Countering Islamophobia Conference in New York Canceled!

An American Muslim organization with ties to terrorism has canceled its planned conference called “Countering Islamophobia,” which had been scheduled for Oct. 24 at a Holiday Inn in Binghamton, NY.

The group, which calls itself The Muslims of America (MOA), abandoned the conference after an aggressive campaign led by the Christian Action Network that exposed its ties to terrorist activity inside the United States.

Prior to the cancellation, MOA leaders said the conference would expose how Martin Mawyer, president of Christian Action Network, was leading “mass raids with X-ray weapons.”

Leaders of MOA gave no explanation for the cancellation, but Mawyer said he was pleased to learn the event had been scrubbed.

“I’m not surprised the conference was canceled,” said the CAN president. “They clearly wanted media attention. They wanted national coverage. But what legitimate media outlet was going to cover a conference postulating some outlandish, sci-fi conspiracy theory that I was targeting Muslims with X-ray weapons. It was laughable to begin with.”

The Muslim group has been active in the United States for more than 30 years.

In 2012 Mawyer wrote the book Twilight In America, which exposed the group’s terrorist past and its links to murder, assassinations, kidnappings, firebombings and an assortment of other crimes including drug distribution and workers compensation and unemployment scams.

A 2007 FBI report stated, “MOA [exhorts] membership to pursue a policy of jihad or holy war against individuals or groups it considers enemies of Islam which includes the U.S. Government.”

MOA has announced an alternate conference, set for Nov. 4, 2015 in Schenectady, NY.

The new conference is different in several ways from the canceled Oct. 24 event. It is being held at a mosque rather than a hotel. Promotional materials no longer mention CAN president Martin Mawyer (or his alleged X-ray weapons). It also has a decidedly less eye-catching title: Conference on Contemporary Issues of Religion in America: Discussing, Dissecting and Destorying [sic] Islamophobia.

Banning Mein Kampf by B.K. Marcus

“This book is too dangerous for the general public,” the Bavarian State Library’s historian told the Washington Post.

Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf is about to join the ranks of public domain texts as Bavaria’s 70-year-old copyright comes to an end in December. Contrary to popular belief, the book was never banned by the German government. Within Germany, the Bavarian state has used intellectual-property law to keep the Nazi manifesto out of the hands of German readers.

Early in 2016, however, Germans will see — and German taxpayers will fund — the first new German edition since Hitler’s death, “despite the chorus of opposition,” notes the Post, “particularly from Jewish groups and Holocaust survivors.”

How can Hitler’s apoplectic proclamation — this early and critical link in a causal chain that would ultimately lead to millions of deaths and the suffering of tens of millions more — be once again loosed on the world?

“Decent people can argue that the book is too dangerous to be published,” writes philosopher Stephen Hicks. “But the fact is that Mein Kampf is too dangerous not to be published.”

Beyond the specifics of the German debate, there is a more important general point about prohibiting even the most repulsive of ideas: Censorship weakens our ability to combat them. …

We must understand the “logic” of national socialist beliefs, however dangerously wrong they turn out to be.

Levi Salomon, a spokesman for the Berlin-based Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Anti-Semitism, objects: “This book is outside of human logic.”

What does this claim mean? Not that Mein Kampf is nonsensical. If it were literally devoid of sense, it would be as harmless as a poem by Lewis Carroll or Edward Lear. The concern here is the opposite: Hitler’s book is full of meaning.

Neither can Salomon be saying merely that the Mein Kampf‘s logic is faulty and its conclusions invalid. Does he want only objectively correct books to be published?

What he seems to mean by “outside human logic” is something less semantic and more supernatural, like a dark spell that can hold the unwary in thrall to the Führer. Or maybe those who want to censor Mein Kampf think of it as an infection, an ideological virus that can invade the moral cortex and turn the brain to fevered dreams of racial purity.

I’m not suggesting that ideas can’t be dangerous. Faulty beliefs are behind the worst dangers humanity continues to face.

But quarantine is not the only way to combat ideological infection. Our immune systems are not strengthened by isolation. When you raise a sheltered kid, you end up with a vulnerable adult. And when the authorities ban dangerous ideas, they produce an ideologically vulnerable population.

Yet you can buy The Communist Manifesto in any college bookstore. Not only have I never heard any anticommunist object to its availability; the majority of Marx’s most ardent critics wish that his words were more widely read and far better understood.

Some might argue that the two books are fundamentally different in tone and target, but the only way to know is to read and compare the texts — an exercise that requires both books be available for analysis. Otherwise, we are being told to trust an elite authority whose judgments we cannot check. That would be an ironic prescription for preventing the rise of a Fourth Reich.

“A free society,” writes Hicks, “can work only if most of its members understand what principles a free society depends upon and why they are better than the alternatives. That presupposes that they know what the alternatives are.”

“There are no short cuts in our ongoing cultural education,” Hicks warns. “Every generation must discuss and debate the great ideas — true and false, known and possible, healthy and dangerous – and become intellectually armed so as to defend and advance liberal civilization.”

Banning Mein Kampf doesn’t make its ideas less attractive to those the censors fear. Neither will exposure to Hitler’s maniacal ranting persuade an open-minded reader to embrace illiberality. All it can do is empower the fascists with the cachet of a forbidden text and leave their most likely recruits all the more intellectually vulnerable.

B.K. Marcus
B.K. Marcus

B.K. Marcus is editor of the Freeman.

The Toll of WWIII — From Stalin to Putin

Well known and highly respected journalist O’Reilly has surprised me while talking with Ben Carson on his show 9.17.15. O’Reilly said that he did not remember any government that declared a war on us and we did not remove that government. It was a wrong statement. Unfortunately, Mr. O’Reilly is not alone, he has a big company of others thinking alike. Perhaps, none of them has never heard about the current WWIII and Soviet Fascism, about which, I have been writing for the last twenty years. I have to show how wrong they are and prove it.

Some History of Communism

Communists, beginning with Karl Marx, have never hidden their major agenda—destruction of capitalism and creation of a Socialist State. Marx openly called for revolution and determined the leadership in the revolution—proletariat, which is the low poor class with nothing to lose “besides their chains.” Several revolutions in a freedom loving Europe had not succeeded in the 19th century. After the October Socialist Revolution 1917, Stalin had changed this formula and established the totalitarian regime, we called Stalinism in the 20th century.

 Islam and the Muslim Culture in Stalin’s Biography

At this point, I have to repeat the major factors of Stalin’s bio:

First, and the most important was his upbringing within a Muslim culture. Though, he was a student (a dropout) of an Orthodox Christion Seminary, his love and knowledge of Islam was a chief cause in the formation of a totalitarian regime in Russia. A dogmatic Marxist, he however, saw the inability of the Communist ideology to conquer the world without the help of Islam. His trip to Iran through a porous borders had fostered his idea to bring together the Communist ideology and Islam. The Muslim Brotherhood had presented that opportunity and Stalin acted accordingly making the Muslin Brotherhood a politburo of Islam functioning from Moscow. Later, Arafat was recruited by two members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

As you know, Stalin was obsessed with the chess-game, which helped him to calculate far ahead a particular way of actions. Knowing a never ending war between Sunnis and Shias, he planned to involve the West into that never ending conflict and finely to defeat Western civilization. The events after WWI and an arrogant behavior of the victorious Europe rearranging the map of the Middle East, had given him a precedent for the future actions. Islam, with its permission to lie for political advancement, had made Stalin a savvy politician and an extraordinary intriguer to create a political system based on a fraud. It was Stalin, who invented a marriage of Communism and Islam

Second, and no less important, is Stalin’s ability to see and understand that capitalism is very productive, well managed, and its military might cannot be kept up by the Soviet military. Hence, the main idea of replacing capitalism by Socialism had required a different approach to the matter. There are several other aspects of history that could’ve plaid a role… It is a national Russian Empyreal Impulse that coincided with Stalin’s agenda. Besides, as a student of the Russian Orthodox Seminar, he learned about the founder of the Illuminati Society and their methods. A founder of the Order of the Illuminati secret society Adam Weishaupt a German philosopher, in order to spread his ideas was sending his emissaries to different countries to implement his teachings. Stalin had completely absorbed the method and to implement it built the mighty intelligence apparatus called the KGB.

putin obamaAsymmetrical War Runs under the Supervision of the KGB

I have already dedicated many pages to the history of the KGB, its main factions and its significance within the Stalinist regime. As a matter of fact, Stalin had two major tasks for fostering the KGB: a watch dog for the loyalty to the government system within the country and to spread and implement Stalin’s teachings to the outside world. The entire country was under total control by the KGB. Like a dark cloud the fear to speak entered every human dwelling and the Houses of Worship; people were afraid of each other to communicate. We, the former citizen of the Socialist countries will never forget the fear and intimidation we all went through. We called the KGB—the Organs. Read Chapter 4, And Evil is Alive and Well, What is Happening to America?

For this reason, I also gave you the list of tools, devises, methods and tricks, the entire modus operandi used by the KGB. In the last several columns, I paid a special attention to Political Correctness, as the only one of the methods used by KGB. I focused your attention on recruitment and infiltration for a reason—those two are the main components of WWIII. I tried to expose the list of all the tricks and devises of Stalin’s teachings in my books, I hope you also remember a creation of a Soviet style leaders in the outside world. But the list of tools is so long and constantly developed by Stalin’s devoted disciples of the KGB that it will take the intelligence apparatus to follow it. The devoted disciples are Andropov and Putin.

Yet, to comprehend better the nature and essence of WWIII, let me give you again the document proving my statement. It is a decision of the Soviet Defense Council in 1955, which was the first formal Soviet document declaring the war on Western civilization .Please, remember, the document had been written under the control of the KGB. It reveals the launch of narcotics trafficking against the bourgeoisie and especially against the American capitalists as a sub-component of a global strategy:

“Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy… narcotics strategy is a sub-component of this global strategy… First was the increased training of leaders for the revolutionary movements—the civilian, military, and intelligence cadres. The founding of Patrice Lumumba University in Moscow is an example of one of the early actions taken to modernize the Soviet revolutionary leadership training. The second step was the actual training of terrorists. Training for international terrorism actually began as ‘fighters for liberation.’…The third step was international drug and narcotics trafficking. Drugs were incorporated into the revolutionary war strategy as a political and intelligence weapon to use against the bourgeois society and as a mechanism for recruiting agents of influence around the world.” You can read the entire document in my column titled Agents of Influence, the name given to the moles by the above mentioned document.

The document projects the future aggressive criminal activities, yet, it was formed on the background of a real war. After Stalin completed the creation of the Chinese Communist State in 1949, he gave an order to a Soviet General Staff to plan a Korean war that began in 1950. You know the result. But…this vicious aggressive circle has never been stopped, then it was Vietnam, Cambodia where the Soviet military actively participated. And the waves of the misfortunate Asians have streamed out to Europe and America asking for the asylum. In 1956 the Communist Hungary asked for the Russian “help” and the tanks had drownd freedom in Hungary. Then the Russian tanks had killed the Prague Spring in1968 and again, the people from Europe asked now for asylum in America. Don’t you think that asymmetrical war, waged by Russia was started many years ago?

Finishing with freedom in Asia and Europe, Stalinist devoted disciples moved to the Middle East with the same formula bequeathed by Stalin. Papa Assad in Syria, had already been recruited by the time and a new name came to life–Arafat, leading a so-called Liberation Movement. I have already dedicated many pages to this fake, dangerous, military movement in the Middle East. The Stalinist design has never been changed, but developed in coherence with the time and current events in the world.  As usual the KGB was playing the crucial role—Andropov and Putin had followed Stalin’s design to our time. Now we are dealing with Iran, the next satellite of Russia and the biggest sponsor of International terrorism and a friend of Assad in Syria.

Look at the map of the Middle East and you will see a knot created for several decades by Russia. As I have already warned you before, I expect Russia and Iran will fight in Syria to secure Assad, who has already asked Russia for help. But Russia’s agenda is much wider and more threatening in the Middle East than it is seen at the first glance. What do you think, why does Russia bring anti-aircraft missiles to Syria? ISIS doesn’t have any air forces? The coalition lead by America has. Do you know why Russia brings fighter-jets to Syria?  Why is Syria’s airport occupied by Russian planes and helicopters? It is a strategic diversion to establish a real Russian military presence on the Mediterranean by a military base in Syria. Do not forget Putin is playing a geopolitical-chess game with the world and your lives.

That tells you a lot. Russia’s agenda is that of turning the Middle East into the battlefield against Israel the way Stalin had bequeathed it being an extreme anti-Semite.

Game Plan for Taking Back Our Kids

WOODLAWNAn old 1960s U.S. Army buddy, acclaimed life coach and author Steve Chandler sent me a copy of his latest book, “Crazy Good.” In his book, Steve points out that embracing a victim mindset has extremely negative consequences; is not empowering and actually weakens you.

The validity of Steve’s statement is well documented. This is a truth the Left does not permit us to say. If Steve were to state this truth on stage speaking to a black audience, liberals would call him a white racist and me an Uncle Tom for standing up and applauding in agreement with him. How dare this white dude advise blacks to abandon their victim mindsets. Off with his head!

Folks, not only has the Left banned speaking the truth in our country, they are striving to make it illegal. Yes, they want to throw your derriere in jail for disagreeing with their anti-God and anti-American agenda

Nothing sticks in my craw more than allowing Leftist thugs to run the show, beating up on hard working decent Americans, attempting to force them into submission. My early years living in the projects of east Baltimore taught me that if you give bullies an inch, they will take a mile.

Thank God GOP presidential contender Dr Ben Carson is standing up to despicable liberal operatives in the mainstream media, determined to silence him from sounding the alarm regarding the devastating consequences of cradle to grave welfare (government dependency). 

Political experts continue to scratch their heads, puzzled why Dr Carson and Trump’s stars are soaring higher and higher in the polls. It “ain’t” rocket science. The American people are sick of being bullied by Leftists. Americans are thrilled that Dr Carson and Trump are standing up to Leftist bullies in the media and Democratic Party. Both Carson and Trump are fearlessly speaking truth and offering solutions most beneficial to America. Liberals hate it!

Frankly, going into another rant listing Obama’s assaults on freedom and America is too emotionally draining and depressing. Lets just say things are pretty bad when killing babies for profit, killing cops, hating achievers and blacks hating whites are the new celebrated norms. Who could imagine a day would come in America when people are jailed and businesses are closed for not gleefully blessing same sex fellatio, anal sex and same sex cunnilingus

However, due to my faith, I remain extremely hopeful. Dr Carson and Trump’s popularity point to a growing once silent majority committed to turning our country around. In skirmishes across America, we are winning victories against PC. Parents are pushing back against liberal school boards’ vile intentions.

Americans are finally starting to push back, saying “no” to PC tyranny. High quality Christian movies are on the rise. Though hidden by the MSM, youths are leading a powerful pro-life movement; the largest generation of pro-lifers since 1973

Despite Obama and his MSM operatives best efforts to convince Americans that man is smarter than God, polls confirm a majority of Americans smell the stench of our rotting culture.

Folks, we need to stop being so passive and aggressively educate and take back the hearts and minds of our kids. On a road trip visiting relatives in five states, I was stunned by how well Leftist media and public education had transformed the yoots (youths) in my family into brain-dead liberal zombies. They believe white cops murder blacks. Opposing Planned Parenthood equals hatred for women. Republicans are rich, racist and mean. Democrats truly care about them. I had a tough time controlling my gag reflex.

Insidiously, dumbed-down by public education on purpose, most youths are clueless regarding their rights written in the U.S. Constitution. They have no concept of the sacrifice and price our founders and patriots paid for freedom. Thus, it has little value to them. Just as Esau foolishly gave away his birthright for a bowl of beans, many millennials gladly surrender their freedom to government in the name of fairness (social justice) and the promise of security.

Ben Franklin said. “He who would trade liberty for some temporary security, deserves neither liberty nor security.”

So what is the solution? How do we rescue the hijacked hearts and minds of America’s youths? The answer is we follow the lead of Dr Carson, Trump and my favorite candidate, Ted Cruz. Stop allowing the Left to dictate our behavior. Don’t jump on the bandwagon with Leftists criticizing a conservative for speaking truth unfiltered through PC. Boldly push back against PC. Liberals taught our kids lies causing them to hate their country. We MUST counter the lies with the truth about this remarkable, unique and God inspired experiment called America.

Rush Limbaugh is doing his part by publishing a best-selling series of patriotic children books. I am extremely excited and honored to be involved in launching the American Pride Calendar and coffee table book. A father bought several copies because his 10 year old son said it was the best thing he ever read.

To my fellow Christians, branch out of the pews and into the political arena. And for crying out loud, VOTE!!! Prayer is wonderful. But it is time to do something. The Bible says faith without works is dead! More Christians are beginning to realize our government’s and MSM’s War on Christianity; a special shout-out to the ministries of John and Matthew Hagee. Religious freedom rallies are popping up around the country.

Our nation did not reach its current level of debauchery over night. But it is not too late to rescue this stolen generation and generations to come. Committed to fighting with my articles, songs and appearances until God takes me home, I am in this to win it. Raise your hand if you are with me. Wow, I see a lot of hands. Praise God!

RELATED VIDEO: Woodlawn official trailer:

Why the Refugees of Syria and other Middle East Nations are NOT Welcome in The United States

The Western World is in turmoil due to the Middle East wars.  Millions of citizens of various Middle Eastern nations are being displaced and are fleeing the region for the possibility of a better life. These folks are risking life and limb by walking, boating, biking, or driving thousands of miles in order to get to somewhere they think will allow them a better and safer life. Now, I want people to understand where these people are going and where they are not going.

Notice, these “refugees” are not heading to other nations with similar religious beliefs such as Pakistan.  They are not heading to nations that are openly hostile to their religious beliefs such as India and China.

However, they are heading to nations that seem to want them to come in such as Germany, France, United Kingdom, and the United States. But are they really welcome? The governments of these and other Western nations seem to make one believe that their citizens are welcoming these refugees with open arms.

But recent protests in the United Kingdom, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Hungary, Serbia, and in other places show that the citizens of these nations have had enough of being invaded by a people who have nothing in common with the native population. They are sick and tired of being targets of terrorism in their own cities and towns.  They are tired of their religions and laws being attacked by a group of people bent on total world domination.

They are tired of supporting these people as they flood their borders and they are sick and tired of allowing young men of the military fighting age be given free rein on their local streets. Let’s face it if you are young, healthy, and able, why is it you are not willing to fight for your own way of life and your own version of freedom?

The citizens of the Western nations understand that these men are not refugees, but many are indeed insurgents sent by terrorist groups with one thing on their minds and that is the death and destruction of Western Nations and a complete takeover of their governments, laws, and religions.

This is something that these citizens have come to realize yet their own governments do not care to listen to the people they say they represent. The United States is no different than those European nations because our government officials continue to accept these refugees from the Middle East despite the outcry from the America people.

Instead, the elected officials of The United States will call the American people racists and bigots for daring to object to the very notion of allowing these so called refugees in our nation. However, we have seen an increase in terrorist activity within our nation.  But some, especially the left, only wish to blame those on the right because we want to cling to our Bibles and our Guns.   Frankly, it is the Bibles and Guns that will be called upon to save this nation and indeed the entire Western World.

Make no mistake, the citizens of Europe realize they are in big trouble but in many of those nations, the citizens are either banned from owning a firearm or are severely restricted.  In other words, the people of Europe, because of the government that they elected, have left them defenseless and helpless to the onslaught.

Here in the United States, we have a call from the left to make us equally defenseless and helpless but the American people realize that this plan is a disaster in the making.  Yet we still continue to vote for these idiots to represent us.

Make no mistake about it, if we keep electing the kinds of people who act more and more like anti-American activists than pro-American defenders, we also shall end up defenseless, helpless, and more Americans will die in our streets.

Now I ask you, is that the society you want?  Do you want to be like Europe or do you wish to remain free, safe, and exceptional?

I choose the latter.

Human Cockroaches on the Move

Never in our lifetime, not even during World War II, have the people of Planet Earth seen the potential for more human misery than they are now witness to.  In Europe, the black peoples of Africa and the Muslims of the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan… many of them escaping war and starvation, others brutal savages intent upon spreading Islamic extremism… stream across the international frontiers of Britain, France, Germany, and other European countries.

All across the Middle East and Africa, we see daily reports of what passes for justice in their brutal primitive cultures.  We see gang rapes administered as punishment; we see ritual beheadings of enemy captives; we see women, some as young as eight or nine years of age, kidnapped and sold into sex slavery; we see rape victims buried up to their necks and stoned to death; we see captured soldiers doused with gasoline and publicly burned to death; and we see prisoners locked in steel cages and submerged in tanks of water.  In short, we are now witness to the most unimaginable variety of human cruelty and depravity at the hands of radical Islamists.

In Israel, we see young Palestinian Arabs roaming the streets of Jerusalem, attacking and stabbing Israeli pedestrians at random.  We see Palestinians driving automobiles onto sidewalks, running down Israelis waiting at bus stops.  And when Israeli police are attacked with knives and are shot to death, Obama administration officials charge the Israelis with “overreacting.”

Even here, in the streets of America, we see riots, looting, and senseless murder.  We see police officers targeted for assassination, for no other reason than that they wear a badge and a gun and they represent civil authority.  Gangs of young black men select victims at random and draw lots to see who will be given the opportunity to knock the victim unconscious with a single punch.  In major cities across the country dozens of young black men are senselessly murdered each week by other young black men.  Meanwhile, school administrators are sued because they refuse to provide prayer facilities for Muslims, even though school policy prohibits any and all religious activity by Christians, Jews, and others.  In our military, field grade officers by the hundreds are driven into retirement because they disagree with the military decisions of a commander in chief who himself refused to wear the uniform of the U.S. military.

In short, the human cockroaches of the world are on the move.  They want what we have, they want to live where we live, and they’re not about to take “no” for an answer.  Unfortunately, most European heads of state are still convinced that multiculturalism is a long term positive development for their economies.  Millions of refugees abandon the refugee camps of Syria, Iraq, Gaza, and Turkey, straggling westward toward Germany and Austria, while hundreds of thousands more sail from North Africa across the Mediterranean to Spain, Italy, Austria, and Germany.  Some are families seeking safety from the ravages of ISIS and the Islamic caliphate; some are terrorist’s intent upon destabilizing the nations of Europe and subjugating their people; while many more seek nothing more than to live off the generous social welfare programs of America and the European socialist states.

On September 3, 2011, Oskar Freysinger, of the Christian Democratic People’s Party of Switzerland, a member of the Swiss parliament, addressed some very important thoughts to a Berlin audience… thoughts that Germans and other Europeans should have heeded when they still had a chance to do so.  Freysinger said:

“The dhimmi (a non-Muslim living as a second-class citizen in an Islamic state) attitude of Europeans sustained a wound which must not heal over if the millennia-old European civilization is to survive, for Europe is more than a plot of land, more than a continent, more than the sum of its countries.  Europe is an idea, a cultural landscape, an intellectual space shaped by history.  Europe is the cradle of the modern constitutional state, the treasure-house of human rights, of freedom of opinion and expression.

“This is ever more strongly endangered by the possibility that our political elite will bend their necks before a (Muslim) religious dogma that is alien to our intellectual history, our values, and our constitutional state.  This dogma is gnawing away at the pillars of our system of laws, wherever it is allowed some space.  This dogma demands total obedience from its followers…

“They are in no case to integrate into our value system.  That would be like treason and can even be punished with death.  They are expected to conquer our intellectual home, make the Western world subject.  My dear friends… we are not fighting against people, we are fighting for people! We are fighting against a dogma that is anathema to every aspect of humanity…  If we lose this battle, there will be no second chance, for Islam does not give back what it has conquered.”

In a statement published on the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) website, Khudayr Taher, an Iraqi Shiite living in the United States, suggests that, “Countries have the right to protect themselves and assure their citizens’ safety from terrorism.  Likewise, it is clear that the source of the terrorist crimes in Europe and America is the Muslims who live in those countries…”  Taher argues that, since it is impossible to sort out the good Muslims from the bad, those countries should “deport all Muslims, of all races, from Europe and America… ”

Some European countries are beginning to deport Muslims on a selective basis.  Across Europe, where multiculturalism has for years been seen as a laudable goal, Muslim immigrants see themselves as a “conquering army,” for which European women are simply the “spoils of war.”  For Muslims, it makes perfect sense because that attitude is in full accordance with Islamic law.  Western women are not regarded as individuals, but as “their women,” the women who belong to hostile infidels.  They see western women as “cheap and offensive.”

Aleteia, the worldwide Catholic network, reports that, “Over the past three years, France has

deported 40 foreign imams for “preaching hatred.”  The news service quotes French Interior Minister Bernard Cazeneuve as saying, “We cannot lose this war because it’s fundamentally a war of civilization.  It’s our society, our civilization that we are defending.”  Cazeneuve has made it clear that any “foreign preacher of hate will be deported,” and that any mosque found to be inciting terrorism “will be shut down.”  Since January 2015, the French have investigated 22 reported cases of radical preaching.  In 10 of those cases imams have been deported.

In short, it is time for western democracies, particularly Great Britain and the United States, to conclude that Islam is incompatible with cultures built on Judeo-Christian principles and that, as such, it is not possible for Islamists to ever integrate into western cultures.  Instead, they must be banished/quarantined forever to majority Muslim nations.  As the French Interior Minister has made clear, we cannot afford to lose this war because nothing less than civilization is at stake.

Most of the outrages committed by Muslims can be managed if only political leaders will abandon political correctness and act with a firm hand.  A video now circulating on the Internet, set to the tune of the John Denver song, “Leaving on a Jet Plane,” is a thought-provoking hint of things to come.  The video first informs us that the world’s largest passenger aircraft, the Airbus A380, can seat up to 830 passengers in economy class configuration.  The video goes on to explain that, with an average of ten flights per day for an entire year, the British could deport every one of their 2.87 million Muslims, sending them off with one-way tickets to destinations of their choice in the Muslim world.

As the video explains, European countries such as Great Britain and Germany, countries that have opened their doors to unfettered Muslim immigration, are now facing a catch-22 situation.  They will one day be forced to choose between the ultimate civil war that all nations with large and expanding Muslim populations eventually face, or they must give serious consideration to ridding themselves of their Muslim populations while it is still possible to do so.  It is a solution that more and more leaders western leaders are beginning to embrace.

We are told that only 5% of the world’s 1.4 billion Muslims are radicalized.  But before we sit back and say, “Whew!! I’m sure glad to hear that,” let’s first do a bit of arithmetic.  Five percent of 1.4 billion comes to roughly 70 million suicide bombers, child rapists, wife-beaters, and other types of Islamist murderers.  Since it is impossible for radical Islamists to ever live in a civilized world, and since non-radicalized Muslims are not anxious to see their families butchered and otherwise brutalized before their very eyes, they say nothing; they do nothing.  Because of their cowardice they are just as undesirable as their religion-crazed friends, families, and neighbors.

Americans and Europeans will do whatever is necessary to deal with the humanitarian crisis that is now flowing across our borders.  But we are not obligated by our humanity to submit to the total desecration of our western cultures and religious traditions.  Instead, we have not only a right, but a solemn obligation to see to it that our people are protected from the horrors of radical Islam.  We must resolve that the problems that drive masses of illegal immigrants and asylum-seekers out of Africa, the Middle East, Mexico, and Central America into Europe and North America are their problems… not ours.  Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the indigenous populations of those troubled nations to solve their own problems.  When the present dangers are past, they must pack up and return to their home countries.

Islamists will never willingly assimilate into our western cultures.  Hence, as Khudayr Taher has suggested, it’s time we started deporting all Muslims… men, women, and chidren… to the Islamic destination of their choice.  The deportation of radical Islamist preachers is now beginning in some of the most unlikely places and it’s never too early for the United States and Great Britain to join the parade.  The human cockroaches of the world are on the move and it’s time we called in the exterminators.  Let the exodus begin.

Why are Jews Against Israel?

Jews Against Themselves coverWe have been an admirer of David Isaac’s commendable documentary series, “Zionism 101”.  It is a beautiful constructed graphic Baedeker  and comprehensive guide to the origins and evolution of religious and political Zionism.  We  count him among the leading defenders of Israel, the Jewish nation and the Diaspora,  the ‘galut’.  Thus, I found it in character for him to publish  a review of a new book of withering essays by University of Washington  scholar, Edward Alexander, “Jews Against Themselves”.  Isaac’s review of Alexander‘s collection of jeremiads, “The Enemy Within”   published in today’s  Washington Free Beacon excoriates these diverse ‘shadtlanim’  beyond the usual suspects.  Isaac pays tribute to Alexander withering and acerbic wit in these essays.  He writes:

Alexander describes “the new forms taken by Jewish apostasy in an age when Jewish existence is threatened more starkly and immediately than at any time since the Nazi war against the Jews.” He notes that there are always readers astonished to learn that Israel-bashing Jews exist. But precisely these home-grown haters are the ones who “play a disproportionate role in basic

Isaac notes Alexander’s  theme threading his  oeuvre  defending Israel against the usual and not so usual  suspects::

Alexander is a staunch defender of Israel, the foundation of which he calls one of the “few redeeming events in a century of blood and shame, one of the greatest affirmations of the will to live ever made by a martyred people, and a uniquely hopeful sign for humanity itself.” As an English professor at the University of Washington, he wrote books on moral exemplars of the Victorian period like Matthew Arnold. He could have remained in his ivory tower, but instead he has delved into the muck. With pen in hand—happily Alexander is a superb writer and wields a very sharp pen—he has taken apart Israel’s enemies in books ranging from The Jewish Idea and Its Enemiesto The Jewish Wars to The State of the Jews and The Jewish Divide Against Israel.

Alexander is not out to create a “systemic taxonomy” of the many species of anti-Israel Jews but he does give the reader a brief, dizzying list of them: “Jewish progressives against Israel; Jewish queers against Israel; Haredim against Israel; Holocaust survivors against Israel; children of Holocaust survivors against Israel; Jewish Voice for Peace; grandchildren of Holocaust survivors against Israel … and so on and on, ad infinitum, ad nauseam.”

Anti-semitic cartoon posted by Richard Falk on his blog.

One of the worst  Isaac cites  in his review of Alexander’s book for particular scorn  is Princeton Professor Richard Falk, a former special rapporteur on Palestine for the oxymoronic UN Human Rights Commission:

Unfortunately, Jewish defamers of Israel often occupy positions of influence. Take Richard Falk, a Princeton professor for 40 years, who served for six years as the UN’s special rapporteur “on human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967.” In 2008 Falk issued a statement condemning Israel (which had finally reacted to years of missiles lobbed into its territory) for “war crimes” in Gaza. Alexander writes of him: “From his UN post Falk has relentlessly described Israel as Satan’s lair, called for ‘a legitimacy war against Israel,’ blamed the Boston Marathon bombings on ‘Tel Aviv,’ and then—in the summer of 2011—having exhausted his own store of verbal eloquence on the topic, posted on his ‘blog’ site a cartoon of a dog wearing a yarmulke urinating on a blindfolded female figure of Justice. If any single figure ever embodied the image of the UN as the center of the world’s evil, it is Richard Falk.”

Then there is J Street that we have conducted our own withering campaign against:

J Street is another example of the real-world impact of these internal enemies. The group boasts a “Rabbinic Cabinet,” Alexander writes, “whose members include supporters of Hamas’s relentless bombing of Sderot.” In lobbying to oppose Israeli policies, J Street has proven a useful tool in the hands of the Obama administration, which sends its highest officials to attend its conferences, presumably because it sees in the group a kindred spirit and hopes that the group will provide cover, as a self-styled “Zionist” organization, against charges of being anti-Israel.

Isaac  condemns the obscenity of Jewish  descendents of Holocaust survivors  misappropriating their memories in squabbling debates within the same family, as in the case of the Petos:

Such a one is Jennifer Peto, whose anti-Israel master’s thesis (briefly the focus of a 2010 media controversy in Canada) was dedicated to her grandmother, a Holocaust survivor: “If she were alive today, she would be right there with me protesting against Israeli apartheid.” Fortunately, her brother, David Peto, a Houston physician, sent an open letter to the press describing their real grandmother, a teacher at a Jewish orphanage in Budapest “who saved countless children from death at the hands of the Nazis.” She was “an ardent supporter of the state of Israel … [and] I cannot in good conscience allow my sister to misappropriate our grandmother’s memory to suit her political ideology.”

Then there are Israel-bashing Israelis that Alexander takes particular exception to:

One of the biggest surprises in Alexander’s book—at least to the uninitiated—is that there are Israelis who join in the defamation. One would think terrorist bombs and missiles would act as a reality check, but this is far from the case. Alexander quotes the Israeli writer Aharon Megged saying in 1993 that “Since the Six Day War, and at an increasing pace, we have witnessed a phenomenon which probably has no parallel in history: an emotional and moral identification by the majority of Israel’s intelligentsia with people openly committed to our annihilation.” Alexander observes that when the Labor Party took back the reins of government in 1992, they had absorbed the ideas of this intelligentsia. The result was the Oslo Accords, which gave the PLO’s Yasser Arafat a launching pad for attacks on Israel.

Along these lines,  Isaac asks  why the  Israel government  mindlessly  awards  the Israel Prize to Israeli Jewish self  haters:

While Alexander does not talk about this, the Israeli government itself is guilty of precisely such “honors, flattery and oily sycophancy.” The Israel Prize, the highest bestowed by the Israel government, has gone to some of Israel’s worst defamers: men like Yeshayahu Leibowitz who repeatedly referred to Israel’s government and soldiers as “Judeo-Nazis”; Natan Zach, a supporter of boycotts against Jewish communities outside the armistice borders of 1949; Ze’ev Sternhell, “only he who is willing to storm Ofra [a Jewish community between Jerusalem and Nablus] with tanks will be able to block the fascist danger”; Arik Shapira, who said his musical composition was dedicated to the destruction of Ofra , and a number of others of that ilk. What happens when the state gives its highest honor to those who call Israelis Nazis, justify Arab terrorism and advocate civil war among Jews? The prizes say that these people are the most cultivated; the highest achievers Israel has to offer. In giving these prizes to those who despise the state, Israel becomes an enabler and megaphone for its defamers.

Isaac ends his review of Alexander’s collection of 18 essays by reaching back into ancient history to show that  despite massive repeated   existential threats, Israel and the Jewish people have survived :

Israel is ringed by enemies, excoriated by “the world community,” and has to endure so many enemies within the Jewish world, it is helpful to end on a positive note. Alexander reminds us that “the first elegist to crow over the demise of Zion was a fellow named Merneptah, a ruler of Egypt who announced that ‘Israel is desolated; its seed is no more.’ That was in the year 1215 BCE.”


David Isaac is an editor at and  the founder of a Zionist history site,

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

American Refugee Do-Gooders: This is how real Christian charity is done!

This is a message to all of you working for American resettlement contractors pretending to be Christian charities.

It is easy to bring Muslim refugees to America while pretending to be Christian charities preaching from your cushy offices in New York, Baltimore and Washington, DC—that means you—US Conference of Catholic Bishops, Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service, World Relief (Evangelicals), Episcopal Migration Ministries, and Church World Service!

It is easy for you ‘religious’ refugee resettlement contractors to bully local communities into accepting refugees with appeals to their Christian charitable spirits, but this is a story about real Christian charity.

(By the way, don’t fall for the idea that these resettlement contractors are working to bring Muslim refugees to Christ when they get them to your towns. They are strictly forbidden to preach to Muslim refugees, or any refugees, when taking government money, see here.)

Christian Aid Mission goes to the Middle East and helps refugees where they are with material needs and at the same time brings some to Christ.

The article at Christian Headlines (hat tip: Joanne), begins by confirming something we knew—that UN camps are full of terrorists and criminals (and that is where we are getting most of our refugees for your towns).

Syrian militants are among refugees fleeing to other countries, and they don’t leave their Islamic extremist practices behind. They have brought brutality and a culture of fear into some refugee camps, the director of a ministry in the Middle East said.

In United Nations camps in Jordan, Islamist gangs bring the same practices that refugees have fled: coercion to join terrorist groups such as the Islamic State (ISIS), conflict between militias on both sides of the civil war and the criminal buying and selling of females as sex slaves.

Then get this!

Reaching any Middle Eastern Muslim, much less one associated with ISIS, with the gospel is a delicate, gradual process, and the ministry’s 32 full-time workers and 400 volunteers throughout the region are trained to initiate relationships, answer doubts, share the good news of Christ’s salvation and develop disciples.

One member of ISIS from northern Syria came to visit his relatives who had fled to Jordan because he had heard Christians were providing them aid, the director said. He intended to kill the Christian workers providing aid to his relatives, who were not living in a refugee camp. After hearing the gospel and witnessing the love of the Christians, he put his trust in Christ.

“He first saw how Islam brainwashed him about Christianity, and how that contrasted with the reality of what he saw in the Christians,” the director said. “And we’re talking about an area of Jordan that has three Salafist [a strict, fundamentalist branch of Sunni Islam] mosques. They raise up people to go and fight.”

There is much more, read on!

RELATED ARTICLE: Seattle has a commission on refugees and immigrants, November meeting coming up

Frédéric Bastiat: Government Power Was His Mortal Enemy by Lawrence W. Reed

“Sometimes standing against evil is more important than defeating it,” wrote novelist N.D. Wilson. “The greatest heroes stand because it is right to do so, not because they believe they will walk away with their lives. Such selfless courage is a victory in itself.”

In the last six of his 49 years of life, brought to an untimely end by tuberculosis, the classical liberal Frenchman Frédéric Bastiat produced an astonishing volume of books and essays in defense of free markets and free people. He towered over the smug intellectuals and politicians of his native France, most of whom were mentally mired in the country’s ancient traditions of statist central planning of the economy.

“Life, liberty, and property do not exist because men have made laws,” he reasoned. “On the contrary, it was the fact that life, liberty, and property existed beforehand that caused men to make laws in the first place.”

Bastiat also gave us perhaps the world’s most succinct description of the redistributive apparatus of government: “The State is the great fiction through which everyone lives at the expense of everyone else.”

The world in the 21st century is beset with economic fallacies that are, for the most part, modern versions of those that Bastiat demolished 16 decades ago.

If a posthumous Nobel Prize were to be awarded to just one person for crystal-clear writing and masterful storytelling in economics, no one would be more deserving of it than Bastiat. Here is the great pity of his short time on this earth: while he lived and ever since, his own country never possessed the collective wisdom to give him the honor and attention he deserved. His selfless courage in expressing timeless, irrefutable truths while almost all around him wallowed in fallacy constitutes a great moral victory indeed.

Bastiat was born in the port village of Bayonne on the Bay of Biscay in southern France. He was just 14 when the French defeat at Waterloo dispatched the dictatorship of Napoleon Bonaparte and put the old monarchy back in place.

At 17, Bastiat was working for his family’s export business, where he experienced firsthand the absurdity of protectionism and other wealth-stifling trade restrictions of the French government. Of this period in Bastiat’s life, economist Jim Powell writes,

While he didn’t want a commercial career, he was interested in the civilizing influence of commerce and the many ways that laws hurt people. He observed, for instance, how the 1816 French tariff throttled trade, resulting in empty warehouses and idle docks around Bayonne. In 1819, the government put steep tariffs on corn, meat, and sugar, making poor people suffer from needlessly high food prices. High tariffs on English and Swiss cotton led to widespread smuggling.

Inheriting the estate of his grandfather upon the elder’s death in 1825, Bastiat could afford to devote considerable time to the thought, reading, and debates with friends that a few years later would yield an explosion of wit and wisdom from a prolific pen. He was elected to two minor public positions in the early 1830s: justice of the peace and county assemblyman.

Bastiat published his first article in 1844. He was 43 years old, but he understood the economic world better than almost anyone twice his age, and he knew better than anybody how to explain it with an economy of words. He employed everyday language, conversational tone, and an innate clarity that flowed from his logical and orderly presentation. Nothing he wrote was stilted, artificial, or pompous. He was concise and devastatingly to the point. To this day, nobody can read Bastiat and wonder, “Now what was that all about?”

He was unequivocal in his opposition to limitless government. “It is not true,” he wrote, “that the function of law is to regulate our consciences, our ideas, our wills, our education, our opinions, our work, our trade, our talents, or our pleasures. The function of law is to protect the free exercise of these rights, and to prevent any person from interfering with the free exercise of these same rights by any other person.”

David Hart is the editor of Liberty Fund’s English translation of The Collected Works of Frédéric Bastiat. He writes,

Bastiat thought the modern bureaucratic and regulatory State of his day was based on a mixture of outright violence and coercion on the one hand, and trickery and fallacies (sophisms) on the other. The violence and coercion came from the taxes, tariffs, and regulations, which were imposed on taxpayers, traders, and producers; the ideological dimension that maintained the current class of plunderers came from a new set of “political” and “economic sophisms” that confused, misled, and tricked a new generation of “dupes” into supporting the system. The science of political economy, according to Bastiat, was to be the means by which the economic sophisms of the present would be exposed, rebutted, and finally overturned, thus depriving the current plundering class of its livelihood and power.

Economics these days can be dull and lifeless, larded with verbosity and presumptuous mathematics. Bastiat proved that economics doesn’t have to be that way, or at least that the core truths of the science can be made lively and unforgettable. In literature, we think of good storytelling as an art and stories as powerful tools for understanding. Bastiat could tell a story that pierced you with its brilliance. If your misconceptions were his target, his stories could leave you utterly, embarrassingly disarmed.

Bastiat was unequivocal in his opposition to limitless government.

One of his most memorable analogies comes from “The Candlemaker’s Petition,” in which candlemakers protested to the government “the unfair competition of a foreign rival. This foreign manufacturer of light has such an advantage over us that he floods our domestic markets with his product. And he offers it at a fantastically low price.”

That competitor turns out to be the sun, which provides free light in competition with the makers of candles. Bastiat wittily demolished the proposed “remedy” of the protectionist candlemakers — forbidding windows or requiring that they be painted black — and explained that it is to society’s advantage to accept all the free sunlight it can get and use the resources that might otherwise go to candles to meet other needs.

Protectionist arguments such as those from the candlemakers came under relentless assault by Bastiat. Why should two countries that dig a tunnel through their mountainous border to facilitate travel and trade then seek to undo its advantages by imposing burdensome taxes at both ends? If an exporter sells his goods abroad for more than they were worth at home, then buys valuable goods with the proceeds to bring back to his homeland, why would anyone in his right mind condemn the transactions as yielding a balance of trade “deficit”? If you’re a protectionist before reading Bastiat, you’ll either repent after reading his work or forever remain in darkness with no excuse that you weren’t instructed otherwise.

Bastiat’s 1850 essay, “That Which Is Seen and That Which Is Not Seen,” introduced his famous parable of the broken window. It’s a brilliant exposition of what would later become known as “opportunity cost,” a core concept in economics. If a hoodlum breaks a baker’s window, the economy in general is not “stimulated” because the baker must now do business with a glazier. Less visible but just as real is the fact that to replace the broken glass, the baker must cancel his plans to buy other things, such as a suit of clothes. The act of destruction means a gain for the glazier, but that gain is more than offset by the losses of the baker and the tailor.

Bastiat served the last two years of his life in France’s Constituent and Legislative Assemblies, where he worked tirelessly to convince fellow members of the merits of freedom and free markets. They proved to be his toughest audience. Most were far more interested in selfish and ephemeral satisfactions (such as power, money, reelection, and the dispensing of favors to friends) than in eternal truths.

He could be devilishly brilliant in his denunciations of his colleagues with political power who presumed to plan the control the lives of others, as in this admonition:

Ah, you miserable creatures! You who think that you are so great! You who judge humanity to be so small! You who wish to reform everything! Why don’t you reform yourselves? That task would be sufficient enough.

Or in this one, my personal favorite:

If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?

His most famous work is The Law, which appeared the year he died. Were it required reading in schools today, it would transform the world, as it has opened minds and changed lives for many decades.

Bastiat was interested in the civilizing influence of commerce and the many ways that laws hurt people.

Inspired by The Law and other contributions of Bastiat, a “network of principled business leaders” now bears his name: The Bastiat Society.

The world in the 21st century is beset with economic fallacies that are, for the most part, modern versions of those that Bastiat demolished 16 decades ago. The answers to the vexing problems those fallacies produce are rarely to be found in proposals that empower bureaucracy while imposing tortuous regulations on private behavior. It’s far more likely that the answers lie in the profound and permanent principles that Frédéric Bastiat did so much to illuminate, and to which Powell offers these words of tribute:

And so that frail Frenchman whose public career spanned just six years, belittled as a mere popularizer, dismissed as a dreamer and an ideologue, turns out to have been right. Even before Karl Marx began scribbling The Communist Manifesto in December 1847, Frédéric Bastiat knew that socialism is doomed. Marx called for a vast expansion of government power to seize privately owned land, banks, railroads, and schools, but Bastiat warned that government power is a mortal enemy, and he was right. He declared that prosperity is everywhere the work of free people, and he was right again. He maintained that the only meaningful way to secure peace is to secure human liberty by limiting government power, and he was right yet again. Bastiat took the lead, he stood alone when he had to, he displayed a generous spirit, he shared epic insights, he gave wings to ideas, and he committed his life for liberty. He earned his place among the immortals.

For further information, see:

Lawrence W. Reed
Lawrence W. Reed

Lawrence W. (“Larry”) Reed became president of FEE in 2008 after serving as chairman of its board of trustees in the 1990s and both writing and speaking for FEE since the late 1970s.

EDITORS NOTE: Each week, Mr. Reed will relate the stories of people whose choices and actions make them heroes. See the table of contents for previous installments.

The Poison of Political Correctness

The politically correct control freaks are on the move and way beyond crazy.  For example, political correct lemmings are so goofy they want to let terrorists and other illegal immigrants into America while attacking cumulus clouds in their wacky environmental movement war on the United States.  Of all places, Philadelphia the city of brotherly love, where the Founding Fathers assembled at Independence Hall and declared freedom from British tyranny just a few years ago witnessed it’s tyrannical mayor unleash his powerful government wrath against the Boy Scouts.  He threatened to boot them out of their historical national headquarters because at the time Boy Scout leaders were still holding on to the Christian principles that were the hallmark of that organization.

As surely as the world turns the politically correct freaks continue to bring their misery into the days of our lives.  The political correct freaks have invaded just about every single segment of our republic. Even when it comes to the protection of our country from enemies their politically correct influence endangers our safety.  So now the U.S. Justice Department according to assistant Justice Department director John Carlin is going on the muscle against domestic terrorism.

John Carlin, head of the Department of Justice national security division announced the new Domestic Terrorism Division will focus on domestic threats.  He added, “In order to ensure that we are gaining the benefits of the information and input from those eyes on the ground from around the country, and in recognition of a growing number of potential domestic terrorism matters around the United States, we have created a new position to assist with our important work in combating domestic terrorism.”  Carlin went on to emphasize what he called the increasing risk from homegrown terrorism and specifically white supremacy.

Carlin also pointed out “We recognize that over the past few years, more people have died in this country in attacks by domestic extremists than in attacks associated with international terrorist groups.”  To put it bluntly, what a crock of politically correct garbage.  First of all, this is a nation of laws.  If the government would enforce the laws already on the books without politically correct influences, the government would strongly deal with enemies both foreign and domestic.

There is no logical reason for the Department of Justice to take this politically correct approach.  However the government has become a rouge enforcer of globalist political correct dogma at the expense of America and the unalienable rights of “We the People.”  Mr. Carlin said that the D.O.J. will specifically emphasize white supremacy.  Big whoop Mr. Carlin, where was the Justice department after Louis Farrakhan spoke about the need for ten thousand brave men to kill?  Where is the Justice Department when Americans are needlessly murdered by illegal immigrants let in by the federal government that has so-far refused to build proper fencing and effectively guard the American borders?

The politically correct freaks have taken over almost all of the far too many government departments in addition to the Department of Justice.  It seems as if Department of Justice officials are gearing up to work in concert with Obama administration plans to bring over a United Nations inspired international police force that is supposed to go after domestic extremists. This kind of evil is in lock step the politically correct freak who prefer the rights of illegal immigrants, animals, trannies and muslims who hate all non-muslims above the unalienable rights of you and I.

The politically correct freaks don’t believe in your right of self-protection.  That is one of the reasons it was easy for president Obama to announce he wanted to politicize the gun issue.  To him it was more important to drum up support for taking guns from law abiding sovereign citizens than showing gratitude to Chris Mintz, who bravely tried to save others from knuckle dragging murderer. Thanks but no-thanks to politically correct freaks, it was easy for the cowardly murderer to go after people he knew would be unarmed thanks to a politically correct work environment that discourages good people from protecting themselves.

The politically correct freaks in the form a homeowners association are so ensconced in evil and stupidity, they recently turned their bigoted ire toward Donna Morey of Hatfield Pa.  Why? Because she dared to fly a small blue star flag in her upstairs bedroom window in honor of her son’s military service.  Ms. Morey said that she had been flying the flag for nearly a year, but recently got a call telling her that she could be running afoul of the rules, in the complex where she lives.  The silly rules state that only white or off white window treatments may be visible from outside of the house.  Her son Donald Morey is a major in the army who has served tours of duty in Iraq and Afghanistan.  By the way, the Blue Star Flag is traditionally displayed by families of active servicemen and women.

Last but not least, the immoral politically correct freaks also continue to show their unyielding disdain of presidential candidate Dr. Ben Carson.  Simply because he, like yours truly refuses to act, speak, or believe the way that the politically correct freaks (or progressives) want him to.  In other words, Dr. Carson tells the truth concerning economics, abortion, American history, etc. and God forbid, he loves America and wants to see the reestablishment of proper moral instruction.  By the way, a return to good moral instruction and faith in God will go a long way in helping Americans make better choices, even at the ballot box.  Something the politically correct freaks don’t want to happen.

Muslim Refugee Resettlement: A Very Syrious Matter

The Jewish Community Federations of North America have come together to provide humanitarian aid for Syrian refugees. The organizations, paid contractors who are identified in the Jewish Coalition for Disaster Relief, are too numerous to mention here, but include AIPAC, AJC, B’nai B’rith Int’l, HIAS, ORT America, and National Council of Jewish Women (NCJW), who are furthering the cause of population redistribution.

Refugees, unlike migrants, are defined as those who flee their homes because of persecution. President Obama authorized the State Department to admit 85,000 refugees fleeing humanitarian crises worldwide in 2016. Just as these Islamists have invaded Europe, so our multiculturalists are funding their invasion into America, and despite Saudi Arabia’s air-conditioned tents that are erected and ready to accommodate three million for their annual pilgrimage to Medina, no “Syrians” are welcomed within the Islamic world. By definition, not only are these Syrians not refugees, but the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has confessed that they have no screening process for “Syrian refugees.”

ISIS/IS promised a “sea of chaos” to flood the West with 500,000 refugees – not merely to create a humanitarian crisis and strain our resources, but to also include jihadists to force Islamic conversion and establish Sharia as the law of the land. Islamic countries claim to have declined the Syrians because of terror risks, and the Jewish Federations have turned a blind eye. Historian Serge Trifkovic wrote:

The refusal of the Western elite class to protect their nations from jihadist infiltration is the biggest betrayal in history.”

And who are these Syrians? The Federation’s announcement contained a particularly deceptive photo of a wide-eyed, blonde toddler complete with Teddy bear, but the refugees are primarily able-bodied young men, weaned on anti-Semitism and hatred of the West and democracy, who are seen stomping on or burning our flags, brandishing rifles, hurling fire bombs, and wielding swords for decapitation. These are Islamists who have waged wars against Jews and Christians, and brought their savagery to Europe, complete with their methods of intimidation – riots and rapes of children and women. The rape count was more than 5,000 in 2008 and more than 6,000 in 2009; Muslims account for 50 to 75 percent of all rapes of women in Norway, Denmark, and Sweden, and these are the men who are designated to receive Federation funding.

The BBC’s website of 200 images is also dishonest in its refugee presentation – providing a 53% focus on children, 36 percent men, and 10 percent women, whereas the United Nations Refugee Agency revealed that 75 percent of “refugees” were young men.

Interestingly, the largest Muslim charity, with its link to terror financing and settling refugees from terror-torn Syria, has an operating budget of $240 million in over 30 countries. The charity is part of a network calling for the settlement of thousands of Syrian refugees into “rich countries.” Indeed, this is Barack Obama’s 2008 promise to fundamentally transform America, and the Islamic State’s threat to flood the West. Jusuf Al Qaradawi of the Muslim Brotherhood declared their mission “to free the occupied lands of the laws and the tyranny of disbelievers. It is undoubtedly a case of jihad for the sake of Allah.” Are we to believe that the Federations (and the BBC) are unwittingly complicit as they aid and abet those who would bring their misery to the West?

Crain’s Cleveland Business reported that David Fleshler, chair of the board of directors of Global Cleveland, seeks to invite 100,000 foreigners to Ohio. Is it possible he is unaware that Ohio is one of eleven states that already have more people on welfare than are employed, and that the Qur’an prohibits Muslims from assimilating into kaffir lands? He alleges that immigrants will integrate and be employable, while Darrell Hamm, director of the non-profit The Refugee Response, claims to assist refugees with their adjustment.

Judicial Watch’s Corruption Chronicles states:

“Conveniently omitted are the devastating impacts of illegal immigration like the billions of dollars American taxpayers spend annually on their education, healthcare and incarceration,” as Germany is now experiencing. They bring with them greater demands for intolerance and accommodations, destruction of the existing cultures, rioting and violent crime, as they perform the Qur’anic edicts to establish jurisdiction in lands of the infidel.

Judicial Watch’s recent report shows that 1,519 foreigners with terrorist ties were granted special exemptions and residency or asylum through a Department of Homeland Security (DHS) program, to which President Obama appointed Fatima Noor to the post of assistant director for US Citizenship and Immigration. Where prior to 2014, they would have been banned from entry, these 1,519 are currently in the US with the same rights and benefits afforded legal residents.  At a time when restrictions were being eased during an asylum fraud of February, 2014, the administration unilaterally altered the Immigration and Nationality Act while also announcing our projected acceptance of refugees to 100,000 yearly by 2017. NumbersUSA reported that a new Pew study found that immigration will account for 88 percent of US population growth over the next 50 years.

The Frankfurter Allgemenie and international statistics show that these foreigners are not “refugees,” but “migrants” who are not under threat of war or persecution. The migration is their hijrah, a 1400-year-old strategy of Islamic expansionism, which, coupled with military conquest, will subvert and subdue the host and begin the complete transformation of that country. These are migrant warriors.

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban wisely warned that the wave of mostly Muslim refugees coming to Europe threatens to undermine the continent’s Christian roots. “They represent a profoundly different culture.” All too obvious is the dearth of Christian and Jewish refugees who truly need asylum from the jihadists.

Meanwhile, the International Rescue Committee (IRC), headed by former British Foreign Secretary David Miliband, and Labour politician, praises the intake of Muslims into Germany (as the Germans march and rebel against Islamization), Iceland and Sweden, and demands that Obama admit 65,000 mostly Muslim Syrians to the US. Miliband, who is affiliated with George Soros, Hillary and Bill Clinton, and Samantha Power, reminds us that more than 11 million Syrians have been made homeless by conflict and Syria is host to 33,000 asylum seekers and refugees from Iraq, Afghanistan and Somalia. Miliband will not admit that Arab states refuse their brethren, but he is sure to remind us that no matter how many we take in, the number will be “unacceptable.”

The very lucrative refugee resettlement progams are used by those who hate non-Muslim countries and wish to replace their laws with Sharia. Breitbart News reveals that the U.S. already admits more than a quarter of a million Muslim migrants each year. Obama wants to add 10,000 Syrian migrants to that number. The Jewish Federations, Catholic Charities, World Council of Churches, and other “altruist” counterparts are conspiring against democracy, unintentionally or deliberately, to destroy Western civilization.

To support them is to hasten some very Syrious and irreparable consequences.


Sanctuary Cities on the Rise, Releasing More Than 9,000 Criminals in U.S. Illegally

Iraqi interpreters given refugee status, not pure as the driven snow

RELATED VIDEO: German police injured in yet another muslim riot in refugee center

The Creative Destruction of Nudity in Playboy Magazine by Sarah Skwire

Playboy has finally found a new way to shock and titillate America.

The magazine has announced that it will no longer feature full nudity. Instead, it will be moving toward a partially clad, cheesecake pin-up style.

When I heard the news, I immediately wondered what the great economist Joseph Schumpeter would have made of it. Schumpeter, who famously sought to become the world’s greatest economist, lover, and horseman — and admitted to failure only when it came to horses — would surely have followed the news from Playboy with interest.

But Schumpeter’s interest would have been as professional as it was prurient. As Michael Miller reports in theWashington Post,

By routinizing provocative images of naked women, Playboyinevitably created a market for its own rivals. In the 1970s, the magazine went head to head with newcomerPenthouse, whose more graphic female nudity pushed Playboy to become more extreme as well…. Playboy eventually toned down its photos in an attempt to re-establish its “girl next door” reputation, but the company would face even stiffer competition with the rise of the Internet. Suddenly, graphic porn wasn’t just available online. It was free. Playboy’s circulation, which had peaked at 5.6 million in 1975, plummeted to its present tally of 800,000.

The disappearance of full nudity from Playboy magazine is, in other words, a perfect example of Schumpeter’s concept of creative destruction. Schumpeter wrote that the “essential fact about capitalism” is creative destruction — the process “that incessantly revolutionizes the economic structurefrom within, incessantly destroying the old one, incessantly creating a new one.”

Just as buggy-whip makers were driven out of business by the rise of the automobile and manufacturers of wall phones were driven out by the rise of the cell phone, traditional purveyors of pornography can be driven out by new technology. In fact, pornography may be a business that is particularly sensitive to technological progress. Though it’s a disputed claim, many technology magazines have claimed that the superior availability of naughty movies on VHS lead to the demise of BetaMax. The legal scholar Peter Johnson argued in 1996 that

Throughout the history of new media, from vernacular speech to movable type, to photography, to paperback books, to videotape, to cable and pay-TV, to “900” phone lines, to the French Minitel, to the Internet, to CD-ROMs and laser discs, pornography has shown technology the way.

The two decades since Johnson’s article have only proven him more correct. With an ever increasing amount of free nudity available online in ways that allow users to precisely calibrate the images they find in order to satisfy their individual desires, the images in Playboy began to seem increasingly quaint and out of date. The desire for pictures of fresh-faced girls next door — filled by Playboy in ersatz and airbrushed fashion — is, presumably, easily filled by the actual girls next door on Snapchat and Tinder. Playboy needed to get creative and change, or be destroyed by its competitors’ creativity.

But while pornography’s critics have long argued that the proliferation of electronic porn is producing a race to be the most hardcore and the most shocking, Playboy has chosen to innovate by going in the opposite direction. This strikes me as a brilliant marketing move.

While the move may well have been done with an eye to skirting China’s laws about pornography, with today’s hipster fascination on reviving the old ways of doing just about everything — from canning food, to home sewing, to vintage dances, fashions, hairstyles, and so on — Playboy’s nod to its status as the 1950s source for cheeky photos is a smart one. Rather than smelling faintly of mothballs, the magazine may manage to rebrand itself into something as desirable as a pair of vintage horn-rims or a fixed-wheel bicycle.

People who worry about innovation and excessive technology and the loss of the good old days should take heart, in other words. The relentless drive of the market, the need to satisfy new customers with different preferences and constraints, the constant push for new technology, and the desire for competitors to stand out in the marketplace, has produced — as its latest innovation — good old-fashioned cheesecake.

Schumpeter would be proud.

Sarah Skwire
Sarah Skwire

Sarah Skwire is a senior fellow at Liberty Fund, Inc. She is a poet and author of the writing textbook Writing with a Thesis.

What Killed Economic Growth? by Jeffrey A. Tucker

Debating why the economy is so sluggish is an American pastime. It fills the op-eds, burns up the blogosphere, consumes the TV pundits, and dominates the political debates.

It’s a hugely important question because many people are seriously frustrated about the problem. The recent popularity of political cranks and crazies from the left and right — backed by crowds embracing nativist and redistributionist nostrums — testify to that.

Sometimes it’s good to look at the big picture. The Economic Freedom of the World report does this with incredible expertise. If you believe in gathering data, and looking just at what the evidence shows and drawing conclusions, you will appreciate this report. It sticks to just what we know and what we can measure. The editors of the report have been doing this since 1996, so the persistence of the appearance of cause and effect is undeniable.

The report seeks measures of five key indicators of economic freedom: security of property rights, soundness of money, size of government, freedom to trade globally, and the extent of regulation. All their measures are transparent and heavily scrutinized by experts on an ongoing basis. If you question how a certain measure was arrived at, you are free to do so. It’s all there, even the fantastically detailed data sets, free for the download.

The report examines 157 countries with data available for 100 countries back to 1980. A total of 42 distinct variables are used in the index.

The big takeaway from this report: freer economies vastly outperform unfree economies by every measure of wellbeing.

The countries in the top quarter of the freest economies have average incomes more than 7 times higher than those countries listed into the bottom quarter (the least free). This is even true for the poor: the average income of the poor in free economies is 6 times that of the average in unfree economies. The lowest income group in free economies still 50% greater than the overall average is least free economies.

Life expectancy is 80.1 years in the top quarter as versus 63.1 in the bottom quarter.

The report further shows that civil liberties are more protected in freer economies than less free economies.

It’s a beautiful thing how this report puts to rest of a century of ideological debates. Indeed, these results are not generated by political ideology. They are generated by facts on the ground, the real conditions of law, regulation, institutions, legislation, and policy.

The implications are screamingly obvious. If you want a country to grow richer, you have to embrace freedom in economic life. If you want to drive a country into poverty, there is a way: grow the government, destroy the money, shut down trade, and heavily regulate all production and consumption.

One leaves this report with the question: Why are we still debating this?

What about the United States?

Everyone knows that the US has a problem. Despite living through the greatest explosion of technology and communication in the history of the world, a transformation that should have set off a wonderful economic boom similar to what we saw in the 19th century, we’ve seen pathetic results in growth and household income.

A quick casual look shows what I mean. Here’s percent change in GDP from the end of World War II to the present.

And here is real median household income from 1984 to 2013:

From those two pictures alone, you can discern the source of voter frustration, and also the general atmosphere of angst.

People want to know why, and whom to blame. The Economic Freedom Index gives you a strong hint.

From 1970 to 2000, the United States was generally listed as the third freest economy in the world, behind only Singapore and Hong. Starting in 2000, the US began to slip. Over the period between 2000 and today, the summary position in the index slipped 0.9%. This doesn’t sound like much, but “a one-point decline in the EFW rating is associated with a reduction in the long-term growth of GDP of between 1.0 and 1.5 percentage points annually,” says the report, and this adds up, year after year.

Relative to other countries, listed most free to least free, the US has slipped from the number 3 spot all the way to number 16. Countries that are ahead of the US include Australia, Chile, Ireland, Canada, Jordan, Taiwan, New Zealand, Hong Kong, and Singapore.

And here is a fact that I found incredible: The former Soviet state of Georgia ranks at number 12. And can you guess which country is just behind the US at number 17? The formerly Communist nightmare of Romania. That Romania is only slightly less free than the United States is great progress for Romanians, but should be an embarrassment for Americans.

The fall in economic freedom in this country has been precipitous. The authors of the report further note that this decline is highly unusual. Most all countries in the world are getting freer, which accounts from the thrilling fall in global poverty.

But the US is going the opposite direction, fast: “Nowhere has the reversal of the rising trend in the economic freedom been more evident than in the United States.”

What in particular accounts for the largest portion of this slide? It’s about the security of property. The drug war, the bailouts, the rise of forced transfers to political elites, eminent domain, and asset forfeiture all contribute. There are other problems with regulation and taxation, but it is the lack of security in what we own that has been decisive. This is what kills investment, confidence in the future, and the ability to accumulate capital that is so essential to prosperity.

What’s strikes me when looking at all this data, and the crystal clear connections here, is the strange silence on the part of the opinion class. People are flailing around for answers. Where’s the growth? Who is stealing the future? Maybe it’s the immigrants, foreign nations, and the rise of inequality. Maybe technology is taking jobs. Maybe people are just lazy and incompetent.

Or maybe we should look at the data. It’s all about freedom.

Jeffrey A. Tucker
Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey Tucker is Director of Digital Development at FEE, CLO of the startup, and editor at Laissez Faire Books. Author of five books, he speaks at FEE summer seminars and other events. His latest book is Bit by Bit: How P2P Is Freeing the World.  Follow on Twitter and Like on Facebook.

Why I voted Conservative — Canadians Do Not Abandon Canada!

shabnam Assadollahi

The author.

I am a proud Canadian of Iranian origin. I left Iran 30 years ago due to oppression and lack of human rights which has been brought by the terrorist Islamist khomeinist regime of Iran and therefore I have never been back to the country of my birth again.

Canada is a federal parliamentary democracy; a free country due to her great welcoming, friendly and hospitable nature which has attracted hundreds of thousands of immigrants to settle and integrate and millions of tourists visiting Canada every year.  The Freedom and Democracy of a country lies in the hands of its very citizens.

All the vital decisions of the people in elections make a rigorous change in every country as they give the power over to their representatives to govern them through casting of valuable votes. Thought process determines their behavior to make the right decision in order to strengthen and reform the foundation of a nation.

Today’s mainstream media carries out manipulative political propaganda to alter pre-decisions of the citizens to vote in favor of some political parties; these deceitful slogans try to invade the minds of many through political correctness to accept wrong as right. We are to highlight their constituent partners’ wide range of networks they have with the infiltrated radical groups and proxies whose operation is to destroy the peace and stability and endanger the national security and lives of Canadians therein to establish some form of medieval system in Canada.

  1. I am voting Conservative Party by the simple process of elimination – the other 2 parties are simply not ready to lead the second biggest country in the world. Mr. Harper has done a very good job, people trust him, he keeps his word. The Conservative party has proven that the well-being of this country is at its core concern. Mr. Harper has come out openly, promising to defend us against foreign cultural practices that would undermine our freedoms, freedoms we have built and enjoyed over the past decades.
  2. Mr. Mulcair and Trudeau have turned their coats in order to gain votes of certain minorities, not realizing the dire consequences of such actions. Mr. Trudeau is not experienced nor educated enough to lead Canada, he is just too young and too naive to comprehend the consequences of his planned actions. His father, Pierre Trudeau brought this country to its knees by forcing bilingualism and multiculturalism on its people.
  3. I am concerned about some leaders lending their ears and our wallets to the minorities, forgetting that it is the mature Canadians who have built this country and now feel that it is being ‘sold’ in order to get votes. I am very concerned about some groups having rights to express their ideologies openly while others have been curbed or simply outlawed. Canadians are simply afraid to express their opinions publicly for fear of being persecuted for it. Free speech is being slowly erased from our mosaic structure. I am very concerned about the trend of political correctness that has permeated our societies. We have been encouraged to keep our thoughts and opinions private for fear of being politically incorrect, for fear of offending the sensitivities of minorities. They, on the other side, have been given the green light to express themselves freely, make demands and force the legal system to accept their cultural and ideological practices.
  4. Our youth has been ignored, not brought into the forefront of the political life. Students in high schools and universities should be encouraged to get engaged in the political life of Canada without being labeled as politically incorrect. Political correctness is killing Canada. It is not the country I have come to know. It caters to newcomers overwhelmingly, forgetting its own people, people who have built it.

In Canada, we see the trend against the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. It’s time we claim our rights and freedoms by choosing a well defined party through a very analytical order otherwise we will become slaves in our own country.

The opposition parties whitewash themselves at every election time except the Conservative party, that’s why I will vote for the Conservative Party in the upcoming election.

A Black Patriot Honors His American Dad

The Bible promises, “Let us not grow weary in well doing, for in due time we will reap a harvest.” Folks, I don’t know about you, but I do grow weary. More pundits are acknowledging that Obama is the worst, evil and radial leftist president in U.S. History. My frustration is no one is stopping him from behaving like a lawless banana republic ruler, transforming our once great nation and corrupting the thinking of our youths. God’s promise of reaping a harvest keeps me strong in the battle for the heart and soul of my country.

Borrowing a line from the Dickens novel, “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” In the midst of witnessing my America becoming Sodom and Gomorrah, I just completed a wonderful project honoring and preserving the legacy of my 87 year old black dad.

At 87, Dad is as mentally sharp as ever. It occurred to me the importance of preserving Dad on video for future generations. Mom passed 20 years ago. Unfortunately, many of Mom’s grand-kids never experienced her other than in pictures.

Dad sang in gospel quartets as far back as I can remember, but never recorded. So, I wanted to capture Dad singing on a recording. I approached music producer Earl (Luther B) Baker to arrange an upbeat version of the classic, “What A Friend We Have In Jesus” for Dad to record along with his five kids (me and my four younger siblings).

Though, I never said it out loud, I was concerned. Was it too late in Dad’s life? At 87, could he still sing? Despite it being his first time recording and his age, Dad delivered a passionate soul-stirring performance in one take.

Dad named our singing group, “Daddy and the Marcus Five.” I proudly present this music video of us performing, “What A Friend We Have in Jesus.” 

The second part of my project honoring Dad was a video taped exclusive interview with Dr. Lloyd E. Marcus; capturing a bit of family history, Dad’s character and wisdom. 

In the interview, Dad gave the humiliating details of being among a handful of blacks who broke the color barrier in the 1950s to become Baltimore City firefighters. He explains how he won Firefighter of the Year two times. Dad later became Baltimore’s first black paramedic and first black fire department Chaplin.

Keep in mind folks, this was the 1950s in which racism against blacks truly was an issue. And yet, whenever a door opened for blacks, Dad prepared himself, applied and walked through it. This is how he achieved so many firsts; among the first black firefighters, first black paramedic and first black fire department Chaplin. He never sought special concessions or lowered standards due to his race. All Dad asked for was an opportunity to compete.

Dad chuckled while telling me this story. In the late 1950s, an exclusive white country club offered free memberships to Baltimore City firefighters. Dad read about it and showed up with his fire department credentials and two of my younger brothers. Taken aback that dad was black, the club had to admit him. Dad said all the white people got out of the swimming pool when he and my brothers got in. Still, Dad took my brothers to the club regularly. Eventually, whites started swimming with them in the pool. Joining the country club was another example of Dad walking through an opened door.

When Dad first became a Baltimore City firefighter, our family (my parents, four younger siblings and I) was still living on the sixth floor of an 11 store high-rise in the projects (government housing). I was around 9 or 10 years old.

Firefighters were required to wear their uniform to work. Watching Dad prepare to go to work taught me excellence without him saying a word; highly shined shoes, polished brass and a crisp starched shirt with a tie. I remember the pride I felt watching Dad walking through the neighborhood on his way to the firehouse (Engine 6). The image still bring a tear to my eye.

Both the music video and interview with my dad have gotten rave reviews from most of the millennials in my family. I pray that they absorb the valuable lesson of Dad’s remarkable life which is America is the greatest land of opportunity on the planet for all who choose to go for it. Ignore Democrats and liberal’s lie that white America is out to destroy and murder blacks. Simply prepare yourself, make right decisions and go for your dreams.

Sadly, a handful of millennials in my family remain bewitched with idolatry for Obama. They perceive me as their traitorous Uncle Tom uncle.

Unquestionably, I know I was divinely inspired to produce the music video and interview honoring my dad and preserving his legacy. Thus, I place the impact of both in God’s hands.