VIDEO: Biden’s gaffes suggest former VP ‘is losing his memory and is getting senile’

In the below September, 2019 video Brit Hume, who has covered Joe Biden’s political career since his first days in the Senate, stated that Biden’s recent gaffes are “of a different character” rather than mere slips of the tongue.

In a June 19, 2020 Zogby Analytics poll stated 55 percent of likely voters think “it was more likely that Vice President Biden is in the early stages of dementia, while 45 percent think it was less likely.”

In this video titled “Fortitude” the Trump campaign compiles gaffes by Joe Biden:

In a March 12, 2020 video Sky News host Rita Panahi says “no matter how hard the Democrats and their allies in the media try, Biden’s cognitive issues can no longer be ignored”.

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Biden Campaign Agrees to Three Debates With Trump

Biden says he was VP at time of Parkland Shooting in latest campaign gaffe

The Zogby Poll®: A majority of voters believe Biden is in the early stages of dementia; 60% of younger voters think so; Swing voters less likely to think Biden has dementia

PODCAST: President Trump Responds to Lawmakers’ Negligence in Seattle



Reagan McCarthy is the Web Editor at and an alumna of The Pennsylvania State University where she studied Political Science and Broadcast Journalism. While at Penn State Reagan served as the President of the Penn State College Republicans and the Executive Director for the Pennsylvania Federation of College Republicans.

TOPIC: President Trump Responds to Lawmakers’ Negligence in Seattle


Jerome R. Corsi, New York Times Best Selling Author, Investigative Journalist and Political Analyst. He worked as a Senior Staff Reporter for Since 2004, Dr. Corsi has published over 25 books, seven of which were New York Times Bestsellers, including two #1 New York Times best-sellers. In 2018, NewsMax published Killing the Deep State: The Fight to Save President Trump, a New York Times bestseller. He has written a first-hand account of his experience with the Mueller Office of Special Counsel in his book Silent No More: How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller’s ‘Witch Hunt,’.

TOPIC: The Plan to Remove Donald Trump from the Presidency


Daria Novak is the President of the Institute for American Politics & Center for Great Power Studies. Foreign Policy Advisor to Israelite Samaritans. Weekly columnist on foreign/defense policy for American Analysis of News and Media. Daria is the co-host of the Vernuccio/Novak Report, nationally both on broadcast radio and the web at Daria also co-hosts of the “The American Political Zone,” Broadcast on AUN-TV and cable in eastern Connecticut.

TOPIC: Responding to China

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MISSOURI: Muslim who once threatened to behead a rival with ‘the sword of Islam’ launches petition to rename city of St. Louis

Umar Lee is a convert to Islam from St. Louis, was once enough of an Islamic supremacist to write to a rival: “i could cut your neck with the sword of islam and watch you squeal like a bitch like daniel pearl.” In an email exchange with me, he endorsed the death penalty for apostasy. He is also an unstable personality who briefly returned to Christianity in 2013, only to become a Muslim again abruptly and under circumstances that were never explained. He has also been on record for years as a hater of America, writing back in 2009 that it was not permissible for Muslims to join an infidel army.

Now he is enjoying another moment in the spotlight due to the Leftist/jihadist alliance. Given the aggression and fanaticism of the Leftists who are tearing down statues these days, and the ignorant cowards on the other side who neither know their own history or are inclined to defend it, he may well get his wish. Make no mistake: this call to rename St. Louis is not based on Louis IX’s antisemitism. As far as Umar Lee and his cohorts are concerned, that is likely a mark in his favor. The problem with Louis IX is that he was a Christian, and not any ordinary Christian, but a Crusade leader. That will not do in our woke new world. Watch for the unveiling of Saladin, Missouri.

“Petition calls for St. Louis to be renamed, removal of statue on Art Hill,” by Sam Masterson, KMOX, June 19, 2020:

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – A petition has been made with hopes of changing the city’s name in St. Louis and taking down a statue of its namesake, Saint Louis IX in Forest Park. The creators say the city’s name is “outright disrespect” to Jewish and Muslim residents and they’re asking for support.

The petition on was started this week, after the statue of Christopher Columbus in Tower Grove Park was taken away. Local writer Umar Lee is a co-signer of the petition.

“For those unfamiliar with King Louis IX he was a rabid anti-semite who spearheaded many persecutions against the Jewish people. Centuries later Nazi Germany gained inspiration and ideas from Louis IX as they embarked on a campaign of murderous genocide against the Jewish people. Louis IX was also vehemently Islamophobic and led a murderous crusade against Muslims which ultimately cost him his life,” the petition states.

The statue of Louis IX, which now sits on top of Art Hill in front of the St. Louis Art Museum, was unveiled in 1906. It served as the symbol of St. Louis until the Gateway Arch was completed in 1965.

Louis IX is the only King of France to be canonized in the Catholic Church. He became king when he was 12-years-old and is credited with changing the judicial process in France, with trials no longer being settled by combat, but instead by evidence and Roman law.

He was also known as a devoted Catholic, who ordered the burning of some 12,000 manuscript copies of the Talmud and other Jewish books.

“I ask all people of good faith committed to the modern values of equity and coexistence to sign this petition to rename the City of St. Louis to something more suitable and indicative of our values,” the petition states….


UK: Cousin of migrant from Libya who stabbed three people to death says he converted to Christianity

Germany: Muslim migrants board tram, spit on woman, stab another passenger in neck, arms and shoulder

Austria: “In addition to ‘Black Lives Matter’ we should start a new campaign with the motto ‘Muslim rights matter’”

Canada: Muslim doctor gets no penalty for sex assault of 16-year-old, was ‘struggling to express’ gay identity

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

19 Black Americans Explain Why They’re Conservative

These are difficult times, and Americans are looking for guidance on how to make sense of the most divisive issues we face. When it comes to race in America, Heritage President Kay C. James says that conservatives should be leading the civil rights movement.

That’s why The Daily Signal reached out to African American conservatives to ask why they are conservative. Here are their responses.

1. W.B. Allen: Good Sense Needs No Explanation

My political conservatism is an effect or consequence, not a cause.

I am an American patriot, informed by a deep appreciation of the human significance of the advance in human affairs occasioned by the founding of the United States. For the first time in human history, the idea that mankind in general was capable of self-government had been realized.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Moreover, the fulfillment of the promises attending that realization have been made manifest in the consistent progress of civilization in the United States, in which the power of the individual and the value of self-agency, informed by the security of religious conviction, have steadily reinforced real material progress and the opportunity for moral progress.

For those reasons, it is a matter of prudent judgment that one’s political exertions should ever be careful to reinforce and not to undermine the foundations of the hopes invested in the political constitution of this nation.

The United States was formed as a lamp unto the world, and whatever undermines the power of the United States to perform that role constitutes an impediment to human happiness.

If it is conservative to wish to preserve the “last best hope of man” on earth, then such conservatism is the effect of devotion to liberty. No one could do otherwise, if guided by good sense and a due appreciation of the values of faith, freedom, and responsibility.

W. B. Allen, Ph.D., is the chief operating officer of UrbanCURE.

2. Brian Bledsoe: Most Fair for All

As a conservative who happens to be Black, I’m typically asked why I am a conservative. So here’s why.

I’m a conservative because the most innocent among us should be given the chance to live.

I’m a conservative because you shouldn’t be punished for being successful.

I’m a conservative because securing our borders against those who seek to come here illegally should be as commonsensical as securing our residences.

I’m a conservative because we need to defend the Second Amendment more than ever from the constant and vicious attack on our right to bear arms.

I’m a conservative because speech should be free whether I agree with it or not.

I’m a conservative because I stand against the deceptive allure of an all-controlling government by way of socialism, which threatens everything that made this country great.

I’m a conservative because we should remain forever vigilant in advocating limited government.

Leftists will argue that being conservative goes against what they perceive is in my self-interest. I’m a conservative because the principles of conservatism are the most effective, realistic, and fair for all—regardless of individual outcome.

Brian Bledsoe is a Heritage Action Sentinel from Texas.

3. The Rev. Arnold M. Culbreath: Not Sellouts, but Solutions

We are living in turbulent times. Racial tensions run high, and intensified feelings, conversations, shouts, and pressure reverberate across the land. And in the midst of all this, a wide variety of perspectives abound.

Being Black in America is not easy. However, I remain hopeful and work to make America better every day. As a pastor, Army veteran, business owner, and national ministry leader, I strive to model what being a Christian, socially conscientious, Black man in America looks like, while frequently facing racism and exclusion in the process.

In spite of the odds, I have labored long and participated in initiatives that help hopeless and hurting people, and programming that moves past rhetoric to get real resources to people in need. Things like after-school feeding programs, grocery giveaways, the First Step Act, opportunity zones, free help to women in crisis pregnancies, and more.

These principles need not be defined or confined by polarizing labels such as left or right, conservative or liberal. The question is: Does an initiative strengthen and lift impoverished and disenfranchised people and communities that need it most?

If so, collaboration is desperately needed to serve those ravished by a pandemic, shaken by injustices such as the brutal killing of George Floyd and many others at the hands of police, racial upheaval, and socio-economic disparities, and we need it now.

In order for this to occur, name-calling and marginalizing of viewpoints must stop. It’s much more helpful to stop viewing me and others like me as “Uncle Toms,” but as fellow team members. Not as sellouts, but as solutions to the problems.

This is our country, and our world, so let’s work to make it the absolute best that we can together.

The Rev. Arnold M. Culbreath is the director of ministry engagement at the Douglass Leadership Institute.

4. Michael E. Kerridge: Reasonable Human Imperative

If anyone is willing to step away from the noise and cacophonic discourse that now compromise political discussion, we can begin to see that conservatism is not just an opposing or competing ideology. It is a human imperative wrought in the will and psyche of every reasonable person.

I am a conservative because personal initiative favors personal economic freedom. I oppose excessive government control of business and the subversion of the traditional family structure. I fully endorse and favor a free-market economy and the rule of law.

The values inherent in the individualism of my grandmother that spawned four generations of conservative thought and action embodied the sentiment that “all are created equal,” and that government does not bestow anything on anyone.

The entrepreneurship, individual effort, and hard work that made all of my grandmother’s efforts and her life rich and full have influenced and spawned generational success. This makes me a “reasonable man,” a reasonable person.

The family is a microcosm of what works best for all of mankind. We realize that God created us male and female, that we are to train up our children and equip them with self-confidence, discipline, and respect for all that is good and right.

This fortifies our society with reasonable people who think critically about their impact and legacy for their families, their fellow citizens, and their society.

Only this actually works for all concerned.

Michael E. Kerridge is a Heritage Action Sentinel from Florida.

5. Liz Matory: From Liberal to Liberated

My greatest desire is for more Americans to remember their conservative roots. Five years ago, I feared conservatives. I thought they were “the bad guys” and that “they” didn’t care about Black people.

Like so many Washingtonians and women of color, I was a liberal by default and never questioned being one. I just knew that I wasn’t supposed to be a conservative.

I became an independent voter in 2015. I had become extremely disenchanted and disheartened with the status quo. If anything, I was desperate to find solutions that would really make a difference.

It was only then when I had the guts to read Barry Goldwater’s “The Conscience of a Conservative” and Arthur Brooks’ “The Conservative Heart.” Through all of my schooling and political activism, I admit I never really knew what conservatives believed. I only knew they were the “enemy.”

If you had told me just five years ago that I would be a conservative, like a Bible, pro-life, and guns conservative, I would not have believed you. But I am. A very proud one.

Everything makes sense now, especially when it comes to the issues that still face “Black America.” We are actually conservatives, and have been since the beginning. It is as if our heritage was purposefully obscured to ensure we would not advance. We need only to flip the switch to see the light.

Faith. Family. Freedoms. Free enterprise. There is no color to it. Just truth.

Liz Matory is the author of “Born Again Republican” and “Becoming Born Again.”

6. Lenny McAllister: Advancing Freedom for All

As America has taught the world over our modern history, the power of free markets and conservative principles has broken down systems of oppression from Montgomery to Mumbai.

These principles have lifted many in Latin America and Asia out of poverty. They forced integration of public facilities through boycotts. They continue to push for life-enhancing innovations in technology, education, and retail.

A lifestyle that allows one to embrace one’s potential, explore one’s destiny, and self-determine one’s successes is a lifestyle that extols the American Dream.

With our conservative principles, we grasp both the legality and sentiment of the Constitution, the founding vision for our nation, and the power of perseverance in America.

Visionary conservatives leading within modern America take the best of our foundation and apply contemporary lessons of courage and tact to pursue a more perfect union.

We leverage time-tested convictions to weather social storms, populist ramblings, and economic hardships.

We put feelings aside at a time when emotions are high, yet values must prevail.

We value God-given rights for Americans of all backgrounds, defending a Constitution that protects these timeless gifts.

Why am I a conservative? Why should conservatives lead the civil rights movement? Because only through the fulfilled promise of constitutional conservatism will America entrench itself as the beacon of freedom, opportunity, and prosperity that truly lifts character over color, results over race, and justice over prejudice.

I, like many Americans before me, pursue the fulfillment of that promise in my daily walk.

Lenny McAllister is director of Western Pennsylvania for Commonwealth Foundation, Pennsylvania’s free-market think tank.

7. Emery McClendon: Working for Everyone

For years we have heard it over and over that Blacks are loyal to the Democratic Party. The Democrats believe that Blacks blindly follow their party’s principles because of a “herd mentality,” and refuse to change or consider voting for Republican or conservative principles.

Democrats believe this even though many Blacks find themselves out of sync with many of the policies of the Democratic Party platform.

Recently, for good reasons, Blacks have begun to depart from the party and embrace conservatism. I am proud to be among those that have made that choice.

There are many reasons to embrace conservatism. Perhaps one of the chief reasons for making this choice is that one may embrace and pursue his or her own destiny and develop a sense of pride in individual accomplishment. This is a very important aspect if one values his or her sense of personal responsibility and seeks prosperity.

Conservatism allows an individual to excel beyond the dependency and imposed reliance forced upon him by the government, and gives one the desire to work toward greater life goals.

Conservatism, unlike Democratic ideology, brings one to a point of satisfaction for the accomplishments of life, and creates a deep desire to work harder, not unambitiously.

I choose to determine my own destiny and to illustrate to my posterity sound economic and life principles that will help them become successful in life, and not become wards of the state.

In short, conservatism works for everyone.

Emery McClendon is a Heritage Action Sentinel from Indiana.

8. Charlotte D. McGuire: Against All Odds

How did I become the vice president of the Ohio Board of Education? It was totally unexpected. I am not an educator by profession or experience.

But, over 100,000 citizens in a five-county territory elected me as their representative. Then, by surprise, a board colleague nominated me for the office of vice president and I won by one vote.

This honor caused me to pause and reflect on where I came from and why I do what I do. I am a conservative by choice. Conservatism’s principles of life, freedom, faith, family, personal responsibility, limited government, and free markets all aligned with my biblical worldview and values, and, therefore my actions.

I was raised in the segregated South during the Jim Crow era. Racism was alive, well, and “in your face.”

But, against all odds, I overcame the obstacles of racism and discrimination that I faced.

My parents were key. They encouraged me and told me that hard work and dedication would pay off. My dad said, “If you’re going to be a ditch digger, be the best ditch digger there is.” My mom told me that when I faced racists, “kill them with kindness.”

Against all odds, my dad worked two jobs so his five children would have an opportunity to go to college. My dad and mom believed that education was key to our freedom and independence. They didn’t want us to depend on the government.

In Memphis, Tennessee, I was the colored girl who could only go to the zoo on Tuesday. Or, if I wanted go see a movie at the Malco Theatre, I had to use the side entrance, climb what seemed like a million steps, and sit in the balcony.

My race designation evolved to Negro and I participated in the 1968 protest to support garbage collectors’ job rights. With my parents’ approval, and as a high school senior in a segregated educational system, I waited in downtown Memphis at a rally to hear civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. He was the hope of the ages for Black Americans who wanted equal opportunities to succeed.

Dr. King never showed up. He was assassinated, and rioting broke out in downtown Memphis and around the country.

My senior class trip to Washington, D.C., was cancelled. A couple of months later, I graduated from the same school as my parents, Booker T. Washington High School.

Being the first person in my family to go to college during this turbulent time, I was sent north to attend Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio. There, I had family members to assure my safety and support me.

My conservative values caused me to pray and persevere against all odds. I believe all my rights come from God. I believe in the self-evidentiary clause that I am created equal among a diverse humanity.

I believe that I have the right to life and liberty, and to pursue happiness. I believe I have the innate right to become who I was providentially purposed to be. To our Creator be all the glory.

Against all odds, I finished Central State University with a bachelor’s degree in business administration during a time of protests, from 1968 to 1973. I completed a few University of Dayton graduate courses in public administration. I became a “voice” for the homeless, hungry, elderly, families, and children’s educational success.

Against all odds, as a conservative and a former municipal government and nonprofit executive, I am now vice president of the Ohio Board of Education.

Charlotte D. McGuire was a local government and nonprofit leader before being elected to the Ohio Board of Education.

9. The Rev. Dean Nelson: Best for All People

I am a conservative. I had a happy childhood growing up in rural Virginia, but I heard the N-word as a matter of course. There was a restaurant in our town that refused service to Blacks well into the 1980s.

My high school guidance counselor encouraged me to enlist in the military instead of applying to college. Some friends who cheered my admission to Howard raised their eyebrows when I transferred to the University of Virginia.

As an adult, I have—like most other Black men in America—been pulled over by cops for no reason, as has my almost 19-year-old son. A white woman allowed her dog to bite me while I was jogging on a public sidewalk in my own neighborhood because she said I got too close to her. My daughter was falsely accused of shoplifting at the age of 13. I could go on.

Being a conservative does not mean I deny the existence of racism—individual or systemic. I am a conservative because I want economic prosperity, limited government, and strong families for everyone.

I believe Black Americans deserve more autonomy over our own lives, not less, and I want to live in a society that protects Black people’s right to create the good life for ourselves rather than wait naively for a magical set of social services to rescue us.

I am not conservative despite my race. I am conservative because I believe conservative principles are best for my race, and for all people.

The Rev. Dean Nelson is chairman of the Douglass Leadership Institute.

10. Sophia A. Nelson: Sustained Opportunity

Our nation is hurting right now. Our nation needs a deep spiritual and soul healing right now.

For so long, the voices of Black conservatives have been questioned. Called “Uncle Tom.” Called “sellout.” Or worse.

I believe that the time for divisions among us as Black people is over. It is now time for us to unite in solidarity, not just in the fight for “Black lives” and their value, but in the fight for us to live out our nation’s earliest credo: e pluribus unum. Out of many, one.

If we are to win this fight for the soul of America, conservatives no longer can run from that fight. I am a conservative because I believe in smaller, less government.

I believe in the wisdom and patriotism of “we the people,” not that of a centralized, overburdensome government.

I believe in religious liberty and freedom.

I believe in the rights of the people to peacefully assemble and to bear arms.

I believe that all men and women are created equal and endowed by our Creator with life, liberty, and the right to pursue happiness.

I am a conservative who loves her people deeply. It is time for Black conservatives, moderates, and liberals alike to work across ideological lines to help develop and guide our community to educational, economic, political, and social policies that will create sustained opportunity, access, ownership, and freedom in our day-to-day lives.

Sophia A. Nelson, a lawyer, is an award-winning author and freelance journalist and columnist.

11. Autry J. Pruitt: Maximum Protection

I abhor injustice, I am disgusted by inequality and those who would use their authority and power to break the backs of the innocent are repulsive to me.

No matter where one turns in their history book, one thing is consistent—too much government is half the source of all man’s problems (and a lack of faith, which usually is proceeded by big government, trails at a close second).

The evidence is clear: Massive protest, legitimate or not, never gathers against corporations or individuals—protest is always against government. This is because the evil that people or corporations perpetrate on others is always enabled, fostered, or protected by governments.

The sad fact is that now, with sovereigns all around the world harnessing more power, the only thing that seemingly can fight against big government is another government.

I am a conservative because conservatism equals maximum protection from the only institution that forces obedience through violence: government.

Autry J. Pruitt is CEO of New Journey PAC Inc.

12. C.J. SailorEssential to Thriving Communities

I remember going to vote for the first time at age 18 in Detroit, Michigan. I was full of vigor and hope until a friend of mine told me to vote for the Democratic ticket. I was bewildered and I asked him why. He said, “Because that’s the way all Black people vote.”

I had not yet registered my party affiliation, and like most teenagers growing up in the inner city, I knew only of liberal policies and social promises. I was determined to be different, so I told my friend that I would vote for someone who held the values and beliefs that my parents taught me.

After reading several pieces of campaign literature, I was unable to find a candidate who embraced local control, family values, and economic freedom. I was stuck with the independent candidate, who was a better choice than the candidate who stood for big government and less freedom.

Today, I’m a conservative because I believe my values of strong and healthy families, faith in God, and economic freedom are essential to thriving communities.

Now more than ever, these values can heal our nation of racial injustice and promote upward mobility. We must embrace the next generation of leaders and pass on the legacy of faith, hope, and American exceptionalism.

Clarence “C.J.” Sailor is a leader at an educational nonprofit.

13. Carol M. Swain: Hope and Encouragement

I am a conservative because I have tasted and spit out the depressing, self-defeating ideologies and fruits of progressive liberalism.

Long before I knew I was a conservative, I was acting upon and living my life by conservative principles.

Despite my poverty and lack as one of 12 children growing up in rural indigence, I still believed I could make good things happen, and that I was not destined to remain poor.

I married at 16, started a family, and eventually earned a high school equivalency after having dropped out of school after completing the eighth grade.

Next came a divorce and my entry into a community college, where I earned the first of five college and university degrees. A brief stint on welfare after my divorce convinced me of the need to get an education so I could get a “good” job.

It never occurred to me as I was studying, working, and raising my children that the world was stacked against me or that it owed me a better break because of my race, impoverished roots, female gender, or family status.

It would take graduate school and studies of oppression to reveal to me that people from my background were doomed to poverty because of oppression and systematic racism. Fortunately, I was successful and thriving before I heard these depressing messages.

My belief in the American Dream and its possibilities inspired me to study hard, make the dean’s list at the community college, and graduate from the four-year college magna cum laude while working 40 hours a week on nights and weekends at the community college where I earned my first degree.

I always have been a strong individualist who rejects groupthink and questions the behaviors and thought patterns of those around me. Today, I am a conservative because I believe in God, country, and nation.

As a Black child in the rural South, I knew I lived in the greatest country in the world, and I took pride in being a Virginian because my state was the home of presidents. Slavery, Jim Crow, racism, and other realities of the Black experience never defined or crippled me.

Conservatism offers hope and encouragement to those willing to avail themselves of opportunities.

Carol M. Swain, Ph.D., is a retired professor of political science and professor of law at Vanderbilt University and host of the “Be the People” podcast and radio show.

14. A.J. Swinson: Self-Sufficient, Entrepreneurial, Morally Strong

I am an African American millennial woman, and I’m a proud conservative.

I learned conservative principles from my parents, who grew up in poverty in Washington, D.C., and Richmond, Virginia. My parents’ political views changed when they became sold-out Christians.

They began to see that progressive values did not line up with the Bible they studied each day. They also understood the Democratic Party’s role in destabilizing the neighborhoods they grew up in.

Today, my parents are successful despite their meager beginnings. They raised their children to be self-sufficient, entrepreneurial, and morally strong.

These are the core principles of conservatism.

Years ago, Black people built Rosewoods and Black Wall Streets around the country, and were successful despite Jim Crow laws, white supremacy, and oppression. We had a higher marriage rate than other races and focused on business and education. We put our faith in God, not man, to sustain us.

Abraham Lincoln said, “What is conservatism? Is it not adherence to the old and tried against the new and untried?”

It was a mistake to leave what worked for us in the past to fit into a progressive agenda that expects blind loyalty (or we “ain’t Black”) and fails to hold biblical principles in high regard.

I am a conservative because I want to go back to what has been proven to work for us, and it’s not socialism or a larger welfare state. It is faith in God, love for others, local investment and entrepreneurship, prioritizing education, and traditional values.

 A.J. Swinson is director of development at New Journey PAC Inc.

15. Jimmy Tillman: Christian Values and Critical Thinking

The easy answer is because I am a God-fearing Christian, but I will share a more complex reason why the son of a civil rights icon and Democratic ward boss is a conservative.

I am an alumnus of Central State University, a historically Black university in Wilberforce, Ohio, a town that was the last stop on one of the Underground Railroad lines. It was here where I learned how to ask therightquestions and to think critically. I received my degree in history.

As a historian, reflecting on Juneteenth (an American holiday commemorating when the last slaves in Galveston, Texas, got word that the Union was saved and they were granted rights as Americans), I am reminded that it was through the spirit of Christian values that the abolition movement was founded.

I owe my citizenship to the brave men who fought and died in the Civil War. This includes many slaves, who afterward built viable communities throughout the South during Reconstruction.

These former slaves went on to send five conservative representatives to the Senate and House. A quick look at most of the historical gains by Blacks in America and the conservative movement is usually behind it.

Most recently, the Martin Luther King Republicans joined with the conservative group Reopen Illinois to campaign for the right to worship. This led to the governor’s lifting an unconstitutional ban on churches.

I currently host a hip-hop conservative talk show. It is a platform for other Black conservatives to discuss issues relating to our community. We are the silent majority.

Jimmy Tillman is a Heritage Action Sentinel from Illinois.

16. Terris E. Todd: Way of Life

The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans, where I am executive director, was created to strengthen our nation by improving educational outcomes for African Americans of all ages. The mission includes helping ensure students are prepared for college and productive careers to contribute to the well-being of society.

Having worked on every level education throughout my professional career, it provided me the understanding that African American students and their families deserve an education that provides them with the options that best meet their individual needs and talents.

Previously, I have worked as director of education and children services, teacher, and administrator in K-12 public schools, as a collegiate-level instructor, and as director of 62nd District relations in the Michigan State House of Representatives.

I also have had the privilege and honor of being the Michigan Republican Party vice chair, in the inaugural class of the Citizenship Project, a county elected official, and actively involved on numerous boards and committees in my local community.

My conservative beliefs and values have always been a way of life for me. That belief system carries with me in everything that I do and in every job I have ever had.

The belief that God is supreme to all creation, that our freedoms are given by God and protected by government, are just a few conservative values that I long have embraced and will continue to share with those I come in contact with throughout my lifetime.

Terris E. Todd is executive director of the White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans.

17. Deana Bass Williams: 3 True North Principles

Three fundamental beliefs make me a conservative. I believe in the value of the individual over the state. I value freedom of expression. I believe life is a gift from God and should be protected and celebrated.

These foundational principles governed my way of thinking long before I had heard the term conservative, and even longer still before I knew anything about the “conservative movement.”

In my life, the best solutions on how to respond to challenges all have  come from my family, my church, and my immediate community, not from the government. My community, not the government, has done a better job of dismantling poverty, alleviating educational disparities, and improving health care outcomes.

In my life, solutions to depression and despair were found in the church and not by a government program.

While the left professes to promote tolerance, my experience bears out that their tolerance extends only to their ideas. As a professional communicator for almost three decades, I have grown to value a fundamental principle of conservatism, and that is the freedom of expression and the marketplace of ideas.

Of course, when conservatives say they value life, the immediate thought goes to the abortion debate. While protecting the unborn is critical, it is merely the foundation of the sanctity of life argument. Conservatism’s emphasis on life extends to supporting policies that empower and protect human life at every stage of development.

Yes, that means defunding killing machines such as Planned Parenthood, but it also means reforming a criminal justice system that shows bias against African Americans.

Deana Bass Williams is a partner at Bass Public Affairs in Washington, D.C.

18. Dee Dee Bass Wilbon: Founding Principles

I was in my early 20s working in a brand-new job after college when I was first asked, “Why are you a conservative?” The co-worker also felt the need to remind me that I was Black, which he believed made it even more egregious.

The first political campaign I worked on was in the mid-1980s for a Black woman running for city council in my hometown. She believed that human life began at conception. She believed in the free market giving everyone an opportunity to increase financially. She believed that you should be able to attend a school or get a job based on your ability and not because of the color of your skin.

I was 12 years old when I worked on that campaign. As a kid, conservative principles made perfect sense even if I had not yet heard the word conservative. They make perfect sense today as they align with what I have been taught as a Christian.

The answer to my colleague’s question was easy for me then as a young single woman, and remains easy for me almost 30 years later as a wife and mother of two.

I am a ­­­­conservative because of Christian values. I love America. Our nation is an imperfect experiment in a democracy founded on Judeo-Christian values. I believe that as we move away from these founding principles, we move away from our destiny of being one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.

Dee Dee Bass Wilbon is a partner at Bass Public Affairs in Washington, D.C.

19. Daren Williams: Origins of Conservatism

Most if not all people assume that conservatism was born by way of Edmund Burke’s critique of the French Revolution in 1790, and the writing of others before him such as Richard Hooker, the Marquess of Halifax, and David Hume.

That is, the fundamental ideas and practices of conservatism are the legacy of old English white men. It is with this misconception and failed understanding of the world’s history that conservatism is scorned as a white man’s ideology, particularly by Black Americans.

The roots of conservatism did not grow from the minds or hands of white men or any other race of man. The core values of conservatism were first written by the hand of God on the tablets which Moses held as he descended Mount Sinai to give to the Children of Israel.

The Ten Commandments are the true origins of conservatism, passed down from generation to generation for millenniums. At times lost through stubbornness and pride, but always found in the humble pursuit of Truth.

These 10 fundamental laws are the infallible building blocks of conservatism and of a truly sustainable society, starting with the individual’s responsibility to God and then his love for his neighbors.

They enshrine and guarantee, if followed, a healthy, long-standing, and thriving individual, family, community, and nation of people.

And if ignored, the weakening, destruction, and demise of those entities, in that exact order.

Why I’m a Black conservative has absolutely nothing to do with the color of my skin. It has everything to do with the origin of conservatism, which is from the same hands of my origin: God.

Daren Williams is director of policy and endorsements at New Journey PAC Inc.



Their Story Is Proof That Racial Reconciliation Is Possible in America

How Cultural Revolutions Die—or Not

YouTube Weaponizes ‘Hate Speech’ Policy to Censor Heritage Foundation Video

4 Things to Know About the British Group Targeting The Federalist

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Seattle’s CHOP Worse Than The ‘Complete And Total Anarchy’ Of Occupy Wall Street, NY Police Union Exec Says


  • Vice president of Sergeants Benevolent Association Vincent Vallelong compared the Occupy Wall Street protests of 2011 to the present-day Seattle occupation known as CHOP.
  • He fears the Seattle occupation is far more grave than what he saw in 2011 in Manhattan and suggests Seattle PD is being stymied by local officials. 
  • Vallelong said Seattle law enforcement missed a critical opportunity to quash this occupation early on and the presence of armed demonstrators complicates law enforcement efforts to take control of the situation. 

The mass encampments in the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations of 2011 were far less dangerous and appalling than Seattle’s autonomous zone protest, according to a New York police union executive.

Vice president of the Sergeant’s Benevolent Association Vincent Vallelong witnessed the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations that protested economic inequality in Manhattan first hand, observing rampant filth and crime in the tent city. The armed encampment in Seattle now better known as the Capital Hill Organized Protest (CHOP) is even more dangerous, he told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.

Vallelong noted that Occupy Wall Street demonstrators only commandeered a single New York City block, while Seattle demonstrators have assumed control of multiple city streets and buildings, including a police precinct. He suggested the Seattle activists are far more entrenched.

“In New York, they were contained to a park. They only had one long city block where they set up their tents. It was like a flea market in a sense, and they brought their own fleas with them. Over in Seattle, they gave up city buildings and city streets,” he said.

“I’ve been involved in numerous demonstrations, numerous catastrophes that have happened in New York since the ’90s. I’ve seen a lot,” he said. “I have [police] friends in Seattle that I just got off the phone with earlier today and it’s like their will is broken. Some of them are just talking about leaving and not coming back.”

To Vallelong, all of this was preventable in the early hours of the insurrection. Instead, it was allowed to persist and grow.

“[The] right course of action would of been the same thing that they should’ve did in New York here when the demonstrations got out of hand. Should’ve went in, should’ve locked up all the people who they deemed as being the leaders and they should’ve been kept in jail for two to three days before seeing a judge,” he said.

Occupy Wall Street — a series of demonstrations protesting economic inequality — had its epicenter in privately-owned Zuccotti Park in Manhattan. Protesters camped in a one-block area for months on end, according to a 2011 CBS News report.

Vallelong — who’s been involved with police work since 1990 — called the 2011 encampments in Zuccotti park “disgusting.” He said fecal matter lined the streets and the tent city was akin to the embodiment of “anarchy.”

“We’re talking like fecal matter — just people were not washing,” he told the DCNF.





Before And After Photos: Here’s What Seattle’s ‘CHAZ’ Has Done To The City

Black Corrections Officers Allegedly Barred From Guarding Chauvin File Discrimination Complaint

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

VIDEO TRIBUTE: ‘Policeman’ by Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey (1918-2009) was a radio broadcaster for the ABC Radio Networks. He gave the “Policeman” speech on talk radio nearly 40 years ago and it is known as one of his best speeches.

Mr. Harvey’s father inspired this speech. He was a police officer who was shot and killed while doing what police officers do every day.

The text to the speech is included in the video.

Dedicated to all those GOOD law enforcement professionals, past and present: the overwhelming majority of Americans are not swayed by the “broad brush” that tries to smear ALL due to the bad and unacceptable behavior of the few.

WATCH: Policeman

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The Significant Difference Between Protests and Riots

I’ve been active in law enforcement for more than 50 years. During that time, I’ve seen numerous protests. I’ve also seen far too many riots. There’s a difference.

Orderly protest is part of our American tradition. It is an exercise of our constitutional rights of free speech and peaceable assembly. It is one way we the people can make our voices heard, our views known to those in power.

But rioting, looting, destroying property, and attacking fellow Americans have no place in orderly protest. They are, in fact, the very antithesis of orderly protest. And in the end, these patently illegal actions not only undermine the moral standing of legitimate protests. History shows that they also wind up hurting most of the very people that true protesters aim to help.

Peaceful protest can help change America for the better. Organized protests and peaceful demonstrations during the Martin Luther King Jr. era produced tremendous progress for the civil rights movement; the church bombings and other violent actions of segregationists only advanced King’s cause.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

Those nonviolent protests changed laws and changed lives. In today’s America, there are more successful African Americans—and more opportunities for African Americans to succeed—than at any point in our nation’s history.

Yet, recent events make painfully clear that America’s race issues are not fully resolved. George Floyd’s tragic death should bring us closer together. And peaceful protest can help do that.

Unfortunately, just as in previous protests, not everyone who has taken to the streets has come to build up the black community and bind us together.

Some believe their demands for change will never be taken seriously unless they demonstrate their willingness to “burn it down.” But burning things down only polarizes communities, making it even more difficult for a just cause to advance. Violence is not only unacceptable, it’s useless as a tool for bring positive social change.

Also on the streets are Antifa anarchists and other radical extremists who see the protests as an opportunity to sow chaos and division, and who seek to incite the killing of police officers. They care nothing about honoring the memory of George Floyd or trying to work toward a more common understanding on race issues.

This, too, must not be tolerated.

Then, of course, there are political opportunists. They may not be in the streets, but they see what’s happening as a fantastic opportunity to score points and mobilize their bases. Their demands to defund or dissolve police forces are self-defeating and absurd. Shame on them. This is not a political issue; it is a moral one.

Rioters are destroying families’ futures and stealing the American dream. They have killed those sworn to protect us, harmed innocent citizens, and damaged many of the businesses that provide groceries, work, and necessary services in our minority communities.

Many of these businesses were already teetering on the edge due to the COVID-19 shutdown. Mob violence assures that many of them will never recover—and the jobs they provided will never return.

What’s the best way for America to reopen and return to business? The National Coronavirus Recovery Commission, a project of The Heritage Foundation, assembled America’s top thinkers to figure that out. So far, it has made more than 260 recommendations. Learn more here.

To bring about change in society, we must identify wrong policies and wrong actions where they exist. We must also hold accountable and punish wrongdoers. But we should not resort to lawlessness or stigmatize courageous, lawfully acting police officers.

We must also recognize that government can’t change hearts. This is work we must each do ourselves. We can start by asking ourselves the question posed by theologian Francis Schaeffer: “How should we then live?”

We can also help change the hearts of others, by reaching out in a spirit of grace, openness, and understanding. We must lift each other up and find ways to help heal those who have been harmed.

Only when we come together and listen to one another, rather than shouting at one another, can we begin to heal and to be healed.

Originally published by the Lincoln Journal Star


Edwin Meese III, who served as the nation’s 75th attorney general, joined The Heritage Foundation in 1988 as the think tank’s first Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow. He went on to oversee the legal and judicial studies center at Heritage that now bears his name and currently is Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow Emeritus. Twitter: .


Statue Toppling Is Bringing Mob Rule to America

Why So Few Arrests? Police Stand by as Vandals Tear Down Statues

Who Can Save Us Now?

St. Junipero Serra Statue to Be Removed From California City

Minnesota City to Vote on Removing ‘Chief’ From Job Titles, Calling It a Microaggression

African Leaders, UN Council Criticize US While Neglecting Human Rights Abuses Elsewhere

A Note for our Readers:

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FULL VIDEO: President Donald J. Trump Rally — Trump Takes Tulsa, OK

During a Make America Great Again rally at the BOK Center in Tulsa, President Donald Trump addressed several topics, such as the coronavirus pandemic, schools reopening amid the pandemic, protests across the country against police brutality, desecrating the American flag in protest and removing names and statues connected with the Confederacy.

Trump 2020 Campaign Tracker

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SPECIAL VIDEO REPORT: The Truth Behind BLM — Pushing LGBT, Marxism, abortion!

People around the world have rallied under the Black Lives Matter banner, believing it’s about racial equality. But in fact, its true agenda is far more sinister. Even more disturbing is the way Catholic clergy are seeking to find common cause with this movement.

WATCH: Special Report: The Truth Behind BLM


Christine Niles


America Under Siege by Rabid Communist BLM Revolutionaries

Black Lives Matter Co-Founders: ‘We Are Trained Organizers – We Are Trained Marxists’


EDITORS NOTE: This Church Militant video is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

America Under Siege by Rabid Communist BLM Revolutionaries

“…when the laws have ceased to be executed, as this can only come from the corruption of the republic, the state is already lost.” –  Montesquieu

“More whites were brought as slaves to North Africa than blacks brought as slaves to the United States or to the 13 colonies from which it was formed.  White slaves were still being bought and sold in the Ottoman Empire, decades after blacks were freed in the United States.” –  Thomas Sowell

“Racism is not dead, but is on life support – kept alive by politicians, race hustlers and people who get a sense of superiority by denouncing others as racists.” –  Thomas Sowell

Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa are only two of over 20 communist organizations who are looting and destroying private property throughout America on the pretense of protests against police for the murder of a career criminal black man.  Corporations, food outlets, beauty supply houses, politicians, Hollywood elites, sports figures and others are caving to the totalitarian Marxists because they don’t want to be called racist.  They are taking a knee to the anarchists of BLM.

Dr. Ben Carson is trying to convince President Trump to “take a knee.”  Laodicean Christian entertainers like Joel Osteen and Paula White took part in Blackout Tuesday, started by BLM who advocates for the tearing down of the fabric of our society by violent protest.  Joel Osteen, miffed that the race riots seemed to have cancelled out the LGBTQ Pride Marches, decided to march instead with Black Lives Matter and Antifa for Black Out Tuesday in Houston. He had plenty of company when his Laodicean buddies like John Hagee, Paula White, Tony Evans and others stepped in to join him.  Paula White is an aide to President Trump.

As for me and mine, we only bend our knees and bow our heads to God Almighty.

Photo Ops

The mainstream media (MSM) comrades of the Democrat Party accused President Trump of using the Bible for a photo op when he visited the anarchist torched St. John’s Episcopal Church across from the White House.  President Trump and Melania were married in the Episcopal Church although she is of the Catholic faith and he was raised in the Presbyterian Church.

Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley apologized over his role in Trump’s church visit saying he believed it compromised the military’s apolitical image. Trump doesn’t abide by Deep State rules and Milley should have known that.  Perhaps Milley is right, dressed in Army fatigues and showing up with our president at a famous burned-out church because communists set it afire created an image of the military involved in domestic politics…but the anarchists are not simply domestic; they are worldwide communist revolutionaries.

Yet for all the MSM condemnation and vilifying of the president, nothing was said about the photo op of Democrats kneeling for eight minutes and 46 seconds in the Capitol Visitor Center.  And to make it worse, they donned Ghana/Nigerian Kente cloth tapestries around their necks and masks to honor career criminal George Floyd who was killed by a police officer.  They were slammed for doing this.

Kente cloths worn by Democrats during this photo op have been verified by USA Today fact-checker as being worn by African slave traders.

Not to be outdone by their Democratic comrades, the FBI also took a knee supporting BLM. It is an assembly of political grievance activists that includes the Nation of Islam (Farrakhan) who supplied security for George Floyd’s funeral and the New Black Panther Party (NBPP).  The BLM are also working in coordination with the pro-communist Antifa (Anti-fascists) and Muslim Brotherhood.

When the FBI takes a knee to support BLM they are openly aligning with Antifa, the Nation of Islam and the violent advocacy it carries; the very overthrow of our government by communist anarchists and totalitarians.  This is another Bolshevik Revolution and our top cops are bowing to our communist enemies.

Court documents show that George Floyd’s profile reads like a career criminal who was sentenced to jail at least five times.  He was involved in drug abuse, theft, criminal trespassing, aggravated robbery as well as entering a woman’s home and pointing a gun at her pregnant stomach while looking for drugs and money.  He was sentenced to five years in prison in 2009.  Nevertheless, the man did not deserve to be murdered by a cop with 18 previous complaints over his 19-year career as a police officer, 16 of which were closed without discipline.

Neck restraints were legal in Democrat run Minneapolis, and Minneapolis police used them at least 237 times during that span. In 16 percent of the incidents the suspects and other individuals lost consciousness, the department’s use-of-force records show.

Black Lives Matter

Sure, black lives matter!  But every other life matters too, and you never see BLM at abortion clinics.  It’s okay to murder millions upon millions of black babies in their mothers’ wombs, but that’s not what BLM cares about despite the fact that Margaret Sanger hated blacks and wanted to rid the world of them.

No, BLM is all about hating whitey and the police, overturning our capitalist society and destroying our history.  BLM was established as an online platform in 2013 by three Marxist revolutionary women, Alicia GarzaPatrisse Cullors and Opal Tometi who called themselves “queers.” Their objective was to stoke black rage and galvanize a protest movement in response to the acquittal of George Zimmerman, the “white Hispanic” who was tried for murder and manslaughter after he had shot and killed a black Florida teenager named Trayvon Martin in a highly publicized February 2012 altercation.

At a BLM rally in New York City in 2014, the marchers chanted, “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want it? Now.”  They call the police “pigs” as shown on the stockings of Colin Kaepernick during football practice, and say, “Fry them like bacon,” and “Pigs in a blanket,” referring to dead police officers in body bags.

On a BLM affiliated radio program, the hosts laughed at the recent assassination of a white Texas deputy; boasted that blacks were like lions who could prevail in a “race war” against whites; happily predicted that “we will witness more executions and killing of white people and cops than we ever have before,” and declared that, “It’s open season on killing white people and crackas.”  These same anarchists have screamed at CNN reporters that they’ll kill all white babies, but they don’t realize that far more black babies are murdered daily by abortion.

Corporations are giving millions to these communist revolutionary mobs, while no one is helping the businesses destroyed by the BLM anarchists.

BLM’s Radical Marxist Founders

Patrisse Cullors, Alicia Garza, and Opel Tometi

Alicia Garza is a self-described “queer” social-justice activist (social justice v. justice) who reveres the Marxist revolutionary, former Black Panther, and convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur for her contributions to the “Black Liberation Movement.” (Shakur killed an officer in cold blood, was tried and convicted, escaped prison and fled to Cuba.  She died in 2019.)  Garza is likewise a great admirer of Angela Davis (another Marxist and former Black Panther who was even funded by the Lutheran Church in America in the 80s), Ella Baker (an avowed socialist who had ties to the Communist Party USA and the Weather Underground), and Audre Lorde (a black Marxist lesbian feminist).

The Weather Underground was headed by none other than Barack Obama’s good friend, Bill Ayers who participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972, as he noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days.  Ayers said, “Kill all the rich people. Break up their cars and apartments. Bring the revolution home, kill your parents, that’s where it’s really at.”

Garza agreed with Ayers and stated that Americans would be better off if the nation’s “corroded and corrupt system” of policing were to be terminated.

Patrisse Cullors came out as a self-described “queer” when she was 16 and was kicked out of her home.  She identifies strongly with the famed abolitionist, Harriet Tubman, who is scheduled to replace President Andrew Jackson on America’s twenty-dollar bill.

Cullors volunteered with the Los Angeles-based think tank known as the Labor and Community Strategies Center (LCSC). A few years later, the Center hired Cullors to train high-school students in political organizing tactics. Cullors herself was trained to be an activist by former Weather Underground leader Eric Mann. She worked for LCSC from 2001-12.

In 2012, Cullors became interested in an ACLU lawsuit against Los Angeles deputies who were allegedly beating black inmates.  She and her friends organized protests and 48 like-minded people joined her and Dignity and Power Now (DPN) was formed.  It is dedicated to “protecting incarcerated people and their families in Los Angeles.”  Cullors still heads her organization which is also a front group for the Marxist/Leninist Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO).

Cullors joined representatives from the Dream Defenders, (whose long-term goal is to cultivate “a new generation” of young radical activists) as well as a number of likeminded anti-police-brutality protesters in taking a 10-day trip to the Palestinian Territories in the West Bank in 2015. Their objective was to publicly draw a parallel between what they defined as Israeli oppression of the Palestinians in the Middle East, and police violence against blacks in the United States.  Again, fake news, and false doctrine…these communists are aligned with Islamist terrorists.

In 2015, Cullors spoke at the annual Netroots Nation convention in Phoenix where she exhorted fellow blacks to “rise the f**k up” and “burn everything down!” She also said that the allegedly high incidence of black-on-black crime “is a myth.”

In 2016, she and her two BLM co-founders, Garza and Tometi were special guests of Rep. Barbara Lee at President Obama’s final State of the Union address.  And that same year, Fortune magazine named Cullors and her two BLM co-founders to its list of the “50 of the most influential world leaders.”

Opel Tometi was born to parents who had illegally immigrated from Nigeria and she describes herself as a “believer and practitioner of liberation theology.”  Since January 2011, she has been a national organizer for Black Alliance for Just Immigration (BAJI), a George Sorosfunded group that strives to advance “immigrant rights and racial justice” for “African-American, Afro-Latino, African and Caribbean immigrant communities.” Tometi’s official BAJI profile describes her as “a Black feminist writer, communications strategist and cultural organizer.”

In 2010, she condemned SB 1070, an Arizona law that authorized state police to check with federal authorities on the immigration status of criminal suspects, and views Voter ID laws as racist schemes designed to disenfranchise nonwhite voters.  And in late 2013, Tometi visited the White House and met with Heather Foster, Obama’s then lead liaison to the black community.

In her January 2015 piece, “Celebrating MLK Day: Reclaiming Our Movement Legacy,” Tometi calls for the development of a “new” and “radical” contingent of “Black trans people, Black queer people, Black immigrants, Black incarcerated people and formerly incarcerated people, Black millennials, Black women, low income Black people, and Black people with disabilities” to lead social-justice activism in the United States.  Tometi is also active in a network called Black Organizing for Leadership and Dignity (BOLD), which teaches black activists how to help build a “social justice infrastructure.”

Tometi spoke to the United Nations General Assembly in 2016 on issues related to race, white supremacy, and police terror.  Now African countries are circulating a draft resolution calling for a high-level investigation into U.S. racism and police violence by the United Nations Human Rights Council.

LBGTQ organizations stand in solidarity with BLM.

Poisoned Fruit

In Trevor Loudon’s book, Barack Obama and the Enemies Within, he states, “Those who surround Obama fall into a wide category of radicals, Marxists, communists, and Americans who have joined together in a coordinated effort to overthrow capitalism and the Republic of the United States of America.”

CNN’s Van Jones was hired as Obama’s “Green Jobs” czar, but had to resign because of his Maoist affiliations.  Jones was a founding organizer and leader of the communist revolutionary organization, Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement (STORM). The organization had its roots in a group protesting “U.S. Imperialism” during the Persian Gulf War of 1991. The leftist blog Machete 48 identifies STORM’s influences as “third-world Marxism (and an often vulgar Maoism).”

Presidential candidate Barack Hussein Obama said, “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”  Why?  Who is he fighting?

On October 30, 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”  In May of that same year, Michelle Obama told us what they had planned when she said, “We are going to have to change our conversation; we’re going to have to change our traditions, our history; we’re going to have to move into a different place as a nation.”  Was she referring to the anarchist destruction we’re seeing today?

Obama’s Organizing for Action (OFA) is over 32,000 strong and it is his “civilian army.” They have several paid employees, all of whom make six figure salaries according to the organization’s 2018 990.   Obama has an army of agitators and rioters and his former Attorney General, Eric Holder is working to influence the nation’s redistricting maps for democrats.

OFA is a nonprofit 501(c)4 organization and community organizing project that advocates for the agenda of former President Obama. The organization is officially non-partisan, but its agenda and policies are strongly allied with the Democratic Party and how to destroy President Trump.  They even have a training manual in how to protest against President Trump, taken from Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

Obama and Mandela

Nelson Mandela was pleased that Obama won the 2008 election.  He even wrote him a letter congratulating him on his win. Obama quoted Mandela throughout his political career and when Mandela died, Obama’s tribute extoled the virtues of Marxist/Leninist Mandela.

Mandela and other African National Congress (A.N.C.) leaders formed a military wing called Spear of the Nation. He became the first commander in chief of the guerrilla army. He trained to fight, worked to obtain weapons for the group, but he never saw combat.

In early 1990, Mandela was freed from prison and turned South Africa into a nation of black hatred against white farmers.  Here is his timeline.  This is the story Obama reveres, and the story that echoes now in America.  Mandela’s nephew later went on an axe rampage against whites.

In today’s South Africa, if you want to cultivate the land, you need training and it comes from Israel special forces in a two-week tactical survival course.  They teach how to ward off the enemy, a practical guide to staying alive. Watch the five-minute video.

Obama said, “I am one of the countless millions who drew inspiration from Nelson Mandela’s life.  My very first political action, the first thing I ever did that involved an issue or a policy or politics, was a protest against apartheid.  I studied his words and his writings. The day that he was released from prison gave me a sense of what human beings can do when they’re guided by their hopes and not by their fears.”

Really President Obama?  You drew inspiration from an avowed communist who destroyed South African white farmers who now have to live in protected communities, in order to keep from being slaughtered?  You revere the rape and slaughter of pregnant women and children and their farmer fathers hacked to death by Mandela’s black forces?  Apparently so, and we know your words have inflamed those who hate America’s whites and are destroying their property today.

In October of 2018, I wrote an article exposing the truth of communist Nelson Mandela and his wife, Winnie who took joy in “necklacing” those whites and blacks who disagreed with her husband’s apartheid destruction.

The toxic genocide of whites in South Africa is a direct result of Mandela’s Marxist apartheid.  Mandela was the man who went from prisoner to president and became the destroyer of South African whites.

Around the globe, Nelson Mandela is held up as an icon of justice, equality, and peaceful struggle for right. The problem with this image, however, is that it is entirely false. The record demonstrates beyond a shadow of a doubt that Nelson Mandela was not a peace-loving Freedom fighter, but a communist revolutionary who reveled in violence, promoted white genocide, and facilitated the Marxist subversion of South Africa.

Under ANC rule, South Africa has joined BRICS. BRICS is an international coalition of anti-Western states headed by Russia and Red China. The dominant members are Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa. Together, these states have attempted to offset Western power and shift power to themselves.  Nelson Mandela was a Communist Tool.


1,700,000 firearms were purchased in May of this year, many by people who have never owned a firearm.  We don’t want another civil war, but the communist anarchists are pushing for it.

Pray and buy lead.

©All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: Black Lives Matter Co-Founders: ‘We Are Trained Organizers – We Are Trained Marxists’

In These 11 Incidents, Gun Owners Defended Life and Property

The last week of May proved just how quickly the seemingly stable peace of our world can devolve into chaos and near-anarchy. Many of us, already concerned that police departments were stretched thin by COVID-19, watched in horror as law enforcement seemed to lose control of protests in major cities.

For several nights, police officers scarcely could keep their own precincts from being overrun, much less respond to calls for help from terrified civilians.

In many instances, civilians were forced to take matters into their own hands, relying on nothing more than their Second Amendment rights to protect their lives and livelihoods from violent rioters who sought to co-opt peaceful protests for their own benefit.

It should come as little surprise that Americans would be willing to protect their communities in this way. In fact, in 2013, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concluded that almost every major study on the issue has found that Americans use their firearms in self-defense between 500,000 and 3 million times a year.

In these trying times, we must turn to the greatest document in the history of the world to promise freedom and opportunity to its citizens for guidance. Find out more now >>

For this reason, The Daily Signal has published a monthly series highlighting some of the news stories of defensive gun use that you may have missed—or that might not have made it to the national spotlight in the first place. (Read accounts from 2019 and 2020).

The 11 examples below of lawful defensive uses of guns represent only a small part of the many stories we found in May. You can explore more examples in The Heritage Foundation’s Defensive Gun Use Database, an interactive map that allows users to find recent defensive gun uses from all over the country quickly and easily.

  • May 2, Pensacola, Florida: A concealed-carry permit holder drew his handgun in self-defense after a group approached and threatened him while he was trying to leave the beach. He attempted to get into his car and flee, but the group prevented him from doing so, police said. That’s when the permit holder began to fear for his life, pulled out his firearm, and told the group to let him go. They apparently complied.
  • May 3, Madison County, Alabama: A woman who fatally shot her former fiancé acted in self-defense when the man attacked her, police said. The woman had called 911 just before midnight to report that the man—who had a long history of domestic violence convictions—had showed up at her home. By the time police arrived, the woman already had relied on her firearm to defend her life.
  • May 5, Port Arthur, Texas: A man out catching crabs fatally shot a would-be robber who had pointed a rifle at him and a woman with him, demanding money. Minutes earlier, police said, the assailant had robbed a grocery store and fled in a stolen car. The crabber retrieved a handgun from his truck, and after an exchange of gunfire, shot his assailant in self-defense.
  • May 8, Casselton, North Dakota: A man acted in lawful self-defense when he shot and killed an acquaintance who began choking him during an argument, police said. The man immediately called 911 and placed his gun in a safe while waiting for law enforcement.
  • May 12, Buffalo, South Carolina: A woman, fearing for her safety because of a violent ex-husband, had invited an armed friend to stay at her apartment and protect her and her two children. When the ex-husband kicked open the front door and opened fire on the woman, the armed friend shot and killed him before anyone else could be harmed. Police said they had been searching for the ex-husband for several days because he was wanted on charges of domestic violence and assault.
  • May 16, Houston, Texas: A man shot and wounded his brother when, under the influence of narcotics, he assaulted their mother. The man initially tried to calm down the brother, who was damaging the residence. He shot his brother when he began hitting their mother with large chunks of concrete.
  • May 20, Fulshear, Texas: A homeowner used his handgun to defend himself when an intoxicated man kicked in his front door and aggressively confronted him. Neither the gun owner nor his family members were harmed.
  • May 22, Eureka, California: When several people got into an altercation outside a man’s home at 2:40 a.m., the homeowner went out onto his porch and asked them to leave the area. Some of those involved became hostile and tried to force their way onto the homeowner’s property. He tried unsuccessfully to deter his attackers with pepper spray. When they continued to enter his home and assault him, the homeowner retrieved a handgun and fired in self-defense, killing one attacker and wounding another.
  • May 25, Mesquite, Nevada: A father shot and killed his son after the son attacked his mother with a knife. Police said the son’s mental state recently had deteriorated and he may have been intoxicated when he pulled the knife on his mother. Officers determined that the father’s actions were justified and that, had he survived, the son would have been charged with assault with a deadly weapon.
  • May 26, Panama City, Florida:  An elderly homeowner, standing outside his house, was approached aggressively by a man who had been acting erratically while walking down the street. The homeowner retreated inside, but the man pursued him, smashing a glass door and entering the home. The homeowner told police that he grabbed a handgun and fatally shot the man when he assaulted his wife.
  • May 31, Cleveland, Ohio: As peaceful protests over the death of George Floyd devolved into violent riots, owners of Corbo’s Bakery took the defense of their livelihood into their own hands. Video from bystanders captured the moment that the bakery’s owners, armed with shotguns, forced back looters who smashed front windows with rocks. The bakery, shut down for almost two months due to COVID-19 restrictions, had been scheduled to reopen June 1. The owners’ actions spared the bakery from the destruction experienced by many other businesses in downtown Cleveland.

Of course, as gun owners our impulse should be to avoid confrontation and rely on law enforcement when it’s possible to do so.

But as these stories clearly show, police officers are not always there to protect our homes or our communities when we need them the most.

Although we know the battle over our Second Amendment rights is far from over, May provided an eye-opening reality check for many Americans.


Amy Swearer is a senior legal policy analyst at the Meese Center for Legal and Judicial Studies at The Heritage Foundation. Twitter: .


Welcome to America’s Cultural Revolution

During Ebola Pandemic, Liberia Held Rallies

Why COVID-19 and Our Racial Divide Make This Father’s Day Significant

This is a critical year in the history of our country. With the country polarized and divided on a number of issues and with roughly half of the country clamoring for increased government control—over health care, socialism, increased regulations, and open borders—we must turn to America’s founding for the answers on how best to proceed into the future.

The Heritage Foundation has compiled input from more than 100 constitutional scholars and legal experts into the country’s most thorough and compelling review of the freedoms promised to us within the United States Constitution into a free digital guide called Heritage’s Guide to the Constitution.

They’re making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

CNN Puts Up Fence Outside Atlanta Headquarters Amid Ongoing Protests

CNN put up a fence around its headquarters in Atlanta on Friday amid ongoing “Black Lives Matter” protests.

Demonstrations continued outside the Georgia state capitol Friday over the death of Rayshard Brooks, who was fatally shot June 12 in Atlanta by a police officer after running away with the officer’s taser. Photos posted by Townhall reporter Julio Rosas show CNN’s nearby headquarters surrounded by the new barrier following damage from an earlier protest that turned into a riot.

The building was attacked by rioters in late May, with the damage including a number of broken glass windows and spray paint on the CNN logo. A video showed the crowd cheering as people threw objects at the windows.

Nationwide protests and riots erupted after the death of George Floyd, a black man who died May 25 after Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin kneeled on his neck for more than eight minutes. Peaceful demonstrations turned into riots in many cities, and the situation has escalated in Atlanta following Brooks’ death.

Protesters burned down the Wendy’s where Brooks was shot when riots began Saturday.

The Atlanta Police Foundation, a charity established to support the city’s mayor and police forces, gave officers a $500 bonus Thursday due to their work during the protests and replaced the vehicles that were destroyed.

After former Officer Garrett Rolfe was charged with murder Wednesday for the shooting of Rayshard Brooks, Atlanta police officers reportedly walked off the job mid-shift.





Phone Audio Shows Dispatcher Was Concerned With George Floyd Response

Here’s How Trump Could Win In November

Two Teenagers Arrested For Vandalizing New York’s St. Patrick’s Cathedral During Protests

President Trump Warns ‘Looters And Lowlifes’ Against Disrupting Tulsa Rally

EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Caller column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Watch the Satirical Video posted by President Trump that was Banned by Twitter

Twitter is at it again. President Trump retweeted the below political satire video by Carpe Donktum (@CarpeDonktum) on his Twitter account. Then Twitter decided that the video was “manipulated media.” Go figure.



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Generals Attack Trump as Democrats Plead for U.N. Interference

If you think the Democrats have gone off the rails with their newest call to defund the police, you’d be wrong. It’s just the latest step in the left’s long-plotted scheme to transform America to socialism. We are one election away. If we react to this wrongly, we are done as a country of law and order.

Last week, President Trump put out a call to send in the troops. Not the National Guard, the military. As if on cue, the typical “deep state” military brass emerged to condemn him as unstable. Many of you recoiled in agreement. Once again, as if on cue, you believed everything they said. Have you learned nothing over the past four years?

The Washington Post published an article headlined, “How Mattis reached his breaking point — and decided to speak out against Trump”. This was designed to make Americans believe General Mattis is a patriot above all else. His supposed “long” silence, as the article explained, earned him a badge of honor. But, is that really deserved?

To believe Mattis kept silent previously is simply a lie. I wrote about his controversial resignation in my book, Rules for Deplorables: A Primer for Fighting Radical Socialism (RFD). After “Trump announced his decision for a troop withdrawal from Syria, Mattis vehemently and publicly opposed. In his resignation letter [December 2018], Mattis wrote that, ‘[B]ecause you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me to step down from my position.” (RFD, pg. 205) Gee, general, thanks for your duty to country.

Mattis knew Trump’s policy well before he joined the President’s team. So, why accept the position in the first place? “The naysayers claim[ed] that as Mattis’ commander, Trump should listen to his generals. Hogwash. Just because a soldier has reached the rank of general, does not make him right on all issues.” (RFD, pg. 207) (For more on how Mattis betrayed his Commander-in-Chief, read my blog from August 31, 2019 entitled, “General Mattis IS the Resistance”.)

Did Mattis fade away into retirement and stoically withhold speaking against his Commander-in-Chief? No. He wrote a book, remember?

Within just six months, in a tell-all no less, he accused the President of being internally divisive especially via his tweeting. “What concerns me most,” Mattis wrote, “is not our external adversaries; [i]t is our internal divisiveness.” In other words, he blamed Trump for all things racist in America. Never mind that Obama stoked racial flames and increased division in our country at every turn.

According to the author of an article entitled, “How Obama Left Us More Racially Divided Than Ever”, one’s opinion of our country is determined by how one views American history. “If you think America is a land of oppression instead of a land of freedom, you will sow social discord. That’s President Obama’s legacy.” I agree. It also explains why we are witnessing such turmoil in our Democrat-controlled cities today. Democrats tend to see the evils in America, Republicans see the good.

With the benefit of hindsight, then, who was right about Syria? The answer may help us understand how best to quell the unrest in our own cities today.

Because of Trump’s pull-out and harsh sanctions against Syria, preventing nearly every country in the world from enabling Assad financially, nearly 80% of his people are now living in abject poverty. Protesters are chanting “[h]e who starves his people is a traitor.” Indeed, Trump’s strategy has not only weakened Assad himself in the region, it has caused massive hardships for his benefactors, our enemies Russia and Iran.

Our President’s policy in Syria could well represent what should become the “Trump Doctrine”; and, it may be remembered as far more effective than anything any general has done during our 18-year war in the Middle East. Will it work here at home?

On June 1, at an impromptu speech in the Rose Garden, Trump threatened to use the Insurrection Act of 1807 to quell the violence in our cities. Shortly after, he made the now-infamous walk to Washington, D.C.’s historic St. John’s Episcopal Church.

General Mattis immediately attacked Trump, accusing the President of trying “to divide us”. He added that, we “are witnessing the consequences of three years of this deliberate effort. We are witnessing the consequences of three years without mature leadership”. Wow. That sounds suspiciously like the New York Times’ op-ed letter by “Anonymous” several years ago.

Part of that letter, if you recall, criticized Trump for being immature. “Anonymous” stated that Trump’s “erratic behavior would be more concerning if it weren’t for unsung heroes in…the White House…. [I]n this chaotic era…Americans should know that there are adults in the room….” (RFD, pg. 191). Could the letter have been referring to Mattis as one of the “unsung heroes”? If true, he’s more dangerous than I thought.

Mattis has also now said that “[w]e must reject and hold accountable those in office who would make a mockery of our Constitution.” Hold accountable? Sounds like a set-up for Trump’s arrest once out of office.

The New York Post reports: “Under the Civil War-era Posse Comitatus Act, federal troops are prohibited from performing domestic law enforcement actions such as making arrests, seizing property or searching people. In extreme cases, however, the president can invoke the Insurrection Act, which allows the use of active-duty or National Guard troops for law enforcement.” It sounds as though Trump would be within his right to send in the troops should things get further out-of-control.

Other top brass weighed in this week to criticize Trump, e.g., former secretaries of defense Ash Carter and William Perry. Carter, a Republican, served under Obama. In 2017, he wrote that if soldiers acted like Trump, he would have “fired people”No love lost there.

Perry, who served under Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, criticized Trump in 2017 for his supposed reckless handling of North Korea, saying he was bringing us closer to a nuclear war. I guess he was wrong.

Former chairmen of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Martin Dempsey, Mike Mullen, and Richard Myers have piled on, too. Dempsey, another Obama loyalist, railed against Trump in 2017 for the President’s plans to pardon some of our military’s finest warriors. Most had been convicted of war crimes while balancing trying to save fellow soldiers against impossible rules of engagement imposed by Obama. Dempsey called Trump’s pardons a “Bad message. Bad precedent. Abdication of moral responsibility. Risk to us.” Soldiers be damned. Trump did it anyway.

Mike Mullen served under George W. Bush and Obama. In 2017, he condemned Trump’s “talk of ‘fire and fury’” as bad diplomacy with our adversaries.

Richard Myers now says he’s “glad” he didn’t have to work for Trump. I’m sure the feeling is mutual.

Other prominent voices condemning Trump this past week have come from Mitt Romney, Colin Powell, Lisa Murkowski, and John McCain’s widow. Like those mentioned above, all have one thing in common: hatred for Donald J. Trump. That should tell us all everything we need to know.

The most revealing comment about Trump’s threat to use the military to retake our cities, though, came from former U.S. Forces-Afghanistan commander Gen. John Allen. He said that, “The slide of the United States into illiberalism may well have begun on June 1, 2020. Remember the date. It may well signal the beginning of the end of the American experiment.” Did you catch that? Trump’s handling of the violent protests, to him, demonstrates an anti-liberal intention.

Indeed, every one of these anti-Trumpers is known for the same globalist leanings as shared by liberals. Thus, whether they call themselves Republicans, Independents, or Democrats, their ideologies gel. That commonality has hijacked the killing of George Floyd in a very dangerous way.

On June 3, the Floyd family sent a letter to the United Nations pleading for intervention. “When a group of people of any nation have been systematically deprived of their universal human right to life by its government for decades, it must appeal to the international community for its support and to the United Nations for its intervention,” Floyd’s family attorney Ben Crump said in a press release. This, my fellow Americans, is what all the hoopla is about. And if you think it is not orchestrated by leftist Democrats — and not the Floyd family — you have not been paying attention.

The generals, the Democrats, the Republican elitists, the Democrat Socialists, and the “deep state” are working together towards one common goal and President Trump knows it: a One World Government or New World Order. Defunding the police is a priority.

In their letter, the Floyd family asked the UN “for its help in disarming police officers in the United States of America.” The left is driving the players to reach that very outcome. Could that be why the generals are so vehemently against Trump calling up the military? And, whose side would the military take, the generals or Trump’s?

In Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals, written in the 70s, he describes thirteen tactics for the left to use in transforming America to socialism. Tactic #10, “the major premise for tactics is the development of operations that will maintain a constant pressure on the opposition”, is upon us. The formation of Antifa and Black Lives Matter began years ago. I warned about them in my book. The attempted coup of Trump’s Administration, the impeachment investigations, the over-exaggerated shut-downs based on phony models, and now the attacks by the generals were all timed to culminate in a complete destruction of the American free-market system. If Venezuela is any example, the transformation could be quick.

It’s no accident that the cities hit hardest by the pandemic, riots, looting and calls for defunding police are all controlled by Democrats. Everything happening now is a three-fold gain. The citizens want free stuff. The Democrat leaders of these cities and states are goading Trump hoping he’ll be blamed for the chaos and lose the election. He cannot fall for that. But, for the top brass and leaders of the country, the goal is on a much grander scale.

President Trump knows this. If you refuse to believe Democrats would sell out their own people, congratulations. You’re playing right into their hands. Alinsky instructs his followers to win by any means necessary. Ethics be damned.

If our President understands Alinsky tactics the way I believe he does, he already has his strategy by using the left’s tactics against them. And, his threat to send in the military will be his last and final move. Before that, however, he has plenty of less risky options available. Among them are Alinsky’s tactics #4 and #11. It’s the only way to win this battle and I believe he knows it.

First, he must allow the blue states to completely fail. Yes, even if it means allowing them to defund their police.

Tactic #4 means to “make the enemy live up to their own book of rules”. Democrats claim to loathe the police? Let them live without order for a while. Why interfere? It’s a state’s right to self-determination. Let ‘em have it. The citizens will eventually beg their leaders to intervene. But, it will be too late.

Blue cities were imploding from poor management even before the pandemic. Now, they’re on life-support. Crime is already increasing. Many will be injured or killed, there’s no escaping that. The chaos will continue until the citizenry rise up and take their cities and states back. Once they themselves are chanting “he who starves his people is a traitor”, they will turn to Trump for help in getting federal bailouts. But, he must refuse, unless concessions are made.

During the 60s, a couple of sociology professors from Columbia University wrote a series of strategy papers designed to implode the American free-market system. Richard Cloward and Francis Fox Piven (Cloward-Piven) believed that if they could bloat our welfare systems with enrollees, eventually it would go broke. Once that happened, the federal government would have to step in and save the program by infusing it with taxpayer money. Their plan was to continue the strategy until America became a 100% Socialist-controlled country. They never dreamed either political party would join their scheme. Imagine their surprise when the Democrats did, in exchange for votes by giving away “free” stuff. (RFD, pg. 26)

The plan worked so well that by the mid-70s New York City, Democrat-controlled for years, was nearly bankrupt. The Mayor begged then-President Ford to bail them out. At first he refused saying they got themselves into that mess, they could get themselves out. That was the right decision, painful though it may have been. Unfortunately, it was an election year, much like now. Under severe pressure from weak Republicans and Democrats alike, Ford caved. New York City hasn’t learned its lesson to this day. (RFD, pg. 27). The left and Democrats have been partners ever since.

Things are about to get really ugly. Especially if the Governors call in the United Nations. That’s when the real showdown will begin. But, it’s the only way our country can survive what’s coming.

Trump should use Alinsky Tactic #11 against Democrats. By “pushing a negative hard enough, it will break through to a positive”. The chaos caused by Democrats should, hopefully, convince the residents to realize the consequences of out-of-control progressive policies. Trump must require the banning of sanctuary cities that rape a city’s resources dry. No more talk about abolishing the police or I.C.E. Wild spending would have to be under control. Pensions would need overhauls. Voting oversight must be put in place. Illegal immigrants should be deported and not allowed I.D. cards. Hopefully, then, citizens will come to understand the luxuries of the freedoms we have via the law and order our systems provide. And, if they don’t, let them eat cake!

Yes, we have a long road ahead to regain control of our cities and states. But, the alternative is unimaginable.

The Progressives have been working their “Plan” for years, while so many Americans have been asleep. Others of us have been warning for decades that this day was coming. Many have called us conspiracy nuts. We’ve been ridiculed. We’ve been silenced. And we’ve been isolated. No more.

There isn’t time for that now. We must unify against the greatest threat we’ve faced since the Civil War. We still have a chance to save this great country of ours. Otherwise, we can stand idly by while watching America burn to the ground. I won’t give up … not so long as we have a President fighting for us every day.


Cathi Chamberlain

Cathi Chamberlain, aka The Deplorable Author and founder of The Deplorable Report, is a four-time start-up business owner, published author of a self-help book featured on CNN worldwide and owner of the nation’s first all-female construction company. She is a sought-after political speaker and has been a regular contributor on the Salem Media Radio Network. In her book, “Rules for Deplorables: A Primer for Fighting Radical Socialism,” Cathi heavily references Saul Alinsky’s 1970’s blockbuster book, “Rules for Radicals.” She is currently on her “Florida Deplorable Book Tour.” Contact her for your next speaking event at

EDITORS NOTE: This Revolutionary Act column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved. Like The Revolutionary Act on Facebook.

VIDEO: Trump Momentum in Florida — 20% of Blue Counties Turn RED!

Florida has 67 counties. At the beginning of 2016, there were 32 Republican majority registered counties. Today, there are 46 counties that are Republican counties, with another flipping any day now.

That means that over 20% of the counties in Florida have flipped from Democrat to Republican since Donald Trump became our nominee!

This is a result of the enthusiasm generated by President Donald Trump’s record coupled with our County Republican Parties and local volunteers in each of our 67 counties working hard to register Republicans.

WATCH: Swing state Fla. flipped whopping 20% blue counties red.

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RELATED VIDEO: Black Trump Supporter– Defunding Police Is ‘A Death Wish’