FACT: Socialism Kills More Babies than War by Chelsea Follett

Recent reports that infants now die at a higher rate in Venezuela than in war-torn Syria were, sadly, unsurprising – the results of socialist economics are predictable. Venezuela’s infant mortality rate has actually been above Syria’s since 2008.

The big picture, fortunately, is happier. The global infant mortality rate has plummeted. Even Syria and Venezuela, despite the impact of war and failed policies, saw improvements up to as recently as last year. From 1960 to 2015, Syria’s infant mortality rate fell by 91% and Venezuela’s by 78%. This year (not reflected in the graph above or below), Syria’s rate rose from 11.1 per 1,000 live births to 15.4, while Venezuela’s shot up from 12.9 to 18.6. Meanwhile, infant mortality rates have continued to fall practically everywhere else, and have declined even faster in countries that enjoy more freedom and stability. Consider Chile.

Chile’s infant mortality rate in 1960 was actually above that of both Venezuela and Syria. It managed to outperform Syria by the mid-1960s, but was still woefully behind its richer northern cousin, Venezuela.  In the early 1970s, Chile’s progress slowed to a crawl as its elite flirted with socialist policies. Once its government abandoned socialism and began economic reforms in the mid-1970s, the pace of progress sped up again, and soon Chile’s infants were safer than Venezuela’s. Today, Chile’s infant mortality rate is similar to that of the United States.

There is a lesson to be learned from these data points: economic policy matters. While Venezuela’s socialism has managed to kill more infants than a full-blown war in Syria, Chile’s incredible success story shows us that by implementing the right policies, humanity can make rapid progress and better protect the youngest, most vulnerable members of society. Today it is hard to believe that infants in Chile were once more likely to die within a year than their contemporaries in Venezuela and Syria.

What about your country? For every 1,000 infants born, how many die and how many live to see their first birthday? Explore the data for yourself, and consider using HumanProgress.org’s new tool, Your Life in Numbers, to see your country’s progress in infant survival and other areas since you were born.

This first appeared at Cato at Liberty.

Chelsea Follett

Chelsea Follett

Chelsea Follet works at the Cato Institute as a Researcher and Managing Editor of HumanProgress.org.

Tax Expert: 5 Reasons Donald Trump Tax Returns Should Not Be Released [Video]

WALLINGFORD, Conn. /PRNewswire/ — Tax expert Anthony E. Parent, Esq. has just released an article that focuses on a topic that is on many peoples’ minds right now: Donald Trump tax returns. Titled “5 Reasons Why Donald Trump is Right To Not Release His Returns,” Parent takes an in-depth look at this issue and why he feels Trump is correct in not wanting to release this personal information.

Anthony and Claudine discuss the complete BS of releasing tax returns for public scrutiny:

Read the new article in its entirety: 

Being a tax attorney is the biggest unexpected thrill in my life. I decided to specialize in tax so many years ago for pragmatic reasons, but it has turned into my passion. The passion comes for various reasons: I have the best clients in the world. And tax law is the most complicated thing in the history of the world, thus there is always abundant fodder for argument. There were many times when we thought we lost a position, but then we found something that saved the day.

In the past 10 years we’ve helped thousands of clients, and learned that very sophisticated, very smart people are fairly ignorant about how the tax code really works. For good reason; there is no training on the tax code for the average taxpayer. As for myself, a tax professional, it seems like every day even I learn something new — and this after practicing law for nearly 15 years! There’s always more to learn…isn’t that amazing?

Here’s one thing you can learn: a tax return doesn’t mean all that much. It’s just a bunch of numbers that somebody plugs in. Looking at someone’s tax return isn’t going to provide you with any special clairvoyance into their life.

You know who else agrees with me? The IRS. When the IRS examines your tax return, they don’t just look at your tax return and magically know if you’ve mis-filed (intentionally or innocently). An IRS examiner has to investigate to find out where you got your numbers from.

It has become customary for presidential candidates to release their tax return information for public scrutiny. Here’s a webpage with a whole collection. As if it is somehow the public’s right…andas if a tax return will tell you something important. Here we could disagree, but you would be wrong. So here are five reasons why a presidential candidate should not release their tax returns:

1. The tax returns you see are not necessary what is filed.

Take a look at the returns released by presidential candidates. You find a lot of them are unsigned, and even if they were signed, how do you know they were actually filed with the IRS? The answer is you don’t know. If someone was trying to create a false image of their affairs, do you see how easy it would be? The point of looking at someones’ tax return is to see if they are up to no good. If they are up to no good, it would be ridiculously easy for them to hide it! It would be like asking a presidential candidate to score their own lie detector test.

2. Even if they were filed, did you see if they amended returns?

Let’s suppose that you actually saw the real returns that were filed as-is. Do you know if a tax amendment was made later that day? You really have no clue what was filed or changed. You justthink you know, and that’s perhaps even more dangerous.

3. Do you know what any of this means?

Let’s suppose you are a tax expert; smarter than any other CPA, enrolled agent or tax attorney. That you are the best in the business at discovering fraud.

In reviewing the returns you still wouldn’t know anything important. You have no idea where the numbers put on that tax return came from. For instance, “consulting” is a rather vague term (also a very popular term used on many presidential and candidate returns). Then there’s the “speaking fees” income that the Clinton’s claimed. But were those fees really for speaking, or were they for something else? Of course, the person paying the bill would not claim it is a bribe, because bribes are not tax deductible. But speaking fees are. So you can have accurate numbers, but parties can have a self-interest to work in collusion to obfuscate the true nature of a payment.

4.What about partnership returns ? Corporate returns?

Let’s say that I was going to do something shady, but I didn’t want to run the risk of a tax evasion indictment. I would set up a shell company to run the books through; something without my name or social security number tied to it. Hence it wouldn’t be on my tax return.

For their tax returns, partnerships file IRS Form 1065, corporations files a Form 1120 or 1120-S. If someone has foreign entities, like a foreign trust, foreign partnership or foreign corporation those could require Forms 3520-A/3520, Form 8865 and Form 5471, respectively.

Yet in all of the tax returns released by presidential candidates, (at least the ones we reviewed) wouldn’t you know it…you will find no partnerships, trusts, or corporation returns of any kind. Huh.

5. The Security Risks

Your Federal Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) is something that is used for Identity verification. Why would you ever want that to be public? It is dangerous to share that information.

Also, the IRS has warned about many phishing scams involving tax professionals. It’s just not a good idea to let people know who prepares your returns. You are opening yourself, and others, to scammers who may use this information to help them pose as the IRS.

“Look at me…I’m an every man! I pay my taxes! Just. Like. You.”

Seriously, what is the point of releasing tax returns? To prove that you are just a regular guy or girl? Well, you are running for president of the most powerful nation of all time. You aren’t an every man. So just stop it.

If we are looking at tax returns as indication of fraud that should disqualify someone from office, we are only exposing our own ignorance of what a tax return does.

The best lies contain truth. Aren’t we smart enough to know this by now? So anyone could release things that are true, yet easily hide the things that are not so helpful to an image of moral uprightedness. A partial release of tax information can assist a fraudster to appear to be on the up-and-up while leaving out what is actually important.

Let’s stop this stupid practice. Keep your returns private.

As Parent clarifies in the article, he not only feels that Trump should not release his returns—he believes this applies to all presidential candidates. As he noted, as a tax attorney, he has learned that a tax return does not mean as much as many people have been led to believe.

In addition, Parent noted, many of the tax returns that have been released by past presidential candidates are not necessarily what was actually filed with the IRS. Many of them are unsigned, but even the ones that were signed might be fabricated documents.

“If someone was trying to create a false image of their affairs, do you see how easy it would be?” Parent asks in the new article.

“The point of looking at someone’s tax return is to see if they are up to no good. If they are up to no good, it would be ridiculously easy for them to hide it. It would be like asking a presidential candidate to score their own lie detector test.”

Another reason Trump should not feel compelled to release his tax returns, Parent wrote, is that most people will not learn anything important about the candidate, including what numbers like “consulting” and “speaking fees” truly mean.


IRSMedic is the law office of Parent & Parent LLP, a tax firm helping the entrepreneur and worldwide investor keep their tax and tax risks to a minimum. For more information, please visit https://www.irsmedic.com.

To learn more about IRSMedic and the services that the tax firm provides its clients, please watch this short video on YouTube:

The Crisis of Masculinity — Men without Work

My friend, this is really important.

The disappearance of men from the workforce is about identity as much as structural economic change.

As George Will noted, Nicholas Eberstadt has written an extraordinary new monograph, Men without Work.

Among the questions he asks are:

“Why is this recovery so much more fitful than other postwar recoveries?”

Why do “overwhelming majorities continue to tell public opinion pollsters, year after year, that our ever-richer America is still stuck in a recession”?

Why Trump?

Why Bernie Sanders?

All the happy news about unemployment falling misses something big, says Eberstadt: “the deterioration of work rates for American men.”

Almost one out of four men of prime working age (25–54) are not working. Since 1948, the percentage of men aged 20 to 64 who aren’t working has doubled. Fewer working-age men are working today than in 1930, in the heart of the Great Depression.

Most of this decline, however, has taken place since 1965. Between 1965 and 2015, the share of working-age men who are jobless more than doubled, from 10 percent to 22 percent. Among “prime age” men, the percentage without jobs shot from 6 percent to nearly 16 percent. Some of these men are in training or education programs. But the vast majority of men in this age range who are receiving training or are in school are job holders, working part-time or working full-time and going to school part-time. (This category includes both my sons and perhaps yours as well: My son has had a job working for a 7–11 while in college, while my older son is holding down an executive position and getting his MBA.)

Eberstadt estimates that if you deduct men who are going to school instead of working, the number of working-age men without work is still almost 10 million, or about 10 percent of the working-age male population. This is what the Romans called “decimation.”

Could this be one reason the economy isn’t growing as fast as it should be?

How did the missing men in the workplace go mostly unnoticed for so long? Eberstadt points to “the historic postwar transformation in the nature of women’s work.” Between 1948 and 2015, the proportion of women between 25 and 64 in the workforce doubled from 34 percent to 70 percent, masking the continuing retreat of men from work. By the late 1990s, women’s workforce participation stopped rising. “Only then did the overall work rate for U.S. adults begin to register a decline,” he writes. “For two full generations, the upsurge of employment for women disguised the steady decline in work for men.” Almost 40 percent of all Americans without work are now male.

The second structural change, though, is: “Ever-greater numbers of working-age men simply have dropped out — some for a while and some forever — from the competition for jobs. These men have established a new and alternative lifestyle to the age-old male quest for a paying job.” And Eberstadt points out that this situation is largely voluntary: Not only are these men not looking for work, “only a minority report that they’ve left the labor force because they cannot find a job.”

Eberstadt here perhaps underestimates men’s reluctance to admit to pollsters a failure or a weakness, but still, this reflects an enormous change in masculine norms. In the past, men would rather have it be known they aren’t working because they can’t find a job than that they chose financial dependence on others.

As Eberstadt writes, “This mass retreat from the workforce has been possible to ignore because these men are largely socially invisible and inert.” No Male Lives Matter rallies or riots, no union or political organizing on their behalf. The complaints of men are invisible in public discourse in part because we have defined our social goal as getting more women to work.

The Atlantic on July 25 published an essay by Derek Thompson, “What Are Young Non-Working Men Doing?” Since 2000, “the participation rate of 16-to-24-year-olds with just a high-school degree has fallen 10 points to about 70 percent,” he observed. Where are they? Living in Mom’s basement, as Hillary Clinton derided Bernie Sanders supporters for supposedly doing. Thirty-five percent of 18-to-34-year-olds live with parents, more than the 28 percent who live with a spouse — this is part of the fruits of the divorce and unwed-childbearing “revolution.” Many of these parents are likely to be single mothers, as few working fathers are willing to support idle sons indefinitely.

What are these young men doing? University of Chicago economist Erik Hurst’s preliminary research, cited by Thompson, suggests: “The hours that they are not working have been replaced almost one for one with leisure time. Seventy-five percent of this new leisure time falls into one category: video games.” And, so far, they like it pretty well this way: “Happiness surveys actually indicate that they [are] quite content compared to their peers,” Hurst said in an interview published on the university’s site.

Thompson wrote another essay in 2014 on the mystery of declining male work in which he described both the push and the pull disconnecting men from the workplace — the structural loss of jobs and the increase in the safety net. But then he put his finger on what I think is the most important piece of the puzzle: male identity:

Looking to the future, one aspect of the decline of work that might not receive enough attention is identity. If the future of work isn’t quite biased against men, it certainly seemed biased against the traditional idea of manliness. Construction and manufacturing, two male-dominated industries, are down 3 million jobs since 2008. Most of those jobs are dead, forever. Meanwhile, the only occupations expected to add more than 100,000 jobs in the next decade are personal care aides, home health aides, medical secretaries, and marketing specialists, all of which are currently majority female.

It might seem sentimental to talk about pride and identity in the face of vast, empirical trends, like falling wages for non-high-school-educated men and the slow creep of automation into low-income work. But some economists think identity plays a starring role in the economy. “Some of the decline in work among young men is a mismatch between aspirations and identity,” said Lawrence Katz, a professor of economics at Harvard University. “Taking a job as a health technician has the connotation as a feminized job. The growth has been in jobs that have been considered women’s jobs — education, health, government.”

The economy is not simply leaving men behind. It is leaving manliness behind.

We no longer valorize male work as manly because manliness itself has fallen out of favor. The problem is not working women, the problem is genderphobia, the half-century growth of the pervasive ideology that acknowledging the basic realities of gender and gender difference is somehow a crime against women (and more lately, against the LGBT community).

Here’s what humanity understood for thousands of year that we’ve forgotten or trashed: If you want good men, you need to admire, idealize, and reward masculine goodness.

Work became redefined, not only as genderless, but male work became redefined as a source of unfair privilege. For the Donald Trumps or the Bill Gateses or the Lloyd Blankfeins of the world, this makes some sense: The pinnacle of power and money is still majority male.

But for most of human history, men worked in really nasty jobs that damaged their health for three reasons: to support themselves, to support their families, and because that was what manliness required. Financial dependence, either on a woman, on the government, or on the charity of their neighbors, was anathema to masculine identity.

The fancy term for this kind of identity formation is “symbolic capital.” In a lot of different ways, we have simply failed to replenish what we inherited from the Greatest Generation of these sources of identity for the Americans who cannot pat themselves on the back because they’ve made it to Harvard as part of the privileged class: religion, patriotism, community, and yes, pro-social masculinity. I notice part of Trump’s appeal is that he always tells voters success is not necessarily being like him: Being a happy teacher or police officer is just as much a success as being a Manhattan real-estate tycoon.

For most of humanity’s history, masculinity was something achieved, not given, and it pointed men in directions that their society defined as pro-social. Above all, in modern times, to work and marriage. The connections between work, marriage, fatherhood, and manhood unleashed enormous social energy. Being a husband and a father was a socially and sexually reinforced masculine identity. It wasn’t just being a parent or a caretaker. A good husband and father worked. The guy who didn’t was not just a deadbeat, not just a social menace, but a failure as a man. Both men and women knew this.

The redefinition of masculinity into personhood has not produced a generation of men who act like women. The deep sources of motivation are not the same for both genders.

Today we’ve defined men as the enemy unless they pretend to conform to the idea that gender doesn’t matter. Adult men are now retreating to the world of video games where their aggressive impulses are valorized, not despised — without risk and without real reward.

Hence the fury of “GamerGate” — the rage of men whose fantasy refuges of masculinity were threatened by feminism.

The way forward is not the way back. The first step is not to reject working women, of course. But it is to reject genderlessness and genderphobia, to recover and respect the male need to achieve a masculine identity, one that does not hurt their children or their wives. Or their moms. Or the economy.

If we want more good men, we need to appreciate them more.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared on NationalReview.com.

‘Incredible’ 35% HMSA Hawaii Obamacare Rate Hike for 2017


News Release from DCCA, October 7, 2016

HONOLULU – The Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs Insurance Division released final decisions for 2017 Affordable Care Act (ACA) individual plan health insurance rates. These rates are expected to affect approximately 41,000 individuals currently purchasing ACA individual plans.

2016 ACA Individual Health Rate Filings

Company Proposed Average Rate Change  Final Approved Average Rate Change

HMSA      43.3%                                     35.0%

Kaiser      25.9%                                     25.9%

“The Insurance Division’s approval of rates were made pursuant to the statutory requirement that rates cannot be excessive, inadequate or unfairly discriminatory” said State Insurance Commissioner Gordon Ito.

“Healthcare costs continue to rise at a significant pace, while healthcare utilization in ACA plans continue to be extremely high, not only in Hawaii, but nationwide.  This highlights a challenge in balancing these rising healthcare costs with ensuring affordable access to health insurance,” added Commissioner Ito. “While we hoped to maintain rates at a more stable level, we found the premium increases necessary for carriers to continue to provide ACA individual coverage within the State. Hawaii remains committed to ensuring health care for all and continues to look for ways to improve health insurance access.”

Utilizing rate and policy analysts and actuaries, the Insurance Division closely reviews all submitted data to ensure that rates are adequate, fair, and justified.  With the rising costs of the healthcare delivery system, rates must also be set at levels that are adequate to prevent insolvency and keep competition in the market.  Inadequate rates could result in an insurer failing to meet statutory solvency requirements which would jeopardize policyholders and providers under their plans.

Consumers are encouraged to review and understand the offered ACA plans during open enrollment starting November 1, 2016.


The Hawaii Insurance Division oversees the Hawaii insurance industry; issues licenses; examines the fiscal condition of Hawaii-based companies; reviews rate and policy filings; and investigates insurance related complaints.

SA:  ‘Incredible’ increases in Obamacare premiums approved

Projections of mortality and causes of death, 2015 and 2030

This infographic displays data from the World Health Organization’s “Projections of mortality and causes of death, 2015 and 2030”. The report details all deaths in 2015 by cause and makes predictions for 2030, giving an impression of how global health will develop over the next 14 years. Also featured is data from geoba.se showing how life expectancy will change between now and 2030.

All percentages shown have been calculated relative to projected changes in population growth.

MEDIGO – Mortality and Causes of Death. 2015 and 2030: a comparison

How much longer will we live in 2030?

Life expectancy worldwide has increased since the start of the century and will continue to rise, with areas considered to be ‘developing’ seeing the biggest increases. Despite this there will still be a huge disparity in life expectancy around the world.

MEDIGO – Mortality and Causes of Death. 2015 and 2030: a comparison

Top 10 killing diseases in 2015

Although progress is being made in some areas, there are also reasons for concern. Of the top 10 causes of death in 2015, 7 will cause even more deaths in 2030.

MEDIGO – Mortality and Causes of Death. 2015 and 2030: a comparison

Don’t become Distracted, this Election is All About Saving America

Don’t let media distractions cause you to miss your blessing – being an American citizen.

I recently had a conversation with a good friend about the presidential election. He repeated the often heard term of voting for the lesser of two evils. The idea is which is better, Hillary the known evil, or Trump an unknown. My take is that Americans must vote for America and the candidate who best can turn our nation around.

The media wants voters to focus on the unimportant rather than what is truly important, saving America from the elitist class that seeks power at the expense of ordinary citizens.

the-way-back-to-restoring-america-book-coverFrank Buckley, author of The Way Back: Restoring the Promise of America in a speech given at Hillsdale college on July 11,2016 titled “Restoring America’s Economic Mobility” said:

In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels wrote that “the history of all hitherto existing societies is the history of class struggles.” Today the story of American politics is the story of class struggles. It wasn’t supposed to be that way. We didn’t think we were divided into different classes. Neither did Marx.

America was an exception to Marx’s theory of social progress. By that theory, societies were supposed to move from feudalism to capitalism to communism. But the America of the 1850s, the most capitalist society around, was not turning communist. Marx had an explanation for that. “True enough, the classes already exist,” he wrote of the United States, but they “are in constant flux and reflux, constantly changing their elements and yielding them up to one another.”

In other words, when you have economic and social mobility, you don’t go communist. [Emphasis added]

Stop economic and social mobility and you kill America.

Buckley warned, “That is the country in which some imagine we still live, Horatio Alger’s America—a country defined by the promise that whoever you are, you have the same chance as anyone else to rise, with pluck, industry, and talent. But they imagine wrong. The U.S. today lags behind many of its First World rivals in terms of mobility.”

In his column “Aborting the Trump Revolution” Patrick J. Buchanan notes:

Five weeks before Election Day, Trump’s taxes have displaced the former Miss Universe as the critical issue, as determined by the anti-Trump media.

Their motivation is not difficult to discern. Their goals are two. First, make Trump unacceptable as an agent of change. Second, keep the people distracted from their determination to rid America of the incompetent and corrupt ruling class that controls this capital city.

Consider but a few of the disasters that establishment does not want discussed or debated, or the American people thinking about, when they head for the polls in November.

There is the great betrayal of the American working class, the deindustrialization of the country, and the loss of economic independence it took America a century to achieve.

Buckley echoes Buchanan’s “great betrayal of the American working class”, stating:

A complacent Republican establishment denies this change has occurred. If they don’t get it, however, American voters do. For the first time, Americans don’t believe their children will be as well off as they have been. They see an economy that’s stalled, one in which jobs are moving offshore. In the first decade of this century, U.S. multinationals shed 2.9 million U.S. jobs while increasing employment overseas by 2.4 million. General Electric provides a striking example. Jeffrey Immelt became the company’s CEO in 2001, with a mission to advance stock price. He did this in part by reducing GE’s U.S. workforce by 34,000 jobs. During the same period, the company added 25,000 jobs overseas.

Buckley concludes, “Since 2012, establishment Republicans have continued to be less than concerned for the plight of ordinary Americans… There are even the ‘conservative’ pundits who offer the pious hope that drug-addicted Trump supporters will hurry up and die. That’s one way to ameliorate the class struggle, but it doesn’t exactly endear anyone to the establishment.”

Buckley drives home his point with, “[T]he principles held up as sacrosanct by establishment Republicans might be logically unassailable, derived like theorems from a set of axioms based on a pure theory of natural rights. But if I don’t see them making people better off, I say to Hell with them. What the establishment Republicans should ask themselves is Anton Chigurh’s question in No Country for Old Men: If you followed your principles, and your principles brought you to this, what good are your principles?”

To hell with them!

What? Feds Propose 49 New Endangered Species for Hawaii

From Federal Register September 30, 2016 (actually published Sept 29, 2016)

AGENCY:  Fish and Wildlife Service, Interior.

ACTION:  Proposed rule.

SUMMARY:  We, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Service), propose to list 10 animal species, including the band-rumped storm-petrel (Oceanodroma castro), the orangeblack Hawaiian damselfly (Megalagrion xanthomelas), the anchialine pool shrimp (Procaris hawaiana), and seven yellow-faced bees (Hylaeus anthracinus, H. assimulans, H. facilis, H. hilaris, H. kuakea, H. longiceps, andH. mana), and 39 plant species from the Hawaiian Islands as endangered species under the Endangered Species Act (Act). If we finalize this rule as proposed, it would extend the Act’s protections to these species.

DATES:  We will accept comments received or postmarked on or before November 30, 2015. Comments submitted electronically using the Federal eRulemaking Portal (see ADDRESSES, below) must be received by 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time on the closing date. We must receive requests for public hearings, in writing, at the address shown in FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT by November 16, 2015.

ADDRESSES:  You may submit comments by one of the following methods:

(1) Electronically: Go to the Federal eRulemaking Portal: http://www.regulations.gov. In the Search box, enter FWS-R1-ES-2015-0125, which is the docket number for this rulemaking. Then, in the Search panel on the left side of the screen, under the Document Type heading, click on the Proposed Rules link to locate this document. You may submit a comment by clicking on “Comment Now!”

(2) By hard copy: Submit by U.S. mail or hand-delivery to: Public Comments Processing, Attn: FWS-R1-ES-2015-0125, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, MS: BPHC, 5275 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041-3803.

We request that you send comments only by the methods described above. We will post all comments on http://www.regulations.gov. This generally means that we will post any personal information you provide us (see Public Comments,below, for more information).

read … Federal Register

MN: Endangered species list gets longer

National Security and Cyber Experts: Do Not Surrender the Internet!

Washington, D.C.:  Dozens of experienced national security professionals and experts on cyber threats and warfare joined forces today to urge the Secretary of Defense and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to oppose the transfer of the last vestige of U.S. control of the Internet to a non-profit organization in less than a week.

ican-logoAs things stand now, on 1 October, President Obama intends to transfer all responsibilities for naming and numbering domain addresses on the Internet to a non-profit organization known as the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN).  Should that happen, the United States will no longer have any control over the addresses that serve to make all websites accessible and allow users to connect to the Internet.  Currently, the U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) reviews all new addresses and authorizes them to be posted to the authoritative root server (the “A Server”) by Verisign.

In a letter to Defense Secretary Ashton Carter and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Joseph Dunford, current and former leaders in industry, national security, homeland and cyber security express strong concerns about the likely implications of such a step and seek a one-year delay to allow full consideration of these issues:

The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority function is critical to our nation’s ability to effectively defend our national assets and civilian population and ensure integrity in our cyberwarfare capabilities….DoD is reliant upon private sector critical infrastructure for its operations, and the integrity and security of the IP addresses associated with these assets are equally important to the protection of the American people.

Of…immediate concern to us…is the prospect that the United States might be transferring to future adversaries a capability that could facilitate, particularly in time of conflict, cyberwarfare against us. In the absence of NTIA’s stewardship, we would be unable to be certain about the legitimacy of all IP addresses or whether they have been, in some form or fashion, manipulated, or compromised.  Given the reliance of the U.S. military and critical infrastructure on the Internet, we must not allow it to be put needlessly at risk.

The signatories, headed by storied leaders of the defense industrial sector and cyberspace, CACI International’s Executive Chairman, J.P. “Jack” London, and the former Chairman of Network Solutions, Michael A. Daniels, represent several centuries’ worth of experience in safeguarding America and its computer systems.

They conclude with the bottom line:

“There is, to our knowledge, no compelling reason for exposing the national security to such a risk by transferring our remaining control of the Internet in this way at this time.”


It’s Now or Never to Save the Internet

John Bolton: Hostile Foreign Governments Will Use Obama’s Internet Surrender to Their Advantage – Breitbart

EDITORS NOTE: To learn more about what is at stake and the necessity of the executive branch and/or the Congress preventing this needless and avoidable disaster, contact Jody Westby, CEO of Global Cyber Risk LLC, at 202-255-2700 or westby@globalcyberrisk.com.

Globalism: The End of Free Markets? Be Afraid!

Global mega-corporations and tech giants are not just monopolistic threats to competition, creating inferior goods and higher prices; they threaten the future of free-markets. As these 21st Century monopolies move workforces to developing nations and consolidate market share, they are undermining job markets and purchasing power in free-market oriented developed nations.   Developed nations have slower growth rates and are losing economic influence to developing nations with cheap labor. As the global market place expands, developed nations and the U.S will inevitably lose control of international institutions governing global economic policies. Leaders in developing nations, primarily China, will take control.

Globalism is allowing powerful non-democratic and sometimes corrupt economic systems to unduly influence free-markets as they grow more powerful. Eventually they will regulate free-markets to meet their needs. Expanding from G7 to G8 (Russia now suspended) and establishing the G-20 (with China, Russia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc.) set this in motion.

Globalism is now perpetuated by, and perpetuating, oligarchic governments. Their populations benefit disproportionately compared to developed nations. These nations’ leaders didn’t earn their growth by previously wise economic policies – they gain because historically bad policy and controlled markets left their people poor and their economies week. With globalization and mega-corps investment, their elites become unfathomably wealthy and powerful. The average person may or may not do marginally better, but they remain in the “Matrix.”

Some say this is only fair, “it’s their turn.” That idealistic fluff is propagated by today’s economic global elites like Soros, Bezos, Zuckerberg, Gates, Google execs etc. through their massive media resources and lobbying efforts. In reality they seek a larger market share – put more simply – greed.

Globalists by nature are interconnected. They are willing to do anything to avoid short term market volatility. When mega-corps and oligarchs control so much of the market and wield unchecked political influence, too many from the top all the way down the investor chain have too much to lose to take healthy actions to correct false bubbles. As global leaders seek stability with short term efforts like printing more money or granting zero interest loans, they dig a much deeper global economic hole.

What economist can honestly say markets are free today with massive central bank interventions on a global scale? How long can Quantitative Easing (QE) last without significant and sustained growth? How do negative interest rates incentivize growth risks? How long before these intervention efforts become unsustainable? Who will put the pieces back together when the inevitable reckoning finally comes?

In the next crisis, will an oligarchic global economic leader, perhaps the Chinese Communist Central Committee, act to protect its people, its growth, and its political power? Will it dictate global economic regulations, information and modify statistics for its protection? History gives an answer – communist oligarchs protect themselves. As China rapidly, efficiently and thoughtfully prepares to counter U.S. economic power and militarily capabilities, China will dictate terms.

International economic organizations like the G-20 are structured on democratic, free market principles. Like in any pure democratic organization, China’s sheer volume of people, economic and political power ensures their non-democratic, oligarchic leadership will one day dominate global economic institutions regardless of a crisis. Their ascendance is supported by massive investment interests and lobbying efforts from Wal-Mart to Amazon, Microsoft to Google, Volkswagen to Samsung, and Chinese government run or semi-private mega-firms among many, many others.

China is strategically testing their emerging power against the West’s global free-market leader, the United States. China is flexing muscles in the South China Sea, expanding her military and aligning with other oligarchs. China is expanding exponentially in global banking, emerging markets, real estate investment and debt purchases even as their economy is at risk. The U.S. is seeing almost no growth, cutting defense, and cowering at any international confrontation. Free-market advocates should be worried.

The end state to Obama/Clinton globalist economic policy offers power to international institutions. If these policies continue, eventually the global economy won’t be run by liberal free-market minded governments. Ultimately, globalism and mega-corporations will mean the end to free-markets.

To some elites, this is the ideal – ‘why should the little people have a say in complicated economics?’ said the dictators of the past. To those who actually believe free markets have greatly improved mankind, this is frightening.

Humanity’s future could be dictated by a small group of economically powerful and self-centered “idealist elites”. They seek market share while facilitating oligarchs with no history of democratic principles, deplorable human rights records and pursue personal data like heroin addicts searching for a fix – or propaganda like the Soviets.  They seek ever more efficient cost savings through robotics, tech advances, and consolidation of markets. People, thus democracies, become a problem, not a higher purpose.

The question becomes, will globalists succeed? They control the propaganda machines. There are few muckrakers defending the weak. The major media corporations, mostly controlled by tech giants, defend the global system. Elitist media moguls are in a frenzy to defend Hillary Clinton as the “stable” leader.

But Globalism isn’t working as promised in the U.S., or in the EU – the only two true culturally, historically and effectively “Western” free-market drivers. Americans lose well-paying jobs while developing countries’ leaders get richer, global executives get richer, and average people everywhere work harder for less.

The backlash from voters in developed democratic nations is just beginning. Tsipras, Le Pen, Bernie, Trump, BREXIT are the all products of this frustration. Teddy Roosevelt was the product of a similar backlash to Carnegie, Rockefeller, Morgan, Mellon etc.s’ corrupt control of politics a century ago.

Like in 1904, this election will test the power of the elite. I predict the elite will fail, I hope they will fail, or mega-corporations like Google and the Chinese Communist Central Committee will one day dictate global economic policy, and America’s future. Americans need to vote to put America first and save what little is left of free-markets. More importantly, Americans need to vote to ensure America survives.

Tax Friendly Counties in Florida: Only 7 out of 67 or 10.5%

There are 67 counties in this Sunshine State and only seven (7) are “sales tax friendly” holding at 6%. These counties can operate their budgets and manage their money with as little pressure as possible placed upon their citizens ensuring the harder you work the more you keep. Excluding, of course, the corrupt IRS at the federal level and the illegal confiscation of your wealth in local property taxes.

Here is the list of counties with a 6% sales tax in the great state of Florida.

  1. Martin County
  2. Okaloosa County
  3. Palm Beach County
  4. Collier County
  5. Marion County
  6. Lee County
  7. Broward County

Martin County – 6% also borders Palm Beach County (6%) St Lucie County 6 1/2% – Okeechobee County at 7%.

I would suggest the TEA Party conservatives and all citizens in the higher taxed counties cross the county border and shop in Martin County and Palm Beach County.

Gas – clothes – car repairs – new furniture purchases – new appliance’s etc. Then write letters to companies in the high taxed counties and let them know you are no longer shopping with them due to the high tax base surcharge above the 6%

Okaloosa County borders Santa Rosa County soon to be 7% and Walton County at 7%. I recommend all patriots living in Santa Rosa and Walton County shop in Okaloosa County. This would also include Escambia County that operates at a 7 1/2% fleecing of its citizens.

Santa Rosa County is being ran by a Fascist group of Obama interns. They doubled the gas taxes on us in January 2016 – they emotionally destabilized folks into voting for a sales tax increase to 7% and now these slimy RINO golems are going to try and raise the property taxes on us on September 20th. These boys need a lesson in constitutional governance.

Anyway – Palm Beach County is at 6% which borders Martin County at 6% – Broward 6% – Hendry 7% – Glades 7% and Okeechobee 7%. Same story. Cross county lines for all purchases from high tax to lower taxed counties.

Collier County at 6% borders Monroe County at 7 1/2% – Lee County 6% – Hendry 7% – Broward at 6%.

Looks good here. The folks in the higher taxed counties have more choices to cross the county line to shop and purchase gasoline etc.

Marion County 6% – borders Alachua at 6% – Putnam County 7% -Volusia County 6 1/2 % Lake County 7% – Sumter County 7% – Citrus 6% and Levy 7%.

Lee County should do pretty well at 6%. It borders Desoto County that fleece their citizens at a 7 1/2 % tax rate – Collier is good at 6% – Hendry County fleeces its citizens 7% – Sarasota County 7% and Glades County at 7%.

Lee and Collier County should be reaping all the financial benefits from its low tax base surrounded by tax and spend liberal counties.

Broward County at 6% borders Dade County 7% – Palm Beach County 6% – Collier County 6% and Hendry County at 7%.

There you have it ladies and gentlemen. Only 7 counties in Florida that can manage a budget – the rest are fleecing you dry.

They are sucking money out of your wallets faster than a Planned Parenthood vacuum pump to fund their $100,000 plus salaries – to purchase their antiquities and gold embossed bides.

Start inquiring into the salaries of all your county and city employees. Find out what they make. This will help explain the high sales tax bases. Lots of folks move to Florida from New York to escape high taxes and they bring their Marxist ideology with them and start burying us in taxes.

You will find some of these leaches are sucking over $130,000 a year from your taxpayer coffers in salaries while only working 5 hours a day with expense accounts and travel accounts. Its a racket.

Lets start fighting these miscreant bottom feeding cockroaches. Start with public emails and finally at the ballot box. All emails are public record under Florida Sunshine laws – So the party is about to begin.

VIDEO: Why Donald Trump’s Growing Popularity is Due to Loss of Manufacturing Jobs

DALLAS, Texas /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — U.S. manufacturing employment was relatively constant at 17 million during the period 1965-2000, but it fell to 12 million by 2010 and has recovered to only 12.3 million in 2015. Manufacturing workers, predominately men with no more than a high school degree, are representative of the demographic group most supportive of Donald Trump for president.

The economic hardships faced by manufacturing is a result of the general neglect of manufacturing, according to an article in the summer 2016 edition of Issues in Science and Technology by William B. Bonvillian, director of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Washington, D.C., office:

The United States didn’t take manufacturing seriously in recent decades because a series of well-established economic views reassured us that declines in manufacturing were more than offset by gains elsewhere in the economy.”

That didn’t happen.

At Thursday's debate Donald Trump said he couldn't release his tax returns until IRS audits are completed.

Donald J. Trump

According to Bonvillian, the workers were not the only victims of the neglect of manufacturing. He argues that a healthy manufacturing sector is essential to maintaining the pace of technological innovation and thus to the overall health of the economy. And although production workers feel the brunt of the manufacturing decline, workers in a large number of related industries are also being adversely affected.

Bonvillian calls for a number of actions that could stimulate innovation through a strategic focus on manufacturing:

  • federal R&D support for new manufacturing technologies and processes
  • development of technology- and know-how-rich spaces where startup companies could test and launch pilot production projects
  • new online and blended learning systems that can rapidly expand access for people to acquire the skills necessary for a high-performance manufacturing system.

He argues that neglect of manufacturing is essentially neglect of a large component of the US labor force that is beginning to feel alienated from the political system. A revived manufacturing sector could spur technological innovation, enhance economic productivity, and restore the faith of a large number of Americans in their political system.

ISSUES IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY is the award-winning journal of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, the University of Texas at Dallas and Arizona State University.   To learn more visit: www.issues.org.

The German Anti-immigrant AFD Party Thrashes Merkel’s CDU

The anti-immigrant AFD pushed the Christian Democratic Union into third place in elections in Chancellor Angela Merkel’s home state.

The right wing “Alternative Fuer Deutschland” party (AFD) thrashed the ruling Christian Democratic Union party (CDU), putting them in third place in the regional elections held in German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s home state of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on Sunday, according to exit polls.

According to projection by ARD TV, the ruling left wing SDP won 30.2%, down from 35.6% in 2011. AFD won 21.9%. CDU received 19%, the party’s worst result ever in the state, down from 23% in 2011.

The AFD is making gains by opposing Merkel’s open-door immigration policies and calling for a crackdown not only on Islamic extremism but also on public expressions of Islam. Last Thursday, a member of the Thuringian state parliament for the AFD entered parliament wearing a niqab as a protest against the face veil.

“This isn’t pretty for us,” Michael Grosse-Broemer, one of Merkel’s top parliamentary deputies in Berlin told ZDF TV. “Those who voted for the AFD were sending a message of protest.”

“This is a slap in the face for Merkel — not only in Berlin but also in her home state,” Frauke Petry, co-leader of the AFD, told the press. “The voters made a clear statement against Merkel’s disastrous immigration policies. This put her in her place.”

Fears about immigrants are rising in Germany and Merkel’s approval rating has tumbled to 45%.

Contributing to this feeling were reports that at least four women were sexually assaulted at the “Essen Original” city party on Friday night. Police have warned that the attacks may be “only the tip of the iceberg.” The Essen Original party runs from September 2-4 and hosts live music over six stages throughout the city.

Police have set up a confidential hotline for women who have been attacked to come forward. Those attacked reported being surrounded by groups of four to six men of North African appearance who danced around them and groped them.

This form of sexual assault called the “taharrush game” and has been traced to large-scale attacks that took place during the Tahrir Square protests in Egypt in 2011 and 2013.

Other groups are not waiting for the ballot box but are engaging in forms of direct action. A group affiliated with the European“Identitaire” movement occupied the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin at the end of August, one of the city’s most iconic landmarks.

The Identitaire movement calls for Europeans to defend their culture against perceived attack by those they consider invaders. The protesters who occupied the gate hung a banner from it with the “Identitaire” logo and slogan and were met with chants of “Nazis out” from spectators.


German MP Wears Niqab to Parliament to Support Burqa Ban

Germany’s Fight With Extremism: Four Chilling Events

‘Banning Face Veil Would Mean Banning Santa Claus’

German Intelligence: Islamic State Is Recruiting Refugees

Globalism and the Death of the American Dream

On August 22, 2016, U.S. News & World Report published the sobering article, “Dream On:Growing inequality has made the American ‘rags to riches’ story more myth than reality.

While the Labor Department boasts about an unemployment rate of approximately 5 percent, the reality is that the statistic ignores the plight of tens of millions of working age Americans who have given up looking for work and are therefore not a part of the labor force.

Furthermore, that 5 percent unemployment figure does not note how many American workers are underemployed or working at part-time jobs.

The original concept of the “American Dream” depended on the growing middle-class where anyone who was willing to acquire a good education and work hard might write the next “American success story.”

Prior to World War II, the immigration laws of the United States were enforced by the Labor Department and were designed to shield American workers from foreign competition. The politicians of “The Greatest Generation” understood that for America to succeed, Americans needed to succeed.

Back then, major U.S. corporations saw in American school children their future employees and made certain to provide scholarships and training programs to entice American students to pursue studies in what is now referred to as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) disciplines.

Today, most major corporations have morphed into multinational companies that no longer say a “Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag and to the republic for which it stands…” but to the bottom line.

The result has been to make it more difficult for American workers to move up the economic ladder to attain their thin slice of “The American Dream.”

This is not limited to unskilled and semi-skilled workers either.

Consider this excerpt from the U.S. News & World Report article that was predicated on a recent study by Michael Carr and Emily Wiemers of the University of Massachusetts, published at the Washington Center for Equitable Growth:

“Many factors probably contribute to the slow but significant decrease in mobility. These same factors reduce the value of college education, even as the cost of college has increased greatly. Globalization reduces the earning power of even educated workers, for example as computer programming moves offshore. Changes in work structures take earning power away from even the most highly educated: For example individual physicians earn less than they did, while more goes to the large health care providers that employ them. Even knowledge-intensive jobs can be automated, with investment advisers now facing competition from computer programs that allocate capital. Finally, with growing inequality, the rungs on the economic ladder are farther apart, so it takes a bigger increase in earnings to jump from one rung to another.

“As inequality mounts, and our society slowly becomes more stratified, political unrest will increase. This unrest has transformed the presidential election campaign. Regardless of who wins, the pressure will grow to find more equitable ways to expand opportunities and to share the wealth that results.”

While the report noted off-shoring of high-tech jobs as a contributing factor, it must also be pointed out that, increasingly, more foreign high-tech workers with H-1B visas and foreign students who are provided with increasing time in which to work in the U.S. under the guise of “optional practical training” are displacing ever more American workers and suppressing the wages of all of these professionals.

The only thing “exceptional” about these foreign workers is that they are willing to work for exceptionally low wages under exceptionally adverse conditions.

While Americans at the top of the economic food chain benefit most from profits of their companies, most other Americans find themselves running up a “down economic escalator” that is accelerating.

Consequently more Americans than ever before are finding it increasingly difficult to succeed. They are losing their disposable incomes.

It is not unusual for journalists on talk shows to question why the U.S. economy has not improved. Perhaps the answer they are seeking can be found in the destruction of the middle-class consumer base that traditionally formed the foundation for the demand for goods and services that kept the American economy humming.

This is a classic example of “killing the goose that laid the golden egg.” In point of fact, Americansmust do well for America to do well.


How Hispanics, Blacks Have Fared in Obama Economy

How Washington Has Hurt Native Americans

The Numbers That Show Planned Parenthood About Abortion, Not Women’s Health

Trump Lays Out Detailed New Vision for America’s Badly Broken Immigration Policy

WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The following statement was issued by Dan Stein, president of the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), in response to Donald Trump’s address about immigration policy.

“This evening, Donald Trump laid out a coherent and workable strategy for addressing the decades-long problem of mass illegal immigration, and for reforming our dysfunctional legal immigration policies. But even more important than the details of the plan itself, Trump laid out the most fundamental principle for true immigration reform: The policy exists to protect and serve ‘the wellbeing of the American people,’ and ‘protect all aspects of American life.’

“We now have a fully fleshed-out plan for American voters to evaluate and compare with the positions of his opponent and the policies of the current administration. It includes proposals for securing our borders, preventing people from overstaying visas, eliminating the magnet of jobs for illegal aliens, and ending benefit and rewards for illegal immigration. These have been the driving forces behind decades of uncontrolled illegal immigration.

“The plan also stressed the primacy of the national interest in legal immigration policy, calling for a merit-based system of selecting immigrants who are most likely succeed economically and assimilate into the economic and cultural mainstream.

“Trump redefined the parameters of the immigration debate in this evening’s speech in ten clearly defined policy goals. It is now up to his political opponents and congressional leaders of both parties to explain to the American people why their interests should not be the paramount consideration in immigration reform, why our borders should not be secured, why sanctuary cities should not be outlawed, why laws should not be enforced uniformly, and why the magnet of jobs should not be cut off.”

VIDEO: The Obama Immigration Policy Timeline Wrecking Ball.

fair logoABOUT FAIR          

Founded in 1979, FAIR is the country’s largest immigration reform group. With over 250,000 members nationwide, FAIR fights for immigration policies that serve national interests, not special interests. FAIR believes that immigration reform must enhance national security, improve the economy, protect jobs, preserve our environment, and establish a rule of law that is recognized and enforced.

To learn more about FAIR click here.

The rise of the ‘Trumpocrat’

Every presidential election is meaningful. The 2016 election cycle is filled with firsts, seconds and thirds. One of the firsts is an organized effort by registered Democrats to vote Republican. These crossover voters are called “Trumpocrats.”

In his column “Trumpocrats to Tour Rust Belt, Energize Democrats for Trump Against Hillary” Dan Riehl reports:

Life-long Democrat turned Trump supporter Christian Rickers, the Virginia-based executive director of the Trumpocrats PAC, told Breitbart’s Washington Political Editor Matthew Boyle that “Hillary Clinton is not representing any of the working people.”

“She’s not trustworthy on almost every single issue,” Rickers said on Wednesday’s Breitbart News Daily on SiriusXM.

Rickers continued: “They are the architects of pretty much what has gutted out rural America and the rust Belt. They’re the reason the rust Belt is rusting.”

Read more.

Civil Rights Leader Clarence Henderson Backs Trump saying ‘America Is a Business’:

In a separate article ‘Black Men For Bernie’ now for Trump? by Michael Ware notes:

black men for bernie

Bruce Carter, the founder of Black Men for Bernie.

There is something to be said about a person with real convictions. When you have your eyes opened, it is hard to then close them back. So, when you have an opportunity to open the eyes of others, you should jump at that opportunity.

This is what has happened to Bruce Carter, the founder of Black Men for Bernie. He has not been able to support Hillary as he now knows what the Democrat party is all about.

Breitbart reports

After the leak of internal DNC emails, Carter is convinced that the Democratic Party “rigged” the primary against his candidate and that Hillary Clinton’s Democratic Party has no intention of changing the policies that led to the destruction of the communities he’s working to improve.

Bruce Carter still believes that Hillary Clinton is the poster child for the kind of cronyism, corruption, and evil that the Bernie revolution was built to overthrow. He doesn’t believe Hillary Clinton when she labels Donald Trump and his supporters as racists because he knows she falsely labeled her opponents in the primary as sexist “Bernie Bros.” Carter’s preparing to take the experience, knowledge, and contacts his group built during the primary to campaign against Hillary Clinton and for Donald Trump and other Republicans in battleground states across the country.

Carter has come to see that the Left has no real concern for the minority communities they exploit. They directly use these communities as political power during elections and forgotten after the victory. Though he would differ on issues with men like Sheriff David Clarke, they would agree that the Left has left the Black and minority communities that they exploit.

Democrats feel disenfranchised and they are angry. Will they make a difference on November 8th? Time will tell.

The movement is real, not because of Trump, but because of Hillary Clinton.


Major Civil Rights Leader Endorses Trump, Media Hiding It

If You’re On the Fence About Your Vote, This Pastor Clarifies How the Very Future of America Is At Stake by JIM GARLOW/SKYLINE CHURCH, SAN DIEGO

RELATED VIDEO: Dr. Martin Luther King’s Niece Endorses Donald Trump – “I Fully Agree with So Many Things That He’s Saying”: