WATCH: The Swamp is 0-3 on its Impeachment TV drama

Last week was supposed to be House Democrats’ big moment. It was supposed to be the week they finally, after striking out with the Russia collusion hoax, put their impeachment crusade on the map for the majority of Americans they need to persuade.

Of course, it didn’t work out that way.

Rather than make his case credible, Rep. Adam Schiff’s (D-CA) first three “star witnesses” left most Americans wondering why they were even invited to testify in the first place. After Democrats asked their guests questions such as how President Donald J. Trump made them feel, House Republicans got to the heart of the matter.

Here are the only answers that matter if a political party wants to impeach the duly elected President of the United States: Last week’s witnesses testified that they had no knowledge of any impeachable offenses, no firsthand account of President Trump’s phone call with Ukraine, and zero contact with the President at any point this year.

In fact, two of them have never even met President Trump!

House Democrats are hoping to rebound this week, introducing a whole new lineup of witnesses for Schiff’s Impeachment TV circus. They shouldn’t get their hopes up. Just like last week, each of these witnesses share something important in common: They have no actual evidence of any impeachable offense committed by the President.

The reason is simpleThere was no such offense. Just like with Democrats’ 2-year, $32 million taxpayer-funded Russia collusion obsession, this “investigation” serves one real goal: keeping the far-left base happy while obstructing any meaningful bipartisan work on Capitol Hill so long as Donald Trump is President.

In other words, we have a new hoax on our hands, but it’s still the same old swamp.

“Here’s a witness Schiff doesn’t dare call in impeachment hearings.”

Memo to Dems: The President, not diplomats, sets ‘official foreign policy’


They can’t hide your healthcare prices any longer

While Democrats in Congress are busy doing anything they can not to help working Americans under this President, the Trump Administration unveiled a pair of new rules on Friday that will make healthcare prices simpler and clearer than ever before.

“We’re requiring price transparency in healthcare, forcing companies to compete for your business,” President Trump said from the White House. “Our goal was to give patients the knowledge they need about the real price of healthcare services.”

What does that mean for patients? “They’ll be able to check them, compare them, go to different locations—so they can shop for the highest-quality care at the lowest cost.”

The first rule compels hospitals to finally publish their prices online for all to see. For years, these prices were often all but impossible to find, leaving Americans with nasty surprise bills after a medical visit. Now, families will be able to see and compare all of these costs beforehand with the new, easy-to-read formats that will soon be available.

The next rule, newly proposed, will require health insurance providers and group health plans to give cost estimates to enrollees before care is delivered. Like it’s doing with hospitals, the Trump Administration wants to push these companies to make lists of all their pricing information available to the public.

Together, these actions represent the most aggressive steps taken by any President to put healthcare price information in the hands of patients. That’s important not just for honesty and fairness; transparent prices also lead to lower healthcare costs overall.

Powerful interest groups spent years trying to keep these rules from happening. By making the true price and quality of care a closely guarded secret, the industry giants controlled the markets—and your healthcare dollars. When President Trump came to Washington, he promised to do things differently than Beltway career insiders have done for years. “We’re taking on the bureaucrats in more ways than one,” he said Friday.

“Trump’s team delivers a big win for patients by making health costs clearer.”

MORE: Trump Administration makes health care in rural areas a priority

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Brennan and Clapper’s Secret Surveillance System

“Every time we witness an injustice and do not act, we train our character to be passive in its presence and thereby eventually lose all ability to defend ourselves and those we love.” –  Julian Assange

“Every person remembers some moment in their life where they witnessed some injustice, big or small, and looked away because the consequences of intervening seemed too intimidating. But there’s a limit to the amount of incivility and inequality and inhumanity that each individual can tolerate. I crossed that line. And I’m no longer alone.” – Edward Snowden

When injustice becomes law, resistance become duty.  Thomas Jefferson

“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.” – Elie Wiesel

NOTE: The following information has been garnered from countless articles by Mary Fanning and Alan Jones of  Their reports should be read by every American, including our nation’s politicians.

Dennis Montgomery is a software designer and former CIA/NSA/DoD/DHS contractor. Montgomery built a surveillance system known as “The Hammer.” He blew the whistle on the Obama administration’s allegedly illegal use of that system to wiretap Donald Trump. (Rand Paul claims Brennan, Clapper, Comey sent spies into the Trump campaign.)

Montgomery also developed technology for analyzing surveillance video from U.S. Air Force predator drones remotely piloted from Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada.  Nellis Air Force Base is also the home of a charter school run by imam Fethullah Gulen. Clinton’s hand-picked CIA handlers, Graham Fuller and Mark Grossman, were selected to manage and direct Gulen’s cells in the U.S. and abroad.  Link

Reminiscent of the theft of Bill Hamilton’s Inslaw Promis software allegedly by the Reagan administration’s Ed Meese, this is much the same thing. The government seems to steal from private enterprises what they want for their own.

Montgomery asserts that intelligence officials John Brennan and James Clapper ran “The Hammer” surveillance system. According to CIA Vault 7 documents released by WikiLeaks on March 7, 2017, The Hammer (HAMR) is a browser exploit throwing framework that infects targeted devices and systems.  The Hammer allowed spying on Supreme Court Justices, 159 Article III judges, elected officials, and 20 million other Americans.

Mainstream Media Cover-up

CNN’s reporting indicates that CNN and The Washington Post were engaging in a multi-prong strategy to cover up the Obama administration’s illegal surveillance of Trump, including the participation of John Brennan, James Clapper, and Carl Bernstein. CNN and the Washington Post continue to ignore the fact that Montgomery turned over evidence to the FBI.

Testimony from former FBI General Counsel James Baker asserts the FBI took possession of evidence that proves that the Obama administration wiretapped Trump.  They ignored Montgomery’s claim.  James Baker asserted that, “An individual named Dennis Montgomery, who I believe, to the best of my recollection, said that he had been a U.S. Government contractor and, in the course of that work, had come across evidence of unlawful surveillance by the government, of Americans including government officials and wanted to give that information to the Bureau, which eventually did take place.”

Remember Bernstein told everything on Nixon, but he was silent on the illegal wiretapping of Donald Trump.  Obama’s surveillance hammer on Trump is far worse than Watergate.  Lt. General Thomas McInerney (Ret.), formerly the number three Air Force official at the Pentagon, also said “The Hammer” surveillance system is far worse than Watergate.

Only two days before he died, Admiral James A. “Ace” Lyons (Ret.), who served as commander of the U.S. Navy Pacific Fleet, appeared less concerned about dying than about countering the coup against President Trump. Admiral Lyons was convinced that the coup was put in motion to cover up “The Hammer” and the actions of the men behind it.  Admiral Lyons was a great patriot, and spot on in his reporting. Link

The D.C. Conspiracy

There is a conspiracy underway deep within the Washington D.C. intelligence and law enforcement establishments. The cabal should have much to fear, but as of yet, not one DOJ criminal has been indicted.  U.S. Attorney John Durham is reportedly very interested in interviewing President Obama’s former intelligence chiefs, ex-CIA Director John Brennan and one-time Director of National Intelligence James Clapper.  I would hope that happens, but as of yet, those two men are still walking free.

In 2015, contractor-turned whistleblower Dennis Montgomery provided the FBI with 47 computer hard drives of illicitly-harvested domestic surveillance data and classified testimony that, according to Montgomery, proves Brennan and Clapper illegally commandeered the foreign surveillance tool known as “The Hammer.”

Montgomery contends Brennan and Clapper used “The Hammer” to conduct unlawful domestic surveillance on President Obama’s political enemies for the purpose of “blackmail” and “leverage.”

Soviet Style Surveillance

Brennan and Clapper built a Soviet style total surveillance state modeled after the Stasi of East Germany.  They did it by commandeering “The Hammer” for domestic surveillance, with greater tech capability for total control of the people.  They must long to turn America into Soviet Russia.

According to Montgomery, Brennan and Clapper used “The Hammer” to illegally wiretap Lt. General Michael Flynn (Ret.) and Donald Trump.  Oh yes, the leaders of the coup, Obama, Brennan, and Comey all have professed their allegiance to Marxism and communism at various points in their lives. See The Red Thread by Diana West.

AG Barr and U.S. Attorney Durham recently traveled to Rome, Italy, where Durham reportedly retrieved two BlackBerry smartphones that were previously used by Joseph Mifsud.  The public really didn’t understand the significance of the retrieval.  Special Counsel Mueller’s investigation portrayed Mifsud as a Russian agent. Mifsud is actually an FBI asset.  According to Dennis Montgomery, when the BlackBerry phones are used on “The Hammer” platform they are a closed secret network that is encrypted and secure and cannot be penetrated.

It is of interest that Mifsud, Hillary, Comey, President Obama and others were using BlackBerry phones.  How many others inside the Crossfire Hurricane covert FBI operation against Trump were plotting the coup d’état while also using non-government issued BlackBerry phones?  Two of Hillary’s BlackBerrys were destroyed by Clinton Foundation advisor, Justin Cooper.

Despite the fact there was no criminal reason, the Obama administration used its counterintelligence powers to investigate the opposition party’s presidential campaign.

The Fusion Center

Brennan concocted the Trump-Russia intelligence “Fusion Center” narrative as a cover story because Brennan and Clapper had illegally commandeered “The Hammer” for illegal domestic surveillance and for wiretapping Trump, in violation of the CIA’s Charter.  Fusion Center is a collaborative effort between two or more agencies.

Back in August of 2018, Brennan told Rachel Maddow, “We put together a Fusion Center at CIA that brought NSA and FBI officers together with CIA to make sure that those proverbial dots would be connected.”  He never mentioned that each of these intel agencies have separate charters and for good reason.

Whistleblower Montgomery says that on February 3, 2009, Brennan and Clapper got together to commandeer The Hammer for illicit purposes.  Montgomery designed and built the supercomputer, just as Inslaw owner Bill Hamilton designed Promis software.  The supercomputer system had served as a foreign surveillance tool and was transferred from Blxware in Washington state to a CIA facility in Ft. Washington, Maryland.  There, Brennan and Clapper transformed The Hammer into a surveillance tool to target Obama’s political enemies.

According to Military sources, the supercomputer has multiple safeguards to prevent intel personnel from using the system for unlawful domestic surveillance, but Brennan and Clapper bypassed those safeguards.  They set up a more powerful system and illegally re-purposed the computer.

Targeting Trump

Brennan and Clapper allegedly spied on Chief Justice John Roberts, Justice Scalia, onetime head of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISA) Judge Reggie Walton, 156 Article III Judges, members of Congress, Rudy Giuliani, General Michael Flynn (Ret.), and Donald Trump.

General Michael Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell says several former officials who were involved in the CIA /FBI Crossfire Hurricane operation are in ongoing talks with Justice Department officials.

The Whistleblower tapes released by U.S. District Judge G. Murray Snow, revealed that President Obama’s intelligence officials, Brennan and Clapper, for whom Montgomery was working, used the spyware for unlawful domestic surveillance and to illegally wiretap Donald Trump “a zillion times.”

President Trump’s allegation that the Obama Administration was wiretapping him is not only supported by Montgomery’s whistleblower revelations about Brennan’s and Clapper’s computer system, The Hammer, but also by statements made in March 2017 by whistleblower William Binney, a former NSA Technical Director of the World Geopolitical and Military Analysis Reporting Group, by former CIA and State Department official Larry Johnson, and by Montgomery’s attorney Larry Klayman.

FBI Director Mueller

Montgomery says it was Robert Mueller’s FBI who provided the computers for The Hammer, and who also ordered an illegal FBI raid of Montgomery’s home and storage facility. Mueller’s FBI agents tied Montgomery to a tree, according to court documents.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Valerie Cooke excoriated the FBI for using falsified affidavits to obtain search warrants and forced the return of Montgomery’s property.  Obviously, the FBI hasn’t changed its stripes since they continue to operate in a rogue and illicit fashion, even under AG William Barr and Deep State FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Mueller became, by appointment of Rod Rosenstein, and because of his close friend, James Comey, the Special Counsel investigator of the Russia collusion hoax.  Montgomery claimed that Robert Mueller had been collecting information on Donald Trump for over ten years and he was the last person anyone should appoint to investigate the President and the phony Russian Collusion hoax.

The day before Robert Mueller was appointed as Special Counsel, he had interviewed with Donald Trump to once again become the Director of the FBI and was obviously rejected, and for good reason.

FBI Director Mueller wanted to use The Hammer to find out “who knew what” about the 9/11 terror attacks on New York City and Washington D.C.  Mueller was in charge of the FBI’s investigation of the 9/11 attacks.  John Milkovich’s book, Robert Mueller: Errand Boy for the New World Order, tells of Mueller’s several cover-ups regarding the 9/11 terror attacks.  Interestingly, Mr. Trump, as a builder of skyscrapers, took a special interest in the collapse of the twin towers.

Dennis Montgomery

Dennis Montgomery became a target of the government and the media who worked to destroy his reputation.  Ultimately, he suffered a stroke.  He had filed 18 whistleblower complaints.  In D.C., Montgomery testified to DOJ’s Deborah Curtis regarding the 47 hard drives of The Hammer that contained illicitly collected domestic surveillance data, evidence that Comey buried after being turned in to Comey’s FBI.

Mary Fanning and Alan Jones write, “Assistant U.S. Attorney Deborah Curtis offered Dennis Montgomery limited immunity in exchange for 47 hard drives of illegally harvested surveillance data that Montgomery claims contains proof that Brennan and Clapper wiretapped General Flynn and Donald Trump.  (This immunity was in coordination with FBI General Counsel James Baker.) Then Curtis joined Special Counsel Mueller’s team and became the lead prosecutor on General Flynn’s case before abruptly leaving the Flynn prosecution and the DOJ.”

James Baker is suspected of leaking the discredited Steele dossier to Mother Jones reporter David Corn.  Baker was also part of the group that plotted the take-down of General Flynn and President Trump.

Montgomery asserts the hard drives have information that not only proves Brennan and Clapper wiretapped General Flynn but also provides proof that the DOJ conducted illegal prosecutions of President Obama’s political enemies.

Baker later joined the Brookings Institution and its affiliate Lawfare, which acts as the political arm of the FBI and the intelligence community.  Link


Invented lies and corrupt actions of high officials who have abused the power of their positions for political gain must be exposed and punished.  They have sought to subvert our rules of law and undermine the Republic.  They have damaged and are still damaging the institutions of American government, all the while squandering the nation’s trust.

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Pompeo: Israeli settlements in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) are ‘not inconsistent with international law’ [Video]

Pompeo is right. As is explained in The Palestinian Delusion: The Catastrophic History of the Middle East Peace Process, no one but Israel has any legal right to the land known as the “West Bank.”

“Pompeo announces reversal of longstanding US policy on Israeli settlements,” by Jennifer Hansler, Nicole Gaouette and Jeremy Diamond, CNN, November 18, 2019

(CNN)US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Monday announced a major reversal of the US’ longstanding policy on Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank, rejecting a 1978 State Department legal opinion that deemed the settlements “inconsistent with international law.”

The announcement, which breaks with international law and consensus, is the latest in a string of hardline, pro-Israeli moves that are likely to inflame tensions between the Trump administration and Palestinians and widen the divide between the Trump administration and traditional US allies in Europe.

“After carefully studying all sides of the legal debate, this administration agrees with President Reagan: the establishment of Israeli civilian settlements in the West Bank is not, per se, inconsistent with international law,” Pompeo said, citing President Ronald Reagan’s 1981 assessment that the settlements were not “inherently illegal.”

Pompeo said the US government is “expressing no view on the legal status of any individual settlement” or “addressing or prejudging the ultimate status of the West Bank.”

He said the conclusion was “based on the unique facts, history and circumstances presented by the establishment of civilian settlements in the West Bank.”…


Good News: Non-Muslim Mayor in Alabama Celebrates Election with Qur’an Readings

Video from Iran: Protestors chant “Mullahs must get lost, down with Islamic regime of Iran”

Chicago: Gang leader accused of trying to aid ISIS, says if anyone insults Muhammad, “his head gotta go”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column with video is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Another Coup Bites the Dust [Video]

I’m not going to invest my time and write an in depth analysis of the latest coup to bite the dust. Watch this clip below. I enter at time marker 8:45. In this interview with a former Obama Ambassador, I called it way back then. There is no whistle blower and there is nothing to whistle blow. Watch my final comments as they had a chuckle on me. I was right and I will be back and make sure they hear me again.

Watch This Clip at 8:45

On impeachment hearing eve, I joined Will Johnson on INFOWARS at Firepower. All of my views about what was to come once the impeachment hearing began are in this discussion. I nailed it. I enter at 1:06:37.

Whats Next?

This will drag on for a bit but another coup will bite the dust. Want to know what’s next? Indictments will be served against the deep state and its operatives more than likely before 2019 plays out. This process will soon begin. Read this important article titled “I Caught The Swamp”.

Clarion Call

This battle will rage on for the rest of our lives. Pray for our President and his family. No Trump-no hope. What we do right here, right now is for posterity. So when your children and grandchildren ask you “What were you doing when the global governance was being thrust down the throat of America and the world, what will your answer be? Freedom, it’s up to U.S.

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RELATED ARTICLE: It’s democracy — not Trump — that’s on trial on Capitol Hill

FBI Data: Anti-Muslim hate crimes under Trump are below Obama levels in 2014

The media has put out numerous pieces based on bad data and hate crime hoaxes claiming that President Trump was responsible for a rise in anti-Muslim hate crimes. Now the FBI data is out and it actually shows that anti-Muslim hate crimes under Trump are below Obama levels in 2014.

Does that mean that Obama was actually responsible for anti-Muslim hate crimes while Trump is a beacon of tolerance? If the media were logically consistent, instead of narratively consistent, then sure. But since the media is narratively consistent, that’s not the conclusion it will draw.

 By the numbers: Of 4,571 reported attacks the bureau tracked, aggravated assaults were up 4%, simple assaults up 15% and intimidation up 13%. The report also shows that assaults targeting Muslims, Arab Americans and African Americans have gone down, while violence against Latinos has risen.

The report says 485 hate crimes were reported against Latinos in 2018, compared to 43 in 2017.

270 hate crimes were reported against Muslims and Arab Americans — the lowest since 2014.

1,943 hate crimes were reported against African Americans — the lowest since 1992.

Guess which one of those numbers the media will play up and blame on President Trump?

Hint: It’s the negative one of the three.


Inside Mosques: Savannah and Statesboro, Georgia

New York Times called Baghdadi a “terrorist,” but scrubs “terror” from article about killing of “Palestinian” jihadi

RELATED VIDEO: Subtitled video of the Koran burn in Norway.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

7 Things to Know About Rep. Jim Jordan as He Leads GOP’s Defense of Trump

As impeachment hearings took the spotlight on Capitol Hill, Rep. Jim Jordan, one of President Donald Trump’s fiercest defenders, is temporarily reassigned to the House committee driving the process, where the Ohio Republican already is questioning witnesses sharply and voicing his party’s frustration with the partisan process.

As recently as a week ago, Jordan was the top Republican on the House Oversight and Reform Committee, where he took part in closed-door depositions of witnesses before this week’s public hearings.

The change that placed Jordan on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence signals congressional Republicans’ faith in him as a capable communicator tasked with combating the attack strategy of Democratic lawmakers.

That’s exactly what Jordan sought to do during the first public impeachment hearing Wednesday with initial witnesses William Taylor, acting U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, and George Kent, deputy assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs.

Congress is moving to impeach the president. But will their plan to remove him from office succeed? Find out more now >>

Here are seven things to know about the fiery Ohio lawmaker as he takes a leading role in the Republicans’ defense strategy for Trump in the impeachment inquiry.

1. He was founding chairman of the House Freedom Caucus.

As a staunch conservative who often butted heads with Republican Party leadership in Congress, Jordan helped to found the House Freedom Caucus in 2015.

Jordan, together with several other prominent congressional conservatives sympathetic to the tea party movement, started the caucus to consolidate support for strongly conservative policies and pressure then-House Speaker John Boehner, a fellow Ohio Republican, to take up more conservative legislation.

The Freedom Caucus was instrumental in Boehner’s resignation as House speaker when several members withdrew their support, and Boehner found it increasingly difficult to unify the right wing of the party with more moderate lawmakers.

Jordan served as the first chairman of the caucus from 2015 to 2017, and the group now has more than 30 members, all Republicans, in the House.

2. Boehner called him a “legislative terrorist.”

In case it wasn’t already clear, Jordan isn’t shy about undermining Republican leadership.

In an interview with Politico in 2017, Boehner recalled Jordan’s role in resisting his more moderate agenda.

“Jordan was a terrorist as a legislator going back to his days in the Ohio House and Senate,” Boehner said. “A terrorist. A legislative terrorist.”

3. He was a collegiate championship wrestler.

Jordan competed as a wrestler while attending the University of Wisconsin at Madison, winning two NCAA Division I championships in 1985 and 1986.

Even though he’s left his athletic career behind, Jordan still has a reputation as a fierce combatant, only this time it’s in the House instead of the gym.

4. He faced criticism surrounding his time as a wrestling coach.

Jordan was an assistant wrestling coach at Ohio State University from 1987 to 1995.

After numerous male athletes accused a team physician, Dr. Richard Strauss, of sexual abuse, Jordan came under fire for doing nothing to protect students at the time. He has said he was unaware of the abuse.

“The idea I’m not going to defend our athletes when I think they’re being harmed is ridiculous,” Jordan said on Monday, when asked about a college wrestling referee who claimed he told Jordan about allegations against Strauss, according to

“This is just, this is someone making a false statement,” he added.

Democrats will likely continue to accuse Jordan of wrongdoing, especially as he takes a more visible role in the impeachment proceedings.

5. He argued for opening a special counsel probe (just not the Russia one).

In 2014, Jordan introduced a resolution calling on then-Attorney General Eric Holder to open a special counsel investigation into revelations that the IRS targeted the tax-exempt status of a number of conservative nonprofits.

Holder ordered an FBI investigation into the issue, and what was then called the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, on which  Jordan served, found that conservative groups were targeted more often than liberal ones.

But with the appointment of a special counsel into Russian interference in the 2016 election, Jordan gained a new reputation as a fierce opponent of the investigation. He worked to undermine special counsel Robert Mueller and Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein by questioning their impartiality, defining himself as a staunch defender of Trump in the process.

6. He ran for House speaker after Paul Ryan’s resignation.

Jordan took advantage of his position as one of the president’s closest allies to run for House speaker in 2018, when Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., who had succeeded Boehner, retired.

Although House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., ultimately won the GOP conference’s vote, he didn’t become House speaker because Democrats recaptured the majority in the 2018 elections.

Jordan’s attempted push into party leadership in the House, however, secured his name among the upper echelons of Trump-era Republican power brokers.

McCarthy is now House minority leader, and put Jordan on the Intelligence Committee for the impeachment inquiry.

7. He has a 100% rating from the American Conservative Union.

Jordan is one of only three current lawmakers with a perfect lifetime score from the American Conservative Union, an organization that ranks members of Congress based on their voting records on conservative issues.

It should come as little surprise that Jordan has a perfect 100 rating. As a leading conservative in the House, he’s driven the conversation about conservative policies for years.

Now that he’s front and center for the impeachment hearings, Jordan is getting the chance to bring his fiery brand of conservatism to bear on witnesses in the inquiry.


Aaron Credeur

Aaron Credeur is a member of the Young Leaders Program at The Heritage Foundation.


7 Big Moments From Day 3 of the Public Impeachment Hearings

What You Need to Know About Impeachment

Jim Jordan: ‘No One Has Testified That There Has Been a Quid Pro Quo’

What If They Gave an Impeachment and Nobody Came?

You’ll Be Surprised Who Is Trying to Empower the Deep State at EPA

This Web Designer Shouldn’t Have to Wait to Be Free to Create

New Program Aims to Help Young Adults Grow in Faith, Maturity Before College

A Note for our Readers:

As we speak, Congress is moving to impeach the president.

We do not have all the facts yet, but based on what we know now, there does not seem to be an impeachable offense.

The questions stand: In drafting the Constitution, how did America’s founders intend for impeachment to be used? How does the impeachment process work, and what can history tell us about whether or not President Trump faces the real threat of being removed from office?

The Heritage Foundation is making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

VIDEO: Brad Johnson summarizes the impeachment proceedings so far and predicts the near future

Posted by Eeyore

Direct link

Brad Johnson

Brad Johnson retired as a Senior Operations Officer and Chief of Station with the Central Intelligence Agency’s Directorate of Operations. He has served domestically and abroad with numerous assignments often during periods of armed conflict. He has served overseas in direct support of the War against Terrorism. Mr. Johnson is a certified senior expert in Counterintelligence issues with extensive direct experience in the field. He is a senior expert in surveillance and surveillance detection issues. He has proven expertise in dangerous operational environments with the highest level of training and extensive direct experience in tradecraft for dangerous areas. His proven expertise also extends to denied operational environments (most difficult and restrictive) with the highest levels of training offered anywhere in the USG or the world and extensive direct experience. Mr. Johnson managed the overseas portion of the Persons Indicated For War Crimes (PIFWC) program and has served overseas as Chief of Station multiple times. He is an enrolled member of The Cherokee Nation, a Federally Recognized Tribe. Since his retirement from the CIA, Mr. Johnson has run a successful intelligence related training company.

The Origins of the Thought Police—and Why They Scare Us

In a sense, “1984” is largely a book about the human capacity to maintain a grip on the truth in the face of propaganda and power.

There are a lot of unpleasant things in George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984. Spying screens. Torture and propaganda. Victory Gin and Victory Coffee always sounded particularly dreadful. And there is Winston Smith’s varicose ulcer, apparently a symbol of his humanity (or something), which always seems to be “throbbing.” Gross.

None of this sounds very enjoyable, but it’s not the worst thing in 1984. To me, the most terrifying part was that you couldn’t keep Big Brother out of your head.

Unlike other 20th-century totalitarians, the authoritarians in 1984 aren’t that interested in controlling behavior or speech. They do, of course, but it’s only as a means to an end. Their real goal is to control the gray matter between the ears.

“When finally you surrender to us, it must be of your own free will,” O’Brien (the bad guy) tells the protagonist Winston Smith near the end of the book.

We do not destroy the heretic because he resists us: so long as he resists us we never destroy him. We convert him, we capture his inner mind, we reshape him.

Big Brother’s tool for doing this is the Thought Police, aka the ThinkPol, who are assigned to root out and punish unapproved thoughts. We see how this works when Winston’s neighbor Parsons, an obnoxious Party sycophant, is reported to the Thought Police by his own child, who heard him commit a thought crime while talking in his sleep.

“It was my little daughter,” Parsons tells Winston when asked who it was who denounced him. “She listened at the keyhole. Heard what I was saying, and nipped off to the patrols the very next day. Pretty smart for a nipper of seven, eh?”

We don’t know a lot about the Thought Police, and some of what we think we know may actually not be true since some of what Winston learns comes from the Inner Party, and they lie.

What we know is this: The Thought Police are secret police of Oceania—the fictional land of 1984 that probably consists of the UK, the Americas, and parts of Africa—who use surveillance and informants to monitor the thoughts of citizens. The Thought Police also use psychological warfare and false-flag operations to entrap free thinkers or nonconformists.

Those who stray from Party orthodoxy are punished but not killed. The Thought Police don’t want to kill nonconformists so much as break them. This happens in Room 101 of the Ministry of Love, where prisoners are re-educated through degradation and torture. (Funny sidebar: the name Room 101 apparently was inspired by a conference room at the BBC in which Orwell was forced to endure tediously long meetings.)

Orwell didn’t create the Thought Police out of thin air. They were inspired to at least some degree by his experiences in the Spanish Civil War (1936-1939), a complicated and confusing affair. What you really need to know is that there were no good guys, and it ended with left-leaning anarchists and Republicans in Spain crushed by their Communist overlords, which helped the fascists win.

Orwell, an idealistic 33-year-old socialist when the conflict started, supported the anarchists and loyalists fighting for the left-leaning Second Spanish Republic, which received most of its support from the Soviet Union and Josef Stalin. (That might sound bad, but keep in mind that the Nazis were on the other side.) Orwell described the atmosphere in Barcelona in December 1936 when everything seemed to be going well for his side.

The anarchists were still in virtual control of Catalonia and the revolution was still in full swing … It was the first time that I had ever been in a town where the working class was in the saddle, he wrote in Homage to Catalonia. [E]very wall was scrawled with the hammer and sickle … every shop and café had an inscription saying that it had been collectivized.

That all changed pretty fast. Stalin, a rather paranoid fellow, was bent on making Republican Spain loyal to him. Factions and leaders perceived as loyal to his exiled Communist rival, Leon Trotsky, were liquidated. Loyal Communists found themselves denounced as fascists. Nonconformists and “uncontrollables” were disappeared.

Orwell never forgot the purges or the steady stream of lies and propaganda churned out from Communist papers during the conflict. (To be fair, their Nationalist opponents also used propaganda and lies.) Stalin’s NKVD was not exactly like the Thought Police—the NKVD showed less patience with its victims—but they certainly helped inspire Orwell’s secret police.

The Thought Police were not all propaganda and torture, though. They also stem from Orwell’s ideas on truth. During his time in Spain, he saw how power could corrupt truth, and he shared these reflections in his work George Orwell: My Country Right or Left, 1940-1943.

…I saw newspaper reports which did not bear any relation to the facts, not even the relationship which is implied in an ordinary lie. I saw great battles reported where there had been no fighting, and complete silence where hundreds of men had been killed. I saw troops who had fought bravely denounced as cowards and traitors, and others who had never seen a shot fired hailed as the heroes of imaginary victories; and I saw newspapers in London retailing these lies and eager intellectuals building emotional superstructures over events that had never happened.

In short, Orwell’s brush with totalitarianism left him worried that “the very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world.”

This scared him. A lot. He actually wrote, “This kind of thing is frightening to me.”

Finally, the Thought Police were also inspired by the human struggle for self-honesty and the pressure to conform. “The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe,” Rudyard Kipling once observed.

The struggle to remain true to one’s self was also felt by Orwell, who wrote about “the smelly little orthodoxies” that contend for the human soul. Orwell prided himself with a “power of facing unpleasant facts”—something of a rarity in humans—even though it often hurt him in British society.

In a sense, 1984 is largely a book about the human capacity to maintain a grip on the truth in the face of propaganda and power.

It might be tempting to dismiss Orwell’s book as a figment of dystopian literature. Unfortunately, that’s not as easy as it sounds. Modern history shows he was onto something.

When the Berlin Wall came down in November 1989, it was revealed that the Stasi, East Germany’s secret police, had a full-time staff of 91,000. That sounds like a lot, and it is, but what’s frightening is that the organization had almost double that in informants, including children. And it wasn’t just children reporting on parents; sometimes it was the other way around.

Nor did the use of state spies to prosecute thoughtcrimes end with the fall of the Soviet Union. Believe it or not, it’s still happening today. The New York Times recently ran a report featuring one Peng Wei, a 21-year-old Chinese chemistry major. He is one of the thousands of “student information officers” China uses to root out professors who show signs of disloyalty to President Xi Jinping or the Communist Party.

The First Amendment of the US Constitution, fortunately, largely protects Americans from the creepy authoritarian systems found in 1984, East Germany, and China; but the rise of “cancel culture” shows the pressure to conform to all sorts of orthodoxies (smelly or not) remains strong.

The new Thought Police may be less sinister than the ThinkPol in 1984, but the next generation will have to decide if seeking conformity of thought or language through public shaming is healthy or suffocating. FEE’s Dan Sanchez recently observed that many people today feel like they’re “walking on eggshells” and live in fear of making a verbal mistake that could draw condemnation.

That’s a lot of pressure, especially for people still learning the acceptable boundaries of a new moral code that is constantly evolving. Most people, if the pressure is sufficient, will eventually say “2+2=5” just to escape punishment. That’s exactly what Winston Smith does at the end of 1984, after all. Yet Orwell also leaves readers with a glimmer of hope.

“Being in a minority, even a minority of one, did not make you mad,” Orwell wrote. “There was truth and there was untruth, and if you clung to the truth even against the whole world, you were not mad.”

In other words, the world may be mad, but that doesn’t mean you have to be.


Jon Miltimore

Jonathan Miltimore is the Managing Editor of His writing/reporting has appeared in TIME magazine, The Wall Street Journal, CNN, Forbes, and Fox News.

RELATED ARTICLE: 10 Terrifying Facts about the East German Secret Police

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column with images is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Trump Impeachment Not Justified by Evidence and Testimony Made Public So Far

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, D-Calif., hasn’t yet produced most of his witnesses in the public impeachment hearings regarding President Donald Trump. But if the State Department’s George Kent and acting Ambassador to Ukraine William Taylor are representative of the testimony Democrats are relying on, future historians may label this episode “The Big Impeachment Blowout.”

The House impeachment inquiry is not a criminal proceeding. But as I listened to the hearsay and speculation that Kent and Taylor were offering Wednesday at the opening public hearing on impeachment, I couldn’t help thinking of REO Speedwagon’s song “Take It on the Run.”

One line of the song says: “Heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from another you been messin’ around.”

Both Kent and Taylor admitted they never talked to Trump and only heard thirdhand what supposedly occurred in the president’s July 25 telephone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Congress is moving to impeach the president. But will their plan to remove him from office succeed? Find out more now >>

Democrats seem to have dropped the quid pro quo claim, since there was no evidence of it in the rough transcript the White House released of the call. The claim does not seem to be playing with the American public.

Taylor admitted in the hearing that Zelenskyy had no idea that U.S. aid was being delayed, and Zelenskyy himself has said there was no quid pro quo.

Democrats have now switched to using the terms “bribery” and “extortion,” no doubt because those terms sound more sinister, despite the fact that they’ve produced no evidence—so far—that would come even close to showing a violation of the federal laws defining bribery and extortion.

Both witnesses expressed their opinions disagreeing with the way Trump has conducted diplomatic relations with Ukraine and the handling of U.S. aid to the country.

But the president is not a postman for Congress or the State Department. His job is to faithfully execute the law. As the chief diplomat of the United States, he defines our foreign policy, not George Kent or William Taylor.

Our country doesn’t give money or aid to other countries for no reason. We give it with specific conditions attached.

The president has a duty to make sure that our money is going to countries that will use it as we intend and not divert it into profiteering and personal corruption. State Department bureaucrats have never been good at ensuring that countries prevent such corruption.

The priority of our diplomats is to maintain their access to government officials in the countries in which they are stationed. This too often overrides their duty to guard against corruption. The president has the final responsibility for ensuring U.S. aid is not improperly diverted in other nations.

It was widely known that Ukraine had, and still has, a corruption problem. It would have been irresponsible for Trump not to look into corruption and demand changes before our money went there.

Even Kent admitted in his testimony that Burisma, the Ukrainian company that employed former Vice President Joe Biden’s son Hunter Biden as a highly paid board member, was part of the “pervasive and longstanding corruption in Ukraine.”

Of course, we will not hear any facts about that because Schiff has refused to allow the Republicans to call Hunter Biden as a witness, which would enable the younger Biden’s possible self-dealing in Ukraine to be investigated.

If everything Hunter Biden and his father Joe Biden did was ethical and above board when it came to Ukraine, why wouldn’t Democrats want Hunter Biden to testify?

And why has Schiff’s committee blocked the Republicans from being able to call the so-called whistleblower who started this whole show trial that Democrats call an impeachment inquiry? What are they afraid will come out about this government employee that might damage his credibility and the claims he is making?

Apparently, Schiff doesn’t want any testimony that would support the legitimacy of the president’s corruption concerns about Ukraine or would somehow detract from the impeachment narrative Democrats are trying to weave into the minds of the American public.

We certainly won’t have an objective, bipartisan inquiry into all of the relevant aspects of what happened here—and why it happened. Schiff even interrupted Republican questioning to tell witnesses they should not answer questions based on “facts not in evidence,” a bizarre statement given the nature of a congressional hearing and how it is normally conducted.

Schiff used to be an assistant U.S. attorney—a federal prosecutor. Like all people in that position, he had to follow the U.S. Attorneys’ Justice Manual.

Before taking a case to a grand jury, much less to trial, Schiff had to convince his boss, in writing, that he had evidence establishing a case. He couldn’t just wing it and submit a case, however weak, based entirely on hearsay, to the grand jury on the off-chance it would indict.

Yet that is exactly what Schiff is doing here—throwing witnesses into closed and now open hearings hoping that he can stir the political pot into an impeachment boil.

It would undermine our system of government for a duly elected president to be removed through impeachment for partisan reasons.

Impeachment should only be used when there has been serious, substantial misconduct of such a nature that we can’t wait for the next election. As far as is publicly known at this time, that standard has not been met regarding Trump.

Originally published by Fox News


Hans von Spakovsky is an authority on a wide range of issues—including civil rights, civil justice, the First Amendment, immigration, the rule of law and government reform—as a senior legal fellow in The Heritage Foundation’s Edwin Meese III Center for Legal and Judicial Studies and manager of the think tank’s Election Law Reform Initiative. Read his research. Twitter: .


Adam Schiff, Founding Father: The chief impeacher tries to redefine ‘bribery’ under the law.

Here Are the Backgrounds of 4 Lawyers for Impeachment Witnesses

Everything You Need to Know About What’s Happening in Impeachment Process

A Note for our Readers:

As we speak, Congress is moving to impeach the president.

We do not have all the facts yet, but based on what we know now, there does not seem to be an impeachable offense.

The questions stand: In drafting the Constitution, how did America’s founders intend for impeachment to be used? How does the impeachment process work, and what can history tell us about whether or not President Trump faces the real threat of being removed from office?

The Heritage Foundation is making this guide available to all readers of The Daily Signal for free today!


EDITORS NOTE: This Daily Signal column is republished with permission. All rights reserved.

Watch the Impeachment shoe of Marie Yovanovitch fall.

Following the failure of the two witnesses on Day One of the Schiff Impeachment Star Chamber to land a blow on the US President, the “star” performer on Day Two promises to be the Obama-appointed US Ambassador to Ukraine, Marie Yovanovitch.

Yovanovitch was an enabler of the DNC’s attempts in Kiev to access Ukrainian officials to dig up dirt on candidate Trump prior to the 2016 election. They ended up with zero dirt of Trump but moved to target anyone in Trump’s inner campaign circle.

Yovanovitch also protected George Soros’s meddling in the Ukraine via his faux “anti-corruption” NGO, Anti-Corruption Action Center.  A Soros representative told John Solomon that the anti-corruption group was a Trojan Horse in advance of Soros’s intention to invest a billion dollars in the Ukraine.

George Kent, the bow-tied witness on Day One of the Hearing, actually signed a letter to Yuriy Stolyarchuk, the Ukrainian Deputy Prosecutor General, dated April 4, 2016, in which he spoke about the financial assistance for joint US projects with the Prosecutor General’s office more than hinted for them to lay off their investigation into Soros’s NGO.

“The investigation into the actions of the Anti-Corruption Action Center, based on the assistance they have received from us, is similarly misplaced.”  Get the hint?

As John Solomon of The Hill exposed. Yovanovitch gave a speech on March 5, 2019, in which she called for Ukraine’s special anticorruption prosecutor to be removed, and the Ukrainian media went wild that a US official was interfering in their internal affairs. Under Secretary of State, David Hale, got peppered with questions whether her actions and statements violated international code of behavior under the Geneva Convention.

Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, was alerted to Yovanovitch’s anti-Trump statements by a senior Congress member. It was echoed by Republican lawmaker.

In mid-March, 2016, the new Ukraine Chief Prosecutor, Yuri Lutsenko, told John Solomon, that in his first meeting with Ambassador Yovanovitch, she gave him the names of several Ukrainians she did not want investigated and prosecuted!  This was a very strange request for a foreign ambassador to ask of a host country.

John Solomon received confirmation from a Ukrainian official who confirmed that,

“at least some of the names are those that US Embassy Kiev raised with the General Prosecutor because we were concerned about retribution and unfair treatment of Ukrainians viewed as favorable to the United States.”

In other words, the State Department was confirming that its own embassy under Yovanovitch had engaged in pressure on Ukrainian prosecutors to drop certain cases and investigations, as the new prosecutor was admitting.

This ties in with the letter signed by George Kent, the Democrats prime witness, that demanded the Ukrainian prosecutor drop the case against Soros’s NGO.

The bow-tied Kent had also demanded that the Ukrainian prosecutor drop investigations into Sergey Leschenko, a Ukrainian parliamentarian, and Artem Sytnyk, a senior law-enforcement official, who had assisted the Democratic National Committee during the 2016 US elections by divulging information about a former Trump campaign figure, Paul Manafort.

When pressed by the New York Times, Ukrainian prosecutor Lutsenko stood by his statement that Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch did provide him with names of individuals and groups she did not want investigating.

One final point. The writer has been told that Marie Yovanovitch denied a US entry visa to prosecutor Lutsenko to visit with the US Department of Justice to provide them with documents and information on this issue. I am still waiting for verification and confirmation on this point. I hope it will be brought up during her Impeachment cross examination by Republican lawmakers.

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VIDEO: How Marxism weaponized homosexuality, artists, and a fresh look at Gramsci and the Long March

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This is the 4th clip of the Polish intellectual Ava Lon has done for us, as part of a series from this video. The man who made it, is well known in Poland for explaining the nature of leftism and Marxism. The First three clips can be found on our D Tube channel, as well as here.

Direct link

Third clip from the same video

Second clip from the same video

First clip from the same video

(Will add other clips as they are found. The original entire clip in Polish can be seen here below)


Warren Calls Trans and Gender Nonconforming “Women” the ”Backbone of Our Democracy”

The Democrats’ Election Interference Projection

EDITORS NOTE: This Vlad Tepes Blog column with videos is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

PODCAST: Sheriff David Clarke on What President Trump is up against during the impeachment circus!


Sheriff David Clarke is America’s Sheriff and he now serves as a Senior Advisor and Spokesman for America First Action, dedicated to supporting the Trump/Pence agenda. He recently retired as the Sheriff of Milwaukee County after nearly 40 years in law enforcement. The Sheriff’s latest book is: Cop Under Fire: Beyond Hashtags of Race, Crime and Politics for a Better America. We will talk with Sheriff Clarke about draining the swamp (with Drano) and how the resist movement is trying to protect the swamp. TOPIC…What President Trump is up against during the impeachment circus!!

Tom Del Beccaro is an acclaimed author, commentator and analyst and an opinion writer at Fox News, Fox Business & Epoch Times. Tom is also the former Chairman of the California Republican Party. Tom is author of two excellent books — The Divided Era and The New Conservative Paradigm and is publisher of He also has a new website — where all his work can be found. As a frequent talk radio and television commentator, he has appeared across the Country on TV and Radio Shows, heard by millions each year, including the Conservative Commandoes, Fox & Friends, Fox Business News, and the Wall Street Journal’s Opinion Journal. TOPIC…The freak show that is being called the impeachment inquiry!!

Is America Moving Toward the ‘Upper House’ of Islam?

Former Muslim and Christian convert, Pastor Shahram Hadian, who was born in Iran and came to the United States as a youngster, regularly tours the country warning about jihad in America. In 2013, he founded his Truth in Love Christian Fellowship near Spokane, Washington, as a “free church,” meaning it rejected a religious tax exemption in order to spread his crucial, political message without restrictions.  That message is that our country has precipitously moved from the Dar al-Harb (lower house of Islam), or “world of war,” and is now dangerously close to the Dar al-Islam (upper house) or “world of submission.” He warns that Americans must preserve our way of life by eschewing political correctness and speaking out about this threat.

The threat arises from the obligation on every Muslim to bring all non-Muslim territory under Islamic rule.  Islamic believers declare war against a non-Muslim region which becomes enemy territory and part of the “lower house” of Islam, called the Dar al-Harb or “world of war.”  During this lower-house period, deception, taqiyya, is freely used. Islamic canonical law, shariah, a totalitarian doctrine with hudud punishments, such as stoning or amputation, is also sanitized or denied.  Muslims living in the region follow its secular laws, even though they ardently believe in the supremacy and eventual victory of shariah over all man-made laws.

Non-Muslims living under Dar al-Harb may be unaware of their plight as devout Muslims pursue their duty to declare jihad on all infidels and secure the entire world for Islam.  In the “lower house” phase, Islam is presented as a peaceful and tolerant faith.  The Koranic verses, suras, from Mohammed’s Meccan period, before he amassed power as a warlord, are emphasized as “true” Islamic beliefs.  The voiding and replacement of these verses by the later Medinan suras of violence and conquest is denied.  For example, an early sura 2:256 states, “there is no compulsion in religion,” but its replacement, sura 9:5, commands Muslims to fight unbelievers until they submit to Islam.

Muslims in the Dar al-Harb typically accentuate their victimization, calling attention to alleged “Islamophobia” and anti-Muslim bias.  Yet, attacks against Muslims are frequently revealed as self-perpetuated.  For example, Ahmed Mohamed, the Clock Boy, became an example of Islamophobia after the then-14-year-old brought to school a beeping device resembling a bomb with a timer and was questioned by police. The incident generated Twitter tweets, death threats against police and school officials, extensive media coverage and a White House visit by the student. Following multiple failed lawsuits against the school, the city and FOX news, the Mohamed family was ordered to pay court costs and subsequently moved to Qatar.

In a region under the “lower house” of Islam, resident Muslims typically declare shariah as unfit for democratic societies and applicable only to Muslim countries or communities.  They may, however, defend shariah used in a strictly Muslim context and cite religious freedom as in a stunning 2018 court verdict. In that instance, a Detroit federal judge dismissed charges against two Michigan doctors accused of genital mutilation of at least nine minor girls.  The doctors’ lawyers argued that laws against genital mutilation violate religious freedom after one doctor maintained she merely performed a religious custom.

Also, during the lower-house period, Muslims begin politically organizing, building a Muslim power base.  In 2014, the executive leadership of eight Muslim Brotherhood organizations announced formation of the United States Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO) at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C.  The USCMO, a U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entity, is the first religion-based political party in U.S. history.  One of the founding members, Nihad Awad, is the executive director of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest terrorism funding trial in U.S. history, the 2008 Holy Land Foundation trial.  His statement at the event was particularly alarming:  “This is the dream of every American Muslim, to unify the approach, agenda and vision of the Muslim community.”

U.S. political parties have never exclusively served one religious group. Yet, the USCMO endeavors to increase political participation of Muslim voters, support Muslim-friendly politicians and encourage more Muslims to run for office at all levels of government.  In 2020, an unprecedented 500 Muslims are expected to run in local, state and federal races.

During Dar al-Harb, Muslims also become involved in other critical sectors of society, including law enforcement, intelligence, national security, education, media and non-Muslim religious communities.  They push to purge counter-terrorism programs, thwarting attempts to apprehend Islamic terrorists.  They demand elimination of negative portrayals of Muslims in popular culture and ask for positive, abridged or even apocryphal versions of Islamic doctrine.  In 2011, the Obama administration expunged training materials deemed offensive by Islamist organizations.  In 2015, Obama instituted the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program which focused on “right-wing extremists” and white supremacists.

In education, publicly-funded programs and textbooks promoting Islam and denigrating other faiths appear and proliferate as part of curriculums that include Muslim prayers.  Alleged and often fictional Muslim participation in history, scientific discoveries or other fields of study is emphasized to establish a false sense of Muslim supremacy.  Despite the first amendment and its non-establishment clause and the 1969 decision to remove prayer from schools, the Supreme Court recently refused to rule on a public school curriculum that promotes Islam and allows Islamic prayer in school.

During Dar al-Harb, worldwide acts of terrorism are portrayed as “un-Islamic” activities and the perpetrators as those who have “misinterpreted” Islamic doctrine.  Further, jihadist attacks, a key requirement for Muslims, are used as opportunities to advance the “Islamophobia” or “Muslims qua victims” narrative, as in the aftermath of the 2015 San Bernardino attacks.  In that instance, jihadists Tashfeen Malik and Syed Farook murdered 14 people and wounded 21 at a county holiday party.  But Muslim spokesmen expressed concern that the shooting might “embolden Trump supporters” and that Muslims would be punished for actions by bad actors not representative of bona fide Muslims.

During Dar al-Harb, interfaith activities, portrayed as attempts to reach out to other religious communities, are actually all one-way, with accommodations and compromises favoring Muslims. They serve as intelligence-gathering missions. They also seek to develop trust to soften non-Muslims for dawah efforts, the required “welcoming” to Islam, that precedes complete submission required by the “upper house” period.

When Pastor Hadian warns of our descent into the upper house, he is describing the obliteration of our constitutional republic and all the protections and freedoms it guarantees.  He is talking about the near future that will soon see the impact of significant increases in the Islamic population and their efforts to transform America.  Hadian sees the targeting of “right-wing extremists” and white supremacy as attempts to keep Americans in the dark about the Islamist Trojan horse. These tactics are effectively designed to make it more difficult to expose the truth about the Koranic-mandated war to overtake the non-Muslim world.

Indeed, according to Hadian, current practices validate his premise that the U.S. is transitioning to a period of shariah promotion, a definitive characteristic of the “upper house.”  Noteworthy are the shariah patrols with look-alike NYPD vehicles that regulate neighborhood behavior in Brooklyn, as well as an increasing number of spontaneous, New York City street closings for Islamic prayer that inconvenience non-Muslims.  An ear-piercing, five-times-daily call to prayer occurs in Hamtramck, Michigan.  Workplaces have seen increased demands for special accommodations exclusively for Muslims, like prayer breaks and prayer facilities, and halal products in school cafeterias and in the general food supply.  The political elite, especially Democrats, now accept radical anti-Semitic positions from two Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated members of the so-called “Squad” – Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib – and are unwilling to censure them or investigate Omar’s alleged illegal activities.

Tellingly, a recent White House meeting with Vice President Mike Pence on our nation’s “safety and security” included Muslim Brotherhood members, including USCMO head, Ousamma Jammal. Muslim Brotherhood attendees presented Pence with the American Muslim Agenda, citing Muslim contributions to “Making America Great Again” and spoke of their aspirations for a Muslim female president in 2036.

All this points to undeniable progress toward the American Muslim community securing the  “upper house” in the United States and makes Pastor Hadian’s warning even more serious.  Once the Dar al-Islam is firmly in place, it will be too late to wage an effective defense to preserve our way of life.

© All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Muslim Brotherhood’s Info Op Against Trump.

Mayor Beth Van Duyne: Actions Speak Louder Than Words

As an open seat, following Kenny Marchant’s retirement announcement, the race for Texas’ 24th District is regarded by national pundits as quite competitive. Texas District 24 has traditionally been solid Republican territory, but Democrats are doing their best to turn it blue. Because of multiple Republican retirements, Nancy Pelosi dreams of expanding her House majority in 2020.  She will not be able to fool the residents of Texas District 24. They still remember how, as a popular and effective Mayor, Beth Van Duyne made the City of Irving an economic powerhouse, one of the safest cities and one of the best places to live in America.

Beth Van Duyne, served as Irving’s mayor from 2011-2017 and then in May 2017 she joined the Trump Administration to become the regional administrator for the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Southwest regional office in Fort Worth. In August 2019, she decided it was time to serve her district in a different capacity. On her Facebook page, she said:

“My name is Beth Van Duyne and I’m running for Congress because I know the people of the 24th District deserve to have a strong, principled voice in Congress.”

Before Van Duyne can get to the general election, she must beat her Republican Primary challengers on March 3, 2020. Primaries can be just as tough as general elections. But the residents of her district, like in the past, should remain steadfast and stand fully behind Beth Van Duyne, a solid constitutional conservative, and support her through both the primary and general election.

In an interview with Jimmy Atkinson, she explained her role as a Mayor of the City of Irving as well as HUD’s prospect:

“I was on the City Council for six years and then Mayor for six years. I just had a passion. I was a homeowner and a Mom and I just had a passion for working within my city and I saw a need for strong representatives and I threw my hat in the ring. We have a very diverse city, are one of the top hundred largest cities in the country with a population of about 250,000 and are home of six Fortune 500 company headquarters.”

Under Van Duyne’s leadership, Irving blossomed into an economic powerhouse and the City passed a balanced budget, increased property values, and delivered AAA ratings from Moody’s and Standard & Poor’s during one of the weakest economic periods in America’s history.

Van Duyne worked diligently to bring her city back from the days of escalating debt, wasteful spending, and backroom deals. She delivered outstanding growth that brought 10,000 new jobs to Irving, voted against tax rate increases, and led Irving to its highest construction rates in twenty-eight years at that time. This was a success borne of determination to do what is right for the people of Irving and to bring about a more secure future for the city. For her hard work and great vision, she earned the support of the residents and businesses of Irving.

An overview of her perseverance as Mayor of Irving

Throughout her tenure as the Mayor of Irving, Van Duyne fought to build a positive economic environment that provided an opportunity to make the kind of structural changes necessary to usher in decades of future growth. Van Duyne said, “in order to succeed, we must make certain our foundation is solid. Focus on the fundamentals, ensure our citizens are well-served and well-respected, and set the stage for future opportunities – these are the three principles that should guide us through the budget process.”

Focus on the fundamentals

It is no secret that even as the city was growing and empowered with additional revenue, it was also experiencing increased costs and continued to deal with legacy debt from past projects that went awry. Due, in part, to the implementation of the Affordable Care Act, more than $700,000 in healthcare costs had been added to the overall budget. Energy and pension costs also increased.

Yet, even with those increased costs, they were in a position to ensure they could prioritize the fundamentals necessary to protect the neighborhoods, improve the infrastructure, and serve the citizens of Irving. To that end, she supported a budget that reflected a commitment to:

  • Public safety by funding police, fire, and code enforcement personnel necessary to protect neighborhoods and keep families safe.
  • Developing new infrastructure by investing in roads, water, sewers, and other basic infrastructure that had not received the needed attention to accommodate Irving’s increasing population;
  • First-class city services by focusing on city personnel who were the front lines to help citizens, small businesses, and tax payers who enable further opportunities for Irving;
  • Responsive governance by ensuring citizens are better informed and can more easily provide feedback, concerns, and guidance to elected officials so officials were accurately and effectively meeting their needs.

Setting the stage for growth and opportunity

At the time, no other state in the nation was experiencing the strength and diversity of growth that Texas has benefited from during the past six years.  While the recession did some damage, Texas led the way in recovering and continued to lead the way in 2014.

Irving was well positioned to make the most of this growth by creating new opportunities for families to move there, businesses to re-locate there, and innovation to take root. Van Duyne was able to prioritize this growth and spur it forward by investing in key areas, including:

  • Single-family homes to bring the next generation of Irving families;
  • A revitalized Heritage District that both recognized the past while embracing new opportunities to entice technology start-up businesses;
  • An enhanced urban center that capitalized on investments the City had already made to attract new residents and create new job opportunities.

Because of her hard work, strong principles and effective leadership, Beth Van Duyne, helped lead her community to become one of the fastest growing, best performing, safest, and best places to live all while having the most diverse zip code in the country.

Now, Beth Van Duyne, a champion of freedom, fights for a spot in the US Congress. It is morally our duty and responsibility to reciprocate and send her to Washington.

© All rights reserved.

A Reader Asks: What Should We be Doing Now? Answer: Re-Elect Donald Trump in 2020!

Please give me specifics, she asked.

I’ve been noticing an increase in the number of readers who want more information on how they can actually fight back against a tide of, for lack of a better description, progressive political activity including election victories by the Open Borders Left intent on changing America by changing the people.

First and foremost remember they have been working away at their progressive agenda for years, for decades!  Community organizing is in their DNA!

They get up every day—day in, day out—planning their transformation of America into what they think will be a socialist/communist nirvana once they get enough people on their side.

Finding those people includes importing them legally or illegally in whatever way they can.

Conversely, you have been getting up every day going to work, spending time with the kids and grand kids, doing your duties and generally enjoying life.

We have a lot of catching up to do!

So here we sit in November 2019 and your most important goal, above all other goals, is to keep Donald J. Trump in the White House for four more years.  

I know, I know, he is an imperfect man, but he is all we have and you have only eleven months remaining to stop America’s slide into socialism!

Why do you think the impeachment hearings are on in the House of Representatives—the Leftists know that the only thing standing between them and their ultimate goal of a socialist country is a President Trump!

Therefore, if you have formed, or are planning to form a local citizens group, or re-energizing a local Tea Party group, anything and everything you can do to support the President is your top priority now.

If he wins in 2020, we get four more years of peace and prosperity, not to mention four more years to put some of our reforms in place (like dumping or reforming the US Refugee Admissions Program!).

If he loses, we are finished and I mean that!

Re-elect Trump!

I’m no expert, but here are some of the things I think you need to be doing in addition to re-electing the President:

Your next priority is to defeat the progressives who are running your local governments.

I know that is a tall order, but I’m telling you, mayors, city councils, state legislators, those are the offices the socialist Democrats are working to control.

You need to find good people to run against them.

Even if you can’t win yet, people who think like you must run in order to get your message out. Your local Leftwing media will be forced to report your ideas if candidates are presenting them.

And, if yours is a contested Congressional District, get involved and work to defeat the Democrat. You can see the damage being done to the country under the leadership of Nancy Pelosi.

Knowledge is power!  So you must have your facts!

Of course you need to know about myriad issues, but it is my view that the most important issue of all time is immigration because once they change the people, there is no going back.

If I were running a local citizens group I would have a couple of people assigned to learning about all of the programs that admit immigrants and refugees to America—the refugee program that I write about all the time, Temporary Protected Status, DACA, the insane Diversity Visa Lottery.

Those experts can then share with your group what they learn which includes investigating those programs in your own state.  Find out who the players are on the Left and in your state government and when the time is right expose them.

As part of investigating, especially as it relates to the refugee program, you must find and infiltrate your local interfaith groups.  They are the primary promoters of the refugee program.

A reader told me that Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service’s new CEO was speaking next month to a local Interfaith group and what that says to me is that they are getting ready for a new push into new communities as they anticipate a post-Trump White House.

Frankly, you are going to have to designate someone (with acting skills!) to infiltrate their groups.

All of your research is important to educate your fellow citizens, but will be especially useful in the four more years you will be buying by getting Donald Trump back in the White House.

Bring in speakers!

(LOL! I am not talking about me, I’m not good at it!)

Bite the bullet and find the funds to bring in people knowledgeable about immigration issues, about socialism/communism, about Islamic fundamentalism, and about how to community organize!

Unfortunately the Left is rolling in money and they use it to spread their propaganda. It annoys me that conservatives are often so cheap and don’t spring for national level speakers to educate and energize local grassroots groups.

Send me an e-mail and I will name some national level educators for your group, but be prepared to pay them for their time and for the knowledge they have worked hard to acquire!

But, don’t let this happen:  A knowledgeable speaker comes in, attendees shake their heads about what they are learning, saying to themselves—‘it is awful’—and go away and do nothing!  Provide specific goals for the audience to follow before they leave the room!

There is nothing worse than for a handful of group organizers to hold meetings, do all the work, and everyone else walks away after the meeting and says ‘see you next month.’  (Tick-tock and then there is one less month until the 2020 elections!)

Give out assignments! And, you must meet more than once a month!

Network, network, network!

It is not enough to be simply a news junky who spends your day reading the news on the net (tweeting!) and feeling superior because you know more than your friends.

You absolutely must network with other like-minded groups and individuals in your state even if you have to hold your nose because you don’t like so-and-so who is involved with that group.  Get over it!  The stakes are too high for you to let petty differences hinder your work—the work to get Trump reelected in less than 12 months.

But, that said, I am not a fan of creating one large group.  It is too easy to take down. Create and encourage many small groups. It will confuse the opposition!  By the way, it is one of their tactics.  They don’t have that many activists, they just make it look like they do by spawning ever-more groups.

If you are sitting alone at your computer screen and reading this, find two more people and form a group, give it a name and get to work!


You’ve done all that, you’ve gathered your facts, you have people planning to run for local offices, how do you get your message out?

That is a problem as the Left now controls most local newspapers (they have been working at that for more than a decade while you led your life).  If you plan events, demonstrations, conferences, they might publish your news.

And, occasionally they publish letters-to-the-editor, but don’t rely on your local paper to carry your message.

Find social media experts in your group and use any and all forms you can find.

I’m a big fan of setting up a blog or website to spread the message to your members and to gain new members in your community.  However, after my experience of RRW being silenced for a few months, I know it isn’t as easy any longer to set up blogs.

The advantage of a website or blog is that you can archive everything your team of investigators is learning.

I know you might be saying, but then the other side will know about us.  Yes, they will, but the downside of not publicizing your work is that you won’t find more people to join you!

If you are interested, send me an e-mail and I’ll send you the name of a professional who can help you get a site up.  But, again be prepared to spend a little money!

And, even if they might not publish your letters-to-the-editor, assign some people in your group to write them anyway.  If you are responding to the news or another opinion piece they have already published, you might get your letter in print.

This is getting too long, sorry!

Just remember!

Even as we gripe that the President isn’t doing this, or that, or LOL! saying things you wish he wouldn’t, he is all that is standing between us and a new America, filled with new Americans marching down the path toward a socialist/communist future for our once great country—a future that might only be 11 months away!

EDITORS NOTE: This Frauds, Crooks and Criminals is republished with permission. All rights reserved. This column is cross-posted from Refugee Resettlement Watch.