Abortion Activists: How Far Will They Go?

We’re starting to see just how far abortion activists are willing to go to get their way.

Starting with violence.  A radical pro-abortion group claimed credit for the Molotov cocktail attack on a pro-life office in Wisconsin and promised “increasingly extreme tactics” ahead.  Pro-life workers received death threats after the attack.  Two hundred students surrounded two pro-life students at a high school in New Jersey, pushing and shoving them, and tearing down their signs.  Pro-abortion protesters in Los Angeles threw rocks and bottles at police, and beat one officer with his own baton.  So there you have it – abortion activists are even willing to attack the police to get their way.  Then you have politicians like Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot egging them on.  She issued a “call to arms” and urged citizens to rise up and “fight to victory” for abortion rights – no surrender.

Then there’s the vandalism.  Vandals spray-painted a Catholic church in Boulder with pro-abortion graffiti – “F- the Church”, “My Body, My Choice” and such and the like.  That’s just one report.  Other churches have been vandalized, too.  A pregnancy help center in Florida was vandalized over the Memorial Day weekend, with “If abortions aren’t SAFE then neither are you” spray-painted on the building.  This is just one report; many more many more pro-life organizations have been hit, recently.

So it’s not just spray paint; it’s intimidation, and it’s being attempted at the Supreme Court, too.  Illegal protests continue outside Supreme Court Justice’s homes, and the local Progressive DA won’t do anything to stop them.  Abortion activists are laying plans to shut down the Supreme Court building next Monday, to prevent the Justices from reaching their offices and issuing opinions.

Politicians in Progressive cities are signaling they won’t enforce state laws banning abortion if Roe v. Wade is overturned.  The cities include Austin, New Orleans, parts of Atlanta, Durham County in North Carolina, a Philadelphia suburb, Nashville’s county, and Fairfax, Virginia.  Sixty state and local officials pledged in 2020 not to prosecute abortion if Roe goes away.  None dare call it insurrection, but I will.

One thing to notice in all this is how organized it is.  These are not random acts of violence.  We see professionally printed signs, standard talking points, online coordination, crowdfunding, and other hallmarks of an organized effort.

So now we’re seeing how far abortion activists are willing to go to get what they want – violence, vandalism, illegal protests, attacking the police, ignoring the law, intimidation, and death threats.  If you can’t persuade people, smash’em in the face and firebomb their office.  It’s no longer about persuasion or winning the issue fair and square.  It’s about using any means necessary to get what they want and the hell with everybody else, starting with the unborn.  And it’s all supported by politicians who should be thrown out of office for their lawlessness.  The law means nothing to abortion activists and their willing accomplices in government.  Which is not surprising, because these people don’t even respect life itself.  My mother was the best political scientist I’ve ever known.  She said a society that does not respect life is in trouble.  Amen to that, and I will add a society that no longer respects law will soon find it no longer has the Rule of Law, leaving it to the worst and most ruthless among us to determine what goes on here.

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: EXCLUSIVE: Kyle & Todd McMurtry Join Tucker Carlson for First Joint Interview



Joe Biden Invites Abortion Activists to the White House to Celebrate Killing Babies in Abortions

Biden Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre Calls Killing Babies in Abortions a “Constitutional Right”

Supreme Court Issues No Decision on Dobbs, Wait to Overturn Roe Continues Another Week

Abortion Activist Chains Himself to Fence to Protest Upcoming Supreme Court Decision

New Harvard/Harris Shows More Americans Want Supreme Court to Overturn Roe v. Wade

Oklahoma Abortion Centers are Not Killing Any Babies Thanks to State’s New Abortion Ban

MSNBC Host Andrea Mitchell Celebrates Abortionists Who Kill Babies as “Heroes”

AOC Slams Congress as ‘Corrupt,’ Full of Decay, Moral Emptiness

Radical Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC) slammed Congress on Saturday for being corrupt and full of “so much decay and moral emptiness” after failing to pass radical policies to “fundamentally transform” the country, as Barack Obama once put it so ominously.

“It’s just really wild to be a person that works in a corrupt institution, which is what Congress is,” AOC stated. “And to try and be a normal person surrounded by so much decay and moral emptiness — that frankly transcends party — is very difficult.”

Her lament comes after her fellow radicals failed to convince the Senate to pass the socialist “Build Back Better” package, thanks largely to moderate Democrat holdout Sen. Joe Manchin.

“It should not surprise anyone that Senator Joe Manchin went on Fox News to kill the Build Back Better Act — he’s been promising to do it for months, and some folks did not want to believe him,” AOC’s fellow “Squad” leftist Rep. Rashida Tlaib complained at the time.

Whether AOC qualifies as “a normal person,” as she put it, is a topic for another day, but it’s worth noting that conservatives and AOC finally agree on something: Congress is corrupt and morally empty.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

53 Known Connections

Identifying “White Supremacy” As the Leading Cause of “Domestic Terrorism”

In late May 2022, Ocasio-Cortez said: “You look at FBI statistics, which under-report hate crimes. Police statistics, which also under-rep — even all the institutions that under-report hate crimes still has [sic] white supremacist groups as by farby far the leading driver of domestic terrorism in the United States. And that’s with all the generosity that they get from under-reporting. It’s not even close.”

To learn more about Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, click here.


Another Democrat Operative Pleads Guilty to Election Fraud in 2020 Arizona Primary

FNC’s Carlson: Pete Buttigieg ‘a Disgrace,’ Should at Least Resign

Maher: ‘Wouldn’t Have Mattered What Kind of Gun’ Shooter Had

BLM Board Chair Filed for Ch. 7 Bankruptcy on Three Occasions

EDITORS NOTE: This Discover the Networks column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved

PODCAST: D-Day Remembrance and Democrats Ignore Root Causes of Gun Crime on Purpose



Dr. Rich Swier is a “conservative with a conscience.” Rich is a 23 year Army veteran who retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. He was awarded the Legion of Merit for his years of service. Additionally, he was awarded two Bronze Stars with “V” for Valor and Heroism in ground combat, the Presidential Unit Citation, and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry while serving with the 101st Airborne Division in Vietnam. Dr. Rich now publishes the the “DrRichSwier.com report“. A daily review of news, issues and commentary!

TOPIC: Remembering 78th Anniversary of D-Day


Cheryl Chumley is the online opinion editor and host of “Bold and Blunt” podcast for The Washington Times, a best-selling author and a frequent media guest for national television and radio. Cheryl is ,the author of “Socialists Don’t Sleep: Christians Must Rise or America Will Fall,” “The Devil in DC: Winning Back the Country from the Beast in Washington” and of “Police State USA: How Orwell’s Nightmare is Becoming Our Reality,” and a 2008-2009 Robert Novak journalism fellow with The Fund for American Studies. She is also a licensed private investigator and principal of Chumley Investigations. HER NEWEST BOOK IS LOCKDOWN: The Socialist Plan to Take Away Your Freedom.

TOPIC: Democrats ignore root causes of gun crime on purpose

©Conservative Commandoes Radio. All rights reserved.

Remembering 78th Anniversary of D-Day

Today – June 6, 2022 – is the 78th anniversary of the invasion of Normandy.

On that day soldiers, sailors, Marines, and airmen braved the horrendous shelling of German shore batteries to storm the beaches at Normandy and bring down Hitler and Nazi Germany.

On the eve of the invasion, General Eisenhower distributed the order to the expeditionary force of 175,000 men which closed by beseeching “the blessing of Almighty God upon this great and noble undertaking.”

More than 2,500 American troops died on the beaches that day.

Also, in the words of  Franklin D. Roosevelt broadcast that day, “in this poignant hour, I ask you to join with me in prayer:

Almighty God: Our sons, pride of our Nation, this day have set upon a mighty endeavor, a struggle to preserve our Republic, our religion, and our civilization, and to set free a suffering humanity.

Lead them straight and true; give strength to their arms, stoutness to their hearts, steadfastness in their faith.

They will need Thy blessings. Their road will be long and hard. For the enemy is strong. He may hurl back our forces. Success may not come with rushing speed, but we shall return again and again; and we know that by Thy grace, and by the righteousness of our cause, our sons will triumph.

They will be sore tried, by night and by day, without rest-until the victory is won. The darkness will be rent by noise and flame. Men’s souls will be shaken with the violences of war.

For these men are lately drawn from the ways of peace. They fight not for the lust of conquest. They fight to end conquest. They fight to liberate. They fight to let justice arise, and tolerance and good will among all Thy people. They yearn but for the end of battle, for their return to the haven of home.

Some will never return. Embrace these, Father, and receive them, Thy heroic servants, into Thy kingdom.

And for us at home – fathers, mothers, children, wives, sisters, and brothers of brave men overseas – whose thoughts and prayers are ever with them – help us, Almighty God, to rededicate ourselves in renewed faith in Thee in this hour of great sacrifice.

Many people have urged that I call the Nation into a single day of special prayer. But because the road is long and the desire is great, I ask that our people devote themselves in a continuance of prayer. As we rise to each new day, and again when each day is spent, let words of prayer be on our lips, invoking Thy help to our efforts.

Give us strength, too – strength in our daily tasks, to redouble the contributions we make in the physical and the material support of our armed forces.

And let our hearts be stout, to wait out the long travail, to bear sorrows that may come, to impart our courage unto our sons wheresoever they may be.

And, O Lord, give us Faith. Give us Faith in Thee; Faith in our sons; Faith in each other; Faith in our united crusade. Let not the keenness of our spirit ever be dulled. Let not the impacts of temporary events, of temporal matters of but fleeting moment let not these deter us in our unconquerable purpose.

With Thy blessing, we shall prevail over the unholy forces of our enemy. Help us to conquer the apostles of greed and racial arrogancies. Lead us to the saving of our country, and with our sister Nations into a world unity that will spell a sure peace a peace invulnerable to the schemings of unworthy men. And a peace that will let all of men live in freedom, reaping the just rewards of their honest toil.

Thy will be done, Almighty God.


EDITORS NOTE: This TMLC column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Biden Seeks End to Title 42 While Closing Federal Training Center Because of COVID

UPDATE: What type of leadership is Kamala Harris trying to show here?: Rep. Salazar

President Abraham Lincoln’s historic Gettysburg Address concluded with this powerful and aspirational excerpt, “…that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom — and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.”

It is hard to equate the actions of the current administration with any desire to truly provide a government of the people, by the people and for the people, except perhaps for the people who profit from the immorally bankrupt and corrupt polices of the Biden administration.

America’s borders and immigration laws represent our nation’s first line of defense and last line of defense against aliens whose presence is a threat to national security, public safety and public health. America’s borders and immigration laws are also supposed to protect Americans’ jobs and wages.

In point of fact, a review of a section of law that is an integral part of the Immigration and Nationality Act, 8 U.S. Code § 1182 (Inadmissible Aliens) will irrevocably prove my point.

Further substantiation of the nexus between border security and national security can be found in the official report, “9/11 and Terrorist Travel – Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.” This report focused specifically on the ability of the terrorists to travel around the world, enter the United States, and ultimately embed themselves in the country as they went about preparing to carry out a deadly attack.

The preface of this report begins with the following paragraph:

It is perhaps obvious to state that terrorists cannot plan and carry out attacks in the United States if they are unable to enter the country. Yet prior to September 11, while there were efforts to enhance border security, no agency of the U.S. government thought of border security as a tool in the counterterrorism arsenal. Indeed, even after 19 hijackers demonstrated the relative ease of obtaining a U.S. visa and gaining admission into the United States, border security still is not considered a cornerstone of national security policy. We believe, for reasons we discuss in the following pages, that it must be made one.

However, the Biden administration has, since its first day in office, sought to dismantle our borders and gut immigration law enforcement without explaining how these actions are in the best interests of America or Americans.

The most recent effort of the Biden administration to encourage a human tsunami of illegal aliens to flood the U.S. involved its plan to have the Center for Disease Control (CDC) terminate Title 42 on May 23, 2022. This strategy was the focus of my recent article, “Title 42 and Chaos on the Border.”

Fortunately, a federal judge blocked Biden from ending Title 42 last month.

Here is where things get really interesting. Title 42 was implemented by the Trump administration to help to discourage massive illegal immigration that would pose a threat to the United States as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and required implementation by the CDC.

Under the Biden administration, the CDC was requested to terminate Title 42.

However, on May 23 – the very same day that the CDC had planned to terminate Title 42 – the Brunswick News reported, “FLETC shutdown, rising cases show pandemic isn’t over.”

(FLETC is an acorn for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center. This is the facility where many federal agencies train their law enforcement personnel, both when they are initially hired and while in-service.)

Here is an excerpt from the report:

Even though many of us have returned to a life that is closer to pre-pandemic times, the virus still lingers over our society. We got a reminder of that this week at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center.

On Friday, FLETC announced it was suspending training operations at the center due to a rise in COVID-19 cases. FLETC had 168 positive cases of COVID-19 as of Thursday, according to Alan Shefveland, branch chief, FLETC public affairs.

When training was halted, there were 2,853 students representing 68 agencies on the grounds. Approximately 500 are remaining on base, though that number could change. FLETC housed 2,044 students at the center with 414 staying off center.

FLETC’s abrupt training suspension came just a few days after The News reported COVID rates were rising across Georgia again. Ginger Heidel, risk communicator for the Coastal Health District, told The News that the daily average of new cases rose by almost 200% in the last month. Heidel also said the health district, which covers an eight-county area including Glynn, McIntosh and Camden, is seeing similar increases locally.

Nevertheless, the Biden administration announced plans to appeal the federal court’s ruling on rolling back Title 42.

The Biden’s administration’s immigration policies are undermining national security, public safety and public health, and it is clear that Biden could not care less.

Biden’s utter lack of concern for the wellbeing of America and Americans is, to borrow a term, sick, and not consistent with providing for Americans or a creating government that lives up to President Lincoln’s aspirational goals for citizens of the United States.

©Michael Cutler. All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Senator Rick Scott supports ‘Red Flag’ Laws which are ‘Gun Control’ Laws

Re: Letter from Florida Senator Rick Scott.

He is being totally disingenuous when he states the following:

“When properly constructed with due process protections, red flag laws are commonsense measures to keep weapons out of the hands of any person who threatens to harm themselves or others.”

“I was proud to recently join Senator Marco Rubio in introducing the Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2021 (S. 292) that would build on our efforts at the state level to help keep families safe nationwide. I will continue to review any proposal aimed at keeping Americans safe.”

What Scott, Rubio and others aren’t telling people is the following:

  • Florida and Indiana are the only 2 States with such a law and it was passed in less than 2 weeks as a knee jerk reaction to a total failure of LE (Broward County Sheriff and FBI) and School Administration. It passed overwhelmingly by RINOs in the House and by only 1 vote in the Senate. The 48 pages within SB 7026, Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act, that codifies the RPO is almost a direct lift of far left Oregon’s Extreme Risk Protection law.
  • RPOs are based on anyone calling LE and complaining that someone is a “threat” without any proof other than a statement and with little investigation by LE. It is basically a rubber stamp process as illustrated by the fact that very few are denied by presiding Judges(s).
  • RPO is a Civil Process not a Criminal one so the judge issuing the RPO only has to have “reasonable suspicion” based on a statement by someone that a person is a threat to themselves or others. The normal legal standard “Beyond Reasonable Doubt is not used in this process.”
  • Normal legal principle of being “innocent until proven guilty” is thrown out the window.
  • Seizure takes place without prior notification and without a hearing involving the person accused of being a threat.
  • The “Respondent” (person accused of being a threat) is not provided with a Public Defender and must hire a private attorney if they expect to prevail at the hearing. On the other hand, LE who request the RPO are represented by their internal attorney(s) at the hearing.
  • If respondent is found to be a threat by the Court they lose possession of their property for 1 year and this can be indefinitely extended.
  • Although a crime has not been committed the respondent is immediately placed in both the FL and National Criminal Data Bases with no procedure spelled out to be taken off. It is very difficult to be taken off.
  • Respondent can receive RPO for something that was said or occurred up to 1 year ago.
  • No provisions are made to properly maintain the respondent’s property and return it in same condition as when seized.
  • Statistics to date in FL reveal that an average of 10% of respondents are found not to be a threat at the after the fact hearing. The respondent has been subjected to a humiliating and frightening process without Due Process or recourse for any kind of recompense. There is no automatic process for removing them from criminal data bases even though no crime has been committed.
  • Those who are stripped of their 2A rights are left defenseless against criminals who will possess and use firearms in committing crimes regardless of any Red Flag laws.
  • The RPO process does not recognize or take into account law abiding gun owners with no prior criminal record with CCW permits meaning they have been through a background check.
  • The RPO can be weaponized and/or politicized against innocent people thus limiting or scaring people from freely exercising their 1st Amendment Rights.

Red Flag Laws are an unconstitutional process which violates 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th and 14th Amendments and is trading off individual Liberty for possible but unproven Safety. Senator’s Scott, Rubio and any other so called “law makers” who advocate for such laws are helping the Marxist, Communist Democrats and their ilk to chip away at our God given, Constitutionally guaranteed rights for strictly political purposes.

“Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” Benjamin Franklin, Founding Father

Letter from Senator Rick Scott (R-FL)

Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you for contacting me regarding your concerns about gun violence in America. I appreciate the opportunity to respond.

The safety of our families is always my top priority, and I am a proud supporter of the Constitution, the Second Amendment and the rights of law-abiding citizens. As Governor of Florida, I worked to increase safety measures in Florida’s schools through the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, which also included a new process to enable law enforcement to seek a judicially issued Extreme Risk Protection Order in appropriate circumstances, commonly referred to as a “red flag” law. When properly constructed with due process protections, red flag laws are commonsense measures to keep weapons out of the hands of any person who threatens to harm themselves or others.

As a United States Senator, I remain focused on making sure that our communities are safe, and that those struggling with mental health issues or threatening harm to themselves or others cannot access or possess a weapon. I was proud to recently join Senator Marco Rubio in introducing the Extreme Risk Protection Order and Violence Prevention Act of 2021 (S. 292) that would build on our efforts at the state level to help keep families safe nationwide. I will continue to review any proposal aimed at keeping Americans safe.

Again, thank you for your correspondence. I am proud to represent every citizen in Florida and I appreciate the time you took to provide your position on this matter. Should you have any additional questions, please feel free to contact me.


Rick Scott
United States Senator

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserve.

RELATED ARTICLE: Florida woman used AR-15 to drop armed intruder attacking her husband, daughter


TRUMP NAILS IT: The existence of evil is why we need the 2nd Amendment

Boom. There it is.

Trump says ‘existence of evil’ is why law-abiding Americans need Second Amendment…

Trump praised the NRA for its work in training Americans to safely defend themselves…

Lucretia Hughes Testifies at “The Urgent Need to Address the Gun Violence Epidemic”

Lucretia Hughes testifies against expansions on gun control alongside many pro-gun control advocates, including families who were affected by the tragedy at Robb Elementary School in Texas. She shares her family’s story about losing her son.

Trump says ‘existence of evil’ is why law-abiding Americans need Second Amendment

By Kyle Morris | Fox News, May 27, 2022:

HOUSTON – Former President Trump traveled to Houston on Friday to offer support for the National Rifle Association and echo the group’s mission as it faces pushback from gun control advocates following a deadly school shooting in Texas this week.

Speaking from the George R. Brown Convention Center, Trump addressed NRA members and touted the work his administration did to preserve the Second Amendment during his tenure in the White House.


Former President Donald Trump speaks at the George R. Brown Convention Center during the NRA annual convention on May 27, 2022 in Houston, Texas.

Former President Donald Trump speaks at the George R. Brown Convention Center during the NRA annual convention on May 27, 2022 in Houston, Texas. (Brandon Bell/Getty Images)

Trump’s remarks at the 2022 NRA convention came days after a shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, that left 19 children and two adults dead.

“The existence of evil is one of the very best reasons to arm law-abiding citizens and that is why one of the core missions of the NRA is to train, prepare and equip responsible American men and women with the knowledge and tools they need to defend themselves,” Trump said, highlighting efforts from the NRA to enhance gun safety measures.

“The NRA has 125,000 certified instructors,” he added. “These are highly trained, very, very capable people. They train an incredible 1,000,000 Americans to be safer. Gun owners ready to act when the situation calls… incredible job.”

Trump said his administration worked to stop the siege on the Second Amendment and told those in attendance at the convention that “those on the left” will soon come for guns of all types.

“Let’s not pretend that those on the left are just talking about limiting one class of gun or one category of ammunition,” Trump said. “They’re not doing that.

“We all know they want total gun confiscation, we know that this would be a first step,” he added. “Once they get the first step, they’ll take the second step, the third, the fourth, and then you’ll have a whole different look at the Second Amendment, which is, by the way, totally under siege. But we stopped it for four years. We stopped it.”

Trump also told the NRA members that “schools should be the single-hardest target in our country” and noted the need to mend the issues surrounding “broken families” and mental health. He also suggested that some teachers should be able to “conceal carry.”


RELATED VIDEO: Repeal the Gun-Free Zone Act


Supreme Court Ruling on New York Gun Law Could Have a Colossal National Impact

Washington D.C. cannot be trusted to police itself. America will have to police D.C. instead.

Nigeria: Muslims STORM church and open fire, SLAUGHTER at least 50 Christians, including CHILDREN, injure dozens

Thanks to Biden, Al-Qaeda Enjoying A ‘Safe Haven’ in Afghanistan Under the Taliban

Multiple Sex Offenders, Fugitives, Gang Members Arrested After Crossing Southwest Border

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Moral Idiocy of Gun Control

Is it more moral to own a gun or to pay someone else to do it for you?

I was chatting with a horrified Swedish visitor who described a visit to Nevada.

“There was this grandmother, an elderly lady, and she took out a gun from her purse,” he told me, shaking his head.

We were having this conversation in a city which had racked up 77 shootings in just one month.

Few New Yorkers legally own guns. The NYPD has issued around 40,000 handgun permits in a city of over 8 million. That’s around one handgun for every two-hundred New Yorkers.

Don’t assume that the parts of the city with the most guns are the most dangerous.

The vast majority of handgun permits are in Staten Island, which has the lowest crime rate in the city, as opposed to the Bronx, with the highest. Manhattan has few legal guns relative to its population while the white working class areas of Brooklyn have some of the most legal guns.

The Daily News, which interviewed a criminologist as part of its anti-gun crusade, found that he was “puzzled”. “Some people see a mugging in the Bronx, and they want to get a gun on Staten Island,” he argued. “That’s not rational, but some people really want guns.”

Perhaps one of the reasons that there are fewer muggings in Staten Island is that more of the folks there can prevent them. Muggers, like most predators, prefer victims who don’t fight back.

Big city progressives find guns indefinably ‘icky’. It’s not only foreigners who marvel at a country where guns, even ‘big scary black ones’, are available everywhere. The propaganda of Michael Moore’s “Bowling in Columbine” and countless network news shows is that people who live surrounded by guns have created the conditions for mass shootings. And they have it coming.

But New Yorkers, like most big city dwellers, live surrounded by guns. These aren’t the guns that ride on trucks or sit in sporting goods store displays. They’re the guns flashed by a mugger under his heavy down winter coat, or shot by rival gang members exchanging fire in the 73rd precinct in Brooklyn which accounted for around 100 shootings in just one year alone.

And there are the guns worn more openly by the army of police officers, security guards, bodyguards, and others, many of whom live on Staten Island, who are hired to keep New Yorkers safe. Two years ago, Bond, an app that some have called ‘Uber for Bodyguards’ debuted, allowing New Yorkers to order their own security personnel. New Yorkers, who disdain guns, instead tap an app for bodyguards to escort them from their train stop to their office.

Most urbanites hate living in this kind of  world, but they hate the alternative even more.

Gun control isn’t policy, it’s culture. And while the media often goes on about “gun culture”, there’s little thought given to “gun control culture” for the same reason that fish rarely film documentaries on what it’s like to have gills and swim underwater.

Gun control culture means paying men with guns between $50,000 to $85,000 a year in the hopes that they’ll show up in under 10 minutes and do something useful when you call 911.

That strategy didn’t work very well in Uvalde. It doesn’t work all that well most of the time.

Before Uvalde, in the recent Buffalo mass shooting, a 911 operator hung up on a store employee calling for help. The cops arrived in 5 minutes: in time to talk the shooter out of killing himself in front of the store so that taxpayers can pay for his trial and a 50-year prison term.

And that’s what a fantastic response time looks like. But by then, 10 people were dead.

Gun control culture pathologically hates guns, but also hates the men it hires to wield them. Urban lefties threw an anti-police tantrum that was so successful that their cities are frantically trying to hire more police officers to keep up with the resulting crime wave on their streets.

Police defunding is deader than the thousands of additional murder victims in the Year of BLM.

Gun control is a fantasy that somehow making guns as illegal in the rest of the country as they are in New York will put a stop to all the violence so that urban and suburban elites won’t have  to choose between being victims or paying the armed men they disapprove of to protect them.

Eliminating guns isn’t actually on the table.

This is a choice between an empowered public of gun owners and an endless running battle between cops and thugs in a society where only criminals and governments have guns.

A nationwide New York or Chicago.

Most Americans don’t want to live in this kind of world. Neither does anyone else. That’s why the wealthy hipsters who poured into New York City after Giuliani cleaned it up are leaving. Those who can afford it, go to the suburbs or to wealthy enclaves in other parts of the city. While crime hasn’t entirely depopulated the city, it has put a stop to gentrification. A slow motion white flight is happening all over again even though its participants are too ashamed to admit it.

The sharp division between gun culture and gun control culture is the border of an affected distancing from life’s realities. Gun controllers aren’t necessarily physical cowards, but they are moral cowards.

The same sorts of people who think guns are ‘icky’ also don’t want to know where their meat comes from or to see the soldiers who come back from the wars. These are things that they pay other people to do because it preserves their illusions about the world and about themselves.

America is becoming a nation split between those hard workers who take responsibility for dealing with life’s realities and the managerial elites who only issue meaningless orders.

Faced with shootings, managerial elites apply rule-based abstractions to messy realities that they are incapable of grappling with. The Left is always good for easy solutions that take away agency from individuals and invest it in a central authority in order to solve the unsolvable problems of human nature. And the managerial elites are always suckers for the myth that getting everyone to follow the rules in line with some grand theory will solve everything.

The people who, as the champion of managerial elites, once claimed, “cling bitterly” to their guns, understand that life is messy and that there’s no grand fix, only a series of choices.

Gun ownership is an act of personal responsibility. By buying and owning a firearm, a man is saying that he also intends to take ownership of his personal safety and his choices. That doesn’t always end happily, but there’s far more moral self-awareness in that choice than there is in urban elites who hate guns paying the gun owners they despise to keep them safe.

The one thing we absolutely own in this world are our choices.

Gun control isn’t about stopping gun violence, but disavowing moral responsibility for preventing it, passing the buck to the cops, to society, and to some force outside our control. Gun control rallies are the virtue signaling of moral cowards seeking to blame someone else for horrors that they cannot cope with and that they do not intend to take any personal action to prevent.

Disarmament, national or personal, is not a moral stance, but the abandonment of morality.

Gun controllers have had a field day with the inaction of the Uvalde cops, but it never occurs to them that’s who they are, standing around, wringing their hands and waiting for someone to tell them what the plan is, so they don’t have to make any difficult choices in the face of a crisis.

Gun control is the moral idiocy of the irresponsible blaming those who have taken responsibility.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Governor DeSantis Now Recruiting for the Florida State Guard

Too bad I’m too old to volunteer for this – 15 years ago I would have jumped at applying.

DeSantis Seeks 400 Members To Join Florida State Guard, One Director To Run The Force

By NorthEscambia.com

Gov. Ron DeSantis is looking for 400 people to join the Florida State Guard, and a director to run the force.

The newly re-established Florida State Guard (FLSG) is the state’s civilian force that will assist in supporting state emergency response.

The state is seeking an individual with a strong background in military operations and culture to lead the men and women of the FLSG. The Director of the FLSG will be in charge of the 400 guard members and will oversee recruitment, training and mobilization of the force in the event of an emergency. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated experience in military style operations, emergency management, leadership and problem solving, according to DeSantis. You can apply to be the Director of the FLSG here.

To be a member of the FLSG, Florida is looking for individuals between the ages of 18 and 60, to volunteer and train to ensure that the Guard is ready to step in when emergency strikes.

“If you love the state of Florida, have a desire to help your community, and have skills beneficial to protect the state from a disaster, we encourage you to apply to join the FLSG. Skilled Floridians with emergency response, law enforcement or military training are encouraged to apply,” according to a statement from DeSantis’ office. You can apply to be a part of the Florida State Guard here.

Applicants will be required to meet the same standards as the Florida National Guard:
  • Florida resident between the ages of 18 and 60, with a desire to serve the state.
  • Willingness to work in a team.
  • Tactical or emergency response knowledge.
  • Ability to pass a physical.
  • Ability to participate in annual weekend training.
  • Ready to be a part of history.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

Men are Women and California Judges Rule Bees are Fish

We live in a wondrous new age in which men can be women. So why can’t bees also be fish? What if they identify, or their lawyers rather, identify them as fish?

They say that the law is an ass, but in this case it may also be a fish. Or a bee. Or whatever the Big Green lobby and the Dems who control the state say it is.

In the latest installment of a years long legal debate over whether bees are fish, a California appeals court has ruled that, for the purposes of the state’s Endangered Species Act, they are.

Environmentalists petitioned the California Fish and Game Commission to add four bumblebee species to the list of at-risk plants and animals governed by the California Endangered Species Act (CESA). Roughly 250 plant and animal species are protected by the CESA, which prohibits the import, export, possession, purchase, or sale of listed species. The Commission provided notice in 2019 that the four bumblebee species were candidates for CESA protection, prompting lawsuits from agricultural groups that were concerned about the costs of adherence to the new requirements.

They also questioned the Commission’s legal authority to designate bumblebees for protection. Insects aren’t a protected category under the CESA. Candidate species may include “a native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant,” according to the state’s fish and game code. And while California does protect some species of insect, these are listed under the federal Endangered Species Act. That left state officials without an intuitive avenue.

Rather than let pesky biological standards get in the way, they had concluded that designating bumblebees as fish was the most fitting way to get them protected under the CESA. Legally, a fish refers to “a wild fish, mollusk, crustacean, invertebrate, amphibian, or part, spawn, or ovum of any of those animals.” Because bumblebees are invertebrates—a protected subset of fish—the Fish and Game Commission argued that they could reasonably be designated as fish per the CESA’s terms.

What do words mean anyway? Isn’t the entire concept of fish something invented by dead white men who were probably racists?

The arguments heard by an appeals court last week primarily focused on one question: What does it mean to be a “fish”?

Apparently, we need to consult a biologist.

“​​We acknowledge the scope of the definition is ambiguous but also recognize that we are not interpreting the definition on a blank slate. The legislative history supports the liberal interpretation of the Act (the lens through which we are required to construe the Act) that the commission may list any invertebrate as an endangered or threatened species,” the 35-page ruling states.

Including California leftists. While they are invertebrates, sadly they are not threatened. Instead, as this case shows us, they do most of the threatening.

But you don’t have to know anything when you’re fighting for social justice.

Bumblebees and honeybees are in the same family (Apidae) but they are in different genera (Bombus and Apis, respectively).  The honeybee species name, mellifera, is Latin for “honey bearer”.   Perhaps the legislature is just confused about bees.  In Section 29414 of the California Food & Agriculture Code incorrectly defines “honeybees” as insects of the genus Apis Mellifica (rather than mellifera).  In fact, Apis Mellifica is a homeopathic remedy that is variously bee venom or an entire bee crushed and diluted in alcohol.  Because there is no species named “apis mellifica”, it seems that in California there are no honeybees and bumblebees are fish.

While all of this is easy to mock, the practical implication of this means that almonds (and almond-based products) and citrus products will once again become more expensive, more family farms will go under, and more environmental consultants in Marin County will get richer.

And so the verdict is unanimous, that the law doesn’t apply to environmentalists and that California farmers have no rights. And that words mean nothing.

When looking at the CESA, Justice Ronald Robie and two other members of the Court of Appeal for the Third Appellate District ruled the CESA’s language does, in fact, cover bumblebees and that the California state legislature had taken action to ensure this result.

“We generally give words their usual and ordinary meaning,” the analysis begins. “Where, however, the Legislature has provided a technical definition of a word, we construe the term of art in accordance with the technical meaning. In performing this function, we are tasked with liberally construing the Act to effectuate its remedial purpose.”

In other words, anything goes.

Robie is an environmentalist and Jerry Brown’s former director of the California Department of Water Resources. Which means that maybe he shouldn’t have been hearing this case.

I would love if this case could somehow move to the federal level with California’s Democrat machine and the entire media focused to defend “bees are fish”.

But if they can do it with men are women, bees and fish are easy. Just don’t ask them about the birds and the bees.


RELATED VIDEO: Biden and his wealthy allies ‘killing’ America via green agenda

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Seattle Police So Defunded They Can’t Even Investigate New Rape Cases

Actions have consequences. Stupid actions have stupid consequences. And pro-crime policies always work.

Police defunding was billed as making Seattle safer because no longer would mean cops shoot drug dealers for no reason except that they were shooting at them.

The Seattle City Council’s headlong dash to defund police is irresponsible, destabilizing — and ongoing. A Sept. 13 council vote to further chisel away at the police budget perpetuates a malignant trend that is making Seattle a more dangerous place to live and work.

A year after council budget-cutting and tinkering with department structure led to Chief Carmen Best’s departure, almost 300 officers and detectives have followed her out the door. Seven of the council’s nine members pledged in July 2020 to take away at least half the department’s funding and reimagine public safety around fewer police interventions.

That was last year.  How are things now?

Rather than police, Solidarity Budget advocates are calling on councilmembers to invest in programs and services aimed at improving equity by building stronger communities. Defunding SPD, speakers said, is part of the coalition’s broader push to prioritize the environment, housing, education, transportation, childcare and nutrition, Indigenous sovereignty, and criminal justice reform.

Rape victims assaulted by the growing number of unimprisoned criminals roaming the streets thanks to criminal justice reform.. are out of luck.

Seattle police’s sexual assault and child abuse unit staff has been so depleted that it stopped assigning to detectives this year new cases with adult victims, according to an internal memo sent to interim police Chief Adrian Diaz in April.

The unit’s sergeant put her staffing crisis in stark terms.

“The community expects our agency to respond to reports of sexual violence,” Sgt. Pamela St. John wrote, “and at current staffing levels that objective is unattainable.”

In the memo, St. John went on to say that she was not “able to assign adult sexual assault cases” that came into her unit. Cases involving children and adult cases that had a suspect in custody — a fraction of adult sexual assaults reported to police — were being prioritized. The unit just had too few detectives.

Increasingly, victims of sexual assault who report their cases to Seattle police aren’t hearing anything back, said Mary Ellen Stone, CEO of the King County Sexual Assault Resource Center.

On Tuesday, a man reported to police that he had been raped at knifepoint.

His report was added to the list of stalled cases.

Police defunding. This is what it looks like in real life.



Hate Crime or Shakedown for Money? McDonald’s Accused of Serving Bacon to Muslim Family

India: Muslim threatens to behead Hindu for saying there is a Hindu symbol inside a mosque

India: Muslims murder Hindu bank manager, fourth such targeted jihad murder in two months

Germany: Muslim migrant who stabbed woman in neck is placed in psychiatric hospital

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Path of No Return? The Final Step Toward Tyranny

We’re Now in the Last Stage of a Tyrannical Takeover

Tipping Point – Anarcho-Tyranny across America


  • There are 10 steps that leaders who want to crush a democracy will always take. We are now in Step 10, and traitors are dissolving the boundaries and sovereignty of the United States. The same is also taking place in other nations
  • The COVID pandemic was used to strip us of our liberties and to conceptually terraform America into being ready to accept a CCP-style World Economic Forum-guided post-humane and post-constitutional world
  • We are at war, and the federal government, institutions and agencies of various kinds, and the media, have all been weaponized against the public
  • Hopelessness leads to inaction, and without action, we’re guaranteed to lose everything. The one thing the technocrats’ technology cannot compete with is the analog world — analog devices and in-person relationships — so that’s where our greatest strength lies
  • General guidance on how to prepare for near-future events, and what is needed for survival and success in the long term are addressed

Repeat guest Naomi Wolf is the author of “The End of America,” published in 2007, and “The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human,” which was released at the end of May 2022. In our previous interview, we discussed how “The End of America” dovetailed with current pandemic events. (You can download the first and last chapters for free on the publisher’s website, chelseagreen.com.1)

Here, we review what lies ahead if we don’t challenge and stand firm against the global control agenda. It’s really important to realize that the progression toward tyranny and loss of freedom is neither new nor accidental — and really has nothing to do with COVID or biosecurity per se.

These are just convenient justifications for the unjustifiable. No, this is a comprehensive plan for a global takeover that’s been in the works for many decades. What we’re seeing now is just the final implementation.

“I wrote ‘The End of America’ when I saw that issues around terrorism and the terror threat post-9/11 were being used in such a way as to hype fear and strip us of our civil liberties,” Wolf says. “There are 10 steps to fascism that leaders who want to crush a democracy will always take. They’re the same 10 steps whether the leaders are on the left or on the right. It really doesn’t matter.

So, I looked at history at different times and places in which a robust democracy was crushed. You start with invoking a terrifying threat. It can be a real threat, but it’s hyped. You go on to surveil citizens. You create militia groups unaccountable to the rule of law.

You create a Gulag. You start to demonize whistleblowers and critics. You start to call dissent, treason or espionage or subversion. And then you get to Step 10, which is martial law, declaring emergency law. Well, here we are at Step 10.”

The Race Toward a Post-Humane World

In the summer of 2020, New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo declared residents could not have more than six people in their homes. As noted by Wolf, this is a massive and very clear violation of the First and Fourth Amendments — the right to privacy and the right to assembly.

That was the moment when Wolf knew for sure that the lockdowns had nothing to do with a public health emergency. That’s when she knew we were right smack dab in the middle of Step 10.

“We were seeing a wholesale race to exploit what was messaged as a global pandemic in such a way as to strip us of our remaining liberties and to terraform America, conceptually, into being ready to accept a CCP-style World Economic Forum-guided post-humane and post-constitutional world,” she says.

“And that’s only escalated. So, [in ‘The Bodies of Others’] I walk the reader through the money flow. I show how bad actors ranging from the World Economic Forum, to the Chinese Communist Party, to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and of course, to big tech companies, massaged pandemic policy in various ways to suit their ends.

I show how millions are flowing to big tech companies especially, as a result of completely medically unnecessary pandemic policies. And finally, I explain — speaking as a tech CEO, which I am now — that what the tech companies are driven by is that human beings in human space, having human conversations with human smiles and touch, are a competition that they cannot compete with.

So, a lot of the policies that were rolled out, as related to a public health emergency, really serve to kill off that human advantage and transfer assets to big tech companies.”

Yes, We Are at War

Part of Step 10 is the proposed World Health Organization Pandemic Treaty, which would give the WHO unbridled privilege to declare an emergency and then have total authority to dictate the global response, even if that response contradicts the constitutional rights of a member state. And, while it may not strike most people as an act of war, it is in fact part of the global war effort against the public, the citizens of the world.

“Indeed, that’s what’s happening,” Wolf says. “And the fact that Americans have not been able to see this treaty easily to lobby their representatives … that’s just an example of why these metanational treaties are so extraordinarily dangerous …

I wish people would wake up sooner, honestly. I’ve been warning people for about six months that a war is being waged against us here in the United States. We are at war, even though we think we’re not. We don’t see bullets flying.

This is a new kind of war, and it’s a war that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has developed very skillfully. Stalinists also developed it skillfully. It’s never been done to us like this before, but look at the big picture please. Our southern border is open. Hundreds of thousands of people are pouring in.

I’m in favor of legal immigration. I’m the daughter of immigrants. However, what’s happening, according to my sources, is that fighting-age men from Ukraine and Afghanistan are pouring in. Millions of dollars in state-of-the-art equipment — night vision goggles, military equipment — vanished in Afghanistan. We didn’t recover it.

Where is it? Who knows? But these are men who are going all over the country, they’re not being identified. Their destinations are not identified. They could be put in place. We are very vulnerable. And then, north of us, our historically peaceful neighbor, Canada, their World Economic Forum puppet, Justin Trudeau, declared martial law for about 24 hours when the truckers were protesting in Ontario.

What you saw there was unidentified, very mercenary looking — were they police? Were they soldiers? Very hard to tell because they weren’t identified, which is characteristic of an unaccountable mercenary. And they were very violent toward peaceful, lawful Canadian protestors.

You saw the same black-clad, unidentifiable, super fit looking mercenaries … in France. When there were protests against the Green Pass, there was dramatic violence, shocking scenes, by these unidentifiable mercenaries.”

Emergency Powers Are Being Used as a Weapon of War

As noted by Wolf, all the pieces of the “emergency” also point in an obvious direction. In April 2022, President Biden extended emergency law for the eighth time, and this time he didn’t even pretend that it was related to a public health emergency. He said it was due to instability in Iraq. By extending his emergency powers, he can funnel millions of dollars, without accountability, into the Department of Health and Human Services (DHSS).

“He’s basically weaponizing HHS, all the way down to boards of health, which have been weaponized during the pandemic,” Wolf says. “So, we are at Step 10. This is Step 10.

Nothing legally prevents, right now, here in New York state, the governor from doing what she’s trying to do, which is to create quarantine facilities and have a regulation to drag people off to open-ended quarantine if they’re exposed to a bloodborne pathogen.

We narrowly defeated a similar regulation proposal in Washington state. But with the World Health Organization treaty, they will have that right. Nothing will stop them from having mercenaries that I can’t identify show up at the end of my driveway and say, ‘Naomi Wolf, you’re a public health threat.’ And the reason they can do this, also, is that this messaging is focusing on mental health too.

So, if you fold mental health into public health, then you get a rationale to say, ‘Oh, dissent is a form of craziness,’ the way that it’s framed in, for instance, communist China. So, we are dissolving sovereignty all over the world if the WHO treaty is signed. It’s absolutely terrifying. We need to wake up and realize that this war is being waged against us. Traitors are dissolving the boundaries of our nation.”

Who Are the Perpetrators?

I suspect the perpetrators of this war are the global cabal that embraces technocracy and transhumanism. Wolf believes perpetrators fall into several different camps.

“You were way ahead of the curve in identifying how serious this was, and the sources from which it would emanate. But I don’t see them as having no light between them. I see that they’re loosely operating in concert. Certainly, technocrats. Big Tech is an alliance of technocrats. Certainly, the World Economic Forum …

Big Pharma isn’t even the main driver, in my judgment, as powerful and scary as it is. I think they’re using pharma as a global weapon.

So, these entities — and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and other bad nonprofits like the EcoHealth Alliance, which is at the center of everything, and other aligned bad nonprofits like the Committee for State and Territorial Epidemiologists — these third-party nonprofits allow government agencies like the CDC to offshore their criminality.

For instance, the CDC contracted with these third parties to manage their data. My book shows how there’s been a consistent mismanagement or manipulation of data around the pandemic to the extent that one of my chapters is called ‘The Unverifiable Pandemic.’

All of these bad actors are loosely aligned. They’re talking to each other. Amazon, Google and Microsoft benefit from the pandemic. Google owns Baseline, which you have to sign in to, to get a CVS PCR test. Microsoft builds the vaccine passports. Bill Gates is invested in the vaccines. I just did a bombshell interview with RFK Jr. in which he said all of the big tech companies are invested in vaccines.

It’s a pretty fully fleshed out methodology that involves Big Tech, the CCP, the World Economic Forum, and now the WHO as a delivery method, to create a one world matrix in which nation states are meaningless, parliaments and congresses are meaningless, and all of us are surveilled, tracked and regularly injected or forced to take whatever pill or treatment they want us to take in such a way as to make freedom a thing of the past.

And also in such a way as to harvest all of our data continually, which is gold for tech companies.”

No Respect for Human Life

Ultimately, the perpetrators of this global war view human beings as a resource fit for harvest. Everything about us is up for grabs, including our DNA. Wolf’s husband, Brian O’Shea, a highly-trained investigator who spent 12 years in military intelligence and the Special Forces, has evidence showing that by 2049, China wants to be the repository of all the world’s DNA — the DNA of every human on the planet.

It’s been rumored that the COVID nasal swabs may be sent back to a DNA repository in China. No one knows where they go, really. If this is true, what’s the danger? Well, for starters, organ trafficking is a lucrative business in China, and now, startups are popping up everywhere to assess the health of your organs. Is it inconceivable to think they might be compiling databanks on potential organ sources?

“These people have no respect for human life,” Wolf says. “I think these people will stop at nothing … I mean there are new laws that have been passed that allow a newborn to be euthanized within a month after birth.”

We Live in Unprecedented Times

According to professor Mattias Desmet, totalitarian regimes inevitably always self-destruct. Because of this, one might be tempted to think that future “doomsday” predictions won’t materialize, as the system can’t survive long-term. However, we also must remember that by the time totalitarian regimes collapse, they’ve already killed tens of millions, and none of the previous ones had the technological advantages of the current system.

The totalitarian regime being erected now could easily wipe out most of humanity before its ultimate demise. Wolf also questions whether some of the previous totalitarian regimes actually did collapse and die out. Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, for example, is a direct heir of Nazi eugenicists, and Bill and Melinda Gates are still carrying out Nazi eugenicists approaches.

Everywhere we look today, we see the Nazi mentality at work behind the scenes. So, the ideology that drove the Nazi regime did not vanish. It simply went underground. Wolf comments:

“The way the World Economic Forum is trying to manage human beings descends from Nazism. And, as I’ve said elsewhere, I’m the granddaughter of woman who lost nine brothers and sisters to Nazis. So, I don’t say this slightly, and don’t take this out of context, but Nazism was too good an idea for it to be killed off in 1945, meaning it was too effective.

We’re [now] seeing Nazi approaches to human life. The creation of a two-tier society, vaccinated vs. unvaccinated, life vs. unworthy of life. I’ve got a section in my book looking at the history of restrictions and how, always, restrictions on assembly, restrictions on commerce, restrictions on where Native Americans could travel, how they could trade, those always proceed theft of assets.

That’s what’s happening now to the whole world with lockdowns. All of humanity was restricted in advance of a massive theft of their assets. And that’s going to continue unless we resist it. But no, I don’t agree that totalitarian regimes self-destruct.

First of all, in the 20th century, they collapsed after massive death, starvation, and upheaval and suffering. But second of all, the holy Roman empire lasted for 800 years, and it was pretty totalitarian. They crucified people. It was pretty totalitarian.

Living in Palestine in Jesus’ time, under the occupation of the Romans, that lasted for centuries. So, sure, if we’ve look 500 years or 800 years into the future, maybe the global totalitarianism that’s being erected right now will have collapsed, but I don’t think we should relax because of that.

There is another distinguishing factor that we have to take into account with this erection of totalitarianism globally compared with those in the past, and that’s the role of artificial intelligence. AI now has the capability to tell the same story at the same time, around the world, at a scale that no human propagandists could ever match.

AI can take inputs from India about how people are receiving a propaganda message and adjust it. Or it can take inputs from people’s behavior in real time, or the reactions on social media and adjust it. And people haven’t even been informed about the extent to which AI can even tweak existing journalism.

For instance, every time you read the word ‘Delta variant,’ you would see in front of it the words ‘highly transmissible.’ And every time you saw the word ‘myocarditis,’ you would see in front of it, ‘extremely rare.’ That’s AI, and that’s happening all over the world with virtually all flows of communications.

So, people can be propagandized … They can be hypnotized and lied to and an artificial reality could be created for them, conceptually, at a much more sophisticated level than human beings have ever accomplished.”

The One Thing the Technocrats Cannot Compete With

While the situation may seem hopeless, we must not give up hope, because hopelessness leads to inaction, and then we are guaranteed to lose everything. The one thing the technocrats’ technology cannot compete with is the humane analog world, so that’s where our greatest strength lies.

For example, no one can hack or surveil an in-person assembly, provided you don’t have your cell phones on you. So, get into the habit of carrying your phone in a faraday bag, or leave it at home. Physical book stores, physical libraries, physical houses of worship, physical money — none of those can be surveilled or tracked. Combustion engine cars as opposed to electric cars also cannot be tracked as easily or thoroughly.

“I tell people to get off of digital technology,” Wolf says. “Most of the narratives around what COVID was doing were communicated to us by digital technology, by Google, Facebook and Twitter, which are deplatforming people like you and me and putting alarm signals everywhere.

But if you just count on your own lived experience, the bodies were not stacking up. I’m not saying it was a trivial public health problem. But if we had lived through 2020 to 2022, relying on human life experience, the stories our neighbors were telling us what we were hearing from our friends, we would’ve lived through a time in which there was a bad respiratory disease around, but not in which all human activity had to come to a close.”

Wolf’s Predictions for the Near Future

Almost universally, those aware of the facts and who are knowledgeable in this area agree that things are about to get far worse. The COVID pandemic was just the warmup, and right now we seem to be in a deceptive lull before the storm.

We don’t know when it’s going to get worse. It could be next week. It could be two or three years. I don’t know, but I think it’s going to be sooner rather than later, so getting prepared is an urgent necessity. Many also wonder what they should prepare for.

Food shortages? Famine? Power failures? Gas shortages? The breakdown of transportation and distribution of goods? The collapse of one or more fiat currencies? The collapse of the entire financial system? Cyber attacks? Nuclear war? Any and all of those are on the table.

“Here’s my sense of the immediate timeline — and I’ve been, unfortunately, right with every projection since I started making them, when this pandemic began,” Wolf says.

“The timeline is not good. November [2022] is going to be a very dangerous month in America. I mean, these people will stop at nothing and I’m literally afraid of a nuclear attack. I’m afraid the war in Ukraine will be the proxy or the rationale for an attack on the whole land. It’ll be blamed on Russia, but it could be [done by] anyone.

I think we’re even beyond a false flag right now in America because I thoroughly believe our White House is captured by China, that we have a puppet government … I voted for the Biden administration — which is embarrassing given that they’re committing treason — but they can’t resist what China and the World Economic Forum want them to do.

If you look at the harms in the Pfizer documents … this is a biological attack. The disruption of our food supplies is an attack. We are under occupation now. It’s not going to happen in the future. We have to notice that we are already under occupation.

I used to be a political consultant. Every single thing that the Biden administration has done in terms of messaging and symbolism has served to lower the status of the United States internationally. Even little things like checking his watch three times at a military funeral. That’s not an accident. Those things are highly scripted.

Over and over again, you can see an external hand dialing down the prestige and authority of the United States. The withdrawal from Afghanistan, that did nothing but trash our standing internationally. The point is, we have a captured White House and that’s very dangerous, because it means the FDA may or may not let poisonous food reach our shelves.

The FDA turned a blind eye or colluded with unbelievable harms revealed in the Pfizer documents, so the FDA can’t be trusted. The CDC can’t be trusted. Basically, you can expect more and more disorienting narratives of confusing public events, more and more ‘It’s monkeypox, it’s smallpox, it’s tuberculosis,’ to make you feel off kilter and panicked right up until November.

In November, I anticipate a giant crisis, which will have the effect of, ‘It’s not safe to leave your homes.’ Everything is radioactive, or there’s smallpox everywhere, or there are mass shooters on the loose. This will drive voters to vote by mail instead of in person.

I say this as a political consultant: There is no way these people are acting like there’s going to be midterm [elections]. They’re acting like there’s never going to be accountability. There’s never going to be investigations. They’re never going to be impeached. So there will be no midterms. If I were to bet, I would bet the midterms will be dramatically compromised, if not taken off the table altogether, or made cursory.

I imagine we’re going to see more and more gangs … militias, and you don’t know who they are. We’re going to see more and more gangs wreaking havoc in inner cities, wreaking havoc with businesses … We don’t know who they are and their job will be to terrorize everyone … and create the complete loosening of social bonds and the civil contract.

The defunding of the police is directly contributing to this. It’s part of this process, and it’s worked … Along with that, there’ll continue to be disruptions in the food supply, certainly disruptions in the energy grid and probably cyber attacks.

There’s going to be parts of the country that are going to be in darkness or unable to communicate intermittently and that will add to our fear. All of this is going to play out around the world, and they’re not going to stop.

A lot of it will play out this year, but not dramatically enough to elicit an effective counter reaction. And that’s their goal. Having said that, there are many things that you can do. So, there’s going to be a degradation around the world of the right to assembly. Parliaments will be told it’s not safe to convene. You won’t be able to see what parliament is doing. You won’t be able to see what Congress is doing.”

The Next Step, Historically

Going by the historical timeline of how a tyrannical regime takes over, the next step will involve a period when opposition leaders, civil rights leaders, outspoken journalists and editors will be arrested and taken to some unknown location. Many will simply be “disappeared.” That’s the point at which civil society just shuts down, even without a coup, because everyone’s too afraid.

After that, mercenaries will show up to reimpose order, but they won’t be our mercenaries. They’ll be working on behalf of the enemy regime. At that point, the United States will formally cease to exist. The takeover will be complete.

As noted by Wolf, right now, “we’re in a time of radical testing of our free will.” If we don’t wake up in sufficient numbers, the end result is already determined. Without pushback, it can’t end any other way. Fortunately, “there’s a robust grassroots resistance to this in the United States,” Wolf says. “And, I can’t believe I’m saying this, but the Second Amendment is the key to the U.S. having hope that other countries don’t have.”

Recommendations Moving Forward

So, what can we do to prepare? How do we fight back? Regardless of where you are in the world, there’s a lot you can do. The key to success is to focus the fight on the local and state level. There are also preparations you can (and need) to do on a personal level.

“I’m learning marksmanship. I hate to say it, but this is where we’re at,” Wolf says. “I’m a peaceful person. I hope no one takes this out of context, but you need to be able to defend your family. You need to be able to hunt. We are getting to that point. Even if you hate guns, now is the time to learn marksmanship and be comfortable with a weapon because you may need to kill for food.”

There’s an educational curve when it comes to firearms — how to store, carry and clean them, for example — and you really need to engage in that if you’ve never had any training in that area.

Secondly, know where your food comes from. Make friends with farmers. Create or join a CSA with your neighbors. Learn how to grow some food. There’s a steep learning curve there too. Next, prepare a plan for what to do if there’s no electricity and/or digital communications.

“I tell people to print out their bank statements and asset statements because in The Great Reset, you should expect that there’ll be some giant blitz and it’ll all vanish,” Wolf says. Make sure you have hardcopies of important documents, such as the deed for your home. If you can’t produce it, expect the new regime to claim ownership.

Much can also be done on the state level. For example, in Florida, Gov. Ron DeSantis has stated he will not enforce the will of the World Economic Forum. The New Hampshire legislature has also passed a really good bill declaring that if the federal government passes an unconstitutional law, it will not be enforced in New Hampshire.

“We have been very successful at DailyClout, state by state, mobilizing people to lobby their state representatives. But they have to pass laws fast, and show massive grassroots movement to not enforce the World Economic Forum diktats at the state level. And, our founders were such geniuses, because they set up our system so that states could do this,” Wolf says.

Importantly, states must accept and be prepared to forgo federal funding and subsidies to retain their sovereignty. We need a new movement where institutions and local leadership publicly forswear any and all corruptible funding, be it from the CCP, the federal government, the WEF or anything else. These individuals and institutions must be willing to disclose the source of all funding, and reject any funds that might make them beholden to an enemy power.

We Need to Build an Alternative Society

The ultimate goal right now is to begin creating a whole alternative civil society. A “reset,” yes, but not the technocratic, transhumanist reset imagined by the globalists. We need to create uncorrupted science, uncorrupted journalism, uncorrupted medicine. We need governors, business leaders and heads of universities and so on to take a pledge to create uncorrupted institutions that are answerable to the people.

“By showing people how the legislative process got corrupted and providing, on my site, DailyClout, the way to draft your own laws and pass your own laws, I am also providing people with very concrete ways to protect their liberties and to know what to do in the future,” Wolf says.

“And, I feel remiss if I didn’t add, I personally had to give up my status as a media darling on the left, my friends, and my networks … when I began to do real reporting on this pandemic and on the mRNA vaccines. We are in a time where people will have to decide, ‘What am I here for on this planet?’ Know that if you cling to lies, and you cling to your professional status, your children will live as slaves and so will you.

It’s time to be brave, because if we’re a little bit brave now, we don’t have to be horrifically brave in the near future … I also think we’re in a massive spiritual moment, that we’re in a biblical moment, and that there’s a level of metaphysics over and above the material and the political assault on us in our reaction.

I’m just speaking for myself, but I do feel like this is part of the picture, the nature of the evil that is unfolded around us … The way the mRNA vaccines target the fetus, target the amniotic membrane, target lactation, this is an evil beyond what Nazis could accomplish. This is an evil of a Miltonic scale.

I’ve looked at it from all sides, and I’m just going to say this, I can’t account for it with purely human material processes. It’s got an element of sophistication and scale and grandeur that really seems beyond the human to me, and to have an element of massive existential evil.

I’m Jewish, so we don’t have a highly-developed notion of Satan, but the these seem to be malevolent forces that can accomplish things beyond what human beings can accomplish.

As a result, I have started to believe in God in a more literal way than I used to, because these malevolent forces seem to be directed at what is good. What is divine? The human face, which my tradition says is an image of God. The human body, which is made in God’s image. Love, which is a manifestation of the divine according to many religious traditions. The family.

It’s like all the things that are being targeted are what is divine about our human journey on this planet. I don’t know where to go with that, except that it seems we’re in a moment in which — in addition to all the other things we can do, and I’m just speaking for myself — I think we can pray.

We don’t have the ability just as human beings to get out of this. It’s too big. I believe that getting out of it requires an awakening that’s massive. And, for myself anyway, asking for divine help has worked before.”

To learn more, be sure to pick up a copy of “The Bodies of Others: The New Authoritarians, COVID-19 and the War Against the Human,” and subscribe to the Daily Clout newsletter on Dailyclout.io. You can also follow Wolf on GETTR.

Sources and References

EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AG Who Tried to Sic FBI on Parents Speaking Out at School Board Meetings Warns of ‘Threat to Democracy’

If it hadn’t been obvious before, it’s long since become a basic reality that those shouting loudest about “threats to democracy” are the threat.

Attorney General Merrick Garland warned about threats to democracy in the U.S. and abroad in a commencement speech at Harvard University on Sunday.

“Threats to democracy in the U.S. and abroad” is a convenient way to connect external and internal opposition, and thus use counterintelligence and other tools meant to be deployed against foreign adversaries against Republicans.

We know this is true because this is what Obama/Biden has done. And we’re not just talking Trump Russiagate.

Not all that long ago, AG Garland sicced the FBI on parents speaking out at school board meetings. And that was the second draft. This was the first draft.

Early demands from the National School Boards Association to the White House included calling for the deployment of the Army National Guard and the military police to monitor school board meetings, according to an early draft letter the organization’s independent review released Friday.

I can’t think of a more basic community level form of democracy than school boards.

But here’s AG Garland going on about “threats to democracy”.

Garland, who is a Harvard alumnus, pointed to efforts to undermine the right to vote, violence against particular groups of people, the Jan. 6 attack on the U.S. Capitol and the Russian invasion of Ukraine abroad as the “many ways in which democracy is under threat.”

There we go. Conflate Russia with the Capitol riot with state voting regulations, treat them all as a military/intel threat that must be crushed. And that’s how you end up with the Biden admin flirting with the idea of sending the National Guard to school board meetings.

Threats to democracy? Look in the mirror.



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Biden Meeting with New Zealand PM Will Push Censorship of Americans

BLM reiterates calls to end policing, rails against Biden police reforms

FBI Has An Office In Democrat Party’s Law Firm Perkins Coie

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

TAKE ACTION: OnlyFans is a Paradise for Pimps and Predators

OnlyFans, a subscription-based platform known for pornography, has been placed on NCOSE’S Dirty Dozen List for the past two years due to the egregious sexual exploitation that lies at the foundation of its business model. NCOSE—along with numerous survivors, whistleblowers, police, and investigative journalists—has been sounding the alarm on the criminal activity that hides behind OnlyFans’ paywall which includes child sexual abuse material and recorded sex trafficking. NCOSE is also deeply concerned about the extent to which OnlyFans has normalized and glamorized the commercial sex industry, enticing both children and adults with deceptive promises of fast cash and fame.

What is OnlyFans?

OnlyFans is a platform where “fans,” or subscribers, pay a monthly membership fee to “unlock” images, videos, and livestreams made by “creators.” Although OnlyFans brands itself as a social media website that can be used to sell any type of content, the truth is that the site is primarily used and known for pornographic and sexual content.

As such, OnlyFans has become the latest iteration of the commercial sex industry – and a very prominent and influential iteration at that. The site has skyrocketed to notoriety since being launched in 2016. In particular, OnlyFans experienced astronomical growth during the Covid-19 pandemic as their revenue increased by 553% within less than a year of lockdown. The platform gained new creators as many struggled to find solutions to financial insecurity and loss of work and the site gained traffic as the world spent more time online. Today, OnlyFans is a household name and so mainstream that children are bombarded with OnlyFans promotions on their social media feeds.

Yet as OnlyFans has grown in notoriety, so too has recognition that the platform is being used for exploitation and criminal activity.

Criminal Activity Continues on OnlyFans Despite Policy Changes from Mastercard

Over the past few years, evidence has mounted of criminal activity on OnlyFans such as sex trafficking and child sexual abuse material (CSAM, the more apt term for “child pornography”). Some mistakenly assume that this evidence is dated and that OnlyFans cleaned up its act after Mastercard introduced new policies in April 2021 aimed at combating criminal content on pornography sites. Mastercard’s new policies stated that banks “will need to certify that the seller of adult content has effective controls in place to monitor, block and, where necessary, take down all illegal content.” Mastercard also required the pornography websites to document the age and identity of anyone depicted in or uploading the content.

However, despite the fact that OnlyFans allows payments to be made through Mastercard, new evidence confirms that criminal activity still flourishes on the site, even after Mastercard’s policy changes.

The Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative (ATII), in consultation with veteran law enforcement officials, recently published a report which revealed strong indicators of child sexual abuse material and sex trafficking on OnlyFans. The data for this report was collected from November 2021 to March 2022, a date range that occurred entirely after Mastercard’s policy changes came into effect.

ATII stated that within 1.5 hours, their researchers “found a high volume of OnlyFans.com profiles possessing commonly understood indicators of CSAM and/or sex trafficking.” Examples of what they found include pictures of girls whose appearance and body types suggest they are underage; accounts advertising with terms and descriptions that commonly denote CSAM; conversations between potential sex traffickers discussing how they like to use OnlyFans to monetize their victims; and “creators” sporting signs of abuse and coercion, such as bruising, tattoos known to be used for sex trafficking, expressions of pain, blank gazes and signs of being under the influence, and much more.

ATII concludes:

“Given the tremendous amount of troubling material found using these simple methodologies, it appears there are not effective measures in place to verify age and/or consent by OnlyFans.com or the Trust & Safety teams obligated to do so at companies doing business with the platform.

OnlyFans’ Paywall Makes It Difficult to Investigate Criminal Activity

ATII’s analysis depended solely on open source material and not the paywalled material that makes up the vast majority of OnlyFans’ content. There are likely even more crimes to be discovered behind OnlyFans’ paywall. In their report, ATII echoed concerns previously raised by human trafficking investigators that OnlyFans’ paywall hinders law enforcement investigations and protects criminals: “While it is relatively easy to identify significant ‘red flags’ indicating the likelihood of criminal activity occurring on OnlyFans.com through open source investigations, the paywall enables traffickers, rapists, and other criminal elements to better evade detection.” It is extremely time consuming and expensive for law enforcement to investigate suspected criminal activity, as they must repeatedly submit requests for funding and wait for these requests to be approved each time they wish to seek information behind an account’s paywall. For this reason, although evidence suggests that criminal activity is rampant on OnlyFans, the crimes are left largely unaddressed.

The Latest Evidence of Criminal Activity on OnlyFans is Consistent with Earlier Findings

ATII noted that the findings of their report are consistent with previous analyses and investigations which also uncovered evidence of CSAM and sex trafficking on OnlyFans. As such, while it is helpful to look to the latest evidence for confirmation that this criminal activity continues, evidence that was collected prior to Mastercard’s policy changes remains relevant.

For example, a similar analysis conducted by veteran law enforcement researchers at the University of New Haven and the anti-human trafficking non-profit Awareness is Prevention (AIP) also found that indicators of CSAM and sex trafficking are common on OnlyFans. Additionally, a research collaboration project between Human Trafficking Detective Joseph Scaramucci and The Avery Center for Research and Services analyzed a sample of 97 public Instagram accounts of OnlyFans “creators” for indicators of trafficking. Thirty-six percent of these accounts were classified as “likely third-party controlled.” This research project also included a survey of former or current “creators” on OnlyFans. Of these creators, 11% said they had been solicited by suspected traffickers, 6% disclosed that traffickers had had a hand in creating and marketing their content, and 11% said they were aware of minors who had accounts on OnlyFans. The BBC also published an investigative series which exposed OnlyFans for failing to prevent and appropriately respond to the child sexual abuse material and other illegal content on their platform. (See the Dirty Dozen List webpage for further evidence of criminal activity and exploitation on OnlyFans.)

The Cultural Normalization of Online Pimping

Sadly, much of the exploitation that happens on OnlyFans may not even be recognized as exploitation, but rather normalized and white-washed as a “simple business venture.” OnlyFans has been disturbingly successful in normalizing and glamorizing the commercial sex industry—perhaps more so than any other platform to date—and with this comes the normalization of pimping.

A recent New York Times piece describes how OnlyFans has led to the flourishing of online pimping. The tone of the piece is chillingly casual and uncritical, essentially describing this phenomenon as the new frontier of business. Jayson Rosero, a pimp who was interviewed for the piece, stated: “OnlyFans is a true opportunity for not just sexy girls, but also guys as well. What I’m proposing here is ‘e-pimping.’”

The New York Times speaks to how these pimping “businesses” take tremendously steep cuts from OnlyFans creators’ earnings – as much as 70%. As OnlyFans itself takes a 20% cut from all creators’ earnings, this would leave a pimped individual to survive on as little as 10% of her/his income.

OnlyFans’ Glamorization of the Commercial Sex Industry Harms Children

As a result of OnlyFans’ normalization and glamorization of the commercial sex industry, not only adults but also children have turned to OnlyFans hoping to make easy money or achieve popularity and social influence. This means that children are self-generating child sexual abuse material through their OnlyFans accounts. OnlyFans fuels this trend through their attempts to blur the lines between mainstream social media and commercial sex, their deceptive marketing, and their “pyramid scheme.”

OnlyFans has deliberately blurred the lines between mainstream social media and their platform which is a part of the commercial sex industry. Creators typically advertise their OnlyFans profiles on mainstream social media accounts like Instagram in order to gain subscribers. OnlyFans themselves states on their website, “As far as we’re concerned, if you use social media and produce your own content, you should be using OnlyFans.”

The result of this is that children are constantly bombarded on their social media feeds with content that promotes and glorifies OnlyFans. Researchers at NCOSE created fake Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok accounts posing as minors, and were served this type of content even without looking for it or searching anything related (view our webpages for those three platforms to view samples of proof). In many cases, one only needed to click once or twice to reach the OnlyFans site. Instagram has given OnlyFans the coveted “blue check” of a verified account –an account available to minors where they can easily see advertisements for sexually explicit content.

OnlyFans mimics a “pyramid scheme” structure, where creators are incentivized to recruit other creators, since they then profit up to 5% of the new creator’s earnings. This means that OnlyFans creators have a vested interest in making the life seem more glamorous than it is and to flood social media with these messages.

OnlyFans’ marketing language adds to these false ideas of glamour, promising fast cash and fame. On their website, they state that earnings could be between $1,499 and $7,495 per month. The truth is that the average content creator makes only $151 per month. OnlyFans has also taken pains to brand itself as an “influencer” platform, which means that many children have absorbed the harmful idea that OnlyFans offers them a path to become famous or popular. One 13-year-old said about OnlyFans: “Some of the girls have thousands of followers on Instagram and they must be raking it in—I wanna be just like them.”

What We Can Do to Stop OnlyFans

Time is up for OnlyFans’ normalization and propagation of exploitation and abuse. According to federal law (FOSTA-SESTA) it is illegal for websites to knowingly facilitate prostitution or sex trafficking. Call on the Department of Justice to investigate OnlyFans and demand that financial institutions to sever ties with a site proven to be hosting CSAM and sex trafficking.

Ask US Attorney General Garland to Investigate OnlyFans!



RELATED ARTICLE: Porn-Obsessed Hunter Biden Texted Phone Contact ‘Dad’ a Pornhub Link – Report

EDITORS NOTE: This NCOSE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FLORIDA: Gov. DeSantis Vetoes $35M Facility Over MLB Team’s Anti-Gun Statements

DeSantis goes from one great to another.

DeSANTIS SAYS NO WAY TO RAYS: FLA Gov to Veto $35M Facility Over MLB Team’s Anti-Gun Statements

By Hannity Staff, June 3, 2022:

First Disney, now the MLB. Governor Ron DeSantis is done with wokeism and has had enough of companies politicizing events and issues in the Sunshine State.

According to a report from The Daily Wire, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis intends to veto $35 million dollars earmarked for a new training facility for the MLB team the Tampa Bay Rays. DeSantis is making the move in the wake of a wave of recent anti-gun statements released by the team in response to the events in Uvalde and Buffalo.

“DeSantis plans to veto a $35 million legislation for a Pasco County facility that’s earmarked for the Tampa Bay Rays’ spring training,” OutKick reported. “DeSantis’s decision is in response to the Rays politicizing recent shootings in Buffalo and Uvalde ahead of a matchup with the Yankees in May.”

From The Daily Wire…

The decision comes after the Rays published a statement last week saying that the tragedies “have shaken us to the core.”

“This cannot become normal. We cannot become numb. We cannot look the other way,” the statement said. “We all know, if nothing changes, nothing changes.”

The organization added that it was donating tens of thousands of dollars to far-left anti-Second Amendment organizations.

“The Rays organization stands committed to actionable change and has made a $50,000 commitment to Everytown for Gun Safety’s Support Fund,” the statement said.

“Everytown is the largest gun violence prevention organization in America. Rather than our usual game coverage on social media tonight, we’ve partnered with Everytown to amplify facts about gun violence in America.”

The expected move by DeSantis comes after he signed into law back in April a bill that stripped Walt Disney Co. from being able to govern the land where the Disney World theme park is located.


The Entire Gun Control Debate Summed Up in 15 Seconds

Representative Greg Steube (R-FL) shows off his gun on Tucker Carlson show.


DeSantis vetoes $35M earmarked for Rays facility after team postures on gun violence

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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.