cinderella as a servant before she is magically raised out of poverty, and if Gone with the Wind is not acceptable today, then that wouldn’t be, either.

What if the Prince were a person of color but Cinderella were white? No, that would be the hand of kindness extended to the oppressor who is rightly and justly humiliated after enriching herself for centuries on the backs of oppressed people of other races. It would also depict an interracial love affair, which, if you haven’t been keeping up, is now racist among the woke crowd, warming the cold hearts of Democrats such as Orval Faubus, Bull Connor, and other segregationists down through American history.

And thus the plug had to be pulled. “After careful consideration and with our ongoing commitment to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, Chanhassen Dinner Theatres has made the decision to cancel our upcoming production of Rodgers & Hammerstein’s Cinderella,” the theater said in a statement. “Our hope in beginning the production process again with a new title will allow us to put into practice an intentional process based on the work we have been doing towards equity and inclusivity.”

The theater announced that it was offering a paid position to a person of color who would help them make their productions “anti-racist.” The theater statement added: “We believe this new process will allow us to tell the story in a rich way and allow us to live out our commitment to identity-conscious casting and becoming a more intentionally anti-racist theater.”

However brilliant and talented the new hire may be, that will prove to be impossible. There is no production of “Cinderella” or anything else today that is not vulnerable to cancellation by the woke fascists, because their criteria for what is acceptably non-racist are fluid, malleable, shifting, and opportunistic. If they decide to target and destroy you, they will target and destroy you. If they have to misrepresent your intentions and twist your words to do so, they will. If they have to put a negative and indeed sinister spin on actions that were completely innocuous, like the casting of a musical set in Europe with people of European descent, they will.

This is by now a tried and tested tactic on the left. It was first employed in the highly successful effort to stigmatize, demonize, and render toxic anyone who dared to oppose jihad violence and Sharia oppression. The Southern Poverty Law Center’s smearing of these people as “hate group leaders,” and their highly tendentious dossiers on them, made up of statements ripped from their context and willfully misrepresented, established a paradigm for the left that is summed up by the famous Miranda Rights statement: Anything you say can and will be used against you.

The management of Chanhassen Dinner Theatres has shown its awareness of this tactic by preemptively canceling their production before it could be accused of being “racist.” But no matter. Whatever show is being put on in the theater down the road will be branded as “racist” next, if the woke fascists choose it for a target, and however absurd the charge may be, they’ll make it stick.


Video: Robert Spencer on why the Boulder massacre was likely a jihad attack

French government: Term ‘Islamophobia’ inappropriate, ‘confuses stigmatization of believers with criticism of Islam’

Nigeria: Muslims stop bus on highway, kidnap eight Christians

Egypt, Algeria, Tunisia, and Morocco target Christians with harsh and disproportionate laws

India: Hindu priest found brutally murdered with throat slit on the day of Holi festival

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Uh-Oh! Looks Like Someone Has Exceeded His Allowable Mileage For The Day!’ Says Pete Buttigieg To SUV Owner On Dashboard Display

U.S.—With Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg proposing a national tax based on how many miles you drive in your car, budget-minded drivers will be able to activate new features in their cars that will warn them when they’re about to exceed their budgeted miles for the month.

“This is a great way to keep the poors from driving too much,” said Buttigieg. “Er- I mean… to ensure social justice and equity on the roads! Yeah!”

Experts predict the proposed tax will  encourage the country bumpkins in rural areas to move to the city and become good, public transportation-using liberals.

“We don’t really know what those country folk are doing outside the city with all that driving,” said the Transportation Secretary. “Probably going to barn-raisings and corn shuckings and racist “Q” meetings and Bible studies. They don’t need all that. Bad for the environment.”

New mandates will require all cars to be equipped with Buttigieg’s special “mileage limit indicators” by 2022. Drivers will be able to insert cash or a credit card if they wish to keep driving.


The Bee Explains: Catholics Vs. Protestants

Arkansas Passes Controversial Bill To Ban Chopping Off Kids’ Legs If They Think They’re A Mermaid

Mother Who Gave Life To 3 Beautiful Children Doesn’t Wonder Whether She’s ‘As Good As A Man’

Hollywood Screenwriter Unsure How To Inject Woke Politics Into Movie About A Giant Monkey Punching A Giant Lizard

In New Sesame Street Episode, Elmo Joins Antifa And Torches Local Businesses

EDITORS NOTE: This political satire column by The Babylon Bee is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Fired For Telling The Truth About The Nazis

Conservative actress Gina Carano was cancel-cultured—politically fired—by Disney for posting a tweet about the Holocaust that identified the preliminary steps taken by the Nazis prior to sending soldiers to round up the Jews. At first, “Jews were beaten in the streets, not by Nazi soldiers, but by their neighbors … even by children,” her post accurately stated.

In laying the groundwork that led to millions of Jews being hauled off to concentration camps, Hitler’s henchmen launched a relentless campaign to dehumanize the Jews as morally reprehensible people, thereby conditioning ordinary Germans to hate the Jews and blame them for the nation’s problems. Carano asked how such hatred of the Jews was any different than Democrats hating conservatives for their political views.

Officially-incited hatred led many Germans to believe they’d been given a green light to attack their Jewish neighbors. With the Jews dehumanized, otherwise decent Germans stood by and said nothing as Hitler launched his Final Solution.

The cancel culture that now poisons contemporary America was preceded by Hitler’s attempt to cancel the entirety of the Jewish people. The parallels are chilling:

  • Just as the Nazis dehumanized Jews as morally reprehensible people, Democrats have dehumanized supporters of President Trump as racists, sexists, bigots, homophobes, Islamophobes, xenophobes etc. Or, as Hillary Clinton succinctly put it, “deplorable” human beings.
  • Just as the Nazis taught the German people to hate the Jews, Democrats have taught their followers to hate the 74 million U.S. citizens who voted for President Trump.
  • Just as the Nazis portrayed Jews as a scourge on Germany, Democrats are stereotyping white conservatives as a clear and present danger to what they constantly refer to as “our democracy.”
  • And, just as Hitler gave his followers a green light to visit violence on the Jews, the Democratic Party has given a wink and a nod to its followers to unleash hate-filled rhetoric and violent physical attacks on supporters of President Trump, his family, members of his administration, Republican elected officials, the police, employees of Immigration & Customs Enforcement and anyone else who stands in the way of its open borders socialist agenda. The incidents below are but the tip of a massive iceberg of Democrat-incited political hatred that has roiled our society since the day Donald Trump announced for the presidency.
  • The 24-year-old Elizabeth Warren supporter who murdered nine people in Dayton, Ohio had been incited by the Democratic Party to hate Republicans, ICE and the police.
  • Having been taught to hate Republicans, a Bernie Sanders supporter shot and nearly killed GOP Rep. Steve Scalise in an attempted mass assassination against GOP members of Congress.
  • After Rep. Scalise was shot, Republican Rep. Claudia Tenney received an threatening email that read, “One down, 216 to go.”
  • A 71-year-old female staffer for California GOP Rep. Dana Rohrabacher was knocked unconscious by Trump-hating Democrats during protest outside Rohrabacher’s office.
  • FBI arrests man for threatening to assassinate GOP Rep. Martha McSally over her support for Trump.
  • Trump-hating Democrats threaten children of ICE contractor’s employees.
  • Trump-hating Democrats fire multiple shots through window of San Antonio ICE office in targeted attack against agency that enforces our nation’s immigration laws.
  • Trump-hating Democrats angrily confront DHS secretary Kirsten Nielsen at DC restaurant.
  • Hidden camera investigation: Hillary campaign and DNC sent paid protesters to incite violence at Trump events.
  • Trump-hating Democrat waitress in Chicago spit in Eric Trump’s face.
  • Peter Fonda: “Trump’s 12-year-old son should be ripped from his mother’s arms and put in a cage with pedophiles.”
  • Democrat college professor arrested for beating Trump supporters with U-shaped bike lock.
  •  Hate-filled Democrat threatens to kill Trump supporters at re-election headquarters of his GOP congressman.
  • Posters demanding Death Camps for Trump supporters appear all over NYC
  • “I’ll f–k you up!”: Democrat instructor assaults conservative students at anti-Trump campus protest.
  • Trump-hating Democrats terrify Tucker Carlson’s wife, children at night while he’s at work: “Tucker Carlson, we will fight!  We know where you sleep at night!”
  • 17-year-old girl punched in face by Trump-hating Democrat.
  • Burned and decapitated animal left on porch of DHS staffer.
  • Car with Trump bumper sticker spray-painted, tires slashed.
  • Pickup truck with Trump stickers total loss after being set on fire.
  • Minority man punched in face for wearing MAGA hat.
  • Trump-supporting immigrant from Africa beaten by black Democrats for wearing MAGA hat.
  • Trump supporter knocked unconscious by Democrat protesters.
  • WATCH: Trump-hating Democrat spits on man wearing MAGA hat.
  • WATCH: Black Trump supporter sucker-punched in face by white Democrat.
  • WATCH: Black Democrat rips MAGA hat from head of 16-year-old, throws soft drink in his face.
  • Student carrying Trump flag beaten by eight classmates.
  • Elementary school student beaten by classmates over voting for Trump in mock election.
  • Trump-hating student yells “You support Trump!  You hate Mexicans!” at female classmate before beating her.
  • Black customer in MAGA hat called “Ni-ger” by Trump-hating Cheesecake Factory employees.
  • 19-year-old Democrat slams 81-year-old man in MAGA hat to ground.
  • Hate-filled Democrat rams van into Trump voter registration tent filled with Republican volunteers.
  • 34-year-old Democrat man assaults 15-year-old Trump supporter at polling site.
  • Trump supporter in New Jersey attacked with crowbar.
  • Just days after the 2016 election, six members of the Democrat front group Red Guards/Austin were arrested for violent attacks on supporters of President Trump. The six communist revolutionaries are pictured below in booking photographs taken by the Austin Police Department.
  • Tweet by Democrat front group Occupy Wall Street promotes gruesome murder of ICE agents with step-by-step instructions.
  • In August 2016, before Trump was even elected, frenzied rank and file Democrats in Minnesota repeatedly slugged an elderly man in the kidney and spit on other attendees who were forced to walk a gauntlet of white hot political hatred at a Trump fundraiser in Minneapolis.  Please take 30 seconds to WATCH how successful the modern

Democratic Party has been at inciting its followers to direct unbridled hatred toward anyone who opposes its radical agenda.

Democrat silence: Calm before the storm?

Given cover by the corrupt mainstream media, America’s most high profile Democrats remained silent as their followers unleashed a virtually endless trail of hate-fueled violence against supporters of President Trump. Inciting hate and violence is an evil act by evil people. How long will it be before the new Democrat administration begins looking for a pretext to impose harsh punishment on peaceful Americans whose only crime is speaking out against the disembowelment of the U.S. Constitution?

©John Edison. All rights reserved.

Orwell, Atheism, and Totalitarianism

The very real controversies of America’s 2021 have conjured up the fictional dystopia of George Orwell’s 1984. The right condemns Big Tech as an incipient Big Brother—surveying citizens and suppressing disapproved thought. The left replies that Donald Trump is the true Orwellian threat. After all, he lies!

These spirited disagreements conceal an important consensus. Most Americans agree that the totalitarianism depicted in 1984 is bad and that we must beware of letting that nightmare vision become a reality in our own country. Our commitment to preserving freedom, then, invites us to consider the basis of this totalitarianism. In other words, we need to ask: what must the citizens be like to permit such a tyranny to arise?

In Orwell’s classic novel, Oceania’s totalitarianism rests on compulsory atheism. Oceania is ruled by “the Party,” which forbids religion to its members. Religious belief is one of the “crimes” to which Winston Smith, the hero of 1984, confesses under torture—along with sexual perversion and admiration of capitalism. The Party has to forbid religious belief because atheism is both the moral and metaphysical basis of its absolute power.

Atheism is the moral basis of the Party’s unlimited hold on its own members because it makes them terrified of death as absolute nonexistence. Like any government, the Party in 1984 has the power to kill disobedient subjects. Party members, however, view death not just as the end of bodily life, but as a complete erasure of their being—their thoughts, their words, their affections, their deeds. Winston Smith muses that the “terrible” thing about the Party is its ability to make you vanish, such that “neither you nor your actions were ever heard of again. You were lifted clean out of the stream of history.”

Yet the Party does not demand atheism of everybody. The “proles”—the proletarians, the workers—are permitted religious belief. As the Party teaches, “proles and animals are free.” Being free from dogmatic atheism, the proles are also free to believe in the intrinsic value of their own intentions and actions, even in the face of death. For the proles, as for the people who had lived before the revolution that ushered in Oceania’s totalitarian state, “a completely helpless gesture, an embrace, a tear, a word spoken to a dying man, could have value in itself.” Thus the proles, Winston observes, had “stayed human.”

In contrast, members of the Party view death as absolute defeat, from which the only escape is total submission to the Party, which alone is immortal. This, as the Party official O’Brien instructs Winston, is the basis of the Party’s seemingly contradictory slogan, “freedom is slavery.” As an individual—“alone” and “free”—the “human being is always defeated,” because “every human being is doomed to die, which is the greatest of failures.” The only path of salvation, then, is “complete, utter submission” to the Party. Only if an individual can “escape from his identity,” only “if he can merge himself into the Party so that he is the Party,” can he become “all-powerful and immortal.”

Atheism is also the metaphysical basis of 1984’s totalitarian regime. It underwrites the philosophic understanding of reality on which the Party’s unlimited power rests.

The Party insists on teaching its members that there is no external, objective reality apart from subjective human consciousness. This is the lesson Winston has to learn the hard way (under torture) after trying to think for himself. Trying to think for yourself implies that there is something “out there” for you to think about, some “truth” that you might be able to find, on the basis of which you might be able to critique approved opinion.

This the Party strenuously denies, as O’Brien labours to teach Winston. “Nothing exists except through human consciousness.” “Outside man there is nothing.” “Reality is inside your skull.” “You must get rid of those nineteenth-century ideas about the laws of nature. We make the laws of nature.”

Because there is no external, objective reality to which all human beings must conform, the Party gets to decide what is “real.” “Sanity,” Winston comes to believe, is “statistical.” That is, sanity means not seeing what is actually there but seeing what everybody else sees, which is what the Party is able to make them see. “Whatever the Party holds to be truth is truth. It is impossible to see reality except by looking through the eyes of the Party.”

Unbelief in any external, objective reality gives the Party absolute power over the minds of its members. Or, to put it another way, this unbelief secures the abject intellectual slavishness of Party members, their willingness to accept whatever the Party hands out to them, however absurd it may be on its face, however obviously it contradicts what the Party has said previously. This philosophy is the basis of one of the Party’s other famous slogans: “Who controls the past controls the future; who controls the present controls the past.”

Since there is no objective reality, the past has no real existence, and the Party can make it be whatever it decides it to be. As O’Brien forces Winston to concede, the past does not exist in any place where one could go and confirm its characteristics. You could try to say that it exists in records, but the Party can revise all records. You could try to say that it exists in people’s memories, but the Party can falsify people’s memories through misinformation and intimidation.

1984 thus confronts us with a radical and very significant suggestion: without God as the eternal, omnipotent observer, there is no objective reality. Many have argued that without God there can be no fixed moral principles. Orwell’s great work goes further, raising the possibility that without God there cannot even be “facts” in any meaningful, reliable sense.

Think about it. Suppose I spill some water on the pavement on a hot summer day. It is gone in just a few moments—evaporated. Can I insist that it was really there? Where is the evidence of it now? If there is no eternity, if there is nothing but ceaseless flux, then every human life—and, indeed, every human civilisation and the whole human past—is on the level of that quickly evaporated water. These things appear for a moment and, once gone, no longer exist. Thus we may claim them to be whatever we want, or even deny that they existed at all. Or, to be more accurate, those who have power can impose these claims and denials on the rest of us.

For decades—for centuries, in fact—many allegedly profound thinkers have proclaimed to the world that they were promoting enlightenment and the liberty of the mind by discrediting belief in God and the afterlife. Orwell’s 1984, however, invites us to consider whether such thinkers have really been destroying the basis of freedom and laying the groundwork for unprecedented despotism.

This article has been republished with permission from the Public Discourse online journal.

Carson Holloway

Carson Holloway is a professor of Political Science at the University of Nebraska Omaha (UNO), where he has taught since 2002. He received a B.A. In political science from the University of Northern Iowa… More by Carson Holloway.

EDITORS NOTE: This MercatorNet column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Washington, DC: Black Teens Charged in Death of Muslim Uber Driver

I figure this is news you have already seen, but just now as I searched around I see that it took days for the disgusting story to spread.  Why?

My guess is that it doesn’t fit the mainstream media’s narrative when members of one minority group, in this case Blacks (girls), kill a member of another ‘oppressed’ group, a Muslim man.

And, it all goes down in Mayor Muriel Bowser’s and Black Lives Matter capital city where black lives matter and others not so much!

It sure is a good thing we have the UK Daily Mail because as I began my reading this morning, it was challenging to find a succinct account of what happened almost a week ago.

Anwar died last Tuesday when he was ejected from his Honda Accord after two teenage girls allegedly tasered him and tried to steal his car.

That was bad enough but compounding the horrible event, Bowser attempted to protect the image of Washington DC’s black community by initially lecturing drivers to be more careful about keeping their cars out of the hands of thieves.

DC Mayor Muriel Bowser DELETES ‘tone deaf’ tweet about avoiding auto theft that she posted after days of silence over carjacking death of UberEats driver

Washington, DC, Mayor Muriel Bowser has deleted her ‘tone deaf’ tweet advising people on how to prevent auto theft after days of silence about UberEats driver killed in a carjacking in the city.

Bowser’s official Twitter account posted a Metropolitan Police Department video about preventing car thefts on Sunday with the caption: ‘Auto theft is a crime of opportunity. Follow these steps to reduce the risk of your vehicle becoming a target. Remember the motto, #ProtectYourAuto.’

The tweet drew outrage from critics who called it tone deaf in light of the death of 66-year-old Mohammad Anwar. Anwar died last Tuesday when he was ejected from his Honda Accord after two teenage girls allegedly tasered him and tried to steal his car.

The tweet was deleted late Sunday.


The Daily Mail continues…..

The backlash over Bowser’s tweet followed graphic new video shared on social media has shown the events leading up to Anwar’s tragic death as well as the moment the suspects attempt to run away as he lay motionless on the sidewalk.

A father-of-three from Springfield, Virginia, Anwar was making deliveries for UberEats when the two teens, aged 13 and 15, approached his car and tasered him in an attempt to steal the vehicle.


A judge concluded that the two teen girls pose a threat to the community and are a potential flight risk, and ordered them detained pending their next court appearance scheduled for March 31.

There is much more including more photos and the sickening video.

Where is CAIR?

My first thought was: so what is CAIR saying since they have been sucking up to BLM since at least last June?  Have they blasted the mayor? Called for Bowser’s resignation? Called for more police protection?

Have they called it a hate crime, or an anti-immigrant xenophobic crime?

You can bet if the teens were white you would be hearing that cry already.

Have they said “all live matter?”

If anyone sees a statement from CAIR, let me know!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: The Demonic Carnage of Vaccines — Part 3

“The evil of using aborted fetal cell lines involves not just the original murder, but the ongoing commercialization of the child’s body, as well as the ultimate refusal to bury his desecrated remains. We cannot sit back as the use of aborted human babies in medical research is gradually normalized as an ‘unfortunate’” part of modern-day medicine. Statement in a letter by eighty-six Catholic women from 25 countries opposing what they called “abortion-tainted” COVID-19 vaccines

“Destruction of the embryo in the Mother’s womb is a violation of the right to live which God has bestowed upon this nascent life and that is nothing but murder.” –  Dietrich Bonhoeffer (On April 9, 1945, Lutheran pastor and theologian. Dietrich Bonhoeffer was hanged at Flossenburg Concentration Camp, only days before the American liberation of the POW camp. The last words of the brilliant and courageous 39-year-old opponent of Nazism were “This is the end—for me, the beginning of life.”)

“Always, vaccinations were given with greatest enthusiasm to children and the elderly – the most immunologically vulnerable and the easiest to damage with vaccines.” – Dr. Vernon Coleman

Many commonly used vaccines, especially those for children, have their origin in cell lines that were originally developed from an aborted baby. If we stand against abortion and the murder of the unborn, the use of baby’s bodies for science creates a serious moral dilemma for believers. May a believer in our Creator use vaccines derived from aborted materials or should we refuse them?  And should parents refuse to allow these types of vaccinations for their children?  Before submitting ourselves or our children to government vaccines, we need to be aware of what they contain and answer these personal questions.

Vaccines for common childhood ailments are available today, but what is in them may be more damaging than suffering from the ailment.  As a child, I had the measles and chicken pox within the same two weeks.  I remember the itching, the Calamine lotion and baking soda baths.  My poor mother was distraught trying to keep me from scratching and creating scars.  Back then we had parties so that these childhood diseases would spread through all the school children and finally be over.  Now we have vaccines.

Vaccine Contents

It is astonishing to me how many vaccines contain cells from aborted babies. Normal vaccines are grown from a weakened strain of a known virus in a culture.  When this is injected into our bodies, it creates antibodies to that disease allowing the body to fight off the infection.

These are not the deadly Pfizer, ModeRNA, and AstraZeneca vaccines promoted by Dr. Fauci, Bill Gates and our government that install a kind of “operating system” into the human body, hijacking the body’s cells to produce alien proteins via an mRNA “software code” that isn’t even human.

No, these cell lines are taken from electively aborted fetuses and used to manufacture vaccines including MMR lII (measles, mumps, rubella), chickenpox, shingles, Hepatitis A, hepatitis A & B, polio vax, and rabies.

Aborted baby cells were originally used because viruses tend to grow better in cells from humans than from animals. Fetal cells do not divide as many times as other cell types, so they can be used longer.

In addition, because of the ability to maintain these cells at very low temperatures, such as in liquid nitrogen, scientists are able to continue using the same fetal cell lines that were originally isolated in the 1960s.

Therefore, when inoculating children with these vaccines, we are also injecting them with residual aborted fetal DNA and cellular debris, although some deny there is DNA involved. These contaminants put children at risk for autoimmune disease, gene insertion and mutations. Today’s children are routinely vaccinated by pediatricians performing what they believe to be “preventative” medicine.  By age six, most children have been exposed to more than 100 viral strains.  Commercial markets are created by abortion and are profiting from the fetal distribution chain.

In 2019, President Trump tried to end the use of aborted baby’s bodies for scientific research at the National Institutes of Health who spent about $100 million in 2018 on fetal tissue research.  Use of aborted baby’s tissues in vaccines, pharmaceutical and medical research obscures the value of all human life.

The human cell lines used to grow these kinds of vaccination strains are derived from the lung tissue of aborted babies.  MRC-5 and WI-38 are two of these cell lines used in normal vaccines.  The German measles vaccine (Meruvax) is sold by Merck and Co., Inc., and uses the WI-38 cell line.  The chicken pox vaccine is called Varivax and uses both MRC-5 and WI-38 cell lines.  This is what we’re putting in our children’s bodies.  Havrix, which guards against scarlet fever, rheumatic fever, hepatitis A infections and kidney inflammation, is a vaccine offered by SmithKline Beecham and it too uses MRC-5.

Janssen/Johnson and Johnson, one of the largest companies in America catering to baby needs, is also ironically one of the leading corporate sponsors of abortion.  Their Covid-19 vaccine contains aborted baby cells.  Fetal retinal cells are used in the making of the Covid-19 Johnson and Johnson vaccine.

The Roman Catholic Archdiocese of New Orleans urged its parishioners to avoid the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, calling it “morally compromised” because it was developed and tested using cells derived from aborted baby tissue.  Nevertheless, the Vatican, said in December that it was “morally acceptable” for Roman Catholics to receive any COVID-19 vaccine, even one based on research that originally used cells derived from aborted fetuses.  Where is the rest of the clergy?

I believe we’re facing a carnage, not only the murder of nearly 65 million unborn babies since 1973, but also the travesty and evil of selling their little bodies for scientific and medical use and the atrocity of using their cells in vaccines, food, drinks and cosmetics.  (The Culture of Death – 2012)

Operation Warp Speed

The deaths and adverse reactions from the untested mRNA vaccines, which were rushed to the public via “Operation Warp Speed,” are killing many recipients today.  Animal testing was bypassed for the Covid-19 vaccines, but in previous mRNA testing, all the animals died, not from the vaccine, but because the vaccine created hyper immune system changes in the animals’ bodies.  When another virus exploded on the scene, they died of sepsis and cardiac failure.  This is likely a binary poison…part one is the vaccine and part two is a new virus that overwhelms the system.

AstraZeneca has now been banned from 20 countries because of blood clots…Austria, Estonia, Latvia, Luxembourg, Lithuania, Romania, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, the Netherlands, Ireland, Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Cyprus, and Sweden. Bulgaria and Thailand have also stopped the jab.  While the AstraZeneca vaccine hasn’t been authorized for use in America just yet, White House Chief Medical Officer Dr. Anthony Fauci told lawmakers that there will likely be enough safety and efficacy data to grant the vaccine authorization in April.

Governments and pharma companies have rushed this new experimental RNA technology into use for the first time in history. Prior to the Covid injection, all attempts to force approval of RNA tech had failed; dangerous and deadly over-reaction of the immune system was the reason.

Fauci and his communist collaborator, Dr. Zhong, are now pushing a new lie. They are saying your children shouldn’t play together until they’re fully vaccinated. I thought the science proved that Covid wasn’t a danger to children? What changed?

Zhong, who is often called “China’s Fauci,” is a pulmonary specialist and a long-time Communist Party member. He’s Fauci’s communist pal. He and Fauci just appeared together on a Covid panel and both expressed hopes that Covid restrictions and mass vaccinations worldwide would continue well into the future, “It will take about two-or three-years’ time with global collaboration.” Their plan is to make Covid panic and enslavement the new normal, for a virus that 99.75 percent of the people recover from.

Oh yes, go get your vaccine and once you’ve had both injections, Krispy Kreme will give you a free donut every day when you show your vaccine papers.

Dr. Stanley Plotkin’s Rubella Vaccine

My paternal grandmother and actress Gene Tierney were great friends; they met when both of their husbands were stationed at Ft. Riley, Kansas in 1943.  Gene’s first child with legendary designer Oleg Cassini was a daughter named Daria who was born with birth defects. Tierney contracted rubella during a World War II USO appearance at the Hollywood Canteen because a female marine with the illness had sneaked out of quarantine to meet her favorite star.

Years later, the woman saw Gene again and told her she had broken quarantine and asked if she had contracted German measles from her.  Gene turned and walked away.  The disabilities of Gene’s first child Daria, had a devastating lifelong effect on Tierney even though her second daughter with husband, Oleg Cassini, was fine.

Had it been 1965 and Gene had received the rubella vaccine, her baby would have been born without disabilities.  Rubella was devastating, and the vaccine has saved many unborn babies from defects, but there’s a dark side to the injection.

Dr. Stanley Plotkin, pediatrician and vaccinologist, developed vaccines in the United States during the mid to late twentieth century. He began his research career at the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he studied the rubella virus. (Wistar focused solely on biomedical research.)  This 20-minute film on Plotkin and Wistar shows their pioneering use of aborted baby’s cells to make the rubella vaccine.

In pregnant women, the rubella virus caused congenital rubella syndrome in the baby, which led to various malformations and birth defects. Using WI-38 cells, a line of cells that originated from tissues of aborted fetuses, Plotkin successfully created RA27/3, a weakened strain of the rubella virus, which he then used to develop a rubella vaccine. Plotkin’s rubella vaccine has prevented birth defects due to congenital rubella in developing babies and newborns.  Rubella is the “R” in today’s Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccine (MMR).

Under oath for a deposition in January of 2018, Dr. Stanley Plotkin admitted to using 76 normally developing aborted babies to develop human cell lines to make vaccines. They harvested pituitary glands, hearts, lungs, kidneys, skin, and spleens to develop vaccines.  I hate that word harvested…it’s not like picking corn or threshing wheat.  Dear Lord what euphemisms are given for pure ungodly evil.  Plotkin ends by stating he is an atheist and does not believe in religious exemptions from vaccines.  The seven-minute video eliminates the opening legalities. In another longer video, Plotkin states the aborted babies were three months or older, but that researchers had nothing to do with the abortions.

Dr. Plotkin stated, “From my personal point of view, having seen the suffering of families with Congenital Rubella Syndrome infants, I consider that what was done is 100% moral.”  His research contributed to the development of multiple vaccines, including those for rubella, rabies, rotavirus, polio, and varicella. He also worked on cytomegalovirus (chicken pox and mono) and HIV vaccine development. Both of which have proven elusive and remain unsolved.

A rubella vaccine was first licensed in 1969. It is on the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines. As of 2009, more than 130 countries included it in their routine vaccinations.

Stanley Plotkin’s conflicts of interest were discussed when he was questioned by US lawyer Aaron Siri during the same deposition. Details of the extent of his industry conflicts of interest were elicited from him by Mr. Siri, e.g., Plotkin’s consultancy work for Sanofi, Merck, Glaxo and Pfizer, and his association with Dynavax Technologies, MyMetics, Inovio, CureVac AG, SynVaccine, GeoVax Labs, GlycoVaxyn AG, Adjuvance Technologies, BioNet-Asia, Abcombi Biosciences, and Hookipa Biotech.

Your Papers Please!

Starting April 2nd, 2021, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo will require New Yorkers to show “vaccine passports,” proof that they have received the COVID-19 vaccine in order to re-enter society.

The illegitimate Biden administration is set to launch a Covid-19 passport that Americans must have to engage in commerce and would track Americans who took the vaccine.

Statistics prove that 99.75 percent of Americans recover from this virus; yet the goal is for all Americans to take the untested jab.

How can a “vaccine passport” be legal when our medical records are private and there are HIPAA laws?  And forced vaccines?  What about the Nuremberg Code?  It addresses experimentation and that is exactly what these vaccines are!


Most states have mandatory vaccinations especially prior to children entering school.  As early as 1905, the US Supreme Court ruled that parents do not have a constitutional right not to vaccinate their children, regardless of the reason, since these laws are justified in order to protect the general public health.

One out of five American children now have “special needs.”  These include learning disabilities, attention-deficit disorders and behavioral issues, all of which create a whole new market for certain kinds of prescription drugs.

Polio was on its way out in the late 50s yet children and adults in the early 1960s were given the polio vaccine.  The vaccine was grown on Simian monkey kidneys which caused SV40 contamination and soft tissue cancers not only in the recipients but also in their descendants.  It is genetically passed.

The government has used Americans as guinea pigs for decades.  Bill Gates and his buddy, Dr. Anthony Fauci are UN Agenda 21 proponents of depopulation wherein the earth accommodates only 500 million people. They have strong monetary ties to the untested mRNA vaccines as well as the vaccines that are grown via aborted baby cells. Gates says we can eliminate population through vaccines.

America vaccinates more than any other country.  The reality is that vaccinations have never, in all of history, diminished the incidence of disease.

Please research states with non-medical exemptions for vaccines and write your legislators to pass bills protecting your medical freedom.

©Kelleigh Nelson. All rights reserved.