A Unique Political Scenario in Texas

In Texas politics, a Democrat named Hugh Brady, a lawyer appointed by “President Obama to serve as general counsel for the White House Office of Administration held that position from 2014-2017,” has allegedly wields significant influence in the Texas House. This is indeed a unique political scenario that has captured the attention of political observers across the nation.

Dade Phelan has been criticized by some county Republican Party groups who have passed censure resolutions against him, claiming he was “teaming up with Democrats to kill our Republican priorities.” These resolutions are formal, public condemnations of a party official whose actions allegedly violate or oppose the party platform or legislative priorities. The Republican parties of Travis, Smith, Tarrant, and Harris counties have condemned Phelan for ignoring or opposing Republican priorities, appearing intoxicated while presiding over official House business, and pushing through the impeachment vote and voting to impeach Attorney General Ken Paxton.

Phelan has also been criticized for defying his party by appointing Democratic committee chairs. The Republican Party of Texas and other GOP activists called for him to end this tradition. Phelan’s decision to appoint Democratic committee chairs has been seen as a significant move as the party pressured Phelan into banning Democratic chairs outright. Nine Democrats were given chairmanships. To fully understand this unique scenario, we must examine Hugh Brady’s background and present role in Texas politics.

Hugh Brady’s journey into politics and law began with a promising legal career. His path took a pivotal turn when he was appointed as White House Counsel during the Obama administration, requiring him to provide legal advice to the President and make decisions on legal matters. He also had the power to make decisions on legal issues, which can significantly impact the actions and policies of the President and the White House. And this is exactly how he became a prominent figure in Democratic politics. In light of his role as White House Counsel, it is imperative to raise questions like – what responsibilities and powers come with this position, and how might they extend to a state legislature predominantly controlled by Republicans?

The unexpected nature of Brady’s influence in a state known for its conservative politics has raised many other questions. Here are some points on the historical context of party control in Texas and how this scenario departs from the norm:

  • Texas is renowned for its deep-rooted Republican political landscape.
  • The GOP has traditionally dominated the Texas House.
  • Dade Phelan’s decision to appoint Democratic committee chairshas departed from the norm of having committee chairs from the majority party.
  • Phelan’s appointment of Brady and his alleged influence in the GOP-dominated Texas House has left many wondering how such a situation could transpire and what it might signify for the future of Texas politics.

The Case of Rep. Brian Harrison’s Amendment

Explanation of Rep. Brian Harrison’s Proposed Amendment to Senate Bill 29

A pivotal moment in this narrative is the case of Rep. Brian Harrison’s proposed amendment to Senate Bill 29, which sought to prohibit government implementation or enforcement of a COVID-19 vaccine mandate. There is an urgent need to analyze the content and intent of the amendment and its relevance to the overarching situation.

Description of How Rep. Erin Zwiener Killed the Amendment

The proposed amendment faced an unexpected fate when it was killed by Rep. Erin Zwiener, a Democrat, citing it as “not germane.” To understand the implications of such a decision, we must explore the circumstances surrounding this event.

Analysis of the “Not Germane” Argument and Its Implications

The “not germane” argument provides insight into the complexities of legislative decision-making. Let us now analyze the statements made by both sides and examine the broader implications of this event.

Unusual Nature of the Situation

Examination of the Normal Power Dynamics in a Republican-Controlled House

In a Republican-controlled Texas House, the power dynamics are typically straightforward. Do you see how this situation challenges the established norms and what it means for the political landscape in Texas?

Consideration of the Rarity of a Democratic Lawyer’s Influence on a Republican House

The rarity of a Democratic lawyer like Hugh Brady influencing a Republican House merits further exploration. The questions that arise naturally are why this is unusual and the potential ramifications.

Introduction to the Question of Whether This Situation May Be a Scandal or Have a Legitimate Explanation

Given the circumstances, one cannot help but question the legitimacy of Brady’s influence. So, could this be a scandal, or perhaps there are legitimate reasons for this unusual alignment of political power?

Possible Explanations and Implications

There are several possible explanations for Democrat Hugh Brady’s influence in the GOP-dominated Texas House. More so because this was a scope provided by a Republican Dade Phelan,  someone who cruised to victory to the House leadership position in a vote 145-3, secured by cutting across party lines, while some argue that his impact could be attributed to factors such as personal connections, political strategies, and policy priorities, a deeper examination of these aspects reveals a more troubling picture.

One of the most troubling aspects of Dade Phelan’s approach is his apparent willingness to work across party lines. Rather than upholding conservative principles and values, Phelan has been unapologetic about appointing Democrats as committee chairs. While seemingly designed to foster bipartisan collaboration, this tactic raises doubts about his loyalty to the Republican Party and its platform.

The allegations against Phelan are particularly alarming. Accusations of ignoring or opposing the party platform and legislative priorities and appearing inebriated while presiding over official House business point to a disturbing lack of commitment to the principles that conservative Republicans hold dear. His push for the impeachment of Attorney General Ken Paxton further underscores his willingness to break from conservative ranks.

If these allegations prove accurate, they could signify a troubling level of mismanagement or corruption within the Texas House. Such behavior is unacceptable and undermines the integrity of the political system. If left unaddressed, Phelan’s actions can significantly alter the political landscape in the Texas House, thereby jeopardizing the values and priorities of conservative Republicans.

In conclusion, the influence wielded by Hugh Brady, a Democrat, in a GOP-dominated House is a deeply disturbing development in Texas politics. The actions and decisions of a person with such close ties to the Democratic Party raise questions about his commitment to conservative agendas. While cooperation across the aisle can be beneficial, it must not come at the expense of traditional values. The allegations against Phelan only add to the concerns, suggesting that mismanagement or corruption may be at play. Lately, voting for Republicans has been a flop because they are not true Republicans…whitewashed tombs come to mind.

Conservative Republicans must remain vigilant and steadfast in their commitment to their principles in the face of this challenging and unique political situation. Meanwhile, Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is doing a yoeman’s  job by seeking and endorsing solid conservative challengers to “Republican state representatives who voted to impeach him for the upcoming Republican primary.”

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

Appeasement is the Art of Losing Slowly

I am a student of America’s foreign policy. During my twenty-three years in the U.S. Army I helped implement our foreign policy both here and abroad. The primary enemy of the United States during my career was the former Soviet Union. I say former because we won the Cold War.

During my twenty-three years of active duty I served seven U.S. Presidents. Some were strong and some were weak when dealing with the Soviet Union. For a third of my career “détente” was the basis of our foreign policy. The term was used in reference to the general easing of relations between the Soviet Union and the United States in 1971, a thawing at a period roughly in the middle of the Cold War. Détente ended after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan on December 24, 1979.

May I suggest that détente was another word for appeasement, which is the art of losing slowly?

I was stationed in Germany on a date that is etched forever in my mind — September 5, 1972. On that day an Islamist group called Black September invaded the peaceful Olympic village in Munich, Germany. Sixteen innocent and unarmed Israeli athletes and one German police officer were killed. This year marks the 51st Anniversary of that attack. So what did I learn about Islamists on that fateful day? I learned that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. I also learned on that day everything I needed to know about shariah Islamists and their ideology.

Let us fast forward to November 4, 1979 and the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, Iran. On that date the United States learned in very stark terms all it needed to know about shariah Islamists when fifty-five U.S. embassy employees were taken hostage. But what did President Carter learn from that experience? Appeasement is the art of losing slowly because in the end President Carter lost the Presidency to Ronald Reagan. It was only minutes after President Reagan was sworn in that the hostages were on an airplane headed home. Why, because the Iranians knew that President Reagan would not appease them rather he would use the full force of our military to end the hostage crisis. It was President Reagan who called the former Soviet Union an “evil empire” and confronted its leaders rather than appease them. President Reagan knew that appeasement is the art of losing slowly.

Let us fast forward to September 11, 2001 and the fateful events on that day. Yet again we saw the resiliency of shariah Islamists to do what they say they will do. It also showed how both Presidents George H.W. Bush and President Bill Clinton misunderstood the lessons of September 5, 1972 and November 4, 1979. While President Bush did push Saddam Hussein out of Kuwait he failed to see the global threat posed by shariah Islam. President Clinton had numerous opportunities to take Osama bin Laden into custody but failed to do so. President Clinton continued to deal with the issues in the Middle East by negotiations and appeasement of the Palestinians. His hope for a solution led to intifada – a holy war against Israel that has not ended.

Let us again fast forward to the P-5 +1 talks concerning Iran and its quest to obtain nuclear weapons. Since September 5, 1972 every U.S. President has tried diplomacy and sanctions to stop Iran from obtaining nuclear weapons.  Détente, the failure to define Iran as an enemy and diplomacy are different forms of appeasement. Each slowly leads to the appeaser losing. Time is always on the side of those who are being appeased.

Dr. Jay Bergman, Professor of History at Central Connecticut State University, in his column “Understanding the Iran talks” writes, “[A]n analogy comes to mind that suggests what the results of these negotiations are likely to be. The analogy is with the Munich conference at the end of September 1938, at which Nazi Germany, Italy, France, and Great Britain forced Czechoslovakia to cede to Germany the so-called Sudetenland, in the western part of the country, where some (but by no means all) of the three million ethnic Germans living there were demanding, in the name of self-determination, that it become part of Germany.

“For good reason Munich has become code for the appeasement of regimes that cannot be appeased because there is no limit to the demands they will make,” notes Professor Bergman.

We have new words for détente, they are coexist and tolerance.

Let us fast forward to today. Our leaders tell us we must peacefully coexist with shariah Islam and embrace Islamic beliefs in the name of religious tolerance. We cannot criticize those who daily criticize us. We cannot call for the end of oppression under Islamist rulers, secular and theocratic alike, even though these Islamists call for our death and destruction on a daily basis. We must tolerate those who have sworn to kill us in the name of our Judeo/Christian beliefs.

Jerry Gordon, Editor of the New English Review and Middle East expert put it best when he wrote, “Islamic countries are wedded to an ossified totalitarian creed denying civil and human rights and a future – the basis of the Judeo Christian value system and Western dynamism.”

I close with the words of Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, author of “A Battle for the Soul of Islam”, whose family for three generations has fought political Islam in Syria and the United States. Dr. Jasser writes, “If the Islamists have their way, the United States will find itself with a nation within a nation, one governed by the precepts of the U.S. Constitution, the other under the sway of shariah.”

Dr. Jasser notes the observation of French philosopher Joseph de Maistre who wrote, “Every nation has the government it deserves.”

I for one want to retain and strengthen our Constitutional Republican form of government. Something every American, regardless of faith or belief, must embrace or we will continue to lose slowly our liberty and freedoms.

Fast forward to Saturday, October 7th, 2023 and the unprovoked attack against innocent men, women and children by Hamas. This is all because of the appeasement of Iran, the Palestinians, Hamas, Hezbollah and others by the current administration.

History is repeating itself.

Chamberlain appeased Hitler in 1938 with the Munich Agreement and now Biden is appeasing Hamas and Iran with his Iranian Nuclear Deal

The Munich Agreement led to WW II. The Iranian Nuclear Deal is leading to WW III.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Hypocrisy Over Gaza


Israel’s Last Leftist Government Issued 17,000 Work Permits to Gazans That Helped Hamas Enter Israel

The War Against Israel Is All About Islam, and Islam Is All About Terror

THE WAR ON X: WW III The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism — Day 9

Israel’s Last Leftist Government Issued 17,000 Work Permits to Gazans That Helped Hamas Enter Israel

Kibbutz survivors were able to identify some of the Palestinians who slaughtered their families as men they knew from the Gaza work permit program. That’s how Hamas was able to draw detailed maps for the terrorists.

There will be a lot of inquiries and investigations into how what happened in Israel, happened. While  tens of thousands of leftists were protesting against rational judicial reform, her enemies were plotting the worst war crimes of the 21st century. No protests against them. Just against the government.

Israel was considerably weakened by several month-protests against the proposed judicial reform.

Israel’s Last Leftist Government Issued 17,000 Work Permits to Gazans That Helped Hamas Enter Israel

“There was a view that Hamas would not screw that up.”

Information about the attack is still being pieced together, but we now know that some of the Hamas terrorists had been agricultural workers who received permits to enter Israel from Gaza. Others provided information to Hamas.

“What people don’t understand is that while Hamas was treated as a terrorist organization, there were decisions made by Israel to make life easier for Gazans,” said Thomas Nides, the former American ambassador to Israel, who left Jerusalem this summer. “They issued 15,000 work permits, for workers in Gaza who came into Israel each day, and I believe there was a view that Hamas would not screw that up.”

This was the doing of Israel’s previous leftist government before Netanyahu.

Making life easier for Gazans carried with it a very high price.

Israel is quietly allowing thousands of Palestinians to enter from the Gaza Strip to conduct business and work, apparently as part of understandings with Hamas that seek to prevent a war.

In recent months, Israel has quietly provided some relief as part of an unofficial, Egyptian-brokered truce with Hamas, in exchange for reduced rocket fire from the territory and the scaling back of weekly rioting along the border. It has allowed Qatar to deliver millions of dollars in cash to allow Hamas to pay its civil servants and has allowed the United Nations to step up aid efforts.

Now it appears Israel has expanded a program in which it had long provided hundreds of permits to business owners to travel to Israel and Judea and Samaria for commerce. Palestinian officials say it is now providing some 5,000 so-called merchant permits and awarding them to Palestinians working as laborers in construction, agriculture, and manufacturing.

That was in 2019. Last year the number went up to 14,000. Who made that decision? None other than Benny Gantz, who was now brought in to save the country.

Israel increased the quota of entry permits for Palestinian workers from Gaza by an additional 2,000, bringing the total number to 14,000.

The coordinator of government operations in the territories, Maj. Gen. Rassan Aliyan, announced the decision of Defense Minister Benny Gantz on Thursday following an assessment of the security situation.

Great assessment.

Permits will be issued for economic purposes, in accordance with the criteria, and subject to a security diagnosis.

Additionally, officials are continuing to implement Gantz’s decision to allow the employment of 20,000 workers from the Gaza Strip inside the State of Israel.

“All the civilian steps toward Gaza are dependent on continued security stability over time. Whether to expand them or not will be determined accordingly,” the military liaison to the Palestinians, known as COGAT, said in a statement.

Last week, Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said in a discussion in the Knesset (Israel’s parliament) Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee that he had asked to increase the number of Gaza workers in Israel to 15,000.

About six months ago, the quota was 5,000. Since then, it has increased every few months by several thousand.

In late 2022, before Netanyahu took office, the number was increased to 17,000.

Defense Ministry decides to allow 17,000 Gazans to work in Israel in order to maintain stability in the region, in continuation of a policy that will see the number increase to 20,000

The Defense Ministry will be expanding the number of permits it issues to Gazans allowing them to work in Israel, the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories announced on Thursday.

The decision will go into effect next week, the announcement said, following the High Holy Days.

In August, one military source said that Israel’s recent civil policy in the Strip gave Hamas incentive not to join the brief round of fighting between Islamic Jihad and Israel that month.

The decision to increase work permits, made before the fighting began and briefly put on hold during the conflict, has strengthened Gaza’s economy and put pressure on Hamas not to take actions that would lead Israel to take measures against the Palestinian population, said the military source.

According to the announcement, after assessing the security situation, Defense Minister Benny Gantz decided to issue an additional 1,500 work permits – bringing the total number of Gazans permitted to work in Israel to 17,000 – for labor and trade.

Complete madness.

Netanyahu is being blamed for leaving the “door open.” Gantz and Bennett left the door open.

17,000 work permits, 1,300 dead and rising.

This is why you don’t “make life easier for Gazans.” Nor do you let 17,000 people from enemy territory into your country.



Democrats Call for U.S. to Take in Some of the Expected 1 MILLION Gazans

‘Top secret’ Hamas documents show that terrorists intentionally targeted CHILDREN elementary schools and youth center

Hamas Calls On Gazans To Be Human Shields, Puts Up Roadblocks To Stop Them


EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The War Against Israel Is All About Islam, and Islam Is All About Terror

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is likely to be more responsible than anyone else, other than Old Joe Biden, for the jihad war on Israel, so he above all people should know what it’s all about. On Saturday morning, he made it clear yet again for those inattentive students in the back of the classroom, tweeting: “Palestine and Gaza are manifestations of Islam’s power.

“Palestine” and Gaza are entities in which jihad terrorism is celebrated and the desire to kill Jews and destroy Israel is systematically inculcated into children from the earliest ages. As Khamenei reminds us, that situation and this present war, are all about Islam.

If Khamenei’s words weren’t enough, the lesson was reinforced yet again when an Islamic State (ISIS) flag was found in the wake of the Oct. 7 jihad massacres in Israel. The Times of Israel reported Wednesday that “a Telegram channel called South First Responders, which has been distributing shocking footage from scenes on kibbutzim and other areas devastated in Saturday’s attack, claims that soldiers found an flag of the Islamic State terror group on the vest of a terrorist killed during an assault on Kibbutz Sufa, near the Gaza border.”

The report goes on to warn us that “the picture’s authenticity cannot be immediately confirmed.” All right. But there is nothing implausible about the idea that an Islamic State jihadi was among the Hamas jihadis who did the killing in Israel. The establishment media will never come close to informing people of the fact, but there are absolutely no ideological differences between Hamas and the Islamic State. They have the same beliefs, the same goals, and the same methodology. Both are dedicated to establishing the rule of Islam and the hegemony of Islam everywhere they can, and ultimately over the entire world.

Those who assume that Hamas is simply a “resistance” movement against Israel should note the words of Hamas top dog Mahmoud al-Zahar in Dec. 2022: “We are not talking about liberating our land alone – but we believe in what our Prophet Muhammad said: ‘Allah drew the ends of the world near one another for my sake, and I have seen its eastern and western ends. The dominion of my nation would reach those ends that have been drawn near me.’” Al-Zahar believes this to be a prediction of the coming Islamic domination of the world: “The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no treachery, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity, and no killings and crimes, like those being committed against the Palestinians, and against the Arabs in all the Arab countries – in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and other countries.”

No ISIS leader would find anything to quibble with in that. Nor would ISIS look askance at the numerous atrocities Hamas committed in Israel. Both groups have the same guiding principle: “Make ready for them all that you can of force and of warhorses, so that by them you may strike terror in the enemy of Allah and your enemy…” (Qur’an 8:60) Nowadays the jihadis have bombs and rocket launchers, not warhorses, but the goal is the same: strike terror in Allah’s enemies.

Terror is not a practice that “extremist” Muslims engage in while “moderate” eschew it; terror is the primary way that the Qur’an directs Muslims to gain and enforce the submission of their foes. The idea on Oct. 7 was to terrify Israelis into thinking not only that resistance to the jihadis was useless, but that the whole enterprise of Israel itself was unsustainable, and that they should go live elsewhere. The Islamic State operated in the same way in Iraq and Syria, and now continues to do so in its operations in Gaza.

Khamenei is right: “Palestine” and Gaza are manifestations of Islam’s power because Islam’s power is entirely based upon terror. Acts such as what we saw in Israel on Oct. 7 strike terror into the perceived enemies of Islam. The killings and death threats over cartoons and desecrations of the Qur’an strike terror in those who would exercise the freedom of expression. The death penalty for apostasy strikes terror into Muslims who might be getting skeptical about their religion. The allowance for the beating of disobedient women strikes terror in females who might long to live as freely as their sisters in the West live. “Palestine and Gaza are manifestations of Islam’s power,” and that power is terror. The key to defeating this is to refuse to be afraid, and to continue to stand for what is good and true and right, come what may.



Depraved Antisemite: Jihad Rep Ilhan Omar Posts Pictures of Dead Children Killed in Syria And LIES Saying It’s From Gaza

Democrats Call for U.S. to Take in Some of the Expected 1 MILLION Gazans

Hamas Calls On Gazans To Be Human Shields, Puts Up Roadblocks To Stop Them

‘Top secret’ Hamas documents show that terrorists intentionally targeted CHILDREN elementary schools and youth center

GLOBAL JIHAD: The LOUVRE Museum in Paris and the Palace of VERSAILLES EVACUATED Due to BOMB Threats

Israel’s Last Leftist Government Issued 17,000 Work Permits to Gazans That Helped Hamas Enter Israel

Massive Death March Against Jews in London

In Berlin, Pro-Terror Jew Haters Begin to Mark Buildings Where Jews Live

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Iraqi Shi’ite top dog al-Sadr: ‘We are also waiting for the fall of the American entity, led by senile old Biden’ [Video]

So is Biden himself, and his henchmen.

Iraqi Shiite leader Muqtada Al-Sadr: Jihad against the Zionist Enemy Brings Glory; We Also Await the Fall of the American Entity, Led by the ‘Senile Old Man’ Biden

MEMRI, October 10, 2023:

Iraqi Shiite leader Muqtada Al-Sadr said in an October 10, 2023 video posted on his YouTube account that Jihad against the Zionist enemy brings glory and honor, even if the people carrying it out are not Shiite. He added: “We are also waiting for the fall of the brutal colonialist American entity, which is led by that senile old man Biden.” Al-Sadr said he was not surprised that the “oppressive” Western countries support the “Zionist enemy.”

Muqtada Al-Sadr: “It is not important whether the heroic Palestinian resistance fighters and mujahideen are Shiites or Sunnis. They do not even need to be Muslims for us to support them. Jihad against the Zionist enemy brings glory and honor.


“I am not surprised by the position of the oppressive West, which supports the Zionist enemy. America, the most evil of all, and its lackeys like France that oppresses rebels, and Germany the promotes obscenity, have gotten us accustomed to their oppression, arrogance, violation of sanctities, and defiance of the Heavens.


“Today, we are also waiting for the fall of the brutal colonialist American entity, which is led by that senile old man, Biden.”



UN Wants to Raise $294,000,000 to Help ‘Palestinians’

Biden Regime Sent $148 Million to ‘Palestinian’ Areas Weeks Before Attack on Israel

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

GOP Flips Dem State After Trump-Backed Candidate Wins Election

Trump-backed Louisiana gubernatorial candidate Jeff Landry won his election Saturday night, flipping the Democrat-led state to Republican.

Landry succeeds Democratic Gov. John Bel Edwards, who did not seek re-election due to term limits, according to the Associated Press. Louisiana has not had a Republican governor for the past eight years.

“Today’s election says that our state is united,” Landry said in his victory speech. “It’s a wake up call and it’s a message that everyone should hear loud and clear, that we the people in this state are going to expect more out of our government from here on out.”

Landry avoided a runoff under Louisiana’s “jungle primary” system by receiving more than half the votes, the outlet reported. Runoffs are typical in the state. The last time a runoff did not occur was when Republican Gov. Bobby Jindal was elected in 2007 and 2011.

Landry was Louisiana’s attorney general since 2016, according to the outlet. The 52-year-old governor-elect supports conservative Louisiana laws including abortion restrictions, laws against sexually explicit books in school libraries and the transgender puberty blockers and hormones ban for minors.

Celebration of Landry’s victory took place at a watch party in Broussard, the outlet reported. During his campaign, Landry was considered an early front-runner, accumulating high-profile endorsements from former President Donald Trump, Majority Leader Steve Scalise and the state GOP.

Landry defeated several opponents in this election. There was only one Democrat, the former head of Louisiana’s Transportation Department, Shawn Wilson. He also faced off against GOP state Sen. Sharon Hewitt, independent candidate and attorney Hunter Lundy, Republican state Treasurer Josh Schroder and Republican Stephen Waguespack.




RELATED ARTICLE: Smells Of Politics’: Louisiana AG Jeff Landry Sounds Off On Supreme Court Vaccine Arguments

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

The Hidden Epidemic of Transgender Indoctrination

How to Protect Your Child From Transgender Lies


  • While it seems the transgender ideology came out of nowhere, schools have been teaching children that their identity is separate from their biology, and that gender is a choice, for a long time. Today, transgender ideology is being taught to children as early as preschool
  • Transgenderism is primarily a social contagion, although exposure to synthetic chemicals, in utero and in early life, may play a role in some cases, especially in boys identifying as girls
  • Classic gender dysphoria primarily affected boys, and always presented at a very early age. Now, teens and young adults claim they’re transgender, which was never the case before. Girls identifying as boys now make up about 60% of cases
  • Many in the affirmative care field insist that you can block puberty without negative effects and that hormone therapy effects are reversible, neither of which is true. Proponents of transgender ideology also claim that unless trans kids are affirmed in their new identities and provided medical and surgical treatment to transition, they’re at high risk of suicide, and that’s not true either
  • “Lost in Trans Nation,” written by Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, provides parents with the required knowledge and tools to protect their children from the transgender ideology contagion

In this interview, Dr. Miriam Grossman, a child and adolescent psychiatrist and board-certified medical doctor, discusses the dangers of transgender ideology, which is her specialty, and, more importantly, how to protect your children from it.

She’s the author of two books, “You’re Teaching My Child What?: A Physician Exposes the Lies of Sex Education and How They Harm Your Child,” and “Lost in Trans Nation, A Child Psychiatrist’s Guide Out of the Madness.”

Grossman is also a senior fellow at the Do No Harm Medicine, which fights “against identity politics” and “for individual patients.” “First, do no harm” is part of the Hippocratic Oath that doctors through the ages have sworn to abide by. Unfortunately, the Hippocratic Oath has been massively perverted and “do no harm” has basically fallen by the wayside.

“Do No Harm is a pretty recently formed organization of medical professionals who feel that our profession has lost its way,” Grossman explains.

“It has become politicized — by identity politics and other issues — to such a degree that our patients are suffering and our profession is suffering. DoNoHarmMedicine.org was founded by Dr. Stanley Goldfarb, a retired nephrologist from the University of Pennsylvania.

I believe he had the responsibility of organizing the curricula for medical students at the University of Pennsylvania, and he recognized the degree to which politics had entered into the curricula and was very alarmed. So, he retired and formed this amazing organization, which I would encourage every medical professional to check out and join.”

The Rise of Transgender Ideology

While Grossman has only recently become known as a leading voice opposing the mainstream transgender narrative, her involvement and concern about this unscientific belief system goes back about 15 years. For the casual observer, it may seem that transgender ideology sprang up from nowhere, overnight, but that’s not the case.

“The explosion in cases did actually happen quite rapidly, but the teachings, the ideology that says our identities can be separate from our biology — which is not based in science — and the belief that we can be someone different than what our body says we are, that’s been taught to kids in sex education for a long time,” Grossman says.

“I became aware of it in the mid 2000s when I was writing my book, ‘You’re Teaching My Child What?’ I was a psychiatrist for students at UCLA, and a lot of the kids coming to see me with anxiety and depression, especially the young women, were there as a result of unhealthy sexual behaviors.

A lot of them, an alarming number, had a sexual transmitted disease, an STD. They had herpes or genital warts, and these diseases are caused by viruses that are incurable essentially. Once you have a diagnosis of genital warts, the human papillomavirus or the herpes virus, you’ve got that for life.

It can be controlled, but not eliminated. So these are serious diseases … These were smart kids, and these were kids who were ambitious, yet they had made these foolish sexual decisions of hooking up with random strangers …

So I started looking into what kids are being taught in sex education, and I discovered that sex education … is not about health. It’s not about staying healthy. It’s about … promoting sexual freedom — all sorts of risky behaviors — and it’s about changing society.

My book, ‘You’re Teaching My Child What?’ … delves into the origins of sex education in this country. It is about sexual freedom. It’s about rejecting Judeo-Christian values. It is most certainly not about fighting bacteria and viruses. And sex education is introduced at a very young age, in kindergarten.”

Gender ideology is introduced even earlier, in preschool. Books read to preschool children will say things like, “Adults make mistakes when babies are born and only you know if you’re a girl or a boy,” and “Adults may have made a mistake when they decided that you were a girl or a boy,” or “Some people are born with a boy’s brain and a girl’s body.”

“These outrageously false ideas are introduced to children at a very, very young age,” Grossman says, “and that’s the danger. These ideas are going to reach your kids before you do.”

Transgenderism Is a Social Contagion

Grossman’s most recent book, “Lost in Trans Nation,” which came out in July 2023, provides parents with the practical information and tools needed to protect their families against the “transgender contagion.”

“It is a social contagion,” she says. “If your child ends up in a friend group, either in school or in the neighborhood or online, in which there is one or more kids who are identifying as transgender, nonbinary, or one of these other made-up words, there’s a much greater chance that your child … will also end up identifying.

So, no family is immune. I’ve talked to hundreds and hundreds of parents, and I’ve seen many, many kids in my office who get drawn into this belief system. And trust me, it’s a very difficult thing.”

The transgender contagion is so widespread at this point, Grossman suspects most of the college, high school and elementary school students believe that sex and gender are two separate things, and that you can choose your gender at will, because that’s what they’ve been indoctrinated to believe.

“When I use the word indoctrinated, I mean that this has been relentlessly pushed at them over and over again. They’re bombarded with this idea, presented as if it is a fact. It’s not a fact, it’s a belief. And it’s an outrageous belief. It’s an irrational belief that you can be something other than what your body says you are.

But this belief is pushed at them 24/7 from every direction, and it’s presented as fact. And, it’s presented in such a way that questions are not permitted. If you doubt, if you hesitate, if you ask questions, well then you are a hater and you are transphobic.

Kids want to belong. Kids want to be accepted in their social group. They don’t want to be seen as an outsider and certainly not as transphobic. That’s the equivalent of being racist, sexist and all those other awful things.

So, that’s why I use the word indoctrinated, and that’s why a majority of them are going to believe it. It’s being presented to them by authorities, educational authorities, medical authorities, government authorities, and they don’t hear the argument on the other side of it.”

Gender Dysphoria Then and Now

When Grossman was a medical student, rapid onset gender dysphoria (when a young child suddenly insists he or she is the opposite gender) was exceedingly rare. That all changed around 2015, when the number of cases suddenly exploded.

However, contrary to classical gender dysphoria, these more recent cases typically involve teens and young adults, which had never been the case before. What’s more, in the past, gender dysphoria predominantly affected boys, at a ratio of about 6-to-1. Today, girls identifying as boys make up about 60% of cases.

I, like many others, suspect synthetic chemicals, many of which have estrogenic activity, may be playing a role, especially in boys identifying as girls. Grossman doesn’t dismiss that possibility, but based on her work, she suspects social media and peer pressure are still the primary contributors.

“The kids say as much,” she says. “They develop symptoms of being unhappy with their bodies after binging on these YouTube videos of kids who are chronicling their own dysphoria and their own path. So there’s definitely a social contagion element.”

Transgenderism Is a False Cure for What Ails Them

Not surprisingly, children with a history of psychiatric issues, such as being on the autistic spectrum or struggling with anxiety, depression or emotional trauma, are more prone to falling victim to gender ideology.

“They learn about gender ideology, and they’re told that this could be the reason for your distress — ‘You’re feeling that you don’t fit in … because you are in the wrong body.’

And they come to believe that all their problems are going to be solved by this one solution, that identifying as the opposite sex, change their name, their pronouns and their appearance … that will be the solution.

We hear this over and over again from detransitioners, the people who went through the ‘affirmation’ and when they got more mature, they realized, ‘Oh my god, what have I done to myself?’ and regret what they’ve done.

I don’t like using this language because it’s Orwellian language, but let’s just call it what the mainstream medicine is calling it, which is ‘gender affirmation,’ which of course means you deny biology.

One of the main things that detransitioners talk about is how they were convinced that this would be the solution to all their mental health problems. Instead, they go through the process, their bodies are sometimes permanently disfigured from hormones and surgery, and their mental health problems have not been addressed.”

Kids and Parents Are Being Lied To

Making matters worse, children and teens are being lied to about the ramifications of hormone therapy and surgery. These are permanent changes being applied for what is likely a temporary emotional problem. You cannot undo the damage inflicted once you change your mind.

Remarkably, many in the affirmative care field insist that you can block puberty without negative effects and that hormone therapy effects are reversible, neither of which is true.

Proponents of transgender ideology also claim that unless trans kids are affirmed in their new identities and provided medical and surgical treatment to transition, they’re at high risk of suicide, and that’s not true either.

In fact, it’s the exact opposite. Detransitioners are at high risk of suicide because not only is it a struggle to get back to their real identity, but many now have severe medical problems brought on by hormones and surgery.

Those who have undergone sexual reassignment surgery, in particular, face the very real possibility of lifelong medical troubles and associated depression. Many have urological problems, recurrent infections, chronic pain and sexual dysfunction. They’re also sterile and will never be able to have children.

“In my congressional testimony that I gave a few months ago, I pointed out that in countries such as Sweden, Norway, Finland, the United Kingdom, where they have made these medical treatments essentially unavailable to kids for the past few years, there has been no increase in suicides or decreased mental health.

So that is simply not true. It’s terrible misinformation and emotional blackmail [to say] ‘The only chance your child has of living a happy and fulfilling life is if you go along with their new identity and give them whatever it is they say they want, even if your child is 10 or 12 years old.’ And this is what’s going on in the gender clinics.

It’s very, very important that people read my book, not only families in which they are in the midst of this difficulty, but families who in the future may face it, so that they are prepared and can understand what it’s about, so they know how to respond and how to protect their child before they’re indoctrinated.”

A Generation of Damaged Youth

Even if they don’t go through with surgery on the sex organs, boys are given massive doses of estrogen, a known human carcinogen that has a plethora of ill health effects. Girls taking high-dose testosterone also face serious adverse health effects, including irreversible voice changes and blood clotting disorders.

An ever-growing number of teenage girls are also getting double mastectomies. There are no hard numbers on how many top surgeries are being done, because no one is tracking transgender treatments and gender reassignment surgeries, but it’s definitely not a rarity anymore. Grossman comments:

“When I was writing my book and working on the chapter on double mastectomies, there were 47,000 young girls raising money on GoFundMe to have breast surgery — 47,000 … You have a whole population of young women who were led to believe that their breasts are simply disposable sex objects that don’t serve any other purpose.

Young women are never taught about the magnificent biology of nursing and of the nutrition, which is the gold standard nutrition, for newborns. There is nothing better for a newborn than mother’s milk.”

The Madness Is Coming From the Top

Children’s lives are being ruined by lies, and we need to be just as aggressive in sticking to biological facts as the indoctrinators are being aggressive in pushing vulnerable kids to make destructive health choices.

A major part of the problem is the educational system, as most schools are teaching transgender ideology. The solution, then, would be to get your children out of those schools. Grossman agrees, saying:

“Because gender issues have been framed as a civil right, every teacher can introduce it in their class — into English literature, social studies, civics, history.

Parents also have to be aware that … there are activist teachers, activist social workers and guidance counselors, who are out there to influence your child, and they will go as far as to keep it a secret from the family if the child requests to make some sort of identity change at school.

The school will keep it a secret from the parents, which is another outrageous element in all of this because it’s a parent’s right to know such a thing. So yes, you can remove your child from not only public school, but there are also private schools that push this ideology …

Their professional organizations — the National Educational Association, the professional organizations of social workers, school counselors, guidance counselors and principals — they have all bought into the narrative. So they are obligated to follow those policies, and the policies call for keeping the parents in the dark if the child says that’s what they want.

I tell a story in my book of teachers who have felt that it is wrong to keep the parents in the dark about their child’s gender identity at school and shared the information with the parents. They’ve been fired.

There are teachers, especially the younger ones, who have been indoctrinated. But I have people writing to me who are school psychologists and teachers, and they say things like, ‘I can’t do this anymore. I’m leaving this field. I’m retiring, I simply can’t do this anymore, it’s wrong.’

So parents need to be aware of that. And I provide in the book an appendix written by attorneys who are specialists in child and parental rights, and they explain exactly how to be proactive.

Even if your child is entering kindergarten, you can go into the school and you can, with a form that I provide on my website, merriamgrossmanmd.com, that puts the school on notice that they have no constitutionally based rights to direct the education of your child, that you don’t want your child being taught gender ideology and that you do not permit your child to be a part of any program or club in which this ideology is being taught.

And you certainly are not giving permission for your child to be called by a different name, or for your kid to use the opposite sex bathrooms. You have to [do that].”

Inoculate Your Children Through Biological Affirmation

Another important strategy that parents need to adopt is to affirm the biology of their children from the start. By teaching them the value and permanence of their biological sex, you can effectively “inoculate” them against deranged ideas being brought in later. Grossman explains:

“You can say to a 2-year-old or a 3-year-old, ‘You know you’re a boy, and you’re always going to be a boy. From the very first moment of your creation, you were a boy.’

This phrase, ‘sex assigned at birth,’ drives me crazy because it is so, so false. It is so outrageously untrue. Sex is not assigned at birth. Sex is established at conception and it is permanent.

Kids are being led to believe that sex — being male or female — is randomly assigned. Some doctor or nurse in the delivery room takes a look at you and makes this random decision that really isn’t based on anything real. No, you want to inoculate your child against that idea.

You want to tell your child that ‘You always were a boy or a girl, and you always will be. And that’s a great thing.’ Also, [teach them that] there are many different ways of being a girl or a boy. There isn’t one way.

There are some girls who love makeup and do all those stereotypically feminine things, and there are other girls who never want to put on a dress and they’re into building things and sports. And that’s great. That’s one kind of way of being a girl.

So from a very young age, we can tell kids that there isn’t just one way of being a girl or a boy, because what the ideology is telling them is that if you don’t fit into these ridiculous stereotypes, you may not actually be a girl (or a boy). So, you want your child to recognize that as not making sense.”

Another thing that children need to be taught from a young age is that being male or female has an impact on every system of the body. It’s not just a few skin-deep anatomical differences.

Your biological gender — immutable due to the presence of XX or XY chromosomes in every cell of your body — impacts how your brain works, your cardiovascular system, GI system and the immune system, and no amount of sex hormones and surgery will change that.

By taking hormones to feminize or masculinize the body, you’re wreaking total havoc on the entire system, because it wasn’t designed for those hormones. The only predictable outcome of transgender hormone therapy is health problems.

More Information

The transgender ideology is a pervasive threat to our children, and parents need to educate themselves on how to battle it most effectively. Grossman’s book, “Lost in Trans Nation” is the only book out there right now that gives parents the necessary tools. So, if you have young children, pick up a copy. Also gift the book to new parents. It could be the most valuable baby gift they can get. In closing, Grossman says:

“Parents, it’s really essential for you to know as much as you can. I’ve put my heart and soul into writing this book [‘Lost in Trans Nation’] because I have seen too much. I have seen people, marriages and families destroyed from this ideology.

That is why I wrote this book. It was not an easy book to write. It’s not an easy book to read. But we have to live in reality and know what’s going on. Parents that contact me all tell me the same thing. They say, ‘We were blindsided. We never imagined that this could happen. We weren’t prepared for it.’ And so I want parents to be prepared …

I have tons of information that families can use to protect themselves. Once your child is involved, it can be really tough to get them out because they are essentially brainwashed.

In addition to believing that they may be born in the wrong body, they have been brainwashed to believe that anyone who challenges them, anyone who won’t use their new name and pronouns, is a bad person. [They’ve been told] their home might be unsafe if their parents won’t use their new name and that they may need to live somewhere else …

This is a push to change our culture, change our society — to place a wedge between kids and their parents and for the state to say that we know what’s best for your child, not you. It’s a very dangerous situation.

And I think it’s important just to mention that other countries, very progressive countries such as Sweden, have all done a 180. Those other countries are saying what the kids need is psychotherapy. This is an emotional disorder.”

In addition to her book, you can also find more information on her website, miriamgrossmanmd.com, including the “Parent’s Notice to Schools.” If you want to follow her on Twitter/X, her handle is @Miriam_Grossman. Also consider becoming a member of the Do No Harm Medicine.


EDITORS NOTE: This MERCOLA column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

THE WAR ON X: WW III The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism — Day 8

We are now officially in the 8th day of the Global War Against Islamic Terrorism.


22 Americans are confirmed murdered.

The numbers killed in the Hamas attacks in Israel continue to climb. What started in the hundreds has now passed 1,200. And is expected to go on climbing. It’s taking time for Israel to fully restore control over some of the communities invaded by Islamic terrorists. Identifying and counting the bodies has also become a long and grueling process. Some bodies were burned or badly mutilated.

The currently announced total is 22 Americans murdered in the attacks. This number will likely increase.

It is however the single deadliest death toll for Americans from Islamic terrorism since the Pulse Massacre in Florida in 2016. Beginning with 9/11, this would appear to be the third deadliest Islamic mass murder of American civilians in this century.

WATCH: Day 8 of Israel’s war against Hamas, IDF prepares for ground incursion.

WW III The Global War Against Islamic Terrorism — Day 8

©2023. Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

Biden Claim About Halting $6 Billion Dollars In Terror Funds Appears to Be a Ruse

Yesterday it was reported (here) that the U.S. and (terror sponsor) Qatar were halting the obscene six billion dollar payout to Iran.

U.S. officials and the Qatari government have agreed to stop Iran from accessing a $6 billion account for humanitarian assistance in light of Hamas’s attack on Israel, Deputy Treasury Secretary Wally Adeyemo told House Democrats on Thursday. The deal, financed by Iranian oil sales, allowed Iranian entities — not the Iranian government — to access the funds, and only if they provided extensive documentation showing the money will be used for humanitarian purposes. U.S. officials would have to approve each transaction under the agreement. The money had been transferred to Qatar from banks in South Korea to facilitate the arrangement (Washington Post).

Now that appears to be a ruse.

Money being fungible, Iran could repurpose what it has already allocated to those governmental needs — i.e., use it to support terrorist operations by Hamas, Hezbollah, and its other jihadist proxies.”

Biden Administration Says Deal Struck with Qatar to Deny Iran Access to $6 Billion


The Post’s report does not say that Qatar is refusing to disburse the funds to third parties at Iran’s direction, or that the transfer of the $6 billion is otherwise rescinded.

Unless that happens, this announced agreement with Qatar would just be a feint.

The issue has never been Iran’s direct access to the funds. It is whether Iran can benefit from them.

Obviously, whether Iran possesses the funds or can decide to whom Qatar can disburse the funds, it would have the capacity to spend them on its governmental needs.

Money being fungible, Iran could repurpose what it has already allocated to those governmental needs — i.e., use it to support terrorist operations by Hamas, Hezbollah, and its other jihadist proxies

Read more


RELATED ARTICLE: Biden Looking to Create Welfare System for 5.7 Million Illegal Immigrants

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

WATCH: George Santos Unleashes LEGENDARY Reprisal To Violent Pro-Terror Jew Haters

One for the ages. This is the best clapback against the leftist/Muslim terrorists rioting for Jew killing.

A pair of terrorist sympathizers got in my face, cursed at me, screaming and berating the baby in my arms.

Here’s what I have to say: Elected or unelected, terrorist sympathizers in the halls of Congress are unacceptable.

I can see Democrats running down the halls of Congress to write up some new indictment.

Go George!




HORRIFIC Video Emerges Of Unimaginable Butchery at Israel Peace Festival in Israel

Hamas Posts Video Showing Causalities With a Bloody Doll (Yes, A Doll)

Iran Attempts to Unite Muslim World to Exterminate The Jews

Terror State and Biden Partner Qatar Threatens to Cut Off Oil Supply If Israel Defends Herself

This Was Not Just a Terrorist Attack; It Was An Invasion and Annexation

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Hamas Attacks are the Third Worst U.S. Death Toll from Islamic Terror

22 Americans are confirmed murdered.

The numbers killed in the Hamas attacks in Israel continue to climb. What started in the hundreds has now passed 1,200. And is expected to go on climbing. It’s taking time for Israel to fully restore control over some of the communities invaded by Islamic terrorists. Identifying and counting the bodies has also become a long and grueling process. Some bodies were burned or badly mutilated.

The currently announced total is 22 Americans murdered in the attacks. This number will likely increase.

It is however the single deadliest death toll for Americans from Islamic terrorism since the Pulse Massacre in Florida in 2016. Beginning with 9/11, this would appear to be the third deadliest Islamic mass murder of American civilians in this century.

Hopefully the numbers don’t rise any further, but it’s possible they will.

At the moment, Israelis are still waiting on burying their dead. Bodies are still being turned up. Since Hamas Jihadis torched buildings to force families out into the open where they could kill them, it’s possible that some bodies may never be properly identified. Israeli rescue groups like ZAKA are expert at locating even small fragments of bone and tissue for burial and identification purpose, but there has never been anything on this scale in Israel. The closest parallel is 9/11 and it took a long time to identify the dead.




Israeli forensic teams describe signs of torture, abuse

Egypt Warned Israelis on October 4 That ‘Something Big’ Was About to Happen in Gaza

Hamas jihadi admits that he and his cohorts raped, tortured, and beheaded Israeli civilians, including children

Iranian Agent in Pentagon Counterterrorism Office Accused of Sabotaging Intel

Scotland has a Palestinian jihad sympathizer as First Minister

In France, Immediate Deportation of Non-Citizens For Antisemitic Acts

France: Muslim migrant screams ‘Allahu akbar’ in front of synagogue, makes death threats

Germany: Muslim migrants kick passersby, attack elderly woman at pro-Israel demonstration


Robert Spencer on the Jaipur Dialogues on Israel, Hamas, and Islamic Law

Robert Spencer on Marc Lamont Hill’s Lies About Israel and Hamas

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Remembering the July 20, 2014 CAIR ‘We are Jihad. We are HAMAS’ Rally in Miami, Florida

We republish this July 20, 2014 video taken in Miami titled CAIR, FL “We are Jihad. We are HAMAS”.

We should have listened then, we must listen now!

“I’m gonna kill you mother fucker, you and the all Israelis!” “You want a push, I’ll show you a push!” He’s a Zionist, this guy is not one of us, he’s a Zionist!” (code for Jew).

On Sunday, July 20, 2014, these violent and hateful words were combined with physical assaults against an innocent Jewish reporter in Miami, Florida. On this beautiful sunny Florida day the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) crossed a cultural and maybe legal red line by sponsoring a HAMAS demonstration where this man, a Jewish reporter working undercover was identified and attacked by an angry crowd of HAMAS jihadists.

WATCH: CAIR, FL “We are Jihad. We are HAMAS”

During the confrontation one of the HAMAS pulled out an improvised weapon and moved in to stab the Jewish reporter before someone stopped him while another CAIR jihadist made a clear, direct and profound threat to kill the reporter. All of this is in our seventh episode of our special series on the war in Israel, Operation: Protective Edge, An Inside Look – Destroy HAMAS.

Earlier in this war, The United West went on record predicting violence in the streets of America by angry Muslims, particularly those who take the teachings of Mohammed very seriously. As night follows day, the true believing Muslim understands that the war in Gaza is a battle between Allah’s “chosen warriors,” the HAMAS and the infidel Jews, supported worldwide by the infidel Christians. In that Islam is a borderless political system there is no difference between confrontations in Gaza
City or confrontations in Paris, London or Miami.

This unifying war doctrine necessarily leads to Islamic violence in the West because Islam does not ultimately respect Western law. The net result of this worldview is the shocking way in which an investigative reporter for our organization, The United West, is attacked while lawfully doing his job, on the public right-of-way in the south Florida city of Miami.

One of the breaking news elements of this story is that CAIR, the self-proclaimed “civil-rights” organization for Muslims sponsored an outright HAMAS demonstration where the participants, when not assaulting the reporter, were shouting historic death threats to Jews and shouting complete and comprehensive unity with the HAMAS, as in “WE ARE HAMAS!”

If you follow the work of The United West or Frank Gaffney, Center for Security Policy, you know for several years we have explained that a Federal court has established a harmonious relationship between CAIR and the HAMAS, thus for practical purposes, CAIR is HAMAS. Now, clearly established by the evidence we present in this show, CAIR is indeed, the HAMAS, by their own words.

This new public admittance by CAIR raises many questions that need serious investigation and serious answers form both Federal authorities and from CAIR officials. In that the HAMAS is a Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) designated so by the Department of State during President Clinton’s Administration, does CAIR’s sponsorship of violent HAMAS demonstrations on the public right-of-way violate any legal element of the FTO statute? If leaders of CAIR, including Nihad Awad and Hassan Shibly, now public support the HAMAS, should they enjoy the access they have to President Obama’s White House and other American institutions of influence?

The Muslim Brotherhood is another national security factor that now comes front and center in light of this HAMAS demonstration in Miami. On July 24, Rep. Michele Bachmann introduced a bill to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization. The bill, also known as the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Designation Act of 2014, will “impose sanctions against persons who knowingly provide material support or resources to the Muslim Brotherhood or its affiliates, associated groups, or agents, and for other purposes.”

The evidence is as simple as reading the HAMAS Charter – Article Two:

The Islamic Resistance Movement is one of the wings of Moslem Brotherhood in Palestine.

So, follow the simple logic here. If the Muslim Brotherhood is indeed designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the US Department of State and if the HAMAS is a wing of the Muslim Brotherhood and if HAMAS is CAIR, then does it not follow that CAIR is a part of the Muslim Brotherhood? Anyway you spread this humus you got CAIR in a whole heap of trouble, plain and simple. Folks, its time CAIR is exposed for being exactly what it presented itself to be on that street corner in Miami, a wing of the terrorist organization, HAMAS.

For further information on The Muslim Brotherhood and these related issues, check out Frank Gaffney’s 10-part video series.

©2023. Defend the Border. All rights reserved.

Jim Jordan Is The Conservative Choice

The latest announcement from Steve Scalise has opened up the way for Jim Jordan. This decision that he has withdrawn from the race for the House Presidency was announced during a Republican conference meeting on Thursday night. Scalise had previously clinched the nomination for the post after narrowly beating Rep. Jim Jordan, R-Ohio, following a vote by the Republican conference on Wednesday.

The race for the next Speaker of the House had been underway following the unanticipated removal of Kevin McCarthy. Two candidates had emerged as frontrunners: Steve Scalise and Jim Jordan. While Scalise had secured the initial nomination in a secret ballot, it did not guarantee his ascension to the Speaker’s chair. He had to garner still sufficient support to win a total chamber vote.

Moreover, Scalise’s victory in the closed-door session, with a vote tally of 113-99, has sparked outrage among many conservatives. Much like McCarthy, some members see Scalise as a part of the “uniparty” establishment, a continuation of the status quo. This led many conservatives to rally behind Jim Jordan, a figure they see as representing their values and ideals.

Jim Jordan is not just another politician but a beacon of hope for conservatives. His candidacy is supported by none other than former President Donald Trump, a fact that bolsters his appeal among hardcore conservatives. Yet, despite this endorsement, the final decision rests in the hands of the House of Representatives members.

Interestingly, Jim Jordan had offered to nominate Steve Scalise for speaker on the House floor, which speaks volumes about his dedication to party unity. Despite narrowly losing the nomination, Jordan reminded his colleagues that the ultimate goal is to secure at least 217 votes on the floor, which is needed to officially elect the Speaker of the House. However, this was far from an endorsement of Scalise.

The reasons provided by Scalise were “the deep divisions within the Republican Party” and, therefore, “the inability to secure the necessary votes.” Despite being formally nominated by the House Republican conference, Scalise felt that the meeting still had not come together and was not united.

Moreover, concerns were raised over Scalise’s health, as he is battling blood cancer. While this was not the main reason for his withdrawal, it did add to the uncertainty surrounding his bid for speaker.

All the while, Jordan’s emphasis was not on ‘personal victory’ but on ensuring that the party presented a united front. This was evident in his decision to offer Scalise his support and attempt to persuade his colleagues to do the same. However, the deep fractures within the House Republican conference made it difficult for Scalise to secure the necessary votes to win the gavel.

Many had vehemently argued that such a process as a secret ballot conducted in Congress lacked transparency. In retort, Scalise accused conservative holdouts in the speaker’s race of having their own “agenda” and stated that he believed they needed to put their agendas aside and focus on what the country needed. Indeed, it was the belief of many conservatives that all votes put forth in the name of constituents should be transparent, allowing those constituents to monitor the actions of their representatives.

The GOP Congress’s decision to go behind closed doors and choose Scalise over Jordan has been seen as yet another instance of the party disregarding the desires of its voters. Despite the overwhelming support for Jordan among Republican voters, the party opted for Scalise, a decision met with widespread disappointment and frustration.

In a political landscape where big money donors and lobbyists often dictate the course of action, it is no surprise that they favor Scalise for Speaker. This influence is often seen in campaign finance, where wealthy donors can pour unlimited amounts of money into campaigns through Super PACs, drowning out the voices of ordinary Americans. However, it is the voters who want Jordan as Speaker, a sentiment that appears to be largely ignored by the Republican Congress.

The actions of our elected representatives have made it clear that they are not working for us; they are working for themselves. This is a wake-up call for us to hold them accountable and demand that they act in the best interest of our republic and not just their own.

To this effect, the Republican Accountability Project has launched an initiative to hold Republican members of Congress accountable for their votes, including by helping credible primary challengers against them. While it may be challenging to reduce the influence of big money donors and lobbyists on American politics, there are efforts to limit campaign finance, increase transparency, and enforce fair and effective election laws.

So, despite Jordan’s efforts to rally support for Scalise, it was clear that the race for the Speaker position was far from over. Some members of the House, including several of Jordan’s supporters, have indicated that they will still be voting for Jordan. This suggests that while Jordan may prioritize party unity, his supporters still see him as the best candidate for the Speaker position.

It is now clear where the hearts of true conservatives lie. They lie with Jim Jordan, a man they perceive as representing their values and ideals. Their support for Jordan is his political stance and their desire for transparency, accountability, and a government that genuinely represents the people it serves. As the final decision looms, one thing is sure: the voice of the people and true conservatives demands to be heard.

As the latest development of Scalise dropping out of the Speaker’s race unfolds, Jordan should have a clear path to victory, that is, if Republicans can come together and unite the party.

©2023. Amil Imani. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Jim Jordan Wins GOP Nomination For Speaker Of The House

VIDEO: A Promethean Vision for the Future

We love our country but fear our government. What we are seeing in America today is a weaponized government that is actively working against we the people. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are slowly by shurly fading away, one government edict, policy or regulation at a time.

We now more than ever must be strong to save our Conditional Republic.

QUESTION: But how?

ANSWER:  Become Promethean!

SDictionary provided the video below on the meaning of Promethean stating, “Of or pertaining to … Daringly original; boldly inventive or creative … Of enormous size or strength; extraordinarily strong.”

On October 8th, 2023 published column titled A Promethean Vision for the Future with video.

wrote, “In a truly great moment in history, such as the American Revolution or the revolutionary moment we are living through now, it has always been the leadership of courageous visionaries, devoted to and willing to sacrifice all in service of mankind and its posterity, which has led to a positive outcome. Or, lacking that leadership, a tragic one.”

WATCH: A Promethean Vision for the Future

©2023. . All rights reserved.

U.S. Capitol Police Federal Court Filing Reveals Officials Were Aware of the Potential for a Significant Disturbance on January 6

McCarthy Congress’ Wants to Hide All Jan 6 Videos and Emails as Security Information and Non-Public Records, Asserts Sovereign Immunity from ‘Right to Know’ Court Challenge

Washington, D.C. – Judicial Watch announced today that it received the court-ordered declaration of James W. Joyce, senior counsel in the Office of the General Counsel for the Capitol Police, in which he describes emails among senior officials of the United States Capitol Police (USCP) in January 2021 that show warnings of possible January 6 protests that could lead to serious disruptions at the U.S. Capitol.

The declaration comes in a lawsuit Judicial Watch brought under the common law right of access to public records (Judicial Watch v. United States Capitol Police (No. 1:21-cv-00401)). The suit requests:

Email communications between the U.S. Capitol Police Executive Team and the Capitol Police Board concerning the security of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The timeframe of this request is from January 1, 2021 through January 10, 2021.

Email communications of the Capitol Police Board with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security concerning the security of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The timeframe of this request is from January 1, 2021through January 10, 2021.

All video footage from within the Capitol between 12 pm and 9 pm on January 6, 2021.

After an August 15, 2023, hearing, in which U.S. District Judge Ana C. Reyes ordered the Capitol Police to provide Judicial Watch more detailed descriptions of certain emails that had been withheld, the U.S. Capitol Police filed a seven-page “second declaration,” which describes email discussions of evacuations and relocations of people from certain buildings, arrests, and other security matters.

The U.S. Capitol Police describe “situational security update” emails at issue as follows:

a. A January 3, 2021 email, with attachment, from the USCP Deputy Chief to a Board member and others at USCP and in Congress providing a detailed “special event assessment” of anticipated protest activity in advance of the January 6, 2021 Joint Session of Congress. The attached document is marked on each page “For Official Use Only/Law Enforcement Sensitive.”

b. A January 5, 2021 email, with map attachment, from the USCP Chief to two Board members detailing a proposed “bike rack” security perimeter for January 6, 2021, and proposing further discussion.

c. A January 5, 2021 email, with map attachment, from the USCP Chief to two Board members detailing a proposed security perimeter for January 6, 2021.

d. A January 5, 2021 email, with social media post and map attachments, from the USCP Deputy Chief to a Board member and others at USCP and in Congress reporting “a significant uptick in new visitors” to a “historical website” containing information on Capitol system tunnels. The Deputy Chief describes proposed attempts by unauthorized individuals to block members of Congress from entering the Capitol building, through tunnels or otherwise.

e. A January 5, 2021 email from the USCP Deputy Chief to a Board member and others at USCP and in Congress alerting them to an online website soliciting information on high-level government officials and their expected whereabouts on January 6, 2021, and linking to the website’s article entitled Why the Second American Revolution Starts Jan 6.

f. A January 6, 2021 email from the USCP Chief to Board members and others at USCP and in Congress relaying that the President had completed a speech at the Ellipse and that a large group was preparing to approach the Capitol.

g. A January 6, 2021 email thread between the USCP Chief, two Board members, and congressional staffers responding to questions on the status of evacuations and relocations of certain buildings on the Capitol Grounds on January 6, 2021, and relaying information on crowds gathering near the Washington Monument and on Capitol Grounds on January 6, 2021.

h. A series of four January 6, 2021 emails from the USCP Deputy Chief to a Board member and others at the USCP and in Congress providing four updates throughout the course of January 6, 2021. These updates contain intelligence assessments, information on arrests, coordination with other law enforcement agencies, crowd estimates, scheduling of high-level government officials, threat and incident reports, medical responses, and officer deployment status.

i. A January 7, 2021 email, with photo attachment, from the USCP Deputy Chief to Board member and others in Congress providing an update on the arrest and subsequent charging of an armed individual found in a “suspicious vehicle” on January 6, 2021.

The U.S. Capitol Police describe “updates on police personnel issues” emails at issue as follows:

a. A January 7, 2021 email from the USCP Chief to all Board members and others at the USCP and in Congress providing an update on the medical condition of a USCP officer following the events of January 6, 2021.

b. A January 7, 2021 email from the USCP Chief to all Board members and others at USCP and in Congress providing an update on the medical condition of a USCP officer following the events of January 6, 2021.

c. A January 7, 2021 email from the USCP Chief to all Board members and others at USCP and in Congress providing an update on the death of a USCP officer following the events of January 6, 2021.

d. A January 8, 2021 email from the USCP Chief to a Board member and others at USCP and in Congress concerning the lowering of flags to half-staff in recognition of a USCP officer who died in the line of duty on January 6, 2021.

e. A January 9, 2021 email from the USCP Acting Chief to all Board members providing an update on when autopsy results could be expected for a deceased USCP officer following the events of January 6, 2021.

Another email is described under the category of “updates about news media reports:”

A January 7, 2021 email, with attachment, from the USCP Chief to all Board members and others at USCP and in Congress providing an anticipated statement by the USCP on the events that transpired at the Capitol on January 6, 2021.

On September 29, 2023, the Capitol Police filed a motion to dismiss Judicial Watch’s common law right of access lawsuit that asks for over 14,000 hours of video footage, arguing that the USCP has a sovereign immunity exemption from lawsuits asserting a common law right of access to public information. The latest filing goes further than prior Pelosi Congress secrecy arguments in this litigation by newly asserting even if a lawsuit were allowed to go forward, all January 6 videos and emails would be exempt from disclosure as “security information.”

Judicial Watch also received the January 7, 2021, resignation letter of Steven A. Sund, chief of the Capitol Police on January 6, who left the position at the request of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“It is urgent that the January 6 videos and related U.S. Capitol Police emails be released to the American public. I would hope the next House speaker takes a different approach than Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy and affirms the public’s lawful ‘right to know’ – and stops working with the Biden Justice Department to hide this January 6 evidence,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said.

Judicial Watch is extensively investigating the events of January 6.

Last month it received records from the Executive Office for United States Attorneys, a component of the Department of Justice, in a FOIA lawsuit that detail the extensive apparatus the Biden Justice Department set up to investigate and prosecute January 6 protestors.

previous review of records from that lawsuit highlighted the prosecution declination memorandum justifying the decision not to prosecute U.S. Capitol Police Lt. Michael Byrd for the shooting death of Babbitt.

In January 2023, documents from the Department of the Air Force, Joint Base Andrews, MD, showed U.S. Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd was housed at taxpayer expense at Joint Base Andrews after he shot and killed U.S. Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt inside the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

In November 2021, Judicial Watch released multiple audiovisual and photo records from the DC Metropolitan Police Department about the shooting death of Babbitt on January 6, 2021, in the U.S. Capitol Building. The records included a cell phone video of the shooting and an audio of a brief police interview of the shooter, Byrd.

In October 2021, United States Park Police records related to the January 6, 2021, demonstrations at the U.S. Capitol showed that on the day before the January 6 rally featuring President Trump, U.S. Park Police expected a “large portion” of the attendees to march to the U.S. Capitol and that the FBI was monitoring the January 6 demonstrations, including travel to the events by “subjects of interest.”

EDITORS NOTE: This Judicial Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.