Washington, D.C. Nakba March: ‘We want to defeat imperialism by Intifada’

NEWSRAEL: Notice how the narrative is changing. No longer “no crimes were committed by Hamas on 10/7”, but rather “This is not about a ceasefire or civil rights.”

In a May 18, 2024 D.C. march on the National Mall commemorating the Nakba, speakers stated that they are not interested in a ceasefire but the end to the State of Israel.

They chanted: “We don’t want no two states… We’re taking back ’48!” An organizer with Mayrland2Palestine said that Zionism is a “sickness.”

She continued to say that the Palestinian struggle is not a movement for a ceasefire or civil rights, nor is it due to a humanitarian crisis, but rather it is to defeat imperialism.

The speaker said that imperialism has never been defeated by peace talks and that it can all be defeated by Intifada. She then led the crowd in a song about a return to Jerusalem, Haifa, Jaffa, Acre, Safed, Lod, and Ramla.

RELATED ARTICLE: What Does “Globalize the Intifada” Mean and How Can it Lead to Targeting Jews with Violence?

EDITORS NOTE: This MEMRI – Middle East Research Institute video report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

As the ICC Fans ‘Pathetic Lies,’ Israeli Experts Say ‘We Were Gaslighted by [Biden] from the Outset’

The $300 million boondoggle known as the Gaza pier has been a floating flashpoint ever since President Joe Biden commissioned the project. Now, a few weeks into America’s buoyant humanitarian program, three U.S. soldiers have been injured (one critically) and most convoys of supplies and food have either been ambushed or looted by Hamas terrorists, never reaching its intended civilians.

To be fair, both parties had reservations about the idea, which they aired in a Senate Armed Services hearing back in March. “One of my concerns is security for this operation,” Delaware Democrat Chris Coons said at the time. “Because if the U.S. military is seen to be building and operating it, I think it puts it at greater risk.” On the opposite side of the Capitol, House Armed Services Chair Mike Rogers (R-Ala.) pointed out that “nobody can answer who’s going to provide the security, who’s going to provide the drivers, and who’s going to load and unload stuff?”

Now, less than a month into the “solution” for suffering Gazans, the Biden administration’s insistence that Hamas — not Israel — control the operations there has become an absolute, taxpayer-funded disaster. “… [T]he United States has made it very clear to Israel that it doesn’t want Israel to control [Palestine], including the distribution of food,” Caroline Glick, senior contributing editor of Jewish News Syndicate, told Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on “Washington Watch.” “As a result, we had reports last week that Hamas has actually earned $500 million since the beginning of the war by selling the humanitarian aid that the international community insists that Israel be bringing into Gaza. So this entire thing in a way [is] humanitarian relief for Hamas,” she insisted.

“… [T]he United States spent $300 million … to build a pier in Gaza to deliver humanitarian aid by sea. And none of the hundreds and hundreds of tons of humanitarian aid that has been brought to that pier has been delivered to anybody in Gaza,” Glick pointed out. … One convoy was commandeered by Hamas and just seized. And every other convoy comes under attack. So it’s all this pathetic lie.”

And it’s all feeding the anti-Israel anger that’s driving bodies like the International Criminal Court (ICC) to hold Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu accountable for crimes he’s not committing. “[There are the ICC’s] claims of starvation, which are untrue. … The claims of famine, which are untrue; the claim that Israel deliberately targets civilians for killing, which is untrue. All of these things are geared towards one goal. And that goal is for Israel to be forced to capitulate to international pressure and allow Hamas to survive,” Glick argued. “These are all demands that are being made, all allegations utterly false, that are being waged against Israel because the people who are waging them want Israel to lose this war.”

For all these claims, she pointed out, “There hasn’t been any documented evidence that anybody is starving in Gaza, except for the 128 hostages from Israel that Hamas kidnapped to Gaza on October 7th. So those are the only people we know for certain are starving. Most of the terrorists that Israel has arrested during the course of the war have been fat to obese,” Glick wanted people to know. “So we’re not seeing any privation in terms of food shortages among the members of Hamas that we’re seeing, and we don’t really see it among civilians. They just celebrated the Ramadan … their holiday for holy month. And there were no reported shortages of food for Ramadan. So all of this is just a fabrication, and it’s used in order to foment an Israeli defeat in this war. That’s what it’s all about.”

Perkins believes the entire narrative is being fanned by the ICC and international community to keep Israel from finishing the job against Hamas. It’s the “nefarious mix” of fake news, Glick said, that “all leads to this idea that there’s something criminal about Israel defending itself from the people who committed unspeakable atrocities on October 7th. And, you know, they started the war, they invaded, they massacred 1,200 people in the most sadistic way known to humanity in ways that nobody ever imagined before.”

And yet, she went on, “We were being gaslighted by the Biden administration from the outset. And talk of humanitarian crisis started a week after October 7th, when there was plentiful food and water inside of Gaza. So this is a deliberate fabrication to criminalize Israel and deny us the right to self-defense, much less the right to defeat our enemies. It’s very, very extraordinary.”

It’s escalated to such a point that “you have a prosecutor who has no jurisdiction over Israel … and now he wants to issue arrest warrants against a prime minister, our democratically-elected prime minister and our defense minister, for leading the country in a war for our national survival. … The Germans want to arrest the leader of the Jewish state for defending Israel against modern-day Nazis. That’s an unbelievable statement. And yet, here we are.”

Israel is a much stronger ally than Ukraine and certainly Afghanistan to the U.S., so “you would think we would actually work extra hard to make it easier for Israel,” Perkins pointed out, “but it looks like we’re working extra hard to make it difficult for Israel. And why?”

Incredibly, Glick said, the Biden administration is “unflappable” — even in the face of “the greatest atrocity that mankind has seen since World War II.” Even October’s horrors haven’t moved them “one millimeter from their conviction that the biggest problem is that there’s no State of Palestine for the very people who conducted these atrocities. Don’t forget,” she pointed out, “85% of the Palestinians, not only in Gaza, but in Judea and Samaria as well, support what happened on October 7th. Over 90% of Palestinians said that they are more proud to be Palestinians today than they ever were before October 7th. So these are the people that the White House thinks need to have a sovereign state.”


Suzanne Bowdey

Suzanne Bowdey serves as editorial director and senior writer at The Washington Stand.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden betrayal is unparalleled in history

RELATED VIDEO: Washington, D.C. Nakba March: “We want to defeat imperialism by Intifada”

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

Harvard Prevents Encampment Ringleaders from Graduating after U.S. House Investigation

The Harvard Corporation prevented 12 seniors from graduating Thursday for their involvement with the illegal protest encampment in support of the terrorist organization Hamas. The decision is a rare instance of campus anti-Semitic activists facing real consequences for their lawbreaking. It only came after significant congressional involvement.

To inflict these real consequences, the Harvard Corporation, which governs the school, made the decision to override their own faculty, in favor of preserving the integrity of “Harvard College’s disciplinary processes,” the university newspaper noted. At a regular meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, which is usually poorly attended, 115 Harvard faculty turned out to overwhelmingly vote in favor of shielding the anti-Israel protestors from all consequences, and allow the seniors to graduate anyways.

That vote came only three days after the Harvard College Administrative Board had placed 28 students on suspension or academic probation for their involvement with the disruptive pro-terror encampment.

In deciding to overrule the faculty vote, the Harvard Corporation explained that the faculty had simply ignored the Student Handbook, which requires students to be in good standing in order to graduate. “Today, we have voted to confer 1,539 degrees to Harvard College students in good standing,” wrote the corporation. “Because the students included as the result of Monday’s amendment are not in good standing, we cannot responsibly vote to award them degrees at this time.”

While granting that faculty have the right to determine appropriate disciplinary measures for students, Harvard Corporation argued that they didn’t do that. “We respect each faculty’s responsibility to determine appropriate discipline for its students,” they said. “Monday’s faculty vote did not, however, revisit these disciplinary rulings, did not purport to engage in the individualized assessment of each case that would ordinarily be required to do so, and, most importantly, did not claim to restore the students to good standing.”

In other words, the faculty did not argue that the students had not done anything worthy of discipline or that sufficient discipline had already been implemented. They simply declared that the protestors should be immune from the consequences of their actions because it was all for Palestine. It was a political power play.

Acquiescing to this power play would inject more injustice into Harvard’s disciplinary process, protested the corporation. They considered “the inequity of exempting a particular group of students who are not in good standing from established rules, while other seniors with similar status for matters unrelated to Monday’s faculty amendment would be unable to graduate.”

The Harvard Corporation seems to be taking a much harder line against the illegal excesses of pro-Hamas protestors than it did several months ago. This is the same governing board that issued a statement defending Harvard ex-President Claudine Gay before her sudden resignation in early January. Gay faced criticism for refusing before Congress to condemn calls for a genocide of Jews and for widespread plagiarism among her published academic portfolio.

More recently, Harvard executives continued to signal toleration for the anti-Semitic protest. Gay’s replacement, interim Harvard President Alan M. Garber, agreed on May 14 to reinstate suspended protestors and reevaluate the universities investments in exchange for them dismantling their encampment. Harvard University subsequently reinstated over 22 students.

However, the Harvard Corporation seems to have done an about-face after the U.S. House Education and Workforce Committee released a report on Friday, which revealed the university had failed to implement the recommendations of its anti-Semitic task force.

House Republicans have held Harvard’s feet to the fire ever since Gay’s disgraceful December testimony, and apparently Harvard got tired of the scathing media attention. It’s relatively easy to defend the indefensible (failing to protect Jews or enforce campus rules) when no one asks any questions. But holding a giant spotlight over the misbehavior quickly makes it awkward for those tasked with defending it. In this case, it took just under a semester for the Harvard Corporation to decide they had had enough.

The Harvard Corporation can now expect to face “a faculty rebellion,” predicted (or promised?) Government Professor Steven Levitsky. An anti-Semitic campus activist group, Harvard Out of Occupied Palestine (whose name implies the Jews don’t deserve a state), also suggested the encampment might return, saying, “If Harvard won’t live up to their promises, we see no reason to live up to ours.”

The Harvard Corporation previously caved to pro-terror activists because it was afraid of the power of students and faculty. Its new willingness to brave their wrath suggests that it is now more afraid of the power of Congress to keep the spotlight on them if they continue to cave. Even if House Republicans can’t pass conservative legislation through a Democrat-controlled Senate or White House, their investigative power can still have an effect on the behavior of places like Harvard.


Joshua Arnold

Joshua Arnold is a senior writer at The Washington Stand.

EDITORS NOTE: This Washington Stand column is republished with permission. All rights reserved. ©2024 Family Research Council.

The Washington Stand is Family Research Council’s outlet for news and commentary from a biblical worldview. The Washington Stand is based in Washington, D.C. and is published by FRC, whose mission is to advance faith, family, and freedom in public policy and the culture from a biblical worldview. We invite you to stand with us by partnering with FRC.

No-Bid Contracts Inflate Cost to Massachusetts Taxpayers of Feeding Illegal Aliens

Most hardworking Americans can’t afford to spend $21 to $31 on dinner every day. If they did, they’d likely expect to get steak or lobster for their money.

Yet that’s exactly how much the state of Massachusetts is spending to feed homeless migrants, according to WBZ-TV CBS Boston. The state isn’t even getting its money’s worth: The meals include spaghetti and hot dogs or rice with a single chicken drumstick.

The $21 meals come from the Fairfield Inn Boston Dedham, where the state is paying $180 a day to house homeless families and migrants—even though advertisements show hotel rooms start at $129.

Lunch costs $16, but a family interviewed by CBS Boston said it contains “nothing edible,” such as soup with “just bones” in it.

Taxpayers will spend a total of $7.3 million to feed families at the Fairfield Inn.

It’s part of 17 state contracts worth $116 million that Massachusetts signed to provide free housing to migrants in hotels and motels through June, according to records obtained by CBS Boston. Nine of those, including the Fairfield Inn, are for hotels owned by Giri Hotel Management, which will make $46 million from taxpayers.

When the state hired its own catering companies for migrants instead of relying on hotels, it still overspent. Massachusetts signed a $10 million contract with Spinelli Ravioli Manufacturing Co. through a no-bid process that did not ask other vendors to provide cheaper food.

The state told CBS Boston that the ravioli contract, which ended in March, was justified by the “unprecedented increased demand” for food.

In addition to the hotel expenses, Massachusetts spends about $75 million every month on 7,500 migrant families living in state-run emergency shelters.

Gov. Maura Healey, a Democrat, signed a supplemental budget in March that spends $840 million over the next two years for the migrant crisis.

That still wasn’t enough. The federal government agreed in April to help Massachusetts by using Medicaid funds, which Axios Boston says could cost $647.5 million over the next four years.

State Sen. Peter Durant, a Republican, told CBS Boston of the hotel contracts, “This is something that we have been asking the administration for information on, for the better part of a year and have been stonewalled on the information.”

Something is amiss when taxpayers are spending more to feed those in emergency housing than to feed their own children.

The #WasteOfTheDay is brought to you by the forensic auditors at OpenTheBooks.com.

Originally published at RealClearInvestigations.com


Adam Andrzejewski

Adam Andrzejewski is the CEO and founder of OpenTheBooks.com, a government watchdog organization working to capture and disclose spending at every level online.

RELATED ARTICLE: Biden’s Indifference to Americans’ Plight of Soaring Food Prices Is Appalling

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Rashida Tlaib Speaks to U.S.-Designated Terror Group: Conference Promoted Terrorism & Honored Terrorists

The terrorist caucus. For real.

Why these enemies of the state haven’t been expelled from Congress speaks to the rot in our government.

Rashida Tlaib attends conference honoring terrorists, hosting terrorist speaker

The keynote speaker to the event was Sana’ Daqqah, the wife of PFLP terrorist Walid Daqqah, imprisoned for the abduction, torture, and murder of Israeli soldier Moshe Tamam.

By Michael Starr, Jerusalem Post, 26, 2024:

Michigan congresswoman Rashida Tlaib spoke on Saturday at a Detroit Pro-Palestinian conference that advocated on behalf of terrorism, honored terrorists, and featured a member of a terrorist organization as a panelist.

Tlaib made a surprise appearance at the People’s Conference for Palestine, an event that saw dozens of the anti-Israel groups involved in the post-October 7 protests in attendance, while Dearborn Michigan Mayor Abdullah Hammoud gave a video address.

The May 24-26 conference is set to have Wisam Rafeedie as a speaker at a workshop on Sunday, the last day of the event. According to Amnesty International, Rafeedie is an activist for the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The PFLP is designated as a foreign terrorist organization by the US State Department.

Continue reading.

Rashida Tlaib Crosses a Bright Red Line

Rashida Tlaib’s enthusiastic participation in a terrorism pep rally this weekend serves as a reminder that her hatred of Jews and her admiration for political violence has no limiting principle.

Tlaib was the surprise guest speaker at the People’s Conference for Palestine, which was endorsed by and has ties to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. The Marxist PFLP is a designated foreign terrorist organization, which is reason enough to denounce Tlaib’s collaboration with the conference. But the PFLP’s relevance to this particular moment in history is even more important.

The PFLP was created in the late 1960s and worked with other international terrorist groups abroad. Its most famous attack was its hijacking of an Air France passenger jet in 1976. The hijackers diverted the plane to Entebbe, Uganda, site of the incredible Israeli rescue mission during which Yonatan Netanyahu, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s brother, was killed.

Well before Entebbe, however, the PFLP split into two factions, with Ahmed Jibril leading the breakaway PFLP-General Command. It is no exaggeration to say that, more than any other single person, Ahmed Jibril is the reason for Palestinian terrorists’ continued focus on kidnapping and ransoming Israelis. In other words, though he died in 2021, the current conflict is the result of Jibril’s life work.

As I wrote in my March essay for COMMENTARY, Jibril got the Israelis in 1978 to back off of their initial one-to-one policy for prisoner swaps, which set the tone going forward for lopsided deals. In 1985, Jibril was responsible for what became known as the Jibril Agreement: He released three Israelis in return for Israel’s release of 1,150 Palestinians jailed in terrorism-related cases. Among those who were released: Ahmed Yassin, who would found Hamas a few years later.

Several of the prisoners would be integral to the first Palestinian intifada, launched soon after that agreement. Jibril would be as well, organizing a key attack in which armed terrorists used hang gliders (sound familiar?) to infiltrate Israel. The post-October 7 world is largely a world made by the PFLP and Hamas, the latter which exists thanks to the PFLP.

That is the background for Rashida Tlaib’s appearance at a conference with ties to the PFLP.

Even without that background, Tlaib’s appearance would have been grotesque. As the Jerusalem Post reports, PFLP activist Wisam Rafeedie was on the agenda as a workshop speaker. The conference keynote speaker was Sana Daqqah, the wife of the late PFLP terrorist Walid Daqqah, who led a cell that kidnapped, tortured, and then murdered Israeli Moshe Tamam in 1984. From the Jewish Chronicle: “Tamam’s killers gouged out his eyes, mutilated his body and castrated him before taking him to an olive grove and shooting him dead, according to reports at the time.”

The Jerusalem Post details the cheers heard around the room for Iran’s recent missile attack on Israel as well as praise for of other terrorists. One panel’s moderator said: “In the past eight months, we’ve seen incredible images of victory—from witnessing the families of political prisoners reunite with, and embrace their loved ones for the first time in years, to scenes of our heroic people breaking down the siege that has suffocated the Gaza Strip for 17 years.”

Speakers and panelists talked about their hope for the fall not only of Israel but of the United States as well. (The conference was held in Detroit.) “Today, through the Palestinian revolution, see clearly that there is no reforming the U.S. empire,” one said, describing pro-Palestinian activism as a “gateway struggle.” Another reportedly called to “defeat not only the mighty Israeli army, but U.S. imperialism itself.”

Continue reading.



Guess Which ‘Moderate’ Palestinian Terrorist Group Participated In the October 7 Massacre

Was 9/11 Not Enough of a Lesson?

A Jewess Answers

Pentagon Admits None of the Aid From the $320 Million US Built Pier in Gaza Actually Got to Gazans


Tlaib blasts Biden shielding ‘genocidal maniac’ Netanyahu

Yoseph Haddad Posts a Found Map of Palestine in Gaza

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘He’s Not Wrong’: Margaret Brennan Presses Buttigieg On Trump’s Stance Over Electric Vehicles Purchased

CBS host Margaret Brennan pressed Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg on former President Donald Trump’s stance on the amount of electric vehicles (EVs) purchased, noting Sunday that Trump’s take wasn’t “wrong.”

Buttigieg appeared on “Face the Nation” to discuss President Joe Biden’s current push for the adoption of electric vehicles in the U.S., as well as campaign strategies for climate change. Brennan questioned the Secretary of Transportation on Trump’s campaigning against electric vehicles, playing a clip of the former president calling out that, while millions have been spent on subsidizing electric cars, only a low number of purchases has resulted.

“I want to ask you about something that we hear quite a lot about on the campaign trail and that is electric cars, electric vehicles. Donald Trump repeatedly talks about President Biden’s decision to force the industry towards making 56% of car batteries electric by 2032, 13% hybrid,” Brennan stated before playing a clip of the former president. “He’s not wrong on the purchasing.”

“Oh, he’s wrong,” Buttigieg responded.

“He’s not. Of the 4 million vehicles purchased, 269,000 electric vehicles were sold in the U.S. market. It’s up like 2%,” Brennan stated.

“And every single year more Americans buy EVs than the year before. This is really important —” Buttigieg stated.

“But why aren’t we seeing it move more quickly —” Brennan jumped in.

“Every single year more Americans buy EVs than the year prior. There are two things that I think are needed for that to happen even more quickly. One is the price, which is why the Inflation Reduction Act acted to cut the price of an electric vehicle. The second is making sure we have the charging network we need across America. But I want to talk about the bigger point here, and I take this personally because I grew up in the industrial Midwest literally in the shadow of broken-down factories from car companies that did not survive into the turn of the century because they didn’t keep up with the times,” Buttigieg stated.

Brennan continued to push back on Buttigieg, stating “many of those autoworkers are concerned electric vehicles require fewer humans to manufacture,” to which Buttigieg responded that Biden was focused on making the “EV revolution” an “American-led” one.

“Because of these tariffs we’re talking about that President Biden says he’s going to roll out?” Brennan asked.

“Well, also just making sure we invest in America’s capacity. Making sure that we are on-shoring or friend-shoring the materials and the processing of what goes into these EVs — making sure that America masters these processes because, look, there’s no way that we’re going to get to the middle of this century with the technology that we counted on a century ago. Now there are, obviously, a lot of voices here in Washington who are interested in keeping the status quo,” Buttigieg stated.

“He says it’s going to be one of the first things he does, if he’s reelected,” Brennan responded.

“[Trump] would be happy to see Americans trapped with dirty and expensive fuels. The reality — and I know he’s made a lot of promises to the oil and gas CEOs about some of the favors that he believes his administration will deliver for them —” Buttigieg stated.

“But it obviously is resonating for him because he wouldn’t bring it up so frequently if there wasn’t some anxiety that he’s tapping into,” Brennan noted.

The Biden administration announced on May 14, 2024 that tariffs would be imposed on Chinese EVs. The move would quadruple levies to 100%, as well as raising certain rates for Chinese green energy and EV components such as minerals and batteries. The administration’s move follows the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision in late March 2024 to effectively require 67% of new models sold to be electric or hybrid by the end of 2032.

While recent data from Gallup shows the number of Americans who own electric vehicles has increased 4% from a year ago, fewer Americans are indicating they might consider buying an EV in the future. In 2023, 4% of Americans owned EVs, 12% stated they were “seriously considering buying” and 43% stated they “might consider in future” while 41% noted they would not be buying an EV, according to Gallup. Data from 2024. likewise, indicates that 7% currently own an EV, 9% are “seriously considering buying” and 35% “might consider in future” while 48% stated they would not buy one.



General assignment reporter.


RFK Jr.’s past support for higher gas prices and electric cars surfaces, old interviews show

Biden’s Climate Agenda Is Running Headfirst Into A Wall Of His Own Making

EXCLUSIVE: Swing State’s Pension Funds Used To Advance ‘Racial Equity,’ Climate Initiatives, Report Finds

Buttigieg Can’t Explain Why Biden Has Only Built ‘Seven or Eight’ EV Charging Stations – The Savage Nation

RELATED VIDEO: Buttigieg Struggles to Explain Why ‘Only 7 or 8’ EV Charging Stations ‘Have Been Produced’

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

AWED MEDIA BALANCED NEWS: We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Welcome! We cover COVID to Climate, as well as Energy to Elections.

Here is the link for this issue, so please share it on social media.

Checkout the 2024, 2023, 2022, & 2021 archives, plus asterisked items below.

— This Newsletter’s Articles, by Topic —

If You Only Have Time to Read Some Select Articles:

*** The Hunting of Sidney Powell (Parts 1 thru 5)

*** Attorney Dr. John Eastman Speaks Out About Far-Left Lawfare, Election Fraud and How to Win in 2024

*** Suspected Terrorists Illegally Entering U.S. Up Over 2,500% Under Biden From Trump Era

*** Short video: Tom Klingenstein on Trump

*** Dems are trying to remove the NC GOP candidate for K-12 Schools Superintendent from the ballot! Please help with a donation!

*** High School Teacher Who Focused on Critical Thinking Over Ideology Fired

*** To the Class of 2024: You Are All Diseased

*** Study: How Offshore Wind Drives Up Global Carbon Emissions

*** “All of the Above” — a VERY Bad Idea

*** Why ‘Cheap’ Wind & Solar Power Claims Never Stack Up

*** Wind Subsidies are Rising, but wind power production isn’t rising with them

*** Two New Studies Shed Light On Biden’s Green Energy Money Pit

*** The Green Energy Wall Can’t Arrive Quickly Enough

*** UK Government warns against solar projects on farmland

*** New York policymakers thaw on nuclear energy

*** Nuclear power takes off: meeting the growth in global electricity demand

*** Energy Sobriety In The Canadian Rockies: Natural Gas Is Here To Stay

*** Another Day, Another Mindless Attack on Fossil Energy Producers

*** What the media won’t tell you about the energy transition

*** Epstein: How EPA’s power plant rule will destroy our grid

*** Generating electricity from CO₂

*** Science Doesn’t Support Climate Activists’ Extreme Weather Claims

*** ‘Consumer Reports’ Jettisons Objectivity on Climate Change

*** Debunking the climate change hoax

*** Climate Panic May Finally Be Post-Peak

*** The Netherland’s U-Turn to Climate Sanity

*** How China Exploits America’s Climate Agenda

*** The Idea That a Scientific Theory Can Be ‘Falsified’ Is a Myth

*** DDT: A Case Study in Scientific Fraud

*** The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty – This Will Affect You

*** Addiction and Connection (Rat Park)

*** The “Widespread” Misinformation Campaign on Voting Fraud

*** Study: 10% to 27% of Non-Citizens Are Illegally Registered to Vote

House Hearing Video: American Confidence in Elections: Preventing Noncitizen Voting and Other Foreign Interference *** Highlight video

*** VA Records Show ‘Non-Citizens’ Voting

*** The Big Three Election Integrity Issues for 2024

*** Some Observations about Beliefs – Part 1

*** Is Judicial Corruption A New Problem?

*** Crowd Roars at Jerry Seinfeld’s Message for ‘Woke’ Students

*** Woke Eats Woke

*** Meetn: A product superior to Zoom?

*** Good articles about religious freedom in K-12 schools

*** Harrison Butker’s Commencement Address

*** US Dept of Education: Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools (2023)

*** COVID Lessons Learned: A Retrospective After Four Years

*** Breaking Down The New York Times’ Disgusting Plea for Vaccine Amnesty

*** NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials

Secondary Education Related:

*** Report: The Key to Fixing the US Education System

*** Dems are trying to remove the NC GOP candidate for K-12 Schools Superintendent from the ballot! Please help with a donation!

*** High School Teacher Who Focused on Critical Thinking Over Ideology Fired

*** CO2 Coalition Learning Center (for K-12 students)

***California district to pay $360K after firing Christian teacher who opposed trans pronouns policy

Lawmakers Probing Antisemitism in K-12 Schools

Higher Education Related:

*** To the Class of 2024: You Are All Diseased

Illiberal Youth Threaten Freedom

Artificial Intelligence:

The EPA’s Emissions Rule Will Strangle AI in the Crib

Epstein: Tech giants’ self-made AI energy crisis

Greed Energy Economics:

*** Why ‘Cheap’ Wind & Solar Power Claims Never Stack Up

*** Wind Subsidies are Rising, but wind power production isn’t rising with them

Unreliables (General):

*** Two New Studies Shed Light On Biden’s Green Energy Money Pit

*** The Green Energy Wall Can’t Arrive Quickly Enough

Wind Energy — Offshore:

*** Study: How Offshore Wind Drives Up Global Carbon Emissions

Offshore wind cumulative impact issue analysis

Short video: Save the Whales, Stop Turbines

Save the Whales: Kill Offshore Wind

Wind Energy — Other:

*** Taking the Wind Out of Climate Change (referencing 60± studies)

Solar Energy:

*** UK Government warns against solar projects on farmland

Nuclear Energy:

*** New York policymakers thaw on nuclear energy

*** Nuclear power takes off: meeting the growth in global electricity demand (Part 1)

*** Nuclear power takes off: the ongoing evolution of reactors (Part 2)

Nuclear power takes off: Back to Euratom? (Part 3)

Zero-emissions nuclear energy as part of a balanced mix of technologies

Fossil Fuel Energy:

*** Energy Sobriety In The Canadian Rockies: Natural Gas Is Here To Stay

*** Another Day, Another Mindless Attack on Fossil Energy Producers

Earth’s reserves of fossil fuel resources may start to dry up in the next 50 to 100 years

Winter Without Your Gasoline Car?

Down with Coal?

Electric Vehicles (EVs):

Biden’s plan to mandate electric vehicles in combat will greatly weaken and undermine the US military

Pedestrians may be twice as likely to be hit by electric/hybrid cars as gas vehicles

Misc Energy:

*** “All of the Above” — a VERY Bad Idea

*** What the media won’t tell you about the energy transition

*** Epstein: How EPA’s power plant rule will destroy our grid

*** Generating electricity from CO₂

*** Why Primary Energy is Still King!

The “All-the-Above” Energy Policy Reverses Human and Environmental Progress

A trillion here, a trillion there and soon you’re talking about real money

The Cashless Catastrophe

Questions the debate moderators need to ask Presidential Candidates about America’s energy plans

Manmade Global Warming — Some Deceptions:’

*** Science Doesn’t Support Climate Activists’ Extreme Weather Claims

*** ‘Consumer Reports’ Jettisons Objectivity on Climate Change

*** Debunking the climate change hoax

The Glory of God vs the Folly of Man in Climate

Carbon Capture and Sequestration

Carbon Capture Doesn’t Work, So Why Are They Doing It?

Biden says US spending billions to make military vehicles ‘climate friendly’

Drowning in Sewage but Dumping Money into a Climate Rathole

Professor Slams Climate ‘Scientists’ Peddling Catastrophism

German Minister admits ruinous home heating ordinances were merely a “test” to determine “how far society is prepared to go in terms of climate protection”

Manmade Global Warming — Misc:

*** Climate Panic May Finally Be Post-Peak

*** The Netherland’s U-Turn to Climate Sanity

*** How China Exploits America’s Climate Agenda

Vermont Passes Law Requiring Fossil Fuel Companies to Pay for Climate Doom

7 Reasons Why Christians Have No Reason to Worry About the Climate

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US Election:

Election-Integrity.info (10 major election reports by our team of experts, plus much more!)

*** The “Widespread” Misinformation Campaign on Voting Fraud

*** Study: 10% to 27% of Non-Citizens Are Illegally Registered to Vote

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Progressive Groups Letter in Opposition to SAVE Act

John Eastman and Other Top Attorneys Speak at Virtual Conference on Lawfare

US Election — State Issues:

*** The Big Three Election Integrity Issues for 2024

*** VA Records Show ‘Non-Citizens’ Voting

Ohio purges ‘non-citizens’ from state voter rolls

Lawmakers Decry D.C.’s Non-Citizen Voting Training

Nevada Supreme Court endorses Voter ID Initiative

Marred By Lobbying Conflicts, Georgia Election Board Member Resigns

Misc US Politics:

*** The Hunting of Sidney Powell (Parts 1 thru 5)

*** Attorney Dr. John Eastman Speaks Out About Far-Left Lawfare, Election Fraud and How to Win in 2024

*** Suspected Terrorists Illegally Entering U.S. Up Over 2,500% Under Biden From Trump Era

*** Short video: Tom Klingenstein on Trump


Liberal billionaire George Soros has spent $80 million to ‘silence’ Americans, Media Research Center says

France Joins World War On Free Speech

Societally US:

*** Some Observations about Beliefs – Part 1

*** Is Judicial Corruption A New Problem?

*** Crowd Roars at Jerry Seinfeld’s Message for ‘Woke’ Students

*** Woke Eats Woke

*** Meetn: A product superior to Zoom?

Dissident Dialogues: Meredith Miller (Q&As #1–4)

US Politics and Socialism:

Environmentalism In America Is Dead

Biden is losing World War III

Religion Related:

*** Good articles about religious freedom in K-12 schools

*** Harrison Butker’s Commencement Address

*** US Dept of Education: Guidance on Constitutionally Protected Prayer and Religious Expression in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools (2023)

Catholic groups pummel HHS secretary after heated exchange with GOP rep on transgender surgeries


*** The Idea That a Scientific Theory Can Be ‘Falsified’ Is a Myth

*** DDT: A Case Study in Scientific Fraud

To Address the Irreproducibility Crisis, Invest in Digital Archiving

Study highlights potentially cancerous toxins in vehicles

At Yale: Science Infected with DEI


*** The WHO’s Pandemic Treaty – This Will Affect You

*** Addiction and Connection (Rat Park)

Study: Fish oil supplements linked to greater first-time heart attack risk

One Health: Climate Vaccines Are Coming For The Cattle, Then For Humans

Globalists aiming to “peacefully” depopulate six billion people with mass euthanasia


Pray for the safety of the Israeli people

Latest Developments in Israel

Biden Betrays Israel, Emboldens U.S. Enemies

Pray for the safety of the Ukrainian people

A well-rated source to make a Ukraine donation

Latest Developments in Ukraine

COVID-19 — Misc:

*** COVID Lessons Learned: A Retrospective After Four Years

*** Breaking Down The New York Times’ Disgusting Plea for Vaccine Amnesty

*** NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials

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Dialogue with Mike Yeadon About Early Treatment

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Shin Bet head: ‘Israel will be the last barrier when people lose their humanity’

Arutz 7 reported today that Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) Director Ronen Bar addressed a Holocaust Remembrance Day ceremony in Samaria and pledged that Israel would continue to fight, even if the world would leave its side.

Israel Security Agency (Shin Bet) Director Ronen Bar addressed a ceremony on Monday marking Holocaust Remembrance Day in Samaria.

“In the essence of its existence, the State of Israel is first of all the last barrier preventing a situation where people lose their humanity and the world is silent,” Bar declared.

Arutz 7 added that Bar noted that “the world was silent when the Nazi Party came to power in Europe, it was silent when it began its racist incitement, it was silent on Kristallnacht, it was silent when people were gathered into ghettos, it was silent when Germany began to spread in all directions, and it was silent when the ashes of Jews covered the skies of the continent.”

He stated: “The world, which would appear to have woken up after the events of October 7th, can return to being silent. Despite this, we will continue to fight because the State of Israel can not allow itself not to be the last barrier.”

The director turned to his subordinates, saying: “Therefore, we, as servicemen, will make sure those who sanctify death will find death and those who want life who were abducted, we will return to life. Just like then, on October 7th as well the murderers didn’t differentiate between us. Israel can be the last barrier only if it’s unified, behind leadership, values, and purpose. We don’t need to agree on everything, but we must treat each other as brothers.

“We must rebuild our national resilience, our deterrence, and our alliances. We will stand as one in the face of the great darkness which continues to threaten us and the entire free world,” Bar concluded.

WATCH: Arab Israeli IDF officer reflects on the Holocaust

Maj. Ella Waweya, the highest-ranking female Arab soldier in the IDF, shares her profound journey of understanding the Holocaust as a non-Jew on the eve of Yom HaShoah.

An Arab Soldier’s Reflection: Learning About the Holocaust as an Arab-Israeli Woman in the IDF.

EDITORS NOTE: This Newsrael News Desk column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence—#NOVA the Israeli Documentary on Nova Music Festival Massacre

Here is footage recorded by Hamas themselves, victims and first responders at the Nova festival on 7th October. Unimaginable carnage and violence, all to the constant screams of “Allahu akbar!”

This film should be projected on buildings, screens, arenas, ‘encampments’, college graduation ceremonies all across the country. It should be projected onto the UN building and down at the World Trace Center.

Horrifying but must be seen.

In any war between the civilized man and the savage, support the civilized man.

The film contains difficult content Viewer discretion is advised!

WATCH: Israeli doc on Nova music festival massacre

JNS: A nearly one-hour documentary comprising first-hand video and audio footage from the Nova music festival massacre on Oct. 7 has become the most viewed film in the history of Israel’s Yes Studios.

Some 364 people were murdered at the outdoor event near Kibbutz Re’im attended by 3,500 partygoers—nearly one-third of the 1,200 people killed by Hamas terrorists during their mass invasion of the northwestern Negev. Many were wounded, and at least 40 were taken back to Gaza as hostages. There were widespread reports of rape and sexual abuse, including gang rape.

Directed by Dan Pe’er, Yes offered the “#NOVA” documentary to all Israeli outlets to air for free, and the company is working on international distribution. It is currently available in the Hebrew language of the victims and Arabic of the perpetrators.

Watch the “#Nova” documentary here. Warning: Graphic depictions of violence.



Bodies of 4 Hostages Found Under a Rug in an Innocent Civilian’s Home in Gaza

With These People In the Administration, It’s A Wonder That Biden Didn’t Betray Israel Sooner

Tel Aviv Under Heavy Missile Attack from Hamas in Rafah

EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Change Beliefs => Change Actions

An example…

In my prior three commentaries (herehere, and here), I’ve written about the many everyday Beliefs we all have and their extreme importance. Since some of this is necessarily a bit abstract, I’ll provide a real-world example that shows how some conflicts can be easily resolved…

Several years ago I volunteered to teach a once-a-week religion night school class, sponsored by our Church. The students were high school kids who attended a nearby public school. Exciting, right? There were 15 to 20 attendees each week, and we covered a wide variety of topics.

One night, one of the girls (let’s say her name was Jill), asked me this question:

Mr. Droz, I have a sister about two years younger than I am, and I love her dearly. However, she has one habit that I find extremely annoying! When I’m not home, and without asking she takes clothes from my closet. I’ve discussed it with her, complained to her, threatened her, etc., but all to no avail. How do I get her to stop, as this is ruining our relationship?

[Note: Jill’s initial Belief is that her sister is an insensitive, inconsiderate person.]

In reply, I offered two thoughts…

“Jill, one way to look at this is that your sister thinks you have exquisite taste that she wants to emulate. She has put you on a pedestal, and borrowing some of your clothes, makes her feel older and more sophisticated. Why not build on the fact that she looks up to you, and offer to go shopping with her? If you look at it that way, maybe you wouldn’t get upset?”

[Note: Jill’s new Belief is that her sister thinks she is the cat’s meow. Every time she borrows something, it’s really a sincere compliment.]

“Another thought is this. Let’s say that one day you come home from school and your mom takes you aside. She says: ‘Jill, we just came back from the doctor’s office. Your sister was diagnosed with cancer and only has two months to live.’

“Then you go to your room and find that your sister has taken one of your best outfits. What is your reaction to that going to be? Will you be angry and annoyed?”

[Note: Jill’s second new Belief is that there are more important things in life than whether her sister takes some of her clothes without permission.]

After giving these some thought Jill thanked me and said that the problem was now resolved. Three observations:

  1. This solution did not involve Jill’s initial request “How do I get my sister to stop?” Rather it was a change of perspective (Beliefs) on Jill’s part that did the trick.
  2. Both of my two thoughts involved using an analogy. Why analogies (stories) are powerful is that they are a proven and effective means of communicating with another person’s subconscious mind.
  3. By adopting either (or both) of the above two new Beliefs, Jill has new options for more effectively dealing with her sister. She may no longer even care whether her clothes are borrowed, but if she does, her chances of fixing that are improved.


Applying some Critical Thinking about your Beliefs (their accuracy, applicability, etc.) is a worthwhile expenditure of your time, and can be very rewarding…

PS — Upcoming commentaries will be about wind energy, private property rights, social justice, etc.…

©2024. John Droz, Jr. All rights reserved.

Here are other materials by this scientist that you might find interesting:

Check out the Archives of this Critical Thinking substack.

WiseEnergy.orgdiscusses the Science (or lack thereof) behind our energy options.

C19Science.infocovers the lack of genuine Science behind our COVID-19 policies.

Election-Integrity.infomultiple major reports on the election integrity issue.

Media Balance Newsletter: a free, twice-a-month newsletter that covers what the mainstream media does not do, on issues from COVID to climate, elections to education, renewables to religion, etc. Here are the Newsletter’s 2024 Archives. Please send me an email to get your free copy. When emailing me, please make sure to include your full name and the state where you live. (Of course, you can cancel the Media Balance Newsletter at any time – but why would you?

Anti-Israel Celebrities Keep Mum on Video of Five Israeli Girls Captured by Hamas


Warning graphic video:

That terrible video that has just been made public, of five just captured Israeli girls, faces bloodied, surrounded by the machine-gun toting baying wolves of Hamas who kept shoving them up against a wall and threatening them with death, while making remarks full of innuendo and sexual threat — “these are girls you can get pregnant,” “you are beautiful,” “a sex slave” — has attracted lots of horrified comment. But not from everyone. The celebrities who are rooting for Hamas were silent about this video. Instead, they had their usual anti-Israel venom to spew. More on these creatures can be found here: “Anti-Israel Celebrities Remain Silent After New Hamas Video Shows Kidnapping of Female Israeli Hostages,” by Shiryn Ghermezian, Algemeiner, May 23, 2024:

Celebrities who have regularly expressed anti-Israel sentiments since the start of the Israel-Hamas war stayed quiet on Wednesday in response to a heart-wrenching new video that shows the moments when five female Israeli soldiers were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on Oct. 7 in southern Israel.

Mark Ruffalo, Susan Sarandon, John Cusack, and Bella Hadid were among the celebrities who stayed tight-lipped as the world saw the newly released, firsthand footage in which Hamas terrorists force the female Israeli soldiers, who are covered in blood, against a wall and threaten to kill them. The women, some of whom are teenagers, were kidnapped by Hamas terrorists at the Nahal Oz base in southern Israel near the Gaza Strip. The video was taken by body cameras on the Hamas terrorists and the hostages were identified as Naama Levy, Agam Berger, Daniela Gilboa, Liri Albag, and Karina Ariev. They have been held hostage by Hamas terrorists for more than seven months.

In the clip, Hamas terrorists are heard telling the hostages in Arabic, “you dogs, we will step on you,” and “our brothers died because of you. We will shoot you all.” They also call the women “so beautiful,” and one terrorist points to the hostages while saying in Arabic, “here are the girls” who can get pregnant and “these are the Zionists.”

Instead of addressing the new Hamas video, Ruffalo — who supports a Israel-Hamas ceasefire—meaning he wants the IDF to stop fighting before it has accomplished its stated aim of dismantling Hamas —and has condemned Israel’s war against terrorists responsible for the Oct. 7 attacks — instead expressed support on Wednesday for the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court and his demand for arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s defense minister, and three Hamas leaders.

Of course, Mark Ruffalo was delighted with ICC chief prosecutor Karim Khan. Khan, after all, has requested that the ICC issue arrest warrants not just for Hamas leaders Yahya Sinwar, Mohammed Deif, and Ismail Haniyeh, but also for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, treating Israel’s leaders as morally equivalent to Hamas terrorists. Ruffalo sees nothing wrong with this; he’s convinced that the Israeli leaders are just as, or perhaps even more guilty, of “war crimes” and “crimes against humanity.” Why should Ruffalo comment on the video? After all, he may even be thinking that it is a clever Mossad put-up job. Or even if it is real, why should he be expected to comment on every aspect of the Gaza War? Besides, he knows there are plenty of people parroting Israeli propaganda; he wants to be on the other hand, to give voice to the voiceless, to stand up for Hamas.

Meanwhile, Cusack called Israel “war criminals” and shared a tweet that described the Jewish state as “genocidal,” but made no mention of the Hamas video.

Presented with video evidence of a real “war crime,” John Cusack preferred to remain silent, instead still harping on Israeli “war criminals” and the Jewish state’s “genocide.” Apparently he remains unimpressed with the 15 million text messages, the 16 million prerecorded messages, the 100,000 personal calls, and the nine million leaflets that were dropped — all part of a colossal campaign by the IDF to warn civilians away from sites and buildings about to be targeted. Do those warnings suggest an intention to commit “genocide”? And what of the eight field hospitals the IDF set up inside Gaza, or the Gazans who needed advanced care and were brought back by the IDF to be treated at Israeli hospitals. Genocide, Mr. Cusack? What genocide?

Where is your outrage, John Cusack? Or yours, Susan Sarandon? And what about you, Mark Ruffalo? Not a tear to shed for the five girls in that video? How did your moral sense become so pitiful and twisted?


RELATED ARTICLE: The Dispensable Statesman: What Impact Does Raisi’s Death Have on Iran?

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Obama State Department blocked FBI from arresting people illegally in the U.S. who were aiding Iran’s nuke program

The traitor class has been in power in Washington for quite some time.

Obama State Department blocked FBI from arresting supporters of Iran nuclear program in US: Emails

by Brooke Singman, Fox News, May 22, 2024:

EXCLUSIVE: The Obama-Biden State Department “actively interfered” to prevent the FBI from executing arrest warrants on individuals illegally in the United States who were allegedly supporting Iranian financial efforts to develop weapons of mass destruction, whistleblowers told Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson.

Fox News Digital obtained letters Grassley, R-Iowa, and Johnson, R-Wis., sent to Secretary of State Antony Blinken, FBI Director Christopher Wray, and Attorney General Merrick Garland on the matter.

The Obama-Biden administration began its Joint Plan of Action, which served as the negotiating process for the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), also known as the Iran Nuclear Deal, that was signed by then-President Obama in 2015. At the time, Obama said broader sanctions would remain in place, which the administration would “continue to enforce… vigorously.”

The United States, for decades during both Republican and Democratic administrations, imposed sanctions on “Iranian individuals, companies, and organizations for involvement in nuclear proliferation, ballistic missile development, support for terrorist groups, and human rights abuses.”

But Grassley and Johnson received unclassified and legally protected whistleblower disclosures which they say show that “while the Obama-Biden administration publicly committed to ‘preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons by raising the cost of Iran’s defiance of the international community,’ then-Secretary of State John Kerry actively interfered with the Federal Bureau of Investigation executing arrest warrants on individuals in the U.S. illegally supporting Iranian efforts, including financial efforts, to develop weapons of mass destruction and its ballistic missile program.”

The records, according to the senators, show that the Justice Department and FBI leadership, including then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch and then-FBI Director James Comey “failed to take the necessary steps to stop Kerry’s obstructive efforts against law enforcement.”

One email — an unclassified FBI email from August 25, 2017 — detailed at least eight instances connected to the Iran nuclear deal where “the FBI/DOJ/USG could have moved forward with the cases but the State Department chose to block them.”…

Continue reading.



Anti-Israel Celebrities Keep Mum on Video of Five Israeli Girls Captured by Hamas

Hezbollah Wants to Flood Europe with Syrians Now in Lebanon

American Muslims for Palestine top dog: ‘We are going to change this country forever’

France: Muslim organized criminal acts from prison cell, said ‘On the Qur’an of Mecca, wallah, you will respect me’

France: Muslim migrant, convicted ten times before, threatens to kill cops, gets psychiatric assessment

Indonesia: Muslim local official and his family disrupt Christian worship in area of Java island

PA’s Mahmoud Al-Habbash: ‘Oct. 7 can repeat itself 100 times, and perhaps even more seriously’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Deleterious Effect’: Dems Worried Anti-Israel Protests At Convention Could Throw Wrench In Biden’s Campaign

Democrats who spoke with the Daily Caller News Foundation are concerned that the optics of the expected anti-Israel protests at the party’s nominating convention in August could harm President Joe Biden’s reelection campaign.

Biden has received criticism from his left flank over his support for Israel following the Oct. 7 Hamas terrorist attack, which killed roughly 1,200 people. The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is reportedly weighing options to minimize the effects such protesters could have on the convention, as dozens of organizations are set to join the “March on the DNC” when the event begins Aug. 19.

Several Democratic operatives are worried such demonstrations could resemble the 1968 convention, also in Chicago, where Republican Richard Nixon went on to defeat Democrat Hubert Humphrey months later.

“The anti-war protests in Chicago, fairly or unfairly, reinforced the reputation of the Democrats as the party of chaos, and reinforced Nixon’s pitch to the American people as the law and order candidate. And so I think those who ignore history are at risk of repeating it,” Len Foxwell, a Democratic strategist based in Maryland, told the DCNF.

“To the extent that people look at the images on their TV screens, or on their electronic digital devices, and see these rather unsympathetic protesters and associate them with the Democratic Party, it’s hard to see how it could have anything other than a deleterious effect on the campaign,” Foxwell added.

Violent riots broke out during the 1968 Democratic convention with individuals protesting the Vietnam War, while Nixon, who pledged to crack down on crime, quietly secured the GOP nomination in Miami, Florida. Nixon handily won the White House by a 20-point margin.

A Democratic pollster and redistricting consultant focused on working class racial minorities, who was granted anonymity to speak freely about his concerns, is skeptical former President Donald Trump could capitalize off of the protests like Nixon did. Still, the pollster said Democrats are concerned, telling the DCNF the historical context of the convention is “sort of eerily reverberant.”

“It’s not that these people stopped the war in Vietnam, they elected Richard Nixon, who ran very specifically against them,” the pollster said. “This is exactly the context that everybody is worried about with the optics for the convention.”

Steve Shurtleff, a Democratic New Hampshire lawmaker and former speaker of the state House, told the DCNF that while the pro-Palestinian activists have a right to protest, he hopes it “won’t turn into Chicago of 1968.”

“A bump that the president might get from the convention could be impacted by what’s happening on the streets, and I think of the ‘68 election, how close it was between Nixon and Hubert Humphrey … and I’ve often wondered if it had been a more peaceful convention, if [Humphry] could’ve gotten his message out to more people across America,” said Shurtleff.

Those close to Biden are pushing for bringing back parts of the 2020 convention, which was largely virtually-held due to the COVID-19 pandemic, according to Politico. The DNC is reportedly considering limiting in-person speeches; pre-taping the delegation roll-call; and moving some party business off of the convention floor.

Adolph Mongo, a Democratic strategist based in Michigan, told the DCNF that the party “should be concerned” about the optics of such protests, arguing that Biden already “has a lot on his plate.”

“He has folks in the black community not feeling it like they always used to feel for the Democratic candidate. He’s got students, they’re not feeling it. The Arab population is not feeling it. Then he’s got the immigration [issue],” said Mongo. “Man, he’s fighting several fronts.”

Biden has been losing ground with crucial voting blocs that typically back Democratic by large margins, including black and youth voters, according to polling this cycle. For instance, a New York Times/Siena College survey released May 13 found black voters supporting Biden over Trump 70% to 18%, and the president only held a four-point lead among 18-to-29-year-olds.

Black voters backed Biden at 87% in 2020 compared to only 12% who supported Trump, while the president won those aged 18 to 29 by 24 points, according to Edison Research exit polling.

Pro-Palestinian protests and encampments popped up on college campuses across the country before the school year ended, including at Columbia University, Emory College, Yale University, George Washington University and the University of California at Los Angeles. Various colleges cancelled classes or moved them online as the demonstrations broke out, with some making changes to graduation ceremonies, as well.

Trump has blamed Biden for the protests ensuing on college campuses, and accused him of being “nice” to Hamas while abandoning Israel.

Foxwell noted that the protests are not an issue to Republicans, as they “don’t need this constituency.”

“They actually benefit from the perception that they have a hostile relationship with this constituency, because so many of these protesters do come across as privileged complainers, and many of whom just are interested more in performance art than a legitimate policy discussion,” said Foxwell. “The Democrats do not have that luxury.”

Some of Biden’s primary victories this cycle have been marred by protest votes, with significant campaigns like the Uncommitted National Movement, formerly Listen to Michigan, and Abandon Biden encouraging those who disagree with the president’s handling of the war in Gaza to vote for nameless ballot options.

Over 100,000 Democratic primary voters in Michigan at 13.2% supported the “uncommitted” ballot option, as well as roughly 19% in Minnesota, nearly 10% in Washington, approximately 8% in Tennessee and 6% in Alabama, according to The Associated Press estimates. Other nameless ballot options secured 12.7% support in North Carolina, 9.4% in Massachusetts, 9% in Colorado and 8.4% in Wisconsin.

Conversely, Democratic strategist Andres Ramirez isn’t concerned about the optics of such demonstrations, and argued that “protests are nothing new to Democratic conventions.”

“We’ve seen very little impact that conventions or coverage of conventions have played on an actual outcome of an election,” Ramirez added. “I think what matters most to me, again, is where candidates and campaigns and their messaging will be, come September, when voters decide to tune in.”

Biden has yet to lead in the RealClearPolitics average against Trump since September 2023, and is currently down in every battleground state.

Neither Biden’s campaign nor the DNC responded to the DCNF’s requests for comment.




RELATED ARTICLE: ‘Punish Joe’: Biden’s Handling Of Israel-Hamas War Could Cost Him Michigan

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

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‘They Got It Twisted’: Blexit Activist Tears Into Dems For ‘Fumbling’ Black Vote, Praises ‘Magical’ Trump Bronx Rally

A Blexit activist, Madeline Brame, tore into Democrats on Friday for “fumbling” the black vote as she praised presumptive 2024 Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump’s “magical” rally in the South Bronx.

Blexit is an advocacy movement named for “Black Exit.” The BLEXIT Foundation, started in 2019 by Candace Owens and Brandon Tatum, focuses on “shifting culture” away from promoting “the victimhood mentality” among black Americans through “grassroots organizing” and “educational initiatives,” according to the organization’s website.

Trump held his first campaign rally in New York since 2016 Thursday evening at Cortona Park, drawing enthusiastic supporters from the otherwise Democratic stronghold. Brame, who attended Trump’s Bronx rally, told Fox News host Will Cain the Democratic Party has “got it twisted” when it comes to the support of black voters.

“I’m very disturbed, number one, by these comments that these paid, okay, um, elected officials off on our tax dollars are making toward a whole entire demographic of American citizens. They work for us, we don’t work for them. They got it twisted,” Brame said.

“Yesterday, out of the Bronx, that was electric,” she continued. “There was something supernatural about that whole entire experience. The energy that was in that park, of people of all races, of all creeds, all religions, all together on one accord. And we were happy. And we were excited. It was magical.”

“You had to be there to understand and feel the energy. None of those rich people in suits would ever step foot in there. Donald Trump did, and we had his ear. He showed us he cared,” Brame said.

Brame’s sentiment toward the Republican candidate was echoed by numerous Bronx rally attendees of Trump’s speech, during which the former president told the audience that “it doesn’t matter” what race or “whatever the hell color you are” because “we are all American” and will “pull together” to improve the country.

Trump Campaign Launches Veterans Coalition Ahead Of Memorial Day

The Trump campaign will launch “Veterans and Military Families for Trump” on Sunday, which is a coalition with over 175 endorsements from decorated Veterans, Gold Star families and more ahead of Memorial Day, the Daily Caller has first learned.

The campaign release for Sunday, obtained Saturday by the Caller, states:

Today, President Donald J. Trump announces, “Veterans and Military Families for Trump”, a Coalition with over 175 endorsements from decorated Veterans, Gold Star families, and heroes who love our country.  This and every Memorial Day we honor and pay tribute to those patriots of service who have died.  This somber day of remembrance should also inspire us to reflect and be grateful for those of service who remain and those still serving today while risking everything to defend our great nation.

The campaign says the coalition is launching ahead of Memorial Day, and will send out a release touting Trump’s military record compared to President Joe Biden and heavily criticizing Biden’s role as Commander-in-chief.

“UNLIKE BIDEN, PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS HONORED AMERICA’S VETERANS,” the release will read. Followed by another bullet point that states: “Meanwhile, President Trump made historic accomplishments for America’s veterans.”

The release goes on to mention healthcare for veterans, improving benefits for veterans, preventing veteran suicide and providing better mental health care, and reforming the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). The campaign then rips Biden for his treatment of gold star families, saying his policy mistakes have emboldened terrorists, and saying Biden has chosen to politicize the U.S. military.

“To every Veteran, ‘you are America’s greatest living heroes, and we will cherish you now, always, and forever,” Trump states in the release.

Here Are Trump’s Veterans and Military Families for Trump Endorsees:

  • Graham Allen, Staff Sergeant (E-6) – U.S. Army, SC
  • Ryan Aument, State Senator; Captain – U.S. Army, PA
  • Brian Babin, U.S. Representative (TX-36); Captain – U.S. Air Force, TX
  • Jim Baird, U.S. Representative (IN-04); First Lieutenant – U.S. Army, IN
  • Al Baldasaro, Former NH State Representative; First Sargeant – U.S. Marine Corps, NH
  • Jim Banks, U.S. Representative (IN-03); Supply Corps Officer – U.S. Navy Reserve, IN
  • Jake Banta, State Representative; U.S. Navy Seal (E-5), PA
  • Kelly Barnett, Gold Star Family; Mother of U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover, UT
  • David Basulto, Sergeant – U.S. Army, AZ
  • Jack Bergman, U.S. Representative (MI-01); Commander of Marine Forces North/Marine Forces Reserve, Lieutenant General – U.S. Marine Corps, MI
  • Brad Bieghler, Information Technology Officer, OH
  • Cynthia Bieghler, Captain – U.S. Marine Corps, OH
  • Hugh Blackwell, State House Representative; U.S. Army Reserve, NC
  • Paul Bodine, Trump Caucus Captain; E1, NV
  • Kevin Bojarski, Staff Sergeant – U.S. Army National Guard, OH
  • Sonny Borrelli, State Senate LD30; Gunnery Sergeant – U.S. Marine Corps, AZ
  • Mike Bost, U.S. Representative (IL-12); Corporal (E-4) – U.S. Marine Corps, IL
  • Coral Briseno, Gold Star Family; Mother of U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Humberto Sanchez, IN
  • Danny Britt, State Senator; Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Army National Guard, NC
  • Mark Brody, State House Representative; U.S. Navy Reserve, NC
  • Vern Buchanan, U.S. Representative (FL-16); U.S. Air Force – Air National Guard, FL
  • Tyrone Buchanan, Community Member Warrant Officer, NV
  • Larry Bucshon, U.S. Representative (IN-08); Serviceman – U.S. Navy Reserve, IN
  • David Burck, Corporal, Military Police, U.S. Marine Corps, FL
  • Chad Canton, Seabee – U.S. Navy, EOCN; Founder of Operation Free Nation, SC
  • Mike Carey, U.S. Representative (OH-15); U.S. Army National Guard, OH
  • David Clark, State Representative; U.S. Army, GA
  • Andrew Clyde, U.S. Representative (GA-9); Commander – U.S. Navy, GA
  • Walter Conner Sr., Colonel – U.S. Marine Corps, NJ
  • Elijah Crane, U.S. Representative (AZ-2); U.S. Navy SEAL, AZ
  • Patrick Cubbage, Paratrooper – U.S. Army, 11th Special Forces Group, Green Beret, PA
  • Warren Daniel, State Senator – U.S. Army, NC
  • Stephe Davi, Volunteer Warrant Officer, NV
  • Warren Davidson, U.S. Representative (OH-8); Infantryman – U.S. Army, OH
  • Francis DeBois, Command Sergeant – U.S. Army, FL
  • Sam DeMarco, Allegheny City Councilman; Lance Corporal – U.S. Marine Corps, PA
  • Danielle Downs, Senior Master Sergeant (E-4) – U.S. Air Force, OH
  • Jessie Jane Duff, Gunnery Sergeant – U.S. Marine Corps, DC
  • Cris Dush, State Senator; Master Sergeant (E-7) – U.S. Air Force, PA
  • Jake Ellzey, U.S. Representative (TX-10); Lieutenant – U.S. Navy, TX
  • Pat Fallon, U.S. Representative (TX-4); Captain – U.S. Air Force, TX
  • Scott Fitzgerald, U.S. Representative (WI-05); Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Army Reserve, WI
  • C. Scott Franklin, U.S. Representative (FL-18); Commander – U.S. Navy, FL
  • Brian Gamble, Petty Officer 3rd Class FA/FO Specialist – U.S. Navy, FL
  • Mike Garcia, U.S. Representative (CA-27); Lieutenant Commander – U.S. Navy, CA
  • Stacy Garrity, State Treasurer; U.S Army Reserve Colonel, PA
  • Mark “OZ” Geist, Benghazi Hero; U.S. Marine Corps, CO
  • Sean George, Founder, Beard Vet Coffee – U.S. Marine Corps, NE
  • John Gillette, State Rep. LD30, Command Sergeant Major – U.S. Army, AZ
  • Ed Goodwin, State House Representative – U.S. Air Force, NC
  • Ken Gray, Assemblyman, NV39; Chief Master Sergeant – U.S. Air Force, NV
  • Mark Green, U.S. Representative (TN-07); Major – U.S. Army, TN
  • Elbert Guillory, Ret. YN2, Petty Officer 2nd Class – U.S. Navy, LA
  • Brett Guthrie, U.S. Representative (KY-02) Field Artillery Officer – U.S. Army, KY
  • Jeff Hadden, Soldier Valley Spirits, U.S. Army, NE
  • Kris Hager, Gold Star Father of U.S. Army Staff Sergeant Joshua R. Hager, FL
  • Joseph Hall, Specialist – U.S. Army, Lead Pastor at Crossroads Church, IA
  • Joe Hamm, State Representative; Specialist – Pennsylvania Army National Guard, PA
  • Bobby Hanig, State Senator; U.S. Army, NC
  • Phil Harding, Colonel – U.S. Air Force, MS
  • Kelly Hastings, State House Representative; Captain – U.S. Marine Corps & Reserve, NC
  • Mario Herrera, USMC, RNHA Regional Director, WI
  • Clay Higgins, U.S. Representative (LA-03); Staff Sergeant – U.S. Army, LA
  • Blaine Hold, CEO of Irascible Strategies, General – U.S. Air Force, ID
  • Darin Hoover, Gold Star Family; Father of U.S. Marine Corps Staff Sergeant Taylor Hoover, UT
  • Wesley Hunt, U.S. Representative (TX-38); Captain – U.S. Army, TX
  • Darrell Issa, U.S. Representative (CA-48); Captain – U.S. Army, CA
  • Nathan Jackson, Former Arizona GOP Second Vice Chairman, AZ
  • Ronny Jackson, U.S. Representative (TX-13); Rear Admiral – U.S. Navy, TX
  • John James, U.S. Representative (MI-10); Ranger-Qualified Aviation Officer – U.S. Army, MI
  • Jesus Jimenez, U.S. Army, TX
  • Bill Johnson, U.S. Representative (OH-06); Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Air Force, OH
  • Cheryl Jules, Gold Star Family; Aunt of U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole Gee, CA
  • Keith Kellogg, Former National Security Advisor; Lieutenant General – U.S. Army, VA
  • Trent Kelly, U.S. Representative (MS-01); Major General – U.S. Army National Guard, MS
  • John King, Insurance and Safety Fire Commissioner; Major General – U.S. Army, GA
  • Nick LaLota, U.S. Representative (NY-01); Lieutenant – U.S. Navy, NY
  • Frank LaRose, Veteran; Ohio Secretary of State, OH
  • Michael Larraza, State Senator; Corporal – U.S Marine Corps, NC
  • James Livingston, Major General – U.S. Marine Corps, SC
  • Bob Livingston, Major General – U.S. Marine Corps, SC
  • Michael Logue, Veterans for Trump; Corporal – U.S. Marine Corps, OH
  • Steve Loomis, Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Army, OH
  • Herman Lopez, Gold Star Family; Father of U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Hunter Lopez, CA
  • Alicia Lopez, Gold Star Family; Mother of U.S. Marine Corps Corporal Hunter Lopez, CA
  • Don Loren, Former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense; Former Assistant Secretary of Veterans Affairs, Rear Admiral – U.S. Navy, VA
  • Barry Loudermilk, U.S. Representative (GA-11); Communications Operations Specialist – U.S. Air Force, GA
  • Jarrod Lowery, State House Representative; U.S. Marine Corps, NC
  • Anna Paulina Luna, U.S. Representative (FL-13); Airfield Management Specialist – U.S. Air Force,
  • Zach Mako, Chief Warrant Officer – U.S. Army, PA
  • Rob Maness, Colonel – U.S. Air Force, MS
  • David Marshall, State Rep. LD7; U.S. Air Force, AZ
  • Rey Martinez, State Representative; Petty Officer 1st Class – U.S. Navy, GA
  • David Martinez, Former Police Officer; Veteran, GA
  • Reynaldo “Rey” Martinez, State Representative; U.S. Navy, GA
  • Brian Mast, Chair of Veterans and Military Families for Trump; U.S. Representative (FL-21); Staff Sergeant – U.S. Army, FL
  • Douglas Mastriano, State Senator; Colonel – U.S. Army, PA
  • Richard McArthur, Assemblyman NV4; Air Force, NV
  • Jim McCollum, Gold Star Family; Father of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Rylee McCollum, WY
  • Derrick McCollum, State Representative, GA
  • Rich McCormick, U.S. Representative (GA-06); Commander – U.S. Marine Corps, GA
  • Dave McCormick, U.S. Senate Candidate, Captain – U.S. Army, PA
  • Chuck McDougald, Veterans for Trump; Captain – U.S. Army Green Berets, CA
  • Steven McEwen, Santa Cruz GOP Chair, AZ
  • Ashley McTaggart, Technical Sergeant – U.S. Air Force, OH
  • Rob Mercuri, State Representative; Captain – U.S. Army, PA
  • Lawrence Michels, Trump Caucus Captain; U.S. Navy, NV
  • Max Miller, U.S. Representative (OH-07); Corporal – U.S. Marine Corps Reserve, OH
  • Cory Mills, U.S. Representative (FL-07); 82nd Airborne Division – U.S. Army FL
  • Barry Moore, U.S. Representative (AL-02); Alabama National Guard, AL
  • Tom Morrissey, Former AZGOP Chair & Former Payson Mayor, AZ
  • Jim Muhr, Purple Heart & Silver Star – U.S. Army, AZ
  • Troy Nehls, U.S. Representative (TX-22); U.S. Army Reserve, TX
  • Eric Nelson, State Representative; Sergeant (E-5) U.S Marines, PA
  • Steve Nikoui, Gold Star Family; Father of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Kareem Nikoui, CA
  • Dennis Normile, Operation Enduring Freedom; U.S. Army, OH
  • Scott O’Grady, Captain – U.S. Air Force, TX
  • Bruce Parks, Washoe GOP Chairman; U.S. Army, NV
  • Tracy Pennycuick, State Senator; Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Army, PA
  • Richard Pennycuick, Colonel – U.S. Army, PA
  • Scott Perry, U.S. Representative (PA-10); Commander – Pennsylvania National Guard, PA
  • Ronald Persely, U.S. Army, NV
  • August Pfluger, U.S. Representative (TX-11); Colonel – U.S. Air Force, TX
  • Lawrence Pollak, Commander of the Jewish War Veterans Post #44, OH
  • Larry Potts, State House Representative; U.S. Air Force, NC
  • Grant Quezada, Founding Fathers Collective, AZ
  • Ron Rabin, Colonel – U.S. Army, NC
  • Paul Renner, Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives; Commander – U.S. Navy, FL
  • Guy Reschenthaler, U.S. Representative (PA-14); JAG Attorney – U.S. Navy, PA
  • Dennis Riddell, State House Representative; U.S. Navy Reserve, NC
  • Don Roberts, U.S. Air Force, OH
  • Mark Rody, SGM – U.S. Army (Retired); MS
  • Hal Rogers, U.S. Representative (KY-22); Kentucky and North Carolina National Guard, KY
  • Wendy Rogers, State Senate LD7; U.S. Air Force, AZ
  • E. Brian Rose, Past President of Jackson County MS Republican Club; Joint Combat Camera Team – U.S. Air Force, MS
  • Greg Rothman, State Senator; Staff Sergeant – U.S. Marine Corps, PA
  • Peter Samuolis, Veteran, NV
  • John Sauls, State House Representative; U.S. Army, NC
  • Gary Sayre, First Sergeant – U.S. Marine Corps, NV
  • Gregg Schiffbauer, Community Member; Past Commander; Solera Veterans and First Responders, NV
  • Mark Schmitz, Gold Star Family; Father of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, MO
  • Jaclyn Schmitz, Gold Star Family; Stepmother of U.S. Marine Corps Lance Corporal Jared Schmitz, MO
  • Keith Self, U.S. Representative (TX-03); Special Forces/Ranger; Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Army, TX
  • Darin Selnick, Senior Advisor to Concerned Veterans for America; Captain – U.S. Air Force, CA
  • Tony Shaffer, President, London Center, Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Army Reserve, NY
  • Christy Shamblin, Gold Star Family; Mother-in-Law of U.S. Marine Corps Sergeant Nicole Gee, CA
  • Orlando Sonza, Candidate for U.S. Representative (OH-01) (Infantry and Finance Officer – U.S. Army); OH
  • Howard Stein, Veteran, Trump Caucus Captain, NV
  • W. Gregory Steube, U.S. Representative (FL-17); JAG Corps – U.S. Army, FL
  • Chris Stickan, Captain – U.S. Army, OH
  • Charles Strange, Gold Star Family; Father of Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Strange of Philadelphia, PA
  • Elizabeth Strange, Gold Star Family; Mother of Petty Officer 1st Class Michael Strange of Philadelphia, PA
  • Brad Thomas, Veteran, State Representative; GA
  • Michael Thornton, Vietnam Veteran; Lieutenant – U.S. Navy, TX
  • William Timmons, U.S. Representative (SC-04); JAG Officer and Captain, South Carolina Air National Guard, SC
  • Richard Toal, Warrent Officer, NV
  • Chris Turner, Corporal – U.S. Marine Corps, TN
  • Steve Tyson, State House Representative; U.S. Army, NC
  • Carolyn Uecker, Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Air Force, OH
  • Michael Uecker, Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Air Force, OH
  • Derrick Van Orden, U.S. Representative (WI-03); Senior Chief – U.S. Navy, WI
  • JD Vance, United States Senator; U.S. Marine Corps, OH
  • Michael Waltz, U.S. Representative (FL-06); Colonel, Green Beret – U.S National Guard, FL
  • Barry Ward, Captain, U.S. Army, CA
  • Bill Ward, State House Representative; U.S. Army and U.S. Army Reserve, NC
  • Shawn Welch, Colonel, U.S. Army, PA
  • Brad Wenstrup, U.S. Representative (OH-02); Colonel – U.S. Army Reserve Medical Service Corps, OH
  • Allen West, Lieutenant Colonel – U.S. Army, TX
  • Brandon Williams, U.S. Representative (NY-22); Lieutenant – U.S. Navy, NY
  • Dr. Cordie Williams, Corporal – U.S. Marine Corps, NY
  • Peter Wilson, Chairman – Harrison County GOP; U.S. Army, MS
  • David Wilson, U.S. Army, NV
  • Joe Wilson, U.S. Representative (SC-02); Colonel – U.S. Army Reserves, South Carolina Army National Guard, SC
  • Steve Womack, U.S. Representative (AR-03); Colonel – Arkansas National Guard, AR
  • Ryan Zinke, U.S. Representative (MT-01); Commander – U.S. Navy, MT
  • Mark LaJoye, Former Candidate for Muscogee County Sheriff; Intelligence and Special Operations – U.S. Army, GA

“It is an honor to support Donald J. Trump for President of the United States. As a 32-year military veteran who served as an infantryman in combat multiple times, and who served in the White House, I know what it means to have a resolute, confident, fearless leader as Commander in Chief. Donald J. Trump is that man. Without equivocation, he has my full support,” Keith Kellogg, Lt. Gen. (Ret) and Former National Security Advisor told the Caller.

The campaign is launching a website for the Veterans and Military Families for Trump coalition, veterans.donaldjtrump.com, where veterans and military families can learn more about how to get involved with the campaign ahead of the election.



Chief National Correspondent.

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.